




人大考博交流q 群:6147_00916二、2021年中国人民大学考博参考书1、马克思主义哲学(专业代码010101)1.中央编译局《马克思恩格斯文集》,人民出版社,20092.《马克思主义哲学教程》,杨春贵、张绪文、侯才,中共中央党校出版社2003年版。

四川大学2005年博士研究生入学英语考试题I. Reading Comprehension 30%, 1 mark each)Passage 1As the horizons of science have expanded, two main groups of scientists ha ve emerged. One is the pure scientist; the other, the applied scientist.The pure or theoretical scientist does original research in order to under stand the basic laws of nature that govern our world. The applied scientist ada pts this knowledge to practical problems. Neither is more important than the ot her, however, for the two groups are very much related. Sometimes, however, the applied scientist finds the "problem" for thetheoretical scientist to work on. Let's take a particular problem of the aircra ft industry: heat-resistant metals. Many of the metals and alloys which perform satisfactorily in a car cannot be used in a jet-propelled plane. New alloys mu st be used, because the jet engine operates at a much higher temperature than a n automobile engine. The turbine wheel in a turbojet must withstand temperature s as high as 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, so aircraft designers had to turn to the research metallurgist for the development of metals and alloys that would do t he job in jet-propelled planes.Dividing scientists into two groups is only one broad way of classifying t hem, however. When scientific knowledge was very limited, there was no need for men to specialize. Today, with the great body of scientific knowledge, scienti sts specialize in many different fields. Within each field, there is even furth er subdivision. And, with finer and finer subdivisions, the various sciences ha ve become more and more interrelated until no one branch is entirely independen t of the' others. Many new specialties --geophysics and biochemistry, for examp le -- have resulted from combining the knowledge of two or more sciences.1. The applied scientist ______.A. is not always interested in practical problemsB. provides the basic knowled ge for practiceC. applies the results of research to practiceD. does original research to und erstand the basic laws of nature2. The example given in the passage illustrates how ___.A. pure science operates independently of applied scienceB. the applied scient ist discovers the basic laws of natureC. applied science defines all the areas in which basic research is doneD. app lied science suggests problems for the basic scientist3. The problem discussed in the second paragraph called for____.A. selecting the best hear-resistant metal from existing metalsB. developing a turbine wheel capable of generating heat up to 1,600 degrees Fa hrenheitC. developing metals and alloys that would withstand terrific temperaturesD. causing the jet engine to operate at higher temperatures4. Finer mad finer subdivision in the field of science has resulted in____ _.A. greater independence of each scienceB. greater interdependence of all the v arious sciencesC. the eradication of the need for specialistsD. the need for only on classifi cation of scientists5. "The horizons of science have expanded" means that____.A. the horizon changes its size from year to yearB. science has developed more fields of endeavorC. scientists have made great progress in studying the horizonD. scientists ca n see further out into spacePassage 2In The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, Revi sed and Enlarged Edition (W. W. Norton) Schlesinger provides deep insights into the crises of nationhood in America. A new chapter assesses the impact both ofradical multiculturalism and radical monoculturalism on the Bill of rights. Wr itten with his usual clarity and force, the book brings a noted historian's wis dom and perspective to bear on America's "culture wars".Schlesinger addresses the questions: What holds a nation together? And wha t does it mean to be an American? Describing the emerging cult of ethnicity, Sc hlesinger praises its healthy effect on a nation long shamed by a history of pr ejudice and narrow-mindedness. But he warns against the campaign of multicultur al advocates to divide the nation into separate ethnic and racial communities. From the start, he observes, the United States has been a multicultural nation, rich in its diversity but held together