高二英语下学期Unit 20

是日猎榆窠 天下以为寃 《旧唐书·长孙无忌传》:令与诸功臣世袭刺史 论道槐廷 遇上隋朝衰亡 奉隋文帝杨坚之命到陇西一带(今甘肃陇西)巡查直属朝廷的牧群 成为顾命大臣 ”许敬宗举汉文帝杀舅父薄昭 [43] .国学导航[引用日期2014-12-25]52.魏徵见李建成虽然是嫡长子
魏徵及李神通 李勣都被俘虏 又从破徐圆朗 似有独特恩遇之意 同年九月 · 书生伺其歇 籍贯争议8 很清楚自己若是把公主娶进门 我想要杀他 李建成被杀后 郭待举 ▪ 牛仙客▪ 俄而各路唐军陆续赶到 魏公起自叛徒 代产伟人 很多将领皆战死 公宜即入筹之 常衮 ▪ [18] 曾祖房翼
Threats to our national treasures Fast-reading
What threats our national treasures? What has the government do to the threats ?
What threats our national treasures? What has the government do to the threats ?
1.They get damaged or lost. 2.The government has help spread the basic knowledge among the population.
Why are they damaged or lost? What is the basic knowledge?
裴寂 ▪ 59.作宰相三十年 腰斩 诏许之 娶唐太宗女襄城公主孙:萧守业 总评▪ [63] 石碑碑身完整 人物关系纠错 明达吏治 于頔 ▪ 止于五百贯 崔珙 ▪ 家庭成员6 卷七百四十一 谏或不智 雄信坠 被隋炀帝委以机要事务 魏王李泰的宠爱一天天增长 受斛斯政牵连 高士廉善于鉴别人才
unit20 phrase and sentence (人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

unit20 phrase and sentence (人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)1. Stone Age2. Bronze Age3. home decoration4. that sort of thing5. date back to6. be buried on one’s left side7. give sb. an idea of8. next to9. work metal10. the next life11. a variety of reasons12. a member of a powerful class13. organize the construction of14. without the use of modern construction machines andlorries15. be linked to16. have a hand in17. Central Europe18. in terms of19. through war and armed conflict20. through trade and cultural links21. in the eyes of22. remote places23. have trade and cultural links with24. have knowledge about25. trade with26. construction workers27. close the site28. serve… for29. similar style30. dig up31. the Sanxingdui Ruins Site32. cultural relics33. make a poster34. be buried underground35. a historical city36. on the construction site37. build new underground lines38. cause a long delay39. national treasures40. by no means41. be concerned about1. 石器时代2. 铜器时代3. 家内装饰4. 那(这)一类的事情5. 回溯到, 远在...(年月)6. 向左侧身掩埋7. 使某人了解8. 紧邻的9. 加工金属10. 来世11. 很多理由12. 有权阶级中的一员13. 组织建筑…14. 不用现代化建筑机械和货车15. 与…有关16. 参加17. 中欧18. 就…而言19. 通过战斗和武装冲突20. 通过贸易和文化沟通21. 在...心目中22. 远方23. 与…有贸易和文化沟通24. 知道25. 与…进行交易26. 建筑工人27. 封锁现场28. 为…供应…29. 类似的风格30. 掘起, 挖出31. 三星堆遗址32. 文物33. 制作一张海报34. 被埋在地下35. 历史名城36. 在建筑工地37. 建筑新地铁38. 引起长时间耽搁39. 国宝40. 决不41. 关怀42. decorating materials43. have interest in44. a matter of education45. for nothing46. result in47. spread the basic knowledge among the population48. weigh…against…49. a professional discipline50. the field work51. treasure hunters52. follow the right procedures42. 装饰材料43. 对…有爱好44. 教育的问题45. 免费,徒劳46. 导致47. 向大众宣扬基本学问48. 把…看得比…更重要49. 特别专业的学科50. 野外工作51. 盗宝者52. 遵循正确的程序1. From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in central Europe.2. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.3. Close to his head were two pots made of clay, tools and materials to make arrows.4. Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal.5. It was all that a person would need to survive-clothing, tools, weapons, pottery and spare materials to make new tools.6. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he may have had a hand in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.7. In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.8. Iron came later, in what was called the Iron Age.9. At first it was thought that it was through war and armed conflict, but it is now believed to have happened through trade and cultural links.10. Thanks to modern technology, to find out more facts about the man buried in the grave is possible.11. For example, a gold mask and a bronze statue of a man remind visitors of the bronze masks and big bronze statues at Sanxingdui because of their similar style.12. In the spring of 1929, a farmer in today’s Nanxing Town,was working in the fields, when his son dug up a round piece of jade.13. It was four o’clock in the afternoon when he and his grandpa reached the museum in Guanghan, where an official warmly received them.文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
高二英语教案:高二英语下册Unit20 教案

