#### 教学目标:1. 帮助学生掌握托福口语考试的结构和技巧。
2. 提高学生的口语流利度和准确性。
3. 培养学生的思维敏捷性和逻辑表达能力。
#### 教学对象:托福口语大班学生#### 教学时间:1课时#### 教学材料:1. 托福口语考试指南2. 口语练习题库3. 计时器4. 多媒体设备(如电脑、投影仪)#### 教学步骤:##### 第一部分:课堂导入(10分钟)1. 热身活动:- 进行简短的自我介绍,让学生放松心情。
- 组织一个轻松的讨论,如“你最喜欢的休闲活动是什么?”以激发学生的积极性。
2. 课程介绍:- 介绍本次课程的目标和内容。
- 解释托福口语考试的结构和评分标准。
##### 第二部分:基础技巧讲解(15分钟)1. 发音与语调:- 讲解托福口语考试中发音和语调的重要性。
- 播放示范视频,让学生了解正确的发音和语调。
2. 逻辑表达:- 讲解如何组织语言,构建清晰的逻辑结构。
- 通过实例展示如何使用过渡词和连接词。
##### 第三部分:实践练习(25分钟)1. 分组讨论:- 将学生分成小组,进行模拟口语考试练习。
- 每个小组选择一个话题,进行3-4分钟的讨论。
2. 角色扮演:- 每组选出一个代表进行角色扮演,模拟真实的考试场景。
- 其他组员扮演评委,对发言进行评价。
##### 第四部分:点评与总结(10分钟)1. 学生互评:- 各组派代表进行自我评价和相互评价。
- 评委根据评分标准,对学生的表现进行点评。
2. 总结:- 回顾本次课程的重点内容。
- 鼓励学生在课后继续练习,提高口语水平。
#### 教学评估:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与度和互动情况。
2. 评估学生在分组讨论和角色扮演中的表现。
3. 收集学生课后练习的反馈,了解学生的学习效果。
#### 教学反思:1. 课后反思教学效果,总结经验教训。
2. 根据学生的反馈,调整教学内容和方法。
3. 持续关注学生的进步,提供个性化的指导。
新托福口语模板(优选8篇)新托福口语模板(1)1、Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why…2、In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the theory/phenomenon that… The first one is that… Another example is that…And that’s the two examples the professor presented to explain theIn the lecture, the professor discusses … in several Firstly, he points that…. For instance, … Secondly, he mentions that…… and he shows some data/research about Finally, he states thatAccording to the lecture, there are two major criteria for… First, she mentions, and I’m quoting here,…Point out, present, describe, state, mention, discuss, provide, demonstrate, introduce, give3、Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I wanna say is that… More importantly…So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed abovePersonally speaking, I prefer… for severalI think … is more appropriate for… for severalFirstly, …Besides, in my experienceBur probably the most important reason for my preference is that…In a word, that’s the reason of my that’s why my preference is…I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing…Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…,新托福口语模板(2)Queston1: Independent taskFormatT : And there are a couple ofS: The most important thing is that___, you know,Whats more,一.Thing例:Describe an event that is important tol Good way of exercising: strengthen my body, get rid of the stress: before a big testl Simply enjoy it: IPOD二.LocationFor example: Where is the place that you really want to go?l Beautiful scenery: saw on postcards, plants and animalsl Love hikingl Read the book s why I choose ___ for the two reasons listed )Tips: stand your point byOne advantage of A+ one advantage of Aone advantage of A+ one disadvantage of Btwo disadvantages of BQuestion3: Campus talkState the man/womans opinion and explain the reasons he/she gives for holding that新托福口语模板(3)1、口语题型介绍关于托福口语题型可划分成两大部分,题目总共是六道,考试时间是20分钟,采用机考的形式,考官通过听考生的录音给考生判分。
Task 2 高分模板
Task 2 是一项独立任务,考生需要在两份任务的描述中选择一份进行回答。
1. 开头:
- I would like to talk about … (介绍被钦佩的人/地方/物品)
- The person/place/thing that I admire the most is … (介绍被钦佩的人/地方/物品)
2. 主体:
3. 结尾:
- So, this is why I really admire … (再次说明钦佩的对象)
- In conclusion, … (总结所述之点)
1. 郭台铭
I would like to talk about Terry Gou. Terry Gou is a successful entrepreneur and the founder of the electronics manufacturer Foxconn. I really admire him for many reasons.
