Unit 2随堂小测人教版英语八年级上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 2 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /wʌns/2. /twaɪs/3. /ˈhɑːdli/4. /ˈevə(r)/5. /ˈɪntənet/二、翻译下列词组。
(30分)1. 做运动2. 去购物3. 看电视4. 看英语书5. 帮忙做家务三、看图写话。
(30分)1.always2.every day3.help, weekend4.three times5.hardly ever人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 2 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思,或根据汉语写出对应的英文。
(20分)1. /ˈmeɪbi/2. /liːst/3. /fʊl/4. 秋千二、翻译下列词组。
(35分)1. 看电影2. 上钢琴课3. 踢足球4. 做运动5. 熬夜6. 至少7. 摇摆舞三、情景交际。
(45分)1. 你想知道Jack 多久看一次电影, 可以这样问他: , Jack ?2. 体育老师想提醒同学们至少一周踢两次足球, 可以这样说: You should .3. 你想知道David 的妹妹Lily 周末通常都在做什么, 可以这样问: , David ?4. 你想劝告对方不要熬夜, 可以这样说: .5. 你想告诉同桌, 你周末总是帮忙做家务, 可以这样说: .人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 2 Period 3一、 根据音标写出单词及中文意思, 或根据汉语写出对应的英文。
(20分) 1. /helθ/ 2. /ˈkɒfi/ 3. /d ʒʌŋk/ 4. 蔬菜 5. 水果 二、 翻译下列词组。
(30分) 1. 吃垃圾食品 2. 吃水果 3. 吃蔬菜 4. 喝牛奶 5. 喝咖啡 6. 对健康有好处 三、 情景交际。
Unit 5随堂小测人教版英语八年级上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 5 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(40分)1. /njuːz/2. /ˈsɪtkɒm/3. /maɪnd/4. /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/5. /ˈfʌni/6. /ˈsɪəriəs/7. /ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l/8. /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/二、翻译下列词组。
(10分)1. 游戏节目2. 谈话节目三、情景交际。
(50分)1. 你想知道朋友今晚打算看什么节目,可以这样问他:?2. 你要告诉朋友今晚你想看一部情景喜剧,可以这样说:.3. 你想知道朋友对才艺节目的看法,可以这样问他:?4. 你想表达你无法忍受肥皂剧,因为它们很无聊,可以这样说:.5. 你想告诉朋友你喜欢体育节目,因为它们令人感到兴奋,可以这样说:.人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 5 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(25分)1. /ˈɑːnsə(r)/2. /ˈkwestʃən/3. /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/4. /dɪˈskʌʃn/5. /ˈfɒləʊ/二、翻译下列词组。
(35分)1. 想要做某事2. 打算做某事3. 希望做某事4. 期待做某事5. 一些很棒的笑话6. 跟随故事情节7. 弄明白世界正在发生什么三、看图写话。
(40分)1. why , like 2. what , learn 3. way , relax4. better 5. hope , be 人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 5 Period 3一、 根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /f ɪlm/2. /ˈkɒm ədi/3. /ˈmiːnɪŋləs/4. /ˈwʌnd ə(r )fl/5. /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/ 二、 翻译下列词组。
(20分) 1. 动作电影 2. 恐怖电影 3. 一些令人放松的东西 4. 了解不同的人对某个话题是如何看待的 三、看图写话。
【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 1 随堂小测(练习题)
人教版八年级上册Unit 1 随堂小测(804)1.P a r a g lid in g wa s ex citin g.I I wa s a b ir d.()A.lo o ke dB.se e me dC.f e lt lik eD.so un d ed lik e2.—W he n J e ss y to N e w Yo r k?—Ye s te r da y.()A.d o es; g e tB.d id; ge tC.ha s; go tD.h a d; g o t3.—I d idn't h e a r yo u c o me in ju s t n o w.—Th a t's g o o d.We tr ie d a n y n o is e, fo r yo u we r e s lee p ing.()A.n o t ma k eB.no t to ma k eC.to ma k eD.ma k ing4.—J a ck,who h e lp ed ma k e th e mo d el s h ip?—N o bo d y!I ma d e it all b y.()A.yo u r;myB.yo u r;min eC.yo u;mys e lfD.yo u;min e5.—c on ve n ie n t it is to live in Ch in a!—Ye s,we've g o t WeC ha t,s ha r e d b ike s,A lip a y,e tc.()A.W ha t aB.W h a tC.H o w aD.Ho w6.To da y th e we a th e r is c oo l,th e y d e c id e f o o tb a ll.()A.b u t; p la yB.or; to p la yC.so; to p la yD.a n d; p la yin g7.Th e f if th le s so n h a s ne w wo rd s, b u t it is ve r y d iff ic u lt f o r me.()A.fe wB.littleC.a f e wD.a little8.I c a n c a r r y th e b ox, b e c au s e th e r e is in it.