

英语演讲稿-Message by UN Secretary_3

英语演讲稿-Message by UN Secretary_3

英语演讲稿Message by UN Secretary联合国秘书长潘基文在2016年国际反腐败日上的致辞(中英对照版)Message on the International Anti-Corruption Day国际反腐败日致辞9 December 20162016年12月9日The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the world’s inspiring new manifesto for transforming our world and building a better future for all. But as we undertake this crucial journey of implementation, a broad barrier stands in our path: corruption.国际社会以《2030年可持续发展议程》发出了鼓舞人心的新宣言,要让世界改观,要为所有人建设更美好的未来。


No country is immune, and every country bears a responsibility to end it.每个国家都有腐败,每个国家都有责任制止腐败。

Corruption strangles people, communities and nations. It weakens education and health, undermines electoral processes and reinforces injustices by perverting criminal justice systems and the rule of law. By diverting domestic and foreign funds, corruption wrecks economic and social development and increases poverty. It harms everyone, but the poor and vulnerable suffer most.腐败损害民众,危害社区,祸害国家。

最新英汉对照演讲稿:潘基文 消除贫穷国际日致辞

最新英汉对照演讲稿:潘基文 消除贫穷国际日致辞

最新英汉对照演讲稿:潘基文消除贫穷国际日致辞编者按:国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)亦称国际灭贫日或国际消贫日是联合国组织在1992年12月22日会议上通过47/196决议,由1993年起把每年10月17日定为国际灭贫日,用以唤起世界各国对因制裁、各种歧视与财富集中化引致的全球贫富悬殊族群、国家与社会阶层的注意、检讨与援助。



Secretary-General’s Message on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty消除贫穷国际日致辞17 October 20122012年10月17日Poverty is easy to denounce but difficult tocombat. Those suffering from hunger, want and indignity need more than sympathetic words; they need concrete support.要痛斥贫穷很容易,但要战胜它却很困难。


We mark this year’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at a time of economic austerity in many countries. As governments struggle to balance budgets, funding for anti-poverty measures is under threat. But this is precisely the time to provide the poor with access to social services, income security, decent work and social protection. Only then can we build stronger and more prosperous societies –not by balancing budgets at the expense of the poor.在我们举办今年的国际消除贫穷日活动时,很多国家正面临经济紧缩。



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3)增补与省略(addition & omission): 增补是指将发言者未能表达的意思说出 来,或面对非专业人士听众将某些术语 或习语进行额外解释。

而省略是指将重复冗余的信息或啰嗦的 话省略。增补和省略不意味着自由发挥, 而是为了更好的将原文的实际意思用符 合目的语习惯的表达口译出来,要做到 增减词不增减意。

胡锦涛与奥巴马在首尔20国峰会期 间的会谈
1. 英汉两种语言特征对比

美国的著名语言学家、翻译家尤金· 奈 A· 达(Eugene A.Nida)在《译意》 (Translating Meaning) 中指出,汉语和 英语在语言学上最重要的区别就是形合 与意合的对比 (contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis)。

I am delighted to be here on this beautiful campus at one of the world's oldest centers of learning. 很高兴能来到这里,来到这个美丽的校 园,这是世界最古老的学府之一。
3. 语言转换的训练

1)专项技巧训练:转换、释义、增补省略、 拆分合并、顺句驱动等专项技巧练习。 2)笔译比较训练:有参考译文的材料(句子、 段落、文章)自己先译,然后对比参考译文分 析学习;无参考译文的材料进行试译,然后交 给老师批改点评。 3)视译训练:通览全文,然后根据每句里的 关键词提示将全句的意思按照自己的理解用目 的语说出来。 4)口译训练:在口译模拟训练中侧重对语言 转换这一环节的重视,将自己的译文同参考译 文进行比较分析、归纳总结。



潘基文演讲稿中英对照Ladies and Gentlemen,。

It is a great honor for me to be here today and address this distinguished audience. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for giving me the opportunity to speak on such an important and timely topic.女士们,先生们,。



The theme of my speech today is "Global Cooperation for Sustainable Development." In the face of numerous global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and conflict, it is imperative that we work together to find solutions that will benefit all of humanity.今天我演讲的主题是“全球合作促进可持续发展”。