2. 纽约。
新托福口语考试技巧加模板:首先,T1, T2 --------做到有备无患!!!T1,是描述题。
就其准备而言,要从人物类(persons),物品类(objects,地点类(places,事件类(events 着手,每一类准备4-5篇左右。
A or B,选择一个,并能自圆其说,为什么选它。
其次,T3, T4 读-听-说(R-L-S 综合题----做到听读双赢!!!ETS 的综合题的出题思路,是根据母语的学习思路设计的。
下面就是店铺给大家整理的托福口语高分模板,希望对你有用!托福口语高分模板Q1Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s whyQ2Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I wanna say is that… More importantly…So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons.I think … is more appropriate for… for several reasons.Firstly, …Besides, in my experienceBur probably the most important reason for my preference is that…In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s w hy my preference is…I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing…Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, …Q3The school has implemented a new policy that… due to…And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that…And the second one is based on the fact that…In the reading material, there is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about …The university/college is going to…In the listening material, two students discuss about the… The man/woman is against/supporting the… He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about…托福多少算高分其实,托福多少算高分,分数的高低,还是要取决于个人。
课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握托福口语Task 2的解题技巧和策略。
2. 帮助学生提高口语表达能力,提升语言流畅度和准确性。
3. 培养学生逻辑思维和论证能力,能够就特定话题进行有效表达。
教学重点:1. Task 2题型分析及解题技巧。
2. 词汇和句型积累。
3. 口语表达中的逻辑性和连贯性。
教学难点:1. 如何在短时间内组织语言,清晰表达观点。
2. 如何运用逻辑思维和论证能力,使表达具有说服力。
教学准备:1. 托福口语Task 2历年真题。
2. 词汇和句型卡片。
3. 口语练习录音设备。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 介绍Task 2题型及考试要求。
2. 强调Task 2在托福口语考试中的重要性。
二、题型分析1. 分析Task 2常见题型,如同意/不同意、比较/对比等。
2. 讲解解题步骤,包括审题、思考、组织语言、表达观点等。
三、词汇和句型积累1. 介绍Task 2常用词汇和句型,如“in my opinion”、“as far as I'm concerned”等。
2. 通过例句讲解词汇和句型的用法。
四、口语表达技巧1. 讲解如何运用逻辑思维和论证能力,使表达具有说服力。
2. 分析优秀口语表达的要素,如清晰、连贯、有逻辑性等。
五、练习1. 让学生根据所学内容,进行Task 2真题练习。
2. 鼓励学生在课堂上积极发言,教师进行指导和点评。
第二课时一、复习与总结1. 回顾Task 2题型及解题技巧。
2. 总结Task 2口语表达的要点。
二、口语练习1. 让学生就Task 2真题进行口语表达,教师进行指导和点评。
2. 针对学生的不足之处,进行针对性的练习。
三、模拟考试1. 让学生进行Task 2模拟考试,检验学习成果。
2. 教师进行评分和点评,帮助学生找出不足。
四、总结与反馈1. 对学生在模拟考试中的表现进行总结。
2. 鼓励学生继续努力,提高口语表达能力。
教学评价:1. 学生在Task 2口语表达中的流畅度和准确性。
课程名称:托福口语专项训练课时: 2课时教学目标:1. 帮助学生掌握托福口语考试的基本题型和答题技巧。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力和逻辑思维能力。
3. 培养学生的听力理解和词汇积累能力。
教学内容:1. 托福口语考试题型介绍及答题技巧。
2. 常见话题类型及范例分析。
3. 口语练习与反馈。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(5分钟)1. 通过提问,了解学生对托福口语考试的了解程度。
2. 引导学生讨论口语考试的重要性。
二、讲解(20分钟)1. 托福口语考试题型介绍:- Task 1:独立口语(1-2分钟)- Task 2:综合口语(2-3分钟)- Task 3:阅读理解+听力理解(2-3分钟)- Task 4:听力理解(2-3分钟)- Task 5:综合口语(2-3分钟)2. 答题技巧:- 时间管理- 逻辑表达- 词汇运用- 听力理解三、范例分析(15分钟)1. 选择一道Task 2题目,进行范文分析。
2. 引导学生分析范文的结构、语言表达和答题技巧。
四、课堂练习(10分钟)1. 学生根据范例,尝试回答一道Task 2题目。
2. 教师点评,指出学生的优点和不足。
第二课时一、复习(5分钟)1. 回顾上一节课的重点内容。
2. 学生提问,教师解答。
二、讲解(20分钟)1. 常见话题类型及范例分析:- 个人经历- 观点态度- 社会现象- 学术话题2. 范例分析:- 选择一道常见话题,进行范文分析。
- 引导学生分析范例的结构、语言表达和答题技巧。
三、口语练习与反馈(25分钟)1. 学生进行Task 2口语练习。
2. 教师进行一对一反馈,指出学生的优点和不足。
3. 学生根据反馈进行修改和改进。
四、总结(5分钟)1. 总结本节课的学习内容。
2. 布置课后作业。
以下是一些常用的托福口语模板:1. 开场白模板Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name], and I'm from [Your City/Town]. Today I'm going to talk about [Topic].2. 主题介绍模板To begin with, [Main Point 1], which is particularly important because [Reason 1]. Next, [Main Point 2], which is significant for [Reason 2]. Finally, [Main Point 3], which is crucial for [Reason 3].3. 解释原因模板There are several reasons why [Main Point], firstly [Reason 1], secondly [Reason 2], and finally [Reason 3].4. 举例说明模板One example of [Example] is [Specific Instance], which shows how [Explanation]. Another example is [Specific Instance], which demonstrates [Explanation].5. 总结模板In conclusion, [Summarize Main Points]. I believe that [Belief about Topic] because of the reasons I've just discussed. Thank you.这些模板可以帮助你构建一个清晰、有条理的托福口语答案。