()A.n o th in gB.so me th in gC.e ve r yth in gD.a n yth in g9.Th e s p o r ts me e tin g will b e he ld in Se p temb e r,b u t k no ws th e da te fo r s u re.()A.n o bo d yB.no th ingC.an yb o d yD.a n yth in g10.T he ch ild r e n to b e e a ting so me th in g in th e r oo m.()A.se e me dB.sa wC.f e ltD.s ta ye d11.I o f ten sp e nd my s u mme r h o lid a ys ju s t with my p a r e n ts.It is q u ite b o r in g.B u t la st s u mme r h o lid a y wa s11 .S o me o f my f r ie n d s ca me to s ta y with my 12 a nd me f ora we ek in o u r s u mme r h o u se.It is in a s ma ll 13 to wn c a lled Po r ts e a.T h e y g o t th e reb y tr a in.It 14 th e m th r e e h ou r s.O ne mo r n ing my f r ie n d s an d I 15 to tak e my p a r e n ts' b o a t f or a r ide.We r o wed(划船) 16 h a lf a n hou r an d f ou n d a b ig ca ve(山洞).S us a n s a id it c o u ld be17 to goin to it.Bu t P e te r sa id it wa s O K.18 we s ta r ted r o win g a ga in an d g o t in.Th e n th e tid e(潮) s ta r ted.A t f ir s t we th ou gh t we co u ld f igh t it b u t we we re19 .We sh ou ted f o r20bu t th er e wa s no on e a r o un d.Su s a n a nd I b e ga n to c ry.Lo u is to ld u s n o t to21 b ec au s e th e tid e wou ld b e o u t.Be c a us e Lo u is a lwa ys s e e me d to k no w th ea n s we r to22 ,we s to p pe d c r yin g.Lu c k il y, Lo u is wa s r igh t 23 .A f te r s o me h o u r s, th e tid e wen t o ut.We ro we d b a ck h o me q u ic k ly.We d idn't 24my p a r en ts a b ou t th is sp e c ia l tr ip.An d we we re s o 25 th a t we d id n o t h a ve a bo at r id e ag a in.(1)A.te r r ib leB.d iff e re n tC.po pu la rD.d iff ic u lt(2)A.p a r en tsB.co u s in sC.c la s s ma te sD.b r o the r s(3)A.villa g eB.sc h oo lC.mu s e u mD.b e ac h(4)A.to o kB.sp e n tC.ga veD.u s ed(5)A.wa ite dB.dr e a me dC.de c ide dD.th a nk e d(6)A.inB.onC.toD.fo r(7)A.d a ng e ro u sB.r e la x ingC.bo r ingD.in te r e s ting(8)A.B ec a us eB.S oC.IfD.O r(9) teB.wr on gC.so r r yD.b u s y(10)A.h e lpB.luc kC.fu nD.time(11)A.sh ou tB.sa yC.wo rr yD.th in k(12)A.so me o n eB.an yo n eC.no th ingD.e ve r yth in g(13)A.ye tB.s tillC.ag a inD.to o(14)A.c a llB.sh o wC.as kD.te ll(15)A.tid yB.ha pp yC.a f ra idD.b u s y12.B ill like s g o in g to th e b ea c h on Su n da y.La s t S u nd a y it wa s s un ny.He we n t th e re withh is b ro th e r.T he y g o t th e r e a t 9:00.Th e r e wer e lo ts o f p eo p le th er e o n va ca tio n.B ill and h is b ro th e r s a t do wn an d b e ga n to r e lax.S o on B ill f ou n d th e re we r e lo ts o f e mp t y (空的) wa te r bo ttle s o n the b ea c h.He a lso s a w s o me p a pe r ba g s o n the b ea c h.T ha t ma d e Bill s a d.He an d h is b ro th e r b e ga n to c lea n the b e a ch.T he y wo r k e d ha r d.A bo u t two ho u r s la te r, the b e ac h wa s c lea n a ga in.A t la s t th e y p u t u p a s ig n on the bea c h, s a yin g, “No Litte r in g”.T h e y wa n te d peo p le to ke ep the be a ch c le a n.A f te r th a t, th ey we r e ve r y h u n g r y.S o the y we n t to a r e s ta u r an t n ea r b y to h a ve lu n c h.T he y h a d two la rg e bo wls o f b ee f noo d le s th e r e,an d th e n we n t ho me.(1)La s t S u n da y th e wea th e r wa s.()A.ra in yB.c lo ud yC.su n n yD.c o ld(2)B ill sa w ma n y o n th e b ea c h.()A.b a llsB.bo ttle sC.bo ok sD.s ig n s(3)B ill an d h is b r o ther s p en t a bo u t c lea n in g th e b ea c h.