

管理沟通的基础知识(ppt 59页)(中英文).PPT

管理沟通的基础知识(ppt 59页)(中英文).PPT

Natures of MC
Media: language or letters; Content: Information, Thoughts, Emotion,
Aspects, Attitude etc; Philosophy greatly influences the
understanding of motive, behavior and goal; Special barriers: Information disorder, Philosophy elements (preference, background, experiences and value).
二、管理沟通的过程 Process of MC
图1.1 管理沟通的过程
三、管理沟通要素(Elements of MC)
信息源 Information Source (Who is initiating
听众 Audience (positive, neutral, or negative ; key or
单击此处59编页辑)(中母英版文标) 题样式
Introduction Communication Strategy Effective Listening Making Presentations Negotiating Interviewing Running Meetings Writing
松下幸之助:“伟大的事业需要一颗真诚的心与 人沟通。”
乔丹与皮蓬:“我们两个人在场上的沟通相当重 要,我们相互从对方眼神、手势、表情中获 取对方的意图,于是我们传、切、突破、得 分;但是,如果我们失去彼此间的沟通,那 么公牛的末日来临了。”



Management communication skills are critical for leaders to motivate and engage employees, convey direction and expectations, and create a positive work environment.
Different cultures have different communication styles, such as direct vs. indirect communication, and high-context vs. low-context communication.
Understanding and respecting cultural differences is essential for effective communication within an organization.
Strategic Communication
Strategic communication is the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating communication activities that align with organizational goals and objectives.
Communication processes such as brainstorming, consensus building, and conflict resolution are integral to the decision-making process.