As the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, I have witnessed firsthandthe power of international cooperation. It is only through collaboration and solidarity that we can hope to address the complex and interconnected issues facing our world today.作为联合国前秘书长,我亲眼见证了国际合作的力量。

联合国第8任秘书长潘基文就职演说 (节选)

联合国第8任秘书长潘基文就职演说 (节选)
The UN is needed now more than ever before. The UN’s core mission in the previous century was to keep countries from fighting each other. In the new century, the defining mandate is to strengthen the inter-state system so that humanity may be better served amidst new challenges. We need competent and responsible states to meet the needs of “We the people” for whom the UN was created. And the world’s people will not be fully served unless peace, development and human rights, the three pillars of the UN, are advanced together with equal vigor.



联合国秘书长潘基文在南京大学的演讲(中英对照)第一篇:联合国秘书长潘基文在南京大学的演讲(中英对照) 联合国秘书长潘基文在南京大学的演讲I am delighted to be here on this beautiful campus at one of the world's oldest centers of learning.Nanjing has long been one of China's most historic cities.It has seen dynasties rise and fall.It has endured natural disasters and the worst atrocities of war.Today, Nanjing is at the heart of China's growth, and this university is playing a central role.很高兴能来到这里,来到这个美丽的校园,这是世界最古老的学府之一。




Thank you for welcoming me into your distinguished family.I accept this Honorary Doctorate not for myself but for the organization I serve, the United Nations.By honouring me, you are recognizing the critical role of the UN in shaping our modern world, a world that increasingly looks to China.感谢各位邀请我,加入你们著名的大家庭中。







Secretary-General’s Message on International Youth Day国际青年⽇致辞August 12, 20122012年8⽉12⽇Today’s generation of youth — the largest the world has ever known, and the vast majority of whom live in developing countries — has unprecedented potential to advance the well-being of the entire human family. Yet too many young people, including those who are highly educated, suffer from low-wage, dead-end work and record levels of unemployment. The global economic crisis has hit youth the hardest, and many are understandably discouraged by rising inequalities. A large number have no immediate prospects and are disenfranchised from the political, social and development processes in their countries. Without urgent measures, we risk creating a “lost generation” of squandered talent and dreams.当代青年是有史以来⼈数最多的,⼤部分居住在发展中国家,在推进全⼈类福利⽅⾯有着前所未有的潜⼒。



With your decision this afternoon-with your warm words-you do me a very great honour, beyond expression. Standing in this place, mindful of the immense legacy of my predecessors, I am humbled by your trust and enlarged by our sense of common purpose. 你们今天下午作出的决定以及给我的溢美言辞,令我感到无比荣耀,激动之情 难以言表。

站在这里,回想起历届秘书长作出的巨大贡献,我对大家给予我的信任 深感谦卑,更对我们的共同目标信心倍增。

This solemn occasion is special in another respect. On being sworn in, a few moments ago, I placed my hand on the United Nations Charter—not a copy, but the original signed in San Francisco. Our Founding Fathers deemed this document so precious that it was flown back to Washington, strapped to its own parachute. No such consideration was given to the poor diplomat accompanying it; he had to take his chances. We thank the United States National Archives for their generosity in lending it today, and for their care in preserving it. 今天这一庄严的时刻尤为特殊,在刚刚结束的宣誓仪式中,我将手放在了联合 国宪章之上——不是副本,而是当年各国在旧金山签署的原件。



联合国秘书长潘基文2020年世界反对死刑日英语演讲稿English speech by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on world anti death penalty day 2020编订:JinTai College联合国秘书长潘基文2020年世界反对死刑日英语演讲稿小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。



Your Excellency, Mr. Maurizio Enrico Luigi Serra, Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations Office in Geneva;Excellencies,Distinguished human rights officials,Ladies and Gentlemen,I thank the European Union and the Italian Government for this commemoration of the WorldDay against the Death Penalty.Since the General Assembly adopted its first resolution on a moratorium seven years ago,more Statesacknowledge that the death penalty undermines human dignity. It fails todeter crimes more than other punishments. Abolition – or at least a moratorium –contributesto human rights.The taking of life is too irreversible for one person to inflict on another.We must continue arguing strongly that the death penalty is unjust and incompatible withfundamental human rights.I urge leaders where the death penalty still is used to legally commute or pardon deathsentences –and to impose moratoriums on executions.The death penalty has no place in the 21st century.I call on States that have not yet done so to ratify the Second Optional Protocol of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights aiming at abolition of the death penalty.I hope to see many more ratifications during the Protocol’s 25th anniversary this year.The United Nations will continue working to end this cruel punishment.-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。