()A.o n e ho u rB.two h ou r sC.th re e h ou r sD.fo u r h ou r s(4)Th e u n de r lin ed ph ra s e“p u t u p” me a n s “”in C h in e s e.()A.推荐B.提供C.提出D.张贴(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE?()A.B ill is ve r y la z y.B.B ill s ta ye d o n th e be a c h a ll da y.C.T he r e s tau r an t is nea r th e b ea c h.D.B ill's b r o th e r h a d a s ma ll b o wl o f n o od le s f o r lun c h.13.T he r e a r e ma n y b e twe en yo u two.(d iff e r en t)14.I wa n t to ma k e my (de c id e) f o r mys e lf.15.T he mo vie is n't in t e r e s tin g a t a ll,s o I f e e l with it.(bo r e)16.I wa s a f ra id to ge t we t.So I s too d in the d o o r wa y a n d f o r th e r a in to s top.(wa it)17.H e lo ok ed a ro u nd,b u t c ou ld n't s e e.So he f e lt sc a r ed.(s o me o ne)18.阅读下面短文,根据首字母、音标以及语境的提示在空白处填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。
初中英语八年级上册-人教版8年级上 Unit4 SectionA 随堂检测
人教版8年级上U4 What’s the best movie theaterSection A 随堂检测一单词词组翻译1 戏院_____________________2 使人舒服的___________________3 座位______________________4 银幕_______________________5 接近______________________6 最糟的____________________7 选择______________________ 8 小心地________________________9 记者______________________10 更糟___________________11新鲜的_____________________ 12 舒服地_______________________________词组1到目前为止_________________________ 2 欢迎到。
来_________________3 看电影________________________4 有最大的座位_________________5 谢谢你告诉我______________________6 在镇上________________7 最好的服务____________________ 8 一点也不_________________________________ 二完成句子1 我仍然不识路I ____________don’t really know __________ __________ _______________2 最好的超市在中心街。
The ______________supermarket is on ________________ __________________3你可以在那里买到最新鲜的食物。
You can ___________ _____________ __________food there4 附近有电影院吗Is there a __________________ _________________here.5 太阳影院是最新的。
人教版八年级上Unit 6 Section B 1a-1e随堂检测(有答案)
Unit 6 Section B 1a-1e 随堂检测一、英汉互译。
1.学习弹钢琴______________________2.吃更健康的食物__________________3.学习另一门外语__________________4.做很多的锻炼_____________________5.New Year’s resolutions ______________6.play the guitar________________7.get good grades. _______________ 8.make a soccer team __________________二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1.My brother wants me to eat __________ (healthy) food this year.2.He wants to make a soccer ____________ ( team)this year.3.He is only five years old but he can speak three foreign___________(language).4.I am going to study harder and get better ___________ (grade).5.- How are you going to do that?--I am going to get a lot of _________ ( exercise).三、句型转换。
1.He's going to tell me all about it. (改为-般疑问句)______ he _______ ________ tell you all about it?2. They are going to the West Lake.(改为否定句)They ______ ________ to the West Lake.3.She's going to work hard at English this term. (对画线部分提问)_______ ________ she _______ _________ _________ this term?4.They are going to leave next Tuesday. (对画线部分提问)________ _________ they going to leave?5.The children are going to the z00 by bike. (对画线部分提问)_______ are going to the z00 by bike?四、完成句子1.你应该学着在父母外出时照顾自己。
Unit 3 随堂小测 人教版八年级英语上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 3 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /ˈaʊtɡəʊɪŋ/2. /ˈbetə(r)/3. /ˈlaʊdli/4. /bəʊθ/5. /ˌhɑː(r)dˈwɜː(r)kɪŋ/二、翻译下列词组。