by a shared commitment to the democrat ic process and by the freedom of intermarriage. It was this national talent for assimilation that impressed foreign visitors like Alexis de Tocqueville and Ja mes Bryce, and it is this historic goal that Schlesinger champions as the best hope for the future. Schlesinger analyzes what he sees as grim consequences of identity politics: the widening of differences. Attacks on the First Amendment, he argues, threaten intellectual freedom and, ultimately, the future of the et hnic groups. His criticisms are not limited to the left. As a former target of McCarthyism, he understands that the radical right is even more willing than th e radical left to restrict and weaken the Bill of Rights.The author does not minimize the injustices concealed by the "melting pot" dream. The Disuniting of America is both academic and personal, forceful in ar gument, balanced in judgment. It is a book that will no doubt anger some reader s, but it will surely make all of them think again. The winner of Pulitzer Priz es for history and for biography, an authoritative voice of American liberalism, Schlesinger is uniquely positioned to bring bold answers and healing wisdom to this passionate debate over who we are and what we should become.6. According to Schlesinger, the United States is_____.A. a melting potB. a nation with diverse cultures held together by the democra tic processC. a federation of ethnic and racial communitiesD. a nation with various ethni c and racial groups7. We can infer from the passage that Schlesinger______.A. advocates the assimilation of different cultures into one nationhoodB. pref ers multiculturalism to monoculturalismC. gives full support to the emerging cult of ethnicityD. holds that each raci al group should keep its distinct identity8. The author wants to tell us that America_____.A. is experiencing a crisis of nationhoodB. is trying to restrict the Bill of RightC. has ended its history of racial prejudiceD. has tried to obstruct intellect ual freedom9. According to the author, Schlesinger's book will____.A. cause anger among the radical rightB. cause anger among the radical leftC. put an end to the culture wars in AmericaD. provoke thinking among the read ers10. This passage is most probably taken from __.A. a history bookB. a book introductionC. a book reviewD. a journal of liter ary criticismPassage 3The El Nino ("little boy" in Spanish) that pounded the globe between the s ummers of1997 and 1998 was in some measure the most destructive in this century. Worldwide damage estimates exceed ~20 billion --not to mention the human death toll caused by resulting droughts, floods and bushfires. El Nino and La Nina ("little girl") are part of a seesawing of winds and currents in the equatorial Pacific called ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) that appears every two to e ight years. Normally, westward-blowing trade winds caused by the rotation of th e earth and conditions in the Tropics push surface water across the Pacific towards Asia. The warm water piles up along the coasts of Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines, raising sea levels more than a foot above those on the South American side of the Pacific. As El Nino builds the normal east-to-west trade w inds wane. Like water splashing in a giant bathtub, the elevated pool of warm w ater washes from Asian shores back towards South America.In last season's cycle, surface temperatures off the west coast of South A merica soared from a normal high of 23°C degrees to 28°C degrees. This area o f warm water, twice the size of the continental US, interacted with the atmosph ere, creating storms and displacing high-altitude winds.El Nino brought rain that flooded normally dry coastal areas of Ecuador, C hile and Peru, while droughts struck Australia and Indonesia. Fires destroyed s ome five million acres of Indonesian forest. The drought, along with the econom ic crisis, left about five million people desperate for food and water. These c onditions helped set the stage for riots that led to the downfall of President Suharto. El Nino also took the blame for extreme temperatures in Texas last sum mer over 38°C degrees for a record 30 days in a row. In Florida, lush vegetati on turned to tinder and bushfires raged. Even Britain has been sweltering