英⽂写作翻译频道为⼤家整理的潘基⽂在联合国维持和平⼈员国际⽇英⽂演讲稿,供⼤家参考:)On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men and women who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag. 谨此联合国维持和平⼈员国际⽇之际,我们缅怀那些在联合国旗帜下以⾝殉职的维和⼈员。

This year's commemoration is a somber one. The past 14 months have been especially deadly for UN peacekeeping. 今年的国际⽇活动是肃穆的活动,因为过去14个⽉对联合国维持和平⼈员⽽⾔尤其伤亡重⼤。

Ambushes in Darfur...Terrorism in Kabul...And a plane crash in Haiti...These were among the tragedies that struck peacekeeping last year, killing 121 people. 在达尔富尔的伏击……在喀布尔的恐怖主义……⼀架飞机在海地坠毁……这是过去⼀年⾥维持和平活动所遭遇的其中⼀些惨痛事件,导致121⼈丧⽣。

That toll was nearly matched in a few seconds with the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti last January. The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti lost 96 peacekeepers -- the biggest single loss of life in peacekeeping history. ⽽2010年1⽉海地遭受的灾难性地震则在⼏秒钟内便夺去了⼏近这⼀数⽬的维持和平⼈员的⽣命。
























Pulling Together in Testing Times: Securing a Better Future for All放到一起来考核:为全人类创造一个更好的未来(UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon)联合国秘书长潘基文Mr. President,总统先生Distinguished Heads of State and Government,市长们Distinguished Delegates,各位代表Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们,先生们Welcome to New York in this beautiful autumn season. And welcome to the opening of 欢迎来到纽约,在这个美丽的秋天。

来到这个开幕式,为第65次联大一般性辩论举行的this 65th general debate.Mr. President, congratulations. I look forward to working closely with you in the year总统先生,祝贺你。

我期盼与你一起工作,在下一年,战胜所有我们将面对的困难ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations.Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,阁下们,女士们,先生们。

We, the peoples of the United Nations, are bound by certain sacred duties and我们,作为联合国的成员,被特定的责任和义务联系到一起。

obligations. To care for the welfare of others. To resolve conflicts peacefully. To act in the去造福他人,和平的解决纷争。

潘基文 致辞

潘基文 致辞


























潘基文秘书长的英语演讲稿:深刻阐述经济与环境保护的重要性Ladies and gentlemen,It is an honor to have the opportunity to speak to you about a topic that is both urgent and vital to all of us –the importance of economic development and environmental protection.As we look around the world, we see that economic development has brought tremendous benefits to many parts of the world. It has lifted millions of people out of poverty, created new opportunities for education, health, and scientific research, and helped to promote greater freedom and democracy.However, economic development has also brought with it a range of serious environmental challenges. From the destruction of forests and other natural habitats, to the pollution of our air and water, to the depletion of our natural resources, we are facing a growing crisis that demands immediate and effective action.The good news is that there is a growing recognition of the importance of economic development and environmental protection, and many governments, NGOs, and other organizations are taking bold and innovative steps to address these challenges.For example, we are seeing a growing emphasis on sustainable development, which aims to promote economic growth while also preserving the natural assets that underpin our economies and our lives. This includes efforts to promote renewable energy, reduce waste and emissions, and promote green technologies and industries.At the same time, we are seeing a growing recognition of the need to protect our natural heritage, from the protection of endangered species and their habitats, to the preservation of our oceans, forests, and other ecosystems.However, this is still only the beginning. There is much more that we can and must do to address the challenges of economic development and environmental protection. This will require sustained and focused action at every level, from individual citizens to multinational corporations and governments.In particular, we need to focus on a number of key areas. First, we need to promote greater investment in research and development, especially in the fields of green technologies and sustainable development. This will help to promote innovation, create new jobs, and ensure that we are better equipped to address the challenges of climate change andother environmental threats.Second, we need to promote greater international cooperation, especially in areas like resource management, conservation, and pollution control. This will require a shared commitment to the principles of sustainability, fairness, and cooperation, and a willingness to work together to address the common challenges that we face.Finally, we need to promote greater awareness and education, especially among young people, about the importance of economic development and environmental protection. We need to help people understand the interconnections between our economic systems, our natural resources, and the health and well-being of our communities and our planet.Ladies and gentlemen,The challenges of economic development and environmental protection are urgent and pressing, but there is also reason for hope. By working together, we can create a more sustainable, just, and prosperous future for our planet and for our children. We have a historic opportunity to seize this moment and make a positive difference in the world. Let us take action, now and in the years to come, to build a brighter and more sustainable future for all. Thank you.。



