高中英语必修 MoneyLesson 教案北师大版[2]

北师大版教案Unit 10 MoneyLesson 1 A Material WorldTeaching Aims:1.To read a text to find out specific facts2.To review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use ofdeterminers: all, none, both, neither, another, other.3.to practice students‟ expressing abilityTeaching difficulties:To review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.Teaching Aids: computerTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming up:T: Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not (show some pictures)S:T: What can money buy?S:T: Money can buy many things.Is money everything?S:T: ask students to guess the meaning, “Money talks”“Money makes the mare go”S:T: Do you think so?S:T: What can‟t m oney buy?S:T: Someone say “Money is the root of all evil.” Right?S:T: Show a picture then ask “Should we be like him?”S:T: Give the question “Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don’t” says Charles Gray Why does he say so?Ⅱ ListeningT: Now listen to the cassette you will know why there are such people that don‟t want to be a millionaire.Then ask the students to answer the question.ⅢReadingDo the exercise2Read the article. Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI)Read the text aloud then answer the questions1. What was Charles‟ life like in the past?2. Why didn‟t Charles want to be a rich man?3. How did he deal with his money?4 How about his life now?5. How does he feel now? good or bad?DiscussionHow do you treat the thing?ⅣCorrect mistakes1. Become a millionaire seems to be a lot of people’s dreams.2. Having a little money make you free and happy.3. The mean man turns back on his old friends as soon as he is successful.4. There are certainly no signs Charles used to be a rich man.5. I bought a three – bedrooms house in New York last year.6. I would not go back to be poor for anything.7. How I wish I would own a fortune $3 one day.Answers: 1. Become改为Becoming 2.make改为makes3.turn 后面加his 4 signs后面加that 5. bedrooms改为bedroom 6.be 改为 being 7.fortune 后面加 ofⅤLanguage points and vocabulary1. turn one‟s back on 不理睬拒绝Did you really turn your back on his invitation?你真的拒绝了他的邀请吗?turn one‟s back to 转身The teacher turned his back to his students and found a boy making face.教师转过身,发现一个男孩正在做鬼脸。
北师大版高二年级英语必修四Lesson3 Your Money教学设计

Lesson 3 Your MoneyTeaching aims:1.To train the students' reading ability.2.To train the students' ability to analyze long sentences.3.To make students realize the importance of planting trees.Teaching aids:A computerTeaching procedures:Step I Word Revisiondiamond cookie amusement approximately soil contain balance remove erosion Crop puzzle appeal importance与某人就…讨价还价评论因为…而不悦非常有价值的东西为做某事而羞愧如何处理…为…向某人呼吁或恳保持自然界的平衡若真如此,如果是那样Step II Lead-inQuestions:1)Do you get pocket money from your parents?2)What things do you like to spend money on?3)If you have 5 yuan, what will you buy?Step III fast-readingRead the whole text quickly and figure out the meaning of the following phrasesP1. do withappeal to s.bto be exactP2. flow intokeep the natural balancecause serious erosionforce s.b to do s.thP3. agree withif soP4. play an important role infor a startmake a livingP5. take a look at s.thchange s.th intowhat is worseStep IV Careful-readingScan the passage to get detailed information1. Read and answer the questionsa. Which river is being talked about in the article?b. In which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farming land?c. Why should we stop soil erosion?2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words according to the passage and translate the sentence.①. If ___ (buy) a bag of candies or cookies doesn't appeal to you, how about ___ (buy) a tree instead.①. Every year, approximately 1.6 billion tons of soil flows into the Yellow River, China's second ___ (long) river.①. Over time , a lot of soil has ___ (remove), ___ has caused serious erosion ofthe land along the river.①. It is a huge job ___ (control) yellow river erosion.①. This cup ___ (contain / include) water but that one is empty.Step V. Conclusion and AssignmentWrite a composition to express your own opinions about whether we should buy a tree according to the passage and try to use the language points we've just learnt as possible as you can.。
Success+Lesson+1+Money+vs+Success+教学设计 高二上学期英语北师大版

北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 SuccessLesson 1 Money vs Success教材分析:《北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Success Lesson 1 Money vs Success》是北京师范大学出版社出版的高中英语教材。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握和运用与金钱和成功有关的词汇和表达方式,理解文章中的主旨和细节。
2. 能力目标:培养学生的阅读理解能力,学会提取关键信息和推理能力。
3. 情感目标:引导学生思考成功的含义,培养学生正确的价值观。
教学重点:1. 理解和掌握文章的主旨和细节。
2. 学会提取关键信息和推理能力。
教学策略:1. 激发学生的兴趣,通过引入金钱和成功的话题来引发学生的思考和讨论。
2. 多种教学手段相结合,如多媒体展示、小组讨论和个人思考等,激活学生的思维和参与度。
3. 设计合适的问题和任务,引导学生进行批判性思考和分析。
教学方法:1. 合作学习:设置小组讨论和合作任务,促进学生之间的思路交流和互动。
2. 课堂讲解:通过教师的讲解和解读,理清文章的主旨和细节。
3. 教学引导:通过问题指导和启发学生的思维和思考,培养学生的批判性思维能力。
导入环节(约5分钟):1. 导入:与学生打招呼,问候同学们的近况,并简单介绍今天的课题:“大家好!今天我们要学习的主题是‘Money vs Success’(金钱与成功)。

