计算机英语实用教程Unit 10
计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesComputer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions—machine language. These instructions were represented by long strings of ones and zeroes. Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.In time, higher-level languages evolved, such as PASCAL, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, and JA V A. These languages let people work with something approximating words and sentences, such as Let I = 100. These instructions were translated back into machine language by interpreters and compilers. An interpreter translates a program as it reads it, turning the program instructions, or code, directly into actions. A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form. This step is called compiling, and produces an object file. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.Because interpreters read the code as it is written and execute the code on the spot, interpreters are easy for the programmer to work with. Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code, which is inconvenient. Because the time-consuming task of translating the source code into machine language has already been accomplished, compilers produce a program that is very fast each time it is run.The problems programmers are asked to solve have been changing. Today's programs use sophisticated "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, and dialog boxes. The programs written to support this new approach are far more complex than those written just ten years ago. Generally, as programming requirements have changed, both languages and the techniques used for writing programs have evolved.参考译文计算机语言自从第一批电子计算机诞生以来,计算机语言已经发生了戏剧性的变化。

计算机专业英语教程(第四版)习题答案计算机专业英语教程(第四版)习题答案计算机专业英语(第四版)课后习题答案Unit 1 [Ex 1] Fb5E2RGbCAP [Ex 2] 1. input, storage, processing, and output 2. power; speed; 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10.memoryp1EanqFDPw 3. central processing unit memoryDXDiTa9E3d 5. keyboard; [Ex 3] B. A. central processing unit; 1. F 2. D 2. monitor 3. G 4. C 5. B main memory; 6. A 7. E monitorRTCrpUDGiT 8. H5PCzVD7HxA 4. internal; primary;1. user3. data4. keyboard5. data processingjLBHrnAILg6. information [Ex 4] instructions7. computer8. memory 3. manipulates 4.1. input device2. screen, screen 5. retrievexHAQX74J0X 8. Function6. code7. hard copy[Ex. 5] 新处理器开始IT 技术的新时代New Processors Open New Era of IT Technologies Last week, Intel introduced to the public in Russia and other CIS countries a family of processors Intel Xeon E5-2600. They are more powerful and reliable and, importantly, are very economical in terms of energy consumption. Their1 / 30presence opens a new era in the field of IT technologies and means that the cloud technology is getting closer.LDAYtRyKfEThese processors are primarily designed for servers, data centers (DPC) and supercomputers. The emergence of this class of devices is not accidental. According to the regional director of Intel in Russia and other CIS states Dmitri Konash who spoke at the event, the market of IT-technology is developing so rapidly that, according to forecasts, by 2015 there will be 15 billion devices connected to the Internet, and over 3 billion of active users.Zzz6ZB2Ltk 上周,英特尔公司向俄罗斯和其它独联体国家的公众推出了英特尔Xeon E5-2600 系列处理器,它们更加强大可靠,尤其是在能量消耗方面更加经济实惠。

UNIT 10 Computer Network
K ey P oints
Understanding the fundamental concepts of computer network Mastering the several main network technology Understanding the concepts of different kinds of network Understanding the OSI model
UNIT 10 Computer Network
Computer networking cabling (wired Ethernet as defined by IEEE 802.3) consists of 4 pairs of copper cabling that can be utilized for both voice and data transmission. The use of two wires twisted together helps to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction. The transmission speed ranges from 2 million bits per second to 10 billion bits per second. Twisted pair cabling comes in two forms: unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP). Each form comes in several category ratings, designed for use in various scenarios.
计算机专业英语教程课件-Unit 10 Compilers Principles

New Words and Phrases
❖ nontrivial:非平凡的 ❖ optimization:n.最佳化;
❖ overemphasize:v.过分强 调
❖ parallel:adj.平行的 ❖ prevalence:n.流行,普遍 ❖ prioritize:v.给…优先处理 ❖ rearrange:v.重新排列
Unit 10
Compilers’ Principles
New Words and Phrases
❖ automatically:adv.自动地 ❖ compiler:n.自动编码器;
编辑人 ❖ complex:adj.复杂的;n.
合成物 ❖ compilation:n.聚集;编辑
物 ❖ dynamically:adj.有力的;
❖ misnomer:n.误称;用词 不当
❖ magnitude:n.广大,重要 性
❖ multicore:adj.多心的;多 核的
❖ mathematical:adj.数学上 的,精确的
❖ matrix:n.模型,矩阵
❖ minimize:v.使减到最少
❖ multiple:adj.多样的;复 合的
The optimization must be correct, th preserve the meaning of the
compiled program,
The optimization must improve the performance of manyprogra
❖ simultaneously:adv.同时 发生地

TEXT Embedded System
An embedded system is a computer system designed for specific control functions within a larger system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a wide range of end-user needs. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today.
3. The program instructions written for embedded systems are referred to as firmware, and are stored in readonly memory or Flash memory chips. They run with limited computer hardware resources: little memory, small or nonexistent keyboard or screen.
The integration of microcontrollers has further increased the applications for which embedded systems are used into areas where traditionally a computer would not have been considered. A general purpose and comparatively low-cost microcontroller may often be programmed to fulfill the same role as a large number of separate components. Although in this context an embedded system is usually more complex than a traditional solution, most of the complexity is contained within the microcontroller itself.