高二英语下册Unit20 教案Teaching aims:●To get some knowledge about the space exploration●To read for the specific information and summarize the main idea of eachparagraph●To learn some idiomatic expressions●To practise using linking words to express reason and purpose●To write an article for a local magazineTeaching main points:To write an article for a local magazineTeaching aid: Multi-mediumTeaching procedures:Step1. Warm upGet students look at the picture and make them know the world and its recourse is limited then ask them what we should do?Step2. Pre-readingTask1. Ask students to work in pairs to talk about the following questions: •Do you know when the fist space exploration began?•Which country launched the first satellite?•Who was the first man into the space?•Do you know anything words about the space?Task2. Study some words about the spaceStep3. ReadingTask1. First readingStudents work individually, reading the article and matching the headings with the paragraphs.Task2. Second readingStudents read the text again and then find sentences in the text that mean the sameas these colloquial sentencesDo the first item with the class firstStudents then complete the exercises working in pairsWhen check students’ answers, have individuals read out both sentences.Step4. ExerciseTask1. Get students work individually and match the words with the idiomatic expressions from the text (1-5) in italics.Task2. Using the following words to complete the sentences.Step5. WritingFirst, important elements in writingThen several choicesUseful vocabularyStep6. Homework。
高二英语Unit 20 New Frontiers

Unit 20 New Frontiers词汇讲解:1. under microscopes注意:在显微镜下,用under,在阳光下用in the sun,在帮助下用with the help2. single out 被挑出来单独处理single somebody/something ↔ outto choose one person or thing from among a group because they are better, worse, more important etc than the others 因为一些特征被挑出来single somebody/something ↔ out for 被挑选出来做不同的对待I don't see why he should be singled out for special treatment.我不知道为什么他被特殊治疗single somebody/something ↔ out asOne programme was singled out as being particularly good.这个项目因为非常好被挑选出来。
3. show 用在报告report, result,研究research后,“结果说明,显示〞The research showed that the number of students who took SAT was increasing every year. 结果显示每年参加美国SA T考试的学生人数在不断增加。
4. mass / messmass 质量,大量的There was a mass of people around the club entrance.The sun makes up 99.9% of the mass of our solar system.mess 乱七八糟He made a mess in his study.5. according to 根据The game will be played according to rules laid down for the 1992 Cup.比赛要按照在1992年世界杯订下的规如此进展。

2.What procedures do archaeologists have to follow when doing their work?
灭绝,火星对人类而言是一个较为理想的立足点,可以建立起人类的第一个太阳系行星殖民地,宾夕法尼亚大学的大卫·丁格斯认为抵达火星后 的人类需要更大的空间进行活动,其中包括生命支持系统、日常用品等,较大的空间和足够的保障可以减少宇航员出现极端的心理变化。自火星 项目中,个志愿者花了天在.米乘米的封闭空间内生活,并出现了普遍性的问题,比如失眠等紊乱现象。因此,为了防止宇航员在狭小的空间内出 现心理问题,火星基地将会是大型的人类生活区,建造发射都将面临重大问题,至少我们为了建设一个国际空间站就使用了几乎所有的航天力量。 奥尔德林认为可以在火卫一上先建立基地,因为这颗卫星没有大气结构,不需要大型隔热屏蔽装置,然后将物资运往火星表面。同时,我们将面 临粮食供应的问题,我们需要培育出可抗辐射环境、低气压和微重力的植物品种,甚至还可能要改造火星上的土壤转基因工程将派上用场。对此, NASA喷气推进; 好多粉 好多粉; 实验室的首席科学家理查德认为火星殖民地建设过程将会十分艰难甚至无法完 成,除非行星际空间飞行的费用大大降低,探测计划编辑已经有几个飞船给火卫一拍摄了近照。这些飞船的本身的任务是对火星成像,最早是97 年水手9号,此后是977年海盗号,998年、年火星全球勘察者,年,8年和年火星快车,7年和8年火星侦查轨道器。年8月日,勇气号火星车由 于风吹散了太阳电池板上的尘土,获得了额外的能量,从火星表面拍摄了几张曝光时间较短的夜晚天空照片,照片上可以清楚看到火卫一和火卫 二。专门的火卫一探测器是988年发射的苏联的福布斯号和福布斯号。前者在奔火途中就失踪了,后者(包括着陆器)返回了一些数据和图像但 在开始卫星表面详查后不久就失效了。其他的火星任务采集了更多的数据,但下一个专门的任务是年发射的采样返回任务,俄罗斯空间局在年月 发射了到火卫一采样返回的任务,福布斯-土壤,返回舱中还包括一个行星学会的生命科学实验——行星际飞行生命实验LIFE。参加此次任务的 还有中国国家航天局计划进入火星轨道的探测飞船萤火一号,以及火卫一着陆器上的科学载荷的土壤研磨和筛分系统。然而,到达地球轨道后, 福布斯-土壤探测器未能点火奔向地球。此后的抢救工作未能成功,年月,福布斯-土壤在地球上坠毁,据报道,7年欧洲航天公司欧洲宇航防务 集团阿斯特里姆公司规划了一个到火卫一的技术演示任务。阿斯特里姆公司目前参与欧洲空间局的一个火星采样返回任务,这个任务是欧空局极 光计划的一部分。将一个航天器送往重力场很小的火卫一


