七年级英语课件-My Day

少年儿童图书馆的特点A、服务形式多样化B、活动形式固定化C、借阅方式趋同化D、假日服务市场化 对于从事危及公路安全的作业,如在大中型公路桥梁和渡口周围200m、公路隧道上方和洞口外100m范围内,进行爆破作业以及其他危及公路、公路桥梁等安全的活动,由交通主管部门责令停止违法行为,可以处以罚款。A.1万元以上B.2万元以下C.3万元以下D.3万元以上 脑栓塞的临床表现中,下述哪项是不正确的。A.起病多急骤B.年龄多较轻C.多有脑膜刺激征D.常见局限性抽搐、偏瘫、失语E.多有风湿性心脏病 霍奇金病的治疗,下列哪项不正确A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期用放射治疗B.ⅢⅣ期用联合化疗合并放射治疗C.常用化疗方案为MOPP和ABVDD.化疗缓解后即可停药E.外科手术主要用于活组织检查 日本血吸虫病的临床分型不包括A.无症状带虫者B.急性血吸虫病C.慢性血吸虫病D.晚期血吸虫病E.异位损害 患者因严重烧伤住院,需给予鼻饲要素饮食补充营养。维生素A缺乏可引起()A.口角炎B.夜盲症C.维生素B1缺乏病D.维生素C缺乏病E.佝偻病 肾结核晚期合并膀胱挛缩时,膀胱容量<50ml,应想到有对侧肾积水的可能,下列检查中应除外哪一项A.逆行肾盂造影B.IVUC.B超D.肾穿刺造影E.CT 税收的特征是什么? 急性肾衰竭多尿期的多尿是由于。A.肾小管再生上皮的再吸收和浓缩功能尚未健全B.少尿期积聚的大量尿素起渗透利尿作用C.水电解质滞留过多D.输液过多E.以上都不是 下列非甾体抗炎药物中哪个药物具有1,2-苯并噻嗪的基本结构A.吡罗昔康B.吲哚美辛C.萘普生D.布洛芬 再生催化剂 如何看待中国传统社会“精耕细作”的农业生产方式? 使用多轴飞行器作业A.应在人员密集区,如公园、广场等B.在规定空域使用,且起飞前提醒周边人群远离C.不受环境影响 在控制流程图中,符号PI-11001的“PI”,表示仪表下列功能。A、温度记录B、压力指示C、流量指示D、液位指示 信息的特征主要包括A、传递性B、共享性C、价值相对性D、时效性 根据建设部《注册建造师执业管理办法》的规定,担任建设工程施工项目负责人的注册建造师应当在相关文件上签字并加盖执业印章。A.建设工程项目设计B.建设工程项目计划C.建设工程施工管理D.建设工程项目验收 下列活动中哪项MET最小?A.步行2.4km/hB.坐厕C.交谊舞(快)D.扫地E.下楼 医学伦理学最突出的特征是。A.实践性、继承性B.时代性、人道性C.人道性、全人类性D.全人类性、继承性E.人道性、实践性 下图所示的是交通标志。A.禁令B.指路C.指示D.警告 “阳脉之海”指A.督脉B.阴维脉C.冲脉D.任脉E.带脉 下列与不作为犯罪相关的表述,哪一选项是。甲立即前往现场,但只是站在现场观看,没有采取任何措施。此时,县卫生局副局长刘某路过现场,也未救助被害妇女。结果,歹徒杀害了其妻。甲和刘某都是国家机关工作人员,都没有履行救助义务 引起儿童黄疸型肝炎最常见的病原为A.甲型肝炎病毒B.乙型肝炎病毒C.丙型肝炎病毒D.丁型肝炎病毒E.戊型肝炎病毒 自然应激在第一阶段即可结束,强烈而持久的应激源才会发展到第三阶段。A.正确B.错误 确诊菌痢最可靠的依据是A.典型脓血便B.大便培养阳性C.明显里急后重D.免疫学检查阳性E.大便镜检发现大量脓细胞、吞噬细胞 国家对部分重点中药材购销实行管理,下列属于第二类的为A.麝香B.杜仲C.牛黄D.甘草E.厚朴 下列哪一项不属于建构数学模型的步骤?A.模型建立B.模型求解C.模型检验D.模型预设 轻柴油按质量分为五个牌号。A.正确B.错误 基坑开挖断面尺寸应符合设计要求,开挖轮廓线应采用有效的手段进行控制。A.开挖B.支护C.测量 全世界的吸烟者大约有A.l亿B.5亿C.11亿D.30亿E.50亿 路面工程各结构层之间的施工是。A.平行作业法B.依次作业法C.流水作业法D.均衡流水法 在气压一定时,湿空气密度总是干空气密度,湿空气比干空气。 患者,男性,35岁,营业员。癫痫史10年。在工作时突然跌倒在地,口吐白沫,四肢强直—抽搐发作。旁观者给予下列哪项处理措施是错误的A.用力按住其手足,阻止抽搐发作B.用缠以纱布的压舌板塞入其一侧上、下门齿之间C.使患者头偏向一侧D.解松患者的衣领及裤带,以利呼吸E.在患者背后 商业银行可根据实际业务情况确定流动性风险限额的管理,流动性风险限额应至少包括()。A.交易限额B.风险价值限额C.止损限额D.期限错配限额 以下不属于《基础电信协议》的主要部分的是。A.一般义务和纪律B.电信附录C.禁止性条款D.各国开放电信市场的承诺 高度近视引起的并发性白内障混浊部位多为A.前囊B.前囊下皮质C.核D.后囊E.后囊下皮质 提出环境保护措施设计,是阶段的主要内容之一。A.项目建议书B.预可行性研究C.可行性研究D.初步设计 患者,女,26岁,因反复乏力、厌油腻6个多月,服用保肝药后肝功能检查GPT偶见正常,停药后又复发,近来尿色逐渐加深2周入院。既往无病毒性肝炎病史,无家族史。生化报告:GPT180U/L,GOT69U/L,TBil39μmol/L,HBsAg(+),HBeAg(+),抗-HBc(+)。根据病史及生化报告应首先 [单选,案例分析题]女,63岁,突然出现剧烈头痛6小时,伴呕吐无发热,无高血压病史,右侧瞳孔对光反射消失,上眼睑下垂,眼球向上、下及内侧运动受限,颈项强直,克氏征阳性。CT示右大脑外侧裂,枕大池呈高密度影。为进一步治疗及预防,最有意义的检查是A.脑电图B.颅脑X线平片C.腰 潜伏性感染与病原携带状态的主要区别A.每种感染性疾病都存在B.病原体一般不排出体外C.体内存在病原体D.不出现临床症状E.以上都不是 补体系统经典激活途径与旁路激活途径的汇合点是A.C1B.C2C3D.C4E.C5

