Expected Price(Yi) 15 14 15 17 11 19 13 14 10 13 141
(Xi-X)2 Xi-X Yi-Y (Xi-X)(Yi-Y) -1.805 0.9 3.258025 -1.6245 2.195 -0.1 4.818025 -0.2195 0.011025 -0.105 0.9 -0.0945 3.783025 1.945 2.9 5.6405 -3.805 -3.1 14.47803 11.7955 6.795 4.9 46.172025 33.2955 -2.205 -1.1 4.862025 2.4255 -0.105 -0.1 0.011025 0.0105 -3.805 -4.1 14.478025 15.6005 0.895 -0.9 0.801025 -0.8055 92.67225 66.024
y = 0.275 + 0.95x
Texas Instruments has a higher risk. 53. a.
Satisfaction Rating(%) 100 80 60 Satisfaction Rating(%) 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80
b. The relationship is positive. c. =43.92307692 y=65.92307692
b1=∑(Xi-X)(Yi-Y)/ ∑(Xi-X)2 =-170/1150 =-0.148 b0=y-b1 =17+.148*35=22.18
b. SSR=25.1896 SSE=8.8696 MSR=SSR/Regression degrees of freedom=25.1896 MSE=SSE/n-2= 8.8696/4=2.2174 F=MSR/MSE=25.1896/2.2174=11.36 Fa=7.71<F
最近的一个集装箱装的是2 440加仑的油漆罐。
装满的油漆罐应为4.536 kg。
答:(1)总体:最近的一个集装箱内的全部油漆;(2)研究变量:装满的油漆罐的质量;(3)样本:最近的一个集装箱内的50罐油漆;(4)推断:50罐油漆的质量应为4.536×50=226.8 kg。
调查结果如下:B EC C AD C B A ED A C B C DE C E EA DBC C A ED C BB ACDE A B D D CC B C ED B C C B CD A C B C DE C E BB EC C AD C B A EB ACDE A B D D CA DBC C A ED C BC B C ED B C C B C(1) 指出上面的数据属于什么类型;(2)用Excel制作一张频数分布表;(3) 绘制一张条形图,反映评价等级的分布。
5. 标准分数有哪些用途?标准分数给出了一组数据中各数值的相对位置。
5.什么是个体指数? 什么是总指数?它们的作用分别是什么?6.试简要说明总量指标、平均指标和相对指标的在统计学中的作用。
8.自己用一个实例画出统计条形图和饼图的示意图,它们通常可以用来展示哪种类型的数据? 9.某高校毕业生就业指导中心想对2007届本校大学本科毕业生的毕业去向做一网上调查,请你为此设计一份半开放式(即:既含有封闭式问题又含有开放式问题)调查问卷。
二.填空题1.将下列指标按要求分类(只填写标号即可)(1)我国高等院校2006届本科毕业生就业率;(2)某贺岁片在国内上演第一周的票房收入;(3) 2006年第3季度一汽大众销售的某品牌小汽车台数占其全部小汽车销售量的比率;,(5)进藏铁路开通后第一周,每天乘火车前往西藏的旅客的累计人数;(6)第3季度某商场的月平均销售额。
2.统计调查方式除了重点调查,典型调查之外,另三种主要方式是 3.加权调和平均公式为4.异众比率公式是其含义是5.一组数据中非众数组所占的比率叫做,它可测度分类数据的趋势;离散系数测度的是总体的平均离散程度,它的计算公式是v?=。
6.将下列指标分类:(1)2005年我国人均占有粮食产量(2)我国第五次人口普查总人口数(3)股价指数(4)销售量指数(5)单位产品成本(6)某商店全年销售额(7)某企业在岗职工人数和下岗职工人数的比例 (8)我国高等院校“十五”期间年平均招生人数哪些是时期指标哪些是时点指标;哪些是一般平均数, 哪些是序时平均数;哪些是相对指标 7.个体指数是反映项目或变量变动的相对数;反映多种项目或变量变动的相对数是。
பைடு நூலகம்33.6
姓名:候彩云专业:统计学学号:11112011612,4 (1)回归方程为:y= 1.603865x1+ 88.63768;(2)回归方程为:y= 2.290184x1+ 1.300989x2+ 83.23009;(3)在上述两个回归方程中电视广告费用的系数不同;(1)中表示当电视广告费用每增加1万元时月收入增加1.603865万元;(2)中则表示当报纸广告费用不变时电视广告费用每增加1万元时月收入增加2.290184万元;(4)根据(2)所建立的回归方程,在月收入的总变差中,能够被估计的(5)由上表可以看出:检验三个系数的P值全部小于0.05,所以全部通过检验,说明回归系数是显著的;12.6(1)回归方程为:y= 0.814738x1+ 0.82098x2+ 0.135041x3+ 148.7005;(2(3)由上表可以看出检验线性关系的P值远小于0.05,所以回归方程的线性关系是显著的;(4)通过上表的P值可以看出只有房产估价的系数通过了检验,即只有房产估价的系数是显著的;12.9(1)y与x1的相关系数为0.308952;y与x2的相关系数为0.001214;由其相关系数可以看出他们之间存在着一定的线性关系;(2)有用;(3)方差分析df SS MS F Significance F 回归分析 2 31778.15 15889.08 3.265842 0.073722残差12 58382.78 4865.232总计14 90160.93通过上表可以看出用于检验线性关系的P值大于显著性水平0.05的值,表明购进价格和销售费用与销售价格之间没有显著性的线性关系;(4)判定系数R2=0.35246,表示在销售价格的总变差中,能够被购进价格和销售费用解释的比例为35.2%;这个结论与(2)中的结论基本上还是一致的,(5)x1与x2的相关系数为-0.85286,表明两者之间存在一定的线性关系;(6)由于购进价格与销售费用之间的相关系数不等于1,因此表明模型中存在多重共线性,我建议从模型中把销售价格这个变量剔除;。
者比平均分数高 出 1 个标准差,而在 B 项测试中只高出平均分数 0.5 个标准差,由于 A 项 测试的标准化值高于 B 项测试,所以 A 项测试比较理想。 3.10 通过标准化值来判断,各天的标准化值如下表 日期 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日 标准化值 Z 3 -0.6 -0.2 0.4 -1.8 -2.2 0 周一和周六两天失去了控制。
-15~-10 10 -10~-5 13 -5~0 12 0~5 4 5~10 7 合计 60 (3)直方图(略) 。 2.9 (1)直方图(略) 。 (2)自学考试人员年龄的分布为右偏。 2.10(1)茎叶图如下
A班 数据个数 树 叶 树茎 B班 树叶 数据个数பைடு நூலகம்
0 3 59 2 1 4 4 0448 4 2 97 5 122456677789 12 11 97665332110 6 011234688 9 23 98877766555554443332100 7 00113449 8 7 6655200 8 123345 6 6 632220 9 011456 6 0 10 000 3 (2)A 班考试成绩的分布比较集中,且平均分数较高;B 班考试成绩的分 布比 A 班分散, 且平均成绩较 A 班低。 2.11(略) 。 2.12(略) 。 2.13(略) 。 2.14(略) 。 2.15箱线图如下: (特征请读者自己分析)
2 4.1 (1)200。 (2)5。 (3)正态分布。 (4) (100 1) 。
4.2 (1)32。 (2)0.91。 4.3 0.79。 4.4 (1) x 25 ~ N (17,2 2 ) 。 (2) x100 ~ N (17,1) 。 4.5 (1)1.41。 (2)1.41,1.41,1.34。 4.6 (1)0.4。 (2)0.024 。 (3)正态分布。 4.7 (1)0.050,0.035,0.022,016。 (2)当样本量增大时,样本比例的标准 差越来越小。 4.8 (1) (2)E=4.2; (3) (115.8,124.2) 。 x 2.14 ; 4.9 (87819,121301) 。 4.10(1)81±1.97; (2)81±2.35; (3)81±3.10。 4.11(1) (24.11,25.89) ; (2) (113.17,126.03) ; (3) (3.136,3.702) 4.12(1) (8687,9113) ; (2) (8734 ,9066) ; (3) (8761,9039) ; (4) (8682, 9118) 。 4.13(2.88,3.76) ;(2.80,3.84);(2.63,4.01)。 4.14(7.1,12.9) 。 4.15(7.18,11.57) 。 4.16(1) (148.9,150.1) ; (2)中心极限定理。 4.17(1) (100.9,123.7) ; (2) (0.017,0.183) 。 4.18(15.63,16.55) 。 4.19(10.36,16.76) 。
变量选择的方法主要有:向前选择、向后剔除、逐步 回归、最优子集等
(forward selection)
从模型中没有自变量开始 对 k 个自变量分别拟合对因变量的一元线性 回归模型,共有k个,然后找出F统计量的值 最高的模型及其自变量,并将其首先引入模 型 分别拟合引入模型外的 k-1 个自变量的线性 回归模型 如此反复进行,直至模型外的自变量均无统 计显著性为止
ˆ t (n k 1)s ˆ b i 2 b
回归系数的 抽样标准差
12.4 多重共线性
回归模型中两个或两个以上的自变量彼此 相关
可能会使回归的结果造成混乱,甚至会把分 析引入歧途
将一个或多个相关的自变量从模型中剔 除,使保留的自变量尽可能不相关 如果要在模型中保留所有的自变量,则 应
避免根据 t 统计量对单个参数进行检验
对因变量值的推断(估计或预测)的限定在自 变量样本值的范围内
在建立多元线性回归模型时,不要试图 引入更多的自变量,除非确实有必要 在社会科学的研究中,由于所使用的大 多数数据都是非试验性质的,因此,在 某些情况下,得到的结果往往并不令人 满意,但这不一定是选择的模型不合适, 而是数据的质量不好,或者是由于引入 的自变量不合适
y b 0 b1 x1 b 2 x2 b k xk
第一章统计学及基本概念 1第二章数据的收集与整理 4第三章统计表与统计图7第四章数据的描述性分析 9第五章参数估计 12第六章假设检验 17第七章方差分析 21第八章非参数检验24第九章相关与回归分析27第十章多元统计分析 31第十一章时间序列分析35第十二章指数38第十二章指数38第十三章统计决策42第十四章统计质量管理45第一章统计学及基本概念1.1 统计的涵义(统计工作、统计资料和统计学)1.2 统计学的内容(统计学分类:理论统计学和应用统计学;描述统计学与推断统计学)1.3 统计学的发展史(学派与主要代表人物)1.4 数据类型(定类、定序、定距和定比;时间序列、截面数据和面板数据;绝对数、相对数、平均数)1.5 变量:连续与离散;确定与随机1.6 总体、样本与个体1.7 标志、指标及指标体系1.8 统计计算工具习题一、单项选择题1. 推断统计学研究()。
(知识点:1.2 答案:D)A.统计数据收集的方法B.数据加工处理的方法C.统计数据显示的方法D.如何根据样本数据去推断总体数量特征的方法2. 在统计史上被认为有统计学之名而无统计学之实的学派是()。
(知识点:1.3 答案:D) A.数理统计学派B.政治算术学派C.社会统计学派D.国势学派3. 下列数据中哪个是定比尺度衡量的数据()。
(知识点:1.4 答案:B)A.性别B.年龄C.籍贯D.民族4. 统计对现象总体数量特征的认识是()。
(知识点:1.6 答案:C)A.从定性到定量B.从定量到定性C.从个体到总体D.从总体到个体5. 调查10个企业职工的工资水平情况,则统计总体是()。
(知识点:1.6 答案:C)A.10个企业B.10个企业职工的全部工资C.10个企业的全部职工D.10个企业每个职工的工资6. 从统计总体中抽取出来作为代表这一总体的、由部分个体组成的集合体是().(知识点:1.6 答案:A)A. 样本B. 总体单位C. 个体D. 全及总体7. 三名学生期末统计学考试成绩分别为80分、85分和92分,这三个数字是()。
3.6一 种 袋 装 食 品 用 生 产 线 自 动 装 填 ,每 袋 重 量 大 约 为 50g,但 由 于 某 些 原 因 , 每 袋 重 量 不 会 恰 好 是 50g 。 下 面 是 随 机 抽 取 的 100 袋 食 品 , 测 得 的 重 量 数 据 如 下: 单位:g 57 46 49 54 55 58 49 61 51 49 51 60 52 54 51 55 60 56 47 47
Mean =5.22 Std. Dev. =1.508 N =100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
组距 4,上限为小于等于 频数 有效 <= 40.00 41.00 - 44.00 45.00 - 48.00 49.00 - 52.00 53.00 - 56.00 57.00 - 60.00 61.00+ 合计 1 7 28 28 22 13 1 100 百分比 1.0 7.0 28.0 28.0 22.0 13.0 1.0 100.0 累计频数 1 8 36 64 86 99 100 累积百分比 1.0 8.0 36.0 64.0 86.0 99.0 100.0
贾俊平—统计学(第四版)最完整的答案 (用一次就知道是我想要的)
