数字电路英文版 第八单元
A logical gate circuit is a fundamental building block of digital circuits that perform a specific logical operation on one or more input signals
It insists of transitions connected together to implement logical functions such as AND, OR, NOT, and
Field effect transformer
A field effect transformer (FET) is a transformer that uses an electric field to control the flow of current through it
FETs are commonly used in analog and digital circuits, such as amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits
NAND operation
It is the logical NOT operation of the AND operation If any of the inputs are low, the output is high If all inputs are high, the output is low
Diode is a two terminal electronic component that allows the flow of current in only one direction
数字逻辑 课后习题答案
4. 最简电路是否一定最佳?为什么?
一个最简的方案并不等于一个最佳的方案。最佳方案应满足全面的性能指标 和实际应用要求。所以,在求出一个实现预定功能的最简电路之后,往往要根据 实际情况进行相应调整。
2. 数字逻辑电路具有哪些主要特点?
● 电路的基本工作信号是二值信号。 ● 电路中的半导体器件一般都工作在开、关状态。 ● 电路结构简单、功耗低、便于集成制造和系列化生产。产品价格低
廉、使用方便、通用性好。 ● 由数字逻辑电路构成的数字系统工作速度快、精度高、功能强、可
1 假定一个电路中,指示灯 F 和开关 A、B、C 的关系为 F=(A+B)C
试画出相应电路图。 解答
电路图如图 1 所示。
2 用逻辑代数的公理、定理和规则证明下列表达式:
(1) AB + AC = AB + AC (2) AB + AB + AB + AB = 1 (3) AABC = ABC + ABC + ABC
= (A + B) ⋅ (A + B) =B
( ) F = BC + D + D ⋅ B + C ⋅ (AC + B)
= BC + D + (B + C)(AC + B) = BC + D + BC(AC + B) = BC + D + AC + B = B + D + AC
第8章习题及解答8.1 在图8.3(a )用5G555定时器接成的施密特触发电路中,试问:(1)当CC 12V V =时,而且没有外接控制电压时,T+V 、T-V 和T V ∆各为多少伏?(2)当CC 10V V =时,控制电压CO 6V V =时,T+V 、T-V 和T V ∆各为多少伏?题8.1 解:⑴ 283T CC V V V +== , 143T CC V V V -==, V V V V T T T 4=-=∆-+;⑵ 6T CO V V V +== , 132T CO V V V -== ,3T T T V V V V +-∆=-=。
8.3 图P8.3(a )为由5G555构成的单稳态触发电路,若已知输入信号i V 的波形如图P8.3(b )所示,电路在t=0时刻处于稳态。
(1)根据输入信号i V 的波形图定性画出C V 和输出电压O V 对应的波形。
(2)如在5G555定时器的5脚和1脚间并接一只10K 的电阻,试说明输出波形会发生怎样的变化?OiV(a ) (b )图 P8.3题8.3 解:(1)对应的波形如图题解8.3(a )所示。
i VV V图 题解8.3(a )(2)如在5G555定时器的5脚和1脚间并接一只10K 的电阻,则输出脉冲宽度W1t 等于电容电压C V 从0上升到CC 1115V=7.5V 22V =⨯所需时间,因此输出脉冲宽度W1t 要比图题解8.3(a )波形中W t 窄。
对应的波形如图题解8.3(b )所示。
i VV V 图 题解8.3(b )8.5 图P8.5(a )所示是用集成单稳态触发电路74121和D 触发器构成的噪声消除电路,图P8.5(b )为输入信号。
设单稳态触发电路的输出脉冲宽度W t 满足n W s t t t <<(其中n t 为噪声,s t 为信号脉宽),试定性画出Q 和O V 的对应波形。
图 P8.5题8.5 解:波形图如图题解8.5所示。
84题8.1.1集成555电路在CO 端不使用时,比较器C l 的基准电压为 , C 2的基准电压为 。
(A )2U DD /3 (B )U DD /3 (C )U DD (D )U DD /2 答:A 、B题8.1.2 集成7555电路在控制电压端CO 处加控制电压U CO ,则C 1和C 2的基准电压将分别变为 。
(A )2U CO /3 (B )U CO /3 (C )U CO (D )U CO /2 答:C 、D题8.1.3 为使集成555电路输出OUT 为低电平,应满足 条件。
(A )R 为低电平 (B )TR <U DD /3 (C )TH <2U DD /3 (D )TH >2U DD /3 答:A 、D题8.1.4 集成555电路在输出OUT 前端设置了缓冲器G 2的主要原因是 。
(A )提高高电平 (B )减低低电平(C )提高驱动负载能力 (D )放电端(D )电平和输出端(OUT )保持一致 答:C 、D题8.2.1施密特触发器属于 型电路。
(A )电平触发 (B )边沿触发 (C )脉冲触发 (D )锁存器 答:A题8.2.2 施密特触发器的+th U 称为正向阈值电压,-th U 称为负向阈值电压,且+th U >-th U ,二者的差值称回差为 。
(A )+th U +-th U (B )+th U --th U (C )+th U (D )-th U答:B题8.2.3 用运算放大器组成的施密特触发器利用了 特性。
(A )正反馈 (B )线性(C )负反馈 (D )输出正饱和值与负饱和值 答:A 、D题8.2.4 施密特触发器主要作用是 、 、 等。
(A )信号整形 (B )波形变换 (C )提高驱动负载能力 (D )幅度鉴别 答:A 、B 、D题8.2.5施密特触发器用于整形时,输入信号的幅度应 。
