
最常用动词100个1.go on 继续e up 上来3.get in 上车4.make up 化妆5.take over 接收,接管e out 出来e in 请进8.go down 下去9.work out 想出,得到10.set out 出发11.take up 开始12.get back 回来13.carry out 执行14.sit down 坐下15.turn out 出来16.take on 承担,接受17.give up 放弃18.get up 起来19.look up 抬头看20.carry on 继续21.go up 上去22.get out 出去23.take out 外卖24.set up 建立e down 下来26.put down 放下27.put up 建造,搭起28.turn up 调大29.get on 上车30.bring up 养育,抚养31.bring in 带进来32.look back 回顾过去33.look down 往下看34.bring back 带回来35.pick up 接电话36.break down 崩溃37.take off 起飞38.go off 走开39.bring about 引起,导致40.go in 进去41.set off 出发42.put out 熄灭43.look out 当心44.take back 收回45.hold up 等等46.go back 回去47.get down 趴下48.hold out 坚持住49.put on 穿上50.bring out 拿出51.move on 继续52.turn back 往回走53.put back 放回去54.go round 绕过去55.break up 分手e along 来吧e back 回来58.sit up 坐起来,坐直59.turn round 转身60.get in 上车e round 过来62.make out 辨认出,看出63.get off 下车64.turn down 调低65.bring down 打倒e over 过来67.break out 爆发68.go out 出去69.go over 过去70.turn over 翻过来71.go through 通过72.hold on 等等73.pick out 挑选74.sit back 坐下75.hold back 忍住76.put in 花费,投入77.move in 搬进来78.look around 环顾四周79.point out 指出80.take down 取下81.put off 推迟e about 来吧83.go along 去吧84.look round 环顾四周85.set about 开始86.turn off 关掉87.give in 让步88.move out 搬出去e through 安然渡过90.find out 找出答案91.move back 后退92.break off 中断93.get through 接通94.give out 分发e off 下来96.take in 收留,收容97.give back 归还98.set down 坐下99.move up )挪动,靠拢100.turn around 转身。

1. Be - 表示存在或状态。
例如:I am a student.(我是一名学生。
)2. Have - 表示拥有。
例如:She has a car.(她有一辆车。
)3. Do - 表示做某事。
例如:We do homework every day.(我们每天做作业。
)4. Go - 表示去某地或进行某种活动。
例如:They go to school.(他们去上学。
)5. Come - 表示来到某地。
例如:He comes from Canada.(他来自加拿大。
)6. See - 表示看见。
例如:I see a bird in the tree.(我看见树上有一只鸟。
)7. Say - 表示说。
例如:She says "Hello" to me.(她对我说“你好”。
)8. Get - 表示得到或到达。
例如:I get up at 7 a.m.(我早上7点起床。
)9. Make - 表示制造或使成为。
例如:He makes a cake.(他做了一个蛋糕。
)10. Know - 表示知道。
例如:I know her well.(我非常了解她。
)11. Take - 表示拿或取。
例如:Please take your seat.(请坐下。
)12. Give - 表示给予。
例如:She gives me a book.(她给了我一本书。
)13. Find - 表示找到。
例如:I find my keys.(我找到了我的钥匙。
)14. Think - 表示思考。
例如:I think it's a good idea.(我认为这是个好主意。
)15. Tell - 表示告诉。
例如:He tells me the truth.(他告诉我真相。

Don't prop your feet up.
所以我住的地方楼下都会 贴出告示,
Don't prop the door open.
GT 9824
刚来美国时, 我发觉美国的女孩子作风都蛮开放的, 她们在学校时喜欢把 脚跷在旁边的椅子上, 或是看电影时就把脚跷在前面的座位上
所以在他们的观念中, prop
GT 9824
6. All things ought to be rolling at 4:30
所有的事情要在 4:30 开始.
All things ought to be rolling at 4:30
To be rolling 就等于 begin, 但是这是相当口语化的 Nhomakorabea个句子.
1. Don't prop your feet up.
1. Don't prop your feet up. 不要把脚跷在椅子上.
Prop up 是支撑的 意思, 如果用手托 著你的头, 这动作
就叫 prop your head up. 蛮实用的.
还有有的时候 我们用东西把 门撑住, 让它 不会自动关起 来, 这个就叫 prop the door.
3. Scoot over. 往旁边靠一点.
Scoot over.
Scoot up 是往前, scoot over 则是往旁边的意思.
GT 9824
scoot over
最常 见的
要请他靠中间一点, 就跟
情况 就是
他说 Can you scoot over? 比如:

700个英语常用动词1. abide;2. accelerate;3. accept;4. accompany;5. accomplish;6. achieve;7. acknowledge;8. acquire;9. act;10. adapt;11. add; 12. address; 13. admire; 14. admit; 15. adopt;16. advise; 17. advocate; 18. affect; 19. Affirm; 20. Age;21. agree; 22. aim; 23. alert; 24. allocate;25. Allow;26. alter; 27. amaze; 28. amend; 29. analyze; 30. announce;31. annoy; 32. answer; 33. anticipate; 34. apologize; 35. appeal;36. appear; 37. applaud; 38. apply; 39. appreciate; 40. approach;41. approve; 42. argue; 43. arise;44. arrange; 45. arrest;46. arrive; 47. articulate; 48. ascend; 49. ask; 50. assemble;51. assert; 52. assess; 53. assign; 54. assist; 55. assume;56. assure; 57. astonish; 58. attach; 59. attack; 60. attain;61. attempt; 62. attend; 63. attract; 64. attribute; 65. augment;66. authenticate; 67. authorize; 68. average; 69. avoid; 70. awake;71. award; 72. back;73. balance;74. ban;75. band;76. bang; 77. bar; 78. beat; 79. beg;80. begin;81. behave;82. believe; 83. belong; 84. bend; 85. bestow;86. bet; 87. bid;88. bill; 89. bind;90. bite;91. blame; 92. bleach; 93. bless; 94. blink; 95. block;96. blossom; 97. blur; 98. blush; 99. board;100. boast;101. boil; 102. bolt; 103. book; 104. boost;105. border;106. borrow; 107. bother; 108. bounce;109. bow;110. boycott;111. brace; 112. brag; 113. brake; 114. branch; 115. brand;116. breathe; 117. breed; 118. brighten; 119. bring; 120. broadcast;121. brush; 122. build; 123. bump; 124. burn; 125. bury;126. burst 127. bury 128. buy 129. buzz 130. calculate;131. call 132. campaign 133. cancel 134. capture 135. care;136. carry; 137. carve; 138. cast; 139. catch; 140. cause;141. celebrate; 142. challenge; 143. change; 144. charge; 145. chase;146. chat; 147. check; 148. cheer; 149. choose; 150. chuckle;151. clarify;152. classify;153. clean; 154. clear; 155. click;156. climb; 157. cling; 158. clock; 159. close; 160. clothe;161. clue; 162. coach; 163. coax; 164. code; 165. collaborate;166. collapse; 167. collect;168. collide; 169. color; 170. come;171. comfort; 172. command; 173. commend; 174. comment; 175. commit;176. communicate; 177. compare; 178. compel; 179. compete; 180. compile;181. complain; 182. complement; 183. complete; 184. complicate; 185. comply;186. compose; 187. comprise; 188. compute; 189. conceive; 190. concentrate;191. concept;192. concern;193. conclude; 194. condense;195. conduct;196. confess; 197. confide; 198. confirm; 199. confront; 200. confuse;201. congratulate;202. conjecture; 203. connect;204. conquer; 205. consign;206. consist; 207. console; 208. consolidate; 209. construct; 210. consult;211. consume; 212. contact; 213. contain; 214. contemplate; 215. contest;216. continue; 217. contract;218. contradict; 219. contrast; 220. contribute;221. control;222. convene; 223. converse; 224. convey; 225. convince;226. cooperate; 227. coordinate; 228. copy; 229. correct; 230. correspond;231. cost; 232. counsel; 233. count;234. couple; 235. cover;236. cradle; 237. crack; 238. craft; 239. cram; 240. crash;241. crawl; 242. create; 243. credit; 244. creep; 245. criticize;246. cross; 247. crowd; 248. crush; 249. cry; 250. cultivate;251. curb; 252. cure; 253. curl; 254. curve; 255. cut;256. cycle; 257. damage; 258. dance; 259. dare; 260. darken;261. dash; 262. deal; 263. debate; 264. decay; 265. deceive;266. decide; 267. declare;268. decline; 269. decorate; 270. decrease;271. dedicate; 272. deem; 273. degrade; 274. delay; 275. delete;276. deliver; 277. demand; 278. demonstrate; 279. denounce; 280. deny281. depart; 282. depend; 283. depict;284. deplete;285. deposit;286. deprive; 287. derive; 288. describe; 289. desert; 290. deserve;291. design; 292. desire; 293. destroy; 294. detach; 295. detect;296. determine; 297. develop; 298. devastate; 299. deviate; 300. devise;301. devote; 302. diagnose; 303. dictate; 304. differ; 305. differentiate;306. diffuse; 307. dig; 308. digest; 309. direct;310. disappear;311. disappoint; 312. disapprove; 313. disarm; 314. disbelieve; 315. discard;316. discharge; 317. discipline; 318. disclose; 319. discontinue; 320. discount;321. discourage; 322. discover; 323. discuss; 324. dislike; 325. dispense;326. disperse; 327. display; 328. dispose; 329. dispute; 330. disrupt;331. dissolve; 332. distinguish; 333. distract; 334. distress; 335. distribute;336. disturb; 337. divert; 338. divide;339. divorce; 340. do;341. document;342. donate; 343. drag; 344. drain; 345. dramatize;346. draw; 347. dream; 348. dress;349. drink; 350. drive;351. drop; 352. drown; 353. dry; 354. duel; 355. dump;356. duplicate; 357. dwell;358. dye; 359. earn;360. eat;361. educate; 362. eliminate; 363. embody; 364. emerge; 365. emphasize;366. employ; 367. empower; 368. empty; 369. embrace; 370. emerge;371. emerge; 372. enable; 373. enact; 374. encircle; 375. enclose;376. encode; 377. encounter; 378. encourage; 379. end; 380. endorse;381. endow; 382. endure; 383. enforce; 384. engage;385. enhance;386. enjoy; 387. enlarge;388. enlighten; 389. enlist; 390. enrich;391. ensure; 392. entertain; 393. entice; 394. entrust; 395. envision;396. epitomize; 397. equal; 398. equip; 399. eradicate; 400. erect;401. escape; 402. establish; 403. estimate;404. evaluate; 405. evaporate;406. evade; 407. even; 408. exaggerate; 409. examine; 410. exceed;411. excite; 412. exclude; 413. excuse; 414. execute; 415. exhaust;416. exhibit;417. exist; 418. exit; 419. expand; 420. expect;421. experience; 422. experiment; 423. explain; 424. explore; 425. express;426. extend; 427. extinguish; 428. extract;429. fabricate; 430. face;431. faint; 432. fake; 433. fall; 434. falsify; 435. familiarize;436. fan; 437. fancy; 438. fasten; 439. father; 440. favor;441. fear; 442. feature; 443. feed; 444. feel; 445. feign;446. fertilize; 447. fetch; 448. fight; 449. file; 450. fill;451. find; 452. finger; 453. finish; 454. fire; 455. firm;456. fit; 457. fix; 458. flash; 459. flavor; 460. flee;461. flog; 462. flood; 463. flourish; 464. flow; 465. flower;466. fluctuate; 467. flush; 468. flutter; 469. focus; 470. fold;471. follow; 472. fool; 473. force; 474. foresee; 475. forget;476. forgive; 477. form; 478. formalize; 479. forsake; 480. found;481. frame; 482. free; 483. freeze; 484. frighten; 485. frustrate;486. fulfill;487. function; 488. fund; 489. furnish; 490. fuse;491. gain; 492. gamble; 493. gather; 494. gaze; 495. generate;496. gesture; 497. get; 498. give; 499. glance; 500. glitter;501. glue; 502. go; 503. govern; 504. grab; 505. grade;506. graduate; 507. grant; 508. grasp; 509. greet; 510. grill;511. grind; 512. grip; 513. grow; 514. guarantee; 515. guard;516. guess; 517. guide; 518. gulp; 519. hammer; 520. hamper;521. hand; 522. handle;523. hang; 524. happen; 525. harass;526. harm; 527. harmonize; 528. harvest; 529. hasten; 530. hatch;531. hate; 532. have; 533. hear; 534. heat; 535. heighten;536. help; 537. hesitate; 538. hide; 539. highlight; 540. hijack;541. hinder; 542. hint; 543. hire; 544. hit; 545. hold;546. honor; 547. hope; 548. horrify; 549. house; 550. hover;551. hug; 552. hum; 553. hunt; 554. hurry; 555. hurt;556. hypnotize; 557. identify; 558. ignore; 559. illuminate; 560. illustrate;561. imagine; 562. imbue; 563. imitate; 564. immerse; 565. impair;566. impede; 567. implant; 568. implement; 569. imply; 570. import;571. impose;572. impress; 573. improve; 574. improvise; 575. impugn;576. inaugurate; 577. incarcerate; 578. incite; 579. include; 580. increase;581. inculcate; 582. indent; 583. indicate; 584. induce; 585. indulge;586. infect; 587. infer; 588. inflict; 589. influence; 590. inform;591. infuriate; 592. inhibit;593. initiate; 594. inject;595. injure;596. innovate; 597. inquire; 598. insert; 599. insist; 600. inspect;601. inspire; 602. install; 603. instigate; 604. instruct; 605. insure;606. integrate; 607. intend; 608. intensify; 609. intercede; 610. intercept;611. interchange; 612. interest; 613. interject; 614. interlace; 615. interlude;616. interpret; 617. interrupt; 618. intersect; 619. intervene; 620. intimidate;621. introduce; 622. invade; 623. invent; 624. inventory; 625. invest;626. invite; 627. involve; 628. irritate; 629. isolate; 630. issue;631. itch; 632. jab; 633. jabber; 634. jack; 635. jam;636. jar; 637. jaw; 638. jazz; 639. jeer; 640. jerk;641. jest; 642. jiggle; 643. jingle; 644. jog; 645. join;646. joke; 647. jolt; 648. journey; 649. judge; 650. juggle;651. jump; 652. justify; 653. keep; 654. kick; 655. kill;656. kiss; 657. knit; 658. knock; 659. know; 660. label;661. labor; 662. lack; 663. lag;664. lament;665. land;666. languish; 667. laugh; 668. launch; 669. lavishly; 670. lay;671. lead; 672. leak; 673. lean; 674. leap; 675. learn;676. lease; 677. leave; 678. lecture; 679. lend; 680. lengthen;681. lessen; 682. let; 683. level; 684. leverage; 685. leap;686. lick;687. lift; 688. light; 689. like; 690. limit;691. linger; 692. listen; 693. list; 694. live; 695. load;696. locate; 697. lock; 698. lodge; 699. loiter; 700. look。

