



Unit 1 Intercultural Communication in the Global ContextCase 1(P11)1.What do you think are the reasons for young people‟s yearning to be a celebrity today?As humans we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a global village we are comparing ourselves with the most significant people in the world. In the past being a lawyer or doctor was a very reputable profession. But today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media.2.How can today‟s people find their own self-worth and real meaning of life?The remedyis a process that he calls “active self-acceptance” through a sustained quest(持续探索)for self-knowledge through life. And People need to invest as much time in developing their worldview as their careers.Case 21. Why was the Dutch technology manager so shocked?The Dutch manager was shocked because he thought he hadn’t told the te am to build it in a certain way, he simply had asked if it could be done! He had never questioned the way in which he communicated to the head of his technology group.In fact, he thought he had been asking simple questions, almost making idle conversation, and never considered that because he was the boss, his Indian employee would do as he asked. He expected that the technology design team would counter with another recommendation if his idea was inappropriate.2. How could such misunderstandings in this case be avoided?Both the Dutch and the Indian teams needed to have a better understanding of the culturally based expectations of each group. Case 31. What has modern technology brought about to people today?Advances in information technology are bringing about changes in contemporary society that pose new situations requiring intercultural communication expertise. Technology has enabled ordinary individuals to quickly organize themselves around a common interes.2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?Rather than moving the global community toward the single, homogenized culture decried by many globalization opponents, technology is actually providing a means to reaffirm and extend cultural awareness, identity, and practices. Media technology plays an important role in modern society whether it is political, economic or culturalCase 41. Why did Mrs. Nimos hesitate when the Japanese young man asked about her age?In western countries where privacy is greatly valued, age is something that is considered rather private. Asking about the others’ age, especially in this case on their first meeting, is rather impolite.However, age is an important factor in situat ing a person in the Japanese cultural hierarchy.2. What is the Ch inese perspective concerning people‟s age?In China, age is important. However, when communicating with family members generation becomes an important factor that overrides age. Even if they have the same age, the one belonging to the younger generation must address the other with the respect accorded to the older generation in the family. If they are the same generation, they can communicate as peers.Case 51. Why did Mr. Richardson leave an impression of insincerity on Mr. Wong?“We must get together and have lunch sometimes” issignals that the person who says it thinks that the encounter should be ending soon. So it can call a “pre-closing.” While it does contain the vague idea that a subsequent meeting would be desirable, it does not in any way commit the speaker or the hearer to such an arrangement. However, to Mr. Wong, it sounds like an invitation.2. Do people always mean what they say? Give Examples.Similarly, “See you later” does not commit someone to a later meeting. It would be very odd if, i n response to this utterance, the hearer were to take out his or her diary and attempt to set a date. Other examples are “How are you” in English and “Have you eaten?” in Chinese, both of them are typical greetings, which do not require the hearer to give specific answers. All of them just serve as lubricants to move the conversation forward.Case 61.Why does Fiona feel exhausted in America and want to return to Australia?When people come into a new culture, they have to make many small adjustments in a short period of time. Each adjustment causes a little bit of difficulty, but the stress adds up to a point where people become frustrated and begin to complain about their life in the other culture.2.What do you think Fiona should do to make herself adjusted to her life in American?However, she should know that this is only a necessary period of culture shock, requiring her to make some adjustment. She is likely to have experienced some cultural differences and will be more willing to take them seriously.Unit 2 Understandings of Culture and CommunicationCase 1(P41)1.Why did the Chinese young man leave the company?The Chinese usually work to complete the task according to what their boss requires, while Americans, on the contrary, finish their jobs according to what they suppose is right. In this case, Li Hua completed his report within 16 days, faster compared with the actually 20 days, but later than it was agreed on. So the American supervisor got angry, which caused Li Hua’s resignation.2.If you were the young man,what would you do?If I were Li Hua, I would tell theboss the fact that I really had made great efforts to finish the report in 16 days.Then, if the supervisor still felt angry and were not flexible, I would resign without hesitation.Case 21.What does it mean by saying that Jim was enough of a realist?Jim comes from American where personal competence in dealing with matters is emphasized in spite of high focus on teamwork. On the other hand, American people are highly practical and realistic, they would think the earlier the problem can be discovered the better solutions can be sought.2.What way can be found to help Jim cooperate with Korean staff?For Jim, he is supposed to build a good intercultural communication, but what he should do first is to know Korean culture well. Koreans hold that American’s directness in dealing with problems. So from Jim himself it is much better to know Korean culture especially their strategy of saving face and losing face.Case 31.Why did Peter refuse to accept ChenJie‟s apology?Smiling in china means not only that someone is happy but also that he is sorry. It is very desirable for Chen Jie to make an apology with a smile, which indicates his embarrassment. But for Peter, this smile does not mean the same thing. He regarded the smile not as a sorry but as smirking. And a westerner would expect the employee to look at him or her in the eye and definitely not to smile.2.How do you deal with the trouble successfully when you communicate with others?Chen Jie is supposed to look at Peter in the eye when he made an apology, and definitely not to smile. By doing so Peter will truly believe that the sorry he made came from his honesty.Case 41.Why did Parisa‟s European colleagues s ee her in a particular way?When Parisa came to Europe, what she should do is to adjust herself to European culture, to become a member of them. But the key is that Parisa, born an Iranian after all, can not isolate her from Iranian culture completely. So her behaviour of adjusting to European culture is blended with her Iranian culture to a larger extent. That is why Parisa’s European colleagues saw her in a particular way.2.What is your opinion about the sentence”It also hurt Parisa when someone said that she was‘Westernized‟ and …not a real Iranian‟”?Parisa’s colleagues failed to know more about her Iranian culture. Even though Parisa tried her uttermost to do as her colleagues do, Iranian cultural elements reflected in her identity and daily behaviour tells she is still an Iranian woman, which makes a distinction between her and her European colleague. When Parisa learned to integrate herself with her colleagues, her colleagues said she was “Westernized” and “not a real Iranian”. This hurt her certainl y.Case 51. Why did the vice presidence make no explanations?When the American found the manager did not tell the truth possibly, he adopted the face-saving strategy in Chinese culture . He was unwilling to let the Chinese manager feel embarrassed if he told the truth directly, otherwise, the business negotiation with Chinese telecommunication enterprise would not succeed.2.What do you think are the reasons why the manager became very friendly and agreed to build a long standing partnership with the electronic manufacturer?As a matter of fact, he discovered that the vice president of the American electronic manufacturer knew Chinese face culture very well. And in the negotiation he made up a story in order to get upper hand over the American. When the American unclosed the story and did not embarrass him.Case 61.What advice would you give to Li Xia and Sawada if you were their close friend?They are supposed to learn more about each other’s cultures andbe aware of the cultural differences to avoid such misunderstandings.2. Why did Li Xia so angry when Sawada put his arm around her back?Chinese culture is characterized by modesty and reserve. For almost every girl, when some boy, try to put an arm around her neck she would feel disgusted. So when Sawada decided to approach Li Xia by putting his arm around her back, Li Xia gave him a strong push and stopped him from doing that.Unit 3 CulturalDiversity in Customs and PerspectivesCase 1(P70)1.Why do the Andersons enclose the map and hotel information of the rates and phone numbers of hotels and motels withthe invitation?The Andersons enclose the map and hotel information as a convenience for the out-of-towners. They believe that by doing so they are being considerate.2.Why do the Sandoval become outraged and refuse to go to the wedding when they receive the invitation?But to the Sandoval family, hospitality meant more. From their point of view, the family of the bride should have welcomed the groom’s family into their home, no matter how crowded they might have been. To the Sandoval, hotel recommendations represented coldness. After all, the Sandoval believe they have demonstrated their closeness by taking time off from work to drive five hundred miles to the ceremony.Case 21.Why is the villager offended by the doctor‟s refusing to accept her offer of bread?In this case, the Azerbaijani(阿塞拜疆) woman shows her hospitality towards the Americans by offering her bread. By rejecting the bread, the doctor rejects the woman and her culture. Azerbaijanis believe that if you share food, you expose your heart and soul to the other person and are forever linked in friendship.2. In what way had the doctor‟s companion restored the vallager‟s dignity?By accepting the bread, the doctor’s companion accepts the villager’s hospitality, thus keeping her dignity and building a bridge between the two cultures.Case 31. What make Mrs. Golestani so upset that she cries alone in the kitchen?The color of flowers has different meanings for different cultures. In Iranian culture, yellow flowers represent the enemy, and giving someone yellow flowers means that you hate the person. It is just the color of flowers that makes Mrs. Golestani think that Anahid hates them. However, in American cult ure, the meaning to the gift of yellow flowers means “I miss you”.2. What would you do if you were Anahid in such a case?In such a case, the proper thing for Anahid to do is explain the different meanings of yellow flowers to show her sincerity and good intention so that their relations can be restoredCase 41. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Lin want to change the numbers in the address of their house?Just as many Americans believe that thirteen is unlucky, the Chinese have strong beliefs about good luck or bad luck associated with particular numbers. Four is the most negative number, since its sound is the same as death. Mr. and Mrs. Lin are obviously Chinese who are fully aware of the negative meaning of four.2. What else do you know about the cultural connotations of numbers?Numbers have positive and negative values for the Chinese. Sometimes the number has negative connotations; for example, seven is related to the notion that ghosts return seven days after death. Positive meanings are associated with other numbers: six for happiness; eight for prosperity; nine for long life.Case 51. Having a new baby is a happy thing.Why is Evelyn offended and why does she think that Zen is a lazy new mom?Evelyn was unaware that her daughter-in-law was observing common Asian postpartum behavior: the new mom goes to bed for a month while everyone pampers her. Family members, and sometimes neighbors, take over cooking and cleaning; when the baby needs to be fed.2.What is the Chinese practice in this respect?In American culture, the new mothers can do all the things. Evelyn thinks Zen should do.While in some other cultures it is quite different. In China, this practice is called zuoyuezi. The woman must stay in bed, and take many precautions to insure that she not damage her ability to produce breast milk.Case 61.Why was the peaceful Latin American demonstrator arrested?How close an individual can get to another while talking is, dictated by one’s culture. It is said that most middle-class North Americans choose a normal conversational distance of no closer than twenty-two inches from each other’s mouth. However, for people of certain South Americancultures, the distance is approximately fifteen inches.2.What caused the misunderstanding between the Latin American and the New York City policeman.The problem that occurred between the Latin American and the New York policeman was that their respective cultures had different ideas about spatial distancing. The Latin American was attempting to establish what for him was a comfortable conversational distance. Unfortunately, the policeman felt threatened because his personal space was being violated.Unit 4Cultural Values and Interpersonal RelationshipsCase 1(P100)1.Why did Guangrui consider Professor Stevens a powerful man?Guangruithinks that it was Professor Stevens’ personal relation with Ms Morin that helped to convince her to change her mind about his project.2.What are the different meanings of “I know her” in Chinese and north American cultures?In China, “I know her” means someone can use the social relationship to solve the problem which he or she are confronted by. In North America, “I know her” means someone does not need the social relationship to help he or she, but he or she can take thischance to explain make the fact clear.Case 21.Why did Kevin close the door?I n America, people talk to someone with the door closed for which they can protect their secret.2.How do you understand LanLan‟s behavior of leaving the door ajar?I n China, it is not appropriate for a man and a woman to be alone together in the same room.Thus LanLan deliberately left the door ajar when she went into Kevin’s room.Case 31.Why did people stand so close in queuing?People in line had to stand very close to one another to prevent others from cutting into the line. As a result, people have got used to standing close to the one before them, even when it comes to banking.2.How can you understand He Jia‟s discomfort?North Americans prefer more distance than Chinese do. Some Western Europeans, like even more space. Differences in how close to stand are a source of discomfort or misunderstanding as frequently as are dining habitsCase 41.How do you understand Le‟s behavior?Traditionally, most Chinese women have the tendency to rely on their men for things they are better for.Since Bill did better with photographing, Le decided that he should be in charge of it when they were together.2.Why was Bill so unbearable toward Le‟s behavior?Most western men initially expect that any women in their life wants to be treated as an equal. In this situation, he would expect Le to function as an independent and competent amateur photographer.Case 51.Why do you think June didn‟t go and sit with Lee?American students often have a lot of work to do and little free time, so in their social relationships they prefer to do what is easy, and it is generally easier to interact with people with whom one has more in common.2. What do you think Fran‟s answer will be?You will probably need to be patient, and not give up too quickly. You also need to keep making an active effort instead of waiting and hoping.Case 61.What do you think of the relationship between Guangcheng and Ma Hua?Therefore, as far as Chinese culture is concerned, Ma Hua said he needed to see other people first because it was socially required of him, while his friendship with Guangcheng was strong enough for him to wait till he felt relaxed enough before arranging a visit.2.Why can‟t peter understand that Guangcheng and Ma Hua are the best friends?A North American would normally attempt to see those people closest to him or her first. They believe that they have to work on strengthening those relationships by putting a higher priority on spending time with those people.。



