




3、Zero trim零点调整:


MCM 275 快速指南说明书

MCM 275 快速指南说明书

MCM 275 Guida RapidaCosa c'è nella confezione?Nella confezione si dovrebbero trovare i seguenti articoli.2Montaggio del supporto sul dispositivo 123Collocare MCM275 su una superficie piana e solida, con la parte posteriore rivolta verso l'altoCome illustrato, allineare il supporto alle scanalature poste sulla parte inferiore del dispositivo, con 4 FRONT rivolto verso il bassoSpingere il supporto nelle scanalatureCollegamenti posteriori3Collegare il cavo dell’altoparlante sinistro a LEFT (rosso e nero) e il cavodell’altoparlante destro a RIGHT (rosso e nero)Estendere l’antenna a filo e inserirla in FM ANTENNAa. Montare l’antenna circolareb. Inserire la spina dell’antenna ad arco in AM ANTENNA Collegare il cavo di alimentazione AC alla presa a muro41Suggerimenti utili:- Per il montaggio al muro, è necessario chiedere l'assistenza di una persona qualificata.Per informazioni leggere il Manuale per l'utente alla sezione, Appendice: Come fissare MCM275 al muro.Impostazione dell’orologio23456In modalità standby, premere e tenere premuto DISPLAY/CLOCK sul telecomando ➜ 24 HR o 12 HR appare per l'impostazione dell'ora iniziale. Per scegliere tra il formato 12 ore o 24 ore,a. Premere una o più volte i comandi VOLUME +/-b. Premere il tasto DISPLA Y/CLOCK per confermare ➜ Le cifre delle ore iniziano a lampeggiareT enere premuto o premere ripetutamente VOLUME +/- per regolare orePremere il tasto DISPLAY/CLOCK per confermareT enere premuto o premere ripetutamente VOLUME +/- per regolare minutiPremere il tasto DISPLAY/CLOCK per confermare123Riproduzione di dischiCon questo sistema è possibile riprodurre tutti i CD audio preregistrati (CDDA),tutti i CD-R e CD-RW finalizzati, CD-MP3WMA (CD-R/CD-RW con file MP3/WMA).Premere il tasto SOURCE una o più volte per selezionare la modalità CD (sul telecomando, premere il tastoCD )Premere CD OPEN•CLOSE ç per aprire il piatto dei CDInserire un disco con il lato stampato rivolto verso l'alto. Premere di nuovo CD OPEN•CLOSE ç per chiudere il piatto–Selezionaresempre la sorgente che si desideracontrollare per prima premendo uno dei tasti sorgente sul telecomando (ad es.CD, TUNER). Quindi selezionare la funzione desiderata (ad es. 2;, 4,¢).– 1T enere premuto il tasto STANDBY -ON / ECO POWER y per impostare l'unità in modalità standby➜ L’orologio mostra l’ora impostata➜ -- --:-- -- lampeggia per impostazione predefinita se non è stata impostata l'ora Suggerimenti utili:- Per impostare automaticamente l’orologio utilizzando un segnale temporale che è diffuso assieme al segnale RDS vedere il capitolo RDS: Impostazione automatica dell’orologio tramite RDS .Sintonizzarsi sulle stazioni radio 123123Verificare di avere aperto il pannello di controlloInserire la spina USB del dispositivo USB nella presa del pannello di controllopieghevolePremere il tasto SOURCE una o più volte per selezionare USB (sul telecomando,premere USB )2006 C Koninklijie Philips Electronics N.V.All rights reserved.dell’utente.Premere il tasto SOURCE una o più volte per selezionare la modalità TUNER (sul telecomando, premere TUNER )Premere e tenere premuto PROGRAM fino a visualizzare AUTO➜ lampeggia. Le stazioni disponibili vengono programmate nell'ordine delle frequenze radio: stazioni RDS seguite dalle stazioni FM/MWPremere una o più volte i tasti ALBUM/ PRESET fino a visualizzare la stazione preimpostata desiderataRiproduzione di una periferica di archiviazione di massa USBCon il sistema Hi-Fi, si può utilizzare: memoria flash USB (USB 2.0 o USB1.1),lettori flash USB (USB 2.0 o USB1.1), schede di memoria (è necessario un lettore di schede supplementare per operare con questo sistema Hi-Fi)4Riprodurre i file audio dell'USB con la stessa procedura utilizzata per gli album/tracce presenti su un CD5Premere il tasto ST ANDBY -ON / ECO POWER y per spegnere l'unità。



o 输入模式, 键可以作为退格键使用, 键用作确认键。
h 修改键 z 对于可以修改的内容,液晶的最下面一行会自动显示"修改"字样,此时按修改键即进入修改页面。
d 退出 .g 在字符数字输入模式,液晶最下面一行出现“退出”选项,此时按该键即退出输入界面。
字符数字键盘字符数字键盘可以输入字符、数字以及其他符号,例如标点符号等。他有字符和数字两种输 入模式,现场通讯器能根据需要,自动选择输入模式。在字符输入模式,若要输入数字,直接按数字所在
1、将现场通讯器正面朝下放在平稳的地方,注意不要损坏液晶屏 (如图1-1)
z 2、 按住红色圆圈处,向后轻轻推开后盖更换电池。(注意后盖推开距离不能太大,以免损坏内部的连接线)
.gdzhong 1.2 开机注意事项 w 在开机前,请确保以下几点:
w .电池组已经装好 w. 将现场通讯器连接到回路(如图1-2)
d >>提供压力值 .g1、零点
w 图2-8
选择,按 确定。 基本设置(图2-9) 子菜单:
ww 1
1、单位 2、写保护
提供KPa,Pa,mmH2O,mmHg,Bar,mmBar,%,mA 这8 种单位。
变送器,变送器会自动校正电流输出,使输出为4。000mA, 若一次达不到理想效果,可重复此操作。(注
o 意:电流表精度应该高于表的输出精度) h >>输出微调 z1、4mA微调


附录C CSA和FM本质安全认证………………………..C-1
1-1. HART手操器................................1-1
Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4
Basic Setup(基本设定)..........................2-5
Detailed Setup(详细的设定).......................2-5
Lower Range Value量程下限(LRV)..................2-3
Upper Range Value量程上限(URV)..................2-3
Device Setup Menu(设备设定菜单)...................2-4
Process Variables(过程变量)......................2-4



液晶显示 (LCD)
Shi ft 键
HART®手操器 手操器
HART手操器与任何兼容设备之间的典型接线图 (连接到变送器的接线端子接线图)
HART®手操器 手操器
HART®手操器 手操器
HART®手操器 手操器
字母数字键和SHIFT键 键 字母数字键和 12个字母键执行两种功能 个字母键执行两种功能——快 个字母键执行两种功能 快 速选择菜单选项和数据的输入。 速选择菜单选项和数据的输入。 三个SHIFT键上的箭头对应每字 三个 键上的箭头对应每字 母键上的每个字母。 母键上的每个字母。
1 PVLSL测量下限 2 PVUSL测量上限 3 PV Min Span 测量最小值
5 Review 浏览
1 PVDamp阻尼 2 PVURV测量上限 3 PVLRV测量下限 4 Xfer Fnctn传送功能 5 PV % Range测量百分比
1 A/O1输出值 2 A/OalarmType 输出报警类型 3 Loop Test回路测试 4 D/Atrim数/模微调 5 ScaledD/A Trim 定标数/模微调
1 UnivRev.单元版本 2 FldDevRev 现场设备版本 3 SoftwRev软件版本
4 Detailed Setup 详细设置 1 Sensors 传感器 2 Signal Condition 信号条件 3 Output Condition 输出条件
1. Process Variables测量值 2. PV Snsr Unit测量值单位 3. Sensor Info 传感器信息



MAN 4275A00PN: 00275-8026-0001简体中文二零零四年九月HART®手操器Fisher-Rosemount TM编译:**************HART手操器操作手册注意事项:在使用该产品工作之前请通读了这本手册。

为了个人和系统安全, 以及最恰当的产品使用,确定在使用或修护前彻底地了解该产品。


Rosemount 和SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标MINIGRABBER 是的Pomona Electronics一个商标。


Fisher-Rosemount8301 Cameron 路Austin,TX 78754 美国技术支持: 1-800-833-8314或 (512)832-3774服务热线: 1-800-654-7768 Fisher-Rosemount TM Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000.版权所有。

