
5). Social dialect: language use among different social groups in a variety of
social contexts. ①~⑧
1.Diglossia and bilingualism
2. Standard and nonstandard language
2)The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must interact linguistically with other members of the community.
3. Five sections
1). Language variation: general introduction regarding language variation and the situational use of language.①~⑥
2). Standard and nonstandard language: examine language variation in
language variation and language use.
1. Speech community
2. Speech variety
3. Regional variation
4. Social variation
5. Stylistic variation
6. Idiolectal variation
2) A social group: besides regionally, a social group may distinguish

Chapter 8: SociolinguisticsLearning objectives●I. Sociolinguistics●II. Language variation●III. Language and gender●IV. Language and class●⏹Throughout the 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat theinquiry of linguistics as a Monistic or Autonomous Pursuit of an independent science.⏹The resurrection of a Dualistic View of linguistic inquiry, came into being in the1960s, along with the development of sociolinguistics as an opposition to the dominant theory of Chomskyan linguistics.I. Sociolinguistics⏹Sociolinguistics is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation❑between language and society,❑between the uses of language and the social structures in which the language users liveTwo perspectives⏹Micro-studies:❑To look at society from the point of view of an individual member within it, or a worm’s-eye view of language in use.⏹Macro-studies:❑To look at society as a whole and consider how language functions in it and how it reflects the social differentiations, a bird’s eye view of the languageused in society.⏹Sociolinguistics is interested in how social factors influence the structure and use oflanguage.⏹Potential influencing social factors?❑class, gender, age, ethnic group, educational background, occupation, religion, etc.❑Comment on: You are what you say. (Lakoff 1991).⏹II. Language varieties⏹The key issue in sociolinguistics study is variation.❑ 1. Standard language❑ 2. Dialect❑ 3. Register❑ 4. Pidgin and Creole❑ 5. Lingua Franca❑ 6. Slang, jargon, and argot1. Standard language⏹George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion⏹ A particular variety of a language is better than any other.⏹This dominant, or prestigious variety is often called standard variety orstandard language/dialect⏹Quote: A language is a dialect with an army and navy.⏹Question: what is the definition of the standard language in China?⏹普通话的定义:❑以北京语音为标准音, 以北方话为基础方言, 以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代汉民族共同语。

• One of the principal uses of language is to communicate meaning, but it is also used to establish and to maintain social relationships. • It is the second function of language use that sociolinguists study.
• Regional/geographical dialects: • Varieties of a language spoken in a geographical area, such as Cockney dialect, and Yorkshire dialect in Britain, or North Midland dialect and South Midland dialect in the United States, and Guangdong dialect in China.
• Sociolects and standard dialects are often confused because they are interpreted only in terms of prestige. • In due course the sociolect with the highest status in a country often acquires the status of the standard dialect.
• A regional dialect is a variation of language different enough to be classed as a separate entity, but not different enough to be classed as a separate language. • Sometimes a dialect rises in status and becomes the standard variety of a country, becoming standard dialect, e.g. standard English, standard Chinese.

A First Introduction to Sociolinguistics
By Qin Jie FLS of SXNU
Course Outline
• Understanding the basic concepts of sociolinguistic terminology • Grasping the research methods used in sociolinguistic studies • Developing basic competence in critical reading of sociolinguistic works • Obtaining the ability to do some small-scale sociolinguistic research or projects
Course line
• Attendance: roll checking (10%) • Classroom performance: discussion contribution, question answering (10%) • Critical reading, writing and report (20%) • Project work: course paper (60%) • Mailbox: sxnulinguistics@
2 Difficulties for Sociolinguistic study
• 2.1 Variation/Deficiency in theory
Smith (1989: 190): Language use is highly varied, which is too elusive. Rickford (1988): Sociolinguistics is more about observation and description, less about theoretical explanation and prediction. Chomsky (1979:57): Sociolinguistic work is like collecting butterfly specimen. But it is not scientific study.
Sociolinguistics and language teaching 优质课件