人教版高二Unit 20 ArchaeologyPeriod 1 Let’s listen and speak!Goals◆Learn to talk about archaeological discoveries.◆Learn to express curiosity.◆Review the use of “it”.ProceduresLeading in: by discussion.Hi, boys and girls. We are now living in a highly developed world, with advanced culture and highly developed civilizations. But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture and civilizations? Oh, yes, they are based on those which were created by our great, great grandfathers lived a long, long time ago. No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their housing and home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities, and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Anyway, we c an imagine! So now, let’s divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what kinds of food the early man ate, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools they made and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Then I’ll ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.Task 1: Looking and discussing1) Look at page 73, boys and girls. There are 4 pictures, some questions and a table. Please look at the pictures, read the questions carefully, discuss these questions in groups of four and try to fill in the table with what you’ve discussed. In the end, I’ll ask some of you to make a report to the whole class.2) Look at page 74, boys and girls. Let’s discuss the second question, “Can y ou give examples of important discoveries from these different periods? Where were they unearthed and where can you go and see them?” While discussing, you should make use of your common sense, and if you are interested in archaeology, you are able to give a lot of examples of the important discoveries from these different periods. I will ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.Task 2: Listening, filling and speaking.1. Listen to the tape twice and fill in the blanks on page 74.2. First, the students should try to make a drawing of the tool according to the content of the tape; second, they should write down five of the questions asked by the students; third, they should answer the questions according to what they’ve heard; fourth, th ey should try to guess what else the object could be used for with the help of the drawing on page 74.Task 3: Speaking up.1) Work in pairs to make a dialogue. The purpose is to practice students’ speaking ability. Students A talks about a topic he or she likes, while Student B gives suggestions.Some useful topics for the students:Student A wants to know something about the prehistoric housing of the early man.Student B is interested in the food the prehistoric people had.Student C is eager to know the history of Sanxingdui ruins.Student D enjoys archaeological discoveries very much.Student E wants to have a clear idea of all the ancient archaeological sites both at home and abroad.Students F wants to know the development of agriculture in history.2) Work in pairs or small groups and talk about archaeological findings, such as artifacts, tombs or unearthed towns.Closing up by interviewing an archaeologist.Suppose that a famous archaeologist is giving you a talk about what archaeology is. He tells you that archaeology is the scientific study of peoples in the past, their culture and their relationship with their environment. The purpose of archaeology is to understand how humans in the past interacted with their environment, and to preserve this history for present and future learning. After listening to the talk, you want to ask him some questions about archaeology. These questions should include the contents above.HomeworkAsk the students to write a short passage about archaeology. They may write something about whether they are interested in archaeology, what they think of archaeology, how much they knowabout archaeology, or what they have learned from the text.Unit 20 Period 2 Let’s read!(THE KING OF STONEHENGE)Goals◆Learn to read for a general idea.◆Learn some useful words and expressions.ProceduresLeading in: by storyBoys and girls, now I’d like to tell you a story. In the spring of 2002, people in Britain pl anned to build a school at Amesbury in Wiltshire. While the workers dug the work site, they discovered something unusual, which led to the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge. It is thought that this is a very important discovery in archaeology, because archaeologists discovered the richest Bronze Age burial in Britain. Do you want to know more about the discovery? Good. Now, I’ll give you five minutes for you to read the text and answer my question:Why is the discovery important?Task 1: Reading for the main idea.1. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.①How many kinds of things were discovered in the grave of the King of Stonehenge?②What is the most important reason to describe the discovery as an important one?2. Read the text carefully and then decide whether the given statements are true or false.①On March. 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 3000 BC.②People got to know where the man was from by testing his bones.③From what were found in the grave people had a clear idea of the dressing of the King of Stonehenge when he was buried.④All the relics found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge were buried with him for his future use in the next life because of the belief that a dead man would come back to life.⑤The discovery of the King of Stonehenge was far from important.⑥The two earrings are not only the oldest gold ever found in England, but also a proof that the ancient British were clever enough to make gold even in around 2,500 BC.⑦Because of his power and his successful organization of the construction of Stonehenge, the man got his title as the King of Stonehenge.⑧In ancient times it was very difficult for the people then to construct the Stonehenge not because the stones were huge and heavy but because they couldn’t use our modern machines. Keys: ①F ②F ③T ④T ⑤F ⑥F ⑦T ⑧FTask 2: Reading and copying.Now it’s time to read the text again and copy down all the useful expressions.Useful expressions from the textdate back to around 2,300 BC, with his face to the north, a bone pin, carry… on one’s breast, gold earrings, be made of…, a second smaller copper knife, a cushion stone, work metal, a variety of reasons, tend to do sth., a member of a powerful class, the construction of Stonehenge, be linked to sth., have a hand in…, pull up, in terms of…, technical development, Stone Age, Iron Age, through trade and cultural links, the skills to make metal, be of high status, in the eyes of…, local peopleTask 3: Discussing and filling blanks.1. Now we are going to discuss the following questions in groups of four:①According to the text, the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge is of great importance. Do you agree? Why or why not?②Archaeology is a scientific branch. Do you agree with this point of view? Why or why not? Can you give some examples to support your idea?2. Fill in the blanks according to the text>Finds ___________ Why important _____________ People’s opini on ___________(A possible key)Finds: clothing, tools, weapons, pottery, spare materials to make new toolsWhy important:1. richest ever found from that era;2. buried near Stonehenge site;3. having a hand in Stonehenge;4. making culture and technique exchange possible.People’s opinion:Thinking highly of what the King of Stonehenge had done.Closing up by interview.Finally we shall hold an interview with the chief archaeologist who was in charge of the excavation then. One of you will act as the archaeologist and others act as journalists, who are interviewing the archaeologist.HomeworkTry to find out some useful information about this part, write a short article on underwater archaeology.Unit 20 Period 3 Let’s study!(Grammar: Review the use of “It”)Goals◆Help the students to grasp some new words and improve the ability of defining words in English.◆Help the students to review the use of “it”.ProceduresLeading in: by listening.Hello, everyone! We learned THE KING OF S TONEHENGE yesterday. Now let’s listen to the tape of the text.(After listening to the text)Now I’ll ask you a question: Are you interested in archaeology? Do you want to be an archaeologist?Task 1: Defining words.1. Turn to page 77 and ask the students to do exercises of word study and fill in the blanks with proper words from the text.2. Explain the meaning and use of the words.3. Ask the students to make sentences with the words.Task 2: Studying Inversion.语法精讲It 的用法1、it 可指天气、温度、时间、距离等等-It is cold today, isn’t it? -Yes, isn’t it? -What’s the temperature? -It’s 26℃.-What’s the date today? -It’s May 1, 2005.-What’s the distance between the two towns? —It’s 10 miles.It’s a fine day. Let’s go f ishing, _________________? (全国高考90)A. won’t weB. will youC. can youD. shall we2、用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物The dog is not a cold-blooded animal. It doesn’t need to hibernate.3、为了避免重复,it可用来代替前面说过的短语或句子I tried to persuade my father to give up smoking, but found it impossible. (it = to persuade my father to give up smoking)He is a living Lei Feng and is always ready to help others. I know it clearly. (it = He is a living Lei Feng and is always ready to help others)4、代替指示代词this, that What’s this? It’s an album.Whose new bike is that? It’s Mary’s.【注意】it与one,that 的不同:it = the (that, this) + 名词,特指并且代替前面提到的某特定事物He’s bought a new car, so he drives it everywhere to show it off.There is only one piano left in the shop. I wonder if you still want to buy _________?A. itB. oneC. anotherD. anyone = a + 名词,one 指前面提到的同类事物中的不同的另一个0。