3.1 为评价家电行业售后服务的质量,随机抽取了由 100 个家庭构成的一个样本。 服务质量的等级分别表示为:A.好;B.较好;C 一般;D.较差;E.差。调查结果如下: B D A B C D B B A C E A D A B A E A D B C C B C C C C C B C C B C D E B C E C E A C C E D C A E C D D D A A B D D A A B C E E B C E C B E C B C D D C C B D D C A E C D B E A D C B E E B C C B E C B C
第五章 概率与概率分布
商务统计学+习题 (12)[16页]
Chapter 12: Comparing Two Groups – Quiz AName_________________________Data were collected on annual personal time (in hours) taken by a random sample of 16 women and 7 men employed by a medium-sized company. The women took an average of 24.75 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 2.84 hours. The men took an average of 21.89 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 3.29 hours. The Human Resources Department believes that women tend to take more personal time than men because they tend to be the primary child care givers in the family.Personal Time (hours)Women Men25 21 2222 27 2119 29 2425 26 2724 30 1925 27 2324 26 1723 231. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the t-test for two means satisfied? Explain.2. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.3. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.4. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.Use the following for questions 5 – 8:A mid-sized company has decided to implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, and management suspects that many of its employees are concerned about the planned implementation. Managers are considering holding informational workshops to help decrease anxiety levels among employees. To determine whether such an approach would be effective, they randomly select 16 employees to participate in a pilot workshop. These employees were given a questionnaire to measure anxiety levels about ERP before and after participating in the workshop. Do the data indicate that anxiety levels about ERP decreases as a result of the workshop?Pre-workshop7 6 9 5 6 7 5 7 6 4 3 2 1 3 4 2anxiety levelPost-workshop4 3 7 3 45 46 5 3 2 2 1 3 4 3anxiety levelDifference-3 -3 -2 -2-2-2-1-1-1-1-10 0 0 0 1 (Post – Pre)5. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the paired t-test satisfied? Explain.6. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.7. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.8. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.Chapter 12: Comparing Two Groups – Quiz A – KeyData were collected on annual personal time (in hours) taken by a random sample of 16 women and 7 men employed by a medium-sized company. The women took an average of 24.75 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 2.84 hours. The men took an average of 21.89 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 3.29 hours. The Human Resources Department believes that women tend to take more personal time than men because they tend to be the primary child care givers in the family.Personal Time (hours)Women Men25 21 2222 27 2119 29 2425 26 2724 30 1925 27 2324 26 1723 231. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the t-test for two means satisfied? Explain.Conditions:* Independent group assumption: Women and men are definitely independent groups.* Randomization condition: These are random samples.* Nearly Normal condition: The histograms below show that both sets are unimodal and roughly symmetric.2. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.H0: µ1 - µ2 = 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 > 03. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.t = 2.02P-value = .0352Because the P-value is low, we reject the null hypothesis. There is evidence of a difference in the average number of hours of personal time taken by women and men. Women take a higher average number.4. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.Using 10 degrees of freedom, the critical t-value is 1.812. The 90% confidence interval is (0.30, 5.48). We are 90% confident that, on average, women use between .30 and 5.48 more hours of personal time per year than men.Use the following for questions 5 – 8:A mid-sized company has decided to implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and management suspects that many of its employees are concerned about the planned implementation. Managers are considering holding informational workshops to help decrease anxiety levels among employees. To determine whether such an approach would be effective, they randomly select 16 employees to participate in a pilot workshop. These employees were given a questionnaire to measure anxiety levels about ERP before and after participating in the workshop. Do the data indicate that anxiety levels about ERP decreases as a result of the workshop?Pre-workshop anxiety level7 6 9 5 6 7 5 7 6 4 3 2 1 3 4 2 Post-workshop anxiety level4 3 7 3 45 46 5 3 2 2 1 3 4 3 Difference (Post – Pre)-3 -3 -2 -2-2-2-1-1-1-1-10 0 0 0 15. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the paired t -test satisfied? Explain.Conditions:* Paired data: The data are paired because they are measurements on the sameindividuals both before and after the workshop.* Independence: The anxiety level of any employee is independent of the anxiety level of any other employee, so the differences are independent.* Randomization: This is a random sample from the company.* Nearly Normal condition: The histogram of the differences (below) is unimodal and roughly symmetric.6. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.Let d = Post-workshop anxiety level – Pre-workshop anxiety level.H0: µd = 0 The mean difference in the anxiety levels is zero.H A: µd < 0 The mean difference in the anxiety levels is less than zero.7. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.t = -3.92P-value = .0007With a P-value this small, we can reject the null hypothesis. We have strong evidence that participating in this workshop reduces employee anxiety levels about ERP.8. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.With 15 degrees of freedom, the critical t-value is 1.753. The 90% confidence interval is (-1.63, -0.62). We are 90% confident that, on average, participating in this workshop will decrease employee anxiety between .62 and 1.63 points (on the scale).Chapter 12: Comparing Two Groups – Quiz BName_________________________A consumer group was interested in comparing the operating time of cordless toothbrushes manufactured by two different companies. Group members took a random sample of 18 toothbrushes from Company A and 15 from Company B. Each was charged overnight and the number of hours of use before needing to be recharged was recorded. Company A toothbrushes operated for an average of 119.7 hours with a standard deviation of 1.74 hours; CompanyB toothbrushes operated for an average of 120.6 hours with a standard deviation of 1.72 hours. Do these samples indicate that Company B toothbrushes operate more hours on average than Company A toothbrushes?Hours of OperationCompany A Company B121 119 122 120122 121 121 118117 122 121 121120 119 122 123120 119 121 118121 118 119 120118 120 120 124120 123 119117 1181. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the t-test for two means satisfied? Explain.2. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.3. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.4. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.Use the following for questions 5 – 8:An army depot that overhauls ground mobile radar systems is interested in improving its processes. One problem involves troubleshooting a particular component that has a high failure rate after it has been repaired and reinstalled in the system. The shop floorsupervisor believes that having standard work procedures in place will reduce the time required for troubleshooting this component. Time (in minutes) required troubleshooting this component without and with the standard work procedure is recorded for a sample of 19 employees. Does this sample indicate that having a standard work procedure in place reduces troubleshooting time?5. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the paired t -test satisfied? Explain.6. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.7. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.8. Create and interpret a 95% confidence interval. Without Standard Work Procedure With Standard Work Procedure Difference Without - With 142 119 23 144 118 26 153 126 27 148 119 29 146 121 25 149 125 24 138 116 22 145 120 25 153 124 29 160 138 22 163 135 28 170 144 26 169 142 27 151 128 23 152 131 21 167 141 26 164 140 24 165 140 25 163 138 25Chapter 12: Comparing Two Groups – Quiz B – KeyA consumer group was interested in comparing the operating time of cordlesstoothbrushes manufactured by two different companies. Group members took a random sample of 18 toothbrushes from Company A and 15 from Company B. Each was charged overnight and the number of hours of use before needing to be recharged was recorded. Company A toothbrushes operated for an average of 119.7 hours with a standarddeviation of 1.74 hours; Company B toothbrushes operated for an average of 120.6 hours with a standard deviation of 1.72 hours. Do these samples indicate that Company B toothbrushes operate more hours on average than Company A toothbrushes?1. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the t -test for two means satisfied? Explain.Conditions:* Independent group assumption: Company A and Company B are twoindependent groups.* Randomization condition: Samples were taken by random selection.* Nearly Normal condition: The histograms below show that both sets areunimodal and roughly symmetric.Hours of Operation Company A Company B 121 119 122 120122 121 121 118117 122 121 121120 119 122 123120 119 121 118121 118 119 120 118 120 120 124 120 123 119 117 1182. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.H0: µ1 - µ2 = 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 < 03. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.t = -1.488P-value = .0735Because the P-value is fairly high, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to indicate that Company B cordless toothbrushes operate longer on average than those of Company A.4. Create and interpret a 90% confidence interval.Using 30 degrees of freedom, the critical t-value is 1.697. The 90% confidence interval is (-1.93, 0.13). We are 90% confident that, on average, there is no difference in operating hours between toothbrushes from Company A compared to those from Company B.Use the following for questions 5 – 8:An army depot that overhauls ground mobile radar systems is interested in improving its processes. One problem involves troubleshooting a particular component that has a high failure rate after it has been repaired and reinstalled in the system. The shop floor supervisor believes that having standard work procedures in place will reduce the time required for troubleshooting this component. Time (in minutes) required troubleshooting this component without and with the standard work procedure is recorded for a sample of 19 employees. Does this sample indicate that having a standard work procedure in place reduces troubleshooting time?5. Are the assumptions and conditions for carrying out the paired t -test satisfied? Explain.Conditions:* Paired data: The data are paired because they are measurements of troubleshooting time on the same employee.* Independence: The troubleshooting time by any employee is independent of that of other employees, so the differences are independent.* Randomization: We assume these employees are representative of all employees. * Nearly Normal condition: The histogram of the differences is unimodal and somewhat symmetric.Without Standard Work Procedure With Standard WorkProcedure DifferenceWithout -With 142 119 23 144 118 26 153 126 27 148 119 29 146 121 25 149 125 24 138 116 22 145 120 25 153 124 29 160 138 22163 135 28170 144 26169 142 27151 128 23152 131 21167 141 26164 140 24165 140 25 163 138 256. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.Let d = Time without standard work procedure – Time with standard work procedure.H0: µd = 0 The mean difference in the times is zero.H A: µd > 0 The mean difference in the times is greater than zero.7. Based on the test statistic and its P-value, state your conclusion using α = .05.t = 47.4P-value < .0001With a P-value this small, we can reject the null hypothesis. We have strong evidence that having standard work procedures in place reduces troubleshooting time for this component.8. Create and interpret a 95% confidence interval.With 18 degrees of freedom, the critical t-value is 2.101. The 95% confidence interval is (23.99, 26.22). We are 95% confident that having standard work procedures in place reduces troubleshooting time on this component, on average, between 23.99 and 26.22 minutes.Chapter 12: Comparing Two Groups – Quiz C – Multiple Choice Name_________________________Consider the following to answer questions 1 –5:Data were collected on annual personal time (in hours) taken by a random sample of 16 women and 7 men employed by a medium sized company. The women took an average of 24.75 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 2.84 hours. The men took an average of 21.89 hours of personal time per year with a standard deviation of 3.29 hours. The Human Resources Department believes that women tend to take more personal time than men because they tend to be the primary child care givers in the family.1. The correct null and alternative hypotheses (assuming women are group 1 and men are: group 2) areA. H 0: µ1 - µ2 = 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 < 0.B. H 0: µ1 - µ2 = 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 ≠ 0.C. H 0: µ1 - µ2 = 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 > 0.D. H 0: µ1 - µ2 > 0 and H A: µ1 - µ2 < 0.E. None of the above.2. The t -test for two means is appropriate in this situation becauseA. women and men are dependent samples.B. women and men are independent samples.C. women and men are matched samples.D. the observations are paired.E. None of the above.3. The correct value of the test statistic isA. t = 2.02.B. t = - 2.91.C. t = 0.458.D. t = 4.02.E. None of the above.Personal Time (hours)Women Men25 21 2222 27 2119 29 24 25 26 27 24 30 19 25 27 23 24 26 17 23 234. At α = .05A. we reject the null hypothesis.B. we fail to reject the null hypothesis.C. we can conclude that women take a higher average number of hours of personal time per year compared to men.D. Both A and C.E. Both B and C.5. Based on the data, the correct 90% confidence interval for the difference between women and men in the average number of hours of personal time taken per year isA. 0.30 to 5.48 hours.B. -0.50 to 3.21 hours.C. -4.67 to -0.62 hours.D. 1.27 to 6.89 hours.E. None of the above.Consider the following to answer questions 6 - 10:An army depot that overhauls ground mobile radar systems is interested in improving its processes. One problem involves troubleshooting a particular component that has a high failure rate after it has been repaired and reinstalled in the system. The shop floor supervisor believes that having standard work procedures in place will reduce the time required for troubleshooting this component. Time (in minutes) required troubleshooting this component without and with the standard work procedure is recorded for a sample of 19 employees. Does this sample indicate that having a standard work procedure in place reduces troubleshooting time?Without Standard Work Procedure With StandardWorkProcedureDifferenceWithout -With142 119 23 144 118 26 153 126 27 148 119 29 146 121 25 149 125 24 138 116 22 145 120 25 153 124 29 160 138 22 163 135 28 170 144 26 169 142 27 151 128 23 152 131 21167 141 26164 140 24165 140 25163 138 256. Which of the following statements is true?A. This is a one-tailed paired t-test.B. This is a two-tailed test of two independent means.C. This is one-tailed test of two independent means.D. This is a two-tailed paired t-test.E. This is a test of two proportions.7. Assuming that we define our differences as Time without standard work procedure – Time with standard work procedure, the correct alternative hypothesis isA. µd = 0.B. µd < 0.C. µd > 0.D. µd≠ 0.E. None of the above.8. The correct value of the test statistic isA. t = 47.4.B. t = -6.70.C. t = 3.19.D. t = -0.36.E. None of the above.9. The P-value associated with the test statistic isA. 0.321.B. < .0001.C. .05.D. .0233.E. > .0001.10. At α = .05A. we reject the null hypothesis.B. we fail to reject the null hypothesis.C. we can conclude that having standard work procedures in place reduces troubleshooting time for this component.D. Both A and C.E. Both B and C.Chapter 12 – Quiz C – Key1. C2. B3. A4. D5. A6. A7. C8. A9. B10. D。
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CHAPTER 1212.1 (a) When X = 0, the estimated expected value of Y is 2.(b) For each increase in the value X by 1 unit, you can expect an increase by an estimated 5 units in the value of Y .(c) ˆ2525(3)17YX =+=+= 12.2 (a) yes, (b) no,(c) no, (d) yes12.3 (a) When X = 0, the estimated expected value of Y is 16.(b) For each increase in the value X by 1 unit, you can expect a decrease in an estimated 0.5 units in the value of Y .(c) 13)6(5.0165.016ˆ=-=-=X Y12.4(a)(b) For each increase in shelf space of an additional foot, there is an expected increase in weekly sales of an estimated 0.074 hundreds of dollars, or $7.40. (c)042.2)8(074.045.1074.045.1ˆ=+=+=X Y, or $204.2012.5(a)Scatter Diagram0501001502002503003504004500100200300400500600700X, Reported (thousands)Y , A u d i t e d (t h o u s a n d s )(b)For each additional thousand units increase in reported newsstand sales, the mean audited sales will increase by an estimated 0.5719 thousand units.(c)()ˆ26.72400.5719400255.4788Y=+= thousands.12.6(a)(b) Partial Excel output:Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Intercept -2.3697 2.0733 -1.1430 0.2610 Feet 0.0501 0.0030 16.5223 0.0000(c) The estimated mean amount of labor will increase by 0.05 hour for each additional cubic foot moved.(d)()ˆ 2.3697+0.050150022.6705Y=-=Scatter Diagram010********6070809002004006008001000120014001600XY12.7(a)(b) ˆ0.19120.0297YX =+ (c) For each increase of one additional pound, the estimated mean number of orders will increase by 29.7.