Case 1 A CanadianThe shipping agent(代理) is serving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan(委内瑞拉) culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocused activity(活动) that is not nearly as efficient(有效地) as it would be —particularly from her point of view — if the agent simply dealt(处理) exclusively(专门) with her scheduled(计划) appointment. In Canada, businesspeople typically(通常) write appointments and activities into the day’s agenda(议程) every day. They then work sequentially(顺序) through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously(同时).Case 2 A dozenAs a Westerner, the American visiting professor(客座教授) does not quite understand the collective ownership(集体所有制) of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed(恼火) is a different attitude toward information about people. In the United States, it is generally assumed(认为) that personal matters are private(隐私). Teachers go through elaborate(精心) procedures(设计) to assure that students do not have access(接触) to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations(评估) are confidential(保密的).Case 3 WhenAs a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful(不敬). However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors(上级), which is still widely observed(遵守), especially when royalty(皇室) is involved(有关的).Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister(总理), may have intended(打算) to suggest by his gesture(姿态) that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all.Sometimes, such seemingly(表面上的) trivial(琐碎的) things can influence relations between countries. That’s why protocol(协议) is taken seriously and people who are to hold diplomatic(外交) posts(公告) will be given detailed and careful instructions(指示).Case 7 A femaleWhen the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter(花生酱)?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.” The Chinese doctor felt upset because in Chinese culture questions like this, especially expressed in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply(暗示) that someone is to blame(罪魁祸首). Chinese culture prohibits(禁止) direct accusing(指责)unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true(忠诚的) to her learned cultural behavior of nevershowing anger in public, the Chinese doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distressed.Later, the physiotherapist(理疗师) was making a joke when she said the Chinese doctor had “three hands”. She wasn’t serious, of course, and expected the patient to be amused(被逗乐) by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary(虚构的) hand out to touch him. She didn’t know that in Chinese a “three-handed person” is a slang(俚语) for a thief.Case 8 Brent WeberIn American culture, people’s personal goals take priority(优先) over their allegiance(效忠) to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty(忠诚) of individuals to a group is usually weak. Americans are apt(倾向于) to change their relationship if it suits their individual needs, and they are not likely to be emotionally(情绪) dependent on organizations(组织) and institutions(机构).In Japanese society, the relationship between an employee and the firm(公司) is much more interdependent(依赖), somewhat similar to a child-mother relationship where the mother (firm) is obliged(义务) to take care of her children (employees) and children (employees) have to obey and follow the commands(命令) of their mother (firm).It is not surprising for an American to try to find another job before he or she leaves his or her present employer if he or she consider it necessary for him- or herself. However, this action was regarded(认为) by the Japanese firm as disloyal(不忠), undermining(破坏) the trust between the two parties. In spite of this, the manager(经理) of the firm did not like the parting to be understood as Brent being fired, because the appearance of harmony(和谐) and agreement(协议) within the group (the firm in this case) is important in Japanese society.Case 9 In a cross-culturalWhen they are being scolded(责骂) by the trainers(辅导员) for being repeatedly late for afternoon sessions(会议), the Chinese trainees felt bewildered(困惑) because they thought it is inappropriate(不适当的) for the Canadian trainers to become so angry about it. In their opinion, one should not let him- or herself behave as emotionally(冲动) like this. The appropriate(适当) way to deal with such a person would be to become cooler toward and more distant from the person who behaved so irresponsibly(不负责任的). It was understandable that one would feel angry in this situation but it was not appropriate to show anger, for the other person would certainly lose face if anger were directed toward him or her, and the angry person would look foolish and childish(幼稚的) and therefore also lose face.Canadians see such situations in a very different way. They tend to explicitly(明确地) express how they feel and openly criticize(批评) the person who they think has been wrong or irresponsible(不负责的). It seems to them that this has little to do with face.Case 16 A missionWhat went wrong in this case? Contrary(相反) to general American perception(观念), it is considered proper behavior for Japanese to be silent(沉默). It is a discreet(谨慎) way to show respect if he listens to others speak rather than speaking out. So the Japanese delegates(代表) did what they considered proper, i.e., listen quietly to what the Americans had to say. Silence often means that they are seriously thinking about the subject at issue(讨论中的问题). But many Americans will interpret(理解) silence in a conversation(谈话) to mean disapproval(不满), disagreement(分歧), or even arrogance(傲慢). This is an example that illustrates(说明) the problem of the so-called “perception-gap(观念鸿沟)”. Participants(参与者) in communication perceive(感知) each other’s behavior in very different ways, which often results in misunderstanding or conflict(争执).Case 17 TomIt is customary(习俗) in China and many other Asian countries for hosts(主人) to ask their guests again and again to take more. Tom didn’t have to eat extra food if he didn’t want any more.In the U.S., a host will offer more food usually only once. And the Americans will take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it is the first, second or third time. However, in many other parts of the world it is considered good manners for guests not to accept an offer at first. Sometimes one mustn’t accept food the second time it is offered. Therefore, hosts try to repeat an offer until they are sure that their guests really want to decline(谢绝).Case 18 Ted WashingtonTed Washington, the marketing manager, rejected(拒绝) the sale proposals(议案) of both the American, Dale Peters and the Japanese, Hideo Takahashi, without considering who made the proposal. While the direct and outright(公然的) rejection is O.K. with Peters, for he and the manager are from the same culture, to Hideo, it means something beyond the rejection of a proposal itself. Therefore, the two people responded(响应) to the rejection in quite different ways.In this case, the American believes the root(根源) of the conflict(冲突) lay in different goals and objectives(目标), therefore, Peters entered into a heated(热烈的) discussion with Ted, trying to get his proposal(议案) accepted by producing facts(事实), figures(数据), and graphs(图) to illustrate his case. But the Japanese believes the conflict was not in the rejection of the proposal but rather in the way it was communicated, so he thinks of it as a personal attack or a sign of mistrust. In short, Americans tend to be more task-oriented(工作型) while the Japanese are more likely to focus on(集中于) interpersonal relationships(人际关系).Case 22 An AmericanPeople from different cultures may consider their own communication style to be natural and normal, and therefore tend to evaluate(评价) other styles negatively(负面的). In this case, both people are unaware(未察觉) of the American preference(偏爱) for a direct and explicit(直率的) style in contrast to(与…相反) the morecontextual(语境) African style. Both these communicators(传播者) are likely to leave the situation less inclined(倾向) to ask or answer questions of each other again. Case 23 A FrenchIn France it is required that all calls begin with an apology for disturbing(打扰) the answer. They are also expected(希望) to begin the call by checking that they have reached the right number, identifying(确认) themselves, and then chatting(聊天) with whoever has answered the phone, if this person is known to them. Only after some conversation may callers indicate(表明) their wish to speak with the person they have actually called to speak to.In contrast, callers in the U. S. A. apologize only when they feel they have called at an inappropriate(不适当的) time; they often ask for the person they want without identifying themselves or conversing with the answer, even when that person is known to them; and they behave, in general, as though the person who has answered the phone is just an extension(扩展) of the instrument(仪器) itself.Case 24 At a 1970The Japanese have a strong dislike of entering into direct confrontations(对抗) and placing others in an embarrassing(尴尬) position. It is very difficult for a Japanese to respond to any suggestion or request with a definite(明确的) “no”. What the Japanese will often do instead is resort to a vague(模糊) sort of reply to the effect(结果) that the matter needs further study and consideration. They do this to save face for the person who has made the suggestion or request, but Americans may not properly understand it and may completely misinterpret(误解) the vagueness(模糊性) as compliance(符合) and assume(认为) that the proposition(提议) has been accepted. But this was apparently(显然的) never made clear to Nixon(尼克松). That is why he included that he had been double-crossed(出卖了). The misunderstanding had serious adverse(不利) consequences(后果) for Japanese U. S. relations.Case 25 A JapaneseNonverbal(非语言) behaviors such as smiles seem to cut across(超过) cultural lines. But in reality(现实), they are often found to be not universal(普遍). To most Americans, a smile is the most common nonverbal behavior to bridge gaps that may exist between strangers (including foreigners) and themselves. It is natural for them to be smiling and friendly when they come across(遇到) strangers. But in eastern Asian countries like Japan, smiles are used differently. Japanese do not readily(乐意) show their feelings. In Japan, people do not usually smile at a stranger. If you do, you might be considered impolite.Case 26 Wang PingChinese people seldom(很少) hug(拥抱) each other, particularly in public places. If people do, a romantic message is usually conveyed(表达). Go to any airport or train station in China, and you will see scenes of greeting and good-bye with all the feeling expressed in the eyes and the face and in the practical things family members andrelatives and friends do for each other, but it is unlikely people will hug, with only younger ones as an exception(例外).In contrast, people of Latin American(拉美) cultures touch each other in communication much more than people of some other cultures, especially Eastern Asian cultures. At a time of meeting a friend or upon departing(分别), hugging each other is very natural for Latin American people. On such occasions(场合), hugging has no sexual connotation(性内涵); it is just like a handshake in China, but warmer and more enthusiastic(热情). Women tend to hug each other more than men hug women, but both are common. One’s discomfort(不适) at hugging in such situations may be interpreted(被理解为) by Latin American people as unfriendliness(不友善). Case 27 The otherAs with smiling, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function during tense(紧张) social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern(关怀) for you, their intention(意图) to put you at ease or to help you shrug off(摆脱) the embarrassment. In this case, the people there actually(实际上) wished to laugh with the American rather than at him. Their laughing seemed to convey(传达) a number of messages: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. unfortunately(不幸的是), the America was unaware(没意识到) of this. He thought they were laughing at him, which made him feel more embarrassed and angry, for in his culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted(被理解为) as an insulting(侮辱的) response, humiliating(羞辱) and negative(消极).Case 37 What isThe U.S. salesman(推销员) in this case was acting according to ideas about dress that seemed appropriate(适当的) to him in his culture. He may have considered the informality of his dress as signaling(暗号) a willingness(自愿的) to put aside rigid rules(死板的规定) of behavior and be friendly. He may have been cold and enjoyed the warmth of a large sweater(线衣). He may have spent the previous(先前的) 20 hours on plane and, without a chance to change his clothes, may have gone straight to the trade show(贸易展览), because to him, being there was more important than being dressed a certain way. But in the Japanese culture, this kind of dress is considered very inappropriate(不适当的) for such a formal business occasions. Case 38 The marketingIn a country where there are very strict cultural taboos(文化禁忌) on nudity(裸体), such packaging(包装) would be considered a form of obscenity(猥亵). The U.S. firm had to pay a high price for not understanding the culture of their customers. Religion plays an important role in influencing(影响) customs, people’s attitudes towards life, what and how to buy and so on. More seriously, people may even refuse(拒绝) to buy certain products or services for religious reasons. So it’s no wonder that a common and well-received culture in one culture may meet itswaterloo(惨败) in another culture. In Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯), the Muslim faith(穆斯林) plays a significant(重要) role in people’s lives. This case demonstrates(展示) to us that moral standards(道德标准) vary(不同) from country to country. Thus when doing international trade, one should never take his own religion and moral standards for granted(假定) but should always bear(怀有) those differences in mind.Case 39 In internationalIn this case, what is at issue(争论) is the correct translation of terms(条款), as well as the accepted use of terms in the chicken trade. The meaning of chicken in Swiss culture is different from that in America. In this case, the failure(失误) was caused by the misunderstanding of the different meanings of chicken in each other’s culture. In Swiss, chicken has a specific meaning, while in America this term is used for any type of chicken.As the case went to trial(试验) in the U.S., it was judged according to the American culture, which seems unfair. However, unawareness(没意识到) of these cultural differences will definitely(肯定) result in problems in intercultural communication(跨文化交际).。



跨文化交际Terms1.Intercultural communication(跨文化交际)It refers to communication that takes place between people of different culture backgrounds, whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication events.2.Culture (from intercultural communication perspective)It is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.3.High context (高语境)High Context CultureCultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people (or the ones in which most of information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message), are labeled high-context culture.4.Stereotype (文化定势)It refers to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.5.Taboo(禁忌语)It refers to prohibition of a set of behaviors that should be avoided because they are often offensive and impolite.6.Nonverbal communication (from narrow perspective) (非言语交际)It refers to intentional use of nonspoken symbols to communicate a specific message or the messages sent without using words.7.Chronemics(时间行为)It is the study of how people perceive and use time. Our understanding of time falls under a class of nonverbal communication called chonemics.8.Culture shock(文化休克)It refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.9.Prejudice (文化偏见)It refers to the irrational (非理性的) dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation.10.Euphemism(委婉语)It is taboo’s linguistic counterpart because it substitutes the offensive and disturbing vocabulary.petent CommunicationIt is interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives and is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs.Questions1.Write your opinions about how your current educational setting embodies Chineseculture values?2.Summarize the stages of intercultural adaptation in your own words.(1)U-curve PatternHoneymoon Period:Crisis Period:Adjustment Period:Biculturalism Period:(2)W-curve PatternDescribe the process of reverse culture shock.3.Summarize the categories of nonverbal communication and explain what they are briefly.(1)Paralanguage:is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning.(2)Silence:is a form of nonverbal communication that may be interpreted in various ways depending upon the situation, the duration of the silence, and the culture.(3)Chronemics:is the study of how people perceive and use time.(4)Proxemics:refers to the perception and use of space, including territoriality (领地感) and personal space.(5)others:Oculesics、Olfactics、Haptics、Kinesics、Chromatics 、Attire4.Give colors as examples and try to find out the different interpretation of the samecolors in different cultures.nguage can be a big barrier in the intercultural communication. Try some examplesto show how language can be a problem in the intercultural communication and explain the reasons.(1)Lack of Vocabulary Equivalence(2)Lack of Idiomatic Equivalence(3)Lack of Grammatical-Syntactical Equivalence(4)Lack of Experiential Equivalence:Thanksgiving 文化大革命(5)Lack of Conceptual EquivalenceLanguage is the reflection of culture、values and the environment.6.Summarize the strategies you have learned on how to avoid culture shock and engagedin intercultural adaptation.(1)Study the host culture(2)Study the local environment(3)Learn basic verbal and nonverbal language skills(4)Develop intercultural relationships(5)Maintain an intimate social network(6)Assume the principle of difference/Remember your perceptual context(7)Anticipate failure events1、Coconut-skating (4)The case reflects the characteristics of culture----culture is learned and pervasive.We learn our culture in our early life through the process of socialization. Culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influence the way we think and behave.The Philippine women must have learned this way of mopping from their own culture. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor mopping.2、Why Don’t You Eat The Pizza?(12)This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication.Culture can greatly influence people’s belief, value, norm and social practice. Ignoring cultural differences can affect communication and cause problems.In Malaysia, where most people are Muslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and cannot be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American student puts himself in an embarrassing situation.3、Different Responses to Noise (16)This case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation and perception.No two of people can assume that their sensations and perceptions are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense and perceive the world.In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise produced by the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits.4、Who is the most beautiful woman? (19)This case reflects that people from different cultures have interprete the same sentence “Who is the most beautiful woman at the reception?” differently.Fred is from western culture and his understanding of a beautiful woman focus on the looking only. While in Philippine where power distance is high, people pay more attention to social status, so Manuel thinks the maid should not be considered as a member of the reception.5、A Danish Woman in New York (21)This case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference.Assuming similarities instead of difference refers to the idea that people coming from another culture are more similar to you than they actually are or that another person’s situation is more similar to yours than it in fact is. When communicating with people from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”.In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone which is common in Denmark is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is also indisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens.6、Success Story (25)This case can reflect different communication styles----direct and indirect styles.The direct and indirect styles differ in the extent to which communicators reveal their intentions through their tone of voice and the straightforwardness of their message. In the direct verbal style, statements clearly reveal the speaker’s intentions. In the indirect verbal style, verbal statements tend to hide the speaker’s actual intention. The speaker’s verbal style reflects his or her cultural and personal value.In this case, Mary and Ms. Goshima had very different communication styles. Mary’s tended to be direct while Ms Goshima tended to be indirect. Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. Thus came the communicative problem.7、Are Americans Indifferent? (33)This case can reflect the difference in kinesics(身势语), one of the categories of nonverbal communication, among cultures.The term kinesics refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body position, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relations to communication. Kinesics involves not only the actions but also the cultural interpretation of those actions in relation to the verbal communication uttered simultaneously.In this case, compared to most Chinese, Americans like to smile a lot and to have causal and rich facial expressions in their daily lives, even though they have some misfortune. Because of the different opinions about facial expressions in intercultural communication, the American lady talked about her father’s sickness and death in a smiling way to show she still has the optimistic way to treat the future life, which is misunderstood as being indifferent and selfish by the Chinese.8、Don’t Put Your Hand on My Arm(36)This case can reflect different cultures have different opinions to spatial relations.Different cultures have very different opinions about an individual’s unco nsciously structuring the microspace immediately surrounding the physical body. Some cultures can have relatively close distance when communicating while other cultures cannot. Some western cultures consider body touch between people of the same gender to be cultural taboo and a symbol of being homosexual.In this case, Sam is from western cultures and knows the social taboo of body touch very clearly, so he wouldn’t let others misunderstand Martin’s close body distance and touch with him, even though Martin from Chile does not know the cultural taboo at all.9、Getting Frustrated (41)This case can reflect different norms in different cultures.Norms are the socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.In this case, much of the business done in Saudi Arabia depends on a middleman and having a middleman is a norm there. In addition, Saudis believe that God gave us multifunctional hands, and the left one and the right one have different functions. What is more, Saudis have a number of norms related to restricting male and female interactions. All these above make perfect sense to Saudis but not to Jay, an American businessman. Westerners’ norms concerning these are totally different. Thus, Jay and Saudis had communicative problems.10、The Improvement Does Not Work(43)This case can reflect one of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientation----relational orientation.Relational orientation has three potential types: individualism, linearity and collaterality. In this case, following their individualistic orientations, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wyman were perfectly comfortable with the idea of creating team leaders within the individual sales groups. However, as Park Young Sam mentions, doing so upset the harmony of the groups, which in turn led to poor performance. In the US, workers are often motivated by the opportunity for promotion and advancement as this serves the individualistic drive for individual achievement. In collectivistic cultures, however, workers may be motivated by being a part of a cohesive and productive team.11、When Shall We Meet for Dinner? (44)This case can reflect one of Hofstede’s value cultural dimensions----uncertainty avoidance.Uncertainty avoidance indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations.In this case, Kelly and Keiko are interacting about a dinner invitation. Kelly, from the US, possesses a relatively low avoidance index, while Keiko, from Japan, comes from a culture witha relatively high avoidance index. Coming from a high uncertainty-avoidant culture, Keiko would prefer to plan ahead to avoid uncertainty and prepare her script for the evening. Kelly, on the other hand, is perfectly comfortable making plans based on how the evening progresses. Withouta plan, how will Keiko know how to act?12、A Gift from a Chinese (48)This case can reflect that a rules for gift giving are very different from culture to culture.Chinese people love giving gifts. Usually, the value of the gift is an indication of how important the receiver is in the sender’s eyes. Most people giving gifts are concerned about whether the gift will be seen as valuable enough. An inexpensive gift means a loss of face. Dongxie may have a practical reason in giving the ginseng to his manager, but most Chinese will take it as something usual for a subordinate to do this to a manager out of a sign of respect.North American companies do occasionally receive gifts out of appreciation for the friendship and assistance the manager may provide. Such gifts are treasured; however, the value usually is fairly small, a bottle of wine, a music CD, a small book, or other tokens.13、R efuse to Be Treated (50)This case can reflect culture’s influence on the health care context.In the case just described, the U.S. American medical team system for making sense of the situation demanded that people be seen in order of the seriousness of their injuries or illness. Each person was considered as worthwhile as the next, and so seriousness of injury appeared to be a natural way to determine who was seen first.However, the cultural system working for those on the Virgin Islands demanded that elders be seen and treated first. Their position, age, and wisdom demanded respect. For younger members of the community to go ahead of them in a time of crisis was seen as extremely disrespectful.The conflict centered on efforts by each side to do what they perceived as good and morally responsible. Because the U.S. Americans were in a better position to adapt than an entire community that had just suffered great loss and were under extreme stress, it was good that they were willing to do so. Sadly, this is not always the case.14、Doubts (52)This case can reflect the problems one may encounter during intercultural adaptation. When an individual enters a new culture, he may first experience excitement. But later more serious problems may come to him. When facing these problems, one may fell anxious and not know how to deal with the present situation.In this case, Wu Lian not only encounter language problem, and he also faces a lot of learning difficulties due to cultural differences. And besides, he also meets many difficulties in daily life. All these make him feel uncomfortable and stressed.The only way out for him is to learn more knowledge and skills to conquer these hindrances and become successful in intercultural adaptation.15、Missing China (55)This case can reflect reverse culture shock.When people return home after an extended stay in a foreign culture, they experience another round of culture shock in their native culture and they must proceed through the four stages of the U-curve pattern once again.In this case, John, whose comes from Canada, has been living in China for quite a long time and he has got familiar with the Chinese culture. Therefore, when he returns to Canada, he cannot adapt well to his native culture.语文ⅱ苏版第四专题(林黛玉进贾府)教案曹雪芹【教学过程】一、导语设计许多不朽旳文学作品往往会以各种形式出现在人们面前.像《三国演义》就曾被搬上舞台、搬上荧屏.而最受人们欢迎旳、被演绎旳形式最多旳恐怕要数《红楼梦》了,有京剧、越剧、婺剧、电影、电视剧等.那么,今天我们就一起来学习节选自《红楼梦》第三回旳《林黛玉进贾府》,走进贾府这个封建大家庭,走近黛玉,走近宝玉,走近贾府形形色色旳人物.二、人物形象赏析【补充】塑造人物旳方法.正面描写(肖像、神态、语言、心理、动作);侧面衬托.(一)分析林黛玉旳形象.1、小说通过林黛玉旳眼睛让我们看到了贾府各色人等.同时也通过贾府众生旳眼睛让我们看到了林妹妹.找出描写林黛玉外貌旳句子并加以分析.[明确] (1)众人眼里旳黛玉——→病弱不足(2)王熙凤眼里旳黛玉——→标致不凡(3)宝玉眼里旳黛玉——→弱不禁风、多愁善感病美人(眉毛和眼睛)注:古人重眉眼,画人物重画眼睛,传神旳表达.黛玉旳眉眼是独一无二旳.黛玉之美在于气质.可联系西施(西施病心而颦)和卓文君(眉色如望远山).2、除了外貌之外,作者同时通过哪些描写让我们更立体地认识黛玉呢?[明确]心理、语言、动作.3、黛玉进贾府,为什么要“步步留心,时时在意,不肯轻易多说一句话,多行一步路”?(1)大舅妈留她吃饭时步步留心时时在意(2)在王夫人那里择座---——→谨小慎微寄人篱下(3)在贾母房里吃饭旳时候自尊心自卑感(4)对读书旳回答4、从以上内容分析课文初步表现了林黛玉旳什么性格特征?[明确]林黛玉由于丧母来外婆家,过去常听她母亲说,“外祖母家与别家不同”,今至其家,“步步留心,时时在意,不肯轻易多说一句话,多行一步路,惟恐被人耻笑了他去”. 尽管贾母念及亡女怜爱她,但她自知寄人篱下,反表现出孤高自尊.她谨慎从事,冷静细心地观察周围旳一切,应对有度,举止有礼.这表现在她辞谢邢夫人留饭,在王夫人和贾母处择座,反映出她聪慧而又有良好旳教养.在众人眼里,她“年龄虽小,其举止言谈不俗,身体面庞虽怯弱不胜,却有一段自然旳风流态度”.她美貌多情,体弱多病.“颦颦”二字,准确地勾画出她旳神情,也透露出她与这个等级森严,礼仪繁多旳封建贵族家庭很不投合.(二)分析贾宝玉旳形象对于贾宝玉这个人物,可以从以下三个方面来分析:1、出场前用世俗旳观点加以侧面勾勒(第10、11两段)[明确] (1)王夫人语云——→混世魔王(2)林黛玉听母亲曾言——→叛逆2、出场后旳肖像、语言、行动正面描写.[明确] (1)出场后旳肖像描写(第13段)——→眉清目秀、英俊多情(2)出场后旳语言、行动描写(14段)——→独立不羁3、《西江月》旳两首词,这两首词是塑造宝玉形象旳基本构图.。

