Tooling Management工装管理程序(中英文)
![Tooling Management工装管理程序(中英文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/79c8c33553d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f9b.png)
1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure defines the management of tooling to ensure smooth production and operation.定义工艺装备(简称工装)的规范管理,使其处于良好的技术状态,保证安全生产和工装正常运行。
2.1 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to design, manufacture, using, maintenance and control for production instruments,fixtures, moulds, measuring instruments and etc.适用于生产用夹具、刀具、模具、生产用检具等工装的设计、制造、使用、维护保养、报废等管理。
2.2 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Mould: Tools for making parts from metal or non-metal materials in the stamping and punchingmachine.模具:在工业生产中,用各种压力机和装在压力机上的专用工具,通过压力把金属材料或非金属材料制出所需形状的零件或制品,这种专用工具统称为模具。
3.2 Fixture: Tools for fixing parts to keep them in the right location.夹具:夹具是加工时用来迅速紧固工件,使机床、刀具和工件保持正确相对位置的工艺装置。
3.3 Cutting tool: Tools for cutting metal materials.刀具:机械制造中使用的刀具基本上都用于切削金属材料,一般为金属切削刀具。
3.4 Inspection tool: Tools for inspection.检具:生产中检验所用的工具。
4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 PD-S4-01 Facility and Equipment Management Procedure 设备设施管理程序5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-MA-005 Tooling Trail Run Report 设备/资产验收报告5.2 FN-TR-001 Tooling List 工装管理台帐5.3 FN-TR-002 Tooling History Record 工装履历表5.4 FN-MA-004 Equipment Repair Request 设备维修单5.5 FN-AC-001 Equipment/Asset Scrap Request 固定资产停用/报废单5.6 FN-MA-007 List of spare parts 备品一览表5.7 Consumable tooling replacement plan 易损工装更换计划6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 Tooling departments take charge of design, manufacture and verification for tooling. Developingfor supplier of tooling parts.模具部负责工装的设计,制造和验证及模具零配件供应商的开发。
毕业设计外文资料翻译系部:专业:姓名:学号:外文出处:Process Planning and Concurrent Engineering 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons, however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials are materials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends under the heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cements when ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to the concrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it is embedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable until eventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。
Process Planning and Concurrent EngineeringThe product design is the plan for the product and its components and subassemblies.To convert the product design into a physical entity ,a manufacturing plan is needed .The activity of developing such a plan is called process planning .It is the link between product design and manufacturing .Process planning involves determining the sequence of processing and assembly steps that must be accomplished to make the product .In the present chapter ,we examine processing planning and several related topics.At the outset ,we should distinguish between process planning and production planning ,which is covered in the following chapter. Process planning is concerned with the engineering and technological issues of how to make the products and its parts. What types of equipment and tooling are required to fabricate the parts and assemble the product ? Production planning is concerned with the logistics of making the product .After process planning is concerned with ordering the materials and obtaining the resources required to make the product in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand for it.Process PlanningProcess planning involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly processes and the sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a given part or product according to specifications set forth in the product design documentation.The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company of plant .Parts that cannot be made internally must be purchased from outside vendors. It should be mentioned that the choice of processes is also limited by the details of the product design.This is a point we will return to later.Process planning is usually accomplished by manufacturing engineers .(Other titles include in industrial engineer.) The process planner must be familiar with the particular manufacturing processes available in the factory and be able to interpret engineering drawings .Based on the planner’s knowledge,skill,and experience ,the processing steps are developed in the most logical sequence to make each part .Following is a list of the many decisions and details usually include within the scope of process planning :.Interpretation of design drawings.The part of product design must be analyzed (materials,dimensions,tolerances ,surface finished,etc.) at the start of the process planning procedure..Process and sequence.The process planner must select which processes are required and their sequence.A brief description of processing steps must be prepared..Equipment selection . In general , process planners must develop plans that utilize existing equipment in the plant .Otherwise ,the component must be purchased ,or an investment must be made in new equipment ..Tools ,dies,molds,fixtures,and gages.The process must decide what tooling is required for each processing step.The actual design and fabrication of these tools is usually delegated to a tool design department and tool room ,or an outside vendor specializing in that type of tool is contacted.Methods analysis .Workplace layout ,small tools ,hoists for lifting heavy parts ,even in some cases hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations .The industrial engineering department is usually responsible for this area..Work standards.Work measurement techniques are used to set time standards for each operation ..Cutting tools and cutting conditions.These must be specified for machining operations ,often with reference to standard handbook recommendations.Process Planning for partsFor individual parts,the processing sequence is documented on a form called a route sheet .(Not all companies use the name route sheet ;another name is “operation sheet .”)Just as engineering drawings are used to specify the productdesign ,route sheets are used to specify the process plan .They are counterparts,one for product design ,the other for manufacturing .A typical route sheet ,illustrated in Fig.21.1,includes the following information: (1) all operations to be performed on the work part ,listed in the order in which they should be performed ; (2) a brief description of each operation indicating the processing to be accomplished,with references to dimensions and tolerances on the part drawing; (3) the specific machines on which the work to be done; and (4) special tooling such as dies molds ,cutting tools,jigs or fixtures ,and gages.Some companies also include setup times ,cycle time standards,and other data.It is called a route sheet because the processing sequence defines the route that the part must follow in the factory .Some of the guidelines in preparing a route sheet are listed in Table 21-1.Decisions on process to be used to fabricate a given part are based largely on the starting material for the part .This starting material is selected by the product designer.Once the material has been specified ,the range of the possible processing operation is reduced considerably .The product designer’s decisions on starting material are based primarily on functional requirements ,although economics and manufacturability a role in the selection.Fig.21.1 Typical routes sheet for specifying the process planFig.21.2 Typical sequence of processes required in part fabricationA typical processing sequence to fabricate an individual part consists of : (1) a basic process,(2)secondary processes ,(3) operations to enhance physical properties,and (4)finishing operations.The sequence is shown in Fig.21.2. A basic process determines the starting geometry of the workpart.Metal casting ,plastic molding ,and roling of sheet metal are examples of basic processes.The starting geometry must often be refined by secondary processes,operations that transform the starting geometry (or close to final geometry ).The secondary geometry processes that might be used are closely correlated to the basic process that provides the starting geometry.When sand casting is the basic processes,machining operations are generally the second processes .When a rolling mill produces sheet metal,stamping operations such as punching and bending are the secondary processes.When plastic injection molding is the basic process ,secondary operations are often unnecessary,because most of the geometric features that would otherwise require machining can be created by the molding operation.Plastic molding and other operation that require no subsequent secondary processing are called net shape processes.Operations that require some but not much secondary processing (usually machining ) are referred to as near net shape processes.Some impression die forgings are in this category .These parts can often be shaped in the forging operation(basic processes)so that minimal machining (secondary processing )is required .Once the geometry has been established ,the next step for some parts is to improve their mechanical and physical properties .Operations to enhance properties do not alter the geometry of the part;instead,they alter physical properties .Heat treating operations on metal parts are the most common examples .Similar heating treatments are performed on glass to produce tempered glass.For most manufactured parts ,these property-enhancing operations are not required in the processing sequence ,as indicated by the alternative arrow path in Fig.21.2.Finally finish operations usually provide a coat on the work parts (or assembly )surface. Examples inclued electroplating ,thin film deposition techniques ,and painting.The purpose of the coating is to enhance appearance ,change color ,or protect the surface from corrosion,abrasion ,and so forth .Finishing operations are not required on many parts ;for example, plastic molding rarely require finishing .When finishing is required ,it is usually the final step in the processing sequence .Table 21-2 presents some typical processing sequences for common materials used in manufacturing .In most cases,parts and materials arriving at the factory have complete their basic process.Thus ,the first operation in the process plan follows the basic process that has provided the starting geometry of the part ..For example ,machined parts begain as bar stock or castings or forgings,which are purchased from outide vendors.The process plan begains with themachining operations in the company’s own plant .Stempings begin as sheet metal coils or strips that are bought from the rolling mill.These raw materials are supplied outside sources so that the secondary processes,property-enhancing operations ,and finishing operatios can be performed in the company’s own factory.In addition to the route sheet ,a more detailed description of eac operation is usually prepared. This is filed in the particular production department office where the operation is performed.It lists specific details of the operation ,such as cutting conditionsand toolings(if the operation is machining )and other instructions that may be useful to the amchine operator.The desciptions often include sketches of the machine setup.Processing Planning for AssembliesThe type of assembly method used for a given product depends on factors such as : (1) the anticipated production quantities ;(2) complexity of the assembled product ,for example ,the number of distinct components ;and (3)assembly processes used ,for example ,mechanical assembly versus welding .For a product that is to be made in relatively small quantities ,assembly is usually performed on manual assembly lines .For simple products of a dozen or so components,to be made in large quantities ,automated assembly systems are appropriate .In any case ,there is a precedence order in which the work must be accomplished .The precedence requirements are sometimes portrayed graphically on a precedence diagram.Process planning for assembly involves development of assembly instructions,but in more detail .For low productionquantities,the entire assembly is completed at a single station .For high production on an assembly line ,process planning consists of allocating work elements to the individual stations of the line, a procedure called line balancing.The assembly line routes the work unit to individual stations in the proper order as determined by the line balance solution.As in process planning for individual components ,any tools and fixtures required to accomplish an assembly task must be determined ,designed,and built;and the workstation arrangement must belaid out.Make or Buy DecisionAn important question that arises in process planning is whether a given part should be produced in the company’s own factory or purchased from an outside vendor ,and the answer to this question is known as the make or buy decision .If the company does not possess the technological equipment or expertise in the particular manufacturing processes required to make the part ,then the answer is obvious: The part must be purchased because there is no internal alternative .However ,in many cases ,the part could either be made internally using existing equipment ,or it could be purchased externally from a vendor that process similar manufacturing capability.In our discussion of the make or buy decision ,it should be recognized at the outset that nearly all manufactures buy their raw materials from supplies .A machine shop purchases its starting bar stock from a metals distributor and its sand castings from a foundry .A plastic molding plant buys its molding compound from a chemical company.A stamping press factory purchases sheet metal either fro a distributor or direct from a rolling mill.Very few companies are vertically integrated in their production operations all the way from raw materials ,it seems reasonable to consider purchasing at least some of the parts that would otherwise be produced in its own plant.It is probably appropriate to ask the make or buy question for every component that is used by the company .There are a number of factors that enter into the make or buy decision .We have complied a list of the factors and issues that affect the decision in Table 21-3 .One would think that cost is the most important factor in determining whether to produce the part or purchase it .If an outside vendor is more proficient than the company’s own plant in the manufacturing processes used to make the part ,then the internal production cost is likely to be greater than the purchase price even after the vendor has included a profit .However ,if the decision to purchase results in idle equipment and labor in the company’s own plant ,then the apparent advantage of purchasing the part may be lost .Consider the following example .Example 21.1 Make or Buy Decision The quoted price for a certain part is $20.00 per unit for 100 units .The part can be produced in the company’s own plant for $28.00. The components of making the part are as follows :Unit raw material cost = $8.00 per unitDirect labor cost =6.00 per unitLabor overhead at 150%=9.00 per unitEquipment fixed cost =5.00 per unit________________________________Total =28.00 per uniitShould the component by bought or made in-house?Solution:Although the vendor’s quote seems to favor a buy decision ,let us consider the possible impact on plant operations if the quote is accepted.Equipment fixed cost of $5.00 is an allocated cost based on investment that was already made .If the equipment designed for this job becomes unutilized because of a decision to purchase the part ,then the fixed cost continues even if the equipment stands idle .In the same way ,the labor overhead cost of $9.00 consists of factory space ,utility ,and labor costs that remain even if the part is purchased .By this reasoning ,a buy decision is not a good decision because it might be cost the company as much as $20.00+$5.0+$9.00=$34.00 per unit if it results in idle time on the machine that would have been used to produce the part .On the other hand ,if the equipment in question can be used for the production of other parts for which the in-house costs are less than the corresponding outside quotes ,then a buy decision is a gooddecision .,Make or buy decision are not often as straightforward as in this example .The other factors listed in Table 21-3also affect the decision .A trend in recent years ,especially in the automobile industry ,is for companies to stress the importance of building close relationships with parts suppliers .We turn to this issue in our later discussion of concurrent engineering.Computer-aided Process PlanningThere is much interest by manufacturing firms in automating the task of process planning using computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems .The shop-trained people who are familiar with the details of machining and other processes are gradually retiring ,and these people will be available in the future to do process planning .An alternative way of accomplishing this function is needed ,and CAPP systems are providing this alternative .CAPP is usually considered to be part of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) .However ,this tends to imply that CAM is a stand-along system .In fact ,a synergy results when CAM is combined with computer-aided design to create a CAD/CAM system .In such a system ,CAPP becomes the direct connection between design and manufacturing .The benefits derived from computer-automated process planning include the following:.Process rationalization and standardization .Automated process planning leads to more logical and consistent process plans than when process is done completely manually .Standard plans tend to result in lower manufacturing costs and higher product quality..Increased productivity of process planner . The systematic approach and the availability of standard process plans in the data files permit more work to be accomplished by the process planners..Reduced lead time for process planning . Process planner working with a CAPP system can provide route sheets in a shorter lead time compared to manual preparation ..Improved legibility . Computer-prepared rout sheets are neater and easier to read than manually prepared route sheets..Incorporation of other applicaton programs. The CAPP program can be interfaced with other application programs,such as cost estimating and work standards.Computer-aided process planning systems are designed around two approaches.These approaches are called : (1) retrieval CAPP systems and (2) generative CAPP systems .Some CAPP systems combine the two approaches in what is known as semi-generative CAPP.Concurrent Engineering and Design for ManufacturingConcurrent engineering refers to an approach used in product development in which the functions of design engineering ,manufacturing engineering ,and other functions are integrated to reduce the elapsed time required to bring a new product to market, Also called simultaneous engineering ,it might be thought of as the organizational counterpart to CAD/CAM technology.In the traditional approach to launching a new product ,the two functions of design engineering and manufacturing engineering tend to be separated and sequential,as illustrated in Fig.21.3.