1. 为什么选择法国作为您的旅游/留学目的地?这是一个常见的问题,签证官想要了解申请人选择法国的原因。
2. 您计划在法国停留多长时间?签证官希望了解申请人的行程安排和停留时间。
3. 您是否有在法国的亲友?签证官可能会询问申请人是否在法国有亲友。
4. 您是否有足够的资金支持您在法国的生活费用?签证官关注申请人是否有足够的资金来支付在法国的生活费用。
5. 您是否有回国的计划?签证官关注申请人是否有回国的计划,以确保申请人不会滞留在法国。
6. 您是否有其他国家的签证?签证官可能会询问申请人是否有其他国家的签证。
协助申请人创建自己从未意识到的申请名校的竞争优势(Create your own edge)。
1. 为何来法国留学
2. 为何申请CLP, 对CLP有什么了解吗,知道我们主要是做什么的吗?
3. 觉得自己抗压能力如何?举例证明
4. 用英文回答对别人做过的最有帮助的事情
5. 你如何制定了一个很高的目标并实现它
6. 你个人的一些缺点
7. 你面对有创意的感兴趣的东西,会如何去了解
8. 英文介绍自己
9. 你曾经帮助别人的例子
10. 你所做的艰难的决定
11. 某个成员进度拖累整个项目你会怎么办?
12. 如果你通过面试,毕业前能否来实习,每周至少三天
13. 到了一个新的环境自己会怎么办
14. 有人拖累了团队的进度怎么办
15. 可实习的地方及时间
16. 是否可以入职前实习两个月,是否可以接受异地轮岗,问了一下绩点,你对GE 如何了解的,你为何应聘财务部。
2018-2019-法国签证面试问题-优秀word范文 (6页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==法国签证面试问题法国签证常见面试问题1、如何解释跨专业动机?通常面试者可以提及以前相关的工作经验,或者大学期间辅修过相关学位等。
所以要掌握基本的地理知识,别称,譬如Aix-en-Provence在法国东南部沿海,靠近马赛;Toulouse 是玫瑰之城。
下面给出六个常见的留学面试问题及参考答案:1. 为什么选择出国留学?答案:我选择出国留学是因为我希望获得更好的教育和学习环境。
2. 为什么选择该学校?答案:我选择该学校是因为该学校在我的专业领域具有很高的声誉和学术水平。
3. 你在本科阶段的学习经历和成绩如何?答案:在本科阶段,我专业课程的学习成绩一直保持在前列,并且获得了多个奖学金和学术荣誉。
4. 你有哪些社会实践或实习经验?答案:在本科阶段,我积极参与了多个社会实践和实习项目。
5. 你的个人优点和不足是什么?答案:我的个人优点是责任心强、善于沟通和良好的团队合作能力。
法语大学面试题及答案1. 请介绍一下你自己。
2. 你为什么选择学习法语?答案:我选择学习法语是因为法国有着丰富的文化和历史,同时法语也是联合国的工作语言之一,学习法语可以为我未来的职业生涯提供更多机会。
3. 你如何看待法国文学?答案:法国文学历史悠久,对世界文学产生了深远的影响。
4. 你最喜欢的法语电影是什么?答案:我最喜欢的法语电影是《天使爱美丽》,这部电影以其独特的叙事风格和美丽的画面给我留下了深刻的印象。
5. 你如何准备法语面试?答案:为了准备法语面试,我通常会复习相关的法语词汇和表达,并且通过模拟面试来提高我的口语能力。
6. 你对未来的职业规划有何看法?答案:我希望在未来能够成为一名法语翻译,这样我可以将我对法语的热爱和专业知识结合起来,为促进中法文化交流做出贡献。
7. 你如何看待法国的教育体系?答案:法国的教育体系以其严谨和创新著称,特别是在艺术和人文学科方面。
8. 你如何描述法国的美食?答案:法国美食以其精致的烹饪技艺和丰富的口味而闻名。
9. 你最喜欢的法国城市是哪一个?答案:我最喜欢的法国城市是巴黎,因为它不仅是法国的首都,也是艺术和时尚的中心,拥有许多著名的博物馆和历史建筑。
10. 你如何提高你的法语听力理解能力?答案:为了提高我的法语听力理解能力,我会定期收听法语广播和观看法语电影,同时也会参加法语角和与母语为法语的人进行交流。
QUESTIONS EVENTUELLES POUR L’ENTRETIEN C.E.L.A / VISA■Jeanne(红色标记的为本人当时被问了问题仅供参考哦~ )PRESENTATION ET GENERALITES1Pouvez-vous vous présenter ?Je m’appelle ……et mon prénom français est ……. Je suis chinoise et j’ai ……ans. J’habite à Canton mais je suis née dans la province du ……en ……(出生年). J `ai obtenu mon diplôme de licence en 专业à l`université de 大学名字en 毕业年. Je voudrais poursuivre mes études à 法国学校en Master/licance 专业名字.2Quelle est votre date de naissance ?Je suis née le 出生年月à 出生地, une charmante ville de la province de 出生地所在的省. ( Cette province se trouve dans le Sud/ouest…de la chine.)3Quelle est votre situation familiate ?Je suis célibataire4Quelle est la profession de vos parents ?Pouvez-vous les décrire ?D`ou venez-vous ?(注意与你的动机信上所说的一样)Mon père s`appelle ……. Il est 职业. Ma mère s`appelle ……. Elle est 职业 .PARCOURS SCOLAIRE ET UNIVERSITAIRE1Où avez-vous fait vos études?J`ai fait mes études à l`université de 学校名称 .2Pouvez-vous me présenter votre parcours scolaire?De 2001 à 2004, j`ai étudié dans 高中. Après , j`ai passé 4 ans à l`université pour obtenir mon diplôm de licence en Chine. Maintenant , je voudrai continuer mes études à 法国学校名称.3Quelle est votre dominante ( spécialité, option) ?大学专业etait ma spécialité en Chine.4Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette spécialité?Parce que j` ai voulus apprendre plus de connaissances chinoises, mais j`ai plus d` intérêt pour le commerce et au management. (我由中文专业转向市场营销)5Quelles langues parlez-vous?La chinoise , le français et l`anglais.6Quels sont vos diplôme ?Avez-vous des équivalences ?J`ai obtenu mon diplôme de licence en Chine qui équivant au bac+ 4 en France.7Quelle est la relation de votre diplôme chinois avec le diplôme français pour lequel vous postulez ?Au cours de l'Université, j`ai eu quelques cours quant au le Marketing, par example `Interview et ècrivez environ avec des plans`. De plus, j`ai obtenu beaucoup de compétence grâce à la littérature .8Avez-vous des expériences professionnelles ?Avez-vous déjàeffectuédes stages ?Je n`ai jamais travaillé, mais j`ai fait un petit stage en Chine. ( en quoi?où ?combien de temps ?)9 pourqoui avez-vous changé le specialité?Le specialité est la littérature en Chine mais le Marketing en France, pourqoui ?Je m`intéresse au commerce et au management même si ma spécialité était la littérature chinoise. Dans l'avenir, je voudrais créer une société en Chine et vendre ma propre production. Aussi, Pendant mes études universitaires en Chine, je saisi beaucoup de chercher d` opportunités pour developper mes connaissances dans le marketing et le management.(红色标记的词为面试官听后一定会继续问的。
为了帮助申请者顺利通过留学面试,以下是一些常见的面试问题以及答题技巧:一、自我介绍1. 请简要介绍一下你自己。
2. 谈谈你的教育背景和主要学习经历。
3. 你有哪些实习或工作经验?在自我介绍时,应简明扼要地介绍个人基本信息、教育背景和相关经历,突出与所申请专业或学校相关的经历和成就。
