
vt. (of a jury or judge) declare in a lawcourt that sb is guilty (of a crime) (指陪审团或法官)宣判某人有(...)罪: She has twice been convicted (of fraud). to make aware of one‘s sinfulness or guilt 使认罪;使深感有错,使悔悟 ; , He was convicted of his errors.
Conviction is a strongly-held belief or idea on spiritual or moral matters. It is something that often grows out of life experiences and hard thinking or meditation. Belief is mental acceptance and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something. Assurance is a confidence or sureness that is not rooted in your intellect.
Faith indicates persistent action, devotion, and direction of self, and is often charged with emotion. Certainty is not a form of faith, but of knowledge, based on demonstrable evidence which is so strong that it can be fairly labeled proof.
法律英语lesson5 constitution

"hereby" = "by this agreement" "hereby"中文大概可以说是「在此」、「依此」的意思, 中文大概可以说是「 」、「依此 中文大概可以说是 在此」、「依此」的意思, 表示当事人借着这个合约, 表示当事人借着这个合约,要宣示某种具有法律上效力 意思表示」,例如保证、同意、放弃权利等等。 」,例如保证 的「意思表示」,例如保证、同意、放弃权利等等。 The Company hereby covenants and warrants & that... By this agreement the Company covenants and warrants that... 公司在此保证 公司在此保证... Both parties hereby agree that... By this agreement both parties agree that... 双方当“of this agreement”; “herein” = “in this agreement” “hereof”和“herein”与前面介绍过的“hereunder”、 和 与前面介绍过的“ 与前面介绍过的 、 “hereto”以及 hereby”比较起来 “hereto”以及“hereby”比较起来, 以及“ 比较起来, 可能的用法与场合较广泛, 可能的用法与场合较广泛,所连接的概念也比较没有固 定性, 定性,同时在很多情况下 相互代换使用, “hereof”和“herein”相互代换使用,意思上并不会有 和 相互代换使用 很大的差别。 很大的差别。
set forth 阐述 set set set set set set aside aside an arbitral award free fire off a claim off a debt

Conviction记忆方法的具体技巧Conviction记忆方法包括以下技巧:1. 关联记忆•与已知信息产生关联:将待记忆的信息与已经熟知的信息联系在一起,可以是类似的思维模式、相关的主题或具有相似特征的对象。
2. 多感官记忆•利用视觉记忆:将待记忆的信息转化为图像或图表,通过观察和回忆图像来帮助记忆。
3. 创造故事•制作故事情节:将待记忆的信息融入到一个有趣的故事中,通过对故事情节的回顾来帮助记忆。
4. 奇思妙想•利用幽默:将待记忆的信息与幽默的元素结合,通过回忆幽默元素来帮助记忆。

conviction英[kən'vɪkʃ(ə)n]美[kən'vɪkʃən]口语练习n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰The third part is personality and conviction.第三部分是人格与定罪。
The third chapter is concerned about judicial conviction of the crime of drug trafficking knotty problems. 第三部分,贩卖毒品罪的司法认定中疑难问题。
The paper aims to analyze the necessity of modern justice conviction, stressing the value and sense, which in return provides a new law thinking and guiding for the doubtful and disputable cases during the judicial practice.全文旨在通过案例研究方法分析现代司法理念的必要性,强调该理念存在的价值和意义,以期为我国司法实践中涌现的疑难、争议案件的解决提供一种新的法律思路和指导方向。
conviction/kənˈvɪkʃən/CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT A conviction is a strong belief or opinion. 坚定的信念例:It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。
2.N-COUNT If someone has a conviction, they have been found guilty of a crime in a court of law.判罪例:He will appeal against his conviction.他将对判决进行上诉。

造句如下:1.She has a deep-seated conviction that honesty is the best policy.她深信诚实是最好的策略。
2.He was convicted of bribery and sentenced to five years in prison.他因受贿被判有罪,并被判处五年监禁。
3.She has a personal conviction that every child should receive a goodeducation.她坚信每个孩子都应该接受良好的教育。
4.He maintains his innocence despite his conviction for tax evasion.尽管他因逃税被定罪,但他坚称自己无辜。
5.The judge sentenced him to 10 years in prison on a drug conviction.法官因毒品罪名判处他10年监禁。
6.She has a deep-seated conviction that we can make a difference in theworld if we try.她坚信只要我们努力,就能改变世界。
7.He was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 15 years inprison.他因二级谋杀罪被判有罪,并被判处15年监禁。
8.She has a personal conviction that every person should have access to cleanwater.她坚信每个人都应该能够获得干净的水。
9.The police officers were convicted of using excessive force during the arrest.警察被判在逮捕过程中过度使用武力。

