Although depending solely on the dedication of individuals is unrealistic, that does not mean the role citizens are playing is unimportant.
3. To truly enjoy a vacation, people should leave their mobile phones at home.
A smart phone is indispensable in a journey to a remarkable beautiful destination as for the youngsters who enjoy recording their lives by uploading the private photos on the social networks.
With regard to the middle-aged business people, it is advisable for them to leave their mobile phones at home, otherwise their valuable vacation time will be ruined by a sequence of urgent business calls.
There is no denying that a public garden with a vast afforested areas will make positive contribution to air pollution control, especially when we keep a watchful eye on the overdeveloped cities.
2008.04.27MLTeachers should assign homework for students every day.2008.06.22MLGovernment should pay more attention on healthy care issues than on environmental issues.2008.12.07NASpend time alone is the turely best way to relex the stress.2010.02.27MLChildren should play sports only for fun, children should not attend competitions.2010.03.12NAIf child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.2010.04.30NAWe should know about the events happening around the world that do not affect our life.2010.06.13MLIt is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.2010.09.12MLPeople should not have to pay for the public transportation.2010.08.21NASome people say we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree?2010.09.26MLTechnology helps to make people's lives simpler or make people's lives more complicated.2010.11.28MLPeople will spend less time on cooking food.2010.12.12MLBeing creative,rathar than carefully planning,is more often results in the best solution.2010.12.19MLPlaying sports teaches people more lessons about the life.2011.01.22MLWhen people are going to celebrate a special event such as graduation or a special party, some of them prefer a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members.Which do you prefer?2011.03.11NAAlthough science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place.2011.03.19NACollege or University should offer students more preparation before they start working.2011.04.02NA/2012.05.12MLWhen you choose a university, do you care more about its graduates' vocatioNAl development than its professors' fames?2011.04.23MLA job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.2011.05.14MLIn the past it was easier to identify what type of career whould lead to a secure and successful future.2011.05.29MLIs it easier to be a success in the past than it is today.。
12月8日托福机经真题回忆Conversation1.男生想要自己写诗找诗词鉴赏课老师寻求意见2.女生想要租个活动室社团活动的时候放电影用3.女生不能选课,advisor说她选的课太专业了4.biology 将sunflower怎么face阳光5.一个女生的Roommate要搬走,学校会按照学生们填写Form找到跟她Match 的新Roommate女生说这个这个Form不好用,老师说学校会改进,并建议女生做了之后提意见。
6.一个女生把家具从宿舍里搬出来了然后宿舍管理员让她搬回去然后说以后移动家具需要申请7.女生的车在停车场被拖走了,去问安保人员发现他们不包含过夜的permit,而且这车是女生朋友的,她朋友需要在场去提车,并且会有额外的费用Lecture1.一艘船的考古发现2.关于cells 三个科学家的发现3.一种earthquake4.建筑modern building注重function而不是style 举了Chicago的建筑例子5.建筑师路易斯康6.一个美国作家创造了一种新的文学形式,有商业精神,他自己写outline,雇其他作家记者来写故事发展,所以他有很多作品。
【口语】Task 1用可循环的购物袋以及塑料袋收费这个政策的advantage and/or disadvantage Task2博物馆画作你觉得让不让拍照以及理由Task3学校网站开club介绍,有一个permanent link,还会介绍小社团,男生觉得好,因为可以随时了解这些社团,还可以知道小社团的内容Task4讲做决定时候考虑both positive和negative effect能更好完成goal 例子是两组人吃更多蔬菜考虑obstacle的更好完成Task5男生要上文学课,原来注册满了现在又有位置了,但是去了发现别人已经看了一本novel写了essay了。
Task6从动物骨头化石了解动物的diet 。
9.15机经 独立写作题目思路分析MZ
仅供参考1 发展课外活动Your school has been funding for students to participate in different types of after-school activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund for only one activity. Which activity do you think the school should fund for: sports, arts or volunteering? And why?三选一类题目,选择sports理由1:应对压力(how to manage stress\ alleviate pressure after a hectic day of academic study)理由2:能力培养( communicate and cooperate)时间充裕的时候,在一个段内diss另外两个观点论述时务必要强调学校资助2 孩子-照看孩子When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children of preschool age at home, some parents prefer to send their children to a child-care center where many children will be cared together; other parents prefer to send their children to an individual caregiver who can take care of only one child. Which way do you think is better and why?二选一类题目,务必对比选择托儿所理由1:更有利于孩子的成长(学会分享、学会合作)理由2:有利于父母(省钱)3 家庭教育 The things that family members teach us are the most important. Why?绝对词题目:诚然但是而且诚然,家人会教会我们一些重要的东西(责任心等)但是,专业技能(学校)而且,合作(职场)4 领导 A successful leader should make decisions quickly or people will think that his work is ineffective.若同意:理由1:快速决策反映了领导者诸多优秀品质:敏锐地发现机会的眼光,迅速而又冷静判断错综复杂局势的能力等理由2:迅速决策的领导才更容易抓住稀缺的机会,领导团队取得成功若不同意:快速做决定容易导致决策失误一个成功的领导需要其他能力,比如很好地沟通能力等5 互联网Some people think that individuals should pay for the Internet access while others think that government should provide people with free Internet access. What is your opinion and why?不免费理由1:免费会导致民众接受的服务质量下降(没有免费的午餐,换言之,免费后代价更大)理由2:免费会给政府带来较大的经济负担(而且,这笔费用也许可以投放到更好更需要的领域:教育、环保、就业等)6 购物If you bought a piece of new equipment, would you ask others for instructions or learn to use it by yourself?求助于他人理由1:省时理由2:避免对设备不必要的损害7 政府投资Which one do you think a government should spend the most money on: environment, employment, education?三选一:就业提出一个前提,我们的经济在走下坡路,所以选择就业理由1:对个体家庭好理由2:对国家社会稳定好Diss 另外两个8 课程To help students find jobs, your university has provided students with the following three courses. Which course would you like to take most?munication skills2. job interview practice3. software using skills三选一题目选择沟通技能(务必要扣工作)理由1:好的沟通技能有助于获得雇主的录用(能够逻辑清晰地表达自己的优点,理解别人的问题等)理由2:好的沟通技能有利于顺利通过实习期,得到理想工作(沟通促进员工之间的合作以及员工和领导的信息对称)9 尊重老师Students today do not respect their teachers as much as students in the past did. 今昔对比题目观点:现在的老师受尊重程度降低理由1:现在老师的重要性和价值降低理由2:现代媒体对老师负面信息的宣传导致老师形象受损,被尊重程度降低10 学校投资Some people believe that a school should spend money on improving technology, like buying computers. Other people believe that a school should spend money on improving settings for parties for students. What is your opinion and why? :改善设备技术理由1:有利于老师有效教学理由2:有利于老师高效学习11 学生兼职Some people believe that older teenagers(aged 16-19)should be allowed to do a paid part-time job after school; others believe that they should not be allowed to do a paid part-time job after school, because they are still students. Which opinion do you agree with and why?兼职理由1:缓解经济负担理由2:获得社会工作经验(有利于未来就业)12 校园事务Some universities ask students to make decisions about campus issues such as how many hours a library should be open for and what kinds of foods should be served in a cafeteria. Other universities hire experts to make decisions about campus issues. Which way do you think would be better and why?学生参与理由1:决策更符合学生实际需求理由2:决策更有效被实施13 食物Some people to prepare and eat meals at home; while others prefer to eat meals in restaurants. Which way do you prefer and why?家里做饭理由1:放松方式理由2:卫生安全理由3:省钱餐馆理由1:省时方便理由2:更多美味14 识人One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends the person has.事实现象类题目理由1:了解外在(教育背景、职业背景、爱好等)理由2:了解内在(性格等)15 朋友It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends always.同意:理由1:对朋友好(保护朋友)理由2:对自己好(避免尴尬)16 业余活动In their free time, young people (aged 14-18) spend time participating in many different types of activities. Which of the following activities do you think will be the most beneficial for young people?A) obtaining a practical work experience by doing a part-time job or by doing a volunteer work in a communityB) learning a sportC) learning to play a musical instrument三选一:选择体育理由1:减压理由2:能力培养17 课程A university should offer students a public speaking course and require all students to take this course to graduate.绝对词诚然、但是、而且18 就业It is better to work for a business owned by someone you don't know than to work for a business owned by you family.自己家理由1:压力小理由2:机会多(工作)别人家理由1:能力培养理由2:生活多彩19 教师Children aged 12-16 are taught different subjects by different teachers, while younger children (aged less than 12 years) are taught by only one teacher all day long. Young children would get benefits if they are also taught by more than one teachers everyday.多个老师:理由1:学生受到更高质量的教学(每个老师都可能有足够的时间和精力来备课、设计课堂等)理由2:每个学生的学习兴趣可能被唤起20 机器人Some people think that robots have brought benefits to human being. Others think that robots have brought disadvantages to human being. Which opinion do you agree with and why?