(d) ()ˆ0.19120.029750015.043Y=+=thousands 12.8(a)Scatter Diagram010020030040050060070080090050100150200250X, Revenue (Millions of dollars)Y , V a l u e (M i l l i o n s o f d o l l a r s )(b)0246.2599b =-, 1 4.1897b =(c)For each additional million dollars increase in revenue, the mean annual value will increase by an estimated 4.1897 million dollars. Since revenue cannot be 0, the Y intercept has no practical interpretation. Also, since the Y intercept is outside the range of the observed values of the X variable, its interpretation should be made cautiously.(d)()ˆ246.2599 4.1897150382.2005Y=-+= million dollars.12.9(a)(b) X Y065.11.177ˆ+= (c) For each increase of 1 square foot in space, the expected monthly rental is estimated to increase by $1.065. Since X cannot be zero, 177.1 has no practical interpretation. (d) =+=+=)1000(065.11.177065.11.177ˆX Y $1242.10(e) An apartment with 500 square feet is outside the relevant range for the independent variable.(f)The apartment with 1200 square feet has the more favorable rent relative to size. Based on the regression equation, a 1200 square foot apartment would have anexpected monthly rent of $1455.10, while a 1000 square foot apartment would have an expected monthly rent of $1242.10.12.10 (a)12.10 (b) ˆ 6.0483 2.0191YX =+ cont. (c) For each increase of one additional Rockwell E unit in hardness, the estimated mean tensile strength will increase by 2.0191 thousand pounds per square inch.(d)()ˆ 6.0483 2.01913066.620Y=+= thousand pounds per square inch.12.11 80% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable.12.12 SST = 40 and r 2 = 0.90. So, 90% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable.12.13 r 2 = 0.75. So, 75% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable.12.14 r 2 = 0.75. So, 75% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable.12.15 Since SST = SSR + SSE and since SSE cannot be a negative number, SST must be at least as large as SSR . 12.16 (a)r 2 =2.05353.0025SSR SST == 0.684. So, 68.4% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable.(b)0.308YXs ==== (c) Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting sales.12.17 (a) r 2 = 0.9015. So, 90.15% of the variation in audited newsstand sales can be explained by the variation in reported newsstand sales. (b) 42.1859YX s =(c) Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting audited sales.12.18 (a) r 2 = 0.8892. So, 88.92% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable. (b) 5.0314YX s =(c) Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting labor hours.12.19 (a) r 2 = 0.9731. So, 97.31% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable. (b) 0.7258YX s =(c)Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting the number of orders.12.20 (a) r 2 = 0.9424. So, 94.24% of the variation in value of a baseball franchise can be explained by the variation in its annual revenue. (b) 33.7876YX s =(c)Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting the value of a baseball franchise.12.21 (a) r 2 = 0.723. So, 72.3% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable. (b) 6.194=YX s(c) Based on (a) and (b), the model should be very useful for predicting monthly rent.12.22 (a) r 2 = 0.4613. So, 46.13% of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by the variation in the independent variable. (b) 9.0616YX s =(c)Based on (a) and (b), the model is only marginally useful for predicting tensile strength.12.23 A residual analysis of the data indicates no apparent pattern. The assumptions of regression appear to be met.12.24A residual analysis of the data indicates a pattern, with sizeable clusters ofconsecutive residuals that are either all positive or all negative. If the data is cross-sectional, this pattern indicates a violation of the assumption of linearity and a quadratic model should be investigated. If the data is time-series, the pattern indicates a violation of the assumption of independence of errors.12.25 (a)Reported Residual Plot-100-80-60-40-2002040600.0100.0200.0300.0400.0500.0600.0700.0ReportedR e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there does not appear to be a pattern in the residual plot.(b)Normal Probability Plot-100-80-60-40-200204060Z ValueR e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there appears to be some heteroscedasticity effect. The normal probability plot of the residuals indicates a departure from the normality assumption. The error distribution appears to be left-skewed.12.26 (a)Space Residual Plot-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2- e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there does not appear to be a pattern in the residual plot. (b)Normal Probability Plot-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2- ValueR e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there is not apparent heteroscedasticity effect. The normal probability plot of the residuals indicates a departure from the normality assumption.12.27 (a)Weight Residual Plot-2-1.5-1-0.500.511.50100200300400500600700800WeightR e s i d u a l sThe residual plot does not reveal any obvious pattern. So a linear fit appears to be adequate.(b)Normal Probability Plot-2-1.5-1-0.500.511.5Z ValueR e s i d u a l sThe residual plot does not reveal any possible violation of the homoscedasticity assumption. This is not a time series data, so you do not need to evaluate theindependence assumption. The normal probability plot shows that the distribution has a thicker left tail than a normal distribution but there is no sign of severe skewness.12.28 (a)Feet Residual Plot-15-10-5051015050010001500FeetR e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there appears to be a nonlinear pattern in the residuals. A quadratic model should be investigated.(b)Normal Probability PlotZ ValueR e s i d u a l sThe assumptions of normality and equal variance do not appear to be seriously violated.12.29 (a)Size Residual Plot-500-400-300-200-100010020030040050005001000150020002500SizeR e s i d u a l sBased on a residual analysis of the residuals versus size, the model appears to be adequate. (b)Normal Probability Plot-500-400-300-200-1000100200300400500Z ValueR e s i d u a l sThe normal probability plot shows that the distribution has a thicker left tail than a normal distribution but there is no sign of severe skewness. The assumptions of regression do not appear to be seriously violated.12.30 (a)Revenue Residual Plot-80-60-40-20020406080100050100150200250RevenueR e s i d u a l sBased on the residual plot, there appears to be a nonlinear pattern in the residuals. A quadratic model should be investigated.