



红杉树信息技术有限公司网站:电话:400 672 1386管理员帮助手册版本 V 4.01系统管理系统总述 (3)1.1系统管理系统简介 (3)1.2系统管理系统服务模块功能说明 (3)1.3系统管理系统角色 (3)1.4系统管理系统平台基本操作 (3)1.4.1 登陆系统管理系统 (3)1.4.2 首页与系统管理页面之间的切换 (4)1.4.3 用户账户信息的管理 (5)2系统管理平台系统管理 (5)2.1用户管理 (6)2.1.1 用户列表管理 (6)2.1.2 已删除用户管理 (8)2.1.3 用户审批管理 (8)2.2组织管理 (10)2.2.1 组织结构管理 (10)2.2.2 角色和权限管理 (12)2.2.3 用户组管理 (13)2.3公共通讯录管理 (15)2.3.1 联系人 (15)2.3.2 通讯组 (16)2.4多级服务器管理 (17)2.4.1 服务器信息 (17)2.4.2 组织结构映射 (18)2.5公共管理 (18)2.5.1 公共配置管理 (18)2.5.2 邮件服务器管理 (19)2.5.3 加密狗授权信息 (20)3会议管理系统设置 (21)3.1服务配置管理 (21)3.1.1 系统设置 (21)3.1.2 会议记录 (22)3.1.3 会议使用报告 (22)3.2服务角色和权限管理 (23)4即时通讯管理 (23)4.1群管理 (24)4.2广播消息管理 (24)4.3红杉通监控 (25)4.4角色和权限管理 (26)4.5EasyTouch框架管理 (26)4.5.1 基本设置 (26)4.5.2 服务设置 (27)1系统管理系统总述1.1 系统管理系统简介系统管理主要为系统管理员以及有相关管理权限的人员提供一个管理平台,从而可以对系统的公共配置,系统里面的用户、组织、组等进行管理,同时也可以对平台提供的各个服务进行相应的配置。

1.2 系统管理系统服务模块功能说明1.3 系统管理系统角色1.4 系统管理系统平台基本操作1.4.1登陆系统管理系统登陆,在浏览器中输入网络会议系统网址,出现以下页面(见图1.1 首页),点击登陆显示登陆页面(见图1.2 登录)输入用户名和密码进入网络会议系统。






治理员手册所遵循的全然原那么:•简单易明白明确的描述每一步操作•简化系统治理,落低系统治理员的技术要求2参考引用SAPmadeeasy手册R/3InstallationonAIX:Oracle3术语定义SAPR/3:德国SAP公司开发的大型企业治理软件Oracle:美国甲骨文公司的数据库产品3.1.1检查失败的updates1. transaction SM13或Tools-> Administration->Monitor-> Update)2. Clien t选择*3. 用户选择*.4. 在Statu s栏,选择Al l.5. 时刻改为一年前(例如28/06/2001)6.按Ente r.7.查寻在状态栏中包含ERR错误信息的记录,这些项是失败或被中止的updatae.要是没有任何的失败或中止的记录,你能够不做任何事.要是有你需双击那条记录,以查瞧更具体的信息.8.显示和moduletype,再双击有ERR状态的行,9.要是有ABAP4DUMP,可选择ABAPshortdump按钮10.显示ABAP4DUMP记录信息,并分析其缘故.3.1.2检查systemLog1. transaction SM21或Tools-> Administration-> Monitor-> Systemlog2. 键进需要查瞧日志开始的时刻,也能够输进结束时刻.3. 选择Rereadsystemlog.4.在Mno栏中,红色代表错误,黄色代表警告,.5.双击每一行将瞧到每条信息的具体内容3.1.3查瞧被取消和危险的后台任务1. transaction SM37或System-> Service-> Jobs-> Joboverview2. 在Jobnam e选择*3. Usernam e选择*4. 输进开始时刻2002/6/285. 输进结束时刻2002/6/286. 选择状态_Active_Finished_Terminated7. 选择Ente r.8.检查失败或被取消的后台任务,分析是谁的任务失败或被取消,查寻缘故排除错误.9. 选择某个任务Selectthejob.10. 选择Joblo g,检查任务的运行时刻和日志图形化任务监视器1. transaction RZ012.选择Legend弹出解释颜色标识的对话框3.1.4检查系统被锁项1. transaction SM12或Tools-> Administration-> Monitor-> Lockentries2. 输进*在Client.3. 往除用户名在Username项.4.选择Enter.5.选中某一条项再选delete并确认删除一个Lock项是特不危险的,要是确有必要删除就必须先确定该项是否由一个死进程造成的。



