






1. We need to go back down. 我们该下山了."We need to go back down." 这句话值得学习之处在于,老美常常在go 或是come 之后连放两个副词来同时表达「方向」和「目地」。

例如在同样的句子我可能会说,"We need to go back." 或是"We need to go down." 但我就不会想到把 back 和 down 连用便成了,"We need to go back down." 这样子用法的好处在于可以同时表达出,「回去」和「下去」这两个概念。

听到这句话时让我想起以前也常听妈妈在叫她的小孩回来,"Come back over here." 当然你也可以单说,"Come back." (回来),或是 "Come over here." (过来这里。

),但是把 back 和 over here 连用就成了 "Come back over here." 也就是回来这里的意思。

2. We have folks passing us. 有人要超过我们.Folks 这个字指的是一群人,跟 people 的意思是差不多的。

但是folks 这个字的好用之处在于,它可以用来指一群跟自己有点关系,但又称不上是friends 的人们。

最简单的例子,假设我今天要发一封e-mail 给系上同学,e-mail 的开头就可以写Hi folks, 当然如果不嫌肉麻的话写 Hi my friends, 也可以,但是就不能说成 Hi people, 啦!另外 pass 这个字是当「超过」解释,所以整句话 "We have folks passing us." 的意思就是「有人要超过我们。


Safety First
Mountain climbing can be dangerous, so safety should always be the top priority. It is important to be familiar with proper climbing techniques and to always use the right safety equipment. It is also essential to be aware of potential hazards such as rockfall, avalanches, and changing weather conditions. In some cases, it may be necessary to hire a professional guide or instructor to ensure a safe and successful climb.
Mountain Climbing Trip - A Great Adventure
Mountain climbing is one of the most exciting and challenging adventures that one can experience. It not only offers a great physical workout, but also provides a chance to connect with nature and test one’s mental and physical strength. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced climber, there are a few important things to keep in mind when planning a mountain climbing trip. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know to have a safe and enjoyable mountain climbing adventure.



华山之旅:壮丽之巅的探索Nestled in the heart of Shaanxi province, China, stands Mount Hua—a majestic natural wonder that attracts thousands of visitors each year. This mountain, known for its five peaks—North, West, South, East, and Central—offers a breathtaking panorama of natural beauty and cultural heritage.Ascending the mountain, one is greeted by the lush greenery of its forests and the craggy cliffs that rise up to meet the sky. The hike, although challenging, is highly rewarding, as each step leads to a new and breathtaking view. The summit, in particular, offers a panoramic vista that takes one's breath away, with the clouds seemingly touching the feet and the vast expanse of the landscape stretching out below.Not only is Mount Hua a haven for nature lovers, but it is also steeped in rich cultural history. Legends and myths surround the mountain, adding a layer of mysticism to its already impressive natural beauty. The ancient temples and carvings found throughout the mountain are a testament to the deep cultural roots of this place.Visiting Mount Hua is not just about the breathtaking views; it's an immersive experience that takes you through China's rich history and culture. From the moment you step onto the mountain, you are transported to a world where nature and humanity have coexisted for centuries, creatinga unique and unforgettable experience.**华山之旅:壮丽之巅的探索**位于中国陕西省的华山,是一座令人叹为观止的自然奇观,每年吸引着成千上万的游客。




下面是小编为大家整理的,社区矫正思想汇报,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!1.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).译:天坛是中国现存最大、保存最完好的坛庙。


2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.译:香山因其形状似香炉,周围常常云雾缭绕,看起来犹如香烟弥漫。


3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.译:北海公园位于景山公园的西面,早在11世纪中叶,辽代就在这里建立瑶屿行宫。



中国旅游英语作文高级句式## 英文回答:Travel in China。

China is a vast and diverse country with a rich history and culture. There is so much to see and do in China, from visiting the Great Wall to exploring the ancient city ofXi'an.If you are planning a trip to China, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, China is a large country, so it is important to plan your itinerary carefully. You will also need to obtain a visa to enter China.Once you have arrived in China, you will be amazed by the beauty and diversity of the country. The Great Wall is a must-see for any visitor to China. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and it is truly a sight tobehold.Xi'an is another popular tourist destination in China. It is home to the Terracotta Army, which is a group of over 8,000 life-size terracotta warriors that were buried with the first emperor of China.If you are looking for a more off-the-beaten-path experience, you can visit the Jiuzhaigou Valley. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is known for itsbeautiful lakes, waterfalls, and forests.No matter what your interests are, you are sure to find something to love in China. It is a country with a rich history, culture, and natural beauty.Tips for Traveling in China。