[单选]以下选项中不属于辅助存储器的是___。A.CD-RoMB.软盘C.硬盘D.内存 [单选]男性,62岁。重度吸烟(每日40支左右)30余年。10年前起咳嗽伴渐进性加重的呼吸困难。近1周卧床不起。尿少,下肢水肿住院。体检心率120次/分。动脉血气:PaC028kPa(60mmHg),PaO26.67kPa(50mmHg)。心电图 P波,VIR/S>1。查房时医生们关于强心剂(洋地黄类)和扩血管药物使用有下列不同主张,你认为哪一种较为合理()A.没有应用价值B.先用强心剂C.先用扩血管药物D.两类药物应同时使用E.改善通气,纠正缺氧,利尿剂治疗,若右心衰 好转,可以考虑先试强心剂 [单选]最常采用的切除听神经瘤安全有效的方式是()A.经迷路进路B.颅中窝进路C.迷路后进路D.乙状窦后进路E.迷路枕下联合进路 [问答题,简答题]实证腹满的特征、病机是什么? [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患者,女性,38岁,左下后牙3天来持续胀痛,有冷热刺激痛,有跳痛,不能咬物。近2个月以来,该牙一直严重食物嵌塞而来我院就诊。该患者,检查时最有可能见到的临床表现是()A.深及牙髓的龋洞与牙髓息肉 血水肿的牙间龈乳头与邻面龋C.牙龈红肿与多量的牙石D.深及根尖的牙周袋和牙周脓肿E.相应面部的肿痛和患牙龈瘘 [单选]下列关于音像制品与书、报、刊等出版物主要区别的表述中,错误的是()。A.表达内容的手段不同B.物质载体不同C.复制方式不同D.发行方式不同 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]脑外伤患者,男,26岁,既往体健,术前血压110/70mmHg,RBC4.0×1012,HCT35%,Hb110g/L,术中出血量约800ml,术中未输血。术后24小时伤口血性液体引流量约300ml,Hb90g/L,血压90/60mm 下处理措施不正确的是()。A.复查凝血四项及血常规B.监测生命体征,适当补充血容量C.输注红细胞D.输注新鲜冰冻血浆E.血小板数量应保持在100×109/L左右 [单选]不属细菌性食物中毒临床表现的是()A.多有呕吐B.多为脓血便C.可有发热D.多无里急后重E.多有腹痛 [单选]以下有利于干扰素疗效的是()A.HBVDNA滴度高B.消化道症状明显C.病程短D.HCV非2B基因型E.男性 [判断题]特种作业人员经过有关业务主管部门考核合格,取得特种作业操作资格证书,是企业取得安全生产许可证必须具备的安全生产条件之一。A.正确B.错误 华纳娱乐/
最新译林牛津版英语七年级上册Unit4My day Reading 1公开课课件1

Judge T or F .
lie's school starts at F 8:00 8:15 . 2.Her favourite subject is T English.
Can you help me ?
ibrary Millie goes to the l_______in the afternoon . She goes to the Reading uesday and T________. hursday Club on T_______
Listen and answer
Listen and answer
2.Is 2.Yes she , she good isat . it ?
lie’s subject subject? is Englis 1.What is favourite Millie’s favourite
A:When do they do morning exercises ? B:They do morning exercises at eight . 1.
7 A Unit 4
Reading 1
in the morning
start lessons first 首先,第一 /f3:s t/
do morning exercises
chat with each other 聊天, 闲谈 互相 / i:tʃ/ /'ʌð ə r/ /tʃæ t/ play in the playground
Yes , she does .
3. What do they do first in the morning ? They do morning exercises first .
七年级英语牛津版7A Unit 2 My day Grammar 课件