2.a small_d_o_r_m_i_t_o_ry__ro_o_m__with only
3.a huge_s_i_x_-b_e_d_r_o_o_m__h_o_u_s_e____ 4.a fortune of _t_w_o__m_i_l_li_o_n_d_o_l_la_r_s
_s_e_c_o_n_d_-h_a_n_d__fu_r_n_it_u_r_e_; 3.a small _g_a_r_d_e_n_with a few fruits trees; 4.buying clothes and a lot of other things
without doing anything .
4.I’m much _h_a_p_p_i_e_r__now
The past
Jason gave away all his money to charities
1.a millionaire
1.an ex-millionaire
2.a college ___p_ro_f_e_s_so_r________
from _c_h_a_r_it_y_s_h_o_p_s_
Material life (物质生活)
Post-Reading: Think aPnodsts-hreaardeing
Do you think Jason is successful? Why?
Eg: I think Jason is successful because__________________ I don’t think Jason is successful because________________
While-Reading: Specific Information
Lesson+1+Money+VS+Success教案 高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册

Unit 2 lesson 1Money VS Success一、Unit interpretation and student analysis1.Subject context: people and selfThematic significance: The genre belongs to the character category of news reports. It belongs to the topic of "being a person and doing things" in the theme of "People and Self". This article reports on how university professor Jason Harley donated millions of property to charity and lived a simple life himself. Its thematic significance is to let readers re-recognize and think about the relationship between money and success in the mind-set of most people who pursue material goals for happiness, money is not necessarily happy; Self-sufficiency, dedication to society, and helping others can discover the true meaning of life, bring happiness and success.二、Student analysisIn terms of the recognition of the meaning of the unit theme: Students in Class 4 are familiar with the topic of success and have a desire for success;In terms of language knowledge and skills:Students have mastered certain reading skills, such as reading quickly to understand the general idea of the text; In the process of reading, students can think deeply and generate their own opinions under the guidance of teachers;三、Teaching Objectives and Teaching Activity DesignAfter completing this lesson, students will be able to:1) Obtain and sort out the changes in Jason Harley's material and spiritual life before and after donating all his property, and present the structured knowledge of the discourse with the help of visual graphics;2) use the language learned to describe and explain the changes in the material and spiritual life of Jason Harley after donating the family and the reasons for it;3) Demonstrate the reasons for Jason Harley's reluctance to be a millionaire and his concept of success, analyze the stylistic characteristics, and infer the author's attitude;4) In the "People Interview" activity, analyze, criticize, and evaluate Jason from different perspectives Harley's view of choice and success;5) Connect with reality, express your own views on the relationship between money and success, and the teaching goal of "Success".四、Teaching Keys and Difficulties获取文章大意,并梳理出Jason Harley物质和精神生活的变化及其原因;阐释Jason Harley改变生活方式的经过和影响,并完成思维导图;归纳Jason和大多数人对成功和幸福的态度,从不同角度评价Jason的做法,并表达自己对成功和金钱的理解。

01 03
利用深度挖掘主题意义的 问题引导学生深刻认识成 功与其他因素尤其是失败 之间的关系。
学习本单元多模态语篇, 文体的基本要素,从而进 一步了解不同文章体裁。
语篇分析 Lesson 1
讲述大学教授Jason Harley 为了帮助穷人而 放弃自己巨额财富的事迹, 他认为帮助他人让他理解 了生命的真正意义并获得 了真正的成功
学生对于部分文章 体裁不够熟悉,比 如第一课的新闻报 道类体裁;
学生分析 解决策略 在单元主题意义认知方面:
利用图片、视频等不同的 方式向学生展示不同名人 的成功之路,激发学生积 极采取行动去追求成功;
帮助学生在听和读的过程 中提取关键词,记录重要 信息,丰富自己的词汇表 达并进行有效输出;
学生能真正理解帮 助他人的意义,并 感知成功的真正含 义,树立正确的人 生观和价值观
May you succeed !
教-学-评一致性,以目标为导向,从学生能力的诊断、教学 目标的确定、教学材料的选择、教学活动的实施、教学结果 的评价等方面入手进行设计。
单元解读与 学生分析
主题意义:探讨获得成功的秘 诀,为成功所做的牺牲、奉献, 激发学生思考成功的意义,探 索人生真谛,学会规划学习和 生活选择。
从不同角度评价Jason 的做法,并表达自己 对成功和幸福的理解
教学设计 与反思
Step 1 Activate and share

