






有追索权商业保理合同合同编号:签订地:签署日期:特殊条款A款受让人(下称甲方):【此处填写保理商全称】统一社会信用代码:【此处填写营业执照上的社会信用代码】组织机构代码:【此处填写组织机构代码】住所:【此处填写营业执照上的地址】通讯地址:【此处填写保理商能实际收到信函的地址】法定代表人:【此处填写营业执照上法定代表人姓名】联系人:【此处填写与本业务对接的保理商联系人姓名】电话:【此处填写保理商联系人手机号码或常用座机】传真:【此处填写保理商常用传真】电子邮件:【此处填写与本业务对接的保理商联系人的电子邮箱】转让人(以下简称乙方):【此处填写卖方单位全称】统一社会信用代码:【此处填写营业执照上的社会信用代码】组织机构代码:【此处填写组织机构代码】住所:【此处填写营业执照上的地址】通讯地址:【此处填写卖方能收到信函的地址】法定代表人/负责人:【此处填写营业执照上法定代表人姓名】联系人:【此处填写与本业务对接的卖方联系人】电话:【此处填写卖方联系人手机号码或常用座机】传真:【此处填写卖方联系人常用传真】电子邮件:【此处填写与本业务对接的卖方联系人的电子邮箱】B款融资用途【此处填写保理融资款用途】C款业务类型本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□公开型保理□隐蔽型保理D款融资方式本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□一次性融资□循环叙做E款保理服务范围本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□贸易融资:根据乙方的资金需求和乙方与债务人的真实贸易情况,向乙方提供保理融资款□ 销售分户账管理:甲方根据乙方的要求,定期或不定期向其提供关于应收账款的回收情况、逾期情况、信用额度变化情况、对账单等各种财务和统计报表,协助乙方进行应收账款管理□ 应收账款催收:甲方根据应收账款账期,主动或乙方要求,采取电话、函件、上门催收直至运用法律手段对债务人进行催收□ 信用风险控制与坏账担保:甲方为债务人核定信用额度,并在核准额度内,对乙方无商业纠纷的应收账款提供约定的付款担保□ 资信调查与评估:甲方以受让应收账款为前提,提供的机构或个人的信用信息记录、信用状况调查与分析、信用评价等服务F款保理授信额额度人民币【此处填写数字】元(大写【此处填写大写数字】)G款保理比例不超过【此处填写百分比例】%H款保理期间【此处填写授信开始年份】年【此处填写授信开始月份】月【此处填写授信开始日】日至【此处填写授信结束年份】年【此处填写授信结束月份】月【此处填写授信结束日】日或保理业务结束日(以孰晚者为准)I款乙方收取保理融资款户名:【此处填写卖方单位全称】开户行:【此处填写卖方收款银行全称】的账户账号:【此处填写银行账号】J款保理专户户名:【此处填写卖方单位全称】开户行:【此处填写卖方交至甲方监管的账户的银行全称】账号:【此处填写银行账号】K款甲方指定的回款账户户名:【此处填写保理商全称】开户行:【此处填写保理商回款银行全称】账号:【此处填写银行账号】甲方指定的结算账户户名:【此处填写保理商全称】开户行:【此处填写保理商收款银行全称】账号:【此处填写银行账号】甲方指定的发放保理融资款账户户名:【此处填写保理商全称】开户行:【此处填写保理商发放保理融资款的银行全称】账号:【此处填写银行账号】L款保理服务费保理融资授信额×【此处填写百分比例】%M款保理融资款利率按年利率【此处填写百分比例】%计算N款保理融资款日利率日利率=月利率÷30天=年利率÷360天O款保理融资款罚息利率保理融资款利率上浮【此处填写上浮比例】%P款利息保理融资款金额×【此处填写M款】%÷360×到期前的实际融资天数Q款本金罚息甲方未收回的保理融资款金额×【此处填写M款】%×【保理融资款利率上浮倍数】÷360×超出宽限期后的实际未偿还天数R款利息罚息当月应收利息金额×【此处填写百分比例】%÷360×利息逾期天数S款结息日每月【此处填写数字】日T款宽限期【此处填写数字】日U款保理融资款的支付方式本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□ 一次性支付□ 分批支付V款保理融资款的发放方式本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□甲方发放至乙方收取保理融资款的账户□甲方根据乙方提供的采购合同,在与供应商确认金额后,直接支付给供应商□由银行代替甲方发放保理融资款至乙方收取保理融资款的账户W款所需附件本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为本合同附件(手工勾选无效):□《应收账款转让协议》□《应收账款转让通知书》□《最高额担保书》□ 《最高额担保合同》□ 【此处填写其他附件的名称,如无,请删除该选项】X款乙方转让债权通知债务人的方式本条款适用时,在□中打√选择,打“√”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□ 按照本保理合同附件《应收账款转让通知书》的格式,乙方在《应收账款转让通知书》签章并实际送达债务人□ 乙方在给债务人开具的商业发票上备注栏或背面标明:本发票的金额已按编号【此处填写本保理合同编号】《有追索权商业保理合同》的约定转让给【此处填写保理商全称】。









第二条保理业务申请2.1 在甲方向乙方申请保理业务服务前,甲方应向乙方提供下述文件:(1)与甲方主体相关的文件:包括甲方现行有效的营业执照、法定代表人身份证明文件(前述文件应加甲方公章)和章程(加盖工商查询印章和甲方公章)、销售特定商品及/或开展特定服务的许可文件、备案证明;(2)与甲方销售的特定商品及/或提供的特定服务相关的运营报告或其他业务资料;(3)与甲方的财务状况相关的文件;及(4)乙方要求的其他文件。