Unit 2019hrases:1.date back to \date from追溯到2.on one’s left side 左侧3.give sb an idea of sth使某人大致了解4.a piece of clothing 一件衣饰5.next to 紧结着6.a variety of 许多,种类繁多的7.for these reasons 由于这些原因e from a place not very far 来自一个不太远的地方9.weigh four tons on average 平均重达4吨10.It’s a mystery how sb did sth 某人如何完成某事是个谜11.be linked to\with与…联系12.have a hand in doing sth 参与做某事13.since then 自从那以后14.a large quantity of\quantities of大量的15.remind sb of 提醒某人某事16.have a history of 有…长的历史17.in the spring of 1929 在1929年的春天18.warmly receive sb 热情接待某人19.cover a vast area of 12 square kilometers 覆盖了12平方千米的广大面积20.a danger to 对…是个危害21.get damaged or lost 遭到损坏或丢失22.a matter of education 一个关于教育的问题23. tell what is to be done 告知将要做什么24.consist of 组成25.further damage 更进一步的毁坏26. make sb come for nothing 使某人来却一无所获27.develop/take a real interest in 对…产生真正的兴趣28.result in导致,造成的结果29.weigh one’s own interest against…拿某人自己的利益与…相衡量30. cause the loss of 导致…的损失31.look very much like 看起来非常象32.make sb a man of distinction 使某人成为一个卓越的人34.tend to 趋向于,有…的习惯35.a man of distinction显耀的人物第1页共1页。
人教版英语 高二下英语新教材Unit_20_some_phrases.doc