例如:1. The jury convicted him of murder.(陪审团认定他犯有谋杀罪。
)2. He was convicted of stealing the car and was sentenced to five years in prison.(他被判偷车罪成立,判处五年监禁。
)3. The evidence presented by the prosecution was sufficient to convict the defendant.(检方提供的证据足以定罪被告。
例如:1. The DNA evidence convicted the suspect.(DNA证据证明了嫌疑人有罪。
)2. The video footage convicted him of stealing from the store.(监控视频证明他从商店偷东西。
)3. The witness's testimony convicted the accused of perjury.(证人的证词证明了被告犯有伪证罪。
例如:1. I am convinced of his innocence.(我坚信他是无辜的。
)2. She is convicted that her method is the best way to achieve success.(她确信她的方法是实现成功的最佳途径。

“信仰”概念的意义与用法《人思之人》出版后,张曙光、吕炳强和Franqois Laplandine 等先生发表了极其有益的评论。
对此,北京师范大学张曙光教授和法国里昂第二大学Frangois Laplandine教授的评论都建议考虑用其他更妥当的词汇来代替。
作为名词,我们可以说:政治信1/ 21仰和宗教信仰。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-北京科技大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Despite the suspect’s()to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved. 问题1选项A.convictionB.assertionC.accusationD.speculation【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。
【答案】答:The Americans admire fair, that is, equality and impartiality. They believed in equal opportunity and equality before the law. That means, regardless of social status or economic conditions, everyone shall be fairly treated. Yet despite the ideals of leniency and democracy that most Americans profess to embrace, the women and minorities still face huge obstacles in their activities for protecting their rights. But some progress has been made in the past 50 years.3.单选题In spite of the taxing business schedule, he managed to take some time off for exercise.问题1选项A.imposingB.demandingpulsoryD.temporary【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。
高英单词 lesson 14

二战丘吉尔演讲片段1.conviction n. 坚定的看法或信念同义词:beliefConviction 更强调一种“毋庸置疑的信念“,我们可以将其理解为a belief that excludes doubt, 如:It’s my conviction that complacency is at the root of our troubles.Belief 仅仅是一种观念,不一定是人们极力相信的,如:There is nothing more natural than a child’s belief in his parents.2.horde n. (有时作贬义)一群,一伙e.g. a horde of children ran over the office building3. enlist v. 赢得……的支持或合作E.g. I have enlisted the co-operation of most of my colleagues in my campaign.4. croquet n. 槌球游戏5. revert v. 回到(原话题或思路)e.g. The conversation kept reverting to the subject of money.6. arch adj. 主要的,首要的e.g. Their arch foe is the Chicago Bull.10. folly n. 荒唐事,愚蠢的行为或事例e.g. The old man regretted the follies of his youth.7. regime n. 政体,政权制度8. devoid adj. 完全缺乏的e.g. This novel is devoid of wit and inventiveness.9. ferocious adj. 极为野蛮的,残忍的11. till v. 耕种,耕作12. immemorial adj. 古老的,久远的,无法追忆的e.g. The Chinese have been worshipping their ancestors since time immemorial.13. wring v. 榨取,勒索,压榨e.g. They wrung the truth out of her.14. primordial adj. 原始的,基本的,主要的e.g. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter.15. clank v. 发出当朗声,使发出铿锵声e.g. The prisoner’s ankle chains clanked as they walked.16. click v. (使)发出咔哒声,发出轻而短的声音e.g. The door clicked shut behind him.17. dandify v. (使)打扮得像纨绔子弟,盛装18. cow v. 恐吓,威胁e.g. He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts.19. docile adj. 听话的,容易教的,易驾驭的,易控制的同义词:obedient, tractable, compliantObedient指“对权威或控制自己的人的命令、指令顺从的”,如:an obedient child;Docile指“性格温顺而无意反抗的”,如:a docile wife;Tractable指“易控制或管理的”,如:a tractable horse;Compliant指“愿意顺从别人的”,如:A compliant person gives in easily to other people’s views.20. Hun n. 用于对德国人的蔑称,尤指第一次世界大战中的德国士兵21. plod v. 步履维艰地走,沉重缓慢地走e.g. We plodded on through the rain for several hours.22. smart v. 感到剧痛,感到痛心e.g. No creature smarts so little as a fool.23. villainous adj. 恶劣的,邪恶的e.g. Such a villainous band of thieves broke into the store.24. cataract n. 大瀑布,洪流25. declare v. 宣布,宣告,声明e.g. The United States declared war against Iraq.同义词:announce, publish, proclaimDeclare常用于正式场合,指“正式而公开地让人知道,或通过官方使……为人所知清楚”,如:He declared his intention to run for office.Announce侧重“把人们关心或感兴趣的事情正式公布于众”,如:It has been announced that Mr. Smith and Miss Jones will be married next week.Publish指“通过书面的方式让公众都知道”,如:News of the general’s sudden death was not published for several days.Proclaim 一般用于公共或正式场合,着重指“庄严地或者严肃认真地向广大群众宣布某一重大的事件”,如:The government proclaimed a law.26. concur v. 同意,赞成e.g. She has expressed her opinions to the plan, and I fully concur with her in this manner.27. vestige n. 痕迹,遗迹,(某物的)残余同义词:trace, trackTrace指“某些已出现或发生的事情所留下的记号、痕迹等”,如:Age has left its traces on her face.Vestige指“过去存在的事物所留下的遗迹或残余”,如: Not a vestige of the abbey remains. Track 指“车辆、行人、动物等经过后留下的痕迹、踪迹或足迹”,如:The hunter followed the animal’s tracks.28. parley v. 与……会谈,与……谈判(尤其指和对立一方进行商讨)e.g. The opposing sides come to realize that a pointless quarrel doesn’t help the situation; therefore, they plan to parley with each other.29. creed n. 信条,信念30. divergence n. 分歧e.g. There is a great divergence of opinions among the board of directors.反义词:convergence31. woefully adv.可悲地,不幸地e.g. The preparations were woefully inadequate.32. fortify v. 巩固,强化,设防,设要塞e.g. After praying he faced his difficulties with a fortified spirit.33. tyranny n. 专制e.g. I have sworn…eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.34. moralise v. (=moralize) (常用作贬义)训导,说教(尤其指自以为是的说教)e.g. He is always moralizing about the behaviour of young people.35. catastrophe n. 大灾难,异常的灾祸36. blood-lust n. 杀戮欲37. lure v. 诱惑,引诱e.g. Many young engineers have been lured to go abroad by the promise of high wages.38. outrage n. (常用于贬义)暴虐,残忍e.g. Those who had been under colonial rule for more than century wouldnever forget the outrages committed by the aggressive troops.39. hurl v. 用力投掷,猛地推进e.g. The soldier hurled himself upon the enemy.40. prelude n. 序曲,前奏e.g. The bankruptcy of several small firms was the prelude to general economic collapse.41. subjugation n.征服,制服42. hearth n. 炉边,家庭生活,家短语表达1.round up 驱集,使聚拢e.g. The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.2. count on 依靠,信赖,指望e.g. Don’t count on a salary increase this year.3. go all out 全力以赴e.g. The team is going all out to win the championship.4. make a reference to 提及,提到e.g. The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scandal.5. to the effect that ……大意为e.g. He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.6. on the threshold of 在……门口,在……的开端e.g. The politician was on the threshold of his career.7. tie down 束缚,限制,奴役e.g. The veteran worker refuses to be tied down by petty restriction.8. in due course 在适当的时机,最终e.g. Your request will be dealt with in due course.9. it follows that 由此可见,由此断定e.g. He doesn’t come to work today, but if doesn’t necessarily follow that he is ill.。

