
四、简答题 1 信号传导的途径? 2 细菌生长规律? 3 植物体内物质运输水平? 4 作为递质要满足的条件?
五、论述题 1 含氮激素与受体耦联的信息传递方式?类固醇激素的作用机制? 2 与细胞分化有关的调控基因有哪些?各有什么特点?基因调控的 作用?
2009年天津大学727药学基础综合 (分析化学部分)考研真题(回
2008年天津大学药学基础综合 (生物学部分)考研真题(回忆
2007年天津大学药学基础综合 (基础分析化学部分)考研真题
目 录
2013年天津大学药学综合考研真题(回忆版) 2012年天津大学药学综合考研真题(回忆版) 2010年天津大学药学基础综合(基础生物学部分)考研真题(回忆版) 及详解 2009年天津大学727药学基础综合(分析化学部分)考研真题(回忆 版) 2008年天津大学药学基础综合(生物学部分)考研真题(回忆版) 2007年天津大学药学基础综合(基础分析化学部分)考研真题及详解
二、填空题 1 真菌繁殖方式包括________和________,其中营养繁殖包括 ________ 2 ________是人体贮存糖的器官,肝脏可将血液中的________转化 为________贮存起来,即糖原________作用,也可将贮存的________分 解成________释放出去,即糖原________作用。 3 与细胞分化有关的基因包括____忆版)
2012年天津大学药学综合考研真 题(回忆版)
二、(36分) 1. 写化合物的键线式(7选5)只记得有乙硼烷 2. 画稳定构象式 顺、反十氢萘,正别系的甾体化合物 3. 7种物质按酸性排序 4. 7种物质按沸点排序 乙醚、甲醇、乙醇等 5. 芳香性的判断 三种物质 有十轮烯 6. 2,4,6-三甲基苯甲酸酯化反应机理的解释

2015 年育明教育考研攻略
一、 《育明教育:五阶段考研复习攻略》
----------------- 育明教育寄语
第一阶段:预热(3 月 1 日至 7 月 1 日)
预热原因: 育明教育老师认为考研复习比较理想的时间长度是 6-9 个月,因此从 3 月开始比较科学。 如果复习的时间太长,容易导致后劲不足。正所谓“强弩之末势不能穿鲁缟”。这是无数学子 的血泪教训。
2求出最优指标f( 5 s 5)和f 4 ( s 4 )以及相应的最优决策x 5 ( s 5 )和x 4 ( s 4 )
五(30分)某施工单位提交的一项目的网络计划如下图所示,箭线下面的数字为 该工作(工序)的正常工作时间(天),要求工期18天
C (2) (4) G (6) 5
重点任务: 1.收集考研信息,包括所报考专业的未来发展趋势、就业难易程度、所报考专业的难易程度、 所报考学校的录取率、资料。毕竟考研所需关注的点无非就两个:一是考研成功的可能性, 二 是研究生毕业后的就业问题。 2.根据所收集到的信息决定所报考的学校和专业。对于这一点,育明教育团队认为,选择学校 和专业的方案有两个:一是,选择尽可能好的学校,如北大、清华、人大、中传、北影、中央 财经、南开、复旦,专业可以稍微差一点;二是,选择尽可能好的专业,如金融、经济、电影、 新闻、法学、计算机、自动化等,学校可以差一点。这样的好处是,以后方便就业,具体的原 因分析请关注之后的相关文章。 3.购买参考书,慢慢熟悉所考专业。这个时候学校课程还比较多,且处于学期末,考试又比较 多,学校事情繁杂, 无法全身心的投入,所以以“预热”为主。不易过快进入紧张的复习状 态。

天津大学考研试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 天津大学位于我国的哪个城市?A. 北京B. 上海C. 天津D. 广州答案:C2. 天津大学创建于哪一年?A. 1895年B. 1902年C. 1911年D. 1921年答案:A3. 天津大学是首批进入“211工程”的大学之一吗?A. 是B. 否答案:A4. 天津大学的校训是什么?A. 厚德博学,求是创新B. 厚德载物,自强不息C. 格物致知,明德至善D. 博学笃志,切问近思答案:A5. 天津大学在哪个学科领域具有显著优势?A. 工程学B. 医学C. 文学D. 法学答案:A6. 天津大学图书馆藏书量超过多少万册?A. 100万B. 200万C. 300万D. 400万答案:B7. 天津大学有多少个学院?A. 15个B. 20个C. 25个D. 30个答案:B8. 天津大学是教育部直属的高校吗?A. 是B. 否答案:A9. 天津大学在哪个区?A. 和平区B. 南开区C. 河西区D. 红桥区答案:B10. 天津大学校园内有多少个食堂?A. 3个B. 5个C. 7个D. 9个答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 天津大学在哪些领域有国家重点学科?A. 化学工程与技术B. 材料科学与工程C. 机械工程D. 管理科学与工程答案:ABCD2. 天津大学有哪些国家级科研平台?A. 国家重点实验室B. 国家工程研究中心C. 国家工程技术研究中心D. 国家工程实验室答案:ABCD3. 天津大学提供哪些类型的研究生教育?A. 硕士研究生B. 博士研究生C. 专业学位研究生D. 非全日制研究生答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述天津大学的历史沿革。
2. 天津大学在国际合作与交流方面有哪些举措?答案:天津大学积极开展国际合作与交流,与世界多所知名大学建立了合作关系,包括学生交换、联合培养、科研合作等多种形式。


17.下列哪一组的离子不可能共存____。 (A) Al3+ Zn2+ Br- I-; (B) Ni2+ Zn2+ Cl- NO3-;
(C) Ba2+ NH4+ S2- Br-;
(D) Fe3+ Al3+ Br- I-。
18.下列组离子中,能用氨水分离的是____。 (A)Mn2+,Sn2+; (B)Zn2+,Al3+; (C) Cu2+,Co2+; (D) Al3+,Fe3+。
二、选择题:每题只有一个正确的答案(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)。 1. 在标准态下石墨燃烧反应的焓变为 -393.7 kJ·mol-1,金刚石燃烧反应的焓变为 -395.6 kJ·mol-1,则石墨转变成金刚石反应的焓变为____。 (A) -789.3 kJ·mol-1 (B) 0 (C) +1.9 kJ·mol-1 (D) -1.9 kJ·mol-1
3. 如果 0.1mol·L-1HCN 溶液中有 0.01%的 HCN 是解离的,则 HCN 的解离常数是____。
天津大学招收 2007 年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目名称:无机化学 4. 对于催化剂特性的描述,正确的是____。 (A) 催化剂可缩短反应达到平衡的时间 (B) 催化剂在反应前后其物理性质不变但化学性质发生改变 (C) 加入催化剂使正反应的速率升高,逆反应的速率降低 (D) 催化剂使平衡常数增大 5. 下列有关分步沉淀的叙述,正确的是____。 (A)溶解度小的物质先沉淀; (C)溶解度大的物质先沉淀; (B)浓度幂的乘积先达到 K sp 的先沉淀 (D)被沉淀离子浓度大的先沉淀。 考试科目编号:718

考研专业课必备学习资料系列之《化工原理》(6-9 月份专用)☒复习方法—跨校复习必备方略☒名校真题—各校命题互相参考☒高分资料—名校成功必备工具☒辅导课程—名校成功最佳途径总编:Micle全国(北京)考研专业课研发中心全国考研高端研发中心梅花香自苦寒来,岁月共理想,人生气高飞!第 1页共 36页目录专业课报名方式(100%突破专业课 135 分):... .............................................................. .. 31、报名电话... .................................................................................................................... (3)2、报名地点... .................................................................................................................... (3)3、辅导班推荐(基础课程+强化课程+冲刺课程+22 套内部资料=高分课程)... ... .34、专业课内部资料《高分 8 套资料》——学习目标是达到报考学校本科水平... . (3)第一部分专业课复习五步走... ................................................................................................ . 4 第一步专业课开始复习... .................................................................................................. . 