在酸存在下,非α-生育酚与甲醛或多聚甲醛反应生成 非α-生育酚的羟甲基化物(8-7),然后催化氢化转化 成RRR-α-生育酚(8-1)。
表8-1 美国FCC天然生育酚规格
RRR-α-生 育 酚 浓缩物
RRR-混 合 生 育 酚 浓 缩 物
总生育酚含量 ≥40.0%
RRR-α-生育酚占 ≥95.0% 总生育酚比例
非RRR-α-生育酚 / 占总生育酚比例
RRR-α-生育酚(8-1)为淡黄色粘稠状液体,无 臭无味。熔点2.5~3.5 ℃,13.3 Pa下的沸点为 200~220 ℃,相对密度 0.950。比旋光度 +31.5 ( 辛烷)。最大吸收波长为292 nm。不溶于水,易 溶于乙醇,溶于丙酮、氯仿、乙醚和植物油中 。对热稳定,很容易被氧化,露置空气中被缓 慢氧化,有铁盐、银盐存在时氧化加快,遇光 则逐渐变深色。其它几种生育酚的物理性质与 α-生育酚相近。
第七章(教材第八章) RRR-α-生育酚的生产工艺原理
第一节 概述 第二节 混合生育酚的提取工艺 第三节 非α-生育酚的转型反应工艺原理及其过程 第四节 精制工艺 第五节 副产物的综合利用与溶剂的回收
3. 旋转因子
复数 ejy = cos y + jsin பைடு நூலகம் = 1∠y
A逆时针旋转一个角度y ,模不变
e2 cosjsinj
ej( 2)c 2 o 2 s) 2 (js i 2 n) (j
j I
Im A (t)[ ] 2Isiw n t (y)
wy i2 I sit n) ( A ( t)2 I e jw t ( y )
A(t) 2Iejyejwt 2 I ejwt
I Iy
为正弦量 i(t) 对应的相量。
i(t)2Isiw n t (y) II y
三. 相量图
ωy y i(t)2 I sitn i() I I i
wy y u (t)2 U sitn u ( ) U U u
yu yi
四. 相量运算
(1) 同频率正弦量相加减
u1(t) 2U1s iw nt (y1)Im2(U 1ejwt)
(2) 角频率(angular frequency) w
(3) 初相位(initial phase angle) y
i i(t)=Imsin(w t+y)
000 0 0
yy y =0y =/2 y =-/2
一般 |y |
二、同频率正弦量的相位差 (phase difference)。
美国algebra2Chapter08 教材
Solution a. Make a table of values for f(x) 5 2x, plot the points, and
draw the curve.
y f(x) ϭ 2x
1 22
1 4
1 2
1 2
fϪ1(x) ϭ log2x
᭤ x 5 by can be written as y 5 logb x.
For example, let b 5 2. Write pairs of values for x 5 2y and y 5 log2 x.
Inverse of an Exponential Function 321
x 5 2y
320 Logarithmic Functions
In Chapter 7, we showed that any positive real number can be the exponent of a power by drawing the graph of the exponential function y 5 bx for 0 , b , 1 or b . 1. Since y 5 bx is a one-to-one function, its reflection in the line y 5 x is also a function. The function x 5 by is the inverse function of y 5 bx.
图 8.4 模糊 C-均值聚类
(3) 均值飘移聚类(Mean-Shift)。
均值飘移聚类是基于密度的聚类算法,它没有假定聚类中心,均值漂移过 程不需要预先给出类别数目,而是根据点集自身的密度分布探测获得类簇,发 现任意形状的簇,在聚类过程中自动确定类别数。 对于一个欧式空间内的点集,无参密度估计方法根据一个点周围一个小区 域内点的分布情况来估计点集中该点位置的密度;类似的,均值飘移聚类对空 间中某一位置密度梯度的估计采用统计该位置周围小区域内的点的分布状况。 空间中任意位置梯度的方向即是密度增加最快的方向。均值飘移聚类根据梯度 将空间中的点沿梯度方向不断移动,直到梯度为零。最终散布在整个空间的点 移动到模式点的地方。每个这样的点是所有移动到它的点所覆盖的区域内密度 最大的点,该处的梯度为零。 Mean-shift 的 定 义 为 : 给 定 的 d 维 欧 式 空 间 R d , 对 于 点 数 据 集 = S {xi,,,, = i 1 2 … n} ,带有核函数 K ( x ) 和核窗口范围 h 的多元核密度估计函 数为: f (x ) = 1 nh d
i =1
m ij
(式 8-3)
u ij =
∑( x
p k =1
xi − c k
2 m −1
(式 8-4)
一般地,模糊聚类的算法可表述为: 1) 确定划分的类数 C ,设置迭代阈值 ε ; 2) 初始化模糊划分矩阵 µ ij ;
(t )
3) 根据模糊划分矩阵计算各类的类中心 c j ; 4) 根 据 目 标 函 数 J 的 约 束 , 更 新 模 糊 划 分 矩 阵 µ ij
Chapter 08 电源与机箱
本课件的文字及图片版权 均为南京凤凰康轩所有
8-1 电源
8-2 机箱
8-3 机箱与电源常见故障
8-1 电源
计算机所有零部件都需要充足的电力 才可以正常运作,因此拥有一个稳定、电 压足、耐用的电源,是计算机最基本的要 求。电源是千万不要省钱的一部分,否则 就可能出现计算机死机等故障、甚至发生 烧毁零部件的后果。
8-2 机箱
机箱背板可以看到四个部 分:电源插座、I/O背板、适 配卡挡板和风扇孔位。值得注 意的是,I/O背板是一块给主 板上外露端口提供遮挡的金属 板。除了清楚标示各连接端口 类型,还具有美观和防尘等功 用。机箱本身会提供一片通用 的I/O背板,可是现在主板样 式很多,常常会遇到不合用的 情形,因此主板包装都会提供 一片I/O背板供更换。
8-1 电源
用来设定电源输入的交流电压,有110V(或115V)和220V (或240V)两种设定,中国是220V,所以应设定为220V;若设 定错误,可能会造成电源烧毁或无法开机的情形。
8-1 电源
电源在给计算机供电时,内 部会产生热能,需要散热风扇来 帮助散热,否则可能会烧毁零部 件;另一方面也可以排出机箱内 的热气,有助于整台计算机的散 热。较高级的电源还提供自动温 控功能,会监视温度变化来控制 风扇的开关和转速,达到静音的 功能。
8-1 电源
标签上标明了电源的品牌、型号、输出功率W(供电量)、 交直流电压、安规认证等信息,购买时最需要注意的是“输 出功率”,以W为单位,数值越大,越能满足更多的零部件电 力需求,一般最低需要350W以上。其他如品牌、型号和安规 认证也是需要注意的。
Chapter 08 Wind Turbine Gearbox Technologies
1. Introduction
The reliability issues associated with transmission or gearbox-equipped wind turbines and the existing solutions of using direct-drive (gearless) and torque splitting transmissions in wind turbines designs, are discussed. Accordingly, a range of applicability of the different design gearbox design options as a function of the rated power of a wind turbine is identified. As the rated power increases, it appears that the torque splitting and gearless design options become the favored options, compared with the conventional, Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT), and Magnetic Bearing transmissions which would continue being as viable options for the lower power rated wind turbines range. The history of gearbox problems and their relevant statistics are reviewed, as well as the equations relating the gearing ratios, the number of generator poles, and the high speed and low speed shafts rotational speeds. Aside from direct-drive systems, the topics of torque splitting, magnetic bearings and their gas and wind turbine applications, and Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVTs), are discussed. Operational experience reveals that the gearboxes of modern electrical utility wind turbines at the MegaWatt (MW) level of rated power are their weakest-link-in-the-chain component. Small wind turbines at the kW level of rated power do not need the use of gearboxes since their rotors rotate at a speed that is significantly larger than the utility level turbines and can be directly coupled to their electrical generators. Wind gusts and turbulence lead to misalignment of the drive train and a gradual failure of the gear components. This failure interval creates a significant increase in the capital and operating costs and downtime of a turbine, while greatly reducing its profitability and reliability. Existing gearboxes are a spinoff from marine technology used in shipbuilding and locomotive technology. The gearboxes are massive components as shown in Fig. 1. The typical design lifetime of a utility wind turbine is 20 years, but the gearboxes, which convert the rotor blades rotational speed of between 5 and 22 revolutions per minute (rpm) to the generator-required rotational speed of around 1,000 to 1,600 rpm, are observed to commonly fail within an operational period of 5 years, and require replacement. That 20 year lifetime goal is itself a reduction from the earlier 30 year lifetime design goal (Ragheb & Ragheb, 2010).