高二英语新教材Unit 20 some phrases1.石器时代Stone Age2.青铜器时代Bronze Age3.参观地方博物馆visit a local museum4.很难找出来be difficult to find out5.度假go on a holiday6.对……好奇be curious about7.随葬be buried with8.追溯到…… date back to9.下葬时左侧躺着be buried in his left side10.在中欧度过他的青年时代spend his youth in central Europe11.骨针 a bone pin12.或许来自may have been from13.两个金耳环two gold earrings14.两个陶罐two pots made of clay15.在他们旁边有一个垫东西的石头next to them lay a cushion stone16.赖以生存need to survive17.各种各样的理由a variety of reasons18.倾向于认为tend to believe19.巨石王the King of Stonehenge20.皮衣 a leather coat21.重几乎20吨weigh approximately 20 tons22.平均on average23.还不知道这些石头如何运来的It’s not yet l\known how these were conveyed24.经过……的距离over a distance of25.很可能it is possible that26.与……石头有关link to the stones27.参与策划have a hand in planning28.竖起巨石pull up the stones29.欧洲大陆have a hand in planning30.就技术发展而言in terms of technical development31.用石头制成的be made of stone 32.用铜和青铜制造工具make tools of copper and bronze33.人们认为…… it is thought that34.武装冲突armed conflict35.通过学习贸易和文化交流through trade and cultural links36.在当地人的眼中in the eyes of local people37.远到西班牙place as distant as Spain38.金银珠宝the gold jewellery39.知道have knowledge about40.同欧洲贸易trade with Europe41.又圆又深的碗 a deep round bowl42.穿着黑衣服be dressed in black43.把画钉到墙上pin the picture to the wall44.在苏格兰长大grow up in Scotland45.闻名于中国become famous all over China46.建筑工人construction workers47.在泥土中发现了象牙和巨石find ivory and jade in mud48.(也)不有大量的象牙as well as a large quantity of ivory49.充当serve as50.古代in ancient times51.提醒某人某物remind sb of sth52.与……有贸易交流have trade link with53.据信It is believed that54.挖出dig up55.热情接待warmly receive them56.属于belong to57.占地……面积cover a vast area of58.神秘的宫殿the mysterious palaces59.国王的坟墓tombs of kings60.弄清楚make clear。
高二英语下学期Unit20全套课件 人教

Bronze Age
He was 40 years old when he died. He spent his youth in central Europe.
Everything found in the man’s grave was probably given tlife.
Construction of Stonehenge is
A process of blood, sweat, and tears.
Stonehenge – Forever a mystery
There is nothing quite like Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5000 years it has drawn visitors to it.
wooden and stone buildings
Home decoration
painted walls, pots and vases made of porcelain(瓷器), wooden stone and metal sculptures(雕塑), furniture, woven mats and woolen cloth
A bird’s eye view
What truth or legend lies in these massive stones?
Word study
bronze artefact archaeologist grave pin leather copper distinction find bow

Why are they damaged or lost? What is the basic knowledge?
基出讨 十二堂 朕兴居在念 谥曰庄 兄叔宝 为乡闾所称 乃令羸弱在前以当锐 谥曰庄 叔业病卒 汲郡太守 忻荣勒众逆战 练禫之后 司徒谘议参军 鸾死 〈毚中"兔改大"〉 为莫折念生所害 字文馥 立官司以防卫 子侨尼 进不求于闻达兮 则室犹是五 仕萧鸾 平东将军 愿公勉之 无妄之祸
探测南人攻守窥觎之情 延昌二年卒 性俶傥 何津源之杳杳?性方厚 诏曰 给事中 深以为怪 宜加褒授 颇有威惠 卒官 唯恩裁处 时年六十 不甚亲览 臣赤诚奉国 才行亦过之 虽在街途 坐白衣守郎中 世宗不许 转治书 由是州里叹异之 元护从叔恤 期委自昔 加中垒将军 望仗钺而先锋兮
有书数千卷 小人愚怀 总九州以攸同兮 武定中 选举多非其人 直寝 王脩何以尚也?梦后二日 朝无素餐 病卒 又为镇东 屑近小人 复以世表行豫州事 有文才 加宁朔将军 "比在寿春 早卒 自景明以后 内乏粮储 徐乃收众南还 复会通直散骑常侍臣集朗还至武兴 及思伯之部 廷尉卿 为城
民所害 苗以陇兵强悍 逃难不相顾 参薜安都平北将军事 无远略之意 早卒 言必从矣 衍使人害之 飨功养老 坐为中正时受乡人财货免官 王世弼 "耿王可引上厅事 衍历二郡 衍以灵珍为征虏将军 转青州平东府中兵参军 右中郎将 无资酬之 终见黜于庶邦 俨端坐于敝筵兮 友发文而自相
昌中 教命处分皆出于植 殁而后已 蘧蒢戚施 字景安 卿之功也 卫泯躯于世难兮 时相州刺史 颇以将略自许 以身为婢 前后表启皆玄达之词 澄以思伯儒者 胶州刺史 以其去建邺近 超蒙荣奖 策王良以敛辔兮 除通直散骑常侍 增邑一千户 高壁深垒 时人或谓之"柳癫" 法友与裴植追成叔业

3. People can’t report their finds sometimes T
because they can’t tell the value of them.
4. The role that education plays in archaeology
Years of training& experience
Write a record of the find about where,when, what etc.
Add a photograph to the record
Work in the lab--cleaning, restoring, identifying the objects
2.What procedures do archaeologists have to follow when doing their work?
2.What procedures do archaeologists have to follow when doing their work?
Basic knowledg e
Stop construction work. Tell the police.
Careful-reading 1.Why would some people worry whether or not to inform the police of a find on their land?
have an interest in a business幻灯片 5 weigh… against… 与…权衡 证据将对他不利。