二、留学动机1. 为什么你选择该校或该国家进行留学?2. 你对所申请专业的兴趣是什么?3. 你对未来的留学规划和职业规划是什么?在回答留学动机问题时,应结合个人兴趣、专业发展和职业规划进行解释,展现清晰的目标和计划。
三、个人优势1. 你认为自己最大的优势是什么?2. 谈谈你的领导能力和团队合作能力。
3. 你在学术或专业领域中有哪些成就?在描述个人优势时,应突出个人特长和优点,结合具体案例或经历进行说明,展现自信和能力。
四、挑战和困难1. 你遇到过哪些挑战和困难?如何克服?2. 对于留学生活和学习,你担心或有什么顾虑吗?在回答挑战和困难问题时,要坦诚面对自己的弱点和困难,并强调自身的成长和解决问题的能力。
五、追问环节1. 你对本校或本专业有什么了解?2. 你对未来的学习和研究计划是怎样的?3. 你有什么问题或建议想向面试官提出?在面试追问环节中,应深入了解所申请学校和专业的信息,并就个人学术兴趣和未来规划进行深入讨论,积极互动。
法国留学面签常见问题及参考答案(法语版)常用语Est-ce que vous voulez répéter, s’il vous plaît?Excusez-moi, je n’ai pas compris. V oulez-vous répéter?Pouvez-vous répéter encore une fois?Pouvez-vous parler un peu plus lentement, s’il vous plaît?特别需要注意的重点问题有如下问题,是属于面签的重点问题,需要精心准备:一.留学计划,第一年做什么,第二年做什么,最终要拿到什么学位,等等。
个人情况ment vous apel ez-vous?J e m’appelle.2.Quel est votre nom? Quel est votre prenom?Mon nom est ****. Mon prenon est *****3.Quel est votre nom patronymique?Mon nom patronymique est ****4.Quel age avez-vous?J’ai 23 ans.5.Quelle est votre date de naissance?J e suis née le ***** .6.Où est-ce que vous êtes né?J e suis née à ****7.Etes-vous chinoise? Quelle est votre nationalité?Oui, je suis chinoise. (Je suis de la nationalité chinois.)8.D’où venez-vous?Je viens de. est une jolie ville Elle est une ville touristique très connue,il y a beaucoup de beaux sites et monuments historique, p ar exemple, c’est tres célèbre, 。
法国高商面试问题及答案Questions and Answers in the Interview
Questions and answers in the interview一、自我介绍(tell me a little about yourself )问候:Good morning/afternoon,(how do you do?)nice to meet you,姓名年龄:my name is XXX, I’m X years old.家乡:I come from X, X province.学校专业:And I graduated from X University in X. My major is French.法语交流:(can you speak French and can we communicate a little in French?)(of course,)工作经历:After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I joined immediately in a French training company and worked as a French teacher and course consultant for 2 years. And then I became a French business assistant for X二、工作经历(talk about your professional experience /what did you get? What’s the hardest part of your job?)法语教师工作经历和工作内容:1. I’ve been working as a French teacher for 2 years and I was responsible for teaching introductory courses and helping students pass the exam TCF/TEF. In addition, I need to do some marketing activities to promote the courses.工作所获:I have developed my interpersonal and marketing skills in that role.换工作原因:And then I think my aspirations extend beyond those of that company. I would like to improve myself in the larger business and to grow my career in a new and different environment. So for more pay and more challenge, I decided to work abroad, more precisely in X where almost everyone speak French. I think it’s really helpful for me.法语商务助理工作经历和内容:2. I chose finallyX.(换工作很认真,第一次出国:)I’ve been very careful about the company where I have applied, you know, it was my first time to go abroad.公司资历简介:This is a large state-owned enterprise and leading multinational corporation. Its high reputation is universally recognized. It has a dozen of branches all over the world.详细的工作内容:In this job, I need to be a generalist. I was mainly responsible for keeping in touch with the local authorities, banks, suppliers, subcontractors and so on.I was in charge of business documents, such as project progress and construction report with director of national water bureau; list of imports goods with suppliers like X; tax files with national treasury bureau; clearance documents with the general administration of customs and a lot more.留学动机(工作遇到瓶颈):But I hit a career development bottleneck because of the lack of professional business knowledge. For example, we had bank accounts in several banks, like Citi bank, Atlantic bank, versus bank for bidding of projects. The letter of guarantee is required. When I prepared bidding documents, I had to ask our accountant about it and many other things. This has been a problem for me that I have to face in my future career development and career advancement.三、法国留学(Why do you want to pursue your study in France and why did you choose business school?)如何形成留学规划(缺乏专业知识,影响升职):Because of this 1 year of abroad work experience, I recognized deeply the importance of professional business knowledge, like accounting, international trade clearance. It is the lack of these knowledge that affected my career advancement.