• Work is a serious business, and must be approached with a serious attitude. An office worker should has a serious attitude if he wants further promotion.
• Secondly, a good leader should be good at making decisions. A good and correct decision can lead to the final success, whereas a wrong and delayed decision may bring about disasters to the company. Of course, this skill requires a lot of working experience.
• Secondly, a good friend should be reliable. Everybody certainly appreciates a friend who is a phone call away especially in his difficult time. Just as the old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendship is strengthened in difficulties. For example, when a student bombs his exam, a good friend should encourage and be eager to help him.
课程目标:- 帮助学生掌握托福口语考试的常见题型和解题技巧。
- 提高学生的口语表达能力和语言流畅度。
- 培养学生的逻辑思维和应变能力。
课程时长:- 2课时课程内容:第一课时一、课程导入(10分钟)- 通过简短的英语对话或笑话,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造轻松的学习氛围。
二、题型介绍(15分钟)- 介绍托福口语考试的四个题型:独立任务、综合任务、学术讨论和日常对话。
- 详细讲解每种题型的特点、考察重点和答题技巧。
三、答题技巧讲解(20分钟)- 独立任务:讲解如何迅速组织思路,用简洁明了的语言表达自己的观点。
- 综合任务:讲解如何快速阅读听力材料,准确把握关键信息,并将其与口语表达相结合。
- 学术讨论:讲解如何针对学术话题展开讨论,提出自己的观点,并支持论据。
- 日常对话:讲解如何应对日常生活中的对话场景,用恰当的词汇和句型进行交流。
四、口语练习(15分钟)- 学生根据所学技巧进行口语练习,教师进行个别指导。
第二课时一、口语模板讲解(15分钟)- 介绍托福口语考试的常用模板,帮助学生快速组织语言,提高口语表达的流畅度。
- 分题型讲解模板的应用方法。
二、历年真题解析(20分钟)- 选择近年来的托福口语真题,带领学生进行实战演练,讲解解题思路和答题技巧。
三、模拟考试(15分钟)- 组织学生进行模拟考试,检验学生的学习成果,并及时发现问题。
四、总结与反馈(10分钟)- 对本节课的内容进行总结,解答学生的疑问,鼓励学生在课后继续练习。
教学资源:- 托福口语真题- 托福口语模板- 相关教学视频和音频材料教学评价:- 观察学生在课堂上的参与度和练习效果。
- 收集学生的课后练习反馈,了解学生的学习情况。
课后作业:- 学生根据所学内容,完成以下任务:1. 每天进行口语练习,巩固所学技巧。
2. 针对所学题型,完成至少一篇写作练习。
3. 收集生活中常见的口语表达,用于日常交流。
课程名称:托福口语课程课程目标:1. 帮助学生掌握托福口语考试的基本技巧和策略。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力,使其能够在考试中流畅、准确地表达自己的观点。
3. 增强学生的自信心,使其在口语考试中能够自信应对。
课程时间: 2课时教学对象:托福口语学习者教学材料:1. 托福口语真题2. 口语练习材料3. 讲义和笔记纸教学步骤:第一课时一、热身活动(10分钟)1. 学生自我介绍,分享自己为什么选择学习托福口语,以及学习口语的目标。
2. 老师通过简单的英语游戏,如“我说你做”、“快速问答”等,帮助学生放松,活跃课堂气氛。
二、课堂讲解(40分钟)1. 托福口语考试介绍:向学生介绍托福口语考试的结构、评分标准以及考试形式。
2. 口语表达技巧:讲解如何组织语言、如何展开论述、如何使用连接词等。
3. 常见话题分析:分析托福口语考试中常见的几个话题,如教育、家庭、工作等,并举例说明如何针对这些话题进行论述。
三、实践练习(20分钟)1. 学生根据老师提供的练习材料,进行小组讨论,准备一个简短的话题论述。
2. 每组选派一位代表进行口头表达,其他学生进行评价和反馈。
四、总结与作业布置(10分钟)1. 老师总结本节课的重点内容,强调口语表达的关键技巧。
2. 布置课后作业,要求学生根据课堂所学,准备一个完整的口语论述,并录音。
第二课时一、复习与巩固(10分钟)1. 学生回顾上节课的学习内容,分享自己的学习心得。
2. 老师针对学生上节课的作业进行点评,指出优点和不足。
二、模拟练习(30分钟)1. 老师提供托福口语真题,学生进行模拟练习。
2. 学生独立完成题目,老师巡回指导,帮助学生纠正发音、语法和表达错误。
三、互动讨论(20分钟)1. 学生分组进行讨论,针对某个话题进行深入讨论,并尝试用英语进行表达。
2. 每组选派一位代表进行口头表达,其他学生进行评价和反馈。
四、总结与作业布置(10分钟)1. 老师总结本节课的重点内容,强调口语表达的实用技巧。
课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握托福口语写作的基本技巧;2. 培养学生的逻辑思维和表达能力;3. 提高学生的写作速度和准确性。
教学重点:1. 托福口语写作的基本结构;2. 托福口语写作的常用词汇和句型;3. 托福口语写作的评分标准。
教学难点:1. 如何在短时间内完成一篇高质量的托福口语写作;2. 如何将中文思维转化为英文思维。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 引导学生回顾托福口语写作的基本要求;2. 介绍本节课的教学目标。
二、讲解托福口语写作的基本结构1. 分析托福口语写作的评分标准;2. 讲解托福口语写作的基本结构:引言、主体、结论;3. 举例说明每种结构的写作方法。
三、讲解托福口语写作的常用词汇和句型1. 介绍托福口语写作中常用的词汇和句型;2. 通过例句让学生掌握这些词汇和句型的用法。
四、课堂练习1. 学生根据所学知识,完成一篇托福口语写作;2. 老师对学生的写作进行点评,指出优点和不足。
第二课时一、复习上节课所学内容1. 学生回顾托福口语写作的基本结构、常用词汇和句型;2. 老师提问,检查学生对知识的掌握程度。
二、讲解托福口语写作的评分标准1. 详细讲解托福口语写作的评分标准;2. 分析每个评分标准的具体要求。
三、讲解托福口语写作的技巧1. 讲解如何在短时间内完成一篇高质量的托福口语写作;2. 分析如何将中文思维转化为英文思维。
四、课堂练习1. 学生根据所学知识,完成一篇托福口语写作;2. 老师对学生的写作进行点评,指出优点和不足。
五、总结1. 回顾本节课所学内容;2. 鼓励学生在课后继续练习,提高写作水平。
在教学过程中,要注意以下几点:1. 注重学生个体差异,因材施教;2. 注重课堂互动,激发学生的学习兴趣;3. 注重学生的实际应用,提高学生的写作能力。
课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握托福口语考试的解题思路和技巧。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和应变能力。
教学重点:1. 托福口语考试题型及解题思路。
2. 口语表达的流畅性和准确性。
教学难点:1. 托福口语考试中的应变能力。
2. 学生在口语表达中的逻辑思维能力。
教学准备:1. 托福口语考试真题及范文。
2. 教学PPT。
教学过程:第一课时:一、导入1. 回顾托福口语考试的基本情况,让学生了解考试题型和评分标准。
2. 引导学生思考如何提高口语表达能力。
二、讲解托福口语考试题型及解题思路1. Task 1:讲解如何应对日常生活中的简单对话,重点强调听力理解和口语表达。
2. Task 2:讲解如何应对独立口语题,重点讲解观点陈述、论据支持和结论总结。
3. Task 3:讲解如何应对综合口语题,重点讲解听力理解和口语表达的结合。
三、示范范文1. Task 1:展示一个日常对话的示范范文,引导学生分析范文的解题思路和表达方式。
