加冠冠冠 拿军军军 大
前 苏 联
美 国
瑞 典
冠冠 军军
冠 冠冠冠冠 冠冠冠 军 军军军军 军军军
冠 军
冠 冠 冠8 军 军军
2Hale Waihona Puke 冠2军捷
13 1
2002 冠军
2006 冠军
2010 冠军
2014 冠军
• 图注:索契冬奥 会冰球—女子决 赛:加拿大队夺 冠加拿大队球员 在赛后庆祝。
• 中国男女冰球队的“入奥”前景并不 乐观。男队历史上从未入围过冬奥 会,现世界排名30多位,处于世锦 赛乙级水平,女队则身处世锦赛甲 级B组。
图注:2013年2月10日 冰球——冬奥会女子资格赛决赛:中国迎战捷克
• 中国女子冰球队曾经是世界冰坛的一支 劲旅,1998年长野冬奥会上,中国女冰获 第四名的历史最佳战绩。不过1998年长野 冬奥会后,中国女冰的国际大赛成绩不断 下滑,2006和2014两届冬奥会均未获得参 赛资格。
• 第九届因斯布鲁克冬季奥运会 • 冰球比赛共8个队参加。苏联队战胜所有对
• 第十届格勒诺布尔冬季奥运会 • 冰球赛事 • 冰球比赛共14个队参加。决赛期间,在苏
联以4:5输给捷克斯洛伐克后,形势变得非 常微妙。苏、捷、加拿大3队都各负一场, 积分均为10分。谁打好最后一场,谁就将 赢得冠军。捷与夺冠无望的瑞典对阵,以 2:2战和,而苏联却出人意料地以5:0轻取加 拿大,赢得这项桂冠。
Part3.Ice Hockey冰球&NHL(National Hockey League)1.What is ice hockey?Ice hockey is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use wooden or composite sticks to shoot a hard rubber hockey puck into their opponent's net to score points. In Canada and the United States, where the sport is very popular, it is known simply as "hockey"; however, the name ice hockey is used by the governing body IIHF and in most other countries.The game is played between two teams with six players (five skaters and a goalie守门员) on the ice. A team usually consists of four lines of three forwards, three pairs of defensemen, and two goalies. Five members of each team skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck (冰球) and score a goal against the opposing team. Each team has a goaltender (守门员) who tries to stop the puck from going into the goal or "net."(网)A fast-paced physical sport, hockey is most popular in areas of North America (particularly in Canada and northern parts of the United States) and Europe that are sufficiently cold for natural reliable seasonal ice cover. With the advent of indoor artificial ice rinks hockey has become a year-round pastime in some areas. It is the official national winter sport of Canada, where thegame enjoys immense popularity. The first organized game was played on March 3, 1875, in Montreal, Canada.2.The history of ice hockeyModern hockey is believed to have evolved from outdoor stick-and-ball games adapted to the icy conditions of Canada during the 19th century. The games of British soldiers and immigrants to Canada may have influenced the game played on ice skates (often with a puck) with sticks. Another theory is that the game was introduced by Icelandic immigrants. These immigrants moved to Canada and the U.S. after the eruption of a volcano in Iceland in 1875. Immigrants from Iceland played for Canada, winning the first Olympic medal in hockey.Modern hockey:While the game's origins lie elsewhere, Montreal is at the centre of the development of modern ice hockey. On March 3, 1875, the first organized indoor game was played at Montreal's Victoria Skating Rink between two nine-player teams, (including James Creighton and several McGill University students.)3.EquipmentSince ice hockey is a full contact sport and body checks are allowed, injuries are a common occurrence. Protective equipment is mandatory and is enforced in all competitive situations. This includes a helmet (cage worn if certain age), shoulder pads, elbow pads, mouth guard, protective gloves, heavily padded shorts (also known as hockey pants) or a girdle, athletic cup(also known as a jock; for males and jill; for females), shin pads, skates, and (optionally) a neck protector. In addition, goaltenders use different gear, a neck guard, chest/arm protector, blocker, catch glove, and leg pads.One important piece of equipment is the ice skate itself. [Hockey skates are optimized for several factors, some of which increase the effort needed to achieve the highest skating speeds. Hockey skates are optimized for physical acceleration (maneuverability). This includes rapid starts, stops, turns, and changes in skating direction. In addition they must be rigid and tough to protect the skater's feet from contact with other skaters, sticks, pucks, the boards, and the ice itself.]Another important piece of equipment is the stick itself. [It consists of long relatively wide and slightly curved flat blade, attached to a shaft. The curve itself has a big impact on its performance.A deep curve allows for lifting the puck easier while a shallow curve allows for easier backhands. The flex of the stick also has impact on the performance.]4.What is NHL?The National Hockey League is an "unincorporated not-for-profit association" which operates a major professional ice hockey league of30franchised member clubs, of which seven are currently located in Canada and 23 in the United States. Headquartered in New York City, the NHL is widely considered to be the premier professional ice hockey league in the world, and one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. The