(b)Normal Probability PlotZ ValueR e s i d u a l sThe normal probability plot of the residuals does not reveal significant departure from the normality assumption. The assumption of equal variance does not appear to be seriously violated.12.31 (a)The residual plot does not reveal any obvious pattern. So a linear fit appears to be adequate.(b)Normal Probability PlotZ ValueR e s i d u a l sThe residual plot does not reveal any possible violation of the homoscedasticity assumption. This is not a time series data, so you do not need to evaluate theindependence assumption. The normal probability plot shows that the distribution has a slightly thinner right tail than a normal distribution but there is no sign of severe skewness.12.32 (a)An increasing linear relationship exists.(b) There appears to be strong positive autocorrelation among the residuals.12.33 (a) There is no apparent pattern in the residuals over time.(b) D = 1.661>1.36. There is no evidence of positive autocorrelation among the residuals. (c) The data are not positively autocorrelated.12.34(a) No, it is not necessary to compute the Durbin-Watson statistic since the data have been collected for a single period for a set of stores.(b)If a single store was studied over a period of time and the amount of shelf space varied over time, computation of the Durbin-Watson statistic would be necessary.12.35 (a) b 0 = 169.455, b 1 = –1.8579(b) =-=-=)50(8579.1455.1698579.1455.169ˆX Y 76.56(c)(d) D = 1.18<1.27. There is evidence of positive autocorrelation among the residuals.(e)The plot of the residuals versus temperature indicates that positive residuals tend to occur for the lowest and highest temperatures in the data set. A nonlinear modelmight be more appropriate. The evidence of positive autocorrelation is another reason to question the validity of the model.12.36 (a) b 1 =201399.050.016112495626SSXY SSX == b 0 =()171.26210.01614393Y b X -=-= 0.458 (b)=+=+=)4500(0161.0458.00161.0458.0ˆX Y 72.908 or $72,908(c)(d)D =()212211243.2244599.0683ni i i nii e e e-==-=∑∑= 2.08>1.45. There is no evidence of positiveautocorrelation among the residuals.(e)Based on a residual analysis, the model appears to be adequate.12.37 (a)ˆ17.08335YX =- (b) ()ˆ17.083350.514.5833Y=-= seconds(c)There is no noticeable pattern in the plot.Residuals Plot-8-6-4-20246Time OrderR e s i d u a l s12.37 (d) H 0: There is no autocorrelation.cont. H 1: There is positive autocorrelation.PHStat output:Durbin-Watson CalculationsSum of Squared Difference of Residuals 238.4375L U H 0. There is no evidence of autocorrelation.(e)Based on the results of (c) and (d), there is no reason to question the validity of the model.12.38 (a) b 0 = –2.535, b 1 = 0.060728(b) =+-=+-=)83(060728.0535.2060728.0535.2ˆX Y 2.5054 or $2505.40(c)(d) D = 1.64>1.42. There is no evidence of positive autocorrelation among the residuals.(e)The plot of the residuals versus time period shows some clustering of positive and negative residuals for intervals in the domain, suggesting a nonlinear model might be better. Otherwise, the model appears to be adequate.12.39 (a)Scatter Diagram0501001502002501020304050X, Crude Oi Price (dollars/barrel)Y , G a s o l i n e P r i c e (c e n t s /g a l l o n )There appears to be a positive curvilinear relationship between crude oil price and gasoline price.(b) ()ˆ60.6944 2.8864YX =+ (c)Crude Oil Residual Plot-25-20-15-10-50510152025202530354045Crude OilR e s i d u a l sThere appears to be positive autocorrelation where clusters of positive residuals can be seen at the lower and upper range of the X value, and a cluster of negative residuals is apparent near the center of the X range. There also appears to be non-linear relationship between crude oil price and gasoline price.(d) 0.3161D =. 1.65L d =, 1.69U d =. Since D < 1.65, there is evidence of positive autocorrelation at 5% level of significance.(e)Based on the result of (c)-(d), the linear model and independent of errors assumptions do not appear to be valid.12.40 (a) 01:0H β= 11:0H β≠Test statistic: ()110/ 4.5/1.5 3.00b t b s =-==(b) With n = 18, df = 18 – 2 =16, 1199.216±=t .(c) Reject H 0. There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful. (d) 111161116b b b t s b t s β-≤≤+)5.1(1199.25.4)5.1(1199.25.41+≤≤-β 68.732.11≤≤β12.41 (a) /60/160MSR SSR k ===/(1)40/18 2.222MSE SSE n k =--== 27222.2/60/===MSE MSR F (b) 1,18 4.41F =(c) Reject H 0. There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful.(d) 2600.6100SSR r SST ===0.7746r ==-(e) 0:0H ρ=There is no correlation between X and Y . 1:0H ρ≠There is correlation between X and Y .d.f. = 18.Decision rule: Reject 0H if cal t >2.1009.Test statistic: 5.196t ===-.Since cal t = 5.196 >2.1009, reject 0H . There is enough evidence to conclude that the correlation between X and Y is significant.12.42 (a) 01:0H β= 11:0H β≠111100.074 4.65 2.22810.0159b b t t S β-===>=with 10 degrees of freedom for05.0=α. Reject H 0. There is enough evidence to conclude that the fitted linearregression model is useful.(b)()1120.074 2.22810.0159n b b t S -±=± 1094.00386.01≤≤β12.43 (a) 01:0H β=11:0H β≠PHStat output:CoefficientsStandard Errort Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept26.7240 26.5425 1.00680.3435 -34.4832 87.9311 Reported0.5719 0.06688.55670.00000.41780.7260Since the p -value is essentially zero, reject H 0 at 5% level of significance. There is evidence of a linear relationship between reported sales and audited sales.