(a).The product design department develops the new design ,sometimes without much consideration given to the manufacturing capabilities of the company ,There is little opportunity for manufacturing engineers to offer advice on how the design might be alerted to make it more manufacturable.It is as if a wall exits between design and manufacturing.When the design engineering department completes the design ,it tosses the drawings and specifications over the wall ,and only then does process planning begin.Fig.21.3 Comparision : (a) traditionnal product development cycle and (b) product development using concurrent engineeringBy contrast,in a company that practices concurrent engineering ,the manufacturing engineering department becomes involved in the product development cycle early on ,providing advice on how the product and its components can be designed to facilitate manufacture and assembly.It also proceeds with early stages of manufacturing planning for the product .This concurrent engineering approach is pictured in Fig.21.3(b). In addition to manufacturing engineering ,other function are also involved in the product development cycle ,such as quality engineering ,the manufacturing departments ,field service ,vendors supplying critical components ,and in some cases the customer who will use the product .All if these functions can make contributions during product development to improve not only the new product’s function and performance,but also its produceability ,inspectability ,testability ,serviceability ,and maintainability .Through early involvement ,as opposed to reviewing the final product design after it is too late to conveniently make any changes in the design ,the duration of the product development cycle is substantiallly reduced.Concurrent engineering includes several elements: (1) design for several manufacturing and assembly,(2) design for quality ,(3)design for cost ,and (4) design for life cycle .In addition ,certain enabling technologies such as rapid prototyping ,virtual prototyping ,and organizational changes are required to facilitate the concurrent engineering approach in acompany.Design for Manufacturing and AssemblyIt has been estimated that about 70% of the life cycle cost of a product is determined by basic decisions made during product design. These design decisions include the material of each part,part geometry,tolerances, surface finish,how parts are organized into subassemblies,and the assembly methods to be used.Once these decisions are made ,the ability to reduce the manufacturing cost of the product is limited.For example ,if the product designer decides that apart is to be made of an aluminum sand casting but which processes features that can be achieved only by machining(such as threaded holes and close tolerances), the manufacturing engineer has no alternative expect to plan a process sequence that starts with sand casting followed by the sequence of machining operations needed to achieve the specified features .In this example, a better decision might be to use a plastic molded part that can be made in a single step .It is important for the manufacturing engineer to be given the opportunity to advice the design engineer as the product design is evolving, to favorably influence the manufacturability of the product.Term used to describe such attempts to favorably influence the manufacturability of a new product are design for manufacturing (DFM) and design for assembly(DFA). Of course ,DFM and DFA are inextricably linked ,so let us use the term design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM/A).Design for manufacturing and assembly involves the systematic consideration of manufacturability and assemblability in the development of a new product design .This includes: (1) organizational changes and (2)design principle and guidelines.Organizational Changes in DFM/A. Effective implementation of DFM/A involves making changes in a company’s organization structure ,either formally or informally ,so that closer interaction and better communication occurs between design and manufacturing personnel.This can be accomplished in several ways : (1)by creating project teams consisting of product designers, manufacturing engineers ,and other speclaities (e.g, quality engineers ,material scientists )to develop the new product design ;(2) by requiring design engineers to spend some career time in manufacturing to witness first-hand how manufacturability and assembility are impacted by a product’s design ;and (3)by assigning manufacturing engineers to the product design department on either a temporary or full-time basis to serve as reducibility consultants.Design Principles and Guidelines. DFM/A also relies on the use of design principles and guidelines for how to design a given product to maximize manucturability and assembility .Some of these are universal design guidelines that can be applied to nearly any product design situation ,such as those presented in Table 21-4 .In other cease ,there are design principles that apply to specific processes ,and for example ,the use of drafts or tapers in casted and molded parts to facilitate removal of the part from the mold .We leave these more process-specific guidelines to texts on manufacturing processes.The guidelines sometimes conflict with one another .For example ,one of the guidelines in Table 21-4 is to ”simplify part geometry ;avoid unnecessary features “.But another guideline in the same table states that “special geometric features must sometimes be added to components”to design the product for foolproof assembly .And it may also be desirable to combine features of several assemblied parts into one component to minimize the number of parts in the product .In these instances ,design for part manufacture is in conflict with design for assembly ,and a suitable compromise must be found between the opposing sides of the conflict.。
工艺英语(中英文)项目建议1.项目建议概况资格qualification预备资格prequalification商务条款与条件commercial terms and condition 商务commercial技术technical技术说明technical specification建议书proposal book资料费information price估价estimated price报价quoted price报价书quotation2报价资料工艺说明process descri ption工艺特点process feature经验记载experience record工艺特性process performance设备表equipment list说明规定规格specification简要说明short specification条件图sketch drawing流程图flow diagram平衡图balance diagram方框图block diagramP&I 图P&I diagram单线图single line diagram布置图layout平面布置图plot plan总图general plot plan附件appendix资料文件document3.合同技术用语保证guarantee性能保证performance guarantee 时间保证time guarantee交货保证delivery guarantee建造保证workmanship guarantee 生产能力capacity质量quality消耗量consumption原材料feedstock原料raw material辅助原料sub-raw material产品product付产品by-product中间产品intermediate公用工程utility燃料fuel化学品chemical界区battery limit(界区)进料incoming(界区)出料outgoing界区条件battery limits condition (配管图)分界区match line工厂装置plant设备equipment关键设备critical equipment专利设备proprietary equipment有位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment散装材料bulk material施工材料material of construction仪表instrument备品备件spare part建筑工具construction aid(现场)居住设施accommodation现场派遣expatriate运转率on stream factor运转天数stream day系列train日历日calendar day日历月calendar month机械(试车)完工mechanical completion 试车trial operation初次试车initial operation开车start up注油oil in投料fees in首次出料first drop保证试运转guarantee test run装置验收plant acceptance移交turnover议定书protocol4估算估算estimate概算budgetary estimate推算slide幂指数power term(费用)分类,分项价格breakdown 外汇foreign currency当地货币local currency可兑换货币convertible currency 专利费license fee专利权税royalty变动专利权税running royalty专有技术费know-how fee基础设计费basic engineering fee 代理费agent fee手续费commission不可预见费contingency外汇风险exchange risk易货补偿compensation直接费用direct cost间接费用indirect cost项目管理费project expense现场管理费field expense一般管理费overhead利润profit生活费living expense出勤津贴daily allowance(出差)准备费outfit allowance劳务费labor cost基本工资base wage补偿费payroll burden福利费fringe benefit5可行性研究可行性feasibility现场选定site selection(现场)位置location市场marketing可获利润率profitability生产成本production cost经营费operation cost可变成本variable cost不变成本fixed cost总投资total capital cost折旧费depreciation现金流量cash flow折现现金流量discount cash flow工况研究case study产权资本,自有资金equity建设资本利息interest during construction6业务范围现场勘测site survey工艺设计process design基础设计basic engineering基础设计包basic design package详细设计detail engineering采购procurement海运ocean transportation陆运inland transportation安装erection work土建工作civil work施工construction work临时工作temporary work投料试车commissioning培训training(现场)指导supervisory service 顾问advisor service初步设计preliminary project最终设计final project基础设施infrastructure上部结构superstructure软件software硬件hardware7工厂分类与设计处女地工厂grass root plant总厂integral plant分厂single plant成套装置package plant翻版(设计)厂copy plant生产厂commercial plant中试工厂pilot plant实验室规模装置bench scale unit 石化总厂petrochemical complex 下游(厂) downstream(工业)放大scale-up扩建expansion改建、更改modification镜象布置mirror image设计余量over design降负荷运转turndown消除瓶颈Debottlenecking工厂模型plant model8设备工艺装置process plant装置区内on site装置区外off site界区内inside battery limit界区外outside battery limit公用工程设施utility facility贮存设施storage facility辅助设施auxiliary facility衔接interconnection主变电所main substation发电设施power generation facility事故发电设备emergency power generation facility 水处理装置water treatment facility冷却塔cooling tower抽水设施water intake facility海水淡化装置desalination facility蒸汽发生装置steam generation facility仪表空气发生装置instrument gas generation facility 惰性气发生装置inert gas generation facility空分装置air separation facility罐区tank yard散装贮藏设备bulk storage facility包装机械bagging facility制袋设备bag making facility装瓶设备bottling facility装货设施loading facility卸货设施unloading facility铁路侧线railway siding栈桥jetty行政办公楼administration building维修车间maintenance shop中央化验室central laboratory内部通用设施intercommunication facility 广播系统public address system询呼设施paging facility消防设施fire fighting facility安全器具safety equipment生活设施colony公用设施town-shop娱乐设施recreation facility9相关企业承包商contractor主承包商prime contractor分包商subcontractor直接雇佣direct hire专利商licenser转专利者sub-licenser专利使用者licensee专利拥有者patent-owner竞争者competitor国际财团consortium合作者collaborator买方(1)buyer(2)purchaser卖方seller厂商vendor制造商(1)maker(2)manufacture业主owner顾问consultant技术顾问Technical adviser用户User最终用户End user客户(1)customer(2)client代理商agent挂名人dummy2. 投标合同2.1 投标概况询价inquiry报价估价书quotation estimation投标投标书bid tender投标资料bid document预审pre-qualification意向书letter of intent2.2合同用语协议agreement合同契约contract注销cancellation约定Consideration合同转让Assignment of contract不可抗力force majeure仲裁attribution基本法governing law秘密条款(1)secrecy clause(2)non-disclosure clause 预定损坏赔偿费liquidated damages总赔偿额度total liability连带(债务) joint and several预先债权lien免除waiver保证guaranty担保warranty赔偿indemnity定义definition增额escalation罚款penalty支付条款terms of payment税金tax and duties侵犯专利patent infringement最高限额ceiling委任书power of attorney保证金bond2.3合同形式投标合同competitive bid contract议付合同negotiated contractFOB合同fob-type contract成套承包合同(1)turnkey contract (交钥匙合同) (2)chef montage contract 总付合同lump sum price contract单价契约unit price contract正价加附加费合同cost plus fee contract预投标协议pre-bid agreement产品抵债products sharing互购交易counter-purchase transaction3. 支付金融财务3.1支付金融支付条款支付条件payment terms延期付款deferred payments存留款项保留资金retention payment定期付款schedule payment施工分期付款progressive payment付款交单D/P documents against payment承兑交单调D/A documents against acceptance信贷信用credit卖方信贷供应商信贷supplier’s credit买方信贷buyer’s credit银行借贷bank loan财政金融finance借款借贷loan偿还reimburse reimbursement保证书letter of guarantee信用证信贷书letter of credit外汇兑换率exchange rate兑换单汇款单据documentary bill of exchange 汇款汇兑基金remittance3.2财务自然增长基数accrual basis资产负债表决算表balance sheet损益报表P&L profit and loss statement4.采购运输保险4.1进出口手续出口许可证export license出口许可证变更E/L amendCOCOM coordinating committee标准结算方法standard payment非标准结算方法non-standard paymentDBC draw back cargo(dbc)出口申报银行export declaration bank e/d进口申报单export declaration custom进口许可证import license保税区域bonded area关税import duty原产地说明书certificate of origin发票Invoice4.2运输装箱单packing list提单bill of lading (B/L)指示提单order B/L直接提单straight B/L装运提单shipped B/L, on board B/L备运提单received B/L不附带条件的提单clean B/L不洁提单dirty B/L, foul B/L直运提单direct B/L联运提单through B/L船上收货单mate’s receipt装货通知单shipping order (S/O)交货单delivery order (D/O)空运货单airway bill海上运费ocean freight海上运费同盟freight conference目的地付费freight payable at destination码头人工搬运费stevedorage空载运费dead freight船到港预定时间expected time of arrival (ETA)船离港预定时间expected time of departure (ETD) 海关快速发货custom quick despatch (CQD)滞船费demurrage码头搬运商stevedore超尺寸运输over-dimension cargo (ODC)4.3保险海上保险marine cargo insurance现场指导失误保险supervisor’s risk insurance4.4贸易条件出厂价(1)ex works(2)ex factory(3)ex mill海上交货fob-named port of shipment含保险海上交货cif-named port of destination国境交货条件franco frontier4.5采购采购procurement厂家vendor厂家一览表vendor list市场价market price黑市价dark price现价up-to-date price level报价quotation偏差表deviation list到货时间time of delivery支付方式(1)terms of payment(2)payment condition(3)payment terms 延缓支付deferred payment现金支付cash on delivery预先支付down payment发货前支付advance payment到货后支付progress payment计划支付scheduled payment购买条件terms and conditions of purchase折价discount谈判交涉negotiation澄清clarification购买意向intent to purchase比较表tabulation评语evaluation价格分析value analysis定购单purchase order变更定购单change order支付方式method of payment现金cash支票check期票promissory note催货expediting跟踪系统follow-up system4.6包装包装packing防锈包装rust-proof packing防潮湿包装moisture-proof packing 防水包装water-proof packing软包装shrink packing木箱wooden box板条箱crate滑橇底座skid base框架箱framed box码垛盘pallet侧板side plate吊具sling fitting花篮螺栓turnbuckle钢带steel strapping角保护袋edge protector closure plate 防护角corner protector板board合板plywood缓冲材料cushioning material通气孔盖ventilation cover超载superimposed load开包unpacking船上标志shipping mark注意标志care mark5.项目执行及费用管理5.1项目执行总图会议kick-off meeting项目研究会议project study meeting 开工会议launching meeting项目报告project reporting审查会议screening meeting进展报告progress report协调过程coordination procedure变更指示change order认可approval复阅review5.2工程项目完工报告job close-out report项目执行报告job performance report完工汇编close-out book反馈系统feed back system项目设计条件project design information会签inter-department check工程设计engineering design工艺条件确认engineering review工艺条件校核engineering checking项目完成指标审核表project performance check sheet 施工版approved for construction (afc)设计变更error report技术文件technical data book管道材料工艺条件process data for piping material载荷条件loading data关键路径法critical path method关键路径进度表critical path schedulingPERT program evaluation and review technique 5.3费用及工时管理工程预算project control budget工时man-hour (M/H)工日man-day (M/D)人月man-month (M/N)考勤表time sheet工作号work number项目号job number预期项目号proposal number改进工作improvement work闲滞idle工时报告man-hour report项目工时汇总job man-hour performance report 5.4费用分类费用分类code of account主账major account分账sub-account设备位号item number5.5组织指定assign借调on-loan项目成员project number项目经理project manager (PM)项目经理助理assistant project manager (APM)施工经理construction manager (CM)开工经理operation manager (OM)现场指挥field manger项目前期经理proposal manager估算员estimator原始采购员originator协调员coordinator项目设计协调员project design coordinator (PDC)6.标准化资料管理法规规格6.1标准化标准化standardization标准规格standard工程规定engineer specification项目特殊要求specific job requirement工程手册engineering manual标准图standard drawing工程用表格engineering form法规law and regulation法律law6.2资料管理情报管理information and documentation信息中心information center调研(追述) retrospective searching信息选择服务selective dissemination of information 情报跟踪current awareness检索效率retrieval efficiency资料documents原文献primary sources文献摘抄secondary sources连载刊物serials定期刊物periodieals(学会)纪要memoirs会报transactions会议论文conference paper会议记录proceedings索引期刊index journal文摘期刊abstract journal情报摘要information abstract提示文稿indicative abstract图书目录book catalog标题目录title catalog总目录union catalog标准目录standard catalog关键词keyword省略词stopwordKWIC索引keyword-in-context indexKWOC索引keyword-out-of-context index顺序索引permuted index相关索引coordinate index主题分析subject analysis统计分类statistical classification国际十进分类法universal decimal classification 阅读卡片visible card书卡book card档案系统filing system微缩复制microcopy微缩系统micro-system穿孔卡夹aperture card微缩胶片fiche film6.3法规高压气体取缔法high pressure gas control law消防法fire service law劳动安全卫生法industry safety and health law建筑基本法building standard law单位制system of units国际单位制international system of units系统图、设备布置图、配管图及材料统计7 图纸、条件表工艺流程图Process flow diagram(PFD)管道仪表流程图Process piping & instrument flow diagram(PID) 公用工程流程图Utility balance diagram(UFD)框图Block flow diagram公用工程介质平衡图Utility balance diagram(UBD)平面布置图Plot plan立面布置图General arrangement总图General plot plan规划图Planning drawing管道研究图Piping study drawing管道布置图(配管图)Piping arrangement drawing分区图Key plan管道走向研究图Piping routing study drawing地下管道图Underground piping drawing管道特殊管件图Piping special parts drawing管架详图Piping hanging drawing预制图Prefabrication drawing参考图Reference drawing通用图Typical drawing制造厂图Vendor’s drawing管道轴测图Isometric piping drawing竣工图As-built drawing模型Model管线表Line schedule计算书Calculation sheet图纸目录Drawing schedule发图阶段Issue stage版次Revision number编号体系Numbering system比例Scale工厂北向Plant north海平面标高Over-sea mean level(OSL)标高Elevation(EL)已有钢结构Existing structure装货区Loading area公用工程站Utility station柱号Column number净空headroom通道Access way小通道Cat way钢结构顶部标高Top of structure elevation 管底标高Bottom of piping elevation主管口径Run size顶平偏心异径管Eccentric reducer top flat 中心到面的距离Center to face工作点标高Working point elevation管架标注Hanging marking冷拉Cold spring管线记号Line symbol管线接口Line connection物流号Stream NO.管线号Line NO.管道等级号(1) class designation(2) spec designation 阀门号Valve NO.