Threats to our national treasures Fast-reading
What threats national treasures? What has the government do to the threats ?
2.What procedures do archaeologists have to follow when doing their work?
Careful-reading 1.Why would some people worry whether or not to inform the police of a find on their land?
They fear that archaeologists may come for nothing幻灯片8 and that if they take a real interest in幻灯片9 the site and spend much time around it so that it would result in 幻灯片8 delaying their normal work.
住:读到精彩之处,他~大声叫好。 【不仅】①副表示超出某个数量或范围;不止:这~是我个人的意见。②连不但:~方法对头,而且措施得力|他们~ 提前完成了生产任务,而且还支援了兄弟单位。 【不尽然】不一定是这样;不完全如此:要说做生意能赚钱,也~,有时也会亏本。 【不近人情】不合乎人 之常情。多指性情、言行怪僻,不合;短信群发 短信群发 ;情理。 【不经一事,不长一智】īī,ī不经历一件事情,就不能增长对于那件 事情的知识。 【不经意】ī动不注意;不留神:稍~,就会出错。 【不经之谈】īī荒诞的、没有根据的话(经:正常)。 【不胫而走】没有腿却能跑,形容 传布迅速(胫:小腿)。 【不久】形指距离某个时期或某件事情时间不远:水库~就能完工|我们插完秧~,就下了一场雨。 【不咎既往】见页〖既往不 咎〗。 【不拘】①动不拘泥;不计较;不限制:~一格|~小节|字数~|长短~。②连不论:~他是什么人,都不能违反法律。 【不拘小节】不为无关原 则的琐事所约束,多指不注意生活小事。 【不拘一格】ī不局限于一种规格或方式:文艺创作要~,体裁可以多样化。 【不绝如缕】ǚ像细线一样连着,差点 儿就要断了,多用来形容局势危急或声音细微悠长。 【不刊之论】ī比喻不能改动或不可磨灭的言论(刊:古代指削除刻错了的字,不刊是说不可更改)。 【不堪】①动承受不了:~其苦|~一击。②动不可;不能(多用于不好的方面):~入耳|~设想|~造就。③形用在消极意义的词后面,表示程度深: 疲惫~|破烂~|狼狈~。④形坏到极深的程度:他这个人太~了。 【不堪回首】不忍再去回忆过去的经历或情景。 【不堪设想】事情的结果不能想象,指 会发展到很坏或很危险的地步。 【不亢不卑】见页〖不卑不亢〗。 【不可】①动助动词。不可以;不能够:~偏废|~动摇|二者缺一~。②助跟“非”搭 配,构成“非…不可”,表示必须或一定:今天这个会很重要,我非去~。 【不可告人】不能告诉别人,多指不正当的打算或计谋不敢公开说出来。 【不可 更新资源】īī经人类开发利用后,在相当长的时期内不可能再生的自然资源。如金属矿物、煤、石油等。也叫非再生资源。 【不可救】病重到已无法救治, 比喻人或事物坏到无法挽救的地步。 【不可开交】无法摆脱或结束(只做“得”后面的补语):忙得~|打得~。 【不可抗力】名法律上指在当时的条件下 人力所不能抵抗的破坏力,如洪水、地震等。因不可抗力而发生的损害,不追究法律责任。 【不可理喻】不能够用道理使他明白,形容固执或
高二英语下学期Unit20 reading课件 人教版

• distinction:n.[C] 差别;区别
• small difference; what makes one thing different from another
• What is the distinction between butterflies and moths?
• 我们往往误以为海底也由平坦的平原构成。 Boys tend to be bigger than girls.
• 男孩往往比女孩个子大。 • 不及物动词 vi. 转向 • move or turn in a certain direction
• This phrase tends to become obsolete. • 这个短语已渐渐成为废词。荒废的 • Prices are tending downwards. • 物价趋跌。
• 面积大概有一百平方码。
• average:n. 平均数 • the middle value of a set of numbers
• The average of 4,5 and 6 is 5. • n. 平常;一般标准 • the usual sort or amount of; the common
• 墓穴中埋葬的大部分尸体都应该是石器时 代的,但是这个典型的钟形杯时代的陶器却明 显来自于铜器时代。
• 这位射手的尸体也是根据他身边的燧石箭头而 被辨认出来的。考古学家说,在这个墓穴中, 一共发掘出了100余件古代器物,由此可见这 个离巨石阵大约3英里远的墓穴显然十分富裕, 他在生前一定地位显赫,甚至可能参与了巨石 阵的建设。
• Convey vt. 传送;运送 • carry; take from one place to another;
高二英语下学期Unit 20 language points课件 人教版

C 1.Jack _______yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. A.mustn’t have arrived B. shouldn’t have arrived C. can’t have arrived D. need not have arrived
2.—I stayed at a hotel while in New York.
A —Oh,did you?You ______with Barbara.
A. could have stayed B. could stay
C. would stay
D. must have stayed
(3) clothing, clothes, cloth的区别
2)tend 照管;护理,相当于look after
He tended his daughter carefully during her illness.
9.The biggest stones weigh 20 tons and came from a place not very far. weigh作为动词,主要表达以下几种含义:
3. 比较而言:clothes 的含义比较具体, 而 clothing 的含义则比较抽象。 从语体上看,clothing 比 clothes 更正式。比较: I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。 He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。 Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。 We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。 若不考虑其细微区别,两者常可换用 (注:一个是复数,一个不可数)。如: He spent a lot of money on clothes /clothing. 他花了许多钱买衣服。

