1 Preferences 偏好设置electric2 parameters 参数scalar 数量a=1 b=0.1单元类型3 preprocessor /element type预处理器单元建立element type 单元类型物质属性4 preprocessor /material props 物质属性(设置材料属性)material models relative permittivity 相对介电常数关键点的生成选择主菜单命令Preprocessor/Modeling/Create/Keypoints/In Active CS 打开如图所示的CreatKeypoints in Active Coordinate System 对话框。
以当前激活坐标系为参照输入关键点坐标,单击OK 按钮则该关键点被创建,如果要连续定义几个关键点,输入坐标后单击Apply 按钮,然后继续下一个关键点坐标的输入。
首先利用两个指定的关键点建立直线,选择主菜单命令Preprocessor/Modeling/ Create/Lines/ In Active Coord,选择两个已有的关键点即可定义线。
曲线其次,是通过关键点建立曲线[15],选择主菜单Preprocessor/Modeling/ Create/Lines/Splines/Splines thru KPs,依次选择处于样条曲线上的关键点,单击OK按钮,即可生成曲线相切的曲线再次,建立与已知两线(曲线和直线)相切的曲线。
选择主菜单Preprocessor/Modeling/ Create/Lines/Lines/Tan to 2 lines,首先选中已知线,然后点击要与该线相切的关键点,点击Apply,再次,选中另一条已知线,点击要与该线相切的关键点,点击OK,这样与两条已知线同时相切的线即会被建立起来线连在一起要利用主菜单Preprocessor/Modeling/Operate/ Booleans/Glue/Lines 把所有的线粘在一起生成面选择主菜单命令Preprocessor/Modeling/Create/Areas/Arbitrary/By Lines,依次选择组成面的闭合的线,即可得到面把面连在一起主菜单Preprocessor/Modeling/Operate/ Booleans/Glue/Areas把所有的线粘在一起指定材料属性preprocessor/meshing/mesh attributes/pick Areas(未确定)7.1 智能网格的大小控制meshing/ Size control /smartsize(智能大小)/basic/3第一种在划分网格之前指定 1.1 main menu/preprocessor/meshing/mesh attributes/default attribs出现meshing attributes对话框,在【mat】material number下拉框中选择你需要的材料序号。
一、板壳弯曲理论简介1. 板壳分类按板面内特征尺寸与厚度之比划分:当L/h < (5~8) 时为厚板,应采用实体单元。
当(5~8) < L/h < (80~100) 时为薄板,可选2D 实体或壳单元当L/h > (80~100) 时为薄膜,可采用薄膜单元。
壳类结构按曲率半径与壳厚度之比划分:当R/h >= 20 时为薄壳结构,可选择薄壳单元。
当6 < R/h < 20 时为中厚壳结构,选择中厚壳单元。
当R/h <= 6 时为厚壳结构。
上述各式中h 为板壳厚度,L 为平板面内特征尺度,R 为壳体中面的曲率半径。
2. 薄板理论的基本假定薄板所受外力有如下三种情况:①外力为作用于中面内的面内荷载。
薄板通常采用Kirchhoff-Love 基本假定:①平行于板中面的各层互不挤压,即σz = 0。
3. 中厚板理论的基本假定考虑横向剪切变形的板理论,一般称为中厚板理论或Reissner(瑞斯纳)理论。
自Reissner 提出考虑横向剪切变形的平板弯曲理论后,又出现了许多精化理论。
厚板理论是平板弯曲的精确理论,即从3D 弹性力学出发研究弹性曲面的精确表达式。
4. 薄壳理论的基本假定也称为Kirchhoff-Love(克希霍夫-勒夫)假定:①薄壳变形前与中曲面垂直的直线,变形后仍然位于已变形中曲面的垂直线上,且其长度保持不变。
一、板壳弯曲理论简介1. 板壳分类按板面内特征尺寸与厚度之比划分:当L/h < (5~8) 时为厚板,应采用实体单元。
当(5~8) < L/h < (80~100) 时为薄板,可选2D 实体或壳单元当L/h > (80~100) 时为薄膜,可采用薄膜单元。
壳类结构按曲率半径与壳厚度之比划分:当R/h >= 20 时为薄壳结构,可选择薄壳单元。
当6 < R/h < 20 时为中厚壳结构,选择中厚壳单元。
当R/h <= 6 时为厚壳结构。
上述各式中h 为板壳厚度,L 为平板面内特征尺度,R 为壳体中面的曲率半径。
2. 薄板理论的基本假定薄板所受外力有如下三种情况:①外力为作用于中面内的面内荷载。
薄板通常采用Kirchhoff-Love 基本假定:①平行于板中面的各层互不挤压,即σz = 0。
3. 中厚板理论的基本假定考虑横向剪切变形的板理论,一般称为中厚板理论或Reissner(瑞斯纳)理论。
自Reissner 提出考虑横向剪切变形的平板弯曲理论后,又出现了许多精化理论。
厚板理论是平板弯曲的精确理论,即从3D 弹性力学出发研究弹性曲面的精确表达式。
4. 薄壳理论的基本假定也称为Kirchhoff-Love(克希霍夫-勒夫)假定:①薄壳变形前与中曲面垂直的直线,变形后仍然位于已变形中曲面的垂直线上,且其长度保持不变。
基于ANSYS和实验的悬臂薄板模态分析摘要:运用ANSYS 软件对某悬臂薄板进行了模态分析,得到了悬臂薄板的前10阶固有频率和振型,确定了悬臂薄板的振动特性,模态分析提供了研究各种实际结构振动的一条有效途径,从而为以后应用过程中提供了依据。
1 悬臂薄板有限元分析在SOLID单元分析中,分别建立体模型、面模型,以便分析不同的网格划分方式对结果的影响;在SHELL单元分析中,建立面模型进行分析,利用单元不同的厚度实常数设置对悬臂薄板的厚度进行分析。
根据上述悬臂薄板有限元建模方法建立响应的计算模型,采用Block Lanczos方法进行模态分析。
2 模态分析模态分析需要指定模态提取方法,模态提取阶数,模态扩展的阶数、和求解频率范围等。
ANSYS(美国ancora corp.)软件是一款功能强大的有限元分析仿真软件,功
一、板壳弯曲理论简介1. 板壳分类按板面内特征尺寸与厚度之比划分:当L/h < (5~8) 时为厚板,应采用实体单元。
当(5~8) < L/h < (80~100) 时为薄板,可选2D 实体或壳单元当L/h > (80~100) 时为薄膜,可采用薄膜单元。
壳类结构按曲率半径与壳厚度之比划分:当R/h >= 20 时为薄壳结构,可选择薄壳单元。
当6 < R/h < 20 时为中厚壳结构,选择中厚壳单元。
当R/h <= 6 时为厚壳结构。
上述各式中h 为板壳厚度,L 为平板面内特征尺度,R 为壳体中面的曲率半径。
2. 薄板理论的基本假定薄板所受外力有如下三种情况:①外力为作用于中面内的面内荷载。
薄板通常采用Kirchhoff-Love 基本假定:①平行于板中面的各层互不挤压,即σz = 0。
3. 中厚板理论的基本假定考虑横向剪切变形的板理论,一般称为中厚板理论或Reissner(瑞斯纳)理论。
自Reissner 提出考虑横向剪切变形的平板弯曲理论后,又出现了许多精化理论。
厚板理论是平板弯曲的精确理论,即从3D 弹性力学出发研究弹性曲面的精确表达式。