等级分界Specification break重要管道Critical piping总管Header pipe仪表管道Instrument piping排放管道Blowdown piping火炬气管道Flare piping输送管线Transfer line入口管线Suction line排水管Effluent line旁通管Bypass line吹扫系统Purge system放空接口Vent connection软管接口Hose connection双切断阀及排放阀Double block and bleeder污水沟Sewer ditch冷凝液池Condensate pit积水坑Sump box漏斗Drip funnel管段Spool piece垫环Space ring限流孔板Restriction orifice流量喷嘴Flow nozzle液体混合用三通Mixing tee喷头Spray nozzle粗滤器Strainer临时粗滤器Temporary strainer疏水阀Steam trap爆破膜Rupture disk蒸汽伴热管道Steam-traced piping 夹套管道Jacketed piping地下管道Underground piping管道要素钢管Steel pipe螺纹端管Threaded pipe法兰端管Flanged pipe锻制的Swage光滑弯管Smooth bendU型弯管U-bend弯管Bending pipe波纹管膨胀节Expansion bellows 柔性管Flexible pipe管件接头Pipe fitting joint机械连接Mechanical joint活套连接Lapped joint环行垫连接Ring type joint扩口接头Flare type joint非扩口接头Flareless type joint承插连接Bell and spigot Victaulic 接头Victaulic joint弯头Elbow异径管Reducer管接头Coupling活接头Union短管Nipple法兰Flange配对法兰Companion flange法兰盖Blind flange异径法兰Reducing flange八字盲板(1) spectacle blind(2) reversible blind 平板式法兰Plate flange带颈法兰Hubbed flange对焊法兰Welding flange松套法兰Loose flange管端突缘Stub end法兰面Flange face垫片沟槽Gasket groove满平面Full face突面Raised face大准槽面Large tongue and groove face双凹凸面Double male & female face大凹凸面Large male & female face金属垫片Metallic gasket非金属垫片Non-metallic gasketO型环Semi-metallic gasket透视垫O-ring对焊Lens ring承插焊接Butt weld滑套焊接Socket weld焊接支管台Slip-on weld插入环Insert ring材料表Bill of material材料统计Take-off管段表Line bill of material估算汇总表Estimation summary sheet备品备件表Spare parts list报价单Quotation sheet订货表Purchase order schedule材料汇总表Bill of material summary状态报告Status report分布报告Distribution report价格、重量一览表Cost & weight summary 价格、重量汇总表Cost & weight total定货管理表Order control管道材料管理表Piping material control sheet 元件代码Item code标记号Tag number标准形态Standard shape轴测图Isometric drawing管线号Line reference批号Batch reference管子下料表Piping cutting list制作件表Fabrication parts list组装件表Erection part list固定架Anchor滑动架Resting support导向架Guide限位架Directional stop减振架Dampener管托Shoe保冷管托cradle鞍座Saddle耳轴Trunnion吊架Hanger刚性吊架Rigid hanger弹簧吊架Spring hanger恒力吊架Constant hanger阀门Valve截止阀Globe valve闸阀Gate valve针行阀Needle valve球阀Ball valve止回阀Check valve隔膜阀Diaphragm valve三通阀Three-way valve角阀Angle valve蝶阀Butterfly valve旋塞阀Cock伸长杆操作Extension stem-operation 链操作Chain-operated齿轮操作Gear-operated扳手操作Wrench-operated电动操作Motor-operated阀芯Trim阀盖Bonnet焊接支管Weld branch偏置Offset焊缝根部间隙Weld root gap现场调整后再下料和焊接Cut and weld after adjusting 坡度Slope工作点Working point管架说明Notes for piping hanging部门间校核版Interdepartmental check print平端Plain end坡口端Beveled管道联接图Piping hook-up drawing管道图说明Notes for piping drawing标题栏Title block询价单Piping requisition sheet8 配管及一般设备设计8.1 保温、保冷绝热Insulation设备绝热表Equipment insulation schedule绝热符号Insulation code保温设计Design of cold insulation正常操作所用的保温Insulation for stable operating人身防护Personnel protection防火层Fire-proofing防结露Anti-sweat防冻Winterizing防音Sound protection保温材料Hot insulation material保冷材料Cold insulation material石棉asbestos硅藻土Diatomaceous earth岩棉Rock wool玻璃棉Glass wool碳酸镁Magnesium carbonate硅酸铝Calcium silicate珍珠岩Perlite软木板Cork boards毛毡Hair felt泡沫聚氨酯Foam polystyrene硬泡沫氨基甲酸乙酯Rigid foam urethane 硬泡沫橡胶Rigid foam rubber玛碲脂Mastic耐磨损材料Anti-abrasion coating material 管壳Lagging cloth铁丝网Hexagonal wire netting填缝材料Caulking material保护层(1) jacketing sheet(2) cover sheet 波纹铝板Corrugated aluminum sheet有色镀锌钢板Precoated galvanized sheet 搭板Butt strapZ型接头Z-joint防腐、涂漆色标Colour-code孟塞尔色系Munsell notation管道识别色Identification of piping system 防腐层External coating油漆Paint清漆Varnish防腐漆(1) anti-corrosive paint(2) rush-proof paint含铝漆Aluminum paint底漆Primer耐酸漆Acid-proof paint耐碱漆Alkali-proof paint耐热漆Heat-resisting paint测温漆Thermo-paint绝缘漆Insulating varnish表面处理Surface preparation涂漆painting阴极保护Cathodic protection振动解析机械振动Mechanical vibration自由振动Free vibration强制振动Forced vibration自励振动Self-excited vibration固有频率Natural frequency固有周期Natural period波谷Loop波峰Node正弦振动Sinusoidal oscillation非线性振动Non-linear oscillation阻尼振动Damped vibration临界阻尼Critical damping衰减系数(1) attenuation(2) decay coefficient(3) decay factor共振Resonance扭曲振动Torsional vibration挠性振动Flexural vibration极限速度Critical speed固有值Characteristic value临界条件Boundary condition弹簧系数Spring constant惯性矩Moment of inertia回转半径Radius of gyration振动吸收装置Dynamic vibration absorber液压减振器Hydraulic damper弹簧减振器(1) spring dampener(2) spring damper 油压锁定Oil lock耐振设计固有振动方式Natural frequency mode卓越周期Predominant period基本周期First natural frequency横波Transverse wave纵波Longitudinal wave相对位移Relative displacement质量比Mass ratio静解析法Static method修正静解析法Corrected static method动解析法Modal analysis时历响应解析法Time history response analysis设计响应光谱Design response spectrum加速响应光谱Acceleration response spectrum地板响应光谱Floor response spectrum标准响应光谱Standard response spectrum加速响应增幅比Acceleration response amplitude ratio 刚性结构Rigid structure柔性结构Flexible structure长周期结构Long-period structure刚性框架Rahmen rigid frame地震波Earthquake accelerogram位移量记录Displacement record设计地震Design earthquake设计震度Design seismic coefficient地震Earthquake震源距离Distance to centrum震中距离Distance to epicenter震级Magnitude地震波显示仪Seismoscope地震仪Seismograph耐震等级Seismic class基岩Base rock应力分析外力External force内力Internal force反作用力Reaction force力偶Couple of force弯矩Bending moment扭矩Twist moment应力Stress弯曲应力Bending stress扭曲应力Torsional stress圆周应力Hoop stress峰值应力Peak stress一次应力Primary stress二次应力Secondary stress轴向应力Axial stress重复应力Repeated stress脉动应力Pulsating stress交变应力Alternating stress应变Strain应变能Strain energy主应力Principal stress主应力理论Principal stress theory最大剪切应力理论Maximum shearing stress theory 残余应力Residual stress热应力Thermal stress热破坏Thermal shock疲劳Fatigue疲劳曲线S-N diagram疲劳极限(1) fatigue limit(2) endurance limit腐蚀疲劳Corrosion fatigue蠕变Creep蠕变疲劳Creep fatigue尺寸效应Size effect应力集中系数Coefficient of stress concentration形状系数Shape coefficient缺口系数Notch factor应力强度系数Stress intensity factor几何惯性矩Geometrical moment of inertia断面系数Modulus of section断面极惯性矩Polar moment of inertia of area 杨氏模量Young’s modulus横向弹性系数Modulus of transverse elasticity 体积弹性系数Modulus of volumetric elasticity 泊松比Poissor’s ratio弹性极限Elastic limit屈服点Yield point拉伸强度Tensile strength伸长Elongation永久变形Permanent set弹性Flexibility弹性分析Elastic analysis弹性屈服Elastic buckling塑性Plasticity塑变滞后Plasticity hysteresis极限分析Limit analysis弹塑性分析Elastic-plastic analysis疲劳分析Fatigue analysis有限元法Finite element method静荷载Dead load流体流动水锤Water hammer急关Rapid closure缓关Slow closure冲击波Shock closure液压振动Acoustic vibration of liquid flow脉动Pulsation flow两相流Two-phase flow气压振动Acoustic vibration卡门涡街Karman eddies颤动Fluttering气蚀cavitation噪音噪音(1) noise(2) undesired sound听力范围Auditory sensation area掩蔽Masking背景噪音Background noise声强Sound intensity声压Sound pressure声压值Sound pressure level噪声值(1) noise level (2) sound level 噪声计Sound level meter听觉校正回路Weighting network音平Soundness level音能Sound power音能值Sound power level总体值Overall level90%范围90% range中间值MedianNR数Noise rating number频率分析器Frequency analyzer倍频器Octave band1/3的倍频带1/3 octave band波段值Band level音场Sound field方向性Directivity方向系数Directivity factor衍射Diffraction声源Sound source房间常数Room constant吸音率Sound absorption coefficient穿透率Transmission coefficient穿透损失Transmission loss质量原理Mass law设计条件操作压力Operating pressure最高操作压力Maximum operating pressure操作温度Operating temperature最高操作温度Maximum operating temperature 温度基准Base temperature腐蚀裕度Corrosion allowance许容应力Allowable stress安全系数Safety factor地理条件Geological conditions9. 塔、槽、换热器、加热炉9.1图面用语设备表vessel schedule工程图engineering drawing管口表(1)nozzle chart (2)nozzle schedule 管口方位nozzle orientation予焊件图clip schedule切线tangent line(TL)焊缝线weld line(WL)参照线working line(WL)基准线base line9.2容器容器vessel塔tower自支承塔self-supported tower板式塔tray tower填料塔packed tower喷淋塔spray tower槽、罐drum贮罐tank球罐(1)spherical tank (2)ball tank浮顶罐floating roof tank锥顶罐cone roof tank拱顶罐dome roof tank双壁罐double wall tank湿式气柜wet gas holder干式气柜dry gas holder料仓(1)silo (2)bin料斗hopper内件internals塔盘tray泡罩塔盘bubble cap tray筛板塔盘perforated tray浮阀塔盘valve tray单流向式塔盘uni-flux tray 波纹塔盘ripple tray塔盘板deck溢流堰weir降液管downcomer密封槽seal pot取液槽draw-off pot密封盘seal pan塔盘支承环tray support ring 鲍尔环Pall ring泪孔weep hole填料packing拉希环Rasching ring矩鞍形填料intalox saddle 分布器distributor除沫器demister进料挡板feed deflecter防涡流挡板vortex breaker 内筒cartridge9.4主要附属品变颈段reducing section封头head椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head碟形封头(1)dished head (2)torispherical head 半球形封头hemispherical head椎形封头conical head平封头flat head加强圈reinforcing ring夹套jacket人孔manhole手孔hand hole检查孔inspection hole接管nozzle凸缘pad nozzle锻制接管forged nozzle补强板reinforcing pad信号孔tell-tale hole容器支座vessel support裙座skirt支腿leg支耳support lug底座base block基础环base ring筋板gusset plate压环compression ring鞍座saddle模板template通道acess opening套管pipe sleeve连结板lug予焊件clip接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug平台platform梯子ladder保温支承insulation support吊柱davit人孔绞链manhole hinge放空口vent nozzle呼吸阀breather valve计量口gauge hatch9.5换热器换热器heat exchanger换热面积heat transfer area总传热系数overall heat transfer coefficient境膜传热系数film coefficient对数平均温差logarithmic mean temperature difference(LMTD) 平均温差mean temperature difference(MTD)污垢系数fouling factor布管图tube arrangement三角形排列triangular arrangement转角三角形排列rotated triangular arrangement正方形排列square arrangement转角正方形排列rotated square arrangement最大布管图outside tube limit管壳式换热器sheet and tube heat exchanger固定管板式换热器fixed tube sheet heat exchanger 浮头式换热器floating head type heat exchangerU形管式换热器U-tube type heat exchanger釜式换热器kettle type heat exchanger套管式换热器double tube type heat exchanger冲洗式冷却器irrigation cooler蛇管式换热器coil type heat exchanger插管式换热器bayonet type heat exchanger板式换热器plate type heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral heat exchanger夹套式换热器jacket type heat exchanger石墨换热器graphite heat exchanger空冷式换热器air-cooled heat exchanger换热管tube折流板baffle plate管箱channel分程隔板pass partition plate浮头floating head防冲挡板impingement baffle管束tube bundle管板tube sheet管子与管板的连接tube-to-tube sheet joint管接头ferrule9.6加热炉加热炉direct-fired heater热负荷(1)heat duty (2)heat release热损失heat loss加热炉效率efficiency of heater热流率heat flux管壁温度tube skin temperature体积热负荷volumetric heat release辐射段radiant section对流段convection section屏蔽段shield section坝墙bridge wall暴露墙exposed wall屏蔽墙shielded wall管支承tube support炉管(1)heater tube (2)furnace tube扩大表面管extended surface tube联箱(1)header (2)header box回弯头return bend管群间连接管crossover通风draft烟道flue(烟道)挡板damper烟囱stack烧嘴burner过量空气excess air风箱wind box观察孔(1)observation door (2)peep door 检修孔access door防爆门explosion door吹灰器soot blower油漆清车导轨painter trolley陶瓷纤维ceramic fiber耐火砖fire brick保温耐火砖insulation fire brick保温板insulation board可铸耐火材料castable衬里支撑linking anchor、炉壁横梁lintel膨胀节expansion joint10. 转动机械10.1转动机械轴shaft轴承bearing轴承箱bearing housing联轴节shaft coupling滑轮pulleyV形皮带(三角皮带)V-belt转动设备turning equipment润滑lubrication润滑油(1) lubricating oil (2)lube oil 密封seal轴封shaft seal填料函packing填料箱stuffing box油膜密封oil film seal油封seal oil机械密封mechanical seal齿轮gear曲轴crankshaft连杆connecting rod十字头crosshead气缸cylinder缸套cylinder liner气缸阀cylinder value活塞piston金属填料metallic packing予埋板soleplate基座baseplate柱塞plunger箱体(壳体)casing转子rotor平衡活塞balance piston迷宫密封labyrinth叶轮impeller轴套sleeve耐磨环wearing ring灯笼环(1)latern ring (2)seal cage10.2转动机械性能轴动力(1)shaft power (2)brake horsepower 额定制动马力rated brake horsepower齿轮传动损失gear loss机械效率mechanical efficiency机械损失mechanical loss额定转数rated speed最大连续转数maximum continuous speed 旋转油膜oil whirl临界速度critical speed顺时针clockwise转矩torque起动转矩starting torque性能performance特性characteristics压头head液压功率hydraulic horsepower活塞位移piston displacement体积效率volumetric efficiency显示图indicator diagram压力脉冲率pressure pulsation ratio10.3泵泵pump泵效率pump efficiency气蚀cavitation气蚀系数cavitation coefficient净正吸入压头net positive suction head离心泵centrifugal pump混流泵(斜流泵)mixed-flow pump轴流泵axial pump容量泵displacement type pump往复泵(活塞泵)reciprocating pump旋转泵rotary pump再生泵regenerative pump底阀foot valve10.4压缩机,风机等压缩机compressor压缩机效率compressor efficiency往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor间隙容积clearance volumn隙囊clearance pocket减压器unloader离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor轴面压缩机axial compressor涡轮压缩机turbocompressor鼓风机blower风机fan涡轮式鼓风机turboblower涡轮风机turbofan多叶片风机multi-blade fan旋桨式风机propeller fan罗茨鼓风机(1)roots blower (2)two-lobe blower 螺杆式压缩机screw compressor湍振surging中间冷却器intercooler后冷却器(二次冷却器)aftercooler缓冲器snubber10.5透平透平turbine冲动式透平impulse turbine反作用式透平reaction turbine凝汽式透平condensing turbine抽气式透平extraction turbine背压式透平back pressure turbine透平效率turbine efficiency调速器governor速度范围speed range速度调节阀speed governing valve 应急调速器emergency governor跳闸速度(应急速度限)trip speed 应急阀trip valve操纵阀sentinel valve10.6冷冻机冷冻机refrigerator制冷剂refrigerant。
Numerical ControlOne of the most fundamental concepts in the area of advanced manufacturing technologies is numerical control (NC).Prior to the advent of NC, all machine tools were manual operated and controlled. Among the many limitations associated with manual control machine tools, perhaps none is more prominent than the limitation of operator skills. With manual control, the quality of the product is directly related to and limited to the skills of the operator . Numerical control represents the first major step away from human control of machine tools.Numerical control means the control of machine tools and other manufacturing systems though the use of prerecorded, written symbolic instructions. Rather than operating a machine tool, an NC technician writes a program that issues operational instructions to the machine tool, For a machine tool to be numerically controlled , it must be interfaced with a device for accepting and decoding the p2ogrammed instructions, known as a reader.Numerical control was developed to overcome the limitation of human operator , and it has done so . Numerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines , they can produce parts more uniformly , they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs are lower . The development of NC led to the development of several other innovations in manufacturing technology:1.Electrical discharge machining.ser cutting.3.Electron beam welding.Numerical control has also made machine tools more versatile than their manually operated predecessors. An NC machine tool can automatically produce a wide variety of par4s , each involving an assortment of undertake the production of products that would not have been feasible from an economic perspective using manually controlled machine tools and processes.Like so many advanced technologies , NC was born in the laboratories of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . The concept of NC was developed in the early 1950s with funding provided by the U.S Air Force .In its earliest stages , NC machines were able to make straight cuts efficiently and effectively.However ,curved paths were a problem because the machine tool had to be programmed to undertake a series of horizontal and vertical steps to produce a curve. The shorter is the straight lines making up the step ,the smoother is 4he curve . Each line segmentin the steps had to be calculated.This problem led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language for NC that uses statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions. The development of the APT language was a major step forward in the further development of NC technology. The original NC system were vastly different from those used punched paper , which was later to replaced by magnetic plastic tape .A tape reader was used to interpret the instructions written on the tape for the machine .Together, all /f this represented giant step forward in the control of machine tools . However ,there were a number of problems with NC at this point in its development.A major problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape medium . It was common for the paper containing the programmed instructions to break or tear during a machining process, This problem was exacerbated by the fact that each successive time a part was produced on a machine tool, the paper tape carrying the programmed instructions had to rerun thought the reader . If it was necessary to produce 100 copies of a given part , it was also necessary to run the paper tape thought the reader 100 separate times . Fragile paper tapes simply could not withstand the rigors of shop floor environment and this kind of repeated use.This led to the development of a special magnetic tape . Whereas the paper tape carried the programmed instructions as a series of holes punched in the tape , theThis most important of these was that it was difficult or impossible to change the instructions entered on the tape . To make even the most minor adjustments in a program of instructions, it was necessary to interrupt machining operations and make a new tape. It was also still necessary to run the tape thought the reader as many times as there were parts to be produced . Fortunately, computer technology become a reality and soon solved the problems of NC, associated with punched paper and plastic tape.The development of a concept known as numerical control (DNC) solve the paper and plastic tape problems associated with numerical control by simply eliminating tape as the medium for carrying the programmed instructions . In direct numerical control, machine tools are tied, via a data transmission link, to a host computer and fed to the machine tool as needed via the data transmission linkage. Direct numerical control represented a major step forward over punched tape and plastic tape. However ,it is subject to the same limitation as all technologies that depend on a host computer. When the host computer goes down , the machine tools also experience down time . This problem led to the development of computer numerical control.The development of the microprocessor allowed for the development of programmablelogic controllers (PLC) and microcomputers . These two technologies allowed for the development of computer numerical control (CNC).With CNC , each machine tool has a PLC or a microcomputer that serves the same purpose. This allows programs to be input and stored at each individual machine tool. CNC solved the problems associated downtime of the host computer , but it introduced another problem known as data management . The same program might be loaded on ten different microcomputers with no communication among them. This problem is in the process of being solved by local area networks that connectDigital Signal ProcessorsThere are numerous situations where analog signals to be processed in many ways, like filtering and spectral analysis , Designing analog hardware to perform these functions is possible but has become less and practical, due to increased performance requirements, flexibility needs , and the need to cut down on development/testing time .It is in other words difficult pm design analog hardware analysis of signals.The act of sampling an signal into thehat are specialised for embedded signal processing operations , and such a processor is called a DSP, which stands for Digital Signal Processor . Today there are hundreds of DSP families from as many manufacturers, each one designed for a particular price/performance/usage group. Many of the largest manufacturers, like Texas Instruments and Motorola, offer both specialised DSP‟s for certain fields like motor-control or modems ,and general high-performance DSP‟s that can perform broad ranges of processing tasks. Development kits an` software are also available , and there are companies making software development tools for DSP‟s that allows the programmer to implement complex processing algorithms using simple “drag …n‟ drop” methodologies.DSP‟s more or less fall into two categories depending on the underlying architecture-fixed-point and floating-point. The fixed-point devices generally operate on 16-bit words, while the floating-point devices operate on 32-40 bits floating-point words. Needless to say , the fixed-point devices are generally cheaper . Another important architectural difference is that fixed-point processors tend to have an accumulator architecture, with only one “general purpose” register , making them quite tricky to program and more importantly ,making C-compilers inherently inefficient. Floating-point DSP‟s behave more like common general-purpose CPU‟s ,with register-files.There are thousands of