2. Task 2:展示一个独立口语题的示范范文,引导学生分析范文的解题思路和表达方式。
3. Task 3:展示一个综合口语题的示范范文,引导学生分析范文的解题思路和表达方式。
四、课堂练习1. 学生根据所学知识,完成一个Task 1的练习题。
2. 学生根据所学知识,完成一个Task 2的练习题。
3. 学生根据所学知识,完成一个Task 3的练习题。
五、点评与总结1. 教师对学生的练习进行点评,指出优点和不足。
2. 总结本节课的重点内容,强调解题思路和表达方式。
第二课时:一、复习上节课所学内容1. 回顾Task 1、Task 2和Task 3的解题思路和表达方式。
2. 引导学生思考如何提高应变能力和逻辑思维能力。
二、讲解托福口语考试中的应变能力1. 分析考生在考试中可能遇到的困难,如听力材料不熟悉、时间紧迫等。
2. 讲解如何应对这些困难,提高应变能力。
二、教学目标1. 提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力,使他们在托福阅读部分取得好成绩。
2. 增强学生的听力技巧,帮助他们更好地应对托福听力部分。
3. 培养学生的口语表达能力,使他们在托福口语部分展示出色的表现。
4. 提升学生的写作水平,让他们在托福写作部分得到更高的分数。
三、教学内容1. 阅读:本部分包括词汇训练、长文章阅读、快速阅读等,旨在提高学生的阅读速度、理解能力和词汇量。
2. 听力:本部分包括对话、讲座、语音识别等,旨在提高学生的听力技巧和理解能力。
3. 口语:本部分包括话题阐述、观点表达、即兴发言等,旨在培养学生的口语表达能力和思维能力。
4. 写作:本部分包括文章结构、论点阐述、语法运用等,旨在提升学生的写作水平和语言表达能力。
四、教学方法1. 阅读:采用词汇卡片、阅读练习、速度测试等方法进行训练。
2. 听力:采用听力材料、听力练习、模拟考试等方法进行训练。
3. 口语:采用口语练习、角色扮演、模拟考试等方法进行训练。
4. 写作:采用写作练习、文章修改、模拟考试等方法进行训练。
五、教学评价1. 定期进行托福模拟考试,评估学生在各部分的得分能力。
2. 针对学生的弱点进行个性化辅导,提高他们的整体水平。
3. 鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,评估他们的口语表达和思维能力。
4. 定期检查学生的写作作业,提升他们的写作水平。
六、教学资源1. 托福真题库:提供历年的托福考试真题,用于模拟练习和分析考试趋势。
2. 托福教材:选用权威的托福考试教材,如《托福考试指南》等,用于指导和补充教学。
3. 在线学习平台:利用在线学习平台,提供额外的学习资源、练习题和模拟考试。
4. 词汇卡片:制作词汇卡片,帮助学生记忆和复习重要词汇。
新托福口语模板Task 1Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________.Task 2Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um,____________________.The first reason that I wanna say isthat____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above.Task 3The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to____________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.Task 4In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theorythat____________________.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one isthat____________________.A nd that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. )Task 5In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that ____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. One is ____________________. The other is____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________.Task 6In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one isthat____________________. Another example is that____________________. And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain thetheory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. )注:1.2題範本比較口語,比較自然。
新托福 模板(口语模板、写作模板)
![新托福 模板(口语模板、写作模板)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eaabe01c227916888486d77d.png)
口语第一题模板人In my family, my mother has influenced me greatly because she has so many good qualities. She is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Her thinking is very modern. She is able to understand people from different generations. In addition, she is a good listener. This makes her tolerant of other people’s opinions. Her personal values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. This is why I think my mother has influenced me the most in my life.事件My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day. During our graduation we were each called up one at a time to the stage. We each received our diploma and everyone applauded our hard work. There was a get-together afterwards which was attended by all my friends and family. It was a memorable event because on this way I ended one part of my life and embarked on the beginning of my future.地点The three bear restaurant is the wonderful place I would like to stay in the city. First of all, the food there is very delicious and nutritious. I like something pretty from appearance and tasty from inside. Second, the service there is very considerate, which means, the waiters and waitresses there very nice and patient. If I ask more than one question, he will not keep a cold face to me. Last, the atmosphere there is very comfortable. There has some light music. And there are some abstract paintings on the wall.