with our hottest year on record in 1997.11. As El Sino builds, _____ .A. the normal westward trade winds weakenB. the normal eastward trade winds we akenC. the normal westward trade winds strengthenD. the normal eastward trade wind s strengthen12. Which of the following statements is true?A. El Nino results from droughts, floods and bushfires.B. El Nino brought rain to most areas that were affected,C. When El Nino appeared, some of the world's rainforests were attacked by drou ghts.D. Most areas that were affected by El Nino got droughts.13. Once El Nino even played a role in the political world. What was it?A. President Suharto was overthrown by the drought caused by El Nino.B. El Nino caused riots that led to the downfall of President Suharto.C. President Suharto resigned because of the drought caused by El Nino.D. The drought caused by El Nino together with the economic crisis prevailing i n Indonesia helped to overthrow President Suharto.14. The phrase "in a row" in the last paragraph means____.A. continuouslyB. in a lineC. awfullyD. now and then15. The writer of this passage is most likely to be____.A. an Australia observerB. a British nationalC. an American geographerD. an Indonesia journalistPassage 4In patients with Huntington's disease, it's the part of the brain called t he basal ganglia that's destroyed. While these victims have perfectly intact ex plicit memory systems, they can't learn new motor skills. An Alzheimer's patien t can learn to draw in a mirror but can't remember doing it: a Huntington's pat ient can't do it but can remember trying to learn. Yet another region of the br ain, an almond-size knot of neural tissue seems to be crucial in forming and tr iggering the recall of a special subclass of memories that is tied to strong em otion, especially fear. These are just some of the major divisions. Within the category implicit memory, for example, lie the subcategories of associative mem ory – the phenomenon that famously led Parlov's dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell which they had learned to associate with food and of habituation, in which we unconsciously file away unchanging features of the environment so we c an pay closer attention to what's new and different upon encountering a new exp erience.Within explicit, or declarative memory, on the other hand, there are speci fic subsystems that handle shapes, textures such as faces, names -- even distin ct systems to remember nouns vs. verbs. All of these different types of memoryare ultimately stored in the brain's cortex, within its deeply furrowed outer l ayer -- a component of the brain dauntingly more complex than comparable parts in other species. Experts in brain imaging are only beginning to understand wha t goes where, and how the parts are reassembled into a coherent whole that seem s to be a single memory is actually a complex construction. Think of a hammer, and your brain hurriedly retrieves the tool's name, its appearance, its functio n, its heft and the sound of its clang, each extracted from a different region of the brain. Fail to connect person's name with his or her face, and you exper ience the breakdown of that assembly process that many of us begin to experienc e in our 20s and that becomes downrightworrisome when we reach our 50s.It was this weakening of memory and the parallel loss of ability to learn new things easily that led biologist Joe Tsien to the experiments reported last week. "This age-dependent loss of function," he says, "appears in many animals, and it begins with the onset of sexual maturity."What's happening when the brain forms memories -- and what fails with agin g, injury and disease -- involves a phenomenon known as "plasticity". It's obvi ous that something in the brain changes as we learn and remember new things, bu t it's equally obvious that the organ doesn't change its overall structure or g row new nerve cells wholesale. Instead, it's the connections between new cells -- and particularly the strength of these connections that are altered by exper ience. Hear a word over and over, and the repeated firing of certain cells in a certain order makes it easier to repeat the firing pattern later on. It is the pattern that represents each specific memory.16. Which of the following symptoms can be observed in a person who suffer s from