(A )大于+th U (B )等于+th U (C )等于-th U(D )小于-th U题8.2.6 可将变化缓慢的输入信号变换为矩形脉冲信号。
《数电》教材习题答案 第8章习题答案
思考题与习题8-1 试问一个256字×4位的ROM应有地址线、数据线、字线和位线各多少根?8根地址线,4根数据线,字线即行选线,8根;位线即列选线,4根。
8-2 用一个2线-4线译码器和4片1024×8位的ROM组成一个容量为4096×8位的ROM,请画出连线图。
2线-4线译码器的输出为低电平有效,分别接至四片1024×8位的ROM 的,将地址线、输出线对应连接。
8-3 确定用ROM实现下列逻辑函数所需的容量:(1)比较两个四位二进制数的大小及是否相等;(2)两个三位二进制数相乘的乘法器;(3)将8位二进制数转化为十进制数的转化电路。
(1) 根据题意,两个四位数比较的结果有相等,大于或者小于三种结果,因此输入为8位,输出为三位,ROM容量为:28×3=768(2)最大的三位二进制数为7×7=49=110001B,因此输出为6位;则ROM的容量为26×6=384(3)最大的八位二进制数为255,因此输出为3位,而输入为8位,则其ROM容量为28×3=7688-4 图8-4为256×4位RAM芯片的逻辑电路图,请用位扩展的方法组成256×8位的RAM,画出逻辑连线图。
8-5 试用EFPOM实现74LS49的功能。
数字逻辑电路 fan8
输入方式: 图形设计输入; 硬件描述语言输入。 现 在 比 较 流 行 的 硬 件 描 述 语 言 有 ABEL 和 VHDL。 计算机对输入文件进行编译、综合、优化、 配置操作,最后生成供编程用的文件,可直接编 程到可编程逻辑器件的芯片中。
2. 可编程逻辑器件的开发方法
只要写入不同的结构控制字,就可以得到不同 类型的输出电路结构。
8. 3
CPLD是阵列型高密度可编程控制器,其基本结 构形式和PAL、GAL相似,都由可编程的与阵列、 固定的或阵列和逻辑宏单元组成,但集成规模都比 PAL和GAL大得多。 基本包含三种结构: 逻辑阵列块(LAB) 可编程I/O单元 可编程连线阵列(PIA)。
③ 有上电复位功能和加密功能,可以防止非法
2.通用可编程逻辑器件(GAL) 20世纪80年代初,美国Lattice半导体公司研制。 GAL的结构特点:输出端有一个组态可编程的输 出逻辑宏单元OLMC,通过编程可以将GAL设置成不 同的输出方式。这样,具有相同输入单元的GAL可以 实现PAL器件所有的输出电路工作模式,故而称之为 通用可编程逻辑器件。 GAL与PAL的区别: ① PAL是PROM熔丝工艺,为一次编程器件,而 GAL是E2 PROM工艺,可重复编程; ② PAL的输出是固定的,而GAL用一个可编程的 输出逻辑宏单元(OLMC)做为输出电路。GAL比 PAL更灵活,功能更强,应用更方便,几乎能替代所 有的PAL器件。
Digital Logic Circuits 数字逻辑电路智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年
Digital Logic Circuits 数字逻辑电路智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下南京理工大学南京理工大学第一章测试1.The number of values that can be assigned to a bit are ( )答案:twopared to analog systems, digital systems ( )答案:are less prone to noise3.The term bit means ( )答案:both answers (b) and (c)4. A quantity has continuous value is ( )答案:an analog quantity5.Verilog HDL is a ( )答案:computer language6. A category of digital integrated circuits having functions that can be altered isknown as fixed-function logic.答案:错7.Data are information only in numeric.答案:错8.Two broad types of digital integrated circuits are fixed-function andprogrammble.答案:对9.The nonrecurring engineering (NRE) cost for an ASIC design is normally low.答案:错10.There is an “invalid” region between the input ranges for logic 0 and logic 1答案:对第二章测试1.For the binary number 10000, the weight of the column with the 1 is ( )答案:162.The 2’s complement of 1000 is ( )答案:10003.The fractional binary number 0.11 has a decimal value of ( )答案:¾4.The number 1100 in BCD is ( )答案:invalid5.An example of an unweighted code is ( )答案:Gray code6.An example of an alphanumeric code is ( )答案:ASCII7.The overflow occurs when adding the following 8-bit two’s complementnumber:01011101+00110001答案:对8.The overflow does NOT occur when adding the following 8-bit two’scomplement number:10111111+11011111答案:对9.In general, we need at most bits to express the product when multiplying ann-bit number by an m-bit number.答案:错10.An addition overflows if the addends’ signs are the same but the sum’s sign isdifferent from the addends’.答案:对第三章测试1.The Boolean expression A. 1 is equal to ( ).