(b)10.41780.7260β≤≤12.44 (a) 3416.5223 2.0322t t =>= for 05.0=α. Reject H 0. There is evidence that thefitted linear regression model is useful. (b) 10.04390.0562β≤≤12.45 (a) p -value is virtually 0 < 0.05. Reject H 0. There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful. (b) 10.02760.0318β≤≤12.46 (a) 01:0H β=11:0H β≠PHStat output:CoefficientsStandard Errort Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept-246.2599 26.0405 -9.4568 0.0000 -299.6015 -192.9183 Revenue4.1897 0.195721.40750.00003.78884.5906Since the p -value is essentially zero, reject H 0 at 5% level of significance. There is evidence of a linear relationship between annual revenue sales and franchise value. (b)13.7888 4.5906β≤≤12.47 (a) 0687.274.723=>=t t with 23 degrees of freedom for 05.0=α. Reject H 0. Thereis evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful. (b) 10.7803 1.3497β≤≤12.48 (a) p -value = 7.26497E-06 < 0.05. Reject H 0. There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful. (b) 11.2463 2.7918β≤≤12.49 (a)Sears, Roebuck and Company’s stock moves only 60.3% as much as the overall market and is much less volatile. LSI Logic’s stock moves 142.1% more than the overall market and is considered as extremely volatile. The stocks of Disney Company, Ford Motor Company and IBM, move 10.9%, 34% and 44.9%respectively more than the overall market and are considered somewhat more volatile than the market.(b)Investors can use the beta value as a measure of the volatility of a stock to assess its risk.12.50 (a)()()0% daily change in ULPIX 2.00% daily change in S&P 500 Index b =+ (b) If the S&P gains 30% in a year, the ULPIX is expected to gain an estimated 60%. (c) If the S&P loses 35% in a year, the ULPIX is expected to lose an estimated 70%.(d)Since the leverage funds have higher volatility and, hence, higher risk than the market, risk averse investors should stay away from these funds. Risk takers, on the other hand, will benefit from the higher potential gain from these funds.12.51 (a) r = -0.2810.(b) t = -1.0556, p -value = 0.3104 > 0.05. Do not reject H 0. There is not enoughevidence to conclude that there is a significant linear relationship between the retail price and the energy cost per year of medium-size top-freezer refrigerators.12.52 (a)r = –0.4014.(b)t = –1.8071, p -value = 0.089 > 0.05. Do not reject H 0. At the 0.05 level ofsignificance, there is no linear relationship between the turnover rate of pre-boarding screeners and the security violations detected.(c)There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a linear relationship between the turnover rate of pre-boarding screeners and the security violations detected.12.53 (a)r = 0.3409.(b)t = 1.4506, p -value = 0.1662 > 0.05. Do not reject H 0. At the 0.05 level of significance, there is no linear relationship between the battery capacity and the digital-mode talk time.(c) There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a linear relationship between the battery capacity and the digital-mode talk time.(d)No, the expectation that the cellphones with higher battery capacity have a higher talk time is not borne out by the data.12.54 (a)r = 0.4838(b)t = 2.5926, p -value = 0.0166 < 0.05. Reject H 0. At the 0.05 level of significance, there is a linear relationship between the cold-cranking amps and the price. (c) The higher the price of a battery is, the higher is its cold-cranking amps.(d)Yes, the expectation that batteries with higher cranking amps to have a higher price is borne out by the data.12.55 (a) When X = 2, 11)2(3535ˆ=+=+=X Y05.020)22(201)()(12122=-+=--+=∑=n i i i X X X X n h95% confidence interval: 05.011009.211ˆ18⋅⋅±=±h s t Y Y X|10.5311.47Y X μ≤≤(b)95% prediction interval: 05.111009.2111ˆ18⋅⋅±=+±h s t Y Y X28.84713.153X Y =≤≤12.56 (a) When X = 4, 17)4(3535ˆ=+=+=X Y25.020)24(201)()(12122=-+=--+=∑=n i i i X X X X n h95% confidence interval: 18ˆ17 2.10091YXY t s ±=±⋅|415.9518.05Y X μ=≤≤(b)95% prediction interval: 18ˆ17 2.10091YX Y t s ±=±⋅414.65119.349X Y =≤≤(c)The intervals in this problem are wider because the value of X is farther from X .12.57 (a)|400223.5000287.4577Y X μ=≤≤ (b)400153.0765357.8812X Y =≤≤ (c)Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specific value of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for the mean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is much more variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, a prediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everything else fixed.12.58 (a)(2ˆ 2.042 2.22810.3081i n YX Y t S -±=±|81.7876 2.2964Y X μ=≤≤(b)(2ˆ 2.042 2.22810.3081i n YX Y t S -±=±81.3100 2.7740X Y =≤≤(c)Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specific value of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for the mean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is much more variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, a prediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everything else fixed.12.59 (a)|50014.715015.3701Y X μ=≤≤ (b)50013.505916.5793X Y =≤≤ (c)Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specific value of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for the mean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is much more variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, a prediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everything else fixed.12.60 (a)|50020.799024.5419Y X μ=≤≤ (b)50012.275533.0654X Y =≤≤ (c)Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specific value of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for the mean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is much more variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, a prediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everything else fixed.12.61 (a)|10001153.01331.5Y X μ=≤≤(b) 1000829.91654.6X Y =≤≤(c) Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specificvalue of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for themean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is muchmore variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, aprediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everythingelse fixed.12.62 (a)|150367.0757397.3254Y X μ=≤≤(b) 150311.3562453.0448X Y =≤≤(c) Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specificvalue of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for themean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is muchmore variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, aprediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everythingelse