Unit 2 My day
New words
better both together Thursday Monday talk busy
New wordsgood-better-best
pardon better The more English you read, every you will both the better Tuesday be. together on the volleyball court Thursday say hello to--be Monday both My parents are both teachers. know a lot about Wednesday My parents both talk both +V like Watching TV. busy
lunchtime. Millie and I go to the playground.(5)______sit and talk We
under the big trees there. Daniel goes to the Computer Club every Tuesday and Thursday He afternoon. (6)_______knows a lot about computers. Kitty goes to her dancing lesson every day. (7)_______is very busy and does not She
have much time to chat with her friends.
• • • • • • • • • •
1.When does Sandy play badminton? She plays it every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 2.What do Sandy and Simon do together? They do their homework together. 3.What team is Simon in? He is in the school Football Team. 4.What do Millie and Amy do under the big trees? They sit and talk there. 5.How often does Kitty go to her dancing lesson? She goes to her dancing lesson every day.
New words
better both together Thursday Monday talk busy
New wordsgood-better-best
pardon better The more English you read, every you will both the better Tuesday be. together on the volleyball court Thursday say hello to--be Monday both My parents are both teachers. know a lot about Wednesday My parents both talk both +V like Watching TV. busy
lunchtime. Millie and I go to the playground.(5)______sit and talk We
under the big trees there. Daniel goes to the Computer Club every Tuesday and Thursday He afternoon. (6)_______knows a lot about computers. Kitty goes to her dancing lesson every day. (7)_______is very busy and does not She
have much time to chat with her friends.
• • • • • • • • • •
1.When does Sandy play badminton? She plays it every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 2.What do Sandy and Simon do together? They do their homework together. 3.What team is Simon in? He is in the school Football Team. 4.What do Millie and Amy do under the big trees? They sit and talk there. 5.How often does Kitty go to her dancing lesson? She goes to her dancing lesson every day.
牛津译林初中七年级上册英语 Unit 4《My day Reading 1》课件3

with their PE teacher.
III. 根据所给汉语完成句子。 1. 人们说玛丽是个聪明伶俐的女孩。
People say Mary is a_c_le_v_e_r_ __g_ir_l__. 2. 我们学校的一天从八点开始。 Our _sc_h_o_o_lday_s_ta_r_t_s__a_t_8:00 every day. 3. 我们期待着在外面好好过一天。 We __w_i_sh__ to _h_a_v_e_ a great day outside.
( T ) 1. Millie likes her school very much. ( F ) 2. School starts at 8.15 at Millie’s
( T ) 3. English is Millie’s favourite subject. ( F ) 4. Millie seldom chats with her friends
We read books
We practise volleyball.
Now let’s read the passage together and then finish B3 on P46
Complete the conversation between Joan and Tommy. Joan: I know your friend Millie is now at
every Saturday. 3. I __a_m__g_o_o_d__a_t_ English, for I go to
the English Club every Wednesday. 4. We must learn from ___e_a_c_h_o_t_h_e_r___. 5. The students always _h_a_v_e_a__g_o_o_d__ti_m_e_
III. 根据所给汉语完成句子。 1. 人们说玛丽是个聪明伶俐的女孩。
People say Mary is a_c_le_v_e_r_ __g_ir_l__. 2. 我们学校的一天从八点开始。 Our _sc_h_o_o_lday_s_ta_r_t_s__a_t_8:00 every day. 3. 我们期待着在外面好好过一天。 We __w_i_sh__ to _h_a_v_e_ a great day outside.
( T ) 1. Millie likes her school very much. ( F ) 2. School starts at 8.15 at Millie’s
( T ) 3. English is Millie’s favourite subject. ( F ) 4. Millie seldom chats with her friends
We read books
We practise volleyball.
Now let’s read the passage together and then finish B3 on P46
Complete the conversation between Joan and Tommy. Joan: I know your friend Millie is now at
every Saturday. 3. I __a_m__g_o_o_d__a_t_ English, for I go to
the English Club every Wednesday. 4. We must learn from ___e_a_c_h_o_t_h_e_r___. 5. The students always _h_a_v_e_a__g_o_o_d__ti_m_e_