机器人的不好理由1:工作机会被夺走理由2:人类自豪感消逝机器人的好理由1: 从事更危险艰苦的工作理由2:帮助人类更好地探索未知领域21 环保People need to protect the environment. Which of the following actions do you think will be the most useful for individuals to protect the environment in their daily life?1. to choose to walk or cycle instead of driving to go to work or school2. to reuse and recycle used objects rather than drop them as rubbish3. to buy and eat locally grown organic food (reduce afarmer's use of pesticides.)三选一:走路、骑自行车理由1:减少有害气体排放理由2:可实施性强(几乎每个人都可以做)Diss另外两个观点22 孩子-儿童零花钱Some people believe parents should give their children(primary school or middle school students)weekly spending money. Other people believe that parents should not do so. Which opinion do you agree with and why?赞成:理由1:培养孩子管理金钱的能力(举例时注意描述能力养成的过程)理由2:对父母好(如果每天给,太麻烦,如果每月给,担心孩子胡乱花钱) 23 孩子-儿童行为Nowadays, children's behaviors are worse than those of children in the past. Parents need to take actions to help children (5-10 years old) behave batter (like respect and treat other kindly). Which action do you think will be the most effective?·limit the types and hours of the television programs and movies their children watch;·spend more time talking with their children;·supervise or monitor the activities their children do while they are playing with their friends三选一选择一:理由:孩子们不好行为的主要来源在于电视电影的影响理由:父母忙于工作没有时间谈理由:没有时间,而且,一旦被孩子发现,结果更糟糕24 电视People should spend more time watching TV programs from which they can gain knowledge rather than spend time watching entertainment TV programs only.同意:拆分knowledge理由1:有利于工作的知识理由2:有利于生活的知识25 成功MZ 机经思路参考It is commonly believe that being successful is the most important thing in people's life. However, some people believe that achieving success is not the most important and remaining happy and optimistic when we fail is more important than achieving success. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 乐观更重要理由1:乐观有助于减少失败的负面影响(生活、工作、学习)理由2:乐观有助于失败时谨慎规划自己的下一步26 成功A person who is willing to do what other group members want to do will be more helpful for the group than a person who strongly insists that things should be done in a way which is different from other group members' way.赞成前者理由1:增强团队的抗压力理由2:增强团队的凝聚力。
一、教育家庭教育1.Parents should encourage their children to do their schoolwork independently rather than helpchildren to do their schoolwork.2.Parents should spend more time playing games or sports with their children than doing theirschoolwork with their children.3.The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have their children care for ananimal.4.Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.5.Children should only play sports for fun, or play sports in competition or contests?6.In order to help high school students learn the sense of responsibility, it is necessary for themto do household work after school.7.Parents should set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future.8.The most important things people learn are from their families.学校教育1.All teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.2.It is easier for people to become well-educated now than in the past.3.Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.4.Teachers should assign homework to students every day.5.College and universities must do a better job of preparing student for the workplace.6.Students should spend at least one year working or travelling before they go to the university.7.The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’ salaries.8.The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.9.Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in the university.10.A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.11.A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humors and iseasygoing.(同上)12.T he most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves.13.I t is important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.14.I n 20 years from now, students will not use printed books anymore.15.I t is better for your friend to ask you for help (suppose you are good at the subject) than toturn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination.16.T he ability to read and write is more and more important now than before.17.I n order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding socialactivities.18.T he best way for a teacher to let student become interested in a subject is to help them knowhow to use it in their lives outside school.19.T he best way to learn about a foreign country is to read the newspapers and magazines fromthat country.20.S ome people believe that taking field trips (e.g. going to the museum) is an important part ofchildren’s education. Others believe that it is better for children to study at school. Which view do you agree with?21.U niversity students accomplish a project by teamwork, and the members share the samemark.22.S ome students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments,whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined y only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?23.I f your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacherright away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class.24.A ll university students should be required to take basic science classes even they are not partof the field of the study.25.I t is better to take the most difficult or challenging classes in college or at university even if itmeans that you probably will not get top grades in them.26.I t is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than auniversity who has famous professors.27.P laying sports gives important lesson on lessons of life learning.28.A ll high-school students should take basic economic courses.29.U niversity students should not be required to attend classes. Instead, they should be able toreceive credits through a final test or paper.30.S tudents could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a yearstudying.31.S chools should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) forstudents than on hiring famous teachers.32.I t is just as important for older people to study and learn new things as it is for younger peopletoo.二、科技1.Technology designed to make people’s lives simpler actually often turns out to make people’slives more complicated.三、环境健康1.Because environmental issues are too complicated, individuals can do nothing to solve them.2.People should use clean energy like solar power and wind power to replace the sourcescausing air pollution, like oil and coal, even though the former will be more expensive.3.Most important thing that government can do to improve health care is to clean theenvironment.4.The food we eat today are healthier than the food we ate in the past.四、生活休闲1.Which following places would you like to live in most? 1. To live in an area that is notexpensive; 2. To live close to your relative; 3. To live in an area with many shops and restaurants.2.In 20 years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are in today.3.People should pay to use public transportation.4.Young people enjoy life more than older people.5.The major purpose of television is to educate but not to entertain.6.Telephones are playing a more effective role than televisions in people’s life.7.The car (automobile) has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to.8.There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to another person.9.The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.10.It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.11.Movies and TV programs made in your own country are more interesting comparing tomovies and programs made in other countries.12.Most people do not count on the government for help because they think that it is alwaysbetter to either do things on their own or to ask for help from their family.13.20 years from now, people will have more leisure time (free time) than they do now.