管理沟通教学(英文版4版)题库IM Mgt Comm 4e Chapt 08

管理沟通教学(英文版4版)题库IM Mgt Comm 4e Chapt 08

L ISTENING AND F EEDBACKC HAPTER 8“Listening is hard work.”I. Most recent studies have shown that adults now spend more than half of their dailycommunication listening to someone else speak.II. Studies of listening skill show that the average North American adult listens at an efficiency rate of 25 percent.III. There is a substantial difference between hearing and listening.A. Hearing is merely an involuntary physical response to the environment.B. Listening is a process that includes hearing, attending to, understanding,evaluating, and responding to spoken messages.IV. Why should we listen?A. Poor listening can cause simple mistakes, lawsuits, and even deadly disasters.B. Listening is the central skill in the establishment and maintenance of interpersonalrelationships.V. There are many good reasons to improve your listening.A. The act of listening to another person demonstrates that you value him or her andcare about what he or she is saying.B. Listening to your employees promotes problem solving activities. By listeningcarefully and reflectively, a supervisor can guide a subordinate to a solution thathas a greater chance for success and greater levels of employee buy-in.C. Listening increases your receptiveness to the thoughts and ideas of others.D. Listening helps you to increase the self-esteem of the speaker. Increasing youremployees’ self-esteem can help them to concentrate on the tasks at hand andcompete successfully.E. Listening helps you to overcome self-consciousness and self-centeredness.49F. By listening to the concerns and interests of the other person first, you are morelikely to get what you want sooner and with substantially less angst.VI. The first step in becoming a more effective listener is to identify poor listening habits we have developed over a lifetime and replace them with effective, productive habits.A. Here are a few poor listening habits you must recognize and correct to improveyour listening skills:1. Being preoccupied with talking, not listening.2. Calling the subject uninteresting.3. Letting bias or prejudice distort the messages you hear.4. Oversimplifying answers or explanations.5. Yielding to external distractions.6. Yielding to internal distractions.7. Avoiding difficult or demanding material.8. Rationalizing poor listening.9. Criticizing the speaker’s delivery.10. Jumping to conclusions before the speaker has made his/her point.11. Being overly concerned with your response instead of focusing on themessage of the speaker.12. Assigning the wrong meaning to words.13. Listening only for facts and not context, connections, and rhetoricalligatures that link facts to human experience.14. Trying to make an outline of everything you hear or trying to forceinformation into artificial patterns.15. Faking attention to the speaker.16. Letting your heightened emotions regarding word choice or subject matterdistract you from the conversation or speech.5017. Interrupting the speaker to express your own opinion.18. Wasting the differential between the rate at which we speak and the rate atwhich we think.B. Here are a few habits you may want to substitute to effectively improve yourlistening skills:1. Stop talking.2. Participate in only one conversation at a time.3. Empathize with the person speaking.4. Ask questions if you are confused, lost, or need information.5. Although asking questions is useful, don’t interrupt your conversationpartner for a bit.6. Show complete interest in what is being said to you.7. Attain the privacy or proper environment to discuss the matter at hand toensure you will give the speaker your undivided attention.8. Listen critically by evaluating all the facts and evidence.9. Look beyond your assessment of the speaker to the ideas contained in thespeech.10. Realize that just because you want to hear it, that does not mean that thespeaker is saying it.11. Match your expectations of the speaker’s content against what youactually hear and think carefully about what has not been said.12. Tune into the speaker’s mood and intention, as well as the content of thespeech.13. Focus, concentrate, ask questions, and pay attention to what is going on tomake sure you understand the message.VII. To become an effective, empathetic, and skilled listener, you must participate in dialogue.Here are five skills that may help to increase your chances for becoming a successful,active listener.51A. Paraphrase as others speak to show you are actually listening to their words.B. Summarize the feeling of the speaker.C. Reflect the cognitive or logical content of a discussion.D. Review what you have concluded.E. After you have listened, follow through with actions.VIII. Periodically review your communication practices, and your listening habits in particular, to monitor your improvement.A. Here is a four-step process you should use to complete this review:1. Review your listening inventory.2. Recognize your undesirable listening habits.3. Refuse to tolerate undesirable habits.4. Replace undesirable habits with effective ones.IX. You can significantly increase the probability of communication success if you understand the role of feedback in both personal and professional communication.A. Here are some guidelines for constructive feedback:1. Acknowledge the need for feedback to assist in bettering yourorganization.2. Give both positive and negative feedback.3. Understand the context of the feedback (i.e., where it happened, why ithappened, what led up to the event).4. Make sure you are using words whose meaning you both understand.5. Do not speak in a language your conversation partner is likely tomisunderstand, misconstrue, or misinterpret.6. Do not assume anything about the other person - ask for clarification.7. Defuse the hostility, minimize the fear, and depersonalize the conversationby focusing your comments on the behavior involved not the people.528. Know when to give feedback.9. Know how to give feedback.B. Here are a few specific instances when you should not attempt to give feedback:1. You do not know much about the circumstances of the behavior.2. You do not care about the person or will not be around long enough tofollow up the aftermath of you feedback.3. The feedback, positive or negative, is about something the person has nopower to change.4. The other person seems low in self-esteem.5. You are low in self-esteem.6. Your purpose is not really improvement, but to put someone on the spot,or demonstrate how smart or how much more responsible you are.7. The time, place, or circumstances are inappropriate.C. Here are a few suggestions to provide helpful feedback to another person:1. Be descriptive and provide examples.2. Be objective, if possible3. Be clear, specific, and unambiguous.4. Do not exaggerate.5. Do not be judgmental or at least do not use the rhetoric of judgment.6. Take responsibility for your own job - do not refer to absent, anonymouspeople.7. Try to use first-person statements (“I” or “we”) so the effectiveness ofyour comments is not lost in accusation.8. Phrase the issue as a statement, not as a question..9. Focus on issues that are both important to improvement and well withinthe power of the other person to change.5310. Restrict your feedback to things you know for certain.11. Use each opportunity for feedback to establish useful workingrelationships and build long-term trust.12. Help people hear and accept your compliments when giving positivefeedback.D. Here are a few ideas to help refashion criticism so that it conforms to the rules forconstructive feedback:1. Take full, deep breaths to force your body to relax and allow your brain tomaintain greater alertness.2. Listen carefully to the person delivering the criticism.3. Ask questions for clarity.4. Acknowledge the feedback with both verbal and nonverbal indicators.5. Agree to valid points.6. Do not be defensive.7. Try to understand the objectives of the other person.8. Ask the feedback-giver for time to think about what was said and how youfeel about it.54。



《管理沟通》课程教学⼤纲《管理沟通》课程教学⼤纲⼀、课程基本信息课程代码:16076802课程名称:管理沟通英⽂名称:Management Communication课程类别:专业选修课学时:32学分:2适⽤对象:⼯商管理专业考核⽅式:考核先修课程:管理学⼆、课程简介沟通是管理者职业⽣涯中最重要的组成部分,在⼯商管理专业开设《管理沟通》课程有其必要性。




Communication is the most important component of manager's career,and it is necessary to open management communication course in human resource management. Managerial communication is the essence of the perspective-taking,emphasizing effective managers to improve management communication skills,first must change its own management idea,because only in the case of idea transformation,will it be possible for managers in work and practice to improve its management and communication skills. Therefore,the teaching content includes the concept,behavior and strategy of management communication,and also includes the basic skills and methods of managing communication.Including the connotation of management communication object,process, nature,communicationstrategy,communication,subject,information communication, written communication skills,interview skills,listeningskills,presentation skills,meetings and intercultural communication,etc.三、课程性质与教学⽬的管理沟通是⼯商管理专业的专业选修课,是⼀门技能性很强的课程。




