



国际结算Translation1.无追索权的 without recourse2.投标保函Tender Guarantee3.备用信用证 stand-by credit4.托收出口押汇collection bill purchased5.善意持票人 bona-fide holder6.信托收据Trust receipt7.承兑交单documents against acceptance8.拒付通知notice of dishonor9.循环信用证Revolving Credit10.空白背书 blank endorsement1.Acceptance for honor 参加承兑2.After sight 见票即付3.Short form bill of lading 简式提单4.Mail remittance 信汇5.Countermand of payment 止付6.Clearing bank 清算银行7.Proforma invoice 形式发票8.Subsequent holder 后手9.Disclosed factoring 公开保理10.Shipping mark 唛头1.CIF 到岸价2.Advance payment 预付款3.Correspondent bank 代理银行4.Test key 密押5.Confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证6.Subsequent endorser 后手7.Direct guarantee 直接担保8.Deferred credit 延期付款信用证9.Insurance certificate 保险证书,小保单10.Clean bill of lading 清洁提单1.原产地证书 certificate of original2.经常账户 current account3.金融单据 financial document4.参加承兑人 acceptor for honor5.商业发票 commercial invoice6.承兑交单 documents against acceptance7.账户关系8.贷记通知 credit advice9.电汇 telegraphic transfer10.银行信用 the reputation of the bankMultiple Choice1.If bank of china instructs bank of America to pay a sum of USD1,000,000.00 to Midland,its nostro account will beA.creditedB. debitedC. increasedD. decreasedNostro account 往账,我行在他行开立的存款账户2.if a bill is payable “60 days after date”, the date of payment id decided according toA.the date of acceptanceB.the date of presentationC.the date of the billD.the date of maturityAt days/month(s) after date出票后若干天、月付款3.A(n)______ is a financial document.A.bill of exchangeB.bill of ladingC.insurance policymercial invoice“Financial Documents” means bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money.“Commercial Documents” means invoices, transport documents of title or other similar documents, or any other documents whatsoever, not being financial documents.4.The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the ______A.drawerB.draweeC.payeeD.drawer5.To the importer, the fastest and safest method of settlement isA.letter of creditB.cash in advanceC.open accountD.collectionOpen account business 赊账业务Payment after Arrival of the Goods which is adopted in international trade is usually effected by remittance too, and is advantageous to importer6.Which of the following is based on commercial credit?A.letter of creditB.bank letter of guaranteeC.collectionD.insurance7.Which type of collection offers greatest security to the exporter?A.Documents against acceptanceB.Documents against paymentC.Clean collectionD.Acceptance D/P8.The principal is generally the customer of a bank who prepares documentation andsubmits them to the_____ bank with a collection order for payment from the buyer (drawee).A.remittingB.collectingC.presentingD.correspondent9. A letter of credit is_______A. a formal guarantee of paymentB. a conditional undertaking to make paymentC.an unconditional undertaking to make paymentD. a two bank guarantee of paymentThe documentary credit跟单信用证 or letter of credit is an undertaking(保证) issued by a bank for the account of the buyer (the applicant) or for its own account, to pay the beneficiary the value of the draft and/or documents provided that the terms and conditions of the documentary credit are complied with完全符合.10.From the point of view of a Chinese,_____is our bank’s account in the books of anoverseas bank,denominated in foreign currency.A. a vostro accountB. a nostro accountC. a mirror accountD. a record account11. If a bill is payable “120 days after date”, the date of payment id decided according toA.the date of acceptanceB.the date of presentationC.the date of the billD.the date of maturity12. A(n)_____is a commercial document.A.bill of exchangeB.bill of ladingC.promissory checkD.check“Financial Documents” means bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money.“Commercial Documents” means in voices, transport documents of title or other similar documents, or any other documents whatsoever, not being financial documents.13.The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the_____A.drawerB.draweeC.payeeD.payer14. Which of the following is based on banker’s credit?A.Letter of creditB.D/PC.D/AD.T/T15._____is a compromised method between open account and cash in advance.A. Letter of guaranteeB. remittanceC. treasury billsD. Documentary collection16.The various methods of settlement all involve the same book keeping记账. The onlyDifference isA.the method by which the overseas bank is advised about the transferB.the method by which the beneficiary is advised about the transferC.the speedD.the beneficiary17.If a London Bank makes a payment to a correspondent abroad,_____A.it will remit the sum abroadB.the foreign bank’s vostro account will be creditedC.the London bank’s nostro account will be creditedD.either A or B18.Which type of collection offers the greatest security to the importer?A.Documents against acceptanceB.Documents against paymentC.Clean collectionD.Acceptance D/P19. The principal is generally the customer of a bank who preparesdocumentation and submits them to the_____ bank with a collection order for payment from the buyer (drawee).A. remittingB. collectingC. presentingD. correspondent20. If the credit stipulates shipment on or about December 18,2012,then the date ofon board bill of lading may be_____A. December 28, 2012B. December 12, 2012C. December 18, 2012D. B or C1. Please state the simplified remittance diagram2. Please state the difference between documents against payment and documentsagainst acceptance3. Please state the simplified D/A diagram4. Please illustrates the documents against payment transaction flow.5. Compare with the back-to-back L/C and transferable L/C, explain their similarityand differenceSimilarities:1. Both of them have middle men and second beneficiaries. And middle mancan get price difference by keeping business secrets.2. Middle men bear the cost.3. The amount, unit cost, shipment date on letters of credit can be amended bymiddle men.Differences:1. Transferable L/C involves an applicant, a issuing bank, a letter of creditwhile back-to-back L/C involves two applicants, two issuing banks, twoletters of credit.2. Transferable credit: the original issuing bank takes responsibility for the creditBack-to-back credit: the original issuing bank doesn’t take responsibility forthe new credit.3. Transferable credit: the credit can’t be transferred without the expresscontent ofissuing bank.Back-to-back credit: the new credit can be opened by middle men withoutthe original bank’s consent and even w ithout prior notice to the originalbank4. Transferable credit: the middle man becomes the first beneficiary from the beneficiaryBack-to-back credit: the middle man becomes the applicant from thebeneficiary.6. Explain the role of commercial invoices1.The commercial invoice is the key accounting document describing the commercial transaction between the buyer and the seller. It is a document giving details of goods, service, price, quantity, settlement terms and shipment.2.It make it is convenient for importers to check whether the delivered goods iscorresponded to the contract.3. It can be viewed as accounting basis for importers and exporters.4. It can be basis of calculating customs duty for export place and import place.mercial invoice can be used to be the basis of payment to take the place ofdraft.(1)商业发票是全部单据的中心,是出口商装运货物并表明是否履约的总说明。