accept 接受I accepted her birthday gift.act 表演;举止Jackie Chen acts in the film.add 添加Please add some water to the bottle.agree 同意I agree with you.allow 允许Mother allows me to go out.answer 回答Can you answer my question?appear 出现;似乎 A problem appeared.arrive 到达We arrived in the afternoon.ask 问He asked a question.avoid 避免Please avoid making mistakes.be 是;正在;被We are students. She is sleeping. They were killed.become 变成,变得It becomes warm.begin 开始Class begins at 9.believe 相信I believe you.break 打破He broke the class.bring 带来Please bring your book tomorrow.build 建造We will build a house.burn 燃烧The fire is burning.buy 买What do you want to buy?call 打电话,叫,喊I will call you in the morning.can 能Can you swim?carry 搬,携带Please carry the desk to the door.catch 抓The boy caught a bird.change 变化Everything changes.check 核对Please check your email.choose 选择Which book will you choose?clean 打扫clean the roomclose 关闭Close the door, please.come 来Come in, please.cost 花费It cost me 5 yuan.consider 考虑I am considering a visit to you.contain 包含It contains 5 pages.continue 继续We will continue to work.control 控制Can you control yourself?could 能She could do that.cover 覆盖The snow covered the flowers.cry 哭Don’t cry!cut 切He cut his finger while cooking.deal 处理;交易I will deal with it.decide 决定We decided to go.describe 描述Can you describe your room?design 设计We designed the cover of the book.develop 发展China is developing very quickly.die 死You will die here.discover 发现He discovered the first man.discuss 讨论We are discussing the plan.do 做What do you do?draw画;拉She is drawing a picture. D raw the desk.dream 做梦He is dreaming.drink 喝What do you want to drink?drive 驾驶Can you drive?drop 丢下,滴Please drop it on the floor.eat 吃How much do you eat?end 结束The meeting ended.enjoy 享受,喜欢He enjoys music.enter进入Please enter the room.expect 期望I expect you to come.explain 解释Can you explain it to me?fail 失败,不及格He failed in the exam.fall 下降;跌倒The raining is falling.feel 感觉Do you feel happy?fight 打架;战斗They are fighting for food.fill 填充,填满Please fill the bottle with milk.find 找到Find out the person.finish 完成We have finished it.fly 飞Birds can fly.follow 跟随,跟踪Please follow me.forget 忘记Don’t forget it.get 得到,到达The workers get their money every week.give 给Give it to me.go 去go to workgrow 增长,种植,成长The number is growing. Grow trees. You have grown up. guess 猜测Guess my age.hang 挂,吊Hang your clothes there.happen 发生What happened?have 有,吃喝玩乐;一直,已经;使,让Have a book. I have lived here since 1990.have your hair cuthear 听见Can you hear me?help 帮助help you with your Englishhit 打,撞He hit his car into a tree.hold 抓住;容纳hold the ball. The room can hold 500 people.hope 希望I hope you can come.hurt 伤害,疼You hurt me. My head hurts.improve 提高improve our livesinclude 包含,包括The book includes 10 parts.increase 增加The number is increasing.join 加入Please join us to go to the part.keep 保持,保存Clothes keep us warm. I will keep the money for my son. kill 杀kill the birdknow 知道Do you know me?laugh 笑He laughed at me.lay 放置;产卵Please lay the book on the desk.lead 代领,领导He is leading the team.learn学习learn Englishleave 离开Close the door before you leave.let 让Let me have a look.lie 说谎;躺,位于He is lying. Being lies in the north of China.like 喜欢Do you like it?listen 听listen to musiclive 居住live herelook 看look at melose 输,失去We will lose the game. I lost me key.love 爱I love you.make 制作make a cake for youmay 可能,可以He may come tomorrow.mean 意思是;意味着What do you mean?meet 见面We meet everyday.might 也许It might rain tomorrow.miss 思念;错过I miss you very much. We missed the train.move 移动Don’t move.must 必须;肯定You must work hard.need 需要We need you.occur 发生What occurred to you?offer 提供The company offered me a job.open 打开Open the door.pass 通过pass the exam.pay 付钱I will pay for the food.perform 表演They are performing in Beijing.pick 挑,捡Pick up your bag.plan 计划They plan to go.play 玩儿play footballpoint 指(向)He pointed at me.prepare 准备We are preparing for the exam.prefer 更喜欢I prefer apples to oranges.produce 生产They produce 1,000 cars last week.protect 保护The glasses will protect your eyes.prove 证明It proves to be right.provide 提供Can you provide some jobs to us?pull 拉Pull the door.push 推push the doorput 放,放置put it hereraise 提高;养(动物、家等);抬高raise your hands. Raise animals. Raise family reach 到达We reached in the morning.read 读Can you read in English?realize 意识到;实现We realized we were wrong. Realize your dream. receive 收到I received a letter from her.reduce 减少,降低We should reduce the price.remain 仍然It remains to be seen. 有待观察。