混合策略同时博弈II:非零和博弈 和III:一般性讨论 Simultaneous-Move Games with Mixed Strategies II: Non-Zero-Sum Games and III: General Discussion 第8章 Chapter 08混合策略同时博弈:非零和博弈 Simultaneous-Move Games with Mixed Strategies: Non-Zero-Sum Games 在非零和博弈中,参与者之间没有明显的利益 冲突,也就没有普遍的理由来对对手隐藏其利 益所在。
In non-zero-sum games, player do not have clearly conflicting interests and have no general reason to want to conceal their interests from others. 因此,迷惑对手就不一定有道理。
As a result, there is no general argument for keeping the other player guessing.Slide 2由于不确定的信念导致的混合策略 Mixing Sustained by Uncertain Beliefs不过,由于是同时博弈,参与者可能不得不持 有对对手行动的某种不确定性的信念,因而也 就不能确定地给出自己的最优行动。
However, Simultaneous play can still lead players to have uncertain beliefs about the actions of a rival player and therefore to be uncertain about their own best actions.Slide 3哈里和萨莉能否会面? Will Harry Meet Sally?SALLY Starbucks Starbucks HARRY Local Latte 0, 0 2, 2 1, 1 Local Latte 0, 0Slide 4哈里和萨莉能否会面? Will Harry Meet Sally?Sally’s Payoffs2Local LatteSally’s best-response1Starbucks0 2/3Harry’s p-mix1Slide 5哈里和萨莉能否会面? Will Harry Meet Sally?Sally’s 1 q-mix2/33 Nash EquilibriaHarry’s best response02/3Harry’s p-mixSlide 61Sally’s best response哈里和萨莉能否会面? Will Harry Meet Sally?混合策略均衡下每个人的期望收益为2/3,小于任何 一个纯策略均衡(2或1)。
(3)信托法上严格禁止受托人的利益冲突交 易,而现代公司法已经明确放松,并不是采用 一概禁止而是采用披露+无利害关系人或股东 批准的方式来解决; (4)公司具有公共性,当公司的公共性增强 的时候,董事和高管人员的义务有公共化、社 会化的倾向,对相关利益者负有一定的注意义 务。
8.1 诚信义务的框架和理论问题
8.1 诚信义务的框架和理论问题
n n
8.1 诚信义务的框架和理论问题
公司中的诚信义务和信托中的诚信义务是有区别的: (1)公司具有社团性,独立人格的属性,因此存在 着对独立人格利益的维护,比如公司机会等义务,可 以由股东提起派生诉讼的方式来完成。公司和董事的 机会利益是明确区分的,而信托中则很难有这样的制 度; (2)公司具有社团性,股东拥有共益权,重大决策 掌握在股东手中,而不是完全委托给董事和高管人 员,因此公司是一个“合同连接体”,也是一个权力分 配的科层组织,不能简单地视为财产所有权的转移。 而在信托下,由于财产的名义所有权转给了受托人, 信托人只能要求财产上的权利,而不能要求管理上的 权利;
8.1 诚信义务的框架和理论问题
诚信义务是广泛存在的一种义务。最早的来源 是委托代理关系。 大陆法的委托代理关系中,很少看到有实体性 的要求,而是将其按照特性不同,区分成各种 各样不同的商事行为,例如行纪、代理、托管、 保管、代表等等;而英美法中的委托代理关 系,则强调权威的分配(authority)、受托 人向委托人的诚信义务。
Fiduciary Duty
Moral Agent
Financial Obligation
第08章 历史模拟法、情景分析和压力测试
这里的样本区间长度、展望期和置信度是 市场风险管理中的一种“典型”选择。
8.1 方法论
具体步骤: 第1步:选定影响资产组合的风险源,如汇率、
股价、利率等,并收集这些市场变量最近501天 的数据;
第2步:将数据开始的第1天记为day0,数据开始 的第2天记为day1,以此类推;
8.4 产生分析情景
但在实际中,每10年发生一两次5个标准差的 市场变动并非罕见。
这一事实说明在风险管理过程中,假定市场变 化服从正态分布并不理想。
压力测试的关键是如何选择情景,我们接下来 考虑不同的选择方法。
8.4 产生分析情景
采用假定某一变量有很大变化而其他变量保持不 变的情景
8.4 产生分析情景
管理人员要确认是否所有的不利情景都已在考 虑范围之内
这些情景不仅包括市场变量变化对金融机构自 身产品组合的即时效应,还要考虑市场变量的 变化对其它众多金融机构的冲击。
8.4 产生分析情景
许多人声称,他们预见到美国房地产市场的泡沫会在2007年破灭,但 没有想到泡沫破裂的后果如此严重。
原因就在于:没有充分认识到许多金融机构会由此同时蒙受损失,从 而导致严重的信用风险和流动性风险。
8.4 产生分析情景
俄罗斯对自身债务违约导致投资人一窝蜂涌向流动性好的债券:择优 而栖。
LTCM曾进行压力测试,但所考虑的只是对自身的冲击,未考虑其它对 冲基金在这一情形下的行为。
8.4 产生分析情景
Chapter 08 phonetics Chinese phoneme
[t5151m35m] [t5151m35m]
// : //
[aiæm goui tu ma:k‘it tudei] [aiæm goui tu ma:kit tudei] /k‘/ : /k/
三 普通话的音位系统
• 元音音位 6 个 • 辅音音位 22 个 • 声调音位 4 个 • 轻声音位 1 个 (不需任何符号标识)
bu (步) – tu (兔) [p] 跟 [t‘] 构成最小对立体。 凡是能作为最小独立体跟其他音素构 成对立的音素就成为一个独立的音位。
[kan51] 干 —— [ k‘an51] 看 [ti214] 挤 —— [ ty214] 举 [t‘an35] 坛 —— [ t‘a35] 堂
“去” [t‘y] “君”[tyn]
用 __ u 这个环境作为替换环境,可 以得到18个辅音音位: /p/ /t/ /t/ /ts/ // /m/ /p‘/ /t‘/ /t‘/ /ts‘/ /r/ /n/ /k/ /k/ /x/ /s/ /f/ /l/
[t] [t‘] [] [] 不能出现在 __ u 环境中
国语罗马字 威妥玛拼音
交敲消 招抄烧 jiau chiau shiau jau chau shau chiao ch'iao hsiao chao ch'ao shao
“互补关系”用来归纳相同的音位,满足“互补关系” 的音素可以归纳为一个音位。但还要根据“相似 原则”来决定是否要归入一个音位。“互补”是分 布标准,“相似”是同一性标准。强调前者,音 位的总数就少;强调后者,音位的总数就多。 音位的最终分析结果要以系统性来整体权衡。
Project X Benefit $1,000 0 Y $2,000 Probability 1.00 0.50 0.50 $1,000 EV $1,000
Certainty Equivalent
Are Reductions in Class Size Worth It?