答案:A2.The Boolean expression A + 1 is equal to ( ).答案:13.The Boolean equation AB + AC = A(B+ C) illustrates ( )答案:the distribution law4.The associative law for addition is normally written as ( )答案:(A + B) + C = A + (B + C)5. A Boolean expression that is in standard SOP form is ( )答案:has every variable in the domain in every term6.Adjacent cells on a Karnaugh map differ from each other by答案:one variable7.SOP standard form is useful for constructing truth tables or for implementinglogic in PLDs.答案:对8.Logic simplification is still useful in nowadays FPGA designs.答案:错9.In synthesis, a netlist will be generated to describe the circuit completely.答案:对10.In FPGA design, the step that “maps” the design from the netlist to fit it to atarget device is known as "programming".答案:错第四章测试1.The 74138 decoder can also be used as ( ).答案:a DEMUX2.Assume you want to decode the binary number 0011 with an active-LOWdecoder. The missing gate should be ( ).答案:a NAND gate3.To expand a 2-bit parallel adder to a 4-bit parallel adder, you must ( ).答案:use two 2-bit adders with the carry output of one connected to the carry input of the other4.If an hex-to-binary priority encoder has its 0, 3, 6, and 14 inputs at the activelevel, the active-HIGH binary output is ( ).答案:11105.The continuous assignmentassign OUT = select ? A : B;specifies the condition that OUT = ( )if select = 1, else OUT = ( )if select = 0.答案:A, B6.Consider the initial block in the following:initialbeginA = 0;B = 0;#10 A = 1;#20 A = 0; B = 1;EndThen at t = 30, A is changed to ( ) and B to ( ).答案:0,17.The initial statement executes only once, starting from simulation time 0,and may continue with any operations that are delayed by a given number of time units.答案:对8.In Verilog HDL, the definitions of modules are allowed to be nested.答案:错9.The value z represents an unknown logic value in Verilog HDL.答案:错10.In Verilog HDL, ~(1010) is (0101), and !(1010) is 0.答案:对第五章测试1. The output of a D latch will not change if ( ).答案:Enable is not active2.The D flip-flop shown will ( ).答案:toggle on the next clock pulse3.For the J-K flip-flop shown, the number of inputs that are asynchronous is( ).答案:24.Assume the output is initially HIGH on a leading edge triggered J-K flip flop.For the inputs shown, the output will go from HIGH to LOW on which clock pulse?答案:35.The time interval illustrated is called ( ).答案:t PLH6.The advantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is that ( ).答案:it is simpler and cheaper7.An asynchronous reset signal will override the clock on a FF.答案:对8.In Verilog HDL, an initial behavioral statement executes only once.答案:对9.In a Moore model, the outputs of the sequential circuit are not synchronizedwith the clock.答案:错10.The output of the Mealy machine is the value that is present immediatelybefore the active edge of the clock.答案:对第六章测试1.To cause a D flip-flop to toggle, connect the ( ).答案:2. A 4-bit binary counter has a terminal count of ( ).