accept[əkˈsept]接受act [ækt] 表演;举止add [æd]添加agree [əˈgri:]同意allow[əˈlaʊ]允许answer[ˈɑ:nsə(r)]回答appear[əˈpɪə(r)]出现;似乎arrive[əˈraɪv]到达ask[ɑ:sk]问avoid[əˈvɔɪd]避免be[bi]是;正在;被become[bɪˈkʌm]变成,变得begin[bɪˈgɪn]开始believe [bɪˈli:v]相信break[breɪk]打破bring[brɪŋ]带来build [bɪld]建造burn[bɜ:n]燃烧buy[baɪ]买call[kɔ:l]打电话,叫,喊can[kæn]能carry[ˈkæri]搬,携带catch[kætʃ]抓change[tʃeɪndʒ]变化check[tʃek]核对choose[tʃu:z]选择clean[kli:n]打扫close[kləʊz]关闭come[kʌm]来cost[kɒst]花费consider[kənˈsɪdə(r)]考虑contain[kənˈteɪn]包含continue[kənˈtɪnju:]继续control[kənˈtrəʊl]控制could[kəd]能cover[ˈkʌvə(r)] 覆盖cry[kraɪ]哭cut[kʌt]切deal[di:l]处理;交易decide[dɪˈsaɪd]决定describe[dɪˈskraɪb]描述design[dɪˈzaɪn]设计develop[dɪˈveləp]发展die[daɪ]死discover[dɪˈskʌvə(r)]发现discuss[dɪˈskʌs]讨论do[du]做draw[drɔ:]画;拉dream[dri:m]做梦drink[drɪŋk]喝drive[draɪv]驾驶drop[drɒp]丢下,滴eat[i:t]吃end[end]结束enjoy[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]享受,喜欢enter[ˈentə(r)]进入expect[ɪkˈspekt]期望explain[ɪkˈspleɪn]解释fail[feɪl]失败,不及格fall[fɔ:l]下降;跌倒feel[fi:l]感觉fight[faɪt]打架;战斗fill[fɪl]填充,填满find[faɪnd]找到finish[ˈfɪnɪʃ]完成fly[flaɪ]飞follow[ˈfɒləʊ]跟随,跟踪forget[fəˈget]忘记get[get]得到,到达give[gɪv]给go[gəʊ]去grow[grəʊ]增长,种植,成长up[ʌp]增加.guess[ges]猜测hang[hæŋ] 挂,吊happen[ˈhæpən]发生have[həv]有,吃喝玩乐;一直,已经;使,让hear[hɪə(r)]听见help[help]帮助hit[hɪt]打,撞hold[həʊld] 抓住;容纳hope[həʊp]希望hurt [hɜ:t]伤害,疼improve[ɪmˈpru:v]提高include[ɪnˈklu:d]包含,包括increase[ɪnˈkri:s]增加join[dʒɔɪn]加入keep[ki:p]保持,保存kill[kɪl]杀know[nəʊ]知道laugh[lɑ:f]笑lay[leɪ]放置;产卵lead[li:d]代领,领导learn[lɜ:n]学习leave[li:v]离开let[let]让lie[laɪ]说谎;躺,位于like[laɪk]喜欢listen[ˈlɪsn]听live[lɪv]居住look[lʊk]看lose[lu:z]输,失去love[lʌv]爱make[meɪk] 制作may[meɪ]可能,可以mean[mi:n]意思是;意味着meet[mi:t] 见面might[maɪt]也许miss[mɪs]思念;错过move[mu:v]移动must [məst]必须;肯定need[ni:d] 需要occur[əˈkɜ:(r)]发生offer[ˈɒfə(r)] 提供open[ˈəʊpən]打开pass[pɑ:s]通过pay[peɪ]付钱perform[pəˈfɔ:m]表演pick[pɪk]挑,捡plan[plæn]计划play[pleɪ]玩儿point[pɔɪnt]指(向)prepare[prɪˈpeə(r)]准备prefer[prɪˈfɜ:(r)]更喜欢produce[prəˈdju:s]生产protect[prəˈtekt]保护prove[pru:v]证明provide [prəˈvaɪd]提供pull[pʊl] 拉push[pʊʃ]推put[pʊt]放,放置raise[reɪz]提高;养(动物、家等);抬高reach[ri:tʃ]到达.read[ri:d]读realize[ˈri:əlaɪz]意识到;实现receive[rɪˈsi:v]收到reduce[rɪˈdju:s]减少,降低remain[rɪˈmeɪn]仍然remember[rɪˈmembə(r)]记得remove[rɪˈmu:v]移除,除掉report[rɪˈpɔ:t]报告require[rɪˈkwaɪə(r)]要求return[rɪˈtɜ:n]归还,回来rise[raɪz]上升ride[raɪd]骑,乘车ring[rɪŋ]打电话;响铃,敲钟run[rʌn]跑save[seɪv]挽救;保存say[seɪ]说see[si:]看到seem[si:m]似乎sell[sel]卖send[send]送,发送serve[sɜ:v]提供set[set]设置shake[ʃeɪk]摇,震shoot[ʃu:t]射击should[ʃʊd]应该show[ʃəʊ]给……看,表演shut[ʃʌt]关闭,关sing[sɪŋ]唱歌sit[sɪt]坐sleep[sli:p]睡眠Smell[smel]闻,闻起来sound[saʊnd]听起来speak[spi:k]讲话,说spend[spend]花费stand[stænd]站立start[stɑ:t]开始stay[steɪ]待在……,住在steal[sti:l]偷stop[stɒp]停止study[ˈstʌdi]学习suggest[səˈdʒest]建议support[səˈpɔ:t]支持swim[swɪm]游泳take[teɪk]带走;花费talk[tɔ:k]交谈,说话teach[ti:tʃ]教tell[tel]告诉,讲(故事)thank[θæŋk]感谢think[θɪŋk]想throw[θrəʊ]扔treat[tri:t]治疗;对待try[traɪ]尝试,努力turn[tɜ:n]旋转understand[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 明白use[ju:s]使用visit[ˈvɪzɪt]拜访,参观wait[weɪt]等walk[wɔ:k]走路want[wɒnt]想watch[wɒtʃ]观看,欣赏wash[wɒʃ]洗wear[weə(r)]穿will[wɪl]将会,将要win[wɪn]赢work[wɜ:k]工作worry[ˈwʌri]担心would[wʊd]将会write[raɪt]写。

英语动词大全100个1. accept –接受2. achieve –实现3. act –表演;行动4. add –添加5. admit –承认6. affect –影响7. afford –负担得起8. agree –同意9. allow –允许10. answer –回答11. apologize –道歉12. appear –出现13. appreciate –欣赏14. ask –询问15. attach –附上16. attend –出席17. avoid –避免18. bake –烘焙19. balance –平衡20. base –基于21. bathe –洗澡22. be –是25. begin –开始26. believe –相信27. belong –属于28. bend –弯曲29. benefit –受益30. bid –出价31. bind –捆绑32. bite –咬33. blame –责备34. blend –混合35. bless –祝福36. boil –煮沸37. bomb –轰炸38. boost –提高升39. bore –使厌烦40. borrow –借41. break –打破42. breathe –呼吸43. bring –带来44. brush –刷45. build –建造46. burn –燃烧47. burst –爆裂49. calculate –计算50. call –呼叫51. calm –平静52. camp –露营53. cancel –取消54. carry –携带55. catch –抓住56. cause –导致57. challenge –挑战58. change –改变59. charge –收费60. chase –追逐61. check –检查62. cheer –欢呼63. chew –咀嚼64. choose –选择65. chop –砍66. claim –声称67. clean –清洁68. clear –清除69. climb –爬70. close –关闭71. coach –教练72. collapse –崩溃73. collect –收集84. concern –关系到85. conclude –结论. condemn –谴责87. conduct –进行88. confide –吐露89. confirm –确认90. conflict –冲突91. confuse –使困惑92. connect –连接93. conquer –征服94. consider –考虑95. consist –组成96. consult –咨询97. consume –消费98. contact –联系99. contain –包含100. continue –继续(这份列表涵盖了常用的英语动词,它们是日常交流和学习英语的基础。

英语十大动词介绍1. 说 (Say)- 含义:表示用口头表达或传达信息或思想。
- 例句:他对我说他很喜欢这部电影。
- 同义词:讲、述说、说话。
2. 做 (Do)- 含义:表示进行某种活动或执行某种动作。
- 例句:我今天要做很多工作。
- 同义词:干、执行、从事。
3. 有 (Have)- 含义:表示拥有或存在某种事物。
- 例句:我有一辆新车。
- 同义词:持有、拥有、具备。
4. 能 (Can)- 含义:表示能够做某事或具备某种能力。
- 例句:我能帮你完成这项任务。
- 同义词:可以、有能力、会。
5. 去 (Go)- 含义:表示离开或移动到某个地方。
- 例句:我经常去公园散步。
- 同义词:走、去往、前往。
6. 得到 (Get)- 含义:表示获得或取得某种事物。
- 例句:他终于得到了他一直想要的工作。
- 同义词:取得、获得、收到。
7. 看 (See)- 含义:表示用眼睛观察或察看某物。
- 例句:我看到了一只小猫在花园里玩耍。
- 同义词:观看、望、瞧。
8. 知道 (Know)- 含义:表示了解或掌握某种信息。
- 例句:我知道今天是你的生日。
- 同义词:理解、认识、晓得。
9. 想 (Think)- 含义:表示思考或认为某事。
- 例句:我想明天会下雨。
- 同义词:思考、考虑、认为。
10. 爱 (Love)- 含义:表示深情地喜欢或在感情上关心某人或某物。
- 例句:我爱我的家人。
- 同义词:喜爱、热爱、钟爱。