山上旅游英语作文80词英文回答:Hiking in the mountains is an exhilarating andrewarding experience. Surrounded by breathtaking sceneryand pristine air, you'll embark on a journey thatrevitalizes your soul and invigorates your body.As you ascend the winding trails, each step propels you closer to the summit and panoramic views that stretch asfar as the eye can behold. The cool mountain breezecaresses your face, while the rhythmic sound of your footsteps provides a tranquil soundtrack to your adventure.Along the way, you'll encounter diverse flora and fauna, each adding a touch of enchantment to your journey. Towering trees reach towards the sky, providing shade from the warm sun. Wildlife, both timid and curious, may cross your path, reminding you of the interconnectedness of all living things.Nearing the summit, you'll experience a sense of accomplishment and pride. The panoramic views will take your breath away as you marvel at the vastness and beauty that lies beneath your feet. Whether you choose to bask in the glory of the sunrise or watch the sun paint the sky with vibrant hues at sunset, each moment spent on the mountaintop is etched into your memory.中文回答:登山是一次令人振奋且有益的经历。



英语⼝语频道为⼤家整理的旅游英语⼝语8000句:黄⼭中英双语导游词,供⼤家参考!Friends, Hello! Now that we have arrived at the Huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. Here to give you some information about Huangshan scenery's profile. The yellow mountain, located in the southern part of Anhui Province, is part of the nanling mountains, China, the whole mountain area is about 1200 square kilometers. Middle section of the Huangshan mountains, are the best parts of the yellow mountain, we also want to visit Huangshan scenic area, covering an area of about 154 square kilometers. It internally in Huangshan city, South o she County, Huizhou district, xiuning County and Yixian County, North Huangshan District; the five counties, districts are under the jurisdiction of Huangshan city. Huangshan in China before the Tang dynasty named Black Mountain, black is black, blue black blue black rocks on the Hill, the ancients gave it this name. Legend of Chinese ancestors Emperor Huangdi in the us following the completion of Zhongyuan harmonized working, creating Chinese civilization, came here to herb of immortality, bath in the hot springs, which attained the immortal. Famous Tang dynasty of Emperor Ming Huang Li long JI is believe it, in tempo, six years (747) under the edict, rename the Black Mountain Huangshan. Mean, this mountain is a mountain of Yellow Emperor. From then on, the name Huangshan has been up to now. Friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of Huangshan? Isn't it just to feel a life happy? Yes, Huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. In a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, nature's infinite force, shaped Huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted. Here, I put the yellow mountain “four unique” respectively, made a presentation. Speaking of Huangshan mountain “four”, ranked first was pine. Huangshan songqi in what place? First of all, is singular in its strong vitality, where soil-vegetation and crops, and Ponderosa are long out of the yellow gang of hard rock. Huangshan pines everywhere, they peak, long cliffs, long in shenhe Valley, lush and vibrant. For thousands of years, this is how they burst out from rock, root deep into the crevices of rocks, not afraid of marginal arid, without fear of rain and snow storm, Selsun, tieguzhengzheng. Can you say do not odd? Secondly, Huang Shansong also singular in its unique natural style. In General, Huang Shansong conifer stubby dense, dark green leaf color, branches with curved, Crown flat, showing a simple, robust, powerful and imposing, but every pine tree, each strain pine on the looks, sapling, and spirit, all different, there is a strange beauty. People according to their different patterns and romantic charm, respectively, give them appropriate natural and elegant and interesting names, such as welcoming pine, black tiger pine, pine Pinus, Dragon claw, in Wolong research on Korean pine Pinus, unity, and so on. They are the Huangshan pine representatives. Stone, is constituted of scenery in Huangshan mountain and a “must”. In Huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. Stone at 121, the popularity of higher “flying stone”, “fairy play”, “magpie”, “sea monkey view”, “immortal Sun boots”, “three Penglai island” and “Rooster call gate”. These rocks have a behemoth, some of Kit Kat exquisite; separate scenes, sometimes combining several ingeniously combined with pine or King. Some formations for viewing location and angle had changed, also changed, became a stone of the second King, such as the “golden rooster called heaven” also called the “five old God”, “magpie” also known as “fairy Guide” is a moving account of the change of scenery. Also had some strange plants, under different conditions, not Lenovo, therefore has a different name, such as “sea monkey view” also known as “monkey Wang Taiping” is. Clouds again. Although clouds can also see other mountains in China, but none can match the spectacular Huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. About this, there is another name of Huangshan, known as “yellow”. It's not in vain, there is historical evidence. Famous Shi Zhixue called Pan Zhiheng of the Ming dynasty, lived in Huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes--Huangshan mountain records, titles of the Yellow Sea. Huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special “sea” Association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. These have proved that the “Yellow Sea” that is worthy of the name. Finally, tell us about the hot springs. We often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the Huangshan Mountain Hotel Spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple Pinnacle emission. Named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of Huangshan scenic spot. Hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value,skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. But only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science. Known unknown is a fifth of Huangshan must, it's winter and snow, snowflakes swirl of light, clamp with mist, accompanied by the mountain breeze didn't love chasing the mountain, fly in a ravine. Huangshan suddenly changed his appearance, land of pale green is gone, Park trees everywhere blurred, everything is shining brilliantly. The ancients described: “one night, chilling trees YINHUA opened. ”Yellow mountain like a silver world as a whole, as if being in a Crystal Palace. In addition to “land with five unique features”, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, Sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange. 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄⼭风景区南边重镇汤⼝。