朋友帮助The most difficult moment that I’ve ever had was when I prepared for theiBT. I could barely open my mouth; let alone, how to cover the whole test within the time limitation. My friend Tom saw me one day and he suggested that I should make a well-organized plan to divide my goal into several little parts which are attractive and attainable. Day by day, I think study toefl that I have found some good ways to do useful things in the future as well as have fun learning it now. The more I practiced, the more confidence I gained.名胜古迹,外国人If I’d had a chance to visit a place I’ve never been to, I would like to go to Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China. First of all, the ancient buildings record the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors, especially good for our young people to get familiar with our past. Furthermore, they are the symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture. Last, they are standing there to make us understand our past. When we are facing the past, what we must do is to absorb the essence discard the dregs.交通工具When it comes to the most efficient transportation, I would to say it is the inter-city train. The reasons why I hold that are based on the following aspects. First of all, unlike automobile, inter-city train never costs too much oil so that it won’t cause heavy air pollution to the city. Besides, it is faster than driving a car since there will be no traffic jam at all, with the time saved, we can have a nice breakfast and even feel fresh after we arrive at our office every morning. And since there is no traffic jam, it will decrease the accidents and numbers of people’s dying from the car crash.朋友/老师A friend with responsibility can make others feel certain and confident. Ihave a friend who is so responsible that he is willing to help any person in trouble. I still remember that he used to take me to the hospital at night when I suffered from intense stomachache, even if he has lots of work to do the next day. After that I wanted to give some gifts for gratitude, but he declined and said it was his pleasure. I’m so pride that I have such a great friend. Of course, his responsibilities wins him the love and respect from his friends.Book:In my opinion, my favorite book is called “the old man and sea”. This story is written by Ernest Hemingway, a famous American novelist. I have two reasons. Firstly, this book gives me a deep impression especially description of the fisherman’s spirit. He lets me know that person wants to succeed must have unremitting spirit. Secondly, the major character in this book is also vivid and lively. Santiago is humble, but he exhibits a justified pride of his abilities. His knowledge of the sea and of his craft, is unparalleled and help him preserve a sense of hope regardless of situation.口语第二题.Personally speaking, I prefer to … The first reason is that … What’s more, ….口语第三题The female student thought (the rising tuition) would lead to many negative/positive results based on mainly two reasons. First, she state d….because….Second, due to the…….she argued that……口语第四题The professor discussed three main reasons for (the decrease of Canada Deer) . First , as a result of….second, with the development of.. .Finally, because ……..there is …..口语第五题The passage tells us that A is worrying about his……B has suggested him to…….then…Personally, I would advise him to……because it would help/improve /assist… while not missing/hurting/stopping/wasting…..……口语第六题(The traffic pollution) is now a major threat to people’s health. On one hand….. for ex ample, …for another,……..is in an obvious indication of…………….in conclusion, we need to take immediate actions to improve our living conditions for a sustainable growth of both the economy and the environment.写作第一题:综合写作①The lecture completely refutes the passage. It is said in the lecture that听力要点.