
目录/view/982781 64f5335a8102d2200f.html 《工业设计概论》课程教学大纲 (1)《素描》课程教学大纲 (3)《色彩》课程教学大纲 (5)《平面构成》课程教学大纲 (7)《色彩构成》课程教学大纲 (9)《立体构成》课程教学大纲 (12)《速写》课程教学大纲 (14)《产品设计方法与程序》课程教学大纲 (16)《透视与阴影》课程教学大纲 (18)《材料与制作》课程教学大纲 (20)《字体与标志设计》课程教学大纲 (22)《人机工程学》课程教学大纲 (24)《专业英语》课程教学大纲 (26)《设计表达》课程教学大纲 (28)《计算机辅助设计Ⅰ》教学大纲 (30)《计算机辅助设计Ⅱ》课程教学大纲 (32)《计算机辅助设计Ⅲ》课程教学大纲 (34)《企业形象设计》课程教学大纲 (36)《展示与环境设计》课程教学大纲 (38)《产品设计Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 (40)《产品设计Ⅱ》课程教学大纲 (41)《广告设计》教学大纲 (44)《网页设计》课程教学大纲 (46)《商业摄影》课程教学大纲 (48)《装饰艺术设计》课程教学大纲 (50)《室内设计》课程教学大纲 (52)《包装设计》课程教学大纲 (54)《工业设计概论》课程教学大纲适用于本科工业设计专业总学时 48学时一、课程性质、目的与任务本课程是工业设计专业的基础课。

《工业工程专业英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:0803701057课程名称:工业工程专业英语英文名称:Professional English for Industrial Engineering课程类型:专业任选课总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0学分:2适用对象:工业工程专业先修课程:大学英语一、课程性质、目的和任务专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及本专业英语资料的能力。
三、教学内容及要求1.Introduction to Industrial Engineering了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。
2.Work Study工作研究和作业测量是工业工程领域最传统的研究内容。
3.Manufacturing Systems了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分,掌握几种典型的制造系统及成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。
了解CAD,CAM,CAPP 等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的应用。
4.Production Planning and Control掌握生产计划的主要内容,体会生产计划在生产系统中的重要性,掌握生产预测、生产计划的制定、生产计划控制的各种原理及方法。
5.Logistics Engineering掌握物流工程中的基本术语。

Details of English for Chemical Engineering and TechnologyCourse nature: public course, basic course, specialized course, required course, optional course.2. Course ObjectivesThe course tends to introduce students to specialized English about Chemical Engineering and technology of Freest Products. The purposes of the course include the improvement of the students’ ability to communicate in English in their major and their research fields. The course pays significance on skills in Scientific and Engineering English reading, translating, paper writing, listening and speaking. The objective of the course is that the students’ interests will be enhanced both in English and in their major.3. Indicative Content(Concluding the allocation of hours)3.1Part 1 Chemical Process Industry(8Hours):Chemical Industry, Research and Development, Fundamental Research and Applied ResearchTypical Activities of Chemical Engineers, Sources of Chemicals etc.3.2 Part 2 Chemical Technologies (4Hours):Basic Chemicals3.3 Part 3 Chemical Engineering(8Hours):What is Chemical Engineering, Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering3.4 Part 4 Frontiers of Chemical Engineering (4Hours):Chemical Industry and Environment, etc.3.5 Part5 What is a Scientific paper? The review of the course (6-8Hours):4. Teaching Strategy(I ncluding the teaching and practice teaching points, difficulties, methods and means etc)Active participating is encouraged in the language learning course. The students will be arranged in several groups to accomplish a lot of exercises. Students are expected to give their reports and finish exercises after each learning parts. The students ’ability to communicate in English can become more effectively with these arrangement and language training. The teaching and practice teaching points include reading ,writing , translating and oral English for specialty-related English articles.5. Assessment(assessment methods methods usually includes course work (e.g. report, in-class test, etc.), exam, report, paper, examine and papers etc,the Assessment methods determined by the nature of the course).The assessment includes course work such as “Complete the summary of the text ”, “Completing the Table by consulting the text or reading material”, “Translating the English expressions and sentences into Chinese”, “Putting the Chinese terms and sentences into English” ,etc. Students are asked to give their answers and reports to the teacher and their classmates during the course learning.6. GradingExaminations(70%)+ Attendance in the course (30%)(such as:Examinations(70%)+Attendance(10%)+Homework(20%))7. Recommended Textbooks and References:[1]Chemical Engineering and Technology English , Hu Ming and Liu Xia, Bejing: Chemical Industry Press, 2011Year[2] Publications of International Conference and Scientific research thesis[3] Promoting Your Publication, San Francisco Edit, Author:Li XiangzhouVerifier:。

