3、不确定性回避指数 uncertainty avoidance index,UAI index, 反映了社会成员对模棱两可或者不确 定性或者风险的容忍程度。 UAI较高的文化往往难以忍受不确定 UAI较高的文化往往难以忍受不确定 性,对一些新思想和新行为持怀疑态 度,其社会成员较为关注安全感和行 为的规范性以规避不确定性。因此, 在这种文化下,人们会教条式的拘泥 于过去习惯了的行为规范,这些行为 规范最终转化为不可违反的行为准则。 UAI较低的文化人们易于接受新鲜事 UAI较低的文化人们易于接受新鲜事 物、新观念,对反常的思想和不同的 观点比较容忍,并且乐于冒险。
二)因地制宜原则 营销者必须重视文化适应,但是 面对文化差异,国际营销者是不 是一定必须入乡随俗,完全听命 与当地的顾客呢?之所以提出这 个问题,是因为 1)尽管文化现象虽然博大深邃, 但是并非所有的文化差异都会对 国际市场营销产生明显的影响; 2)文化适应是需要成本的
文化差异可以分为三类: 1、强制性文化差异:要求国际 营销者必须遵循、适应 2、选择性文化差异:可以接受 也可以不接受 3、排他性文化差异:最好不要 介入
文化的定义非常广泛,也就是人 类作为社会成员所掌握的知识、 信仰、艺术、道德、风俗及其他 能力和习惯的总和。
荷兰人是花束的消费冠军,英国人则 喜爱吃巧克力,这可能与吉百利的广 告有很大的关系,从历史方面看,可 能是英国偏北,较低的气温使巧克力 储藏更方便,质量更好。在欧洲,西 班牙人喜欢抽烟,那么肺癌的发病率 与烟草的高消费量是分不开的。在气 候和土壤的共同作用下,法国和意大 利盛产葡萄,这就说明这两个国家对 酒精的消费较高。日本对海产品的是 非常偏爱的,注重鱼的饮食使他们有 全世界最长的寿命预期。但是日本有 极高的胃癌发病率。
恩格尔定律:收入增加时,食物费所占比率趋向减少, 教育、卫生与休闲支出比率迅速上升。 消费储蓄:反映一个国家或地区或家庭的储蓄状况, 通常有三个指标储蓄额、储蓄率、储蓄增长率。
2013-12-24 第三章国际经济环境
第二节 国际金融与外汇环境
国际金融制度 外汇风险与国际营销 国际金融环境对国际营销的影响
2013-12-24 第三章国际经济环境
2013-12-24 第三章国际经济环境
经济自由度指数(Index of Economic Freedom)是由《华 尔街日报》和美国传统基金会发布的年度报告。 该指数根据经济自由度50个指标评价各个国家的得分。每 一个指标的最高得分为1分,最低得分为5分。
Trade policy Fiscal burden of government Government intervention in the economy Monetary policy Capital flows and foreign investment Banking and finance Wages and prices Property rights Regulation Informal market activity
1. “Software of the mind” culture is a guide for humans on how to think and behave; it is a problem-solving tool (Hofstede)
(5) Government policies influence the thinking and behaviors citizens of adult citizens, e.g., the French government offers new “birth bonuses” of $800 given to women as an incentive to increase family size
(1) Family behavi源自r varies across the world, e.g., extended families living together to Dad washing dishes
(2) Religious value systems differ across the world, e.g., Muslims not allowed to eat pork to Hindus not allowed to consume beef
Importance of culture in international marketing
A successful marketer must be a student of culture
Culture is pervasive in all marketing activities— in pricing, promotion, channels of distribution, product, packaging, and styling
国际市场营销学 ppt课件
![国际市场营销学 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b829415965ce05087732133b.png)
㈢ 风俗习惯
不同的文化习俗影响形成的消费习惯, 必然影响人们的消费行为,国际营销工 作中,熟悉异国文化、了解异国风俗习 惯至关重要。
㈣ 社会结构
社会结构也称社会组织,指社会里的人 相互发生联系的各种组织形式,是人们 之间相互联系、沟通的方式。
1. 亲属关系
2. 社会阶层
3. 社会群体
国际营销活动的 计划、组织、控制
建立与经销商、顾客之间 的良好关系
第二章 国际市场营销文化环 境
Chapter Two International Marketing Culture
Culture just different, not right or wrong, better or worse
国际 市场 营销 管理
企业具体策略 (产品、价格、分销、促销)
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
分销 结构
• 通过国外投资设厂生产,避开贸易壁垒。 • 享受外国政府制定的优惠政策。 • 利用外国低廉的劳动力和原材料,降低生产成本,
国际市场营销 全球营销学每章课后习题答案
![国际市场营销 全球营销学每章课后习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a9b5a9b9c77da26925c5b07c.png)
全球营销学第四版每章课后习题答案第一章Introduction to Global Marketing1.What are the basic goals of marketing? Are these goals relevant to globalmarketing?P31、Surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers2、The Guide line is the value equation –Value = Benefits/Price (Money, Time, Effort, Etc.)P42.What is mean by “global localization”?(全球本土化策略)Is Coca-Cola a globalproduct? Explain.The phrase “global localization” represents an attempt to capture the spirit of the rallying cry for o rganizations in the 21st century, namely, “think globally, act locally.”Most people will agree that Coca-Cola is a global product by virtue of the fact that it is available in more than 195 countries in red cans bearing the distinctive signature style. It must be noted, however, that customer service efforts are adapted to the needs of particular markets, e.g., vending machines in Japan. Thus, Coca-Cola is both global and local.3.Describe some of the global marketing strategies available to companies. Giveexamples of companies that use the different strategies.Global marketing strategies: 1. global market participation is the extent to which a company has operations in major world markets; 2. standardization versus adaptation is the extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized or adapted in various country markets; 3. concentration of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed in one or a few country locations; 4. coordination of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed interdependently around the globe; 5. integration of competitive moves is the extent to which a firm’s competitive marketing tactics in different parts of world are interdependent.Examples: 1. Coke is the best-known, strongest brand, as the Coca-Cola Company, supporting its Coke, Fanta, and Powerade brands with marketing mix elements both that are globe and local, is adept at adapting sales promotion, distribution, and customer service efforts to local needs;2. Mcdonald’s business model is a restaurant system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world and offers core menu items-hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks-in most countries, and the company also customizes menu offerings according to local eating customs.4.How do the global marketing strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota differ?Harley-Davidson motorcycles are known the world over as “the” all-American motorcycle. Harley’s mystique and heritag e are associated with the USA. The company backs up this positioning with exports from two U.S. manufacturing locations. By contrast, Toyota