1. be(是,存在)例如:I am a student.(我是一名学生。
)2. have(有)例如:I have a dog.(我有一只狗。
)3. do(做)例如:He always does his homework.(他总是做他的作业。
)4. say(说)例如:She said she would come tomorrow.(她说她明天会来。
)5. go(去)例如:They are going to the beach this weekend.(他们这个周末去海滩。
)6. can(能,会)例如:I can swim well.(我会游泳。
)7. get(得到)例如:I get up at 6 every morning.(我每天早上6点起床。
)8. make(做,制作)例如:My mom makes great cookies.(我妈妈做的饼干很好吃。
)9. know(知道)例如:He knows a lot about computers.(他对计算机很了解。
)10. take(拿,取)例如:Can you take this to the post office?(你能把这个带到邮局吗?)11. see(看见)例如:I can see the mountains from my window.(我从窗口可以看到山脉。
)12. come(来)例如:He comes from Canada.(他来自加拿大。
)13. think(想,认为)例如:I think it’s going to rain today.(我认为今天会下雨。
)14. look(看)例如:She looked at me and smiled.(她看着我笑了。


常用英语口语动词日常生活:1.Wake up ——起床Are you an early bird? What time do you usually wake up?2.Get dressed ——穿衣服I usually get dressed quickly in the morning before leaving for work.3.Brush teeth ——刷牙Don’t forget to brush your teeth before going to bed!4.Wash face ——洗脸I always wash my face with cold water in the morning to wake myself up.5.Have breakfast ——吃早餐Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don’t skip it!6.Go to work ——上班I take the subway to go to work every day.7.Have lunch ——吃午餐I usually have a sandwich for lunch, how about you?8.Finish work ——下班I finish work at 6 pm and go to the gym afterwards.9.Exercise ——运动Exercising regularly is good for your health.10.Go shopping ——购物I love going shopping on weekends, especially for clothes and shoes.社交场合:1.Make friends ——交朋友It’s easy to make friends if you have common interests.2.Attend a party ——参加派对I’m going to attend a birthday party next week, what should I wear?3.Dance ——跳舞Do you like dancing? I’m not very good at it.4.Chat with someone ——与某人聊天It’s always nice to chat with someone who has a good sense of humor.5.Have a drink ——喝一杯Let’s have a drink to celebrate your promotion!6.Tell a joke ——讲笑话I’m not good at telling jokes, but I can make you laugh with my silly faces.7.Have a good time ——玩得愉快We had a good time at the concert last night, the music was amazing!8.Say goodbye ——告别It’s time to say goodbye, see you soon!旅游相关:1.Plan a trip ——计划旅游I’m planning a trip to Thailand next summer, have you been there before?2.Pack a suitcase ——打包行李Don’t forget to pack your sunscreen and hat for the beach.3.Take a flight ——乘飞机I’m afraid of flying, but I have to take a flight to get to my destination.4.Explore a city ——探索城市I love exploring new cities and trying local food.5.Take photos ——拍照I always take photos to capture the beautifulmoments during my trip.6.Try new things ——尝试新事物I tried scuba diving for the first time, it was an amazing experience!7.Relax on the beach ——在海滩上放松There’s nothing better than relaxing on the beach with a good book and a cold drink.。

1. 表示动作的口语表达在日常对话中,我们常常需要使用动词来描述一个人或物体的动作。
以下是一些常用的表示动作的口语表达:- Do:做,常用于表示一般的动作,如"Do your homework."(做作业)- Make:制作,常用于表示创造或制作某物,如"Make a cake."(做蛋糕)- Take:拿取,常用于表示拿取或带走某物,如"Take a book."(拿一本书)- Give:给予,常用于表示给予某人或某物,如"Give me a pen."(给我一支笔)- Get:获得,常用于表示获得某物,如"Get a new job."(找到一份新工作)- Bring:带来,常用于表示带来某物,如"Bring some snacks."(带些零食过来)- Go:去,常用于表示行动的去向,如"Go to the park."(去公园)- Come:来,常用于表示行动的来处,如"Come here."(来这里)2. 表示状态的口语表达除了动作,动词还可以用来表示一个人或事物的状态。
以下是一些常用的表示状态的口语表达:- Feel:感觉,常用于表示感受或心情,如"I feel happy."(我感觉很开心)- Look:看起来,常用于表示外表或外貌,如"You look beautiful."(你看起来很漂亮)- Sound:听起来,常用于表示声音或听觉印象,如"It sounds interesting."(听起来很有趣)- Smell:闻起来,常用于表示气味或嗅觉印象,如"It smells delicious."(闻起来很香)- Taste:尝起来,常用于表示味道或口味,如"It tastes sweet."(尝起来很甜)- Seem:似乎,常用于表示某事似乎是某种状态,如"It seems difficult."(似乎很困难)- Stay:停留,常用于表示停留在某地或状态,如"Stay at home."(呆在家里)- Sleep:睡觉,常用于表示进入睡眠状态,如"I'm going to sleep."(我要去睡觉)3. 表示喜好和能力的口语表达在表达自己的喜好和能力时,我们也需要使用动词来描述。

一、基础动词1. be(是,成为)2. have(有)3. do(做,干)4. go(去)5. make(使,制作)6. say(说)7. get(得到,获得)8. see(看见)9. know(知道)10. take(拿,带)11. think(思考,认为)12. come(来)13. want(想要)15. find(找到)16. give(给予)17. tell(告诉)18. work(工作)19. call(打电话,称呼)20. try(尝试)二、行为动词1. walk(走)2. run(跑)3. jump(跳)4. swim(游泳)5. dance(跳舞)6. sing(唱歌)7. read(阅读)8. write(写)9. draw(画)11. listen(听)12. cook(烹饪)13. eat(吃)14. drink(喝)15. sleep(睡觉)16. study(学习)17. play(玩耍,演奏)18. ride(骑)19. drive(驾驶)20. work(工作)三、心理状态动词1. like(喜欢)2. love(爱)3. hate(讨厌)4. enjoy(享受,喜欢)5. fear(害怕)6. believe(相信)7. prefer(更喜欢)8. understand(理解)9. feel(感受)10. appreciate(欣赏)11. doubt(怀疑)12. trust(信任)13. hope(希望)14. imagine(想象)15. remember(记得)16. forget(忘记)17. realize(意识到)18. suppose(假设)19. wonder(想知道)20. think(思考)四、交际动词1. ask(问)2. answer(回答)3. talk(交谈)4. speak(说话)5. listen(倾听)6. explain(解释)7. introduce(介绍)8. meet(见面)9. greet(问候)10. invite(邀请)11. apologize(道歉)12. thank(感谢)13. accept(接受)14. refuse(拒绝)15. promise(承诺)16. agree(同意)17. disagree(不同意)18. persuade(劝说)19. negotiate(协商)20. congratulate(祝贺)五、情感动词1. admire(钦佩)2. appreciate(欣赏,感激)3. cherish(珍惜)4. adore(崇拜,喜爱)5. respect(尊重)6. envy(羡慕)7. upset(心烦意乱)8. disappoint(失望)9. surprise(惊讶)10. impress(给人印象深刻)11. delight(高兴,愉快)12. inspire(激励)13. comfort(安慰)14. encourage(鼓励)16. motivate(激励)17. excite(激动)18. frustrate(使沮丧)19. satisfy(满足)20. please(使高兴)六、运动动词1. play(打球,玩耍)2. jog(慢跑)3. sprint(冲刺)4. skate(滑冰)5. ski(滑雪)6. cycle(骑自行车)7. hike(远足)8. climb(攀登)9. lift(举重)10. throw(扔)12. kick(踢)13. punch(揍)14. jump(跳跃)15. skip(跳绳)16. stretch(伸展)17. balance(平衡)18. dive(潜水,跳水)19. row(划船)20. ride(骑车)七、表达动词1. say(说)2. tell(告诉)3. explain(解释)4. describe(描述)5. express(表达)6. claim(声称)7. announce(宣布)8. suggest(建议)9. argue(争论)10. state(陈述)11. mention(提到)12. promise(承诺)13. reply(回复)14. order(点菜,命令)15. ask(询问,要求)16. request(请求)17. offer(提供)18. demand(要求)19. invite(邀请)20. propose(建议)八、思考动词1. think(思考)2. believe(相信)3. consider(考虑)4. ponder(沉思)5. imagine(想象)6. reflect(反思)7. speculate(推测)8. assume(假设)9. guess(猜测)10. suppose(假定)11. judge(判断)12. analyze(分析)13. contemplate(思索)14. doubt(怀疑)15. estimate(估计)16. infer(推断)17. question(质疑)18. weigh(权衡)19. deduce(推导)九、改变动词1. change(改变)2. transform(转化)3. modify(修改)4. adapt(适应)5. adjust(调整)6. evolve(演变)7. convert(转换)8. shift(转移)9. revamp(改进)10. update(更新)11. revolutionize(彻底改变)12. reform(改革)13. renovate(翻新)14. renew(更新)15. enhance(增强)17. develop(发展)18. advance(提升)19. progress(进步)20. innovate(创新)综上所述,以上是一份动词英语词汇大全。