She was motivated by deep religious convictions.(宗教信仰) He said he agreed but his voice lacked conviction.(坚定,肯定)
She has six previous convictions for theft. 他有六次盗窃前科。 He plans to appeal against his conviction. 他不服判决,准备上诉。
be open to conviction 服理, 能接受意见 carry conviction 使生信心或令人心服 in the full conviction that 充分相信是... listen with conviction (虚心)倾听
belief, faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust
Belief:指单纯从主观上的相信,不着重这种相信 是否有根据。 Faith:语气较强,强调完全相信。 Confidence:指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不 会使人失望,因而给予信任。 Conviction:多指根据长期交往或实践,对某人某 事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和相信,侧重其坚定 性。 Credit:语气最弱,着重以声誉为信任的基础。 Trust:强调相信、信任的完全可靠。

Part two ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ paras 6-23)
Main idea By citing examples the author
praises the exploits of civilrights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.
7.What are the passengers of the
Map Reading Read the following three maps and
answer the following questions.
Map Reading
Cultural Notes
The Underground Railroad was not underground. Because escaping slaves and the people who helped them were technically breaking the law, they had to stay out of sight. They went “underground” in terms of concealing their actions.
Christian (3)
Moses(摩西): one of the
characters in the Bible, who led the Jewish people out of the slavery in Egypt and to the Promised Land (福地,乐土).

1.Many years ago trying to help people with every kind of trouble left me with one sure conviction …多年以前,帮助⼈们解决各种各样问题的过程使我深信,…… Trying to help people with every kind of trouble caused me to believe one thing firmly… help *****.with… 帮助某⼈做 …… Could you help me with the cooking?你能帮我做饭吗? trust/faith/belief/conviction trust信任,信赖某⼈时,你便是依靠于他。
Pupils put their trust in their teachers.⼩学⽣们都信赖他们的⽼师。
faith 信任,信念,表⽰对某⼈或某时⾮常信任,⽽这却可能是⽆法提供证据的。
I have faith in this medicine.我相信这种药。
He has a strong belief in Buddhism.他深信佛教。
conviction 深信,确信;信念,是指⼀种强烈的信念。
He joined the Communist Party on the basis of his conviction that communism will prevail through the world.他加⼊******是基于他坚信共产主义将在全世界胜利。 case after case the difficulty could have been overcome—or might never have arisen- 在⼀个个事例中,如果⼈们相互以礼相待,问题完全可能会得到解决,或许根本不会出现。