4. 薄壳理论的基本假定也称为Kirchhoff-Love(克希霍夫-勒夫)假定:①薄壳变形前与中曲面垂直的直线,变形后仍然位于已变形中曲面的垂直线上,且其长度保持不变。
ANSYS建模一般步骤:1、进入ANSYS:设定工作目录和工作文件2、设置计算类型:Structure 定义分析类型3、选择单元类型:Beam、Link、Solid、Shell对于Solid Quad 4node 42 需要设置单元行为4、定义实常数以确定单元截面参数:Real Constants(Isotropic:截面积、惯性矩等、Density:密度)5、设定材料参数:Preprocessor—>Material Models(弹性模量和泊松比)6、生成模型:Preprocessor—>Modeling—>Create6.1 生成有限元模型6.1.1 生成节点:Preprocessor—>Modeling—>Create—>Nodes6.1.2 生成单元:Preprocessor—>Modeling—>Create—>Elements6.2 生成物理模型6.2.1 生成关键点:Preprocessor—>Modeling—>Create—>Keypoints6.2.2 生成线、面、体:Preprocessor—>Modeling—>Create—>Lines、Areas、Volumes6.2.3 网格划分:Preprocessor—>Meshing—>Mesh Attributes(网格属性)—>PickedLinesPreprocessor—>Meshing—>Mesh Tool—>Sizes Controls—>NDIV(将选中单元划分成NDIV等分)Elm Attributes(单元属性)Size Cntrls 尺寸控制,对面单元,控制边的划分段数对体单元,控制面的划分段数Mesh Tool中Size Control有一样的功能7、模型加约束和外载:Solution—>Define Loads—>Apply—>Structural7.1 集中荷载:Solution—>Define Loads—>Apply—>Structural—>Force/Moment—>On Nodes7.2 均布荷载:Solution—>Define Loads—>Apply—>Structural—>Pressure—>OnBeams7.3 约束:Solution—>Define Loads—>Apply—>Structural—>Displacement—>OnNodes8、分析计算:Solution—>Solve—>Current LS9、结果显示:General Postproc(后处理)—>Plot Results(绘制结果)—>Deformed Shape(变形形状)General Postproc—>Plot Results—>Contour Plot(轮廓绘制)—>Nodal Solu(显示位移)—>Y-Component of displacement:显示Y方向位移UYX-Component of displacement:显示X方向位移UXElement Table—>Define Table。
ANSYS 有限元分析 平面薄板
![ANSYS 有限元分析 平面薄板](
v1.0 可编辑可修改《有限元基础教程》作业二:平面薄板的有限元分析班级:机自101202班 姓名:韩晓峰 学号:0210一.问题描述:P Ph1mm R1mm10m m 10mm条件:上图所示为一个承受拉伸的正方形板,长度和宽度均为10mm ,厚度为h 为1mm ,中心圆的半径R 为1mm 。
已知材料属性为弹性模量E=1MPa ,泊松比为,拉伸的均布载荷q =1N/mm 2。
二.求解过程:1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYS →ANSYS Product Launcher →File management →input job name: ZY2→Run2设置计算类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type →Add/Edit/Delete →Add →selectSolid Quad 4node 42 →OK → Options… →select K3: Plane Strs w/thk →OK →Close 4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural→Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX: 1e6, PRXY: → OK5定义实常数以及确定平面问题的厚度ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Real Constants …→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →Type 1→OK →Real Constant Set ,THK:1→OK →Close6生成几何模型a 生成平面方板ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Rectangle →By 2 Corners →WP X:0,WP Y:0,Width:5,Height:5→OKb 生成圆孔平面ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Circle →Solid Circle→WPX=0,WPY=0,RADIUS=1→OKb 生成带孔板ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling→Operate →Booleans → Subtract →Areas →点击area1→OK→点击area2→OK7 网格划分ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) Global: Set →SIZE: →OK →iMesh →Pick All → Close8 模型施加约束a 分别给左边施加x和y方向的约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On lines →拾取左侧边→OK →select UX,UY→ OKb 给斜边施加x方向均布载荷Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取右侧边;OK →VALUE:-10→OK9 分析计算ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK→Close10 结果显示ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape…→ select Def + Undeformed →OK→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu…→select: DOF solution, Displacement vector sum, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,von Mises stress, Def +v1.0 可编辑可修改Undeformed→OK11显示整体效果Utility Menu→PlotCtrls→Style>Symmetry Expansion>Periodic/Cyclic Symmetry Expansion→1/4Dihedral Sym→OK10 退出系统ANSYS Utility Menu: File→Exit…→ Save Everything→OK三.结果分析:图1 建模、网格划分、加载图图2 变形图图3 整体应力。
