Shakespeare's Hamlet 莎士比亚 《哈姆雷特》

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* As the greatest dramatist in the world
* ―Hamlet‖ is the first of the great tragedies, is generally regarded as Shakespeare‘s most popular play on the stage and can be reckoned as the summit of all Shakespeare‘s works. * The story of ―Hamlet‖ is about the revenge of Prince Hamlet, based on an old Danish legend of the 13th century widespread in northern Europe .
Further explanation: Hamlet is depressed and disillusioned when he hears his mother‘s hasty marriage to his uncle and his father‘s being murdering. He feels everyone and everything is tainted so that he is torn between emotions and the hesitant skepticism of his mind. It can reveal Hamlet‘s personality—the complex deep conflict.
5) ―To die—to sleep/No more; … The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks /That flesh is heir to, …‖ : ―To die—to sleep‖ : To die is to sleep. ―No more‖: to die is to be no more. ―The heartache, … That flesh is heir to ‖: all kinds of sufferings(shocks) that naturally occur to human beings (―flesh‖—human body); ―natural shocks‖: attacks made by nature. A contrast is formed with Lines 2-3 and Lines 4-5.
One night, his father's ghost appeared and told Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. He pretended to be mad, endeavoring to find proof for the murder, making up his mind to avenge his father. He started to estrange himself from his friends, including his love Ophelia.
It provides an excellent example of Hamlet not doing anything. He considers that it would be far better for us all to commit suicide, but that we don‘t because we are scared of what might happen to us in the afterlife. Furthermore, we very often put things off because of our understanding that we might be being sinful. We look too closely at our plans and find reasons for not carrying them out. The speech conveys a sense of utter world – weariness as well as the author‘s incisive comments on the social reality of his time.
A study of the text
The main idea The story of ―Hamlet ‖ refers to the vengeance of a son upon the murderer of his father. The late King of Denmark died suddenly while the prince Hamlet was away from home at a foreign university. When Hamlet came back, he attended the wedding of his mother and his uncle Claudius instead of father's funeral. Young Prince Hamlet is brooding over his father‘s sudden death and his mother‘s hasty remarriage with his uncle.
Key points
1) ―To be , or not to be—that is the question‖: to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take action; to take action or to do nothing; to be=exist. 2) ―In the mind to suffer‖: passively to suffer 3) ―slings and arrows‖: attacks. 4) ―to take arms against a sea of troubles‖: to take up arms against troubles that sweep upon us like a sea. The ―troubles‖ is pictured as advancing like some overwhelming tide.
When Hamlet returned home , he learned of Ophelia's death. Ophelia's brother Laertes requested to fight with Hamlet. Claudius arranged a fencing match for them . And he attempted to let Laertes kill Hamlet with a poisoned sword. In the match, Hamlet was hit with the poisoned sword. Laertes was also wounded badly. The Queen drank the poisoned wine for Hamlet and warned Hamlet that the drink was poisoned. And Laertes also told the whole truth to Hamlet before he died. In the end , Hamlet killed Claudius, at last avenging his father's death. Then Hamlet died as well.
The chief elements:
1.The stories of murder and revenge 2.The appearance of a ghost 3.The performance of a play within a play 4.Whether he was mad
Themes By revealing the power-seeking, the jostling for place, the hidden motives, the courteous superficialities that veil lust and guilt, Shakespeare condemns the hypocrisy and treachery and general corruption at the royal court.
Hamlet invited a company of traveling performers to play the scene of his father's murder to test Claudius's reaction. Then Claudius became suspicious and sent one courtier after another to find out the cause of his madness, and sent him to England . At the Hale Waihona Puke Baiduame time , Claudius sent a letter to the king of England and asked him to kill Hamlet. But on the way to England , their ship was attacked by pirates, and Hamlet was returned to Denmark.
The main idea of Act 3, Scene 1
Shakespeare focused the scene on the deep conflict within the thoughtful and idealistic Hamlet. The scene opens amid agitation and gloom. Young Prince Hamlet is brooding over his father‘s sudden death and his mother‘s hasty marriage to his uncle. From his father‘s ghost he gets the story of a foul murder. He is torn between the demands of his emotions and the hesitant skepticism of his mind. Hamlet reveals this conflict in several famous and eloquent soliloquies. The ―To be or not to be‖ soliloquy is the best known and often felt to be central to Hamlet‘s personality.
* William Shakespeare, the triumph of Britain,
is esteemed as one of the greatest figures in the world literary forum and “he is not of an age, but all time.”(Ben Jonson, 1623) literature , Shakespeare is remembered by the entire world for centuries and his works are read, put onto the stage, loved and memorized with an intense passion.
I. TOPIC: Hamlet(Act 3, Scene 1, lines 55-86) II. OBJECTIVES: A) Introduction B) The main idea of ―Hamlet‖ and its themes C) A study of the text 1. The main idea of Act 3, Scene 1 2. Key points 3. Stylistic features 4. Comment on ―Hamlet‖ D) Assignment