He knew millions of people died of hunger every year and there were places with no schools and no teachers. Many people could never go to school. They didn’t have the chances to learn and to get on in life. He hoped his money could help the poor people to get something they need.
Read and finish the tasks as quickly as possible.
Task 1
Read the news report and find out Jason Harley’s attitude towards money.
Jason thinks that money doesn’t give people a feeling of satisfaction or success.He feels that only having a little money makes him free, and he doesn’t want to go back to being rich. He believes that the sense of achievement comes from helping others and finding the meaning in life.

Task 1
Para 1:For a lot of people ,b_e_c_o_m__in_g__a_m_i_ll_io_n_a_i_re_ is a symbol of success and their ultimate goal. • Before getting rich They spend time d_r_e_a_m_i_n_g_u_p___ ways to get rich and thinking about all the things they will do after becoming rich. • After getting rich • When theya_ch_i_e_v_e__their goals, some continue tow_o_rr_y_a_b_o_u_t_ money and they continue making money so they don’t losteh_e_s_e_n_s_e__o_f _su. ccess
Task 6
Group work 1. Do you think Jason made a good decision? Will you make a similar choice?
I think he made a good decision because now he lives in a simple way and this brought him happiness. He felt a kind of satisfaction that he had never felt before.
Money isn't everything! Money is a good servant but a bad master.

高中英语北师大版必修一、二教案Unit1 LifestyleWarm-upIn this unit you will…Talk about your own lifestyle and find out about other people’s.Listen to some interviews, radio programmes and a survey.Read articles about lifestyles and a personal letter.Write a personal letter.Review the present tenses.Warm-up1 >Look at the photos. What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have?Use the Key Words to help you.boring, busy, dangerous, active, easy, lazy, exciting, free, interesting, peaceful, relaxing, stressfulExampleI think a shepherd’s life is peaceful and relaxing-but maybe it’s boring sometimes. Answers1 Shepherd’s life: lazy/free/dangerous2 Football player’s life: interesting/exciting/stressful3 Business manager’s life: busy/exciting/boring4 Student’s life: interesting/active/stressful2> Listen. Say which of the people in the photos is speaking.Example 1 a football playerAnswers1 a football player2 a student3 a shepherd4 a business managerTapescript1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot—I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean?2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life—but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week.3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad!4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting.3> Work in pairs. Talk about the lifestyles below.ExampleA: My aunt’s life is very interesting because she…B: Yes, but it’s very…1 My aunt is a business manager in Shanghai and she travels a lot. She has a young daughter. She works very hard so she hasn’t got time for hobbies.2 Fang Ming is a police officer in Chengdu. He is also a member of a basketball team and plays the game once a week. He goes fishing in his free time.4> Introduce some more lifestyles of other jobs. Let the students learn more. peasant’s miner’s lifestyle teacher’s lifestyle doctor’s lifestylestudents’ lifestyle singer’s lifestyle rocksy’s lifestyle pilot’s lifestylecoach’s lifestyle traffic police’s lifestyle driver’s lifestyle builder’s lifestyleWriting5> Imagine the lifestyle of your dreams. Write five sentences about it.ExampleI am a professional tennis player. I live in Beijing but I travel a lot.6>Think bout your own lifestyles. You know, you are students, you are very busy. Inother countries, students ‘s lifestyles aren’t like ours. What’s your opinion about this?Please write them down.Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?Teaching aims:To discuss favorite TV programmes and daily activities.To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous.To read two texts in order to check predictions.To read two texts for specific information.Teaching difficulties: To revise Present Simple and Present Continuous.Teaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming upT: I think most of us like watching TV. Watching TV is part of our life, do you think so?S:T: We know about all kinds of things from TV. What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? Tell the class. Use the Key Words to help you. (show some slides about TV programmes)S:T: Why do you like the programmes?S:T: Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?S:T: The way a person lives and works is different. Can you imagine an adult does nothing except watch TV all day? Or he only thinks of working and never has time to watch TV?What kind of lifestyle do you think the men in the picture have?S:T: In reality few people like do that, but some people like that lifestyle and think it is a perfect day. Now let’s read the text “A Perfect Day?” really?Ⅰ ReadingDo the exercise true or false to see how much students understand.1.Brian is not satisfied with the kind of lifestyle.2. Brian’s wife goes out to work and supports the family.3. Bob is poor so he has to work day and night.4. Bob almost has no time to spent with his family.5. It seems that Bob prefers doing a lot of things all day to doing nothing.6. Bob’s wife often quarreled with Bob for him doing nothing.7. Brian has more than a TV set.8. Brian ‘s wife often complains the money that Brian makes is not enough. Answers: 1. F 2.T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6.F 7.T 8.FT:What does a couch potato refer to?S:T: A couch potato is someone who watches lots (some would say too much!) of television.“沙发马铃薯”。
北师大版高中英语必修 Module4Unit 10Lesson 3 Your Money----When Less is Morey优秀教学设计