五、事业成功1.People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams.2.University education is the most important factor of success in life.3.Which is better: challenging plans about one’s future or practical plans about one’s future.4.Most businesspeople are motivated by desire of money only.5.It is better to use own knowledge and experience to solve question than to ask other peoplefor advice.6.The most important characters for a politician or leader are good communications skills.7.The most important characteristic of a political or business leader is the ability to beresponsible for mistakes.8.Because people are busy with doing so many things, they can do few things well.9.Patience is usually not a good strategy. People should take action now rather than later.10.Which kind of job would like to take, to choose a high-paid job with a few vacations or tochoose a low-paid job with many vacations?11.High salaries with high risks of losing a job or low salary and secure job. Which would youprefer?12.It is important to spend more time working at job than spending time with families.13.People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on oneskill only.14.The professional athletes such as the football player and basketball player deserve highsalaries to be paid.15.It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in yourcompany’s office.16.In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment ismore important than the excellent knowledge of this job.17.People should maintain their dream even though the dream is challenging, or they shouldfocus more on the dream that is more realistic and down to earth.六、人际关系1.It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that willhelp you when you are in need.2.Two people can become good friends even if one of them have much more money than theother.3.In order to achieve the happiness of yourself, you have to try to make other people happy.4.Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice fromfriends your same age.5.In the past, young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, youngpeople are better able to make decisions on their own.6.The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.7.It is better to for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails ortelephones in order to do a project.8.If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, you will use e-mail ortext messaging.七、媒体1.It is important to know events happening around the world, though sometimes they will notaffect your daily life.2.Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?3.Advertisement is a waste of time and money, because customers already know what theywant.4.Advertisement is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.5.Movies and televisions should always show audiences that the good people are beingrewarded and bad people are being punished.6.Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way youngpeople behave.八、社会焦点1.Society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political leaders2.Past people are friendlier than they are today.3.People should not be allowed to use mobile phones when using public transportation.4.It is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for futuregenerations.5.It is more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historicalbuilding.6.To solve the problem of present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.7.For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on veryyoung children (5 to 10 years old) education rather than on universities?8.The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved during yourlifetime.9.Students are more interested in politics now than they were in the past.10.In the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other.11.Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when thereis the greatest amount of traffic.12.It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not justfor things that are practical.13.Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have theability to plan and organize.。
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Should schools require young children (5 to 11 years old) to learn from each other in group discussions?Yes 1.2. Cultivate theDo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Social media is a good way to express personal views.Some people like to travel by themselves, while others prefer to be led by a tour guide. Which do you prefer?Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (students like them) and effective in helping students to learn?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Athletes and entertainers should not get involved in politics.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should not spend a lot of time on communicating by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People now are more interested in improving the neighborhood than in the past.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Governments have done enough to educate people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should use computers as a tool of education for children aged 4 to 7.Some people are more content with the life in the big city, while others think that they will be more satisfied to live in the village small towns instead. Which do you prefer?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All teachers should be required to take courses to upgrade their knowledge every five years.缺一不可Who is better for group work? A person that does what the group wants him to do, or a person that holds strong opinions different from what the group wants. /How to succeed? Some people believe it is important to hold on to their views. Others believe we should embrace new ideas.Some people believe that taking field trips (e.g. going to the museum) is an important part of children’s education. Others believe that it is better for children to study at school.变量型Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than relax by doing physical exercise.含绝对词Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’salaries.三选一Your community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer?1. A shopping mall2. A performing art center3. A hotel.Some people think at the start of a new year, it’s important to set a goal of improving a specific aspect of life. They call it a new-year resolution. Which of the following new-year resolution would you choose?1. Help others in your community2. Improve your health by exercising more and eat nutritious food3. Manage your time betterA high school is thinking about making one of the following classes a required class for high school students. Which option will you recommend high school students to take at school and why?1. Personal finance management2. Cooking class3. Auto repairDuring economic crisis, the government tries to reduce money in certain public service areas. Which one do you think the government should spend less money into?1. Education2. Health Care3. Support for Unemployed口语二选一You are admitted to two universities at the same time. One is prestigious but has a high tuition and the other is not but gives you a scholarship. Which would you go to and why?I will choose the second one. As an international student, tuition is an very important aspect which must be considered when I am choosing my suitable university. If I go to the first one, may be my parents will have a heavy financial burden in their lives. They have paid too much for raising me up.In additional, I can finish my undergraduate course in the worse one comparatively, and I can continue finishing my PHD or Master degree in a better school. This way will cost less money and receive the best education at the same time.When you’re going on a vacation with your friend, would you go on an expensive trip to a place that you’ve never visited before or a cheaper trip to a place that you’ve been to before? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.I will choose the first option.Although maybe more money will be paid to have a travel to that place, I can enjoying the beautiful scenery or experiencing the local culture, which can broaden my horizon and fulfill my inner world. Traveling to a place which having been visited is totally meaningless. It is just a waste of time. This wasted time can be used to have a good rest,learn some new knowledge or finish some valuable things.Some people prefer to spend their free time with a group of friends. Others prefer to spendtheir free time with just one person at a time. Which do you prefer? Why?Some people prefer to go traveling on their vacation. Others prefer to stay at home. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Some people believe that talking with other people is the key to success in college. Others believe observing others in silence is better. What is your opinion and why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose? An art class ora science class?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Happiness comes when we helpothers rather than from ourselves? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Is it better to grow up in a large family or a small family? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.When finding a place to live near the campus, some people prefer to share a house withseveral others. Others prefer to rent an apartment alone. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Some people prefer to study on their own whereas others prefer to attend lectures. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples to support your reasons.Some people prefer to listen to audio books whereas others prefer to read printed books. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your choice.Some people prefer to buy new books while others prefer to buy used ones. Which do you prefer? Please use examples and reason to support your choice.Some people prefer to live in spacious and new places far from their workplace and/orschool whereas others prefer to live in small and old places near their workplace and/or school. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.Some people prefer to have their broken furniture or household appliances fixed by professionals while others prefer to fix them by themselves. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your choice.建议A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give him and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby to him to help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.解释Do you agree or disagree with the following statement-we should let children use the computer or other electronic devices as early as they can? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: parents should decide their children’s career? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Some people prefer to engage in activities alone. Others prefer to participate in a groupactivity. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your explanation.A close family member of your friend is sick. What can you do to comfort your friend? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Your friend would like to take one year to something else before starting their studies atthe university. Do you think if it is a good idea? Please include specific examples and details inyour explanation.A friend of yours has just moved to a new city. Please give some advice to your friend about how to make friends in a new city. Please include specific details and examples in your response.What is the most effective way to resolve disagreements between friends? Explain why.Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement—our life today is better than the life in the past? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement-we learn from failure, not from success? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreign tourists. Discussthe advantage and disadvantage of attracting a large amount of foreign tourists. Please include details and examples in your explanation.What are the benefits of talking to older family members such as your uncles, aunts,or grandparents? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.The university would like to shorten the summer break and break it down into severalshorter breaks throughout the year. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: You should consult your family members before making important decisions? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the purpose of art is to guide our life? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement-college education is more important in the modem society than in the past? Explain why. Please include details and examples inyour explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents today put more pressure ontheir children than parents in the past? Explain why. Please include specific examples and detailsin your explanation.Do you agree with the following statement: the university should require all students to own a laptop? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.You are a leader of a student organization. There is a freshman student who is nervous inthis environment. What would you do to help this student in this new environment?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: protecting the environment is justas important as developing the economy?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: zoos are more beneficial than harmful to animals? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree with the statement: employees should be prohibited to listen to music at work? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree with the following statement: it is important to live close to one’s family and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.Do you agree or disagree that it is acceptable that students disagree with their instructor?Please include details and examples in your explanation.描述Describe a person you enjoy talking with and explain why. Please include specific examplesand details in your explanation.Talk about your favorite book when you were a child, explain why you liked to read it in details.Which member in your family shares similar traits and behavior with you and why? Pleaseuse examples and reasons to support your explanation.Describe a member in your family whose personality is different. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.Students attend different clubs in college, such as the science club, hiking club, etc. Which one are you interested in? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.Describe the way your country improve the education system. Please include details and examples in your explanation.三选一Which of the following occupations do you prefer to be most-an actor or actress, acomputer programmer, or a business owner? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.The university is organizing a visit to one of the following workplaces—a science lab, a business office, or a TV studio. Which will you choose to visit and why? Please include reasons and details in your explanation.Which one of the following would you take as a part-time job—a position as a lab assistant, campus tour guide, or library clerk and why? Please include specific examples and details inyour explanation.Which of the following occupations do you consider the most important for the city, a policeman, a public transportation worker, or a building designer? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class will you choose to take: a financial course to help you manage money, car maintenance and repair, or review of Latin-American music?Which of the following would you like to learn: playing the piano, swimming, or repairing a car? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your schoolto spend this money: improving student life, sports facilities, or research technology? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your choice.If you are recruited as a volunteer to help the community protect the environment, which of the following would you choose to do: cleaning up trash and litter on the street, planting treesand flowers in town or teaching children to be environmentally friendly?Where would you choose to live, close to where your workplace or school, close to your family, or close to public transits and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your choice.。
新托福网考考试内容一共分为四项,阅读,听力,口语和作文, 听力和阅读考试过程中可能会遇到加试。
加试是ETS为了测试考题(也有说法是为了平衡分数)所出的加考,阅读是40min 2篇; 听力是1对话+2讲座,加试是随机的,一般只加试一项。
新托福考试总分120分,考试顺序为阅读,听力,口语和写作. 每个单项30分.听力和口语考试中间可以休息10分钟托福网考考试内容四项详解:托福考试内容----阅读部分介绍考试时间: 约为60分钟考试类型:共三篇文章,每篇650-750个单词,12-14道题题目类型:事实信息题,否定排除题,指代关系题,词汇题,推断提,修饰目的题,变换措辞题,插入文本题,重要观点题,归类题。
分数范围: 每篇12-14题, 除重要观点题和归类题以外,每道题的分值都是1分。
考试所得分数范围: 0-30分.考试形式:在完成每一篇答题的过程中,考生可以使用复查功能查找没有回答的题目。
注: 可能有加试托福考试内容----听力部分介绍托福听力考试时间: 60-90分钟,每个对话是2-3分钟。
考试类型: 听力部分有两个对话和四段演讲。
题目类型:目的题主题题重听回答题表格题细节题/双项选择题态度题结论题图片题分数范围: 听力部分共有34道试题,每道试题是1-2分,共34-36分。
考试所得分数范围0-30分考试形式: 对话或演讲结束后出现考题,考生可以在听录音的过程中做笔记。
People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.重复2010.6.26NA/2011.8.27ML
bonobos less aggressive than the chimpanizee,支持的理由是试验条件下较少的挑衅行为,野外观察是保护幼小和不杀其他动物;听力反对理由是试验条件下不能反映野外的实际行为,第二个理由是小的会攻击大的,而观测者忽视了这一点,所以同样具有攻击性,最后一个是他们不杀其他动物是因为no access,有条件也杀
听力1captiivity导致行为和in wild不同。
新托福 IBT口语真经独立写作
口语 1. The season which you like ,reasons
2. most people enjoy the way that is relax and unhurried, your opinion
you want to choose an intelligent friend or a friend with a good sense of humor?