Stanley Cup, the oldest professional sports trophy in North America,[3] is awarded annually to the league playoff champion at the end of each season. The Stanley Cup(斯坦利杯(美国,加拿大职业冰球全国锦标赛杯)) is the championship trophy awarded annually to the National Hockey League (NHL) playoff winner after the conclusion of the Stanley Cup Finals.In North America, the National Hockey League (NHL) is the highest level for men, and the most popular.5.The history of NHLThe league was organized on November 26, 1917, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, after the suspension of operations of its predecessor organization, the National Hockey Association (NHA), which had been founded in 1909. It started with four teams and, through a series of expansions, contractions, and relocations; the league is now composed of 30 active franchises. The nation to which the name of the league originally referred was Canada, although the league has now been binational since 1924 when it expanded into the United States. After a labour dispute that led to the cancellation of the entire 2004–05 season, the league resumed play under a new collective bargaining agreement that included a salary cap. In 2009, the NHL enjoyed record highs in terms of sponsorships, attendance, and television audiences.The NHL draws many highly skilled players from all over the world and currently has players from about 20 different countries. Although Canadians have historically constituted the majority of the players in the NHL, over the past four plus decades the percentages of US and European players have increased both because of the NHL's continued expansion from six to thirty clubs since 1967, and the increased availability of highly skilled European players.6.Active teams上面是历年冠军表List of Stanley Cup champions,下面是强队分析表(1)The Montreal Canadiens are a professional ice hockey team based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They are members of the Northeast Division of the Eastern Conference of NHL. Founded in 1909, the Canadiens are the longest continuously operating professional ice hockey team and the only existing NHL club to predate the founding of the NHL, as well as one of the oldest North American sports franchises.(2)The Toronto Maple Leafs(officially the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club) is a professional ice hockey franchise based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They are members of the Northeast Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL). The team is one of the "Original Six" league members.(3)The Detroit Red Wings are a professional ice hockey team based in Detroit, Michigan. They are members of the Central Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL), and are one of the Original Six teams of the NHL, along with the Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, and Chicago Blackhawks.7.Famous players(1)韦恩·格雷茨基(Wayne Gretzky)He was born in 1961 in Ontario, Canada. He is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player and former head coach. He played 20 seasons in NHL for four teams from 1979 to 1999. Nicknamed "The Great One", he has been called "the greatest hockey player ever”. He scored 2857 points in his athletics career. Now he is a coach.(2)Roberto Luongo隆高Roberto Luongo(/luːˈɒŋɡoʊ/; born April 4, 1979) is a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender for the Vancouver Canucks of NHL. Born in Montreal, Quebec, he is of Italian and Irish ancestry. He is a very excellent goaltender. He was named Best Goaltender in his second tournament appearance.8.One interesting phenomenonIt is very common that players fight with each other in competition. For most penalties, the offending player is sent to the "penalty box" and his team has to play without him for a short amount of time. Minor penalties last for two minutes, major penalties last for five minutes. So it doesn’t matter if players fight each other. Just leave the field for a short amount of time or pay some money. In this case, audiences will become very excited. Some people say that maybe it is because that they are so cold~~. In fact, it is a kind of exciting and aggressive sport, so sometimes they may choose to fight to irritate their opponents. Maybe it is a kind of fun about ice hockey.放视频(1-2分钟)。
medals(2002,2010,2014)and one bronze
Miracle on ice
10% 系列2, , 0.27 15%
系列2, 第二季度, 0.12
系列2, 第三季度, 系列2, 第四季度, 0.08
Winter Olympics
销售额39;Ree became the first black ice hockey player in the NHL for the Boston Bruins.While Val James was the first African American player to compete in the NHL for the Buffalo Sabres and Toronto Maple Leafs.