Design-Led Innovation设计驱动创新By Design Council/UK设计委员会/英国In 2006 our former Chairman, Sir George Cox,was commissioned by The Treasury to undertake a review of creativity in business, and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and to recommend how the governments, educational institutions and businesses could help support economic growth.Supporting innovation sat at the heart of his recommendations because he saw that the UK currently earns most of our living through high value creative industry, and that without protection,investment and development, our creative industries could falter in the face of developing international competition. Sir George saw that designers working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, with business managers, engineers, scientists and technologists, can support innovation in the UK.设计驱动创新由英国设计委员会/2006年,我们的前主席乔治•考克斯爵士(Sir George Cox)受英国财政部委托,对商业中的创造力进行了一次评估,并就政府、教育机构如何以及政府、教育机构和企业如何帮助支持经济增长提出建议。
工业设计专业 《专业外语》考核大纲

考核内容及要求:Unit 1了解与Metals、Stainless Steels相关的专业词汇、短语及表达方式,掌握与其相关的专业词汇,并会灵活运用其完成英译汉、汉译英,了解与Metals、Stainless Steels相关专业句子及句型的表述方式,理解并掌握运用相关的专业词汇、专业句型回答相关专业问题。
Unit 2了解与Selection of Construction Materials、Polymer and Composites相关的专业词汇、短语及其表达方式,掌握与其相关的专业词汇,并会灵活运用其完成英译汉、汉译英,了解与Selection of Construction Materials、Polymer and Composites相关专业句子及句型的表述方式,理解并掌握运用相关的专业词汇、专业句型回答相关专业问题。
Unit 3了解与Mechanical Properties of Materials、Tests of Mechanical Properties相关的专业词汇、短语及其表达方式,掌握与其相关的专业词汇,并会灵活运用其完成英译汉、汉译英,了解与Mechanical Properties of Materials、 Tests of Mechanical Properties相关专业句子及句型的表述方式,理解并掌握运用相关的专业词汇、专业句型回答相关专业问题。
Unit 5了解与Design of Machine and Machine Elements 、Design and Implementation of a Novel Dexterous Robotic Hand相关的专业词汇、短语及其表达方式,掌握与其相关的专业词汇,并会灵活运用其完成英译汉、汉译英,了解与Design of Machine and Machine Elements 、Design and Implementation of a Novel Dexterous Robotic Hand相关专业句子及句型的表述方式,理解并掌握运用相关的专业词汇、专业句型回答相关专业问题。