Adept 对做某事物内行的,熟练的Advocate 拥护,提倡,文件Animosity 憎恶,敌意,仇恨Articulate 能用词语把意思表达清楚的,发音清晰的Bargain 协议,廉价购买或者廉价出售之物Beneficial 有益的,有用的,有好处的Boorish 粗野的Catastrophe 突如其来的大灾难或大灾祸Censure 严厉批评某人,正式责备某人Complimentary 表示崇敬,赞美,称赞,赞许,赠品Concord 和谐,一致,和睦Consecrate 把某事物奉献作宗教用途,行仪式某人就任谋职,将某事某人献给某事某人作宗教用途Consist 由某事物组成构成Console 安慰Constructive 建设性的,有益的Contagious 接触传染的,接触传染病Contempt 轻视,蔑视,藐视,不顾Contemptuous 轻视的Conviction 定罪,科刑,坚定地看法或信仰,可信的Counsel 劝告,建议,讼务律师Cursory 粗虐的,草率的,仓促的Dalliance 轻浮的举动,调情Decisive 有特殊,重要或者决定性的效果Deflect 使某事物运动转向,使某人改变原来的计划Deleterious 有害的Discern 看出,识别,辨认Disparage 贬低,轻视Dispense 施与某物,分配某物,配药,发药,药剂师Disrupt 弄乱,扰乱Dubious 半信半疑,可疑,不大可靠,冒风险的Elaborate 详细制定某事物,详尽的解释或者说明某事物,阐明,详尽复杂,精心制作的Elevate 将某人某物举起提到更高的地位,使思想等更好,使更有修养Eliminate 消除,清除,排除,干掉某人Entangle 使某人某物自己缠绕,纠缠于某物中Equitable 公正的,合理的Erratic 动作或者平之行为不规则的,无常的Eulogy 颂辞,颂文Extravagant 奢侈的,挥霍的,放纵的,想法言行放肆的,轻轨的,过度的Fastidious 仔细挑选的,只选好的,难以取悦的,爱挑剔的,吹毛求疵的Fidelity 忠实,忠贞,忠诚,精确,真实,确切Formidable 引起恐惧或不安的,可怕的,难以应付的,难以克服的,令人敬畏的,惊人的,极好强的Fortify 防卫,支持,添加维生素增加食物营养价值Idiosyncrasy 特质的,与众不同的Impersonal 不受个人情感影响的,冷淡的,没人情味的,不牵涉个人感情的,非特指某一人的,客观的Inaudible 因声音低听不见的Inconsistent 不和谐,不一致,不协调,反复无常的,易变的Ineffable 不可言喻的,难用语言表达的,不可言状的Infelicitous 不妥当的,不幸的Inflexible 不可弯曲的,不能转变的,不受影响的,不屈的Informal 非正适合的,非正规的,不拘礼节的,不讲究形式的,按个人爱好选择的,不依从社会习俗的,日常的,口语体的Instantaneous 即时的,瞬间的Integrity 诚实而正直,完整,整体Intermittent 断续的,间歇的Interrogate 长时间讯问,审问,盘问或质问某人Intrude 闯入,侵入,打搅,侵扰Legitimate 法定的,依法的,合法的,正当的,合理的Meddle 干预,干涉,管闲事,乱动,瞎弄不应动或者不懂的事物Mercenary 只为金钱的,图利的,雇佣兵Meticulous 极精细的,极注意细节的Misbehave 行为不端,举止不当Misfortune 不幸,厄运Moderate 中等的,适度的,见解(通常指政治方面)不极端的,不偏激的,有节制的,不过分的Momentous 极重要的,严重的Negligence 疏忽,忽视,不留心,粗心大意Passion 强烈的情感,愤怒,盛怒,强烈的爱Petulant 性急的,暴躁的Polarize 使光波等偏振,使物体极化,使有极性,使人观点等两极分化,相冲突,截然相反Pragmatic 务实的,实事求是的,注重实效的,实用主义的,实用主义观点的Praiseworthy 值得赞许的Predictable 可预知的,平庸的Presumptive 基于合理推测的,指定的,可能的,假定的Prolong 延伸某事物尤指时间,使延伸,延长痛苦,将不愉快的经历,紧张的局势等延长Propensity 倾向,习性Prosaic 无灵感的,无想象力的,无聊的,平凡的,乏味的Pursue 追赶,追逐,追捕,追杀,追寻,追求,继续从事忙于,进行Quell 制止某事物,镇压,压制Regressive 退步的,退化的Release 放走,免除某人的义务或责任,将某物从固定位置上移走,使某物自由移动,让某物飞走落下等,发布新闻等Rely 指望或依赖某人某物,信任某人某物Remiss 玩忽职守,松懈,马虎Resist 使用武力以阻止某事发生或者取得胜利,抵抗,对抗,抵制,抗拒计划主张等,不受某事物的损害或者影响等,抗,耐Restrained 抑制或遏制某人某事物,管制,约束,感情,言语或行为克制的,节制的,受到控制的Rhetoric 修辞,修辞艺术,修辞学,华丽的辞藻(常含华而不实之意),虚夸的言辞Rigid 坚硬的,不弯曲的,刚性的,严格的,坚强的,不变的Scoff 嘲弄,嘲笑Secretive 爱保密的,爱把感情思想等深藏不露的Sedulous 勤勉的,不懈的,细心的Sermonize 说教,讲道Shroud 裹尸布,寿衣,覆盖物,遮蔽物Smug 沾沾自喜的,自满的,自鸣得意的Sneer 嗤笑,嘲笑,讥笑Steadfast 鉴定的,不动摇的,固定不动的Substance 物质,实物,坚固,结实,实质部分,主旨,要义Temporize 拖延,敷衍Terminate 结束,使某事物终止,终结Transmit 籍无线电波,沿电报线路等传输,传播信号节目等,将某事物传送,传递,传达或传染给对方Treacle 似糖蚀的,过分多情的,甜的发腻的Unforeseen 未预见到的,意料之外的Uprising 起义,暴动Vacillate 思想动摇不定,犹豫,在情绪之间变化不定Vacuity 目的,意义缺乏,空虚,茫然,愚蠢,无意义的言行Vindicate 澄清某人某事,受到责难或嫌疑,表明或证明所争辩的事物属实,正当,有效等Waver 减弱,动摇,犹豫,犹豫不决,踌躇Withdraw 收回,取回,撤回或撤走某人某事,取钱,撤回或撤销诺言,提议,言论等,脱离某处或某些人。