(30分)1. 跑得更快2. 跳得更高3. 工作更努力4. 起得更早5. 与……不同6. 看起来相像7. 和……一样努力学习8. 敲鼓三、看图写话。
(30分)1.heavy, than2.high, than3.as hard as4.both, like5.have, hair人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 3 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /wɪtʃ/2. /wɪn/3. /ˈklɪəli/4. /ðəʊ/5. /ˈkwaɪətli/二、翻译下列词组。
(30分)1. 唱得更好2. 跳得更好3. 唱得更清晰4. 玩得开心5. 歌唱比赛6. 学习新的东西三、情景交际。
(40分)1. 你想告诉朋友,你比妹妹更外向,可以这样说:.2. 你想告诉同桌你比Tara跑得快,你会这样说:.3. 你想告诉朋友,你的头发比Lucy的更长,你会这样说:.4. 你想知道Tom是否比Sam聪明,你会这样问:?5. 你想了解Peter是否和他姐姐一样友好,你会这样问Peter: ?人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 3 Period 3一、 根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(20分) 1. /ˈtruːli/2. /ke ə(r )/3. /l ɑːf/4. /ˈtælənt ɪd/二、 翻译下列词组。
(30分) 1. 关心 2. 擅长 3. 使某人发笑4. 在……方面有天赋 5. 一个好的倾听者三、 看图写话。
(40分)1.not , as … as2. as … as3. be good at4. early , yesterday5. always , make人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 3 Period 4一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
随堂过关小检测Ⅰ. 翻译下列词组喜剧动作片卡通片恐怖片情景喜剧肥皂剧不介意不能忍受毫无意义的Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示填词。
1. I like watching talk shows because they are (有教育意义的).2. The sitcoms are (有乐趣的).3. My sister doesn’t like (恐怖电影).because they are (毫无意义的)4. I think (喜剧) are (精彩的).5. (行动)speak louder than words .Ⅲ. 汉译英。
1. 你认为恐怖电影怎么样?do you movies ?我无法忍受。
I them .2 我的妈妈想看达人秀。
My mother watch .3. Tom 认为新闻怎么样?What Tom think of ?他很喜欢。
He them .4. 我不介意动作片,因为他们很精彩。
I action movies, because they are .5. Mary喜欢看肥皂剧.Mary soap operas .Ⅳ. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。
A: Hi, Mary !1.B: I like watching soap operas.Do you like them ?A: No, I don’t. 2.B: Then what do you like watching ?A: 3. They’re very cxciting.B: How often do you watch sports shows ?A: Four times a week .B: 4.A: Yes, you are right!B: What’s your favorite sports ?。
Unit 4 随堂小测 人教版英语八年级上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 4 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /sɒŋ/2. /siːt/3. /ˈtɪkɪt/4. /tʃuːz/5. /kləʊs/6. /wɜːst/二、翻译下列词组。
(20分)1. 看电影2. 离家近3. 离家远4. 考虑三、看图写话。
(30分)1.yesterday2.choose,now3.popular,town4.best,of all5.close,home人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 4 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /miːl/2. /ækt/3. /freʃ/4. /wɜːs/5. /ˈprɪti/6. /ˈmenjuː/二、翻译下列词组。
(15分)1. 到目前为止2. 一点儿也不3. 比……更好/糟得多三、情景交际。
(55分)1. 你想邀请Tom一起去看电影,可以这样说:,Tom?2. 你想知道厦门最好的电影院是哪家,你会这样问: in Xiamen?3. 你想告诉朋友三鲜餐馆有最糟糕的服务,你会这样说:Sanxian Restaurant .4. 你想了解David对厦门这座城市的看法,你会这样问:?5. 你想告诉妈妈在月亮服装店可以买到最便宜的衣服,你会这样说: in Moon Clothes Store.人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 4 Period 3一、根据英文写出对应的汉语。
(10分)1. creative 2. performer二、翻译下列词组。
(30分)1. 才艺秀2. 保持做某事3. 忍不住笑4. 上下颠倒的5. 毫无疑问6. 提供某物给某人三、情景交际。
(15分)1. 你想知道谁是最棒的演员,可以这样问老师:?2. 你想了解Lucy对才艺秀的看法,会这样问:,Lucy?3. 你想告诉朋友你看完他的表演后忍不住笑了,会这样说: after watching your performance.四、看图写话。
1.The teacher showed us some_________first,and then asked us a few questions.
2.Her_________for music showed a ta nearly age.
3._________had agreat time att he party.
4.After Bill ate a hamburger,Mrs.Brown_________him another one.
5.Helen won five_________int he singing competition.
