选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、多选题:科学时期(50年代末60年代初-70年代)的英语语言测试的理论基础有哪些?选项:A: 结构主义语言学B: 行为主义心理学C: 心理测量学D: 认知主义心理学答案: 【结构主义语言学; 行为主义心理学; 心理测量学】3、判断题:倾向测试和诊断测试都可以对学生将来的学习情况进行测试和评估。
A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:分离式测试是指把语言分成语音、词汇、语法等要素,再从这些要素中分出语言点,针对这些语言点设计试题,一道试题往往只测一个语言项目。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、单选题:_______的主要用途是对考生进行甄别、分类和选拔。
选项:A: 标准参照考试B: 主观型考试C: 客观型考试D:常模参照考试答案: 【常模参照考试】6、判断题:客观性考试容易出题,主观性测试容易猜题。
A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、多选题:以下哪些因素会影响测试的信度?选项:A:题量B:题目性质C:题目区分度D: 成绩分布答案: 【题量 ;题目性质 ;题目区分度; 成绩分布】第二章单元测试1、判断题:命制试题需要对与测试对象教育水平相当的同族语者进行试测。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:考试大纲中的二级标题中的语言知识和语言运用,明确了高考试卷的考核目标与要求,对考试语音、词汇、语法基础知识的掌握程度都在附录中做了明确的规定;选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、单选题:以下哪一项,不属于考试大纲的作用?选项:A: 帮助考生把握考试内涵B: 帮助考生明确考试方向C: 帮助教师明确教学内容D: 对考试范围、考试题型与能力要求进行规定答案: 【帮助教师明确教学内容】4、多选题:以下属于多项选择题的编写原则有选项:A: 每题只能有一个正确答案B: 每题只能有一个测试重点C: 干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误D: 试题的各个选项的长度可以有长有短E: 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的答案: 【每题只能有一个正确答案; 每题只能有一个测试重点;干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误; 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的】5、判断题:在命制试卷的步骤中,编写规范是最重要,也是最难的一步。
第一章测试1【判断题】(1分) Youhavetogetapassportandvisaifyouwanttotravelabroad.A.对B.错2【单选题】(2分) Whatisespeciallyimportantduringtraveling?A.tofightwitheachotherB.towithdrawtoinnerselvesC.towriteadiaryD.toarguewitheachother3【多选题】(3分) Whichofthefollowingmeaningsdoestheprefix“trans-”denote?A.B.“Someoneorsomethingmovesfromonegroup,thing,state,orplacetoanother”.C.“Lackof”.D.“Across”.4【单选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingisnotapun?A.SmilesisthelongestwordinEnglish,asthereisamilebetweenthefirstSandthelastS.B.Thefoxgoesverywellwithyourcap.C.Whatistheworstkindoffish?Selfish.D.Sevendayswithoutwatermakeoneweak.5【单选题】(2分) WhichcityisthelargestadministrativedistrictofJiangxiprovince?A.B.Ji’anC.NanchangD.Ganzhou第二章测试1【单选题】(2分) WhichisnottheproblemfacedbyChinesecraftsmanship?A.LackofsuccessorB.LackofconformingtomodernaesthetictrendC.ComplicatedandunpracticalD.Lackofpromotionchannel2【单选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingstatementisnotincludedinthetext?A.B.C.D.A.ForEnlightenmentEurope,Chinawasamodelstate.B.Biwasusedtorecordhistory.C.TheaestheticmeaningofBiwasignoredinthepast.D.TheQianlongEmperorthinksthatthebilookslikeabowlstand,atypeofobjectusedsinceantiquityinChina.3【单选题】(2分)Theprefix“pro-”takesthefollowingalternativeformsbut().A.“Pur-”.B.“Por-”.C.“Pru-”.D.“Pr-”.4【单选题】(2分) Whichfunctiondoestheeuphemismword“passaway”have?A.PolitefunctionB.TaboofunctionC.InducingfunctionD.Coveringupfunction5【判断题】(1分) LiShiminwasthefounderoftheTangDynasty.A.错B.对第三章测试1【判断题】(1分)“Menattheirbirth,arenaturallygood.Theirnaturesaremuchthesame;theirhabitsbecomewid elydifferent”isfromThree-CharacterScripture.A.对B.错2【单选题】(2分)Whichisnottrueaboutthetwofamiliesinthetext?A.Eachfamilyhasfourkids.B.Theyareallverypoor.C.Theyoftenfightwitheachother.D.Theyliveintwocottages.3【多选题】(3分)Whichofthefollowingmeaningsdoestheprefix“ex-”denote?A.