builds some models (e.g., Camry and Avalon) for the U.S. market in the U.S., a fact that Toyota stresses in its American ad. Thus, Harley-Davidson serves global markets while sourcing locally, while Toyota’s strategy calls for serving world markets and using the world as a source of supply.5.Describe the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, regiocentric, andgeocentric management orientations.The premise of an ethnocentric orientation is that home country products and management processes are superior. An ethnocentric company that neither sources inputs from, nor seeks market opportunities in the world outside the home country may be classified as an domestic company. A company that does business abroad while still presuming the superiority of the home country may be classified as an international company. Such a company would rely on an extension strategy whereby it would export, without adaptation, products designed for the domestic market.The polycentric orientation that predominates at a multinational company leads to aview of the world in which each country markets is different from the others. Local country managers operating with a high degree of autonomy adapt the marketing mix in a polycentric, multinational company. Managers who are regiocentric or geocentric in their orientations recognize both similarities and differences in world markets. Market opportunities are pursued using both extension and adaptation strategies. The regiocentric and geocentric orientations are characteristic of global transnational companies.OrEthnocentric orientation: home country is superior to the rest of the world, sees similarities in foreign countries,leads to a standardized or extension approach; Polycentric orientation: the opposite of ethnocentrism, each country in which a company does business is unique, sees differences in foreign countries, leads to localized or adaption approach; Regiocentric orientation: a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management`s goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy; Geocentric orientation:views the entire world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated world market strategies.6.Identify and briefly describe some of the forces that have resulted in increased globalintegration and the growing importance of global marketing.P21+Driving Forces:Regional economic agreements、Market needs and wants、TechnologyTransportation and communication improvements、Product development costs、Quality、World economic trends、LeverageRestraining Forces:Management myopia、Organizational culture、National controls 7.Define leverage and explain the different types of leverage utilized by companieswith global operations.Define leverage:P25第二章The Global Economic Environment1.Explain the difference between market capitalism, centrally planned capitalism,centrally planned socialism, and market socialism. Give an example of a country that illustrates each types of system.Market capitalism is an economic system in which individuals and firms allocate resources and production resources are privately owned. (England).Centrally planned capitalism is an economic system in which command resource allocation is utilized extensively in an environment of private resource ownership. (Sweden)Centrally planned socialism, in this type of economic system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest as it sees fit. (Former Soviet Union)Market socialism, in such a system, market allocation policies are permitted within an overall environment of state ownership. (China)2.What is a BEM? Identify the BEMs according to their respective stages of economicdevelopment.P53P56-583. A manufacture of satellite dishes is assessing the world market potential for hisproducts. He asks you if he should consider developing countries as potential markets.How would you advise him?Despite the difficult economic conditions in parts of developing countries, many nations will involve into attractive markets.One of marketing’s roles in developing countries is to focus resources on the task of creating and delivering products that are best suited to local needs and incomes. The role of marketing to indentify people’s needs and wants is the same in all countries, irrespective of level of economic development. It is also an opportunity to help developing countries join the information age.And P654.Turn to the Index of Economic Freedom (Table 2-1) and identify where the BEMs areranked. What does the result tell you in terms of the relevance of the index to global marketers?P52第三章Social and Cultural Environments1.What are some of the elements that make up culture? How do these find expression inyour native culture?Culture is a collection of Values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that distinguish one society from another.Culture is acted out in social institutions, such as, family, education, religion, government, business.2.What is the difference between a low-context culture and a high-context culture?Give an example of a country that is an example of each type and provide evidence for your answer.PPT 第四章4-63.How can Hofstede’s cultural typologies help Western marketers better understandAsian culture?P874.Explain the self-reference criterion(自我参照准则). Go to the library and findexamples of product failures that might have been avoided through the application of the SRC.Unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values; creates cultural myopia5.Briefly explain the social research of Everrtt Rogers regarding diffusion ofinnovations,……P94pare and contrast USA and Japan in terms of traditions and organizationalbehavior and norms.