sap系统管理员操作手册SAP系统管理员操作手册1. 系统概述1.1 系统介绍详细介绍SAP系统的背景和目的。

1.2 系统架构解释SAP系统的整体架构,包括硬件和软件要求。

2. 系统安装与配置2.1 硬件要求列出安装SAP系统所需的硬件要求,例如服务器配置等。

2.2 软件要求列出安装SAP系统所需的软件要求,例如操作系统版本等。

2.3 安装SAP系统详细描述如何安装SAP系统,包括安装步骤和注意事项。

2.4 配置SAP系统解释如何配置SAP系统,包括数据库配置、网络配置等。

3. 用户管理3.1 创建用户说明如何创建SAP系统用户,包括用户名、密码、角色等信息。

3.2 用户权限管理解释如何为不同用户分配不同的权限,包括角色维护和权限分配等。

3.3 用户组管理介绍如何创建和管理用户组,以便进行批量用户权限分配。

4. 系统监控与维护4.1 系统监控解释如何监控SAP系统的运行状态,包括日志查看、性能监控等。

4.2 系统维护说明如何进行SAP系统的常规维护工作,包括备份恢复、性能优化等。

5. 数据库管理5.1 数据库备份与恢复详细描述如何备份和恢复SAP系统的数据库,包括全量备份和增量备份等。

5.2 数据库优化解释如何进行SAP系统数据库的性能优化,包括索引优化、查询优化等。

6. 故障处理与问题解决6.1 故障排除说明如何快速定位和解决SAP系统的故障,包括常见故障代码和解决方法。

6.2 问题解决解释如何解决SAP系统中遇到的常见问题,包括各个模块的问题解决方法。

7. 安全管理7.1 安全策略介绍如何制定和执行SAP系统的安全策略,包括权限管理和密码策略等。

7.2 安全漏洞处理说明如何处理SAP系统中发现的安全漏洞,包括补丁升级和漏洞修复等。

8. 常用功能操作指南8.1 创建销售定单详细描述如何在SAP系统中创建销售定单,包括输入定单信息、添加产品等操作。

8.2 报表解释如何使用SAP系统中的报表功能,包括选择报表类型、设置查询条件等。



安易系统管理员操作手册系统管理员简介 (2)1 系统初始化 (2)1.1 建立数据库 (2)1.2 建立数据对象 (3)2数据管理 (4)2.1数据导入 (4)2.2 导出数据 (4)2.3 年度备份 (5)2.4 建立索引 (5)2.5 数据升级 (5)2.6生成系统功能表 (6)3 系统设置 (6)3.1 定义用户权限 (6)3.2 设置病人费别 (7)3.3 药房药库属性设置 (8)3.4 系统参数 (8)3.5 系统内部ID (9)3.6 文本打印格式 (9)3.7 报表打印格式 (10)3.8 定义会计期 (10)4 门诊设置 (10)4.1费用基类 (10)4.2费用派生类 (11)4.3 费用调整方法 (12)4.4 医保费用调整方法 (13)4.5 会计科目 (13)4.6统计表定义 (14)4.7特种病费用调整 (14)4.8 界面设置 (15)5 住院系统设置 (15)6 系统效劳 (15)6.1 设置数据库 (15)第十三章系统管理员系统管理员简介AnyiHIS系统管理员用于建立、维护、设置后台数据库以及数据对象,保证各业务系统按医院管理模式正常运行。

主要功能:➢建立AnyiHIS所需的数据库设备〔Database Device,只对SQL Server 6.5 以下版本〕、数据库〔Database〕、数据对象〔Objects〕以及AnyiHIS内部帐号。




1 系统初始化1.1 建立数据库一. 功能建立数据库功能主要用于建立 AnyiHIS所需的数据库设备〔只对SQL Server7.0以下版本适用〕、数据库、数据库对象,同时建立AnyiHIS内部帐号。

二. 操作步骤1.从‘[主菜单]→系统初始化→建立数据库’进入本功能,操作界面如图1-1。



SAP 系统管理员手册1编写目的与适用范围 (2)2参考引用 (2)3术语定义 (2)3.1划性每天任务: (2)3.1.1检查失败的updates (3)3.1.2检查system Log (6)3.1.3查看被取消和危险的后台任务 (6)3.1.4检查系统被锁项 (8)3.1.5查看系统用户 (9)3.1.6检查打印机 (9)3.1.7后台批处理进程 (11)3.1.8工作进程 (11)3.1.9ABAP DUMP分析 (12)3.1.10系统工作量分析 (13)3.1.11查看buffer (14)3.1.12检查每天的备份执行是否有错 (15)3.1.13数据库预警 (16)3.1.14数据库错误日志 (17)3.1.15操作系统日志 (18)3.2每周维护任务 (20)3.2.1检查数据库表空间 (20)3.2.2检查数据库数据增长 (21)3.2.3定义数据库维护任务 (22)3.2.4文件系统空间检查 (23)3.3系统管理常规任务 (23)3.3.1用户管理 (23)产生一个新用户 (23)用户 (25)用户 (26)修改用户密码 (26)3.3.2系统管理 (26)启动SAP系统 (26)关闭SAP系统 (26)扩展表空间 (26)系统打印机定义 (27)后台任务定义 (29)定义系统工作模式 (33)操作模式时间表定义 (34)定义每日系统操作模式 (35)集团管理 (37)集团创建 (37)集团本地复制 (39)集团远程复制(export/import) (43)集团删除 (46)系统参数维护 (46)系统参数profile创建 (46)系统参数的修改 (49)角色定义 (51)传输系统管理 (57)传输系统定义 (57) request 传输 (59)系统语言输入 (60)系统备份 (65)系统恢复 (67)系统补丁 (67)系统License申请 (71)系统安全审计 (72)安全审计定义 (72)用户审计检查 (73)3.5常见问题及解答.............................................错误!未定义书签。

MICAPS 的操作与使用

MICAPS 的操作与使用
文件中引用的各显示页的初始化文件名为 p41.dat、p42.dat、p43.dat、p44.dat。
可以将上述各种启动MICAPS的命令建 立为WINDOWS的快捷方式。以后在屏 幕上找到相应的MICAPS启动快捷方式 图标,双击鼠标左键, 将实现带或不带 参数启动MICAPS。
MICAPS 的操作与使用
MICAPS的启动方式与窗口控制 数据检索 图形显示与操作 图形数据编辑 组件管理 一维、三维图形操作 文件数据类型及格式 实习系统安装
一、 MICAPS的启动方式与窗口控制
工具条可以简化部分操作,当用户把鼠标箭 头移到工具栏的某个图标上时,在鼠标旁边 将出现小窗口显示该图标的简要说明。 同时 在MICAPS窗口下方的提示信息区内显示该 图标较详细的说明,指导用户如何使用该图 标。
要弹出工具栏可以选择菜单“选项”->“工具 栏”,在下拉菜单中选择需要的工具条。
选择控制工具条中的“参数检索控件”图 标:
什么是综合图? 综合图是能够作为一个整体被检索的一
组数据。这一组数据的信息被储存在一个由 用户命名的综合图文件中,当这个文件被选 择时,系统根据文件中的信息,把相应数据 的最新时次的图形,图象自动迭加显示在屏 幕上。