答案:153.Assume the clock for a 4-bit binary counter is 80 kHz. The output frequencyof the fourth stage (Q3) is ( ).答案:5 kHz4. A 4-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register will store data for ( ).答案:1 clock period5.An advantage of a ring counter over a Johnson counter is that the ringcounter ( ).答案:is self-decoding6. A possible sequence for a 4-bit ring counter is ( ).答案:… 1000, 0100, 0010 …7. A divide‐by‐N-counter is a counter that goes through a repeated sequence ofN states, and it is also known as a modulo‐N counter.答案:对8.For counters with unused states, it is necessary to ensure that the circuiteventually goes into one of the valid states so that it can resume normaloperation.答案:对9.For transmission, data from a UART is sent in synchronous parallel form.答案:错10.The maximum modulus of a counter is , where n is the number of stages (flip-flops) in the counter.答案:错第七章测试1.Static RAM is ( ).答案:volatile read/write memory2. A nonvolatile memory is one that ( )答案:retains data without power applied3.The advantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM is that ( ).答案:it is simpler and cheaper4. A 4-bit parallel-in/parallel-out shift register will store data for ( ).答案:1 clock period5.When data is read from RAM, the memory location is ( ).答案:unchanged6.The first step in a read or write operation for a random access memory is to( ).答案:place a valid address on the address bus7.Address multiplexing can reduce the number of pins in the IC package.答案:对8.One of the major applications of SRAMs is in cache memories in computers.答案:对9.RAM is used in a computer to store the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System.答案:错10.Memory expansion is accomplished by adding an appropriate number ofmemory chips to the address, data, and control buses.答案:对第八章测试1.The number of comparators required in a 10-bit flash ADC is ( ).答案:10232.If an anti-aliasing filter is not used in digitizing a signal the recovery process( )答案:may include alias signals3.An anti-aliasing filter should have ( )答案:4. A reconstruction filter ( ).答案:all of the above5.The ( ) of the A/D converter determines how close the actual digital outputis to the theoretically expected digital output for a given analog input.答案:accuracy6.The ( ) of ADC is determined by the number of bits it uses to digitize an inputsignal.答案:resolution7.An ADC is an analog data component答案:错8. A higher sampling rate is more accurate than a lower sampling rate for agiven analog signal.答案:对9.Two types of DAC are the binary-weighted input and the R/2R ladder.答案:对10.The Integral Nonlinearity of an ADC defines the maximum deviation of theADC transfer function from the best-fit line.答案:对。
第8章 数字系统设计【习题答案】8.1 仿照例8.2,设计一个求最小值的电路minm (图P8.1),该电路的输出minv 是输入的n 个数据中的最小值。
除了把例8.2中的maxv 改为minv 之外,其它要求与例8.2相同。
minmreset clk start validdata(7..0)doneminv(7..0)图P8.1 习题8.1的外观图【解】为了简化设计,我们将minm 的电路结构分解为2部分(图A8.1):1. 控制器(controller ):控制器向数据通路发出控制信号并接受数据通路的反馈信号。
