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(ENGLISH TITLE)(小三号Arial Black字体)







2012 年 5 月 4 日


【摘要】 (3)

Abstract (3)

第一章、引言 (4)

1.1 项目开发的背景 (4)

1.2 开发的目的 (4)

1.3 可行性分析 (4)

1.3.1 技术可行性 (4)

1.3.2 经济可行性 (5)

1.3.3 社会可行性 (5)

第二章、系统分析 (5)

2.1 系统流程分析 (5)

2.2 系统优势 (6)

第三章、系统设计 (6)

3.1 窗口设计 (6)

3.2 空车位模块设计 (6)

3.3 输出车位控件设计 (6)

3.4 更新模块设计 (8)

第四章、系统实现 (8)

5.1 分模块详述系统各部分的实现方法 (8)

5.1.1.车位状态 (8)

5.1.2.车位输出 (8)

5.1.3.计算停车时间 (8)

5.1.4.计算价格 (8)

5.1.5.车位更新 (8)

致谢 (9)



随着我国现代化进程的不断加快,私家车的数量急剧增加,各类停车场的车流量不断增多,对机动车的保管越来越成为社会倍受关注的问题。本论文针对现在普遍采用的人工收费管理方法存在的弊端,提出了一套由C# 开发设计的停车场管理系。本课题研究的主要内容根据不同的情况将车主分为两种然后合理化停车的一个系统。第一种是固定车主,通过物业购买固定车位,可以选择月付费也可以选择年付费。固定车主的优势在于无论什么情况都拥有自己的停车位置不会被别人占用。第二种是临时车主,采用的是一次性付费,记录进入时间和出去时间,然后进行缴费。小区停车库进出口分别拥有2个车道。管理员通过系统的查询功能辨别车主是否是固定车主,如果是固定车主就开放1车道进入固定车主的停车库如果是临时车主就开放2车道进入临时车主停车库。根据该系统的功能共分为七个模块:基础设置模块、停车位管理模块、固定车辆管理模块、车辆进出登记模块、记录查询模块,文中对各模块的功能、操作界面、工作流程做了详细的介绍。



As China continues to accelerate the modernization process, the number of private cars increased dramatically, growing all kinds of traffic parking, storage of motor vehicles become much more concern. The paper is now widely used for the management of labor costs,the drawbacks of a set of C #development and design by the residential car park management system, database using SqlServer create,SqlServer2005 the database using ODBC, use ADO to manipulate the database, using the popular C /S structure, that is, client /server mode. The main research topics depending on the situation will be divided into two and then rationalize the owner of a parking system. The first is a fixed owner, the property purchase through a fixed parking spaces, you can choose monthly payment can also choose to pay for years. Fixed no matter what the owner has the advantage of the situation has its own parking place not occupied by others. The second is the temporary owner, using a one-time fee, record the time and go out into the time, and then pay. Residential parking garage has two lanes, respectively import and export. Query capabilities through the system administrator to identify whether the owner is a fixed owner,if it is fixed, opening one lane on the owner the owner of the parking garage into a fixed temporary owner if it is open to two lanes on the parking garage into the temporary owners. According to the function of the system is divided into seven modules: basic setup module,parking management module, fixed vehicle management module, the vehicle out of the registration module to record the query module,