在traffic 高峰期出车的人要交钱,这样有利降低traffic jam,Agree or Disagree?
口语 1.on 2. musical instrument necessary or not
internet bring people valuable information 还是 create problem
口语 1、 小说、杂志、诗歌你喜欢哪种? 2、 与室友同住好还是一人住好?
独立写作 是否同意: young people enjoy life better than the older people. 说“会享受生活的青年人是不是比年长者多”
The teacher should assign homework that student finish it everyday. Agree or Disagree?
口语 1. features of cafe or restaurant you like 2. keep or not old building i the city
学校教育Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or universitiesshould offer students a better job preparation before they can start working. With the competition in the job market increasingly intense these days (随着就业市场的竞争越来越紧张), college students are under great pressure even before they set out to hunt for jobs.Since it is in universities that students come to learn about and choose their future professions, it is of great significance for colleges or universities to prepare students in areas like making career plans, professional skills and cooperation with others(因为学生是在学校了解和选择未来的职业,所以学院或学校为学生做职业规划,工作技能或与人合作这样的领域的准备至关重要)..Colleges should offer students career planning courses which provide them with direction on how to set their goals and formulate a specific plan to achieve the goals. Many college students do not have a definite idea what they want to do in the future.A survey conducted in many universities over a period of ten years, however, suggests that those with clear goals are more likely to enjoy a successful career. Therefore it will be of considerable use for students to explore their interest and capabilities, as well as to set sensible targets for themselves.In addition, professional skills are a must at work in the future. Man universities focus on the impartation of specialized knowledge, overlooking the fact that professional skills are just as important and should be mastered by undergraduates. There should therefore be more courses that train students in skills which will be applied to their specialized fields. A biology major, for instance, should be capable of carrying out microbial experiments.Furthermore, courses on how to cooperate with colleagues are also needed for the reason that good cooperation is the prerequisite for satisfactory performance at work. Students should be instructed in methods for building good relationship with co-workers, for reaching a consensus on plans, and for distributing tasks appropriately. Not only will this kind of training benefit students’ efficiency at work, but it will exert a profound influence on their everyday life.Therefore, colleges should provide students with a better job preparation with the aim of helping them to achieve what they desire at work. Students, on the other hand, should seize the precious time in universities and try their utmost to get themselves prepared for the career after graduation.The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from?Friendship is regarded an indispensable part of life by most people. We cherish friends for a variety of reasons, ranging from the happiness they bring to the favor they do us. Some people maintain that the friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends you can get help from. But in my view, both kinds of friends are of great importance and we cannot live with either of them absent from our lives.Elevate the learning efficiencyFriends we can have fun with, in some senses, are those who brighten our lives. People all need someone who can share their happiness. We can get a lot of pleasure out of time spent with friends, doing something we all take an interest in. I have some good friends at college, with whom I often go to movies, play sports and enjoy some delicious food that I’ve never tasted. Sometimes we even take a train and travel somewhere far away from our city. We can always enjoy ourselves together. When I am in low spirits, being with them never fails to cheer me up. Their friendship is what I will always treasure.Friends we can get help from, on the other hand, are just as precious to us. They may not necessarily be with us all the time, but they are those to whom we can always turn in our hour of need. Since we cannot manage to handle everything we are faced with, friends who are willing to help us are people we cannot live without. The encouragement they give us in gloomy days, the support they offer when we are in trouble, and the warmth they bring when we are dismayed, are what help us conquer our fear, face difficulties and keep endeavoring regardless of the hardships. As an old saying goes, ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’. Rather than expect to obtain something, these friends are ready to give us a hand at any time.In conclusion, friends we can have fun with and friends that will help us are of the same significance and neither can be ignored by us. Actually, there are friends that can help us and have fun with us at the same time. And they are friends that deserve to be cherished by us all our life.Compared with people who live in cities, people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.I agree with the statement that people living in the countryside are able to take better care of their families than those urban residents. People who reside in cities have access to better education resources and health services, admittedly, but there are also many drawbacks that keep them from enjoying leisure time with families and paying close attention to family members’ physical or mental condition. People living in rural areas, on the contrary, are not confronted with these problems.People living in cities are eternally afflicted with stress imposed on them by competition, long working hours, congestion and so on. It is never a piece of cake to keep up with the fast pace of city life. As a result, it is really hard for them to spare some time to be with their families and enjoy the leisure hours. My father is a really diligent engineer who often works overtime. So it is not surprising that my mother keeps complaining about his coming home late. My father, in turn, is getting tired of these complaints. So stress of urban residents can have a negative influence on relationship between family members.In addition, in rural areas it is common to see people live with their parents, while in cities, sons and daughters usually have their own homes after they get married. Living with parents allows people to care for their parents, whose delicate health may be threatened in the aging process. Furthermore, it is always parents’ wish that their sons or daughters can spend more time with them, so living together is a real comfort for parents. There are thousands of empty-nest seniors in cities of China, while the elders in rural areas usually have at least one son or daughter living with them.Besides, the environment in the countryside is much better than that in cities. Children are exposed to the nature, having opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the wild. Kids growing up in cities, however, have to jump from one extra class to another arranged by their parents. When they are not doing their homework, what they do is just watching TV or surfing the Internet. Better education as they may receive, they are deprived of the happiness gained from the nature. Consequently, parents in rural areas can provide their children with more chances to embrace the nature and grow up in more agreeable surroundings.Admittedly, living in urban areas does have its positive facets, but there is no denying that people living in the countryside can take better care of their families. Many people move to cities in pursuit of their fortune, but what they