HART手操器.....................................1-1介绍.............................................1-1hart 手操器连接..................................1-2液晶显示 (LCD)...................................1-5动作键...........................................1-5ON/OFF 键........................................1-5上箭头键.........................................1-6下箭头键............................…….........1-6左箭头键和预设菜单键.............……………......1-6右箭头和选择键....................……….…......1-6热键.............................…..............1-6软件定义功能键................……………….......1-6字母键和 Shift 键................…………........1-8使用快速选择功能..................…………….....1-8使用 Shift 键输入数据...............……….......1-9开始了解HART手操器..........………………………...1-9软件图标...................………...............1-10学习菜单结构...............……………….........1-11回顾安装的装置..................…………........1-12主要菜单........................................1-12脱机菜单........................................1-13新配置(脱机)....................……………......1-14从空白的模板菜单...............………...........1-15已存档配置菜单(脱机)..............…………......1-17数据包内容菜单...................………….......1-17已存档配置菜单 (数据包内容)..………………….....1-18联机菜单..........................…............1-19频率配置菜单........................……........1-22公用程式菜单....................................1-22手操器配置菜单..................………………....1-22轮询菜单..............................……......1-23对比度菜单......................................1-24关闭时间菜单....................................1-24i忽略诊断菜单....................................1-25 删除配置菜单....................................1-25 系统信息菜单........................... . . . ...1-26 计算机接收菜单.........................….......1-26 储存位置菜单.......................... .. .......1-28 仿真菜单................................ .......1-28 储存被连接的设备配置..........…………………....1-29 使用热键.....................……...............1-30 自定义热键菜单 .................…………........1-31 在热键菜单增加选项...............…………….....1-31 删除热键菜单选项...........…………………….....1-33 HART 手操器和 2000 年问题........…………….....1-34 编辑日期.........................……...........1-34 HART手操器修护..................………………....1-35 HART 手操器校正...............………………......1-35 使用电池组.......................……...........1-35 更换碱性电池......................……………....1-36 可充电电池组....................………………....1-37 使用存储模块......................………........1-37 更换存储模块...................……………….....1-38 安装和删除数据包装 100........……………………..1-39 Fisher- Rosemount Hart手操器通用任务................…..…..……....2-1 介绍................................…….........2-1 上电联机..............................……….....2-1 Online Menu(联机菜单).....................…....2-2 Device Setup(设备设定)..........................2-2 Primary Variable(测量值 PV)......................2-3 Analog Output(模拟输出 AO).......................2-3 Lower Range Value 量程下限 (LRV)..................2-3 Upper Range Value 量程上限 (URV)..................2-3 Device Setup Menu(设备设定菜单)...................2-4 Process Variables(过程变量)......................2-4 Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4 Basic Setup(基本设定)..........................2-5 Detailed Setup(详细的设定).......................2-5ii回顾.............................................2-6 快速键顺序...............................……....2-6菜单树..........................................3-1 介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4附录A HART手操器信息.........................A-1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B-1附录C CSA和FM本质安全认证………………………..C-1 附录D手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1iii例证列表序号名称页码1-1. HART 手操器 ................................1-1 1-2. 可充电镍铬电池联结面板 ...........…......1-21-3. 连接到变送器通讯终 ..............….........1-3 1-4. 回路中HART 手操器的连接 ............…......1-3 1-5. 用负载电阻连接 HART 手操器…………………….1-4 1-6. HART手操器字母键和Shift 键 ........….......1-8 1-7. 快速访问菜单 .....................…........1-8 1-8. 通电脱机或联机......................….....1-10 1-9. 菜单图标和相关键...........................1-10 1-10. 主要菜单...........................….....1-12 1-11. 脱机菜单树................................1-13 1-12. 脱机菜单..................................1-14 1-13. 从空白模板菜单............................1-15 1-14. 个人编辑菜单..............................1-15 1-15. 单元变量菜单..............................1-15 1-16. 保存菜单...........................……...1-16 1-17. 定位菜单..................................1-16 1-18. 配置保存菜单 (脱机) .....................1-17 1-19. 数据包内容菜单............................1-17 1-20. 配置保存菜单 (数据包) ......…......1-181-21. 联机菜单............................…....1-19 1-22. 通用联机菜单树.....................……...1-21 1-23. 频率设置菜单.......................….....1-22 1-24. 公用程序菜单........................…....1-22 1-25. 手操器设置菜单...................…….....1-22 1-26. 轮询菜单............................…....1-23 1-27. 对比度菜单..........................…....1-24 1-28. 关机时间菜单.........................…...1-24 1-29. 忽略诊断菜单.................……………...1-25iv1-30. 删除配置菜单 . ...........................1-25 1-31. 系统信息菜单.............………...........1-26 1-32. 计算机接收菜单… .........................1-26 1-33. 储存位置菜单................………........1-28 1-34. 热键标本菜单.................….....…....1-30 1-35. 热键配置菜单.. ........... .....…….......1-31 1-36. 增加热键选择项.. .... ........... ........1-32 1-37. 标记只读热键选择项… .......... ..........1-32 1-38. 热键菜单.. .......……………… . ........1-32 1-39. 变量显示设置选择项 ............. .. ......1-33 1-40.删除热键选择项 ........……………..… ....1-33 1-41. 日期菜单………….. .......................1-34 1-42. HART 手操器防爆检查…………….. .........1-35 1-43. 电池组拆卸 .....………...... .............1-36 1-44. 存储模块更换……………….. ........... ...1-38 1-45. 数据包装 100个安装和卸载……… ...... ....1-39 2-1. 联机菜单………………………….. ..... .......2-2 2-2. 设备设定菜单……. .... ......................2-4 2-3. 诊断和服务菜单…………………….. ..... .....2-4 2-4. 基本设定菜单………………….. ........ ..... .2-5 2-5. 快速键顺序样本………………… ..... .........2-6表列表序号名称页码1-1. 功能键标识..................................1-7 1-2. PC AMS 界面主要选择项......……………...........1-27vHART® 手操器概述 HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer 高速可寻址遥远的转换器)手操器(图 1-1)是手持式设备,提供了联接到所有的HART-相容基于微处理的仪器设备的通用通讯。



MAN 4275A00PN: 00275-8026-0001简体中文二零零四年九月HART®手操器Fisher-Rosemount TM南京霍格机电有限公司HART手操器操作手册手操器操作手册注意事项:在使用该产品工作之前请通读了这本手册。

为了个人和系统安全, 以及最恰当的产品使用,确定在使用或修护前彻底地了解该产品。


Rosemount 和SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标 MINIGRABBER 是 的Pomona Electronics一个商标。


Fisher-Rosemount8301 Cameron 路Austin,TX 78754 美国技术支持: 1-800-833-8314或 (512)832-3774服务热线: 1-800-654-7768 Fisher-Rosemount TM南京霍格机电有限公司南京霍格机电有限公司 Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000. 版权所有。

