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( OPN) 、I 型胶原表达,Alizarn Red 染色检测钙结节形成,RT - PCR 检测 AKP 和 OPN 表达。结果: 第 2 代脂肪干
细胞诱导后 AKP 表达自第 3 天起各个检测点( 第 3、7、14、21、28 天) 诱导组与对照组差异皆具有统计学意义( P <
0. 05) ,免疫荧光检测 OCN、OPN 及 I 型胶原表达阳性,Alizarn Red 染色可见钙结节形成,RT - PCR 检测诱导组
AKP 和 OPN 表达阳性。结论: 人 ADSCs 能够向成骨细胞表型诱导分化。
关键词:组织工程骨; 脂肪干细胞; 成骨诱导; 成骨分化
中图分类号:R446. 6
文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673 - 7717( 2011) 12 - 2680 - 02
Inducing Human Adipose - derived Stem Cells Into Osteoblasts Directionally And Identification of Their Osteogenesis Characteristics
Key words: tissue engineering bone; adipose - derived stem cells; osteogenic induction; osteogenic differentiation
中 华 中 医 药
学 刊
种子细胞的来源是组织工程的基本问题。众多学者一 直在寻找具有强大的体外增殖力和多向分化潜能的干细 胞,现已成功获得骨髓间充质干细胞( BMSCs) ,并证明其能 向多种中胚层组织细胞分化,极大推动了组织工程学的发 展。近年有学者注意到,在某些病理情况下脂肪中有异位 骨形成,这表明脂肪组织中可能存在某些细胞可分化为其 他组织细胞。2002 年,Zuk[1]从脂肪抽吸物中分离到具有多 向分化潜能的干细胞,以后的学者将其命名为 ADSCs( Adipose - derived stem cells) 。脂肪干细胞因其来源广泛,经脂 肪抽吸术即可大量获取,成为现今组织工程领域研究热点之 一。本文旨在探讨人脂肪干细胞体外成骨的特性。 1 材料与方法 1. 1 材料与主要试剂 脂肪抽吸物均来自浙江省中医院
( 浙江省中医院整形外科,浙江 杭州 310006)
摘 要:目的: 探讨将脂肪干细胞定向诱导分化为成骨细胞的方法并对所诱导细胞的成骨特性进行鉴定。方
法: 取行脂肪抽吸术患者的脂肪组织,I 型胶原酶消化进行培养,贴壁细胞传代,取第 2 代细胞进行诱导,培养基中
添加成骨诱导剂地塞米松( 0. 01μM) 、β - 磷酸甘油钠( 10mM) 、2 - 磷酸抗坏血酸( 50μM) 和 1,25 - ( OH) 2 VitD3 ( 10mM) 。鉴定诱导细胞的成骨特性: 碱性磷酸酶 ( AKP) 定量检测,免疫荧光化学检测骨钙素 ( OCN) 、骨桥素
Abstract: Objective: To study the method of inducing human adipose - derived stem cells ( ADSCs) into osteoblasts directionally and to identify osteogenesis characteristics. Methods: ADSC was isolated from liposuction aspirates using digestion method by I type collagenase and passage 2 cells were cultured in conditioned medium containing 0. 01μM dexamethasone,10 mMβ - glycerophosphate,50μM ascorbate - 2 - phosphate and 10mM 1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D3. The induced cells were chosen to check osteogenesis characteristics,including alkaline phosphatase quantitative assay,osteocalcin,osteopontin and collagen_I assay by immunoflurorescence,and calcium nodes assay with Alizarn Red staining. RT - PCR was used to assay alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin. Results: The expression of AKP is positive at several detecting times,and the osteopontin,collagen_I,and osteocalcin were positive by immunoflurorescence method in experimental group after induced 14 days,and calcium nodes were seen by Alizarn Red staining in induced cells. AKP and OPN expression or experimental group were detected by RT - PCR method. Conclusion: The induced human ADSCs had typical osteogenesis characteristics.
LIU Bo,ZHU Jin-tu,CAO Yi,GAO Shou-song,YU Tu - gen
( Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Hangzhou 310006,Zhejiang,China)
第 29 卷 第 12 期 2011 年12 月
Vol. 29 No. 12 Dec. 2 0 1 1