2. 数据通路(data path ):数据通路中包含必要的部件以实现所要求的操作。
(1) 寄存器A :用于保存迄今为止输入数据中的最小值。
(2) 寄存器B :用于保存来自data 的数据。
(3) 比较器:将寄存器A 的数值与寄存器B 的数值相比较,将其中数值小者存入A 。
(4) 减计数器counter :首先接受从data 送来的数据n ,此后每进行一次数据比较,counter 减1,当counter = 0时,数据比较执行完毕,令 done = 1。
接着列出minm 的状态表(表A8.1)。
图A8.1 minm的电路分解以下为VHDL行为描述:LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;ENTITY minm ISPORT(reset, clk, start, valid : IN std_logic;data : IN std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0 );minv : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0 );done : OUT std_logic );END minm;ARCHITECTURE behav OF minm ISCONSTANT st0 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "000" ; CONSTANT st1 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "001" ; CONSTANT st2 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "011" ; CONSTANT st3 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "111" ; CONSTANT st4 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "101" ; CONSTANT st5 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "100" ; CONSTANT st6 : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 ) := "110" ; SIGNAL A, B, counter : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0 ); SIGNAL state : std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0 );BEGINcompare_process:PROCESS(reset, clk, state )BEGINIF (reset = '1') AND rising_edge( clk ) THENCASE state ISWHEN st0 =>A <= "11111111";B <= "11111111";minv <= "00000000";done <= '0';WHEN st1 =>IF valid = '1' THENcounter <= data;END IF;WHEN st2 =>NULL;WHEN st3 =>IF valid = '1' THENIF A > B THENA <= B;END IF;B <= data;counter <= counter - 1;END IF;WHEN st4 =>NULL;WHEN st5 =>NULL;WHEN OTHERS =>IF A > B THENminv <= B;ELSEminv <= A;END IF;done <= '1';END CASE;END IF;END PROCESS;state_process:PROCESS( reset, clk )BEGINIF reset = '0' THENstate <= st0;ELSIF rising_edge( clk ) THENCASE state ISWHEN st0 =>IF start = '1' THENstate <= st1;END IF;WHEN st1 =>IF valid = '1' THENstate <= st2;END IF;WHEN st2 =>IF valid = '0' THENstate <= st3;END IF;WHEN st3 =>IF valid = '1' THENstate <= st4;END IF;WHEN st4 =>IF valid = '0' THENstate <= st5;END IF;WHEN st5 =>IF counter = "00000000" THENstate <= st6;ELSEstate <= st3;END IF;WHEN OTHERS =>IF start = '1' THENstate <= st0;END IF;END CASE;END IF;END PROCESS;END behav;将上述VHDL代码作为QuartusⅡ的输入,经过编译、模拟等操作后,得到求最小值电路minm 的功能模拟波形,分析如下:1.首先令reset = 0,使电路进入初始状态st0。
数字电路英文版 第八单位
(a) Active-HIGH input S-R latch
(b) Active-LOW input
S-R latch
EXAMPLE 8-1: Related Problem Determine the Q output of an active-HIGH input S-R latch if the waveforms in above are inverted and applied to the input.
Monostable Having only one stable state. A monostable multivibrator, commonly called a one-shot, produces a single pulse in response to a triggering input.
(b) Q
EXAMPLE 8-2: Related Problem Determine the Q output of a gated S-R latch if the S and R inputs in Fig. 8-9 (a) are inverted.
(a) EN
(b) Q
When Q is HIGH, Q is LOW, and when Q is LOW, Q is HIGH.