4 第二步确定初试专业课科目,100%成功开始... ............................................................ (4)第三步 9 月份之前辅导班学员必须达到的效果... ......................................................... . 7 第四步专业课考高分最简单的办法... ............................................................................. .. 7 第五步时间非常紧张,记得每天学习 8 小时... ............................................................. . 9 第二部分熟悉代表性院校真题............................................................................................. . 10 上海交通大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ........................................................................ (11)中山大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ................................................................................. .. 15 北京理工大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ........................................................................ (18)南京大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ................................................................................. .. 24 天津大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ................................................................................. .. 28 武汉理工大学 2007 年化工原理真题... ........................................................................ (32)第三部分专业课产品... .......................................................................................................... .. 343.1 高分课程(基础课程+强化课程+冲刺课程+22 套内部资料=高分课程)... ....... .343.2 高分资料... .................................................................................................................. (34)3.3 钻石 VIP 保过课程... ................................................................................................. .. 34 第四部分报名方式... ............................................................................................................. (36)4.1 报名电话... .................................................................................................................. (36)4.2 报名地点... .................................................................................................................. (36)专业课报名方式(100%突破专业课 135 分):1、报名电话2、报名地点3、辅导班推荐(基础课程+强化课程+冲刺课程+22 套内部资料=高分课程)辅导类型学时资料类型辅导功能复习特点基础辅导基础讲义(含 1 套期末试卷)全面、系统学习所有知识点知识点最广、深度最低强化辅导强化讲义(含 3 套真题及答案)有针对性重点学习所有考点3-4 天系统学习的同时,查漏补缺、预冲刺辅导冲刺讲义(含 3 套模拟及答案)测考点知识点适中、深度适中知识点最少最精、深度最大4、专业课内部资料《高分 8 套资料》——学习目标是达到报考学校本科水平资料序列资料名称数量资料属性资料功能1 笔记30-120 页打印版明确目标院校专业考研复习范围,保证专2 教学课件30-120 页打印版业课学习内容和考研要求目标一致性。

100 2 R( ) 25 R2 2 R 3
R1 R2 R 300
X L X C X 100 3 173
2007-5 (16 分 ) 图示非正弦周期电流电路,已知, R1 40 , L1 10 ,
2007-1 (18 分) 直流电路如图, 已知 R1 2 , R2 2 , R4 2 , R3 1 , R5 1 , I S 4 A , U S1 8 V , U S 2 4 V ,电压控制电流源 I CS 2U 。求各 独立电源供出的功率。
IS + U R2 1 R1 + US1 + US2 R5 R3
( R2 X L - R1 X C )( R1 R2 ) - ( R1 R2 X L X C )( X L - X C ) ( R1 R2 ) 2 ( X L - X C ) 2
( R2 X L - R1 X C )( R1 R2 ) - ( R1 R2 X L X C )( X L - X C ) ( R1 R2 ) 2 ( X L - X C ) 2
( R2 X L - R1 X C )( R1 R2 ) - ( R1 R2 X L X C )( X L - X C ) 0
( R2 X L - R1 X C )( R1 R2 ) ( R1 R2 X L X C )( X L - X C ) „„„(1)
Z j
( R1 j X L )( R2 - j X C ) ( R1 j X L ) ( R2 - j X C ) ( R1 R2 X L X C ) j( R2 X L - R1 X C ) ( R1 R2 ) j( X L - X C ) [( R1 R2 X L X C ) j( R2 X L - R1 X C )](( R1 R2 ) - j( X L - X C ) ( R1 R2 ) 2 ( X L - X C ) 2 ( R1 R2 X L X C )( R1 R2 ) ( R2 X L - R1 X C )( X L - X C ) ( R1 R2 ) 2 ( X L - X C ) 2

天津大学招收2007年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目名称:运筹学基础 考试科目编号:432一、填空(20分)型):(1)初表的出基变量为 ,进基变量为 。
[]=-1*)2(B 最优基逆(3)填完终表。
=*)4(X 最优解=*)5(y 对偶问题最优解(6)若原问题增加一个新的非负变量,则对偶问题的最优目标值将(变大、不变、变小) 。
2.将非平衡运输问题化为平衡运输问题,在表上相当于增加一个虚设的 ,在模型中相当于增加若干个 变量。
3.在确定性存贮问题中,记C 1为订货费,C 2为存贮费,C 3为缺货费,R 为需求率,设 C 1、、C 2、C 3、和R 均为常数,不需要提前订货,且一订货即可全部供货,则不允许缺货时最佳批量相应的单位时间总费用为—C = ,允许缺货时(缺货要补)最佳批量相应的单位时间总费用C= 。
二者的大小关系为—C (≥或≤)C 。
4.在M/M/1/N/∞排队模型中,顾客的平均到达率为λ,平均服务率为μ,系统的状态概率为P i (i=0,1,…,N ),则到达的顾客被拒绝排队的概率为 ;系统的有效到达率为 。
二(20分)、某化学制药厂有m 种有害副产品,它们的数量为b i (i=1,…,m )。
按照规定,必须经过处理,制成n 种无害物后才能废弃。
