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Part I. True or False

Directions: There are10 statements in this section. Write T for TRUE, F for FALSE.

1. V alues refer to rules for appropriate behaviors, which provide the expectations people have of one anther and of others.

2. The similarity of the original culture to the new host culture is one of the most important factors in successful acculturation.

3. The symbols human beings use are objective.

4. Four values fundamental to western ethics are autonomy, responsibility, care, justice.

5. Different from the belief “subjugation to nature”, western people believe they are the masters of the nature..

6. The United States can clearly be seen as collectivism.

7. Although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgments, they can also be positive.

8. In the Russian states, the “bear hug” may follow a strong, firm handshake between good male friends.

9. All words can find the counterparts in another language.

10. People in the United States like the body’s natural smell so they seldom wear fragrance.

1-5:FTFTT 6-10:.FTTFF

Part II. Multiple Choice

Directions: There are 30 questions in this section. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the RIGHT ONE that can best complete the question.

1. According to Marxist philosophy, globalization is what people in the third world have already experienced for several centuries. It is called ________.

A. modernization

B. colonization

C. industrialization

D. internalization

2. ________takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integrity.

A. Culture shock

B. Integration

C. Cultural identity

D. Acculturation

3. ________ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.

A. Noise

B. Message

C. Source

D. Context

4. is typically used to refer to the study of a particular idea or concept within many cultures. The goal of such investigations is to conduct a series of intercultural analyses in order to compare on culture to another on the attributes of interest.

A. Interethnic communication

B. Interracial communication

C. Cross-cultural communication

D. Intercultural communication

5. ________refers to belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

A. Belief

B. Religion

C. Ideal

D. Value

6. _______ refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.

A. Perception

B. Interpretation

C. Sensation

D. Selection

7. ______ is any policy, practice, belief or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race.

A. Sexism

B. Collectivism

C. Racism

D. Individualism

8. _____ style uses moderate amount of talk with low uncertainty avoidance, and is common in low-context culture.

A. Elaborate

B. Exacting

C. Succinct

D. Contextual

9. Direct plan is favored by ____cultures with deductive patterns.

A. results-oriented

B. relationship-oriented

C. mission-oriented

D. process-oriented

10. _____ is the study of how people perceive and use time.

A. Chronemics

B. Proxemics

C. Kinesics

D. Oculesics

11. _____is the traditional way of greeting in Northeast Asian countries like Korea and Japan.

A. Bowing

B. Firm handshake

C. Embracing

D. Handshake with slight pressure

12. __________ stresses that it is important that others’ behavior is no longer evaluated as good or bad, as viewed through the filtering cultural lenses, but that people have different approaches to different people.

A. Ethnocentrism

B. Ethnology

C. Ethnorelativity

D. Ethnopsychology

13. __________ refers to the specific behaviors through which ind ividuals’ capacity to express cognitive and affective experiences outwardly is shown.

A. The cognitive competence

B. The motive competence

C. The behavioral competence

D. The affective competence

14. _____ style focuses on the speaker and role relationships. People with such communication style stress high power distance. This style is popular in collectivist and high-context culture.

A. Contextual

B. Personal

C. Succinct

D. Elaborate

15. Which of the following statements about macro-culture is true? _____

A. It emphasizes the commonality of human needs.

B. It implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.

C. It can be defined as cultures within cultures.

D. It is a new culture.

1-5 BBACB 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 ACCAB