岁,因“多饮、多尿、多食、消瘦6个月”来诊。既往史、家族史无特殊。无烟酒嗜好。查体:T36.5℃,P70次/min,R18次/min,BP145/80mmHg;意识清楚,呼吸平顺,体型匀称,BMI26kg/m;无突眼,甲状腺无肿大;HR70次/min,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音;双肺呼吸音清;双下肢无水肿。随机血糖12mmol/L。接下来调节该患者血脂异常的首选药物是 进行生活方式调整,口服福辛普利、二甲双胍后3个月(暂时未使用调脂药),血压130/70mmHg,空腹血糖6mmol/L,非空服血糖8mmol/L,血浆TC5.2mmol/L,LDL-C3.4mmol/L,TG2.7mmol/L,HDL-C1.0mmol/L。)A.他汀类B.贝特类C.胆酸螯合剂D.烟酸类E.胆固醇吸收抑制剂F.ω-3脂肪酸 男性,20岁,战士。3d前起咽痛、流涕、干咳、发热就诊,体温38℃上下波动。曾自服"感冒药"无效。近期营房中有类似病人多名。体检颈部扪及多个绿豆大小淋巴结,轻度触痛。右下肺有少量干啰音。X线检查示右下肺淡薄阴影。红细胞冷凝集试验1:64。其肺炎的病原体最可能是A.肺炎支原体B.流感病毒C.流感嗜血杆菌D.肺炎链球菌E-B病毒 关于生长发育的阶段性和程序性,下列说法不正确的是A.生长发育是一个连续的过程B.生长发育是质变的过程C.生长发育中有不同的发育阶段D.生长发育的各阶段顺序衔接,不能跳跃E.生长发育的任何阶段受到阻碍都会对后一阶段产生不良影响 在供应商感知模型中,若供应商对买方的积极性显示低为低等级,作为买方的策略应该是:A.做一个好客户;B.发展一种合作伙伴关系;C.公平可靠地主导相互之间的关系;D.上述答案没有一个正确。 下列不属于增值税一般纳税人资格认定的升级规范的是。A、提供免填单服务。B、提供互联网络或移动终端预申请、办理进度查询等服务。C、办理时限由20个工作日提速至10个工作日。D、提供选填单服务。 识别阈值 单位结算卡在自助票据机办理的业务有。A.转账B.修改密码C.消费D.交易明细查询E.对账单打印F.回单打印 下列情况中,能引起肾小球滤过率减少的是A.血浆胶体渗透压减低B.血浆胶体渗透压升高C.血浆晶体渗透压降低D.血浆晶体渗透压升高E.肾小球毛细血管血压升高 第一代移动通信系统的典型代表制式是和。 五行中“火”的特性是A.曲直B.稼穑C.炎上D.润下E.从革 “五志过极”和“六气”皆可化生的是A.内风B.内寒C.内湿D.内燥E.内火 图中所示红细胞异常结构为A.H-J小体B.杜勒小体C.嗜碱性点彩红细胞D.疟原虫E.网织红细胞 工程项目的质量计划是由编制的。A.项目经理B.各专业工程师C.甲方代表D.监理工程师 中风的病位在。A.心B.肝C.脾D.肾E.脑 《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》的执行和实施情况,应列入A.医疗机构校验管理和医务人员年度考核B.定期考核和医德考评C.医疗机构等级评审D.医务人员职称晋升、评先评优的重要依据E.以上都对 儿童期生长激素分泌不足会导致()</br>儿童生长激素过度分泌会导致()</br>成人生长激素过度分泌会导致()</br>儿童甲状腺激素分泌不足会导致()</br>成人甲状腺激素过度分泌会导致()A.侏儒症B.巨人症C.呆小病D.肢端肥大症E.Graves病 磨机主要工作指标包括、生产能力、作业率。 如无单独病室,同一类传染病患者可住同一房间,但床距应至少保持A.1mB.3mC.1.5mD.80cmE.没有要求 根据特定目的和要求将分散在不同时空域的有关信息采掘和聚集起来的过程,我们称之为。 男,42岁,肝区痛1月余,最近2周咯血丝痰,胸部CT如图,最可能的诊断为()A.葡萄球菌肺炎B.过敏性肺炎C.结节病D.肺转移瘤E.韦格肉芽肿 下列说法中不正确的是。A.选择性是整个高中课程的基本理念B.在教学中,教师要帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯C.在教学过程中,结果是最重要的,老师要时刻关注学生的学习成绩D.新课程标准强调数学文化的重要作用 马斯洛需求理论的需求层次中,层次越,力量越强大。 在丁型肝炎预防措施中,下列正确的是A.用敏感方法筛选供血员B.提倡用志愿供血员C.严格掌握输血适应证D.不采用血液制品E.使用丁型肝炎疫苗 是指在气流的冲击下,土粒、沙粒或岩石碎屑脱离地表,被搬运和沉积的过程。A.风力侵蚀B.重力侵蚀C.混合侵蚀D.水力侵蚀 黄韧带连于两个相邻的A.椎弓板之间B.椎弓根之间C.椎弓之间D.棘突之间E.椎体之间 梅尼埃病单耳患病者约占()A.35%B.45%C.55%D.65%E.85% 患者,男性,20岁,因阑尾炎穿孔行阑尾切除术后1周,体温仍在38℃~39℃,腹胀腹痛,尿频,大便次数多。首先考虑A.膈下脓肿B.肠间脓肿C.盆腔脓肿D.脾破裂E.胃十二指肠穿孔 当检验批混凝土强度标准差计算值小于2.5N/mm2时,应取A.1.5N/mm2B.2.0N/mm2C.2.5N/mm2D.3.0N/mm2 动物在由低级向高级发展过程中的特点是A.牙根数目减少B.牙根长度增加C.牙的分布由广泛至集中D.牙尖高度降低E.磨牙逐渐前移 试述网膜囊和网膜孔的毗邻 能够减轻或消除热证的药物,其药性一般属于。A.寒、热B.寒、凉C.温、凉D.温、微寒E.平 我国采用的压力单位是:A、每平方厘米千克力;B、毫米水柱;C、毫米汞柱;D、帕; 肛门内测体温的正确方法是A.肛表插入肛门内1~2cm,测温1分钟B.肛表插入肛门内1~2cm,测温2分钟C.肛表插入肛门内2~3cm,测温1分钟D.肛表插入肛门内2~3cm,测温2分钟E.肛表插入肛门内3~4cm,测温2分钟 孕妇患急性肾盂肾炎应首选A.红霉素B.氨苄青霉素C.青霉素D.四环素E.庆大霉素 腹泻脱水患儿,在补液后眼睑发生水肿,说明A.输入的液体中钠盐过少B.输入的液体中电解质溶液比例过高C.输入的液体中葡萄糖溶液比例过高D.输入的液体总量过多E.输液速度过快 /word?w=%E9%A3%9E%E8%89%87%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E7%BE%A4%E7%8E%A9%E4%BF%A1%E8%AA%89%E7%BE%A4%09%E3%80%903118900%E3%80%91%E4%BD%8D%E9%B8%ADHdJ9
牛津译林版2020-2021学年七年级英语上册Unit 4 My day Reading (2)课件

2. Millie always_________________ (过得愉快) at schoolh. as a good time
3.We go to school Monday ______
Friday(从...到...). from
单项选择。(3 points)
1. I go to school C 7:00 every morning.
039、:0少成57年功.1易都2.学永20老远20难不09成会:0,言57一弃.1寸 ,2.光放20阴弃20不者09可永:0轻远50。不9。会:05成:0功37。.12.202009:057.12.2020
盛开的春地去方春,又在回这,醉新人桃芬换芳旧的符季。节在,那愿桃你花 409、:0桃57花.1潭2.水20深20千09尺:0,57不.1及2.汪20伦20送09我:0情50。9:05:037.12.202009:057.12.2020 盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你 74.、12敏不.2而要02好为07学它.1,的2.不结20耻束20下而09问哭:0。 ,50。应9当7:0.15为20.9它2:0的250:开073始.1029而.:20笑052:。00309:0509:0509:05:0309:05:03
Millie’s school day
at 8 a.m first at 8:15 Subject
school starts do morning exercises lessons begin English
Tell T or F
1、Millie goes to school five days a weeTk.
Her favourite subujest is...