conviction英[kən'vɪkʃ(ə)n]美[kən'vɪkʃən]口语练习n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰The third part is personality and conviction.第三部分是人格与定罪。
The third chapter is concerned about judicial conviction of the crime of drug trafficking knotty problems. 第三部分,贩卖毒品罪的司法认定中疑难问题。
The paper aims to analyze the necessity of modern justice conviction, stressing the value and sense, which in return provides a new law thinking and guiding for the doubtful and disputable cases during the judicial practice.全文旨在通过案例研究方法分析现代司法理念的必要性,强调该理念存在的价值和意义,以期为我国司法实践中涌现的疑难、争议案件的解决提供一种新的法律思路和指导方向。
conviction/kənˈvɪkʃən/CET4 TEM41.N-COUNT A conviction is a strong belief or opinion. 坚定的信念例:It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。
2.N-COUNT If someone has a conviction, they have been found guilty of a crime in a court of law.判罪例:He will appeal against his conviction.他将对判决进行上诉。

专四听力单词1. abolish [?’b?li?] v废除,禁止2. abolition [?b?’li??n] n.废除,禁止3. abortion n放弃流产4. miscarriage [mis’k?rid?] n.(人,计划)流产5. abort v 使流产;终止,夭折6. abominable [?’b?min?bl] adj 令人讨厌的,讨厌的,糟糕的7. abridged 删减的,删节的abridged version 删减本8. version 版本9. unabridged 未删减的10. abridge v [?’brid?]节略,缩写11. absurdity [?b’s?:diti] n 荒诞,荒谬,谬论12. accessory 小饰品;从犯,同谋13. have access to有权进入14. concede 让步15. exceed v 超越,超过16. recession n (经济)衰退depression n 大萧条17. conspiracy [k?n'spir?si] 阴谋(The men were found guilty of conspiracy murder.)18. aspire v 渴望,追求19. inspire n 鼓舞,鼓励,启迪,赋予灵感20. expire v 满期,过期;断气(His driving license expired.)21. respire 呼吸的respiration n 呼吸-spir-【词根】呼吸22. agitate [‘?d?iteit] v 使不安;动摇(She was agitated because her train was an hour late.)23. amateur [‘?m?t?]业余的(Although T om is an amateur,he is a first-class player.)24. ambiguous [?m’biɡju?s] 模糊的,模凌两可的(This is an ambiguous statement.)25. analogy n 类似,相似(Works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature.)26. antique n 古董adj 古老的[?n’ti:k]27. apprentice n 徒弟,學徒(My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker’s wor kshop.)28. assassinate v 暗杀,行刺29. assault n 攻击(Troops began an assault on the city.)30. assessment n 评估31. attorney n 代理人,律师(He acted as attorney for me.)32. avail v 有用于,有助于(All his efforts did not avail.)33. baffle v 阻碍,使有困难(The question baffled me completely,and I c ouldn’t answer it.)34. buffalo n 水牛35. bait n 诱饵36. banquet n 宴会,夜宴37. barren 贫瘠的(That barren land could produce little food.)38. bishop n 主教archbishop 大主教39. bleach v 漂白(The sun bleached her yellow skirt.)40. blush v,n 脸红(I have to blush to admit that thing.)41. budget 预算budget deficit预算赤字42. bulletin n [‘bulitin]公告,新聞快報43. burglar n 竊賊,夜盜44. bestow v 贈與,授予45. cater (to)v 提供,供應,討好46. charter v 包租,發給…許可證47. clockwise adj 順時針的48. (Please turn the key in a clockwise direction.)anticlockwise 逆時針的49. cluster n 一捆,一叢,一簇,一束(clusters of flowers)50. clutch v 抓住(The mother clutched her baby in her arms.)51. n 離合器(ex:She released the clutch,and the car began tomove.)52. coherent adj [k?u’hi?r?nt] 前後一致的,條理清楚的(acoherent argument)53. coherence n 條理性,連貫性,一致性54. commonsense n 常識55. commonwealth n 共和國,聯邦56. compensate v 補償,賠償(She use her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.)57. complement v,n 補充,補足(The two suggestions complement each other.Rice makes an excellent complement of curry dish.)58. compliment v,n 恭維,讚美(He complimented Erika on her appearance.She paid me an enormous compliment.)59. compulsory adj 必須做的,強制的,義務的(Is English a compulsory subject?)60. selective adj 選擇的(He is very selective in his reading.)61. concede v 讓步,承認(I conceded that I had made a mistake.)62. concession n 承認,允許,妥協,讓步(Government was unwilling to make any further concessions.)63. confidential 秘密的,機密的(The results of conference are still confidential.)64. confirmation n 證實,確認,確認(We are waiting for confirmation of the news.)65. consolidate v (使)鞏固,(使)加強,(使)合併(We have made a good start,now it is to consolidate.)66. constrain