Social system Semantic networks Grammatical system
Why should we teach cultural things in our classroom?
4) Culture is always reflected in language and there is no separation between understanding language and understanding culture.
1) Due attention should be paid to sociological and cultural studies.
2) Cultural study can arose great interest of language learners in language leaning.
Selection to produce a certain social meaning
Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener, in a completely homogeneous speech community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors (random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance.
Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics

Temporal dialects varieties of a language used at particular stages in its historical development. There are two major temporal dialects in Chinese — classical Chinese and modern Chinese. In English, there are marked differences between Old English and Middle English, and between Middle English and Modern English.
Many linguists have tried to work out theories to describe the relationship between social variables and linguistic features. A well-known version of these theories is M. A. K. Halliday’s register theory.
When we study language in relation to society, it is called sociolinguistics. In sociolinguistics we are interested in how social factors influence the structure and use of language. It is the field that studies the relations between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. It is also a field of study that assumes that human society is made up of many related patterns and behaviors, some of which are linguistic.
Sociolinguistics (1)1

3) In 1949, an American linguist Mario Pei published a book “The Story of Language”, in which he mainly discussed about the social factors that might influence language.
• The students, therefore, should first of all get to know the development in sociolinguistic study and renowned sociolinguists and their specific areas of the study in the recent decades.
but linguists started to notice that language was a social phenomenon or a social behavior long before this sub-discipline was established. The interaction between language and society has existed ever since people began using language, hence there has been the variation of the language.

Tenor of discourse(话语意旨)
Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication group are and in what relationship they stand to each other. It answers the question of “to whom ” the speaker is communicating. This dimension to a great extent determines the level of formality and the level of technicality of the language we use.
Three social variables that determine the register
Field of discourse(话语范围) Field of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the
purpose role of the language user in the situation in which a text has occurred. In other words, it is concerned with the purpose and subject-matter of communication. It answers the question of ‘Why’ and ‘About what’ communication takes place. Field of discourse may be non-technical or technical. Shopping, game-playing and a personal letter are instances of non-technical fields. Technical fields refer to the specialist fields such as a linguist giving a lecture in class and meteorologists talking about the weather.

the Research Contents 研究内容
t h e characteristics of l a n g u a g e varieties
t h e characteristics of their functions
the characteristics of their speakers
它试图揭示出那些能解释和限制言语社团中语言行为和作用于语 言行为的社会规则和规范,同时,也努力去确定语言多样性对于说 话者的符号性价值。而这种由语言的多样性产生的符号性或象征性 特征,是语言功能差异的必然结果。
as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.
社会语言学研究语言多样性的特征,他们的功能特征和说话者的 特征以及这三者在言语社团中持续的交互作用和变化。
It seeks to discover the societal rules and norms that explain and constrain language behaviour and the attitudes toward language in speech communities. It also seeks to determine the symbolic value of language varieties for their speakers.That fact that language varieties come to take on symbolic or symptomatic value,in and of themselves,is an inevitable consequence of their functional differentiation.
自考 chapter 8 Sociolinguistics

• • • • •
Example 1 (Ray, a student, comes home after school.) Ray: Hi, mum. Mum: Hi. You‟re late. Ray: Yeah, that bastard Sootbucker Kept us in again. • Mum: Nana‟s here. • Ray: Oh sorry. Where is she? • • • • • Example 2 (Leaving school, Ray runs into the school principal.) Ray: Good afternoon, sir. Principal: What are you doing here at this time? Ray: Mr. Sutton kept us in, sir.
• Linguistic phenomena are placed in the general context of society. • People‟s use of language is in part determined by his social background.
8.1.1 Speech community (言语社团) Geographical variation
Geographical variation, which refers to the variation of languБайду номын сангаасge across geographical regions, can be generally divided into international variation and regional dialects. International variation refers to the variation of a language among different nations and is best exemplified by the American English and British English. Regional dialect denotes the variations within one country.