教学设计虞城县高中英语张英教学设计北师大版高中英语必修Module4 Unit 10Lesson 3 Your Money----When Less is More一、教学目标1.知识目标通过阅读,理解文本的词汇,短语,句子以及篇章意思2.能力目标(1) 通过阅读,培养学生的阅读技巧和读,说,写的能力(2) 结合本文内容以及个人的感悟,培养学生能够独立学习能力和合作能力(3)情感目标通过运用教材内容和情感引导,激发学生正确的消费观和对环境保护的意识二、教学重难点1.教学重点:①引导学生进行运用不同的阅读技巧完成阅读任务②引导学生通过本文的学习能够熟练掌握重点词汇,短语以及提高语言的表达能力③引导学生建立正确的消费观和环保意识2.教学难点:1)通过文章的学习,引导学生深层次的理解Less Is More 的含义2)鼓励学生在生活中意识到自己的小行动却有很大的影响力3.方法创新1)通过猜词游戏和视频,提高学生的学习兴趣2)开展学生合作学习,让学生通过“猜词和找问题答案→运用关键词整合语篇→小组讨论→情感升华”的学习方法完成对文章的阅读和理解三、教学过程Step1 Leading-in (4minutes)Show the students two notes(人民币)to let students figure out which one they like better. Then show them some pictures and a video to let them know what 5 yuan can really buy. In the meanwhile, have a great effect.(设计意图)激发学生的学习本文的兴趣,让学生知道五元钱虽然少但也能产生大的影响力。
引出本文的话题Less Is More.Step2 Pre-reading (2 minutes)Word puzzle: First, let the students review some key words, and then show them 6 examples to guess the words. Tell the students that these words can help them learn the text better.(设计意图)通过猜词游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生了解本文的关键词,有助于他们对文章的理解。
北师大版高中英语必修四 - Unit10 Lesson 3 Your Money_教案设计2

教学设计Module 4 Unit 10 MoneyLesson 3 Your MoneyI.Teaching Aims1.To learn and master the important words and phrases.2.To understand the main idea of each paragraph by skimming the article.3.To get the detailed information by scanning the article.4.To make the students aware of the importance of 5yuan’ use and protecting the environment .II.Teaching Important and Difficult Points1.To improve the students’ reading ability by skimming and scanning the article.2.To arose the students’ awareness of protecting the environment and using the money wisely.III.Teaching procedures➢Step 1 Lead inLet the students watch a short video and arose the awareness of protecting the environment and using the 5yuan wisely. The teacher leads in the question: If your five yuan can buy a tree, would you like to buy it? So begin the new lesson - your money.〖设计意图〗运用学生所熟悉的公益广告《绿水青山就是金山银山》作为本节课的导入,从而唤起学生通过种树可以保护环境的意识。
Money+vs+Success 高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册

11.regard v.认为,看作
• regard…as… 把……看作……
• The professor regards me as a close friend. • 这位教授被把我看作是一个亲密的朋友
• 1. give back 归还、回报 • 2. give away 赠送、公开、泄露 • 3. give in 屈服、让步 • 4. give off 发出、放出 • 5. give out 散发、发出、公布、分发 • 6. give over 放弃、交出 • 7. give up 放弃、停止 • 8. give way 让路、妥协 • 9. give with 提出、提出
Part Ⅱ Some key points in the passage
• 1.to make one happy • 使某人开心
• 2.to live in a\an… way • 过一个……的生活
• 3.to feel a kind of satisfaction • satisfy n.使满意,使满足→satisfied adj.感到满足的
• 拓展: • sb. has realized one’s dream =one’s dream has come true
5.turn one’s back on 抛弃
• turn a d to 对…….视若无睹
6.professor n.教授
Unit 2 Lesson 1
01 Part Ⅰ Some key points of words Part Ⅱ Some key points in the passage 02 (as的用法)
PartⅠ Some key points of words
fortably adv. 舒服地,舒适地
北师大版高中英语必修4河南省安阳县二中Unit 10 Money学案2北师大版必修模块4