目录目录HART HART手操器手操器手操器......................................1-1介绍.............................................1-1hart 手操器连接..................................1-2液晶显示 (LCD)...................................1-5动作键...........................................1-5ON/OFF 键........................................1-5上箭头键.........................................1-6下箭头键............................…….........1-6左箭头键和预设菜单键.............……………......1-6右箭头和选择键....................……….…......1-6热键.............................…..............1-6软件定义功能键................……………….......1-6字母键和 Shift 键................…………........1-8使用快速选择功能..................…………….....1-8使用 Shift 键输入数据...............……….......1-9开始了解HART手操器..........………………………...1-9软件图标...................………...............1-10学习菜单结构...............……………….........1-11回顾安装的装置..................…………........1-12主要菜单........................................1-12脱机菜单........................................1-13新配置(脱机)....................……………......1-14从空白的模板菜单...............………...........1-15已存档配置菜单(脱机)..............…………......1-17数据包内容菜单...................………….......1-17已存档配置菜单 (数据包内容)..………………….....1-18联机菜单..........................…............1-19频率配置菜单........................……........1-22公用程式菜单....................................1-22手操器配置菜单..................………………....1-22南京霍格机电有限公司 轮询菜单..............................……......1-23对比度菜单......................................1-24关闭时间菜单....................................1-24i忽略诊断菜单....................................1-25删除配置菜单....................................1-25系统信息菜单........................... . . . ...1-26计算机接收菜单.........................….......1-26储存位置菜单.......................... .. .......1-28仿真菜单................................ .......1-28储存被连接的设备配置..........…………………....1-29使用热键.....................……...............1-30自定义热键菜单 .................…………........1-31在热键菜单增加选项...............…………….....1-31删除热键菜单选项...........…………………….....1-33HART 手操器和 2000 年问题........…………….....1-34编辑日期.........................……...........1-34HART手操器修护..................………………....1-35HART 手操器校正...............………………......1-35使用电池组.......................……...........1-35更换碱性电池......................……………....1-36可充电电池组....................………………....1-37使用存储模块......................………........1-37更换存储模块...................……………….....1-38安装和删除数据包装 100........……………………..1-39Fisher Fisher-- Rosemount Hart Rosemount Hart手操器通用手操器通用任务任务................…..…..……....2-1介绍................................…….........2-1上电联机..............................……….....2-1Online Menu(联机菜单).....................…....2-2Device Setup(设备设定)..........................2-2Primary Variable(测量值 PV)......................2-3Analog Output(模拟输出 AO).......................2-3Lower Range Value 量程下限 (LRV)..................2-3Upper Range Value 量程上限 (URV)..................2-3Device Setup Menu (设备设定菜单)...................2-4南京霍格机电有限公司 Process Variables (过程变量)......................2-4 Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4 Basic Setup( 基本设定)..........................2-5 Detailed Setup (详细的设定).......................2-5ii回顾.............................................2-6 快速键顺序...............................……....2-6 菜单树..........................................3..........................................3--1 介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4附录附录A A A HART HART HART手操器信息手操器信息..................................................A -1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B -1 附录C CSA 和FM 本质安全认证………………………..C -1 附录D 手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1南京霍格机电有限公司 iii 例证列表例证列表序号序号 名称名称 页码页码页码1-1. HART 手操器 ................................1-1 1-2. 可充电镍铬电池联结面板 ...........…......1-2 1-3. 连接到变送器通讯终 ..............….........1-3 1-4. 回路中HART 手操器的连接 ............…......1-3 1-5. 用负载电阻连接 HART 手操器 …………………….1-4 1-6. HART手操器字母键和Shift 键 ........….......1-8 1-7. 快速访问菜单 .....................…........1-8 1-8. 通电脱机或联机......................….....1-10 1-9. 菜单图标和相关键...........................1-10 1-10. 主要菜单...........................….....1-12 1-11. 脱机菜单树................................1-13 1-12. 脱机菜单..................................1-14 1-13. 从空白模板菜单............................1-15 1-14. 个人编辑菜单..............................1-15 1-15. 单元变量菜单..............................1-15 1-16. 保存菜单...........................……...1-16 1-17. 定位菜单..................................1-16 1-18. 配置保存菜单 (脱机) .....................1-17 1-19. 数据包内容菜单............................1-17 1-20. 配置保存菜单 (数据包) ......…......1-181-21. 联机菜单............................…....1-19 1-22. 通用联机菜单树.....................……...1-21 1-23. 频率设置菜单.......................….....1-22 1-24. 公用程序菜单........................…....1-22 1-25. 手操器设置菜单...................…….....1-22南京霍格机电有限公司 1-26. 轮询菜单............................…....1-23 1-27. 对比度菜单..........................…....1-24 1-28. 关机时间菜单.........................…...1-24 1-29. 忽略诊断菜单.................……………...1-25iv1-30. 删除配置菜单 . ...........................1-25 1-31. 系统信息菜单.............………...........1-26 1-32. 计算机接收菜单… .........................1-26 1-33. 储存位置菜单................………........1-28 1-34. 热键标本菜单.................….....…....1-30 1-35. 热键配置菜单.. ........... .....…….......1-31 1-36. 增加热键选择项.. .... ........... ........1-32 1-37. 标记只读热键选择项… .......... ..........1-32 1-38. 热键菜单.. .......……………… . ........1-32 1-39. 变量显示设置选择项 ............. .. ......1-33 1-40.删除热键选择项 ........……………..… ....1-33 1-41. 日期菜单………….. .......................1-34 1-42. HART 手操器防爆检查…………….. .........1-35 1-43. 电池组拆卸 .....………...... .............1-36 1-44. 存储模块更换……………….. ........... ...1-38 1-45. 数据包装 100个安装和卸载……… ...... ....1-39 2-1. 联机菜单………………………….. ..... .......2-2 2-2. 设备设定菜单……. .... ......................2-4 2-3. 诊断和服务菜单…………………….. ..... .....2-4 2-4. 基本设定菜单………………….. ........ ..... .2-5 2-5. 快速键顺序样本………………… ..... .........2-6表列表表列表序号序号 名称名称 页码页码页码1-1. 功能键标识..................................1-7南京霍格机电有限公司 1-2. PC AMS 界面主要选择项......……………...........1-27v第一节第一节HART® 手操器手操器概述概述HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer 高速可寻址遥远的转换器)手操器(图图 1 1--1)是手持式设备,提供了联接到所有的HART-相容基于微处理的仪器设备的通用通讯。



第1篇目录1. 引言2. 产品概述3. 开箱检查4. 硬件安装5. 软件安装与配置6. 主机使用- 6.1 基本操作- 6.2 高级功能- 6.3 故障排除7. 维护与保养8. 安全注意事项9. 联系方式与售后服务1. 引言尊敬的用户,感谢您选择大众275主机。


2. 产品概述大众275主机是一款高性能、多功能的计算机设备,适用于家庭、办公及教育等多个领域。

它具备以下特点:- 高性能处理器- 大容量内存- 高速固态硬盘- 多种接口- 用户友好的操作系统3. 开箱检查在开始使用之前,请仔细检查以下物品是否齐全:- 主机本体- 电源线- 键盘- 鼠标- 显示器- 用户手册- 保修卡如发现缺少任何物品,请及时联系购买渠道。