二、《商业保理术语》标准的深度解读1. 商业保理定义商业保理术语标准首先对商业保理进行了界定,明确了商业保理的基本概念、适用范围和主要特点,为各方在商业保理活动中明确责任和权利提供了明晰的依据。

2. 商业保理主体角色标准对商业保理涉及的主体角色进行了详细划分与解释,包括保理公司、出口商、进口商、开证行等各方在商业保理中扮演的角色,明确了各方责任和权利,为商业保理活动的实施提供了明确的参考依据。

3. 商业保理业务流程标准详细描述了商业保理的业务流程,包括应收账款/商业票据的转让、资金划付、提货单的处理等各个环节,为商业保理活动的实施提供了操作性指导,有利于提高商业保理活动的效率和透明度。

4. 商业保理风险管理标准也对商业保理涉及的风险进行了全面分析和分类,并提出了相应的风险管理措施和建议,有助于各方更好地理解和应对商业保理活动中存在的各种风险,提高商业保理活动的稳健性和可持续性。

5. 个人观点和理解我国服务贸易协会制定的《商业保理术语》标准,无疑为商业保理活动的规范化和国际化提供了重要依据。




国内有追索权明保理业务合同编号: GL-YW- 保理商:xx商业保理有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)注册地址:_ 法定代表人/委托代理人:___ _ __联系人: _ __ 职务:__ ____通讯地址:邮政编码: ___ ___电子邮箱:联系电话:_ _ 传真: _ __保理申请人:(以下简称“乙方”)注册地址:法定代表人/委托代理人:__联系人:_ _ _ 职务:___ ___通讯地址:邮政编码:_ 电子邮箱:_ _联系电话:_ _ 传真:__ _ _债务人:(以下简称“丙方”)注册地址: _ 法定代表人/委托代理人:__联系人:__ 职务:___通讯地址:_ 邮政编码:__ ___电子邮箱:_ 联系电话:_ 传真:_鉴于:1、甲方是一家在中华人民共和国依法注册的商业保理公司,依法可提供应收账款融资、应收账款管理、应收账款催收和信用风险担保等综合性商贸服务(简称“保理服务”);2、乙方是一家依法在中华人民共和国注册并合法存续的有限责任公司,其因经营需要,有意将其对丙方所享有的《合同》(合同编号为:)项下的全部应收账款债权转让给甲方,并接受甲方所提供的保理服务。

3、丙方是一家依法在中华人民共和国注册并合法存续的股份有限公司,因其与乙方订立《合同》(合同编号为: ),负有依约向乙方支付账款的义务。


为明确各方责任、恪守信用,甲、乙、丙三方根据国家有关法律、法规,经平等协商,特达成以下约定以兹共同遵守(本协议由专用条款与通用条款两部分组成,具有同等法律效力):第一部分专用条款第一条服务范围本合同中,乙方选择由甲方提供以下保理服务(打√选择):1、√应收账款融资;2、√应收账款管理;3、√应收账款催收;4、□其他________第二条基础交易合同情况第三条保理专户甲乙双方同意开立或指定以下账户为保理专户,用于收取丙方的应收账款回款,甲、乙、丙三方共同确认本保理专户为唯一的回款账户,未经甲方书面同意,丙方不得通过其他任何账户或者其他任何方式进行应收账款结算:开户行:__ _____户名:__ ___账号:__ ___第四条转让的应收账款明细乙方转让给甲方的应收账款详见附件《应收账款转让明细表》。




第一章定义第1 条在本合同中,除非上下文或语境另有所指,下列词语具有本条款所述的含义:“本合同”指本合同及本合同的补充协议、构成本合同组成部分的附件;“销售合同”指以甲方为卖方、以乙方所接受的债务人为买方所签订的(销售合同具体情况详见本合同附件1),包括其补充协议和构成销售合同组成部分的附件;“原债权人”指甲方,同时也是销售合同的卖方;“债务人”指销售合同的买方;可以叙做本合同项下交易债权转让的交易债权的债务人应经乙方按其内部要求进行逐笔审核并确认同意;但是,如果销售合同项下还存在买方(主债务人)之外的其他当事方(与买方全部或部分连带地)对卖方负有付款义务/担保义务,则在本合同相关条款(例如关于债务人付款的规定等)中该等当事方(下称“次债务人”)应被视同为债务人;“转让日”指甲方按本合同附件一所列格式向乙方提交的“应收账款转让申请书”列明的转让日;但如果乙方根据本合同的规定不同意受让,则该申请书所列明的转让日无效;“转让后续期”指在转让日起至乙方作为债权人已得到全部交易债权的清偿之日止的期间;“预计到期日”就任何一笔应收账款而言,指甲方根据销售合同约定和相关项目进度,合理预计其将有权向债务人收取该笔应收账款的日期;该等日期列示于本合同之附件一;“工作日”指银行工作日;“指定账户”指甲方以其名义在中信银行股份有限公司支行(在本合同中称“开户银行”)开立的人民币收款专户,账号为。






