1. Introduction Introduction of the Dais2. Roll Call The Chair: The Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order,delegates, please raise your placards and answer …present‟ when your country‟s name are called. 主席:主席助理将按字谜顺序进行点名。
请听到名字的代表举起国家牌,并回答“到” Rapporteur:Afghanistan. Afghanistan:Present。
Rapporteur: Afghanistan is Present。
… 主席助理:阿富汗。
阿富汗:到. 主席助理:阿富汗代表到。
Rapporteur: With_____countries present, this conference is in quorum, the two-thirds majority is _______,the simple majority is _______, 20% of the number is _______. Delegates who are late for the Roll Call,please send a page to the Dais to show your presence。
Setting the Speakers’ List The Chair:Now we will set up a Speakers‟ List,all delegates wishing to speak please raise your placards,I‟ll call your countries‟ names randomly. China,Russian Federation… Thank you。
模拟联合国大会基本用语开头:1、请大会主席团成员和工作小组成员就位;2、Distinguished delegates, now we’re going to have the roll call. Please raise youplacard and answer ‘present’现在大会开始点名3、4、There are A delegates present, the Simple Majority is B, the two-thirds Majorityis C and 20% of All is D.名结束,本会场本分组会议共有A位代表出席,简单多数为B,2/3多数为C,20%数为D;5、现在我宣布首届模拟联合国大会正式开会;6、大会首先对叙利亚问题进行讨论,需要发言的国家请举牌;7、现在请X国代表上台对本国立场进行2分钟的陈述;正式辩论:1、下面有请X国代表上台发言,时间60秒;2、Now the Speakers’ List is open. Delegates, who want to be added in the Speakers’ List, please raise your placards.现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌;注意点国家名时注意速度,以便主席助理记录3让渡时间让渡给主席The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间代表:让渡给主席;The Chair: Thank you.主席:谢谢让渡给其他代表The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间Delegate: I would like to yield my time to India代表:让渡给印度代表The Chair: Thank you. Delegate of India, now you have X seconds.主席:谢谢;印度代表,现在您有X秒的发言时间;让渡给问题The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间Delegate: I would like to yield my time to question.代表:让渡给问题;The Chair: Thank you. All those delegates who want to ask questions to X国, please raise your placards.主席:谢谢;下面代表们可以就X国代表发言提问,希望提问的代表请举牌;The Chair: Thank you, dear delegate. Your time is up.主席:谢谢x国代表,您的发言时间结束;动议和问题1、未见问题或动议TheChair:Arethereanypointsormot ionsofthefloorSeenone.We’llgoonthesp eakers’list.Honorabledelegatefrom…,youhave60stoaddressthebody.主席:请问场下有无问题或动议未见问题或动议;下面继续进行发言;尊敬的__国代表,您有60秒的发言时间;2、问题TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsonthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofIsrael:Point.以色列代表:问题;TheChair:DelegateofIsrael,towhatpointdoyourise主席:以色列代表有何问题程序性问题DelegateofPakistan:Pointoforder.Pakistanhasn‘tbeenaddedtothespeakers list.巴基斯坦代表:程序性问题;巴基斯坦未被列入发言名单;TheChair:Thankyou,delegate.TheRapporteurwilladdPakistantothespeakersl ist主席:抱歉;主席助理将把巴基斯坦列入发言名单;咨询性问题DelegateofCongo:Pointofinquiry.Congowantstomakesurehowmanyvotesweneedto passamotionofsuspendmeeting 刚果代表:咨询性问题;刚果代表想知道动议赞成中断会议需要多少代表投票通过TheChair:Thankyou,delegate.Weneedasimplemajority.主席:需要简单多数通过;动议TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsofthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofChina:Motion.中国代表:动议;动议更改发言时间TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotiontosetthespeakingtimeto40 seconds.中国代表:中国动议将发言时间缩短为40秒;TheChair:Thankyou.Nowthere’samotiononthefloortosetthespeakingtimeto1 minute.Is there a second Thank you. n ow have to vote.All those delegates in favor of thism o t i o n p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.A l l t h o s e o p p o s e p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.T h a n k y o u.With5infavorand13 oppose,thismotionfailed.主席:谢谢;现在中国代表动议将发言时间缩短为1分钟;请问场下有无赞同下面我们进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;5票赞成,13票反对,此动议未通过;动议自由磋商TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotionforanunmoderatedcaucusfor5minutes.中国代表:中国动议进行5分钟的自由磋商;T h e C h a i r:T h a n k y o u.N o w t h e r e’samotiononthefloorforanunmoderatedcau cusfor5minutes.IsthereasecondThankyou.IsthereoppositionThanknowhavetovote.Allth osedelegatesinfavorofthismotionpleaseraiseyourplacards.Allthoseoppose pleaseraiseyourplacards.Thankyou.With13infavorand5oppose,this m otionpassed.Weare nowinanunmoderatedcaucus.主席:谢谢;现在中国代表动议进行5分钟的自由磋商;请问场下有无赞同,下面进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;……反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过;我们现在进行5分钟的自由磋商;The Chair: Delegates, you still have 1minute.主席:各位代表,你们还有1分钟的时间;The Chair: all delegates, please be seated.主席:代表们请就座;动议有主持核心磋商TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议Delegate of China:Chinamotionforamoderatedcaucusfor5minuteson the topic of SecurityCouncilreformandeachdelegatehas30seconds speakingtime.