4. 硬件安装4.1 连接显示器1. 将显示器电源线插入电源插座。

2. 将显示器信号线(VGA、HDMI或DisplayPort)插入主机后背的相应接口。

4.2 连接键盘和鼠标1. 将键盘和鼠标的USB线插入主机后背的USB接口。

2. 如使用无线键盘和鼠标,请按照说明书进行配对。

4.3 连接电源1. 将电源线插入主机后背的电源接口。

2. 将电源线另一端插入电源插座。

4.4 开机1. 按下主机电源按钮,等待主机启动。

2. 按照屏幕提示进行操作系统安装或设置。

5. 软件安装与配置5.1 操作系统安装1. 将操作系统安装光盘插入光驱,或使用U盘启动。

2. 按照屏幕提示进行操作系统安装。

5.2 驱动程序安装1. 访问大众官方网站下载相应驱动程序。

2. 解压下载的文件,双击安装程序进行安装。

5.3 软件安装1. 根据个人需求,从官方网站或正规渠道下载所需软件。

2. 解压下载的文件,双击安装程序进行安装。

5.4 系统配置1. 打开“控制面板”。

2. 选择“系统和安全”或“系统”。

3. 根据需要调整网络、用户账户、安全设置等。



AK275 TOTE SPRAYER OPERATING MANUALCongratulations on your AK275 Purchase!You now have the most universal, easy to operate and profitable seal coating spray system.This Asphalt operating manual was created so that you can follow all of the steps to keep this system in A1 condition and allow you to get many years of use with it. Each unit is fully set up and liquid-tested at the factory before being shipped to you. This unit is ready for full operation.The AK275 SYSTEM is designed to be a universal seal coating spray system. The system sprays “Coal Tar Emulsion driveway Sealer”, “blend of Coal Tar and Asphalt Emulsion”, “Acrylic Asphalt Sealer”.Side Note:If you are looking for asphalt sealer shipped to your door that works perfectly with this system please call 1-866-399-5562 for a personal quote to your door or contact your advisor.AK275 Spray System Specifications:-Comes with a refurbished empty 275 gallon tote- 6.5 HP L auntop gas engine. Uses 10W30 oil.-2” centrifugal pump, 225 gpm x 50-60 psi capacity.-50’ of ¾” sealer hose-Gun with a ball-valve shut-off-Three spray tips (2 GPM, 3 GPM, 4 GPM) (GPM = US gallons per minute) Installation:Install the AK275 Seal coating system on the floor of your trailer or pick-up truck by using ½’’ bolts in each of the 4 corners. In order to get full use of the product in your tank or to empty and drain the tank, you can add a 1’’ plank between the 2 brackets at pump end side of the tank and the floor. This will give a slope on the tank towards the pump suction point and the drain.The Seal Coating Spray System offers TWO modes of operation: (Agitation/Recirculation and Spraying)To switch from one operation to another, all you have to do is turn the handle on the unit above the pump to direct the flow of sealer either back to the top of the tote or towards the spray gun. The sealer will flow in the direction that the handle is pointed in.Starting Your AK275 for the first time:ONLY use water when starting for the first time:In order to familiarize yourself with the equipment and at the beginning of each season, we strongly recommend that you use water. Fill the main tank with 30 gallons of water or 1/3 full. You can add the water through the main filling port of the tank using a garden hose. Also, pour one gallon of water into the pump through the orifice of the plug on top of the pump. Put this plug back in place, fill the engine with gas and check the oil in the engine.Start the engine with the hand valve in the “Agitation/Recirculation” position. You can open the main cap on the top of the tank, look in the tank to see the agitation process. You will see movement in the tank. Now, turn the valves to the “SPRAY” position and familiarize yourself with the spray gun and the tips. When you feel comfortable with the equipment, stop the engine and drain the water from the tank through the base drain plug.Running the pump:Before starting the engine, if your system is completely drained, pour one gallon of water into the pump through the orifice of the plug on top of the pump. Put the pump plug back on the pump and start the engine with the valve in the “Agitation” position.The pump is a self-priming pump and will prime once the pump housing is full of liquid. This procedure of pouring water into the pump housing must be done each time the pump has been drained or sitting for a couple of days.IMPORTANT! Do NOT run the pump dry…. You always want liquid in the pump. If the pump runs dry for more than 5 minutes you will overheat it and BURN OUT THE SEALS in the pump and will need to order a pump rebuild kit for the pump. Understanding of the “Agitation” cycle:“Coal tar emulsion driveway sealer” is an emulsion, meaning the coal tar is temporarily mixed with water. The water and coal tar will separate after sitting for longer than three hours, we recommend that you agitate the product for 2 to 3 minutes in Agitation position. You can agitate the sealer for 1 to 2 minutes while you are cleaning the driveway to be sure that the sealer is fully agitated (mixed). You are really the best to judge whether the agitation cycle has been long enough or not.DO NOT OVER AGITATE OR YOUR SEALER WILL TURN TO BUBBLY FOAM! If the sealer has not been agitated enough, you will see that there will bechunky/muddy coal tar at the bottom of the tank. It is best to either agitate some more if this is the case OR use a broomstick through the main tank cap and stir the sealer inside your tank for 5 minutes or so. Then put your system back on agitation mode for 5 minutes. The sealer should now be fully mixed.Please note that it is normal to always have around 2 inches of liquid remaining in the drum or tank. At the 2” level the pump will suck air and will lose the prime in the pump meaning you will lose pressure at the spray tip.If you are using “Acrylic Sealer”, the agitation time is shortened because this is not an emulsion, so there is no product separation.Understanding of the “Spraying” cycle:This cycle is used after the “Agitation” cycle. Use this cycle to spray the sealer on the asphalt driveway, using the gun.You should start at the top of the driveway, then do the edges and spray your way back down to the street.Start out by having someone hold a thin piece of plywood or aluminum sheeting and first spray all the borders (3 to 4 feet out) except for the street edge.Once border trimming is done, you can now go back to the top of the driveway (usually by the garage) and spray from right to left or left to right in an overlapping pattern that allows a full surface coverage. You will seal your waydown to the street and finish with the street side border edge. Then add your attention ribbon to block off the driveway.Spray Nozzles/Tips:This unit includes 3 Spray Tips:• 1 x 2 GPM tip for trimming and doing borders without overspray.• 1 x 3 GPM tip to do the asphalt borders or when it is windy.• 1 x 4 GPM tip for the main part of the driveway or parking area.Use Diesel fuel or Varsol and an old toothbrush to clean the spray tip.Quality of the spray:The water contained in the sealer in your main holding tank will eventually evaporate. Your sealer will become thicker and your spray pattern will become uneven. In this case, add water into your tank to reduce thickness of the sealer. Your sealer should be similar to the thickness of tomato soup.You can make sure that your sealer is always at the proper dilution by checking the depth of the sealer in your tank once you’re done your first day. You then re-check the depth of the sealer at the beginning of the next day. If the depth is not the same as when you shut it down the last time, you know that water has evaporated. In this case please add water to the material to bring it back to its original depth when you shut it down after the first time.Removing the suction, return feed, and spray output hoses:The suction, return feed and spray output hoses need to be removed using the quick-connect camlock couplers in order to prevent leaks. Troubleshooting:There are usually three possibilities why the pump does not prime.1-Valves are in the wrong position: be sure to have the valves in the right position according to your desired operating mode.Solution: put the valve handles in the desired position for your desired operation.2-No liquid in the pump: this can happen after the pump has drained or after the pump has been running for a while without liquid.Solution: Pour around one gallon of water into the pump through the orifice of the plug on top of the pump. Put the plug back in place and start the engine. This will re-prime the pump for suction.3-Product is too thick in the tank. This can happen after leaving the sealer without agitation for a while or after the water in the sealer has evaporated. All water in the sealer ends up on top after sitting for a while (a day or two. The main sealer concentrate settles to the base of the tank and water is on top. The main system suction port is in the tank towards the bottom of the tank now sitting in VERY thick sealer.Solution: Take a broomstick or metal rod and stir the sealer manually for 5 minutes or so. Now turn your system on and let the pump run in the “Agitation” mode to liquefy the product. You can continue to stir manually while this is taking place if you want to speed the process up. Check if you get agitation in the tank now by looking in the main lid or put your valves in the spraying mode and verify that you are getting some liquid going to the spray tip.After 3 to 4 minutes of agitation, if you still do not get the full pressure at the spray tip in “Spraying” mode position, this may indicate that the product is still too thick. Always make sure that your sealer is diluted with the right water ratio. Contact product manufacturer for those details. Now, keeping your unit in agitation mode, add water slowly through the tank filling port without exceeding 15% of the quantity of sealer you had, until the pump is fully primed. This will give you full agitation and full pressure at spray tip (valves in the spraying mode).B: List of Reasons and Solutions for pump seal problems.1.Pump does not prime :Pour half a gallon of water into the pump through the orifice of the plug onthe top of the pump.2.Liquid in the pump is too hot, this is caused by letting the pump run in the“Spraying” mode, while gun is shut off for too long. It can also be caused a blocked orifice in the two way agitation valve.Solution: Unscrew the two way agitation ball valve and clean the ¼’’hole/orifice that has been drilled into the valve to relieve pressure. Use asmall metallic point like a small screwdriver.AVOID letting the pump run without being primed. This will heat the pump up and burn out the seals.AVOID using sand in your sealer, as it will destroy the seals and impeller in the pump. Using sand with your spray system voids the warranty. Cleaning and draining the tank during the season:If you want to clean or drain your tank during the season, open the drain ball-valve on the bottom of the tank, be 100% sure that this ball-valve is closed otherwise the sealer will pour out everywhere.Winterization:Rinse the complete system, including the barrel kit, with clean water. To do this, add water to your main drum or tank, start your engine and flush your complete system with clean water for approximately 20 minutes in the agitation position. Also, open the ball valve on the spray wand and turn your spray function on. Spray the water through the spray wand and hose until you feel you have flushed the system out. 20 minutes is usually enough. Put gas stabilizer in your full tank of gas. The stabilizer will have specific instructions to follow. Please follow. Remove and clean all of the system spray tips. Blow out the gun and spray hose with compressed air. Insert air through the end of spray wand, keep the ball-valve open on the spray wand and blow all the liquid back to the tank. Drain the pump by removing the drain plug on the bottom.*Water Evaporation Alert*The recommended water dilution ratio for our sealer is 15-20%. However, please note that water evaporates quite quickly on extremely hot days, as well as when a unit is stored or unused for several days. We suggest doing a dip test at the end of each day to monitor your product and the water evaporation rate. By doing this you will be able to see how much water has evaporated and you will be able to top up the sealer to the proper amount.LIMITED WARRANTYThe units sold by ASPHALT are UNDER WARRANTY, to the original purchaser, to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the periods specified below.Normal use conditions, according to the instructions in the operator’s manual, apply. This limited warranty is subject to the exclusions listed below, is calculated from the date of delivery to the original purchaser, and applies to the original components only. Parts replaced under this warranty will assume the remainder of the corresponding part’s warranty period.1 YEAR PARTSThe components, excluding accessories listed below and normal wear items listed below, are warranted for 1 year on parts.WARRANTY PROVIDED BY OTHER MANUFACTURERSMotors, engines, pumps or other items that are warranted by their respective manufacturers, are serviced through these manufacturer’s local authorized service centers. cannot provide warranty on these items.EXCLUSIONS OF WARRANTY-Routine adjustments and normal maintenance items such as lubricants, belts, hoses, O-rings, filter screens, fuses, gun seal kits.-Repairs required as a result of collision, accident, bumping, misuse, modifications made to the equipment without authorization, incorrect installation, lack of required maintenance, use contrary to the instructions included in this manual or to the common sense.-Repairs required as a result of freezing or exposition to corrosive products.-Repairs required as a result of insufficient sealer supply.-Damage to driveway or spill due to components failure and/or accident.-Additional charge resulting from downtime and repair of the equipment.-Transportation and/or traveling.Sand Voids the WarrantyAlthough it is not recommended, our spray systems can spray sand based materials. However, sand is extremely abrasive on the pump and will wear the seals out quite quickly. Because we have no way to determine the amount of sand used in a unit, we cannot warranty a system if sand has been used in it. We do however, suggest applying the sand by hand with a grass seeding machine after applying a thin wet coat of sealer and then applying a second coat over top of the sand layer as a final coat.EXECUTION OF REPAIRS WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIODIn order to obtain warranty service on items warranted by ASPHALT within the warranty period, you must show a proof of purchase. If a part is defective, call ASPHALT , and we will take care of the defective parts free of charge. For warranty service on components warranted by other manufacturers, consult the manufacturers’ local authorized service centers.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYASPHALT ’s liability for special, incidental, or consequential damages is expressly disclaimed. In no event shall ASPHALT ’s liability exceed the purchase price of the product in question. THE WARRANTY CONTAINED HEREIN IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ASPHALT does not authorize any other party, to make any representation or promise on behalf of ASPHALT or to modify the terms, conditions, or limitations in any way. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that the installation and use of ASPHALT units are conformed to local codes. While ASPHALT attempts to assure that its products meet national codes, it cannot be responsible for how the customer chooses to use or install the product.。