有追索权商业保理合同合同编号:-签订地:签署日期:_特殊条款受让人(下称甲方):【此处填写保理商全称】统一社会信用代码:【此处填写营业执照上的社会信用代码】组织机构代码:【此处填写组织机构代码】通讯地址:【此处填写保理商能实际收到信函的地址】法定代表人:【此处填写营业执照上法定代表人姓名】联系人:【此处填写与本业务对接的保理商联系人姓名】电话:【此处填写保理商联系人手机号码或常用座机】A款传真:【此处填写保理商常用传真】电子邮件:【此处填写与本业务对接的保理商联系人的电子邮箱】转让人(以下简称乙方):【此处填写卖方单位全称】统一社会信用代码:【此处填写营业执照上的社会信用代码】组织机构代码:【此处填写组织机构代码】住所:【此处填写营业执照上的地址】通讯地址:【此处填写卖方能收到信函的地址】法定代表人/负责人:【此处填写营业执照上法定代表人姓名】联系人:【此处填写与本业务对接的卖方联系人】电话:【此处填写卖方联系人手机号码或常用座机】传真:【此处填写卖方联系人常用传真】电子邮件:【此处填写与本业务对接的卖方联系人的电子邮箱】融资用【此处填写保理融资款用途】业务类本条款适用时,在□中打"选择,打“V”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效)□ 公开型保理□隐蔽型保理融资方式本条款适用时,在□中打"选择,打“V”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□一次性融资□循环叙做本条款适用时,在□中打V选择,打“V”项为适用条款(手工勾选无效):□ 贸易融资:根据乙方的资金需求和乙方与债务人的真实贸易情况,向乙方提供保理融资款□销售分户账管理:甲方根据乙方的要求,定期或不定期向其提供关于应收账款的回收情况、逾期情况、信用额度变化情况、对账单等各种财务和统计报表,协士片保理服助乙方进行应收账款管理款务范围□应收账款催收:甲方根据应收账款账期,主动或乙方要求,采取电话、函件、上门催收直至运用法律手段对债务人进行催收□信用风险控制与坏账担保:甲方为债务人核定信用额度,并在核准额度内,对乙方无商业纠纷的应收账款提供约定的付款担保□资信调查与评估:甲方以受让应收账款为前提,提供的机构或个人的信用信息记录、信用状况调查与分析、信用评价等服务保理授额度人民币【此处填写数字】元(大写【此处填写大写数字】)信额保理比不超过【此处填写百分比例】保理期间【此处填写授信开始年份】年【此处填写授信开始月份】月【此处填写授信开始日】日至【此处填写授信结束年份】年【此处填写授信结束月份】月【此处填写授信结束日】日或保理业务结束日(以孰晚者为准)乙方收户名:【此处填写卖方单位全称】1款取保理开户行:【此处填写卖方收款银行全称】融资款利息罚 当月应收利息金额X 【此处填写百分比例】%360X 利息逾期天数 的账户账号:【此处填写银行账号】户名:【此处填写卖方单位全称】J 款 保理专开户行:【此处填写卖方交至甲方监管的账户的银行全称】尸 --------------------------------------------------------账号:【此处填写银行账号】甲方指 户名:【此处填写保理商全称】定的回 开户行:【此处填写保理商回款银行全称】款账户账号:【此处填写银行账号】甲方指 户名:【此处填写保理商全称】斗 定的结 开户行:【此处填写保理商收款银行全称】K 款算账户账号:【此处填写银行账号】 甲方指 户名:【此处填写保理商全称】定的发开户行:【此处填写保理商发放保理融资款的银行全称】 放保理 融资款账号:【此处填写银行账号】账户保理服保理融资授信额X 【此处填写百分比例】 务费 保理融按年利率【此处填写百分比例】9计算 M 款资款利率 保理融 日利率二月利率十30天二年利率十360天N 款资款日利率保理融保理融资款利率上浮【此处填写上浮比例】%O 款资款罚息利率P 款 利息 保理融资款金额X 【此处填写 M 款】%360X 到期前的实际融资天数°款 本金罚 甲方未收回的保理融资款金额X 【此处填写M 款】%X 【保理融资款利率上浮倍数】 Q 款 息 十360X 超出宽限期后的实际未偿还天数S 款结息日每月【此处填写数字】日。



第 1 页 共 16 页有追索权保理合同甲 方: ________________________乙 方: ________________________签订日期: ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日本《有追索权保理合同》(下称“本合同”)由下列双方于 ___________________________ 年 ________________ 月 ________________ 日在 _______________________________ 签署:甲方(保理商):编号 号:地址:电话:法定代表人:乙方(卖方):地址:电话:传真:法定代表人:职务:鉴于乙方业务需求, 就乙方与商务合同买方之间的应收账款向甲方申请国内保理业务, 双方经充分协商, 本着自愿、平等、互利、守信的原则,按照有关法律规定, 达成本合同。


2、融资额度指在甲方核准的额度有效期内, 由甲方向乙方提供的保理融资款的最大限额。

在有效期内的任一时点,只要乙方的保理融资余额不超过该额度,甲方可连续的、循环的为乙方的应收账款提供保理业务;但在乙方每次申请提取额度时, 甲方将另行考虑乙方当时的资信状况, 并通过对买方资信状况及拟转让应收账款合规性的严格审查, 在不超过已核定的额度内, 决定是否同意乙方提出的申请;如同意, 该次提取计算在融资额度内。



4、买方应收账款付款人/ 商务合同债务人, 指商务合同的买方;可以叙做本合同项下应收账款转让的合同买方应经甲方按其内部要求进行逐笔审核并确认同意。
































甲方:xx商业保理有限公司住所(地址): x法定代表人:x乙方:xx食品有限公司住所(地址):x法定代表人:x鉴于乙方向买受人(以下简称“债务人”)出售货物形成应收账款,并向甲方申请办理有追索权保理业务,为明确双方权利义务,现经甲、乙双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关法律、法规,经平等协商一致,签订本协议。


