山东科技大学 研究生跨文化交流英语考试 课文中CASE译文及答案

山东科技大学 研究生跨文化交流英语考试 课文中CASE译文及答案

山东科技大学研究生英语考试课文中CASE译文及答案重点文章如下:P2, TEXT A;P46, TEXT A;P87,Additional Reading;P123,TEXT A;P180,TEXT B;P198,TEXT A;P296,TEXT A.黑色字体为case原文,红色字体为case理解答案Case 1(P16)A Canadian sales representative in Venezuela goes to a shipping office to arrange for the ongoing shipment of an order in transit from Quebec to another country.She is on time for her appointment ,but has to wait while the shipping agent serves a number of customers who are already in the office.When the Canadian’s turn finally comes,she explains what she needs,and the agent begins filling out the documentation for the shipment and discussing prices.At the same time the agent takes a phone call,responds to a question from a co-worker about schedules,and directs the faxing of a message about something else—in effect working on three other projects besides the Canadia’s,which makes the Canadian somewhat annoyed.一位加拿大在委内瑞拉的销售代表航运办公室安排过境订单来自魁北克的持续装运到另一个国家。



跨文化交际试题附答案Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love itLuke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They arediscussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrongTom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game It's a rather important experiment Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at LeedsUniversity in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical piano concert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the words.4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture,especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations.Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC" This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems ofother countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology and social psychology, communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. Onelevel of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication.Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Take the word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman.Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee'Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man' What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'post man’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak EnglishAnswer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraphPassage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating StocksSince May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True T / False F / Not Given NG according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered underlined.Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述;“IC”实际上是自20世纪50年代以来在世界范围内发展起业的一门学术及应用学科;有时称为“跨文化交际”或“比较文化”,学者们大多使用“inter”这一前缀加上“文化”这个词来表述文化间的相互作用;在一个层面上,IC体现在文化研究上,研究其它国家的政治,经济和生活方式制度等;在另一个层面上,它是应用语言学,力求了解语言与文化的关系;20世纪80年代以来,许多中国英语教师和教授对此产生了浓厚兴趣一如何在英语教学中帮助学生同时了解英国,美国或其他英语国家基本的交际行为;但跨文化交际这门学科实际上是一门广泛且日益完善的研究领域;IC是涵盖如文化人类学、社会学、心理学及社会心理学、交际研究、应用语言学和教育学的跨学科应用;IC是了解人类文化以及它们间是如何相互影响的综合尝试;要了解跨文化交际,我们力图探究传统与现代,一致与变化;由于我们了解了某一民族现存的某些民族特色,我们便可以探究如何从外部审视这一文化,它是如何与其它文化相互影响的,又是如何变化的;在过去的30多年,学者们发展了用于比较文化的理论框架以及若干用于思考它们异同的实践领域;跨文化比较的一个层面是文化特性,另一层面是口头语言交际;还有一倍受关注的领域是非语言交际;Paper 4: ReadingPassage 115. D16. C17. The pronunciation of the final syllable of 'chairman' is /m'n/ as in the pronunciation of 'woman'.18. The author argues that the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant. OR: The author argues that the male meaning of 'man' is no longer 'dominant.19. The impact is more in formal and/or written language areas e. g. the media. Ordinary people still tend to use words ending in ' man'. Therefore In Informal language use there has been little or no impact.20. Regardless of language structure in any society, non-sexist language use does not mean change will occur if people's attitudes and behaviors do not change.Passage 2● Award one point for each item.● Answers must be the same as the key.21. F 22. F 23. T 24. T 25. T26. T 27. F。



Case 2:White DressCase analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they seethe western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values undern eath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of differe nt colors for differe nt con text but they usually take it for gran ted and n ever ask why.白色的裙子案例分析:印度女人可能认为婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方新娘白色礼服。




Case 4:Coconut-skatingCase an alysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case thatculture is pervasive and it ' s learned. People may invent different ways for things even as simple asthe issue of floor moping. The Philipp ine woma n must have lear ned this way of mopp ing from her own culture.Coconut-skating案例分析:这一事件反映岀文化的特点。



跨⽂化交际课后答案Case 1 A CanadianThe shipping agent(代理) is serving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan(委内瑞拉) culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocused activity(活动) that is not nearly as efficient(有效地) as it would be —particularly from her point of view — if the agent simply dealt(处理) exclusively(专门) with her scheduled(计划) appointment. In Canada, businesspeople typically(通常) write appointments and activities into the day’s agenda(议程) every day. They then work sequentially(顺序) through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously(同时).Case 2 A dozenAs a Westerner, the American visiting professor(客座教授) does not quite understand the collective ownership(集体所有制) of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed(恼⽕) is a different attitude toward information about people. In the United States, it is generally assumed(认为) that personal matters are private(隐私). Teachers go through elaborate(精⼼) procedures(设计) to assure that students do not have access(接触) to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations(评估) are confidential(保密的).Case 3 WhenAs a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful(不敬). However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors(上级), which is still widely observed(遵守), especially when royalty(皇室) is involved(有关的).Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister(总理), may have intended(打算) to suggest by his gesture(姿态) that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all.Sometimes, such seemingly(表⾯上的) trivial(琐碎的) things can influence relations between countries. That’s why protocol(协议) is taken seriously and people who are to hold diplomatic(外交) posts(公告) will be given detailed and careful instructions(指⽰).Case 7 A femaleWhen the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter(花⽣酱)?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.” The Chinese doctor felt upset because in Chinese culture questions like this, especially expressed in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply(暗⽰) that someone is to blame(罪魁祸⾸). Chinese culture prohibits(禁⽌) direct accusing(指责)unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true(忠诚的) to her learned cultural behavior of nevershowing anger in public, the Chinese doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distressed.Later, the physiotherapist(理疗师) was making a joke when she said the Chinese doctor had “three hands”. She wasn’t serious, of course, and expected the patient to be amused(被逗乐) by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary(虚构的) hand out to touch him. She didn’t know that in Chinese a “three-handed person” is a slang(俚语) for a thief.Case 8 Brent WeberIn American culture, people’s personal goals take priority(优先) over their allegiance(效忠) to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty(忠诚) of individuals to a group is usually weak. Americans are apt(倾向于) to change their relationship if it suits their individual needs, and they are not likely to be emotionally(情绪) dependent on organizations(组织) and institutions(机构).In Japanese society, the relationship between an employee and the firm(公司) is much more interdependent(依赖), somewhat similar to a child-mother relationship where the mother (firm) is obliged(义务) to take care of her children (employees) and children (employees) have to obey and follow the commands(命令) of their mother (firm).It is not surprising for an American to try to find another job before he or she leaves his or her present employer if he or she consider it necessary for him- or herself. However, this action was regarded(认为) by the Japanese firm as disloyal(不忠), undermining(破坏) the trust between the two parties. In spite of this, the manager(经理) of the firm did not like the parting to be understood as Brent being fired, because the appearance of harmony(和谐) and agreement(协议) within the group (the firm inthis case) is important in Japanese society.Case 9 In a cross-culturalWhen they are being scolded(责骂) by the trainers(辅导员) for being repeatedly late for afternoon sessions(会议), the Chinese trainees felt bewildered(困惑) because they thought it is inappropriate(不适当的) for the Canadian trainers to become so angry about it. In their opinion, one should not let him- or herself behave as emotionally(冲动) like this. The appropriate(适当) way to deal with such a person would be to become cooler toward and more distant from the person who behaved so irresponsibly(不负责任的). It was understandable that one would feel angry in this situation but it was not appropriate to show anger, for the other person would certainly lose face if anger were directed toward him or her, and the angry person would look foolish and childish(幼稚的) and therefore also lose face.Canadians see such situations in a very different way. They tend to explicitly(明确地) express how they feel and openly criticize(批评) the person who they think has been wrong or irresponsible(不负责的). It seems to them that this has little to do with face.Case 16 A missionWhat went wrong in this case? Contrary(相反) to general American perception(观念), it is considered proper behavior for Japanese to be silent(沉默). It is a discreet(谨慎) way to show respect if he listens to others speak rather than speaking out. So the Japanese delegates(代表) did what they considered proper, i.e., listen quietly to what the Americans had to say. Silence often means that they are seriously thinking about the subject at issue(讨论中的问题). But many Americans will interpret(理解) silence in a conversation(谈话) to mean disapproval(不满), disagreement(分歧), or even arrogance(傲慢). This is an example that illustrates(说明) the problem of the so-called “perception-gap(观念鸿沟)”. Participants(参与者) in communication perceive(感知) each other’s behavior in very different ways, which often results in misunderstanding or conflict(争执).Case 17 TomIt is customary(习俗) in China and many other Asian countries for hosts(主⼈) to ask their guests again and again to take more. Tom didn’t have to eat extra food if he didn’t want any more.In the U.S., a host will offer more food usually only once. And the Americans will take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it is the first, second or third time. However, in many other parts of the world it is considered good manners for guests not to accept an offer at first. Sometimes one mustn’t accept food the second time it is offered. Therefore, hosts try to repeat an offer until they are sure that their guests really want to decline(谢绝).Case 18 Ted WashingtonTed Washington, the marketing manager, rejected(拒绝) the sale proposals(议案) of both the American, Dale Peters and the Japanese, Hideo Takahashi, without considering who made the proposal. While the direct and outright(公然的) rejection is O.K. with Peters, for he and the manager are from the same culture, to Hideo, it means something beyond the rejection of a proposal itself. Therefore, the two people responded(响应) to the rejection in quite different ways.In this case, the American believes the root(根源) of the conflict(冲突) lay in different goals and objectives(⽬标), therefore, Peters entered into a heated(热烈的) discussion with Ted, trying to get his proposal(议案) accepted by producing facts(事实), figures(数据), and graphs(图) to illustrate his case. But the Japanese believes the conflict was not in the rejection of the proposal but rather in the way it was communicated, so he thinks of it as a personal attack or a sign of mistrust. In short, Americans tend to be more task-oriented(⼯作型) while the Japanese are more likely to focus on(集中于) interpersonal relationships(⼈际关系).Case 22 An AmericanPeople from different cultures may consider their own communication style to be natural and normal, and therefore tend to evaluate(评价) other styles negatively(负⾯的). In this case, both people are unaware(未察觉) of the American preference(偏爱) for a direct and explicit(直率的) style in contrast to(与…相反) the morecontextual(语境) African style. Both these communicators(传播者) are likely to leave the situation less inclined(倾向) to ask or answer questions of each other again. Case 23 A FrenchIn France it is required that all calls begin with an apology for disturbing(打扰) the answer. They are also expected(希望) to begin the call by checking that they have reached the right number, identifying(确认) themselves, and then chatting(聊天) with whoever has answered the phone, if this person is known to them. Only after some conversation may callers indicate(表明) their wish to speak with the person they have actually called to speak to.In contrast, callers in the U. S. A. apologize only when they feel they have called at an inappropriate(不适当的) time; theyoften ask for the person they want without identifying themselves or conversing with the answer, even when that person is known to them; and they behave, in general, as though the person who has answered the phone is just an extension(扩展) of the instrument(仪器) itself.Case 24 At a 1970The Japanese have a strong dislike of entering into direct confrontations(对抗) and placing others in an embarrassing(尴尬) position. It is very difficult for a Japanese to respond to any suggestion or request with a definite(明确的) “no”. What the Japanese will often do instead is resort to a vague(模糊) sort of reply to the effect(结果) that the matter needs further study and consideration. They do this to save face for the person who has made the suggestion or request, but Americans may not properly understand it and may completely misinterpret(误解) the vagueness(模糊性) as compliance(符合) and assume(认为) that the proposition(提议) has been accepted. But this was apparently(显然的) never made clear to Nixon(尼克松). That is why he included that he had been double-crossed(出卖了). The misunderstanding had serious adverse(不利) consequences(后果) for Japanese U. S. relations.Case 25 A JapaneseNonverbal(⾮语⾔) behaviors such as smiles seem to cut across(超过) cultural lines. But in reality(现实), they are often found to be not universal(普遍). To most Americans, a smile is the most common nonverbal behavior to bridge gaps that may exist between strangers (including foreigners) and themselves. It is natural for them to be smiling and friendly when they come across(遇到) strangers. But in eastern Asian countries like Japan, smiles are used differently. Japanese do not readily(乐意) show their feelings. In Japan, people do not usually smile at a stranger. If you do, you might be considered impolite.Case 26 Wang PingChinese people seldom(很少) hug(拥抱) each other, particularly in public places. If people do, a romantic message is usually conveyed(表达). Go to any airport or train station in China, and you will see scenes of greeting and good-bye with all the feeling expressed in the eyes and the face and in the practical things family members andrelatives and friends do for each other, but it is unlikely people will hug, with only younger ones as an exception(例外).In contrast, people of Latin American(拉美) cultures touch each other in communication much more than people of some other cultures, especially Eastern Asian cultures. At a time of meeting a friend or upon departing(分别), hugging each other is very natural for Latin American people. On such occasions(场合), hugging has no sexual connotation(性内涵); it is just like a handshake in China, but warmer and more enthusiastic(热情). Women tend to hug each other more than men hug women, but both are common. One’s discomfort(不适) at hugging in such situations may be interpreted(被理解为) by Latin American people as unfriendliness(不友善). Case 27 The otherAs with smiling, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function during tense(紧张) social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern(关怀) for you, their intention(意图) to put you at ease or to help you shrug off(摆脱) the embarrassment. In this case, the people there actually(实际上) wished to laugh with the American rather than at him. Their laughing seemed to convey(传达) a number of messages: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such things can happen to any of us, etc. unfortunately(不幸的是), the America was unaware(没意识到) of this. He thought they were laughing at him, which made him feel more embarrassed and angry, for in his culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted(被理解为) as an insulting(侮辱的) response, humiliating(羞辱) and negative(消极).Case 37 What isThe U.S. salesman(推销员) in this case was acting according to ideas about dress that seemed appropriate(适当的) to him in his culture. He may have considered the informality of his dress as signaling(暗号) a willingness(⾃愿的) to put aside rigid rules(死板的规定) of behavior and be friendly. He may have been cold and enjoyed the warmth of a large sweater(线⾐). He may have spent the previous(先前的) 20 hours on plane and, without a chance to change his clothes, may have gone straight to the trade show(贸易展览), because to him, being there was more important than being dressed a certain way. But in the Japanese culture, this kind of dress is considered very inappropriate(不适当的) for such a formal business occasions. Case 38 The marketingIn a country where there are very strict cultural taboos(⽂化禁忌) on nudity(裸体), such packaging(包装) would be considered a form of obscenity(猥亵). The U.S. firm had to pay a high price for not understanding the culture of their customers. Religion plays an important role in influencing(影响) customs, people’s attitudes towards life, what and how to buy and so on. More seriously, people may even refuse(拒绝) to buy certain products or services for religious reasons. So it’s no wonder that a common and well-received culture in one culture may meet itswaterloo(惨败) in another culture. In Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯), the Muslim faith(穆斯林) plays a significant(重要) role in people’s lives. This case demonstrates(展⽰) to us that moral standards(道德标准) vary(不同) from country to country. Thuswhen doing international trade, one should never take his own religion and moral standards for granted(假定) but should always bear(怀有) those differences in mind.Case 39 In internationalIn this case, what is at issue(争论) is the correct translation of terms(条款), as well as the accepted use of terms in the chicken trade. The meaning of chicken in Swiss culture is different from that in America. In this case, the failure(失误) was caused by the misunderstanding of the different meanings of chicken in each other’s culture. In Swiss, chicken has a specific meaning, while in America this term is used for any type of chicken.As the case went to trial(试验) in the U.S., it was judged according to the American culture, which seems unfair. However, unawareness(没意识到) of these cultural differences will definitely(肯定) result in problems in intercultural communication(跨⽂化交际).。