一、通用动词1. Do - 做,执行e.g. He did his homework before going to bed.2. Make - 做,制造e.g. She made a cake for her friend's birthday.3. Go - 去e.g. They often go to the park on weekends.4. Get - 得到,变得e.g. I got a present from my parents.She gets angry easily.5. Take - 拿,带,需要e.g. Can you take this bag for me?It takes time to learn a new language.6. Give - 给予e.g. They gave me a warm welcome.7. Say - 说e.g. He said that he would come to the party.8. Think - 思考,认为e.g. I think it's a good idea.9. Want - 想要e.g. She wants to buy a new car.10. Know - 知道e.g. Do you know his phone number?二、常用动词短语1. Break down - 出故障e.g. My car broke down on the way home.2. Call off - 取消e.g. They called off the meeting due to bad weather.3. Carry out - 执行e.g. The researchers carried out a study on climate change.4. Figure out - 弄清楚e.g. I can't figure out how to solve this math problem.5. Look forward to - 期待e.g. I'm looking forward to our vacation next week.6. Put off - 推迟e.g. They decided to put off the trip until next month.7. Set up - 建立,组织e.g. We need to set up a meeting to discuss this issue.8. Take care of - 照顾,照料e.g. She took care of her sick grandmother.9. Turn on - 打开e.g. Can you turn on the lights, please?10. Give up - 放弃e.g. He refused to give up his dreams.三、学术和专业领域动词1. Analyze - 分析e.g. The researchers analyzed the data to draw conclusions.2. Calculate - 计算e.g. She calculated the total cost of the project.3. Experiment - 做实验e.g. They experimented with different chemicals.4. Publish - 出版,发表e.g. The scientist published his research in a prestigious journal.5. Document - 记录,记录下来e.g. The historian documented the events of the war.6. Investigate - 调查e.g. The police are investigating the crime.7. Observe - 观察e.g. The astronomer observed the stars through a telescope.8. Prove - 证明e.g. The experiment proved that their hypothesis was correct.9. Synthesize - 合成e.g. The chemist synthesized a new compound.10. Theory - 理论,推测e.g. The professor explained the theory in great detail.四、情感和描述性动词1. Admire - 欣赏,钦佩e.g. I admire her talent for playing the piano.2. Appreciate - 感激,赞赏e.g. We appreciate your help.3. Love - 爱e.g. She loves her dog very much.4. Hate - 讨厌,憎恶e.g. I hate doing household chores.5. Enjoy - 享受e.g. They enjoyed their vacation on the beach.6. Despise - 鄙视,看不起e.g. She despises people who lie.7. Adore - 喜爱,崇拜e.g. He adores his little sister.8. Fear - 害怕e.g. I fear spiders.9. Surprise - 惊讶,使吃惊e.g. The news surprised everyone.10. Disappoint - 使失望e.g. He was disappointed with the results.通过学习和掌握这些常用动词及其用法,你的动词表达能力将得到显著提升。

英语常用动词表-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1accept v.认可,接受ache v.痛;哀怜 n.疼痛,酸痛achieve v.完成,达到;获得act v.行动;做add v.加admire v.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩admit v.承认advance v.前进;取得进展adventure v.大胆进行,拿…冒风险advise v.劝告,建议afford v.买得起,担负得起agree v.同意aim v.把…瞄准,把…对准allow v.允许announce v.宣告,宣布annoy v.使恼怒,使生气;打扰,干扰answer n./v.回答;答复 n.答案apologize v.(=apologise)道歉,认错appear v.出现argue vi.争论,辩论vt.说服arrive v.到达ask v.问,询问astonish v.使惊讶;使惊恐attack v.攻击,进攻 n.攻击,进攻; (病) 发作attempt v.企图,试图 n.努力,尝试;企图attend v.出席,参加 (会议等)attract v.吸引 n.标准,规范bake v.烘,烤bathe v.洗澡bear v.生子女;忍受;负担beat v.(连续地) 打,击;打败,战胜become v.变成;成为beg v.乞讨,乞求;恳求,请求begin v.开始believe v.相信,认为belong v.(to) 属于bite (bie,bitten)v.&n.咬,叮blow v.刮,吹体;物体;尸体; (一) 群, (一) 批boil v.沸腾borrow v.借,借人bother v.打扰,麻烦;使烦恼,使难受break n.(课间或工间)休息时间 v.打破,打碎breathe v.呼吸bring v.带来;拿来broadcast v.广播,播送 n.广播,播音brush v.刷,擦build v.建立,修建,建造burn v.烧 (掉),烧毁;烧焦 n.灼伤;烧伤处burst v.爆裂,炸破;突然发生,突然发作bury v.埋葬,葬;掩埋,埋藏buy v.买,购买call vt.叫,称呼;招呼;电话通知 n.电话carry vt.运送catch v.赶,追celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺charge v.收费,索价 n.费用,价格chat v./n.闲谈,聊天check v./n.检查;核对 n.支票cheer v.(使) 振奋; (使) 高兴;欢呼,喝彩choose v.选择clap v.鼓掌,拍手 n.鼓掌;霹雳声clean v.把…弄干净,除去…的污垢clear v.清除climb v.&n.攀登,爬collect v.收集comb v.梳理come v.来comfort v.使舒适;安慰compare v.比较,对照connect v.连接,联系consider v.考虑;认为contain v.包含,含有,容纳continue v.继续,延伸control v.&n.控制,支配;克制,抑制cook v.烹调,煮,做饭等 n.厨师,炊事员copy v.抄写;复印,复制correct v.改正cost v.花费,值 n.价钱,价格,费用cough v.&n.咳嗽cover v.盖,包,掩盖cross v.穿过,越过; (使) 交叉, (使) 相交crowd v.拥挤;挤满cry v.哭,哭泣;叫喊 n.哭,哭声;叫喊,喊声cure v.治疗,治好;纠正,矫正cut v.割,切,剪,削,砍,削减damage v.使受损害,毁坏 n.(声.)损害;赔偿费dance v.跳舞 n.舞蹈;舞会decide v.决定;下决心declare v.断言,宣称;声明,宣布,宣告defeat v.&n.战胜,挫败,击败defend v.保卫,防守;辩护delay 延迟,推迟deliver v.送交,递送;释放,解救;作 (讲演),表达;接生demand v.要求,强令;需要;询问,查问depend v.(on,upon) 依靠,依赖;信赖,相信;决定于,视…而定describe v.形容,描写design v./n.设计desire v.愿望,渴望;要求 n.愿望,欲望destroy v.破坏,摧毁;消灭,扑灭;打破,粉碎determine v.决定;确定;测定develop v.发展devote v.(to) 将…奉献 (给) ;把…专用于,致力于die v.死亡,去世dig (dug,dug)v.掘,挖direct v.(to,at) 把…对准,针对;管理,指导disappoint v.使失望,使扫兴discover v.发现;暴露,显示discovery n.发现discuss v.讨论disturb v.扰乱,弄乱,妨碍;打扰dive v.&n.潜水;跳水do v.做draw v.画,绘制dream v.向往;做梦drill v.操练,训练,练习;钻孔,打钻drink v.喝 n.饮料drive v.开车drop v.(使)滴下;(使)落下;(使)下降 n.滴drown v.淹死;,淹没,浸泡dust v.拂,掸earn v.挣得,赚得,获得eat v.吃effect v.产生 n.结果,效果;影响,作用encourage v.鼓励,支持;助长enjoy v.享受enter v.进入,加入,参加;写入,登记envy v.&n.羡慕,妒忌escape v.&n.逃避,避免examine v.检查,细查,调查;考试exist v.在,存在expect v.期待;预期explain v.解释,说明explode v.爆炸,爆发,破裂exploit v.剥削;利用;开拓,开发,开采express v.表达face v.面对fail v.失败,不及格,未能通过考试fall v.落下;下跌;下降,减弱 n.落下,下降fasten v.扣紧,系;使固定fear v.& n.害怕,恐惧feed v.(fed,fed)喂养,饲养feel v.感觉fetch v.取fight v./n.打仗,斗争,作战,战斗fill v.填find v.看见,发现finish v.结束fit v.合适fix v.固定;安排,决定;修理;整理flash v.闪出亮光,闪现float v.漂浮,漂动flow v.流,流动, n.流动;流量fly v.飞;飞行;乘飞机旅行fold v.折,叠;包,笼罩 n.褶皱follow v.跟随,追随forbid v.禁止,不让,阻止force v.强迫,迫使;推动forget v.忘记forgive v.原谅,宽恕,饶恕form v.形成found v.建立,创立,成立freeze v.(使)冻结;(使)结冰frighten v.使惊恐,吓唬fry v.油煎,油炸gain v.获得,赢得;增加 n.gather v.集合,收集;积累;收割get v.得到;买;到达give v.给glance v.一瞥;扫视 n.一看,一瞥;闪光go v.去graduate v.毕业greet v.致敬;迎接grow v.生长,发育;种植guess v.推测,猜测;相信guide v.引导,指导hang (hung,hung;hanged,hanged)v.吊,悬挂;绞死happen v.发生harvest v.收获,收割hate v.不愿,不喜欢,憎恨hear v.听,听到help v./n.帮助hide v.躲藏,隐藏hire v.&n.雇佣;租借hit v.打击,击中,碰击;达到,完成hold v.容纳;拿,抱,握住;举行,进行hope v./n.希望hurry n./v.赶紧,急忙hurt v.疼痛;刺痛;伤害imagine v.想象improve v.改善,改进increase v.&n.增加,增长,增进insist v.(on) 坚决要求,坚决主张,坚持interrupt v.打断,打扰;断绝,中断introduce v.介绍invite v.邀请join v.接合,结合,连接;加入,参加joke v.说笑话jump v./n.跳keep v.保持;保存;继续kick v.&n.蹋kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)kiss v.&n.吻knock v./n.敲know v.知道;了解lack v.&n.缺乏,缺少last v.持续,延续laugh v.笑,嘲笑lay V.放,搁;下蛋,产卵;铺设,敷设lead v.引导,领导,率领learn v.学,学习leave v.离开,留下lend v.借出let v.让liberate v.解放,使获自由lie v.躺,卧;平放lift v.提起,举起,升起;消散 n.电梯,升降机like v.想要,喜欢 prep.像…,同…一样limit v.限制listen v.听live v.住,生活lock v.锁住,上锁look v.看;看起来,看上去lose v.失败;丢失love v./n.爱,喜爱make vt.做,制造,使得manage v.管理,经营;设法(做到);对待,处理march v.行进,行军 n.行进,行军;进行曲mark v.记分,打分;作标记(记号)marry v.结婚;娶,嫁master v.掌握,精通meet v.见面,相遇mend v.修理,修补mention v.&n.提及,淡到,说起mind v.关心,介意 n.思想,想法miss v.错过;思念,想念;惦念mix v.使混和,混淆,混合n.混合monitor v.监听,监测move v.感动,搬动,移动murder v.&n.谋杀,凶乐nail v.钉,钉住;确定name v.命名need n./v.需要,必要nod v.点(头);点头表示notice v.注意到obey.服从obtain v.获得,得到offend v 冒犯,得罪offer v.提供,出价open, v.打开operate v.操作,运作,动手术owe v.欠(钱)own v.拥有order v 命令,订购,点菜pack v.包装paint n., v.画,涂,上油漆park v. 停放(车)pass v. 通过pause v. 暂停,中止pay v..支付,付款perform v.表演,演出,执行permit v.许可,允许persuade v.说服,劝说pick v.捡,挑选,摘place v.放置plant v.种植,栽培play v.玩,扮演,播放point v. 指向,指出,point outpose v., 摆姿势pour v.灌注,倾泻,流入pray v.祈祷prefer v.更喜欢,宁愿predict v.预知,预言,预报prepare v.准备press v. 压,按,pretend v.假装prevent v.防止,预防print v.打印,印刷produce v.生产,制造promise v.答应,承诺promote v.促进,提升,提拔,升职protect v.保护prove v.证明,证实publish v.出版punish v.惩罚put v.放,摆,安置,表达,提成pursue v.追赶,追求,从事…push v.,.推pull v. 拉quit v.辞职,停止,离开raise v. 生起,提高,筹备,养育,饲养reach v.到达,延伸,伸到,read v.阅读realize v.意识到,实现recall v.回忆,想起receive v. 收到,接收record n., v.记录,录音recognize (BrE also -ise) v.认出,承认,recover v.恢复,痊愈reduce v.减少,缩小refuse v.拒绝register v记录,登记,注册regret v.后悔relax v.放松release v释放,解放,发表rely on v.依赖,依靠remain v.保存,仍然是remind v. 提醒,使…想起remember v记得,记起,回忆,纪念remove v. 移动,移开,rent v. 租repair v.修理,修补repeat v.重复replace v.取代,替换reply n., v.答复,回复represent v.代表,象征require v.需要,要求rescue v. 营救,救援resolve v.决心,决定,解决respect n., v.尊重respond v作出反映,回答,响应rest n., v.休息restrict v.限制,约束retire v.退休reveal v.显示,揭露review n., v.复习,回顾,评论revise v.修改,修订ride v. 骑,乘rid v.: get rid of 使摆脱rise v.上升,升起,增长risk v.冒….风险rob v.打劫,抢夺ruin v.毁灭,破产run v., 跑步,赛跑,行驶,运作,经营rush v.,冲,涌现sail v., 航行save v.挽救,节省say v.说,讲,表示scare v.惊吓,威吓scream v., 尖叫see v.看到,了解,明白seek v.寻找select v.选择,挑选sell v.卖send v.送,寄,发送separate adj., v.分开,隔离serve v.服务,招待set v.放,置,提出settle v.安家,定居sew v.缝shake v.摇动shave v.刮胡子,剃shift v替换,转移,改变shoot v.射击shout v., 喊叫shut v., 关闭sign v.签名sing v.唱sink v.沉下sit v.坐sleep v 睡觉smell v 闻smile v 微笑smoke v 抽烟solve v 解决speak v.说话,说….语言spell v 拼写stand v. 站,忍受stare v., 凝视start v 开始stay v.留下来steal v.偷stretch v.伸展study n., v.学习,研究succeed v 成功supply n., v.补给,供给support n., v.支持,支援,养家swear v.发誓,诅咒sweat n., v.出汗sweep v.打扫swim v.游泳take v.拿,拿走,参加,乘,接受talk v. 谈话taste 品尝teach v. 教,讲授tear 流泪,撕碎tell v.告诉,吩咐,讲述test n., v 测试thank v.感谢think v.想,思考,认为threaten v.威胁throw v. 扔,抛tidy adj., v.收拾,整理trade n., v 交易train n., v. 训练,培训travel v., 旅行,旅游treat v.对待,款待,看待trust n., v.相信,信任try v. 尝试,设法understand v.理解,明白upset v.使心烦use v.使用,利用visit v., 拜访,访问,看望wait v.等待wake (up) v.叫醒,醒来walk v.走路,散步,步行want v.想要,需要wash v. 洗waste v 浪费,消耗watch v 观看,注视,监视wear v. 穿,戴win v.赢,赢得,获胜wish v.希望,愿望,但愿work v 工作,劳动,起作用worry v 担心,忧虑write v. 书写,写作,写,写信,写字11。