杰克逊低压传感器 PR-274 275 说明书

杰克逊低压传感器 PR-274 275 说明书

Low Pressure Transducer Model PR-274/275The PR-274/275 incorporates a new micro-machined glass-on-silicon (Gl-Si) capacitance sensor.This technology revol utionizes very l ow pressure measurement.Temperature rel ated zero drift, cal ibration shift due to overpressure, non-repeatability, non-linearity, and extremely low pressure sensitivity have been some of the problems which have plagued the controls industry.The PR-274/275 with the new Gl-Si technology not only addresses all of the above shortcomings, but for the first time offers a reliable, accurate means to measure and control building/room pressure, air flow, duct pressure, filter pressure drop, or any other extremely low pressure application. Up to six field selectable direct or compound ranges, two enclosure types, field selectable outputs,fully temperature compensated NIST traceable accuracy, non-interacting zero and span adjustments, short circuit and reverse polarity protected output, and a liberal two year warranty are some of the features which make the PR-274/275 the industry's highest performance, ultra-stable, low pressure transducer.•100% solid state, micro-machined, glass-on-silicon,ultra-stable capacitance sensor •As low as ± 0.05"wc (± 12.5 pa)•Can resolve less than 0.00001"wc (0.00025 pa)•Up to 10 PSID overpressure without zero shift •Up to 6 field selectable ranges in one unit •Wide 12-40VDC/12-35V AC unregulated supply voltage•Two temperature compensated output versions, 4-20mA 2-wire or field selectable 0-5 VDC/0-10VDC •Non-interacting zero and span trimmers •NIST traceable calibration•Two rugged steel enclosure types NEMA 4 (IP-65) or panel mount for ease of installation•Short circuit and reverse polarity protected •Conforms to EMC standards EN50082-1/EN55014/EN60730-17400 Flying Cloud Drive Minneapolis, MN 55344-3720•USA800/843-5116 • 612/835-1626•FAX 612/829-5331******************•Units 6&7 Baird House • Dudley Innovation Centre 4 Armiger Court, Unit 2 155 McIntosh Drive, Unit 5 • Markham 5611 North Bridge RoadPensnett Estate • Kingswinford Holden Hill • S. A. 5088 • Australia Ontario • L3R 0N6 • Canada 03-06 • Eng Cheong Tower West Midlands • DY6 8XZ • United Kingdom 08-8395-4333 • Fax 08-8395-4433 905-474-9215 • Fax 905-474-0876 Singapore • 198********-271113• Fax 01384-271114 65-3927273 • Fax 65-3927276® Registered Trademark MAMAC SYSTEMS, Inc.The PR-274/275incorporates sophisticated integrated circuits to not only provide a high level,fully conditioned and temperature compensated output,but also to offer field selectable flexibility which was unheard of in the industry. The PR-274/275offers up to six field selectable pressure ranges in one unit.In this way,a customer does not need to know the exact pressure range prior to selection.By merely knowing the application,a unit may be selected and then later field configured for the desired pressure range.With fixed range units,in case of engineering error or incorrect selection, the only solution is expensive field recalibration or time consuming product exchange or replacement.Similarly, numerous units have to be kept in stock as spares to cover all ranges in case of field failure.The PR-274/275with the field selectable pressure ranges in a particular application thereby eliminating the need to stock numerous fixed range units.(For a complete listing of all the ranges available,please see the ordering information section on page three.)On VDC output units,two additional field selectable options are available:dual outputs0-5or0-10VDC,and dual unregulated supply voltages12-35VAC or12-40VDC.By merely moving a shorting plug,one can select the desired output for the specific application.As far as supply voltage is concerned,the unit automatically configures for AC or DC and no field selection is necessary.Another feature is that the output is fully protected from short circuit to ground,or if the supply voltage is applied by mistake to the output.Past experience demonstrates that field related wiring problems do occur.Instead of denying this fact,the protection circuit is designed in to ensure trouble-free start-up.The VDC output unit is also designed to handle low impedance circuits.In fact, the unit can drive up to1k ohms minimum.In this way, multiple controllers,indicators,or other devices can be paralleled to the output without performance degradation.The mA output units can function over a wide unregulated supply voltage range:12-40VDC without any effect on calibration or performance.The unit has reverse polarity protection built in.As a result,it is next to impossible to damage the unit by mis-wiring.By using sophisticated low drop-out voltage regulators and CMOS integrated circuits,the mA output unit can drive very high output impedance.In fact,with only12VDC supply,the unit can drive200ohms. At40VDC,the unit is capable of handling up to1600ohms load.In this way,the output loop can be tied in series to multiple controllers,indicators,and other devices without degrading the performance.Automated NIST traceable pressure controllers and precision Barocel®pressure sensors are utilized to calibrate and certify the PR-274/275transducers.Calibration data on each unit is archived digitally for SPC and QC purposes.All automated calibration systems are networked and data is available on-line to numerous individuals at the same time.In this way,extremely high standards of quality and calibration integrity are maintained. Each unit is individually temperature compensated in an environmental chamber.The temperature compensation data is also digitized and archived for future reference purposes. Compensating each unit individually ensures that published specifications are adhered to.Due to low mass of the micro-machined capacitance Gl-Si sensor,the mounting orientation error for ranges higher than 1.0"wc(250pa)is negligible.For extremely low ranges,if the unit is installed as indicated on the label,there should be no orientation error.However,due to space limitation,if the unit cannot be installed in the indicted position,the error can be easily removed by merely adjusting the zero trimmer.Since the zero and span trimmers are non-interactive,adjustment to the zero should under no circumstance affect the calibration integrity of the unit including linearity and repeatability specifications across the range.The PR-274/275is available with two packaging options:a NEMA4(IP-65)fully gasketed,dust proof and splash proof enclosure,or a lightweight but rugged panel mount chassis for ease of installation with minimum space requirement in a control panel.The NEMA4(IP-65)enclosure has an external mounting bracket to facilitate field installation.A1/2"(.875"/22.25mm dia.)knock-out for conduit connection is also provided.A liquid tight cable connector is also supplied if the unit is not being hard wired.Once installed,the enclosure maintains its environmental rating and protects the electronics and the sensing element from condensation,corrosive contaminants and other environmental pollutants.Both packaging options also have additional features for ease of installation,including unpluggable terminal blocks, rugged brass hose barbs,easily accessible zero and span trimmers,and conveniently located shorting plugs for field selection.Accuracy*:± 1% FS Overpressure: 10 PSIDSupply Voltage: 12-40 VDC12-35 VAC (VDC output units only)Supply Current:VDC Units - 10 mA max. mA Units - 20 mA max.Enclosure: 18 Ga C. R. Steel NEMA 4 (IP-65) or Panel Mount ChassisFinish: Baked on enamel-PMS2GR88B*Includes non-linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatabilityCompensated Temp Range: 25°F-150°F (-4°C-65°C)T. C. Error:±0.0125%/°F (.02%/°C)Operating T emp Range: 0°F-175°F (-18°C-80°C)Media Compatibility: Clean dry air or any inert gas Environmental:10-90%RH Non-Condensing Termination: Unpluggable screw terminal block Wire Size: 12 Ga max.Load Impedance:1.6K ohms max. at 40 VDC (mA output units)1K ohms min. (VDC output units)Weight: Enclosure 1.0 lbs. (.45 kg),Panel Mount: 0.5lbs. (.25 kg)RANGE OUTPUTPACKAGING274 (enclosure)Rl ("wc)0 T O 0. 10 / -0.05 TO + 0.05mA (4-20 mA 2 wire)275 (panel mount)R2 ("wc)0 TO 1.0 / 0 TO 0.5 / 0 T O 0.25/VDC (0-5 VDC or 0-10 V DC -0.5 TO + 0.5 / -0.25 TO + 0.25/ field selectable)-0.125 TO + 0.125R3 ("wc)0 T O 5.0 / 0 T O 2.5 / 0 TO 1.25/-2.5 TO +2.5 / -1.25 TO + 1.25/-0.625 TO + 0.625R4 ("wc)0 T O 30 / 0 TO 15 / 0 TO 7.5/-15.0 T O + 15.0 / -7.5 TO +7.5/-3.75 TO + 3.75R5*(pa)0 T O 25 / -12.5 TO + 12.5R6*(pa)0 TO 250 / 0 TO 125 / 0 TO 62.5/-125 T O + 125 / -62.5 TO + 62.5/-31.25 TO + 31.25R7*(pa)0 TO 1250 / 0 TO 625 / 0 TO 312.5/-625 TO + 625 / -312.5 TO + 312.5/-156.25 T O + 156.25R8*(pa)0 TO 7500 / 0 TO 3750 / 0 TO 1875/-3750 TO + 3750 / -1875 TO + 1875/-937.5 T O + 937.5Example: PR-274-R2-mA: Enclosure unit with R2 Range which has six (6) field selectable range options and 4-20 mA output.Specifications:Ordering Information: PR-PR-274/275W ARRANTY: MAMAC Systems, Inc. warrants its products to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of shipment. If a unit is malfunctioning, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. A return authorization number (RMA) will be issued by the customer service department and this number must be written or prominently displayed on the shipping boxes and all related documents.The defective part should be shipped freight pre-paid to the factory. Upon examination by MAMAC Systems, Inc., if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no char ge to the custome r . Howeve r , this warranty is void if the unit shows evidence of being tampered with, damaged during installation, misapplied, misused, or used in any other operating condition outside of the unit's published specifications.MAMAC Systems, Inc. makes no other warranties or representations of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied, except that of title.All implied warranties including any warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. User is responsible to determine suitability for intended use.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY:The remedies of buyer set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of MAMAC Systems, Inc. with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification,strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the product upon which liability is based. In no event shall MAMAC Systems, Inc. be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages. MAMAC Systems, Inc. reserves the right to change any specifications without notice to improve performance, reliability, or function of our products.Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual, however, MAMAC Systems, Inc.neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of the product in accordance with the information contained in the manual.7400 Flying Cloud Drive Minneapolis, MN 55344-3720•USA800/843-5116• 612/835-1626•Fa x 612/829-5331******************•Units 6&7 Baird House • Dudley Innovation Centre 4 Armiger Court, Unit 2 155 McIntosh Drive, Unit 5 • Markham 5611 North Bridge RoadPensnett Estate • Kingswinford Holden Hill • S. A. 5088 • Australia Ontario • L3R 0N6 • Canada 03-06 • Eng Cheong Tower West Midlands • DY6 8XZ • United Kingdom 08-8395-4333 • Fax 08-8395-4433 905-474-9215 • Fax 905-474-0876 Singapore • 198********-271113• Fax 01384-271114 65-3927273 • Fax 65-3927276® Registered Trademark MAMAC SYSTEMS, Inc.1.56"(39.78)4.50" (114.75)2.125"(54.19)1.125"(28.69)1.125"(28.69)2.25"(57.38)5.00" (127.5)Panel Mount(mm)Enclosure2.75" (70.12)2.75" (70.12)3.250"(82.88)2.658"(67.78)4.00"(102)5.50" (140.25)5.00" (127.5)2.20"(56.1)P .O . B O X 250G R A Y S L A K E , I L60030P : 847.356.0566F : 847.356.0747WWW.M M C O N T R O L .C O MC O N T R O L S E R V I C E , I N C .D I S T R I B U TE D B Y :。