中国代表:中国动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商;每位代表有30秒的发言时间;The Chair:Thank you.Nowthere’samotiononthefloorforamoderatedcaucusfor5minutesonthetopicofSecurityCouncilreformandeachdelegatehas30seconds’ speaking time. IsthereasecondThankyou.Wenowhavetovote.Allthosedelegatesinfavorofthism o t i o n p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.A l l t h o s e o p p o s e p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s. T h a n k y o u.With13infavorand5oppose,thismotionpassed. All thosedelegateswishtospeakpleaseraiseyourplacard.Sudan.Nowyouhave30sec onds.主席:谢谢;现在场下有一动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商;每位代表有30秒的发言时间;请问场下有无赞同谢谢;下面进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过;下面请希望发言的代表举牌;苏丹,现在你有30秒的发言时间;TheChair:TheChairwouldliketoaskalastdelegateto speak.主席:主席将请最后一位代表发言;TheChair:Sincewejusthave20secondsleft.Wewon’thaveanotherdelegate.And nowwe aregoingbacktoourspeakers’list.主席:因为有主持核心磋商只剩20秒;我们现在回到发言名单;工作文件和决议草案的提交TheChair:Thechairwouldliketoencouragethedelegatestosubmityourworkingp aperstothedirectornow.主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交工作文件TheChair:Thechairwouldliketoseedraftresolutionsubmittedtothedirectorn ow.主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交决议草案TheChair:Nowwehaveworkingpaper/draftsubmittedbyChinaprintedfor ever ydelegate,nowarethereanypointsormotionsonthefloor主席:中国代表提交了工作文件/决议草案,现已印发给了各位代表.请问场下有无问题或动议China:Motiontointroduceworkingpaper.中国:中国动议介绍工作文件;TheChair:China now have to vote.All thosedelegatesin favorofthismotionpleaseraiseyour placards.Thank you.All thoseopposepleaseraise your placards.Thank you. With 13 in favor andoppose,thismotionpassed._____, nowyouhave3minutestointroduceworkingpaper.主席:中国动议介绍工作文件;请问场下有无赞成谢谢;现在我们进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;13票赞成,5票反对;此动议通过;__国代表,现在你有3分钟的时间介绍工作文件;__国:ThankyouChair.Introduction.__代表:介绍工作文件TheChair:Nowalldelegatescouldask3questions onthegrammarof t hew o r kin g pap e r.Allthosedelegateswithquestionspleaseraiseyourplacards.主席:现在各位代表可就该工作文件的语法方面提出3个问题.希望提问的代表请举牌;工作文件和决议草案的介绍时间为3分钟;主席要提醒代表一旦决议草案被提交,正式辩论围绕决议草案展开,而非之前设定的议题;关于工作文件、决议草案的提问只限于语法、用词以及模糊不清的概念,而不可针对决议草案的内容;介绍决议草案仅限于行动性条款;结束辩论以及投票TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsofthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofChina:Motion.中国代表:动议;TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotiontoclosethedebate.中国代表:中国动议结束辩论;TheChair:There’samotiononthefloortoclose the debateandgodirectlytovoteforthedraftresolution.Weneedtwodelegatestosp eak for this motionandtwoagainstit.Thosedelegateswishingtoclose thisdebatepleaseraiseyourplacards.主席:中国代表动议结束辩论;下面请两位赞成此动议的代表和两位反对此动议的代表发言;希望结束辩论的代表请举牌;TheChair:__,nowyouhave1min.主席:__国代表,现在您有1分钟发言时间;TheChair:Wenowhavetovote.Allthosedelegateswishingtoclosethedebateplea seraiseyourplacards.Thoseopposepleaseraiseyourplacards.With14infavorand4oppose,this motion passed,thedebateisclosed.NowtheChairwouldliketointroducetheRapporteurtoholdthe rolecallvote.主席:现在我们开始投票;希望结束辩论的代表请举牌;希望继续辩论的代表请举牌;14票赞成,4票反对,现在结束辩论;现在由主席助理来主持进行针对决议草案的唱名表决; The Rapporteur:Nowwe will votefordraft . Please answer“yes”,“no” or “abstain” henyourcountry’snameiscalled.Australia, Australiavotes“y e s”…主席助理:先对决议草案进行唱名表决;请被点到的代表答“赞成”、“反对”或“弃权”;澳大利亚,澳大利亚赞成TheChair:W i t h…delegates infavorof this draft resolution,…abstain and …delegate opposed.Thisdraft resolution failed/passed.主席:…票赞成,…票弃权,…票反对,该决议草案未能通过/通过;主席应该提示代表哪些投票需要2/3多数;。
模联英文词组以下是英文模拟联合国中常用句型和词汇,所有模板以UK为例1、表明自己国家立场的词汇(在陈述时使用)UKthinks/believes/realizes/affirms/claims/states/addresses/declares/notices/considers/reminds/r ecalls/observesthat….UKisawareof…UKbearsinmind/keepsinmind2、表明自己国家意愿UKhopes/wishes/desiresthatUKappealsto/expectsto/devotesattentionto/wouldliketoUKacceptssth..UKencourages…3、强调自己国家立场UKreiterates/emphasizes/reaffirms/UKtakessthintoaccount/noteswithdeepconcern/takessthintoconsideration4、呼吁建议别国做某事UKcallsupon/suggests/purposes/commends/recommends/demands/requires/appealsthatUKurgesto/callsfor5、表达反对观点UKdisapproves/赞同他国代表的话UKexpressesitsappreciation/expressitssatisfaction/noteswithapproval/viewswithappreciation UKsupports/endorsesthatUKhighlyappreciatessth/isdelightedto/iseagerto,表达愤怒同情等感情UKstronglycondemns/deplores/deeplyregret/feelsdeeplydisturbed/solemnlyaffirmsthat