创新与实践TECHNOLOGYANDMARKETVol.26,No.4,2019基于ANSYS的变截面薄壁板件结构受力模拟赵晨迪,孙 一(中国民航飞行学院飞机修理厂,四川德阳618307)摘 要:变截面薄壁板件在航空航天以及诸多领域的主要承力结构中广泛应用,利用ANSYS软件对变截面薄壁板件结构进行受力模拟,可以减少很多工程试验,并且优化设计提高效率。
关键词:变截面;薄壁板件;ANSYS;有限元doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-8554.2019.04.017 引言在飞机的结构制造与设计过程中,变截面结构受力分析要远比等截面结构分析复杂许多。
变截面薄壁板件结构受力理论分析图1 悬臂变截面薄板梁对一般的定截面悬臂梁,在y=ymax,即横截面上离中性轴最远的各点处,弯曲正应力为最大,其值为:σmax=MymaxIz=MIzymax抗弯截面系数:Wz=Izymax所以:σmax=MWz,抗弯截面系数Wz=bh26=bh+xl(H-h[])26从图1中可以看到,B端变截面薄壁板件的弯矩最大,所以在B处弯曲正应力最大。
悬臂变截面薄壁板件结构挠度的一般求解公式推导:变截面薄壁板件悬臂梁的弯矩方程:M(x)=-Fx(1)x处截面的惯性矩公式:I(x)=b12h+xl(H-h[])3(2)悬臂变截面薄壁板件的挠曲轴近似微分方程:d2ωdx2=M(x)EI(3)将式(3-1),(3-2)带入(3-3)式得到:d2ωdx2=FxEb12h+xl(H-h[])3由上式积分得到:θ=dωdx=12FEb∫xh+xl(H-h[])3dx(4)令u=h+xl(H-h) x=(u-h)lH-h代入(3-4)式得到:θ=dωdx=12FEb∫(u-h)lH-hu3d(u-h)lH-[]h=12Fl2Eb(H-h)2(-u-1+12hu-2)+C挠度方程有:ω=∫12Fl2Eb(H-h)2(-u-1+12hu-2)du+[]C=12Fl3Eb(H-h)3-lnu-12hu()-1+Cu+D(5)当x=l即u=H时,为悬臂变截面薄壁板件固定端B处,板件横截面的转角和挠度均为零,即θ=0,ω=0,所以推出:θ=12Fl2Eb(H-h)2-H-1+12h×H()-2+C=065技术与市场创新与实践2019年第26卷第4期由上式求得C=-12Fl2Eb(H-h)2-H-1+h2H()2(6)由x=l处ω=0又可得到:ω=12Fl3Eb(H-h)3-lnH-12h×H()-1-12Fl2Eb(H-h)2-H-1+h2H()2×H+D=0D=-12Fl3Eb(H-h)3-lnH-12h×H()-1+12Fl3Eb(H-h)2-H-1+h2H()2(7)将式(6)、(7)带入式(5)得到变截面薄壁板件悬臂梁结构的挠度求解一般公式为:ω=12Fl3Eb(H-h)3-lnh+xl(H-h[])-12hh+xl(H-h[])()-1-12Fl2Eb(H-h)2-H-1+h2H()2x-12Fl3Eb(H-h)3-lnH-12h×H()-1+12Fl3Eb(H-h)2-H-1+h2H()2(8)由拟定数据条件弹性模量E=1×1010Pa,H=1m,h=0.5m,l=16m,b=0.01m,F=-2000N当x=0时挠度最大,ω=0.535931235。
基于 ANSYS的车身柔性薄板焊装夹具优化设计
![基于 ANSYS的车身柔性薄板焊装夹具优化设计](
2 0 1 3 年 第6 期( 第2 6 卷, 总 第1 2 8 期)・ 机 械 研 究 与应 柔 性 薄 板 焊装 夹 具 优 化 设 计
武 福 , 王 晓峰 , 朱 正凯
( 1 . 兰州交通大学 机 电工程学院,甘肃 兰州 7 3 0 0 7 0 ; 2 . 齐齐哈 尔轨道 交通装备有限责任公 司,黑龙江 齐齐哈 尔 1 6 1 0 0 2 )
W U F u ,W ANG Xi a o — f e n g ,ZHU Z h e n g —k a i
( . S c h o o l o f Me c h — E l e c t r o n i c T e c h n o l o g y , L a n z h o u J i a o t o n g U n i v e r s i t y , L a n z h o u G a n s u 7 了 D 0 7 1 9 ,C h i n a ;
摘 要: 介绍薄板焊装夹具在 国内外研 究进展 , 然后在” N 一 2 — 1 ” 定位原理的基础 上 , 建立 了适合车身焊接 工艺的工件
定位 点优化设计 的数 学模型 , 提 出了一种 可以快速确 定工件定位点位置 以及夹具布局 方案 的设计方 法。利 用 A N S Y S 有限元软件 对模 型进行 了实验分析和验证 , 得 出板料有 限元 网格的大 小、 夹具 的定位点 、 夹紧点及 夹紧力的大小等对 接 触变形的影 响。结果表 明该模型和方法快速、 准确 、 合 理, 达到 了预期设计的 目标 。
2 . Q i q i h a r R a i l w a y R o l l i n g S t o c k C o . , L t d ,Q i q i h a r H e l o n g i f a n g 1 6 1 0 0 2 ,C h i n a )
基于ANSYS的带孔薄板拉应力分析目录1. 问题描述: (2)2. 有限元建模: (2)3. 网格划分 (4)4. 载荷及求解设置: (5)5. 计算结果与分析: (6)6. 多方案比较: (8)1. 问题描述:本文通过ANSYS计算,来研究带偏心孔的薄板受力情况。
图1 薄板几何尺寸2. 有限元建模:该仿真采用平面应力进行模拟,所以采用单元类型为Plane183,该单元为高阶2维8节点单元,即网格带有中间节点,这样可以提供有限元的计算精度。
图2 Plane183单元类型选取菜单Utility Menu→Preprocessor→Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete,弹出【Element Types】对话框,单机Add按钮,弹出【Library of Element Types】对话框,设置下面选项:左边列表框中选择Soild;右边列表框中选择8 node 183;图3 单元类型设置本文采用平面应力的方向进行分析,如图3所示,点击单元类型的Options,修改实常数,软件默认实常数K3为平面应力,默认即可。
第 1期
四 川 兵 工 学 报
21 0 2年 1月
【 机械制造与检测技术 】
基 于 A S S的 车 身 薄板 件 点 焊 漂 移 偏 差 仿 真 NY
王德 伦 , 肖荣光
( 重庆理工大学 汽车学 院 , 重庆 40 5 ) 00 0
摘要: 分析 了由名义焊点漂移产生焊装偏差 的机理 , 在忽 略焊接热变形 以及 电极 压痕所造 成偏差 的情 况下 , A S S软 件 在 NY 中建立 了简单 的偏差 匹配 点焊装配模型 , 模拟 薄板 件点焊漂移引起 的焊装偏差 。以壳单 元划分零件 , 以
上述情况是在假设 零件 刚度 足够 大 , 电极 预压力 不足 以使 零件 在 点焊处产生 凸包 的情况 下发 生 的。以零件 1的名 义焊点 为研
究 对象 , 克服零件偏差的夹紧力 即点焊 电极 力为 F 力 F由于 设 ,
收 稿 日期 :0 1 2— 1 2 1 —1 0
名义 位置
图 1 零 件 定位
F___ _
cl !