# 01
Etymology and names
# 03
National Hockey league
Ice Hockey
销售额, , 1
销售额, 第 一季度, 1
销售额, , 1
销售额, 第 二季度, 1
销售额, , 1
销售额, 第 三季度, 1
销售额, , 1
销售额, 第 四季度, 1
# 02
gold medals(1960,1980),eight silver
medal(1936).The women's team has won
one gold medal(1998),three silver
冰球(ice hockey ),是一项在冰上进行的团体运动,溜冰者以把冰球打进对手球门为得分目的,冰球主要盛行于北美北部(加拿大和美国北部)和欧洲部分地区(俄罗斯、芬兰、瑞典、捷克和斯洛伐克),亦是冬季奥林匹克运动会的比赛项目之一和北美四大职业运动之一。
3个组间按每年比赛成绩实行升降级制度,即A组、B组的最后两名翌年分别降入B组、C组;B组、C 组的最前两名翌年分别升入A组、B组。
运动名称,又称掷冰壶、冰上溜石,是以队为单位 在冰上进行的一种投掷性竞赛项目,14世纪起源于 苏格兰,至今在苏格兰还保存刻有1511年份的砥石 (即冰壶)。
现代冬季两项:起源于斯堪的纳维亚半岛,由远古 时代的滑雪狩猎演变而来。在挪威曾发现大约4000 年前两人足蹬雪板、手持棍棒追捕野兽的石雕。中 世纪开始逐渐纳入军事训练科目。1767年挪威边防 军滑雪巡逻队举行了滑雪射击比赛,据记载,这是 世界上最早的现代冬季两项比赛。现代冬季两项运 动的发展很快。在过去,只在军队中发展,二现在 已经推广到群众中了,因此国际比赛逐年增多,参 加比赛的各国运动员也演逐示渐课增件 多。
速度滑冰:是冰雪运动中历史最悠久,开展最广泛的体育项 目之一。男子速滑比赛在1924年就被列为冬季奥运会的比赛 项目,女子比赛在1960年被列为冬季奥运会的比赛项目。比 赛的赛道周长为400米,跑道内外两道,道宽5米。比赛时两 人同时滑跑,每滑一圈交换演一示课次件内外道。
无舵雪橇:也称平底雪橇、运动雪橇或短雪橇。雪橇 运动项目之一。一种仰面躺在雪橇上,双脚在前,通 过变换身体姿势来操纵雪橇高速回转滑降的运动。雪 橇为木制,底面有一对平行的金属滑板。滑板不得装 置能操纵滑板的舵和制动器。男、女单人项目比赛每 队限报3人,每名运动员可滑行4次,以4次滑降时间 总和计算名次,少者为胜。双人项目比赛时每队不得 超过两名运动员,每名运动员可滑行两次,以两次滑 降时间总和评定名次,演少示者课列件 前。
有舵雪橇:起源于瑞士。由无舵雪橇发展而来。有舵雪车 第一届冬季奥运会中即被列为正式比赛项目。雪车用金属 制成,形如小舟,车首覆有流线型罩,因此也得名“雪地 之舟”。车底前部是一对舵板;上与方向盘相接,车底后 部为一对固定平行滑板。车尾装有制动器。现今冬奥会比 赛项目雪车是原来的有舵雪橇与平底雪橇(无舵雪橇)项 目。原来的国际有舵雪橇与平底雪橇联合会,亦改称为国 际雪车联合会。冬奥会设双人座和四人座(1924年列入) 两 次比个比赛赛 的项 总目 时, 间仅 计算限名男次子,参演示时加课间。件比少赛者时为每胜队。下滑4次,以4
The Stanley Cup is the championship trophy awarded annually to the National Hockey League (NHL) playoff winner.
International Hockey Federation(IHF) 国际曲棍球联合会
FIH events 1.Outdoor Hockey World Cup Women's Hockey World Cup Hockey Junior World Cup Masters Hockey World Cup Women's Hockey Junior World Cup Olympic Games in cooperation with International Olympic Committee Hockey World League Hockey Champions Trophy Hockey Champions Challenge I Hockey Champions Challenge II 2.Indoor Indoor Hockey World Cup
当守方球员在射门区内利用故意犯规来阻止进球或 阻止攻方球员得分时,判攻方罚点球。在射门区内 非故意犯规阻止进球也可被判罚点球。罚点球时, 将球放在距球门6.4米远的地方,守方只能有守门 员防守,一名攻方球员将球直接球射向球门。
Punitive corner(惩罚性角球)
If the defender unconsciously puts the ball out of the end of his own side, a long corner is awarded to the offender, that is, the attacker serves at the distance of 5 meters from the pitch flag.