UKexpressesitsdeepestsympathyandcondolencesto常用副词(表示程度)Fully,further,deeply,highly9、补充词汇frontierregion,borderregion边界地区boundarynegotiation边界谈判statusquooftheboundary边界现状nevertoattachanyconditions不附带任何条件non-alignedcountries不结盟国家consultations/negotiations磋商thethirdworld第三世界imperialism帝国主义developingcountries发展中国家dependency附庸国generally-acceptedprinciplesofinternationalrelations公认的国际关系原则jointaction共同行动normalizationofrelations关系正常化anestablishedprincipleofinternationallaw国际法准则rudimentarycodeofinternationalrelations国际关系中最起码的准则internationalwaters国际水域internationalsituation国际形势mergerofstates国家合并nationalboundary国界maritimeresources海洋资源mutualunderstandingandmutualaccommodation互谅互让exchangeofneededgoods互通有无mitigate缓和fundamentalrights基本权利reductionorcancellationofdebts减轻债务负担NearEast近东rightofresidence居留权territorialsea领海limitsofterritorialsea领海范围breadthofterritorialsea领海宽度territorialair领空territorialwaters领水refugeecamp难民营countryofone'sresidence侨居国people-to-peoplecontactsandexchanges人民之间的联系和交流sacredandinviolable神圣不可侵犯practical,efficient,economicalandconvenientforuse实用,有效,廉价,方便bilateralandmultilateraleconomiccooperation双边和多边经济合作bilateraltrade双边贸易dualnationality双重国籍solelegalgovernment唯一合法政府loanswithnoorlowinterest无息和低息贷款extradition引渡friendlyexchanges友好往来disputedareas有争议的地区fisheryresources渔业资源politicaloffender政治犯politicalfugitive政治逃犯MiddleEast,Mideast中东neutralstate,neutralcountry中立国apartheid,racialsegregation种族隔离sovereignstate主权国家tomaintainneutrality保持中立tosafeguardnationalsovereigntyandnationalresources保卫国家主权和民族资源totakeconcertedsteps采取协调行动todeveloprelationsofpeaceandfriendship,equalityandmutualbenefit,andprolongedstability发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系todevelopthenationaleconomy发展民族经济Allcountries,bigorsmall,shouldbeequal.国家不分大小,应该一律平等toestablishnormalstaterelations建立正常的国家关系toseekafairandreasonablesolution求得公平合理的解决tomakeupforeachother'sdeficiencies取长补短tonegotiatethroughdiplomaticchannels通过外交途径进行谈判tosafeguardnationalindependenceandtheintegrityofsovereignty维护国家独立和主权完整tosafeguardworldpeace维护世界和平tosolvedisputesbypeacefulmeans用和平手段解决争端inconsiderationoftheactualconditions照顾现实情况有关工作文件的英文词组回顾性条款用语?Affirming,Reaffirming,Alarmedby;?Awareof,Bearinginmind,Fullyaware;?Realizing,Recognizing,Takingintoaccount;表达希望或遗憾的用语?Desiring,Expecting,Seeking,Welcoming?Notingwithdeepconcern,Notingwithregret?Fullybelieving,Believing,Viewingwithappreciation?表肯定与支持?Accepts,Affirms,Approves,Endorses,Reaffirms;?Confirms,Emphasizes,Supports,Trusts,Believes;?表否定与遗憾?Deplores,Regrets,Condemns,Expressesitsconcern;?表建议?Expressesitshope,Furtherinvites,Encourages;?Suggests,Requests,Recommends,Calls,Urges.?肯定:Affirms,Reaffirms,Confirms;?强调:Emphasizes,Underlines;?谴责:Condemns,Deplores,Regrets;?赞赏:Endorses,Expressesitsappreciation;?建议:Suggests,Callsupon/for,Recommends;?决定:Decides,Demands,Requests,Urges;?程度词:Further,Fully,Strongly,Deeply.关于发言顺序到你了,主席会说类似:“XXX国代表,您有3分钟时间阐述贵国立场。
1. i appreciate... 我感谢……i really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend the meeting today.我非常感谢你们今天抽空来参加这个会议。
2.thank you for... 感谢您……thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion.感谢您给我这个机会在这个特别的场合介绍我自己。
3. it is/was my honor... 我很荣幸……it is my honor to introduce the president of our company, mr. jones.我很荣幸介绍我们公司总裁琼斯先生。
4. on behalf of... 代表……on behalf of our entire company, i want to thank you for inviting us to such an enjoyable christmas party.我代表全公司,我想感谢您邀请我们参加这样一个令人愉快的圣诞晚会。
5. i’d be happy to... 我很高兴……i’d be happy to tell you about my experiences.我很高兴和你们分享我的经验。
6. what i am going to talk about today is... 今天我想讲的是……what i am going to talk about today is the energy conservation issue.今天我想讲的是节能问题。
英语作文十句万能模板Ten Universal English Essay Templates。
1. Introduction with Hook and Thesis。
Begin with an engaging hook to grab the reader's attention. Then, present your thesis statement, which should clearly state your main argument.Template:Intriguing hook that relates to the topic。
Sentence 2: Thesis statement。
2. Topic Sentence with Supporting Evidence。
Each body paragraph should start with a clear topic sentence that relates back to the thesis. Support your topic sentence with specific examples, statistics, orquotes.Template:Topic sentence that introduces the main point。
Sentence 2: Supporting evidence。
Sentence 3: Optional: additional supporting evidence。
3. Body Paragraph with Counterargument。
Address potential counterarguments to your thesis. Explain why your argument is still valid or how counterarguments can be rebutted.Template:Sentence 1: Introduce counterargument。
英语会考作文模板万能句型英文回答:Introduction:First, start with a captivating hook that draws the reader's attention, such as a quote, anecdote, or thought-provoking question.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.世界是一本书,而不旅行的人只读过一页。