第一章保理业务和保理条款1.1 保理业务保理是指保理商为资金需求方提供一定限额的资金,并通过买断资产和向乙方提供管理咨询服务等方式,对其应收账款进行管理和追收。


1.2 保理条款本合同约定的保理条款包括但不限于以下内容:1.受让人为甲方,应收账款债务人为乙方。






第二章应收账款的初始质押和转让2.1 应收账款的初始质押1.受让人即甲方,应在受让前与乙方签署相应的应收账款质押协议,办理应收账款质押登记手续,并取得应收账款质押登记证明。




2.2 应收账款的转让1.甲方有权根据自身资金使用情况,将质押的应收账款转让给其他机构或个人(以下简称受让方)。





































XX商业保理有限公司编号: XX16001隐蔽型有追索权国内保理合同重要提示请卖方认真阅读本合同全文,尤其是带有▲▲标记的条款。


卖方: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司法定代表人(负责人):法定地址:保理公司:XXXX商业保理有限公司法定代表人:XXXXXXXX地址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1号A栋201室鉴于:1.卖方已经或将不时向买方(定义见本合同第一条)以信用方式在国内销售货物、提供服务或出租资产(以下统称交易),并已经或将不时与买方签订《货物销售合同》、《服务合同》或《租赁合同》(以下统称该等合同及其任何补充或修改文件为《交易合同》),并由此形成《交易合同》项下对买方的应收账款;2.卖方愿意将《交易合同》项下的应收账款转让给保理公司;3.保理公司同意按本合同约定受让应收账款并向卖方提供保理融资、应收账款管理及催收等国内保理服务。








国内商业保理合同 (有追索权_中国服务贸易协会2016版)

国内商业保理合同 (有追索权_中国服务贸易协会2016版)





















第二条保理业务申请2.1 在甲方向乙方申请保理业务服务前,甲方应向乙方提供下述文件:(1)与甲方主体相关的文件:包括甲方现行有效的营业执照、法定代表人身份证明文件(前述文件应加甲方公章)和章程(加盖工商查询印章和甲方公章)、销售特定商品及/或开展特定服务的许可文件、备案证明;(2)与甲方销售的特定商品及/或提供的特定服务相关的运营报告或其他业务资料;(3)与甲方的财务状况相关的文件;及(4)乙方要求的其他文件。



17.应收账款到期日:是指应收账款所对应的商务合同或发票上所确定的付 款日,或经乙方同意更改后的付款日期。
18.工作日:指除国家法定节假日和休息日以外的乙方对公营业日。 19.日:指自然日。
第二章 保理预付款最高额度的生效、变更及取消
第二条 乙方为甲方核定的保理预付款最高额度为人民币
额度有效期自本合同生效之日起至 年 月 日止。
□公开型有追索权保理; □隐蔽型有追索权保理; □针对不同买方选择不同类型保理,具体以本合同附件 1 确定为准。 第七条 在本合同有效期内,甲乙双方协商一致,甲方应将以赊销方式向特 定买方(见附件 1 所列,包括双方对附件 1 补充、修改后所列)销售货物/提供 服务所产生的下列应收账款转让给乙方(选中则在□中划“√”): □全部,甲方应将其以赊销方式向特定买方销售货物/提供服务所产生的全 部应收账款随时转让给乙方。除非本合同终止,即使乙方停止向甲方提供保理预 付款,如乙方仍有保理预付款、预付款利息、发票处理费、应收账款管理费等任 何款项未获偿付,甲方仍应向乙方履行应收账款的转让义务。 □特定,甲方应将其以赊销方式向特定买方销售货物/提供服务所产生的特 定应收账款转让给乙方。 本合同所称的应收账款转让是指甲方根据本合同规定的条款和条件将应收 账款债权及其在应收账款项下的全部权利一并转让给乙方的行为。在任何情况下, 应收账款的转让都不得解释为乙方承担了甲方与买方在商务合同下的任何义务 或责任。 第八条 除双方另有约定外,甲方在办理应收账款转让时,应根据保理业务 的类型向乙方提交如下单据及相关文件,并办妥应收账款转让事宜: 1.对于甲方有义务将其对特定买方的全部应收账款向乙方转让的公开型有 追索权保理,则甲方应向乙方提交如下资料并办妥相关事宜: (1)向买方发送《应收账款转让通知书(全部)》并取得符合乙方要求的邮 寄收据,以及买方收到该通知书的回执或者公证机构对该发送通知行为的公证书; (2)在每次向买方发货后,向乙方提交《应收账款转让确认书》并附确认 清单; (3)在每次向买方发货后,向买方发送符合乙方要求的《已转让应收账款 确认通知书》,并取得符合乙方要求的邮寄收据或乙方认可的其他形式单据。 2.对于甲方有义务将其对特定买方的特定应收账款向乙方转让的公开型有 追索权保理,则甲方应向乙方提交如下资料并办妥相关事宜: (1)《应收账款转让申请书》并附转让清单;