different DSP‟s on the market, and it is difficult task finding the most suitable DSP for a project. The best way is probably to set up a constraint and wishlist, and try to compare the processors from the biggest manufacturers against it.The “big four” manufacturers of DSPs: Texas Instruments, Motorola, AT&T and Analog Devices.Digital-to-analog conversionIn the case of MPEG-Audio decoding , digital compressed data is fed into the DSP which performs the decoding , then the decoded samples have to be converted back into the analog domain , and the resulting signal fed an amplifier or similar audio equipment . This digital to analog conversion (DCA) is performed by a circuit with the same name & Different DCA‟s provide different performance and quality , as measured by THD (Total harmonic distortion ), number of bits, linearity , speed, filter characteristics and other things.The TMS320 family DQP of Texas InstrumentsThe TLS320family consists of fixed-point, floating-point, multiprocessor digital signal processors (D[Ps) , and foxed-point DSP controllers. TMS320 DSP have an architecture designed specifically for real-time signal processing . The‟ F/C240 is a number of the‟C2000DSP platform , and is optimized for control applications. The‟C24x series of DSP controllers combines this real-time processing capability with controller peripherals to create an ideal solution for control system applications. The following characteristics make the TMS320 family the right choice for a wide range of processing applications:--- Very flexible instruction set--- Inherent operational flexibility---High-speed performance---Innovative parallel architecture---Cost effectivenessDevices within a generation of the TMS320 family have the same CPU structure but different on-chip memory and peripheral configurations. Spin-off devices use new combinations of On-chip memory and peripherals to satisfy a wide range of needs in the worldwide electronics market. By integrating memory and peripherals onto a single chip , TMS320 devices reduce system costs and save circuit board space.The 16-bit ,fixed-point DSP core of the …C24x device s provides analog designers a digital solution that does not sacrifice the precision and performance of their system performance can be enhanced through the use of advanced control algorithms for techniques such as adaptive control , Kalman filtering , and state control. The …C24x DSP controller offer reliability and programmability . Analog control systems, on the other hand ,are hardwired solutions and can experience performance degradation due to aging , component tolerance, and drift.The high-speed central processing unit (CPU) allows the digital designer to process algorithms in real time rather than approximate results with look-up tables. The instruction set of these DSP controllers, which incorporates both signal processing instructions andgeneral-purpose control functions, coupled with the extensive development time and provides the same ease of use as traditional 8-and 16-bit microcontrollers. The instruction set also allows you to retain your software investment when moving from other general-pur pose…C2xx generation ,source code compatible with the‟C2x generation , and upwardly source code compatible with the …C5x generation of DSPs from Texas Instruments.The …C24x architecture is also well-suited for processing control signals. It uses a 16-bit word length along with 32-bit registers for storing intermediate results, and has two hardware shifters available to scale numbers independently of the CPU . This combination minimizes quantization and truncation errors, and increases p2ocessing power for additional functions. Such functions might include a notch filter that could cancel mechanical resonances in a system or an estimation technique that could eliminate state sensors in a system.The …C24xDSP controllers take advantage of an set of peripheral functions that allow Texas Instruments to quickly configure various series members for different price/ performance points or for application optimization.This library of both digital and mixed-signal peripherals includes:---Timers---Serial communications ports (SCI,SPI)---Analog-to-digital converters(ADC)---Event manager---System protection, such as low-voltage and watchdog timerThe DSP controller peripheral library is continually growing and changing to suit the of tomorrow‟s embedded control mark etplace.The TMS320F/C240 is the first standard device introduced in the …24x series of DSP controllers. It sets the standard for a single-chip digital motor controller. The …240 can execute 20 MIPS. Almost all instructions are executed in a simple cycle of 50 ns . This high performance allows real-time execution of very comple8 control algorithms, such as adaptive control and Kalman filters. Very high sampling rates can also be used to minimize loop delays.The … 240 has the architectural features necessar y for high-speed signal processing and digital control functions, and it has the peripherals needed to provide a single-chip solution for motor control applications. The …240 is manufactured using submicron CMOS technology, achieving a log power dissipation rating . Also included are several power-down modes for further power savings. Some applications that benefit from the advanced processing power of the …240 include:---Industrial motor drives---Power inverters and controllers---Automotive systems, such as electronic power steering , antilock brakes, and climate control---Appliance and HV AC blower/ compressor motor controls---Printers, copiers, and other office products---Tape drives, magnetic optical drives, and other mass storage products---Robotic and CNC milling machinesTo function as a system manager, a DSP must have robust on-chip I/O and other peripherals. The event manager of the …240 is unlike any other available on a DSP . This application-optimized peripheral unit , coupled with the high performance DSP core, enables the use of advanced control techniques for high-precision and high-efficiency full variable-speed control of all motor types. Include in the event manager are special pulse-width modulation (PWM) generation functions, such as a programmable dead-band function and a space vector PWM state machine for 3-phase motors that provides state-of-the-art maximum efficiency in the switching of power transistors.There independent up down timers, each with it‟s own compare register, supp ort the generation of asymmetric (noncentered) as well as symmetric (centered) PWM waveforms.Open-Loop and Closed-Loop ControlOpen-loop Control SystemsThe word automatic implies that there is a certain amount of sophistication in the control system. By automatic, it generally means That the system is usually capable of adapting to a variety of operating conditions and is able to respond to a class of inputs satisfactorily . However , not any type of control system has the automatic feature. Usually , the automatic feature is achieved by feed.g the feedback structure, it is called an open-loop system , which is the simplest and most economical type of control system.inaccuracy lies in the fact that one may not know the exact characteristics of the further ,which has a definite bearing on the indoor temperature. This alco points to an important disadvantage of the performance of an open -loop control system, in that the system is not capable of adapting to variations in environmental conitions or to external disturbances. In the case of the furnace control, perhaps an experienced person can provide control for a certain desired temperature in the house; but id the doors or windows are opened or closed intermittently during the operating period, the final temperature inside the house will not be accurately regulated by the open-loop control.An electric washing machine is another typical example of an open-loop system , because the amount of wash time is entirely determined by the judgment and estimation of thehuman operator . A true automatic electric washing machine should have the means of checking the cleanliness of the clothes continuously and turn itsedt off when the desired degised of cleanliness is reached.Closed-Loop Control SystemsWhat is missing in the open-loop control system for more accurate and more adaptable control is a link or feedback from the output to the input of the system . In order to obtain more accurate bontrol, the controlled signal c(t) must be fed back and compared with the reference input , and an actuating signal proportional to the difference of the output and the input must be sent through the system to correct the error. A system with one or more feedback pat(s like that just described is called a closed-loop system. human being are probably the most complex and sophisticated feedback control system in existence. A human being may be considered to be a control system with many inputs and outputs, capable of carrying out highly complex operations.To illustrate the human being as a feedback control system , let us consider that the objective is to reach for an object on aperform the task. The eyes serve as a sensing device which feeds back continuously the position of the hand . The distance between the hand and the object is the error , which is eventually brought to zero as the hand reacher the object. This is a typical example of closed-loop control. However , if one is told to reach for the object and then is blindolded, one can only reach toward the object by estimating its exact position. It isAs anther illustrative example of a closed-loop control system, shows the block diagram of the rudder control system ofThe basic alements and the bloca diagram of a closed-loop control system are shown in fig. In general , the configuration of a feedback control system may not be constrained to that of fig & . In complex systems there may be multitude of feedback loops and element blocks.数控在先进制造技术领域最根本的观念之一是数控(NC)。
BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡Facilities Design and Planning设施规划与设计Material Flow System Analysis物流系统分析Production Planning and Control生产计划与控制Human Engineering人机工程(工效学)Cost Control成本控制Value Engineering价值工程Work Assessment工作评价与考核Engineering Economics Analysis工程经济分析Machine Interference机器干扰Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) 六十秒即时换模Fool-Proof 防止错误法(防错法)Man 人Machine 机Material 料Method 法Environment 环境Temperature(temp)温度Humidity湿度leaning curve学习曲线Time measurement 时间测量Methods of time measurement标准时间测量(MTM)Shop floor observation 现场观测Line Balancing 线平衡Value有价值NO VALUE 无价值Incidental work(necessary)必要Waste浪费Takt Time生产节拍Transport Empty 伸手Grasp 握取Move 移物Disassemble 折卸Use 应用Assemble 装配Release Load 放手Inspect 检查Search 寻找Select 选择Play 计划Pre-Position预定位Position 定位Hold 持住Rest 休息Unavoidable Delay 迟延Avoidable Delay 故延E: Elimination剔除C :Combination合并R: Re-arrangement重排S :Simplification简化PRA-Probabilistic Risk风险率评估Risk Priority Number (RPN) 风险关键指数What 完成了什么where 何处做When 何时做who 由谁做Why 为何这样做how 何时做delay等待operation操作inspection检查transportation搬运storage储存Color management 颜色管理Quality Control Circle 品管圈(QCC)Activity-Base Management作业制成本管理(ABM)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)International Organization for Standardization国际标准组织(ISO) Predetermined Motion Time Standard 简称PTS 预定动作时间标准法Methods-time-measurement 方法时间衡量Work factor system 工作因素法(WF)Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD法Leveling 平准化= westing 西屋法objective rating 客观评比synthetic leveling 合成评比Work Sampling 工作抽样Motion time analysis 动作时间分析Business Process Reengineering (BPR)企业流程再造Enterprise Resource Planning ERP企业资源规划Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)基本经济订购量Flexible Manufacture System 弹性制造系统(FMS)Finish or Final Quality Control成品质量管理(FQC)In-Process Quality Control制程质量管理(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control进料质量管理(IQC)Just In Time实时管理(JIT)Manufacturing Execution System制造执行系统(MES) Master Production Scheduling主生产排程(MPS) Master Production Planning主生产计划Material Requirement Planning物料需求规划(MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源计划(MRPII) Operation Scheduling作业计划Flow shop流水车间Optimized Production Technology最佳生产技术Supply Chain Management供应链管理(SCM)Statistic Process Control统计制程管制(SPC)Total Production Management全面生产管理(TPM) Total Quality Management全面质量管理(TQM)Zero Defect Quality Control零缺陷质量管理:PDCA Cycle PDCA循环:continue Improvement持续改善:Project项目Project Manager项目经理Project Management项目管理Project Plan项目计划Process Improvement现场改善WORK IN PROCESS 半成品Visual management 目视管理bottleneck 瓶颈Layout 布置图quality engineering 质量工程人员(QE)first article inspection 新品首件检查(FAI)first article assurance首件确认(FAA)capability index能力指数(CP)Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组(QIT)Classification整理(sorting, organization)-seiriRegulation整顿(arrangement, tidiness)-seitonCleanliness清扫(sweeping, purity)-seisoConservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsuCulture教养(discipline)-shitsukeSave 节约Safety安全Make-to-stock备货型生产(MTS)Make-to-order订货型生产(MTO)Assemble-to-order按订单装配(ATO)Flexible manufacturing system柔性制造系统Group technology成组技术(GT)Concurrent engineering并行工程(CE)Time compression technology时间压缩技术(TCT)Business process reengineering业务过程重组(BPR)Agile manufacturing敏捷制造(AM)Leap production精细生产(LP)Intelligent manufacturing 智能制造(IM)Computer-aided-manufacturing计算机辅助制造(CAM) Computer-aided-design计算机辅助设计(CAD)Computer-aided-engineering计算机辅助工程(CAE)Computer-aided-process planning计算机辅助工艺编制( CAPP) overall cost leadership成本优先differentiation独具一格Market focus集中一点cost efficiency成本效率quality质量Dependability可靠性Flexibility柔性product date management产品数据管理(PDM)Facility location设施选址Fixed position layout固定式布置process layout工艺过程布置layout based on group technology成组制造单元布置Job design工作设计work measurement工作测量Time study时间研究Basic motion study基本动作世界研究法(BMS)Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard模特法Human factor engineering人因工程business plan经营计划Fixed capacity固定能力Adjustable capacity可?#123;整能力production rate生产率Inventory库存Job-shop production单间小批生产Bill of materials (BOM)物料清单文件Lead time提前期modular bill of materials模块物料清单Maximum part-period gain最大周期收益(MPG) distribution requirements planning分配需求计划scheduling编制作业计划sequencing排序Dispatching派工controlling控制expediting赶工supply chain供应链Purchasing Management采购管理Quick Response快速用户反应JIT Purchasing准时采购physical distribution物流Materials handling物料搬运project项目critical path method关键路线法optimistic time最乐观时间Most likely time最可能时间pessimistic time最悲观时间Mean time between failure平均故障期(MTBF) Mean time to repair平均维修期(MTTR)plan 计划do 执行check 检查action 处理level production生产平准化optimized production technology最优生产技术(OPT) Overall Equipment Effectiveness整体设备效能Operation Research运筹学Service Sector服务业Operation Management运作管理Operation System运作系统World Class Manufacturing世界级制造Time-based Competition基于时间的竞争Operation Flexibility运作战略Product Development产品开发Dependent Demand独立需求Economic Order Lot 经济订货批量:Safety Stock安全库存Shortage Costs缺货成本ABC Classing Method A BC分类法Reorder Point订货点Holding Costs存储成本Productivity Improvement Team生产力提升小组(PIT) Productivity Improvement Center生产力提升中心(PIC) Break PAD 折PADBreak PIN 折脚Paste Base 沾BASEapproved by: 核准Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)组合Aug.(August) 八月Base 底座bifilar 双线并绕Bobbin(BBN)绕线管bottom 底部Brush Epoxy On Core 铁芯刷胶Brush Epoxy On Loop 线圈刷胶checked by: 审核Choke电感clip耳夹close winding密绕component 组件condition条件condition条件copper铜箔立式core铁芯Curing烘烤current 电流CUT WIRE 裁线Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良description: 说明Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA设计Desk Topdip 浸入Direction 方向ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变更通知Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗电磁干扰Enameled copper wire 漆包线Engineering Change Request 工程变更要求epoxy胶equipment/instrument设备Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA失效模式与效应分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture治具flow chart 流程窗体flux助焊剂FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即变更Function test 测试gap 间隙,缝隙HI-POT安规测试IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工业工程impregnation浸泡inductance 电感ink油墨inspection(INSP)检查Insulating Tape绝缘胶布issued date: 发行日期item发料Jan.(January) 一月Joint Quality Engineering (JQE)Jul.(July) 七月Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape高温胶布layer 层line线Magnetic Components 磁性组件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape安胶marking印章materials物料May五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 机械工程measurement测试mechanical dimension 外观尺寸MFG: manufacturing制造Mini-TowerModel: 机种Not Deviate Measure 量平整度Nov.(November) 十一月O/I Operation Instruction 作业指导书Oct.(October) 十月OEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)oven 烤箱P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run试作验证pad 垫片PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程pin adjustment对脚PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折弯钢片pin 脚plastic 塑料,塑料poor processing 制程不良Pre-soldering 预焊primary(pri)初级process 流程production capacity生产力卧式production control (PC)生管purchasing采购QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)remark: 备注Reported by: 草拟Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample样品schematic 结构图second(sec)次级Sept.(September) 九月solder bar锡棒solder iron 烙铁solder wire锡丝soldering焊锡solvent 稀释剂space winding疏绕Specification (Spec)生产规格stand-off 凸点station 站别step步序straighten 弄直,使变直tape 胶带TE: Test Engineering 测试工程terminal 脚,端子Time (时间)timer定时器top顶部,上层transformer 变压器trifler三线并绕tube 套管turn ratio圈数比turn圈数twist绞线vacuum抽真空varnish dipping泡凡立水varnish凡立水warehouse仓库winding direction 绕线方向winding绕线wire trimming理线。