下面是店铺整理的关于旅游景点的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!中国的自然景点大嘴:Let us make out the most gorgeous natural scenery in our country .来数一下我国的自然之最吧。

脸盆:Mount Everest is the highest on land.珠穆朗玛峰是陆地最高山。

大嘴:Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is the highest plateau above sea level.青藏高原是海拔最高的高原。

脸盆:Brahmaputra Grand Canyon is the biggest canyon in the world.雅鲁藏布江大峡谷是世界最大的'峡谷。

大嘴:The Loess Plateau is the most tremendous loess landform of the world .黄土高原是世界最大的黄土地貌。

脸盆:Yeah,we can't keep count of them !真是数不清啊!逛北京大嘴:What is the typical entertaining places of Beijing ?北京有什么好玩的地方?脸盆:Numerous !Ranging from the Great Wall to the traditional single-story houses with rows of rooms aroud the 4 sides of a courtyard .太多了!大到万里长城,小到四合院。

大嘴:What about the feature snacks?有什么特色美食?脸盆:Beijing roast duck and a fermented drink made from ground beans.北京烤鸭,豆汁儿。




下面是分享的关于皇上的旅游英语口语,希望能帮到大家!what a breathtaking sight!多么神奇的风光啊!on your right is tiandu feng,one of the three main peaks of huangshan and also the steepest.在你们的右边是黄山三大主峰之一的天都峰,也是最陡的一座山峰。

it is 1,810 meters high.它的高度是1,810米。

on the way up,you can see a cliff called jiyu bei.往上去,你们会看到一道被称作“鲫鱼背”的悬崖。

he said the cliff was called jiyu bei,which means carp's backbone.他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背。

on your left is lianhua feng,or the lotus flower peak,at a height of 1,860 meters.在你们的左边是莲花峰,高度是1,860米。

it is the highest peak of huangshan.它是黄山的最顶峰。

at its summit is a rock only about six meters across.峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。

famous pine tree such as the“flying dragon” andthe“twin dragons”are found there.在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。

that sounds very exciting.听起来真带劲!shall we climb up the highest peak first, sam?萨姆,我们先去登最顶峰好吗?please return here by 10∶30, will you?请您在10点半之前回到这儿,好吗?dialogue atourist a:what a breathtaking sight!tourist b:it is,isn't it?guide:please,look.on your right is tiandu feng,one of the three main peaks of huangshan and also the steepest.it is 1,810 meters high.on the way up,you can see a cliff called jiyu bei.tourist a:bob,i didn't quite catch what he said about the cliff.tourist b:he said the cliff was called jiyu bei,which means carp's backbone.tourist a:oh,i see.thank you.guide:…on your left is lianhua feng,or the lotus flower peak,at a height of 1,860 meters.it is the highest peak of huangshan.at its summit is a rock only about sixmeters across.famous pine trees such as the“flying dragon”and the“twin dragons”are found there.tourist b:that sounds very exciting,shall we climb up the highest peak first,sam?tourist a:that's good suggestion.let's go.guide:please return here by 10∶30,will you?we'll have our lunch at yuping lou guesthouse.tourist b:all right.see you later.。


When it comes to accommodations, booking a hotel or rental property in advance is essential. This ensures that you have a comfortable and convenient place to stay during your vacation. Checking reviews and amenities can help you choose the best option for your needs and preferences.
For those who prefer a mountain getaway, hiking and camping might be on the agenda. It's crucial to have the proper gear and supplies for outdoor activities, such as hiking boots, a tent, and a backpack. Researching the trails and campsites in advance can help you plan the best route and make the most of your time in the mountains.
5. We have booked a hotel for our summer vacation.