State the topic of your essay clearly and concisely, indicating your stance or argument.The benefits of traveling extend far beyond the mere act of visiting new places.Body Paragraph 1:Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.Travel broadens our perspectives and challenges our preconceived notions.Provide specific examples or evidence to support your claim.When we visit different cultures, we encounter diverse customs, beliefs, and values, which force us to reassess our own.Conclude the paragraph with a concluding statement that summarizes the main idea and transitions to the next paragraph.By interacting with people from all walks of life, we develop a deeper understanding of the human experience and the world around us.Body Paragraph 2:Follow the same structure as Body Paragraph 1, introducing a new main idea and providing supporting evidence.Travel fosters personal growth and self-discovery.Explore the transformative power of travel on an individual level.Stepping outside of our comfort zones and embracing the unfamiliar can lead to profound self-reflection and the realization of our own capabilities.Body Paragraph 3:Continue with the same structure, presenting a third main idea and supporting evidence.Travel promotes intercultural understanding andfosters global citizenship.Emphasize the importance of breaking down cultural barriers and fostering empathy for people from different backgrounds.By engaging with local communities and learning about their unique traditions, we cultivate a sense of global interconnectedness and a desire to contribute to the world.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement.In conclusion, the transformative power of travel is undeniable.Reiterate the benefits of travel and emphasize its lasting impact on individuals and society.Whether it's broadening our perspectives, fosteringpersonal growth, or promoting intercultural understanding, travel has the ability to shape us into more compassionate, open-minded, and globally aware citizens.End with a strong closing statement that echoes thetone and theme of your essay.In the tapestry of life, travel is the thread that weaves together diverse experiences, creating a vibrant and meaningful human journey.中文回答:导言:首先,用一个引人入胜的开头来吸引读者的注意力,例如引用、轶事或发人深省的问题。
1. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School, the president of the Student Union.我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。
2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6.我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。
3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。
4. I’d like to invite you to judge it.我想邀请你做它的裁判。
5. I’m writing to invite you to...我写信是邀请你……6. I wonder if you can come to...我想道你是否能来……7. We sincerely hope you can attend it.我们真诚希望你能够参加。
8. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to...我很荣幸的邀请你……9. It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm?很遗憾你不久就要回美国了。
1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。
英语作文常用句型(1)一,开头句型1.As far as I am concerned = in my opinion在我看来,我认为2.It can be said with certainty that...能够肯定地说3.As the proverb says 正如谚语所说4.It has to be noticed that...应该注意的是5.It`s generally recognized that...众所周知的是6.It`s likely that 很可能7.It`s hardly that...几乎不…8.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是9.There’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认10.Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有什么比这一事实更重要11.what’s far more important is t hat...更重要的是二,衔接句型As is often the case...通常(是…)As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述But the problem is not so simple. Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以……But it’s a pity that...但是很遗憾的是In spite of the fact that...不管…这一事实Further, we hold opinion that...其次,我们坚持这一观点…However , the difficult lies in...然而,困难在于…Similarly, we should pay attention to...同样地,我们应该注意…not(that)...but(that)...不是,而是In view of the present situation.鉴于目前形势As has been mentioned above...正如上面所提及的In this respect, we many as well (say)从这个角度上我们可以说However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即三,结尾句型I will conclude by saying...我将以说…来总结Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信…All things considered,总而言之Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable...因此,在我看来,更具建议性的是…It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来……如果…也许更好in one /a word,generally speaking总而言之take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事(提出解决办法时却常使用)例如:1.We should take measures to control pollution in order to save the world.2.We'd better take effective measures to prevent students from cheating on exams.3.The government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse.4.Urgent measures should be taken to prevent terrorists from carrying out further attacks.四,万能句型Let’s take...to illustrate this.试举例以兹证明let’s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.让我们以上表为例来证明It’s remains to be further studied...仍然需要更多的研究The question is how...问题是怎样…so...that...如此…以致…英语作文常用词语和句型(2)一.开头用语:1.议论文:A. Just as every coin has two sides(正如事物有两面性), sth. has/have both advantages and disadvantages.(has both advantages and disadvantages/ every coin has two sides……既有利又有弊)B. Compared to/ In comparison with A, B is/are more convenient.与A相比,B更方便C. When it comes to sth.(当提及…), some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However,...(人们认为它们为我们提供了很多便利,然而…)D. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.E. As is known to all/ As we all know(众所周知), computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.(。