fixed.12.63 (a)|30116.7082178.0564Y X μ=≤≤(b) 30111.5942183.1704X Y =≤≤(c) Part (b) provides an interval prediction for the individual response given a specificvalue of the independent variable, and part (a) provides an interval estimate for themean value given a specific value of the independent variable. Since there is muchmore variation in predicting an individual value than in estimating a mean value, aprediction interval is wider than a confidence interval estimate holding everythingelse fixed.12.64 The slope of the line, b 1, represents the estimated expected change in Y per unit change in X .It represents the estimated mean amount that Y changes (either positively or negatively) for a particular unit change in X . The Y intercept b 0 represents the estimated mean value of Y when X equals 0.12.65 The coefficient of determination measures the proportion of variation in Y that is explainedby the independent variable X in the regression model.12.66 The unexplained variation or error sum of squares (SSE) will be equal to zero only when theregression line fits the data perfectly and the coefficient of determination equals 1.12.67 The explained variation or regression sum of squares (SSR) will be equal to zero only whenthere is no relationship between the Y and X variables, and the coefficient of determination equals 0.12.68 Unless a residual analysis is undertaken, you will not know whether the model fit isappropriate for the data. In addition, residual analysis can be used to check whether theassumptions of regression have been seriously violated.12.69 The assumptions of regression are normality of error, homoscedasticity, and independence oferrors.12.70 The normality of error assumption can be evaluated by obtaining a histogram, box-and-whisker plot, and/or normal probability plot of the residuals. The homoscedasticityassumption can be evaluated by plotting the residuals on the vertical axis and the X variable on the horizontal axis. The independence of errors assumption can be evaluated by plotting the residuals on the vertical axis and the time order variable on the horizontal axis. This assumption can also be evaluated by computing the Durbin-Watson statistic.12.71 If the data in a regression analysis has been collected over time, then the assumption ofindependence of errors needs to be evaluated using the Durbin-Watson statistic.12.72 The confidence interval for the mean response estimates the mean response for a given Xvalue. The prediction interval estimates the value for a single item or individual.12.73 (a) There is a strong positive correlation between course average and cumulative GPA,and between total hits and hit consistency. There is a moderate positive correlationbetween course average and hit consistency, and between cumulative GPA and hitconsistency.(b) It is not surprising that cumulative GPA is strongly and positively related to courseaverage because course average in a course contributes to the cumulative GPA andboth measure the performance of a student. It is also not surprising that total hits andhit consistency are highly positively related because hit consistency contributes tototal hits. Hit consistency is positively related to both cumulative GPA and courseaverage because the more frequently a student visits the Internet site supporting acourse, the more current the student is in the course and presumably the better thestudent performs in the course.12.74 (a) b 0 = 24.84, b 1 = 0.14(b) 24.84 is the portion of estimated mean delivery time that is not affected by thenumber of cases delivered. For each additional case, the estimated mean deliverytime increases by 0.14 minutes.(c) 84.45)150(14.084.2414.084.24ˆ=+=+=X Y(d) No, 500 cases is outside the relevant range of the data used to fit the regressionequation.(e) r 2 = 0.972. So, 97.2% of the variation in delivery time can be explained by thevariation in the number of cases.(f) Based on a visual inspection of the graphs of the distribution of residuals and theresiduals versus the number of cases, there is no pattern. The model appears to beadequate.(g) 1009.288.2418=>=t t with 18 degrees of freedom for 05.0=α. Reject H 0.There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful.(h) |15044.8846.80Y X μ=≤≤(i) 15041.5650.12X Y =≤≤(j) 1518.01282.01≤≤β12.75 (a)b 0 = –63.02, b 1 = 0.189 (b)For each additional incoming call, the estimated mean number of trade executions increases by 0.189. – 63.02 is the portion of the estimated mean number of trade executions that is not affected by the number of incoming calls. Since the Y intercept is outside the range of the observed values of the X variable, its interpretation should be made cautiously. (c)99.314)2000(189.002.63189.002.63ˆ=+-=+-=X Y (d)No, 5000 incoming calls is outside the relevant range of the data used to fit the regression equation. (e)r 2 = 0.630. So, 63.0% of the variation in the number of trade executions can be explained by the variation in the number of incoming calls. (f)Based on a visual inspection of the graphs of the distribution of residuals and the residuals versus the number of cases, there is no pattern. The model appears to be adequate. (g)D = 1.96 (h)D = 1.96>1.52. There is no evidence of positive autocorrelation. The model appears to be adequate. (i)0345.250.733=>=t t with 33 degrees of freedom for 05.0=α. Reject H 0. There is evidence that the fitted linear regression model is useful. (j)|2000302.07327.91Y X μ=≤≤ (k)2000253.76376.22X Y =≤≤ (l)2403.01377.01≤≤β12.76 (a)Scatter Diagram 020406080100120140020406080100Assessed Value ($000)S e l l i n g P r i c e ($000)b 0 = –44.172, b 1 = 1.78171 (b)Since the assessed value of a home cannot be zero, the intercept has no practical interpretation. -44.172 is the portion of estimated mean selling price that is not affected by the assessed value. For each additional dollar in assessed value, the estimated mean selling price increases by $1.78. (c)458.80)70(78171.1172.4478171.1172.44ˆ=+-=+-=X Y or $80,458 (d)r 2 = 0.926. 92.6% of the variation in selling price can be explained by the variation in the assessed value.。