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英语情景对话 专项训练


A: Hi, Ji Shuo. __________1

B: A lot of people were badly hurt in the Wenchuan earthquake.

A: ________2 let’s do something to help them. B: What shall we do?

A: What about raising some money for them? B: Good idea!___________3 A: What else can we do? B: __________4

A: Right! I’ll buy some with my l ucky money. B: __________5

( 2 )

A .Could you tell me something exciting about it ?

B .But now I’m on vacation.

C. I’m looking forward to meeting you at Beijing Railway Station tomorrow.

D. It’s great to see you.

E. How are you.

F. That would be very interesting.

G . How about going to Badachu Park to explore(探险)?

A: Hello! This is Jiaojiao speaking. How are you going with your trip to Beijing, Ziyi? B: It’s wonderful. I’m in Beihai Park with Daddy and Mummy now. ______1

A: Very well. Zhou Xin and I are deciding to go to Beijing. Would you help us plan some exciting adventures(经历) there? B: You bet! ______2

A: I never hear of it. It must be a beautiful place.______3 B: Of course. There are eight famous scenes (经典). You can climb mountains, see old temples(庙) and towers(塔). You can also rutn the waterwheel(水车). Especially, you can slide crazily(疯狂滑行)from the top to the foot of the mountains._______4 A: Sounds great! We can’t wait! We’ll go there tomorrow. B: OK.______5

A: Thank you. See you tomorrow!

( 3 ) A. Would you like to go cycling?

B. Shall we have some seafood after the film?

C. I’d love to.

A . W e can also collect school things for the students there.

B . I ’m glad to hear that.

C . C an you help me?

D . Y ou look so sad, why?

E . Money must be a problem

F . You are so kind.

G . Y es, I feel so sorry about that.

D. It’s not good for our eyes.

E. It’s too hot.

F. Let’s meet at the school gate. G . Why not go and see it.

A: What are you going to do this Sunday?

B: Let’s go to play computer games. It’s very exciting.

A: _______1 why don’t we go to see a film instead? There is a film on at the cinema called Changjiang 7. __________2. B: Good idea!

A: I’d rather do something outdoors._______3

B: No, not cycling. _______4 Why don’t we go to the beach instead? A: Great!

B: No. I prefer to see the film. A: ________5

B: That’s wonderful!

( 4 )

A: Hello! This is Kangkang. May I speak to Tom? B: He’s in the next room._______1 A: This is Tom._______2

B: Do you remember an earthquake happened in Sichuan last


A: ________3

B: I think the children there must need money to rebuild their schools. A: Yes, I think so.______4

B: Shall we collect waste bottles in the park and sell them to raise money? A: Good idea.________5

B: At the gate of the park at 8:30 tomorrow morning. A: OK. See you tomorrow.

( 5 )

A. That would be great!

B. No. its impolite to say that we’re full.

C. What should you do when you have a dinner with your friends?

D. Could you tell me some table manners in your country?

E. I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.

F. Can you put your hands on the table?

G. Do you eat with chopsticks and a spoon? A: Hi, Linda. B: Hi, Li Jian.

A. When and where shall we meet?

B. Hold on, please.

C. Yes, I do. D What’s up?

E. What can you do to help them?