知识详解1 .exist vi. 存在;生存;维持生活(回归课本P5)Two thousand years ago,English did not exist.在两千年以前,英语还没有出现。
归纳拓展例句探源①There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies.两物体间总是存在着吸引力。
②They exist on very little food.他们靠极少的食物来生存。
③(朗文P758)Scientists have many theories about how the universe came into existence.关于宇宙的起源,科学家有许多理论。
1.John doesn’t believe in the __________ of God.A.life B.existC.existence D.exhibition解析:选C。
2 .concern v.关系,涉及,与……有关n.忧虑,挂念之事(回归课本P8)Some millionaires continue to be concerned about money when they become millionaires有些人当他们成其为百万富翁的时候还在继续为金钱烦恼。
归纳拓展例句探源①People all over the world are concerned about the problem of global warming. 全世界的人们都在担心气候变暖的问题。
②Don’t be involved in what doesn’t concern you.不要管那些与你无关的事。
③(牛津P407)This chapter concerns itself with the historical background.本章旨在讲述历史背景。

北师大版高中英语·必修二教学设计阳玉之庐江县第三中学Unit 4 L.1 Tomorrow`s WorldObjectives : (reading, speaking and debate)To practise getting the general idea while reading the text for the first time.To use the title of a text to predict the content.To develop strategies to match topics with paragraphs.To identify important words in a text.To debate on students` opinions of cyberspace. ( optimistic or pessimistic)To write an article about their opinions of cyberspace.ReadingStep 1 Warm-upAs a class, students answer the question "Compared to 10 years ago, how do you think the technology has changed our lives?"The teacher will give the example first to start students` thinking, e.g.Ten years ago our cellphones were big and only for calls but now they become smaller and multi-functional.Students would surely mention the computer. And the teacher then guides the students to the topic : The Future of Cyberspace.Step 2 PredictionAsk students how useful it is to read the title of a text or a newspaper headline. In pairs , students discuss which topic will be mentioned in this text. Ask students if they would be mentioned any other topics if they were writing the article.Step 3 Extensive reading and getting the general idea.Match topics with paragraphsStudents read the text on the screen quickly and check their guesses.( the time limit on the screen can train students` ability of fast reading and getting key words)Answers: the Internet virtual realityAt the same time students match topics with paragraphs.( exercises will be presented in the material.)Step 4 Words GuessingIn order to train students` ability of guessing meanings of new words, the teacher will ask students to read out the sentences in the text containing the key words and then substitute the definition in the sentence. ( more practice will be done in the homework paper.)Step 5 Intensive ReadingStudents read the text again, finding the details of optimistic opinions and pessimistic opinions.Step 6 DebateStudents debate on Cyberspace, using all information they have learnt before.Step 7 Homework and AssessmentStudents will write an article about their opinions of cyberspace. The teacher will evaluate what students have got from the class and students are requested to do aself-assessment.1.Multiple choices.(1).Match the paragraphs with these headings in one minute. (general ideas)A) Pessimistic opinionsB) Seeing the futureC) Optimistic opinionsD) The Internet growth(2).Read the text again and choose the best topic sentence for the passage. (main idea)A) The Internet is good for us.B) The pessimistic opinions about the cyberspaceC) The opinions about the Internet.D) How are the computer and the Net going to affect our lives.(3).According to Peter Anderson, where will we live in the future? (detail information)A) outer spaceB) virtual worldC) virtual houseD) Internet world2. Guess the definitions of the underlined words.(1).Some experts are pessimistic about the Future. One worry is crime in cyberspace.(2).Even now, young hackers can get into the computer of banks and governments.3. SummaryThe article talks about _____________.Different people have different ideas. Someare__________. They worry about the crime, hackers and terrorists in cyberspace. However,many people are__________. They think computer can make our life easier. People can buy books, ____ticket, etc. Some experts believe that we will live in ____________ in theFuture.4. Open questions.(1)Compared to 10 years ago, how do you think technology has changed our life?(2)What`s your opinion about the cyberspace? Are you pessimistic or optimistic about it? Why? (for debate)Self - assessment1. Do you know when and how to get the general idea? Yes ( ) No( )2. Do you know the structure of this passage? Yes ( ) No( )3. Are you confident to speak in the class? Yes ( ) No( )4. Are you interested in debate? Yes ( ) No( )5. What can you do when you come across new words ? Yes ( ) No( )6. Did you ever make any guessing before you read the passages? Yes ( ) No( )7. Do you like this lesson? Yes ( ) No( )8. What`s your suggestions to the teacher? Yes ( ) No( )Unit 4《Cyberspace》lesson2 WebsitesSenior High English Book 2Unit 4 Cyberspace Lesson 2 WebsitesⅠ. Preparations Before Class (课前准备)Task 1: Song Enjoying (好歌想听就听)Listen to the song and try to fill in the blanks with the words you hear.Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the worldTell me where do I find someone like you girlTake me to your heart take me to your soul (重复)Give me your hand before I'm oldShow me what love is - haven't got a clueShow me that wonders can be trueThey say nothing lasts foreverWe're only here todayLove is now or neverBring me far awayTake me to your heart take me to your soulGive me your hand and hold meShow me what love is - be my guiding starIt's easy take me to your heartStanding on a mountain highLooking at the moon through a clear blue skyI should go and see some friendsBut they don't really comprehendDon't need too much talking without saying anythingAll I need is someone who makes me wanna singTask 2: Make a Preparation (听前热身)1. The Pentagon (五角大楼)has sent the military to Iraq and the military action has been taken to deal with the fights there.2. Dr May is a great scientist. She has done a lot of scientific researches into the Internet. Today, she's going to tell us something about the history of the Internet.Predict: Did the Net begin for military reasons or for scientific reasons?Ⅱ. Activities in Class (课堂活动)Task 1: Rewarding time (比一比)Task 2: Have a try (牛刀小试) Tick the words you hear:Manchester University, Britain, Internet, military, America, Pentagon, communications,nuclear war, linking, network, share ideas, entertainmentTask 3. Imagine and listen (想一想,听一听) Can you fill in the blanks with the words you hear?In ____________, the Pentagon _____ ___________ ____ communications after a nuclear war. And in 1969 they thought of _________ computers into a network. And then people in universities all over the world began to use the network to__________________. They use it for work and ______________.the 1960s; were worried about; linking; share ideas; for fun Task4. Word learning (词汇学习)1. Do you think Mandy gave some advice / suggested something / made some suggestions to Lucy for the weekend activities?2. Did Lucy accept or reject her suggestions?3. Did they make any arrangements for their weekend?21.(天津卷1). He telephoned the travel agency to_______ three air tickets to London.A. orderB. arrangeC. takeD. book解析:book和tickets搭配,是"订票"的意思。