TABLE 8-1 Truth table for an active-LOW input S-R latch.
Input SR 11
三、某寄存器由D触发器构成,有4位代码要存储,此寄存器必须由 4 个触发器构成。
四、⼀个四位⼆进制加法计数器,由0000状态开始,问经过18个输⼊脉冲后,此计数器的状态为 0010 。
七、通过级联⽅式,把两⽚4位⼆进制计数器74161连接成为8位⼆进制计数器后,其最⼤模值是 256 ;将3⽚4位⼗进制计数器74160连接成12位⼗进制计数器后,其最⼤模值是4096 。
⼋、设计模值为38的计数器⾄少需要 6 个触发器。
习题[题8.1] 试画出⽤2⽚74LS194A 组成8位双向移位寄存器的逻辑图。
74LS194A 的功能表见表8.1.4。
解:电路逻辑图如图A8.1所⽰图A8.1[题8.2] 图P8.2所⽰电路是⽤8选1数据选择器74LS151和移位寄存器CC40194组成的序列信号发⽣器。
试分析在C P 脉冲作⽤下电路的输出序列信号(Y )。
图P8.2解:74LS194A 组成3位扭环形计数器210Q Q Q :000→001 →011 →111 →110 →100 →000,因此74LS151输出013764Y D D D D D D …=111100…。
[题8.3] 分析图P8.3的计数器电路,画出电路的状态转换图,说明这是多少进制计数器。
图P8.3解:采⽤同步预置数法,31LD Q Q =。
[题8.4] 分析图P8.4的计数器电路,说明这是多少进制的计数器,并画出电路的状态转换图。
数字电路白中英版 参考答案
AB CD 00 00 01 11 10 1 Φ Φ Φ
1 1 1
化简得 F= A B AD AC
(1) F= ABC AB C = AC 1 F<= (A nand (not C) ) nand 1 A
A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
F 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
当 B≠C 时, F1=A 当 B=C=1 时, F1=A 当 B=C=0 时, F1=0 裁判判决电路,A 为主裁判,在 A 同意的前提下,只要有一位副裁判(B,C)同意, 成绩就有效。 F2= A B B C A C AB BC AC 真值表如下:
二进制 1010 111101 1011100 0.10011 101111 01101 十进制 10 61 92 0.59375 47 13 八进制 12 75 134 0.46 57 15
3.将下列十进制数转换成 8421BCD 码
1997=0001 1001 1001 0111 65.312=0110 0101.0011 0001 0010 3.1416=0011.0001 0100 0001 0110 0.9475=0.1001 0100 0111 0101
A 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
C 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
F 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
第七章 存储器和可编程器件7—1 填空1.半导体存储器按功能分有_RAM __和__ROM _两种。
2.ROM 主要由__存储矩阵____和__地址译码器____和输出缓冲器三部分组成,按照工作方式的不同进行分类,ROM 可分为_MROM __、_PROM __和_EPROM __三种。
3.某EPROM 有位8数据线,13位地址线,则其存储容量为_8K ×8b __。
4.随机存储器按照存储原理可以分为_____SRAM ______和___DRAM ________,其中______DRAM_____由于具有“漏电”特性,因此需要进行_____刷新______操作。
7—2 图7.2是16⨯4位ROM ,3A 2A 1A 0A 为地址输入,3D 2D 1D 0D 为数据输出,试分别写出3D 2D 1D 0D 的逻辑表达∑=)15,10,6,2(3m D ∑=)15,12,11,8,7,4,3(2m D ∑=)12,9,6,3,0(1m D ∑=)14,13,12,11,8,7,6,5,2,0(0m D7—3 由一个三位二进制加法计数器和一个ROM 构成的电路如图7.3(a )所式。
1. 写出输出1F 2F 3F 的表达式;2. 画出CP 作用下1F 2F 3F 的波形(计数器的初态为“0”)。
答:∑=)5,4,2,1(1m F ∑=)6,5,3(2m F∑=)6,5,4,2,1,0(3m F2、波形如图所示。
注意:F 为组合逻辑。
A A A A 3210图7.2123F F F 图7.3(a )123F F F 图7.3(a )图7.3(b )W 7第8章 脉冲波形的产生及整形8-1 图8.1(a )为由555定时器和D 触发器构成的电路,请问: 1. 555定时器构成的是哪种脉冲电路? 2. 在图(b )中画出C U O1U O2U 的波形; 3. 计算O1U O2U 的频率;4. 如果在555定时器的第5脚接入4V 的电压源,则O1U 的频率将为多少?答:1、该电路为多谐振荡器。