英语八年级上人教版unit6随堂测试(含答案)一、单项选择1. There ________ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.A. is going to beB. will haveC. are going to beD. is going to have2. The summer holidays are coming, so the twins as well as Jack ________ to Hong Kong for vacation.A. is goingB. are goingC. goesD. go3. Peter and Kate went to the dancing party last night. They enjoyed ________.A. myselfB. themselvesC. herself4. We are going to ________ a basketball match next Sunday.A. lookB. seeC. watchD. find5. The old man is looking at his granddaughter ________.A. happyB. happierC. happilyD.unhappy6.We ______ have a picnic together with our teachers next Thur sday.A. are goingB. are going toC. will goingD.may going to7.—What do you think of your host family,Jim?—Great.They try ________ best to make me feel at home.()A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs8.High technology was used in EURO 2016 to ______ the matches were fair enough in France.A. make upB. make sureC. come outD. come over9.I wanted ___ the Beijing Opera,so Lingling took me to watch it.()A. seeB. to seeC. sawD. seeing答案:1. A 2.B 3. B 4.C 5. C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I am going to ________(be) a doctor when I grow up.2.I'm going to practice ________(play) the guitar every day. 3.What ________ Tina ________(do) when she grows up?4. The ________(begin) of the movie is very interesting.5. What's the Chinese ________(mean) of this word?6. This kind of newspaper is ________(week)newspaper.答案:1.be 2.playing 3.is, going to do 4.beginning 5.meaning 6. weekly三、完形填空When you were one year old, she fed you. You thanked her __1__ crying all night long. When you were three, she __2__ all the meals with love. You thanked her by throwing your __3__ onto the floor. When you were five, she __4__ you for the parties. You thanked her by making the new clothes dirty. When you were seven, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by __5__ the neighbor's windows with it. When you were nine, she __6__ piano lessons for you. You thanked her by __7__ practicing. When you were eleven, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking her to sit in a __8__ row.Who is she? She is your __9__. Always remember to love your mother. No love is __10__ than mother's love. And you only have one mother in your lifetime!( )1.A.on B.of C.by D.in( )2.A.made B.ate C.sold D.took( )3.A.bowl B.book C.ticket D.phone ( )4.A.wore B.waited C.asked D.dressed ( )5.A.playing B.cleaning C.breaking D.touching ( )6.A.cared about B.paid for C.brought out D.learned from( )7.A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.hardly ever ( )8.A.different B.top C.long D.quiet ( )9.A.teacher B.friend C.sister D.mother ( )10.A.worse B.Greater C.further D.easier答案: 1—5.CAADC 6—10.BDADB四、阅读理解We’re sitting too much and it’s dangerous. Most Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more you sit, the weaker your body will be. Fortunately, there are easy changes you can make during the day—anywhere, even at the workplace—to improve your health.Park a few blocks(街区)away from the office each morning and walk towork. This makes it possible for you to start off your mornings actively and be ready to take on the work. If you take the bus, get off one stop earlier to take some light exercise.Stand up and move around the office once every 60—90 minutes.When you’re busy with work, it’s easy to forget the time. Set the alarm clock to make you remember