to have no worries
to live in a / an...way
to buy more things
to feel a kind of satisfaction
to give money to homeless people
to live comfortably to achieve one’s goal
( C ) 4. What made him want to change his lifestyle?
A. He was tired of being a rich man. B. He lost his job. C. He couldn’t bear seeing many people had nothing. D. He felt he had enough.
finding true
success, free meaning in life
Complete the summary using the correct form of the words and phrases below.
dormitory / professor / guilty / appreciate / charity / symbol / get on / ultimate / drop out of / turn his back on
Jason has found other forms of success
Careful reading
( A ) 1. What does the author tell us in the italicized(斜体的) paragraph?

北师⼤⾼中英语必修四unit10lesson1教案UNIT 10 MoneyLesson 1 A material WorldⅠ.T eaching aims:1. Talk about the different values of money, and guide the students to build correct views2. Practice the students’ expressing ability3. Review and practice the use of attributive clause and adverbial clause, grasp the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.Ⅱ.T eaching key and difficult points:Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point:how to use phrases: turn one’s back on, give away, feel like, etc.Ⅲ. T eaching methods:1. Raising question approach2. Discussion approach3. Task-based approachIV. Knowledge aims:W ords: millionaire, appreciate, enjoyable. achievePhrases: dream up, turn one’s back on, give up, make choice, give away, feel like, drop outSentences:1.They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich, andthe rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.2.But do all millionaires find the happiness that they thought theywould get when they achieve their goals?3.Today he lives in small dormitory room where there is onlysecond-hand furniture.4.Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money sothat they will not have any worries.Grammar:spend +time/money on sth /(in) doing sth; make sure + that(clause); continue to do /doing sth; be pleased to do sth; be tired of /from;V. Teaching steps:Step 1 Lead-in1. Ask the Ss to answer the following questions:1). Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not ?2). What can money buy? What can't money buy?3). Money can buy many things. Is money everything?4). Ask students to guess the meaning, "Money talks" "Money makes the mare go". Do you think so?5). Someone say "Money is the root of all evil." Right?6) Do you think money makes you happy? Are there more important things in life?Step 2 Listening comprehensionsT: Now listen to the cassette you will know why there are such people that don't want to be a millionaire. Then ask the students to answer the question.Step 3 Fast- readingTell the students the task of reading before they read the text.1)Understand the main idea of this passage ,and you can retell it by yourself.2)Decide if these statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI)1.Charles Gray was a rich businessman. (F)2.He hasn't got a stove in his dormitory. (NI)3.He has got a vegetable garden. (T)4.Charles gave his money away to poor people. (T)5. People thought he was drunk when he gave away small bank notes in the street. (NI)6. He was happier when he was rich. (F)Step 4 Careful- reading1)Read the text aloud ,then answer the questions1. What was Charles' life like in the past?2.Why didn't Charles want to be a rich man?3. How did he deal with his money?4 How about his life now?5. How does he feel now? good or bad?2) DiscussionHow do you think the choice of Charles? Discuss your opinions with your partners.Step 5 Language points and vocabulary1) determine与determineddetermine vt./vi. 决定;确定determine to do sth. 下决⼼做某事(表动作)determined adj. 有决⼼的;坚决的be determined to do sth.决⼼做某事(表状态)2) concerned adj. 担⼼的;烦恼的;忧虑的be concerned about sth忙于/关⼼(某事);be concerned with sth.