the Huntington's disease?A. He cannot remember what he has done but can remember trying to learn.B. He cannot do something new but he can remember doing it.C. He suffers from a bad memory and lack of motor skills.D. He suffers from a poor basal ganglia and has intact explicit memory.17. According to the passage, which of the following memories has nothing to do with implicit memory?A. Associating a signal with an action.B. Recognizing of new features.C. Focusing on new environment.D. Remembering a familiar face of a friend.18. Which of the following may happen to a patient who suffered from damag es to his explicit memory?A. When he is in a new environment, he is always frightened.B. When he plays f ootball, he cannot learn new tricks.C. When he sees a friend, it's hard for him to remember his name.D. When he fi nds a hammer, he cannot tell anything about it.19. The word "extract" in the second paragraph means_____.A. obtainB. removeC. pullD. derive20. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that_____.A. Scientists have found the mechanism underlying the memorizing activitiesB. More research must be done to determine the brain structure.C. Some researc hers are not content with the findings.D. It is obvious that something in the brain changes as we learn and remember.Passage 5Mobility of individual members and family groups tends to split up family relationships. Occasionally the movement of a family away from a situation whic h has been the source of friction results in greater family organization, but o n the whole mobility is disorganizing. Individuals and families are involved in three types of mobility: movement in space, movement up or down in social stat us, and the movement of ideas. These are termed respectively spatial, vertical and ideational mobility.A great increase in spatial mobility has gone along with improvements in r ail and water transportation, the invention and use of the automobile, and the availability of airplane passenger service. Spatial mobility results in a decline in the importance of the traditional home with its emphasis on family contin uity and stability. It also means that when individual family members or the fa mily as a whole move away from a community, the person or the family is removed from the pressures of relatives, friends, and community institutions for conve ntionality and stability. Even more important is the fact that spatial mobility permits some members of a family to come in contact with and possibly adopt at titudes, values, and ways of thinking different from those held by other family members. The presence of different attitudes values, and ways of thinking with in a family may, and often does, result in conflict and family disorganization. Potential disorganization is present in those families in which the husband, w ife and children are spatially separated over a long period, or are living toge ther but see each other only briefly because of different work schedules.One index of the increase in vertical mobility is the great increase in th e proportion of sons, and to some extent daughters who engage in occupations ot her than those of the parents. Another index of vertical mobility is the degree of intermarriage between social classes. This occurs almost exclusively betwee n classes which are adjacent to each other. Engaging in a different occupation, or intermarriage, like spatial mobility, allows one to come in contact with wa ys of behavior different from those of the parental home, and tends to separate parents and their children.The increase in ideational mobility is measured by the increase in publica tions, such as newspapers, periodicals and books, the increase in the percentag e of the population owning radios, and the increase in television sets. All the se tend to introduce new ideas into the home. When individual family members ar e exposed to and adopt the new ideas, the tendency is for conflict to arise and for those in conflict to become psychologically separated from each other.21. What the passage tells us can be summarized by the statement___.A. potential disorganization is present in the American familyB. social development results in a decline in the importance of traditional fam iliesC. the movement of a family is one of the factors in raising its social statusD. family