旅游英语:天下第一山泰山篇1Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.. Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987. The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it. After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west. They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir,Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heaven, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak. The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heaven, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heaven. Although the path is little more than one kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff. Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China (the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu). The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynastyand are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.旅游英语:天下第一山泰山篇2Mount Tai is crowned as the most famous of China's five great mountains, namely, Mount Tai in East China, the Hengshan Mountain in South China, the Huashan Mountain in the West China, the Hengshan Mountain in North China and the SongshanMountain in Central China.Mount Tai is situated in central Shandong Province,stretching over 200 kilometers. North of the city of Tai'an stands Mount Tai's highest peak, rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.This mountain impresses visitors with its majestic and precipitous appeal, its summit Yuhuanding overlooking the surrounding valleys and perilous peaks.To reach Mount T ai's summit,we will feast our eyes on the charming scenery and appreciate the ancient architectual works of various styles.Soon we will trudge along a staircase that leads to the Hea一venly Southern Gate. When we reach the Riguan Peak and look around in the distance, we will find ourselves carried away in invountary admiration by the overpowering endless vistas of mountains beyond mountains and scenery beyond scenery.【旅游英语:天下第一山泰山】。




以下是小编给大家整理的关于爬山生活场景口语,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看1. She is no enemy to mountain climbing.她喜欢登山。

还能这样说:She is fond of climbing.She prefer climbing.应用解析:an enemy worthy of sb.'s steel 值得某人与之交锋的劲敌,强敌;be an enemy to 厌恶;仇视;go over to the enemy 投敌2. He is an expert at mountain climbing.他是登山专家。

还能这样说:He is an expert mountainer.He is an expert in climbing mountain.应用解析:climb over a fence 翻过围墙;climb to power 上台;捞到大权;on the climb 有迁升的希望;climb aboard 上车3. He spent the holiday indulging his passion for climbing.他在度假期间尽情享受登山的乐趣。

还能这样说:He enjoyed the pleasure of climbing during vacation.He enjoyed the climbing to full during his trip.应用解析:indulge oneself in eating and drinking 纵情于吃喝;indulge in tobacco 吸烟无度;indulge in dream 爱空想4. Now is the best season for climbing.现在是登山的最佳季节。




下面是店铺整理的`关于登山旅游的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!1.China is a large country with various geographical terrains.中国国土面积很大,地形各异。

2.There are five sacred mountains in China.中国大山有五岳。

3.Emperors used to pay tributes their ancestors on the mountain.历代多位帝王前来此山祭拜祖先。

4.On the peak of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city.登上山顶,可以俯瞰整个城市。

5.It used to be a big volcano.此山过去是个大米山。

6.We can find many fossils in the mountain.山上可以找到很多化石。

7.You should be careful because the cliff is very steep.你要小心,悬崖很陡峭。

8.You may take the cable to the top.你可以乘坐缆车登上山顶。

9.It is famous for getting the best view of sunrise.这里以登山观日出而闻名。

10.You can climb the mountain along the stone stairs.你可以沿着石阶登山。

11.This mountain is not fit for snow skiing.这座山并不适合滑雪。

12.It has the highest peak in the world.这里有世界最高峰。




以下是整理的《旅游英语⼝语300句:询问关于泰⼭的事情》,希望⼤家喜欢!This is a program on the head of China's five sacred mountains,Mount Tai.Emmy is asking something about it with Jason.电视中介绍到了中国五岳之⾸的泰⼭,埃⽶向贾森询问关于泰⼭的事情。

Amy:Do you know something about Mount Tai?埃⽶:你了解泰⼭吗?Jason:Yes.But not too much.It is considered as the head of five sacred mountains in China.贾森:知道⼀点⼉,但是不多。


