4、价值观是关于什么是真善美的共享观念,价值观是文化 模式的基础并指导人们应对自然和社会环境。
你最认可哪个价值观的定义? 你对价值观的定义是什么?
人在其所处的环境中所形成的对 待事物的观点,并直接指导其行为。
洲国家 ”天人合一“ “无为而治” 古典建筑中国
冥冥之中有一种 超自然的力量主 宰人类的命运, 人在强大自然面 前是无能为力的
印度文化、部 分拉美文化、 美国印第安人 文化
致力于改造不 利环境,追求 变化和进步, 强调物质享受 努力适应不利 自然环境,不 强调改变环境
遭受自然灾害 时,往往表现 出一种无奈的 平静。
并不意味着行动消 拉美国家的墨 极而是把人和事件 西哥文化 都看成自然形成的, 不需要太多人为干 预,着手于眼前的 事,强调满足于现 有的欲望。
重视人格的成长和 发展,对精神追求 大于物质追求。
许多信奉佛教 的人
影响 (行为、交往方式) 喜欢变化和竞争,爱 好体育户外运动,喜 欢快节奏的生活。
经常祈祷、坐禅、冥 想,生活节奏悠闲。
强调未来 强调变化,而且坚信 美国
未来会比现在更美好, 恪守传统的人往往会 受到嘲笑。
更重视创新和变化,肯 定年轻和活力,对新事 物表现出更大的兴趣和 热情。
强调静止的存 在
强调发展的存 在
以一个人的行为和 美国 成就来衡量他是否 成功,不考虑出生、 背景等
东南亚文化国家 中国、韩国
Perceptions are stored within each human being in the form of beliefs + values = cultural patterns
1.2. Beliefs
1.What are beliefs? Beliefs are our convictions in the truth of something—
• “Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world.” (Gamble and Gamble) (P56)
3)) Values are a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.
2. Your perceptual patterns are learned. “perception is culturally determined. We learn to see the world in a certain way based on our cultural background.” [see P57-58 ]
2)Suntanned skin reflects a low social status, you will probably----( make an extra effort to avoid exposing yourself to the
词语的常规含义分为两种,一种是概念含义Concept meaning,另外一种是联想含义Associative meaning。
一般来说,有这么三种含意,即话语本身的意思,说者的意思和听者的意思(utterance meaning; speaker’s meaning and hearer’s meaning)。
跨文化交际 知识点整理
![跨文化交际 知识点整理](
Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际
![Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际](
➢Lessons about life and ways for living that life ➢It's based on cooperation
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Societies around the globe have been interwoven into a complex fabric of interdependent economic, technological, political, and social relationships.
The Deep Structure of Culture: Roots of Reality
CHAPTER 2 - The Deep Structure of Culture: Roots of Reality
• The deep structure of culture is the unconscious assumptions about how the world operates. It makes each culture unique, and explains how and why of a culture's collective action.
克拉克洪和斯托特伯克用“价值取向” (value orientation)这个概念指代以上五个 问题:
➢ 控制自然:人类有能力并且应该将自然力 量和超自然力量置于自己的掌控之中,使 其为人类所用。
低语境与高语境相反,信息绝大部分是通过言语交际来传递的,只有极少的部分蕴 含在情景或交际者本身之中。
低语境文化的交际模式常常是直接的、追求清晰无误的。 这是因为,低语境文化通常是由一群一致性比较低的成员构成的,也就是说,他们缺乏共 同的经验,因此在交际中,为了准确地让别人理解意义,必须要把背景信息都详尽地表述出 来。
化(的阴柔)特征的评价与追求。 有人认为Masculinity和Femininity这两个词并不能恰当地表达这一维度的内涵,主张用
career success“事业成功”和quality of life“生活质量”这一对概念。 Hofstede认为,男性化文化认为由于男女生理上就是存在差异的,因此也有各自不同
往往采取间接的方式。人们更重视一件事是“怎样”被说出来的, 而不是说了“什么”,非言语线索在交际中受到高度重视。
这是因为,在高语境文化中,人们通常是具有高度一致性的。他 们有共同的经历和经验、有共享的信息网,有一套共同遵守的完备 的社会礼仪规范。因此,在人们的日常交际中,大多数情况下,人 们是不需要更深入的背景信息的。
(5)Long-term / Short-term Orientation ➢ 长期导向的文化着眼于未来,注重节俭、
Tea Ceremony
• High-Context Cultures • Japanese • Chinese • Korean • African American • Native American • Arab • Greek • Latin • Italian • English • French • American • Scandinavian • German • German-Swiss • Low-Context Cultures
1) = Human nature orientation 2) = Man-nature orientation 3) = Time orientation 4) = Activity orientation 5) = Social orientation
人性取向 人天取向 时间取向 行为取向 人际取向
Chapter 3
Fundamental theories of intercultural communication
How to classify different cultures?