与某事有关as far as sb./sth. is concerned 就某⼈或某事⽽⾔As far as the present situations are concerned , it is really difficult fir you to join the the company.3)spend money/time on sth/(in) doing sthe.g: I spend five yuan on this book./I spend five yuan buying this book.4)dream up 空想、虚构e.g:He dreams the whole thing up.dream of/about sth/doing sth 梦到某事、梦到做某事e.g:The homeless child often dreamt about(或of) home.When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist5)make sure "确保,确定",后⾯常接of短语或that, what引导的宾语从句.e.g: Will you make sure of his coming ?/ Will you make sure that he will come?6) turn one’s back on 拒绝;不理睬e.g: Did you really turn your back on his invitation?turn one's back to 转⾝;背向着e.g: The teacher turned his back to his students and found a boy making face.7)pleased ⾼兴的,满意的be pleased with sth/to do sthe.g: We are all pleased with the good results.I’m pleased to take you to the airport.8) be tired of/from 对……感到厌倦/因……感到疲倦e.g: I’m tired of living abroad. He is tired from walking.9) give away分发;泄漏(秘密);出卖;赠送给e.g: I know you didn't want to give your friend away.Wang ming gave many possessions away when the earthquake happened in Yaan.10) feel like doing sth 想要做某事e.g: I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him.11) drop out(of)退出;退学e.g: Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble findingjobs.Step 6 GrammarFirst let the Ss look at Page 92 Grammar Summary 1-3.不定代词有both, either, neither, one, the other, another, little, few, some, any, each, every, no, none等,重点掌握:1)both, either, neither2) one, another, the other3) little, a little, few, a few4) some / any, no / none, each / every, many / muchEx1:Complete this interview with Paul McGinty, a millionaire. Choose the correct word from the brackets.Journalist: How (1) ______(much/many) houses have you got?Mr McGinty: Well, I haven't got (2) _____ (much/many). I've only got (3) _______ (a few/a little) - one in Monaco, one in Paris, and one in New York.Journalist: Are there (4) _____ (some/any) things in the world that you haven't got?Mr McGinty: Actually, there are (5)_____ (no/some) things I haven't got. I need (6) ______ (some/any) furniture for my castle. It's difficult to find.Journalist: How (7) ______(many/much) money have you got exactly?Mr McGinty: Well, that's a difficult question. I'm a busy man I've got (8)____ (no/some)time to count it.EX2:Put all, both, none or neither in the gaps.(Ex.6)I'm not very careful with money. I spend (1) ___ of it very fast and save (2) _____of it. (3) ______ my parents get angry with me, especially my dad. And now (4) ______ of my parents give me money. But I'm a very happy person. anothe(5) ____ my friends like me and (6) ____ of them say I'm greedy.(1) all(2) none(3) Both(4) neither(5) All(6) noneEx3:Fill in the blanks with another, the other, other or the second.1. Some people are greedy, ______ people are generous. (other)2. My friend Susan never saves money, but _______ friend of mine, Mark, never spends a penny. (another)3. There are two things I never buy. One is popcorn, ________ is cigarettes. (the other)4. These chocolates are delicious. I think I'll buy ______ box. (another)5. I've made only three New year's resolutions: the first is to learn more,__________ is to take up a sport and the third is to go to the theatre. (the second)6. He's very rude and he never thinks about _____ people. ( other )7. The restaurant was full so we had to look for _______ one. (another)8. The tennis final wasn't exciting - Agassi was great, but I can't even remember the name of _________ player. ( the other) Step7 Summary1)Go through the important points and difficult points of this lessonwith the students once again.2)Come to the passage:①To know about the history of Charles, and retell by English .②Master the grammar, apply it with different examples familiarly. Step 8 Homework1) Finish the part“Language in use”on page 9.2) Find other examples like Charles, choose one from them, then summarize his or her story in a composition with about 100 words.。