to stand up and take a walk around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle or go to the bathroom.Ask questions and discuss questions face to face.Go to your co-worker’s office to discuss questions face to face instead of sending an e-mail every time you have a question. This gives you a good excuse to move.Use your lunch break to move around outside.So many Americans today work during their lunch break. When possible, make use of this time to walk outside and enjoy the nice weather. Fresh air can help you keep a clear mind.1.What does the underlined word “Fortunately” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Surprisingly.B. Interestingly.C. Luckily.D. Possibly.2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. We should discuss questions face to face during the lunch break.B. We should e-mail our co-workers every time we have questions.C. Few Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day.D. We should walk around every 60—90 minutes during the work.3.What does the passage want to tell us during the workday?A. Some ways to improve your health.B. Dangerous results of sitting too much.C. The importance of taking exercise.D. Some ways to get along with others.答案:CDA。
unit2 随堂基础知识检测人教版英语八年级上册
Unit2 随堂检测一、单项选择。
( )1.—What's your hobby, Diana? —Well, I have many hobbies, ________ dancing, singing and playing water sports. A.used to B.because of C.such as D.instead of( )2.We often do lots activities after class such as __________soccer and so on . A.play B.plays C.played D.playing( )3. He spent a lot of time on English. ______, he got the most points in the English test. A.In fact B.Otherwise C.As a result D.However( )4.—How often do you chat with your friends online? —________. I'm busy with my study. A.Only once a month B.For a month C.Almost every day D.Maybe in two weeks( )5.---_________is it from here? ---Ten minutes by bike. A.How B.How long C.How far D.How often( )6.Jim is interested in sports,________ volleyball,soccer and basketball. A.hardly ever B.such as C.because of D.at least( )7.The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims ______ the Tuojiang River after supper. A.over B.through C.to D.across( )8.________ my father didn’t feel well today, he still went to work. A.Although B.Because C.When D.If( )9.It’s dangerous________ with the wild animal. A.for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us to play( )10.—What was the________of the football match last night? —AC Milan won the game. A.point B.result C.matter D.decision( )11.—Lang Lang is pretty talented in playing the piano. —So he is. If you practice as ________ as he, you can also become an excellent piano player. A.hard B.hardly C.harder( )12.He worked ________ hard that he won the first place in the exam. A.enough B.such C.so D.very( )13.I always try a lot of vegetables. A.to eat B.to eating C.eat D.to be eating( )14.My pen pal ________ has hamburgers and coke, so he is very healthy and strong. A.always B.seldom C.often D.usually( )15.He isn’t good at English. ________, he tries to read stories in English in his free time. A.Yet B.Otherwise C.But D.However二、单词填空。
人教版英语八年级上册Unit1 SectionB(2c Self Check)随堂练习