Lesson33 Just in Time DesignA dizzying array of choices is available to designers needing to output their CAD designs as physical prototypes. The question of which is best requires some careful consideration. Much depends on what the designer is trying to achieve with the prototype,whether it is a study of form--requiring some degree of high finish and detail-or function, requiring a more robust technique or a particular type of material.The accuracy of many of the techniques listed below is within a margin of around 0.1 to 0.2 mm, but this tends to vary relative to the direction of the slicing and size of models. (Designers should check with the vendor first if this is a major concern.) All rapid prototyping techniques are limited by the size of parts they can produce in one piece, but vendors can be asked to divide and conquer. They are very savvy at splitting a CAD model and rejoining the pieces to create very large parts.The Web is a useful resource for keeping an eye on all of these continually changing techniques. Rapid prototyping is such a competitive industry that vendors are always improving materials and processes. Models now take a third of the cost and time that they did five years ago. As a consequence, design teams can now, in theory, make three times as many models, creating a more sophisticated and mature end product.It is worth remembering that while it is easy to be romanced by all of this computer-aided design and virtual prototyping, the tried and tested foam model, generated in an afternoon from simple 2-D drawings, will often beat out its hi-tech sister in both schedule and cost Here' s an overview of the latest modeling techniques.Rapid prototyping: the choices.Selective Laser Sintering(SLS) DTM Corp. Austin, TX; 512-339-2922Method: Uses laser energy to melt layers of powdered nylon, polycarbonate or elastomer 5,000th of an inch (mils) thick to build up parts with 75 percent the properties of the normal polymer.Uses: The parts have a slightly granular look making them best suited to models needing strength rather than looks. Good for medical applications.Laminated Object Modeling(LOM)Helisys Inc., Torrance, CA; 310-891-0600Method: Build up low-cost sheet materials, such as paper and plastic, into models.Uses: The main advantage is model size(up to 22'' x32 " x20" )and slightly lower cost. Parts are less accurate and have a thicker,stepped look.Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM)Stratasys Inc., Eden Prairie, MN; 612-937-3000Method: Weaves models from a thermoplastic thread ofABS or elastomer.Uses: Atechnique still in its infancy, FDM produces a coarse 3-D fabric look unsuitable for anything aesthetic.Ballistic Particle Manufacturing(BPM)BPM Technology, Greenville, SC; 803-297-7700Method: uses a nozzle to spray tiny molten particles of thermoplastic into 3-D models. The nozzle can deliver the material from any angle, which reduces the stepping effect.Uses: Holds promise for curvy shapes.Laser Cutting Lasrcam, Menlo Park, CA, 650-324-2525Method: Used extensively for architectural models of plastic, paper and wood (not always considered a rapid prototyping technique)Uses: Any design that can be built up, kitlike, from 2-D CAD profiles can be lasercut. A widevariety of thicknesses (up to 0.5 " ) are possible. Highly cost-and speed-effective. Excellent for mocking up the sheet metal of a design, complete with intricate vent patterns, as well as for testing hinge and other complex dynamic mechanism ideas.CNC Machining Checking your normal modelmaking or machinist vendors.Method: Familiar to all as the best way of showing off organic surfaces, it has kept improving in schedule and cost to compete with the emerging rapid prototype industry.Uses: If you can afford a little more cost and time, CNC is still the best way to represent smooth surfaces. As an added bonus,better plastics are used in the process, so models will not warp in the car trunk, nor fall apart during user tests.Stereolithography(SLA) 3D systems, Valencia, CA; 805-295-5600Method: The ever-handy and most popular modeling technique. Uses light to photopolymerize and build up thin layers of special resins direct from digital data.Uses: Great for form and surface studies that check out CAD model progress, as well as for limited functional testing of detailed parts(injection molding, die casting, etc.). The direct transfer of data eliminates the chances of human error. Can produce parts in steps of between 3 and 5 mm, but the resins are brittle and thermally unstable.Solid Ground Curing (SGC or "Cubital " ) Cubital America Inc., Troy, MI; 810-585-7880Method: a relatively new variation on Stereolithography, producing parts layer by layer using a photopolymer that is fixed with UV light then backfilled with wax, but in coarser 6 mm steps.Uses: Much the same as Stereolithography, except that Cubital parts stand up better to heat and aging and are stronger. It is best to see parts unfinished rather that risk sanding away small details or subtle surface irregularities.Lesson33准时设计令人眼花缭乱的选择提供给设计师无需输出他们的CAD设计为物理样机。