设aij 为每制成一单位第j (j=1,…,n )种无害物可以处理掉第i 种有害物的数量,cj 为制成一单位第j 种无害物的费用。
1. 现欲求各无害物的产量xj 以使总的处理费用为最小,请写出此问题的线性规划模型; 2. 写出此问题的对偶规划模型,并解释对偶规划模型的经济意义。
三(15分)、考虑下面两个线性规划:[][]'')()(≥≥====X X b AX bAX XC z Min II CX z Min I 约束条件约束条件()()0'')(')(****≤--X X C C II X I X 的最优解,试证:是的最优解,是已知 四(25分)、某投资者拟对A 与B 两种基金进行投资,投资期限5年。


ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMFOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTSTIANJIN UNIVERSITY (Jan 26, 2007)PART II: VocabularyDirections: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.16.The minister of education recently promised ____ incentive grants to the teachers who intend to reform their teaching methods.A. obviousB. colorfulC. substantialD. resolute17. ____ in the book and reference lending should be given to the doctoral candidates who are to finish their dissertations in their last year’s study.A. PromotionB. PreferenceC. PrecautionD. Priority18. Wealthy people often ____ in winter days to warmer sunnier countries.A. motivateB. migrateC. immigrantD. emigrate19. To join a fitness program, ____ must be within a certain height and weight range.A. votersB. partnersC. designersD. participants20. Some demographers remain ____ about the population growth and stress that population growth is, at any rate in the long term, a good thing.A. subjectiveB. objectiveC. hopelessD. optimistic21. The ____ of undergraduate experience should be assessed by the performance of the graduate in the workplace and further education.A. reactionB. impactC. capabilityD. proficiency22. Citizens are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by the declining ____ of tooth decay.A. consequenceB. traitC. accidentD. incidence23. The major goal of the tourism department is to ____ more people to visit its country at the turn of the century.A. induceB. respectC. reduceD. arouse24. The workers strongly ____ their factory director for neglect of duty.A. indicatedB. demonstratedC. announcedD. denounced25. Having shut himself in his study for a while, he went to a movie to ____ his mind from his worries.A. relaxB. extractC. attractD. distractPART III. CLOZEDirections: In this part of the test, you’ll read an incomplete passage with10blanks. Read the passage carefully, and choose the best answer from choices marked A, B, C and D. Then on your ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your answer with a single line through the center.Today it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tires of the automobile move American through work and pay: wheels _31_, and people drive off to their jobs; _32_ turn, and people shop for the week’s food at the big supermarket down the highway; hubcaps whirl, _33_ the whole family spends a day at the lake. Each year more wheels crowd the highways as 10 million new cars roll out of the factories. _34_ every six Americans works at assembling cars, driving trucks, _35_ roads, or pumping gas. America without cars? It’s _36_.But even though the majority of Americans would find _37_ to imagine what life would be like without a car, _38_ have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steadily, and large cities are _39_ by traffic congestion. Worst of all, perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine _40_hundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of carbon monoxide and other gases into the air. These gases are one _41_ of the smog that hangs over large cities. Some of these gases ar e poisonous and dangerous to one’s health, especially for someone with a _42_ heart or a respiratory disease.One answer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that _43_ pollute. That’s what several major automobile manufacturers are trying to do.But building a clean car is _44_ said than done. So far, progress has been slow. Another solution is to eliminate car fume altogether by getting rid of the internal-combustion engine. Inventors are now working on