零 件2
1 名义焊点漂移 分析
由于零件偏差 、 夹具偏差和夹具 夹紧力 的作用 , 名义焊 点位
图 2 零 件 夹 紧
置必然随着零件变形 发 生空 间位 置的漂 移 , 际点焊 连接 点将 实 位于两 电极力作用 点 的连线 上 , 具体位 置取 决 于零件 偏差 及零
( ) 3。
影响到整车 的连接强 度 、 使用 的安全性 以及车 身装配 的偏 差 J , 因此很有必要对 电阻点 焊装 配偏 差进 行研究 , 以提高 车体 的装
Create outer areas by skinning
实体建模 - 由下而上建模
• 反射ARSYM • 沿平面反射实体. • 修改反射方向:
• X 关于YZ平面反射 • Y关于XZ平面反射 • Z关于XY平面反射
• 所有的方向均定义在激活坐 标系,且必须是直角坐标系.
What is the direction of reflection in this case?
• 搭接Aovlap
• 类似于粘合运算,但输入的实体有重叠.
实体建模 - 由上而下建模
• 减ASBS(2,1)
• 删除“母体”中一块或多块与子体重合的部分。 • 对于建立带孔的实体或准确切除部分实体特别方便.
实体建模 - 由上而下建模
• 叠分ASBW
• 把一个实体分割为两个或多个,它们仍通过共同的 边界连接在一起.
GUI:Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS>At Specified Loc
• 当创建了局部坐标系后,分配给它一个坐标系号KCN (必须是11或更大),可以在ANSYS进程中的任何 阶段建立(或删除)局部坐标系。
• 与工作平面相关的命令:
• WPOFFS, XOFF, YOFF, ZOFF (工作平面原点的偏置) • WPROTA, THXY, THYZ, THZX (工作平面的旋转)
1.3 局部坐标系与工作平面的区别
• 区别:局部坐标系下对关键点进行操作;而工作平面下 对面和体进行操作。
• 举例:
边长为1m 的正方形
Operate > Extrude
Release 13.0 - © 2010 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1. Analyzing Thermal Phenomena1.1. How ANSYS Treats Thermal Modeling1.1.1. Convection1.1.2. Radiation1.1.3. Special Effects1.1.4. Far-Field Elements1.2. Types of Thermal Analysis1.3. Coupled-Field Analyses1.4. About GUI Paths and Command Syntax2. Steady-State Thermal Analysis2.1. Available Elements for Thermal Analysis2.2. Commands Used in Thermal Analyses2.3. Tasks in a Thermal Analysis2.4. Building the Model2.4.1. Using the Surface Effect Elements2.4.2. Creating Model Geometry2.5. Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution2.5.1. Defining the Analysis Type2.5.2. Applying Loads2.5.3. Using Table and Function Boundary Conditions2.5.4. Specifying Load Step Options2.5.5. General Options2.5.6. Nonlinear Options2.5.7. Output Controls2.5.8. Defining Analysis Options2.5.9. Saving the Model2.5.10. Solving the Model2.6. Reviewing Analysis Results2.6.1. Primary data2.6.2. Derived data2.6.3. Reading In Results2.6.4. Reviewing Results2.7. Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method)2.7.1. The Example Described2.7.2. The Analysis Approach2.7.3. Commands for Building and Solving the Model2.8. Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)2.9. Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions2.9.1. Running the Sample Problem via Commands2.9.2. Running the Sample Problem Interactively2.10. Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis3. Transient Thermal Analysis3.1. Elements and Commands Used in Transient Thermal Analysis3.2. Tasks in a Transient Thermal Analysis3.3. Building the Model3.4. Applying Loads and Obtaining a Solution3.4.1. Defining the Analysis Type3.4.2. Establishing Initial Conditions for Your Analysis3.4.3. Specifying Load Step Options3.4.4. Nonlinear Options3.4.5. Output Controls3.5. Saving the Model3.5.1. Solving the Model3.6. Reviewing Analysis Results3.6.1. How to Review Results3.6.2. Reviewing Results with the General Postprocessor3.6.3. Reviewing Results with the Time History Postprocessor3.7. Reviewing Results as Graphics or Tables3.7.1. Reviewing Contour Displays3.7.2. Reviewing Vector Displays3.7.3. Reviewing Table Listings3.8. Phase Change3.9. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis3.9.1. The Example Described3.9.2. Example Material Property Values3.9.3. Example of a Transient Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)3.9.4. Commands for Building and Solving the Model3.10. Where to Find Other Examples of Transient Thermal Analysis4. Radiation4.1. Analyzing Radiation Problems4.2. Definitions4.3. Using LINK31, the Radiation Link Element4.4. Modeling Radiation Between a Surface and a Point4.5. Using the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method4.5.1. Procedure4.5.2. Recommendations for Using Space Nodes4.5.3. General Guidelines for the AUX12 Radiation Matrix Method4.6. Using the Radiosity Solver Method4.6.1. Procedure4.6.2. Further Options for Static Analysis4.7. Advanced Radiosity Options4.8. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method (Command Method)4.8.1. The Example Described4.8.2. Commands for Building and Solving the Model4.9. Example of a 2-D Radiation Analysis Using the Radiosity Method with Decimation and4.9.2. Commands for Building and Solving the ModelRelease 13.0 - © 2010 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.Chapter 1: Analyzing Thermal PhenomenaA thermal analysis calculates the temperature distribution and related thermal quantities in a system or component. Typical thermal quantities of interest are:•The temperature distributions•The amount of heat lost or gained•Thermal gradients•Thermal fluxes.Thermal simulations play an important role in the design of many engineering applications, including internal combustion engines, turbines, heat exchangers, piping systems, and electronic components. In many cases, engineers follow a thermal analysis with a stress analysis to calculate thermal stresses (that is, stresses caused by thermal expansions or contractions).The following thermal analysis topics are available:•How ANSYS Treats Thermal Modeling•Types of Thermal Analysis•Coupled-Field Analyses•About GUI Paths and Command Syntax1.1. How ANSYS Treats Thermal ModelingOnly the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Professional, and ANSYS FLOTRAN programs support thermal analyses.The basis for thermal analysis in ANSYS is a heat balance equation obtained from the principle of conservation of energy. (For details, consult the Theory Reference for the Mechanical APDL and Mechanical Applications.) The finite element solution you perform via ANSYS calculates nodal temperatures, then uses the nodal temperatures to obtain other thermal quantities.The ANSYS program handles all three primary modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.1.1.1. ConvectionYou specify convection as a surface load on conducting solid elements or shell elements. You specify the convection film coefficient and the bulk fluid temperature at a surface; ANSYS then calculates the appropriate heat transfer across that surface. If the film coefficient depends upon temperature, you specify a table of temperatures along with the corresponding values of film coefficient at each temperature.For use in finite element models with conducting bar elements (which do not allow a convection surface load), or in cases where the bulk fluid temperature is not known in advance, ANSYS offers a convection element named LINK34. In addition, you can use the FLOTRAN CFD elements to simulate details of the convection process, such as fluid velocities, local values of film coefficient and heat flux, and temperature distributions in both fluid and solid regions.1.1.2. RadiationANSYS can solve radiation problems, which are nonlinear, in four ways:•By using the radiation link element, LINK31•By using surface effect elements with the radiation option (SURF151 in 2-D modeling or SURF152 in 3-D modeling)•By generating a radiation matrix in AUX12 and using it as a superelement in a thermal analysis.