[单选]单负链RNA病毒本身具有哪种酶()A.解链酶B.水解酶C.DNA多聚酶D.依赖RNA的RNA多聚酶E.依赖RNA的DNA多聚酶 [单选,A1型题]一般说来,温性药物的主要作用是()A.清热B.凉血C.解毒D.通络E.泻火 [单选]根据支付结算制度的规定,下列存款账户中,不可以用于办理现金支取的是()。A.证券交易结算资金专用存款账户B.临时存款账户C.基本存款账户D.异地从事临时经营活动的单位开立的账户 [单选]混凝土养护应注意夏天保持必要湿度,冬天保持必要温度,其主要原因是()。A.增加混凝土中游离水B.增加混凝土抗渗能力C.延缓混凝土凝结时间D.使水泥水化作用正常进行 [单选]不属于龟鳖目的科是()。A.壁虎科B.龟科C.棱皮龟科D.海龟科 [单选]每一储存货品都有固定货位,货品不能互用货位,而且在规划时,每一项货品的货位容量不得小于其可能的最大在库量。这种储存方式称为()。A.随机储存B.定位储存C.分类储存D.共同储存 [多选]储存装置的作用是保证不间断地供应燃气、平衡、调度燃气供变量。其设备主要有()。A.低压湿式、干式储气柜B.套管式补偿器和波形管补偿器C.直接式调压器和间接式调压器D.高压圆筒形、球形储气罐 [单选]情报的()是情报分发范围的依据。A、合法性B、确实性C、可靠性D、秘密等级 [单选]()标志着我国农村改革进入了一个新的阶段,即农村综合改革。A.乡统筹费的取消B.农业税的取消C.特产税的取消D.农村义务教育费的免除 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]成人子宫体与子宫颈的长度比例为()A.2:1B.3:1C.1:2D.1:3E.1:1 [单选]采用母线电流相位比较式母线差动保护的厂站中,正常运行时母联断路器()运行。A.不必投入B.可以投入,也可以不投入C.必须投入D.以上皆不对 [单选]脊髓震荡是指()A.脊髓受压B.脊髓挫伤C.脊髓
[单选]单负链RNA病毒本身具有哪种酶()A.解链酶B.水解酶C.DNA多聚酶D.依赖RNA的RNA多聚酶E.依赖RNA的DNA多聚酶 [单选,A1型题]一般说来,温性药物的主要作用是()A.清热B.凉血C.解毒D.通络E.泻火 [单选]根据支付结算制度的规定,下列存款账户中,不可以用于办理现金支取的是()。A.证券交易结算资金专用存款账户B.临时存款账户C.基本存款账户D.异地从事临时经营活动的单位开立的账户 [单选]混凝土养护应注意夏天保持必要湿度,冬天保持必要温度,其主要原因是()。A.增加混凝土中游离水B.增加混凝土抗渗能力C.延缓混凝土凝结时间D.使水泥水化作用正常进行 [单选]不属于龟鳖目的科是()。A.壁虎科B.龟科C.棱皮龟科D.海龟科 [单选]每一储存货品都有固定货位,货品不能互用货位,而且在规划时,每一项货品的货位容量不得小于其可能的最大在库量。这种储存方式称为()。A.随机储存B.定位储存C.分类储存D.共同储存 [多选]储存装置的作用是保证不间断地供应燃气、平衡、调度燃气供变量。其设备主要有()。A.低压湿式、干式储气柜B.套管式补偿器和波形管补偿器C.直接式调压器和间接式调压器D.高压圆筒形、球形储气罐 [单选]情报的()是情报分发范围的依据。A、合法性B、确实性C、可靠性D、秘密等级 [单选]()标志着我国农村改革进入了一个新的阶段,即农村综合改革。A.乡统筹费的取消B.农业税的取消C.特产税的取消D.农村义务教育费的免除 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]成人子宫体与子宫颈的长度比例为()A.2:1B.3:1C.1:2D.1:3E.1:1 [单选]采用母线电流相位比较式母线差动保护的厂站中,正常运行时母联断路器()运行。A.不必投入B.可以投入,也可以不投入C.必须投入D.以上皆不对 [单选]脊髓震荡是指()A.脊髓受压B.脊髓挫伤C.脊髓
《My day》PPT