v 強迫,強使;限制,約束(He was constraining himself not to wander from the task.)constraint n 進步67. restrain v抑制,遏制;管制,克制,約束(If you cannot restrain your dog,you must lock it up.)68. consulate n 領事館(The Spanish consulate is the large white building opposite the bank.)69. consul n 領事(an acting consul 代理領事)70. embassy n 大使館(She works at the Malaysian embassy in London.)71. ambassador n 大使,使節(He is a Chinese ambassador to Japan.)72. contradict v [kɑntr?’d?kt] 反駁,頂嘴;與…發生矛盾( He contradicted his own statement.)73. vote v 投票(贊成票)veto v 投反對票74. controversial adj 有爭議的( The topic of argument is contrvertial.)75. conviction n 定罪;堅定的信仰( conviction of guilty服刑)76. correlate v 有關,關聯(The study found that success in the educational systemcorrelates highly with class.)77. courteous adj [‘k?:tj?s]彬彬有禮的,客氣的(Although she often disagreed with me,she was always courteous.)78. courtesy n 謙遜有禮,有禮貌的行為(They did not even have the courtesy to apologize.)79. cradle n [‘kreidl]搖籃,發源地(He saw Greek art as the cradle of European civilization.)80. criterion n [krai’ti?ri?n] (批判,判斷等的)標準,準則81. criteria n 標準82. cruise v 乘船巡遊n 乘船遊覽bruise n 瘀傷83. customs n 海關,進口稅84. currency n 通貨,貨幣85. recur v 在發生86. occur v 發生occurrence n 發生87. concur 共同發生incur 遭受88. decree n 命令,法令;判決v 命令,裁決,頒佈…為法令89. imperial decree 聖旨90. deem v 認為,相信(Don’t you deem that it is your duty to help?)91. defy 公然反對,不服從,不尊敬,看不起(a woman who defy convention)92. delegate n 代表v 任命…為代表,託付(He is one of the delegates of the conference.)93. representative n 代理人,代表94. deliberate adj 故意的,蓄意的;慎重的(He told a deliberatelie.)95. denial n 否認(She shook her head in denial.)96. deposit v 放置,放下;存放n 存款(I’d like to make adeposit)97. depression n 大蕭條98. recession n 衰退99. deprive v 剝奪,奪去,使喪失(The law will deprive us most of our basic rights.)deprive sb of剝奪100. descendant n 後裔descend 上升101. detach 拆卸,是分開,使分離(The screen detached from the keyboard.)102. detainee n (因政治原因)被拘留者attain 獲得contain 包含detain 拘留maintain 保持maintenance n 保持sustain 支持obtain 獲得abstain 棄權103. deviate v 偏離,越軌(His statements sometimes deviated from the truth.)104. diagnose v 診斷(The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease.)105. diagnosis n 診斷法,診斷結果(What is the doctor’s diagnosis of your disease?)106. dictatorship n 獨裁,專政(His dictatorship was threatened by his opponents)107. carbon 碳108. dioxide n 二氧化物109. directory 號碼薄,通訊錄(Her name is listed on the telephone directory.)110. discern v 明辨,識別(I soon discerned that man was lying.)111. discrimination n 歧視,辨別,識別力(He spoke out against the racial discrimination.)112. distort v 歪曲,曲解,扭曲,使變形(The book represents a fundamentally distorted picture.)113. disturbance n 打擾,擾亂,騷亂,紛亂(There’s a violent disturban ce in inner city areas.)114. doctrine n 教條,教義,學說115. documentary n 紀錄片116. duplicate n 複製品(Your jacket is a duplicate of mine.)117. replicate v 複製,重複(It might be impractical to replicate Eastern culture in the west.)118. editorial n 社論119. emerge v 出現,顯出;暴露120. endanger v 危及,使遭受危險121. emigrate v 移居國外122. immigrate v 移居入境123. endeavor n 努力,盡力(He is earnest in his endeavor.)124. enlighten v 啓發,開導(Would you enlighten me on your plans for the future.)125. episode n 章節,一集126. epoch n 時代127. era n 時代128. escort n [‘esk?:t] 護送著,護航129. evaporate v 蒸發;消失不見130. exemplify v 是…的典型例子131. execution v 執行132. exile v,n 流放133. expedition n 遠征,探險134. explicit 詳述的,詳盡的135. implicit 隱晦的,含蓄的136. extravagant 奢侈的,鋪張的137. feminine 女子氣的138. fertile 多產的,富饒的139. filter 140. flaw141. flexible142. flux143. formidable144. forum145. fossil146. foul147. frail148. fragile149. fringe150. fury151. fuse152. fuss153. gear154. riot155. generosity 156. germ157. grief158. grin159. growl160. grumble 161. gust162. gauge163. harmonious 164. harmony 165. democracy 166. democratic 167. harsh168. hemisphere 169. atmosphere 170. hindrance 171. hinder 172. hitherto 173. homogeneous 174. hostile 175. hostility 176. hypothesis177. premise178. identical179. illuminate180. impartial [im'pɑ:??l] adj. 