Private Sector Project Evaluation
B2 C2 B3 + C3 BT CT + + ... + PV = B1 C1 + 2 T 1+ r (1 + r ) (1 + r )
Annual Net Return Year 0 1 2 3 R&D $1,000 600 0 550 Advertising -$1,000 0 0 1,200 R= 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 PV R&D $150 128 86 46 10 Advertising $200 165 98 37 -21
Government Discounting in Practice
Valuing Public Benefits and Costs
Market Prices Adjusted Market Prices shadow price Monopoly Taxes Unemployment Consumer Surplus
Da A0 A1 Pounds of avocados per year 8-11 Price per pound of avocados e
Returns standard string from universal string
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' Fig. 8.1: CTime.vb ' Represents time in 24-hour format. Class CTime Inherits Object
Chapter 8 – Object-Based Programming
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Classes 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 Introduction Implementing a Time Abstract Data Type with a Class Class Scope Controlling Access to Members Initializing Class Objects: Constructors Using Overloaded Constructors Properties Composition: Objects as Instance Variables of Other
商业银行管理 ROSE 7e 课后答案chapter_08
CHAPTER 8USING FINANCIAL FUTURES, OPTIONS, SWAPS, AND OTHER HEDGING TOOLSIN ASSET-LIABILITY MANAGEMENTGoal of This Chapter: The purpose of this chapter is to examine how financial futures, option, and swap contracts, as well as selected other asset-liability management techniques can be employed to help reduce a bank’s potential exposure to loss as market conditions change. We will also discover how swap contracts and other hedging tools can generate additional revenues for banks by providing risk-hedging services to their customers.Key Topics in this Chapter•The Use of Derivatives•Financial Futures Contracts: Purpose and Mechanics•Short and Long Hedges•Interest-Rate Options:Types of Contracts and Mechanics•Interest-Rate Swaps•Regulations and Accounting Rules•Caps, Floor, and CollarsChapter OutlineI. Introduction: Several of the Most Widely Used Tools to Manage Risk ExposureII. Use of Derivative ContractsIII. Financial Futures Contracts: Promises of Future Security Trades at a Set PriceA. Background on FuturesB. Purposes of Financial Futures TradingC. Most Popular Types of Futures ContractsD. The Short Hedge in FuturesE. The Long Hedge in Futures1. Using Long and Short Hedges to Protect Income and Value2. Basis Risk3. Basis Risk with a Short Hedge4 Basis Risk with a Long Hedge5. Number of Futures Contracts NeededIV. Interest Rate OptionsA. Nature of Interest-Rate OptionsB. How They Differ from Futures ContractsC. Most Popular Types of OptionsD. Purpose of Interest-Rate OptionsV. Regulations and Accounting Rules for Bank Futures and Options Trading105VI. Interest Rate SwapsA. Nature of swapsB. Quality swapsC. Advantages of Swaps Over Other Hedging MethodsD. Reverse swapsE. Potential Disadvantages of SwapsVII. Caps, Floors, and CollarsA. Interest Rate CapsB. Interest Rate FloorsC. Interest Rate CollarsVIII. Summary of the ChapterConcept Checks8-1. What are financial futures contracts? Which financial institutions use futures and other derivatives for risk management?Financial futures contacts are contracts calling for the delivery of specific types of securities at a set price on a specific future date. Financial futures contract help to hedge interest rate risk and are thus, used by any bank or financial institution that is subject to interest rate risk.8-2. How can financial futures help financial service firms deal with interest-rate risk?Financial futures allow banks and other financial institutions to deal with interest-rate risk by reducing risk exposure from unexpected price changes. The financial futures markets are designed to shift the risk of interest rate fluctuations from risk-averse investors to speculators willing to accept and possibly profit from such risks.8-3. What is a long hedge in financial futures? A short hedge?A long hedger offsets risk by buying financial futures contracts around the time new deposits are expected, when a loan is to be made, or when securities are added to the bank's portfolio. Later, as deposits and loans approach maturity or securities are sold, a like amount of futures contracts is sold. A short hedger offsets risk by selling futures contracts when the bank is expecting a large cash inflow in the near future. Later, as deposits come flowing in, a like amount of futures contracts is purchased.8-4. What futures transactions would most likely be used in a period of rising interest rates? Falling interest rates?Rising interest rates generally call for a short hedge, while falling interest rates usually call for some form of long hedge.8-5. How do you interpret the quotes for financial futures in The Wall Street Journal?106The first column gives you the opening price, the second and third the daily high and low price, respectively. The fourth column shows the settlement price followed by the change in the settlement price from the previous day. The next two columns show the historic high and low price and the last column points out the open interest in the contract.8-6. A futures is currently selling at an interest yield of 4 percent, while yields currently stand at 4.60 percent. What is the basis for these contracts?The basis for these contracts is currently 4.60% – 4% or 60 basis points.8-7. Suppose a bank wishes to sell $150 million in new deposits next month. Interest rates today on comparable deposits stand at 8 percent, but are expected to rise to 8.25 percent next month. Concerned about the possible rise in borrowing costs, management wishes to use a futures contract. What type of contract would you recommend? If the bank does not cover the interest rate risk involved, how much in lost potential profits could the bank experience?At an interest rate of 8 percent:= $1 million$150 million x 0.08 x 30360At an interest rate of 8.25 percent:$150 million x 0.0825 x 30= $1.031 million360The potential loss in profit without using futures is $0.0313 million or $31.3 thousand. In this case the bank should use a short hedge.8-8. What kind of futures hedge would be appropriate in each of the following situations?a. A financial firm fears that rising deposit interest rates will result in losses on fixed-rateloans?b. A financial firm holds a large block of floating-rate loans and market interest rates arefalling?c. A projected rise in market rates of interest threatens the value of the financial firm’sbond portfolio?a. The rising deposit interest rates could be offset with a short hedge in futures contracts (for example, using Eurodollar deposit futures).b. Falling interest yields on floating-rate loans could be at least partially offset by a long hedge in Treasury bonds.107c. The bank's bond portfolio could be protected through appropriate short hedges using Treasury bond and note futures contracts.8-9. Explain what is involved in a put option?A put option allows its holder to sell securities to the option writer at a specified price. The buyer of a put option expects market prices to decline in the future or market interest rates to increase. The writer of the contract expects market prices to stay the same or rise in the future.8-10. What is a call option?A call option permits the option holder to purchase specific securities at a guaranteed price from the writer of the option contract. The buyer of the