如何形成留学规划(同学的例子):I know clearly some of my classmates are studying in France, my two good friends have graduated respectively from Grenoble Ecole de management and Nantes business school, they share their experience with me and think French business education is really helpful to the future career. Right now, they both find their dream jobs. One in a French company airbus, another in a famous Chinese company Huawei, and they motivated me to pursue my master’s degree in France.如何形成留学规划(促使我下定决心):So I made this decision to continue my study in business school which is famous and has an excellent reputation for developing business talent.法国印象(What’s your impression of France?)倡导自由的国家:I think France is a country that advocates freedom. That means everyone can express their opinion.法国教育注重创新,中国缺乏:French education focuses on cultivating students’ innovation ability which is exactly what Chinese education lacks.申请其他法国学校(Have you applied to other French schools?)No, I only participate in this project.资助学费(who will finance your tuition? )我的积蓄和父母:As you know I have worked for 3 years, so I have some savings. And my parents have a trading company, they are also ready to cover the rest of my expenses including boarding and other living cost.签证相关(Have you contacted with campus France to consult visa?)了解一些情况:Not yet, but I have learned some information about procedures of French visa on the internet.四、学校专业(Which 3 schools do you want to apply? What’s your favorite major? Why?)列举三所学校:My dream school is Grenoble Ecole de management, Strasbourg business school, and burgundy school of business.原因(项目好,无背景限制):As to the reasons for choosing these schools, I know that pass-world program is open to students from all educational backgrounds especially language major. I would like to pursue major in business development. Without the professional business background, thereby enabling me to direct my studies towards the field of management.原因(两种语言授课,拓宽视野):French and English courses can broaden my horizon and develop my intercultural abilities.原因(第一年基础,第二年专业):The basic business knowledge courses lay the foundation for the final academic year. (It’s an essential step to make a solid foundation. )原因(学校排名靠前):And these schools rank well in French business schools. As my friends said, they can deliver top-quality teaching and excellent learning opportunities.原因(专业人士授课,可以和他们交流,学习实践经验):More importantly, every year there are a lot of business professionals actively participate in campus life. It’s really a great opportunity to communicate with them. I can learn more practical experience from them.原因(实习机会多,可以实践课堂所学):What attracts me most is that there are many corporate partners and I think it can provide a number of internship and job offers. It’s important to practice what I learn in the class.格勒城市原因(滑雪,有滑雪滑板比赛):And I like so much this city because it’s around the mountains and I can ski in winter. Since there are competitions of skiing and snowboard every year.专业的理解,商务拓展(Depends on you, what’s the meaning of business development?)工作任务:I think the job mission of business developer is to prospect, identify, meet and establish relationships with new potential clients and to promote brand and reputation.具体的工作内容:They need to define sales targets first and then manage relationshipand existing clients in order to find new customer. Finally to improve brand visibility in distribution channels.英语授课原因(Why did you choose to attend lesson in English, not French?)原因(提升英语能力):I have learned French at college, but I have no chances to use my English skills. So I want to improve my English language.原因(工作必需语言):In addition, English is a necessary business work language among a lot of companies, even French corporations.原因(多语人才有竞争力):If I become a multilingual employee, I will be more competitive when I enter the job market.五、职业规划(深挖内容,公司两个,说明原因,为什么适合,留学的项目怎么帮得到)(What do you want to do after graduation? What’s your position? What’s your industry? What’s your dream company?)原因(对自我的认知和兴趣所在):Based on my work experience, I like and enjoy communicating with people and I am good at dealing with interpersonal relationship. 原因(世界变化很快,但我清楚自己的方面):Although it’s certainly difficult to predict things into the future, you know this world develops and changes very fast, especially china. I know what direction I want to develop.高商课程对未来职业帮助(填补知识空缺,学历更高):The courses of business school are very suitable for me. This two years of education can not only fill the gap of professional knowledge but also make me obtain a master degree, which makes me more competitive when I enter the job market.