机械专业英语词汇陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection 视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams共轭曲线 conjugate curve范成法 generation method定义域 definitional domain值域 range导数\\微分 differential coefficient求导 derivation定积分 definite integral不定积分 indefinite integral曲率 curvature偏微分 partial differential毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap二阶行列式 second order determinant 逆矩阵 inverse matrix线性方程组 linear equations概率 probability随机变量 random variable排列组合 permutation and combination 气体状态方程 equation of state of gas 动能 kinetic energy势能 potential energy机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy动量 momentum桁架 truss轴线 axes余子式 cofactor逻辑电路 logic circuit触发器 flip-flop脉冲波形 pulse shape数模 digital analogy液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism机械零件 mechanical parts淬火冷却 quench淬火 hardening回火 tempering调质 hardening and tempering磨粒 abrasive grain结合剂 bonding agent砂轮 grinding wheel后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronicsmechanical-electrical integration气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch液压泵 hydraulic pump阀门 valve 失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴器 coupling链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining粗加工 rough machining变速箱体 gearbox casing腐蚀 rust氧化 oxidation磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate残余应力 residual stress套筒 sleeve扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining 电动机 electromotor汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera倒角 rounding chamfer优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design 有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams共轭曲线 conjugate curve范成法 generation method定义域 definitional domain值域 range导数\\微分 differential coefficient 求导 derivation定积分 definite integral不定积分 indefinite integral曲率 curvature偏微分 partial differential毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap二阶行列式 second order determinant逆矩阵 inverse matrix线性方程组 linear equations概率 probability随机变量 random variable排列组合 permutation and combination气体状态方程 equation of state of gas动能 kinetic energy势能 potential energy机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy 动量 momentum桁架 truss轴线 axes余子式 cofactor逻辑电路 logic circuit触发器 flip-flop脉冲波形 pulse shape数模 digital analogy液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism机械零件 mechanical parts淬火冷却 quench淬火 hardening回火 tempering调质 hardening and tempering磨粒 abrasive grain结合剂 bonding agent砂轮 grinding wheelAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet 栈板barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket 导电条front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis 基座bezel panel 面板power button 电源按键reset button 重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts 塑胶件SOP 制造作业程序material check list 物料检查表work cell 工作间trolley 台车carton 纸箱sub-line 支线left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |\\'skrpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dein|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单location地点present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表 notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts 良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传 rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车 mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷 safe load凹面、凹度 concavity扳手 wrench板簧 flat leaf spring半圆键 woodruff key变形 deformation摆杆 oscillating bar摆动从动件 oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel包角 angle of contact保持架 cage背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement背锥 back cone ; normal cone背锥角 back angle背锥距 back cone distance比例尺 scale比热容 specific heat capacity闭式链 closed kinematic chain闭链机构 closed chain mechanism臂部 arm变频器 frequency converters变频调速 frequency control of motor speed变速 speed change变速齿轮 change gear change wheel变位齿轮 modified gear变位系数 modification coefficient标准齿轮 standard gear标准直齿轮 standard spur gear表面质量系数 superficial mass factor表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness并联式组合 combination in parallel并联机构 parallel mechanism并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism并行工程 concurrent engineering并行设计 concurred design, CD不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量 amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing波发生器 wave generator波数 number of waves补偿 compensation参数化设计 parameterization design, PD残余应力 residual stress操纵及控制装置 operation control device槽轮 Geneva wheel槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross槽数 Geneva numerate槽凸轮 groove cam侧隙 backlash差动轮系 differential gear train差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism差速器 differential常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床 lathe承载量系数 bearing capacity factor承载能力 bearing capacity成对安装 paired mounting尺寸系列 dimension series齿槽 tooth space齿槽宽 spacewidth齿侧间隙 backlash齿顶高 addendum齿顶圆 addendum circle齿根高 dedendum齿根圆 dedendum circle齿厚 tooth thickness齿距 circular pitch齿宽 face width齿廓 tooth profile齿廓曲线 tooth curve齿轮 gear齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构 gear齿轮轮坯 blank齿轮传动系 pinion unit齿轮联轴器 gear coupling齿条传动 rack gear齿数 tooth number齿数比 gear ratio齿条 rack齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链 silent chain齿形系数 form factor齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机 gear shaper重合点 coincident points重合度 contact ratio 冲床 punch传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio 传动装置 gearing; transmission gear传动系统 driven system传动角 transmission angle传动轴 transmission shaft串联式组合 combination in series串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism 串级调速 cascade speed control创新 innovation creation创新设计 creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮 driven pulley从动件 driven link, follower从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face从动件停歇 follower dwell从动件运动规律 follower motion从动轮 driven gear粗线 bold line粗牙螺纹 coarse thread大齿轮 gear wheel打包机 packer打滑 slipping带传动 belt driving带轮 belt pulley带式制动器 band brake单列轴承 single row bearing单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节 single universal joint单位矢量 unit vector当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷 equivalent load刀具 cutter导数 derivative倒角 chamfer导热性 conduction of heat导程 lead导程角 lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion 等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam等效构件 equivalent link等效力 equivalent force等效力矩 equivalent moment of force等效量 equivalent等效质量 equivalent mass等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia 等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model底座 chassis低副 lower pair点划线 chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀 pitting垫圈 gasket垫片密封 gasket seal碟形弹簧 belleville spring顶隙 bottom clearance定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学 dynamics动密封 kinematical seal动能 dynamic energy动力粘度 dynamic viscosity动力润滑 dynamic lubrication动平衡 dynamic balance动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine动态特性 dynamic characteristics动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design动压力 dynamic reaction动载荷 dynamic load端面 transverse plane端面参数 transverse parameters端面齿距 transverse circular pitch端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile端面重合度 transverse contact ratio端面模数 transverse module端面压力角 transverse pressure angle锻造 forge对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower 对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism多列轴承 multi-row bearing多楔带 poly V-belt多项式运动规律 polynomial motion多质量转子 rotor with several masses惰轮 idle gear额定寿命 rating life额定载荷 load ratingII 级杆组 dyad发生线 generating line发生面 generating plane法面 normal plane法面参数 normal parameters法面齿距 normal circular pitch法面模数 normal module法面压力角 normal pressure angle法向齿距 normal pitch法向齿廓 normal tooth profile 法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm法向力 normal force反馈式组合 feedback combining反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法 kinematic inversion反正切 Arctan范成法 generating cutting仿形法 form cutting方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD防振装置 shockproof device飞轮 flywheel飞轮矩 moment of flywheel非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear非接触式密封 non-contact seal非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮 non-circular gear粉末合金 powder metallurgy分度线 reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder分母 denominator分子 numerator分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法 analytical method封闭差动轮系 planetary differential复合铰链 compound hinge复合式组合 compound combining复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train 复合平带 compound flat belt复合应力 combined stress复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism复杂机构 complex mechanism杆组 Assur group干涉 interference刚度系数 stiffness coefficient刚轮 rigid circular spline钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子 rigid rotor刚性轴承 rigid bearing刚性联轴器 rigid coupling高度系列 height series高速带 high speed belt高副 higher pair格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law根切 undercutting公称直径 nominal diameter高度系列 height series功 work工况系数 application factor工艺设计 technological design 工作循环图 working cycle diagram工作机构 operation mechanism工作载荷 external loads工作空间 working space工作应力 working stress工作阻力 effective resistance工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment公法线 common normal line公共约束 general constraint公制齿轮 metric gears功率 power功能分析设计 function analyses design共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles共轭凸轮 conjugate cam构件 link鼓风机 blower固定构件 fixed link; frame固体润滑剂 solid lubricant关节型操作器 jointed manipulator惯性力 inertia force惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia冠轮 crown gear广义机构 generation mechanism广义坐标 generalized coordinate轨迹生成 path generation轨迹发生器 path generator滚刀 hob滚道 raceway滚动体 rolling element滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code 滚针 needle roller滚针轴承 needle roller bearing滚子 roller滚子轴承 roller bearing滚子半径 radius of roller滚子从动件 roller follower滚子链 roller chain滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆 ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch过度切割 undercutting函数发生器 function generator函数生成 function generation含油轴承 oil bearing耗油量 oil consumption耗油量系数 oil consumption factor赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation合成弯矩 resultant bending moment 合力 resultant force合力矩 resultant moment of force黑箱 black box横坐标 abscissa互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears花键 spline滑键、导键 feather key滑动轴承 sliding bearing滑动率 sliding ratio滑块 slider环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧 annular spring缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁 grey cast iron回程 return回转体平衡 balance of rotors混合轮系 compound gear train积分 integrate机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design机构 mechanism机构分析 analysis of mechanism机构平衡 balance of mechanism机构学 mechanism机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合 synthesis of mechanism机构组成 constitution of mechanism机架 frame, fixed link机架变换 kinematic inversion机器 machine机器人 robot机器人操作器 manipulator机器人学 robotics技术过程 technique process技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation技术系统 technique system机械 machinery机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery机械动力学 dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计 modern machine design机械系统 mechanical system机械利益 mechanical advantage机械平衡 balance of machinery机械手 manipulator机械设计 machine design; mechanical design机械特性 mechanical behavior机械调速 mechanical speed governors机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation 机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构 fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命 basic rating life基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD基圆 base circle基圆半径 radius of base circle基圆齿距 base pitch基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle基圆柱 base cylinder基圆锥 base cone急回机构 quick-return mechanism急回特性 quick-return characteristics急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio急回运动 quick-return motion棘轮 ratchet棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism棘爪 pawl极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩 calculated bending moment加权系数 weighting efficient加速度 acceleration加速度分析 acceleration analysis加速度曲线 acceleration diagram尖点 pointing; cusp尖底从动件 knife-edge follower间隙 backlash间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism 减速比 reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear减速器 speed reducer减摩性 anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid渐开线 involute渐开线齿廓 involute profile渐开线齿轮 involute gear渐开线发生线 generating line of involute 渐开线方程 involute equation渐开线函数 involute function渐开线蜗杆 involute worm渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute渐开线花键 involute spline简谐运动 simple harmonic motion键 key键槽 keyway交变应力 repeated stress交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动 cross-belt drive 交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears胶合 scoring角加速度 angular acceleration角速度 angular velocity角速比 angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽 hinge校正平面 correcting plane接触应力 contact stress接触式密封 contact seal阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft结构 structure结构设计 structural design截面 section节点 pitch point节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线 pitch line节圆 pitch circle节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle节圆直径 pitch diameter节圆锥 pitch cone节圆锥角 pitch cone angle解析设计 analytical design紧边 tight-side紧固件 fastener径节 diametral pitch径向 radial direction径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing径向平面 radial plane径向游隙 radial internal clearance径向载荷 radial load径向载荷系数 radial load factor径向间隙 clearance静力 static force静平衡 static balance静载荷 static load静密封 static seal局部自由度 passive degree of freedom矩阵 matrix矩形螺纹 square threaded form锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch 绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor绝对运动 absolute motion绝对速度 absolute velocity均衡装置 load balancing mechanism抗压强度 compression strength 开口传动 open-belt drive开式链 open kinematic chain开链机构 open chain mechanism可靠度 degree of reliability可靠性 reliability可靠性设计 reliability design, RD空气弹簧 air spring空间机构 spatial mechanism空间连杆机构 spatial linkage空间凸轮机构 spatial cam空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain空转 idle宽度系列 width series框图 block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力 centrifugal force离心应力 centrifugal stress离合器 clutch离心密封 centrifugal seal理论廓线 pitch curve理论啮合线 theoretical line of action隶属度 membership力 force力多边形 force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism力矩 moment力平衡 equilibrium力偶 couple力偶矩 moment of couple连杆 connecting rod, coupler连杆机构 linkage连杆曲线 coupler-curve连心线 line of centers链 chain链传动装置 chain gearing链轮 sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel 联组 V 带 tight-up V belt联轴器 coupling shaft coupling两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam临界转速 critical speed六杆机构 six-bar linkage龙门刨床 double Haas planer轮坯 blank轮系 gear train螺杆 screw螺距 thread pitch螺母 screw nut螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear螺钉 screws螺栓 bolts螺纹导程 lead螺纹效率 screw efficiency 螺旋传动 power screw螺旋密封 spiral seal螺纹 thread (of a screw)螺旋副 helical pair螺旋机构 screw mechanism螺旋角 helix angle螺旋线 helix ,helical line绿色设计 green design design for environment马耳他机构 Geneva wheel Geneva gear马耳他十字 Maltese cross脉动无级变速 pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力 fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷 fluctuating load铆钉 rivet迷宫密封 labyrinth seal密封 seal密封带 seal belt密封胶 seal gum密封元件 potted component密封装置 sealing arrangement面对面安装 face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC名义应力、公称应力 nominal stress模块化设计 modular design, MD模块式传动系统 modular system模幅箱 morphology box模糊集 fuzzy set模糊评价 fuzzy evaluation模数 module摩擦 friction摩擦角 friction angle摩擦力 friction force摩擦学设计 tribology design, TD摩擦阻力 frictional resistance摩擦力矩 friction moment摩擦系数 coefficient of friction摩擦圆 friction circle磨损 abrasion wear; scratching末端执行器 end-effector目标函数 objective function耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance耐磨性 wear resistance挠性机构 mechanism with flexible elements 挠性转子 flexible rotor内齿轮 internal gear内齿圈 ring gear内力 internal force内圈 inner ring能量 energy能量指示图 viscosity逆时针 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise) 啮出 engaging-out啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing 啮合点 contact points啮合角 working pressure angle啮合线 line of action啮合线长度 length of line of action啮入 engaging-in牛头刨床 shaper凝固点 freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力 torsion stress扭矩 moment of torque扭簧 helical torsion spring诺模图 NomogramO 形密封圈密封 O ring seal盘形凸轮 disk cam盘形转子 disk-like rotor抛物线运动 parabolic motion疲劳极限 fatigue limit疲劳强度 fatigue strength偏置式 offset偏 ( 心 ) 距 offset distance偏心率 eccentricity ratio偏心质量 eccentric mass偏距圆 offset circle偏心盘 eccentric偏置滚子从动件 offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件 offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构 offset slider-crank mechanism 拼接 matching评价与决策 evaluation and decision频率 frequency平带 flat belt平带传动 flat belt driving平底从动件 flat-face follower平底宽度 face width平分线 bisector平均应力 average stress平均中径 mean screw diameter平均速度 average velocity平衡 balance平衡机 balancing machine平衡品质 balancing quality平衡平面 correcting plane平衡质量 balancing mass平衡重 counterweight平衡转速 balancing speed平面副 planar pair, flat pair平面机构 planar mechanism平面运动副 planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构 planar linkage平面凸轮 planar cam平面凸轮机构 planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears普通平键 parallel key其他常用机构 other mechanism in common use 起动阶段 starting period 启动力矩 starting torque气动机构 pneumatic mechanism奇异位置 singular position起始啮合点 initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承 gas bearing千斤顶 jack嵌入键 sunk key强迫振动 forced vibration切齿深度 depth of cut曲柄 crank曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rocker mechanism曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear曲率 curvature曲率半径 radius of curvature曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower曲线拼接 curve matching曲线运动 curvilinear motion曲轴 crank shaft驱动力 driving force驱动力矩 driving moment (torque)全齿高 whole depth权重集 weight sets球 ball球面滚子 convex roller。