•By using the Radiosity Solver method.For detailed information on these methods, see Radiation.1.1.3. Special EffectsIn addition to the three modes of heat transfer, you can account for special effects such as change of phase (melting or freezing) and internal heat generation (due to Joule heating, for example). For instance, you can use the thermal mass element MASS71 to specifytemperature-dependent heat generation rates.1.1.4. Far-Field ElementsFar-field elements allow you to model the effects of far-field decay without having to specify assumed boundary conditions at the exterior of the model. A single layer of elements is used to represent an exterior sub-domain of semi-infinite extent. For more information, see Far-Field Elements in the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.1.2. Types of Thermal AnalysisANSYS supports two types of thermal analysis:1. A steady-state thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermalquantities under steady-state loading conditions. A steady-state loading condition isa situation where heat storage effects varying over a period of time can be ignored.2. A transient thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermalquantities under conditions that vary over a period of time.1.3. Coupled-Field AnalysesSome types of coupled-field analyses, such as thermal-structural and magnetic-thermal analyses, can represent thermal effects coupled with other phenomena. A coupled-field analysis can use matrix-coupled ANSYS elements, or sequential load-vector coupling between separate simulations of each phenomenon. For more information on coupled-field analysis, see the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.1.4. About GUI Paths and Command SyntaxThroughout this document, you will see references to ANSYS commands and their equivalent GUI paths. Such references use only the command name, because you do not always need to specify all of a command's arguments, and specific combinations of command arguments perform different functions. For complete syntax descriptions of ANSYS commands, consult the Command Reference.The GUI paths shown are as complete as possible. In many cases, choosing the GUI path as shown will perform the function you want. In other cases, choosing the GUI path given in this document takes you to a menu or dialog box; from there, you must choose additional options that are appropriate for the specific task being performed.For all types of analyses described in this guide, specify the material you will be simulating using an intuitive material model interface. This interface uses a hierarchical tree structure of material categories, which is intended to assist you in choosing the appropriate model for your analysis. See Material Model Interface in the Basic Analysis Guide for details on the material model interface.Release 13.0 - © 2010 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved.Chapter 2: Steady-State Thermal AnalysisThe ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS FLOTRAN, and ANSYS Professional products support steady-state thermal analysis. A steady-state thermal analysis calculates the effects of steady thermal loads on a system or component. Engineer/analysts often perform a steady-state analysis before performing a transient thermal analysis, to help establish initial conditions. A steady-state analysis also can be the last step of a transient thermal analysis, performed after all transient effects have diminished.You can use steady-state thermal analysis to determine temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow rates, and heat fluxes in an object that are caused by thermal loads that do not vary over time. Such loads include the following:•Convections•Radiation•Heat flow rates•Heat fluxes (heat flow per unit area)•Heat generation rates (heat flow per unit volume)•Constant temperature boundariesA steady-state thermal analysis may be either linear, with constant material properties; or nonlinear, with material properties that depend on temperature. The thermal properties of most material do vary with temperature, so the analysis usually is nonlinear. Including radiation effects also makes the analysis nonlinear.The following steady-state thermal analysis topics are available:•Available Elements for Thermal Analysis•Commands Used in Thermal Analyses•Tasks in a Thermal Analysis•Building the Model•Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution•Reviewing Analysis Results•Example of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method)•Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method)•Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions•Where to Find Other Examples of Thermal Analysis2.1. Available Elements for Thermal AnalysisThe ANSYS and ANSYS Professional programs include about 40 elements (described below) to help you perform steady-state thermal analyses.For detailed information about the elements, see the Element Reference, which manual organizes element descriptions in numeric order.Element names are shown in uppercase. All elements apply to both steady-state and transient thermal analyses. SOLID70 also can compensate for mass transport heat flow from a constant velocity field.Table 2.1 2-D Solid ElementsTable 2.2 3-D Solid ElementsTable 2.3 Radiation Link ElementsTable 2.4 Conducting Bar ElementsTable 2.5 Convection Link ElementsTable 2.6 Shell ElementsTable 2.7 Coupled-Field ElementsTable 2.8 Specialty Elements1.As determined from the element types included in this superelement.2.For information on modeling the effects of far-field decay, see Far-Field Elements inthe Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.2.2. Commands Used in Thermal AnalysesExample of a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (Command or Batch Method) and Performing a Steady-State Thermal Analysis (GUI Method) show you how to perform an example steady-state thermal analysis via command and via GUI, respectively.For detailed, alphabetized descriptions of the ANSYS commands, see the Command Reference.2.3. Tasks in a Thermal AnalysisThe procedure for performing a thermal analysis involves three main tasks: •Build the model.•Apply loads and obtain the solution.•Review the results.The next few topics discuss what you must do to perform these steps. First, the text presents a general description of the tasks required to complete each step. An example follows, based on an actual steady-state thermal analysis of a pipe junction. The example walks you throughdoing the analysis by choosing items from ANSYS GUI menus, then shows you how to perform the same analysis using ANSYS commands.2.4. Building the ModelTo build the model, you specify the jobname and a title for your analysis. Then, you use the ANSYS preprocessor (PREP7) to define the element types, element real constants, material properties, and the model geometry. (These tasks are common to most analyses. The Modeling and Meshing Guide explains them in detail.)For a thermal analysis, you also need to keep these points in mind:•To specify element types, you use either of the following: Command(s): ET GUI:Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type> Add/Edit/Delete• To define constant material properties, use either of the following: Command(s):MP GUI:Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> Thermal•The material properties can be input as numerical values or as table inputs for some elements. Tabular material properties are calculated before the first iteration (i.e., using initial values [IC ]). See the MP command for more information on which elements can use tabular material properties.