每四年举办一次,是全球 最高水平的冰球赛事,吸 引世界各国顶尖冰球运动 员参赛。
由国际冰球联合会主办, 各国家和地区的代表队参 加,是全球最重要的冰球 赛事之一。
与世界锦标赛类似,但参 赛队伍数量较少,通常由 几大冰球强国参加。
冰球运动的规则相对较为简单,比赛双方各派5名球员上场,目标是将冰球打入 对方球门中得分。比赛过程中,球员可以使用各种技巧和战术来争夺球权和进攻 机会。
冰球运动的特点是速度快、对抗激烈、技巧要求高。球员需要具备良好的体能、 协调性和反应能力,以应对比赛中的高强度对抗和快速变化的情况。同时,冰球 运动也需要团队之间的默契和协作,以取得比赛的胜利。
冰球运动在加拿大和欧洲得到了广泛的发展和推广。加拿大 的冰球联赛(NHL)是世界上最高水平的冰球联赛之一,吸 引了来自世界各地的优秀球员。
除了职业联赛,冰球运动在全球范围内也受到了广泛的欢迎 。许多国家和地区都有自己的冰球协会和联赛,为这项运动 的发展提供了坚实的基础。
定位球战术是指在比赛中的任意球、 点球和角球等定位球机会时,采取的 特殊战术。
冰球运动员需要具备出色的耐力、速 度、力量和灵活性,以适应比赛中的 高强度对抗和长时间持续作战。
冰球运动员需要具备高度的战术意识 ,包括对比赛形势的判断、对对手的 预判以及与队友的协同作战等。
• 冰球运动概述 • 冰球技术和战术 • 冰球运动员和团队 • 冰球赛事和组织 • 冰球运动在中国的发展和推广
1)冰球比赛的裁判人员:裁判人员包括两名场上裁判员,两名监 门员(球门裁判员)。两名边线裁判员,一名计时员和一名记分 员。(两位 )场上裁判员共同控制整个比赛,各负责一个半场。 边线裁判员主要负责当有人越位时打出信号。 2)冰球几种犯规动作:
冰球是一项发生身体接触的比赛。在对方身上犯规的可能性很 多,犯规包括:撞人,绊人)冰球比赛如何开球:
冰球(ice hockey ),亦称“冰上曲棍球”。 冰球运动是多变的滑冰技艺和敏捷娴熟的曲 棍球技艺相结合,对抗性较强的集体冰上运 动项目之一,也是冬季奥运会正式比赛项目。 运动员穿着冰鞋,手拿冰杆滑行拚抢击球。 球一般用硬橡胶制成,厚2、54厘米,直径7、 62厘米,球重为156-170克。比赛时每队上 场六人,前锋三人,后卫两人,守门员一人。 运动员用冰杆将球击入对方球门,以多者为 胜。
Ice Hockey , also known as "ice hockey. " Ice Hockey skating skills are changing skilled hockey skills and agility combined with a strong collective confrontational ice sports is one of the Winter Olympic Games. Athletes wearing skates, hand scraping the ice ball sliding bar. General with a hard rubber ball, thick 2,54 cm, 7,62 cm in diameter, the ball weight of 156-170 grams. Game play each team six people, three forwards, two defenders, one goalkeeper. Players hit the ball into the ice bar the other goal, a multi-winner.
Ice hockey was played for the first time in the Olympics in the Olympic Games of 1920.
HIstory Equipment &Game
目 录
Prestigious games & Famous leagues
An Overview
Ice hockey is believed to have evolved from simple stick and ball games played in the 18th and 19th century United Kingdom and elsewhere. These games were brought to Canada and the United States and several similar winter games using informal rules were developed, such as "shinny" and "ice polo".
Stick-and-ball games date back to pre-Christian times.
In Europe, these games included the Irish game of hurling, the closely related Scottish game of shinty and versions of field hockey (including "bandie ball," played in England).
当守方球员ive corner(惩罚性角球)
If the defender unconsciously puts the ball out of the end of his own side, a long corner is awarded to the offender, that is, the attacker serves at the distance of 5 meters from the pitch flag.
600 BC, in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Ice sledge hockey
Ice hockey
Field hockey
Roller hockey
1.penalty boxes 2.team benches 3.scorekeepers' area
当球越过球门线而进入球门时就算得 分。但是,唯独曲棍球,只有在射门 区内射门才有效。当守门员违反点球 规则而阻止进球时判攻方得分。
Penalty spot(点球)
When a defending player uses a deliberate foul in the shooting area to prevent a goal or prevent a player from scoring, the penalty is awarded. A penalty kick can also be awarded if a goal is not deliberately fouled in the shooting area. When the penalty kick is taken, the ball is placed 6.4 meters away from the goal. Only the goalkeeper can defend the defending side, and a attacking player shoots the ball directly into the goal.