call option expects market prices to rise in the future or expects interest rates to fall in the future. The writer of the contract expects market prices to stay the same or fall in the future.8-11. What is an option on a futures contract?An option on a futures contract does not differ from any other kind of option except that the underlying asset is not a security, but a futures contract.8-12. What information do T-bond and Eurodollar futures option quotes contain?The quotes contain information about the strike prices and the call and put prices at each different strike price for given months.8-13. Suppose market interest rates were expected to rise? What type of option would normally be used?If interest rates were expected to rise, a put option would normally be used. A put option allows the option holder to deliver securities to the option writer at a price which is now above market and make a profit.8-14. If market interest rates were expected to fall, what type of option would a financial institution’s manager be likely to employ?If interest rates were expected to fall, a call option would likely be employed. When interest rates fall, the market value of a security increases. The security can then be purchased at the option price and sold at a profit at the higher market price.8-15. What rules and regulations have recently been imposed on the use of futures, options, and other derivatives? What does the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) require publicly traded firms to do in accounting for derivative transactions?108Each bank has to implement a proper risk management system comprised of (1) policies and procedures to control financial risk taking, (2) risk measurement and reporting systems and (3) independent oversight and control processes. In addition, FASB introduced statement 133 which requires that all derivatives are recorded on the balance sheet as assets or liabilities at their fair value. Furthermore, the change in the fair value of a derivative and a fair value hedge must be reflected on the income statement.8-16. What is the purpose of an interest rate swap?The purpose of an interest rate swap is to change an institution's exposure to interest rate fluctuations and achieve lower borrowing costs.8-17. What are the principal advantages and disadvantages of rate swaps?The principal advantage of an interest-rate swap is the reduction of interest-rate risk of both parties to the swap by allowing each party to better balance asset and liability maturities and cash-flow patterns. Another advantage of swaps is that they usually reduce interest costs for one or both parties to the swap. The principal disadvantage of swaps is they may carry substantial brokerage fees, credit risk and some basis risk.8-18. How can a financial institution get itself out of a swap agreement?The usual way to offset an existing swap is to undertake another swap agreement with opposite characteristics.8-19. How can financial-service providers make use of interest rate caps, floors, and collars to generate revenue and help manage interest rate risk?Banks and other financial institutions can generate revenue by charging up-front fees for interest rate caps on loans and interest rate floors on securities. In addition, a positive net premium on interest rate collars will add to a bank's fee income. Caps, floors, and collars help manage interest rate risk by setting maximum and minimum interest rates on loans and securities. They allow the lender and borrower to share interest rate risk.8-20. Suppose a bank enters into an agreement to make a $10 million, three-year floating-rate loan to one of its corporate customers at an initial rate of 8 percent. The bank and the customer agree to a cap and a floor arrangement in which the customer reimburses the bank if the floating loan rate drops below 6 percent and the bank reimburses the customers if the loan rate rises above 10 percent. Suppose that, at the beginning of the loan's second year, the floating loan rate drops to 4 percent for a year and then, at the beginning of the third year, the loan rate increases to 11 percent for the year. What rebates must be paid by each party to the agreement?The rebate owed by the bank for the third year must be:(11%-10%) x $10 million = $100,000.109The rebate that must be forwarded to the bank for the second year must be:(6%-4%) x $10 million = $200,000.Problems8-1. You hedged your bank’s exposure to declining interest rates by buying one March Treasury bond futures contract at the opening price on November 21, 2005(see exhibit 8-2). It is now January 9, and you discover that on Friday, January 6 March T-bond futures opened at 113-17 and settled at 113-16.a. What are the profits/losses on your long position as of settlement on January 6?Buy at 112-06 or 112 6/32 per contract = 112,187.50Value at settlement on January 6, 113-16 or 113 16/32 = 113,500.Gain = 113,500 – 112,187.50 = $1312.50b. If you deposited the required initial margin on 11/21 and have not touched theequity account since making that cash deposit, what is your equity accountbalance?The equity account balance will increase by the gain in the position,thus $1,150 + $1312.50 = $2,462.508-2 Use the quotes of Eurodollar futures contracts traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on December 20, 2005 to answer the following questions:a. What is the annualized discount yield based on the low IMM index for the nearestJune contract?The annualized discount yield is 100 – 95.13 = 4.87 percentb. If your bank took a short position at the high price for the day for 15 contracts, whatwould be the dollar gain or loss at settlement on December 20, 2005?Sell at high price: (1,000,000x[1-((4.87/100)x90/360)]x15 = 14,817,375Value at settlement: (1,000,000x[1-((4.86/100)x90/360)]x15 = 14,817,750Loss: 14,817,375 – 14,817,750 = -$375c. If you deposited the initial required hedging margin in your equity account upontaking the position described in b, what would be the marked to market value ofyour equity account at settlement?Initial margin = $700x15 = $10,500110You realize a $375 loss for this transaction.Thus your equity position is: $10,500 - $375 = $10,1258-3. What kind of futures or options hedges would be called for in the following situations?a. Market interest rates are expected to increase and First National Bank’s asset andliability managers expect to liquidate a portion of their bond portfolio to meetdepositor’s demands for funds in the upcoming quarter.First National can expect a lower price when they sell their bond portfolio unless it uses short futures hedges in which contracts for government securities are first sold and then purchased at a profit as security prices fall provided interest rate really do rise as expected. A similar gain could be made using put options on government securities or on financial futures contracts.b. Silsbee Savings Bank has interest-sensitive assets of $79 million and interest-sensitive liabilities of $88 million over the next 30 days and market interest rates are expected to rise. Silsbee Savings Bank’s interest-sensitive liabilities exceed its interest-sensitive assets by $11 million which means the bank will be open to losses if interest rates rise. The bank could sell financial futures contracts or use a put option on government securities or financial futures contracts approximately