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)A solution= procedure for type E simpleassembly line balancing problemAbstract:This paper presents a type E simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP-E) that combines models SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. Furthermore, this study develops a solution procedure for the proposed model.The proposed model provides a better understanding of management practice that optimizes assembly line efficiency while simultaneously minimizing total idle time. Computational results indicated that,under the given upper bound of cycle time (ct max), theproposed model can solve problems optimally with minimal variables, constraints, and computing time.Keywords Simple assembly line balancing problem, Type E simple assembly line balancing problem,Manufacturing optimization.1.IntroductionIt has been over five decades since researchers first discussed the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP). Of all kinds of ALBP, the most basic is the simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP). Bryton defined and studied SALBP as early as 1954. In the following year (1955), Salverson built the first mathematical model of SALBP and presented quantitative solving steps, which attracted great interest. After Gutjahr and Nemhauser (1964) stated that SALBP is an NP-hard combination optimization problem, the majority of researchers hoped to develop an efficient method to obtain the best solution and efficiently solve variant assembly line problems (e.g. Baybars, 1986; Boysen, Fliedner, & Scholl, 2007, 2008; Erel & Sarin, 1998; Ghosh & Gagnon, 1989; Scholl & Becker, 2005, 2006; Toksari, Isleyen, Güner, & BaykoÇ, 2008; Yeh & Kao, 2009). During subsequent years, SALBP became a popular topic. Kim, Kim, and Kim (1996) divided SALBP into five kinds of problems, of which type I problem (SALBP-1) and type II problem (SALBP-2) are the two basic optimization problems. Researchers have published many studies on the solution for the SALBP-1 problem. Salverson (1955) used integer programming (IP) to solve the workstation assignment problem. Jackson (1956) proposed dynamic programming (DP) to solve SALBP-1. Bowman (1960) developed two mathematical models and introduced 0–1 variables to guarantee that no tasks took the same time and thatno tasks were performed at different workstations. Talbot and Patterson (1984) presented a mathematical model with a single decision variable, and used it to calculate the number of tasks assigned to workstations. Essafi, Delorme, Dolgui, and Guschinskaya (2010) proposed a mixed-integer program for solving a novel line balancing problem composed of identical CNC machines. Hackman, Magazine, and Wee (1989) used a branch and bound (BB) scheme to solve SALBP-1. To reduce the size of the branch tree, they developed heuristic depth measurement techniques that provided an efficient solution. Betts and Mahmoud (1989), Scholl and Klein (1997, 1999), Ege, Azizoglu, and Ozdemirel (2009) have suggested BB methods for application. Other heuristics have been developed for solving the variant problems. These may include simulated annealing (Cakir, Altiparmak, & Dengiz, 2011; Saeid & Anwar, 1997; Suresh & Sahu, 1994), Genetic Algorithm (McGovern & Gupta, 2007; Sabuncuoglu, Erel, & Tayner, 2000), and ant colony optimization algorithm (Sabuncuoglu, Erel, & Alp, 2009; Simaria & Vilarinho,2009). Recently, multiple-objective problems have emerged from the diversified demand of customers. For example, Rahimi-Vahed and Mirzaei (2007) proposed a hybrid multi-objective algorithm that considers the minimization of total utility work, total production rate variation, and total setup cost. Chica, Cordon, and Damas (2011) developed a model that involves the joint optimization of conflicting objectives such as the cycle time, the number of stations,and/or the area of these stations. Another interesting extension is the mixed-model problem, which is a special case of assembly line balancing problem with different models of the product allowed moving on the same line. Aimed at the mixed-model assembly line problem, Erel and Gökçen (1999) studied onmixed-model assembly line problem and established 0–1 integer programming coupled with a combined precedence diagram to reduce decision variables and constraints to increase solving efficiency. Kim and Jeong (2007) considered the problem of optimizing the input sequence of jobs in mixed-model assembly line using a conveyor system with sequence-dependent setup time. Özcan and Toklu (2009) presented a mathematical model for solving the mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem with the objectives of minimizing the number of mated-stations and the number of stations for a given cycle time.Unlike SALBP-1, the goal of SALBP-2 is to minimize cycle time given a number of workstations. Most studies focused on solutions for SALBP-1, and not SALBP-2, because SALBP-2 may be solved with SALBP-1 by gradually increasing the cycle time until the assembly line is balanced (Hackman et al., 1989). Helgeson and Bimie presented a heuristic algorithm to solve SALBP-2 as early as 1961.Scholl (1999) presented several decision problems regarding the installation and utilization of assembly line systems, indicating that balancing problem is especially important in paced assembly line cases. Scholl used task oriented BB to solve SALBP-2 and compared it with existing solution procedures. Klein and Scholl (1996) adopted new statistical methods as a solution procedure and developed a generalized BB method for directly solving SALBP-2. In addition, Gökçen and Agpak (2006) used goal programming (GP) to solve simple U-type assembly line balancing problems, in which decision makers must consider several conflicting goals at the same time. Nearchou (2007) proposed a heuristic method to solve SALBP-2 based on differential evolution (DE). In the followingyear, Nearchou (2008) advanced a new population heuristic method base on the multi-goal DE method to solve type II problems. Gao, Sun, Wang, and Gen (2009) presented a robotic assembly line balancing problem, in which the assembly tasks have to be assigned to workstations and each workstation needs to select one of the available robots to process the assigned tasks with the objective of minimum cycle time. Several other methods have been reported in the literature. For example, Bock (2000) proposed the Tabu Search (TS) for solving SALBP-2 and extended TS using new parallel breadth, which can be used to improve existing TS programs for assembly line problems. Levitin, Rubinovitz, and Shnits (2006) developed a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve large, complex machine assembly line balancing problems by adopting a simple principle of evolution and the BB method. A complete review of GA to assembly line balancing problems can be found in Tasan and Tunali (2008).The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces SALBP-E formulation and its solution procedure. Section 3 presents solutions to a notebook computer assembly model and some test problems using small- to medium-sized for numerical calculations. Finally, this paper concludes with a summary of the approach.2.Formulation and solution procedure of SALBP-E The SALBP-E model integrates the SALBP-1 and SALBP-2 models. For this purpose, the following notations and variables are defined as follows:Notations:n Number of tasks (i = 1, . . . , n) m Number of stations (j = 1, . . . , m) m max Upper bound of stations (j = 1, . . . , m max) m min Lower bound of stations (j = 1, . . . , m min) t i Operation time of task iCt Cycle timeP Subset of task (i, k), given the direct precedence relationsDecision variables:x ijε {0, 1} 1 if task i is assigned to station j 0otherwise ( "i; j = m min, . . . , m max)y jε {0, 1} 1 if any task i is assigned to station j 0otherwise (j = 1, . . . , mmax)ct ≥Cycle time is set to greater than or equal to 0M* Minimal number of stationsThe original SALBP-1 model is as follows:SALBP-1:生产线设备选择多目标的方法摘要:考虑10一月2012一个新的问题,处理设计的可重构自动加工线这种线是由工作站顺序处理。
1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1 基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
1.2 具体要求1)数字表达应符合英文表达习惯。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,2006)。
According to Department of Defense (DoD) Regulations 5000.1 and 5000.2, concurrent engineering (CE) will be used for development of all future military systems. The primary requirements for successfully implementing a CE philosophy are management support, enhanced communication, team building and appropriate tool use. Where CE has been successful, much credit is attributed to the involvement of senior management in establishing goals of improved quality, cost and schedule; in forming teams of qualified people; and in providing teams with the necessary tools and resources. Management must commit the necessary funding and resources for a successful CE program, and they must allow ample time for the new philosophy to generate benefits.根据国防部(DoD)条例5000.1和5000.2,并行工程(CE)将用于所有未来军事系统的发展。
Process Planning and Concurrent Engineering工艺规程制订与并行工程Process Planning and Concurrent EngineeringT. Ramayah and Noraini IsmailABSTRACTThe product design is the plan for the product and its components and subassemblies. To convert the product design into a physical entity, a manufacturing plan is needed. The activity of developing such a plan is called process planning. It is the link between product design and manufacturing. Process planning involves determining the sequence of processing and assembly steps that must be accomplished to make the product. In the present chapter, we examine processing planning and several related topics.Process PlanningProcess planning involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly processes and the sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a given part or product according to specifications set forth in the product design documentation. The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company of plant. Parts that cannot be made internally must be purchased from outside vendors. It should be mentioned that the choice of processes is also limited by the details of the product design. This is a point we will return to later.Process planning is usually accomplished by manufacturing engineers. The process planner must be familiar with the particular manufacturing processes available in the factory and be able to interpret engineering dr awings. Based on the planner’s knowledge, skill, and experience, the processing steps are developed in the most logical sequence to make each part. Following is a list of the many decisions and details usually include within the scope of process planning..Interpretation of design drawings. The part of product design must be analyzed (materials, dimensions, tolerances, surface finished, etc.) at the start of the process planning procedure..Process and sequence. The process planner must select which processes are required and their sequence. A brief description of processing steps must be prepared..Equipment selection. In general, process planners must develop plans that utilize existing equipment in the plant. Otherwise, the component must be purchased, or an investment must be made in new equipment..Tools, dies, molds, fixtures, and gages. The process must decide what tooling is required for each processing step. The actual design and fabrication of these tools is usually delegated to a tool design department and tool room, or an outside vendor specializing in that type of tool is contacted..Methods analysis. Workplace layout, small tools, hoists for lifting heavy parts, even in some cases hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations. The industrial engineering department is usually responsible for this area..Work standards. Work measurement techniques are used to set time standards for each operation..Cutting tools and cutting conditions. These must be specified for machining operations, often with reference to standard handbook recommendations.Process planning for partsFor individual parts, the processing sequence is documented on a form called a route sheet. Just as engineering drawings are used to specify the product design, route sheets are used to specify the process plan. They are counterparts, one for product design, the other for manufacturing.A typical processing sequence to fabricate an individual part consists of: (1) a basic process,(2) secondary processes, (3) operations to enhance physical properties, and (4) finishing operations. A basic process determines the starting geometry of the work parts. Metal casting, plastic molding, and rolling of sheet metal are examples of basic processes. The starting geometry must often be refined by secondary processes, operations that transform the starting geometry (or close to final geometry). The secondary geometry processes that might be used are closely correlated to the basic process that provides the starting geometry. When sand casting is the basic processes, machining operations are generally the second processes. When a rolling mill producessheet metal, stamping operations such as punching and bending are the secondary processes. When plastic injection molding is the basic process, secondary operations are often unnecessary, because most of the geometric features that would otherwise require machining can be created by the molding operation. Plastic molding and other operation that require no subsequent sec ondary processing are called net shape processes. Operations that require some but not much secondary processing (usually machining) are referred to as near net shape processes. Some impression die forgings are in this category. These parts can often be shaped in the forging operation (basic processes) so that minimal machining (secondary processing) is required.Once the geometry has been established, the next step for some parts is to improve their mechanical and physical properties. Operations to enhance properties do not alter the geometry of the part; instead, they alter physical properties. Heat treating operations on metal parts are the most common examples. Similar heating treatments are performed on glass to produce tempered glass. For most manufactured parts, these property-enhancing operations are not required in the processing sequence.Finally finish operations usually provide a coat on the work parts (or assembly) surface. Examples included electroplating, thin film deposition techniques, and painting. The purpose of the coating is to enhance appearance, change color, or protect the surface from corrosion, abrasion, and so forth. Finishing operations are not required on many parts; for example, plastic molding rarely require finishing. When finishing is required, it is usually the final step in the processing sequence.Processing Planning for AssembliesThe type of assembly method used for a given product depends on factors such as: (1) the anticipated production quantities; (2) complexity of the assembled product, for example, the number of distinct components; and (3) assembly processes used, for example, mechanical assembly versus welding. For a product that is to be made in relatively small quantities, assembly is usually performed on manual assembly lines. For simple products of a dozen or so components, to be made in large quantities, automated assembly systems are appropriate. In any case, there is a precedence order in which the work must be accomplished. The precedence requirements are sometimes portrayed graphically on a precedence diagram.Process planning for assembly involves development of assembly instructions, but in more detail .For low production quantities, the entire assembly is completed at a single station. For highproduction on an assembly line, process planning consists of allocating work elements to the individual stations of the line, a procedure called line balancing. The assembly line routes the work unit to individual stations in the proper order as determined by the line balance solution. As in process planning for individual components, any tools and fixtures required to accomplish an assembly task must be determined, designed, built, and the workstation arrangement must be laid out.Make or Buy DecisionAn important question that arises in process planning is whether a given part should be produced in the company’s own factory or purchased from an outside vendor, and the answer to this question is known as the make or buy decision. If the company does not possess the technological equipment or expertise in the particular manufacturing processes required to make the part, then the answer is obvious: The part must be purchased because there is no internal alternative. However, in many cases, the part could either be made internally using existing equipment, or it could be purchased externally from a vendor that process similar manufacturing capability.In our discussion of the make or buy decision, it should be recognized at the outset that nearly all manufactures buy their raw materials from supplies. A machine shop purchases its starting bar stock from a metals distributor and its sand castings from a foundry. A plastic molding plant buys its molding compound from a chemical company. A stamping press factory purchases sheet metal either fro a distributor or direct from a rolling mill. Very few companies are vertically integrated in their production operations all the way from raw materials, it seems reasonable to consider purchasing at least some of the parts that would otherwise be produced in its own plant. It is probably appropriate to ask the make or buy question for every component that is used by the company.There are a number of factors that enter into the make or buy decision. One would think that cost is the most important factor in determining whether to produce the part or purchase it. If an outside vendor is more proficient than the company’s own plant in the manufacturing processes used to make the part, then the internal production cost is likely to be greater than the purchase price even after the vendor has included a profit. However, if the decision to purchase results in idle equipment and labor in the company’s own plant, then the apparent advantage of purchasing the part may be lost. Consider the following example make or Buy Decision.The quoted price for a certain part is $20.00 per unit for 100 units. The part can be produced in the company’s own plant for $28.00. The components of making the part are as follows:Unit raw material cost = $8.00 per unitDirect labor cost =6.00 per unitLabor overhead at 150%=9.00 per unitEquipment fixed cost =5.00 per unit________________________________Total =28.00 per unitShould the component by bought or made in-house?Solution: Although the vendor’s quote seems to favor a buy decision, let us consider the possible impact on plant operations if the quote is accepted. Equipment fixed cost of $5.00 is an allocated cost based on investment that was already made. If the equipment designed for this job becomes unutilized because of a decision to purchase the part, then the fixed cost continues even if the equipment stands idle. In the same way, the labor overhead cost of $9.00 consists of factory space, utility, and labor costs that remain even if the part is purchased. By this reasoning, a buy decision is not a good decision because it might be cost the company as much as$20.00+$5.0+$9.00=$34.00 per unit if it results in idle time on the machine that would have been used to produce the part. On the other hand, if the equipment in question can be used for the production of other parts for which the in-house costs are less than the corresponding outside quotes, then a buy decision is a good decision.Make or buy decision are not often as straightforward as in this example. A trend in recent years, especially in the automobile industry, is for companies to stress the importance of building close relationships with parts suppliers. We turn to this issue in our later discussion of concurrent engineering.Computer-aided Process PlanningThere is much interest by manufacturing firms in automating the task of process planning using computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems. The shop-trained people who arefamiliar with the details of machining and other processes are gradually retiring, and these people will be available in the future to do process planning. An alternative way of accomplishing this function is needed, and CAPP systems are providing this alternative. CAPP is usually considered to be part of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). However, this tends to imply that CAM is a stand-along system. In fact, a synergy results when CAM is combined with computer-aided design to create a CAD/CAM system. In such a system, CAPP becomes the direct connection between design and manufacturing. The benefits derived from computer-automated process planning include the following:.Process rationalization and standardization. Automated process planning leads to more logical and consistent process plans than when process is done completely manually. Standard plans tend to result in lower manufacturing costs and higher product quality..Increased productivity of process planner. The systematic approach and the availability of standard process plans in the data files permit more work to be accomplished by the process planners..Reduced lead time for process planning. Process planner working with a CAPP system can provide route sheets in a shorter lead time compared to manual preparation..Improved legibility. Computer-prepared rout sheets are neater and easier to read than manually prepared route sheets..Incorporation of other application programs. The CAPP program can be interfaced with other application programs, such as cost estimating and work standards.Computer-aided process planning systems are designed around two approaches. These approaches are called: (1) retrieval CAPP systems and (2) generative CAPP systems .Some CAPP systems combine the two approaches in what is known as semi-generative CAPP.Concurrent Engineering and Design for ManufacturingConcurrent engineering refers to an approach used in product development in which the functions of design engineering, manufacturing engineering, and other functions are integrated to reduce the elapsed time required to bring a new product to market. Also called simultaneous engineering, it might be thought of as the organizational counterpart to CAD/CAM technology. In the traditional approach to launching a new product, the two functions of design engineering and manufacturing engineering tend to be separated and sequential, as illustrated in Fig.