Class Participation 20% Oral Presentation 10% Cases Analysis and Presentation 30% Individual Assignment 40%
Part 1
☆ 第一节 管理沟通的内涵和要素 ☆ 第二节 沟通的类型
Discussion(2): Self-assessment
¨ What key techniques, you think, decide the success of your career? ¨ What are your communication barriers in your job? ¨ What are the most effective approaches to improve your communication skills? ¨ What do you wish to learn much more in this course?

Mary Munter, Guide to Managerial Communication, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, Tsing Hua University Press,1999 Michael E. Hattersley, Linda McJannet, Management Communication Principles and Practice, China Machine Press, McGraw-Hill, 1998 Ron Ludlow, Fergus Panton, Effective Communication, Prentice Hall, 1997 Kitty O. Locker, Business and Administrative Communication, 5th edition, China Machine Press, McGraw-Hill, 2000 魏江,管理沟通—理念与技能,科学出版社,2001 苏勇,罗殿军,管理沟通,复旦大学出版社,1999 罗锐韧,曾繁正,管理沟通,红旗出版社,1997


The informal munication network carries information along the organization’s unofficial lines of activity and power
The grapevine is an important source of information in mosting reports and oral presentations
Chapter 10 planning business reports and proposals
Chapter 11 writing business reports and proposals
Part III writing letters; memos; email; and other brief messages
Chapter 7 writing routine messages Chapter 8 writing badnews messages Chapter 9 writing persuasive message
Outsiders may form an impression of your organization on the basis of the subtle; unconscious clues you transmit through your tone of voice; facial expression; and general appearance
Chapter 3 municating interculturally
Part II applying the threestep writing process
Chapter 4 planning business message Chapter 5 writing business messages Chapter 6 pleting business messages



Sales manager East
Sales manager International District 3 manager
To subordinates
District 1 manager
Sales rep
Sales rep
Sales rep
Sales rep
Sales rep
Managerial Communication I
Ten Trends Affecting Business Communication, continued
6. Legal and ethical concerns 7. Balancing work and family 8. The end of the job 9. Rate of change 10.Technology
The corporation
The general public Potential employees Potential customers Potential stockholders Trade Special interest associations groups Competitors Other businesses and industries
To superiors
VP production
VP marketing
VP sales Sales manager Midwest
VP finance Sales manager West District 2 manager
VP human resources
To peers