深圳市伟士达信息技术有限公司1Vstar协作网络办公系统用户手册内容1威斯达办公自动化用户手册声明.............................................................1 1.1版权和约束力.. (1)1.2担保和约定义务.....................................................................................................s 1 2先前的备注.............................................................................................2 3部门管理..........................................................................................3 3.1添加部门.................................................................................................................4 3.2维护部门门.................................................................................................................5 3.3部长级管理.................................................................................................................. ...............6 3.4部门结构图.................................................................................................................7 4工作管理 (7)4.1添加作业.................................................................................................................. ....8 4.2维护位置.................................................................................................................. ...............9 4.3工作结构图............................................................................................................9 5用户管理. (10)5.1添加用户 (12)5.2维护用户.................................................................................................................. ..13 6列管理 (13)6.1第一级列管理...................................................................................................14 6.2二级栏目管理...................................................................................................16 6.3回收站管理.................................................................................................................17 7列权限设置 (18)武汉伟士达软件工程有限公司。



MICAPS 3.2用户使用手册
1 第十九章服务器及前端数据处理
19.1 数据服务器
数据来源:CMACAST 和地面通信线路获得的数据,本地数据,如图

MICAPS3.2 数据处理服务器,暂时与MICAPS2.0 数据处理


图19.1-1 MICAPS 数据来源结构
19.2 服务器数据目录

MICAPS 第二版原有数据目录的同时,增加面向天气分析应用的目录和数据。

A 、按照天气分析时预报员使用的概念划分目录。

B 、
各目录中增加与该概念有关的数据整合后的数据,例如LAPS 产品。

C 、具有同一概念,但观测要素、质量或数据格式差别较大的数据放在不同目录下,例如各种垂直廓线数据。

D 、。


Micaps 县级平台客户端部署说明
1 2 3 4
客户端软件包安装 注册Flash组件 客户端软件卸载
客户端软件包安装 在客户端计算机上安装,安装人员应具 有本计算机的系统管理员权限。 在提供的“县级预报预警业务平台”软ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ件光盘中,进入“客户端软件”,启动 “setup.exe”安装程序,按系统提 示完成软件包的安装。系统默认的安装 文件夹为 C:\Program Files\MICAPS县级预报预警业务平 台(请勿更换其他文件夹!)。
注册Flash组件 客户端软件包安装成功后,需要进行 Flash组件注册。 选择“开始”—> “所有程序”—> “MICAPS县级预报预警业务平 台” —> “注册Flash组件” ,按提 示进行注册。
客户端软件卸载 需要时,按照以下步骤可以将“县级预 报预警业务平台”的客户端软件系统全 部卸载,并将相关文件夹及其中的文件 全部清理干净。 在客户端计算机上,选择“开始”—> “所有程序”—>“县级预报预警业务 平台” —> “Uninstall 县级预报预 警业务平台”,按提示进行卸载。
客户端软件卸载 手工删除安装文件夹“C:\Program Files\MICAPS县级预报预警业务平 台”及其中的文件。
在“机构名称编码”栏目中,输入县级气象 机构名称,则会出现下选择的下拉列表,选 中合适的即可。例如机构为“凉城县气象 局”,输入“凉城”后就会出现多包括“凉 城县-150925”的多个选项,选中即可。 在“服务器地址”栏目中,输入本系统平台 服务器计算机的IP地址。严格按照上述格式 进行输入。例如,服务器计算机的IP地址为 “”,必须输入 “”,不得 使用全角字符,也不得采用其他格式。 在“经纬度范围”栏目中,应输入覆盖本县 范围的一个矩形区域,按照“左下角经纬度 坐标”、“右上角经纬主坐标”确定。输入 顺序为左下角经度、左下角纬度、右上角经 度、右上角纬度,中间用半角逗号隔开,不 要加空格。经纬度坐标可以带小数点,但需 转换成十进制,例如30度45分,应输入 30.75。



