英语演讲与辩论Lecture One(课堂PPT)


英语辩论格式 ppt课件

英语辩论格式 ppt课件
• 团体部分:
• 审题:对所持立场是否能从逻辑、理论、事实等多层次、多角度理解,论据 是否充 足,推理关系是否明确,对本方的难点是否有较好的处理方法。
• 论证:论证是否有说服力,论据是否充分,推理过程是否合乎逻辑,事实引 用是否得当。
• 辩驳:提问是否能抓住对方的要害,问题是否简单明了。是否能正面回答对 方的问题,能否给人以有理有据的感觉。不回答或不正面回答应相应扣分。
• 配合:是否有团队精,能否互相支持,论辩衔接是否流畅,自由辩论时发言 是否错落有致,回答是否形成一个有机整体
• 辩风:语言是否流畅清晰、用词得当、语速适中、语调正确,是否尊重对方 辩友、尊重评委、尊重观众;表演是否得当,落落大方,且有幽默感。
• 个人部分:
• 仪表:举止是否落落大方,是否能适当的运用身体语言。 • 论证:陈词是否流畅,说理是否透彻,逻辑性是否强,引用实力是否得当。 • 辩风:英语口语是否流利清晰,提问是否合适,回答是否中肯,反驳是否有
English Debation Contest
Debate topics :
Real life and virtual life, which is better?
the For-side :
Real life is better
contestants :
the first debater the second debater the third debater the fourth debater
赵梦the Against-side :



Prime minister:
1、定义权(解释议题) 2、有条理地铺展开己方的理由与依据(相关事例) 注意:
不能歪曲题意 定义特殊词关键词 抓准议题中心
Leader of the Opposition:
1、直接间接驳斥prime minister的观点(逐个击破) 2、有条理地铺展开己方的理由与依据(相关事例) 注意:
一般除非对方给出的定义有根本上的理解错误,或 者完全抓错了重点,否则绝对不要去challenge他的定 义!!哪怕对方给出的定义和自己准备的不一样
Deputy prime minister:
2、支持prime minister的观点(完善补充)
注意: closing proposition的两名成员虽然与我方支持同一观
General Advice
• First, you’d better get prepared physically and psychologically. Otherwise, you will certainly feel afflicted
• Secondly, you have nothing to enjoy except the game itself.
Leader of the Opposition
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Member of the Opposition Opposition Whip
( 第一次响铃 )
( 响铃两下 )

英语演讲与辩论Lecture Two(课堂PPT)

英语演讲与辩论Lecture Two(课堂PPT)
➢How ➢Don’ts
➢ Analyze the subject.
➢ How much you have known about the topic.
➢ What your attitude is.
➢ What position do others stand.
➢ What do you want to illustrate in your
▲ 20
例:下面的例子中演讲者开宗明义:“免费午餐”无处不 有,给社会带来极大的危害。
This evening, I want to challenge the myth that “There is no such thing as free lunch.” I want to show you the fact that there is a lot of ‘free lunch’ out there in this country and the profound ways that the fact has affected our society.
▲ 23
例:由美国总统罗斯福的一句名言由此引出“要战胜恐怖 主义就得首先战胜各种恐惧”的主旨。
F.D.R used to say, “The only thing to fear is fear itself. ” Unfortunately, when it comes to fighting terrorism, there is a lot of fear that haunts people in this country and takes away their ability to think and act.



English Debate Skills and Strategies
Listening skills
Active listening
Paying close attention to the opponent's argument and actively
seeking out key information.
The Importance of English Debate Competition
• Enhances English proficiency: Competing in English debate tournaments requires competitors to use English constantly, which helps improve their language skills.
Preparation of Debate Questions
The competitors need to prepare arguments and counter-arguments for both sides of the debate question. They should also research any relevant facts or statistics that could strengthen their argument.
The History and Development of English Debate
English debate tournaments originated in the UK in the 19th century, when debating clubs were formed to discuss political and social issues of the time.


Tell a story
Storing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and keep their interest
Building trust and credibility
Speak with authority
Back up your points with facts and statistics to demonstrate your expertise
Write a well structured and logically coherent speech, including an opening statement, main content, and conclusion.
Collect images, charts, videos, and other materials related to the theme to make the speech more convincing and visually appealing.
02 Presentation skills
Organization structure
Clear Introduction
Start with an attention grabbing introduction to set the tone for your presentation
Clear Covey Information
Use simple language
Average jargon and complex senses to ensure everyone in your audience can understand your message



Impromptu Speech Topics
53 Are we allowing the internet to intrude too far into our private lives?
Impromptu Speech Topics
73 Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests?
Impromptu Speech Topics
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 130 131 132
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Impromptu Speech Topics
Impromptu Speech Topics
83 Should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell?
Impromptu Speech Topics
from intrusive reporting?
Impromptu Speech Topics
336 Are mistakes necessary for discovery or progress?
than set them free. Do you think
university education should be more
open-minded and free?