turbine-powered cars, as well as on cars powered by steam and _45_. But most of us won’t be driving cars run on batteries or boiling water for a while yet. Many auto makers believe that it will take years to develop practical models that are powered by electricity or steam.31. A. move B. movingC. spinD. spinning32. A. Cars B. WorkersC. PeopleD. Tires33. A. so B. butC. andD. as34. A. Almost B. AmongC. One inD. One out35. A. build B. builtC. to buildD. building36. A. unthinkable B. possibleC. predictableD. uncertain37. A. hard B. it hardC. possibleD. it possible38. A. some B. fewC. expertsD. car makers39. A. embarrassed B. plaguedC. panickedD. paralyzed40. A. turns B. firesC. burnsD. purchases41. A. type B. resourceC. wayD. source42. A. weak B. kindC. strongD. quick43. A. does not B. preventsC. reducesD. preserves44. A. often B. easierC. hardlyD. no more45. A. gas B. electricityC. turbineD. waterPART IV READING COMPREHENSIONPassage 1In April 1865, when John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre, the curtain finally fell on a play that had begun almost as soon as the American colonies gained their independence from England. In 1776, America’s Declaration of Independence declared that ―all men are created equal‖; 44 years later we were wrestling with a question: how can a nation founded on the idea of individual freedom reconcile itself with the existence of human slavery?In 1819, 22 states were in the Union, 11 Free, 11 Slave. The South’s econom y was based on the growing of cotton, and cotton was profitable only on the back s of slaves. As new states were admitted to the Union, the South wanted as many as possible to be slave states, not only to support their economy, but to prevent the North from obtaining a majority in Congress and quite possibly changing the Constitution to outlaw slavery completely. The issue came to a head when Missouri applied to be admitted as a slave state. Thomas Jefferson called the debate that began with Missouri ―like a fireball in the night, which awakened me and filled me with terror. I considered it at once the knell (丧钟) of the nation.‖War was avoided this time as compromise was reached and Missouri would be admitted as a slave state. Maine, the next state admitted to the Union, would be admitted as free, thereby preserving the balance of power in the Congress.By1860,when the new Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln for President, compromise would no longer work. Lincoln wanted to contain the spread of slavery. With Lincoln’s election in November of that year, the South felt that it was only a matter of time before the Southern States lost their slim Democratic Party majority to those who wished to abolish slavery. It was in this same year that John Wilkes Booth said that ―So deep is my hatred for such men that I wish I had them in my grasp and I the pow er to crush.‖Equally passionate, Lincoln held that America was the ―Last Best Hope on Earth‖ for freedom. The United States was unique in the family of nations. Of all the nations in the world, only America was governed by her people. Kings, Queens, Princes or Emperors ruled all the oldcountries, where rights held by the government and given to the people. In America, rights were held by the people and given to the government. The irony was that the Old World had done away with slavery decades before, yet here the United State, beacon of Freedom – had human bondage (奴役). Lincoln said it himself, ―the nation cannot exist half-slave and half-free, it must be all of one thing or all of the other.