“Lacking”,“without”.B.“Formerbutstillliving”.C.“Supporting”.D.“Outof”.4【单选题】(2分)Inthefollowingsentence“Thenewspaper---andprobablythewholecountry---willwaititstime andseehowthenewfacesperformbeforejudgingthem”,whatistheformofsynecdoche?A.thespeciesforthegenusB.theconcretefortheabstractC.thepartforthewholeD.thewholeforthepart5【判断题】(1分)Thesaying“apeacefulfamilywillprosper”iswidelyembracedinChina.A.错B.对第四章测试1【判断题】(1分) Lackofsleepwillnotleadtoanyhealthproblems.A.错B.对2【单选题】(2分)Theday-to-dayfeelandqualityofeachofourlivesdoesnotsiton().A.whatwedoforalivingB.whichpeoplewespendmostofourtimewithC.wherewetravelD.whatwedowithourselveswhenwe’renotatwork3【多选题】(3分) Whichofthefollowingwordsisasuffixationofthesuffix“-hood”?A.“Hardihood”.B.“widowerhood”.C.“Singlehood”.D.“Manhood”.4【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotaparadox?A.Ifwewantpeace,bepreparedforwar.B.We’velearnedfromhistorythatwe’velearnednothingfromhistory.C.There’snothingpermanentinlifebutchange.D.Ibegathousandpardons.5【单选题】(2分) WhichtypeofteaisthemostpopulartypeofChinesetea?A.YellowteaB.GreenteaC.WhiteteaD.Blacktea第五章测试1【判断题】(1分) ChinavaluescollectivismandtheU.S.valuesindividualism.A.对B.错2【单选题】(2分)WhichisnottrueaboutSophiaandLulu?A.SophiamadeherCarnegieHallpianodebutat14.B.Bothgirlsareneverallowedtowatchtelevision,playcomputergamesorgotosleepovers.C.Lululedaprominentyouthorchestra.D.Bothgirlsarehumorlessrobotswithterribledresssense.3【判断题】(1分)Thesuffix“-ent”isoftenaddedtoverbstoformnounsthatrefertoapersonthatcauses,promote s,ordoesacertainaction,ornounsthatdenoteasubstancethatcauses,promotes,ordoesacer tainaction.A.对B.错4【单选题】(2分) Whichofthefollowingisnotaparody?A.Helaughsbest,whorunslongest.B.AMarsadaykeepsyouwork,restandplay.C.Makethehaywhilethesunshines.D.Betterlatethanthelate.5【单选题】(2分) Whichisnotthepromotingfactortocultureconfusion?A.CultureexchangeB.GlobaltradeC.ImmigrantsD.Cultureconflict第六章测试1【判断题】(1分) Cyberbullyingtakesplaceoverdigitaldeviceslikesmartphonesandcomputers.A.错B.对2【判断题】(1分)Crueltytoothersisnothingnew,andonline,technologicallyenhancedshamingisnotenlarged, uncontained,andpermanentlyaccessible.A.对B.错3【单选题】(2分)Whatisthedifferencebetweencompoundsandblends?A.Botharemadeupoftheinitiallettersofphrases,butblendsarepronouncedassinglewordswhilecompoundsarep ronouncedletterbyletter.B. Compoundsareformedbycombingtwoormorefreewordswhileblendsareformedbyjoiningpartsoftwowordsor awordplusapartofanotherword.C. Compoundsareformedbycombingpartsoftwowordsorawordplusapartofanotherwordwhileblendsareformed byputtingtogethertwoormorefreewords.D.Botharemadeupoftheinitiallettersofphrases,butcompoundsarepronouncedassinglewordswhileblendsarep ronouncedletterbyletter.4【单选题】(2分)Whichofthefollowingisametonymy?A.Thereisnobreadintheroom.B.Whenthedistinguishedvisitorentered,thehallapplauded.C.TheTVsetisoutoforder.D.Thedoctorcuthimopen,tookouttheappendix,andstitchedhimagain.5【单选题】(2分)Whichistheresultofmodernsocialtransformation?A.VirtualexperienceB.CyberbullyingC.TrafficaccidentD.Alltheanswersareright第七章测试1【判断题】(1分)MartialartisnotakindoftraditionalartinChina.A.