【英文演讲】联合国潘基文秘书长致辞A record 130 million people are dependent on humanitarian assistance to survive. Grouped together, these people in need would comprise the tenth most populous nation on Earth.世界上有1.3亿人依赖人道主义援助生存。


These figures are truly staggering, yet they tell only a fraction of the story. Hidden behind the statistics are individuals, families and communities whose lives have been devastated. People no different to you and me: children, women and men who face impossible choices every day. They are parents who must choose between buying food or medicine for their children; children who must choose between school or working to support their families; families who must risk bombing at home or a perilous escape by sea.数字确实惊人,但数字只是故事的一部分。








Thank you for your very kind words and for your trust. I am deeply moved by your tributes.Serving as Secretary-General of this great organization, has been a great privilege for me of a lifetime.As some of you said, I am a child of the United Nations.After the Korean War, UN aid fed us. UN textbooks taught us. UN global solidarity showed us we were not alone.For me, the power of the United Nations was never abstract or academic.It is the story of my life, and many Korean people. It is a story of many millions, and millions of people around the world, many children, young boys and girls.This profound appreciation grew even stronger every day during my service with the United Nations.For the past ten years, I have been honoured to serve alongside the many courageous, dedicated and talented women and men of the United Nations.I have seen the power of international cooperation in taking on our most pressing challenges.And I have seen the United Nations open its doors wider than ever to civil society and many partners to help us transform our world.Together, we have faced years filled with challenge:The worst financial collapse since the Great Depression.Eruptions of conflict and uprisings for freedom.Record numbers of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty.Disruptions brought by disease, disasters and a rapidly warming planet. This turmoil tested us. Despite huge difficulties, we helped save lives and protect tens of millions.The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change have opened a pathway to a safer, more just and peaceful world for all of us.The empowerment of women took great strides during these years. Youth took on new levels of leadership. New mindsets took hold.Day by day, brick by brick, we built stronger foundations for peace and progress.Yet, so much suffering and strife endure.So many women and children face violence and exploitation. So many people face hatred solely because of who they are.And so many problems have proven intractable - none more than the bloodshed in Syria and the upheaval it spawned.(以下部分为法语)Les pays sont plus interdépendants que jamais. Les économies sont plus intégrées que jamais. Les personnes sont plus interconnectées que jamais.Affirmer que des solutions internationales servent les intérêts nationaux semble une évide nce.Et pourtant, nombreux sont ceux qui remettent en question les institutions mondiales, les considérant comme détachées de la réalité et impuissantes à agir.D’autres, nombreux aussi, y voient un déficit d’autorité croissant à l’échelle planétaire.Tous, où que nous soyons, avons le droit de vivre à l’abri du besoin et de la peur –le droit d’envisager l’avenir avec espoir –et le droit de nous considérer comme liés par les normes consacrées dans notre Charte fondatrice.Ces buts et ces idéaux ne sont pa s un luxe ou une monnaie d’échange. Ils sont ce que les peuples réclament et méritent, non dans un avenir lointain, mais aujourd’hui même. Ils sont aussi pertinents pour les habitants des pays les plus riches que pour ceux des pays les plus pauvres.Ces pr incipes doivent continuer d’animer et de guider nos travaux.Tous, nous devons dépasser les intérêts nationaux étriqués, dans un esprit éclairé par le souci du bien de la communauté internationale que nous sommes.As I contemplate how well we have upheld that responsibility across a decade in office, a kaleidoscope of faces is at the forefront of my mind -- memories of my visits to the frontlines of human need and the frontiers of human progress.I have maintained a focus on people’s dignity and rights -- the pillars of our common humanity.I have sought to stand up for the vulnerable and those left behind today.And I have tried to be sure that we are doing all we can so that future generations can live in peace.Even as I prepare to leave, my heart will stay as it has since I was a child – right here with the United Nations.And that heart is greatly comforted knowing that I am passing the baton to Secretary-General António Guterres, a man of integrity and principle.I have no doubt that he, with his passion and compassion,will successfully navigate many complex challenges and steer the Organization to new and higher heights.I would also like to express my most profound appreciation to my home country, the Korean people and the Government.Their wholehearted support for the past ten years has been a great source of encouragement in working proudly for peace, development and human rights across the world. I also take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks to Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson for his outstanding leadership and compassion for humanity. Thank you, and thank you to many other hardworking staff.In closing, I wish the new Secretary-General, and all of our Member States, peace, prosperity and every success.It has been an honour to serve our United Nations, and work together with you, and for “We the Peoples”.I thank you all for your support and your continued commitment to the noble purposes and principles of the United Nations.Shukran jazeelan, Xie Xie, Thank you very much, Merci beaucoup, Spasiba bolshoye, Muchas gracias, Thank you.。