‖46. We learn from the first paragraph that ________ .A. the seeds of the American Civil War were sown when the nation was founded.B. John Wilkes Booth had plotted to kill Lincoln from the moment America gained itsindependenceC. all men in America obtained equal rights with the Declaration of IndependenceD. John Wilkes Booth sh ot Lincoln at the end of a performance in Ford’s Theatre.47. The fundamental conflict between the Union and the South lies in _________ .A. religious faithsB. political beliefsC. economic interestsD. geographic differences48. It can be inferred from the context of Para. 4 that ________ .A. John Wilkes Booth was one of the firebrands of the southB. the Democratic Party was strongly opposed to slaveryC. with the election of Lincoln the South lost its majority in CongressD. the Civil War could have been avoided if Lincoln had not won the election49. What did Lincoln wish to do when he became President of the United States?A. Make compromises.B. Prevent the spread of slavery.C. Strike a balance.D. Get prepared for war.50. In what way was America unique in the family of nations?A. It was the only nation that allowed the existence of slavery.B. It was the only nation that existed half-slave and half-free.C. It was the only nation whose government gave rights to the people.D. It was the only nation whose government was elected by the people.Passage 2Back in 1986, Noble Prize winner David Baltimore authored a paper that said that inserting a special mouse gene into a certain strain of mice caused changes in the host mouse’s antibodies – a finding that promised to be significant for genetic modification of the immune system.A postdoctoral researcher in the lab, Margot O’Toole, found she was unable to reproduce some of the reported results in her own experimental mice. Her attempts to resolve the problem with her immediate boss, Dr. Thereza Imanishi-Kari, led O’Toole to suspect defects or errors in the original research and she made her suspicions public.One thing led to another, and in time, O’Toole found herself in touc h with two researchers at the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) Ned Feder and Walter Stewart, who had risen to public prominence in the mid-1980s as fraud-busters. These self-appointed watchdogs took up her cause with eagerness, and the nature of her complaints began to shift from claims of shoddiness toaccusations of dishonesty and cover-up.Against a background of public anxiety about fraud in science, the case came before an N.I.H. scientific panel. The press began to portray (描绘)the idealistic O’Toole as a martyr sacrificed by her scientific seniors: it was said, wrongly, that she had lost her job and her home, and had been cold-shouldered by the establishment. The cover letter to a draft report from the N.I.H. committee said Imanishi-Kari was guilty of ―serious scientific misconduct‖ and accused Baltimore of a cover-up. The fact that he had stuck by his co-workers was read as proof of his arrogance and irritation at having his own authority challenged.The crucial time came in 1989 when Representative John Dingell pressed a series of Congressional hearings. A man dedicated to rooting out the misuse of Federal funding, not least by unaccountable scientists, he was handed a gift on a plate when Baltimore lost his cool under questioning, alleging that the investigation represented a threat to scientific freedom and implying that none but scientists had the right to monitor themselves, because they alone could understand how science works. Dingell then launched a humiliation exercise. He brought Secret Service to examine Imanishi-Kari’s lab notebooks in hopes of uncovering after-the-event tampering. The affair took on the air of a scientific Watergate, and science itself seemed to be on trial.This could not have come at a worse moment for Baltimore: he had just taken up a highly prestigious appointment as president of Rockefeller University. A whispering campaign, probably involving jealousies, forced Baltimore’s resignation after just 18 months.If the rise and fall of Baltimore seemed to unfold with all the inevitability of a Greek tragedy, there was, after a fashion, a happy ending. Eventually the pendulum (钟摆) of opinion started to swing. Dingell began to be represented as a latter-day Joseph McCarthy. Imanishi-Kari and Baltimore assumed O’Toole’s role of victim, seen as the targets of a new ―Galileo trial‖ or a witch hunt being carried out by the ―science police.