具体职位(跨国公司BD):I would like to work as a business development at a multinational company after graduating from France.具体行业(快消品行业):In the future, I want to enter the fast-moving consumer goods industry. I think this industry still has plenty of life.理想公司:My dream company are L’Oréal and decathlon. It’s truly exciting to work in a multicultural environment and I well understand that they are companies on the way up and I have been aware of the reputation for this company.3年规划:After 3 years, I hope to be in a higher position like project manager. I will be able to lead the team and take charge of the whole project.长期规划:My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue take an additional responsible and contribute as much of value as I can.优势所在(What are your advantages?)自我认知更清晰:After 3 years of working experience. I have a clear understandingof my future objectives. I realize what I want to do and what ability I need to develop.目标明确,执行能力强:And I am a result-oriented person now. I’m more concerned about the outcome of things. So I know how to make a detailed plan and find a way to achieve the goal.如何实现目标(What do you need to do to achieve your goals?)认真学习专业知识:I need to learn professional business knowledge attentively.读相关书籍,参加实习:Meanwhile, it’s also important to read related books and take part in internship in the company to practice the knowledge learned.了解最新的公司发展情况和战略:Besides, it’s also essential to know more about the development of the company and its latest development strategy on the internet.六、兴趣爱好(What’s your hobbies?)旅行:1. My favorite hobby is traveling.去过的地方:I have been to more than 20 cities of China, such as Ha’erbin, Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun of north east, Tianjin Qingdao Rizhao of central area, and Wuhan and so on. In 2018, I went to the United Arab Emirates and Thailand.喜欢旅行,学生时代假期旅行,工作后抽时间:I enjoy traveling, when I was a student, I used to travel frequently, almost every vacation and festival. After being employed, it is not easy to make the time, but I still squeeze traveling into my schedule.写作:2. I’m fond of writing.强项,校报编辑:It has always my strength. The evidence that I can offer is the fact that /I was an associate editor and college journalist of our college newspaper同事朋友找我写:My good writing skill is also well known among my co-workers and my friends. They often come to me for ideas or review , especially when they have something difficult to write运动:3. I’m also into sports, like running, table tennis and skiing.滑雪:Because I studied in Changchun, a city of northeast of China, where the winter last from October to next year April, so I had chance to go to ski with my classmates and our PE teacher.最近想去的地方(Where do you want to go recently?)大溪地(原因:对海岛感兴趣,风景优美,海水清澈,享受自己):I want to go to Tahiti because I’m very interested in islands where the scenery is beautiful and the ocean is clear. I can enjoy myself there.原因(岛中的爱马仕,第一名)And Tahiti is called Hermès of islands in China , and that’s why they called it the top 1. I really want to discover its beauty and find outwhy it is number 1.近来兴趣爱好(In these days, what have you been interested in?)尤克里里:Recently, I fell in love with ukulele, it’s a mini guitar, it’s so lovely.I have a bad ear for music. But I’m full of curiosity about the unknown world.七、提问结束成功要素:1.I would like to ask, do you think what are the ingredients for success in this major?实习兼职:2.I have another question, it’s difficult for international student to find a part time job or an internship?感谢解释:Ok, I see. I appreciate your explanation.感谢面试机会:I’m really glad to be here today. Everyone is very kind and helpful. Thank you for your time. It’s been nice meeting you.国外工作收获(what did you get?)成长很多:Actually, this job has given me and has helped me grow a lot.解决问题,与人交流能力:It trained my capacity of solving problems and ability of communicating with various people. Right now, I think I’m really a trouble shooter and an excellent communicator.与同事相处得好:During this year I have had a good reputation for getting along well with others and view this as one of my strengths. I really enjoy doing this.工作中的困难部分(What’s the hardest part of your job?)国外工作第一个月:The hardest period for me is the first month when I arrived in X 需要尽快适应一切:You know, everything is new for me, everything! People, language, culture, lifestyles, work way and many things, I must get used to it as quickly as possible.