第四章The Legal and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing1.What is sovereignty? What is it an important consideration in the politicalenvironment of global marketing?sovereignty2.Describe some of the sources of political risk. Specially, what forms can political risktake?Tension between aspirations and realityPrimarily occurs in lower and lower-middle income countries–Indonesia and economic crisisWhen political risk occurs in high income countries, it is generally due to a long-standing conflict–Northern IrelandP1423.Briefly describe some of the differences between the legal environment of a countrythat embraces common law and one that observes civil law.4.Global marketers can avoid legal conflicts by understanding the reasons conflictsarise in the first place. Identify and describe several legal issues that relate to global commerce.Intellectual PropertyAntitrustContractualLicensing and Trade Secrets5.“See you in court” is one way to respond when legal issues arise. What otherapproaches are possible?LitigationFormal arbitration–Settles disputes outside of court–Groups agree to abide by panel’s decision1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards–Most important treaty regarding international arbitration第五章Global Information Systems and Market Research1.Explain two information technology puts powerful tools in the hands of globalmarketers.Modern IT tools provide the means for a company's marketing information system and research functions to provide relevant information in a timely, cost –efficient, and actionable manner.Electronic data interchange (EDI) allows business units to submit orders, to issue invoices, to conduct business electronically, Wal-Mart legendary for its EDI, save time and money, enables retailers to improve inventory management. Transaction formats are universalEfficient Consumer Response (ECR) This is in addition to EDI, an effort for retailers and vendors to work closely on stock replenishment(补充). ECR can be defined as a joint initiative by members of a supply chain to work toward improving and optimizing(最优化) aspects of the supply chain to benefit customersIntranet, Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS), Data Warehouses are also helping businesses improve their ability to target consumers and increase loyalty.2.What are the different modes of information acquisition? Which is the most importantfor gathering strategic information?3.4、Outline the basic steps of the market research process.5、What is the difference between existing, latent, and incipient demand? How mightthese differences affect the design of a marketing research project?Demand and profit potential, in turn, depend in part on whether the market being studied can be classifieds existing or potential. Existing markets are those in which customer needs are already being served by one or more companies. In some instances, there is no existing market to research and. information may be readily available. A latent market is in essence, an und iscovered segment .It’s a market in which demand would materialize if an appropriate product were made available. An incipient market is a market that will emerge if particular economic demographic, political, or sociocultural trend continues. A company is not likely to achieve satisfactory results if it offers a product in an incipient market before the trends have taken root.Market growth, brand loyalty, market segment, product, sales promotion, pricing, distribution, will be different in marketing research project.6.Describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each technique?A number of techniques are available for analyzing survey data.Factor analysis can be used to transform large amount of data into manageable units. It is useful in psychographic segmentation studies or creating perceptual maps; cluster analysis allows the researchers to group variables into clusters that maximize within-group similarities and between-group differences. It can be used to do global marketing research, to perform benefit segmentation, and to identify new product opportunities. Multi dimensional scaling is another technique for creating perceptual maps which is particular useful when there are many product to choose and consumers have difficulty in verbalizing their conceptions. Conjoint analysis is used to gain insights into the combination of features that will be the most attractive to consumers. It is useful when determines the values and utilities of the various levels of product features and plots them graphically.