equal in dollar volume to the $11 million interest-sensitive gap to hedge their risk.c. A survey of Tuskee Bank’s corporate loan customers this month (January) indicates that, on balance, this group of firms will need to draw $165 million from their credit lines in February and March, which is $65 million more than the bank’s management has forecasted and prepared for. The bank’s economist has predicted a significant increase in money market interest rates over the next 60 days.The forecast of higher interest rates means the bank must borrow at a higher interest cost which, other things held equal, will lower its net interest margin. To offset the expected higher borrowing costs the bank's management should consider a short sale of financial futures contracts or a put option approximately equal in volume to the additional loan demand. Either government securities or EuroCDs would be good instruments to consider using in the futures market or in the option market.d. Monarch National Bank has interest-sensitive assets greater than interest sensitive liabilities by $24 million. If interest rates fall (as suggested by data from the Federal Reserve Board) the bank’s net interest margin may be squeezed due to the decrease in loan and security revenue.Monarch National Bank has interest-sensitive assets greater than interest-sensitive liabilities by $24 million. If interest rates fall, the bank's net interest margin will likely be squeezed due to the faster fall in interest income. Purchases of financial futures contracts followed by a subsequent sale or call options would probably help here.111e. Caufield Thrift Association finds that its assets have an average duration of 1.5 years and its liabilities have an average duration of 1.1 years. The ratio of liabilities to assets is .90. Interest rates are expected to increase by 50 basis points during the next six months.Caufield Bank and Trust Company has asset duration of 1.5 years and a liabilities duration of 1.1.A 50-basis point rise in money-market rates would reduce asset values relative to liabilities which mean its net worth would decline. The bank should consider short sales of government futures contracts or put options on these securities or on their related futures contracts.8-4. Your bank needs to borrow $300 million by selling time deposits with 180-day maturities. If interest rates on comparable deposits are currently at 4 percent, what is the cost of issuing these deposits? Suppose deposit interest rates rise to 5 percent. What then will be the marginal cost of these deposits? What position and types of futures contract could be used to deal with this cost increase?At a rate of 4 percent the interest cost is:$300 million x 0.04 x 180= $6,000,000360At a rate of 5 percent the interest cost would be:= $7,500,000$300 million x 0.05 x 180360A short hedge could be used based upon Eurodollar time deposits.8-5. In response to the above scenario, management sells 300, 90-day Eurodollar time deposits futures contracts trading at an IMM Index of 98. Interest rates rise as anticipated and your bank offsets its position by buying 300 contracts at an IMM index of 96.98. What type of hedge is this? What before-tax profit or loss is realized from the futures position?Bank sells Eurodollar futures at (1,000,000*[1-((2/100)*90/360)] $995,000 (per contract)Bank buys Eurodollar futures at (1,000,000*[(1-(3.02/100)*90/360]$992,450 (per contract) Expected Before-tax Profit $ 2,550 (per contract)And Total Profit would be 300*$2550 = $765,000In this case the bank has employed a short hedge which partially offsets the higherborrowing costs outlined above.8-6. It is March and Cavalier Financial Services Corporation is concerned about what an increase in interest rates will do to the value of its bond portfolio. The portfolio currently has a market value of $101.1 million and Cavalier’s management intends to liquidate $1.1 million in bonds in June to fund additional corporate loans. If interest rates increase to 6 percent, the bond will sell for $1 million with a loss of $100,000. Cavalier’s management sells 10 June Treasury bond contracts at 109-05 in March. Interest rates do increase, and in June Cavalier’s ma nagement offsets its position by buying 10 June Treasury bond contracts at 100-03.112113a.What is the dollar gain/loss to Cavalier from the combined cash and futures market operations described above?Loss on cash transaction: $100,000Gain on futures transaction: 109,156.25 – 100,093.75 = 9062.5 (per contract)Loss: 9062.50(10) – 100,000 = -$9,375b. What is the basis at the initiation of the hedge?110,000 – 109,156.25 = 843.75c. What is the basis at the termination of the hedge?100,000 – 100,093.75 = -93.75d. Illustrate how the dollar return is related to the change in the basis from initiationfrom termination?Dollar return = -93.75 – 843.75 = -937.50 per contract or –937.50(10) = -$93758-7. By what amount will the market value of a Treasury bond futures contract change ifinterest rates rise from 5 to 6 percent? The underlying Treasury bond has a duration of 10.48 years and the Treasury bond futures contract is currently quoted at 113-06 (Remember that Treasury bonds are quoted in 32nds)Change in value = -10.48 x $113,187.50 x .01/(1+.05) = -$11,297.198-8. Trojan National Bank reports that its assets have a duration of 8 years and its liabilities average 3 years in duration. To hedge this duration gap, management plans to employ Treasury bond futures, which are currently quoted at 112-17 and have a duration of 10.36 years. Trojan ’s latest financial report shows total assets of $120 million and liabilities of $97 million.Approximately how many futures contracts will the bank need to cover its overall exposure?Number of Futures Contracts Needed = 25.531,112*36.10000,000,120*]3*120978[ = 5748-9 You hedged your bank’s exposure to declining interest rates by buying one March call on Treasury bond futures at the premium quoted on December 13th , 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the call in dollars if you chose the strike price of 110?(Remember that option premiums are quoted in 64ths.)Price per call = 2.625 x 100,000 = $262,500b. Using the following information for trades on December 21, 2005, if you sold thecall on 12/21/05 due to a change in circumstances would you have reaped a profitor loss? Determine the amount of the profit/loss.Sell call at: 3.125 x 100,000 = 312,500Gain = 312,500 – 262,500 = $50008-10 Refer to the information given for problem 9. You hedged your bank’s exposure to increasing interest rates by buying one March put on Treasury bond futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the put in dollars if you chose the strike price of 110?(Remember that premiums are quoted in 64ths.)Price per put = .765625 x 100,000 = $76,562.25b. Using the above information for trades on December 21, 2005, if you sold the puton 12/21/05 due to a change in circumstances would you have reaped a profit orloss? Determine the amount of the profit/loss.Sell put at: .421875 x 100,000 = $42,187.50Loss = $42,187.50 – 76,562.25 = -$34,374.758-11. You hedged your thrift institution’s exposure to dec lining interest rates by buying one March call on Eurodollar deposits futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the call in dollars if you chose the strike price of 9525?