大学英语跨文化交际所有CASE答案!!!是WORD格式不是PDF格式的!!!Case 1:An Interview in IndiaCase analysis: The case is about an interview between an American program host and anIndian interviewee. They talk about some aspects of Indian culture and the changes occurred these years. The case reflects some basic cultural elements people may find in all cultures: language, family pattern, marriage, wedding ceremony, food and the way to eat food, etc. From this case, guide the students in culture study and culture comparison. The students should realize that there are both similarities and differences in culture. Culture is in fact very dynamic and pervasive. Case 2:White DressCase analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they seethe western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why.Case 3:The French in North AmericaCase analysis: The French were able to see Indian behavior only in the light of their own hierarchical social system, where it is natural for the few to command and the many to obey. Social systems that worked on other principles were literally unimaginable.Case 4:Coconut-skatingCase analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture.Case 5:A Black Girl’s IdentityCase analysis: Although we may say that identities are constituted by our communication, itis obvious from the case that we cannot simply choose at any moment what our identity will be regardless of the context. First, we often do not share the recipe for certain identities with others even if we belong to the same ethnicity, gender, or nationality. Understanding this can help us avoid some of the broad assumptions made about groups of people based on the reflective way of thinking. Second, as we learned in the very first chapter, all meaning in communication is to some extent situational. Thus, the context mediates what identities we can choose. Sometimes things one may have no control over, such as age or skin color, are seen as essential parts of how one communicates an identity.Case 6HippiesCase analysis: Hippies could be defined as a subgroup, as the hippies culture tends to be temporary. In modern American society, hippies culture could also find traits, but it has wide spread influence on American value system.Case 7Clean up the Bathroom!Case analysis: Cultural differences decide the two students are going to communicate indifferent ways. The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the others cannot understand you.Case 8:She Has Three HandsThis case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the “harmonious relationship” between them.Case 9:A Piece of CakeThis case wants us to recognize some components of communication. Sender/source refers tothe person who transmits a message. Receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. Context refers to a setting or situation within which communication takes place. In this case, Marilyn and Richard are simultaneously the senders and receivers. And their room, where the communication event happens and which makes the couple feel comfortable and relaxed, is just the context.Case 10:The Place to Have LunchThis case reflects that communication is contextual, which means that communication doesnot happen in isolation and it must happen within a setting or context. Whether this context is quiet or noisy is important to the smoothness of communication. When the communication event is disturbed by noise, the communication can not go smoothly. In this case,Case 11:Making an AppointmentThis case can reflect how culture affects its communication style. Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols,but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. In this case, knowing the communication style of the Americans which is characterized by direct, exacting and instrumental, the exporter manager fulfills his job successfully.Case 12:Why Don’t You Eat the Pizza?This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. In Malaysia, where most people areMuslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and cannot be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American studentputs himself in an embarrassing situation.Case 13:We and They?This case reflects that in intercultural communication, people always regard themselves as thebest group in the world. This is actually inappropriate and should be avoided.Case 14:Perception of WarThis case can reflect different cultures can give different influences on human perception.People can have very different perceptions even on the same object or phenomenon because they have different cultures and are living in the different social realities. In this case, Jim and Olgahave very different attitudes and perceptions towards historical events because their nations’different experiences and histories.Case 15:Observations on a SoldierThis case can reflect the basic model of human perception. Human being is equipped to sensethe outside stimuli and perceive the outside world. And the perception follows a certainmodel—after being gained through the five basic senses, information is processed through selection, organization and interpretation. In this case, Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft did observations on the soldier according to the basic model of human perception. They selected some useful information which they gained from outside world through their five basic senses,organized it in a reasonable logic and then attached meanings to it.Case 16:Different Responses to NoiseThis case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation. No two of people can assume that their sensations are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense the world. So it is very common for them to have totally different sensations even towards the same condition. In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise producedby the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits.Case 17:What Is Black?This case can reflect we have some barriers to accurate perception in intercultural communication. We have the ability to perceive the outside world, but we cannot always get the accurate perceptions, especially when we do the perception on other cultures, we often give the inaccurate and negative perceptions. In this case, on discussing the impersonal color “black”, wegive so many bad and negative meanings while black pupils can give some objective descriptionsand associations about the color. The barriers can include ignoring details, over-generalizing,holding on to preconceptions and stereotypes imposing consistency, preconnecting causes and effects, preferring simple explanations, ignoring circumstances, crediting irrelevant information and focusing on the negative.Case 18:Are Perceptions Always Right?This case can reflect our perceptions on outside world are not always right, especially whenwe do perceptions on other cultures. We usually perceive others according to our own culture.This can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. In this case Pat and Chris gaveinaccurate and negative perceptions on Akira and Michiko just because of theirIrresponsible judgment and they also gave completely positive perceptions on Marie just becauseof their simple expectations. In order to avoid the inaccurate perceptions, we need some skills, including increase your understanding of the perceptual process; increase your observational acuity; recognize the elements to which you attribute meaning; check your perceptions; increase your Awareness of perceptual inaccuracies and compensate for them ;increase your awareness of others’ perceptionsof you; and develop social decentering, empathy, and other-orientation.Case 20:Chinese Hospitality — OverdoneThis case reflects that sometimes people unconsciously assume that people from anotherculture may behave in a way which is similar to theirs. The Chinese usually attach a lot of importance to taking care of their guests. When it comes to a foreign visitor, Chinese hospitality is usually more than what can be understood by a Westerner, who is uncomfortable when he isalways surrounded by people attempting to be kind. Concerning this case, Hong tried to respecther traditions and her friend by doing more than she could really afford to do for Joe's visit, havingno idea that Joe ended up feeling frustrated.Case 21:A Danish Woman in New YorkThis case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference. When communicating withpeople from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat other people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”. In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone, which is common in Denmark, is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is alsoindisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens.Case 22:Ambiguous TimeThis case can reflect ethnocentrism. Cultures train their members to use the categories oftheir own cultural experiences when judging the experiences of people from other cultures. Theywill believe that their culture is the center of the world and their standard should be the role modelfor the rest of the world. Concerning this case, somehow Chinese people have habitually referred12:00 a.m. as the time around lunchtime, making 12 : 00 p.m. midnight. Fortunately, the way theytell other times are the same as that used in the States, so there's usually no misunderstanding between people from the two cultures. However, there is this one difference and Fan learns it by paying a fine since she may hold that her culture is the center of the world.Case 23:Girl-nessThis case can reflect one of the translation problems: the lack of conceptual equivalence,which refers to abstract ideas that may not exist in the same fashion in different languages.Different cultures may attach different meanings to the same thing or person. Concerning this case,we should know what young females call themselves is very different in China from the States. In China, "girl" means someone who is young and single. In a way, it makes a female sound moredesirable to be called a girl rather than a woman. For most people, "woman" means someone who is married and who probably is not young. In fact, most single Chinese females, such as university students, would be insulted to be called "women". While in the West, in formal, public settings, itis customary to call any woman who is past puberty a woman, even though she may not be legally old enough to vote, marry, purchase alcoholic beverages, drive a car, or sign a contract. This terminology became widespread during the "women's liberation movement in the 1960s". The term "'girl" is sometimes interpreted to be demeaning or disrespectful.Case 24:An Unfair DecisionThis case reflects prejudice, which involves an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitudetowards another group of people. In this case, Mr. Bias decided to select someone else, instead of applicant from the country Levadel, for the position. That is just because he holds prejudice towards people from the country Levadel.Case 25:Success StoryOne of the sources of the frustration and misunderstandings that occurred in this case was different notions of what was verbally relevant. In this case, Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. If Mary had been more patient, she would have eventually heard the answer to her question, but she was not really paying attention when it finally came because she felt that Ms. Goshima's comments weren't really relevant to her query.Case 26:Slogans and the Importance of LanguageThe intercultural encounters we experience are not only influenced by language and perceptual differences, and language choice based on restricted and elaborated social situations, but also on language and how it is translated for members of a culture. For many reasons linguistic interpretation and semantics provide the source of numerous misunderstandings. For instance, an insurance company discovered that fires inadvertently occurred because warehouse employees acted carelessly around "empty" barrels of gasoline, although they previously had exercised great caution around "full" drums of gasoline. The terms full and empty seem to mask the real danger in working with gasoline drums. Empty drums are extremely combustible, while full drums pose far less threat. The linguistic perception of the word empty in the general culture signified null or void, but in the work culture of volatile products like gasoline the semantic "interpretation" was disastrous. A story is told of a Christian Scientist who refused to take vitamins, since the recommender described them as "medicine." However, the same person gladly took the vitamins when he was told they were "food."Case 28:Two Different Communication StylesThe dialogue takes place between a young couple who have been dating for a short time. The man is a U.S. student, and the woman is from an Asian culture. Note the misunderstanding that results as a consequence of the use of direct and indirect modes of communication.In all likelihood, Jim is not going to get much of an answer from Michiko. She continues throughout the dialogue using rather general answers to Jim's very specific and direct questionsabout her feelings toward the United States. Michiko might believe that Jim is being far too direct and invading her privacy. Besides, the fact that she has traveled halfway around the world should lie indicative of her desire to be here, right? There must he something about the United States that attracted her. Michiko cannot possibly say something critical about the United States because she would lose face, as would Jim, as a native. She relies on imprecise and indefinite answers.Case 29:MisunderstandingIdioms are simply statements that are not strictly true, but their meaning is understood by a group of people. If you ask what happened to Martha and people say, "She kicked the bucket," it does not mean that she literally did this; it means she died. Just like in the case my student's friend did not literally mean that Shang should get out of the apartment. Idioms are common in all cultures, but when used in intercultural settings they can create a lot of confusion. One potential area of misunderstanding related to idioms is when to use them and with whom. For example, I would not use the "kick the bucket" idiom just any setting or with just any person. If I am talking with my grandmother and I am going to tell her about someone who has died, I may use what is often perceived as a gentler idiom and say the person has "passed away." Understanding the context of when an idiom is appropriate or sensible is part of intercultural knowledge.Case 31:Going Out to EatIn the interaction, Jim is a student at a local university. He was born and raised in the United States. Akira is an exchange student from Japan. Jim and Akira are eating dinner together in a local restaurant. They have known each other for only a short time. Not only is Jim's style of communication overtly personal, but he's also quite direct.Jim is trying to involve Akira in the conversation by relating to him his personal experiencesand preferences. Jim uses the first person "I" no fewer than eleven times and even refers to Akira as "Buddy." Akira never refers to himself in the first person; Akira generally defers to Jim and says little, even addressing Jim as "Mr. Jim." As a foreigner, Akira probably sees Jim as socially superior and uses a formal title. Moreover, rather than talking about his personal preferences, Akira mentions that Japanese people enjoy restaurants.Case 32:What Is Wrong with the Interaction?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication. Nonverbal communication differs according to different cultures. People might have different opinions about the proper space, time, body language and paralanguage. If we don’t pay attention to intercultural nonverbal communication, we will have some misunderstanding and conflict. In this case, Jim (an American), Mitsuko and Akira (two Japanese) belong to totally different cultures; they have very different opinions about the space and body languages. Therefore, Mitsuko and Akira felt uncomfortable when Jim gave some exaggerated body language and kept close space distance in communication.Case 33:Are Americans Indifferent?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication, especially facial expression differ according to different cultures. Compared to most Chinese, Americans like to smile a lot and to have causal and rich facial expressions in their daily lives, even though they have some misfortune. In this case, because of the different opinions about facial expressions in intercultural communication, the American lady talked about her father’s sickness and death in a smiling way to show she still has the optimistic way to treat the future life, which is misunderstood as being indifferent and selfish by the Chinese. Case 34:What Is Sue’ s Problem?This case can reflect nonverbal intercultural communication should be according to thedifferent context, too. Context refers to the actual setting when communication occurs and is also important in nonverbal communication. In this case, Sue knew how to wai and she knew that bowing was generally important in the Thai culture, but, as is so easy to do in a new environment, she forgot to consider the context. Relational hierarchy is very important in Thailand. Sue’s deferential actions may have appropriate in certain settings, but given her status of elder visitor such actions directed toward the children were extremely confusing and uncomfortable for the students and teachers alike.Case 35:A QuarrelThis case can reflect the different use and understanding of silence can influence the actual intercultural communication. Different culture might have different interpretations to the silence. The Eastern culture usually attaches more meanings to silence, while the most western cultures consider silence to be absence of communication and most rude communicative behavior. In this case, Li Hua wanted to provide the opportunity for them to calm down and think about the matters carefully and so she kept silence, while this silence was misunderstood by Smith as the absence of communication and he might think Li Hua looked down upon him and became angrier.Case 36:Don’t Put Your Hand on My ArmThis case can reflect different cultures have different opinions to spatial relations. Different cultures have very different opinions about an individual’s unconsciously structuring the microspace immediately surrounding the physical body. Some cultures can have relatively close distance when communicating while other cultures cannot. Some western cultures consider body touch between people of the same gender to be cultural taboo and a symbol of being homosexual. In this case, Sam is from western cultures and knows the social taboo of body touch very clearly, so he wouldn’t let others misunderstand Mark’s close body distance and touch with him, even though Mark from Chile doesn’t know the cultural taboo at all.Case 37:What’s wrong?This case can reflect different gestures can represent different meanings in different culturesand misuse of some gestures can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. For example, the common “OK” gesture means being good and friendly in some western countries such as USA, while in Latin America it represent something dirty and obscene. Therefore, in this case, the gesture of the American politician is really a disaster and it hurt the people in this Latin American country and also made himself to be unwelcome person.Case 38:An American Librarian’s PuzzleThis case can reflect the meanings shown by facial expressions and gestures differ accordingto different cultures in intercultural communication. For example, the smile in China can convey lots of meaning, such as being friendly and attentive and nodding one’s head in China is not always to say “yes”, sometimes it is just to say “I’m listening.” While in USA, nodding one’s head and smiling is usually to say “yes” and show agreement. Therefore, in this case, the American Librarian misunderstood the Chinese student Zhu Xiaohua’s facial expression and gesture–nodding and smiling and felt quite puzzled.Case 39:Marriage and Social StatusShaheed was disappointed, but he understood the problem and accepted the situation. However, in part because of different worldviews, this story really bothers .many Americans.How many differences in worldviews did you recognize in this experience? I count at leastfive. For example, an American would have felt that the hierarchical nature of the situation that helped to establish the concern in the first place was inherently wrong. Shaheed and thewoman would be seen as equals. In addition, if there were to be any differences betweenthe two, they should have been determined by achievement, not ascribed to the individualsby birth. Third, the decision to go with what is wanted by the families or groups involved is inline with a collectivistic approach rather than an individualistic approach, which would have encouraged each person to do what was best for him- or her-self. Fourth, Shaheed'smother's understanding of the meaning of being served bananas at tea depended entirely onlhe context rather than the verbal message. Many Americans who hear this story worry,about whether Shaheed's mother got the right message. Finally, Americans would tend towant to discuss the issue more, asking, "Why won't this work?" and trying to convincethe young woman's mother that it is okay. This orientation is grounded in using communication primarily as an information source rather than as a social lubricant, which Shaheed's mother did by not threatening the face of the other person or the status quo of the current relationship.Case 40:How Can We Lend Money to Her?It is not unusual for married couples to come into conflict over money or how they relate toin-laws, but in this case it is complicated because there are cultural differences in what is good and bad and what is morally appropriate in this situation. In Germany there are strong norms against borrowing unless you absolutely have to, and then you borrow from a bank and pay it back as quickly as you can. Except for very rare occasions in which a child must borrow from a parent, you would never borrow from family members, because they have enough problems of their own. In contrast, Lao borrowing norms indicate that borrowing is a natural and ongoing part of life. No one has everything they need, so everyone will need to borrow at some time. Buddha has said, "Do good and good will be done to you," so loaning is an honor. Finally, borrowing from an institution is frowned upon because you will not get a good deal and it will look like your family does not care about you.Case 41:Getting FrustratedJay was frustrated in large part because many of the norms he was used to didn't apply inSaudi Arabia, and many Saudi norms did not make sense to him. Much of the business done in Saudi Arabia depends on baksheesh, a type of kickback to a middleman (and it is a man), who facilitates contacts between potential business partners. The middleman is doing a service and expects to get paid for it. The more baksheesh the person gives, the more likely it is that the person will succeed, because the middleman will be sure to treat him very well. Giving baksheesh is a norm in the Saudi business community. In addition, Saudis believe that God gave us multifunctional hands and that the hand is our best tool for eating. However, they are also concerned with hygiene. They reserve the left hand for cleaning themselves and use the right hand for eating. Saudis have a number of norms related to restricting male and female interaction that, within the context of their religious beliefs, make perfect sense but would be very inappropriate to most Westerners.Case 42:Wrong Signal?Ning Tong was not observing the house rules for watching TV, which was probably why he eventually stopped saying anything in the argument. Usually, when a Chinese chooses not to say any more things in an argument, it would mean one or both of the following: the person feels that he/she is wrong; the person wants to stop the argument by not talking any more. The latter would often mean tolerance as one has to resist the impulse of reasoning with the other, especially when one feels he/she is right. When Ning Tong became quite, he was hoping that his silence could stop Tom since Tom would not have anything to respond to.Tom was clearly frustrated at not being able to relax and enjoy some programs connectedwith what is happening back home. Tom probably thought Ning Tong’s decision to stop arguing was “passive aggression”--- making the other person look bad by pretending to be mild-mannered or even not interested---yet not yielding in an argument.Case 43:The Improvement Does Not WorkFollowing their individualistic orientations, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wyman were perfectly comfortable with the idea of creating team leaders within the individual sales groups. However, as Park Young Sam mentions, doing so upset the harmony of the groups, which in turn led to poor performance. In the United States, workers are often motivated by the opportunity for promotion and advancement as this serves the individualistic drive for individual achievement. In collectivistic cultures, however, workers may be motivated by being a part of a cohesive and productive team.Individualism and collectivism are terms that describe whole cultures. But cultures are notpure. Members of collectivist cultures may practice individualistic tendencies while members of individualist cultures may value collectivist ideals. For example, Denmark is a country with both collectivistic and individualistic tendencies. In Denmark, individual freedom is nurtured through a devotion to established traditions and customs. Regarding income and social rank, Danes are staunchly egalitarian. At the same time, however, Danes consider themselves free to be nonconformist and to stand out from the group. In this way, Danes may be at the theoretical midpoint of the individualism and collectivism cultural continuum.Case 44:When Shall We Meet For Dinner?Uncertainty avoidance orientation can be seen in this case. In the dialogue presented below,。