我不轻言放弃,学习能力强,很快学会处理困难:I am not a person who gives up easily. Fortunately, I learn new knowledge rapidly, I have gradually developed the skill in handling difficult problems.工作教会我多方面考录,优先处理:Through this experience, it taught me how to view all sides of any situation and how to prioritize my time.大学专业和活动(major and activities)选法语专业的原因(Why did you choose French as your major?)兴趣,小王子书:When I was in high school, my close friend sent me a book called the little prince as a birthday gift, this book is available in Chinese, English and French. After reading attentively this book, I was attracted by the content and I was curious about this language because I cannot read a word.高考后选择(So, I began to learn this language on the internet and I was fascinated with this language and culture. )After the national admission examination, I made thedecision to get a better understanding of this language and the country.大学活动(What activities did you take part in at college?)瓦萨冰雪节:1.In winter of 2014, I took part in Vasaloppet China V olunteer Activity. This is a skiing competition.工作内容(接待运动员):I was responsible for reception of athletes of different countries, like Norway, Denmark, Japan and so on.工作内容(检查装备,食物):I need to check ski equipment and ensure adequate supplies of energy foods and water.工作内容(处理紧急情况,确保比赛顺利进行):Besides, if there are some emergencies, I must deal with them as soon as possible in order to make sure the competition goes well.收获(感受到滑雪魅力和运动员精神):I felt the charm of skiing and the spirit of athletes.法语公益课堂:2.I have also organized ‘French public class’program with my classmates in 2013.工作内容(老师帮助下制定课程计划和每周末一次教课):We designed the lesson plans and made presentations with the help of our professors, and we taught French amateurs once a week on weekends.效果(吸引100个学生,对法语和文化有更好了解):This class has attracted more than 100 students, they have had a better understanding of French and the culture. And I also accumulated some organization and planning experiences.收获(交流沟通是重要技能):In addition, effective communication with others, including students, colleagues, directors and professors is an important skill. That’s what I have learned in this activity.希望之星补习班:原因及过程(小升初有空缺,办补习班):3.in the summer vacation of 2012, I found that a lot of students had the learning gap between primary school and junior high school, so I started up a cram school with several high school classmates in our hometown.收获(帮助200多个学生,赚了5000元,成功经验)We have helped more than 200 students pass their admission exam and we also gained 5000 yuan.It was a successful experience and I enjoy challenges very much.。
那么今天就和店铺一起来看看法国面签通常会问的54个问题吧!1. 您能做一下自我介绍么?您可以和我说一下您的个人情况么?对自己做一下概括地介绍?Pourriez-vous vous présenter?Pourriez-vous parler un peude vous?Vous voulez vous présenter brièvement (en bref,simplement )?Présentez vous,s’il vous plait2. 请问您的姓名?请问您的年龄?你的名字有什么意义?Quel est votre nom,s’il vous plaît ? Comment vousappelez-vous ?Puis-je savoir votre nom ?Je m’appelle ... Que signifievotre nom ?Qu’est ce-que çaveut dire en chinois votre nom ? Quel âge avez-vous ?Quel est votre âge ?J’ai... ans.3. 您的健康状况如何?Quel est votre état de santé ? Je suis en bonne santé.4. 您的生日?出生于何地? Quelle est votre date denaissance ?Où êtes-vous né(e)?A quel endro it êtes-vous né(e)?Vous êtes né(e)en quelleannée/dans quellerégion/ville ?Je suis né (e )à ..., le ...5. 您能谈谈您的家乡吗? Parlez-moi un peu de votre région,quelle est la spécialité de votre région ? Est-ce qu’il y a des monuments historiques oudes aliments locaux connus ?Ma région est ...6. 您住哪里?和父母一起吗?Où habitez-vous en Chine ?Quelle estvotre adresse ?/ Habitez-vous avec vosparents ?J’habite à ... Oui ou Non,j’habite seul/ j’habite avec mes parents.7. 您的国籍?Quelle est votre nationalité ? Je suis Chinois (e).8. 您结婚了吗? Quelle est votre situationde famille ? Etes-vous marié(e)?Je suis célibataire / marié (e).9 您家里有几个人?您有兄弟姐妹吗? Avez-vous des frères ou des sœurs?Combien êtes-vous dans votre famille ?Oui... ,Non, je suis enfant unique. Il y a ... personnes dans ma famille.10. 您的职业?Quelle est votre profession?Quel métierfaites-vous ? Que faites-vous comme métier(profession,travail)?11. 您的父母在中国做什么工作?Quels sont les métiers de vos parents en Chine ? Quefont vos parents en Chine ?Présentez un peu votre famille. Mon père est ... ma mère est ...13. 您在您单位的职务是什么?为什么您没有在您所学专业的相关领域工作?Quel est votrerôle dans votre société (compagnie /entreprise)?Je suis employé (e)... Pourquoi vous netravaillez pas dans la profession de votre spécialité ?20.您学法语多久了?您从什么时候开始学习法语的?Depuis combien de tempsapprenez-vous le français ?Depuis quand apprenez-vous le français ?21.您在哪里学习的法语?难吗?Où avez-vous étudié le français ?C’est difficile à apprendre ou pas ?23.你的老师是中国人还是法国人?Vos professeurs de françaissont français o u chinois ? Vos enseignants, ce sont les français?24.您参加了法语水平考试吗?什么时候考的?成绩是多少?Est-ce que vous avez passé le TEF ? Avez-vous participé à l’examen deTEF? Quand avez-vous participé à l’TEF? Quelle est votre note ? Combien avez-vous au TEF ?答:我在2003年8月15日参加了tef考试,我的考试分数是227分。