(1).(a).The product designdepartment develops the new design, sometimes without much consideration given to the manufacturing capabilities of the company, There is little opportunity for manufacturing engineers to offer advice on how the design might be alerted to make it more manufacturability. It is as if a wall exits between design and manufacturing. When the design engineering department completes the design, it tosses the drawings and specifications over the wall, and only then does process planning begin.Fig.(1). Comparison: (a) traditional product development cycle and (b) product development using concurrent engineeringBy contrast, in a company that practices concurrent engineering, the manufacturing engineering department becomes involved in the product development cycle early on, providingadvice on how the product and its components can be designed to facilitate manufacture and assembly. It also proceeds with early stages of manufacturing planning for the product. This concurrent engineering approach is pictured in Fig.(1).(b). In addition to manufacturing engineering, other function are also involved in the product development cycle, such as quality engineering, the manufacturing departments, field service, vendors supplying critical components, and in some cases the customer who will use the product. All if these functions can make contributions during product development to improve not only the new product’s function and performance, but also its produceability, inspectability, testability, serviceability, and maintainability. Through early involvement, as opposed to reviewing the final product design after it is too late to conveniently make any changes in the design, the duration of the product development cycle is substantially reduced.Concurrent engineering includes several elements: (1) design for several manufacturing and assembly, (2) design for quality, (3) design for cost, and (4) design for life cycle. In addition, certain enabling technologies such as rapid prototyping, virtual prototyping, and organizational changes are required to facilitate the concurrent engineering approach in a company.Design for Manufacturing and AssemblyIt has been estimated that about 70% of the life cycle cost of a product is determined by basic decisions made during product design. These design decisions include the material of each part, part geometry, tolerances, surface finish, how parts are organized into subassemblies, and the assembly methods to be used. Once these decisions are made, the ability to reduce the manufacturing cost of the product is limited. For example, if the product designer decides that apart is to be made of an aluminum sand casting but which processes features that can be achieved only by machining(such as threaded holes and close tolerances), the manufacturing engineer has no alternative expect to plan a process sequence that starts with sand casting followed by the sequence of machining operations needed to achieve the specified features .In this example, a better decision might be to use a plastic molded part that can be made in a single step. It is important for the manufacturing engineer to be given the opportunity to advice the design engineer as the product design is evolving, to favorably influence the manufacturability of the product.Term used to describe such attempts to favorably influence the manufacturability of a new product are design for manufacturing (DFM) and design for assembly(DFA). Of course, DFM and DFA are inextricably linked, so let us use the term design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM/A). Design for manufacturing and assembly involves the systematic consideration ofmanufacturability and assimilability in the development of a new product design. This includes: (1) organizational changes and (2) design principle and guidelines..Organizational Changes in DFM/A. Effective implementation of DFM/A involves making changes in a company’s organization structure, either formally or informally, so that closer interaction and better communication occurs between design and manufacturing personnel. This can be accomplished in several ways: (1)by creating project teams consisting of product designers, manufacturing engineers, and other specialties (e.g. quality engineers, material scientists) to develop the new product design; (2) by requiring design engineers to spend some career time in manufacturing to witness first-hand how manufacturability and assembility are impacted by a product’s design; and (3)by as signing manufacturing engineers to the product design department on either a temporary or full-time basis to serve as reducibility consultants..Design Principles and Guidelines. DFM/A also relies on the use of design principles and guidelines for how to design a given product to maximize manucturability and assembility. Some of these are universal design guidelines that can be applied to nearly any product design situation. There are design principles that apply to specific processes, and for example, the use of drafts or tapers in casted and molded parts to facilitate removal of the part from the mold. We leave these more process-specific guidelines to texts on manufacturing processes.The guidelines sometimes conflict with one another. One of the guideli nes is to “simplify part geometry, avoid unnecessary features”. But another guideline in the same table states that “special geometric features must sometimes be added to components” to design the product for foolproof assembly. And it may also be desirable to combine features of several assembled parts into one component to minimize the number of parts in the product. In these instances, design for part manufacture is in conflict with design for assembly, and a suitable compromise must be found between the opposing sides of the conflict.工艺规程制订与并行工程T. Ramayah and Noraini Ismail摘要产品设计是用于产品,及它的部件装配的计划。
(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文对照翻译施工工艺与企业管理的研究(CPEM)1.1CPEM的生命周期和研究方法在Prof.Dr.-lng.Gerhard Girmscheid的管理下,以生命cycle-oriented和社团的过程为研究和教学的中心,例如在建筑行业里的下面特定领域中:提供服务,管理和支持过程·为生命周期服务的业务和项目交付模式·支持流程风险模型,知识和创新管理·为信息化带动工业化过程模型提供服务的施工流程·区域内的概率决策模型–风险管理–建筑生产–维护及修理战略实施的研究集中在试图通过科学、概念的贡献cycle-oriented过程设计生活integarating计划、执行和加工利用的研究,促进性能和创新能力的建筑行业。
工艺流程中英文对照1. 引言本文档旨在提供一份工艺流程的中英文对照,以帮助读者更好地了解和实施该工艺流程。
2. 工艺流程的定义工艺流程是指将原材料或半成品转化为可使用的最终产品的一系列步骤和操作。
3. 工艺流程的步骤下面是工艺流程的详细步骤和对应的中英文对照:1. 原材料准备(Raw Material Preparation)2. 清洗(Cleaning)3. 切割(Cutting)4. 排列组装(Assembly)5. 焊接(Welding)6. 喷涂(Coating)7. 检验(Inspection)8. 包装(Packaging)9. 质量控制(Quality Control)10. 出厂(Shipping)4. 每个步骤的说明下面是每个步骤的详细说明和对应的中英文对照:4.1 原材料准备(Raw Material Preparation)该步骤包括选择和准备用于生产的原材料。
4.2 清洗(Cleaning)该步骤涉及清洗原材料,以去除表面的污垢和杂质。
4.3 切割(Cutting)该步骤用于将原材料切割成所需的尺寸和形状。
4.4 排列组装(Assembly)该步骤将切割好的部件按照设计要求进行排列组装。
4.5 焊接(Welding)该步骤使用焊接技术将组件连接在一起。
4.6 喷涂(Coating)该步骤涉及给产品表面进行喷涂,以提供保护和美观效果。
4.7 检验(Inspection)该步骤涉及对成品进行检查和测试,以确保其质量符合要求。
4.8 包装(Packaging)该步骤将成品进行包装,以便存储和运输。
4.9 质量控制(Quality Control)该步骤包括对整个工艺流程进行质量控制,以确保产品符合质量标准。
4.10 出厂(Shipping)该步骤将成品运送到客户或销售点。
5. 总结本文档提供了工艺流程的中英文对照,通过了解每个步骤的含义和操作,读者可以更好地理解和实施该工艺流程。
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英文原文Process Planning and Concurrent EngineeringProcess PlanningProcess planning involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly processes and the sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a given part or product according to specifications set forth in the product design documentation. The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company of plant. Parts that cannot be made internally must be purchased from outside vendors. It should be mentioned that the choice of processes is also limited by the details of the product design. This is a point we will return to later.Process planning is usually accomplished by manufacturing engineers. The process planner must be familiar with the particular manufacturing processes available in the factory and be able to interpret engineering drawings. Based on the planner’s knowledge, skill, and experience, the processing steps are developed in the most logical sequence to make each part. Following is a list of the many decisions and details usually include within the scope of process planning..Interpretation of design drawings. The part of product design must be analyzed (materials, dimensions, tolerances, surface finished, etc.) at the start of the process planning procedure..Process and sequence. The process planner must select which processes are required and their sequence. A brief description of processing steps must be prepared..Equipment selection. In general, process planners must develop plans that utilize existing equipment in the plant. Otherwise, the component must be purchased, or an investment must be made in new equipment..Tools, dies, molds, fixtures, and gags. The process must decide what tooling is required for each processing step. The actual design and fabrication of these tools is usually delegated to a tool design department and tool room, or an outside vendor specializing in that type of tool is contacted..Methods analysis. Workplace layout, small tools, hoists for lifting heavy parts, even in some cases hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations. The industrial engineering department is usually responsible for this area..Work standards. Work measurement techniques are used to set time standards for each operation.Cutting tools and cutting conditions. These must be specified for machining operations, often with reference to standard handbook recommendations.Process planning for partsFor individual parts, the processing sequence is documented on a form called a route sheet. Just as engineering drawings are used to specify the product design, route sheets are used to specify the process plan. They are counterparts, one for product design, the other for manufacturing.A typical processing sequence to fabricate an individual part consists of: (1) a basic process,(2) secondary processes, (3) operations to enhance physical properties, and (4) finishing operations. A basic process determines the starting geometry of the work parts. Metal casting, plastic molding, and rolling of sheet metal are examples of basic processes. The starting geometry must often be refined by secondary processes, operations that transform the starting geometry (or close to final geometry). The secondary geometry processes that might be used are closely correlated to the basic process that provides the starting geometry. When sand casting is the basicprocesses, machining operations are generally the second processes. When a rolling mill produces sheet metal, stamping operations such as punching and bending are the secondary processes. When plastic injection molding is the basic process, secondary operations are often unnecessary, because most of the geometric features that would otherwise require machining can be created by the molding operation. Plastic molding and other operation that require no subsequent secondary processing are called net shape processes. Operations that require some but not much secondary processing (usually machining) are referred to as near net shape processes. Some impression die forgings are in this category. These parts can often be shaped in the forging operation (basic processes) so that minimal machining (secondary processing) is required.Once the geometry has been established, the next step for some parts is to improve their mechanical and physical properties. Operations to enhance properties do not alter the geometry of the part; instead, they alter physical properties. Heat treating operations on metal parts are the most common examples. Similar heating treatments are performed on glass to produce tempered glass. For most manufactured parts, these property-enhancing operations are not required in the processing sequence.Finally finish operations usually provide a coat on the work parts (or assembly) surface. Examples included electroplating, thin film deposition techniques, and painting. The purpose of the coating is to enhance appearance, change color, or protect the surface from corrosion, abrasion, and so forth. Finishing operations are not required on many parts; for example, plastic molding rarely require finishing. When finishing is required, it is usually the final step in the processing sequence.Processing Planning for AssembliesThe type of assembly method used for a given product depends on factors such as: (1) the anticipated production quantities; (2) complexity of the assembled product, for example, the number of distinct components; and (3) assembly processes used, for example, mechanicalassembly versus welding. For a product that is to be made in relatively small quantities, assembly is usually performed on manual assembly lines. For simple products of a dozen or so components, to be made in large quantities, automated assembly systems are appropriate. In any case, there is a precedence order in which the work must be accomplished. The precedence requirements are sometimes portrayed graphically on a precedence diagram.Process planning for assembly involves development of assembly instructions, but in more detail .For low production quantities, the entire assembly is completed at a single station. For high production on an assembly line, process planning consists of allocating work elements to the individual stations of the line, a procedure called line balancing. The assembly line routes the work unit to individual stations in the proper order as determined by the line balance solution. As in process planning for individual components, any tools and fixtures required to accomplish an assembly task must be determined, designed, built, and the workstation arrangement must be laid out.Make or Buy DecisionAn important question that arises in process planning is whether a given part should be produced in the company’s own factory or purchased from an outside vendor, and the answer to this question is known as the make or buy decision. If the company does not possess the technological equipment or expertise in the particular manufacturing processes required to make the part, then the answer is obvious: The part must be purchased because there is no internal alternative. However, in many cases, the part could either be made internally using existing equipment, or it could be purchased externally from a vendor that process similar manufacturing capability.In our discussion of the make or buy decision, it should be recognized at the outset that nearly all manufactures buy their raw materials from supplies. A machine shop purchases its starting bar stock from a metals distributor and its sand castings from a foundry. A plastic moldingplant buys its molding compound from a chemical company. A stamping press factory purchases sheet metal either fro a distributor or direct from a rolling mill. Very few companies are vertically integrated in their production operations all the way from raw materials, it seems reasonable to consider purchasing at least some of the parts that would otherwise be produced in its own plant. It is probably appropriate to ask the make or buy question for every component that is used by the company.There are a number of factors that enter into the make or buy decision. One would think that cost is the most important factor in determining whether to produce the part or purchase it. If an outside vendor is more proficient than the company’s own plant in the manufacturing processes used to make the part, then the internal production cost is likely to be greater than the purchase price even after the vendor has included a profit. However, if the decision to purchase results in idle equipment and labor in the company’s own plant, then the apparent advantage of purchasing the part may be lost. Consider the following example make or Buy Decision.The quoted price for a certain part is $20.00 per unit for 100 units. The part can be produced in the company’s own plant for $28.00. The components of making the part are as follows:Unit raw material cost = $8.00 per unitDirect labor cost =6.00 per unitLabor overhead at 150%=9.00 per unitEquipment fixed cost =5.00 per unit________________________________Total =28.00 per unitShould the component by bought or made in-house?Solution: Although the vendor’s quote seems to favor a buy decision, let us consider the possible impact on plant operations if the quote is accepted. Equipment fixed cost of $5.00 is an allocated cost based on investment that was already made. If the equipment designed for this job becomes unutilized because of a decision to purchase the part, then the fixed cost continues even if the equipment stands idle. In the same way, the labor overhead cost of $9.00 consists of factory space, utility, and labor costs that remain even if the part is