高三英语教案 unit10学案

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Words and expressions:


1. prince __________(female)

2. furnish __________(n)

3. wear ___________(adj)


5. bakery ___________(v)

6. come out _________(n)

7. pray ____________(n) 8. simple ___________(v)

9. approve _________(antonym) 10.curl _____________(adj)

Warming up and speaking

1. Present the outcome of your discussion to the whole class.向全班同学介绍你们讨论的结果. outcome n. 结果;结局;后果[S1][(+of)]

I think there can be but one outcome to this affair.我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。

She was satisfied with .她对自己努力的结果很满意。Reading: A Sacrifice for Love

True or false:

1. James Dillingham Young was a rich young man.

2. Della lived in a neighborhood with many trees and flowers.

3. Jim and Della were a married couple.

4. Della thought having a haircut will make Jim happy.

5. Della decided to have the hair cut out of her love for Jim.

6. There were two possessions of this family—Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.

Read the text and make right choices:

How much money was saved by Della before the Christmas Day?

A. $ 8.

B. $ 1.87.

C. $ 2.

D. $ 8.7.

Why did Della cut her hair off?

A. Because she wanted to give Jim a surprise.

B. Because she liked wearing short hair.

C. Because she wanted to be looked like a Coney Island Choir girl.

D. Because she needed more money to buy Jim a present.

How much did Della get for selling her hair?

A. $ 12.

B. $ 18.

C. $ 20.

D. $ 22.

What did Della buy for Jim’s present?

A. A gold watch.

B. A gold watch chain.

C. A shave.

D. A new overcoat.

What did Jim buy for Della’s present?

A. A shampoo.

B. A hat.

C. A comb.

D. A necklace.

Jim felt ______the moment he saw Della.

A. angry

B. surprised

C. disapproval

D. upset

Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. The Christmas day was coming. Della was very happy and she was looking forward to it.

B. Jim and Della were young and rich.

C. Jim didn’t love Della any more when he saw that she had her hair cut off.

D. Jim’s gold watch and Della’s long hair were the two possessions which they both took pride in.

The word in the fifth paragraph “hesitated” is closest in meaning to______.

A. imagined

B. dreamed

C. felt uncertain

D. watched

Which of the following is NOT true according to the story?

A. The day before Christmas Della was worried because she had only saved one dollar and eighty-seven cents for Jim’s Christmas present.

B. The young couple lived a hard life but they loved each other deeply.

C. Della was very nervous and worried before she heard Jim’s step when he came back home from work.

D. When Della saw her present, she was so happy to get the expensive combs that she burst into tears.

From the sentence, “She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey in a grey backyard.” we can infer that Della was very______.

A. angry

B. calm

C. happy

D. sad

Della burst into tears when she saw the combs because_______.

A. she didn’t like them

B. the combs didn’t match her beautiful hair.

C. her hair had gone for his chain.

D. she liked the combs very much.

Jim didn’t obey Della when she told him to take out his watch because_______.

A. he had lost it.

B. he had sold it to get the money for the combs

C. he disked obey others

D. the chain didn’t match it.

What does the story mainly tell us?

A. How to celebrate a happy Christmas for a young and rich couple.

B. How to choose Christmas presents for couples.

C. A love story between a young and poor couple.

D. Money is love.

The title of the story means_______

A. the couple needed sacrifice to maintain their love.

B. the couple sacrificed their possessions out of love.

C. they would sacrifice their lives for each other.

D. they sacrifice their favorite things to God.

The story is a typical O Henry story because it_________.

A. it is moving.

B. it has a surprise ending.

C. the hero and the heroine are poor.

D. it is short.

Language points

Pennies saved one or two at a time by bargaining at the grocery, at the bakery and the butcher’s until one’s check burnt.这些前是在杂货店、面包房和肉铺里讨价还价争得面红耳赤从而一分、两分地省出来的。

➢ at a time 一次,每次

He often . 他经常是一次吃两个鸡蛋.

注意at a time和以下这些短语的区别:

at one time: (过去)有个时期,曾经一度at any time: 无论何时, 随时

at all times 随时,总是at the time of: 在……的时代

at no time 在任何时候都不at this time 此时此刻

at the time 在当时

She wanted to leave school for business .