Begin with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention and establishes the central theme.State the thesis statement clearly and succinctly, outlining the main argument or point of view.Body Paragraphs。
Topic Sentence: Introduce each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis statement.Evidence and Analysis: Provide specific evidence from the text or other sources to support the topic sentence. Analyze the evidence and explain its significance.Explanation and Commentary: Elaborate on the evidence, providing additional insights, interpretations, and examples.Concluding Sentence: Summarize the main points of the body paragraph and transition to the next one.Conclusion。
Restate Thesis Statement: Begin by restating the thesis statement in a slightly modified form.Summarize Main Arguments: Briefly summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.Closing Statement: Conclude with a powerful closing statement that emphasizes the significance of the topic, offers a thought-provoking conclusion, or provides a call to action.语言特色:使用正式的语言和语气。
1. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School, the president of the Student Union.我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。
2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6.我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。
3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。
4. I’d like to invite you to judge it.我想邀请你做它的裁判。
5. I’m writing to invite you to...我写信是邀请你……6. I wonder if you can come to...我想道你是否能来……7. We sincerely hope you can attend it.我们真诚希望你能够参加。
8. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to...我很荣幸的邀请你……9. It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm?很遗憾你不久就要回美国了。
1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。
U1 Art show.1.Works of are on show/ display/exhibition.2.It is evident that…(it has a long history),3.It dates back to…4.With a long history of….,5.It is amazing that…6.….appeals to sb …7... leave it as it is, leave they as they are, be well protected8... is controversial9.On the one hand, on the other hand…10.Without/But for…, (Without him, there would be no such great masterpiece)11.…living artists, admission prices, the ticket is available on…12...be highly thought of13.It teaches us a good lesson of..14.It reminds us of…,15.It is well worth a visit.U2 Poems1.There are various reasons why people write poems. Some describe something in a way thatgive the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions.2.With so many forms to choose from, we may write poems of our own.3.Some poems do not make sense and even some contradictory, but they are easy to learn andrecite (but they are interesting to read)4.Every time I read the poem, the emotions crowded in my mind.5.To one’s sorrow, to one’s joy6.In particular (I love/appreciate the poem in particular)U3 Health1.My long and active life is due to the healthy life I live.2.…be mentally and physically addicted to doing3... have good/ harmful/great effects on4.You are finding it difficult to give it up. In spite of difficulties, you should manage to quit it.5.I do hope so. I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.6.Every time you feel like doing, remind yourself that…7.In spite of all his efforts he failed. He was so upset about himself that he felt like crying.8.In spite of difficulties, we should not give up.9.Under no circumstances shall we give up.10.It takes great efforts and patience as well as determination to do..11...build up our body through physical exercises12.It is time to … , It is high time that we should..13.…go on a diet14.To get rid of… some effective measures should be taken. On the one hand, …on the otherhand,..15.…strengthen the control of..16. …be likely to do, It is likely that..17. Be infected with, be spread through.., find a cure for..U4 Global warming (environment protection, low carbon life)1.With the rapid development of technology…2.…have an effect on (Economic growth has a negative effect on the environment.)3.How has it come about?4.