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(%) Imports and Exports (%) Proportion of Processing Trade to Total Value of
(%) Imports and Exports (%)
43.31 34.64
8.67 2.50
34.87 23.43 11.44
34.72 23.21 11.52
电力消费弹性系数 能源加工转换总效率
Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Consumption Total Effficiency of Energy Conversion
(%) 资源环境
(%) Resources and Environment
万元地区生产总值用水量 (立方米/万 Water Use Per 10000 Yuan GDP
(%) 能源
(%) Energy
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production
Hale Waihona Puke 电力生产弹性系数Elasticity Ratio of Electricity Production
Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption
2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6
8.4 12.7 12.9 12.6 9.9 17.4 16.7 16.8
0.50 1.63 0.71 1.99 66.63
2.84 0.06 0.24 0.18 69.01
固定资产投资 固定资产交付使用率
(%) Investment in Fixed Assets
Rate of Projects of Rixed Assets Completed and Put into Use
(%R)ate of Projects Completed and Put into Use
(%少) 儿抚养比
(%C)hildren Dependency Ratio
(%老) 年抚养比
(%O)ld Dependency Ratio
(%城) 镇登记失业率
(%R)egistered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas
(%) 国民经济核算
(%) National Accounts
高新技术产品出口额占出口总额的比重 (%)
(%) Proportion of High and New-tech Products to Total Exports
一般贸易进出口总额占进出口总额 的比重
加工贸易进出口总额占进出口总额 的比重
(%) Proportion of Ordinary Trade to Total Value of
34.84 23.21 11.62
12817 1548 44.1
68490 10996
50.2 26.5
73844 11117
52.1 26.9
80932 11987
53.6 27.5
2.78 11.91 12.91 14.22
34.5 34.2 33.5 38.6 33.2 32.9 32.2 49.8 40.6 40.4 40.2
(%城) 镇常住居民恩格尔系数
(%En) gel coefficient of permanent urban residents
(%农) 村常住居民恩格尔系数
(%En) gel coefficient of permanent rural residents
(%城) 乡收入比
(农村居民收入为 (%U)rban and Rural Income ratio
(%全) 社会劳动生产率
(万元/ (%G)ross labour productivity
人) 人民生活
yuan/person) People's Living Conditions
Engel coefficient for all permanent residents
Per Capita GDP
(美 (yPuearnC) apita GDP
元服) 务业增加值占地区生产总值比重
(UPSroDp)ortion of Service Industry Value-added in
(%) 生产性服务业增加值占地区 生产总值比重
GDP(%) Proportion of M anufacture-related service Industry Value-added in GDP
元万) 元工业增加值用水量 元)
(cu.m) Water Use Per 10000 Yuan of Industrial
Added Value
环境污染治理投资与国内生产总值之比 (cu.m)
Proportion of Total Investment in the Treatment of Environmental Pollution to GDP
(Rural Income as
1) 财政
1) Government Finance
一般公共预算收入与地区生产总值之比 Propotion of Government Revenue to GDP
(%一) 般公共预算支出与地区生产总值之比 (%Pr)opotion of Government Expenditure to GDP
1-4 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标 Indicators on National Economic and Social Development

2000 2015 2016 2017
人口与就业 总抚养比
Population and Employment Gross Dependency Ratio
(%房) 地产开发企业房屋建筑面积竣工率
(%R)ate of Floor Space of Buildings Completed
(对%外) 贸易
(按美元计 (F%or)eign Trade
(calculated by
价进) 出口总额相当于地区生产总值比重 (%)
USD) Proportion of Total Value of Imports & Exports to GDP