get up
have dinner
start to work
go to bed
Matching Game
Hello,everyone. I'm ____.
I get up at ____________ in the evening.
I have dinner at _________.
At _____________ ,I start to work. I catch a mouse.
Create a new story
play football
ride bicycles
Peppa's friends
Peppa has a lot of friends.
They ___ at _______ in the ______.
They ________ at ___________ .
Min and Mog are good friends.
They ____ at ______ in the evening.
They ________ at ___________ .
At _________, they start to work.
They ________ at ______ in the morning.
Turn off the light, please.
turn off
take off
Turn off the light.
Take off the coat.
Let's chant
( ) 1. Min and Mog get up at half past seven.( ) 2. They start to work at eight o'clock .( ) 3. They have dinner at six o'clock.( ) 4. They go to bed at six o'clock in the morning.
have dinner
start to work
go to bed
Matching Game
Hello,everyone. I'm ____.
I get up at ____________ in the evening.
I have dinner at _________.
At _____________ ,I start to work. I catch a mouse.
Create a new story
play football
ride bicycles
Peppa's friends
Peppa has a lot of friends.
They ___ at _______ in the ______.
They ________ at ___________ .
Min and Mog are good friends.
They ____ at ______ in the evening.
They ________ at ___________ .
At _________, they start to work.
They ________ at ______ in the morning.
Turn off the light, please.
turn off
take off
Turn off the light.
Take off the coat.
Let's chant
( ) 1. Min and Mog get up at half past seven.( ) 2. They start to work at eight o'clock .( ) 3. They have dinner at six o'clock.( ) 4. They go to bed at six o'clock in the morning.

下列关于移民安置规划正确的是。A.农村移民安置主要采取补偿性移民方针B.城(集)镇移民安置规划包括重新就业问题C.移民安置规划的目标是达到规划设计基准年农村移民应达到的预期目标D.农村移民安置规划是移民安置规划的重点 两台机车同时在同一条线路上作业时,一端连挂机车,一端推车。A.应当B.允许C.不准D.可以 根据《公路水路交通“十一五”发展规划》,“十一五”期间,要完善公路网络,重点要建设。A.城乡公路网B.省际通道公路网C.省际干线公路网D.国家高速公路网 2014年11月李某办理了提前退休手续,距法定退休年龄还有15个月,取得一次性补贴收入54000元。李某就一次性补贴收入应缴纳的个人所得税为元。A.45B.360C.150D.100 支付结算由谁分级管理: 水痘的临床特征有.A.疹退后脱皮,不留瘢痕B.同时期丘疹、疱疹、干痂并见C.病后终免疫D.发热一二天内出疹E.以四肢较多 销户的程序: 当船舶重心在稳心之下漂心之上时称船舶处于状态。A.稳定平衡B.不稳定平衡C.随遇平衡D.中性平衡 下列各项,不是望舌临床意义的是。A.判断正气盛衰B.分辨病位深浅C.区别病邪性质D.推断病势进退E.预测疾病预后善恶 先天性心脏畸形形成的主要时期是在心脏胚胎发育的A.第1~2周B.第2~4周C.第2~8周D.第4~8周E.第8~16周 男性,28岁。患急性粒细胞白血病接受化学治疗,中性粒细胞0.4×10/L。近1周来高热,咳嗽脓痰,右肺闻及较多湿啰音。X线胸片见右中肺野大片密影,隐约见密度减低区域。推测肺部感染最可能的病原体是A.肺炎链球菌B.流感嗜血杆菌C.莫拉卡他菌D.铜绿假单胞菌E.溶血性链球菌 已知某开发商出售房地产的增值额为20万元,扣除项目金额为10万元,则此开发商应缴纳的土地增值税为万元。A.5.0B.5.5C.6.5D.8.5 下列关于信息高速公路的描述正确的
下列关于移民安置规划正确的是。A.农村移民安置主要采取补偿性移民方针B.城(集)镇移民安置规划包括重新就业问题C.移民安置规划的目标是达到规划设计基准年农村移民应达到的预期目标D.农村移民安置规划是移民安置规划的重点 两台机车同时在同一条线路上作业时,一端连挂机车,一端推车。A.应当B.允许C.不准D.可以 根据《公路水路交通“十一五”发展规划》,“十一五”期间,要完善公路网络,重点要建设。A.城乡公路网B.省际通道公路网C.省际干线公路网D.国家高速公路网 2014年11月李某办理了提前退休手续,距法定退休年龄还有15个月,取得一次性补贴收入54000元。李某就一次性补贴收入应缴纳的个人所得税为元。A.45B.360C.150D.100 支付结算由谁分级管理: 水痘的临床特征有.A.疹退后脱皮,不留瘢痕B.同时期丘疹、疱疹、干痂并见C.病后终免疫D.发热一二天内出疹E.以四肢较多 销户的程序: 当船舶重心在稳心之下漂心之上时称船舶处于状态。A.稳定平衡B.不稳定平衡C.随遇平衡D.中性平衡 下列各项,不是望舌临床意义的是。A.判断正气盛衰B.分辨病位深浅C.区别病邪性质D.推断病势进退E.预测疾病预后善恶 先天性心脏畸形形成的主要时期是在心脏胚胎发育的A.第1~2周B.第2~4周C.第2~8周D.第4~8周E.第8~16周 男性,28岁。患急性粒细胞白血病接受化学治疗,中性粒细胞0.4×10/L。近1周来高热,咳嗽脓痰,右肺闻及较多湿啰音。X线胸片见右中肺野大片密影,隐约见密度减低区域。推测肺部感染最可能的病原体是A.肺炎链球菌B.流感嗜血杆菌C.莫拉卡他菌D.铜绿假单胞菌E.溶血性链球菌 已知某开发商出售房地产的增值额为20万元,扣除项目金额为10万元,则此开发商应缴纳的土地增值税为万元。A.5.0B.5.5C.6.5D.8.5 下列关于信息高速公路的描述正确的
【2020年独家】七年级英语上册 Unit 4《My day Integrated skills》课件1