2018高中英语参考课件:情景表达7 说理与辩论 精品

2018高中英语参考课件:情景表达7 说理与辩论 精品

积累: be present at 出席;参加 bring forward 提出 come up with 提出
你将会从这次有价值的经历中获益很多。 The valuable experience is beneficial to you. You will benefit from/profit from this valuable experience. This valuable experience will benefit/do good to/be helpful for
(3)Having sports can bring you many benefits,of which are relaxation and pleasure.
积累: such as 例如 apart from 除……之外 of which...为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句
No doubt that our educational system is something unsatisfactory.
It is undoubted that our educational system is far from being


Art is more important
❖ Say from industrial products, everything is used by the designers carefully designed, If only pay attention to the transformation of technology, we have all kinds of brand mobile phones? Apple mobile phone is just advanced, it loses simple atmosphere filled with a sense of design shape, humane phone operating page, you can also become fruit powder? Will you still crazy for it quarterly appear cool products? Don't anticiof technology needs the support of society. Without mind emancipation movements, people would bend to the authority of churches and there would not be three industrial revolution even though there might be some invention by chance. Without humanism spirit in Renaissance, people would think it is the anger of gods when faced natural disasters and no one would do research of them. Without the proposition of innate rights of man in the Enlightenment, there would not be intellectual foundations of modern society and overlords would regard advanced technology as dreadful monster just like the government of Qing Dynasty.

public speaking and Debate 英语公共演讲与辩论.ppt

public speaking and Debate 英语公共演讲与辩论.ppt
Impromptu speeches Normal Class 2
230 Are people who own more Christine than one home selfish?
231 China should restrict Emily private ownership of cars.
Resolution: the opinion about which two teams argue.
Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution.
Negative team: disagrees with the resolution.
Argument: supports your position on the resolution. (add this to your handout)
• Read the handout. • Each student should read one or two
sentences and pass the microphone.
• Remember ARE
• An argument is an assertion, reasoning, and evidence.
• outlining • public speaking • conflict resolution • civil discussion
skills • critical thinking • note taking
Done poorly, debate can be: • people yelling at each other
Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the other team.


Speeches About Concepts
on Questions of Facts
on Questions of Value
on Questions of Policy
Informative Speeches
Speeches About Objects: Principle: find a specific purpose of your speech and do not be too general. Three ways to organize informative speeches: 1. Chronological order 2. Topical order 3. Spatial order
each step of the coursework, and eventually produce a speech.
Exercise 2
i To form groups and each group is to choose a general topic.
The general topics are:
1. Environment 2. College education 3. Internet 4.Tradition
Speeches About Events:
An event is something that happens, especially something important or unusual. Two ways: 1.Chronological order 2. Casual order
Speeches About Concepts
judgment and actions
Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy:



Use of notes Tips: (1) Don’t read (2) Do use notes: to remind you what to say, to remind
you when to say it, to remind you how to say it. How to Use Notes: (1)Main points: the headings not a full script (2)The order of the points: structure of speech
I. Quality of definition
The strategic choices made in a debate
Includes the actual Arguments you use
Includes body language and delivery
It is the delivery style a debater uses to persuade the audience. It is involved in physical and vocal aspects: Appearance( dress appropriately) Stance ●physical aspect Gestures Eye contact Style(be yourself but plan for variety) Use of notes
(2) the standard British style: it brings a greater level of complexity by having four competing teams, two teams on each side each compromising of two people making a total of 8 speeches. Each team has a specific role to play depending on their order of speaking. For example; the summing up for the whole side is done by the last speaker of the second teams.

英语辩论格式 .ppt

英语辩论格式 .ppt

English Debation Contest
外法1001班 外法1001班 1001
Debate topics : Real life and virtual life, which is better?
Forthe For-side :
Real life is better
contestants :
the first debater the second debater the third debater the fourth debater 赵梦凡 姚嘉雯 张伶俐 王 窈
Againstthe Against-side :
Virtual life is better
contestants :
-- Refute each other (驳论) 驳论)
(自由辩论) 自由辩论)
Summary Statements
(总结陈词) 总结陈词)
评分标准: 评分标准:
• 团体部分: 团体部分:
• • • • • 审题:对所持立场是否能从逻辑、理论、事实等多层次、多角度理解,论据 审题 是否充 足,推理关系是否明确,对本方的难点是否有较好的处理方法。 论证: 论证:论证是否有说服力,论据是否充分,推理过程是否合乎逻辑,事实引 用是否得当。 辩驳: 辩驳:提问是否能抓住对方的要害,问题是否简单明了。是否能正面回答对 方的问题,能否给人以有理有据的感觉。不回答或不正面回答应相应扣分。 配合: 配合:是否有团队精,能否互相支持,论辩衔接是否流畅,自由辩论时发言 是否错落有致,回答是否形成一个有机整体 辩风: 辩风:语言是否流畅清晰、用词得当、语速适中、语调正确,是否尊重对方 辩友、尊重评委、尊重观众;表演是否得当,落落大方,且有幽默感。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
▲ 10
1.Unnatural, not relaxed or even inflexible
2.Difficult to keep eye-contact and emotional exchange with the audience
ck of enthusiasm