初中英语八大时态综合时态练习( )1. What _____ you _____ over the weekend?A. will; doB. does; doC. did; doD. were,; doing ( )2. Xiao Li usually _____ to school by bike last year.A. goesB. wentC. will goD. is going( )3. What _____ in our town 100 years from now?A. happenedB. is happenedC. has happenedD. will happen ( )4. Mr. Smith _____ to see you in an hour.A. cameB. has comeC. will comeD. comes( )5. _____ you _____ from your parents recently?A. Did; hearB. Have; heardC. Do; hearD. Will; hear ( )6. We _____ TV at home this time last night.A. were watchingB. watchedC. have watchedD. would watch ( )7. We _____ over 1500 English words by the end of last month.A. have learnedB. had learnedC. will learnD. learnt( )8. She _____ in Shanghai for ten years since 1992.A. has livedB. had livedC. livedD. will live( )9. She _____ in Shanghai for ten years.A. has livedB. had livedC. livedD. will live( )10. We all know that the earth _____ round the sun.A. goesB. wentC. is goingD. will go( )11. “Where are the boys?”“They _____ soccer on the playground.”A. playB. are playingC. were playingD. played( )12. Look! Lucy _____ under the tree.A. readsB. is readingC. was readingD. read( )13. He _____ more than 200 model cars in the last five years.A. has collectedB. had collectedC. collectedD. will collect( )14. Jim _____ a letter to his parents at 7:30 last night.A. had writtenB. wroteC. would writeD. was writing ( )15. The Smiths _____ in Beijing since two weeks ago.A. stayedB. were stayingC. would stayD. have stayed ( )16. “When _____ you _____ the bike?”“Last Monday.”A. have; boughtB. did; buyC. will; buyD. do; buy( )17. Look! The boy _____English now.A. likesB. likedC. is likingD. was liking( )18. Most students in our class _____ TV twice a week.A. watchB. watchedC. will watchD. are watching ( )19. How soon _____ they _____ back from work?A. do; comeB. did; comeC. have; comeD. will; come( )20. “Where _____ you _____ Mr. Li?”“In his office, half an hour ago.”A. will; seeB. did; seeC. have, seenD. do; see( )21. I _____ a new dictionary. Look! It’s very useful.A. boughtB. will buyC. have boughtD. would buy。
习题8.1 解释下列名词:分辨率、转换精度、转换时间、量化、量化单位。
略(见书)8.2 数字量和模拟量有何区别?D/A 转换和A/D 转换在数字系统中有何主要作用? 略(见书)8.3 一个D/A 转换器应包含哪几部分,它们的功能是什么? 略(见书)8.4 一个8位D/A 转换器的分辨率为多少? 解:n 位D/A 转换器的分辨率为121n-,因此8位D/A 转换器的分辨率为814%21=-。
8.5 图8.4所示电路为4位T 形电阻D/A 转换器。
1)试分析其工作原理,求出V O 的表达式; 2)如果已知n=8位的D/A 转换器中,V REF =-10V ,R f =3R ,输入D=11010100时,输出电压值;3)如果R f =2R ,对应(2)中的输出电压V O 又是多少?解:1)S 3、S 2、S 1、S 0为模拟开关,分别受输入代码d 3、d 2、d 1、d 0的状态控制,也就是说输入代码的高低电平状态可控制流入集成运放A 反相输入端的电流,也就控制了输出电压的大小。