英语考试必备10个动词词条1==Catchcatch a cold 感冒;受凉catch fire 着火catch hold of 抓住catch on 流行;领会catch on to 理解catch one’s breath 喘气;休息catch one’s eye 引人注目catch sight of 看见catch up with 赶上2== Comecome along 过来come along with 随同come across 偶尔遇见,偶尔发现come at 袭击;拜见come by 从旁走过come around 到来come into operation 启用come to a standstill 停止come to an end 结束come to light 真相大白;显露come true 梦想成真come up to 达到;符合;不辜负come up with 提出;赶上come a long way 取得进展;明显提高come all the way 远道而来;大老远跑来come in handy 迟早有用come into being 诞生,形成come out of 从(某场所)出来;出自come to one’s mind 想起come to think of it 回头想起come what may 无论如何3==Dodo a favor 帮忙do good to 有益于do harm to 有害于do damage 使受到损失do away with 废除;去掉do over 重做do one’s best 竭尽全力do with 与……有关do without 将就;没……。
也行do dishes 洗碗do the windows 擦窗do the kitchen 收拾厨房do the beds 收拾床铺do one’s teeth 刷牙do one’s face 抹粉do one’s hair 做头发do one’s tie 打领带do an article 写文章do a film 拍电影do the laundry 洗衣服do the washing 洗衣服do a story 报道do errands 差使;杂事do justice to… 公平地评价/对待4==Getget across 穿过;清楚表达;使理解get accustomed to = get used to 习惯于get along 进展;相处;度日get at 暗示get away with 逃脱get bored doing 厌倦做某事get down to 开始处理get hurt 受伤get one’s hopes up 使某人产生希望get even with 扯平get going 开始get hold of 掌握;了解get in the way 挡道get in touch with 与……建立联系get somewhere/nowhere 有(无)进展get off the ground 有所进展;突破get on one’s nerves 使……。