Culture patterns
Kluckhohn’s Value Orientation
Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Variability Individualism vs. Collectivism Uncertainty Avoidance
• • • • • 1) What is the character of innate human nature? 2) What is the relation of man to nature? 3) What is the temporal focus? 4) What is the mode of human activity? 5) What is the mode of human relationship?
跨文化商务交际 Chapter 2 Cultural Values
![跨文化商务交际 Chapter 2 Cultural Values](
world around them. 2. Adults pass on to their children what they know about proper ___c_o_m__m_u_n_i_c_a_ti_o_n_b_e_h_a_v_io_r____, and as knowledge passes on from generation to generation, cultural values always ____p_er_s_is_t____ within cultures for hundreds of years or even longer.
statements into correct ones.
( F )1. After cultural values are learned, it is easy to unlearn them. ( T ) 2. Most cultural values are learnedal values are mostly visible to us. ( F ) 4. We are always aware that the values influence our views.
Culture Focus Case Study 1
This part helps you have a general idea about individualism and collectivism and time orientation in different cultures. Cases are given for your further understanding. And then you are asked to complete the tasks.
Pity Relational
Uncertainty Avoidance
Power distance
Masculinity– Femininity
Chapter3 The Hidden Core of Culture
Lead-in Activity:
2. describe the components of cultural patterns.
3. summarize the theory about cultural patterns.
•4. evaluate the importance of cultural patterns.
Chapter3 The Hidden Core of Culture
The Characteristics of Values
• What’s the values reflected in the following proverbs?
• 1. Blood is thicker than water. • 2. Too many cooks spoil the broth(鱼汤). • 3. God helps those who help themselves. • 4. Time is money. • 5. A man’s home is his castle. • 6. Think three times before you take action. • 7. Nothing done with intelligence is done without speech.
• (富有智慧的无所作为是无言的作为).(沉默是金)
跨文化交际 culture values
![跨文化交际 culture values](
He who stirs another ‘s porridge often burns his own. Value: Privacy Origin: Sweden
When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion Value : the power of solidarity, to unite all the powers Origin: Ethiopia
Nothing done with intelligence is done without speech. Value: emphasize the ability of talking and making speeches Origin: Greece The mouth of the elder is more powerful than a rm. Value: past-oriented Origin: Ghana
Order is half of life.
Germany, a nation of order.
Nothing done with intelligence is done without speech Value: talk Origin: Greece
A crowd of philosophers, orators and speechmakers have emerged since ancient Greece. The capability of making speeches is highly emphasized in ancient Greece.
And the law of England has so particular and tender a regard to the immunity of a man's house, that it stiles it his castle, and will never suffer it to be violated with immunity: agreeing herein with the sentiments of ancient Rome, as expressed in the works of Tully; quid enim
1.3 Values
1)A Value is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another. 2)Values are shared ideas about what is true, right, and beautiful which underline cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment.‖ (Nanda &Warms) 3)) Values are a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.
1.1 Perception
1.2 Beliefs 1.3 Values 2. Cultural Patterns
1. 1 What is perception?
• Perception is primary in the study of intercultural communication, because our information about and knowledge of our physical and social world are mediated(传 达 )by perceptual processes. Our perceptions give meaning to all those external forces: symbols, things, people, ideas, events, ideologies and faith.
《跨文化交流导论》 教学大纲
![《跨文化交流导论》 教学大纲](
《跨文化交流导论》(英) 教学大纲一、教学目标了解与跨文化交际相关的理论,对文化、交际、语言、跨文化交际等相关概念有较为系统的理解;提高跨文化意识和跨文化情感态度,能够较为客观、系统、全面地认识本国文化与目的语文化之间的差异,进而主动观察、分析、对比、评价这些差异现象;培养跨文化学习策略、跨文化语用能力和跨文化语言知识,能够恰当地处理因文化差异引起的跨文化误解和文化冲突;全面提高跨文化交际能力,在学习、工作和社会交往的跨文化环境下能用英语有效地进行交际,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。
二、课程描述跨文化交际是一门实践性很强的综合性应用学科,涉及人类学、语言学、心理学、社会学、文化学、民俗学等多学科,《跨文化交际导论(英)》通过讲座、讨论、案例研究等多种教学形式,运用图、文、声、情景并茂的教学手段,介绍跨文化交际学的理论体系和实践原则, 旨在通过分析中西文化在言语交际、非言语交际中的差异,以及这些差异在社会礼仪和商务谈判中的反映等,从而培养学生的跨文化意识,加强对母语和目的语文化的深刻理解力,最终提高跨文化交际能力,为学生今后的工作实践打下必备的基础。
三、选用教材Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication 《跨文化交际基础》窦卫霖编著,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007.4内容简介:教材共分九章,其中前六章以跨文化交际学的基本理论和主要内容为框架,第一章为概论,介绍跨文化交际的定义、概念、发展及其意义;第二章着重讨论交际的基本理论及其在人类交际中的应用;第三章阐述文化的性质,包括定义、作用、特征及其差异;第四章集中讨论价值观这一深层文化差异及其在商务活动中的表现;第五和第六章分别探讨了文化差异在言语和非言语交际方面的种种表现。
跨文化交际实训Chapter 4 Cultural Values-文档资料
![跨文化交际实训Chapter 4 Cultural Values-文档资料](
Key Terms
未来时间取向认为一切着眼于未来,他们很少回顾过 去。美国人是典型的未来取向的,他们一般不像其他 民族那样注重历史与传统,他们普遍相信:历史无足 轻重,机会人人均等,只要努力奋斗,就能获得成功。 他们认为未来是可以驾驭的,至少是可以受他们影响 的。变革意味着进步,新事物总是优越于旧事物。人 们相信进步,往往为将来发生的事情制定计划。 Hierarchy 社会阶层 所谓社会阶层是依据社会成员的经济、政治、教育、 文化等种种社会因素所划分的社会集团。每个人都处 在一定的社会阶层这由其家庭出身、职业、所拥有的 财富以及所受的文化教育所决定。
Value: A value can be defined as a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.
