【微智慧】你可以做得更好:如何做个更好的人How to Be A Better Person

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【微智慧】你可以做得更好:如何做个更好的人How to Be A Better Person

Everyone wants to become a better person, but some people just don’t know how.


At the end of each day, I like to reflect and see what I can do to become a better person. Not only that, but I have a goal of leaving an imprint on the world for doing great things. By setting aside some time each day to reflect on what behaviors were good and bad, I have the opportunity to grow. 一天结束后,我喜欢反思该怎样做才能让自己更好。不仅如此,我还期望这一生能有所成就。通过每天反省自己的功与过,我得到了成长。

Growing up, I wasn’t the nicest kid. I would make fun of others, I was selfish, and I thought the world revolved around me. Fast-forward a few years and I’ve grown tremendously. I’m no longer the annoying child I was because I have grown and learned what it means to be a better person. 成长时期,我并不是最棒的那个。我也会取笑别人,自私地以自我为中心;此后那几年,我成长得很快,因为一直尝试做更好的自己,我也不再是那个烦人的小孩了。

After learning what it means to be a better person, I’ve been able to develop my persona into someone I don’t mind being. I am a lot happier with who I am and I would have no problem telling my future kids the type of person I am. 通过学习成为更好的人,我养成了自己期望的性格,也更乐意接受真实的自我,相信将来可以毫不犹豫地告诉孩子们我是怎样的一个人。

Here are 9 ways to be a better person through self-development: 下面9个自我提升的方法有助于成为更好的人:

(1)Be Willing To Change 愿意改变

In order to become a better person, you have to be willing to change. Change is the only way to grow and progress into the person you want to become. Many people are against change, which can make it very hard to grow. When you keep an open mind and are willing to change, you are able to grow into the person you want to become.


(2) Stop Making Excuses 停止找借口

When I first started my company in high school, I made excuses every time something went wrong. I would blame others, blame the customer, or anyone else involved. However, I would never blame myself for things that went wrong. 当我高中第一次创建自己的公司时,一出现问题,我


Instead, I learned that taking accountability for your own mistakes is extremely important. I stopped making excuses, took the blame when it was truly my fault, and was able to achieve so much more. By understanding that I made a mistake, I was able to use my mistakes to learn which in turn helped me become a better person.


(3)Stop Being Angry 停止愤怒

Many people let anger and rage alter their decision-making skills. I used to be an angry person growing up, but I only saw it damage relationships with people and increase my blood pressure. 很多人因生气或愤怒而方寸大乱。以前我也是一个“愤青”。但我发现,愤怒只会恶化人际关系并影响身心健康。

Controlling anger is an extremely difficult skill to master, but it is very beneficial. Instead of getting angry, I decided to find a way to change my negative emotion. Staying angry doesn’t help me or solve any problems, it only creates more of them. Find some way of relaxing your nerves when you’re angry, a stress ball was very helpful for me. 要控制愤怒并不容易,但做到以


(4)Be A Role Model 成为榜样

Sometimes you need to be a role model to someone to really get your act together. Once I became an entrepreneur and people started to look up to me, I became a lot more cautious about the way I behaved. I didn’t want to disappoint people by showing them I was immature or a bad role model.


You can start small and be a “big brother” to someone, coach a kids’ team, or be a role model to your children. No matter what you choose to do, always make decisions that the person looking up to you will respect.


(5)Listen To People 用心倾听

People are extremely busy with their careers, families, and lives. Everyone is in a rush, but people rarely ever have time to listen to what others have to say. I learned that listening to people and giving everyone a voice is one of the greatest things you can do.


I got to meet some of the most amazing people, close some of the biggest deals, and develop