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联合国秘书长潘基文在南京大学的演讲I am delighted to be here on this beautiful campus at one of the world's oldest centers of learning. Nanjing has long been one of China's most historic cities. It has seen dynasties rise and fall. It has endured natural disasters and the worst atrocities of war. Today, Nanjing is at the heart of China's growth, and this university is playing a central role.很高兴能来到这里,来到这个美丽的校园,这是世界最古老的学府之一。




Thank you for welcoming me into your distinguished family. I accept this Honorary Doctorate not for myself but for the organization I serve, the United Nations. By honouring me, you are recognizing the critical role of the UN in shaping our modern world, a world that increasingly looks to China.感谢各位邀请我,加入你们著名的大家庭中。




Every time I come to China I marvel at its dynamism, the breath-taking speed at which it is changing. I saw this today on the new Huning High Speed Railway from Shanghai. Three hundred kilometres in just over an hour. This is not even your fastest train. Last week China introduced the world's fastest scheduled service between Shanghai and Hangzhou. And I read in the news that China is a front-runner to build a super-fast computer. China is, indeed, a country on the move.每次我来到中国,都被中国所展现出来的活力深深地折服,同时我也赞叹于中国发生日新月异的变化。







Its transformation is profound. Its influence is global. Its power is real. By some accounts China's economy is now second only to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European Union. The decisions China makes today, on the economy, on the environment, on its political evolution, will reverberate down the generations and across the globe. This is what I want to talk about today.中国转型是深刻的。





Ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们,China is on the cusp between the developing and developed worlds. You have met many of the Millennium Development Goal targets and you have the potential to meet them all by 2015. And yet per capita GDP is one-tenth that of the major developed countries. China's coastal cities are modern and sophisticated. And yet vast inland areas cry out for development. Your economy is mighty. And yet one hundred and fifty million Chinese live below the poverty line. That is why development remains China's top priority. The question on everyone's minds, here in China and abroad, is how to ensure that this development is sustainable.中国目前正处于发展中国家向发达国家转变的过渡阶段。








萦绕在中国以及世界人民脑海中的一个问题是:怎样确保实现可持续性的发展?Yesterday and this morning, in Shanghai, I visited Expo 2010, the first to be hosted in a developing country. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life". We have entered the urban century. More than half the world's population lives in towns and cities. This presents considerable challenges but also massive opportunities for sustainable development and improving people's well-being. Yesterday, at the China Pavilion, I saw some of the possible solutions: compact urban design, mixed land use, mass transit systems, renewable energy, low carbon living. China is becoming a world leader in pioneering these concepts. This, for me, is one of the most significant aspects of China's development.、、今天早上在上海,我参观了2010年世博会,这是第一届在发展中国家举办的世博会。







You are aware of the problems and challenges inherent in your push for growth and development. You ar e discussing them and you are acting to solve them. But let us be under no illusion. The road ahead is long and hard. It is full of potholes. The Chinese people should be proud of their remarkable achievements in lifting millions out of poverty. The world's most populous country is its fastest growing economy. You have become the world's largest manufacturer and exporter. But you are also the world's greatest emitter of greenhouse gases, the price of feeding the consumption habits of people in developed countries.你们深知在实现发展与进步过程中所面临的问题与挑战。