have sacrificed may never be regained.The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.Should we follow our grandparents’advice or not in today’s rapidly developing society? Positive. Although many people believe that experience of grandparents is obsolete with the society progressing at such a high speed, their advice is still of great value to us.To begin with, change as the society may, the basic criteria have been the same over the past 50 to 100 years. Grandparents’ opinion about what is right and what is wrong can still apply to today’s circumstances. Take my grandmother for example. When I lived with her as a kid, she would tell me stories about the virtues of ancient people, like the modesty of Confucius, the diligent of Kong Rong, and the intelligence of Zhuge Liang. I was fascinated with the characters and determined to be a person like them. Thus my grandmother’s advice helped to shape my personality.In addition, some traditional knowledge grandparents retain is still of great use today. Having been utilized by people throughout the history for thousands of years, the knowledge has been proved right and efficient, which is not going to change just because science and technology has developed. For instance, traditional Chinese medicine is known to many old people. In treating some diseases, the effect of Chinese medicine is amazing. Therefore the knowledge grandparents have may be still useful.Last but not least, our grandparents are aged, admittedly, but that does not mean that they do not change with the society. They may also have new ideas as we do. My grandfather is a good example. He pay close attention to political and economical events happening around the world. So it is unfair to assume that all the elderly people are old fossils. Grandparents’ advice can also keep pace with the society.OutdatedObsoleteIn conclusion, it is unfair to say that the advice from grandparents are of no use for their grandchildren. Instead of just ignoring what they say, we should listen to their advice and decide for ourselves whether we should follow it.Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.It is never easy to educate a child. Some people believe it is parents’ responsibility to tell their children what is wrong and prevent them from making mistakes. But it seems a wiser choice to allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from what they do themselves.The impression a mistake leaves on a child is considerably deep. It is right to say that making mistakes and correcting them is one of the best ways for children to become mature. When they make mistakes, they are supposed to take on the responsibility and make up for the loss they cause, which will not only make them remember the consequence of mistakes and try not to do the same thing again, but will help build up their sense of responsibility as well. If parents just tell their children what is right, they may never actually understand it.Another reason why making mistakes is important is that those who do not fear mistakes tend to be more creative. Only by attempting over and over again can people learn what is the best way to solve a problem. Children should be encouraged to try different methods and not to fear mistakes. Edison made thousands of mistakes before he eventually invented the light bulb. If he had been afraid of failure and had not tried so many times, we could still be using candles today.Admittedly, however, there are some mistakes that children had better not make. If the consequence of a mistake is severe and may not be compensated, it is not a good idea to allow children to make it. For instance, when the behavior of a child may offend the moral or law, the child’s parents should prevent the behavior without hesitation, otherwise they may regret not protecting their child later.In conclusion, parents should allow their children to make some mistakes because mistakes help children to grow up and come up with creative ideas. But some mistakes, on the other hand, should never be allowed to occur.。
“支持反对型”题目的论证方法“支持反对型”题目的典型特征是题干中有且仅有一个观点,考生需要选择支持或反对这一观点,并给出相应的理由,例如下面的题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities and colleges should give more challenging courses, even if the students cannot get good grades with such courses.”这是一个有关学校教育的话题,题目中给出了这样一种观点:大学应当为学生提供更多富有挑战性的课程,即使学生不能在这些课程中取得好成绩。
方法一 ;考生可以选择某个立场,然后给出三个理由进行一边倒式的论证。
不过我可以给你提供一个托福写作范文的范例(以一道常见的独立写作题目为例),让你了解一下口语化、幽默化且逻辑清晰的托福写作风格:题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to travel abroad to visit different countries when you are younger rather than when you are older.范文:Well, I wholeheartedly agree that it's way better to travel abroad when you're younger.First off, when you're young, you're like a little sponge, just ready to soak up all kinds of new and crazy stuff. You know, older folks, they might be set in their ways a bit. But when you're young, you're more open minded. For example, if you go to a place like India, with its super colorful festivals, strange looking but super delicious food like currythat's so spicy it makes your nose run, and all those different religious ceremonies. A young person is more likely to jump right in, try on the traditional clothes, and dance in the street during a festival. An older person might just stand on the sidelines and watch, thinking it's all a bit too much hassle.Another thing is that young people are generally more physically fit. Traveling abroad can be tough. There are long flights where you're all cramped up like a sardine in a can, and then once you land, there's a lot of walking around, climbing up ancient temples in places like Thailand or trekking through the rainforests in Costa Rica. I remember when I was in my twenties, I could backpack for days, sleeping in hostels that were notexactly five star accommodations, but it was all part of the adventure. My grandpa, on the other hand, he needs his afternoon nap and a comfy bed at night. If he were to travel like that, he'd be worn out in no time.Finally, traveling young gives you more stories to brag about whenyou're older. Imagine sitting around with your grandkids one day andtelling them about the time you rode a camel across the Sahara desert when you were just twenty. That's so much cooler than saying, "Well, kids, I finally went abroad when I was sixty five and just sat on a tour bus most of the time."So, yeah, traveling abroad when you're young is the way to go. It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity to have the most amazing and wild experiences while you still can.。
TPO21 综合写作 听力 阅读 范文 独立写作 范文 托福写作机经