新编跨文化交际英语教程cases参考答案 中英文版

新编跨文化交际英语教程cases参考答案 中英文版

新编跨文化交际英语教程Intercultural Communication in EnglishCase study 参考答案Case 1 【page 23】In this case, there seemed to be problems in communicating with people of different cultures in spite of the efforts made to achieve understanding.在这种情况下,尽管人们努力去理解,但在与不同文化背景的人交流时似乎出现了问题。

We should know that in Egypt as in many cultures, the human relationship is valued so highly that it is not expressed in an objective and impersonal way. While Americans certainly value human relationships, they are more likely to speak of them in less personal, more objective terms.我们应该知道,在埃及,就像在许多文化中一样,人际关系被看得如此重要,以至于无法以客观和非个人的方式表达出来。


In this case, Richard‘s mistake might be that he chose to praise the food itself rather than the total evening, for which the food was simply the setting or excuse. For his host and hostess it was as if he had attended an art exhibit and complimented the artist by saying, ―What beautiful frames your pictures are in.在这种情况下,理查德的错误可能是他选择赞美食物本身,而不是整个晚上,因为食物只是设置或借口。



《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improvedupon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successfulcommunication or cultural understanding.?Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist,Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are havingdinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'lllove it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at aBritish university for some months. It has not been totally successful.They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is ascientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child' s play, and I'm playingthe game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather importantexperiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several thingsrequire more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problemsand explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were studentsafterlater, year A Britain. in University Leeds at together graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year'sexchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classicalpiano concert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up ontothe stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers duringthe playing of a particular musical item. This happened several timesduring the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stagesinging some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all thesequite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applaudedthe pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave whilethe pianist remained on the stage.?Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill thegap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spacesprovided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the words.?4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided onadifferent .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it wasdecided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still somethat needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people'srelationships in China.8. Mike! Meet Jane, the .9. Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know.10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face orhurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture,especially the system of which all members of the group areexpected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she receivedthe news that her husband had left her for another woman. 13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations.?Paper 3 Translation?Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. Pleasewrite your translation on the answer sheet.?What do we mean by Intercultural Communications or IC? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academicand applied discipline that has developed internationally since the1950s. Sometimes called cross-cultural communications or comparative culture , scholars most often use the prefix inter with the word cultural to describe the interaction between cultures.On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examinethe political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. Onanother level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek tounderstandthe relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese Englishteachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learnthe basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other Englishspeaking countries.?But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinaryapplication of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, appliedlinguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attemptto understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact witheach other.?To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek tounderstand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. Aswe understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people,we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how itinteracts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the lastthirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical frameworkconsideringfor dimensions practical some and cultures comparing for the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level ofcomparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving muchattention is Nonverbal Communication.?Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20?In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist biasin the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabularyand grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of theworld as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role.Take the word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact applyto people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-orientedas it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairmanwere exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compoundof 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased toview this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed ofthese two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of 'cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman mightbe defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite suchconsiderations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitiveto the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive itas a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of womenin society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral termssuch as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to askquestions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?'Other changes advocated include the replacement of words suchas 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutralterms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer'.There is, however, continuing controversy about how far suchlanguagechanges should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idiomsas 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What aboutthose words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant,such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done somore in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postmanbeen?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here'postman' remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian andTurkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makesthroughits system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain thatmales who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speakEnglish!?Answer the following questions according to the above text:?15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' isgiven?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?? Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clientsusing a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid theconflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms,whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companiesbeing courted by their investment bankers.We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity, said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice presidentfor investment advice and products. While the development of thesystematicallyperformed being is analysis the human, is methodologyand automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks ina similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individualstocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over timehas not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as towhether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though,is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stockratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out verygenerously.People who run computerized selection systems criticizetraditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflictsof interest, as well as individual bias. I am very suspicious aboutopinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stockselection, said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely onthe selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factorsthat their developers believe have the greatest ability to predictshare prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earningsgrowth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to whichearnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems asmarketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on howa group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, asdo stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans,and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform themarket averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwabsystem or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-Scouter? Mark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG)according to the information provided in the text.?Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided forquestions.?21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better thanhumans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices. 答案及评分标准?Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。