Unit Ten1networks have been split between wide area networks (WANs)and local area networks (LANs)between---- and :常用于difference, divide choose 和spilt 等词之后I asked him whether there was much difference between British and European law .我问他是否英国法律和欧洲法律有明显的不同。
2.A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines.Over :穿过,越过,翻到-----另一边Electricity cables stretch over the fields . 电缆穿过了田野。
3.It is now possible to connect up LANs remotely over telephone links so that they look as a single LAN.It 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式connect upSo that : 以便(表示目的)connect up:连接。
Connect up the cells of a battery .联接电池组的各个电池。
4 at least : at any lowest estimate or figure .至少。
It will cost at least five pounds .3 a device that lets the computer talk to the network在make ,let ,have ,see, hear ,watch ,notice ,feel, 等动词后的复合宾语,不定式都不带to,I often hear them sing this song .5 The name TCP/IP refers to a suite of data communication protocols.a suite of: suit [swi:t] 作名词。

课后参考答案unit 1〖Ex. 1〗根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) It is primar ily respon sible for execut ing instru ction s.2) Throug h the monito r.3) All proces sors,memory module s, plug-in cards, daught erboa rds, or periph eraldevice s can be plugge d in thosesocket s.4) The binary system is used.5) Throug h clever format ting.6) They are simila r to each other. ROM only cannot be altere d and does not lose its conte n t s when poweris remove d.7) “Mouses”8) Floppy diskscan be remove d from theirdrives and hard diskscan’t.9) Becaus e it is faster than many typesof parall el port.10) I/O Port.〖Ex. 2〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 3〗把下列句子翻译为中文:1)绝大部分计算机上键盘是主要的文本输入设备。
3)Win 95 和其它操作系统让用户可以调节鼠标器的灵敏度。

流行的杀毒软件包括Norton AntiVirus、Kapspersky Anti-Virus、F-Secure Anti-Virus、Windows Defender和Avast等。
计算机英语课件Unit 10 Cyberculture

To line—Here is where you type the e-mail address of the person to whom you are sending the e-mail. You can put multiple addresses on this line, allowing you to send your message to many people. cc and bcc lines—They are used to copy the message to people who are not the primary readers, like your supervisors or others who might be interested in your conversation. The cc line shows your message's recipient that others are receiving copies of the message too. The bcc line("blind cc") allows you to copy your messages to others without anyone else knowing.
Yes Can you receive and send messages? Can you forward documents to others? Can you receive and send attached documents? Do you sort your e-mail message into folders? Can you send one e-mail message to multiple peoples? Have you created and used a signature file? Are you on any mailing lists (listservs)? Do you know what flaming is? Do you know what spam is? Do you know what netiquette (network etiquette) is?

Figure 10-5
What is a Network?
Figure 10-6
Geographically, using both cable and air connections, networks range from
home to citywide and even international. Here let us have some idea of three
Besides cables, they use microwave relays and satellites to reach users over
long distances. The widest of all WANs is the Internet, which spans the entire
What is a Network?
This arrangement is common for sharing data stored on different microcomputers but not as efficient as the star network for sharing common resources (See Figure 10-3).
on a central host computer (Figure 10-2).
In a bus network, there is no host computer, and instead each device in the
network handles its own communication control. All communications travel along

课后参考答案unit 1〖Ex. 1〗根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) It is primarily responsible for executing instructions.2) Through the monitor.3) All processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices can be plugged in those sockets.4) The binary system is used.5) Through clever formatting.6) They are similar to each other. ROM only cannot be altered and does not lose its contents when power is removed.7) “Mouses”8) Floppy disks can be removed from their drives and hard disks can’t.9) Because it is faster than many types of parallel port.10) I/O Port.〖Ex. 3〗把下列句子翻译为中文:1)绝大部分计算机上键盘是主要的文本输入设备。
3)Win 95 和其它操作系统让用户可以调节鼠标器的灵敏度。
10)IBM兼容机为商用机(也可用于家庭)〖Ex. 4〗把下列短文翻译成中文系统前面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,用户可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。