TPO21综合写作:Reading:Genetic modifications, a process used to change an organism's genes and hence its characteristics, is now being used to improve trees. Through genetic modification, it is possible to create trees that produce more fruit, grow faster, or withstand adverse conditions. Planning genetically modified trees on a large scale promises to bring a number of benefits.First, genetically modified trees are designed to be hardier than natural trees; that is, they are more likely to survive than their unmodified counterparts. In Hawaii, for example, a new pest-resistant species of payapa tree has been developed in response to ringshot virus infections that have repeatedly damaged the native papaya-tree population. Planning the genetically modified papayas has largely put an end to the ringshot problem. Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economic benefits to those who grow then. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products- and be hardier. This allows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farming investment and save on pesticides as well. [hardy: resistant to cold, 耐寒]Finally, the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation of wild trees. Because of the growing demand for firewood or building timber, many forests around the world are being cut down faster than they can be replaced. Introducing genetically modified trees designed for fast growth and high yield in given geographic conditions would satisfy the demand for wood in many of those areas and save the endangered native trees, which often include unique or rare species.Lecture:Sure, there are some benefits of planting genetically modified trees, but are these trees really as great as they first sound? When you examine the subject closely, here are some serious problems and costs associated with using genetically modified trees.First, genetically modified trees may be resistant to one particular condition, but that does not necessarily ensure their survival. You see, a typical non-modified tree population is genetically diverse. That means that, for most threatening conditions, for climates, insects and other pests, whatever, there will be at least some individual trees or any given species of trees that are resisted. So even if most of one kind of tree are killed, those few resisted ones will survive and ensure the survival of that species of tree. But genetically modified trees are genetically much more uniformed, so if they are exposed to an environmental challenge they have not been designed for, they will all die. So if the climate changes or a new pest invades the area, the genetically modified trees will likely be completely wiped out.Now as the second point, there are hidden costs associated with growing genetically modified trees. You see, the companies that genetically modified the trees tend to charge farmers much more for each seed than unmodified tree seeds would cost. Also, as you've grown the tree, you cannot collect the seeds and plant a new tree for free. By law, you have to pay the company every time you plant.And finally, genetically modified trees might actually cause even more damage to the local wild trees. You see, genetically modified trees are often grown more aggressively than natural trees do. And genetically modified trees are typically planted among natural trees. As a result, the genetically modified trees out compete the native trees for resources: sunlight, soil, nutrients and water, eventually crowding out the natural trees.Integrated writing sample essay:The professor claims that there are serious problems and costs associated with planting genetically modified trees, challenging the view in the reading passage that planting genetically modified trees on a large scale promises to bring tremendous benefits.First, the passage says that genetic modification is a good way to protect the trees against harsh natural conditions or possible infections because they are designed to be hardier. However, the lecturer claims that genetic modification does not ensure their survival because these trees are genetically more unified. So, if their genes are not designed for a particular condition, such as climate change or invasion of new pests, they might be eradicated altogether.Second, the passage says that genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give more fruits and therefore provide greater financial returns for the growers. However, the lecturer points out that this is not the whole picture, because the seeds of genetically modified trees are more costly and the law requires farmers to pay for the company for every genetically modified tree that is planted.Finally, the passage says that genetic modification is a good solution for the protection of wild trees from overexploitation. But the professor points out that these trees are genetically more aggressive and typically planted among the natural trees. They might out compete the natural trees for natural resources and eventually edge them out.独立写作:For future career success, is the ability to relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school?1P: 咩个人都渴望获得success,但成功需要付出extraordinary efforts,而且还需要an element of luck和一定的社会关系;因为这是一个强调团队合作和cooperation的时代。
--------------------------------------------------------科技159.”The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.”人总是比机器聪明,因为机器只不过是人类的工具而已30"The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."技术进步的最主要的目标就是提高人们的效率,使得每个人都有更多的闲暇时间88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."88.科学技术不但影响而且决定了社会风俗和民族习惯196."Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."科学技术产生了许多不能解决的问题,对人们的生活质量构成威胁138"Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."138.不犯错误就不会有发现和进步7."The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."摄像机可以通过如此精确而有力的纪录手段来再现当代生活,因此它已经代替书面纪录成为一种更重要的纪录手段151."High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."38.在电视机时代,阅读书籍已经没有原来那样重要了。
10.25 托福独立写作机经范文及解析
2015.10.25托福独立写作参考范文10.25号托福独立写作题目是“People in the past are more friendly than people today”.考前紧张复习的同学们对这道题目应该不陌生,因它出现在了各大机构的预测题中。
People in this day and age often find themselves longing for the harmonious and sincere relationship in the ancient times when it was common for our ancestors to accommodate a stranger. Such a time seems gone forever for it has been consistently argued that modern people are much less friendly than their counterparts in the past. Personally, I am in favor of this statement because the revolutionary changes in our way of living and our values have reshaped individual’s attitude towards friendliness.The modern way of living is driving people to an unfriendly situation from several aspects. Fast tempo, fierce competition and the resulting overwhelming pressure from work are exhausting the white collars, especially the long-distance commuters who might have to spend hours on public transport during rush hours. Thus, it is fairly understandable when a tired young man did not offer his seat to an elderly woman on the bus, which is commonly considered as an unfriendly behavior. Moreover, after arriving at the rented house in a tall building, people tend to lock themselves in and spend time alone, such as watching movies, reading and sleeping, rather than chat with neighbors. Chances are high that the neighbors might not know about each other, let alone be friendly. It turns out to be vicious circle. This case is in sharp contrast with the situation in the past, when people living in the neighborhood were like a big family and were always there to care and help others. Therefore, it is not exaggerated to say people being unfriendly can be attributed to the modern living style.In this dishonesty-prevailing society, many people choose to be unfriendly to protect themselves. It is not unusual to see from our surroundings that many beggars are disguised as disabled or in a miserable situation in order to cheat the kind citizens for money. What ismore, news reports often have that those who kindly help the old person lying on the street are not rewarded, but are deliberately blamed by the family of the old as the one causing the accident and are required to pay all the medical bills. Even some charity organizations are not as reliable as before, for they appropriate the money donated for the people in need to pursue their own interest. In face of all these cases, few people are willing to help strangers, because good deeds might cause misunderstanding and even financial loss. In contrast, in the past when people are not that money-oriented, the society is much more harmonious that people smile and even care for strangers without hesitation. Therefore, there is no doubt that distrust between each other is a big contributor to the people’s unfriendliness.In conclusion, it is justified to say that people today are less friendly than the older generations. This is partly due to that modern people are under huge pressure and lead a life of a rapid pace. The dishonesty among people also plays a part in isolating them from each other.。