‖ When Imanishi-Kari appealed against the findings, a further scientific review board was convened, and she was officially exonerated of (排除…嫌疑) fabrication. She got tenure, and in 1997 Baltimore, no longer typed as a conceited bigmouth but praised for his loyalty, was appointed president of the California Institute of Technology.51. The story took place when ________ .A. fraud in science was becoming a public concernB. Baltimore’s honesty as a scientist was being questionedC. there was a growing awareness of the misuse of Federal fundsD. genetic modification food seemed feasible52. In this story, O’Toole played the role of ________ .A. a victim of the witch hunt carried out by Representative John DingellB. an involuntary accomplice (同犯,帮凶)unfairly used by the science policeC. an honest researcher who dared to challenge a Nobel Prize winnerD. a martyr sacrificed by the scientific establishment53. What was the fatal mistake Baltimore made?A. He questioned the right of Congressmen to investigate the case.B. He stood by Imanishi-Kari and tried to cover up her misconduct.C. He played into his opponents’ hands when he gave O’Toole the cold shoulder.D. He lost his cool and got irritated when his authority was challenged.54. Judging from the context, Joseph McCarthy was very probably a person who ________ .A. was notorious for starting the investigation of Galileo’s caseB. was a famous character in a Greek tragedy about a witch huntC. used unsupported accusations to obtain his own purposesD. was a man who was suspicious of new scientific discoveries55. It can be inferred from this passage that ________ .A. science police plays an important role in eradicating fraud in scienceB. scientists run great risks in advancing new theories about natureC. politicians have got no right to monitor the work of scientistsD. it is sometimes difficult to tell truth from falsehood in sciencePART V TRANSLATIONSection ADirections: Read the following passage in English carefully and translate it into Chinese in the space provided on the ANSWER SHEET.Online FriendshipIn so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real world. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love. Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. Rather, a person’s thoughts—or at least the thoughts they type—are what really count. So even the shyest person can become a chat room star. Usually, this ―faceless‖ communication doesn’t create problems. Identity doesn’t really matter when you’re in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies. In fact, this emphasi s on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with. They’re looking for serious love relationships. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.Section BDirections: Read the following passage in Chinese carefully and translate it into English in the space provided on the ANSWER SHEET.英语的重要性世界上有数千种语言,英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。

目 录2011年天津大学机械原理与机械设计考研真题(回忆版)2009年天津大学803机械原理与机械设计考研真题2008年天津大学803机械原理与机械设计考研真题(部分)2007年天津大学403机械原理与机械设计考研真题2006年天津大学403机械原理与机械设计考研真题2005年天津大学423机械原理及机械设计考研真题2004年天津大学423机械原理及机械设计考研真题2003年天津大学423机械原理及机械零件考研真题版)f选择题较基础*较全ifh天大的资料、及历年真题中有部分喊题。
今年的选抒题.仙比较「aM图解法在F1处时,ABCD四杆机构处]•四点位置,DEF处「最小传动他.在F2时, A BCD四杆机构处于最小佳动角。
分)求自ih 度个虚:约束)。
还有几问比较难’H7分}六、求2、5的加 L 、A 4的年闻力,弯曲圈力的r匕求螺什最大迎切力.:较筒粘八、齿轮设计幽,.n接套聪中的公式,很简单兀、求制砌矩I.轴的改错,较筒单2009年天津大学803机械原理与机械设计考研真题考试甜旦代码:踱3试耕盲名称:机械原理与机械送衬W 入于伸修4U3十次二十・4朴I E 工八十为凶紊荃程必须与在答巍纸上,井写沱楚尊弓,答武哥在试卷K 无效,{C)不一定是一'单痕迷择^ 口。
小题,答小霆W 分,共4。
分) 圆枫破\.由对心曲松沿块挝拘的讯姑余杭通度国可做,吉潜坎姓P 极跟位置附,一_ 为■;; .(A)网精转速 (p 在杆加志坦 (C)清块上一点的域速度2机构自辕主妾是由于—的夺在漪产生的,有a 恭(A)驱幼力 (B)生产阻力 (C ;摩擦力 (D)攒性力2 .仅含一对噌舍齿抡的齿轮机梅临__Q 个速度瞬心,以相对瞬心的数目为(A)3: 2 '^?(B)2; 1 ■> (C)3: 1 JO) 2: 2 I 4一周转轮麝中.与某行星轮相啮合的齿皑_____ 牛心轮,至女(A) 一定是 (B)—定不是5.在选择凸艳机构的从泌运动狙律时,一段应根/工作要求若虑_.(A)运劫学 (B)动为陆性―—因吏舞"(C)运劾学和场方特姓 (D)舀轮瓣 , g .螺冶■平面刖尊辱引机曲时•位移西亲方程因―。