…result in.., lead to… , result from, as a result, as a consequence,5.There is no doubt that…6.It is human activity that has caused…(the damage to the environment)rge quantities of greenhouse gases continue to build up. …keep on warming8.Even if/ though…9.It is time to take effective measures. It is high time that we should.. Effective measuresshould be taken to reduce pollution.10.First .. Second, Last but not least..11.Together individual can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution.12.Everyone’s contribution counts. Everyone’s efforts counts.13.As long as we lay stress on environmental pollution, we can lead a better life.14...make efforts to do15.Buy things that are economical with energy.16.By doing…., we can contribute to protecting the earth.17.…subscribe to the view that…, be opposed to ..18.… on behalf of .. ( I call on you to recycle things on behalf of the school)19.I express my heartfelt gratitude on behalf of my family.U5 Tourist attraction1.It lies in/ on/ to the east/ west of…2.It is located /situated in.. with/covering an area of…3.It has a population of..4.The history of… dates back to..5.It has become the most popular tourist attraction…It is popular with people all over theworld.6.It is known for/ as…7.The attraction that arouses the greatest attraction/ appreciation is…8. A walk around …/ A visit to .. is a feast for our eyes.9.It is an absolutely fantastic sight.10.I am amazed at their beauty as well as their history.11.You are rewarded not only with the sight of clear waters, but also by the view of other peaks.12.The weather varies from very cold to quite mild.13.This is my unforgettable experience. This being great experience, I will treasure it forever.14.Having enjoyed…, we went to…15.Though tired/exhausted, we made our way to …16.Crowded, we pushed/fought our way to ….17.Having settled down, I set about writing.18.With night coming on, we set off home.19.Time permitting, I’ll go. If possible,…20.If you want to make your trip enjoyable and worthwhile, you must keep your eyes open.。
而我们日常生活中经常使用的“carry”就是指动词 act (前提)的形式,所以说它是一个句子里面使用频率很高的一个动词。
在学习时,每一种句型结构都有它适合的表达方式和句型成分,比如句型结构, carry, act to等。
在实际学习过程中,最常见而又最常用的是 carry to来表示宾语从句。
1. As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,。
2. As is shown by the figure/percentage in the graph,。
3. As is shown by the figure/percentage in the chart,。
4. As is shown by the figure/percentage in the diagram,。
1. From the graph, it can be seen that …。
2. As is shown by the figure, …。
3. As can be seen from the table, …。
4. As is shown by the diagram, …。
1. As can be seen from the graph/table, …。
2. From the graph/table, we know that …。
3. As is shown by the graph/table, …。
4. As can be seen from the graph/table, …。
As is shown by the figure in the table, the number of people who use smartphones has been increasing rapidly in recent years. In 2015, the percentage of smartphone userswas only 30%, but by 2020, it had risen to 70%. This trend indicates that smartphones have become an essential part of people's lives.From the graph, it can be seen that the main reason for the increasing number of smartphone users is the advancement in technology. With the development of mobile technology, smartphones have become more affordable and accessible to the general public. In addition, the availability of various apps and services on smartphones has also contributed to their popularity. People can now use their smartphones for a wide range of activities, such as communication, entertainment, and productivity.As can be seen from the graph, the use of smartphones has had a significant impact on society. One of the most noticeable effects is the way people communicate. With the rise of messaging apps and social media platforms, people now rely on their smartphones to stay connected with others. This has changed the way people interact and has led to the decline of traditional forms of communication, such as face-to-face conversations and phone calls.From the graph, we know that the widespread use of smartphones has also changed the way people access information. With the internet at their fingertips, people can now easily search for and consume information on their smartphones. This has led to a shift in the way people consume news, entertainment, and other forms of media. Additionally, smartphones have also changed the way people shop, bank, and access other services, as many businesses now offer mobile-friendly options for their customers.In conclusion, as is shown by the graph, smartphones have become an integral part of modern society. The increasing number of smartphone users and the impact of smartphones on communication, information access, and daily activities are clear indicators of their importance. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that smartphones will play an even greater role in people's lives in the future.。
高中 英语十大应用文常用句型和写作模板大汇总!快收藏开学后一定用得着!