TPO39综合写作The continent of Antarctica, centered on Earth’s South Pole, is one of theworld’s coldest areas, supporting a very limited range of plants and animals.Some scientists believe, however, that around 15 million years ago, during thegeologic period called the Middle Miocene, Antarctica was as much as 11C warmerthan it is today, and it supported much richer ecosystems, including much morediverse plant life. They have several arguments to support that claim.Pollen GrainsFirst, there is the evidence of pollen grains, small particles that plantsrelease when they reproduce. Pollen grains from two types of trees dating to 15million years ago have been found on the coast of Antarctica. Trees typicallyrequire much higher temperatures than the plants that currently grow inAntarctica. The presence of trees indicates that the plant life in Antarcticawas much richer during the Middle Miocene, and that the temperature inAntarctica was therefore much higher than it is today.Carbon DioxideThere is also some indication that carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in theatmosphere were elevated during the Middle Miocene. Carbon dioxide is linked toclimate warming because it traps heat. An important source of CO2 is volcanicactivity. There were major volcanic eruptions during the Miocene. That suggeststhat atmospheric CO2 levels were higher than they are today, which would havecontributed to the warming of the Antarctic climate.Deuterium and Increased RainfallThird, high levels of deuterium have been found in the remains of plantsthat grew in Antarctica 15 million years ago. Deuterium is a chemical element present in rainwater. Since plants absorb deuterium when it rains, the amount of deuterium in a plant usually indicates the amount of rainfall: high levels of deuterium in the Antarctic plants from the Middle Miocene indicate high amounts of rainfall. High amounts of rainfall are often caused by increasedtemperatures.TPO39独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Many people nowadays spend too much money on their pets (dogs, cats, orother animals), although there are better uses for this money.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.以上就是小编为大家带来关于托福TPO写作资料供大家阅读参考,托福资料频道将第一时间为考生发布最全、最新、最专业的托福资讯及托福考试资料及机经.。
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新托福独立写作历年机经特点:1.只考AD题以及P题(07.2.24\5.18)2.重复185题库的题目3.重复已经考过的题目4.可以转化为185题库的题目5.黄色表示重考题、蓝色表示转化题、红色表示新题2005年11.8 同185题库11题12.3 同185题库75题12.16 Do you agree or disagree?if people want to have a good future they should have a careful plan while they are still young? 参见185题库51题12.17 Do you agree or disagree?recently we have so many sources of news and information, so that we cannot tell which one is the real one or who is telling the truth.2006年1.6 Do you agree or disagree? Nowadays people are too much emphasized on appearance and fashion. 参见185题库54题1.14 同185题库28题1.21 Do you agree or disagree? Being happy with your job is more important than high salary.参见185题库27、48、53题2.3 Do you agree or disagree? Young people enjoy lifer better than the older people.参见185题库126题2.11 Do you agree or disagree? A teacher's ability to relate well with student is more important than the excellent knowledge of the subject being taught?参见185题库973.3 Do you agree or disagree? Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.参见185题库55、61题3.17 Do you agree or disagree? It is not realistic that people expect to work at the same company and employ all of their life? 参见185题库343.25 同185题库84题4.8 同2005年12.3一题考了2次4.28 Do you agree or disagree? In the modern society the ability of speaking well is more important than the ability of writing well? 参见185题库163题5.12 Do you agree or disagree? It is more important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence than to teach them specific knowledge.5.26 Do you agree or disagree? Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something which will destroy the friendship.参见185题库173题6.9 Do you agree or disagree? The extended family(grandparents\cousin\uncles andantes)becomes less important nowadays that it was in the past. 参见185题库114题6.17 同2005年12.16一题考了2次6.24 Do you agree or disagree? It is more important to award students for effort(trying or hard working)than for achievement(good grades)参见185题库72题7.15 同2006年1.67.29 同185题库71题8.12 Do you agree or disagree? It is more important to keep old friends that it is to make new friends?参见185题库111、117题8.18 Do you agree or disagree? To achieve success knowledge learned through study is more important than the ability than the ability of creative.8.26 Do you agree or disagree? People are busy doing too many things, so they can do very few things well. 参见185题库50、59题9.9同185题库47题9.15同2005年12.179.23 Do you agree or disagree? The most important education a person gets is the education had outside of the schools and classrooms. 参见185题库4题9.23同185题库66题10.8 Do you agree or disagree? In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there in today? 参见185题库70题10.15同2006年8.1810.18 Do you agree or disagree? Most advertisements make the products seems much better than what it really is. 参见185题库145题10.21 Do you agree or disagree? Student should take the most difficult class in college or at university, even if you cannot get the top grades in them.10.22同2006年3.1710.28同2006年2.310.29 Do you agree or disagree? Renewable resources(sun\wind\water) of energy will soon replace resources of fossil fuels(gas\oil\coal)11.3 同2006年9.911.5Do you agree or disagree? 大学往往让学生通过teamwork完成project,然后team member打上同样的分数。
参见185题库78题11.17同2006年1.2111.18同185题库74题11.19 Do you agree or disagree? It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than subjects prepare you for a job or career.12.1同2006年9.2312.3同185题库72题12.8同2006年4.812.10同185题库41题12.13同185题库68题12.14Do you agree or disagree? Drivers have to pay a fee for driving in busy city streets when traffic is in a great amout.12.15同2006年3.2512.16同185题库62题2007年1.6同2006年2.31.14同2006年12.141.19同2006年3.31.27同2006年4.282.3 Do you agree or disagree? People can learn more from watching television than reading books. 参见185题库127题2.10同2006年2.32.16Do you agree or disagree? The second time of reading a good book is more interesting than the first time.2.24 which is more important for students to understand? Idears and concepts or facts.2.27 同2007年2.103.3 同2006年8.263.4Do you agree or disagree? The ability to cooperate well with others is more important today than in the past. 参见185题库78题3.7同2007年3.43.10同2006年5.123.17Do you agree or disagree? Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the thing that they have done well.参见185题库50题3.23同185题库573.24Do you agree or disagree? 作为教师应该每5年回学校接受在教育4.21Do you agree or disagree? Moives and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behavior. 参见185题库7、150题4.29Do you agree or disagree? It is important to know every event happening around the world even if it is unlike to have any effect on your daily life.5.5Do you agree or disagree?Governments should spend more money in support of arts than in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.5.12Do you agree or disagree? Getting university education is the most important factor for success in life. 参见185题库1题5.18 In your opinion, which one is better, to spend money on something last for a long time such as valuable jewelry, or spend your money on short term pleasure such as vacation?参见185题库33题5.19Do you agree or disagree? 教师至少应该得到和doctor,lawyer, and business leader一样的工资。