From Blank Template Menu(自空模板菜单)
要访问自空模板菜单,参看新设置(脱机)(NewConfiguration (Offline))页1-14下的步骤2至5。
Mark all(标志所有)标记所有被传送至HART兼容设备的设置参数。设置参数是出现在你用编辑个别选项编辑参数设置时。
HATR手操器可以通过后部的连接面板(如图 1-2)在控制室、设备安装点或者在回路的任何连接点与变送器通讯。
回路连接器 串口
Unmark all(标志撤销)撤销所有设置参数标志。无标志的设置参数不会传送至连接的HART兼容设备。
Edit individually(单独编辑)(图1-14)打开单独编辑菜单包含了许多设置参数。
Saved Configuration (Offline)已保存设置菜单(脱机)
2. 在脱机菜单中按2键,出现已保存设置菜单项(图1-18)



1. 打开手操器主机的电源开关,确认电池电量充足。

2. 将手操器与设备进行配对,一般是通过蓝牙连接。


3. 配对成功后,可以使用手操器进行操作。



4. 若手操器具有可调节的按钮配置,可以根据个人喜好进行设置。


5. 在游戏或应用程序中,使用手操器的按钮和摇杆进行操作。


6. 手操器上通常还带有触摸面板或其他特殊功能按钮,可以根据实际需求使用。

7. 使用完毕后,关闭手操器的电源开关以节省电量。




HART 275 菜单简译1. DEVICE SETUP 设备设置 1. PROCESS V ARIABLES 过程变量(只看) 1. Present variable 过程变量2. PV 测量值 2. DIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICE 诊断和维修 2. Percent range 百分比量程3. AO 模拟输出 3. BASIC SETUP 基本设置 3. Analog output 模拟输出4. LRV 量程下限 4. DETAILED SETUP 详细设置 4. Sensor temperature 传感器温度5. URV 量程上限 5. Review 查看数据2. DIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICE 1. TEST DEVICE 测试设备Seft test 自检/Status 状态诊断和维修 2. LOOP TEST 回路测试Choose analog output 选择模拟输出4/20/other mA /END3.CALIBRATION 校准RERANGE 重设量程Keypad input键区输入/Apply values 实际输入Trim analog output 修整模拟输出Sensor trim 传感器修整4. D/A TRIM 数模修正3. BASIC SETUP Tag 位号基本设置Unit 单位RERANGE ──Keypad input /Apply values (略)Device information 设备信息Transfer function 变送器特性Linear/Sq root(线性/开方)Damp 阻尼METER OPTIONS 标尺特性METER TYPE 标尺类型Custom Meter Setup 用户标尺设定Custom Meter Value 用户标尺值4.DETAILED SETUP 1.SENSORS 1.PRES SENSOR 1.Process variables (略)详细设置传感器压力传感器 2. Sensor service—Sensor trim—Zero trim/Lwr/Upr snsr trim/Snsr trim pts传感器维修-修整零位/低/高/修整的百分数3. Unit 单位2.TEMP SENSOR TEMP SENSOR传感器温度2.SIGNAL 1.Process variables (略) High alarm 高报警值CONDITION 2.Range values 量程值(略) Low alarm 低报警值信号条件 3.Unit 单位High saturation 高饱和值4.Transfer function (略) Low saturation 低饱和值5.Damp 阻尼AO Alarm type 模拟输出报警类型6.ALM/SA T LEVELS 报警/饱和级别Alarm/sat type 报警/饱和类型1.Process variables (略)3.OUTPUT 2.ANALOG OUTPUT 1.Loop test (略)CONDITIO 模拟输出 2.Digital-to-Analog trim 数/模修整输出条件 3. Scaled D/A trim 数/模刻度修整4.AO Alarm type 模拟输出报警类型3. HART OUTPUT 1.Poll Address 波尔地址Hart 输出 2.Number of request preambles 需求号码3. Burst mode 突发模式4.Burst option 突发选项4.METER OPTIONS 标尺特性(略)4.DEVICE 1.FIELD DEVICE INFO 1.Tag 位号INFORMA TION 现场设备信息 2.Date 日期设备信息 3.Descriptor 描述2.SENSOR INFO 4.Message 信息传感器信息 5.Model 型号3.SELF TEST 6.Write protect 写保护自检7.Local Keys 本机键(ENABLE-允许DISABLE-禁止)4.DIAPHRAGM SEALS INFO 8.Revision #S膜片信息9.Final assy #--Device ID DestributorHLME返回主菜单BACK返回SA VE 发送ENTER 确认ESC 取消HART 275 菜单简译。