②According to the professor in the lecture, 听力 1. This directly contradicts/supports what the reading passage indicates, because 阅读1.③The lecture believes that 听力 2. This point disagrees/enhances with the statement demonstrated in the reading that 阅读2.④In the listening, the professor says that 听力3,which differs from/upholds the reading in that the reading states阅读3.写作第二题:独立写作1、因果解释型论证体系:现象引出→原因分析→结果分析Currently, 抽象事物has loomed up wide public concern. What amazes us most is that具体事物. (→趋势化) It is true that the trend of this is seemingly on the rise in all walks of life. (→原因解释化) We may cite a variety of reasons accounting for this. The major ones can be listed as follows.First and foremost, _____ play a pushing role.In addition, ______.Last but not least, _____.(→结果化) As a consequence, _____.2、问题解决型论证体系:描述现状→建议措施With the advancement of modern society, __has become a social problem of public concern. Meanwhile, it has given rise to a series of other matters, such as A and B. So it is high time we put an immediate end to this “Pandora’s Box”. It is true that awareness of the problem is the first step toward the solution. As is known to all, we have figured out several efficacious steps to tackle this problem. In the first place, ___. In the second place, ___.In the third place, ____. Therefore, only in this way can we ___.3、观点论证型论证体系:含义揭示→含义解析As a human being, one can hardly do without _____. Living in the society, no one can deny that it is ____ that enables us to ___. Consequently, in this modern society where ____, ____ has been regarded as a necessity for ____. As to what ___ means, my opinions/definitions are as follows. First of all, ____. What really counts, in my mind, is that ______. Lastly, _____.In conclusion, based on the reasons I discussed above,(please rewrite the first paragraph in another way). . .托福写作段落的扩展方法:(一)举例1.Paragons (典型代表), such A and B respectively, come immediately to my mind. __________.2. While such cases are rare, they do occur occasionally. A case in point relates to sb in the field of __________.(二)引用1. As a saying goes, “__________”, which is to say (relation) .2. According to a well-known scientist WXL (and I paraphrase), __________, in other words, __________.3. __________. Such of remark of sb, one of the best-known scientists.(三)数据调查According to the statistical result of a recent survey, A and B have soared, respectively, by ____ and ___. In contrast, C declined at an accelerating rate, and it is also the case with D. The statistical result illustrates that ____.(四)反证法With A, ______. Without A, _____.(五)类比对比法•similarly, by the same token (同理)•in like manner, likewise•in contrast•on the contrary。
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新托福满分口语模板推荐托福口语模板PersonWell, as for as I’m concerned, Frank is the most helpful teacher to me, and I have to main reasons for that.To begin with, he is really concerned about all the students in his class. For example, he would meet me and other student after class to make sure we understood his lessons.Also, personally speaking, he is of great help to those ambitious students who are willing to go abroad to further their education. For instance, he helped students who were eager to attend foreign universities fill out their applicant and edit their personal statement till very late.I respect and admire my mother more than anyone else in this world as far as I’m concerned.First and foremost, she treats me with extraordinary patience and an open mind forever. When I was little and naughty, it took my mom many efforts to teach me about good and bad. When I get radical, my mother was patient enough to bring me back to the track.In addition, she was always supportive we I raised reasonable request., since she trusted me to make my own decisions, like how to spent my pocket money or which study group to join.As for as I’m concerned, what makes a good friend is someone who is honest and has a good sense of humor.For one thing, I just look f or someone who’s honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me.Besides, I’d love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. That is to say, he can really life my spirits whenever I get down or upset. Therefore I could always feel soothed and relieved in the time I spent with him.