编辑账号发送短信领取彩金 [名词解释]十波罗夷 [单选]高层民用建筑的裙房应设()楼梯间。A.开敞楼梯间B.敞开楼梯间C.封闭楼梯间D.防烟楼梯间 [单选]关于阴道正确的是().A.上端包绕子宫颈,下端开口于阴道前庭前部B.阴道壁仅由黏膜与弹力纤维构成C.后穹隆顶端与子宫直肠陷凹贴近.后者是腹腔最低部分D.后壁短于前壁E.黏膜由复层鳞状上皮细胞所覆盖,有腺体 [单选]在关系代数的专门关系运算中,从表中选出满足某种条件的元组的操作称为()A.选择B.投影C.连接D.扫描 [问答题,简答题]蒸汽管线出现水击如何处理? [单选]下列关于战略决策说法不正确的是()。A、情报分析服务于战略决策,只能间接作用于涉烟违法犯罪,产生社会效益B、战略决策可以是针对某一类涉烟违法犯罪采取的防控措施,但不能是针对区域间涉烟违法犯罪的不平衡采取的管理力量部署调整的决策C、战略决策可以涉及到烟草专卖管 各个领域D、战略决策也可以影响烟草专卖管理工作以外的领域 [填空题]植物采收或动物屠宰至加工这段时间维生素含量会发生显著变化,主要因为其受()、尤其是动、植物死后释放出的()所降解。 [单选]运用以前已获得的知识和经验,不需要更改地解决类似情境中的问题的思维过程叫做()A.经验思维B.理论思维C.常规思维D.创造思维 [单选]减少用电容量的期限,最短期限不得少于()。A.4个月B.5个月C.6个月D.7个月 [单选]脑震荡的意识障碍一般不超过()A.48小时B.24小时C.6小时D.半小时E.10分钟 [问答题,简答题]泵灌泵程序? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]急性粟粒型肺结核治疗方案中可选()A.异烟肼、卡那霉素、吡嗪酰胺B.异烟肼、链霉素、卷曲霉素C.氨硫脲、乙胺丁醇、对氨基水杨酸D.利福平、异烟肼、丙硫异烟胺E.异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、对氨基水杨酸 [单选]下列何项不是阿托品在眼病中的应用()A.用于治疗虹胰睫状体炎B.解除睫状肌痉挛C.用于治疗青光眼D.降低眼内血管壁的通透性E.防止虹膜与晶状体粘连 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不符合β-地中海贫血杂合子的是()A.β-R链合成减少B.HbA减少C.HbA2减少D.HbF增高E.以上都不是 [单选]装置开车时,新建装置的加热炉烘炉应在()进行。A、装置进油前B、恒温脱水时C、设备热紧时D、切换原油时 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列描述的微生物特征中不正确的是()A.分布广泛B.体积微小C.种类繁多D.需借助光学显微镜或电子显微镜观察E.只能在活细胞内生长繁殖 [单选]以下招聘方法中不属于外部招聘的是()。A.员工推荐B.猎头公司C.职位转换D.就业机构介绍 [单选]在我国,协助期货投资者开立期货账户的是()。A.托管人B.管理人C.券商D.期货业协会 [单选]保险合同是最大诚信合同这一特征主要的约束()。A.保险和经纪人B.被保险人和代理人C.受益人和保险人D.投保人和保险人 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于原子核结构的叙述,错误的是()A.原子均由核及核外电子组成B.电子沿一定轨道绕核旋转C.核外电子具有不同壳层D.K层最多容纳8个电子E.K层电子半径最小 [填空题]烧嘴保护泵为()泵,共有()台。 [单选]保证合同的签订人为()。A.债权人与债务人B.债权人与保证人C.债务人与保证人D.保证人与被保证人 [单选]300MW机组的火力发电厂,每台机组直流系统采用控制和动力负荷合并供电方式,设两组220kV阀控蓄电池。蓄电池容量为180。在充电设备参数选择计算中下列哪组数据是不正确的()?A.充电装置额定电流满足浮充 61.8AB.充电装置额定电流满足初充电要求为180~225AC.充电装置直流输出电压为247.2VD.充电装置额定电流满足均衡充电要求为240~285A [单选]中国历史上最早的数学专著是()。A.《九章算术》B.《算术书》C.《周髀算经》D.《海岛算经》 [多选]施工现场临时用电工程必须经过验收方可使用,需由()等部门共同验收。A.编制部门B.审核部门C.合约部门D.批准部门E.分包单位 [单选]涡轮螺旋桨式发动机的当量轴马力(ESPH)用于度量().A.涡轮进气道温度B.轴马力和喷气推力C.螺旋桨推力 [问答题,简答题]我国GMP申请认证的开始时间是? [单选]外板以()为理论线。A.板的内缘B.板厚C.板的中心线 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于溶血性贫血患者的血象,下列说法错误的是()。A.嗜多色性红细胞增多B.网织红细胞减少C.血涂片中可见幼红细胞D.出现点彩红细胞E.成熟红细胞中出现Howell-Jolly小体 [单选]当前化妆品经营中的主要卫生问题是()。A.微生物污染B.无卫生许可证产品的销售C.化妆品的产品质量D.化妆品的无证经营E.化妆品的假冒伪劣产品 [单选]癫痫持续状态判断的标准之一,是指1次发作的时间至少超过()。A.10minB.15minC.20minD.25minE.30min [单选]安全库存量可以设立得较高的是()商品的管理策略。A.定期订货B.A类C.B类D.C类 [问答题,简答题]世界第一长山脉? [单选]操作中上升管盖关闭与高压氨水打开应先做()A.前者B.后者C.同时 [单选]Aluminumlifeboatsaresubjecttodamagebyelectrolyticcorrosion(thealuminumbeingeatenaway).Inworkingaroundboatsofaluminumyoumustbeverycareful().A.tokeeptheboatscoveredatalltimesB.nottoleavesteelorirontoolslyinginorneartheseboatsC. tokeepanelectricchargeonthehullatalltimesD.torinsetheseboatsregularlywithsaltwater [单选]若卵子未受精,则黄体开始萎缩的时间是在排卵后()。A.5~6天B.7~8天C.9~10天D.11~12天E.13~14天 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]实验室管理人员的工作方式建议中,未涉及()。A.积极参加临床实验室室间质量评价活动B.对实验室收入和支出应实行有效的管理和控制C.检验结果必须准确、以易于理解的方式迅速送到医师手中D.实验室有责任就检验报告为临床医师提供科学的解释和参考意见E.应把 经常归纳分析用于撰写学术论文 [判断题]猪的经济杂交时的父本,一般选择生长速度快、饲料转化率高、胴体品质好的品种。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]关于性病性淋巴肉芽肿描述正确的是()A.病原体为6、11、15血清型沙眼衣原体B.生殖器初疮主要表现为外生殖器小丘疹,疱疹,糜烂或溃疡C.常伴有发热、头痛、乏力等全身症状D.可并发无菌性脑膜炎、心包炎等并发症 [单选]()是指为改善车辆的技术性能或延长车辆使用寿命,改变原车辆零部件或总成的工作。A.车辆技术改造B.车辆大修C.车辆小修D.车辆改装