北师大版高中英语必修二教案$$Lesson Plan for Senior High School English Compulsory II (Beijing Normal University Edition)$$**Unit Title:** Exploring Culture and Identity**Objectives:**1. To develop students' reading comprehension skills through the exploration of texts dealing with cultural diversity and identity.2. To enhance students' ability to discuss and analyze cultural issues critically.3. To encourage students to reflect on their own culturalidentity and its influence on their perspectives. 4. To improve students' writing skills by practicing descriptive and argumentative writing based on cultural themes.**Materials:**1. Textbooks2. Multimedia resources (videos, images)3. Handouts with reading comprehension questions and writing prompts4. Whiteboard or projection screen**Procedure:****I. Introduction (5 minutes)**1. Begin the lesson by greeting students and asking them to brainstorm ideas about the concept of "culture" and "identity."2. Discuss their responses, emphasizing the diverse nature of cultures and how identity is shaped by cultural backgrounds.**II. Reading Comprehension (15 minutes)**1. Introduce the main text of the unit, focusing on a cultural issue or a story that explores identity.2. Ask students to read the text silently, noting down any unfamiliar vocabulary or phrases.3. Provide definitions or examples for the new vocabulary, and encourage students to guess meanings from context.4. Discuss the main points and themes of the text, asking students to identify key ideas and examples.5. Administer a reading comprehension quiz with multiple-choice or true/false questions to assess understanding.**III. Critical Analysis (10 minutes)**1. Divide students into small groups and ask them to discuss the following questions: - How does the text reflect the cultural norms and values of the society it portrays? - How do the characters' identities shapetheir experiences and perspectives? - What are the similarities and differences between the cultures described in the text and your own culture? 2. Each group presents their findings to the class, and a class discussion follows to explore different viewpoints.**IV. Multimedia Enhancement (5 minutes)**1. Show a video clip or a series of images that illustrate different cultural practices or traditions.2. Ask students to identify the cultural elements present in the multimedia material and discuss their significance.3. Connect the multimedia content to the reading text, highlighting common themes or contrasting perspectives.**V. Writing Activity (15 minutes)**1. Provide students with a writing prompt related to the cultural theme of the unit. For example: - Write a descriptive essay about a cultural event or festival you have attended. - Compose an argumentative essay discussing the importance of preserving cultural heritage.2. Students write individually, encouraged to use the language and ideas from the reading text as well as theirown observations and experiences. 3. Provide guidance on essay structure, language use, and effective argumentation. **VI. Conclusion and Homework (5 minutes)**1. Conclude the lesson by summarizing the main points covered and emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting cultural diversity.2. Assign homework: ask students to revise and finalize their essays, ready for peer review or teacher feedback in the next class.**Evaluation:**1. Evaluate students' comprehension of the reading text through the reading comprehension quiz.2. Assess their participation in group discussions and their ability to analyze and discuss cultural issues critically.3. Grade their writing assignment based on content, organization, language use, and the effectiveness of their arguments.**Reflection:**After the lesson, teachers should reflect on the effectiveness of the activities and whether students were engaged and challenged appropriately. Considerations for future lessons could include incorporating more interactiveactivities, providing more scaffolding for writing tasks, or exploring different cultural topics to maintain student interest.。
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Lesson 4Advertisements
Teaching contents(教学内容):
2.内容:必修模块4:Unit 10 Lesson 4
Teaching aims (教学目标):
* 掌握有关广告的新单词。
* 学会运用广告里的形容词
* 总结出广告写作的要素并运用。
Difficult points (教学难点):
作技巧, 并加以运用,以组为单位在规定时间内根据教师所给材料和信息
Teaching aids (教学准备):
Teaching steps (教学步骤):
Step 1Leading in
1.Play an advert on the screen. (Pepsi Cola )
3.Present some adverts collected by the students and introduce three kinds of adverts briefly. Then tell the students today’s tasks.
Step 2Reading
1.Fast reading. And ask them:“Which advert do you like best?Why?”
2.Read the Reading Strategies box with the students.
3.The students read the four adverts again, and find out some opinions and facts to complete the table.
4.Ask some students to give the answers to the class. Explain some new words in the adverts.
5.Take one advert as an example and ask them to sum up “What makes a good advert?”(4A)
1). A creative ideA.
2). A clear title.
3). A brief description.
4). Attractive words.
Step 3Writing
1.Divide the class into groups. List the writing stages to direct the student to
an advert.
2.Remind them to use all the necessary information:
1). What is it called?
2). What can you use it for?
3). Where can you use it?
4). What is it made of?
5). What are its advantages?
6). How much does it cost?
7). Where can you get it?
3.Show a picture of Siemens mobile phone, and ask them to use the key words to write adverts in groups. (music )
4.The students check their adverts.
Step 4Presentation
1.Choose some groups to show their adverts on the screen and read them out.2.Ask some students to evaluate others’ adverts using the factors of good adverts, and then find out their problems and the way to improve.
3.Tell them the teacher’s ideA.
Step 5Conclusion & Homework
1.Make a brief sum—up.
2.Homework for today:
1). Write an advert for a gadget following the writing stages (P.90)
2). Finish the exercises in the workbook.3). Do the exercises in English Weekly.。