法国留学签证实用1. 你好吗?很好,谢谢。
Comment allez-vous a va bien, merci.2. 您能做一下么?您可以和我说一下您的个人情况么?对自己做一下概括地介绍?Pourriez-vous vous pr senter Pourriez-vous me parler unpeu de vous Voulez-vous vous pr senter Pr sentez-vous, s il vous pla t.3. 请问您的姓名?请问您的年龄?你的名字有什么意义Quel est votre nom, s il vous pla t Comment vous appelez-vousJe m appelle ...Que signifie votre nomQuel ge avez-vous Quel est votre geJ ai ... ans.4. 您的生日?出生于何地?Quelle est votre date de naissance O tes-vous n (e) A quel endroit tes-vous n (e) Vous tes n (e) en quelle ann e/dans quelle r gion/villeJe suis n (e ) ..., le ...5. 您能谈谈您的家乡吗?Parlez-moi un peu de votre r gion, quelle est la sp cialit de votre r gion Est-ce qu il y a des monuments historiques ou des sp cialit s culinairesMa r gion est ...6. 您住哪里?和父母一起吗O habitez-vous en Chine Quelle est votre adresse / Habitez vous avec vos parentsJ habite ...Oui ou Non, j habite seul/ j habite avec mes parents.7. 您结婚了吗?Quelle est votre situation de famille Etes-vous mari (e)Je suis c libataire / mari (e).8. 您家里有几个人?您有兄弟姐妹吗?Avez-vous des fr res et soeursOui, j ai une soeur.Non, je suis fils (fille) unique.9. 您的职业?Quelle est votre profession Quel m tier faites-vous Que faites-vous comme m tier(profession, travail)Je suis ...Je travaille ...10. 您的父母在中国做什么工作?公司是做什么的?公司的规模,员工?Quel est le m tier de vos parents en Chine Que font vos parents Dans quel domaine travaille l entreprise de vos parents Il y a combien d employ sMon p re est ..., ma m re est ...Il y a cinquante employ s.11. 您在哪个单位工作?Dans quel tablissement travaillez-vous en Chine Parlez-moi de votre soci t .Je travaille dans ...12. 您在您单位的职务是什么? 为什么您没有在您所学专业的相关领域工作?Quel est votre r le dans cette soci t (entreprise)Je suis employ (e)...Pourquoi vous ne travaillez pas dans la profession de votre sp cialit13. 您工作多久了?Depuis combien de temps travaillez-vousJe travaille depuis ... ans.14. 你为什么停止你的工作?Pourquoi vous avez arr t votre travail (quitt , renonc , abandonn votre poste de travail, d missionn )15. 你的工作有意思么?你的专业知识能否满足你的工作需求?在工作过程中你是否遇到过问题?/ 工作中出了问题怎么办?Est-il int ressant Est-ce que votre sp cialit satisfait aux besoins de votre travailEst-ce que vous avez connu des probl mes(troubles) au cours de votre travail Comment faire s il y a un probl me dans votre travail16. 您在这个单位学到了什么?Que-ce que vous avez appris dans cette soci t17. 如果您去法国的话,您现在的工作怎么办?Comment allez-vous faire pour votre travail quand vous serez en France Que ferez vous de votre travail si vous allez en France Avez-vous donn votre d mission18. 你来北京多长时间了?这是你第几次来北京?喜欢北京吗?具体喜欢什么从哪里来?介绍一下你的家乡(如:位置,天气,风景名胜,特产等)Depuis quand vous tes P kin Depuis combien de temps vous habitez P kinC est la premi re fois que vous venez P kin. Combien de fois tes-vous venu BeijingVous aimez cette ville (P kin) ?Pourquoi Qu est-ce que vous aimez de cette villeD o venez-vous quel est votre ville natale Pourriez vous pr senter un peu votre ville, province natale (La position g ographique, le climat/le temps, les sites touristiques, les sp cialit s)Comment est le climat de votre r gion natale Commentest le temps dans votre r gion natale19. 您学法语多久了?您从什么时候开始学习法语的?Depuis combien de temps apprenez-vous le fran ais Depuis quand apprenez-vous le fran aisAvec quel m thode/livre vous avez appris le fran ais20. 您在哪里学习的法语?难吗?为什么不在中国学习法语?O avez-vous tudi le fran ais C est difficile apprendre ou pas Pourquoi vous n apprenez pas le fran ais en Chine21. 你所在的法语培训班有多少人?Combien d l ves y a-t-il dans votre classe Vous tiez combien dans votre classe22.你的老师是中国人还是法国人?Vos professeurs de fran ais sont fran ais ou chinois Vos enseignants, ce sont les fran ais?23. 您参加了法语水平考试吗?什么时候考的?成绩是多少?Est-ce que vous avez pass le TEF Avez-vous particip l examen de TEF Quand avez-vous particip au TEF Quelle a t votre note Combien avez-vous eu au TEF答:我在2003年8月15日参加了tef考试,我的考试分数是227分。
资料整理 留学面试中常见问题及回答
1. 为什么选择法国留学?这是一个常见的问题,面试官想知道你为什么选择法国。
可能的答案包括:- 法国是欧洲最优秀的教育体系之一,拥有丰富的文化和历史背景。
- 法国的课程涵盖了广泛的学科,包括人文科学、社会科学、理工科以及法律、商业和艺术。
- 法国的留学生生活质量非常高,拥有丰富的文化活动和社交场所,同时享有美食和葡萄酒文化。