《专业英语》教学大纲修订单位:机械工程学院机电工程系.执笔人:唐晓初一、课程基本信息1.课程中文名称:工业设计专业英语2.课程英文名称:English for Industrial Design3. 适用专业:工业设计专业4. 总学时:80学时(其中理论66学时,写作8学时,测验6学时,分三学期完成。
第一学期32学时,第二学期32学时,第三学期16学时)5. 总学分:5学分二、本课程在教学计划中的地位、作用和任务通过学习《工业设计专业英语》,学生将掌握工业设计领域使用频率较高的专业词汇和表达方法,进而掌握一些快速、精确阅读理解工业设计专业文献的方法,理解工业设计的各种学派和思想的设计理念和风格,提高国际交流能力并了解国际工业设计的最新前沿动态。
三、理论教学内容与教学基本要求.第一学期:32学时(其中理论教学 30学时测验 2学时)教学基本要求是:能正确朗读课文内容,掌握专业词汇、专业术语的读音、意义和书写方法。
大学三年级第一学期理论授课内容:(BOOK ONE)第二学期:32学时(其中理论教学 30学时测验 2学时)教学基本要求是:能正确朗读课文内容,掌握专业词汇、专业术语的读音、意义和书写方法。
大学三年级第二学期理论授课内容:(Book One and Book Two)第三学期:16学时(其中理论教学 6学时,写作8学时,测验 2学时,大学四年级第一学期授课,每周1学时,教学基本要求:能正确的翻译出教材的内容,能写出通俗易懂的英文摘要 300-500字符)第六章:设计技术(Design Technology)(共6学时,每课2学时)第三十课:计算机辅助工业设计(CAID Current-----Hollow Computersfor Cost ---effective CAID第三十二课:自动演播室(Auotstudio 8.0)第三十三课:即时设计(Just in Time Design)快速原型设计英文写作训练一:色彩设计摘要(Abstract of Color Design)阅读材料:第二章:设计基础(Design Fundamental)第九课:自由阅读(Free Reading)1.Color Drawing(2)2.Interior Designer’s Showcase of Color3.Primarily Red4.Primarily Blue英文写作训练二:产品通用设计摘要(Abstract of Universal Design for Product)阅读材料:第三章:产品设计(Product Design)第十三课:自由阅读(Free Reading)1.Universal Design (part 1)2.Universal Design (part 2)3.Universal Design (part 3)4.Universal Design (part 4)英文写作训练三:产品包装设计摘要(Abstract of Packaging Design for Product)阅读材料:第四章:构图设计(Graphic Design)第二十二课:自由阅读(Free Reading)1.Quiet Days in clichy Jacket Design2.Asher kalderon3.Rob Van Den Berg4.Barrie Tycker Design International5.Cato Design Inc.英文写作训练四:室外公用设施设计摘要(Abstract of Exterior Design for Public service devices)阅读材料:第五章:环境设计(Environment Design)第二十五课:自由阅读(Free Reading)1.Street Signs2.Trash Cans3.Mailboxes4.Benches5.Telephone Booths6.Street Lights四、考核方式考试方式采用过程考核与目标考核相结合的方式。
工业设计专业英语 课程简介

工业设计专业英语(English for Industrial Design)课程编号:课程性质:专业方向任选课程开设学期及学时分配:第六期;32学时适用专业及层次:工业设计专业本科先行课程:《大学英语》后继课程:无课程目的、内容与要求:本课程在学生大学英语的基础上扩展工业设计专业英语知识和技能,注重词汇语法特征,翻译技巧,以及表达方法。
教材:王昭《工业设计专业英语》. (北京): 轻工业出版社,2006推荐参考书:1.张兵,何人可,江建民. 《工业设计专业英语》. (北京):北京理工大学出版社,1999 授课教师:1.主讲教师要具有中级及以上专业技术职称和硕士研究生及以上学历。