第六章Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning1.differentiate the five basic segmentation strategies. Give an example of a companythat has used each one.P170-P1831、IncomePopulationsAge distributionGenderEducationOccupation2、Grouping people according to attitudes, value, and lifestyles3、4、Benefit segmentation focuses on the value equation–Value = Benefits / Price5、The population of many countries includes ethnic groups of significant size2.Explain the difference between segmenting and targeting.P200pare and contrast standardized, concentrated, and differentiated global marketing.Illustrate each strategy with an example from a global company.Standardized global marketing is mass marketing on a global scale with undifferentiated target marketing (Revlon International)Concentrated global marketing, involves devising a marketing mix to reach a niche. A niche is simply a single segment of the global market. (Germany`s Winter halter) Differentiated global marketing, represents a more ambitious approach than concentrated target marketing with multi-segment targeting and two or more distinct markets (Rover)4.5.What is positioning? Identify the different positioning strategies presented in thechapter and give examples of companies or products that illustrate each.Locating a brand in consumers’minds over and against competitors in terms of attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.P192-1956.What is global consumer culture positioning? What other strategic positioningchoices do global marketers have?Identifies the brand as a symbol of a particular global culture or segment.P1967.What is high-touch product? Explain the difference between high-tech productpositioning and high-touch product positioning. Can some products be positioned using both strategies? Explain.High-tech products are sophisticated technologically complex, and/or difficult to explain or understand, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established objective standards. High-tech global consumer positioning also works well for special interest products associated with leisure of recreation.High-touch products, consumers are generally energized by emotional motives rather than rational ones, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established subjective, aesthetic terms.Some products can be positioned using both strategies, with both satisfying buyers’ rational criteria and evoking an emotional response. Nokia, for example, combines technical performance with a fashion orientation.第七章Global Market Entry Strategies:1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using licensing as a market entry tool?Give examples of companies from different countries that use licensing as a global marketing strategy.Advantages to LicensingProvides additional profitability with little initial investmentProvides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriersAttractive ROILow costs to implementDisadvantages to LicensingLimited participationReturns may be lostLack of controlLicensee may become competitorLicensee may exploit company resourcesP2062.What is foreign direct investment? What forms can FDI take?P209Partial or full ownership of operations outside of home countryForms:Joint ventures–Minority or majority equity stakes–Outright acquisition3.Do you agree with Ford’s decision to acquire Jaguar? What was more valuable toFord---the physical assets or the name?P2154.What is meant by the phrase global strategic partnership? In what ways does this formof market entry strategy differ from more traditional forms such as joint ventures? Participants remain independent following formation of the allianceParticipants share benefits of alliance as well as control over performance of assigned tasksParticipants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategic areasPPT3055.What are Keiretsu? How does this form of industrial structure affect companies thatcompete with Japan or that are trying to enter the Japanese market?PPT307书P2276.Which Strategic options for market entry or expansion would a small company belikely to pursue? A large company?StrategiesCompanies must decide to expand by:–Seeking new markets in existing countries–Seeking new country markets for already identified and served market segments第八章Product and Brand Decisions1.What is the difference between a product and a brand?A product is a good, service, or ideaBrandsBundle of images and experiences in the customer’s mindA promise made by a particular company about a particular productA quality certificationDifferentiation between competing productsThe sum of impressions about a brand is the Brand ImageThe added value that accrues to a product as a result of investments in the marketing of the brandAn asset that represents the value created by the relationship between the brand and customer over time2.How do local, international, and global products differ? Cite examplesLocal Product is one that has achieved success in a single national market and represents the lifeblood of domestic companies. (Coca-cola, ginseng beverage only in Japan)International product is offered in several markets in a particular region (Euro-product, only in euro zone)Global product meets the wants and needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions (personal stereos)3.What are some of the elements that make up a brand? Are these elements tangible orintangible?IntangibleP2414.What criteria should global marketers consider when making product designdecisions?In many instances, packaging is an integral element of product-related design decisions. Packaging is designed to protect or contain the product during shipping;Labeling provides consumers with various types of information; Aesthetics differ around the world. Global marketers must understand the importance of visual aesthetics; Product Warranties is a written guarantee that assures the buyer is getting what they paid for or provides a remedy in case of a product failure. Warranties can be used as a competitive tool5.How can buyer at titudes about a product’s country of origin affect marketing strategy?