•To define temperature-dependent properties, you first need to define a table of temperatures. Then, define corresponding material property values. To define the temperatures table, use either of the following:Command(s):MPTEMP orMPTGEN , and to define corresponding material property values, use MPDATA . GUI:Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models> ThermalUse the same GUI menu choices or the same commands to define temperature-dependent film coefficients (HF) for convection.Caution:If you specify temperature-dependent film coefficients (HF) in polynomial form, you should specify a temperature table before you define other materials having constant properties. 2.4.1. Using the Surface Effect ElementsYou can use the surface effect elements (SURF151, SURF152) to apply heat transfer forconvection/radiation effects on a finite element mesh. The surface effect elements also allow you to generate film coefficients and bulk temperatures from FLUID116 elements and to modelradiation to a point. You can also transfer external loads (such as from CFX) to ANSYS using these elements.The guidelines for using surface effect elements follow:1.Create and mesh the thermal region as described above.e ESURF to generate the SURF151 or SURF152 elements on the surfaces of the finite elementmesh.For SHELL131 and SHELL132 models, you must use SURF152. Set KEYOPT(11) = 1 for the top layer and KEYOPT(11) = 2 for the bottom layer.For FLUID116 models, the SURF151 and SURF152 elements can use the single extra node option (KEYOPT(5) = 1, KEYOPT(6) = 0) to get the bulk temperature from a FLUID116 element (KEYOPT(2) = 1).SURF151 and SURF152 elements can also be used to define film effectiveness on a convection surface. For more information on film effectiveness, see Conduction and Convection in the Theory Reference for the Mechanical APDL and Mechanical Applications.For greater accuracy, the SURF151 and SURF152 elements can use the option of two extra nodes (KEYOPT(5) =2, KEYOPT(6) = 0) to get bulk temperatures from FLUID116 elements(KEYOPT(2) = 1). For two extra nodes, you must set KEYOPT(5) to 0 before issuing the ESURF command. After issuing ESURF, you set KEYOPT(5) to 2 and issue the MSTOLE command to add the two extra nodes to the SURF151 or SURF152 elements.The following methods are available for mapping the FLUID116 nodes to the SURF151 or SURF152 elements with MSTOLE.•Minimum centroid distance method: The centroids of the FLUID116 and SURF151 or SURF152 elements are determined and the nodes of each FLUID116 element are mappedto the SURF151 or SURF152 element that has the minimum centroid distance. Theminimum centroid distance method will always work, but it might not give the mostaccurate results.Figure 2.1 Minimum Centroid Distance Method•Projection method: The nodes of a FLUID116 element are mapped to a SURF151 or SURF152 element if the projection from the centroid of the SURF151 or SURF152 element tothe FLUID116 element intersects the FLUID116 element perpendicularly. A errormessage is issued If a projection from a SURF151 or SURF152 element does notintersect any FLUID116 element perpendicularly.Figure 2.2 Projection Method•Hybrid method: The hybrid method is a combination of the projection and minimum centroid distance methods. In this method, the projection method is tried first.If the projection method fails to map correctly, a switch is made to the minimumcentroid distance method. Any necessary switching is done on a per-element basis.If the FLUID116 element lengths vary significantly as shown in the following two figures, the projection method is better than the minimum centroid distance method. The minimum centroid distance method would map the nodes of the shorter FLUID116 element to the SURF151 or SURF152 element, but the projection method would map the nodes of the longer FLUID116 element to the SURF151 or SURF152 element.Figure 2.3 Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Minimum Centroid Distance MethodFigure 2.4 Varying FLUID116 Element Length - Projection MethodThe projection method will not map any FLUID116 nodes to the SURF151 or SURF152 elements that are circled in the following figure. However, the hybrid method will work becausea switch will be made to the minimum centroid distance method on the second pass.Figure 2.5 Projection Method Fails for Certain Elements3.Solve the analysis.For example problems using SURF152 with a FLUID116 model, see VM271 in the Verification Manual and Thermal-Stress Analysis of a Cooled Turbine Blade in the Technology Demonstration Guide.For information in using surface effect elements to model radiation to a point, see Modeling Radiation Between a Surface and a Point.For information on transferring external loads from CFX to ANSYS, see the ANSYS CFX-Post help, or the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.2.4.2. Creating Model GeometryThere is no single procedure for building model geometry; the tasks you must perform to create it vary greatly, depending on the size and shape of the structure you wish to model. Therefore, the next few paragraphs provide only a generic overview of the tasks typically required to build model geometry. For more detailed information about modeling and meshing procedures and techniques, see the Modeling and Meshing Guide.The first step in creating geometry is to build a solid model of the item you are analyzing. You can use either predefined geometric shapes such as circles and rectangles (known within ANSYS as primitives), or you can manually define nodes and elements for your model. The 2-D primitives are called areas, and 3-D primitives are called volumes.Model dimensions are based on a global coordinate system. By default, the global coordinate system is Cartesian, with X, Y, and Z axes; however, you can choose a different coordinate system if you wish. Modeling also uses a working plane - a movable reference plane used to locate and orient modeling entities. You can turn on the working plane grid to serve as a "drawing tablet" for your model.You can tie together, or sculpt, the modeling entities you create via Boolean operations, For example, you can add two areas together to create a new, single area that includes all parts of the original areas. Similarly, you can overlay an area with a second area, then subtract the second area from the first; doing so creates a new, single area with the overlapping portion of area 2 removed from area 1.Once you finish building your solid model, you use meshing to "fill" the model with nodes and elements. For more information about meshing, see the Modeling and Meshing Guide.2.5. Applying Loads and Obtaining the SolutionYou must define the analysis type and options, apply loads to the model, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element solution.2.5.1. Defining the Analysis TypeDuring this phase of the analysis, you must first define the analysis type: •In the GUI, choose menu path Main Menu Solution> Analysis Type> New Analysis>Steady-state (static).