(remember that premiums are quoted in IMM index terms)Value of the call: 6.25 x $25 = $156.25b. If March arrives and Eurodollar Deposit Futures have a settlement index atexpiration of 96.00, what is your profit or loss? (Remember to include the premiumpaid for the call option).Payout from settlement: (9600-9525) 75 basis points x $25 = $1,875Net gain: $1,875 –$156.25 = $1,718.758-12. You hedged your bank’s exposure to increasing interest rates by buying one March put on Eurodollar deposit futures at the premium quoted on December 13th, 2005 (see exhibit 8-4).a. How much did you pay for the put in dollars if you chose the strike price of 9,550?(remember that premiums are quoted in IMM index terms)114Value of the put: 29.25 x $25 = $731.25b. If March arrives and Eurodollar Deposit Futures have a settlement index atexpiration of 96.00, what is your profit or loss? (Remember to include the premiumpaid for the put option).Payout from settlement: $0 (option is out of the money)Net loss: $0 - $731.25 = -$731.258-13. A bank is considering the use of options to deal with a serious funding cost problem. Deposit interest rates have been rising for six months, currently averaging 5 percent, and are expected to climb as high as 6.75% over the next 90 days. The bank plans to issue $60 million in new money market deposits in about 90 days. It can buy put or call options on 90 day Eurodollar time deposit futures contracts for a quoted premium of .31 or $775 for each million-dollar contract. The strike price is quoted as 9,500. We expect the futures to trade at an index of 93.50 within 90 days. What kind of option should the bank buy? What before tax profit could the bank earn for each option under the terms described?You are trying to protect the bank against rising interest rates, thus you want to buy a put option. Profit on put: payout from settlement = (9500-9350) 150 basis points x $25 = $3,750Net profit: $3,750 - $775 = $2,975If the bank bought the call option, the value at settlement would be $0 and the bank would loose the call premium of $775.8-14. Hokie Savings Bank wants to purchase a portfolio of home mortgage loans with an expected average return of 8.5 percent. The bank’s management is concerned that interest rates will drop and the cost of the portfolio will increase from the current price of $50 million. In six months when the funds become available to purchase the loan portfolio, market interest rates are expected to be in the 7.5 percent range. Treasury bond options are available today at a quoted price of $79,000 (per $100,000 contract), upon payment of a $700 premium, and are forecast to rise to a market value of $87,000 per contract. What before-tax profits could the bank earn per contract on this transaction? How many options should Hokie buy?Profit per contract: $87,000 - $79,000 -$700 = $7,300Hokie should buy enough options to offset the increase in the price of the loan portfolio. Thus, figure out the price increase and divide that number by 7,300 to get the number of options needed. 8-15. A savings and loan’s credit rating has just slipped, and half of its assets are long term mortgages. It offers to swap interest payments with a money-center bank in a $100 million deal. The bank can borrow short term at LIBOR (8.05 percent) and long term at 8.95 percent. The S&L must pay LIBOR plus 1.5 percent on short term debt and 10.75 percent on long term debt. Show how these parties could put together a swap deal that benefits both of them about equally.115This SWAP agreement would have the form:Fixed Rate the Floating Rate PotentialBorrower Pays the Borrower Interest-Rateif They Issue Pays on Short- SavingsLong-Term Bonds Term Loans of Each BorrowerS&L 10.75% LIBOR + 1.50% 1.20%Money- 8.95% LIBOR (8.05%) 0.90%Center BankDifference 1.80% 1.50% 0.30%in Rates Due toDifferences inCredit RatingsIf the money-center bank borrows long-term at 8.95 percent and the S&L at LIBOR + 1.50 percent (which is currently 8.05 + 1.50 or 9.55 percent) and they exchange interest payments, both would save if the S&L agreed to pay a portion of the bank’s basic borrowing rate. For example, the S&L could pay 160 basis points to the bank which would more than cover the difference. After the exchange in payments and basis points the S&L would pay 8.95% +1.6% or 10.55% which is lower than the S&L’s long term rate and the bank would pay 9.55%-1.6% or 7.95% which is less than the bank’s short term rate and each party would get the type of payment they want.8-16. A bank plans to borrow $55 million in the money market at a current interest rate of 4.5 percent. However, the borrowing rate will float with market conditions. To protect itself the bank has purchased an interest-rate cap of 5 percent to cover this borrowing. If money market interest rates on these funds suddenly climb to 5.5 percent as the borrowing begins, how much in total interest will the bank owe and how much of an interest rebate will it receive assuming the borrowing is only for one month?Total Amount Interest Number of Months Interest Owed = Borrowed * Rate Charged * 12= $55 million x 0..055 x 112= $0.527 million or $252,083.33.How much of an interest rebate will the bank receive for its one-month borrowing?116[]12MonthsofNumberxBorrowedAmt.xRateCap-RateInterestMarketRebateInterest == (.055 - .05) x $55 million x 112= $22,916.67.8-17. Suppose that Jasper Savings Association has recently granted a loan of $2.4 million to Fairhills Farms at prime plus .5 percent for six months. In return for granting Fairhills an interest cap of 8% on its loan, this thrift has received from this customer a floor rate on the loan of 6 percent. Suppose that, as the loan is about to start the prime rate declines to 5.25 percent and remains there for the duration of the loan. How much (in dollars) will Fairhill Farms have to pay in total interest on this six month loan? How much in interest rebates will Fairhills have to pay due to the fall in the prime rate?Total = Amount * Interest * Number of Months Interest Owed Borrowed Rate Charged 12= $2.4 million x (.0525 + .0050) x 612= $0.069 million or $69,000.Fairhills will have to pay an interest rebate to Exeter National Bank of:[]12MonthsofNumberxBorrowedAmt.xRateInterestCurrent-RebateFloorRebateInterest == (.060 - .0575) x $2.4 million x 612= $0.003 million or $3,000.117。
对反应堆的运行参数进行实时监 控,确保各项参数在安全范围内
定期对反应堆及其附属设备进行检 查和维护,确保设备的正常运行和 延长使用寿命。
制定应急预案,组织应急演练,提 高应对突发事件的快速响应能力。
通过物理启动,可以验证反应堆的设 计和计算,确保反应堆在各种工况下 的安全性和稳定性。
通过物理启动,可以对反应堆的控制 系统、保护系统和辅助系统进行测试 和验证,确保它们在运行过程中能够 正常工作,并优化反应堆的性能。
在反应堆的运行寿命结束或需要停堆时,逐步降低反应堆的功率 水平。
执行停堆操作,关闭反应堆的核分裂过程,同时继续监控相关运行 参数,确保安全。
对产生的核废料进行妥善处理,同时持续监测周围环境,确保放射 性物质得到有效控制。
04 反应堆物理启动的挑战与 解决方案
核能发电是核能应用的重要领域之一,未来发展中,需要进一步推广核能发电技术,降低 核能发电成本,提高核能发电的竞争力。
核能供热是利用核能进行供暖的一种方式,具有高效、环保、安全等优点。未来发展中, 需要进一步推广核能供热技术,满足人们不断增长的供暖需求。
控制棒在启动过程中的插入深度和位置对反 应堆的启动和运行至关重要,需要精确控制 。
Problems with felicity conditions No strict procedure for promising.
I promise. I give my word for it. I bequeath my watch to my brother. (T or F?)
Minister: addressing the groom) (Groom’ (Groom’s Name), do you take (Bride’s Name) for your (Bride’ lawful wedded wife, to live together after God’s God’ ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live? XXX,你是否愿意娶xxx为妻 XXX,你是否愿意娶xxx为妻,按照圣经的教训与他 为妻, 同住,在神面前和她结为一体,爱她、安慰她、 同住,在神面前和她结为一体,爱她、安慰她、尊重 保护他,像你爱自己一样。不论她生病或是健康、 她、保护他,像你爱自己一样。不论她生病或是健康、 富有或贫穷,始终忠於她,直到离开世界? 富有或贫穷,始终忠於她,直到离开世界? Groom: I do.
