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Module 3 book 8 Listening and speaking教学设计


1. To make out the useful information in listening materials.

2. To talk about table manners in China and Britain.

3. To learn about food culture in Britain and China.


I. Leading-in

T: 1. Chinese traditional food ---- dumplings and noodles

Foreign food ----- fried chicken and hamburgers

Which do you prefer? Why?

2. If you are eating dumplings /noodles, what should you pay attention to?

3. If you are in Britain, you’d better know what to do when your English friends invite you for


Let’s listen about table manners in Britain.

II. Listening

1. Words and expressions

butler司膳官offend 冒犯

royal 皇家的arrangement 布置;安排

host 男主人barbecue烧烤

compliment 赞美chef 厨师;主厨embarrassment 尴尬

make a point of 特别注意(做某事)

knife and fork 一副刀叉

gentleman's gentleman 侍从;男仆

eat up pick up cut up

2. Daily expression (guess the meaning )

1) go without saying

It goes without saying that correct spelling is as important as correct pronunciation.

2) on the dot

He is always punctual; always arrives on the dot.

3) make a beeline for

At a dinner party, it is not polite to make a beeline for the best seat.

4) be on close terms with

He is on close terms with his roommates.

5) the done thing

To just use the fingers is not really the done thing in Britain

6) as a rule

As a rule, he gets up very early.

3. Listen and say what Jack Ryland has been doing for thirty years. Choose from the box.

4. Complete the meanings with the words in the box.

5. Check the appropriate column.

Table manners in Britain

1) arrive on time

2) choose where to sit

3) wait for your host to pick up a knife and fork

4) ask for something that isn’t on the table

5) eat with your fingers

6) put the knife and fork on the tablecloth

7) put the knife and fork together when you finish

8) leave much food on the plate

III. Everyday English

Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box.

A: What time should you arrive when you’re invited to dinner in Britain? I mean, if the invitation says eight o’clock, you should get there at eight __________ ?

B: Well, _________ you should be there on time. It ______________ that you shouldn”t be more than a few minutes late!

A: And should you __________ for the food and drink as soon as you arrive?

B: Not really. Even if you are _____________ the host, you should wait to be offered something. Do not help yourself. It’s not really __________ in Britain, though in other countries people might be more relaxed.

A: I see. Thanks for the advice, I’m sure it will be useful!

IV. Speaking

1)Do you find any of the rules in the listening passage strange?

2) Do you think people’s ideas of table manners are changing? If so, why?

V. Discussion

The rules of table manners in China

Possible tips:

1) If the food is juicy, use the spoon to help. Do not make the juice split everywhere.

2) When something is hard to be pick up, use the spoon to help, too.

3) To show the warm welcome to the guest, the host will cheer the guest up and try to persuade the guest to drink wine as much as he can. Or the host will be viewed as bad serving. If you can not drink wine, tea and other drinks are also ok.

4) The dinner will not begin until everybody arrive, even if someone is not on time.

5) If you need to clean your teeth, use your hand or a towel(手巾;纸巾) to cover your mouth so that others will not see it.

6) Do not speak when there are things in your mouth.

/Do not speak before you finish eating things in your mouth

VI. Conclusion

Table manners is a global issue. So we should not only know Chinese table manners, but must understand foreign table manners.

VII. Homework

Write a short passage about table manners in china, using correct conjunctions if necessary