冰球一、概述二、历史三、规则四、术语五、技术一、概述冰球(ice hockey ),亦称“冰上曲棍球”。
在19世纪初期,开始有记载加拿大的印第安斯(Micmac Indians)在进行一种类似的游戏,他使用的是棍棒和木质的圆饼。
1908年,国际冰球联盟(Ligue Internationale de Hockey sur Glace)在巴黎成立,已改名为the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF),总部设在瑞士苏黎士。
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen:My name is...(CHN), you can call me...(ENG), I am from...(school). I am very happy to be here to talk about Winter Olympic Games.Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022.I will briefly introduce ice hockey here.Ice hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink. There are two teams of skaters, using their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. The sport is known to be fast-paced and physical, with teams usually consisting of six players each: one goaltender, and five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team.The players use their sticks to pass or shoot the puck.Ice hockey is the official national winter sport of Canada, and enjoys immense popularity. Protective equipment is mandatory and is enforced in all competitive situations. This includes a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, mouth guard, protective gloves, heavily padded shorts , athletic cup, shin pads, skates, and a neck protector....Also, we need to learn English to promote international communication. English is beautiful, English is useful and English is powerful. So, let’s learn English together. Thank you for your listening. I am your friend....。
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1)冰球比赛的裁判人员:裁判人员包括两名场上裁判员,两名监 门员(球门裁判员)。两名边线裁判员,一名计时员和一名记分 员。(两位 )场上裁判员共同控制整个比赛,各负责一个半场。 边线裁判员主要负责当有人越位时打出信号。 2)冰球几种犯规动作:
冰球是一项发生身体接触的比赛。在对方身上犯规的可能性很 多,犯规包括:撞人,绊人,用膝顶人,用肘顶人,举杆过肩和 用冰球杆戳人等。 3)冰球比赛如何开球:
▪ Ice Hockey , also known as "ice hockey. " Ice Hockey skating skills are changing skilled hockey skills and agility combined with a strong collective confrontational ice sports is one of the Winter Olympic Games. Athletes wearing skates, hand scraping the ice ball sliding bar. General with a hard rubber ball, thick 2,54 cm, 7,62 cm in diameter, the ball weight of 156-170 grams. Game play each team six people, three forwards, two defenders, one goalkeeper. Players hit the ball into the ice bar the other goal, a multi-winner.
冰球(ice hockey ),亦称“冰上曲棍球”。 冰球运动是多变的,也是冬季奥运会正式比赛项目。 运动员穿着冰鞋,手拿冰杆滑行拚抢击球。 球一般用硬橡胶制成,厚2、54厘米,直径7、 62厘米,球重为156-170克。比赛时每队上 场六人,前锋三人,后卫两人,守门员一人。 运动员用冰杆将球击入对方球门,以多者为 胜。
比赛在争球圈内开球。裁判员站在中圈里,把球落在两个相 对而立的中锋之间。
▪ Standard maximum size ice hockey venue for the long 61 meters, 30 meters wide; minimum specifications for the length of 56 meters, 26 meters wide; corner radius of circular arc is 7 to 8.5 meters. International competitions are used which is 61 meters, 30 meters wide, angular radius of 8.5 meters in space. Ice hockey venue surrounded by a high 1.15 m ~ 1.22 m made of wood or plastic materials, the solid boundary wall. In addition to the official site markers, all of the ice surface and the inner wall of the boundary wall should be white. Both ends of the rink, each 4 meters away from the side wall, across the ice and extends to the edge boundary wall, draw two parallel 5 cm wide red line for the goal line. Two goal fixed in the center of the goal line. Two 30 cm wide across the blue line and the vertical extension of the ice rink to the sideline boundary wall, the area between the two goal line for three equal portions.
Ice Hockey Rules
▪ 1) The ice hockey referee: The referee court personnel, including two referees and two doors of the prison staff (goal umpire). Two sideline referees, a timekeeper and a scorekeeper. (two) court judge jointly control the entire game, one on each half. Sideline referee is responsible for offside when the shot when someone signals. 2) some foul play ice hockey: Hockey is a physical contact game. The possibility of the body in each other a lot of fouls, fouls, including: butt, tripping people, top people with knee, elbow top people, held over the shoulder shot and poke people with hockey sticks and so on. 3) How to kick-off ice hockey: Kick-off in the face-off circle game. Referee standing in the circle, the ball falls relative standing in the center between the two.