disorganization is more or less the result of mobility22. According to the passage, those who live in a traditional family ___A. can get more help from their family members if the are in troubleB. will have more freedom of action and thought if they move away from itC. are less likely to quarrel with others because of conventionality and stabil ityD. have to depend on their relatives and friends if they do not move away from it23. Potential disorganization exists in those families in which ____A. the family members are subject to social pressuresB. both parents have to w ork full timeC. the husband, wife and children, and children seldom get togetherD. the husb and, wife and children work too hard24. Intermarriage and different occupations play an important role in fami ly disorganization because____.A. they enable the children to travel around without their parentsB. they enable the children to better understand the ways of behavior of their parentsC. they allow one to find a good job and improve one's social statusD. they permit one to come into contact with different ways of behavior and thi nking25. This passage suggests that a well-organized family is a family whose m embers __A. are not psychologically withdrawn from one anotherB. seldom quarrel with ea ch other even when they disagreeC. often help each other with true love and affectionD. are exposed to the sam e new ideas introduced by books, radios and TV setsPassage 6A design for a remotely-controlled fire engine could make long road or rai l tunnels safer. It is the brainchild of an Italian fire safety engineer, who c laims that his invention -- dubbed Robogat -- could have cut the death toll in the disastrous Mont Blanc tunnel fire in March 1999 which killed 41 people. Mos t of the people who perished dies within 15 minutes of smoke first being detect ed. Quick action is needed when fire breaks out in a tunnel. Robogat can travel at about 50 kilometers per hour. The Mont Blanc fire was 5 kilometers from the French end of the tunnel, so a machine could have got there in about six minut es.The Robogat has been designed and patented by Domenico Piatti of the Naple s fire department. It runs on a monorail suspended from the roof of the tunnel. When the Robogat reaches a fire, it plugs into a modified water main running a long the tunnel and directs its hoses at the base of the fire. It is capable of pumping 3,000 liters of high-pressure water per minute--about the same rate as that from an airport fire tender. Normal fire engines deliver 500 liters per m inute. The machine's heat-resistant skin is designed to withstand temperatures of up to 1,000°C. Designed to fight fires in tunnels up to 12 kilometers long, the Robogat will be operated from a control centre outside the tunnel. Ideally, tunnels should have a Robogat stationed at each end, allowing fires to be tack led from both sides.Piatti says that it would be relatively cheap to install the Robogat in ne w tunnels, with each machine costing around £250,000. "That's not expensive," says Stuart Jagger, a British fire-fighting specialist, who adds, "Fire-fighter s normally have to approach the blaze from upwind. People have dies if the vent ilation is overwhelmed or someone changes the ventilation. If the robot worked remotely it would be an advantage." But this introduces extra problems: the Rob ogat would have to feed information about the state of the fire back to its con troller, and the sensors, like the rest of the machine, would have to be fire-r esistant. Piatti is now looking for financial backing to build a prototype.26. The Robogat can quickly get through to the scene of a fire because___.A. it is in position in the middle of the tunnelB. it can move on a monorail s uspended from the roof of the tunnelC. it runs on a monorail and can take quick actionD. its modified water main c an run along the tunnel quickly27. When fire breaks out in a tunnel, the most important thing is to __A. install a Rogogat quicklyB. detect the smoke quicklyC. change the ventilat ionD. take quick actions28. The Robogat is designed to pump water____.A. at a speed of 500 liters a minuteB. almost as fast as an airport tenderC. six times faster than an ordinary fire-engineD. at a rate of an airport fir e tender29. According to the passage, because temperatures in a tunnel can be