Accommodation and audience design
Audience design: adjusting one‟s speech to be similar to that of a real or imagined listener. When people talk to each other, their speech often becomes more similar. In other words each person‟s speech converges towards the speech of the person they are talking to. This process is called speech accommodation.
3.4.2 Polyglossia
Diglossic situations involve two contrasting varieties, H and L. Sometimes, however, a more sophisticated concept is needed to describe the functional distribution of different varieties in a community. People like Kalala in Bukavu, for instance, use many different codes for different purposes. The term polyglossia has been used for situations like this where a community regularly uses more than two languages.

1. Sociolinguistics
1.2 Two Fundamental Concepts
Speech community: a group of people who form a community (e.g. a village, a region, a nation) and share the same language or a particular variety of a language.
Class: I did it yesterday. I done it yesterday. Gender: 讨厌 Age: netspeak Ethnic group: They mine, You crazy. [Black English] Individuality: idiolect (a personal dialect of an
Macro-sociolinguistics (sociolinguistic study of society): the study of language use to know more about a given society or community, e.g. bilingualism, language planning, language standardization, etc.
2. Language Variation
chapter 8 sociolinguistics 英语专业语言学PPT

Language varieties are related to region, social ass, educational background, and the degree of formality of a situation in which language is used, including standard language, dialects, registers, pidgins, creoles, etc.
Horizontal bilingualism (横向性双语现 象) & diagonal bilingualism (倾斜性 双语现象)
A situation where 3 or more languages are used by an individual or by a group of speakers.
Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics
Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson
Once you open your mouth, you are placed. —— Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw
The origin of the name
➢ -- Hebrew pidjom meaning “trade or exchange” -- Chinese characters pei and ts'in meaning “paying money”

❖If we want to know more about a given society or community by examining the linguistic behaviour of its members, we are doing a sociolinguistic study of society. That is, we are doing sociolinguistics at a macro level of investigation.
The study issues
❖Sociolinguistics deals with subjects such as the linguistic identity of social groups, social attitudes to language, standard and non-standard forms of language, the patterns and needs of national language use, social varieties and levels of language, the social basis of multilingualism, and so on.
Sociolinguistics and Related disciplines
❖parent disciplines: linguistics and sociology
❖related disciplines: anthropology, psychology, gender studies, public policy management, political science and history.
语言学讲义 考研 7 Sociolinguistics

• Users of the same language in a sense all speak differently. What each of them chooses to use is in part determined by one’s social background.
– When we speak we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues about our origin and our background.
– 肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、巴士、 排挡、耐克、因特网、KTV、EMAIL – Typhoon, gongfu, etc.
Netspeak 网络语言
• • • • • • • • • • 顶(支持) 555(呜呜呜) ding(顶) mm/MM(妹妹) LZ(楼主) DD/dd(弟弟) 88(拜拜) 偶(我) 马甲(ID) ID • • • • • • • • • • 斑竹(版主) 恩(嗯) 汗或寒(敬畏) 晕(非常惊异) ps/PS(photoshop的简称) 灌水(发帖子) ddd(顶顶顶) bs/BS(鄙视) 楼猪(楼主) 滴(的、地) 16
• Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
– Edward Sapir (1884 - 1939) and Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897-1941)
• Our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world.

Isogloss and Dialect boundary Isogloss: a line drawn on a map to show the geographical boundaries of the distribution of a particular linguistic feature. Dialect boundary: several isoglosses coincide on the dialect atlas.
Instructor: Hua Xianfa
Chapter V Language and Geography
5.1 Regional Variation Language varies in a number of ways. One way of characterizing certain variations is to say that speakers of a particular language sometimes speak different dialects of that language. As discussed before, dialect is hard to define, but has to be used in studies of regional variation.
Linguistic features of Lingua Franca
a)borrowing words; b)variation in sound system; c)reduced grammar. Social factors have helped the growth and spread of lingua francas.
sociolinguistics (1)