不偏不倚的;公平的,公正的181. unbiased [,?n'bai?st] adj. 无偏见的;公正的182. inaugurate [i'n?:ɡjureit]vt. 举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼;开创;创新;开辟183. inclination [,inkli'nei??n]n. 倾向,爱好;斜坡184. incompatible [,ink?m'p?t?bl]adj. 矛盾的;不相容的;不能同时成立的n. 互不相容的人或事物185. indispensable [,indis'pens?bl]adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人induce induce [in'dju:s, in'du:s] vt. 引诱;[电]感应;[医]诱导;引起186. indulge [in'd?ld?]vt. 满足;使沉迷于…;使高兴;纵容vi. 满足;沉溺;放任187. industrious [in'd?stri?s]adj. 勤勉的188. infectious [in'fek??s]adj. 传染的;易传染的;传染性的189. inference ['inf?r?ns]n. 推论;推断;推理190. inflation [in'flei??n]n. 通货膨胀;膨胀;夸张;自命不凡191. deflation192. ingredient [in'ɡri:di?nt]n. 要素;组成部分;原料adj. 构成组成部分的193. inspiration [,insp?'rei??n]n. 灵感;妙计;吸气;鼓舞194. installment [in'st?:lm?nt]n. 分期付款;部分;就职;安装195. insulate ['insjuleit, 'ins?-]vt. 隔离,使孤立;[物]使绝缘,使隔热196. invalid ['inv?li:d, -lid, ,inv?'li:d, 'in-] adj. 无效的;有病的;残废的n. 病人;残废者vt. 使伤残;使退役vi. 变得病弱;因病而奉命退役197. validate ['v?lideit]vt. 确认;使生效;证实,验证198. jerk [d??:k]n. 肌肉抽搐;性情古怪的人;蠢人;急拉vi. 痉挛;急拉;颠簸地行进vt. 猛拉199. junction ['dk??n]n. 连接,接合;交叉点;接合点200. conjunction [k?n'dk??n]n. [语]连接词;结合;同时发生201. jupitern. 木星;朱庇特(罗马神话中的宙斯神)202. kidnappern. 绑匪;诱拐者203. knight [nait]n. 骑士,武士;爵士vt. 授以爵位204. leaflet ['li:flit]n. 传单;小叶205. brochure ['bru??]n. 手册,小册子206. legislation [,led?is'lei??n]n. 立法;法律207. limestone ['laimst?un]n. 石灰岩208. luminous ['lju:min?s]adj. 发光的;明亮的;清楚的209. linger ['li?ɡ?]vi. 徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭vt. 消磨;缓慢度过210. linear ['lini?]adj. 线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的211. magnify ['m?ɡnifai]vt. 放大;赞美;夸大vi. 放大;有放大能力212. manuscript ['m?njuskript]n. 原稿;手稿adj. 手写的213. margin ['mɑ:d?in]n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白vt. 加边于;加旁注于214. masculine ['m?skjulin]adj. 阳性的;男性的;男子气概的n. 阳性,阳性词;男性215. feminine ['feminin]adj. 女性的;妇女(似)的;娇柔的;阴性的216. massacre ['m?s?k?]vt. 残杀;彻底击败n. 大屠杀;[口]惨败217. genocide ['d?en?usaid]n. 种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀218. holocaust219. melancholy ['mel?nk?li]adj. 忧郁的;使人悲伤的n. 忧郁;愁思;悲哀220. malice ['m?lis]n. 怨恨;恶意;预谋221. menace ['men?s]n. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁vt. 威胁;恐吓222. metropolitan [,metr?'p?lit?n] adj. 大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的n. 大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民223. missionary ['mi??n?ri]adj. 传教的;传教士的n. 传教士224. modification [,m?difi'kei??n] n. 修改,修正;改变225. molecular [m?u'lekjul?]adj. 由分子组成的;分子的226. monarch ['m?n?k, -ɑ:k]n. 君主,帝王;最高统治者227. monopoly [m?'n?p?li]n. 垄断;垄断者;专卖权228. mosque [m?sk]n. 清真寺229. muscular ['m?skjul?]adj. 肌肉发达的;肌肉的;强健的230. nominate ['n?mineit, 'n?min?t, -neit] vt. 提名;任命;指定;推荐231. nominee232. norm [n?:m]n. 规范,基准;定额,分配之工作量233. notorious [n?u't?:ri?s]adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的234. nought [n?:t] n. 零;没有235. zero ['zi?r?u, 'zi:r?u] n. 零点,零度236. num. 零237. novelty ['n?v?lti]n. 新奇;新奇的事物;新颖小巧而廉价的物品238. novel ['n?v?l] adj. 新奇的;异常的n. 小说239. nucleus ['nju:kli?s]n. 核,核心;原子核240. obstinate ['?bstinit, -n?t]adj. 顽固的;倔强的;难以控制的241. offspring ['?fspri?, '?:-]n. 后代,子孙;产物242. descendant [di'send?nt]adj. 下降的;祖传的n. 子孙;后裔243. opium ['?upi?m]n. 鸦片;麻醉剂adj. 鸦片的244. orchestra ['?:kistr?, -kes-]n. 管弦乐队;乐队演奏处245. outlaw ['autl?:]n. 歹徒;罪犯;亡命之徒;被剥夺法律保护者vt. 宣布…为不合法;将…放逐;剥夺…的法律保护246. overestimate [,?uv?r'estimeit, -'estim?t] vt. 对……评价过高;对……估计过高n. 估计过高;评价过高;出价过高vi. 评价过高;估计过高247. over- ['?uv?]adv. 结束;越过;从头到尾prep. 在…之上;越过;遍于…之上adj. 上面的;结束的vt. 越过248. overtake [,?uv?'teik]vt. 赶上;压倒;突然来袭vi. 超车249. overwhelming [,?uv?'hwelmi?]adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的v. 压倒;制服;淹没(overwhelm的ing形式)250. oxidize ['?ksidaiz]vt. 使生锈;使氧化vi. 氧化251. monoxide [m?'n?ksaid, m?-]n. [化]一氧化物252. dioxide [dai'?ksaid]n. [化]二氧化物253. pamphlet ['p?mflit]n. 小册子254. panic ['p?nik]。
convict 词根 -回复