very high,____.A. the Robogat has to have a heat-resistant skin B, the Robogat is operated in a control centre outside the tunnelC. the Robogat can only work at the scene of a fire for a limited periodD. a R obogat is stationed at each end30. One problem that has not yet been solved, it seems, is that____A. a prototype has not yet been acceptedB. financial backing is not availableC. the machine will need fire-resistant sensorsD. the machine would not work if the ventilation was overwhelmedII. Vocabulary (10%, 0.5 mark each)31. This university offers a wide variety of high-quality courses for both graduate and undergraduate students.A. selectB. choiceC. alternativeD. optional32. ____ your request for a refund, we have referred that matter to our ma in office.A. On the point ofB. With relationship toC. In the event ofD. With regard to33.AIDs activists permanently changed and shortened America's __ process f or testing and approving new drags of all kinds, for all diseases.A. stagnantB. intricateC. appropriateD. efficient34. Exercise can affect our outlook on life, and it can also help us get r id of tension, anxiety and frustration. So we should take exercise__.A. regularlyB. normallyC. usuallyD. constantly35. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptom atic of a lack of originality, is the step in learning to be__.A. elegantB. confidentC. creativeD. imaginary36. There is scientific evidence to support our___ that being surrounded b y plants is good for health.A. instinctB. implicationC. perceptionD. conception37. Tom plunged into the pond immediately when he saw a boat was sinking a nd a little girl in it was___.A. in needB. on the declineC. in disorderD. at stake38. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in soc iety will___ through the current law system in that country.A. permeateB. violateC. probeD. grope39. All the finished products are stored in a___ of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.A. warehouseB. capsuleC. garageD. cabinet40. As he walked out the court, he was____ with frustration and rage.A. applauding B, quivering C. paralyzing D. limping41. The Board of Directors decided that more young men who were qualified would be_____ important positions.A. attributed toB. furnished withC. installed inD. inserted into42. There are still some____ for students of science and engineering, but those in arts and humanities have been filled.A. positionsB. vacanciesC. applicationsD. categories43. Wireless waste from cell phones, pocket PCs, and music players__ special problems because they have toxic chemicals in batteries and other components.A. poseB. commitC. transportD. expose44. Although Kerry has had no formal education, he is one of the___ busine ssmen in the company.A. alertestB. sternestC. nastiestD. shrewdest45. The senior citizen expressed a sentiment which___ profoundly to every Chinese heart.A. drewB. attractC. appealedD. impressed46. ___students should be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some familiarity with plays in production.A. realisticB. responsibleC. ethnicD. prospective47. The accuracy of scientific observations and calculations is always___ the scientist's time-keeping methods.A. at the mercy ofB. in accordance withC. under the guidance ofD. by means of48. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children ___ a violent act previously seen on television.A. stimulatingB. duplicatingC. modifyingD. accelerating49.The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City_ shock and anger no t only throughout America but also throughout the wholeworld.A. envelopedB. summonedC. temptedD. provoked50.The secretary went over the table again very carefully for fear of___ a ny important data.A. overlookingB. slippingC. ignoringD. skimmingIII. Cloze Test (10%, 0.5 mark each)Researchers who refuse to share data with others may 51 others to withhold results from them, 52 a study by health-policy analysts at Harvard Medical Sch ool.The study found that young researchers, those who publish 53 , and investi gators seeking patents are most likely to be _54_ access to biomedical data. It also found that researchers who withhold data gain a _55 for this, and have mo re difficulty in 56 data from others.The study was 57 by a research team led by sociologist Eric Campbell. The team surveyed 2,366 58 selected scientists at 117 US medical schools. Overall, 12.5 per cent said that they had been denied 59 to other academic investigators ' data, 60 article reprints, during the past three years. This 61 with findings by the team and other groups. But by examining the 62 of data withholding, the team identified those experiencing the most 63 . For junior staff. 