2. 你为什么选择这个专业?这是面试官通常问的另一个问题,这个问题涉及到你为什么对特定的专业感兴趣。
最好的答案是:- 这个专业与我的职业目标相符,是我追求的梦想。
- 我对这个专业拥有浓厚的兴趣,希望能为这个领域做出自己的贡献。
- 我通过学习相关课程,了解了这个专业的重要性和价值。
3. 您有哪些学术方面的成就?在这个问题中,面试官想了解你在学术方面的成就。
可能的答案包括:- 我有在相关领域发表的论文,证明了我对该领域的了解程度。
- 在我的大学课程中,我取得了非常好的成绩,表明了我在学术方面的优势。
- 我参加了多项科学研究项目,并取得了良好的成果,向世界展示了我对学术工作的承诺。
4. 您有哪些丰富的文化活动经历?这是面试官通常问的一个问题,这个问题涉及到你是否有丰富的文化活动经历。
可能的答案包括:- 我在平时的生活中,喜欢读书、看电影和参加学术会议,从不同角度了解世界。
- 我参加了各种文化活动,包括音乐会、画展和舞蹈表演,获得了丰富的文化经验。
- 我有在志愿者方面的经验,参加了一些社会公益活动,努力为社会做出自己的贡献。
5. 您为什么想来到我们学校?这个问题涉及到你为什么对这所学校感兴趣。
可能的答案包括:- 我选择这所学校是因为它在我的专业领域享有很高的声誉,可以为我提供更好的职业前景。
1. 简短自我介绍,大学介绍,导师介绍Good morning, Professor. xxx. It is really my honor to have this chance for the interview. May I introduce myself first?My name is xxx, 26. I'm currently a Ph. D candidate in xxx university and supervisored by Pro. xxx, who is the director of the xxx Institute. My major is xxx. In the past four years, most of my work involves the xxx, xxx science and xxx. During my studies, I have spent considerable amount of time reading related literature and paid close attention to the state-of-the-art research progresses. To my mind, these experiences equipped me with a solid theoretical foundation in this field. Meanwhile, the experiences of participating in several national research projects largely strengthened my experimental operating skills.Besides, I am a lively and easygoing girl. In my leisure time, I like to play pingpong and work out, or invite some of my friends to go to the karaoke houses for singing.The reason why I am applying for the visiting opportunity is that I want to enhance my understanding of the neural mechanisms of conduct disorder and antisocial behaviors. Since your team have done many extraordinary work in this field, I really want to get some guidance and learn more under your supervision.2. 为什么要读博:Explain that why you intend to apply to the School’s doctoral program? why you are pursuing a PhD? Focus on your research idea, demonstrate how your experiments or theoretical work will be able to answer your research question and how the project might contribute to the field.I have been fascinated by the xxx since I was young. At that moment I was often curious about: why we, human beings have thoughts? Do animals think and what make our thoughts different? And of course, this questions were too difficult for a child because of a lack of knowledge and life experiences. That is why I chose xxx as my major when I went into xxxUniversity. During past years in the university, I was driven by a true passion for these questions and made great efforts to seek answers. After taking a number of specialized courses, I had got a basic understanding of xxx and xxx. Meanwhile, I became interested in the study of the xxx and xxx (i.e., 具体研究方向). To my mind, xxx and xxx enables us to have access to investigate the xxx (把自己的研究方向往上面套).3. 毕业以后的打算或未来五年的计划/你感兴趣的projects or topics/planned dissertation/explain what you plan to do/describe the plans for your own research work; describe your hypotheses, how they will be tested, experimenta/how you intend to answer your research questions/paradigms, techniques, how the data will be analyzed, etc. you should assure your audience that you know what’s missing and that (and how) you intend to acquire the required knowledge during your time at the School. A clearly structured and easy-to-follow presentation will help to do so./You may want to give a realistic time frame in which you plan to complete your project, too./ Your proposal needs to show why the intended research is important and to justify the effort of doing the research./ Give information about your estimated timetable (if possible in table form)My research aims to understand the ... - 描述研究方向以及已有研究局限性或值得继续深入研究的内容. Why should this be the case? xxx, ... is still unclear.The disorder I have spent most time investigating is ..., largely through the study of young people at very high risk of developing the disorder. I am now interested in understanding what predicts their functional outcome, and how abnormalities of ... can be corrected through pharmaceutical interventions.My main areas of interest concern ... and ..... More specifically, I am keen on the ... in adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Besides, I also want to know the role that genetic and environmental factors play in these changes.4. 