People use such style Features Forms
➢ Language art ➢ Conception techniques ➢ Communication skills
▼ 31
Criteria for successful English speaking ➢ Content judgment ➢ Artistic judgment ➢ Language judgment ➢ Ethical judgment
▲ 32
➢ Original view, different sight
➢ Talk substantively, constructively and justifiably
➢ Correct, accurate and complete
➢ Adequate information
Wedding, Award ceremony: favorable words, compliments
Party (fare-well party, retirement party): greetings and recollection of one or two moving instances
▲ 29
Introduction Acceptance Presentation Commencement Eulogy
Functions: Entertainment, Celebration, Commemoration and inspiration
▲ 30
Speaker’s qualities
▲ 24
➢ To understand, to recognize and to comprehend
➢ It is basically aimed at explanation not persuasion.
▲ 25
◆ Types ※ About objects (事物): Places, Organizations, People… ※ About processes (程序): Steps, Action, Measures on how
Lecture One
Brief Introduction to English Speaking

What is a speech?
A speech is a genuine social activity in which the speaker faces the audience, airing his/her own opinions, expatiating on a specific topic or exchanging information with verbal form mainly aided by nonverbal forms.
▲ 18
➢ Definitprevious planned speaking but not
from manuscript or memory. It is also
different from speaking impromptu. In
the process of the speaking, the speaker
To influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, and acts of the audience and others
▼ 28
➢ To reinforce audience’s existing attitudes, beliefs, and/or behavior ➢ To influence audience’s attitudes, beliefs, and/or understanding ➢ To influence audience’s behavior
▼ 2
What is an English speech?
An English speech is a genuine social activity in which the speaker faces the audience, airing his/her own opinions, expatiating on a specific topic or exchanging information in English with verbal form mainly aided by nonverbal forms.
◆ Tips for successful informative speeches
※ Present new and interesting information (材料内容要新) ※ Relate subject directly to the audience (要与听众直接挂钩) ※ Personalize your ideas (要用亲身经历来说明问题) ※ Define key terms (关键术语概念要解释清楚) ※ Don’t be too technical or abstract (内容不要太专业化或太抽象) ※ Include neither too much, nor too little (篇幅不要太长或太短) ※ Reinforce message through repetition (重复强调演讲主旨)
can refer to outlines or cards prepared in
▲ 20
➢ Accurately convey information or keynote
➢ Keep eye-contact with the audience, speak in conversational tone, look natural and relaxed.
▲ 36
➢ Grasp the overall situation ▲
※ Correctness ※ Clarity ※ Fluency ※ Appropriateness

※ Honest, sincere and trustworthy ※ Confident and enthusiast ※ Friendly, personable, and respectful

gestures expressions
Why do people make speeches?
➢ Make those who share the same opinion
with the speaker firmer.
➢ Persuade some who hold different opinions to waver, to give up or to change their original ideas and finally accept the speaker’s viewpoint gladly and wholeheartedly.

➢ Meet the needs of the audience
➢ Stress given, talk coherently and combination of all parts and elements
➢ Strategies used
➢ Appropriate tone
➢ Natural and effective body language
▲ 16
Predict whether you will be invited to have a speech ( an important guest or the guest of honor), then prepare in advance.
▲ 17
Discussion: give your own opinions
2) Possible to forget the content
▲ 14
➢ Speech contests ➢ Short speeches
▲ 15
Without special advance preparation
➢ Predict ➢Accommodate yourself to circumstances ➢Think on your feet
Chinese Definition
演讲又称演说(Oration),是一门综合性的艺 术,是语言的一种高级表现形式,是艺术地表达 出语言的基本意思,是一种有计划、有目的、有 主题、有系统的视听两方面信息的传播。它可以 使见解一致的听众更坚定其原有的信念,同时, 力争不同见解的听众动摇、放弃、改变其原有的 思想观点,心悦诚服地接受你的意见。
※ About events (事情): Sth. that occurs in a certain place
during a particular interval of time
※ About concepts (概念):Love,Friendship… ※ About issues (问题): Problems, Matters (an overview)
Used by professional speakers, politician or speakers in speech contest.