2021ContentsCopyright,trademarks,and disclaimer3 Overview4 Introduction4 How XProtect Screen Recorder works4 Licensing5 Licensing5 Installation6 Installing and configuring on computer6 Set password7 Set port number7 Set MAC address8 Configuration10 Configuring after installing on computer10 Change password10 Change port number10 Change MAC address10 Installing on recording server11 Set frames per second/live frame rate11 Set quality11 Set capture mode11 Optimization13 Security13 Maintenance14 Uninstalling from computer14 Troubleshooting15 Troubleshooting15Copyright,trademarks,and disclaimerCopyright©2021Milestone Systems A/STrademarksXProtect is a registered trademark of Milestone Systems A/S.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.All other trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners.DisclaimerThis text is intended for general information purposes only,and due care has been taken in its preparation. Any risk arising from the use of this information rests with the recipient,and nothing herein should be construed as constituting any kind of warranty.Milestone Systems A/S reserves the right to make adjustments without prior notification.All names of people and organizations used in the examples in this text are fictitious.Any resemblance to any actual organization or person,living or dead,is purely coincidental and unintended.This product may make use of third-party software for which specific terms and conditions may apply.When that is the case,you can find more information in the file3rd_party_software_terms_and_conditions.txt located in your Milestone system installation folder.OverviewIntroductionThis manual describes the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder feature.It allows a Windows computer to act as an IP video camera,sending the contents of its desktop to the recording server it is connected to.The XProtect Screen Recorder feature is a small application to be installed on one or more Windows computers where you want to record desktop contents,and a camera driver included in XProtect Device Pack6.0and later versions. XProtect Screen Recorder works with all XProtect products on the following Windows platforms in both32-and 64-bit versions:l Client operating systems:Microsoft Windows8.1or newerl Server operating systems:Microsoft Windows Server2008R2or newerIn this document,when the term"recording server"is used,it refers to XProtect recording servers.How XProtect Screen Recorder worksOnce installed,XProtect Screen Recorder is automatically controlled from the startup menu of the computer where it is installed and runs in the context of the user logged into this computer.This means that XProtect Screen Recorder automatically and invisibly starts up every time the user logs in to the computer and closes down every time the user closes down.If online user-switching is done via Window's Fast User Switching feature,the XProtect Screen Recorder will continue to record in the context of the new user,however any other type of user-switching/-logging in or out will result in discontinuation of the feature.Read more about switching users without logging off onhttps:///windows-10-enable-or-disable-fast-user-switching/.This is possible because it is a service running in the background,capturing the computer’s screen at a set frame rate.It is also this service that provides the interface that your XProtect surveillance system can connect to and retrieve images from similarly as any other camera.LicensingLicensingWhen you add a screen recorder device in Management Client,you need a device license,just like with any other device.However,downloading and installing the XProtect Screen Recorder software is free of charge and you can install it as many times as required.XProtect Screen Recorder can and may only be used with Milestone software.InstallationInstalling and configuring on computerBefore you can start using the XProtect Screen Recorder feature,you must first download and install it on one or more Windows computer(s)where you want to receive desktop images.The application part of XProtect Screen Recorder consists of a Windows service and a desktop capture process. When installing the feature,you must have administrator rights to the computer you are using.Uninstalling or stopping the Windows service also requires administrator rights.Locate the file(https:///downloads/)named MilestoneXProtectScreenRecorderInstaller.exe and follow the download and installation procedure.When complete,the computer will work as an IP camera.From Management Client,you can add the XProtect Screen Recorder device,similar to adding a camera,to connect to it.Towards the end of the installation,the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator window appears. Address the configuration parameters below and click OK to save and finish the installation process.Set passwordIt is important that only the relevant recording server connects to and request video from a computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.You do this by entering a password of your choice in the text fields displayed in the illustration below.Milestone recommends that you fill in the password fields.In addition,there is no way to be reminded of the password,so it is important to remember the password.You must enter the password in Management Client on the recording server side.Set port numberFor the relevant recording server to connect to a computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed,you must specify a Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)port.TCP ports are identified by their number.The default number is52111.If this port is already in use by another program,change it.Make sure that the selected port is open on your firewall so the recording server canconnect to it.Set MAC addressFor licensing purposes,you must also select a MAC address.You can choose between all MAC addresses available on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.1.Make a selection in the MAC address available list.2.Click Set.3.The selected MAC address is displayed in the MAC address used field.When you configure the screen recorder device in Management Client,you must provide a license key that matches the selected MAC address.ConfigurationConfiguring after installing on computerAfter installing,it possible to change all XProtect Screen Recorder configurations.This is done from the Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator’s window which can be reached in the following way:1.Open Windows’Start menu.2.Click Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator.3.Confirm that the XProtect Screen Recorder is allowed to make changes to your hard drive.Next,theXProtect Screen Recorder-Administrator’s window will open.4.From the left-hand menu of the window,click Password,Port Number or MAC Address(depending onwhat you want to do).Change password1.In the Administrator’s window,on the Password tab,move focus to either text field to clear them both.2.Next,click OK to delete the old password(you will be presented with a warning).3.Enter a new password and click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Change port number1.In the Administrator’s window,go to the Port Number tab.2.Fill in the port number(see Set port number on page7).3.When done,click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Change MAC addressMAC addresses relate to hardware.If you change your network adapter,the selected MAC address may no longer be available.You must then select another valid address.This also requires that you enter a new license on the recording server side.1.In the Administrator’s window,go to the MAC Address tab.2.Set the MAC addresses(see Set MAC address on page8).3.When done,click OK.This saves changes and restarts the XProtect Screen Recorder.4.Close the window.Installing on recording serverIn Management Client,you must add a screen recorder device that connects to the XProtect Screen Recorder service.It is added and configured like any other IP video camera(see relevant documentation of your surveillance system for details on how to add and configure a camera).When you add a screen recorder device,the user name must be videoos and the device type Screen Recorder.A screen recorder device has the following configurable parameters:l Frames per second/live frame ratel Qualityl Capture modeWhen adding a screen recorder device,you must provide the IP address of the device.Inthis case,the device is a computer.But when adding a device of the Screen Recorder type,you may be in a situation where the computer does not have a permanent IP address.Inthat case,you can use the Domain Name System(DNS)name of the computer.Set frames per second/live frame rateFrames per second in XProtect Corporate/Live frame rate in other Milestone surveillance products.A low frame rate is recommended because high frame rates may cause heavy CPU usage on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed.For this reason,the XProtect Screen Recorder feature never yields more than4frames per second.Two frames per second offers a nice impression of screen activity and causesapproximately5-8%extra CPU usage on an average Windows7computer anno2010.Thus,2or3frames per second is the recommended daily setting.Set qualityVideo frames are sent to the recording server as a series of JPEGs.It is possible to lower network and storage consumption by configuring a lower quality.However,this will result in a more blurred image.The effective valid range is0(poorest quality)to100(best quality).Default is75,which reduces the amount of data nicely without reducing the visual quality too much.However,the JPEG algorithm is not optimized for computer images with many rectangles.So even with a high quality you will still observe glitches around straight lines.Set capture modeWith regards to capture mode,there is a choice of:l Primary screen only:the primary screen onlyl All screens(if there is more than one screen):a mosaic of all screens setup for the computer in question l Screen1,Screen2,etc.(if there is more than one screen):The selected screen onlyOptimizationSecurityAs mentioned earlier,XProtect Screen Recorder’s recording process is controlled from the computer startup menu and runs in the context of the logged in user.This means that the user can use the Windows Task Manager to shut down the process.To prevent that,Windows must be configured so that the user has no access to Windows Task Manager or other programs with similar capabilities.Disabling XProtect Screen Recorder results in the device connecting to the XProtect Screen Recorder service showing a red screen with a cross over it.The TCP based protocol used between the recording server and the computer withXProtect Screen Recorder installed utilizes Digest Authentication(RFC7616)with SHA256as a hashing algorithm.The risk of other products intercepting a desktop is thereforeminimal,but you are urged to define a password in the Milestone XProtect ScreenRecorder-Administrator’s window.MaintenanceUninstalling from computerThe following procedure describes standard system component removal in recentWindows versions;the procedure may be slightly different in older Windows versions.1.In Windows'Start menu,select Control Panel,and:l If using Category view,find the Programs category,and click Uninstall a programl If using Small icons or Large icons view,select Programs and Features2.In the list of currently installed programs,right-click the required Milestone program or service.3.Select Uninstall if you wish to uninstall all components.Select Change if you only wish to uninstall somecomponents.4.Follow the removal instructions.TroubleshootingTroubleshootingA problem which may occur with XProtect Screen Recorder is that the recording server and the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installed cannot connect.These are probable causes:l The configured TCP port is not open on the firewall that the XProtect Screen Recorder is installed on.Or if communication runs through a router,the router may also have a firewall that causes problemsl The IP address defined on the recording server is different from the IP address on the computer withXProtect Screen Recorder installedl The IP port defined on the recording server is different from the one configured on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl The password defined on the recording server is different from the one configured on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl The Device Pack and XProtect Screen Recorder versions are incompatibleXProtect2019R3includes Device Pack10.5.Connection will fail if you are runningDevice Pack10.4(or earlier)and using the XProtect Screen Recorder version2019R3(or later).To investigate other problem scenarios,you can enable the tracing of relevant desktop recordings:1.In Windows Explorer,in the directory:%PROGRAMFILES%\Milestone\XProtect Screen Recorder,locate thefile:ScreenRecorderService.exe.config.ing an editor,for example,Microsoft©Notepad,change the value of the attribute"Log"to"yes"asillustrated below:<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration><startup><supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/></startup><appSettings><add key="Log"value="yes"/></appSettings></configuration>4.Save the file under the same name and in the same location.5.Start Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator(see Configuring after installing on computer onpage10).6.Click OK to restart XProtect Screen Recorder.Logging is now enabled.7.In the AllUsers ProgramData folder,in the subdirectory:Milestone\XProtect Screen Recorder,two logfiles are now available:Servicelog.txt and Desktoplog.txt.l Servicelog.txt is a log of all network traffic and communication between the recording server andthe computer with XProtect Screen Recorder installedl Desktoplog.txt is a log of the process running on the computer with XProtect Screen Recorderinstalled,capturing desktop images and sending them to the Windows service as JPEG images 8.To avoid that the two log files grow extensively,it is important to reset the"Log"attribute to"no"whendone.See step2.9.Restart Milestone XProtect Screen Recorder Administrator(see Configuring after installing on computeron page10).open platform video management software;technology that helps assets and increase business estone Systemscollaboration and innovation in the development and use of scalable solutions that are proven in more than 150,000sitesis a stand-alone company in the Canon Group.For more *************************。