有追索权的国内保理合同英文版(Domestic Factoring Contract with Re

有追索权的国内保理合同英文版(Domestic Factoring Contract with Re

Domestic Factoring Contract with RecourseParty A: *** Co., LtdAddress:Post Code:Legal Representative:Responsible person:Tel: Tel:Fax: Fax:Party B: China Construction Bank Co., Ltd, *** Sub-branchAddress: Post Code:Legal Representative:Responsible person:Tel:Tel:Fax:Fax:WHEREAS:Party A sales goods/provides services on credit, and applies to Party B for factoring service with recourse. With reference to relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B after reaching an agreement through negotiations, hereby enter into this Domestic Factoring Contract (the “Contract”).Chapter One DefinitionsArticle 1In this contract and other files for this service, unless otherwise stated, terms are defined as follows:1. Factoring with recourse: Party A transfers to Party B its account receivables that originate from product sales to purchasers, provision of services by Party A as well as based upon other reasons. Party B will provide Party A with account receivables financing services and related comprehensive financing services. If any purchaser fails to pay off account receivables within an agreed period, Party B is authorized to collect the outstanding receivables;2. Commercial Contract means any contracts entered into by and between Party B andpurchasers, upon which account receivables under the Contract occur;3. Purchaser: One party of a commercial contract, who buys goods or services from Party A and undertakes obligation of payment.4.Account Receivables means sole, concrete, specific and exclusive, undisputable and legitimate credits deriving from authentic, legitimate transactions and relationship of debts and credits that exist between Party A and purchasers;5. Maximum Prepayment: The highest amount of prepayment for factoring that Party B could provide in line with Party A’s application;6. Prepayment means the prepayment of Party B to Party A in accordance with the qualified accounts receivables before its maturity date.7. Ratio of Prepayment: prepayment to corresponding account receivable ratio;8. Interest of Prepayment: fees charged to Party A for use of fund of Party B;9. Qualified Account Receivables means the account receivables Party A transfers to Party B which also satisfies the following conditions:(1) based on normal legal traction;(2) pricing and payment in RMB unless Party A or/and the purchaser registered in bonded area of China;(3) lawfully possessed by Party A and transferrable, with no defects of title;(4) Party A has performed and will perform its obligations under the commercial contract;(5) other requirements of Party B;Party B can provide prepayment for qualified account receivables under this contract.10. Unqualified Account Receivables:account receivables which is not qualified, or/and account receivables repurchased;11. Commercial Invoice means the written notice with the amount and maturity date of account receivables which Party A sends to the purchasers;12. Account Receivable Management:Party B assists Party A with the account receivable management under this contract;13. Indirect Payment means the transferred account receivables which purchasers do not make the payment to Party B’s designated account;14. Complaints: The purchasers refuse to accept the goods/services or invoices for any reason, or the purchasers’claim to the account receivables for any reason, or the purchasers do not make the payment fully in time for any reason, or a third person claims right of the account receivables;15. Delivery of goods: Party A delivers the goods or provides services to the purchasers in light of commercial contract or in usual ways;16. Repurchase of Account Receivables: When some circumstances in the contract occurs, PartyA bears the obligation to repurchase the account receivables from PartyB unconditionally at the contractual price.17. Maturity Date of Account Receivables: the date of payment determined by commercial invoices and contracts of corresponding account receivables, or changed date of payment with Party B’s consent;18. Working Days: business days of Party B, except legal and public holidays;19. Days: running days.Chapter Two Effectiveness, Modification and Abolishmentof Maximum PrepaymentArticle 2After Party B’s examin ation and rectification, Party B shall issue RMB **** yuan. The term of validity is from the effective date of this contract to 1st January, 2010.The appendix I “List of Limit of Factoring with Recourse”is an inseparable component of this contract.Article 3The maximum prepayment is a revolving line of credit.Article 4Party B is entitled to modify the maximum prepayment unilaterally in line with the change of credit standing of the Purchaser or Party A, and notify Party A in written form hereafter. The modification decision becomes effective when it reaches Party A. Party A acknowledge that Party B is entitled to send the above modification decision by telephone or fax in emergency circumstances.Article 5Party A can submit a written application for the adjustment of the maximum prepayment to Party B, if there is such a need. Party B will notify Party A of the modification decision in written form after examination.Chapter Three Choice of Factoring Service and Transfer of Account Receivables Article 6Under this contract, Party A and Party B chose the following type of factoring service: (‘×’ for the chosen type)( ) Disclosed Recourse Factoring( ) Undisclosed Recourse Factoring( ) Different type of factoring for different purchaser, which is subject to Appendix IArticle 7Through negotiation Party A and Party B agree that, in the duration of this contract, Party A sales goods/provides services on credit to purchasers, and transfers the following type of account receivables to Party B: (‘×’ for the chosen type)( ) All account receivables. Unless this contract terminates, Party A bears the obligation to transfer account receivables to Party B before the full recovery of prepayment, interest, commissions and other fees, even if Party B has stopped providing prepayment.( ) Specific account receivables.‘Transfer of account receivables’under this contract means Party A transfers the account receivables and all rights thereof to Party B altogether in accordance with this contract.Article 8Unless otherwise stated, Party A shall provide Party B the following files in line with the type of factoring service:1. As to the transfer of all account receivables in disclosed recourse factoring:(1) Send “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (ALL)”to purchasers, and get the delivery receipt;(2) Submit “Confirmation Letter of Transfer of Account Receivable” and confirmation list to Party B, after every delivery of goods to purchasers;(3) Send purchasers “Confirmation Letter of Transferred Account Receivable” as required by Party B, after every delivery of goods and get the delivery receipt.2. As to the transfer of specific account receivables in disclosed recourse factoring:(1) “Application of Transfer of Account Receivables” and list of transfer;(2) Send “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (SPECIFIC)” to purchasers, and get the delivery receipt.3. As to the transfer of all account receivables in undisclosed recourse factoring:(1) “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (ALL)” signed by Party A(2) Send purchasers “Advice of Change of Account” and ask the purchasers to transfer the payment to the factoring account;(3) Submit “Confirmation Letter of Transfer of Account Receivable” and confirmation list to Party B, after every delivery of goods to purchasers;(4) Submit “Confirmation Letter of Transferred Account Receivable” which is signed by Party A to Party B, after every delivery of goods.4. As to the transfer of specific account receivables in undisclosed recourse factoring:(1) “Application of Transfer of Account Receivables” and list of transfer;(2) Send purchasers “Advice of Change of Account” and ask the purchasers to transfer the payment to the factoring account;(3) “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (SPECIFIC)” signed by Party A.5. Party A needs to provide Party B the following files whatever type this recourse factoring is:(1) commercial contract;(2) invoices;(3) files to certify the performance of the commercial contract;(4) other documents required by Party B.Article 9In disclosed recourse factoring, “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (ALL)”, “Confirmation Letter of Transferred Account Receivable” or “Advice of Transfer of Account Receivables (SPECIFIC)”may not be send to purchasers by Party B, however, Party B reserves the right to send above letters to purchasers directly or ask Party A to notify purchasers at any time.Article 10As to the transfer of all account receivables, all account receivables listed in Appendix I is transferred when this contract becomes effective. As to the transfer of specific