英语动词词汇大全动词在小学英语中一定要学习的,下面为大家介绍英语动词词汇大全,希望能帮到大家!play/plei/玩swim/swim/游泳skate/skeit/溜冰fly/flai/飞jump/dmp/跳walk/w:k/走run/rn/跑climb/klaim/爬fight/fait/打架swing/swi/荡秋千eat/i:t/吃sleep/sli:p/睡觉like/laik/喜欢have/hv/有buy/bai/买take/teik /拍(照),带live/liv/居住teach/ti:t/教go/gu/去study/'stdi/学习learn/l:n/学习sing/si/唱歌dance/dɑ:ns/跳舞row/ru/划read books读书do homework做作业watch TV /wt/ 看电视cook the meals /kuk mi:l/ 烧菜water the flowers /'flau/浇花sweep the floor /swi:p fl:/拖地clean the bedroom /kli:n 'bedrum/清扫房间make the bed铺床叠被set the table /'teibl/摆餐桌wash the clothes /w kluz/洗衣服wash the dishes /di/洗盘子use a puter /km'pju:t/用电脑do morning exercises /'m:ni 'ekssaiz/做早操eat breakfast /i:t 'brekfst/吃早餐eat dinner /'din /吃晚饭go to school去上学have English class上英语课play sports/plei sp:ts/体育运动get up起床climb mountains/klaim 'mauntins/爬山go shopping去购物play the piano /pi'nu/ 弹钢琴visit grandparents /'vizit 'grnd,prnt/拜访祖父母go hiking /haik/ 去远足fly kites /flai kaits/ 放风筝make a snowman /meik 'snu,mn/堆雪人plant trees /plɑ:nt tri:z/ 植树draw pictures /dr: 'piktz/画画cook dinner /kuk 'din/烧晚饭read a book 读书answer the phone/'ɑ:ns fun /接listen to music /'lisn 'mju:zik/听音乐clean the room清扫房间write a letter /rait 'let/ 写信write an e-mail写电子邮件drink water /drik 'w:t/ 喝水take pictures /teik 'pikt/ 拍照片pick up leaves /pik p li:vz/ 摘树叶write a report /rait ri'p:t/ 写报告play chess /tes/ 下棋have a piic /'piknik/ 野餐get to到达ride a bike /raid baik/ 骑自行车play the violin /,vai'lin/ 拉小提琴collect stamps /k'lekt stmp/ 集邮meet/mi:t/ 遇见wele/'welkm/ 欢送thank /θk/ 谢谢work /w:k/ 工作drink /drik/ 喝taste /teist/ 尝smell /smel/ 闻feed /fi:d/ 喂milk /milk/ 挤牛奶look /luk/ 看guess /ges/ 猜help /help/ 帮助pass/pɑ:s/ 传递show/u/展示,给……看use /ju:z/ 用clean /kli:n/ 清扫open/'upn/ 翻开close /kluz/ 关put /put/ 放read /ri:d/ 读,看write /rait/ 写paint /peint/ 画画tell /tel/ 告诉kick /kik/ 踢ride /raid/ 骑stop /stp/ 停wait /weit/ 等find /faind/ 找drive /draiv/ 驾驶fold /fuld/ 折叠send /send/送,寄wash /w/ 洗shine/ain/照耀bee/bi'km/变成feel /fi:l/ 感觉think /θik/ 想fall /f:l/ 掉下leave /li:v/ 离开wake up/weik p/醒过来put on穿上take off 脱下hang up /h p/ 挂起来wear /w/ 穿go home回家go to bed去睡觉play puter games /km'pju:t geims/玩电脑游戏play chess /tes/ 下棋do housework /'hausw:k/ 做家务empty the trash/'empti tr/倒垃圾put away the clothes /klu/放好衣服get off下车take a trip/trip/去郊游read a magazine /,mg'zi:n/读杂志go to the cinema /'sinim/去电影院。
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口语必备动词短语●1.动词+aboutspeak/talk about谈论think about思考care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生set about 着手,开始come about发生hear about听说worry about为...担心2.动词+awaythrow away 扔掉blow away吹走carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散die away逐渐消失pass away 去世wash away冲走take away拿走put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露wear away磨掉,消耗break away摆脱send away让走开turn away把...打发走3.动词+backkeep back隐瞒,忍住hold back控制住call back回电话look back回顾give back归还take back拿回,收回4.动词+forrun for竞选ask for要求得到wait for等候long for渴望care for关心,喜欢search for查找call for要求,需要change for用...换apply for申请seek for寻找stand for代表,表示hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求look for寻找hunt for寻找charge for收费,要价take for误以为...是come for来拿,来取5.动词+downburn down 烧毁take down记下,记录cut down削减,砍倒pass down 传下来calm down平静下来settle down 安家tear down 拆毁,拆除break down坏了,垮了,分解turn down调小,拒绝slow down慢下来put down记下,写下,镇压bring down使...降低,使倒下come down下落,传下6.动词+atcome at 向...袭击run at冲向,向...攻击tear at用力撕stare at凝视glance at匆匆一瞥knock at敲门,窗等smile at冲某人笑aim at向...瞄准wonder at惊讶shout at冲某人嚷嚷work at干...活动研究look at看,注视glare at怒视laugh at嘲笑point at指向strike at向...打击shoot at向...射击call at拜访地点7.动词+fromdiffer from与...不同suffer from受...苦hear from收到...来信die from因...而死keep/stop/prevent from不让...做learn from向...学习date from始于...时候result from由于separate from把...分离开8.动词+ofthink of想到consist of由...组成approve of赞成talk of谈到complain of抱怨dream of梦到speak of 读到die of死于hear of听说become of发生...情况,怎么啦9.动词+offstart off出发set off出发leave off''中断show off炫耀get off下车see off送行put off延期,推迟cut off切断,断绝keep off避开,勿走近knock off把...撞落pay off还清get off脱下衣服等trun/switch off关掉take off脱下,起飞ring off挂断电话come off脱掉,褪色fall off跌落,掉下go off走开,消失,坏了break off打断carry off携走,带走give off散发出10.动词+ondepend on依靠insist on坚持keep/go on继续put on穿上,戴上,上演move on 继续移动,往前走feed on以...为生take on 雇佣,呈现have on穿着look on 旁观rely on依靠carry on继续,进行spend on在...花钱call on拜访live on以...为生bring on使...发展try on试穿pass on传授,传递turn/switch on打开11.动词+outbreak out爆发point out指出pick out选出burst out迸发carry out 执行hold out坚持下去figure out 算出bring out 阐明,使表现出help out救助set out出发,着手wear out穿破,使...疲劳make out 理解,看清楚cross out划掉keep out of使不进入,挡住find out查出,弄明白try out 试用,试验put out 扑灭hand out 散发run out用完let out泄露,发出声音turn out 结果是,生产come out出版,出来leave out省略,删掉work out算出,想出办法等give out散发,分发,用完look out当心,堤防speak out大胆讲出send out发出,派遣go out 熄灭12.动词+ingive in让步bring in引进,使得到收入result in导致join in参加get in收获,进入fill in填写cut in插入look in来访,参观hand in上交drop in拜访succeed in在...获得成功take in接纳,吸收break in强制进入,插话call in召集,来访persist in坚持13.动词+intolook into研究,调查burst into闯入,迸发change into把...变成run into碰到turn into变成divide into把...分成put/translate into把...译成14.动词+overturn over翻倒,细想go over审阅,检查,研究get over克服take over接管,接替fall over跌倒,摔倒think over仔细考虑look over翻阅,检查run over压死,看一遍watch over看守,照看roll over翻滚15.动词+tobelong to属于refer to谈到,涉及,参阅turn to向...求助,查阅see to处理,料理reply to答复object to反对point to指向stick/hold/keep to坚持,忠于come to 共计,苏醒get to到达bring to使苏醒agree to同意supply to为...提供add to增添devote to贡献给compare to与...相比,把...比作write to写信给lead to导致,通向attend to处理16.动词+upgrow up 成长,长大build up建立put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起do up整理,包装,打扮get up起床,站起bring up抚养,呕吐,提出stay up挺住,熬夜sit up熬夜use up用完lay up积蓄cut up切碎end up总结speed up加快速度clear up整理,收拾,放晴burn up烧毁hurry up赶快keep up保持send up发射open up开创,开辟break up分解give up放弃,献出set up架起,建立go up增长,上涨pick up拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到turn up开大,出席,出现take up开始学,从事,占据eat up吃完tear up撕碎make up构成,组成join up联结起来,参军come up上来,长出,出现throw up呕吐look up查找,找出catch up赶上fix up修理,安排,装置hold up耽搁,使停顿ring up打电话divide up分配17.动词+throughget through通过,干完,接通电话go through审阅,检查,学习see through识破pull through渡过危机,康复look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看put through接通电话check through核对18.动词+withdeal with处理,对付meet with遇到,遭受agree with同意,与...一致combine with与...相联合do with处理,需要talk with同...交流compare with与...相比equip with以...装备cover with用...覆盖end with以...结束provide with 以...供给begin with以...开始supply with以...供给play with 玩,玩弄19.三词以上的短语动词add up to总计keep away fro避开,别靠近mlook down on 轻视put up with忍受keep up with 赶上make up for弥补get on/along with和...相处get close to接近get out of逃避,避免set fire to放火烧take notice of注意do well in在...干得好take a photo of拍...照片make fun of开玩笑,取笑get used to习惯于keep in touch with保持联系come into being出现take pride in为...而自豪take an interest in对...感兴趣make a fool of愚弄take charge of负责make friends with同...交朋友take part in参加catch sight of看见break away from摆脱do away with废除look up to仰望,尊敬catch up with 赶上run out of用完go on with继续look forward to盼望take hold of握住get down to认真开始pay attention to注意set an example to为...树立榜样pay a visit to访问take the place of取代make use of利用get into the habit of染上...的习惯get rid of摆脱keep an eye on堤防take care of照看help oneself to随便吃,用make room for给...让地方take advantage of利用take pity on可怜play a part in 起作用,扮演...的角色lose sight of看不见●(一)由be构成的词组1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at home/work 在家/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举9)be born 出生10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着11)be able to do sth. 能够做……12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)15)be famous for 以……而著名16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求17)be from 来自……,什么地方人18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了19)be worried 担忧20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……22)be in (great) need of (很)需要23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……25)be late for ……迟到26)be made of (from) 由……制成27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意28)be free 空闲的,有空29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in 进入,进来4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来5)come out出来6)come out of 从……出来7)come up 上来8)come from 来自……9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业10)do more speaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读11)do one's best 尽力12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)do morning exercises 做早操15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操16)do well in 在……某方面干得好17)get up 起身18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)21)get back 返回22)get rid of 除掉,去除23)get in 进入,收集24)get on/off 上/下车25)get to 到达26)get there 到达那里27)give sb. a call 给……打电话28)give a talk 作报告29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)give back 归还,送回31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告32)give lessons to 给……上课33)give in 屈服34)give up 放弃35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)go to the cinema 看电影39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)45)go round 顺便去,绕道走46)go up 上去47)go out for a walk 外出散步48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)have dictation 听见55)have a try 试一试56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)have a dinner 吃正餐63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have (have got) a headache 头痛65)have a fever 发烧66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)67)have a look (at) 