买家对于原产国的态度对营销策略有什么影响?Perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries–Japan–Germany–France–ItalyP252-2546.Identify several global brands. What are some of the reasons for the global success ofthe brands you chose?Both products and brand are good……7.Briefly describe various combinations of product-communication strategies availableto global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each?Product-communication extension (dual extension) is a strategy selling the same product with the same promotional appeals used in domestically when pursuing opportunities outside the home market. It used frequently with industrial (business to business) products.Product extension-communication adaptation strategy is a relatively low cost of implementation because the physical product is unchanged, and the main costs are associated with market research and revising promotional appeals. It used frequently when consumer conceptions outside the home market are very different from domestic marketProduct adaptation-communication extension is an approach to global product planning is to extend, without change, the basic home-market communications strategy while adapting the product to local use or preference conditions. It used frequently when natural conditions outside the home market are very different from domestic market Product-communication adaptation (dual adaptation) strateg y is an approach used both the different product serves and advertising appeals to consumer receptivity when comparing a new geographic market to the home market, environmental conditions or consumer preferences differ;第九章Pricing Decisions1.What are the basic factors that affect price in any market? What considerations enterinto the pricing decision?In global marketing, the task of setting prices is complicated by fluctuating exchange rates. Currency fluctuations can create significant problems and opportunities for the classic international company that exports from the home country.Inflation, or a persistent upward change in price levels, is a problem in many country markets. It can be caused by an increase in the money supply and currency devaluation. Governmental policies and regulations that affect pricing decisions include dumping legislation, resale price maintenance legislation, price ceilings, and general reviews of price levels.Pricing decisions are bounded not only by cost and nature of demand but also by competitive action.Competitive Behavior: If competitors do not adjust their prices in response to rising costs it is difficult to adjust your price to maintain operating margins; If competitors are manufacturing or sourcing I a lower-cost country, it may be necessary to cut prices to stay competitiveThe global marketer has several options for addressing the problem of price escalation orthe environmental factors described in the last section.2.Define the various types of pricing strategies and objectives available to globalmarketers.Market Skimming and Financial Objectives: Market Skimming charges a premium price which may occur at the introduction stage of product life cyclePenetration Pricing and Non-Financial Objectives: Penetration Pricing charges a low price in order to penetrate market quickly which appropriates to saturate market prior to imitation by competitors3.Identify some of the environmental constraints on global pricing decisions. Currency FluctuationsInflationary EnvironmentGovernment Controls, Subsidies, RegulationsCompetitive BehaviorSourcing4.Why do price differences in world markets often lead to gray marketing?Because price differences in world markets lead to trademarked products are exported from one country to another where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizationsGray marketing occurs when product is in short supply, when producers use skimming strategies in some markets, and when goods are subject to substantial mark-ups 5.What is dumping? Why was dumping such an important issue during the UruguayRound of GATT negotiations?Sale of an imported product at a price lower than that normally charged in a domestic market or country of origin.P2966.What is transfer price? Why is it an important issue for companies with foreignaffiliates(外国子公司)? Why did transfer pricing in Europe take on increased importance in 1999?The transfer price is that Pricing of goods, services, and intangible property bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a company doing business with an affiliate in another jurisdiction.P2997.What is the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, and geocentric pricingstrategies? Which one would you recommend to a company that has global market aspirations?P291-292 PPT240-242pare and contrast the different forms of countertrade.Countertrade occurs when payment is made in some form other than moneyOptions–BarterThe least complex and oldest form of bilateral, non-monetary counter-tradeA direct exchange of goods or services between two parties–Counter-purchase P303-304–Offset–Compensation trading–Cooperation agreements–Switch trading第十章Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution1.In what ways can channel intermediaries create utility for buyers?ObjectivesMarketing channels exist to