你现在实验室的介绍With the intention of pursuing advanced knowledge, I enrolled in the ... Institute of the ... University as a postgraduate student. As a research institute that lays great emphasis on ... work, academics here mainly focus on the ... and ..., such as ..., etc. ... University is among the first group admitted into both Project 211, a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21stcentury, and Project 985, a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by the Chinese central government and local governments.My supervisor, Prof. ... is the director (简单介绍你的导师的学术方向以及成果)5. 硕士课题介绍(简介、工作时间安排、导师作用)Engaged in a project entitled “...”, which was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The goal of this project was to find .... In this study, ....I served as one of the major researchers. Responsible for ..., collecting ... data and ... data .6.为什么选择我们学校/研究所?why the graduate school you are applying to is the right one for you?( location, research opportunities or faculty at the university you are applying to.Well, I know that my current knowledge is far from sufficient, so I hope to further my understanding and boost my research ability by studying at the University of .... It is a well-known university and I learnt that researchers there have done excellent work on ..., so I am completely assured that the PhD program with highly qualified and experienced faculty will definitely help me achieve my goal in this field. More specifically, I am particularly interested in your research project which allows me to examine ..... It is likely to uncover the ..., and an earlier detection of ... as well as...would be possible. So my study at the University of ..., if admitted, will be devoted to this direction. Additionally, I am confident that my educational background, research experiences combined with unbounded enthusiasm would enable and motivate me to contribute productively to this project.7.关于potential supervisor的信息了解多少?relevant literature, controversies, research questions, and research techniquesAs I had read your papers, I learned that you have done excellent work on .... I know that extensive research experience of various mental disorders would definitely further my understanding of the ....And currently, I am focusing on ...., which would help to elucidate.....8. 有没有申请其他学校I have applied two universities. Another one is University of Wisconsin-Madison.9. 你认为你的优势和劣势在哪里? what qualities you bring to the program?10. 你的品质/素质In my perspective, one's desire for career advancement may well provide enough personal drive for an individual to push through. So do I. I'm looking to pursue a career in academia, motivated by personal idealism. I have perseverance and are in it with my whole heart instead of just professional advantage. To my mind, now is the right time for me to get to a higher stage pursuing my goal.11. 参加过的社会活动、担任过的职务、或能说明你leadship的事情12. 学过的与project相关的课程13. 为什么选择出国,而不是在国内读博士As we know, America, as one of the most innovative countries in the world, has first-rate teaching faculty and research facilities. Its ideological openness and tolerance make a sharp contrast to Chinese culture, which tends to value tradition rather than innovation. I believe that with above mentioned research foundation, good programming and mathematical skills, excellent research conditions at GW University, I will be a ble to make ‘shortcuts’ in attaining my academic and career goals and have the capability and potential to successfully carry out my PhD project.14. 你掌握了哪些与project相关的技能?(比如一些实验技术或者设备的使用)15. 你对我们这个城市/学校有哪些了解16. 你想问他的问题refer to the research topic, select a topic, that is also acceptable to my advisor. application procedure in your universitywhen can I know the interview result。
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2.高考成绩:考试科目,总成绩/ 各科成绩,考试时间
4.毕业论文(topic ,主要研究内容,结论;若不写论文解释原因),
5.大学期间的课外活动& 实习经历
熟悉offer 各项内容+官网课程介绍
课程起止时间,几个学期,每个学期大概上什么课,是否有觉得比较难的/ 很感兴趣的课?打算怎么学?所有课程最好全部背下来2)是否有实习?什么时候?实习打算怎么安排?
10.若本科专业不同:为什么转专业?之前专业和以后master 专业的联系在哪里?
12.若本科是学法语,请解释为什么不选择法语相关的专业/ 不选择法语授课的programme
保持一致(学士/ 学士最后一年/foundation 完成后可说继续申请法国的master ,但是学生要对自己硕士学的学校专业有个规划要能说出想去哪里继读为什么)
14.在法住宿问题?是否有法国亲戚/ 朋友?会找兼职?
16.其他个人认为对签证申请有利/体现个人特色的学习/ 国外/工作/生活经历,比如旅行、交
17.留学费用由谁承担?(家人!!!如果有奖学金可出示,certificate 可以,邮件打印的
注意:教育经历要讲完整, 何时进入某校学习何种专业,课程有什么,课业表现怎么样,最喜欢的/ 印象最深的课程是什么,为什么?有没有课外活动/ 实习经历?论文介绍2、3 句话即可,活动/实习经历的描述要简化,根据事情先后顺序说清楚来龙去脉,再评论此事的意义和影响。
1.你有法国朋友吗?(say no~ )
2.有亲戚住在法国吗?(say no~ 除非有近亲真的住在法国)
3.你在学习法语的时候,你的法语老师是法国人吗?你和他熟悉吗?(say no~ )
5.你会法国找兼职做吗?(say no~ 专注学习)
6.你会毕业后留在法国工作吗?(say no~ 回中国发展)签证面试的原则是充分呈现出自己