MICAPS 的操作与使用

MICAPS 的操作与使用

控制工具条: 控制工具条是一个特殊的工具条,它是用于弹出其
它的工具条和控件窗口。其位置在系统菜单的下方, 紧挨着菜单。 在控制工具条中的前7个图标用于弹出其它的工具 条,从左至右分别为:常用工具条、调色板工具条、 等值线工具条、线条编辑工具条、格点编辑工具条、 天气符号编辑工具条和窗口管理工具条。 右端4个图标是用于弹出控件窗口。从左至右分别 为参数检索控件、辅助图表控件、分析工具控件和 地理信息控件。
1、单纯启动MICAPS 进入WINDOWS 系统的DOS窗口 在MICAPS20目录下运行MICAPS20命令
进入WINDOWS系统的DOS窗口 在MICAPS20目录下运行命令: MICAPS20 [初始化文件名]。其中初始化文 件为一个MICAPS第19类格式的文件。
在MICAPS20目录下有一个批处理的例子, 文件名为“带初始化文件启动.bat”。
3、启动MICAPS同时显示综合图 进入WINDOWS系统的DOS窗口 在MICAPS20目录下运行命令:
MICAPS20 <初始化文件名> <综合图文件名>
其中初始化文件为一个MICAPS第19类格式 的文件,综合图文件为一个MICAPS第10类 格式的文件。
文件中引用的各显示页的初始化文件名为 p41.dat、p42.dat、p43.dat、p44.dat。
可以将上述各种启动MICAPS的命令建 立为WINDOWS的快捷方式。以后在屏 幕上找到相应的MICAPS启动快捷方式 图标,双击鼠标左键, 将实现带或不带 参数启动MICAPS。



