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1.躺在床上看书对你的眼情有害。Reading in bed is ________ ________ your eyes.

2. 他步行去上学。He goes to school _______ ________.

3. Tom 还没到上学的年龄。Tom isn’t _________ ________ to go to school.

4.我们每天花一个小时做作业。We spend one hour ________ _______ homework every day.

5. 我会尽快给你打电话。I will ring you up ______ soon ______ possible.

6. 是上课的时间了。It’s time ______ ________ class.

7. 我们的父母都是老师。_______ my father ______ my mother are teachers.

8. 教室是太乱了,请打扫干净。Please _________ ________ the classroom, it’s real mess.

9. 这间工厂建于1980年。This factory ______ ________in 1980.

10. 他没有买T恤,相反他买了件绒衫。He bought a sweater _______ ________ a T shirt.

11. 人们在等公共汽车。The people are ______ _______ a bus.

12. 玛利善于游泳。Mary is ______ _______ swimming.

13. Jim 不知怎样修理单车。Jim doesn’t know _______ _______ mend bikes.

14.他学英语已经六年了。He ______ __________ English for six years.

15. 你与你的新朋友相处得怎么样?How do you ______ _______ with your new friends?

16.她因美丽而著名。She was _______ _________ her beauty.

17. 感谢你热情招待了我。_______ _______ having me as your guest.

18. 我对英语学习感兴趣。I am _________ _________ learning English.

19.你能告诉到车站的路吗?Could you please tell me the ______ _______ the station?

20.上海是中国最大的城市之一。Shanghai is one of the ______ _________ cities in China.

21.父母不应该对青少年太严格。Parents shouldn’t be too ________ ________ teenagers.

22. 电视里播放什么节目?________ ________ TV now?

23. 课堂上他必须停止讲话。He must _______ ________ in class.

24.我们花了半个小时完成这工作。It took us half an hour ________ ________ the work..

25.你和他都没有到过桂林。_______ you ________ he has been to Guilin.

26. 你应该好好照顾好你自已。You should ________ _________ yourself.

27. 你能整理床铺吗?Could you please _______ your _______ ?

28.我们不能在教室里吃东西?对吗?We ______ ________ in the classroom, can we?

29.现在看电视如何?_______ __________watching now?

30. 她害怕在黑暗在行走。She is afraid ________ ________ in the dark.

31. 使他们惊讶的是,所有人都通过了考试。

______ their____________, all of them passed the exm.

32.我们学校有太多规定。We have ______ ________ rules in our school.

33. 比起夏天来,我更喜欢秋天。I ______ autumn _______ summer.

34. 她姐姐正忙于做饭。Her sister is _________ __________.

35.今晚你能参加我的生日聚会吗?_______ you _______ to my birthday this evening?

36.李老师是我最喜欢的老师之一。Mr li is the ________ ________in our school.

37. 没有公共汽车了,他只好走路回家。There were no buses, He _______ ______ walk home.

38. 你的眼睛怎么啦?________ _________ with your eyes?

39.你出生于1985年吗?were you _______ ________ 1985?

40. 你们善长于运动吗?Are you ______ ______ sports?

41. 请你随便吃些鱼吧?Please _________ _________ to some fish.

42. 他不再是一个小孩了。He is _______ ________ a child.

43. 他年纪太小不能上学。He is _______ young ______ go to school.

44. 他一到北京就会给你打电话。He will ring you up ______ soon ______ he reaches Beijing.

45. 我的手表坏了。There’s _________ __________ with my watch.

46. 我想他今晚不会来。I ______ _______ he will come tonight.

47. 我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。I have _________ ________ to tell you.

48. 星期天有数千人在公园里。_________ ________ people are in the park on Sunday. 49. 这本书如些有趣,我想再读它一遍。

The book is ________ interesting _______ I want to read it again.

50. 这本书我可以借多久?_______ _______ may I keep the book?

51. 这部电视机值多少钱?________ _________ does the TV cost?

52. 这个箱子大得足以装得下这些书。The bos is _______ ________ to hold all these books.

53. 直到雨停了,我才会回家。I will ______ go home _______ the rain stops.

54. 你通常多长时间吃一次蔬菜?_______ ________ do you eat vegetables?

55. 坐火车比坐飞机便宜得多。Going by train is _______ _________ than by air.

56. 附近有邮局吗?________ _________ a post office near there?

57. 你舅舅是干什么工作的?________ does your uncle ________?

58.你对我们学校看法如何?_________ do you _______ of our school?

59. 你为什么不跟他谈这件事呢?_________ ________ talk to him about it?

60.你不介意移动一下你的自行车吗?______ you mind ________ your bikes?

61.你常常在周末做些什么?What do you usually do _______ ___________?

62. 他总是在家务方面帮助我。He helps me with housework _______ the ________.

63.他为他妈妈的健康而担心。He is _______ ________ his mother’s health.

64. 别用完了这些钱。Don’t _______ ________ all the money.

65. 你没有必要今天去哪里。You ________ ________ to go there today.

66. 离天教室请关灯。Please _________ ________ the lights when you leaves the classroom.

67.你们真好。It’s very ________ ______ of.

68. 你最好不要出去。You’d better ________ ________ out at night.

69. 一百年后小孩要上学吗?________ kids go to school _______ 100 years?

70.你最好认真听老师讲。Y ou’d better _______ to teacher ___________ in class.

71. 你昨天上学迟到了吗?________ you _______ late for school yesterday?

72. 他是个13岁的小孩。He is _______ thirteen-year-old ________.

73.别忘了生菜。_________ ____________ the lettuce.

74. 让我们洗碗吧。Let’s _______ the ___________.

75你喜欢这个发卡吗?_______ you _______ the hair clip?

76.他既不会跳舞,也不会唱歌。He can ________ dance nor ________.

77. 谢谢你帮助我学习功课。Thank you for ________ me _______ my lessons.

78.图书馆前面有许多小树。There ______ many young tress in ________ of the library.

79. 父母应该好好照顾他们的孩子。Parents _________ take good ______ of their kids.

80. 中国富强了,我们为祖国面骄傲。

Now China is rich and strong, we are ________ _________ our country.

81中国以长城而闻明。China is ________ _________ the Great Wall.

82. 他既不是医生,也不是教师。He is ________ a doctor ______ a teacher.

83. 我得先把作业做完。I _______ ________ finish my homework first.

84. 他们去过香港。They ______ ________ to HongKong.

85. 昨天,你把包忘在家里了。You ________ your bag ______ home yesterday.

86. 哪种动物只居住在中国?Which animal _______ ________ in China?

87. 我认为小鸡不会游泳。I _______ think chicken _________ swim.

88. 为什么不早点来呢?________ don’t you come a little _________?

89. 不要忘了一天吃两次药。__________ forget to take the medicine _________ a day.

90. 绿色长城将阻止风刮走土。

The Great Wall will _________ the wind from ________ the earth away.



A:The summer holidays are coming soon._____ are you going to do, Song Jia?

B:My parents are going to take me to Hainan ______a visit.

A:Hainan? It's a ________ of interest.

B:Yes. I love surfing. This time I can ________ in the sea.