purchased. By this reasoning, a buy decision is not a good decision because it might be cost the company as much as $20.00+$5.0+$9.00=$34.00 per unit if it results in idle time on the machine that would have been used to produce the part. On the other hand, if the equipment in question can be used for the production of other parts for which the in-house costs are less than the corresponding outside quotes, then a buy decision is a good decision.Make or buy decision are not often as straightforward as in this example. A trend in recent years, especially in the automobile industry, is for companies to stress the importance of building close relationships with parts suppliers. We turn to this issue in our later discussion of concurrent engineering.Computer-aided Process PlanningThere is much interest by manufacturing firms in automating the task of process planning using computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems. The shop-trained people who are familiar with the details of machining and other processes are gradually retiring, and these people will be available in the future to do process planning. An alternative way of accomplishing this function is needed, and CAPP systems are providing this alternative. CAPP is usually considered to be part of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). However, this tends to imply that CAM is a stand-along system. In fact, a synergy results when CAM is combined with computer-aided design to create a CAD/CAM system. In such a system, CAPP becomes the direct connection between design and manufacturing. The benefits derived from computer-automated process planning include the following:.Process rationalization and standardization. Automated process planning leads to more logical and consistent process plans than when process is done completely manually. Standard plans tend to result in lower manufacturing costs and higher product quality..Increased productivity of process planner. The systematic approach and the availability of standard process plans in the data files permit more work to be accomplished by the process planners..Reduced lead time for process planning. Process planner working with a CAPP system can provide route sheets in a shorter lead time compared to manual preparation..Improved legibility. Computer-prepared rout sheets are neater and easier to read than manually prepared route sheets..Incorporation of other application programs. The CAPP program can be interfaced with other application programs, such as cost estimating and work standards.Computer-aided process planning systems are designed around two approaches. These approaches are called: (1) retrieval CAPP systems and (2) generative CAPP systems .Some CAPP systems combine the two approaches in what is known as semi-generative CAPP.Concurrent Engineering and Design for ManufacturingConcurrent engineering refers to an approach used in product development in which the functions of design engineering, manufacturing engineering, and other functions are integrated to reduce the elapsed time required to bring a new product to market. Also called simultaneous engineering, it might be thought of as the organizational counterpart to CAD/CAM technology. In the traditional approach to launching a new product, the two functions of design engineering and manufacturing engineering tend to be separated and sequential, as illustrated in Fig.(1).(a).The product design department develops the new design, sometimes without much consideration given to the manufacturing capabilities of the company, There is little opportunity for manufacturing engineers to offer advice on how the design might be alerted to make it more manufacturability. Itis as if a wall exits between design and manufacturing. When the design engineering department completes the design, it tosses the drawings and specifications over the wall, and only then does process planning begin.Fig.(1). Comparison: (a) traditional product development cycle and (b) product development using concurrent engineeringBy contrast, in a company that practices concurrent engineering, the manufacturing engineering department becomes involved in the product development cycle early on, providing advice on how the product and its components can be designed to facilitate manufacture and assembly. It also proceeds with early stages of manufacturing planning for the product. This concurrent engineering approach is pictured in Fig.(1).(b). In addition to manufacturingengineering, other function are also involved in the product development cycle, such as quality engineering, the manufacturing departments, field service, vendors supplying critical components, and in some cases the customer who will use the product. All if these functions can make contributions during product development to improve not only the new product’s function and performance, but also its produceability, inspectability, testability, serviceability, and maintainability. Through early involvement, as opposed to reviewing the final product design after it is too late to conveniently make any changes in the design, the duration of the product development cycle is substantially reduced.Concurrent engineering includes several elements: (1) design for several manufacturing and assembly, (2) design for quality, (3) design for cost, and (4) design for life cycle. In addition, certain enabling technologies such as rapid prototyping, virtual prototyping, and organizational changes are required to facilitate the concurrent engineering approach in a company.Design for Manufacturing and AssemblyIt has been estimated that about 70% of the life cycle cost of a product is determined by basic decisions made during product design. These design decisions include the material of each part, part geometry, tolerances, surface finish, how parts are organized into subassemblies, and the assembly methods to be used. Once these decisions are made, the ability to reduce the manufacturing cost of the product is limited. For example, if the product designer decides that apart is to be made of an aluminum sand casting but which processes features that can be achieved only by machining(such as threaded holes and close tolerances), the manufacturing engineer has no alternative expect to plan a process sequence that starts with sand casting followed by the sequence of machining operations needed to achieve the specified features .In this example, a better decision might be to use a plastic molded part that can be made in a single step. It is important for the manufacturing engineer to be given the opportunity to advice the design engineer as the product design is evolving, to favorably influence the manufacturability of the product.Term used to describe such attempts to favorably influence the manufacturability of a new product are design for manufacturing (DFM) and design for assembly(DFA). Of course, DFM andDFA are inextricably linked, so let us use the term design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM/A). Design for manufacturing and assembly involves the systematic consideration of manufacturability and assimilability in the development of a new product design. This includes: (1) organizational changes and (2) design principle and guidelines..Organizational Changes in DFM/A. Effective implementation of DFM/A involves making changes in a company’s organization structure, eith er formally or informally, so that closer interaction and better communication occurs between design and manufacturing personnel. This can be accomplished in several ways: (1)by creating project teams consisting of product designers, manufacturing engineers, and other specialties (e.g. quality engineers, material scientists) to develop the new product design; (2) by requiring design engineers to spend some career time in manufacturing to witness first-hand how manufacturability and assembility are impacted by a product’s design; and (3)by assigning manufacturing engineers to the product design department on either a temporary or full-time basis to serve as reducibility consultants.Process Planning and Concurrent EngineeringT. Ramayah and Noraini IsmailABSTRACTThe product design is the plan for the product and its components and subassemblies. To convert the product design into a physical entity, a manufacturing plan is needed. The activity of developing such a plan is called process planning. It is the link between product design and manufacturing. Process planning involves determining the sequence of processing and assembly steps that must be accomplished to make the product. In the present chapter, we examine processing planning and several related topics.Process PlanningProcess planning involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly processes and the sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a givenpart or product according to specifications set forth in the product design documentation. The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company of plant. Parts that cannot be made internally must be purchased from outside vendors. It should be mentioned that the choice of processes is also limited by the details of the product design. This is a point we will return to later.Process planning is usually accomplished by manufacturing engineers. The process planner must be familiar with the particular manufacturing processes available in the factory and be able to interpret engineering drawings. Based on the planner’s knowledg e, skill, and experience, the processing steps are developed in the most logical sequence to make each part. Following is a list of the many decisions and details usually include within the scope of process planning..Interpretation of design drawings. The part of product design must be analyzed (materials, dimensions, tolerances, surface finished, etc.) at the start of the process planning procedure..Process and sequence. The process planner must select which processes are required and their sequence. A brief description of processing steps must be prepared..Equipment selection. In general, process planners must develop plans that utilize existing equipment in the plant. Otherwise, the component must be purchased, or an investment must be made in new equipment..Tools, dies, molds, fixtures, and gages. The process must decide what tooling is required for each processing step. The actual design and fabrication of these tools is usually delegated to a tool design department and tool room, or an outside vendor specializing in that type of tool is contacted..Methods analysis. Workplace layout, small tools, hoists for lifting heavy parts, even in some cases hand and body motions must be specified for manual operations. The industrial engineering department is usually responsible for this area..Work standards. Work measurement techniques are used to set time standards for each operation.Cutting tools and cutting conditions. These must be specified for machining operations, often with reference to standard handbook recommendations.Process planning for partsFor individual parts, the processing sequence is documented on a form called a route sheet. Just as engineering drawings are used to specify the product design, route sheets are used to specify the process plan. They are counterparts, one for product design, the other for manufacturing.A typical processing sequence to fabricate an individual part consists of: (1) a basic process, (2) secondary processes, (3) operations to enhance physical properties, and (4) finishing operations. A basic process determines the starting geometry of the work parts. Metal casting, plastic molding, and rolling of sheet metal are examples of basic processes. The starting geometry must often be refined by secondary processes, operations that transform the starting geometry (or close to final geometry). The secondary geometry processes that might be used are closely correlated to the basic process that provides the starting geometry. When sand casting is the basic processes, machining operations are generally the second processes. When a rolling mill produces sheet metal, stamping operations such as punching and bending are the secondary processes. When plastic injection molding is the basic process, secondary operations are often unnecessary, because most of the geometric features that would otherwise require machining can be created by the molding operation. Plastic molding and other operation that require no subsequent secondary processing are called net shape processes. Operations that require some but not much secondary processing (usually machining) are referred to as near net shape processes. Some impression die forgings are in this category. These parts can often be shaped in the forging operation (basic processes) so that minimal machining (secondary processing) is required.Once the geometry has been established, the next step for some parts is to improve their mechanical and physical properties. Operations to enhance properties do not alter thegeometry of the part; instead, they alter physical properties. Heat treating operations on metal parts are the most common examples. Similar heating treatments are performed on glass to produce tempered glass. For most manufactured parts, these property-enhancing operations are not required in the processing sequence.Finally finish operations usually provide a coat on the work parts (or assembly) surface. Examples included electroplating, thin film deposition techniques, and painting. The purpose of the coating is to enhance appearance, change color, or protect the surface from corrosion, abrasion, and so forth. Finishing operations are not required on many parts; for example, plastic molding rarely require finishing. When finishing is required, it is usually the final step in the processing sequence.Processing Planning for AssembliesThe type of assembly method used for a given product depends on factors such as: (1) the anticipated production quantities; (2) complexity of the assembled product, for example, the number of distinct components; and (3) assembly processes used, for example, mechanical assembly versus welding. For a product that is to be made in relatively small quantities, assembly is usually performed on manual assembly lines. For simple products of a dozen or so components, to be made in large quantities, automated assembly systems are appropriate. In any case, there is a precedence order in which the work must be accomplished. The precedence requirements are sometimes portrayed graphically on a precedence diagram.Process planning for assembly involves development of assembly instructions, but in more detail .For low production quantities, the entire assembly is completed at a single station. For high production on an assembly line, process planning consists of allocating work elements to the individual stations of the line, a procedure called line balancing. The assembly line routes the work unit to individual stations in the proper order as determined by the line balance solution. As in process planning for individual components, any tools and fixtures required to accomplish anassembly task must be determined, designed, built, and the workstation arrangement must be laid out.Make or Buy DecisionAn important question that arises in process planning is whether a given part should be produced in the company’s own factory or purchased from an outside vendor, and the answer to this question is known as the make or buy decision. If the company does not possess the technological equipment or expertise in the particular manufacturing processes required to make the part, then the answer is obvious: The part must be purchased because there is no internal alternative. However, in many cases, the part could either be made internally using existing equipment, or it could be purchased externally from a vendor that process similar manufacturing capability.In our discussion of the make or buy decision, it should be recognized at the outset that nearly all manufactures buy their raw materials from supplies. A machine shop purchases its starting bar stock from a metals distributor and its sand castings from a foundry. A plastic molding plant buys its molding compound from a chemical company. A stamping press factory purchases sheet metal either fro a distributor or direct from a rolling mill. Very few companies are vertically integrated in their production operations all the way from raw materials, it seems reasonable to consider purchasing at least some of the parts that would otherwise be produced in its own plant. It is probably appropriate to ask the make or buy question for every component that is used by the company.There are a number of factors that enter into the make or buy decision. One would think that cost is the most important factor in determining whether to produce the part or purchase it. If an outside vendor is more proficient than the compan y’s own plant in themanufacturing processes used to make the part, then the internal production cost is likely to be greater than the purchase price even after the vendor has included a profit. However, if the decision to purchase results inidle equipment and labor in the company’s own plant, then the apparent advantage of purchasing the part may be lost. Consider the following example make or Buy Decision.The quoted price for a certain part is $20.00 per unit for 100 units. The part can be produced i n the company’s own plant for $28.00. The components of making the part are as follows:Unit raw material cost = $8.00 per unitDirect labor cost =6.00 per unitLabor overhead at 150%=9.00 per unitEquipment fixed cost =5.00 per unit________________________________Total =28.00 per unitShould the component by bought or made in-house?Solution: Although the vendor’s quote seems to favor a buy decision, let us consider the possible impact on plant operations if the quote is accepted. Equipment fixed cost of $5.00 is an allocated cost based on investment that was already made. If the equipment designed for this job becomes unutilized because of a decision to purchase the part, then the fixed cost continues even if the equipment stands idle. In the same way, the labor overhead cost of $9.00 consists of factory space, utility, and labor costs that remain even if the part is purchased. By this reasoning, a buy decision is not a good decision because it might be cost the company as much as $20.00+$5.0+$9.00=$34.00 per unit if it results in idle time on the machine that would have been used to produce the part. On the other hand, if the equipment in question can be used for the production of other parts for which the in-house costs are less than the corresponding outside quotes, then a buy decision is a good decision.。