Features of performatives The first person singular Speech act verbs / performative verbs: The present tense Indicative mood Active voice
3 80 0.06 0.97 冯· 诺伊曼
5 150 0.19 (+cache) 1.1 哈佛
6 260 0.5 (+cache) 1.3 哈佛
8 335 0.4 (+cache) 1.2 哈佛
8.2 ARM的结构特点与工作原理
基于ARM内核的常用微处理器简介 ARM微处理器有多种内核结构,还有多种多样的内部 功能配置组合,在设计一个系统时选择最合适的ARM芯片 非常重要。 一些主流的ARM9处理器芯片如: – – – – – 飞思卡尔:MC9328MX27… 三星:S3C2440A … Atmel公司:AT91SAM9263 … 意法半导体:STR91x … 恩智浦半导体:LPC2000 系列…
备注 不能直接切换到其它模式
运行操作系统的特权 与用户模式类似,但具有可以直 任务 接切换到其它模式等特权
支持高速数据传输及 FIQ异常响应时进入此模式 通道处理
用于通用中断处理 IRQ异常响应时进入此模式 系统复位和软件中断响应时进入 此模式
管理 (svc)
中止 (abt) 未定义 (und)
8.1 DSP的结构特点与工作原理
• 系统复位后程序指针指向0000H处, 程序从该处开始执行,一般要在该处加一 条跳转指令使CPU自动转入用户程序的入 口。 • 0000H-003FH用于存储系统的中断 向量表,当有中断请求信号时,CPU从该 处取出中断子程序的入口地址。FLASH 的其他区域为用户程序区。 • 8000H-87FFH为单口存储器 (SARAM),仿真时,若程序较小,可将 程序代码放入该区。 • 8800H-FDFFH为用户扩展区。
DNA回收从样本到结果8.1PCR回收8.2胶回收8.3酶促反应物回收8.4染料终止子去除DNA 样本回收技术确保成功的下游应用,如新一代测序。
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Chapter 8Cash and Internal ControlsQUICK STUDIESQuick Study 8-1 (10 minutes)1. The main objective of internal control procedures is to safeguard theassets of the business. This objective is best accomplished by designing an operational system with managerial policies that protect the assets from waste, fraud and theft. The system should be designed in compliance with the seven broad principles of internal control that are described in the chapter.1. Separation of recordkeeping for assets from the custody over assets isintended to reduce theft and fraud. If this fundamental principle is followed, there has to be collusion between two or more employees for assets to be stolen and the theft to be concealed in the records.2. The responsibility for a transaction should be divided between two ormore individuals or departments to ensure that the work of one acts asa check on the other. Absent this, someone could create fictitiousinvoices and pay the money to herself or himself., 20094851. The cash category includes currency and coins along with the amountson deposit in bank accounts, checking accounts, and savings accounts.Cash also includes items that are acceptable for deposit in these accounts including customer checks, cashier checks, certified checks, and money orders.2. The cash equivalents category includes short-term, highly liquidinvestment assets meeting two criteria: (1) readily convertible to a known cash amount and (2) sufficiently close to their due dates so that their market value is not sensitive to interest rate changes. Usually only investments purchased within 3 months of their due date satisfy these criteria. Examples of cash equivalents include U.S. Treasury bills and money market funds.3. Liquidity refers to a company’s ability to pay for its near-termobligations.Quick Study 8-3 (10 minutes)1. A liquid asset refers to an asset that can be readily converted intoanother type of asset or be used to satisfy an obligation. A cash equivalent is a highly liquid short-term investment that can be readily converted to a known amount of cash and is sufficiently close to its maturity date so that its market value is relatively insensitive to interest rate changes.2. Companies usually invest idle cash in cash equivalents to earn a higherreturn on these assets.3. Effective cash management applies the following five principles:a. Encourages collection of receivables.b. Delays payment of liabilities.c. Keeps only necessary levels of assets.d. Plans expenditures.e. Invests any excess cash.©McG4861. The three basic guidelines for safeguarding cash are:(a) Separate the duties of those who handle (have custody of) cash fromthose that keep cash records.(b) Require that all cash receipts be deposited daily.(c) Require that all cash disbursements be made by check.2. (a) Voucher system of control, and (b) Petty cash system of control.Quick Study 8-5 (10 minutes) 1. (a) Petty Cash.......................................................... 75.00 Cash.............................................................75.00To establish the petty cash fund.(b) Entertainment Expense ($26.50 + $32.17)....... 58.67 Postage Expense............................................... 5.15 Printing Expense................................................ 3.00 Cash.............................................................66.82To reimburse the petty cash fund.2. The Petty Cash account is credited when either (1) the dollar amount ofthe fund is being reduced, or (2) the fund is being eliminated.Quick Study 8-6 (15 minutes)(1) (2)a. (i ) Bank (ii ) Addition No adjustment requiredb. (i ) Book (ii ) Addition Adjusting entry requiredc. (i ) Book (ii ) Subtraction Adjusting entry requiredd. (i ) Book (ii ) Subtraction Adjusting entry requirede. (i ) Bank (ii ) Subtraction No adjustment requiredf. (i ) Book (ii ) Addition Adjusting entry requiredg. (i ) Book (ii ) SubtractionAdjusting entry required, 2009 487MADISON COMPANYBank ReconciliationJuly 31, 2009balance..............................$2,025 Bank statement balance........ $1,800 BookAdd AddDeposit of July 31.................. 210 Interest earned. (5)Bank error................................. 90______ 2,100 2,030 Deduct DeductOutstanding checks............. 100 Bank service charge.. (30)Adjusted bank balance........... $2,000Adjusted book balance...........$2,000EXERCISESExercise 8-1 (10 minutes)EvaluationThe company’s internal control system failed to require separation of asset custody from asset recordkeeping.Principles Ignored(1) The recordkeeper should not have been allowed to sign the company’schecks.(2) Since a loss was incurred, the company apparently had not bonded itsemployee. If it had, the bonding company would have insured the loss.If regular, independent reviews of the accounting records had been done, the payments of salary checks to a nonemployee may have been discovered earlier.E xercise 8-2 (15 minutes)(a) Internal Control Problems(1) A major internal control problem is that the recordkeeper (who hascontrol over the accounting records) has physical control over the cash©McG488receipts. Nothing in the system prevents the recordkeeper from taking cash from the mail and using it personally.(2) The recordkeeper might also delay recording a cash receipt from acustomer until more cash comes in at a later date from a second customer. Then, the new cash receipt would be deposited and recorded as a payment made by the first customer. No entry would be made in the second customer’s account until cash was received from a third customer, and so on. (This type of fraud is called "lapping.")(3) The recordkeeper also could pocket cash and claim that a payment wasnever received and apparently lost in the mail.(b) Internal Control Recommendations(1) If only one person is present when the mail is opened, that person maysteal cash and claim it was never received. If possible, two people should be present. Otherwise, the honesty and integrity of the person chosen to open the mail is critical. One might also consider the use of a P.O. Box for cash receipts by mail as another control procedure.(2) It is important the recordkeeper not have physical control over cash.©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009 Solutions Manual, Chapter 84891. A cash register (with a locked record) should be used at the salesstand—it should also be anchored to the stand. If a cash register cannot be used, the total sales value of the sunscreen, shirts, and sunglasses given to the employee each day should be calculated. The employee should sign a receipt for the merchandise and the amount of cash that he or she has been given. At the end of each day, the employee should be required to return cash plus remaining sunscreen, shirts, and sunglasses equal to the amount taken to the stand—possibly consider one or two return trips if the amounts are large.2. The employee should sign a receipt for the total amount of cash he orshe is given each weekend. Each time the employee makes a purchase, he or she should obtain a signed sales receipt for the payment. The sales receipt should list the items purchased and the prices paid.When the employee returns to the store, the total value of the signed sales receipts plus any remaining cash should equal the amount of cash originally given to the employee. Also, the merchandise brought back by the employee should be the same as the items listed on the signed sales receipts.