3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
Correspondent banking relationship

Correspondent bank 代理行 the basis for cooperation of commercial banks all over the world to fulfill international settlement “a bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank.” Selecting a correspondent bank: reputation and creditworthiness; size and financial status; location; services offered by it; polices and strength of it
forms of circulation

特点:书面形式 转让通知原债务人或登记过户 受让人权利受前手缺陷的影响 当事人:转让人、受让人、原始债务人

交付转让(transfer) 准流通或半流通
特点:交付背书转让 不通知原债务人 受让人的权利受前手权利缺陷的影响 当事人:转让人,受让人
to maximize revenues; credit risks associated with financing extended to buyers or sellers
Factors in the payment decision
To exporters: protection against non-payment risks by the importers, such as: commercial risks, financial risks; political risks; risks in control of title to the goods,etc. convenience; cost; commercial competitiveness



safe Payment ord er may be lo st or delayed Demand dra ft may be los t or delayed
3.4 Reimbursement of Remittance
• According to the flow direction of instrument and fund , remittance in broad sense can be classified into remittance in narrow sense and reverse remittance.
3.2.4 Payee
Payee is also called the beneficiary. It is the person who is addressed to receive the remitting fund.
3.3 Types of Remittance
Generally speaking , there are three different type of rem ittance.they are telegraphic transfer(T/T) , mail transfer( M/T) and demand draft(D/D).
3.1 Introduction of Remittance
• Remittance , as a frequently used payment method in international trade ,refers to funds from one party to another among different countries.



among the three kinds of
T/T It is in a form of dispatching cable or telex or SWIFT Authentication is made by test key. It is a safe method of remittance. The cost of remittance is higher. It is the fastest and most prevalent method of remittance. M/T D/D It is in a form of mail It is in a form of banker’s advice or payment order demand draft By signature (on payment order Not as safe as T/T lower Owing to its slower speed, banks reduce the use of M/T in the remittance the By signature (on draft) Not as safe as T/T lower It may be purchased by a bank other than drawee bank. It is a useful method of remittance. the
Banker’s Demand Draft, D/D
① 票 汇 申 请 书 交 款 付 费 ④ 汇款通知书(票根) ② 银 行 即 期 汇 票
③ 银行即期汇票 ⑤ 银 行 即 期 汇 票


3.3 Promissory note

3.3.1 Definition of a promissory note 3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note 3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note 3.3.4 Classification of a promissory
3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note

(1) It is an unconditional promise in writing (2)The basic parties to a promissory note are the maker and the payee (3) There is no need to accept the instrument if it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time (4)The same promissory note can only be made once
Hong Kong, March 15, 2011
USD 5 000.00
On demand we promise to pay to the order of D Company the sum of Five Thousand U.S Dollars only For A Company Hong Kong