人教版英语八年级上册Unit1 SectionB(2c Self Check)随堂练习人教版英语八年级上册unit1sectionb(2c-selfcheck)随堂练习unit1sectionb(2c-selfcheck)随堂练习一、用所给词的适度形式填空题1.jackforgot______(bring)hishomeworkthismorning,sotheteacherwasveryangry.2.we______(see)manyspecialflowersonourwaytotheparklastsunday.3.hisfather______ (drink)toomuchwine(酒)lastnight.4.didyoulearn______(something)importantduringyouwereintheuniversity?5.howdidyo u______(feel)aboutthetrip?6.wheniwastired,myclassmatestoldme______(keep)going,andididso.二、单项挑选1.―don’tforget____yourhistorybookstomorrowmorning.―thanks.iwon’t.a.bringb.tobringc.bringingd.brings2.idon’twanttoreadthisbook.thereis____init.a.somethinginterestingc.interestin gnothingb.nothinginterestingd.anythinginteresting3.mayihaveatalkwithyou,sir?i’vegot____importanttotellyou.a.nothingb.anythingc.somethingd.everything4.myclassmatelentmea(an)____sothatiwouldn’tgetwetintherain.a.candleb.umbrellac.scarfd.walletb.came6.―whynot____johnatoycarforhisbirthday?―goodidea!heiscrazyaboutcars.a.buyb.buyingc.tobuyd.buys7.linshuhaois____famous_____allthebasketballfansinchinaknowhim.a.too;tob.enough;toc.so;thatd.as;as三、根据汉语意思顺利完成句子1.你在购物中心买什么特别的东西了吗?______you__________________intheshoppingcenter?2.昨天你吃什么食物了?__________________youhaveyesterday?3.你感觉那家餐馆的食物如何?howdidyou____________thefoodinthatrestaurant?4.史密斯一家不喜欢在外面吃饭。
Unit 10 随堂小测 人教版八年级英语上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 10 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /ˈɔː(r)ɡənaɪz/2. /ˈvɪdiəʊ/3. /dʒiːnz/4. /ˈmiːtɪŋ/5. /ˈæŋɡri/二、翻译下列词组。
(40分)1. 待在家里2. 错过所有的乐趣3. 去参加聚会4. 玩得开心5. 乘坐的士去参加聚会6. 观看录像7. 生某人的气8. 组织派对游戏9. 早早地离开去为考试而学习/准备10. 感到后悔/无聊三、情景交际。
1. Tom想告诉你,今晚他将待在家里,他会这样说:?2. 你想说服Tom去参加聚会,可以这样说:If you ?3. 你告诫Mary如果她穿牛仔裤去参加聚会,老师将不让她进去,你会这样说:Mary,.4. Jeff想知道如果今晚举办聚会将会发生什么事,他会这样问你: if we have the party tonight?5. 妈妈想告诉你如果你现在乘公交车,上学将会迟到,她会这样说:If you .6. 你想建议在聚会上玩派对游戏而不是看录像,可以这样说:Let’s instead of watching videos.人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 10 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /ʌpˈset/2. /ˈtʃɒklət/3. /ɪkˈspensɪv/4. /ˈtæksi/5. /ədˈvaɪs/二、翻译下列词组。
(40分)1. 要求/告诉/想要某人(不)做某事2. 太懒而不做饭3. 穿漂亮衣服4. 给某人一些建议5. 晚起床6. 得到足够的锻炼7. 交一些朋友三、看图写话。
(30分)1.should,exam2.if,expensive3.let’s,from4.Tom,tell5.if,we,give人教新目标八年级随堂小测Unit 10 Period 3一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
Unit 1 随堂小测 人教版英语八年级上册
人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 1 Period 1一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /biːtʃ/2. /kæmp/3. /ˈwʌndə(r)fl/4. /ˈmaʊntən/5. /mjuˈziːəm/二、翻译下列词组。
(40分)1. 度假2. 为考试学习3. 去沙滩4. 去爬山5. 参观博物馆6. 待在家里7. 外出8. 和某人一起去三、看图写话。
(30分)1.test, yesterday2.visit, 20123.with, vacation4.taste5.buy, last人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 1 Period 2一、根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分)1. /hen/2. /bɔːd/3. /siːm/4. /məʊst/5. /ˈdaɪəri/二、翻译下列词组。
(30分)1. 拍照2. 在乡下3. 购物4. 做些特别的事5. 喂母鸡 6. 记日记 三、 情景交际。
(40分)1. 寒假回来, 你和班长好久不见, 你可以这样跟他打招呼: .2. 你想知道Jack 上周去哪里度假了, 可以这样问: Jack , last week ?3. 上周末你在彩虹沙滩玩得很开心, 可以这样说: onthe Rainbow Beach last weekend.4. 爸爸出差回来, 你想问他是否买了些特别的东西, 可以这样问: Dad , ?5. 你想知道Tom 在暑假都做了些什么, 可以这样问: Tom , on summer vacation ?人教新目标八年级随堂小测 Unit 1 Period 3 一、 根据音标写出单词及中文意思。
(30分) 1. /f ʌn/ 2. /t ʃiːp/ 3. /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ 4. /ˈterəbl/ 5. /d ɪˈl ɪʃəs/ 二、 翻译下列词组。
unit3 随堂检测人教版英语八年级上册
Unit 3 随堂检测一、单项选择。