Miss Shen
Fill in the blanks
be closed,look forward to,have a good time, would … like,have a class trip,
1.Our class will __h_a_v_e__a_c_la_s_s__tr_i_p__ at the weekend.
• We are all looking forward to a great day out!
• Millie
Where will they go?
They will go to_____B__e_i_ji_n__g__Z__o_o____ !
Li Fang wrote a note to me today, but I lost some information. So I cannot understand her now. Please help me! Listen to her and find out the answers.
Water Cube
Bird’s Nest
Байду номын сангаас
CCTV Tower
Use the following sentences to make your plan. (group work) • I would like / want to go to…… • The location is …… • It is open…… • The price for me is …… • I am looking forward to a day out.
7A Unit 4 My day
Integrated skills
T/F questions: 1. It is in Fengtai District. ( T ) 2. We can go there every day. ( T ) 3. The price for Millie is ¥ 30. ( F )
Fill in the blanks
be closed,look forward to,have a good time, would … like,have a class trip,
1.Our class will __h_a_v_e__a_c_la_s_s__tr_i_p__ at the weekend.
• We are all looking forward to a great day out!
• Millie
Where will they go?
They will go to_____B__e_i_ji_n__g__Z__o_o____ !
Li Fang wrote a note to me today, but I lost some information. So I cannot understand her now. Please help me! Listen to her and find out the answers.
Water Cube
Bird’s Nest
Байду номын сангаас
CCTV Tower
Use the following sentences to make your plan. (group work) • I would like / want to go to…… • The location is …… • It is open…… • The price for me is …… • I am looking forward to a day out.
7A Unit 4 My day
Integrated skills
T/F questions: 1. It is in Fengtai District. ( T ) 2. We can go there every day. ( T ) 3. The price for Millie is ¥ 30. ( F )
2023牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 4《My day》(Reading I)课件

After-school activities
Paragraph 2
When does Millie’s school start?
At eight in the morning.
They always chat with each other or play in the playground.
read books
do after-school activities
practise playing volleyball
chat with each other
have a good time
Which is Millie’s favourite subject?2. What does Millie like doing?
a lot of
Reading CБайду номын сангаасub
J: Does Millie like sports?T: Yes. She likes playing volleyball. She’s in the school _____________. They _______ after school on ___________________.
volleyball team
Wednesday afternoon
Try to retell Millie’s day
8:00 a.m.
do morning exercises
Millie likes her school very much.
2. School starts at 8:15 at Millie’s school.
After-school activities
Paragraph 2
When does Millie’s school start?
At eight in the morning.
They always chat with each other or play in the playground.
read books
do after-school activities
practise playing volleyball
chat with each other
have a good time
Which is Millie’s favourite subject?2. What does Millie like doing?
a lot of
Reading CБайду номын сангаасub
J: Does Millie like sports?T: Yes. She likes playing volleyball. She’s in the school _____________. They _______ after school on ___________________.
volleyball team
Wednesday afternoon
Try to retell Millie’s day
8:00 a.m.
do morning exercises
Millie likes her school very much.
2. School starts at 8:15 at Millie’s school.
牛津译林版七年级英语上册课件:Unit4 My Day Reading1 (共46页)

• Millie likes her school very much. T eight • Millie’s school starts at 8:15. F T • English is Millie’s favourite subject. • Millie seldom often chats with her friends after class. F • Millie only goes to the Reading Club on Tuesday. and Thursday. F • Millie is a member of the school F swimming volleyball team.
Welcome to My English class
Liu Yi‘s School
Dear Millie, Thanks for your letter. I study at Hope Middle School now. Our school is small. We only have a few classrooms. We do not have a library, but we have a reading room. Sometimes we read books there. Our playground is in front of the classrooms. It is not very big. We often play there after class. Our teachers are all very kind. We like them very much. I live far away from the school. I go to school on foot every day. It takes me about an hour to get to school. All the best, Liu Yi
Welcome to My English class
Liu Yi‘s School
Dear Millie, Thanks for your letter. I study at Hope Middle School now. Our school is small. We only have a few classrooms. We do not have a library, but we have a reading room. Sometimes we read books there. Our playground is in front of the classrooms. It is not very big. We often play there after class. Our teachers are all very kind. We like them very much. I live far away from the school. I go to school on foot every day. It takes me about an hour to get to school. All the best, Liu Yi
英语_unit2 My day period 2课件(牛津英语七年级上).ppt

Paragraph 4 1.What does she do every Tuesday and Friday? 2.Does she like playing volleyball? 3.Is Amy good at swimming? How do you know? 4.Does she have a good time at school?
6. It’s time _____ to get (get) up.
Task :
If you have a new e-friend called Lucy, send an e-mail to tell her your school life.
Homework :
1. Say something about your school life. 2. Send an e-mail to wish your teacher a happy New Year.
Paragraph 2
1. Who is Millie’s best friend?
2.What do they often do at lunch time?
3.What do they always do at lunchtime? 4.What do they sometimes do? 5. How’re all her friends? 6. Are they friendly to each other?
Unit 2
My day
Reading I
Tommy read Milie’s e-mail yesterday. He is now telling his friends about it. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. 1. Millie likes her school very much. 2. Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime.
《My day》PPT课件

Millie, when do you go to school every day?I usually go to school at 7:20. I’m never late for it.Good. What time do you start lessons?At a quarter past eight.When do you do morning exercises?We do morning exercises at 8 o’clock.Oh, you do morning exercises before you start lessons. When do you have lunch?I have lunch at 11:50.What time do you go home?At half past four. Do you enjoy school, Millie?Yes. I enjoy it very much.
Millie is a hard-working student. She ____ up early in the morning. She goes to _____ at 7:20. She’s _____ late for school. Before the first lesson starts, Millie and all her classmates do morning ________. She has lunch at ten to ______. The school finishes at four ______ in the afternoon. Then it’s time for after-school ________. She always has fun. In the evening, Millie watches TV for ____ an hour. It’s her favourite time of the day. Then she needs to do her __________. She always does it carefully. She usually goes to ____ at 9:30.
牛津译林版2020-2021学年七年级英语上册Unit4 My day Study skills课件