1 / 1。


(2) Gs 11 n w
共 3 页,第 1 页
天津大学招收 2007 年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目名称:土力学 考试科目编号:417
所有答案必须写在答题纸上,并写清楚题号,写在试题上无效。 2.试用折线滑动面法推导图示地基的极限承载力公式。均质土容重为 ,抗剪强度 指标为 c 、 。
内摩擦角 () 10 15
1.2 1.8
2.69 4.45
9.58 12.9
2.挡土墙如图所示,墙背直立、光滑,填土表面水平且与墙齐平。试用朗肯理论求 作用在墙背上的主动土压力大小,并绘出压力强度分布图。
页,第 2 页
天津大学招收 2007 年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
Tv 和固结度 U t 之间的关系 Tv Ut
0.01 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.80 0.85 1.00 0.91 2.00 0.99
5.如图所示。边坡土体容重为 sat 20kN/m3,强度指标 cu 30 kPa, u 0 。 滑动面所包围的土体面积 ABCDA 为 155m2,滑动土体重心位于 G 点。分别计算下列两 种情况下这个滑动面的安全系数。 (1) 水位和坡顶齐平; (2) 水位快速下降至 D 点以下。
页,第 3 页
天津大学招收 2007 年硕士学位研究生入学考试ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ题
考试科目名称:土力学 考试科目编号:417
所有答案必须写在答题纸上,并写清楚题号,写在试题上无效。 一、概念题(15 分) 1.名词解释(每题 2 分) (1) 前期固结压力 pc 。 (2) 体积压缩系数 m v 。 (3) 被动土压力 E p 。 (4) 灵敏度 S t 。 (5) 土的塑性指数 I p 。 2.判断下列说法是否正确(每题 1 分) (1) 用条分法分析土坡稳定时,由于土条条间力为内力,对整体稳定不产生影响, 因此可以忽略不计。 (2) 进行三轴排水剪试验时,粘性土土样在剪切过程中的体积变化与其固结状态相 关。 (3) 与金属材料不同,土体的抗剪强度不是常数。 (4) 土体的扰动程度仅对土的强度产生影响。 (5) 只要地基土的应力值小于抗剪强度,地基就满足稳定要求。 二、问答题(45 分) 1.说明单向分层总和法对地基所作的假设和实际地基情况有何不同。 2.基础底面下什么部位的剪应力最大?有何工程意义? 3.简述地基的破坏形式。 4. 根据三轴固结不排水剪的试验结果, 简述粘性土在剪切过程中孔隙水压力曲线的 变化趋势,并说明其原因。 5.结合土的应力状态简述土的变形模量 E 和压缩模量 E s 有何不同。 6.计算地基承载力的方法有那几类? 三、推导及证明(30 分) 1.证明下列公式: G 1 w (1) e s w 1

(2)设计状态反馈矩阵K T=[k1,k2,k3],使系统的闭环极点为-3,-2±j2。
三.(25分)某单位反馈系统被控对象的传递函数为调节器的传递函数为(1)试绘制系统kp 从0到+∞、Ti从0到4两参数变化的根轨迹簇(具体绘图时取T=0.25、0.5、1、2、4)。
(2)根据根轨迹图,分别讨论kp 变化时、Ti变化时对系统闭环极点阻尼比和自然振荡频率的影响。
(3)谈论kp Ti=1、Ti变化时闭环系统的动态响应特性。
四.(25分)某单位反馈系统校正前的开环传递函数为要求校正后系统的加速度误差系数K a=31.6,系统开环传递函数中频段的斜率为-20dB /dec,函数穿越频率10rad/s,高频段的斜率为-40db/dec,且对频率为100rad/s的测量噪声扰动信号有-30dB的衰减。

天津大学招收2007年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分)1.成本推进通货膨胀形成的原因包括ABCDA,工资推进通货膨胀:B.出口性通货膨胀;C.利润推进通货膨胀i D.进口性通货膨胀。
2.经济周期的四个阶段依次是 AA.繁荣、衰退、萧条、复苏B.繁荣、萧条、衰退、复苏;C.繁荣、复苏、萧条、衰退D.繁荣、复苏、衰退、萧条。
4.当银行的法定准备率为20%,客户存入1000万,则银行存款总额为 BA. 4000万;B.5000万C.8000万D.2000万5.市场失灵的主要表现在ABCDA.外部性形成不正确的产出和价格B:垄断造成效率的降低:C.市场机制无法有效提供公共物品D。
6.准公共物品所具有的特点是 DA.竞争性和非排他性;B.非竞争性和非排他性;C.竞争性和排饨性;D.非竞争性和排他性。
7. 某造纸厂生产迂程排放大量污水,这意味着该厂商的ADA.私人成本小于社会成本;B.私人成本大于社会成本:C,厂商收益小于社会收益;D.厂商收益大于社会收益。
8.在短期内,垄断厂商的决策原则是 BA.P= MCB.MR=MC;C.P= MR;D.AR=MR.9.一般来说,下列行业中具有垄断性质的有ACDA.邮政业务;B.医疗卫生服务;C.城市自来水:D.城市煤气供给。
10.当完全竞争厂商实现短期均衡时,厂商 DA.获得超额利润;B.获得正常利润;C.出现亏损;D.前面各项都有可能。
11.关于竞争厂商的停止营业点可以表述为BCA.厂商AC曲线的最低点;B.使厂商亏掉FC的价格水平C.厂商A VC曲线的最低点;D.使厂商亏掉VC的价格水平。
12.以下关于企业与市场的描述中,错误的描述是 BA.企业的显著标志在于它是价格机制的替代物:B.在企业内部.资源的配置是由价格机制来调节;C.交易成本是为达成协议或完成交易需耗费的经济资源;D.企业和市场都是资源配置的手段,并可以互相替代。

21.在西方教育史上,古希腊智者派所确立的“三艺”是 A.音乐、修辞学、几何学 B.文法、辩证法、几何学 C.文法、修辞学、天文学 D.文法、修辞学、辩证法
22.西欧中世纪的骑士教育是一种特殊形式的 A.学校教育 B.家庭教育 C.社会教育 D.教会教育
33.按照皮亚杰的认知发展阶段理论,开始获得守恒概念的个体,其思维发展处于 A.感知运动阶段 B.前运算阶段 C.具体运算阶段 D 形式运算阶段
B.教学与发展并行 C.教学促进发展
B.外部动机 C.社会交往动机 D.自我提高动机
B.陈述性知识 C.程序性知识
A.《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》 B.《中国教育改革和发展纲要》 C.《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定》 D.《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》
5.按照科尔伯格的理论,以人际关系和谐或“好孩子”为定向的道德发展阶段处于 A.前习俗水平 B.习俗水平 C.后习俗水平 D.准习俗水平 6.在—个人的发展过程中,有的方面在较低的年龄阶段就达到了较高的水平,有的方 面则要到较高的年龄阶段才能达到成熟的水平。这反映人的身心发展具有
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天津大学2007年硕士研究生入学考试试题一、填空题(36分,每小题3分)1.(天津大学2007年考研试题)H 2(g )在298.15K 时的c m H ∆=-285.83kJ mol 1-,则同温度下H 2O (l )的f m H ∆ =( )。
答案:-285.83kJ mol1-2.(天津大学2007年考研试题)某真实气体的节流膨胀过程,焦耳—汤姆逊系数J T 0μ-<,则过程的T ∆( ),∆H ( ),∆S ( )(注:选择填入<0、=0或>0)。
答案:>0,=0,>03.(天津大学2007年考研试题)一定量的系统,VA T ∂⎛⎫⎪∂⎝⎭( )(注:选择填入<0、=0或>0)。
答案:<04.(天津大学2007年考研试题)m VS T ∂⎛⎫⎪∂⎝⎭=( )。
答案:V,m C T5.(天津大学2007年考研试题)写出单相、多组分、考虑界面的系统热力学基本方程:dG=( )。
答案:-SdT+Vdp+B BBdnμ∑+S dA γ6.(天津大学2007年考研试题)325℃时,Hg x =0.497的某汞齐中汞的蒸气压Hg p 与纯汞的蒸汽压*Hg p 有如下关系:Hg p =0.433*Hg p ,则该汞齐中汞的活度因子γ=( )。
答案:0.8717.(天津大学2007年考研试题)对于反应32O (g )32O (g ),已知其m r H ∆=285.4 kJ mol1-,偌要提高3O 的平衡产率,反应应在( )条件下进行。
(a )高温、低压; (b )高温、高压; (c )低温、低压; (d )低温、高压。