大学英语跨文化交际所有CASE答案!!!是WORD格式不是PDF格式的!!!Case 1:An Interview in IndiaCase analysis: The case is about an interview between an American program host and anIndian interviewee. They talk about some aspects of Indian culture and the changes occurred these years. The case reflects some basic cultural elements people may find in all cultures: language, family pattern, marriage, wedding ceremony, food and the way to eat food, etc. From this case, guide the students in culture study and culture comparison. The students should realize that there are both similarities and differences in culture. Culture is in fact very dynamic and pervasive. Case 2:White DressCase analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they seethe western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why.Case 3:The French in North AmericaCase analysis: The French were able to see Indian behavior only in the light of their own hierarchical social system, where it is natural for the few to command and the many to obey. Social systems that worked on other principles were literally unimaginable.Case 4:Coconut-skatingCase analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture.Case 5:A Black Girl’s IdentityCase analysis: Although we may say that identities are constituted by our communication, itis obvious from the case that we cannot simply choose at any moment what our identity will be regardless of the context. First, we often do not share the recipe for certain identities with others even if we belong to the same ethnicity, gender, or nationality. Understanding this can help us avoid some of the broad assumptions made about groups of people based on the reflective way of thinking. Second, as we learned in the very first chapter, all meaning in communication is to some extent situational. Thus, the context mediates what identities we can choose. Sometimes things one may have no control over, such as age or skin color, are seen as essential parts of how one communicates an identity.Case 6HippiesCase analysis: Hippies could be defined as a subgroup, as the hippies culture tends to be temporary. In modern American society, hippies culture could also find traits, but it has wide spread influence on American value system.Case 7Clean up the Bathroom!Case analysis: Cultural differences decide the two students are going to communicate indifferent ways. The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the others cannot understand you.Case 8:She Has Three HandsThis case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the “harmonious relationship” between them.Case 9:A Piece of CakeThis case wants us to recognize some components of communication. Sender/source refers tothe person who transmits a message. Receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. Context refers to a setting or situation within which communication takes place. In this case, Marilyn and Richard are simultaneously the senders and receivers. And their room, where the communication event happens and which makes the couple feel comfortable and relaxed, is just the context.Case 10:The Place to Have LunchThis case reflects that communication is contextual, which means that communication doesnot happen in isolation and it must happen within a setting or context. Whether this context is quiet or noisy is important to the smoothness of communication. When the communication event is disturbed by noise, the communication can not go smoothly. In this case,Case 11:Making an AppointmentThis case can reflect how culture affects its communication style. Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols,but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. In this case, knowing the communication style of the Americans which is characterized by direct, exacting and instrumental, the exporter manager fulfills his job successfully.Case 12:Why Don’t You Eat the Pizza?This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. In Malaysia, where most people areMuslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and cannot be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American studentputs himself in an embarrassing situation.Case 13:We and They?This case reflects that in intercultural communication, people always regard themselves as thebest group in the world. This is actually inappropriate and should be avoided.Case 14:Perception of WarThis case can reflect different cultures can give different influences on human perception.People can have very different perceptions even on the same object or phenomenon because they have different cultures and are living in the different social realities. In this case, Jim and Olgahave very different attitudes and perceptions towards historical events because their nations’different experiences and histories.Case 15:Observations on a SoldierThis case can reflect the basic model of human perception. Human being is equipped to sensethe outside stimuli and perceive the outside world. And the perception follows a certainmodel—after being gained through the five basic senses, information is processed through selection, organization and interpretation. In this case, Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft did observations on the soldier according to the basic model of human perception. They selected some useful information which they gained from outside world through their five basic senses,organized it in a reasonable logic and then attached meanings to it.Case 16:Different Responses to NoiseThis case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation. No two of people can assume that their sensations are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense the world. So it is very common for them to have totally different sensations even towards the same condition. In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise producedby the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits.Case 17:What Is Black?This case can reflect we have some barriers to accurate perception in intercultural communication. We have the ability to perceive the outside world, but we cannot always get the accurate perceptions, especially when we do the perception on other cultures, we often give the inaccurate and negative perceptions. In this case, on discussing the impersonal color “black”, wegive so many bad and negative meanings while black pupils can give some objective descriptionsand associations about the color. The barriers can include ignoring details, over-generalizing,holding on to preconceptions and stereotypes imposing consistency, preconnecting causes and effects, preferring simple explanations, ignoring circumstances, crediting irrelevant information and focusing on the negative.Case 18:Are Perceptions Always Right?This case can reflect our perceptions on outside world are not always right, especially whenwe do perceptions on other cultures. We usually perceive others according to our own culture.This can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. In this case Pat and Chris gaveinaccurate and negative perceptions on Akira and Michiko just because of theirIrresponsible judgment and they also gave completely positive perceptions on Marie just becauseof their simple expectations. In order to avoid the inaccurate perceptions, we need some skills, including increase your understanding of the perceptual process; increase your observational acuity; recognize the elements to which you attribute meaning; check your perceptions; increase your Awareness of perceptual inaccuracies and compensate for them ;increase your awareness of others’ perceptionsof you; and develop social decentering, empathy, and other-orientation.Case 20:Chinese Hospitality — OverdoneThis case reflects that sometimes people unconsciously assume that people from anotherculture may behave in a way which is similar to theirs. The Chinese usually attach a lot of importance to taking care of their guests. When it comes to a foreign visitor, Chinese hospitality is usually more than what can be understood by a Westerner, who is uncomfortable when he isalways surrounded by people attempting to be kind. Concerning this case, Hong tried to respecther traditions and her friend by doing more than she could really afford to do for Joe's visit, havingno idea that Joe ended up feeling frustrated.Case 21:A Danish Woman in New YorkThis case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference. When communicating withpeople from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat other people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”. In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone, which is common in Denmark, is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is alsoindisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens.Case 22:Ambiguous TimeThis case can reflect ethnocentrism. Cultures train their members to use the categories oftheir own cultural experiences when judging the experiences of people from other cultures. Theywill believe that their culture is the center of the world and their standard should be the role modelfor the rest of the world. Concerning this case, somehow Chinese people have habitually referred12:00 a.m. as the time around lunchtime, making 12 : 00 p.m. midnight. Fortunately, the way theytell other times are the same as that used in the States, so there's usually no misunderstanding between people from the two cultures. However, there is this one difference and Fan learns it by paying a fine since she may hold that her culture is the center of the world.Case 23:Girl-nessThis case can reflect one of the translation problems: the lack of conceptual equivalence,which refers to abstract ideas that may not exist in the same fashion in different languages.Different cultures may attach different meanings to the same thing or person. Concerning this case,we should know what young females call themselves is very different in China from the States. In China, "girl" means someone who is young and single. In a way, it makes a female sound moredesirable to be called a girl rather than a woman. For most people, "woman" means someone who is married and who probably is not young. In fact, most single Chinese females, such as university students, would be insulted to be called "women". While in the West, in formal, public settings, itis customary to call any woman who is past puberty a woman, even though she may not be legally old enough to vote, marry, purchase alcoholic beverages, drive a car, or sign a contract. This terminology became widespread during the "women's liberation movement in the 1960s". The term "'girl" is sometimes interpreted to be demeaning or disrespectful.Case 24:An Unfair DecisionThis case reflects prejudice, which involves an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitudetowards another group of people. In this case, Mr. Bias decided to select someone else, instead of applicant from the country Levadel, for the position. That is just because he holds prejudice towards people from the country Levadel.Case 25:Success StoryOne of the sources of the frustration and misunderstandings that occurred in this case was different notions of what was verbally relevant. In this case, Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. If Mary had been more patient, she would have eventually heard the answer to her question, but she was not really paying attention when it finally came because she felt that Ms. Goshima's comments weren't really relevant to her query.Case 26:Slogans and the Importance of LanguageThe intercultural encounters we experience are not only influenced by language and perceptual differences, and language choice based on restricted and elaborated social situations, but also on language and how it is translated for members of a culture. For many reasons linguistic interpretation and semantics provide the source of numerous misunderstandings. For instance, an insurance company discovered that fires inadvertently occurred because warehouse employees acted carelessly around "empty" barrels of gasoline, although they previously had exercised great caution around "full" drums of gasoline. The terms full and empty seem to mask the real danger in working with gasoline drums. Empty drums are extremely combustible, while full drums pose far less threat. The linguistic perception of the word empty in the general culture signified null or void, but in the work culture of volatile products like gasoline the semantic "interpretation" was disastrous. A story is told of a Christian Scientist who refused to take vitamins, since the recommender described them as "medicine." However, the same person gladly took the vitamins when he was told they were "food."Case 28:Two Different Communication StylesThe dialogue takes place between a young couple who have been dating for a short time. The man is a U.S. student, and the woman is from an Asian culture. Note the misunderstanding that results as a consequence of the use of direct and indirect modes of communication.In all likelihood, Jim is not going to get much of an answer from Michiko. She continues throughout the dialogue using rather general answers to Jim's very specific and direct questionsabout her feelings toward the United States. Michiko might believe that Jim is being far too direct and invading her privacy. Besides, the fact that she has traveled halfway around the world should lie indicative of her desire to be here, right? There must he something about the United States that attracted her. Michiko cannot possibly say something critical about the United States because she would lose face, as would Jim, as a native. She relies on imprecise and indefinite answers.Case 29:MisunderstandingIdioms are simply statements that are not strictly true, but their meaning is understood by a group of people. If you ask what happened to Martha and people say, "She kicked the bucket," it does not mean that she literally did this; it means she died. Just like in the case my student's friend did not literally mean that Shang should get out of the apartment. Idioms are common in all cultures, but when used in intercultural settings they can create a lot of confusion. One potential area of misunderstanding related to idioms is when to use them and with whom. For example, I would not use the "kick the bucket" idiom just any setting or with just any person. If I am talking with my grandmother and I am going to tell her about someone who has died, I may use what is often perceived as a gentler idiom and say the person has "passed away." Understanding the context of when an idiom is appropriate or sensible is part of intercultural knowledge.Case 31:Going Out to EatIn the interaction, Jim is a student at a local university. He was born and raised in the United States. Akira is an exchange student from Japan. Jim and Akira are eating dinner together in a local restaurant. They have known each other for only a short time. Not only is Jim's style of communication overtly personal, but he's also quite direct.Jim is trying to involve Akira in the conversation by relating to him his personal experiencesand preferences. Jim uses the first person "I" no fewer than eleven times and even refers to Akira as "Buddy." Akira never refers to himself in the first person; Akira generally defers to Jim and says little, even addressing Jim as "Mr. Jim." As a foreigner, Akira probably sees Jim as socially superior and uses a formal title. Moreover, rather than talking about his personal preferences, Akira mentions that Japanese people enjoy restaurants.Case 32:What Is Wrong with the Interaction?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication. Nonverbal communication differs according to different cultures. People might have different opinions about the proper space, time, body language and paralanguage. If we don’t pay attention to intercultural nonverbal communication, we will have some misunderstanding and conflict. In this case, Jim (an American), Mitsuko and Akira (two Japanese) belong to totally different cultures; they have very different opinions about the space and body languages. Therefore, Mitsuko and Akira felt uncomfortable when Jim gave some exaggerated body language and kept close space distance in communication.Case 33:Are Americans Indifferent?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication, especially facial expression differ according to different cultures. Compared to most Chinese, Americans like to smile a lot and to have causal and rich facial expressions in their daily lives, even though they have some misfortune. In this case, because of the different opinions about facial expressions in intercultural communication, the American lady talked about her father’s sickness and death in a smiling way to show she still has the optimistic way to treat the future life, which is misunderstood as being indifferent and selfish by the Chinese. Case 34:What Is Sue’ s Problem?This case can reflect nonverbal intercultural communication should be according to thedifferent context, too. Context refers to the actual setting when communication occurs and is also important in nonverbal communication. In this case, Sue knew how to wai and she knew that bowing was generally important in the Thai culture, but, as is so easy to do in a new environment, she forgot to consider the context. Relational hierarchy is very important in Thailand. Sue’s deferential actions may have appropriate in certain settings, but given her status of elder visitor such actions directed toward the children were extremely confusing and uncomfortable for the students and teachers alike.Case 35:A QuarrelThis case can reflect the different use and understanding of silence can influence the actual intercultural communication. Different culture might have different interpretations to the silence. The Eastern culture usually attaches more meanings to silence, while the most western cultures consider silence to be absence of communication and most rude communicative behavior. In this case, Li Hua wanted to provide the opportunity for them to calm down and think about the matters carefully and so she kept silence, while this silence was misunderstood by Smith as the absence of communication and he might think Li Hua looked down upon him and became angrier.Case 36:Don’t Put Your Hand on My ArmThis case can reflect different cultures have different opinions to spatial relations. Different cultures have very different opinions about an individual’s unconsciously structuring the microspace immediately surrounding the physical body. Some cultures can have relatively close distance when communicating while other cultures cannot. Some western cultures consider body touch between people of the same gender to be cultural taboo and a symbol of being homosexual. In this case, Sam is from western cultures and knows the social taboo of body touch very clearly, so he wouldn’t let others misunderstand Mark’s close body distance and touch with him, even though Mark from Chile doesn’t know the cultural taboo at all.Case 37:What’s wrong?This case can reflect different gestures can represent different meanings in different culturesand misuse of some gestures can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. For example, the common “OK” gesture means being good and friendly in some western countries such as USA, while in Latin America it represent something dirty and obscene. Therefore, in this case, the gesture of the American politician is really a disaster and it hurt the people in this Latin American country and also made himself to be unwelcome person.Case 38:An American Librarian’s PuzzleThis case can reflect the meanings shown by facial expressions and gestures differ accordingto different cultures in intercultural communication. For example, the smile in China can convey lots of meaning, such as being friendly and attentive and nodding one’s head in China is not always to say “yes”, sometimes it is just to say “I’m listening.” While in USA, nodding one’s head and smiling is usually to say “yes” and show agreement. Therefore, in this case, the American Librarian misunderstood the Chinese student Zhu Xiaohua’s facial expression and gesture–nodding and smiling and felt quite puzzled.Case 39:Marriage and Social StatusShaheed was disappointed, but he understood the problem and accepted the situation. However, in part because of different worldviews, this story really bothers .many Americans.How many differences in worldviews did you recognize in this experience? I count at leastfive. For example, an American would have felt that the hierarchical nature of the situation that helped to establish the concern in the first place was inherently wrong. Shaheed and thewoman would be seen as equals. In addition, if there were to be any differences betweenthe two, they should have been determined by achievement, not ascribed to the individualsby birth. Third, the decision to go with what is wanted by the families or groups involved is inline with a collectivistic approach rather than an individualistic approach, which would have encouraged each person to do what was best for him- or her-self. Fourth, Shaheed'smother's understanding of the meaning of being served bananas at tea depended entirely onlhe context rather than the verbal message. Many Americans who hear this story worry,about whether Shaheed's mother got the right message. Finally, Americans would tend towant to discuss the issue more, asking, "Why won't this work?" and trying to convincethe young woman's mother that it is okay. This orientation is grounded in using communication primarily as an information source rather than as a social lubricant, which Shaheed's mother did by not threatening the face of the other person or the status quo of the current relationship.Case 40:How Can We Lend Money to Her?It is not unusual for married couples to come into conflict over money or how they relate toin-laws, but in this case it is complicated because there are cultural differences in what is good and bad and what is morally appropriate in this situation. In Germany there are strong norms against borrowing unless you absolutely have to, and then you borrow from a bank and pay it back as quickly as you can. Except for very rare occasions in which a child must borrow from a parent, you would never borrow from family members, because they have enough problems of their own. In contrast, Lao borrowing norms indicate that borrowing is a natural and ongoing part of life. No one has everything they need, so everyone will need to borrow at some time. Buddha has said, "Do good and good will be done to you," so loaning is an honor. Finally, borrowing from an institution is frowned upon because you will not get a good deal and it will look like your family does not care about you.Case 41:Getting FrustratedJay was frustrated in large part because many of the norms he was used to didn't apply inSaudi Arabia, and many Saudi norms did not make sense to him. Much of the business done in Saudi Arabia depends on baksheesh, a type of kickback to a middleman (and it is a man), who facilitates contacts between potential business partners. The middleman is doing a service and expects to get paid for it. The more baksheesh the person gives, the more likely it is that the person will succeed, because the middleman will be sure to treat him very well. Giving baksheesh is a norm in the Saudi business community. In addition, Saudis believe that God gave us multifunctional hands and that the hand is our best tool for eating. However, they are also concerned with hygiene. They reserve the left hand for cleaning themselves and use the right hand for eating. Saudis have a number of norms related to restricting male and female interaction that, within the context of their religious beliefs, make perfect sense but would be very inappropriate to most Westerners.Case 42:Wrong Signal?Ning Tong was not observing the house rules for watching TV, which was probably why he eventually stopped saying anything in the argument. Usually, when a Chinese chooses not to say any more things in an argument, it would mean one or both of the following: the person feels that he/she is wrong; the person wants to stop the argument by not talking any more. The latter would often mean tolerance as one has to resist the impulse of reasoning with the other, especially when one feels he/she is right. When Ning Tong became quite, he was hoping that his silence could stop Tom since Tom would not have anything to respond to.Tom was clearly frustrated at not being able to relax and enjoy some programs connectedwith what is happening back home. Tom probably thought Ning Tong’s decision to stop arguing was “passive aggression”--- making the other person look bad by pretending to be mild-mannered or even not interested---yet not yielding in an argument.Case 43:The Improvement Does Not WorkFollowing their individualistic orientations, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wyman were perfectly comfortable with the idea of creating team leaders within the individual sales groups. However, as Park Young Sam mentions, doing so upset the harmony of the groups, which in turn led to poor performance. In the United States, workers are often motivated by the opportunity for promotion and advancement as this serves the individualistic drive for individual achievement. In collectivistic cultures, however, workers may be motivated by being a part of a cohesive and productive team.Individualism and collectivism are terms that describe whole cultures. But cultures are notpure. Members of collectivist cultures may practice individualistic tendencies while members of individualist cultures may value collectivist ideals. For example, Denmark is a country with both collectivistic and individualistic tendencies. In Denmark, individual freedom is nurtured through a devotion to established traditions and customs. Regarding income and social rank, Danes are staunchly egalitarian. At the same time, however, Danes consider themselves free to be nonconformist and to stand out from the group. In this way, Danes may be at the theoretical midpoint of the individualism and collectivism cultural continuum.Case 44:When Shall We Meet For Dinner?Uncertainty avoidance orientation can be seen in this case. In the dialogue presented below,。



《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross—cultural communication。

In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon。

Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding。

Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist,Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all。

They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen:This is Beijing duck,one of China’s most famous dishes. You’ll love it!Luke:No, thanks。

I don't like duck。

I prefer chicken。

Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don’t know where it went wrong!Tom,Don’t feel so bad. Cheer up,you’ve done your job。