Whisper (耳语) Game
I can see a car in the park. The nurse at work looks after her. A girl in a skirt sees a bird. The man often cleans the street. My new school is very cool. I often have bread for breakfast. My father always walks after dinner.
park healthy
player never ready
noodle sport
/ʊ/ /ɔ:/
/ɜ:/ /e/
Read aloud
cool noodle
park starhall
/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /æ/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/ /e/ /ɪ/ /əʊ/ /ju://i:/
A car; some trees; a pet;a bird and so on.
How to read ar?
Bark.Bark.Bark.The dog is barking after the car.
丽,感谢你的阅读。 二年7、〇七放二月眼〇十前年二方七日,月只十要二我日们继续,收获的季节就在前方。20.7.1220.7.1220.7.12。2020年7 8月、1熟勇2日读气星唐通期诗往日三天二百堂〇首,二,怯〇不懦年会 通七作往月诗地十也狱二会。日吟09。:050099:0:0550:90:3075.:1023.72.0120.2S0u2n0dSauyn, dJauyly, J1u2l,y21022,02020 8、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。09:0509:05:037.12.2020Sunday,
I can see a car in the park. The nurse at work looks after her. A girl in a skirt sees a bird. The man often cleans the street. My new school is very cool. I often have bread for breakfast. My father always walks after dinner.
park healthy
player never ready
noodle sport
/ʊ/ /ɔ:/
/ɜ:/ /e/
Read aloud
cool noodle
park starhall
/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /æ/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/ /e/ /ɪ/ /əʊ/ /ju://i:/
A car; some trees; a pet;a bird and so on.
How to read ar?
Bark.Bark.Bark.The dog is barking after the car.
丽,感谢你的阅读。 二年7、〇七放二月眼〇十前年二方七日,月只十要二我日们继续,收获的季节就在前方。20.7.1220.7.1220.7.12。2020年7 8月、1熟勇2日读气星唐通期诗往日三天二百堂〇首,二,怯〇不懦年会 通七作往月诗地十也狱二会。日吟09。:050099:0:0550:90:3075.:1023.72.0120.2S0u2n0dSauyn, dJauyly, J1u2l,y21022,02020 8、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。09:0509:05:037.12.2020Sunday,
七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day写作素养提升练课件 牛津版

lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon.
After school he plays footbd. He often goes home at 5 p. m. In the evening, he does his homework or reads some books. Then he goes to bed at 10 p. m.
You made my day!
_____D__e_a_r_T_o_m__, ______________________________________ _____I__w_a_n_t_t_o__te_l_l _y_o_u_s_o_m__e_th_i_n_g__a_b_o_u_t_m__y_d_a_i_ly__li_f_e_. _In__t_h_e_ __m_o_r_n_i_n_g_,_I__o_ft_e_n_g_e_t_u__p_a_t_6_:__3_0_._T__h_e_n_I__h_a_v_e_b_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t_a_t_ __6_:__4_5__a_. _m_.__A__q_u_a_r_t_er__l_a_te_r_,_I__ri_d_e__to__s_c_h_o_o_l.__It__t_a_k_e_s _m__e_ __a_b_o_u_t_1_0__m_i_n_u_t_e_s_t_o_g_e_t_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_l_. ______________________ _____W__e__d_o_m__o_r_n_in__g_e_x_e_r_c_is_e_s_a_t_7_:__4_5__a_. _m_._O__u_r_f_i_r_st_c_l_a_s_s_
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Part B---Speak up Talk about your weekend
---What does Millie like to do at weekends ? ---How often does she go there? --- What about Tommy?
Part B
Our weekends
_______ too. B: That’s great!
Part B Reporting time---About friends
---What does he/ she like to do at weekends ? ---How often does he/ she … ?
Part B Reporting time---About friends
---What do you like to do at weekends ? ---I likw to …. --- I … twice a week.
Pair work
What do you like to do at weekends?
A: Hi, _____. What do you like to do at weekends?
B: I like to ________. A: How often do you ______ ? B: I _________ a week/ month. (It makes me feel _______. )What about you? A: I like to ___________. And I go there
Unit4 My day Integrated skills
A volleyball match
Part A 1---listen and answer
Part A 2---notes about the volleyball match
A volleyball match Teams: ___________________ Date: ___________________ Place: ___________________ Time: ___________________
Part A 3---Simon’s notice
Welcome to the match Dear classmates, There is a volleyball match between _S_u_n_s_h_in_e__M_i_d_d_le__S_c_h_o_o_l__ and _M_o_o_n_li_g_h_t _M_i_d_d_le__S_c_h_o_o_l on ___1_7_,_N_o_v_e_m_b_e_r.The match starts at ____7_p_._m_., this ____S_a_t_u_rdeavyening, at ___S_u_n_s_h_in_e__S_p_o_rt_s_C__e.nWteer can go thereb_y_b_u_s___. I hope everyone can come and watch the game. Thanks. Wish our team good luck! Simon
---He/ She likes to …at weekends. ---He/She often…. ---Sometimes he/she….
1.Recite Speak up 2.Have an interview(采访) with your parents with the questions: What do they like to do at weekends ? Why?