•If this is a new analysis, issue the command ANTYPE,STATIC,NEW.•If you want to restart a previous analysis (for example, to specify additional loads), issue the command ANTYPE,STATIC,REST. You can restart an analysis only if the files Jobname.ESAV and Jobname.DB from the previous run are available. If your prior run was solved with VT Accelerator (STAOPT,VT), you will also need the Jobname.RSX file. You can also do a multiframe restart.2.5.2. Applying LoadsYou can apply loads either on the solid model (keypoints, lines, and areas) or on the finite element model (nodes and elements). You can specify loads using the conventional method of applying a single load individually to the appropriate entity, or you can apply complex boundary conditions as tabular boundary conditions (see Applying Loads Using TABLE Type Array Parameters in the Basic Analysis Guide) or as function boundary conditions (see "Using the Function Tool").You can specify five types of thermal loads: Constant Temperatures (TEMP)These are DOF constraints usually specified at model boundaries to impose a known, fixed temperature. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP instead of TEMP when defining DOF constraints. Heat Flow Rate (HEAT)These are concentrated nodal loads. Use them mainly in line-element models (conducting bars, convection links, etc.) where you cannot specify convections and heat fluxes. A positive value of heat flow rate indicates heat flowing into the node (that is, the element gains heat). If both TEMP and HEAT are specified at a node, the temperature constraint prevails. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP instead of HEAT when defining nodal loads.Note: If you use nodal heat flow rate for solid elements, you should refine the mesh around the point where you apply the heat flow rate as a load, especially if the elements containing the node where the load is applied have widely different thermal conductivities. Otherwise, you may get an non-physical range of temperature. Whenever possible, use the alternative option of using the heat generation rate load or the heat flux rate load. These options are more accurate, even for a reasonably coarse mesh. Convections (CONV)Convections are surface loads applied on exterior surfaces of the model to account for heat lost to (or gained from) a surrounding fluid medium. They are available only for solids and shells. In line-element models, you can specify convections through the convection link element (LINK34).You can use the surface effect elements (SURF151, SURF152) to analyze heat transfer for convection/radiation effects. The surface effect elements allow you to generate film coefficient calculations and bulk temperatures from FLUID116 elements and to model radiation to a point. You can also transfer external loads (such as from CFX) to ANSYS using these elements. Heat Fluxes (HFLUX)Heat fluxes are also surface loads. Use them when the amount of heat transfer across a surface (heat flow rate per area) is known, or is calculated through a FLOTRAN CFD analysis. A positive value of heat flux indicates heat flowing into the element. Heat flux is used only with solids and shells. An element face may have either CONV or HFLUX (but not both) specified as a surface load. If you specify both on the same element face, ANSYS uses what was specified last. Heat Generation Rates (HGEN)You apply heat generation rates as "body loads" to represent heat generated within an element, for example by a chemical reaction or an electric current. Heat generation rates have units of heat flow rate per unit volume.Table 2.9: Thermal Analysis Load Types below summarizes the types of thermal analysis loads.Table 2.9 Thermal Analysis Load TypesTable 2.10: Load Commands for a Thermal Analysis lists all the commands you can use to apply, remove, operate on, or list loads in a thermal analysis.Table 2.10 Load Commands for a Thermal AnalysisYou access all loading operations (except List; see below) through a series of cascading menus. From the Solution Menu, you choose the operation (apply, delete, etc.), then the load type (temperature, etc.), and finally the object to which you are applying the load (keypoint, node, etc.).For example, to apply a temperature load to a keypoint, follow this GUI path:GUI:Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Thermal> Temperature> On Keypoints2.5.3. Using Table and Function Boundary ConditionsIn addition to the general rules for applying tabular boundary conditions, some details are information is specific to thermal analyses. This information is explained in this section. For detailed information on defining table array parameters (both interactively and via command), see the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.There are no restrictions on element types.Table 2.11: Boundary Condition Type and Corresponding Primary Variable lists the primary variables that can be used with each type of boundary condition in a thermal analysis.Table 2.11 Boundary Condition Type and Corresponding Primary VariableIf you apply tabular loads as a function of temperature but the rest of the model is linear (e.g., includes no temperature-dependent material properties or radiation ), you should turn on Newton-Raphson iterations (NROPT,FULL) to evaluate the temperature-dependent tabular boundary conditions correctly.An example of how to run a steady-state thermal analysis using tabular boundary conditions is described in Performing a Thermal Analysis Using Tabular Boundary Conditions.For more flexibility defining arbitrary heat transfer coefficients, use function boundary conditions. For detailed information on defining functions and applying them as loads, see "Using the Function Tool" in the Basic Analysis Guide. Additional primary variables that are available using functions are listed below.•Tsurf (TS) (element surface temperature for SURF151 or SURF152 elements)•Density (material property DENS)•Specific heat (material property C)•Thermal conductivity (material property KXX)•Thermal conductivity (material property KYY)•Thermal conductivity (material property KZZ)•Viscosity (material property VISC)•Emissivity (material property EMIS)2.5.4. Specifying Load Step OptionsFor a thermal analysis, you can specify general options, nonlinear options, and output controls.Table 2.12 Specifying Load Step Options。
查 几 何缺 陷 。 方便 地 完成 几 何 修 飞机 的整体 受 力分 析 ,由于计 算
方 式 ,采 用共节 点 自 由度协 调进 ( 2)对于分 段分析 ,如前 机 身的分析 ,如果焊点或铆接之 间的
ASS NY 提供 了绝大部分 的C D A 接 复 ,包括 : 拓扑 重建、填充孔、清 规模 非 常大 ,不 考 虑 局部 的连 接 口。下 面针 对 薄 壁 结构 ,说 明在 除孔、闭合缝 隙、缝合装配边界 、 CD A 薄实体模 型 ,处理成满 足有 限 整 。下 面 举例 说 明部分 功 能 的 应 元分析 的壳模型 。
面。如果各个构件之间 的厚度差别 设置范 围内的小孔补上。对于重迭 设置容差范围来清除。
3装 配 连 接 .