Amy:Five sacred mountains?Why people call them so?埃⽶:五岳?为什么⼈们这么称呼呢?Jason:Because in history,the Chinese emperors used to climb onto these mountains and pay tribute to their ancestors and pray for good harvest and prosperity for the whole nation.贾森:因为历很多中国帝王来到这些⼭上祭拜祖先,祈求国泰民安。

Amy:Got it.Can we see any things left by them?埃⽶:明⽩了,那还有什么历史古迹吗?Jason:Definitely.There are many wall paintings and inscriptions on the huge rocks on the mountain.贾森:当然有。




游玩爬山作文开头优美句子摘抄As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, I could feel the exhilarating sense of adventure beckoning me towards the rugged mountains in the distance. 随着第一缕阳光从地平线上升起,我能感受到冒险的刺激感让我朝向远处崎岖的山脉前进。

The crisp mountain air filled my lungs as I set foot on the winding trail, each step bringing me closer to the towering peaks that seemed to touch the sky. 踏上弯曲的小径,清新的山间空气充满我的肺部,每一步都让我走近高耸入云的山峰。

The rhythmic sound of my heartbeat matched the steady rhythm of my footsteps, creating a harmonious symphony with the rustling leaves and chirping birds around me. 我心跳的节奏与稳步前行的脚步声相匹配,与我周围沙沙作响的树叶和鸟鸣一起构成了和谐的交响乐。

The vibrant colors of the wildflowers painted a picturesque scene against the backdrop of the rugged cliffs, reminding me of the beauty and resilience of nature. 野花绚烂的色彩在崎岖悬崖的背景下勾勒出一幅美丽的画面,提醒着我大自然的美丽和韧性。



Visiting Huashan Mountain: A Journey ofDiscoveryNestled in the heart of Shaanxi province, China, stands Huashan Mountain, a natural wonder that draws tourists from all corners of the globe. With its towering peaks, lush forests, and ancient temples, Huashan offers a unique experience for those seeking adventure and solitude.My journey to Huashan began with a sense of excitement and anticipation. As the bus neared the foot of the mountain, I could already feel the power and majesty ofthis natural giant. The air was fresh and crisp, filled with the scent of pine and earth.The hike up the mountain was challenging, but the beauty of the surrounding scenery made it all worthwhile. The paths were narrow and winding, leading through dense forests and past towering cliffs. At times, the trail was so steep that it felt like we were climbing straight up the face of the mountain.As we made our way higher, the views becameincreasingly breathtaking. Looking down from the peak, Icould see the vastness of the landscape below, withvillages and fields spread out like a patchwork quilt. The sense of accomplishment and awe was overwhelming.One of the highlights of my visit was the South Peak Temple, an ancient structure perched precariously on the edge of a cliff. The temple was filled with the serene atmosphere of prayer and reflection, a stark contrast tothe wild and rugged outdoors.Huashan Mountain taught me the value of perseveranceand appreciation for nature's wonders. It was a journeythat left me feeling refreshed and invigorated, filled with memories that will last a lifetime.**华山之旅:探索之旅**在中国的陕西省中心,矗立着华山,这一自然奇观吸引着全球各地的游客。