管理沟通教学(英文版4版)题库IM Mgt Comm 4e Chapt 06

管理沟通教学(英文版4版)题库IM Mgt Comm 4e Chapt 06

P ERSUASIONC HAPTER 6Virtually all organizational communication includes some element of persuasion.I. The Human Belief System: Two Schools of ThoughtA. Behaviorism1. Contends that human behavior will most clearly reveal what a person isthinking, and that persuasion is most effectively exercised at thebehavioral level.2. Emphasizes observable, measurable behavior and discounts the role orvalue of mental activity.3. Learning occurs when there is a measurable change in the frequency ofobservable events.4. If human behavior can be conditioned to respond to external influences, aninternal change in attitudes and beliefs may result.B. Cognitivism1. Cognitivists believe that it is possible to learn something without changingthe learner’s behavior.2. Knowledge is viewed as symbolic mental constructs in the learner’s mind,and the learning process is the means by which the symbolicrepresentations are committed to memory.3. Early cognitivist, Milton Rokeach, explored the human attitudinal system,examining the relationship among the elements that comprise our beliefsand the factors associated with attitudinal assimilation and behavioralchange.II. A Conceptual View of the Human Attitudinal SystemA. In Rokeach’s view of the human attitudinal system, three components help todefine what we believe, how we organize those beliefs, and how they influenceour day-to-day behavior.1. Beliefs are at the core of the system, are acquired early in life and are themost fundamental component of our values.2. Attitudes are outgrowths of our beliefs, are dependent on them and tendto be consistent with them.3. Opinions are among the least stable and are the most susceptible topersuasion.B. The Role of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Opinions1. Change in one layer may expose a more fundamental layer to re-examination, but will require no change in the more basic layer.2. Change in a basic layer will require change in all higher attitudinal layers.3. The more basic the change, the more profound the reordering throughoutthe system.4. The less rational the basis for adoption, the more difficult is the basis forchange in a given belief or attitude group.5. The closer a str ucture is to the center of one’s belief system, the morecentral it becomes to one’s self-concept.III. Objectives of PersuasionA. Reinforcing positive opinion.B. Crystallizing latent opinion.C. Neutralizing hostile opinion.IV. Outcomes of PersuasionA. Reinforcement of existing attitudes.B. Modification or shifting of existing attitudes.C. Creation of new attitudes.V. The Science of PersuasionA. Liking. We tend to like those who like us, but we also tend to like those who arelike us.B. Reciprocity. People repay in kind, and expect to receive what they give.C. Social proof. People will follow the lead of similar others when they’re asked todo something.D. Consistency. People do what they say they will and appreciate staying withintheir own “comfort zone.”E. Authority. People readily defer to experts.F. Scarcity. The value of an object often rises as fewer become available.VI. Successful Attempts at PersuasionA. Gaining the attention of your audience.B. Providing the appropriate motivation for your audience.1. Human needs as motivationsa. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs1. Basic needs.2. Security needs.3. Belonging needs.4. Love or esteem needs.5. Self-actualization needs.b. ERG Theory1. Existence needs.2. Relatedness needs.3. Growth needs.c. Packard’s Eight Hidden Needs1. Need for emotional security.2. Need for reassurance of worth.3. Need for ego gratification.4. Need for creative outlets.5. Need for love objects.6. Need for a sense of power.7. Need for roots.8. Need for immortality.2. Relating needs theory to persuasive messagesa. A highly credible source gets a good response from a fear appeal.b. If a strong fear appeal threatens the welfare of a loved one, it tendsto be more effective than if it threatens the members of theaudience themselves.c. A strong fear appeal may be related to personality characteristicsof the audience.d. The arousal of fear in an audience seems to depend on thespeaker’s ability to convince the audience of the probability thatthe threat will materialize and the magnitude of the consequences.3. Social conformity as motivationa. Admired individuals.b. Peer groups.c. Societal norms.C. Channeling the motivation of your audience to take action1. Recommend a specific proposition or proposal.2. Show the high probability that the satisfactions will be forthcoming.D. Inducing resistance in the audience to counter-persuasion1. State opposing arguments and refute them.2. Encourage audience.3. Warn the audience that others will attempt to get them to change theirminds.VII. Should You Use a One-Sided Argument or Two?A. One-sided arguments work best:1. When the audience agrees with your position and your aim is simply tointensify agreement.2. When the audience is not well-educated or has relatively low self-esteem.3. When the audience will not later be exposed to any form of counter-persuasion.B. Two-sided arguments work best:1. When the audience initially disagrees with your proposal.2. When you know the audience will be exposed to subsequent counter-persuasion or propaganda.3. When the audience has a low level of knowledge or personal involvementwith the topic.4. When you hope to produce more enduring results.VIII. Managing Heads and Hearts to Change Behavioral HabitsA. You must create a new frame of reference through which information andmessages are interpreted.B. You must manage the emotions and expectations of your audience.C. You must provide constant reinforcement to prevent backsliding.IX. Five Myths About Changing BehaviorA. Myth #1: Crisis is a powerful impetus for change.B. Myth #2: Change is motivated by fear.C. Myth #3: The facts will set us free.D. Myth #4: Small, gradual changes are always easier to make and sustain.E. Myth #5: We can’t change because our brains become “hard wired” early in life. X. Being PersuasiveA. Know your audience.B. Know what you want and what they want.C. Select your evidence carefully.D. Keep the argument simple.E. Listen before you speak.F. Manage your emotions as well as theirs.G. Connect with your audience on a personal level.。


5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
管理沟通 ManagementCo 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯



管理沟通英语作文带翻译题目,Effective Communication in Management(管理沟通的有效性)。

Effective communication is crucial in management. It plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. In this essay, we will explore the importance of effective communication in management and discuss strategies to enhance it.有效的沟通在管理中至关重要。



Communication is the cornerstone of effective management. It involves the exchange of information, ideas, and feedback between individuals or groups within an organization. Without clear and efficient communication, misunderstandings can arise, leading to confusion, conflict, and ultimately, poor performance.沟通是有效管理的基石。



Effective communication fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and understood. It promotes transparency, trust, and collaboration, which are essential for building strong teams and achieving common goals. Managers who communicate effectively are able to motivate their employees, address concerns promptly, and provide constructive feedback for improvement.有效的沟通促进了一个积极的工作环境,员工感到受到重视和理解。


Top Managers
Middle Managers
Technical Skills
Relating Skills
Conceptual Skills
First-Line Managers
Talk Is The Work
——managers spend about 75% of their time in verbal interaction. Those daily interactions include:
What Do Managers Do All Day?
In the textbook : Managers spend their time engaged in planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and controlling.
Disturbance handler
Initiate improvement projects,identify new ideas, realize changes in the environment and
delegate idea responsibility to others.
Management communication
——A Case-Analysis Approach
Chapter 1:
Management Communicationis very Important to Managers
Management Communication is the central skill in the global workplace of the 21st century.