( )1.When we got to the top, we couldn't see anything below __________ the bad weather. A.because B.because of C.so D.though( )2.Students spend lots of time studying _________ get good grades. A.as for B.in fact C.in order to D.in silence( )3.—Mr. Smith, I don’t think we can get there on time by bike. —You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi? A.necessary B.important C.easy D.difficult( )4.The answers ______ these questions were very ______. A.of;interesting B.to;interested C.of;interested D.to;interesting( )5.—How was your test the day before yesterday? —Hooray! I couldn’t feel________. I made few mistakes in it. A.better B.worst C.worse D.best ( )6.We enjoyed the vacation ________ the weather was terrible. A.if B.though C.because D.when( )7.—________ the party last night? —Pretty good. A.How was B.What was C.Which was D.Why was( )8.This is my friend. He is ________less outgoing than I am. A.much B.much more C.more D.very( )9.—Which of the caps will you take? —I'll take ________,one for my father, the other for my mother. A.neither B.both C.all D.either ( )10.I like the new ________ very much. It sounds very beautiful. A.program B.activity C.song D.competition( )11.When did they __________the town last week? A.arrive in B.get at C.reach D.reach to( )12.—What is the ________ of your excellent Taiji? —Practice makes perfect! A.result B.purpose C.choice D.secret( )13.The two boys ____ good at sports. A.are both B.both are C.are all D.all are( )14.Her room is __________ than __________. A.biger; your B.bigger; your C.biger; yours D.bigger; yours( )15.Every day his parents make him _____ on the farm. A.to work B.working C.work二、单词填空。
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()1. What does Tina want to do when she grows up?
A. A cook
B. a computer programmer
C. a singer
()2. How is Tina going to do that?
A. play computer games
B. buy a computer
C. study computer science 笔录要点,每空不超过三个单词。
Donald Trump, a successful business man, was elected as the 45th
president of a America on January 20th, 2017. Recently, He has given a
speech on reducing tax burdens(税收负担). This is going to make it possible
for American companies to provide more jobs, better jobs and
higher-paying jobs for people in the US.
One of the most popular TV programs called Readers is played at 8:00
every Saturday night. The hostess is a famous and talented lady named Dong
Qing. Every episode(集)has its own theme like encountering, choosing,
accompanying and so on. The theme of next episode on April 8th is going to
be coverage.
The South Korean president Park Geun-hye was accused(指控)of corruption(贪污). It is said that she colluded(串通)with her best friend
Ms. Choi to demand large amounts of money from some of South Korea's
biggest companies like Samsung. Park Geun-hye was impeached(弹劾)at
the end of 2016. What's going to happen next?
()1. Donald Trump became the president of America on _______________.
A. January 20th, 2016
B. February 20th, 2017
C. January20th, 2017 ()2. More _________ are going to be provided for people in the US.
A. money
B. jobs
C. food
()3. The Reader is played at ____________ every Saturday night.
A. seven thirty
B. eight
C. eight thirty
()4. Every episode of The Reader has its own _____________.
A. theme
B. song
C. name
()5. The South Korean president Park Geun-hye was accused of ____________.
A. corruption
B. stealing
C. cheating。