Case study (Japanese)
• There are some interesting socio-semantic facts that should be of interest to you. I will discuss some of them.
Sociolinguistics and Semantics
Pronouns and address terms Japanese has many first and second pronouns, but when they are used (esp. 2nd person pronouns), you have to be very careful. You usually avoid them. (It is hard not to be rude.) 1st: gender neutral: watakushi, watashi male: boku, ore, oira, washi (obsolete) female: atashi, uchi (Kyoto dialect?) 2nd: an(a)ta, omae, kimi, kisama, NAME-san, NAMEkun, NAME-tyan, kisama (archaic and rude) kisama ‘honorable person’ can only be used when you are ready to fight.
Sociolinguistics and Semantics
Pronouns and address terms 3rd: kare ‘he’, kanozyo ‘she’, ano-hito ‘that person’, ano-ko ‘that child’ ‘that girl’ kare ‘he’ and kanozyo ‘she’ were introduced only recently Name-san can be used in sentences (e.g. questions) addressed to this person. So it is indeed like a second person pronoun. E.g. Does Mr. Tanaka like sushi? This can mean ‘Mr. Tanaka, do you like sushi?’ in Japanese.

wives. ❖ Alternatives: Use "Greek males" <<
❖ phonetic level ❖ intonation ❖ lexicon ❖ grammatical level (language structure) ❖ more status-conscious more ‘correct’, more polite
Language and Gender (2)
The relatedness between language and society
There are many indications of the inter-relationship between language and society.
❖1. Language is often used to establish and maintain social relationships. (e.g. greeting)
Varieties of language
No two speakers speak exactly the same way.
No one speaks exactly the same way every single time.
People have different ways to express the same thing.

H Classical Arabic
Specialization of function of the two varieties: H & L
Specialization of the function of High code: (deliver) sermons and formal lectures(esp. in a parliament or legislative body) broadcasting the news on radio & television writing poetry, fine literature and editorials in newspapers
Specialization of the function of Low code:
giving instructions to workers in lowprestige occupations or to household servants in conversation with families in „soap operas‟ and popular programs on the radio in captions on political cartoons in newspapers, and in „folk literature‟
Metaphorical code-switching & Code-mixing
Metaphorical code-switching refers to the fact that a change of topic requires a change in the language used Code-mixing Code-mixing refers to the deliberate mixing of two languages without an associated topic change.
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Instructor: Hua Xianfa
Chapter III Language and Context
3.1. Varieties of language related to the use 3.1.1. Speech repertoire(言语语库) In any speech community there is no single style
speaker. Any individual controls a number of varieties of a language or of two or more language, that is, he or she has a speech repertoire. “A speech repertoire is the range of linguistic varieties which the speaker has at his disposal and which he may appropriately use as a member of his speech community.”(Platt and Platt)
r of discourse(话语意旨)
Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication group are and in what relationship they stand to each other. It answers the question of “to whom ” the speaker is communicating. This dimension to a great extent determines the level of formality and the level of technicality of the language we use.
Language variability is not haphazard as is usually assumed, it is rule-governed, and constrained by social variables. There are many social constraints that come into play in controlling which variety from the speech repertoire of a speaker is to be used on a particular occasion. Apart from speech community context from which are derived various dialectal varieties, there is another kind of situational factor which can be described by Halliday’s register theory.
Three social variables that determine the register
Field of discourse(话语范围) Field of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the
purpose role of the language user in the situation in which a text has occurred. In other words, it is concerned with the purpose and subject-matter of communication. It answers the question of ‘Why’ and ‘About what’ communication takes place. Field of discourse may be non-technical or technical. Shopping, game-playing and a personal letter are instances of non-technical fields. Technical fields refer to the specialist fields such as a linguist giving a lecture in class and meteorologists talking about the weather.
What is register?
The term “register” is used by some linguists in a restricted sense, referring to the language used in pursuance of one’s job, whereas Halliday uses “register” in a much broader sense. According to Halliday, “Language varies as its function varies,; it differs in different situations.” The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a type of situation is a register. Registers are simply a rather special case of a particular kind of language being produced by the social situation.