Systems and security administra-tors are responsible for a wide range of assignments today, including secu-rity assessments, pre- and post-migration analyses, and resource optimization and allocation. On a daily basis, they are tasked with answering questions like these:• Who can do what in Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD?• Which mailboxes have been migrated and reside in a hybrid Exchange deployment?• Who has access to which printers, shares, folders, files and Microsoft SQL Server databases?• What resources are hosted in Azure, and who has access?• How are my servers configured?• What local users and groups exist on every server, and what is the group membership?With manual methods, answering these questions is a Herculean task that eats up time better spent on other projects. Moreover, the task is error-prone, leaving you vulnerable to security breaches.Only one solution identifies the current and historical configuration of Microsoft systems to help administrators quickly and efficiently answer these questions. Quest® Enterprise Reporter Suite helps you keep your Microsoft environment — both on premises and cloud-based — secure and compliant. Comprehensive access assessments and built-in report-ing provide deep visibility into Active Directory/Azure AD, Azure resources, Exchange/Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive for Business, Windows servers, SQL servers, network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SANs), including users, groups, permis-sions, applications, resources, virtualmachines (VMs) and other configurations. Plus, Enterprise Reporter Suite includes Quest® Security Explorer®, so you can quickly take action from within the Enter-prise Reporter user interface to remove any inappropriate permissions. Security Explorer provides an array of additional security features, such as the ability to quickly grant, revoke, clone, modify and overwrite permissions from a centralEnterprise Reporter SuiteSimplified Microsoft platform security, compliance and reportingBENEFITS:• Deliver real-time assessments into who has access to what resources across your Microsoft environment, both on premises and in the cloud • Avoid group sprawl in your Office 365 environment with visibility into what Microsoft Teams are beingcreated and how they're being used. • Improve security and compliance by increasing visibility into the configuration of critical IT assets while maintaining proper separation of duties • Optimize Office 365 license allocation and service plandecisions with visibility into your tenants, subscriptions and licensing service plans, and Azure resource optimization with visibility into virtual machines and disk utilization • Is scalable, secure and customizable to support large and complexWindows environments with multiple groups of report consumersFigure 1: Enterprise Reporter collects, stores and reports on the configuration of Active Directory/Azure AD, Exchange/Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive forBusiness, Windows servers, SQL servers, NAS and SANs.location. This combination of report-ing and remediation facilitates security and compliance, enabling you to stay ahead of security vulnerabilities to prevent breaches.FEATURESEnterprise Reporter features• Security and compliance visibility —Improve compliance with security best practices, internal policies and external regulations with visibility into the configuration of all critical IT assetsin your Windows environment:• Active Directory/Azure AD — ADusers, groups, roles, organizationalunits and permissions; Azure ADusers, groups, roles, applicationsand service principals• Exchange/Exchange Online —Mailboxes, mailbox folders, mail-enabled users, distribution groups,public folders, permissions and more• Office 365 — The configurationof critical IT assets in Azure AD,Exchange Online, Microsoft Teamsand OneDrive for Business• Windows servers — On-premisesshares, files, folders, printers,registry keys and services• OneDrive for Business — Fileand folder permissions, includingwhether content can be sharedinternally or externally• SQL Server — Database securityconfiguration, including users, logins,roles and database permissions• Azure resources — VMs, disks,network security groups,storage accounts and more• Access assessment — Know who has access to what resources across the enterprise network. Tighten security and pass IT audits by ensuring that access is provided strictly on a need-to-know basis.• Visibility into tenants, subscriptions and licensing — Easily optimize Office 365 license allocation and service plan decisions with visibility into your tenants, subscriptions and licensing service plans.• Hosted resource optimization — Optimize Azure resource usage by gaining visibility into VMs and disk deployment, includinghow many, how large, how they are configured and more, so you can save on unnecessary and underutilized resources.• Pre- and post-migration analyses — Plan for a migration or consolidation project with increased visibility to user and group dependencies, object matches and potential conflicts, and unused or disabled accounts as well as where resources, computers, files and folders exist. Easily decide what needs to be migrated before you begin, and ensure the correct data and permissions were migrated after the move.• Microsoft Teams assessment — Quickly discover and report on what Microsoft Teams exist in your Office 365 environment, who the Team members are, and howthe Team is being used. Enterprise Reporter for Office 365 makes it easy to stay on top of Microsoft Teams growth to avoid group sprawl and monitor usage. • Improved insights with Quest IT Security Search — Correlate disparateIT data from numerous systems and devices into an interactive search engine for fast security incident responseand forensic analysis. Include user entitlements and activity, event trends, suspicious patterns and more with rich visualizations and event timelines.• Capacity planning — Report on and manage storage capacity planning and allocation on a variety of devices, including Windows file servers, NAS and SANs.• Scalable data collection — Scale to environments of any size and geographic distribution. Schedule collections during off-peak hours to minimize the impact of data collection on network and server performance, and leverage the distributed collection architecture for load balancing.• Efficient storage — Reduce database storage requirements and save more change history data by comparing discoveries and storing only the changes.• Automated reporting workflows — Ensure stakeholders get the reports they need, when they need them, with automated report generation and flexible scheduling of report delivery.• Separation of duties (SoD) — Honor departmental and business function boundaries by enabling auditors, help desk staff, IT managers and other stakeholders to get exactly the reportsthey need and nothing more.Quest, Security Explorer and the Quest logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Quest Software Inc. For a complete list of Quest marks, visit /legal/trademark-information.aspx. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.© 2019 Quest Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.DataSheet-EnterpriseReporterSuite-US-KS-39148• Customizable reports — Perform effective data analysis that meets the unique informational needs of your organization using predefined reports or creating new reports. Customize with advanced filtering and export multiple formats, including PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, text and images.• Common reporting portal — Export reports to our software knowledge portal for a unified reporting interface across the entire family of Quest security and compliance solutions.Security Explorer features• Centralized permissions management — Make targeted or bulk changes to servers with the ability to grant, revoke ormodify permissions. View and manage group membership settings directly in the access control list for a resource.Overcome access-denied errors by forcing permissions onto protected objects. • Enterprise-wide rights review — Eliminate the need to manually search each server for permissions. Search for inherited or explicit permissions on AD, file servers, Exchange server, SQL Server andSharePoint. Even search for permissions to services, tasks, users and groups.• Advanced security and permissions — Quickly back up permissions to take abaseline of your access controls, and revertto that baseline at any time to easily recover from accidental or malicious changes without having to restore data. Improve security and ensure that compliance requirements are enforced.• Complete reporting — Export a database or spreadsheet listing the permissions on items anywhere in the directory tree. Filter the results to show only permissions that differ from the parent folder. Perform targeted searches for all locations that a particular group or user has access to across the network, and export this data to create ad hoc security reports.• Intuitive access controls — Back up and restore security settings to an alternate location, so you can be sure that appropriate access is in place on the new servers.ABOUT QUESTQuest provides software solutions for the rapidly changing world of enter-prise IT. We help simplify the challenges caused by data explosion, cloud expan-sion, hybrid data centers, security threats and regulatory requirements. Our port-folio includes solutions for database management, data protection, unified endpoint management, identity and access management and Microsoft plat-form management.Quest4 Polaris Way, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 | If you are located outside North America, you can find local office information on our Web site.。