产品名称:罗斯蒙特手操器罗斯蒙特手操详细介绍:型号产品描述475 现场通讯器(1)编号通讯协议H HARTF FOUNDATION fieldbus现场总线编号电池型号P 可充电锂电池组编号电源/充电器1 电源/充电器(0~24VAC、50/60HZ,美英欧式接插头)9不包括(2)编号语言E英语(标准)D德语J日语R俄语C 中文编号产品认证KL FM, CENELEC/ATEX.CSA本安(包括FISCO)NA无认证编号便利升级(3)U便利升级选项(包括3年期限的无限制系统卡升级)9不包括编号标准模式GM图形增强组态管理编号蓝牙T蓝牙功能9不带蓝牙功能(停产)编号A备用可充电锂离子(4)S标准橡胶保护箱艾默生Rosemount(美国罗斯蒙特)Hart475手操器通讯器,是艾默生过程管理的新型的475现场通讯器,也是罗斯蒙特Hart375手操器的改良升级型号,它即支持HART通讯协议,也支持基金会现场总线通讯协议,并具有通用、可靠、便携、本安、易于升级等特点。






PX275 产品说明书

PX275 产品说明书
Accuracy: ±1.0% FS
Operating Temp: -18 to 80°C (0 to 175°F)
Compensated Temp: -4 to 65°C (25 to 150°F)
Thermal Effects: 0.02% FS/°C (±0.0125% FS/°F)
Proof Pressure: 10 psi
28.7 (1.13)
28.7 (1.13)
Dimensions: mm (inch)
114 (4.50)
127 (5.00) Panel
57.4 (2.25)
To Order
U Up to 10 psid Overpressure Without Zero Shift
The PX275 is a rugged differential pressure transmitter that offers up to 6 field-selectable ranges in one unit. It incorporates a rugged, steel panel-mount chassis and is ideal for OEM applications.
shown smaller
PRthEaSn SacUtuRalEsi/zPe.-PX275/PX278DIM
Enclosure: EnamelDcIMoaEtNeSdI,O1N8SG: MAMst(eINeCl,HES)



275手操器操作指南注:具体操作可与服务工程师凌建新 139******** 联系 过程变量 Process Variables观测流体仪器变量View Fld Dev vars质量流量 Mass Flo温度 Temp质量总量 Mass totl密度 Dens质量库存量 Mass inventory体积流量 Vol Flo体积库存量 Vol inventory粘度 Viscosity压力 Pressure观测输出View output vars观测PV-模拟量 View PV- Analog 2PV是 PV isPV PVPV%范围PV% rangePVAO观测SV-模拟量2 View TV-FrequencySV是SV isSV SVSV%范围SV% rangeSVAO观测TV-频率View TV-FrequencyTV是TV isTV TV压力频率Pres freq观测QVVIEW QVQVQV观测事件1 View event 1值 Value事件1类型Event1 type事件1设置点Event1 setpoint事件1状态Event1 status观测事件2 View event 2值 Value事件2类型Event2 type事件2设置点Event2 setpoint事件2状态Event2 ststus观测状态View ststus累加器控制Totlizer cntrl累加器控制Mass totl体积总量Vol totl起始累加器Start totalizer停止累加器Stop totalizer复位累加器Reset totalizer珍断/维修分支Diagnostics/ Service Branch珍断/维修 Diag/Service测试/状态 Test/Status观测状态 View status自测试 Self test回路测试 Loop Test固定模块输出 Fix Anaiog out 14MA20MA其它 Other固定频率输出 Fix Anaiog out 24MA20MA其它 Other结束 end固定频率输出 Fix Anaiog out10KHz其它 Other结束 End效准 Calibration自动调零 Auto zero自动调零 Perform auto zero质量流量 Mass flo调零时间 Zero time收敛时间 Converg limit密度标定 Density cal密度 pt1 dens pt1标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK1密度 Pt2 Dens Pt2标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK2密度 Pt3 Dens标定 Perform Cal密度 DensK3质量流量 Mass flo最小质量流量 Min mass flow 标定 Calibration粘度标定 Viscosity cal粘度梯度标定 Visc slope cal标定 Perform cal粘度 Viscosity粘度补偿标定 Visc offset cal标定 Perform cal粘度 Viscosity温度标定 Temperature cal温度补偿标定 Temp ofform cal标定 Perform cal温度 Temp温度梯度标定 Temp offset cal标定 Perform cal温度 Temp微调模块输出1 Trim Anaiog out 1微调模块输出2 Trim Anaiog out2安全事件寄存器 Security Event reg组态寄存器 Config reg标定寄存器 Calib reg测试点 Test pointsLPORPO管道周期 Tube驱动器 Drive带电调零流量 Live zero flow基本设置分支Basic setup branch∙基本设置 Basic setup标签 TagPV 单位 PV unit模块1范围值 Analog 1 range valuePV URVPV LRVSV 单位 SV Unit模块2范围值 Analog 2 range valueSV URVSV LRVTV 频率系数 TV Freq factrTV 频率系数 TV Rate factr细节设置分支Detailed setup branch∙细节设置 Detailed setup特性化传感器 Charize sensor流量标定 Flow cal密度 Density密度A Dens AK1密度B Dens BK2温度系数 Temp coeffK3温度效准系数 Temp cal factr粘度 Visocsity压力转换或粘度转换 Pressure polling or Viscositypolling粘度标度系数 Visc cal factr流体仪器标签 Fld dev tag4 ma 压力 4ma pressure20ma 压力 20ma pressure压力补偿 Pressure comp压力转换 Pressure polling测量系数 Flow factr密度系数 Dens factr流量效准压力 Flowcal pressure流量仪器标签 Fld dev tag4ma 压力 4ma pressure20ma 压力 20ma pressure流量度系数 Mater factors质量流单位 Mass factor体积因子 Vol factor密度因子 Dens factor组态流体仪器变量 config fld dev var流量 Flow质量流量单位 Mass flo unit质量流量子流量切除 Mass flo cutoff特定质量单位 Spcl mass units基本质量单位 Base mass unit基本质量时间 Base mass time质量流量转换系数 Mass flo conv fact质量流量文本 Mass flo text体积质量总量文本 Mass totl text体积流量单位 vol flo unit体积流量小流量切除 Vol flo cutoff特定体积单位 Spcl vol units基本体积时间 Base vol unit基本体积时间 Base vol time体积流量系数 Vol flo conv fact体积量文本 Vol flo taxt体积总量本 Vol totl taxt流向 Flo direction阻尼 Flo damp密度 Density密度单位 Dens unit密度阻尼 Dens damp团状流下限 Slug low limi团状流上限 Slug high limit温度 Temp温度单位 Temp unit温度阻尼 Temp darnp粘度/压力 Viscosity unit差压单位 dp unit粘度单位 Viscosity unit组态输出 Config outputs模拟输出 Analog output1PV是 PV is范围值 Range valuesPV URVPV LRVUSLLSLPV最小标度 PV min spanPV AO 小流量最切除 PV AO cutoffPV AO 附加阻尼 PV AO added damp 模拟输出1 Analog out1固定模拟输出1 Fix Analog out14ma20ma其它other结束 end微量输出1 Analog output2模拟输出2 Analog out2SV是 SV is范围值 Range valuesSV URVSV LRVUSLLSLSV 最小标度 SV min spanSV AO 小流量切除 SV AO cutoffSV AO 附加阻尼 SV Added damp固定模拟输出2 Fix analog out24ma20ma其它 other结束 end微调模拟输出2 Trim analog out2频率输出 Frequency outputTV是 TV isTV 频率系数 TV freq factrTV 速率系数 TV Rate factrK 系数 K factor最大脉冲宽度 Max pulse width固定频率输出 Fix frequency out10KHZ其它 other结束 end控制输出 control cutput故障输出 Fault output故障指示 Fault indicator粘带期间 Slug durationHART 输出 HART output轮询地址 poll addr数字规格标志 num req preams触发模式 Burst mode触发选项 Burst option设备信息 Device information标签 Tag插述符 Descriptor信息 Massage日期 date设备号 Dev id最终装配号 Final assembly num传感器 snsr传感器模式 Snsr model结构材料 Construction matls法兰 Flange传感器材料 Snsr matl村里材料 Liner matl复审号 revision总体复查 Universal rev流体设备 Fld dev rev软件复审 Software rev硬件复审 Hardware rev组态事件 Config events事件1 Event 1事件1变量 Event 1 var事件1 类型 Event 1 type事件1 设置点 Event1 set point事件2 Event2事件2变量 Event 2 var事件2类型 Event 2 type事件2 设置点 Event2 set point 检查分支Review branch检查 Review设备信息 Device info分销商 Distributor型号 Model标签 Tag描述符 Descriptor信息 Massage日期 Date仪器 Dev id最终装配号 Final assembly num传感器 Sensor传感器材质 Sensor model法兰 Flange传感器材料 Sensor matl衬里材料 Liner matl软件复审 Software rev硬件复审 Hardware rev合面复审 Universal rev特性化传感器 Charize sensor流量标定 Flow cal密度A Dens AK1 K1密度B Dens BK2 K2温度系数 Temp coeff温度标定系数 Temp cal factr粘度标定系数 Visc cal factrK3 K3转化压力 Pressure polling流量系数 Flow factr密度系数 Dens factr流量标定压力 Flowcal pressure4ma 压力 4ma Pressure20ma压力 20ma Pressure质量系数 Mass factr体积系数 Vol factr密度系数 Dens factr组态寄存器 Config reg标定寄存器 Calib reg流体设备变量 Fld dev vars质量流量单位 Mass flo unit质量流量小流量切除 Mass flo cutoff流速阻尼 Flo damp体积流量单位 Vol flo unit体积流量小流量切除 Vol flo cutoff流向 Flo direction密度单位 Dens unit密度阻尼 Dens damp团状流下限 Slug low limit团状流上限 Slug high limit温度单位 Temp unit温度阻尼 Temp damp粘度单位 Viscosity unit差压单位 DP unit基本体积单位 Base vol unit体积流量转换系数 Vol flo conv factr基本体积时间 Base vol time体积流量文本 Vol flo test基本质量单位 Base mass uniy质量流量转换系数 Mass flo conv factr基本质量时间 Base mass time质量流量文本 Mass flo taxt输出 OutputsPV 是 PV isPV LRVPV URVPV AO小流量切除 PV AO cutoffPV AO附加阻尼 PV AO added damp PV AOPV AOSV是SV LRVSV URVSV AO 小流量切除 SV AO cutoffSV AO 附加阻尼 SV AO added damp SV AOSV AOTV 是TV 频率系数 TV Freq factrTV 流量系数 TV Rate factr控制输出 Concrol output故障指示 Fault indicator粘带期间 Slug duration事件1变量 Event 1 var事件1 类型 Event 1 tape事件1 设置点 Event 1 setpoint事件2 变量 Event 2 Var事件2 类型 Event 2 tape事件 2 设置点 Event 2 setpoint转换地址 Poll addr数字规格标志 Num req preams触发模式 Burst mode。