跨文化交际Terms Questions and case答案

跨文化交际Terms Questions and case答案

跨文化交际1.Intercultural communication(跨文化交际)It refers to communication that takes place between people of different culture backgrounds, whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication events.2.Culture (from intercultural communication perspective)It is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. 3.High context (高语境)❖High Context CultureCultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people (or the ones in which most of information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message), are labeled high-context culture.4.Stereotype (文化定势)It refers to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership.5.Taboo(禁忌语)It refers to prohibition of a set of behaviors that should be avoided because they are often offensive and impolite.6.Nonverbal communication (from narrow perspective) (非言语交际)It refers to intentional use of nonspoken symbols to communicate a specific message or the messages sent without using words.7.Chronemics(时间行为)It is the study of how people perceive and use time. Our understanding of time falls under a class of nonverbal communication called chonemics.8.Culture shock(文化休克)It refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.9.Prejudice (文化偏见)It refers to the irrational (非理性的) dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation.10.Euphemism(委婉语)It is taboo’s linguistic counterpart because it substitutes the offensive and disturbing vocabulary.petent CommunicationIt is interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives and is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs.1.Write your opinions about how your current educational setting embodies Chinese culturevalues?2.Summarize the stages of intercultural adaptation in your own words.(1)U-curve PatternHoneymoon Period:Crisis Period:Adjustment Period:Biculturalism Period:(2)W-curve PatternDescribe the process of reverse culture shock.3.Summarize the categories of nonverbal communication and explain what they are briefly.(1)Paralanguage:is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning.(2)Silence:is a form of nonverbal communication that may be interpreted in various ways depending upon the situation, the duration of the silence, and the culture.(3)Chronemics:is the study of how people perceive and use time.(4)Proxemics:refers to the perception and use of space, including territoriality (领地感) and personal space. (5)others:Oculesics、Olfactics、Haptics、Kinesics、Chromatics 、Attire4.Give colors as examples and try to find out the different interpretation of the same colors indifferent cultures.nguage can be a big barrier in the intercultural communication. Try some examples to showhow language can be a problem in the intercultural communication and explain the reasons.(1)Lack of V ocabulary Equivalence(2)Lack of Idiomatic Equivalence(3)Lack of Grammatical-Syntactical Equivalence(4)Lack of Experiential Equivalence:Thanksgiving 文化大革命(5)Lack of Conceptual EquivalenceLanguage is the reflection of culture、values and the environment.6.Summarize the strategies you have learned on how to avoid culture shock and engaged inintercultural adaptation.(1)Study the host culture(2)Study the local environment(3)Learn basic verbal and nonverbal language skills(4)Develop intercultural relationships(5)Maintain an intimate social network(6)Assume the principle of difference/Remember your perceptual context(7)Anticipate failure events1、Coconut-skating (4)The case reflects the characteristics of culture----culture is learned and pervasive.We learn our culture in our early life through the process of socialization. Culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influence the way we think and behave.The Philippine women must have learned this way of mopping from their own culture. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor mopping.2、Why Don’t You Eat The Pizza?(12)This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication.Culture can greatly influence people’s belief, value, norm and social practice. Ignoring cultural differences can affect communication and cause problems.In Malaysia, where most people are Muslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and cannot be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American student puts himself in an embarrassing situation.3、Different Responses to Noise (16)This case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation and perception.No two of people can assume that their sensations and perceptions are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense and perceive the world.In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise produced by the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits.4、Who is the most beautiful woman? (19)This case reflects that people from different cultures have interprete the same sentence “Who is the most beautiful woman at the reception?” differently.Fred is from western culture and his understanding of a beautiful woman focus on the looking only. While in Philippine where power distance is high, people pay more attention to social status, so Manuel thinks the maid should not be considered as a member of the reception.5、A Danish Woman in New York (21)This case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference.Assuming similarities instead of difference refers to the idea that people coming from another culture are more similar to you than they actually are or that another person’s situation is more similar to yours than it in fact is. When communicating with people from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”.In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone which is common in Denmark is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is also indisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens.6、Success Story (25)This case can reflect different communication styles----direct and indirect styles.The direct and indirect styles differ in the extent to which communicators reveal their intentions through their tone of voice and the straightforwardness of their message. In the direct verbal style, statements clearly reveal the speaker’s intentions. In the indirect verbal style, verbal statements tend to hide the speaker’s actual intention. The speaker’s verbal style reflects his or her cultural and personal value.In this case, Mary and Ms. Goshima had very different communication styles. Mary’s tended to be direct while Ms Goshima tended to be indirect. Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. Thus came the communicative problem.7、Are Americans Indifferent? (33)This case can reflect the difference in kinesics(身势语), one of the categories of nonverbal communication, among cultures.The term kinesics refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body position, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relations to communication. Kinesics involves not only the actions but also the cultural interpretation of those actions in relation to the verbal communication uttered simultaneously.In this case, compared to most Chinese, Americans like to smile a lot and to have causal and rich facial expressions in their daily lives, even though they have some misfortune. Because of the different opinions about facial expressions in intercultural communication, the American lady talked about her father’s sickness and death in a smiling way to show she still has the optimistic way to treat the future life, which is misunderstood as being indifferent and selfish by the Chinese.8、Don’t Put Your Hand on My Arm(36)This case can reflect different cultures have different opinions to spatial relations.Different culture s have very different opinions about an individual’s unconsciously structuring the microspace immediately surrounding the physical body. Some cultures can have relatively close distance when communicating while other cultures cannot. Some western cultures consider body touch between people of the same gender to be cultural taboo and a symbol of being homosexual.In this case, Sam is from western cultures and knows the social taboo of body touch very clearly, so he wouldn’t let others misunderstand Martin’s close body distance and touch with him, even though Martin from Chile does not know the cultural taboo at all.9、Getting Frustrated (41)This case can reflect different norms in different cultures.Norms are the socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.In this case, much of the business done in Saudi Arabia depends on a middleman and having a middleman is a norm there. In addition, Saudis believe that God gave us multifunctional hands, and the left one and the right one have different functions. What is more, Saudis have a number of norms related to restricting male and female interactions. All these above make perfect sense to Saudis but not to Jay, an American businessman. Westerners’norms concerning these are totally different. Thus, Jay and Saudis had communicative problems.10、The Improvement Does Not Work(43)This case can reflect one of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientation----relational orientation.Relational orientation has three potential types: individualism, linearity and collaterality.In this case, following their individualistic orientations, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wyman were perfectly comfortable with the idea of creating team leaders within the individual sales groups.However, as Park Young Sam mentions, doing so upset the harmony of the groups, which in turn led to poor performance. In the US, workers are often motivated by the opportunity for promotion and advancement as this serves the individualistic drive for individual achievement. In collectivistic cultures, however, workers may be motivated by being a part of a cohesive and productive team.11、When Shall We Meet for Dinner? (44)This case can reflect one of Hofstede’s value cultural dimensions----uncertainty avoidance.Uncertainty avoidance indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations.In this case, Kelly and Keiko are interacting about a dinner invitation. Kelly, from the US, possesses a relatively low avoidance index, while Keiko, from Japan, comes from a culture with a relatively high avoidance index. Coming from a high uncertainty-avoidant culture, Keiko would prefer to plan ahead to avoid uncertainty and prepare her script for the evening. Kelly, on the other hand, is perfectly comfortable making plans based on how the evening progresses. Without a plan, how will Keiko know how to act?12、A Gift from a Chinese (48)This case can reflect that a rules for gift giving are very different from culture to culture.Chinese people love giving gifts. Usually, the value of the gift is an indication of how important the receiver is in the sender’s eyes. Most people giving gifts are concerned about whether the gift will be seen as valuable enough. An inexpensive gift means a loss of face. Dongxie may have a practical reason in giving the ginseng to his manager, but most Chinese will take it as something usual for a subordinate to do this to a manager out of a sign of respect.North American companies do occasionally receive gifts out of appreciation for the friendship and assistance the manager may provide. Such gifts are treasured; however, the value usually is fairly small, a bottle of wine, a music CD, a small book, or other tokens.13、R efuse to Be Treated (50)This case can reflect culture’s influence on the health care context.In the case just described, the U.S. American medical team system for making sense of the situation demanded that people be seen in order of the seriousness of their injuries or illness. Each person was considered as worthwhile as the next, and so seriousness of injury appeared to be a natural way to determine who was seen first.However, the cultural system working for those on the Virgin Islands demanded that elders be seen and treated first. Their position, age, and wisdom demanded respect. For younger members of the community to go ahead of them in a time of crisis was seen as extremely disrespectful.The conflict centered on efforts by each side to do what they perceived as good and morally responsible. Because the U.S. Americans were in a better position to adapt than an entire community that had just suffered great loss and were under extreme stress, it was good that they were willing to do so. Sadly, this is not always the case.14、Doubts (52)This case can reflect the problems one may encounter during intercultural adaptation. When an individual enters a new culture, he may first experience excitement. But later more serious problems may come to him. When facing these problems, one may fell anxious and not know how to deal with the present situation.In this case, Wu Lian not only encounter language problem, and he also faces a lot of learning difficulties due to cultural differences. And besides, he also meets many difficulties in daily life. All these make him feel uncomfortable and stressed.The only way out for him is to learn more knowledge and skills to conquer these hindrances and become successful in intercultural adaptation.15、Missing China (55)This case can reflect reverse culture shock.When people return home after an extended stay in a foreign culture, they experience another round of culture shock in their native culture and they must proceed through the four stages of the U-curve pattern once again.In this case, John, whose comes from Canada, has been living in China for quite a long time and he has got familiar with the Chinese culture. Therefore, when he returns to Canada, he cannot adapt well to his native culture.。



《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical pianoconcert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike! Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations. Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC"? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication. Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Takethe word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?' Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'postma n’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak English! Answer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG) according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。



《跨文化交际》试题(附答案)Paper 1 Communication AnalysisThe following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.Question 1Case 1:Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant.Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it!Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.Question 2Case 2:Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory.Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong!Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job.Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure.Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music.Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment.Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game.Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment!Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.Question 3Case 3:This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.Jim had never been to China before. Li Zhen took him to a classical pianoconcert performed by a famous Chinese pianist. During the performance people were talking and at one stage someone ran up onto the stage and presented the pianist with a bunch of flowers during the playing of a particular musical item. This happened several times during the evening. It also happened when two singers were on stage singing some songs that he was playing. Jim thought all these things quite strange. At the end of the performance the audience applauded the pianist and he applauded them. The audience began to leave while the pianist remained on the stage.Paper 2 VocabularyChoose one word or expression from those in the box below to fill the gap in each of the sentences. Write the correct words in the spaces provided in your answer sheet. Do not change the forms of the4. After twenty five years working in the bank she decided on a different .5. Finally, after arguing about the meal for five minutes it was decided he would .6. Despite the circumstances of the accident there were still some that needed explanation.7. There are many different used when talking about people's relationships in China.8. "Mike! Meet Jane, the ."9. "Ok, the argument is over. Let's forget it, you know."10. People in English speaking countries also avoid losing face or hurting other people by telling .11. It is difficult for foreigners to understand British pub culture, especially the system of which all members of the group are expected to join in.12. It was a crushing blow to her, a hit when she received the news that her husband had left her for another woman.13. In China there is a real sense of in social situations. Paper 3 TranslationTranslate the following passage from English into Chinese. Please write your translation on the answer sheet.What do we mean by "Intercultural Communications" or "IC"? This is not a description of the popular trend toward talking about international things or going overseas. IC is actually an academic and applied discipline that has developed internationally since the 1950s. Sometimes called "cross-cultural communications" or "comparative culture" , scholars most often use the prefix "inter" with the word "cultural" to describe the interaction between cultures. On one level, IC is represented by culture studies, where we examine the political, economic and lifestyle systems of other countries. On another level, it is applied linguistics, where we seek to understand the relationship between language and culture. Many Chinese English teachers and professors have been interested in this aspect since the 1980s - How to teach English in ways that help students also learn the basic communication practices of Britain, the US or other English speaking countries.But the discipline of Intercultural Communications is actually a broad and well-developed field of study. IC is an interdisciplinary application of fields like cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology (and social psychology), communication studies, applied linguistics and educational pedagogy. IC is a comprehensive attempt to understand all aspects of human cultures and how they interact with each other.To understand Intercultural Communications, we seek to understand tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing. In the last thirty odd years, scholars have developed both theoretical framework for comparing cultures and some practical dimensions for considering the similarity and differences between them. One level of intercultural comparison is Cultural Identity. Another level of comparison is Verbal Communication. Another area receiving much attention is Nonverbal Communication. Paper 4 ReadingPassage 1 Questions 15-20In recent years criticisms have been voiced concerning sexist bias in the English language. It has been argued that some of the vocabulary and grammar we use reflects and reinforces a traditional view of the world as one in which men are dominant and women play a secondary role. Takethe word 'chairman' for example. While this can in fact apply to people of both sexes, it appears to some people to be male-oriented as it ends in 'man'. In the past people taking the role of chairman were exclusively male and the word was obviously originally a compound of 'chair' and 'man'. Many English speakers, however, have ceased to view this word as a compound and no more feel it to be composed of these two units, than they perceive cupboard to be a composite of ' cup' and ' board'. In addition the continued use of chairman might be defended on the grounds that the final syllable is pronounced /m'n/ rather than /mn/, just like the final syllable of woman. Despite such considerations other speakers take a contrary view and are sensitive to the components of which it is made up. They clearly perceive it as a title that perpetuates traditional ideas about the place of women in society. For this reason they seek to replace it with neutral terms such as 'chairperson' or 'chair', so that it is now possible to ask questions such as; 'Who is chair of the committee?' Other changes advocated include the replacement of words such as 'postman', 'fireman' and 'policeman' with more clearly neutral terms such as 'postal worker', fire-fighter' and 'police officer’. There is, however, continuing controversy about how far such language changes should go. Should changes be considered for traditional idioms as 'man in the street' and titles such as 'Peking Man'? What about those words where the male meaning of 'man' is no longer dominant, such as 'manhandle'?To the extent that changes have taken place, they have done so more in the written language and formal pronouncements than in everyday speech. You would be quite likely to read in the paper that 'Postal workers are to receive a pay increase.' But 'Has the postman been?' would be most likely to be heard in informal conversation. Here 'postma n’ remains firmly entrenched in popular usage.The extent to which language reflects and shapes attitudes and behaviors is a matter of conjecture. Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Turkish do not make the kinds of sex distinctions English makes through its system of pronouns, but it would be difficult to maintain that males who speak these languages are less sexist than males who speak English! Answer the following questions according to the above text:15. The general use of the word 'man' added to English words indicates .A. sexual feelingsB. sexual freedomC. sexist ideasD. sexist bias .16. Generally where language and sex are concerned in Britain .A. all people agree change is neededB. some people agree change is neededC. people can't make up their minds on the issueD. people think the issue is unimportant and not serious17. What example does the author give to support a defense of the word 'chairman'?18. What does the author argue for when the example 'manhandle' is given?19. What does the author have to say about the impact of language changes?20. What is the author's argument in the final paragraph?Passage 2 Questions 21-27Can Computers Do a Better Job Rating Stocks?Since May, Charles Schwab has been providing stock ratings to clients using a computerized system that it says tries to remove human bias.In particular, Schwab says, its system is meant to avoid the conflicts of interest that have plagued traditional brokerage firms, whose research analysts have often acted as cheerleaders for companies being courted by their investment bankers."We believe that our single biggest advantage is our objectivity," said Jerry Chafkin, Schwab's executive vice president for investment advice and products. " While the development of the methodology is human, the analysis is being performed systematically and automatically.Though Schwab is perhaps the most prominent financial services company to use a computer-driven rating system, several others, including Value Line and Zacks Investment Research, pick stocks in a similar way.The various systems produce very different ratings of individual stocks, and their ability to outperform a market index fund over time has not been proved conclusively. The verdict is still out as to whether computers do it better than people. What is clear, though, is that the major computerized systems hand out fewer positive stock ratings than do Wall Street analysts, who seem to give them out very generously.People who run computerized selection systems criticize traditional Wall Street analysis as having institutional conflicts of interest, as well as individual bias. "I am very suspicious about opinions and judgments and emotions by humans in individual stock selection," said Samuel Eisenstadt, Value Line's research director.However, the computer-driven stock-picking systems must rely on the selection criteria of their creators. All try to isolate factors that their developers believe have the greatest ability to predict share prices. Most models compare a company9s historical earnings growth with that of other companies. And many track the extent to which earnings have surprised analysts.Many firms use their computer-based stock-rating systems as marketing tools.The designers of these systems say they should be judged on how a group of stocks performs over time. But all the systems assume, as do stock analysts on Wall Street, that superior research, by humans, and analysis can select a group of stocks that will outperform the market averages over the long run.Market analysts say it is too soon to assess the fledgling Schwab system or new models, like Microsoft's year-old Stock-ScouterMark the following statements True (T) / False (F) / Not Given (NG) according to the information provided in the text.Write T, or F or NG on your answer sheet in the spaces provided for questions.21. Charles Schwab is a computer company.22. The method of operation by Schwab is done automatically.23. 'Value Line' and 'Zacks' have similar operating methods to Schwab.24. There is no conclusive proof that computers perform better than humans.25. Wall Street analysts are generous in rating stocks.26. Human beings make value judgments according to the research director of 'Value Line'.27. Analysts are surprised at the growth rate of share prices.答案及评分标准Paper 1: Communication Analysis●The following points should be covered in the analysis.●Award one point for each of the points covered (underlined). Paper 2: Vocabulary●One point for each item.●Answers must be the same as the key.4. vocation5. foot the bill6. grey areas7. kin terms8. trouble and strife 9. live and let live10. white lies 11. buying a round12. below the belt 13. communityPaper 3: Translation14.“跨文化交际”或“IC”是指什么呢?这并不是对于谈论国际事务或出国大潮的描述。