account receivables, all account receivables listed in list of transfer is transferred when Party B sends Party A “Acceptance Notice of Transfer of Account Receivables” and list of transfer. Party A shall assist Party B with the registration of the transfer.Article 11Party B enjoys all the rights of Party A under the account receivables after the transfer; however, Party B bears no obligation under the commercial contract between Party A and purchasers.Chapter Four Account Receivables ManagementArticle 12Party B accepts Party A’s application and provide account receivables management service, then Party B shall provide reports listed in Appendix II to Party A for account reconciliation. The appendix II is an inseparable component of this contract.Article 13Party A shall raise objections within five days after the reception of the reports, or deemed as no objection. Party B is entitled to renew the accounting treatment of account receivables in line with this contract, even when Party A has no objection.Article 14When Party A challenges the reports provided by Party B, both parties shall cooperate with the account reconciliation.Chapter Five PrepaymentArticle 15Party A shall apply the withdrawal of prepayment based on the maximum prepayment for transferred undue qualified account receivables in line with its own financial conditions and file “Withdrawal Notice of Prepayment”.Article 16Party A acknowledges and agrees: Party A is entitled to decide whether to accept Party A’s withdrawal application, and whether to provide prepayment for the qualified account receivables. If Party B decides to accept the application, Party B shall comment and sign on “Withdrawal Notice of Prepayment”, transfer the fund, send Party A “Receipt Notice of Repayment” and charge interests in line with this contract. The receipt notice is an inseparable component of this contract.Chapter Six Payment after the purchaser’s payment Article 17As to purchasers’ payment to Party B, Party B is entitled to use that fund to pay off account receivables which Party B believes shall be paid up first, regardless whether purchasers designate any account receivables.Party B is entitled (but no obligation) to use purchasers’ payment to write off prepayment for any account receivables, unsettled interest, unsettled management fee (if any), unsettled invoice processing fee (if any), overdue penalty or other fees which Party B is entitled to charge. Balance will be transferred to Party A’s account opened in Party B.Party A acknowledges and agrees: Party B is entitled to the full recovery of prepayment, interest and overdue penalty from Party A.Article 18Party A shall notify Party B for any payment of any transferred account receivables. There is a fiduciary relation between the two parties once Party A receives the indirect payment, and Party B is the trustor and beneficiary while Party A is the trustee.Party A shall notify Party B when rights of the trust are affected before it is transferred to Party B, and assist Party B with the realization of the rights.Party A shall compensate Party B for losses of trust due to Party A’s failure in duty. If Party A does not transfer the trust to Party B in time, Party B is entitled to require Party A’s repurchase of the corresponding account receivables in accordance with this contract.Other matters of trust unstipulated clearly are subject to Trust Law of the P eople’s Republic of China.Article 19If indirect payment of one purchaser happens more than three times (including three), Party B is entitled to announce that purchaser’s all account receivables unqualified, and require Party A to repurchase all account receivables of that purchaser immediately.Chapter Seven Adjustment, Complaint and Repurchase of Account Receivables Article 20For any deduction of account receivables after the transfer, Party A shall send Party B “Application for Adjustment of Account Receivables” for approval, and Party B shall deduct the amountof account receivables transferred accordingly.Article 21If Party A has withdrawn the prepayment when submit “Application for Adjustment of Account Receivables”, Party A shall refund corresponding prepayment and interest unpaid in line with the following agreement:(1) If Party A has withdrawn all the prepayment according to the prepayment ratio, then the refund = deduced amount of account receivables×prepayment ratio;(2) If Party A has not withdrawn all the prepayment according to the prepayment ratio, then the refund = Prepayment withdrawn-deduced amount of account receivables×prepayment ratio.If Party A has sufficient fund in its deposit account opened in Party B, Party B is entitled to deduct the fund from the account directly.Article 22Party B shall send Party A “Complaint Notice” in a reasonable period of time after receiving purchasers’written complaint notice. If purchasers file the complaint directly to Party A or Party A acknowledges that purchasers may file a complaint, Party A shall notify Party B in one working day.Article 23Party B is entitled to require Party A to repurchase the account receivables related to complaints.Party B is entitled to stop providing prepayment for all accounts receivables of the purchaser involving in complaints.Article 24Party B is entitled to stop providing Party A prepayment and require Party A to repurchase all the account receivables transferred, if Party B receives reasonable complaints against Party A from one purchaser or many purchasers more than three times.Article 25Party B is entitled to announce related account receivables unqualified and require Party A to repurchase all the account receivables transferred in the following circumstances:1. when purchasers complain about the account receivables;2. Party B does not receive all the payment when the account receivables due;3. direct payment stipulated in Article 18;4. conditions of repurchase stipulated in this contract (include but not limit to Article 19, Article 23 and Article 24);5. Party A’s breach of contract.Party B is entitled to decide whether to grant Party A a grace period.Article 26Repurchase Price = Prepayment offered by Party B-account receivables received from purchasers + unsettled interest of prepayment + unsettled management fee of account receivables+ unsettled invoice processing fee + overdue penalty + other fees which Party B is entitled to charge (include but not limit to actual recourse fee).Chapter Eight Factoring Commission and Payment Pattern Article 27Party B is entitled to charge Party A the following commissions related to factoring service with the contractual payment pattern under this contract:1. Management Fee of Account Receivables: 3.6‰of face amount of every account receivables. Collect in lump sum every time when Party B sends Party A “Acceptance Notice of Transfer of Account Receivables” or “Acceptance Confirmation of Transfer of Account Receivables”.2. Interest of Prepayment: Party B charges interest from the day of the release of prepayment to the day of the recovery of repayment (excluded); In repurchase of account receivables, Party B charges interest until the day of the payment of repurchase price (excluded). Both Parties choose the pattern of payment and determine the interest rate:(1) The interest is settled on monthly basis after the prepayment, and the settlement date is the 20th of every month. The interest rate is calculated on a daily basis, and determined by Pattern b :a. annual interest rate %b. The interest rate is subject to the People's Bank of China's benchmark loan interest rate for the corresponding grade and period as of every payment date of prepayment, minus/plus **%.c. the interest rate is subject to “Withdrawal Notice of Prepayment”, if the payment of prepayment is in a foreign currency.d. other.