![高中 英语十大应用文常用句型和写作模板大汇总!快收藏开学后一定用得着!](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9fb8834d4a73f242336c1eb91a37f111f0850d7a.png)
在应用文的写作中,往往需要用到特定的表达方式和比较规范的格式,所以同学们平时要注意积累一些常用的句型、习惯表达和各种应用文的正确格式(模板),快开学了,没事看一看、记一记,对英语写作一定有帮助哦!1普通书信1. 开头I was delighted/glad to receive your letter. 很高兴收到你的来信。
Your letter came to me this morning. 我今天早上收到了你的来信。
I have received your letter of June the 29th. 我收到了你于6月29日的来信。
How nice to hear from you again. 很高兴再次收到你的来信。
How is it going?最近怎么样?You asked me about (problem,question...),now let me give you some advice. 你在来信中询问我……,现在,让我给你一些建议。
It has been a long time since we met. 我们很久没见面了。
How time flies!It's three months since I saw you last time. 时间过得真快!我们有三个月没见面了。
I'm writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 我写信是为了感谢你对我在美国期间的帮助。
2. 结尾I am looking forward to receiving your letter. 我期待你的来信。
Thank you in advance. 提前谢谢你。
1. 表达观点。
In my opinion, + 句子(在我看来)。
From my point of view, + 句子(从我的观点来看)。
I believe that + 句子(我相信)。
It is widely believed that + 句子(普遍认为)。
2. 表示原因。
There are several reasons for this. (这有几个原因)。
The main reason is that... (主要原因是...)。
This can be attributed to the fact that... (这可以归因于...的事实)。
It is largely due to the fact that... (这在很大程度上是因为...)。
3. 表达优缺点。
On the one hand, + 句子(一方面)。
On the other hand, + 句子(另一方面)。
However, + 句子(然而)。
Despite/In spite of + 名词/动名词(尽管)。
4. 表示举例。
For example, + 句子(例如)。
For instance, + 句子(举例来说)。
Such as + 名词(比如)。
A good example is... (一个很好的例子是...)。
5. 表达结论。
In conclusion, + 句子(总之)。
To sum up, + 句子(总的来说)。
All in all, + 句子(总而言之)。
Taking all these factors into consideration, + 句子(考虑到所有这些因素)。
主席: 下面本分组会议开始。
主席助理:阿尔及利亚阿尔及利亚代表 :到。
主席助理: 阿根廷代表到。
收到意向条声明离场/出席:主席: 主席团现收到来自[X]国代表的意向条声明离场/出席,当前本会场共有[A]位代表出席,简单多数为[B],2/3多数为[C],20%数为[D]。
开启主发言名单:主席: 现在主席团建议一个动议开启主发言名单,请问台下有无任何动议或问题?举国家牌主席: 英国英国代表:英国代表动议开启主发言名单。
主席: 现在进入正式辩论阶段,[X]国代表,你有[T]分钟时间陈述贵国观点。
代表 [X]: 尊敬的主席、秘书长和各国代表……让渡:主席: [X]国代表,你还有[T]秒的时间可以让渡。
【若让渡给另一位代表】代表 [X]: 让渡给[Y]国代表主席:感谢[X]国代表,[Y]国代表,你有[T]秒的时间陈述贵国观点。
写作专题 阶梯四万能句型,充实各种书信文体
![写作专题 阶梯四万能句型,充实各种书信文体](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/35d235b301f69e314232949d.png)
6.[2017·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达]I would like to invite you to join in this activity, since you are good at table tennis,and you are the most suitable person.我想邀请你参加这项活动,因为你擅长乒乓球,是最合 适的人选。
Ⅱ. 常用结尾句式 1.[2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达]As a music fan, you are expected to
join us and sing an English song on the stage. 作为一个音乐迷,我们期望你和我们一起在舞台上唱一首英文歌。 2.[2017·高考浙江卷书面表达]I sincerely hope that you can accept
阶梯四 万能句型,充实各种书信文体
Ⅰ. 常用开头句式 1.[2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达]I have good news to tell you that a music festival will be held in our school hall on June 5 at 2:00 pm. I'm greatly honored to invite you to attend it. 我有个好消息要告诉你,6 月 5 日下午 2 点我们学校礼堂将举行 一个音乐节。我非常荣幸地邀请您参加。 2.[2017·高考浙江卷 11 月书面表达]I'm writing to invite you to come to my home to celebrate the Spring Festival on January 19.我写信邀 请你 1 月 19 号来我家庆祝春节。
1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference. First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。
2、点名OK, let’s start roll call. The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。
OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。
3、设定发言名单OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。
4、正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。
Are there any motions or points on the floor?请问专政有无动议或问题?Are there any seconds?请问有无附议?OK, let’s start vote现在进行投票。
This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。
模联会场专业用语中英对照第一篇:模联会场专业用语中英对照模联会场专业用语一网打尽模拟联合国——Model United Nations 联合国大会——General Assembly 主席团——Members of the Dais 主席——The Chair 会议指导——Director 主席助理——Rapporteur 点名——Roll Call 国家牌——Placard 到——Present 确定议题——Setting the Agenda 产生发言名单——Open the Speakers’List 意向条——Page 让渡时间——Yield Time 让渡给他国代表——Yield Time to Another Delegate 让渡给问题——Yield Time to Questions 让渡给评论——Yield Time to comments 让渡给主席——Yield Time to the chair 问题和动议——Points and Motions 动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking timeE.g.Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.动议暂时中止正式辩论——Motions to suspend the meetingE.g.Delegate:China wants to motion to discuss the problem of…for 15 minutes and each delegate has 30seconds’speaking time。
(or Motion for a 15 minutesunmoderated caucus…etc.)动议中止发言——Motions to close the speaking list 动议结束辩论——Motions to close debate 组织性问题——Point of order 咨询性问题——Point of Inquiry 个人特权问题——Point of Personal Privilege 投票表决——Voting 点名表决——Roll Call Vote 赞成——yes 反对——no 弃权——abstain 简单多数——Simple majority 三分之二多数——Two-thirds majority 正式辩论——Formal Debate 非正式辩论——Informal Debate 有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus 自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus 立场文件——PositionPaper 工作文件——Working Papers 决议草案——Draft Resolution 起草国——Sponsors 附议国——Signatories 决议——Resolution 行动性条款——Operative Clauses 序言条款——Pre-ambulatory Clauses 修正案——Amendments 友好修正案——Friendly Amendments 非友好修正案——Unfriendly Amendments 游说与商讨——Lobby and Negotiation MUN的会前准备MUN基础知识MUN活动的参与者在MUN活动中,你会遇到许多日常生活中不常用的名词,以下将对一些重要的名词进行解释:【Delegate/代表】MUN会议的参与者叫做“代表”。