create utility for customers–Place utility -availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer–Time utility -availability of a product or service when desired by a customer–Form utility -availability of the product processed, prepared, in proper condition and/or ready to use–information utility -availability of answers to questions and general communicationabout useful product features and benefits2.What factors influence the channel structures and strategies available to globalmarketers?B2CThe characters of both buyers and products have an important influence on channel design.The number of individual buyers and their geographic distribution, income, shopping habits and different channel approaches.Products characters such as degree of standardization, perishability, bulk, service requirements, and unit price have an impact as well.Channels tends to be longer as the number of consumers to be served increases and the price per unit decreases. Bulky products usually require channel arrangements that minimize the shipping distances and the number of times products change hands before they reach the ultimate customer.B2BAs is true with consumer channels, product and consumer characteristics have an impact on channel structure. Three basic elements are involved: the manufacture's sales force, distributors or agents and wholesalers.Channel strategy in a global marketing program must fit the company's competitive position and overall marketing objectives in each national market.market factors: consumer profiles, market size and location of country.3.What is cherry picking? What approaches can be used to deal with this problem?P323pare and contrast the typical channel structures for consumer products andindustrial products.P340 PPT252-2555.Identify the different forms of retailing and cite an example of each form. Identifyretailers from as many different countries as you can.PPT258-259 P3256.Identify the four retail market expansion strategies discussed in the text. What factorsdetermine the appropriable mode?Organic–Company uses its own resources to open a store on a green field site or acquire one or more existing retail facilitiesFranchise–Appropriate strategy when barriers to entry are low yet the market is culturally distant in terms of consumer behavior or retailing structuresChain Acquisition–A market entry strategy that entails purchasing a company with multiple existing outlets in a foreign countryJoint Venture–This strategy is advisable when culturally distant, difficult-to-enter markets are targeted 7.What special distribution challenges exist in Japan? What is the best way for anon-Japanese company to deal with these challenges?第十一章Global Marketing Communications Decisions:Advertising and Public Relations1.In what ways can global brands and global advertising campaigns benefit a company? P3482.How does the “standardized versus localized” debate apply to advertising?Four difficulties that compromise an organization’s communicat ion efforts–The message may not get through to the intended recipient.–The message may reach the target audience but may not be understood or may even be misunderstood.–The message may reach the target audience and may be understood but still may not induce the recipient to take the action desired by the sender.–The effectiveness of the message can be impaired by noise.。
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• 英国专门生产呢绒:220人(100+120)一年可生产2.2单位 • 葡萄牙专门生产酒:190人(110+80)一年可生产2.375单位
一、比较利益学说 2、相对成本优势
第二节 国际市场社会与文化环境
数字:0、4、8、13。 色彩: 红-中国(德国) 绿-美国(日本)黄-泰国(埃
塞俄比亚) 蓝-埃及、荷兰、瑞典。 图案:罗马尼亚-三角形和环形;德国-方形;伊朗-狮子;
日本-鸭子;中东-孔雀。 音乐:美国-民谣;巴西-桑巴。
第二节 国际市场社会与文化环境
语言表达要求严谨、准确,避免语言歧义 “Come Alive with Pepsi” “Dart is Power” “Golden Cock”
第一节 影响国际市场的经济因素
三、国际货币制度 国际货币基金组织 世界银行
第二节 影响国际市场的政治因素
双边关系 国家之间的贸易联系不单纯是两国经济关系的反映,
同时也体现着包含政治因素的非经济因素。 多边关系 东西方关系 南北关系
03 第三章 国际市场营销环境(下)
1、能源供给 2、运输条件 3、通信保证 4、商业基础设施
1、国民生产总值 2、人均收入 3、个人消费
第一节 国际市场经济与人口环境
人口数量 人口增长 人口结构 人口分布 人口流动
根据产品成本、市场需求和竞争状况, 制定合理的价格,同时考虑生产者的 购买能力和利润空间。
加强与生产者的沟通,提高产品在行 业内的知名度和信誉度,促进长期合 作关系的建立。
消费者市场面向个人或家庭消费者, 而生产者市场面向企业或组织。
生产者市场是指购买产品或服务以进一步 加工、转售或分销给其他用户而获取利润 的企业或组织。
生产者市场中的企业或组织通常更倾向于 建立长期合作关系,以保障稳定的供应和 降低交易成本。
生产者市场的需求量较大,但购买者数量 相对较少,且购买者之间存在较大的差异 。
消费者市场供给主要指为满足消费者需求而提供的商品和服务,其供给量受市场价格、竞争状况等因 素影响。
生产者市场供给主要指为满足企业生产需求而提供的商品和服务,其供给量受产品价格、技术水平、 生产成本等因素影响。
消费者市场交易主要指个人和家庭在购买商品和服务时与销售方的交易行为,交易过程 简单、快速。
选择合适的销售渠道,如线上 、线下商店、分销商等,以便 更方便地接触到目标消费者。
运用广告、促销活动、公关等 手段,提高产品知名度和吸引 力,激发消费者的购买欲望。
了解生产者需求,提供定制化、专业化 的产品,满足生产者特定的生产需求。
国际市场营销学教案第一章:国际市场营销学概述1.1 课程简介介绍国际市场营销学的定义、特点和意义阐述国际市场营销学与其他学科的关系1.2 国际市场营销的概念与演变解释国际市场营销的定义和要素探讨国际市场营销的发展历程和趋势1.3 国际市场营销环境分析分析国际市场营销的宏观环境因素,如经济、政治、文化等探讨国际市场营销的微观环境因素,如竞争对手、顾客需求等1.4 国际市场营销策略介绍国际市场营销的策略类型,如市场渗透、市场开发等探讨国际市场营销策略的选择和实施第二章:国际市场调研与分析2.1 国际市场调研概述解释国际市场调研的意义和目的探讨国际市场调研的步骤和方法2.2 国际市场分析分析国际市场的市场规模、增长潜力、竞争格局等探讨国际市场的机会和威胁2.3 国际市场细分与目标市场选择介绍国际市场细分的概念和标准探讨国际市场细分的方法和目标市场选择策略2.4 国际市场预测与决策解释国际市场预测的意义和目的探讨国际市场预测的方法和决策过程第三章:国际市场营销战略与规划3.1 国际市场营销战略概述解释国际市场营销战略的概念和意义探讨国际市场营销战略的类型和制定过程3.2 国际市场营销战略的实施与评价探讨国际市场营销战略的实施方法和注意事项介绍国际市场营销战略的评价指标和评价过程3.3 国际市场营销规划解释国际市场营销规划的概念和意义探讨国际市场营销规划的制定方法和实施步骤3.4 国际市场营销案例分析分析国际市场营销成功案例的经验和教训探讨国际市场营销失败案例的原因和启示第四章:国际市场营销产品策略4.1 国际市场营销产品概述解释国际市场营销产品的概念和分类探讨国际市场营销产品的特性和差异化策略4.2 国际市场营销产品定位与包装介绍国际市场营销产品定位的概念和重要性探讨国际市场营销产品定位的策略和方法解释国际市场营销产品包装的概念和作用探讨国际市场营销产品包装的设计和策略4.3 国际市场营销产品生命周期策略解释国际市场营销产品生命周期的概念和阶段探讨国际市场营销产品在不同生命周期阶段的策略选择4.4 国际市场营销产品创新与更新探讨国际市场营销产品创新的动力和挑战介绍国际市场营销产品更新的策略和方法第五章:国际市场营销价格策略5.1 