MICAPS(Meteorological Information Combine Analysis and Process System)全称为:“气象信息综合分析处理系统”
MICAPS3.2 客户端总体功能结构图
2.1 硬件配置及操作系统 MICAPS3.2客户端硬件推荐配置为具有双 屏显示的图形工作站或高档微机,两个图形 显示屏共用键盘和鼠标,也可以为一台具有 单屏显示的较高档次微机。 推荐操作系统使用Windows XP专业版或 Windows7(32位)。 根据硬件配置和所使用的操作系统,选择 适合的安装版本安装。
主系统设置C:\MICAPS3.2\set.ini 综合图设置C:\MICAPS3.2\ AddIns\DataShortcut\combine.ini
地图设置C:\MICAPS3.2\ AddIns \ basemapdata \basemap.ini C:\MICAPS3.2\ AddIns\ basemapdata
height 等高线 plot高空填图 文件打开 micaps-high temper气温 uv流场 vv全风场
打开文件-在显示设置中选中一 个文件,双击左键-出现交互工具 点符号
3.3.3 探空资料的处理
打开文件micaps-high-tlogp 属性窗口选中“显示时间剖面”设置站点及开始、终止时间→绘制
方法2 C:\MICAPS3.2\ AddIns\DataShortcut\ DataShortcut.addin



目录一、启动MIM程序 (4)1.1启动MIM程序 (4)1.2 系统管理员登录界面 (4)1.3 系统管理员主界面 (4)二、部门人员模块设置权限 (5)2.1 部门人员界面 (5)2.2界面说明 (5)2.3 机能说明 (6)2.3.1站点新增、修改、删除 (6)2.3.2科室新增、修改、删除 (7)2.3.3库房新增、修改、删除 (9)2.3.4人员新增、修改、删除 (11)2.3.5科室、库房、人员权限分配 (12)三、权限管理界面 (16)3.1界面说明 (16)3.2 机能说明 (17)3.2.1权限角色新增、编辑、删除 (17)3.2.2模块编辑说明 (17)3.3.3权限编辑说明 (18)四、器材管理界面 (18)4.1界面说明 (19)4.2 机能说明 (19)4.2.1器材分类新增、编辑、删除 (19)4.2.2器材新增、编辑、删除 (20)五、收费项目管理界面 (21)5.1界面说明 (21)5.2 机能说明 (22)5.2.1收费项目分类新增、编辑、删除 (22)5.2.2收费项目新增、编辑、删除 (22)5.2.3连带项目 (24)六、费别管理界面 (24)6.1界面说明 (24)6.2 机能说明 (25)6.2.1费别新增、修改、删除 (25)6.2.2费别查询 (26)七、惠民优惠界面 (27)7.1界面说明 (27)7.2机能说明 (27)7.2.1折扣率设定和修改 (27)八、供应商管理 (28)8.1界面说明 (28)8.2 机能说明 (28)8.2.1供应商分类的新增,修改和删除 (28)8.2.2供应商的新增,修改和删除 (29)8.2.3供应商的查询 (31)九、给药途径界面 (31)9.1界面说明 (31)9.2机能说明 (32)9.2.1给药途径的新增,修改和删除 (32)十、检申请单设定界面 (33)10.1界面说明 (33)10.2 机能说明 (33)10.2.1申请单分类和分组的新增,修改和删除 (33)10.2.2申请单的编辑 (36)10.2.3收费项目查询 (36)十一、基础数据维护界面 (37)11.1界面说明 (37)11.2 功能说明 (38)11.2.1单位、会计分类、药品剂型新增、修改删除 (38)十二、号别管理界面 (39)12.1界面说明 (39)12.2 机能说明 (39)12.2.1查询挂号类别 (39)12.2.2编辑挂号类别 (40)12.2.3新增挂号类别 (41)12.3.4删除挂号类别 (43)12.3.5查看挂号类别信息 (44)十三、成套管理 (45)13.1界面说明 (45)13.2 功能说明 (45)13.2.1查询收费项目组 (45)13.2.2编辑收费项目组 (46)13.2.3新增收费项目组 (47)13.2.4删除收费项目组 (49)13.2.5查看收费项目组信息 (50)十四、厂家管理 (51)14.1界面说明 (51)14.2 功能说明 (51)14.2.1查询厂家 (51)14.2.2编辑厂家信息 (52)14.2.3新增厂家 (53)14.3.4删除厂家信息 (54)14.3.5查看厂家信息 (55)14.3.6导出厂家信息 (56)十五、频率管理 (57)15.1界面说明 (57)15.2 功能说明 (57)15.2.1新增频率 (57)15.2.2编辑频率 (58)15.3.3删除频率 (60)十六、排班计划 (61)16.1功能说明 (62)16.1.1周模板作成 (62)16.1.2周模板编辑、删除 (64)16.1.2月计划作成 (65)16.1.3月计划编辑、删除、复制 (65)一、启动MIM程序1.1启动MIM程序双击桌面上的MIM图标,进入登录界面。