关于介绍登山旅行活动的英语作文The Joy of Hiking and Climbing MountainsHave you ever looked up at a tall mountain and wondered what it would be like to climb all the way to the top? Hiking and mountain climbing are really fun outdoor activities that let you explore nature and see amazing views. Let me tell you all about my adventures on the trails and peaks!Last summer, my family went on a hiking trip to a place called the Smoky Mountains. These are old, tall mountains that really live up to their name - the morning fog hanging over the peaks makes everything look smoky and mysterious. We stayed at a cabin in a forest near the national park where the hiking trails are.Early one morning, we drove to the trailhead and started on a hike up one of the smaller mountains called Chimney Tops. The path wound uphill through the shady, green woods. Sunbeams poked through the leafy branches overhead, making cool patterns on the ground. The fresh air smelled like earth and pine trees. My little sister complained that her legs were tired, but I was having a great time.After about an hour, the trail got really steep and rocky. We had to scramble over big boulders and exposed roots like mountain goats! My mom's backpack kept knocking against the rocks. We stopped to drink water and refuel with snacks. Up ahead, we could see the peak of Chimney Tops sticking up above the trees.The last stretch to the summit was the hardest. We had to use our hands to pull ourselves up the rocky slope. My dad helped boost my sister over a few tricky spots. But when we finally made it to the top, it was awesome! The whole mountain range stretched out in front of us, rolling blue peaks fading into the distance. We could even see the wispy clouds down in the valleys below us. What a view!After resting and taking lots of pictures, we carefully started heading back down the mountain. Somehow the descent always feels faster but harder on your legs. We had to watch our footing closely so we didn't trip on the rocks and roots. By the time we got back to the cabin, we were exhausted but so happy and proud that we had conquered Chimney Tops.That first hike was just the beginning. Over the next few days, we explored several other trails around the Smoky Mountains, seeing waterfalls, meadows full of wildflowers, and lots of coolplants and animals. Hiking is such an amazing way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise too. You'll never get bored looking at all the different trees, rocks, critters, and scenery along the way.Someday, I'd love to graduate from hiking to real mountain climbing with ropes, carabiners, and all that gear. Can you imagine how thrilling it would be to scale a massive rocky cliff or even an icy glacier? Of course, you need a ton of training, strength, and experience to be a serious mountain climber. But even kids can learn the basics of climbing on man-made walls at indoor gyms. We have one of those gyms in our town, so I'm definitely going to give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'll end up as a famous mountaineer conquering the tallest peaks in the world one day!For now though, I'll stick to hiking and appreciating the incredible mountains that Mother Nature has given us. There's no better way to unplug from screens and video games and get out into the fresh air. Every time I'm standing atop a high peak, I feel so small compared to the vastness of the landscapes all around me. But I also feel proud that my own two feet carried me there. Looking out over those boundless peaks and valleys, Idream about all the other places I'll go and mountains I'll climb. The possibilities seem endless when you're a hiker and explorer!。

mount taishan造句

mount taishan造句

mount taishan造句以下是用“mount taishan”造的句子:1. I want to climb Mount Taishan someday. 我希望有一天能去爬泰山。

2. Mount Taishan is one of the most famous mountains in China. 泰山是中国最著名的山脉之一。

3. Many tourists come to Mount Taishan every year to enjoy the beautiful scenery. 每年都有许多游客来到泰山欣赏美丽的风景。

4. Climbing Mount Taishan is a challenging but rewarding experience. 攀登泰山是一次具有挑战性但值得的经历。

5. The sunrise from the top of Mount Taishan is a breathtaking sight. 从泰山山顶看到的日出是令人惊叹的景象。

6. Mount Taishan has a long history and cultural significance. 泰山具有悠久的历史和文化意义。

7. There are many temples and monuments on Mount Taishan. 泰山上有许多寺庙和纪念碑。

8. Mount Taishan is a great place for hiking and outdoor activities. 泰山是一个徒步旅行和户外活动的好地方。

9. The climb to the top of Mount Taishan takes several hours. 攀登到泰山山顶需要几个小时。

10. The view from the top of Mount Taishan is incredible. 从泰山山顶看到的景色令人难以置信。



爬山踏青作文有引用名言英文回答:Hiking and mountain climbing are popular outdoor activities that many people enjoy. There is a famous quote by John Muir that says, "The mountains are calling and I must go." This quote perfectly captures the feeling of being drawn to the mountains and the desire to exploretheir beauty.When I go hiking, I always feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as I set out on the trail. The fresh air, the sound of birds chirping, and the sight of lush greenery all around me make me feel alive and invigorated. As I make my way up the mountain, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride with each step I take.Reaching the summit of a mountain is always a rewarding experience. It feels like a triumph over the challenges and obstacles that I faced along the way. As Edmund Hillaryonce said, "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." This quote reminds me that the true reward of mountain climbing is the personal growth and inner strength that comes from pushing through difficulties.In addition to the physical benefits of hiking, there are also mental and emotional rewards. Being surrounded by nature and away from the hustle and bustle of daily life allows me to clear my mind and find peace within myself. As John Muir also said, "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." This quote resonates with me as I always come back from a hike feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.中文回答:爬山和徒步旅行是许多人喜爱的户外活动。

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1.China is a large country with various geographical terrains.

2.There are five sacred mountains in China.

3.Emperors used to pay tributes their ancestors on the mountain.

4.On the peak of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city.

5.It used to be a big volcano.

6.We can find many fossils in the mountain.

7.You should be careful because the cliff is very steep.

8.You may take the cable to the top.

9.It is famous for getting the best view of sunrise.

10.You can climb the mountain along the stone stairs.你能够沿着石阶登山。

11.This mountain is not fit for snow skiing.

12.It has the highest peak in the world.