国际市场营销价格概述解释国际市场营销价格的概念和作用探讨国际市场营销价格的影响因素5.2 国际市场营销定价策略介绍国际市场营销定价的策略类型,如成本定价、竞争定价等探讨国际市场营销定价的策略选择和实施5.3 国际市场营销价格调整与变动解释国际市场营销价格调整的概念和原因探讨国际市场营销价格调整的策略和方法5.4 国际市场营销价格竞争与合作探讨国际市场营销价格竞争的优势和风险介绍国际市场营销价格合作的策略和方法第六章:国际市场营销渠道策略6.1 国际市场营销渠道概述解释国际市场营销渠道的概念和分类探讨国际市场营销渠道的重要性和作用6.2 国际市场营销渠道选择与管理介绍国际市场营销渠道选择的原则和方法探讨国际市场营销渠道管理的策略和技巧6.3 国际市场营销直接渠道与间接渠道解释国际市场营销直接渠道和间接渠道的概念和特点探讨国际市场营销直接渠道和间接渠道的选择和运用6.4 国际市场营销新兴渠道与传统渠道探讨国际市场营销新兴渠道,如电子商务、社交媒体等的优势和挑战分析国际市场营销传统渠道,如实体店铺、分销商等的作用和局限性第七章:国际市场营销促销策略7.1 国际市场营销促销概述解释国际市场营销促销的概念和作用探讨国际市场营销促销的目标和原则7.2 国际市场营销促销工具与方法介绍国际市场营销促销的工具,如广告、公关、促销活动等探讨国际市场营销促销的方法和技巧7.3 国际市场营销促销组合策略解释国际市场营销促销组合的概念和重要性探讨国际市场营销促销组合的制定和实施7.4 国际市场营销促销评估与优化解释国际市场营销促销评估的意义和目的探讨国际市场营销促销评估的方法和指标介绍国际市场营销促销优化的策略和方法第八章:国际市场营销服务策略8.1 国际市场营销服务概述解释国际市场营销服务的概念和特点探讨国际市场营销服务的重要性和作用8.2 国际市场营销服务策略设计介绍国际市场营销服务策略的设计原则和方法探讨国际市场营销服务策略的实施和运营8.3 国际市场营销服务创新与改进探讨国际市场营销服务创新的动力和挑战介绍国际市场营销服务改进的策略和方法8.4 国际市场营销服务质量管理解释国际市场营销服务质量的概念和重要性探讨国际市场营销服务质量管理的策略和技巧第九章:国际市场营销风险与管理9.1 国际市场营销风险概述解释国际市场营销风险的概念和分类探讨国际市场营销风险的来源和影响9.2 国际市场营销风险识别与评估介绍国际市场营销风险识别的方法和工具探讨国际市场营销风险评估的原则和过程9.3 国际市场营销风险应对与控制解释国际市场营销风险应对的策略和手段探讨国际市场营销风险控制的方法和技巧9.4 国际市场营销风险管理案例分析分析国际市场营销风险管理成功案例的经验和教训探讨国际市场营销风险管理失败案例的原因和启示第十章:国际市场营销伦理与社会责任10.1 国际市场营销伦理概述解释国际市场营销伦理的概念和重要性探讨国际市场营销伦理的原则和规范10.2 国际市场营销伦理问题与挑战分析国际市场营销中常见的伦理问题,如虚假广告、侵犯知识产权等探讨国际市场营销伦理问题的解决和应对策略10.3 国际市场营销社会责任概述解释国际市场营销社会责任的概念和重要性探讨国际市场营销社会责任的内容和实施途径10.4 国际市场营销社会责任实践与评价介绍国际市场营销社会责任实践的案例和经验探讨国际市场营销社会责任评价的方法和指标重点和难点解析1. 第一章至第五章主要介绍国际市场营销学的基本概念、环境分析、策略选择和产品与价格策略。
国际市场营销的战略及其规划第三章国际市场营销的战略与规划•第一节国际营销战略的含义•当企业开始瞄准国际市场, 进行国际经营活动时, 企业必定要制定为其国际经营战略目标服务的国际营销战略。
企业要通过对国际营销环境进行分析, 对国际市场进行调研, 结合企业自身的优势与劣势去制定关于如何选择与进入国际目标市场, 如何满足动态变化的国际目标市场的需求, 从而实现国际经营战略目标的国际营销方案。
有效的国际营销战略务必回答下列问题:•◆选择什么国际市场? 要达到如何的国际化程度? (总体目标)•◆以什么样的产品/ 服务面对市场?•◆如何进入与扩张到国际市场?•◆如何稳固与进展国际市场?•◆如何从不利的国际市场中收缩与撤退?•◆如何面对国际竞争?国际营销管理者为了更有效地开展市场营销活动, 务必事先明确地制定国际营销目标与达到这一目标的具体规划。
企业的国际化程度不一致, 其营销战略也不一致。
根据企业的国际化目标与程度, 能够将企业的国际营销战略分为三种: 出口营销战略、多国营销战略、跨国营销战略/全球营销战略。
(一) 出口营销战略•这是企业国际化程度很低时的一种营销战略。
•企业通过出口方式把营销活动从国内市场扩展到国际市场;•其战略总体目标是进入国际市场;•在营销观念上只把国外市场看做本国市场以外的一种补充销售渠道, 或者作为平衡国内生产、提高质量、实现规模经济的一个手段。
•因此, 其营销计划由国内总公司制定, 产品在国内制造, 然后出口到国外购买商, 营销活动的重心仍然在国内市场。
(二) 多国营销战略•当企业的国际经营活动进一步扩张而进行多国经营时, 其营销战略应使用与之相习惯的多国营销战略。
国际市场营销第三章 国际市场营销的经济环境
![国际市场营销第三章 国际市场营销的经济环境](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aec6ee09f011f18583d049649b6648d7c1c708ef.png)
2. 储蓄。
3. 信贷。
第三章 思考题
1.国际市场营销的经济环境包括哪两个层面的内容? 2. 论述经济全球化及其对国际市场营销的影响。 3. 论述区域经济一体化的形式及当前世界上几个主要的区域经济联盟。 4. 论述WTO对企业国际市场营销的影响。 5. 东道国经济环境包括哪些主要内容?
案例分析 • 水土不服,家乐福“兵败”香港
(二) 欧盟 1. 欧盟的诞生与发展 欧洲联盟EU(European Union),简称欧盟。总部设在 比利时首都布鲁塞尔,是由欧 洲共同体发展而来的。
2. 欧盟市场的特点 (1) 市场规模大 (2) 实行一系列共同政策和措施 其一,1962年7月1日欧共体开始实行共同农业政策; 其二,1967年起欧共体对外实行统一的关税率。 其三,建立内部统一大市场。 其四,货币一体化。
自然环境是指企业营销所需要或所影响的 自然环境、自然条件及物质基础设施。
1. 自然资源
2. 自然条件
(三) 经济发展阶段
(四) 基础设施
பைடு நூலகம்
(五) 城市化程度
城市化也称之为城镇化、都市化,是一个由农业为主的传统乡村社会向以工业和服务业 为主的现代城市社会逐渐转变的历史过程,具体包括人口职业的转变、产业结构的转变、土 地及地域空间的变化。
三、 贸易环境
(三) 世界贸易组织(WTO)
世贸组织是一个独立于联合国的永久性国际组织。1995年1月1日正式开始运作,该组织 负责管理世界经济和贸易秩序,总部设在瑞士日内瓦莱蒙湖畔。其基本原则是通过实施市场 开放、非歧视和公平贸易等原则,来实现世界贸易自由化的目标。
❖ (二)本国化(Domestication)
本国化:东道国政府通过对外国企业进行多方限制, 迫使其一步一步出售股权,最后由本国控制。
本国化的一般方法: (1)所有权逐渐转移到本国国民手中; (2)提升一大批本国公民担任外资企业的高级管理职务; (3)本国公民拥有更多的决策权; (4)更多的产品在本国生产,以取代进口装配; (5)设计特别的出口管制,以便控制外资企业在国际市场上的
只买本国货 限制进口,限制性关税和其他贸易壁垒
❖ (二)影响政治稳定性的国外因素 ❖ 东道国的国际关系 ❖ 与邻国的领土纠纷 ❖ 遭遇外来侵略或袭击
第二节 国际营销政治风险的评估及对策
一、政治风险的表现 二、政治风险的评估
❖ (一)影响政治稳定性的国内因素
❖ 政权更迭 ❖ 文化冲突(宗教、种族、民族矛盾、文化
❖ 政治冲突 ❖ 国民情感
在东南亚主要5个发展中国家,泰国的政治发展问 题最为突出,其政府更迭及军事政变的频率之高也 令人惊异。1932年至1991年,泰国共发生了19次 政变,其中13次成功。同一时期,20位首相相继 组建了48届内阁,其中24届内阁属军人政府,8届 是军人为主的政府,16届为文官政府;其间共通 过了15部宪法。从1932年到现在,泰国有80%的 时间处在军人的统治之下。
❖ 东道国关闭本国市场,限制非本国产品进入; ❖ 实行外汇管制,税率变化无常; ❖ 东道国单方面破坏契约,并拒绝赔偿。
经济学家( ) 认为“技术是一种创造性的毁灭”。
一、企业进军国际市场的动因1.经济全球化的必然结果,是时代发展的必然趋势;2.国内市场需求趋于饱和,市场竞争日益加剧;3.国际市场的吸引力;4.政府的鼓励与支持;5.其它原因:* 获得国外先进的科学技术和管理经验* 充分利用国外的资源,有利于提高规模经济效益*其它二、国际市场营销的概念:国际市场营销是企业在一国以上从事经营与销售活动。
四、国际营销理念的演进1.传统营销理念*生产观念:生产什么就卖什么!*产品观念:酒好不怕巷子深!*推销观念:我推销什么,顾客就买什么!2.现代营销理念*市场营销观念:生产你能销售得出去的东西,而不是销售你能生产出来的东西!3.营销战略观念:* 社会营销观念:让企业的发展、消费者需要的满足与社会的长期发展协调起来4.全球营销理念* 运用全球的资源做全球的市场五、跨国公司的经营特征:(1)以对外直接投资为基础的经营手段。
5. 为什么说跨国公司的市场营销是最典型、最彻底的国际营销?一、国际营销环境系统1介、竞争者和公众。
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5、饮料产品 饮料产品。 饮料产品 (1)速溶咖啡在英国咖啡市场占到90% 的份额,而在瑞典却只占15%。 其原因是英国人长期以来饮茶,速溶咖 啡在制作上与茶更接近;其次是英国人 喜欢在喝咖啡时加牛奶,咖啡本身的味 道并不那么重要;
(2)可口可乐。 可口可乐。 可口可乐 1997年的人均消费量在美国为376个8 盎司瓶,德国为203瓶,意大利为95瓶, 法国则为88瓶。 法国和意大利人均消费的酒是美国的 酒 30-40倍,与软饮料相比,法国人更喜欢 矿泉水,美国人则正好相反。
4、环境敏感性 环境敏感性:指在不同的国家市场上, 环境敏感性 产品需要符合特定文化需要的程度。 • (1)环境敏感性越强,产品需要调整 的幅度越大; • (2)不同的产品具有不同的环境敏感 性,如集成电路环境敏感性差,而食品 则强,计算机居中。
高 产 品 调 整 计算机
十、社会与文化环境对工业产品营销的影响 (注*) 1、有些工业品对文化环境敏感性低,如芯 片; 2、购买国货政策的影响。如空中客车实施这 一政策对波音公司的影响; 3、文化因素对工业品的影响,如美国销售给 俄罗斯的某一航空设备,由于使用了黑色(在 俄罗斯是代表厄运的颜色),出现了文化上的 失礼,俄罗斯人很愤怒。
结论:文化是影响软饮料需求的一个因 结论 素,但是应当注意到它只是多个因素中 的一个,因而只是影响因素而非决定因 素。
当时,美国人的态度是“为什 么要为免费的东西付钱呢?”。法 国瓶装水厂商普瑞尔聘请美国营销 经理勒温设计一个创造性的战略来 攻占美国瓶装水市场。 你认为他第一步应该怎么做?
文化是指一个复杂的整体,它包括知 识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以 及作为社会成员的个人所具有的其他一 切能力与习惯。
• 对个人而言,文化具有社会化功能。 • 对群体而言,文化具有凝聚功能。 • 对整个社会而言,文化具有整合、导向 功能。
1994年世界十大国内音乐市场 单位(%) 国家和地区 土耳其 中国内地 印度尼西亚 委内瑞拉 日本 泰国 美国 尼日利亚 中国台湾 中国香港 本土音乐 95.7 92.6 87.5 85.0 77.2 77.2 75.0 70.0 70.0 64.9 国际流行音乐 4.1 0.5 12.5 10.0 17.8 22.4 21.0 30.0 19.9 28.3 古典音乐 0.2 6.9 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.4 4.0 0.0 10.1 6.8
十二、 十二、获取跨文化竞争力的培训 1、商务考察 2、情境模拟 3、看电视、听收音机等。
语言能力和人际关系对于国际商业人 来说是无价的
1、请解释自参照标准,到图书馆查阅 可以通过消除自参照标准避免失败的产 品的例子. 2、低背景文化与高背景文化之间有何 异同,给出属于两种文化的国家例子, 并说明理由.在营销中如何应用.