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料不需要 , 可删去相应 的要素。 10h a 00P 、 9 0P 、5h a 0h a8 0P 等层 次对 本地 区无意义 , 也可删去。同理 ,可修改时效和Tn 的范 I P 围。应注意的是要素 、 层次、 时效修 改后 ,
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同时要修改要素数、 层次数 、 时效数。这一 点与节 目表的修改同理 。
3、 . 综合图文件的修改及建立 3 利用综合 图检索 常用的数据文件 的 功能 , 日常工作提供了极大的方便 。在 为 常用综合图窗 口中调用综合 图显得更为 便捷。然 而系统初始安装后 , 有些常用综 合图就不能调用 。如常用综合 图检索窗 口 只有“ 16 T 0 数值预报 ” 而没有”2 3 T 1数值预
器版安装完后 , 系统要求重新启动。在计 算机重新启动后 ,系统提示输入序列号 , 此时点单选按钮“ 网络, 限时版”接下来输 ,
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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华云公司气象信息综合分析处理系统MICAPS V2.0 系统管理员手册北京·中国气象局华云公司MICAPS系统开发组2本手册由中国气象局MICAPS系统开发组于2002年编写。


本手册与“MICAPS V2.0用户手册”一起构成MICAPS用户使用的完整文档。

3目录4引言5编写目的本手册与“MICAPS V2.0用户手册”一起向MICAPS系统管理员和预报员全面描述MICAPS系统的功能、性能、运行环境、系统管理和使用过程等信息。













MICAPS 系统的结构和组件MICAPS系统的第二版在PC计算机、WINDOWS操作系统上运6行,结构采取了核心软件加组件的形式。

当启动核心软件时,它将自动连接由WINDOWS操作系统特有的动态连接库和ACTIVE X控件组成的组件。



在组件中,目前包含了一个动态连接库和四个ACTIVE X控件,动态连接库用于读取数据。





MICAPS第二版运行环境●主机型号:P III 850以上微机●内存容量:128 MB以上●系统硬盘剩余空间:2 GB以上●CD ROM 驱动器●WINDOWS98 /WINDOWS 2000以上操作系统●网卡●NFS网络软件(可选)本手册的内容:本手册中在数据接口和二次开发方面与第一版重复的内容就不再包括。













89第一章系统安装101·1 MICAPS的安装由于系统正式版还没有完成。



















2·1 数据获取原始数据的获取即根据一个时间表文件,定时地将原始数据从服务器传输到MICAPS主机上。

2·1·1 原始数据的位置原始数据的种类及它们在服务器中的指定目录为:●常规数据(地面、高空、台风等报文)放在dmsg子目录●传真图放在fax子目录●各种数值预报格点报(GRID码)放在grid子目录●各种数值预报格点报(GRIB码)放在grib子目录●云图数据放在star子目录●雷达数据放在rad子目录●其它如本地产生的各种数据可自行指定合适的目录存放2·1·2 数据传输程序MICAPS第一版提供了两种数据传输方式,一种是从节点机直接将原始数据文件传输到本地盘,另一种是从9210工程的数据库中检索原始数据,在本地盘上形成原始数据文件。

2·1·2·1 文件传输原始数据文件的获取由数据传输程序:transdat.exe程序实现。






2·1·2·2 数据库检索本节描述的数据库检索还是MICAPS第一版的检索,其功能是将数据从9210数据库中读取,形成MICAPS文件放入本地数据库。










2·1·3 定时控制为了定时运行transdat.exe程序,MICAPS提供了定时程序:mtimer.exe,它根据时间表文件ws.dat中的内容定时地执行指定的程序。





2·2 数据格式转换原始数据获取后,还须转换成MICAPS的数据格式,并放入指定的目录中,才能由MICAPS系统正常使用。





2·2·1 常规数据转换程序常规报数据在服务器的 /dmsg 子目录中。





然后运行ptransax.exe或ptranstp.exe产生综合填图和单要素填图数据,运行ptransbx.exe和ptransbb.exe 程序处理船舶报并加入到填图数据中,运行ptranscs.exe产生城市预报数据,同时产生中间文件dm????.dat和gg????.dat。