《专业英语》课程教学大纲Professional English Course Syllabus.Course Description:This course is designed to help students develop the professional English language skills necessary for success in the workplace. Students will learn to communicate effectively in a variety of business settings, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and written correspondence. The course will also cover cultural aspects of business communication and professional etiquette.Course Objectives:Upon successful completion of this course, studentswill be able to:Communicate effectively in a variety of business settings.Use appropriate language and tone in written and oral communication.Understand and use cultural norms in business communication.Conduct themselves professionally in the workplace.Course Content:Introduction to professional English.Business communication skills.Cultural aspects of business communication.Professional etiquette.Advanced English grammar and vocabulary.Business presentations.Business negotiations. Business correspondence. Teaching Methods:Lectures.Discussions.Role-playing.Presentations.Written assignments.Assessment:Class participation.Quizzes.Midterm exam.Final exam.Final project.Required Textbook:Professional English by John Eastwood. Grading:Class participation: 10%。

Pop culture 波普文化: 二战后新生代青年设计师对风格单调、冷漠 设计运动。波普风格主要 体现在与青年人有关的生活用品方面:如古 怪的家具,迷你裙,流行音乐等。
As with early Modernism the hottest debate took place within the world of architecture, with design following. The discussion about Postmodernism and its relation to material culture was stimulated by the work of American architects such as Robert Venturi and Michael Graves, who made cases for influences from pop culture and for stylistic revivalism, whether of the classical past or of Art Deco motifs.
English for Industrial Design 工业设计专业英语
Self-introduction Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you. Today, I’m very honored to stand here to give you my first lesson, English for industrial design. Being your teacher in this semester, I’m very proud, because I knew that you are all excellent students.

Lesson 2请看BIack&Decker公司的新型电熨。
家庭用品Home depot 公司主管商品零售的执行副总裁杰里·爱德华兹说:“中国有很好的设计师,但是(在许多产品上)他们并不了解美国市场。

Concept of industrial design and engineering training I
Student Outcomes (Special Training Ability)
This course has the following contributions to students meet the following requirements:

这其中,设计理论又包含了设计史、设计方法和设计基础类文献的阅读与交流等;市场调研1/ 6包含了市场调查和调查分析两部分内容,包括市场调研所用到的口头交流、调研报告的书写、调查分析的汇报等;各类产品包含了各种类别产品,如电子电器类、机械装备类、生活用品类、公共设施类、健康与娱乐类等,以及它们的外观、结构工艺、材料及色彩等,这类所涉及的范畴宽广,对各个产品行业都有涉及,所以涉及的专业术语也较多;设计技能主要包括两大块,即手绘表达和计算机辅助设计,计算机辅助设计又包括平面类与立体类软件,这部分所涉及的内容较窄,所用的词汇、句式也是有限的。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
英文名称:English for Industrial Design 课程学时:32学时课程学分:2学分
1. 课程教学目的
2. 教学内容和基本要求
工业设计的基本定义、工业设计的简单历史(A History of Design);
当代分工协作关系中工业设计师的位置、基本素质和专业技能要求(What is a Designer);
当代办公形式的巨变对工业设计的要求(Working from Home);
设计管理简介(The Business of Design Management);
设计与文化的关系(Design and Culture);
具有强烈特点、对国际工业设计产生了重要影响的意大利设计风格(Italian Design)。
现代工作空间中室内产品的设计典范,德国Wilkhahn公司的家居(The Mobile Office);
多种工业设计风格——从Art Nouveau、Art Deco到Bauhaus——的产品设计(From Technology to Style);
当代工业设计与工程技术的经典结合,福特汽车公司的皮卡,轿车与卡车的复合体(Ford Powerforce);
仿生学与工业设计(Insect and Design);
对后现代主义的反思(Total Style)。
3. 教学安排
4. 考核方式
5. 推荐教材和参考文献
[1] 张兵,何人可,江建民. 工业设计专业英语. 北京理工大学出版社. 北京,