3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note
Requisite items:



国际结算中英版国际结算1.1 The Concept of International Trade国际贸易的观念International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for those produced in another country. In most cases countries do not trade the actual the goods and services. Rather they use the income or money from the sale of their products to buy the products of another country.1.2 Introduction to International Payments and SettlementsInternational payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to clear relations of debts.国际⽀付与结算是指为清偿国际间的债权债务关系或跨国转移资⾦⽽发⽣在不同国家之间的货币收付活动。

1.2 categories(分类)(1)、According to the cause of international settlementInternational trade settlement(国际贸易结算)International trade settlement is created on the basis of sales of commodities.国际贸易结算是指有形贸易活动(即由商品的进出⼝)引起的货币收付活动.(主要形式)International non-trade settlement (国际⾮贸易结算)invisible trade⽆形交易financial transaction⾦融业务payment between governments政府间的款项others 其他业务(2)、According to whether cash is usedCash settlement(现⾦结算)International payments is effected by shipping precious metals taking the form of coins, bars or bullions to or from the trading countries.Non-cash settlement(⾮现⾦结算)International payment is settled by way of transferring funds through the accounts opened in these banks.Four major clearing systems in the world(四⼤清算系统)2.1 SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)SWIFT is a service organization established to meet a number of specialized service needs relating to interbank financial communications through a dedicated data processing and telecommunication system.Membership 会员制Low expenses 低费⽤Security 安全性Standardised 标准化2.2 CHIPS(The Clearing House Interbank Payment System).纽约清算所同业⽀付系统2.3 CHAPS(Clearing House Automated Payment System)伦敦银⾏同业⾃动⽀付系统2.4 TATGET(Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer)泛欧实时全额⾃动清算系统3.1 Correspondent Bank代理银⾏Correspondent banking is an arrangement under which one bank (correspondent) holds deposits owned by other banks (respondents) and provides payment and other services to those respondent banks. Such arrangements may also be known as agency relationships in somedomestic contexts.是接受其他国家或地区的银⾏委托,代办国际结算业务或提供其他服务,并建⽴相互代理业务关系的银⾏。


Capital & Financial account ➢ capital item ➢ financial item
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
International Settlement
Financial activities conducted among
financial activities across the borders generated in the course of other economic,political and cultural contracts.
Key issues in international settlement:
financing and payment? Etc...
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
➢International Trade Settlement
financial activities arisen from international commercial transactions.
➢International Non-trade Settlement
§1.1 What is“International Settlement”
Commodity Production Exchange of commodity Circulation of Commodity Circulation of Currency
§1.1 What is “International Settlement”
Focal and difficult points
The historical development of international settlement and its system; the fund clearing systems in major international financial centers.


双到期(装效同期)--if there is no fixed date for shipment, then the expiry date can be seen as the latest shipment date; Latest date for presentation of documents-- within 21 days after the bill of lading date if there is no definite regulation; 修改中只展装期未展效期,可理解为装效同展,只展效 期未展装期,不能认为装效同展

现行信用证拒付操作实务 1.必须是在合理时间(REASONABLE TIME)及不超过自 收到单据翌日起的第七个银行工作日内通知交单行/ 机构/受益人;

2.必须以最快捷方式通知不符点,一般采用电传 (TELEX)或(SWIFT)方式;

3.一次性提出所有不符点(“ONLY ONE BITE OF CHERRY”);



6.6 Types of L/C

6.6.1 Clean credit and Documentary credit 6.6.2 Irrevocable Credit and Revocable Credit 6.6.3 Confirmed Credit and unconfirmed Credit 6.6.4 Sight payment Credit, Deferred Payment Credit, Acceptance Credit and Negotiation Credit 6.6.5 Transferable Credit and Nontransferable Credit

国际结算英文版第2版教学课件chapter5 Letter of Credit

国际结算英文版第2版教学课件chapter5 Letter of Credit Confirming Bank Confirming bank is the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank’s authorization or request.
Sometimes, the advising bank or some other bank will add confirmation at the request of the beneficiary without authorization or instruction from the issuing bank, which constitutes a “Silent confirmation”
5.4 Parties to Letter of Credit
Application and Issuing of Letter of Credit
Procedures of Documentary Letter of Credit
目 录
5.7 Main Contents of Letter of Credit
Banks assume no responsibility regarding to quantity or quality of goods shipped.
So long as the documents presented to banks appear on their face to comply with the terms and conditions of the credit, banks take the liability to effect payment as stipulated in the documentary credit.