convict 词根-回复“convict”这个词根源自拉丁语“convictus”,意为“被证明有罪”。

主题:conviction的短语搭配1. 背景介绍conviction是一个英语单词,它的意思是“信念”、“定罪”、“确信”。
2. 搭配1:strong conviction“strong conviction”是conviction的一个常见搭配,意思是“坚定的信念”或者“强烈的确信”。
例如:- She held a strong conviction that hard work would eventually lead to success.- The defendant spoke with strong conviction as he procl本人med his innocence.3. 搭配2:deep conviction“deep conviction”是另一个常见的搭配,意思是“深刻的信念”或者“内心深处的确信”。
例如:- Her actions were motivated by a deep conviction that she wasdoing the right thing.- The author writes with deep conviction, expressing his beliefs and values with passion.4. 搭配3:conviction of a crime在法律领域,conviction通常用来表示“定罪”或者“判决有罪”。
例如:- The conviction of the defendant was based on overwhelming evidence presented by the prosecution.- He faced a lengthy prison sentence following his conviction of a serious crime.5. 搭配4:conviction in court“conviction in court”是表示在法庭上获得判决的意思。
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n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰
The third part is personality and conviction.
The third chapter is concerned about judicial conviction of the crime of drug trafficking knotty problems. 第三部分,贩卖毒品罪的司法认定中疑难问题。
The paper aims to analyze the necessity of modern justice conviction, stressing the value and sense, which in return provides a new law thinking and guiding for the doubtful and disputable cases during the judicial practice.
conviction/kənˈvɪkʃən/CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNT A conviction is a strong belief or opinion. 坚定的信念
例:It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.
2.N-COUNT If someone has a conviction, they have been found guilty of a crime in a court of law.
例:He will appeal against his conviction.
3.N-UNCOUNT If you have conviction, you have great confidence in your beliefs or opinions. 坚信
例:"We shall, sir," said Thorne, with conviction.
By conviction, he is no moderate.
2. This spark is the strength of conviction.
3. Every other week, we broadcast our series "This I Believe" and invite you to send inyour own essay about personal conviction.
conviction n. 深信, 确信, 定罪, 宣告有罪习惯用语be open to conviction 服理,能接受意见carry conviction 有说服力in the full conviction that 充分相信是...listen with conviction (虚心)倾听summary conviction 【律】即席判决under conviction。