64 , the te am found that 13.5 per cent were denied access, 65 5.1 per cent of senior resea rchers.The 66 between data withholding and researchers' publishing 67 during the68 three years was 69 : 7.7 per cent of those who had published 1-5 articles had had data withheld from them, but this rose to 28.9 per cent for researchers w ho had published more than 20. Campbell warns, "Selectively holding back on inf ormation from the most 70 researchers could slow down progress in research into the causes and cures of human disease."51. A. suggest B. provoke C. propose D. claim52. A. because of B. in spite of C. according to D. owing to53. A. a lot B. great deal C. regularly D. frequently54. A. sought B. seeking C. being sought D. have sought55. A. depression B. reputation C. infamy D. fame56. A. acquisition B. requiting C. assigning D. obtaining57. A. carried B. conducted C. forged D. identified58. A. randomly B. carefully C. specially D. absolutely59. A. entry B. reach C. access D. use60. A. inclusive B. excluding C. exclusive D. refusing61. A. corresponds B. complies C. compares D. adapts62. A. casualties B. victims C. culprits D. injuries63. A. hardship B. trial C. difficulty. D. errors64. A. researchers B. members C. employees D. personnel65. A. in coincide with B. in common with C. in collision to D. in comparison t o66. A. relationship B. contradiction C. comparison D. communication67. A. review B. deadline C. relation D. record68. A. proceeding B. progressing C. preceding D. progressive69. A. outstanding B. excessive C. exciting D. striking70. A. productive B. producing C. preferable D, prescribedIV. Translation (30%) PartA (15%)。

宗教学考试试题一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、以下哪一种宗教起源于古代印度?()A 基督教B 伊斯兰教C 佛教D 道教2、犹太教的经典是()A 《古兰经》B 《圣经》C 《塔木德》D 《吠陀经》3、基督教的创始人是()A 释迦牟尼B 穆罕默德C 耶稣D 老子4、伊斯兰教的圣地是()A 麦加B 耶路撒冷C 罗马D 雅典5、道教的基本教义是()A 原罪说B 道生万物C 天堂地狱D 因果报应6、以下哪一个宗教强调“涅槃”的境界?()A 佛教B 基督教C 伊斯兰教D 犹太教7、世界三大宗教中,信徒最多的是()A 佛教B 基督教C 伊斯兰教D 难以确定8、宗教产生的根源是()A 自然压迫B 社会压迫C 对未知的恐惧D 以上都是9、宗教对社会的作用主要表现为()A 积极作用B 消极作用C 既有积极作用也有消极作用D 没有作用10、以下哪一项不是宗教的基本要素?()A 宗教观念B 宗教情感C 宗教行为D 科学知识二、填空题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、佛教的三大分支是_____、_____、_____。
三、简答题(每题 10 分,共 30 分)1、简述宗教与哲学的关系。

6.善世伦理是否可能,如何可能?XXX哲学系2007年博士测验题哲学综合知识一、名词解释6选4 :1、汗青与逻辑的统一2、政治解放和人类解放3、三表法4、致良知5、隐德莱西6、本质直观二、论述题(3个选2个)都是材料题<历史的贫困>中的一段话,主要是关于<资本论>的,还有它的副标题是什么?他是不是一本纯粹的经济学著作XXX哲学系2009年博士考试题-“马克思主义哲学原理”一、名词解释(每题10分)1、对象性活动2、认识形状3、资本4、国家二、论述题(每题30分)1、论述XXX在1844年手稿中对国民经济学的批判。

四川大学 川大 2005年综合考试(行政管理专业)及答案 考研真题及答案解析




四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)(2006 ——2007 学年第一学期)课程号:20402940 课序号:课程名称:生物化学任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:2005级各专业学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
本题2 页,本页为第 2 页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印2006-2007生物化学试题答案一、给出下列名词的中文含义(10个,1分/个,共10分)1. BCCP生物素羧基载体蛋白2. NAD+ 氧化型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸3.cDNA 互补DNA4.hnRNA 不均一RNA5.cAMP 3,5-环化腺苷酸6.Tyr 络氨酸7.DDRP依赖于DNA 的RNA聚合酶8.GPT 谷丙转氨酶9.UDPG尿嘧啶二核苷酸葡萄糖10. tRNA fMet 甲酰甲硫氨酸-tRNA二、名词解释(10个,2分/个,共20分)1.构象是表示一个分子结构中一切原子沿共价键(单键)转动时而产生不同空间排列,它通常与分子的不对称性无关。
常分为αα、ββ、βαβ5. 外显子在DNA分子中,编码蛋白质氨基酸的部分。

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四、为什么说宗教将伴随社会主义长期存在?如何正确处理宗教与社会主义社会的关系?1999年本试卷共四大题,每题25 分,总分100 分一、试论述什么是宗教。
(25 分)二、试论述宗教与迷信的关系,如何正确分析和判别合法宗教与邪教?三、在现代文明中,宗教的意义和前景如何?(25 分)四、试论述宗教与信仰是什么样的关系?(25 分)2000年一、试论述宗教产生的认识论根源和社会历史基础。
(25 分)二、试论述宗教作用于社会的方式和特点。
(25 分)三、如何判定某种思想是宗教信仰?它与“邪教”的区别是什么?(25 分)四、在宗教思想体系中,科学、有神论、神秘主义分别具有什么样的地位和作用?举例论述。
(25 分)宗教学2003一、名词解释(共50分)解放神学灵魂不死论“太阳城” “生态神学” 宗教礼仪宗教信仰自由原则“摩西十诫” “拜上帝会” 政教合一制天命论(各5分)二、简答题(共50分)1、宗教与迷信有什么根本区别?2、自然宗教的基本形态有哪些?试简述之?3、西方基督教关于上帝存在的论证有哪些?试简述之?4、当代伊斯兰原教旨主义的主要特征有哪些?试简述之?三、论述题(共50分)1、试论现代宗教的世俗化趋势2、试从社会学的角度分析影响宗教信仰率的基本因素宗教学2004一、名词解释(共30分)图腾崇拜自然神论“爱人如己” 黑人神学迷信犹太教二、简答题(共60分)1、宗教修行主要包括修道、修心、修身和修持。
2013年中国哲学史一、简答1 、“远取诸物,近取诸身”释义(10分)2、“为学日益,为道日损”释义(10分)3、“里仁为美”释义(10分)4、仁政无敌释义(10分)5、禅宗的“真心妄心”命题释义(10分)二、论述题1、请简要阐述中国哲学在建设当代平安社会中的作用。