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大学英语跨文化交际所有CASE答案!!!是WORD格式不是PDF格式的!!!Case 1:An Interview in IndiaCase analysis: The case is about an interview between an American program host and anIndian interviewee. They talk about some aspects of Indian culture and the changes occurred these years. The case reflects some basic cultural elements people may find in all cultures: language, family pattern, marriage, wedding ceremony, food and the way to eat food, etc. From this case, guide the students in culture study and culture comparison. The students should realize that there are both similarities and differences in culture. Culture is in fact very dynamic and pervasive. Case 2:White DressCase analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they seethe western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why.Case 3:The French in North AmericaCase analysis: The French were able to see Indian behavior only in the light of their own hierarchical social system, where it is natural for the few to command and the many to obey. Social systems that worked on other principles were literally unimaginable.Case 4:Coconut-skatingCase analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture.Case 5:A Black Girl’s IdentityCase analysis: Although we may say that identities are constituted by our communication, itis obvious from the case that we cannot simply choose at any moment what our identity will be regardless of the context. First, we often do not share the recipe for certain identities with others even if we belong to the same ethnicity, gender, or nationality. Understanding this can help us avoid some of the broad assumptions made about groups of people based on the reflective way of thinking. Second, as we learned in the very first chapter, all meaning in communication is to some extent situational. Thus, the context mediates what identities we can choose. Sometimes things one may have no control over, such as age or skin color, are seen as essential parts of how one communicates an identity.Case 6HippiesCase analysis: Hippies could be defined as a subgroup, as the hippies culture tends to be temporary. In modern American society, hippies culture could also find traits, but it has wide spread influence on American value system.Case 7Clean up the Bathroom!Case analysis: Cultural differences decide the two students are going to communicate indifferent ways. The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the others cannot understand you.Case 8:She Has Three HandsThis case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the “harmonious relationship” between them.Case 9:A Piece of CakeThis case wants us to recognize some components of communication. Sender/source refers tothe person who transmits a message. Receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. Context refers to a setting or situation within which communication takes place. In this case, Marilyn and Richard are simultaneously the senders and receivers. And their room, where the communication event happens and which makes the couple feel comfortable and relaxed, is just the context.Case 10:The Place to Have LunchThis case reflects that communication is contextual, which means that communication doesnot happen in isolation and it must happen within a setting or context. Whether this context is quiet or noisy is important to the smoothness of communication. When the communication event is disturbed by noise, the communication can not go smoothly. In this case,Case 11:Making an AppointmentThis case can reflect how culture affects its communication style. Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols,but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. In this case, knowing the communication style of the Americans which is characterized by direct, exacting and instrumental, the exporter manager fulfills his job successfully.Case 12:Why Don’t You Eat the Pizza?This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. In Malaysia, where most people areMuslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and cannot be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American studentputs himself in an embarrassing situation.Case 13:We and They?This case reflects that in intercultural communication, people always regard themselves as thebest group in the world. This is actually inappropriate and should be avoided.Case 14:Perception of WarThis case can reflect different cultures can give different influences on human perception.People can have very different perceptions even on the same object or phenomenon because they have different cultures and are living in the different social realities. In this case, Jim and Olgahave very different attitudes and perceptions towards historical events because their nations’different experiences and histories.Case 15:Observations on a SoldierThis case can reflect the basic model of human perception. Human being is equipped to sensethe outside stimuli and perceive the outside world. And the perception follows a certainmodel—after being gained through the five basic senses, information is processed through selection, organization and interpretation. In this case, Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft did observations on the soldier according to the basic model of human perception. They selected some useful information which they gained from outside world through their five basic senses,organized it in a reasonable logic and then attached meanings to it.Case 16:Different Responses to NoiseThis case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation. No two of people can assume that their sensations are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense the world. So it is very common for them to have totally different sensations even towards the same condition. In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise producedby the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits.Case 17:What Is Black?This case can reflect we have some barriers to accurate perception in intercultural communication. We have the ability to perceive the outside world, but we cannot always get the accurate perceptions, especially when we do the perception on other cultures, we often give the inaccurate and negative perceptions. In this case, on discussing the impersonal color “black”, wegive so many bad and negative meanings while black pupils can give some objective descriptionsand associations about the color. The barriers can include ignoring details, over-generalizing,holding on to preconceptions and stereotypes imposing consistency, preconnecting causes and effects, preferring simple explanations, ignoring circumstances, crediting irrelevant information and focusing on the negative.Case 18:Are Perceptions Always Right?This case can reflect our perceptions on outside world are not always right, especially whenwe do perceptions on other cultures. We usually perceive others according to our own culture.This can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. In this case Pat and Chris gaveinaccurate and negative perceptions on Akira and Michiko just because of theirIrresponsible judgment and they also gave completely positive perceptions on Marie just becauseof their simple expectations. In order to avoid the inaccurate perceptions, we need some skills, including increase your understanding of the perceptual process; increase your observational acuity; recognize the elements to which you attribute meaning; check your perceptions; increase your Awareness of perceptual inaccuracies and compensate for them ;increase your awareness of others’ perceptionsof you; and develop social decentering, empathy, and other-orientation.Case 20:Chinese Hospitality — OverdoneThis case reflects that sometimes people unconsciously assume that people from anotherculture may behave in a way which is similar to theirs. The Chinese usually attach a lot of importance to taking care of their guests. When it comes to a foreign visitor, Chinese hospitality is usually more than what can be understood by a Westerner, who is uncomfortable when he isalways surrounded by people attempting to be kind. Concerning this case, Hong tried to respecther traditions and her friend by doing more than she could really afford to do for Joe's visit, havingno idea that Joe ended up feeling frustrated.Case 21:A Danish Woman in New YorkThis case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference. When communicating withpeople from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat other people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”. In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone, which is common in Denmark, is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is alsoindisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens.Case 22:Ambiguous TimeThis case can reflect ethnocentrism. Cultures train their members to use the categories oftheir own cultural experiences when judging the experiences of people from other cultures. Theywill believe that their culture is the center of the world and their standard should be the role modelfor the rest of the world. Concerning this case, somehow Chinese people have habitually referred12:00 a.m. as the time around lunchtime, making 12 : 00 p.m. midnight. Fortunately, the way theytell other times are the same as that used in the States, so there's usually no misunderstanding between people from the two cultures. However, there is this one difference and Fan learns it by paying a fine since she may hold that her culture is the center of the world.Case 23:Girl-nessThis case can reflect one of the translation problems: the lack of conceptual equivalence,which refers to abstract ideas that may not exist in the same fashion in different languages.Different cultures may attach different meanings to the same thing or person. Concerning this case,we should know what young females call themselves is very different in China from the States. In China, "girl" means someone who is young and single. In a way, it makes a female sound moredesirable to be called a girl rather than a woman. For most people, "woman" means someone who is married and who probably is not young. In fact, most single Chinese females, such as university students, would be insulted to be called "women". While in the West, in formal, public settings, itis customary to call any woman who is past puberty a woman, even though she may not be legally old enough to vote, marry, purchase alcoholic beverages, drive a car, or sign a contract. This terminology became widespread during the "women's liberation movement in the 1960s". The term "'girl" is sometimes interpreted to be demeaning or disrespectful.Case 24:An Unfair DecisionThis case reflects prejudice, which involves an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitudetowards another group of people. In this case, Mr. Bias decided to select someone else, instead of applicant from the country Levadel, for the position. That is just because he holds prejudice towards people from the country Levadel.Case 25:Success StoryOne of the sources of the frustration and misunderstandings that occurred in this case was different notions of what was verbally relevant. In this case, Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. If Mary had been more patient, she would have eventually heard the answer to her question, but she was not really paying attention when it finally came because she felt that Ms. Goshima's comments weren't really relevant to her query.Case 26:Slogans and the Importance of LanguageThe intercultural encounters we experience are not only influenced by language and perceptual differences, and language choice based on restricted and elaborated social situations, but also on language and how it is translated for members of a culture. For many reasons linguistic interpretation and semantics provide the source of numerous misunderstandings. For instance, an insurance company discovered that fires inadvertently occurred because warehouse employees acted carelessly around "empty" barrels of gasoline, although they previously had exercised great caution around "full" drums of gasoline. The terms full and empty seem to mask the real danger in working with gasoline drums. Empty drums are extremely combustible, while full drums pose far less threat. The linguistic perception of the word empty in the general culture signified null or void, but in the work culture of volatile products like gasoline the semantic "interpretation" was disastrous. A story is told of a Christian Scientist who refused to take vitamins, since the recommender described them as "medicine." However, the same person gladly took the vitamins when he was told they were "food."Case 28:Two Different Communication StylesThe dialogue takes place between a young couple who have been dating for a short time. The man is a U.S. student, and the woman is from an Asian culture. Note the misunderstanding that results as a consequence of the use of direct and indirect modes of communication.In all likelihood, Jim is not going to get much of an answer from Michiko. She continues throughout the dialogue using rather general answers to Jim's very specific and direct questionsabout her feelings toward the United States. Michiko might believe that Jim is being far too direct and invading her privacy. Besides, the fact that she has traveled halfway around the world should lie indicative of her desire to be here, right? There must he something about the United States that attracted her. Michiko cannot possibly say something critical about the United States because she would lose face, as would Jim, as a native. She relies on imprecise and indefinite answers.Case 29:MisunderstandingIdioms are simply statements that are not strictly true, but their meaning is understood by a group of people. If you ask what happened to Martha and people say, "She kicked the bucket," it does not mean that she literally did this; it means she died. Just like in the case my student's friend did not literally mean that Shang should get out of the apartment. Idioms are common in all cultures, but when used in intercultural settings they can create a lot of confusion. One potential area of misunderstanding related to idioms is when to use them and with whom. For example, I would not use the "kick the bucket" idiom just any setting or with just any person. If I am talking with my grandmother and I am going to tell her about someone who has died, I may use what is often perceived as a gentler idiom and say the person has "passed away." Understanding the context of when an idiom is appropriate or sensible is part of intercultural knowledge.Case 31:Going Out to EatIn the interaction, Jim is a student at a local university. He was born and raised in the United States. Akira is an exchange student from Japan. Jim and Akira are eating dinner together in a local restaurant. They have known each other for only a short time. Not only is Jim's style of communication overtly personal, but he's also quite direct.Jim is trying to involve Akira in the conversation by relating to him his personal experiencesand preferences. Jim uses the first person "I" no fewer than eleven times and even refers to Akira as "Buddy." Akira never refers to himself in the first person; Akira generally defers to Jim and says little, even addressing Jim as "Mr. Jim." As a foreigner, Akira probably sees Jim as socially superior and uses a formal title. Moreover, rather than talking about his personal preferences, Akira mentions that Japanese people enjoy restaurants.Case 32:What Is Wrong with the Interaction?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication. Nonverbal communication differs according to different cultures. People might have different opinions about the proper space, time, body language and paralanguage. If we don’t pay attention to intercultural nonverbal communication, we will have some misunderstanding and conflict. In this case, Jim (an American), Mitsuko and Akira (two Japanese) belong to totally different cultures; they have very different opinions about the space and body languages. Therefore, Mitsuko and Akira felt uncomfortable when Jim gave some exaggerated body language and kept close space distance in communication.Case 33:Are Americans Indifferent?This case can reflect different nonverbal communication patterns exist in the actualintercultural communication, especially facial expression differ according to different cultures. Compared to most Chinese, Americans like to smile a lot and to have causal and rich facial expressions in their daily lives, even though they have some misfortune. In this case, because of the different opinions about facial expressions in intercultural communication, the American lady talked about her father’s sickness and death in a smiling way to show she still has the optimistic way to treat the future life, which is misunderstood as being indifferent and selfish by the Chinese. Case 34:What Is Sue’ s Problem?This case can reflect nonverbal intercultural communication should be according to thedifferent context, too. Context refers to the actual setting when communication occurs and is also important in nonverbal communication. In this case, Sue knew how to wai and she knew that bowing was generally important in the Thai culture, but, as is so easy to do in a new environment, she forgot to consider the context. Relational hierarchy is very important in Thailand. Sue’s deferential actions may have appropriate in certain settings, but given her status of elder visitor such actions directed toward the children were extremely confusing and uncomfortable for the students and teachers alike.Case 35:A QuarrelThis case can reflect the different use and understanding of silence can influence the actual intercultural communication. Different culture might have different interpretations to the silence. The Eastern culture usually attaches more meanings to silence, while the most western cultures consider silence to be absence of communication and most rude communicative behavior. In this case, Li Hua wanted to provide the opportunity for them to calm down and think about the matters carefully and so she kept silence, while this silence was misunderstood by Smith as the absence of communication and he might think Li Hua looked down upon him and became angrier.Case 36:Don’t Put Your Hand on My ArmThis case can reflect different cultures have different opinions to spatial relations. Different cultures have very different opinions about an individual’s unconsciously structuring the microspace immediately surrounding the physical body. Some cultures can have relatively close distance when communicating while other cultures cannot. Some western cultures consider body touch between people of the same gender to be cultural taboo and a symbol of being homosexual. In this case, Sam is from western cultures and knows the social taboo of body touch very clearly, so he wouldn’t let others misunderstand Mark’s close body distance and touch with him, even though Mark from Chile doesn’t know the cultural taboo at all.Case 37:What’s wrong?This case can reflect different gestures can represent different meanings in different culturesand misuse of some gestures can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. For example, the common “OK” gesture means being good and friendly in some western countries such as USA, while in Latin America it represent something dirty and obscene. Therefore, in this case, the gesture of the American politician is really a disaster and it hurt the people in this Latin American country and also made himself to be unwelcome person.Case 38:An American Librarian’s PuzzleThis case can reflect the meanings shown by facial expressions and gestures differ accordingto different cultures in intercultural communication. For example, the smile in China can convey lots of meaning, such as being friendly and attentive and nodding one’s head in China is not always to say “yes”, sometimes it is just to say “I’m listening.” While in USA, nodding one’s head and smiling is usually to say “yes” and show agreement. Therefore, in this case, the American Librarian misunderstood the Chinese student Zhu Xiaohua’s facial expression and gesture–nodding and smiling and felt quite puzzled.Case 39:Marriage and Social StatusShaheed was disappointed, but he understood the problem and accepted the situation. However, in part because of different worldviews, this story really bothers .many Americans.How many differences in worldviews did you recognize in this experience? I count at leastfive. For example, an American would have felt that the hierarchical nature of the situation that helped to establish the concern in the first place was inherently wrong. Shaheed and thewoman would be seen as equals. In addition, if there were to be any differences betweenthe two, they should have been determined by achievement, not ascribed to the individualsby birth. Third, the decision to go with what is wanted by the families or groups involved is inline with a collectivistic approach rather than an individualistic approach, which would have encouraged each person to do what was best for him- or her-self. Fourth, Shaheed'smother's understanding of the meaning of being served bananas at tea depended entirely onlhe context rather than the verbal message. Many Americans who hear this story worry,about whether Shaheed's mother got the right message. Finally, Americans would tend towant to discuss the issue more, asking, "Why won't this work?" and trying to convincethe young woman's mother that it is okay. This orientation is grounded in using communication primarily as an information source rather than as a social lubricant, which Shaheed's mother did by not threatening the face of the other person or the status quo of the current relationship.Case 40:How Can We Lend Money to Her?It is not unusual for married couples to come into conflict over money or how they relate toin-laws, but in this case it is complicated because there are cultural differences in what is good and bad and what is morally appropriate in this situation. In Germany there are strong norms against borrowing unless you absolutely have to, and then you borrow from a bank and pay it back as quickly as you can. Except for very rare occasions in which a child must borrow from a parent, you would never borrow from family members, because they have enough problems of their own. In contrast, Lao borrowing norms indicate that borrowing is a natural and ongoing part of life. No one has everything they need, so everyone will need to borrow at some time. Buddha has said, "Do good and good will be done to you," so loaning is an honor. Finally, borrowing from an institution is frowned upon because you will not get a good deal and it will look like your family does not care about you.Case 41:Getting FrustratedJay was frustrated in large part because many of the norms he was used to didn't apply inSaudi Arabia, and many Saudi norms did not make sense to him. Much of the business done in Saudi Arabia depends on baksheesh, a type of kickback to a middleman (and it is a man), who facilitates contacts between potential business partners. The middleman is doing a service and expects to get paid for it. The more baksheesh the person gives, the more likely it is that the person will succeed, because the middleman will be sure to treat him very well. Giving baksheesh is a norm in the Saudi business community. In addition, Saudis believe that God gave us multifunctional hands and that the hand is our best tool for eating. However, they are also concerned with hygiene. They reserve the left hand for cleaning themselves and use the right hand for eating. Saudis have a number of norms related to restricting male and female interaction that, within the context of their religious beliefs, make perfect sense but would be very inappropriate to most Westerners.Case 42:Wrong Signal?Ning Tong was not observing the house rules for watching TV, which was probably why he eventually stopped saying anything in the argument. Usually, when a Chinese chooses not to say any more things in an argument, it would mean one or both of the following: the person feels that he/she is wrong; the person wants to stop the argument by not talking any more. The latter would often mean tolerance as one has to resist the impulse of reasoning with the other, especially when one feels he/she is right. When Ning Tong became quite, he was hoping that his silence could stop Tom since Tom would not have anything to respond to.Tom was clearly frustrated at not being able to relax and enjoy some programs connectedwith what is happening back home. Tom probably thought Ning Tong’s decision to stop arguing was “passive aggression”--- making the other person look bad by pretending to be mild-mannered or even not interested---yet not yielding in an argument.Case 43:The Improvement Does Not WorkFollowing their individualistic orientations, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Wyman were perfectly comfortable with the idea of creating team leaders within the individual sales groups. However, as Park Young Sam mentions, doing so upset the harmony of the groups, which in turn led to poor performance. In the United States, workers are often motivated by the opportunity for promotion and advancement as this serves the individualistic drive for individual achievement. In collectivistic cultures, however, workers may be motivated by being a part of a cohesive and productive team.Individualism and collectivism are terms that describe whole cultures. But cultures are notpure. Members of collectivist cultures may practice individualistic tendencies while members of individualist cultures may value collectivist ideals. For example, Denmark is a country with both collectivistic and individualistic tendencies. In Denmark, individual freedom is nurtured through a devotion to established traditions and customs. Regarding income and social rank, Danes are staunchly egalitarian. At the same time, however, Danes consider themselves free to be nonconformist and to stand out from the group. In this way, Danes may be at the theoretical midpoint of the individualism and collectivism cultural continuum.Case 44:When Shall We Meet For Dinner?Uncertainty avoidance orientation can be seen in this case. In the dialogue presented below,。