答案:b8.(天津大学2007年考研试题)温度为T 时,液体A 、B 的饱和蒸气压分别为A *p 、*B p ,且3A *p =*B p 。
当气液两相平衡时,气相中A 的摩尔分数A y =0.5,则A 在液相中的摩尔分数A x =( )。
答案:0.759.(天津大学2007年考研试题)25℃、101.325kPa 下,向有限量的水、乙醇形成的二元液态系统中加入1mol 纯水,充分混合后体积增加值( )。
(a )是纯水的摩尔体积m *V ; (b )是水的偏摩尔体积2H O V ; (c )既不是m *V 也不是2H O V 。
答案:c10.(天津大学2007年考研试题)半径相同、但温度不同的两个微小水滴,所受附加压力( )。
(a )相同; (b )温度高的水滴大; (c )温度低的水滴大。
答案:c11.(天津大学2007年考研试题)请写出一级反应速率方程积分式( )。
答案:kt=lnA,0Ac c12.(天津大学2007年考研试题)同温度下,微小晶体的化学势r μ与大晶体的化学势μ的关系为( )。
(a )r μ>μ; (b )r μ=μ; (c )r μ<μ。
答案:a二.(19分)1. (天津大学2007年考研试题)(7分) 2mol 单原子理想气体由300K 、100kPa 的始态,经等温可逆膨胀至终态压力50kPa ,求该过程Q 、W 、∆U 、∆H 、∆S 、∆A 、∆G 。
解: 理想气体:∆U=nC V ,m (T 2-T 1)=0 (1分)∆H=nC p ,m (T 2-T 1)=0 (1分)∆S=nRln12p p =2⨯8.314⨯ln 10050=11.526J K -1 (1分)∆A=∆U -T ∆S= -300⨯11.526= -3.46kJ (1分)∆G=∆H -T ∆S= -3.46kJ (1分)W= nRTln21p p =2⨯8.314⨯300⨯ln 50100= -3.46kJ (1分)Q=∆U -W=3.46kJ (1分)2. (天津大学2007年考研试题)(12分)若已知-10℃、101.325kPa 下H 2O (s )的摩尔熵S m (s ),现要由此出发计算25℃、101.325kPa 下H 2O (g )的摩尔熵S m (g ),请问: (1)需要查找哪些热力学数据?(2)给出上述热力学数据计算S m (g )的表达式。
解: 压力p =101.325kPa①需查找:常压下水的摩尔熔化焓lS m H ∆;常压下水的摩尔蒸发焓g l m H ∆;摩尔热容p mC ,(-10~0℃),p m C ,(l )(0~100℃),p m C ,(g )(25~100℃)。
②公式:m S (g )=m S (s )+273.15,()263.15C p m s T⎰dT lS mH 273.15∆++373.15,273.15C l dT+p m T ⎰()g l m H 373.15∆ +298.15,373.15C g dT p m T⎰()三.(天津大学2007年考研试题)(10分)在100℃下,光气分解反应COCl 2(g )=CO (g )+Cl 2(g )的m r H ∆=105.0 kJ mol1-,m r S ∆=125.6 J mol1- K 1-。
计算:(1)100℃该反应的标准平衡常数;(2)100℃,总压为200kPa 时COCl 2的解离度。
解:(1)r m G ∆ =r m H ∆ -T r m S ∆ =105.0⨯103-373.15⨯125.6=58132J mol -1因为r m G ∆= -RTlnK所以K=exp r mG RT ⎛⎫∆ ⎪-⎝⎭=exp 581328.3145373.15⎛⎫- ⎪⨯⎝⎭=7.3⨯10—9 (2)COCl 2(g )= CO (g )+ Cl 2(g )t=0: A,0p 0 0 平衡时: A,0p (1-α) A,0p α A,0p α 所以p 总=A,0p (1+α)=200kPa ,A,0p =2001α+ 则K=()()2A,0A,0p/pp 1/p αα-=2A 0p 1pαα⨯-,=2211+ααα⨯-=7.3⨯10-9 即2221αα-=7.3⨯10-9,α=6.04⨯10-5 四.(天津大学2007年考研试题)(15分)电池Pt|H 2(g, 101.325kPa )|HCl(b=0.1mol kg 1-)|22Hg Cl (s )|Hg 的电动势E 与温度T 的关系为 : E /V=0.0694+1.881⨯103-(T /K)-2.9⨯106-(T /K)2(1)写出电极、电池反应;(2)计算25℃下该反应的m r G ∆、m r S ∆、m r H ∆及电池恒温可逆放电时的Q r,m 。
解:(1)阳极反应 H 2(g, 101.325kPa )→2H ++2e阴极反应 22Hg Cl (s )+2e →2Hg (l )+2Cl —电池反应 H 2(g, 101.325kPa )+ 22Hg Cl (s )→2Hg (l )+2Cl —+2H +(2)E (25℃)=0.0694+1.881⨯10-3⨯298.15-2.9⨯10-6⨯298.152 =0.3724VpE T ∂⎛⎫ ⎪∂⎝⎭(25℃)=1.881⨯10-3-5.8⨯10-6⨯298.15=1.517⨯10-4V K -1 m r G ∆=-zEF=-2⨯0.3724⨯96485=-71.86kJ mol -1m r S ∆=zF pE T ∂⎛⎫⎪∂⎝⎭=2⨯96485⨯1.517⨯10-4=29.27 J mol -1 K -1m r H ∆=m r G ∆+T m r S ∆=-71.86+298.15⨯29.27⨯10-3=-63.13 kJ mol -1Q r,m = T m r S ∆=298.15⨯29.27⨯10-3=8.73 kJ mol -1五.(天津大学2007年考研试题)(8分)写出玻尔兹曼分布表示式、粒子配分函数定义式,并推导独立子系统热力学能U 与配分函数q 的关系。
解: n i =i i N g exp q kT ε⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭① (2分) q=i i ig exp kT ε⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑ ② (2分)U=i i in ε∑=i i i iN g exp q kT εε⎛⎫-⨯ ⎪⎝⎭∑=i i i iN g exp q kT εε⎛⎫-⨯ ⎪⎝⎭∑ ③(2分) 由式②可得 V q T ∂⎛⎫⎪∂⎝⎭=i i ig exp kT ε⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑i 2kT ε所以 kT 2V q T ∂⎛⎫⎪∂⎝⎭=i i ig exp kT ε⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑i ε代入式③得 U=N q ⨯kT 2V q T ∂⎛⎫ ⎪∂⎝⎭=NkT 2⨯Vln q T ∂⎛⎫ ⎪∂⎝⎭ (2分) 六.(天津大学2007年考研试题)(15分)某A-B 二组分凝聚系统相图如图所示。
(1)标明1、2、3、4、5各相区的相态;(2)指出E 、K 、G 各点的意义,并计算自由度数; (3)写出三相线HQ 对应的相平衡关系式; (4)画出始态分别为M 、N 系统的步冷曲线。
K 点:低共熔点,自由度F=0;E 点:纯C 1(s )熔点,自由度F=0。
(3)1C s ()+ 1 2C s ()。
(4)七.(10分)1. (天津大学2007年考研试题)某固体吸附剂,25℃下吸附A 气体达到覆盖率θ=0.5时,对应的平衡压力A p =10kPa ;但吸附B 气体达到覆盖率θ=0.5时,对应的平衡压力B p =40kPa 。
假设均为单分子层吸附,求25℃下两种气体在该吸附剂上的吸附系数之比AB b b ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭。
哪种气体在该吸附剂上吸附能力强? 解: θ=1A A A A b p b p +=B B B B1b pb p +⇒A A b p =B B b p则B A b b =B A p p =4010=4,b A 大,所以A 气体在该吸附剂上吸附能力强。
2. (天津大学2007年考研试题)由AgNO 3、KCl 溶液制得了稳定的AgCl 溶胶(KCl 为稳定剂),请回答:(1)写出胶团结构(标出胶核、胶粒和胶团);(2)结合扩散双电层模型,在上述胶团结构式中标出固体面、滑动面的位置; (3)指出ζ电位符号。
解:m AgCl)nCl -胶核[(,1]x x -+(n-)K xK +(3)ζ电位为负。
八.(15分)1. (天津大学2007年考研试题)(10分)乙醛(A )蒸气的热分解为二级反应:CH 3CHO (g )−−→CH 4(g )+ CO (g ),在518℃下在一定容积中开始仅有纯乙醛蒸气,且其初始压力A,0p =53.329kPa ,现测得100s 后系统总压p =66.661kPa 。