国际结算英文课件chapter 5

国际结算英文课件chapter 5

5.3 Payment Transaction by T/T
一、Cover Payment Method
5.3 Payment Transaction by T/T
一、Cover Payment Method 1、Only One “Instruction” Received 2、Properly Match the MT202 with the MT100
Payer (Creditor)
Remitter (Debtor)
1.Remittance Application
3.Effect Payment
2.Payment Order by post
Remitting bank
Paying bank
5.2 Means of Remittance
5.Effect Payment
Remitting bank
Paying bank
5.3 Payment Transaction by T/T
一、Cover Payment Method 二、Serial Payment Method 三、Guideline to Interbank Compensation
5.2 Means of Remittance
[EXERCISE]: TEST_____ VALUE (DATE)________ OUR REF_________ PLEASE DEBIT OUR A/C OR ____________BRANCHES’A/C OR OUR HO A/C PAY AMOUNT _________ TO ________BANK FOR CREDIT OF _____BANK IN FAVOUR OF _____________A/C NO.__________ REMARKS___________



Summary: A letter of credit is a payment guarantee document issued by a bank, in which one party (the applicant) requests the other party (the beneficiary) to receive payment when specific conditions are met.
Political risk refers to the risk that transactions cannot proceed normally in international trade due to political factors (such as war, political turmoil, changes in trade policies, etc.).
Basic process
Notes in international settlement
Draft is a written agreement indicating the existence of unfinished transactions or commitments between two parties.
Usually includes a description of the goods or services, quantity, unit price, total price, and payment method.
An Invoice is an invoice used to provide detailed transaction information to another party and request payment.


among countries, and other payments such as oversease remittances, educational expenses, and inheritance.
International Settlements & Payments 3
Debit 借记---an increase in an asset account or a decrease in a liability account.
Debit advice (MT900) 借记报单---a written note given by the depository bank to the depositor bank to certify a payment from a current account.
5. More and more modern techniques are widely used in international settlements. (电子技术广泛运用)
• Communication (information exchange)(通讯领域)

国际结算英文版第2版教学课件chapter2 Negotiable Instrument

国际结算英文版第2版教学课件chapter2 Negotiable Instrument

2.1.2 Opening Case Bill of Exchange Issuing
Example of Draft Issuing
Exchange for USD 10,000
Paris, July 13th, 2020
At 30 days after shipment date (shipment date: July 10th, 2020)
cheque to ABC bank
ABC Bank
C endorses the cheque to D
B Payee
B endorses the cheque to C
2.1.2 Opening Case Cheque Issuing
Example of Cheque Issuing
International Settlement
Chapter 2
Negotiable Instrument
2 Negotiable Instrument
目 录
General Introduction of Negotiable Instruments
2.2 Bill of Exchange Words Restriction——means all the right of instruments are determined according to the written words of the instrument. Creditor and debtor is only bonded by the words of the instrument: creditor can not require something from debtor beyond the words of the instrument, and debtor can not use something beyond the words of the instrument to plead to creditor.

国际结算英文课件Chapter 2

国际结算英文课件Chapter 2

2.6.1 SWIFT Address/BIC Standard
SWIFT BIC Structure: a. Bank Code PNBP b. Country Code US c. Location Code 33 d. Branch Code PNBP US 3N NYC COMM CN SH NJG
Message Type
MT752 MT754 MT756 MT760 MT767
Payment authorization Advice of payment/acceptance Advice of reimb. Or payment Guarantee Guarantee amendment Advice of receipt of guarantee Advice of release Advice of debit Advice of credit
2.3 EUR Clearing Systems
2.3.1 Euro
Euro is the name given by the European Council of Madrid to the new single European currency.
2.3.2 Two Key Clearing Systems:TARGET and Euro 1
security, only member banks have access to the network through the use of secure logon key.
2.6.1 SWIFT Address/BIC Standard
Bank Identifier Codes(BIC) are a universal method of identifying financial institutions in order to facilitate automated processing of telecommunication message in banking and related financial environments.

国际结算英文课件 chapter4 Collection

国际结算英文课件 chapter4 Collection

• Definition of Collection Under the Uniform Rules for Collection (URC), ICC Publication No.522
• collection means: the handling by banks of documents, in accordance with instructions received, in order to:
① Obtain payment and / or acceptance; ② Deliver documents against payment and /or against
acceptance; ③ Deliver documents on other terms and conditions.
• Under cash in advance, the importer pays the exporter before delivery of goods by the exporter, the importer extend credit to the exporter and bears the risk of exporter’s non-delivery.(in favor of the exporter)
• Attention:
financial documents
Commercial documents
• Financial documents: bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment.
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