把 实 体 模 型 转换 成 壳模 型 的 较 大 ,可以分别抽 中面。对局部 的 面、近似 面和小角面等也可以通过 传统处理方法是通过删 除实体 ,保 复杂特征 ,可 以在剖面上 创建线 , 留所需要 的面 。对 面之间的缝隙进 使所抽面 的位置在线上 。抽 完中面
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读入 几 何模 型后 ,如何 快 速 地 把 延伸 面 、 劈分 折 叠 面和 面 法 向调 行连接 ;
A S S 以对 薄实体 进行 抽 中 N Y可 面 ,可 以处理 各种T 型截面 、变厚 度 、 有小 突 台等 复 杂特 征 的薄 实 体 。 自动抽 中面的过 程可 以手动操 作 ,而且可 以对所有操作脚本化。
对几何模型 划分 网格 时 ,需要考虑 缝 隙 ,如 图1( b)所 示 ,可 以采 于几何模型 的厚 度与短边长度的 比 1( 所 示 。 c)
值 小 于01 ,对承 弯构件 需 要采 .时
• 改变图形显示的坐标系 • 命令:DSYS
– Utility Menu->WorkPlane->Change Display CS to->Global Cartesian
• 默认情况下,结果数据显示采用总体笛卡 尔坐标系
• 改变结果坐标系:RSYS
– GUI:Main Menu->General Postproc->Options for Output
– Utlity Menu->List->Results->Options
• 通过新坐标系各轴的方向余弦旋转结点坐标系:NANG – GUI->Main Menu->Preprocessor->Modeling->Create->Node->Rotate Node CS->By Vectors – GUI->Main Menu->Preprocessor->Modeling->Move/Modify->Node->Rotate Node CS>By Vectors
– Main Menu->Preprocessor->Modeling->Delete->Keypoints
• 显示关键点编号:/PNUM,KP,1
– Utility Menu->PlotCtrls->Numbering
• 计算两个关键点的直线距离:KDIST
7. 创建两个小圆孔 (1)[[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle创建一 个圆心在(0,0),半径为4 的小圆孔,即右下方圆 (2) [Utility Menu] Work Plane|Offset WP to|global origin (3)[[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle创建一 个圆心在(0,0),半径为4 的小圆孔,即左边圆 (4)从支架中减去两个小圆孔,保存数据 [Main Menu]Preprocessor | Operate|Subtract|Areas 选取支架为基体(base area from which to subtract),单击Apply;选 取两个小圆孔作为被减去部分(areas to be subtracted),单击OK按 钮。
2.13.1 建模实例1---简单薄板建模
如图所示一薄板零件,尺 寸单位为mm,板厚5mm, R4=4mm。试按照 ANSYS建模方法,建立相 应实体模型。
3. 创建两个矩形 [Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Rectangle|By Dimensions 弹出的对话框如图所示
X1,X2为矩形相对于坐标原点左右两个边的X坐标,Y1,Y2为 矩形相对于坐标原点下上两个边的Y坐标。输入如下数值 X1=0,X2=60;Y1=-10,Y2=10,单击Apply,输入第二个矩形的 坐标数值: X1=40,X2=60;Y1=-10,Y2=-30,lity Menu]File|save as 输入MODEL01.DB为文件名,单击OK关闭对话框,建模完成。
ansys 建模基本教程
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第2章 建立模型ANSYS软件含有进行多种有限元分析的能力,包括从简单的线性静态分析到复杂非线性动态分析。
2.1 设置工作目录工作目录一旦设定好,以后ANSYS程序所有操作所产生的文件都存在此目录下面,因此,建议对不同的分析用不同的工作目录,这样可确保每次分析所产生的文件不会有被覆盖的危险。
z进入ANSYS程序后,可通过如下方法实现:Command:/CWDGUI:Utility Menu | File | Change Dirctory,如图2.1所示。
在出现的Change Directory (改变工作目录)对话框中,填入工作目录的全名称(此名称表示的目录必须已经存在,否则ANSYS会出现错误信息)即可。
图2.1 设置工作目录2.2 指定作业名和分析标题该项工作与设定工作目录一样,不是进行一个ANSYS分析过程必须的,但ANSYS 推荐使用作业名和分析标题。
2.2.1 定义作业名作业名被用来识别ANSYS作业。
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如图所示一薄板零件,尺 寸单位为mm,板厚5mm, R4=4mm。试按照 ANSYS建模方法,建立相 应实体模型。
1.显示工作平面坐标 [Utility Menu]WorkPlane|Display Working Plane(toggle on) 需要指出的是,单击该条命令后,并不会弹出什么窗口,你所 看到的只是该条命令前面有一个被选中的符号,且在图形区域显示 工作平面坐标系。 2016/10/17 1
弹出Line Fillet对话框,将两条线的标号输入L17、L8(或鼠标选 择),并设置半径4,单击OK关闭对话框 (3)创建补丁面积
[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Arbitray|By Lines 用鼠标选择三条线L1,L4,L5,单击OK关闭对话框。 (4)整合面积 [[Main Menu]Preprocessor||Operate|Add|Areas 选择Pick All,单击OK。关闭对话框并进行存盘。
7. 创建两个小圆孔 (1)[[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle创建一 个圆心在(0,0),半径为4 的小圆孔,即右下方圆 (2) [Utility Menu] Work Plane|Offset WP to|global origin (3)[[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle创建一 个圆心在(0,0),半径为4 的小圆孔,即左边圆 (4)从支架中减去两个小圆孔,保存数据
X1,X2为矩形相对于坐标原点左右两个边的X坐标,Y1,Y2为 矩形相对于坐标原点下上两个边的Y坐标。输入如下数值 X1=0,X2=60;Y1=-10,Y2=10,单击Apply,输入第二个矩形的 坐标数值: X1=40,X2=60;Y1=-10,Y2=-30,单击OK
4 . 创建两个外圆
•[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle 创建圆心为(0,0),半径为10的圆。参数值可以用键盘输入,也可以 用鼠标移动得到。单击OK关闭该对话框 •移动工作平面,创建第二个外圆 [Utility Menu]WorkPlane|Offset WP to Keypoints 弹出对话框后,分别选取右侧矩形底边左右两个点作为关键点,单 击OK按钮,则工作平面(极坐标)移动到了以所取关键点连线的 中点为原点的平面上。 •[Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Circle|Solid Circle 创建圆心为(0,0),半径为10 的圆,单击OK关闭对话框。创 建的图形如图所示。单击Toolbar上的SAVE_DB存盘。如下图所 示。
2. 绘图显示控制设置 [Utility Menu]PlotCtrls|Numbering 弹出如下对话框。设置如图所示,这样ANSYS就会自动以不同的颜 色区分不同的线、面积图形。
3. 创建两个矩形 [Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Rectangle|By Dimensions 弹出的对话框如图所示
8. 存盘 [Utility Menu]File|save as
输入MODEL01.DB为文件名,单击OK关闭对话框,建ocessor | Operate|Subtract|Areas
选取支架为基体(base area from which to subtract),单击Apply;选 取两个小圆孔作为被减去部分(areas to be subtracted),单击OK按 钮。
5. 将面积和在一起
[Main Menu ]Preprocessor|Operate|Add|Areas
选择pick all,将面积和在一起。如上图所示。
6.创建补丁面积并把它们和在一起 (1)[Utility Menu]Plot|Line 显示线,并调整大小。 (2)线导角 [Main Menu]Preprocessor|Create|Line Fillet