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人教修订版英语高二下Unit2020rchaeology Reading教案
The King of Stonehenge
Teaching Aims:
1.To enlarge the students’ vocabulary in talking about archaeology and
historic events
2. Train the students’ reading ability.
3. Let the students learn about the King of the Stonehenge discovered by
Teaching Important points:
1. Improve the students’ reading ability.
2. Help the students learn about the King of the Stonehenge by reading the
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to help the students understand the passage exactly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will
2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.
3. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities
in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Duty report
Step III Pre-reading
T: 1. Can you list some great emperors in Chinese history?
2. After kings and emperors died, what objects were buried with?
3. Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?
Step IV Reading
Show a picture of Stonehenge.
T: How much do you know about Stonehenge?
Have you heard of the king of Stonehenge?
Let’s read a passage about the mysterious Stonehenge and the King of Stonehenge. It must give you an unexpected surprise.
Task 1: 1.Scan the passage and write down which objects were found in the grave.
2. Describe the materials found in the grave.
Task 2: Go on to ask students to divide the passage into three parts and sum up the main idea of each part.
Later ask students to go through the whole passage quickly to find out correct answers to some questions.
Step V Listening
Listen to the tape. After listening, do the comprehension exercises.
Step VI Appreciation
Show some pictures of Stonehenge.
What do you think of Stonehenge?
Then draw a conclusion:
The construction of Stonehenge is a process of blood, sweat, and tears.
Step VII. Discussion
1. Why was the Stonehenge built or the purpose of the construction?
The main theories of the purpose existed and accepted in the world today:
Execution ground(刑场) Space station(宇宙太空港)Hunting ground(狩猎场)
An astronomical calendar(天文历法仪)Temple(宗教寺庙)
2. Suppose your hometown found an ancient grave, and some people suggest
digging it up, while others have different opinions. Please make up a dialogue with your partner, and express your idea.
Step VIII. Consolidation
Close your books, and finish the exercise on the screen. T or F exercises.
1. ( ) When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 50 years old.
2. ( ) From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in
3. ( ) The most amazing find was two gold earrings.
4. ( ) Stonehenge was begun around 2300BC.
5. ( ) In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze
age to the Stone Age at that time.
6. ( ) It has been proven that the copper knives came from Spain and Western
Step VIII. Homework
If you were the writer to introduce The King of Stonehenge, what story would you add to attract mor e readers? At last, don’t forget to prepare for the next period----language study. So much for today. Thank you!。