1. What is meant by the term cultural value?
2. In what aspects do the Chinese culture and Western culture differ?
I. Definitions of Value 价值的定义
ISBN:978-7-81134-892-7 2010年11月 第1版
Chapter 4 Cultural Values
Learning Objectives In this chapter, you should be able to To identify the definitions of value To identify Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientations To identify Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
文化、跨文化交际、文化价值观的定义Definitions of CultureCulture is learned and shared within social groups and istransmitted from one generation to another for purposes of promoting individual and social survival, adaption, and growth and development. Generally speaking, culture means both human and society that have developed to a certain level in history. It consists of all forms of human lives and activities, and all the man-made material and spiritual wealth. Specifically speaking, it solely means “areas of man’ssp iritual life”. Cultureis created by man; it also continually creates human beings, countries, nations, personal characters, psychologies, behaviors, ways of thinking and various values.According to Samovar and Porter (2010), culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.Definitions of Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a number of another culture. More precisely, intercultural communication involves interaction betweenpeople whose cultural perception and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.Intercultural communication in its most basic form refers to an academic field of study and research. It seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures behave, communicate and perceive the world around them. The definition of intercultural communication must also include strands of the field that contribute to it such as anthropology, cultural studies, psychology and communication.According to the definition from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, intercultural communication is a form of global communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.Karlfried Knapp (1987) defines it as the interpersonal interaction between members of different groups, which differ from each other in respect of the knowledge shared by their members and in respect of their linguistic forms of symbolic behavior.”Definitions of Cultural ValueCultural values are values that tend to permeate a culture. They are the goodness or desirability of certain actions or attitudes among members of the culture. They are transmitted by a variety of sources (family, media, school, church, state, and so on) and therefore tend to be broad-based, enduring, and relatively stable. They guide bothperception and communication. That is, values get translated into action. An understanding of cultural values helps us appreciate the behavior of other people, knowing, for instance, that the American value of directness and the exchange of eye-contact, might cause us to apply one trick of focusing in the space between the eyebrows, and “faking it” until we can make eye contact ourselves. What is more, an awareness of cultural values also helps us understand our own behavior. For example, we can associate patience with the value of time, moderation with the value of harmony and consensus, and obligation with the twin value of friendship and sociability.Hu Wenzhong (1999), a famous cultural scholar in China, has pointed out that of all the problems discussed or studied in intercultural communication research, value is one of the most important problems and deserves great attention. Values come from social life and provide criteria for behavior. “They prescribe which actions and ways of being are better than others;they are not descriptions of fact,but possess contentand emotion and contribute to social reality.” Scholars haveoffered many versions ofdefinitions for values.。
跨文化交际第三章文化价值Chapter Three culture values
![跨文化交际第三章文化价值Chapter Three culture values](
Contexts: High and Low
Low-Context Tends to use “logic” to present ideas Tends to emphasize highly structured messages, give details, and place great stress on words Emphasizes linear logic High-Context Tends to use more “feeling” in expressions Tends to give simple, ambiguous, noncontexting messages Emphasizes spiral logic
Carmen: Hi, Judy. Judy:
Carmen: Fine. I’m glad to see that our children like to play together. Judy: Yeah, me too. I remember just a month ago they weren’t sharing their toys.