托福口语模板ObjectsAs a big fan of fantasy stories, I especially have fun with J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series for they’re challenging, relaxing, and more importantly, the tale is terrific.For one thing, I’ve got the feeling that the plots are carefully made up. In addition, I believe the author just has got the power to make complicated stories so straightforward.Even though some of the conversations were too long to make the whole story go smoothly, I’ll still have to admit that such novel really worth a “two-thumbs up”.I would like to learn how to play guitar most for there are millions of merits of learning a musical instrument.For one thing, it would be a most talented skill to achieve. For example, could take my guitar to all kinds of parties to demonstrate my gift of music and I bet it would be exciting.To be more specific, I could join a band and play songs with other musicians. And may be, we could make some pocket money in that way making a lot of friends who have the same sense of music with me.Ping pong is a very popular sport in China.To play it, all you need are just a ping pong table, a pair of rackets and a ping pong ball. However, it’s full of skills and wisdom. Facing such a fast-moving ball and sometimes even with rotation, the players must be able to judge and respond very quickly. Most people here play ping pong during their spare time and they view it as a good way of relaxing and exercising.Also there are many professional ping pong players in China. They have won a lot of honor for our country, and they have developed a kind of ping pong spirit, that is never giving up and keeping innovating.As far as I’m concerned, the most distinctive thing in my daily life is my cell phone, because it has amazingly changed my life in 2 main aspects.To begin with, it helps me communicate with the world around me. By using my cell phone, I could easily keep in touch with my friends, family members, classmates, you know, everyone! And even in dangerous situation, it could save my life. I’ll just have to make a call telling others that I’m in danger.Mor e importantly if I have to say, it’s also a great entertainment. When I get bored, it’s a music box, cuz my favorite mp3 music and mpeg4 movie clips with in my cell will easily cheer me up.According to my understanding, the most impressive opportunity that was given to me was to draw a report for a government agency, on the distribution of health food in Beijing 2 years ago.For one thing, it was the most special chance for me in my life for the reason that I learned a lot of practical skills during the process. For first hand data, I had to visit hundreds of drugstores in the city.In addition, I finally understood that dealing with employees can be very troublesome. For instance, many of them got suspicious about my intention and finally, I had to make several trips to the same store to meet their supervisor to talk them into my outcome of the research and then everyone else.Well, what I like is a modern department with large rooms since it makes me what I am now.First, I could always feels relaxed and soothed inside, since it has high ceilings and a few pieces of chic furniture so it would feel more spacious then ever.Besides, I’m also crazy about the big picture windows that I could throw open in summer, so that the whole place would be light and