(2) Deduct the interest in lump sum at the payment of prepayment by discount.The “corresponding grade and period” under the first pattern of interest payment is subject to the period from date of prepayment to the maturity date of account receivables.3. Invoice Processing Fee: One hundred yuan for every invoice processing. Collect in lump sum every time when Party B sends Party A “Acceptance Notice of Transfer of Account Receivables”or “Acceptance Confirmation of Transfer of Account Receivables”.4. Overdue penalty: calculated on daily basis, and settled on monthly basis. The overdue penalty rate is subject to prepayment interest rate plus ***%.5. other fees specially agreed upon .Chapter Nine General Representation and WarrantiesBoth parties hereby represent and warrant as follows:Article 28Both Party A and Party B are legal entities fo unded according to the laws of the People’s Republic of China and possess the obligatory capacity for civil rights and disposing capacity to sign and implement this contract.Article 29The entry and performance of this contract breaches no laws or other related rules andconstitutes no breach of other contracts.Article 30This contract is binding to both parties.Chapter Ten Special Representation and Warranties of Party A Party A hereby specially represents and warrants:Article 31All the materials provided by Party A to Party B are authentic, accurate and integrated without any concealment or any material debt that is not disclosed to Party B.Article 32It is authentic, legitimate, valid and undisputable for the relationship of debts and credits originating from any commercial contract based upon which account receivables transferred from Party A to Party B exist.Article 33Party A warrants that purchasers will be notified of the transfer in disclosed recourse factoring.Article 34Party A warrants that there is no dispute or debt between Party A and purchasers related to the commercial contract or this contract.Article 35There is no affiliate relation between Party A and purchasers.Article 36Party A warrants that Party A shall transfer all the rights under every account receivables to Party B.Article 37Party A warrants the effectiveness of the transfer to Party B.Article 38Party A warrants that there is no defect of right as to the account receivables transferred to Party B.Article 39Party A warrants that there is no defect of right as to the goods or services under commercial contractChapter Eleven Commitment of Party AArticle 40Party A shall transfer all account receivables to Party B as stipulated in Article 7 after the entry of this contract.Article 41Party A shall not suspend, terminate or alter the commercial contract, transfer this contract or transfer rights of this contract without Party B’s consent.Article 42Party A shall notify Party B in written form and help with the remedial work accordingly, if Party A finds out any event which may affect the collection of account receivables.Article 43Party A shall notify Party B of the change of its address, business licenses and other matters rated.Article 44Party A agrees to take full responsibility due to recourse and compensate Party B, no matter whether it is within the valid term of this contract.Article 45Party A warrants that Party A will notify Party B and transfer the fund or endorse the bill to Party B in case of indirect payment.Article 46Party A shall take all the measures to assist Party B with the recourse.Chapter Twelve Events of Default and DisposalArticle 47Any of the following items shall be deemed as breach of contract by Party A:1. Party A breaches agreements on the transfer of account receivables under Chapter Three of this contract;2. Party A breaches agreements under Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten or Chapter Eleven of this contract;3. Party A refuses to implement obligations under Chapter Seven or Chapter Eight of this contract4. Party A undertakes activities such as division, merger, reconstruction and so on, without Party B’s consent, which may lower Party A’s credit situation in Party B’s view.5. Party A experiences the following situations: fraudulence, dissolution, bankruptcy, material breach or tort; assets all or partially being seized, auctioned, frozen, or possessed legally or illegally by others; undergo a lawsuit, a claim or a sanction.6. Party A experiences one of the following situations: operation deterioration; transfer assets, take out its capital secretly to evade debt; lose its goodwill; other situations which affect or may affect its ability to fulfill its obligation.7. Purchasers undertakes activities such as division, merger, reconstruction and so on, without Party B’s consent, which may lower Party A’s credit situation in Party B’s view.8. Purchasers experience the following situations: fraudulence, dissolution, bankruptcy, material breach or tort; assets all or partially being seized, auctioned, frozen, or possessed legally or illegally by others; undergo a lawsuit, a claim or a sanction.9. Purchasers experience one of the following situations: operation deterioration; transfer assets, take out its capital secretly to evade debt; lose its goodwill; other situations which affect or may affect its ability to fulfill its obligation.10. Party A breaches laws, regulations or other obligations under this contract.Article 48Party B is entitled to take one or more of following measures when Party A breaches the contract:1. decrease or cancel the maximum prepayment, refuse to provide Party A the prepayment, or announce the qualified account receivables unqualified;2. require Party A to repurchase all or partial account receivables transferred under Article 25 and Article 26, and bears Party B’s losses thereof.;3. dissolve, suspend or early terminate this contract unilaterally, hereafter, Party A has to refund the prepayment in full or partially and pay all related fees;4. disposal of security, or collect the fund from the guarantor;5. require Party A to compensate Party B all losses due to Party A’s default;6. other remedial measures allowed by laws.Chapter Thirteen CommunicationArticle 49Unless otherwise stated, any notice or file under this contract shall be forwarded in written form to the addresses prescribed in the first page of this contract. One party shall notify the other party of any change of its contact information.The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively served shall be determined as follows: If forwarded by personal delivery it shall be deemed effectively served when it is handed over tothe addressee; If forwarded by registered mail, it shall be deemed effectively served on the third business day after the date mailed; If forwarded by fax it shall be deemed effectively served when receiving the other party’s confirmation signal.Chapter Fourteen Effectiveness of ContractArticle 50This contract shall become effective upon signature (or seal) by legal representatives or authorized representatives of both parties and upon the affixing of the official seals of both parties.Chapter Fifteen Dispute SettlementArticle 51Any dispute between Party A and Party B arising in the performance of this Contract shall be settled by the both Parties through consultation; if it cannot be settled through negotiation, it may be settled by Method ( ):1. through legal proceedings at the people's court where Party B is located.2. through arbitration.Article 52This Contract is governed by laws of People’s Republic of China.Chapter Sixteen MiscellaneousArticle 53Party A pays up in the following sequence:1. Recourse Fees spent by Party B;2. unsettled management fee of account receivables (if any), unsettled invoice processing fee (if any) and other unsettled fees;3. interest of prepayment (including overdue penalty);4. Prepayment.Article 54Neither party is entitled to alter this contract unilaterally unless otherwise stipulated in this contract.Article 55Party A bears the burden of related fees, such as counsel fee, insurance fee, registration fee and etc, as well as actual fees incurred during the realization of Party B’s rights.Article 56Party A agrees that Party B is entitled to check Party A’s credit status and submit Party A’s information to the credit database of people’s bank of China. Party A also agrees that Party B can use and disclose its information reasonably for business need.Article 57Party B is entitled to report to related authorities and collect fund publicly by media, if Party A beaches this contract.Article 58Unless other reliable and definite adverse evidence exists, Party B’s inner financial files and business documents constitute the valid, definite evidence of both parties’ obligation and rights. Party A agrees that Party A will not raise objection only because these documents are made or preserved by Party B itself.Article 59Any rights of Party B under this contract do not affect or exclude Party B’s other rights enjoyed under laws and other contracts. Any tolerance of Party A shall not be deemed as waiver of rights.Article 60Party A shall immediately notify Party B of its change of address or contact information in written form. Party A shall bear the losses due to the delay thereof.Article 61As to Party A’s unsettled payment under this contract, Party B is entitled to transfer the corresponding fund from Party A’s account opened in China Construction Bank directly without notifying Party A in advance.Article 62All lists, notices, appendices and other files referred in this contract or filed according to this contract are inseparable components of this contract, which have same legal validity.Article 63This agreement has originals, which has same legal validity, with each party holding copy.Article 64Party A declares: Party A has fully read this contract. Party B has explained related clauses upon the Party A’s request. Party A has fully understood the meanings and legal consequence of this contract.Party A: (Seal)Legal representative or authorized representative: (Signature)Party B: (Seal)Legal representative or authorized representative: (Signature)Date of signature: 高考是我们人生中重要的阶段,我们要学会给高三的自己加油打气。



