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1.---Would you like to read some news about the football game, Jane?

---______. I feel like doing something else.

A. Not likely

B. No problem

C. Not really

D. Never mind

2.---Alice, you didn’t come to Tim’s birthday last night.

---I wished I had, but my parents just simply___ not let me out so late at night. A. might B. Should C. would D. could

3.He states that good qualities such as honesty and self-discipline make ____he is today.

A. whom

B. how

C. what

D. which

4.______ his solid evidence, the judge declared him innocent in court and set him free immediately afterwards.

A. Believing

B. Have believed

C. Believed

D. To believe

5.Some researches have proved that water quality ____ due to too many dams and pumps in some areas.

A. has been declined

B. is being declined

C. is declining

D. had been declining 6.Only when their private photos appeared on foreign magazines____ that they had been tracked by reporters.

A. the royal couple were aware

B. were the royal couple aware

C. are the royal couple aware

D. the royal couple are aware

7.After the earthquake I went there, I saw the whole town____, and now everything has changed.

A. in ruins

B. in poverty

C. in disorder

D. in rags

8.I think the director’s attitude_____ this program will decide what we should do next.

A. towards

B. at

C. on

D. for

9.Although I liked the design of the apartment, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful______ through the windows.

A. view

B. Scene

C. sights

D. scenery

10.A tape recorder is made full use of ______ improve our listening ability.

A. helping

B. to help

C. help

D. helped

11. He locked his car_____it should be stolen.

A. if

B. so that

C. in case

D. in order that

12. Only when you devote all your energy______your subjects____succeed____the examinations.

A. to studying; you can; in passing

B. to study; can you; to passing

C. to study; can you; to pass

D. to studying; can you; in passing

13. ______has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. There

B. It

C. As

D. Such

14. It does no good_______ anything at such a time.

A. saying

B. to say

C. by saying

D. with saying

15. —Is that 110? A thief is in my house…—Ok, help is ____.

A.in the way B.in its way C.on the way D.by the way

16. We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no______ but to take a taxi.

A. way

B. choice

C. Opportunity

D. means

17. I’m afraid___ her the truth, because I’m afraid______ her.

A. to tell; of hurting

B. to tell; to hurt

C. of telling; to hurt

D. of telling; of hurting

18. I mean _____ abroad and nothing is going to stop me, though that means ______ my parents for a long time.

A. going; leaving

B. going; to leave

C. to go; to leave

D. to go; leaving

19. Remember that it makes a bad ______ if you’r e late.

A. custom

B. habit

C. comment

D. impression

20. The boy was _____to his family. His parent felt it ___to be asked to speak at the meeting held____the school’s birthday.

A. an honor; great honor; in the honor of

B. an honor; a great honor; in honor of

C. honor; great honor; in honor of

D. an honor; the great honor; in the honor of



America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be , and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab.

The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a of maturity and respect toward my and to Allah’s will., I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n), not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the that I’d get at school.

I on my own that sixth grade was the I should start wearing the hijab. I was about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or be scared of me and my head-scarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no of differences.

On the first day of school, I put all thosethoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different.

I was about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions —— about the hijab and why I wore it.