激光打印机 每英寸点数 电子出版 视频 动画 超链接 软件套件
单击此处编辑母版标题样 主句 式
6 22
宾语从句 状语从句
单击此处编辑主母语从句版标题样 式
6 23
单击此处编辑母版标题样 式
6 24
2 并列同位语从句
6 25
单击目此的状语处编辑母版标题样 式
6 26
单击此处编辑母版标题样 式
6 27
bit-mapped image
CAD (Computer-Aided Design) 计算机辅助设计
graphic workstation
2D (Dimension)-plan
3D (Dimension) object
图形用户界面 桌面出版 分辨率 激光照排机 粘贴板 超文本标记语言 可移植文档格式 页面描述语言 图形软件 (文)字处理 打印文稿 字处理器(软件)
KEYWORDS laser printer dpi (dots per inch) Electronic Publishing video animation hyperlink suite of software
计算机专业英语Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesExercises1. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.(1)The ( A ) is a language that was represented by long strings of ones and zeroes.A. machine languageB. high-level languageC. low-level languageD. assembly language(2)The ( D ) maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics.A. machine languageB. high-level languageC. low-level languageD. assembly language(3)The ( A ) turns the object file into an executable program.A. linkerB. compilerC. interpreterD. computer(4)The ( C ) is a software that translates instructions directly into actions.A. inkerB. compilerC. interpreterD. assembly language2. Fill in the blanks.(1)Computer language include machine language, assembly language and higher-levellanguages(2)Higher-level languages let people work with something approximating words andsentences.(3)Programs use "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, dialogboxes.3. Translate and analyze the following sentences.(1)Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code,which is inconvenient.句子组成:which引导的是定语从句,修饰steps翻译:但是编译程序却增加了一些额外的步骤来编译和链接代码,相比之下则不方便。
计算机英语教程unit 10

[3] Another design goal was to give developers the tools they need to build
powerful, sophisticated database solutions that seamlessly integrate with enterprise-wide data while ensuring forward and backwards c ompati bil ity wit h ne w and e xi sti ng data ba se soluti ons . 本句中,动词不定式短语to give developers the tools做表语;they need 是一定语从句,修饰 the tools ;动词不定式短语 to build powerful, sophisticated database solutions 做目的状语; that seamlessly integrate with enterprise-wide data也是一定语从句,修饰 database solutions , while ensuring forward and backwards compatibility with new and existing database solutions是一时间状语, 修饰integrate with,while表示动作同时进行。

课后参考答案unit 1〖Ex. 1〗根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) It is primarily responsible for executing instructions.2) Through the monitor.3) All processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices can be plugged in those sockets.4) The binary system is used.5) Through clever formatting.6) They are similar to each other. ROM only cannot be altered and does not lose its contents when power is removed.7) “Mouses”8) Floppy disks can be removed from their drives and hard disks can’t.9) Because it is faster than many types of parallel port.10) I/O Port.〖Ex. 3〗把下列句子翻译为中文:1)绝大部分计算机上键盘是主要的文本输入设备。
3)Win 95 和其它操作系统让用户可以调节鼠标器的灵敏度。
10)IBM兼容机为商用机(也可用于家庭)〖Ex. 4〗把下列短文翻译成中文系统前面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,用户可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。
计算机专业英语实用教程 .ppt

形容词及副词:形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。副词主要用 来修饰动词、形容词、介词短语或其他副词。形容词和副词都有级的变化。 同等比较句型: 1)肯定句式:“A +谓语+ as +adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B一样。 2)否定句式:“A+谓语+not as(so)+adj./adv.原级+ as + B”表示A与B不同, 或A不如B。 比较级常用句型: 1)“A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+ than +B”表示A比B更…… 2)“which is + adj./adv.比较级, A or B?”表示两者之间选择。 3)“adj./adv.比较级 + and + adj./adv.比较级”表示越来越……
including the keyboard, the mouse, and the scanner etc., output devices(See Figure 1-8~Figure 1-10)— including the monitor, the printer, the speakers etc., and secondary storage devices(See Figure1-11~Figure 1-13)— including
What is the Computer and the Internet?
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
unit 10 World Wide Web-实用计算机英语简明教程-丁海燕-清华大学出版社