1)对待物质财富和享受的态度 2)对待工作和成就的态度 3)对待变革的态度 4)对待时间的态度 5)对待风险的态度
风俗习惯是人们长期自发形成的习惯 性的行为模式。 (服装、化妆、饮食、人际交往)
四、文化共性: 文化共性
体育运动、身体上的装饰物、求爱 行为、舞蹈、装饰艺术、教育、道德规 范、礼仪、家庭宴请、食品禁忌、语言、 婚姻、就餐时间、医药、致哀、音乐、 财产权、宗教仪式、居住规则、地位差 异和贸易。
• • • • • • • 习得性 传承性 整体性 共享性 差异性 稳定性 变革性
1、物质文化 2、社会组织 3、语言文字 4、美学 5、教育 6、宗教 7、价值观念与态度 8、风俗习惯
物质文化是指人类创造的物质产品,包括 生产工具、劳动对象以及创造物质产品的技术。 世界各国经济发展处于不同阶段,国民物 质文化水平不尽相同,他们的需求一般也不同。 企业进行国际市场营销,应当事先详细分 析当地的物质文化状况,据此设计出能够反映 物质文化差异的产品和市场营销方案。 如:美国厂商与法国厂商向非洲出口
九、文化因素的分析方法: 文化因素的分析方法 1、马斯洛的需求层次理论 2、霍夫斯泰德的文化类型说 3 3、自参照标准和理解(self-reference self-reference criterion, SRC SRC) 4、环境敏感性。
自我实现的需求 被尊重的需求 社会需求 安全需求 生理需求
因素 律师 高背景 不太重要 低背景 非常重要 不足以依赖、 不足以依赖、应“把它写下来” 把它写下来” 尽量降到最低水平 人们希望保持有私人的空间,并且 人们希望保持有私人的空间, 厌恶受到侵犯
一个人的口头 就是其信誉保证 承诺 个人对组织所 取其最高水平 犯错误的责任 空间 时间 谈判 公开招标 人们之间保持很近的距离
日本/ 代表性的国家 日本/中东
沟通与谈判; 七、沟通与谈判
沟通中要注意的事项:多听少说; 西方人与东方人在沟通中的方式差别 英语中:回答一个问题用yes、no取决于答 案是肯定还是否定; • 而中文和日文中则是按照答案的意思与问 题是相同还是相反。 • 使用你的母国语言,你可以购买物品,但 使用你的母国语言,你可以购买物品, • • •
1、不研究单纯的文化、着重研究 文化对营销的影响; 2、全球的个人与文化都既有差异 也有共性。全球营销者的任务是找 出各种差异与共性,并将所感觉到 的这些差异与共性融入到营销计划 中。
3、对显著的差异进行调整; 共性的东西则避免对营销战略和 方案作高成本的改动。
试问:勒温应该怎样来使实现从昂贵 的进口瓶装水到软饮料市场上具有 竞争价格的“当地饮料”的转变?
瓶装水打入美国市场。 (4)瓶装水打入美国市场。 • 改变定价、促销和分销位置,产品仍 然保持原样。 • 到20世纪80年代中期,拥有22亿美元 销售收入的瓶装水市场已经成为美国饮 料行业增长最快的部分。法国普瑞尔公 司在美国的年销售收入从4000万元增长 到8亿美元,占领了当地市场的80%。
商品进入目标市场时,商品品牌的确定、说 明书的翻译、广告信息的传递等都要求语言表 达明确,一旦发生歧义,不仅会造成误解,而 且会给国际营销造成损失。(IBM DHL) 如:百事可乐“Come Alive with pepsi” 在德国“百事可乐和你一起从坟墓中走出来” 在台湾“百事使你的祖先复活” (在开展国际营销时,必须深入了解各种语言文 字在表达上的特点、忌讳、隐喻等)
多元时间观念单一时间观念,时间就是金钱, 多元时间观念-生命中所有 单一时间观念,时间就是金钱,线 事物都有自己的时间规律。 性的观念,一个时间只做一件事情。 事物都有自己的时间规律。 性的观念,一个时间只做一件事情。 是冗长的, 是冗长的,一个主要目的是 进行得相当迅速 让各方相互了解。 让各方相互了解。 不常有 常见 美国、 美国、北欧
十一、社会与文化环境对消费产品营销的影响: 十一、社会与文化环境对消费产品营销的影响 1、文化是独立于社会地位和收入影响消费行 为和耐用品购买的一项重要因素; 2、消费品比工业品对文化更敏感; 3、消费品中食品对文化最敏感。制成食品营 销中的一项主要文化因素是主妇对做饭的不同 的态度和时间。意大利每天花4.5小时,而美 国人仅1小时。80%以上的意大利男性在家吃午 饭。(即食汤) 4、其他消费品。非洲的缝纫机。
饮料市场的影响因素: f( (3)饮料市场的影响因素:Y= f(A,B,C,D, E, F, G)
• • • • • • • • • 其中: Y表示软饮料消费量; F表示函数关系 A表示其他饮料的相关价格、质量和口味的影响; B表示广告费用及影响力 C表示在分销渠道中获取产品的便利性 D文化因素、传统、风俗、习惯 E表示原材料获得的便利性 F表示气候条件、温度 G表示收入水平。
四个维度: • 个人主义/集体主义 • 权力距离 • 不确定性回避 • 男性化/女性化
(1)将问题或目标用母国文化的特点、习惯和规 则表示出来; (2)用外国文化的特点、习惯和规则表示出问题 或目标,不要作任何价值判断; (3)分离出问题中自参照标准的影响并仔细检查 它如何将问题变得复杂; (4)排除自我参照标准的影响后,将问题重新表 示出来并根据外国市场情况找出解决方案。 如:美国市场和巴基斯坦市场分别需要什么样的 汽车
社会组织是一个社会形成的人与人 之间的相互关系以及和谐共处所需的各 种行为准则。 (家庭、社会群体)
1)受教育水平影响人们的消费行为 2)受教育水平制约着国际营销活动
1)宗教节日引起商品需求大起大落 2)宗教要求与禁忌影响人们的消费行为 3)宗教组织本身既是大型的集团购买者, 又是教徒消费行为的重要影响者。 4)宗教对立或宗教冲突对国际营销有重 要影响
是要做销售,你就要学会你客户的语言。 是要做销售,你就要学会你客户的语言。
八、社会行为 • 礼节上的差异,这一点在社交上必须 予以重视。 中国是握手,有些国家则是拥抱,如 阿拉伯国家; • 问候:英国人喜欢问天气; • 称呼:中国人与美国人有很大差异; • 宴请买单:常州与深圳有很大差别, 深圳的年轻人喜欢搞AA制。
语言:讲话,同时还表示交 流的时间、空间、内容、友谊和 认同; • 非语言交流:通过手势、表 情或其他肢体运动来表达想法。 两次翻译法 •
美学是一种文化的审美观念和审美 能力,通常表现为对艺术、音乐、戏剧、 舞蹈、颜色及形状等的鉴赏力。 审美观念是变化的。 企业在进行产品设计和营销活动室, 应了解目标市场的审美标准,才能设计 出令消费者喜爱的广告、包装、产品、 款式等。 (色彩、图案、音乐)