©McG4901.Jan. 1 Petty Cash (350)Cash (350)To establish a petty cash fund.2.Jan. 8 Postage Expense (67)Inventory* (35)MerchandiseExpense (52)DeliveryExpenses (56)MiscellaneousCash (210)To reimburse the petty cash fund.*Transportation-in costs are included in MerchandiseInventory under a perpetual system.3.Jan. 8 Postage Expense (67)Inventory (35)MerchandiseExpense (52)DeliveryExpenses (56)MiscellaneousCash (210)To reimburse the petty cash fund.*Jan. 8 Petty Cash (200)Cash (200)To increase the petty cash fund.** The two January 8 entries can be combined into one entry.©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009 Solutions Manual, Chapter 84911.Sept. 9 Petty Cash (250)Cash (250)To establish a $250 petty cash fund.2.Sept. 30 Merchandise Inventory* (47)Expenses (62)PostageExpenses (103)MiscellaneousCash Short and Over (4)Cash (216)To reimburse the petty cash fund.*Transportation-in costs are included in MerchandiseInventory under a perpetual system.3.Oct. 1 Petty Cash (50)Cash (50)To increase the petty cash fund to $300.©McG492Bank Balance Book Balance Not Shown onAdd Deduct Add Deduct Adjust Reconciliation 1. NSF check from customer returned on Sept.x Cr.25 but not recorded by this company.2. Interest earned on the account. x Dr.3. Deposit made on September 5 andx processed by bank on September 6.4. Check written by another depositor butxcharged against this company's account.5. Bank service charge. x Cr.6. Checks outstanding on August 31 thatx cleared the bank in September.7. Check written against the company accountx Cr.and cleared by the bank; erroneously notrecorded by the company recordkeeper.8. Principal and interest on a note receivable tox Dr.this company is collected by the bank but notyet recorded by the company.9. Checks written and mailed to payees onx October 2.10. Checks written by the company and mailedxto payees on September 30.11. Deposit made on September 30 after thexbank closed.12. Special bank charge for collection of note inx Cr.No. 8 on company's behalf.©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009 Solutions Manual, Chapter 84931. The voucher system of control establishes procedures for: (a) Verifying,approving, and recording obligations for eventual cash disbursements, and (b) Issuing checks for payment of verified, approved, and recorded obligations.2. All expenditures should be overseen by a voucher system of control(not only the purchase of merchandise).3. The voucher is initially prepared by the accounting department when itreceives the purchase requisition from the department making the request or when it receives reliable evidence that an obligation has been incurred.E xercise 8-8 (25 minutes)AUSTIN CLINICBank ReconciliationJune 30, 2009balance..............................$15,671 Bank statement balance........ $15,382 BookAdd AddDeposit of June 30................. 2,933 Error on Ck. No. 919 (9)18,31515,680Deduct DeductOutstanding checks............. 2,700 Bank service charge.. (65)Adjusted bank balance........... $15,615Adjusted book balance...........$15,615Exercise 8-9 (10 minutes)June 30 Cash (9)Utilities Expense (9)To correct a journal entry error.30 Miscellaneous Expenses (65)Cash (65)To record bank service charge.©McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009Fundamental Accounting Principles, 19th Edition 494PROBLEM SET AProblem 8-1A (20 minutes)1. Violates separation of duties. The company should implement a policywhereby the person recording incoming cash receipts is not responsible for posting the payments to the customer accounts.2. Violates the principle of establishing responsibility. Only Jenn shouldhave access to the petty cash fund since she is the custodian. The company should implement a policy of not allowing petty cash transactions over the lunch hour. Alternatively, Kirsten could also serve as a petty cash custodian with her own petty cash fund.3. Violates the proper application of technological controls. While thedaily backup is a very good internal control, the tape needs to be taken off the premises every night. If the building and computer are destroyed, the data then can be restored from the tape since it is safely kept off the premises. The company should implement a policy of storing tapes off the premises nightly.4. Violates regular and independent review. Sanjay Shales needs toimplement a way to regularly and independently review his employees.Hiring of internal auditors or an outside consultant to objectively review the internal controls and the employees’ work needs to be implemented.5. Violates the insuring of assets and the bonding of key employees. Wedo not have enough information to know if the company can afford the move to the higher deductible on the property insurance. However, we can say that dropping the insurance for bonding the employees weakens internal control. If the company does need to engage in cost cutting they should do it without compromising its internal controls.The insurance for the bonding of employees (or at least key employees and those in sensitive positions) should be reinstated., 2009495Part 1Feb. 2 Petty Cash (300)Cash (300)To establish the $300 petty cash fund.Part 2Beard GalleryPetty Cash Payments Report (for February)Delivery expenseFeb. 23 D elivery of customer's merchandise...........$ 23.00 Mileage expenseFeb. 14 R eimbursement for mileage..........................66.00 Postage expenseFeb. 12 Express delivery of contract.........................$ 7.85Feb. 27 Postage expense............................................ 55.0062.85 Merchandise inventory (transportation-in)*Feb. 9 COD charges on purchases..........................32.50Feb. 25 COD charges on purchases.......................... 10.3042.80 Office supplies expenseFeb. 5 Purchased paper for copier..........................14.55Feb. 20 Purchased stationery..................................... 67.67 82.22 Total $276.87 * Transportation-in costs are included in Merchandise Inventory under a perpetual system.Part 3Feb. 28 Delivery Expense..............................................23.00 Mileage Expense...............................................66.00Postage Expense..............................................62.85Merchandise Inventory.....................................42.80Office Supplies Expense..................................82.22Cash Over and Short........................................ 2.31Cash............................................................. 279.18To reimburse the petty cash fund.Feb. 28 Petty Cash.........................................................100.00 Cash............................................................. 100.00To increase the petty cash fund to $400.Note: The two Feb. 28 entries can be combined into one.©McG496Part 1HAMILTON COMPANYBank ReconciliationJuly 31, 2009Bank statement balance............ $28,575Bookbalance..................................$25,862 Add AddDeposit of July 31..................... 7,15235,727 Proceeds of note lesscollection charge.....................5,97031,832Deduct Deduct Checks No. 3031...... $1,670 NSF check.......................$ 8053065...... 611 Service charge. (9)3069......2,438 4,719 Error (Check 3056)........ 10 824 Adjusted b ank balance............. $31,008Adjusted book balance...............$31,008Part 2July 31 Cash.........................................................................5,970Collection Expense (30)Notes Receivable..............................................6,000To record note collection less fees.July 31 Accounts Receivable—E. Shaw (805)Cash (805)To charge account for NSF check plus fees.July 31 Miscellaneous Expenses (9)Cash (9)To record bank service fee.July 31 Rent Expense (10)Cash (10)To correct an entry error., 2009497Part 3a. If the company's Cash account balance of $25,862 is listed on thebank reconciliation as $25,682 then:(i) The final balance that results from adjusting the bank statementbalance will not be affected by the error; and(ii) The final balance that results from adjusting the book balance of cash will be understated by $180 ($25,862 - $25,682), and thebank reconciliation will not balance.b. The bank's collection of the $6,000 note less the $30 collection feeshould have been added to the book balance of cash. Instead, it was added to the bank statement balance. As a result:(i) The final balance that results from adjusting the bank statementbalance will be overstated by $5,970; and(ii) The final balance that results from adjusting the book balance will be understated by $5,970.©McG498。