输出电压表达式为:3210R E F O 32104321R E F R E F 321044(2222)323(2222)22V V d d d d R R V V d d d d D=-⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯⋅⋅=-⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=-2)如果已知n =8位的D/A 转换器中,V REF =-10V ,R f =3R ,输入D =11010100时,同理可推出n =8位的D/A 转换器的输出电压R E F O 82V V D =-,即O 8.3V V ≈。
3)如果R f =2R ,对应(2)中的输出电压为R E F R E F O 88222332V V V D R D R=-⋅=-⋅⋅。
8.6 一个8位D/A 转换器,求:1)最小输出电压增量V LSB =0.02V ,当输入代码为01001101时,输出电压V O 为多少?2)若其分辨率用百分数表示,则为多少?3)若某一系统中要求的精度为0.25%,能不能用该D/A 转换器。
例题 8.1 分析例题 8.1 图(a)所示脉冲电路的工作原理,设门电路均为TTL电路,其阈值 电压为UTH;设二极管的导通电压为UD。说明电路的功能,画出电路的电压传输特性。
G3 G3
例题 8.1 图
引脚名称 TR TH R
表 8.1 5 5 5 集成定时器引 脚 名 称 及 功 能
功能 输出端 放电端 控制电压端
555 集成定时器的功能如表 8.2 所示。
TH(6) ×
>2 UDD/3 <2 UDD/3 <2 UDD/3
TR(2) × ×
> UDD/3 < UDD/3
1. 概念与简答 题型 1 为填空、判断和选择; 题型 2 为叙述基本概念与特点。 建议分配的分数为 2~4 分。 2. 综合与设计 题型 1 根据已知脉冲电路,分析其工作原理,画出电路中各关键点的信号波形以及输出波 形的参数计算等; 题型 2 根据需要选择合理的脉冲电路; 题型 3 分析在应用系统中脉冲电路的作用。 建议分配的分数为 5~10 分。
进行,uC逐渐升高,当uC≥uI时,uO由高电平变为低电平,⑦引脚导通。 电容放电,电 容 C经 过 ⑦引脚放电,放电时间常数τ放=R2C,随着放电过程的进行,uC逐
渐下降,当下降到uC≤uI/2 时,uO由低电平变为高电平,⑦引脚截止。 电容再次充电,电 路 重 复 上 述 过 程 ,进 入 下 一 个 周 期 ,电 路 输 出 周 期 性 的 矩 形 脉 冲 。
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8.13 what is the counting sequence of the circuit shown in Figure X8.13
顺序计数到1111以及逆序计数到0000时,RCO_L 有效。
8.14 A 74×163 counter is hooked up with inputs ENP, ENT, and D always HIGH, inputs A , B and C always LOW, input LD_L=(QA ·QC)’, and input CLR_L=(QB ·QD)’, The CLK input is hooked up to a free-running clock signal. Draw a logic diagram for this circuit. Assuming that the counter starts in state 0000, write the output sequence on QD QC QB QA for the next 15 clock ticks. 解:
QD QC QB QA=0101时,计数器置数,装入DCBA=1000;
QD QC QB QA=1010时,计数器清零;
状态:QD QC QB QA=0000,0001,0010,0011,0100,0101,1000,1001,1010,0000,0001,0010,0011,0100,0101
According to figure 8-51 and table 8-26, the 5-bit LFSR’s feedback equation is X5=X2⊕X0,
so we can draw the circuit as following:
And the X5=1111100011011101010000100101100(31 bit)
The simulation graphic:
As starting state 0001, if X4=0,then the first ten state 00001→10000→01000→00100→10010→01001→10100→11010→01101→00110→10011→11001→11100….
8.26 将Q接T输入(教材T触发器)(或接入时钟端,教学ppt图)
8.35Using a 74×163 4-bit binary counter,design a modulo-11counter circuit with the counting sequence4,5,……13,14,4,5,6……
8.38 Design a modulo-129 counter using only two 74×163s and no additional gates.
8.57 2-bit升序计数器