8 Exercises
Ex5. Speaking . 1. What is World Wide Web? 2. What do the terms means in your language: webpage, website, homepage, static webpage ? 3. What is URL? Which parts do URL consist of? 4. What are Cascading Style Sheets? What are the advantages of CSS in Web Design? 5. What is dynamic HTML? Which technologies can be use to develop dynamic webpage?
因特网地址 Java小程序 首页 Web创作 动态超文本标记语言 地理位置
5 Abbreviation
URL--Uniform Resource Locator URI--Uniform Resource Identifier CSS --Cascading Style Sheets DNS --Domain Name System
EX4 Answers
1.Plug-ins are automatically loaded and operate as part of a browser. Some are included in many today’s browsers. Other must be installed.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 10 Applications【教学目的】○ Learn about the English terms of Applications: boot,click,notebook,ASP,backup,CD-R,CD-RW and etc.○ Improve the students’ ability to understand the long and difficult sentences in the text.○ Master the key language poi nts and grammatical structures in the text.○ consolidate the technical terms and important professional phrases by doing exercises. 【教学重点难点】○Important technical terms:boot(启动),click(点击),notebook(笔记本电脑),ASP(动态服务器主页),backup (备份),CD-R(可写光盘),CD-RW(可改写光盘),DVD(数字化视频光盘),clipboard (剪贴板),compression(压缩),default setting(默认设置),icon(图标),password(密码),virus(病毒),MPEG (运动图像专家组),OCR(光学字符识别软件),extension(扩展名),cookie(小甜饼),applet(小Java程序),DSL (数字用户线路)○ Difficult sentences:1. Usually used as a marketing term to describe a Web site that is or is intended to be the first place people see when using the Web.2. A computer on the same network as an infected computer or that uses an infected disk (even a floppy) or that downloads and runs an infected program can itself become infected.3. Note also that different platforms have different general levels of resistance; UNIX machines are almost immune, Win ’95 / ’98 / ME is quite vulnerable, and most others lie somewhere in between.4. MPEGA family of multimedia standards developed by the Motion Picture Experts Group, commonly used to refer to audio or visual files saved with MPEG compression schemes.5. EncryptionA process that turns files into gobbledegook so that they cannot be read, other than by programs containing the appropriate password-protected encryption software.6. Applets differ from full-fledged Java applications in that they are not allowed to access certain resources on the local computer, such as files and serial devices (modems, printers, etc.), and are prohibited from communicating with most other computers across a network.7. A common configuration of DSL allows downloads at speeds of up to 1.544 megabits (not megabytes) per second, and uploads at speeds of 128 kilobits per second. This arrangement is called ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.○ Review the important points of essential Englishwill表示“通常会……”by defaulthave uses for ……【教学步骤】Step OneRead and explain Text A to the students and ask the students to keep in mind the following professional terms:boot(启动):Starting up an OS is booting it.click(点击):To press a mouse button.notebook(笔记本电脑):A notebook is a small laptop with similar price, performance, and battery life.ASP(动态服务器主页):Active Server Pagesbackup(备份):To make a second copy of a file as a safety measure.CD-R(可写光盘):Compact DiskCD-RW(可改写光盘):Compact Disc Re-Writable formatDVD(数字化视频光盘):Digital Video Diskclipboard(剪贴板):A section of a co mputer’s memory where you can temporarily copy chunks of text, data, graphics, or pictures.compression(压缩):A technique to reduce the size of a file in order to make it more manageable and quicker to download.default setting(默认设置):The computer or software settings made by the manufacturer. icon(图标):A small picture displayed on-screen to identify a command or file.password(密码):A code used to gain access (login) to a locked system.virus(病毒):A virus is a program that will seek to duplicate itself in memory and on disks, but in a subtle way that will not immediately be noticed.MPEG (运动图像专家组):Motion Picture Experts GroupOCR(光学字符识别软件):Optical Character Recognition.CSS(层次式样表):Cascading style sheetsextensions(扩展名):Files are identified by a three -letter or -number code, called an extension. cookie(小甜饼):A cookie is a small file that a web page on another machine writes to your personal machine’s disk to store various bits of information.applet(小Java程序):A small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page.DSL (数字用户线路):Digital Subscriber LineStep TwoHelp the students to analyze the following long difficult sentences:ually used as a marketing term to describe a Web site that is or is intended to be the firstplace people see when using the Web.本句解释portal。
portal原义:a large and often highly decorated entrance to a building “一幢建筑高大而带有装饰的入口处”,到了网络,其意思是:a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet被译作“门户网站”。
used as a marketing term“用作推销术语”;to describe a Web site that is or is intended to be the first place people see when using the Web.“把网站描述成访问网络时的首站”,全句的参考译文可以是:“portal为门户网站,通常为销售术语,描述一个网站是或打算成为人们上网时最先到的地方”。
2. A computer on the same network as an infected computer or that uses an infected disk (even a floppy) or that downloads and runs an infected program can itself become infected.本句讲了一台计算机遇到三种情况自己就会感染病毒,主干句子为A computer can itself become infected。