Chapter Three
1.1. Perception & cultures
Two ways that culture influences the perception process:
1. Perception is selective. What is allowed in is, in part, determined by culture.
1.3 Values
1)A Value is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another.
truths. • One of the most important functions of beliefs is that
they form the basis of your values,
1.2. Beliefs
4. Beliefs are usually reflected in your actions and communication behavior. Eg
1.1 Perception
1.2 Beliefs 1.3 Values
2. Cultural Patterns
1. 1 What is perception?
• Perception is primary in the study of intercultural communication, because our information about and knowledge of our physical and social world are mediated(传 达 )by perceptual processes. Our perceptions give meaning to all those external forces: symbols, things, people, ideas, events, ideologies and faith.
3.2.1 High-Context
A high context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message. In high-context cultures, people are very homogeneous with regard to experiences, information networks, and the like. High-context cultures, because of tradition and history, change very little over time.
3.1.3 Power Distance
The premise of the dimension deals with the extent to which a society accepts that power in relationships, institution, and organizations is distributed unequally. People in high-power-distance countries believe that power and authority are facts of life…Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalizes inequality. To people in low-power-distance countries, a hierarchy is an inequality of roles established for convenience.
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1.2 Beliefs 1.3 Values 2. Cultural Patterns
1. 1 What is perception?
• Perception is primary in the study of intercultural communication, because our information about and knowledge of our physical and social world are mediated(传 达 )by perceptual processes. Our perceptions give meaning to all those external forces: symbols, things, people, ideas, events, ideologies and faith.
1.3 Values
1)A Value is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another. 2)Values are shared ideas about what is true, right, and beautiful which underline cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment.‖ (Nanda &Warms) 3)) Values are a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.
• Where to find 1. from people’s behavior pattern 2. from what people say about themselves; 3. from myths, tales of heroes and rituals; 4. from folk tales, movies, proverbs, sayings, etc.
Chapter Three
Cultural Values/Patterns/Orientations
1. Perception, Belief and Values
2. Cultural Patterns 3. Application of theories
1. Perception, Belief and Values
2. 1 Cultural Patterns
Perceptions are stored within each human being in the form of beliefs + values = cultural patterns. • Cultural pattern taxonomies are used to illustrate the dominant beliefs and values of a culture.
2.How to classify different culture patterns?
Variations of Value Studies
Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Variability Individualism Vs Collectivism Uncertainty Avoidance Low-Context Power Distance Edward T Hall’s Context - Culture Theory
1.3The Value Hierarchy
hospitality to guests • cleanliness
Tertiary Values
Alleviation of the pain and Secondary Values suffering of others securing material possessions
• • • • • 1) What is the character of human nature? 2) What is the relation of man to nature? 3) What is the orientation toward time? (temporal focus) 4) What is the mode of human activity? 5) What is the mode of human relationship? 1) = Human nature orientation 人性取向 2) = Man-nature orientation 人与自然的关系取向 3) = Time orientation 时间取向 4) = Activity orientation 行为取向 5) = Social orientation 人际取向 2013-12-26
US Dominant cultural patterns (P62-65)
• • • • • • • Individualism, Equality, Materialism, Science and technology, Progress and change, Work and leisure, Competition
•Democracy • the protection of oneself and close family member
Primary Values
1.3. How to get and where to find values?
• How to get: 1. from one’s family 2. from school teachers; 3. from one’s peers (friends, schoolmates, play mates; 4. from society at large
1.2. Beliefs
4. Beliefs are usually reflected in your actions and communication behavior. Eg
1) A good tan(棕褐色) is a reflection of a healthy, active lifestyle and makes a person more attractive. you will probably ----(find time to lie out in the sun or even go to a tanning salon. ) 2)Suntanned skin reflects a low social status, you will probably----( make an extra effort to avoid exposing yourself to the sun by wearing a hat, long-sleeved shirt, and perhaps gloves, and carrying an umbrella, on sunny days. )
1.1. Perception & cultures
Two ways that culture influences the perception process:
1. Perception is selective. What is allowed in is, in part, determined by culture. 2. Your perceptual patterns are learned. ―perception is culturally determined. We learn to see the world in a certain way based on our cultural background.‖ [see P57-58 ]
1.3 Values
4) Hofstede: Values are “a broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others”. E.g. evil vs. good, dirty vs. clean, dangerous vs. safe, decent vs. indecent, ugly vs. beautiful, unnatural vs. natural, abnormal vs. normal, paradoxical vs. logical, irrational vs. rational, moral vs. immoral.
1.1. Perception & cultures
Perceptions are stored within each human being in the form of beliefs + values = cultural patterns
1.2. Beliefs
1.What are beliefs? Beliefs are our convictions in the truth of something— with or without proof..(p58) 2. How did you acquire them? Beliefs are shaped by the individual‘s culture.‖ 3. What function do they perform? • Beliefs are important because they are accepted as truths. • One of the most important functions of beliefs is that they form the basis of your values,