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模联句型句式大全以下是英文模拟联合国中常用句型和词汇,所有模板以China为例1、表明自己国家立场的词汇(在陈述时使用)Chinathinks/believes/realizes/affirms/claims/states/addresses/declares/notices/cons iders/reminds/recalls/observes that….China is aware of…China bears in mind /keeps in mind2、表明自己国家意愿China hopes/wishes /desires thatChina appeals to /expects to/devotes attention to/would like toChina accepts sth..China encourages…3、强调自己国家立场China reiterates/emphasizes/reaffirms/China takes sth into account/ notes with deep concern/takes sth into consideration4、呼吁建议别国做某事China calls upon/suggests/purposes/commends/recommends/demands/requires/appeals thatChina urges to/calls for5、表达反对观点China disapproves/6、赞同他国代表的话China expresses its appreciation/ express its satisfaction /notes with appr oval/views with appreciationChina supports/endorses thatChina highly appreciates sth/ is delighted to/ is eager to,7、表达愤怒同情等感情China strongly condemns/deplores/ deeply regret /feels deeply disturbed/ solemnly affirms thatChina expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to8、常用副词(表示程度)Fully, further, deeply ,highly9、补充词汇forntier region, border region 边界地区boundary negotiation 边界谈判status quo of the boundary 边界现状never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件non-aligned countries 不结盟国家consultations/negotiations 磋商the third world 第三世界imperialism 帝国主义developing countries 发展中国家dependency 附庸国generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动normalization of relations 关系正常化an established principle of international law 国际法准则rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域international situation 国际形势merger of states 国家合并national boundary 国界maritime resources 海洋资源mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让exchange of needed goods 互通有无mitigate 缓和fundamental rights 基本权利reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担Near East 近东right of residence 居留权arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商territorial sea 领海limits of territorial sea 领海范围breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度territorial air 领空territorial waters 领水inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权territorial contiguity 领土毗连territorial integrity 领土完整refugee camp 难民营country of one's residence 侨居国complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons 全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器people-to-people contacts and exchanges 人民之间的联系和交流sacred and inviolable 神圣不可侵犯ecocide 生态灭绝practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use 实用,有效,廉价,方便bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作bilateral trade 双边贸易dual nationality 双重国籍trusteeship 托管制度outer space 外层空间sole legal government 唯一合法政府loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息extradition 引渡Zionism 犹太复国主义friendly exchanges 友好往来disputed areas 有争议的地区fishery resources 渔业资源political offender 政治犯political fugitive 政治逃犯Middle East, Mideast 中东neutral state, neutral country 中立国neutralized state 永久中立国apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离genocide 种族灭绝sovereign state 主权国家exclusive economic zone 专属经济区suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国suzerainty 宗主权to maintain neutrality 保持中立to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源to take concerted steps 采取协调行动to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系to develop the national economy 发展民族经济to peddle munitions 贩卖军火All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty 维护国家独立和主权完整to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况回顾性条款用语• Affirming, Reaffirming, Alarmed by;• Aware of, Bearing in mind, Fully aware;• Realizing, Recognizing, Taking into account;表达希望或遗憾的用语• Desiring, Expecting, Seeking, Welcoming• Noting with deep concern, Noting with regret• Fully believing, Believing, Viewing with appreciation 表肯定与支持• Accepts, Affirms, Approves, Endorses, Reaffirms;• Confirms, Emphasizes, Supports, Trusts, Believes;表否定与遗憾• Deplores, Regrets, Condemns, Expresses its concern; 表建议• Expresses its hope, Further invites, Encourages;• Suggests, Requests, Recommends, Calls, Urges.• 肯定:Affirms, Reaffirms, Confirms;• 强调:Emphasizes, Underlines;• 谴责:Condemns, Deplores, Regrets;• 赞赏:Endorses, Expresses its appreciation;• 建议:Suggests, Calls upon/for, Recommends; • 决定:Decides, Demands, Requests, Urges; • 程度词:Further, Fully, Strongly, Deeply.。