危险区域! 这个标志在操作手册的插图中表示危险区域。 - 用于危险场合的设备及其电缆必须达到相应的防护等级。
安全区域(非危险区域)! 这个标志在操作手册的插图中表示非危险区域。 - 如果安全设备连接电缆通过危险区域,该设备也必须有相应的认证。
2 标识
2.1 产品标识
2.1.1 仪表铭牌
4.1 快速接线指南
传感器 1
传感器 1
传 感 器 2
两线制 电阻
11-40V 11-30V 防爆 4-20mA
传感器 2
图 5: 传感器接线图
注意! 防止静电释放到接线端子。若不采取预防措施很可能会导致电子部件的损坏。
6.4 仪表设置 ………………………………………………… 20
7 维护 …………………………………………… 30
8 附件 …………………………………………… 30
9 故障诊断 ……………………………………… 31
9.1 故障诊断指南 …………………………………………… 31
9.2 错误信息 ………………………………………………… 31
1.2 安装,调试及操作 ……………………………………… 4 11.1 Callendar-Van Dusen 法 …………………………… 45
1.3 操作安全性 ……………………………………………… 5 11.2 多项式热电阻法 ……………………………………… 47
1.4 安全图形及标志 ………………………………………… 5
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附录A HART手操器信息.........................A-1 附录B 规格和订货信息…………………….……..B-1 附录 C CSA 和 FM 本质安全认证………………………..C-1 附录 D 手操器故障处理…………………………….D-1 附录 E 索引及解释…………………………………E-1
Rosemount 和 SMART FAMILY 是 Rosemount 公司的注册商标 MINIGRABBER 是 的 Pomona Electronics 一个商标。 HART 是 HART 通信基础公司的一个注册的商标。
Fisher-Rosemount 8301 Cameron 路 Austin,TX 78754 美国 技术支持: 1-800-833-8314 或 (512)832-3774 服务热线: 1-800-654-7768
例证列表Байду номын сангаас
1-1. HART 手操器 ................................1-1 1-2. 可充电镍铬电池联结面板 ...........…......1-2 1-3. 连接到变送器通讯终 ..............….........1-3 1-4. 回路中HART 手操器的连接 ............…......1-3 1-5. 用负载电阻连接 HART 手操器 …………………….1-4 1-6. HART手操器字母键和Shift 键 ........….......1-8 1-7. 快速访问菜单 .....................…........1-8 1-8. 通电脱机或联机......................….....1-10 1-9. 菜单图标和相关键...........................1-10 1-10. 主要菜单...........................….....1-12 1-11. 脱机菜单树................................1-13 1-12. 脱机菜单..................................1-14 1-13. 从空白模板菜单............................1-15 1-14. 个人编辑菜单..............................1-15 1-15. 单元变量菜单..............................1-15 1-16. 保存菜单...........................……...1-16 1-17. 定位菜单..................................1-16 1-18. 配置保存菜单 (脱机) .....................1-17 1-19. 数据包内容菜单............................1-17 1-20. 配置保存菜单 (数据包) ......…......1-18 1-21. 联机菜单............................…....1-19 1-22. 通用联机菜单树.....................……...1-21 1-23. 频率设置菜单.......................….....1-22 1-24. 公用程序菜单........................…....1-22 1-25. 手操器设置菜单...................…….....1-22 1-26. 轮询菜单............................…....1-23 1-27. 对比度菜单..........................…....1-24 1-28. 关机时间菜单.........................…...1-24 1-29. 忽略诊断菜单.................……………...1-25
介绍.............................................3-1 1151 压力变送器..................................3-2 3051C 压力变送器 (独创的)............….…….....3-3 9739 质量流量计......................…..........3-4
删除配置菜单....................................1-25 系统信息菜单........................... . . . ...1-26 计算机接收菜单.........................….......1-26 储存位置菜单.......................... .. .......1-28 仿真菜单................................ .......1-28 储存被连接的设备配置..........…………………....1-29 使用热键.....................……...............1-30 自定义热键菜单 .................…………........1-31 在热键菜单增加选项...............…………….....1-31 删除热键菜单选项...........…………………….....1-33 HART 手操器和 2000 年问题........…………….....1-34 编辑日期.........................……...........1-34 HART手操器修护..................………………....1-35 HART 手操器校正...............………………......1-35 使用电池组.......................……...........1-35 更换碱性电池......................……………....1-36 可充电电池组....................………………....1-37 使用存储模块......................………........1-37 更换存储模块...................……………….....1-38 安装和删除数据包装 100........……………………..1-39
Fisher- Rosemount Hart
介绍................................…….........2-1 上电联机..............................……….....2-1 Online Menu(联机菜单).....................…....2-2 Device Setup(设备设定)..........................2-2 Primary Variable(测量值 PV)......................2-3 Analog Output(模拟输出 AO).......................2-3 Lower Range Value 量程下限 (LRV)..................2-3 Upper Range Value 量程上限 (URV)..................2-3 Device Setup Menu(设备设定菜单)...................2-4 Process Variables(过程变量)......................2-4 Process Variables(诊断/服务)....................2-4 Basic Setup( 基本设定)..........................2-5 Detailed Setup(详细的设定).......................2-5
MAN 4275A00 PN: 00275-8026-0001
简体中文 二零零四年九月
HART 手操器操作手册
在使用该产品工作之前请通读这本手册。 为了个人和系统安 全, 以及最恰当的产品使用,确定在使用或修护前彻底地了 解该产品。 如果有设备服务需要,请连络最近的产品代表。
Fisher- Rosemount 系统公司 2000. 版权所有。
介绍.............................................1-1 hart 手操器连接..................................1-2 液晶显示 (LCD)...................................1-5 动作键...........................................1-5 ON/OFF 键........................................1-5 上箭头键.........................................1-6 下箭头键............................…….........1-6 左箭头键和预设菜单键.............……………......1-6 右箭头和选择键....................……….…......1-6 热键.............................…..............1-6 软件定义功能键................……………….......1-6 字母键和 Shift 键................…………........1-8 使用快速选择功能..................…………….....1-8 使用 Shift 键输入数据...............……….......1-9 开始了解HART手操器..........………………………...1-9 软件图标...................………...............1-10 学习菜单结构...............……………….........1-11 回顾安装的装置..................…………........1-12 主要菜单........................................1-12 脱机菜单........................................1-13 新配置(脱机)....................……………......1-14 从空白的模板菜单...............………...........1-15 已存档配置菜单(脱机)..............…………......1-17 数据包内容菜单...................………….......1-17 已存档配置菜单 (数据包内容)..………………….....1-18 联机菜单..........................…............1-19 频率配置菜单........................……........1-22 公用程序菜单....................................1-22 手操器配置菜单..................………………....1-22 轮询菜单..............................……......1-23 对比度菜单......................................1-24 关闭时间菜单....................................1-24