airy. And so my room like that will really lift my spirits whenever I feel down or upset.According to my understanding, my life goal is to become a respectful teacher.For one thing, my mother used to be a math teacher and I remember watchingh er correcting students’ home work till 2 o’clock every night, thinking being a teacher is the noblest job in the world. After I went to college, I selected several courses about teaching methodology and attended a series of seminar discussing teacher’s qua lity.Besides, I got the feeling that I am or lat least will be qualified to be a good teacher, for the reason that I took a part-time job of teaching English in a high school for nearly 2 years to polish my teaching and communicating skills.托福口语模板EventsWell, in my opinion, my 20th birthday, my first surprising party by my friends, surprised me most, and I have 2 main reasons for that.First of all, I was amazed by the definition of true friendship as some of my old friends from South Africa traveling 20 hours by air coming to celebrate my birthday, who attacked me dramatically with a birthday cake.Another reason that was surprising to me was that they took a photo of me which made him whole occasion unforgettable. Finally, they sang a birthday song for me according to western tradition, which is totally beyond my expectation.I got the feeling that just as people in western countries do, we Chinese hold Spring Festival to celebrate our lunar new year, which is the biggest event for each family as well as the whole nation.First, on the eve, there usually is a big family reunion, and all the families from all over China will be sitting around the same table, feasting, toasting and chitchatting. At 12 sharp, we set off fireworks and let out crackers to celebrate the coming of Chinese new years.After that, we visit our friends and relatives to send our best wishes. The oldswill send money into red envelopes and hand out to the kids to symbolize their growing up one year older peacefully.As far as I’m concerned, the most important decision I have ever made is choosing mathematical finance as my major.That’s a relatively new subject in China, and many people here even don’t know what it is about. Actually, I didn’t have much knowledge of it either when I made the decision. I finally chose it just because I found math very interesting and kind of felt that I would like to do something related to economics in the future.However, after four years’ study, now I find I love it very much. Moreover, I have made up my mind to go to USA for further study. I believe I can make some academic achievement in this area.According to my understanding, the most efficient traffic in my country China should be buses.Almost every city has well developed bus system, which means each bus route covers many streets and each street can be covered by many bus routes. So i t’s very convenient to go to a place by bus, and normally you need transfer at most for one time.Moreover, bus has some other advantages over other traffics. First, the bus can run on some streets which are forbidden for other traffics like taxi. Second, you needn’t worry about parking places, which may be the most boring problem for those who prefer private cars.Last year when I was shopping down town, my purse got stolen. I lost all my money and the cell phone. I don’t know anybody there, for a while I didn’t know what to do.Fortunately I saw a police officer standing on the other side of the street, so I went up and asked whether I could borrow his cell phone. I was only hoping that he could help me contact someone I know. However, what he offered was even better; he called for a policeman patrol car to send me home. It may not be a big deal for the policeman, but I’m so grateful for the help he gave me wh en I need it most.以上即为3个新托福满分口语模板的总结整理,托福口语模板可以利用。