看一看……68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)have a talk 谈话70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步71)have sports 进行体育锻炼72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会73)have something done 让人(请人)做……74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试75)have an idea 有了个主意76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)77)have a word with 与……谈几句话78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)help each other 互相帮助81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静83)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……84)keep one's diary 记日记85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)make a living 谋生87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸89)make friends (with)与……交朋友90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句93)make a fire 生火94)be made from/of 由……制成95)be made in 在……地方制造96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典98)look up 往上看,仰望99)look after 照管,照看,照顾100)look for 寻找101)look like 看上去像102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)look out 当心,小心104)look on …as… 把……当作……看待105)look around 朝四周看106)look at 看着……107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109)put into 使进入,输入110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于111)put…down… 把……放下112)put…into… 把……译成113)set up 竖起,建起114)set off 出发,动身115)set out 出发116)set an example for 为……树立榜样117)send for 派人去请(叫)118)send out 放出,发出119)end up 把……往上送,发射120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告121)take out 拿出,取出122)take down 拿下123)take place 发生124)take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)take the place of 代替……126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息127)take it easy 别紧张128)take sth.with sb. 随身带着129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)132)take an exam 参加考试133)take away 拿走134)take back 收回,带回135)take hold of 抓住……136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动) 138)take photos 拍照139)take some medicine 服药140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等) 142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turn in 交出,上交144)turn…into… 变成145)turn to 翻到,转向146)turn down (把音量)调低147)turn…over 把……翻过来148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球149)play games 做游戏150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)play with snow 玩雪152)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)think over 仔细考虑154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处155)eat up 吃完,吃光156)do well in 在……干得好157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)159)finish off 吃完,喝完160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事162)hold a meting 举行会议163)hold up 举起164)hurry up 赶快,快点165)enter for 报名参加166)langht at 嘲笑167)be used to 习惯于168)used to 过去常常169)wake…up 唤醒170)work out 算出二、动词短语1)ask for 向……要……,请求2)ask for leave 请假3)send for 派人去请(叫)4)pay for 付……的款5)wait for 等候6)thank for 为……感谢7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉8)look for 寻找9)leave…for 离开……去……10)fall off 跌落11)catch cold 着凉,伤风12)catch up with 赶上13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with 把……装满15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事16)talk about 谈论……17)think about 考虑……18)worry about 担忧……19)look after 照料20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21)read after 跟……读22)smile at 对……微笑23)knock at 敲(门、窗)24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away 扔掉26)work hard at 努力做……27)wait in line 排队等候28)change…into… 变成29)hurry into… 匆忙进入30)run into… 跑进31)hear of 听说32)think of 认为,考虑33)catch hold of 抓住34)instead of 代替……35)hand in 交上来36)stay in bed 卧病在床37)hear from 收到……来信●Aact on /upon对……起作用,根据……行事,影响到,作用于add up (to)总计达,总而言之adjust … to使……适应,调整……以适应admit … into让……进入advance in /on在……方面的发展/进步agree in在……方面一致,在……上相同agree on /upon /as to对……意见一致agree to同意,答应,赞成,承认agree with赞成(指人),与……一致,适合aim at瞄准,指望,目的在于amount to总共达到,总计,等于apply for寻求,申请arise from /out of由……而引起,由……而产生arm oneself with用……武装起来arrange for安排,准备,约定arrive at /in到达,得出(结论等),达到(团结等)ask for请求,找(某人),要求assign … to把……指定给……,指定……担任……attain to达到,获得act as担任,充当,起……作用,扮演……角色Bbegin at从……开始believe in信任,相信belong to属于boil up(水)烧开bother about为……而麻烦break down破坏,中断,粉碎,破除,压倒,衰弱,失败break off折断,断绝,突然中断break out发生,逃脱,爆发(战争),发生(疾病、失火、争吵、骚乱)burn down焚毁,烧光,火力变弱burn up烧尽,发出火来burst out突然出现,突然发生(战争、疾病等),大叫起来Ccall for请求,要求,去拿(物件),去接(某人),为争取……而叫喊call on /upon访问carry on继续下去,处理,经营,坚持下去carry out贯彻,执行,实现,落实carry at抓住(东西),及时抓住catch up with赶上change into变成,改穿(衣服)come about发生,(风向)改变方向come back回来,复原,恢复come upon碰见,打击,要求congratulate sb. on/upon sth.为某事向某人祝贺connect … to把……接到……上consist of由……组成,由……构成convert (A) into (B)把(A)变成(B)cooperate with sb. in在……方面和某人合作copy sth. down把……抄下来count in计人,归人……中计算cry for恳求,请求,急需cut down砍倒,削减,减价,缩短cut off切断,删去,断绝,中断compare … to把……比作(看作)……compare with与……比较Ddepend on /upon依赖,依靠,取决于,随……而定describe … as把……说成,把……评为develop into发展成为die from /of因……而死discriminate … against歧视drink up /down /off喝完,(植物)吸收(水分)drive away把……赶走,乘车走drive off驱散drive out逐出,乘车出去dry up干涸,(思路等)枯竭,讲不出话来Eearn one’s bread /living谋生eat one’s words取消诺言,食言,承认错误,道歉eat up吃光,消灭,使发昏employ … as用……作为,把……用作equal to等于,赶得上,敌得过,胜任equip with用……装备escape from从……逃脱,漏出(液体、气体等)exchange (A) for (B)以(A)换(B)exist in存在……中explain … as把……解释成express … a s把……表示为Ffeed on用……喂养,靠吃……过活,以……为能源feed … into把……供给,把……送人,把……馈人feel about摸索fight against对……作斗争(作战)fight for为……而斗争(作战)fill in填写,填充,填满find one’s place找到……的地位,找到要找的地方find out找出,查明,发现,想出,认识到,揭发出来fire at /on /upon /into射击,炮击,向……开火fix on /upon固定,确定,决定,选定,(目标)注视,归咎于fix one’s eyes on注视flow with充满fly at扑向,攻击force upon强加Ggain in增加,增进gather up收集,总括,集中gaze at /on /upon凝视,注视get away离开,逃脱,把……送走get in进入,到达,收割,收集,当选get off送出,送走,脱下(衣服等),下(车),出发,起飞get on上(车、马等),进展,过活,接近,穿上,识破get together聚集,商谈,积累get up起床,起立,产生,研究,安排,组织,增强give in屈服,让步,交上give up让给,放弃,停止,投降go away离去go on继续,接下去,(工作等)进行下去,(时间)过去发生go through通过,穿到,审查,经历,完成go wrong(机器等)出毛病,发生故障,走错路,(计划等)失败grasp at抓住,攫取grow up长大guard against防止,提防,预防(疾病等)Hhand in递交,交出(考卷等)hand round顺次传递(传阅),分发hang up挂起,拖延,中止,弃置不闻,挂断电话happen to……发生have sth. with随身带着hear about听到关于hear from得到……的消息,收到……的信hear of听到hit at打击,瞄准hurry up催促,赶紧Iinsist on /upon坚持,强调,坚决要求,坚决主张insulate … from使……和……绝缘interfere with打扰,妨碍,与……抵触introduce … into引用……到,把……传到,在……中采用,把……引进Jjoin in参加,加入join … to把……接到,和……一致,和……一起join with和……结合,和……一致,和……一起judge by /from从……来判断Kkeep away不接近,避开,离开keep in mind记住,不忘keep doing继续……,不断……keep (in) touch with和……不断接触,和……保持联系knock at敲(门、窗等)knock away敲下,敲掉knock down打倒,撞倒,拆除,卸除(机器),使减价knock off敲去,中止,减低,迅速做成,掸掉(灰尘)knock over弄倒,打翻know/ get /learn sth. by heart背诵,谙记Llaugh at嘲笑,忽视lay [place /put] stress [weight /emphasis] on [upon]强调,着重于,用力于lead a … life过着……的生活lead to导向,导致lean against靠在(墙上等)lean on /upon倚,靠在,依靠learn … from sb.向某人学习learn [get /know] sth. by heart背诵,谙记leave behind留下,丢下,遗失,忘记携带leave off停止,不再使用,不再穿level at瞄准lie down躺下,躺下不干lie in the way妨害,阻碍line up整顿(机械等),排列起来,排队,使……排齐link up连接,联系listen to听,留心听,听从live on /upon靠……过活,以……为主食look after目送,寻求,照料,看管look at看,考察,查看look for寻找,期待look into窥视,参观,调查look through透过……看去,看穿,彻底调查,从头看到底lose oneself迷路,入迷lose sight of看不见,忘记,忽略Mmake … from用……(原料)制造make of用……(材料)制造,培养成为,当作,了解,对待meet with(无意中)碰见(遇见),遭受mount… on把……安装在……上,把……架在move on继续前进,向前走Oopen one’s eyes to使人觉悟,使人对(某事)有所了解operate on对……起作用,对……产生影响,对……动手术oppose … to /against使……对抗……,使……与……相对立originate from /in起源于,发源于owe to把……归功于Ppass by从……旁边过去,经过,忽略pass from … to从……传递到……,从……转变为pay attention to注意,关心pay for偿付……的代价,负担……的费用persist in坚持,固执pick off摘下,采取pick up爬起,获得,拾起,探出,收听,恢复,掘地,加速play a part in在……方面起作用,对……起作用point out指出,指示prefer … to宁可……而不pretend to假装,妄想,自命为prevent … from阻止……,使不……,防止……,以免……pronounce on /upon断言,表态,发表意见protect … from /against保护……使不受……侵害prove (oneself) to be证明(自己)是provide with供给,供应,以……装备pull out拔出,挖出,(火车等)开出,撤走put off推迟,延期,阻止,劝阻,脱(衣服),出航put on穿上(衣、鞋等),增加(体重等),假装拨快(钟表),推荐Rread out宣读,朗读recall to one’s mind回忆,想起reduce … to使……成为,把……减少到……,把……减少到,把……简化为refer to关于,参考,查阅,说到,涉及regard … as把……认为是,把……当作rely on /upon依靠,自信remark on /upon评论,批评remember me to请代我向……致意remind sb. of提醒某人,使某人回忆起,使某人想起remove … from把……从……移去replace by /with用……替换respond to响应,对……起反响ring up打电话给(某人),打铃(开幕)Ssave sb. from …营救某人使不致……search after /for寻找,探求,查究screw out把……拧出screw up拧紧,强迫,加强(效率),鼓足(干劲)see sb. off给某人送行sell out卖完,出卖,背叛send away赶走,逐出,解雇send down开除,退学send for派人去叫(请),派人去拿separate … from使……从……分开,把……从……分割,把……和……分开set down放下,卸下,记下,制定,申斥set off出发,开始,陈列,陈述,表示,打算set up竖起,建立,开办,贴出,提出(意见),提高,引起settle down落户,定居,沉淀,平静下来smell round /about到处打听,到处嚷speak for为……说话,为……辩护spread over传遍,遍布,延续,覆盖squeeze into挤人,塞进start off出发,动身struggle against /with和……斗争,向……斗争struggle for争取……,为……而斗争suffer from因……受损害,患……病sum up总计,总结,概括supply for把……供给swallow up吞下去,耗尽switch off /out切断(电流),关(灯等)switch on接通(电流),开(等等)Ttake a short cut走近路,去捷径take away拿走,取走,减去take off拿掉,移送,免除,减价,脱去(衣、帽、鞋),起飞take part in参与,参加talk about讲,谈论,交谈tear away撕掉,扯开tear up扯碎,拔起think over仔细考虑,深思熟虑throw out扔出,逐出,提出(建议),发出(光热),干扰(别人讲话)transfer … into把……转化为trust on信赖try on试试看,试穿(服装、鞋等)turn away转变方向,(转脸)不睬,避开,打发走turn … into把……变为,把……译成turn off出产,解雇,关上(电灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等)turn on开(电灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等),决定于,反对,敌视Uuse … as把……用作……,用……作为used to (do)(过去)经常(做)、常常(做)Wwait for等,等待wake up醒来,振作起来walk about徘徊,走来走去warm up变暖,加热,亲热起来,活跃起来watch out当心,警戒,监视wear out穿破,用坏,耗尽,疲乏不堪wipe out擦洗,清除,雪聪,彻底毁灭work for为……而工作,为……尽力write down记下,写下write off勾销,注销(贷款等),轻易就写好(文章等)。