ICS 03.060CCS A10团体标准T/CATIS 003-2020商业保理合同准则Commercial Factoring Contract Criteria2020-10-15发布2021-01-01实施中国服务贸易协会发布目次前言 II1.范围 12.规范性引用文件 13.术语和定义 14.通用规则 34.1 合同定义 34.2 一般要求 35.商业保理合同内容要素 45.1 一般内容要求 45.2 基本内容 45.3 其他条款 76.无追索权商业保理合同和有追索权商业保理合同特殊要求 76.1 无追索权商业保理合同特殊条款 76.2 有追索权商业保理合同特殊条款 86.3 无追索权商业保理和有追索权商业保理合同组成 9附录A(资料性附录)应收账款转让申请书暨确认书 10附录B(资料性附录)应收账款转让通知书 13附录C(资料性附录)提款申请暨确认书 17附录D(资料性附录)应收账款回款账号变更通知书 20附录E(资料性附录)应收账款回购通知书 23附录F(资料性附录)付款担保申请暨确认书 26附录G(资料性附录)追索权商业保理合同 28附录H(资料性附录)有追索权商业保理合同 53前言本文件按照GB/T 1.1-2009《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草原则》的规定起草。




商业保理合同准则1 范围本标准对于商业保理合同的相关术语、通用规则、内容要素、无追索权商业保理和有追索权商业保理合同特殊要求进行了规范。



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