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有深爱者必生和气, 生和气者必有愉色, 有愉色者必生婉容。
——《 礼 记 ·祭 义 》
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人格---管人的永久王牌 激励---管人的核心秘诀 信任---管人的凝聚力量 理解---管人的交流诀窍 原则---管人的规矩尺度 幽默---管人的常胜法宝 宽容---管人的润滑良剂
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2013-8-7 writing 8
Half-Truths about Style (3)
Half-Truth 3: ―Never Begin a Sentence with And or But.‖
• Beginning with and or also makes the idea that follows seem like an afterthought. OK when you want the effect of spontaneous speech. Otherwise, put the also in the middle of the sentence or use a transition such as furthermore or moreover.
Technique 1: Use words that are accurate, appropriate, and familiar, continued
-reside -commence -enumerate -finalize -utilize
– Avoid contractions. – Spell out acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used. – Avoid personal pronouns.
Half-Truths about Style(1)
2013-8-7 writing 11
Half-Truths about Style (6)
Half-Truth 5: ―Big Words Impress People.‖
• Most of the time, ―big words‖ just distance you from your audience and increase the risk of miscommunication. • If you do use big words, make sure you use them correctly; people who misuse words look foolish.
Non-jargon alternative
Enclosed is As you requested The date you need a response
I acknowledge receipt of your Omit - start your response letter Undersigned
2013-8-7 writing 7
Half-Truths about Style (2)
Half-Truth 2: ―Never Use I.‖ • Using I too often can make your writing sound self-centered or tentative. • Using I when referring to things you have done, said, or seen is both appropriate and smoother than phrases like this writer.
Half-Truth 1: ―Write as You Talk.‖ • ―Writing as we talk‖ can result in awkward, repetitive, and badly organized prose. • It’s OK to write as you talk to produce your first draft, but edit to create a good written style.
Ten Techniques to Make Your Writing Easier to Read
The following slides identify ten techniques to make your writing easier to read. Different techniques will be used at different points in the writing process: • Techniques 1-2: As you choose words • Techniques 3-8: As you write and revise sentences • Techniques 9-10: As you write and revise paragraphs
Technique 1: Use words that are accurate, appropriate, and familiar.
• Denotation: the literal, or dictionary meaning of a word • Connotation: the emotional associations of a word
Organizational Preferences for Style
2013-8-7 writing 4
Business Style vs. TermPaper Style
Compared to the style usually used for term papers, good style in business and administrative writing is usually:
– less formal – more friendly – more personal
Good Report Style
Good report style is more formal than the style used for letters and memos:
– Passive verbs are better
• To emphasize the object receiving action. • To provide coherence, repeating a word used in an earlier sentence. • To avoid assigning blame.
Writing Skills
• • • • Basic principles Writing Skills for —— report resume
Basic Principles of Writing
2013-8iting 19
Technique 3: Use active verbs most of the time.
Active verbs are better because they are shorter, clearer, and more interesting.
Making Your Writing Easy to Read
Good Style in Business and Administrative Writing Half-Truths about Style Building a Better Style Ten Ways to Make Your Writing Easier to Read Readability Formulas and Good Style
2013-8-7 writing 9
Half-Truths about Style (4)
Half-Truth 3: ―Never Begin a Sentence with And or But,‖
• But tells the reader that you are shifting gears and that the point which follows not only contrasts with but also is more important than the preceding idea. This is appropriate in many cases.
-live -begin -list -finish, complete -use
writing 17
Technique 2: Use technical jargon sparingly; eliminate business jargon.
• Use a simpler term if it exists Example: instead of foot the column, use add the numbers in the column. – Be certain that technical jargon is used correctly.
How to Build a Good Style (2)
• Read widely and write a lot. • Study revised sentences. • Use the techniques identified in this lecture to polish your style.
2013-8-7 writing 20
Technique 3: Use active verbs most of the time, continued
Active: subject acts. • You receive these benefits. • The agencies will implement the program. • The customer ordered a video.