错B.对2【判断题】(1分)ThedancersinMatisse'sDancearenotindenialofthetroublesofthisplanet.A.对B.错3【多选题】(3分)Whichofthefollowingmeaningsdoesthesuffix“-fy”denote?A.“Causetobe”B.“Tomake”.C.“Pertainingto”.D.“Causetohaveorfeel”.4【单选题】(2分)Inthefollowingsentence“Theaudiencesmiled,chuckled,andfinallyhowled”,whichmajortyp eofclimaxisusedhere?A.SpaceorderB.OrderofdegreesC.ChronologicalorderD.Orderofforceorintensity5【单选题】(2分)Whichstatementiswrong?A.ArtisexpensiveB.ArtcanbeseenineverywhereC.ArtisartD.Artbelongstoall第八章测试1【判断题】(1分) Biographyshouldfocusontheeventsthatbestrevealcharacterandachievements.A.错B.对2【判断题】(1分)Successlifealwaysbuiltuponhardship.A.对B.错3【判断题】(1分)Theprefix“de-”isaddedtowordstocreatenewwordswhosewordclassesremainthesameast hewordstowhich“de-”isadded.A.错B.对4【单选题】(2分)Inthefollowingsentence“Itmustbedelightfultofindoneselfinaforeigncountrywithoutapenny inone’spocket”,whichmajortypeofironyisusedhere?A.AlltheanswersarewrongB.dramaticIronyC.verbalIronyD.situationalIrony5【单选题】(2分)Whichisnottrue?A.Sportsshowsnation’spowerandcompetitiveness.B.Sportscanimproveworkingefficiency.C.Sportspracticeman’sendurance.D.Sportscanbeneglectedafterheavywork,onlyrestisneeded.。
绪论单元测试1.How many chapters does “English for Tourism”have?A: 17B: 15C: 18D: 16答案:A2.Which is the correct spelling?A: restarantB: restaurantC: restaurentD: restanrant答案:B第一章测试1.“民族”的英文为etnic group()A:错B:对答案:A2.Chinese culture represents __________ features.A: diversifiedB: oneC: singleD: little答案:A3.国粹的拼写为quintesence ( )A:对B:错答案:B4. Traditional Chinese Medicine are gradually accepted by the westernworld.( )A:错B:对答案:B5. China is the birthplace of tea.( )A:对B:错答案:A第二章测试1. A World Heritage Site is a landmark or area which has been officiallyrecognized by UN. ( )B:对答案:B2.联合国教科文组织的英文缩写为UNESO. ( )A:对B:错答案:B3.The List of World Heritage in Danger places sites subject to unusual levels ofpollution, natural hazards, or other problems, until _________ are made.A: proposalB: improvementC: nothingD: paperwork答案:B4.Kulangsu promotes China’s maritime culture. ( )A:错B:对答案:B5.Jianbingguozi was listed as an __________ culture heritage in Tianjin.A:intangibleB: expensiveC:unstableD:instable答案:A第三章测试1.Red tourism has nothing to do with the economies of remote areas. ()A:错B:对答案:A2. Red tourism is a _________ of tourism.A:subsetB:rivalC:counterpartD:mother答案:A3.Shaanxi is the wrong spelling of Shanxi.()A:对B:错答案:B4.“Long March” 中的“march”是三月的意思。
下面属于精听的是( )答案:B.听出文段所有细节,包括时态、单复数、第三人称2、练好口语的第一步是( )答案:练好音标3、英语学习离不开听说读写。
( )答案:写4、背单词有死背和活背之分。
下面属于活背的是 ( )答案:把复杂单词拆分,了解前缀、后缀含义,掌握搭配用法。
5、下面哪个自我介绍最让人印象深刻? ( )答案:我叫小红,来自深圳,我很喜欢音乐,因为音乐能在我低落消沉之时让我如沐春风,透过音乐,还可以了解到不同国家的文化。
第2章单元测试1、Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined words.It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude.答案:对2、How to express“use”in another English word?3、How to express“ think” in another English word?答案:Ponder4、Please choose the right answer which reflects the right meaning of the underlined word. University should, adjust the curriculum into a broad and balanced one.答案:课程表5、Please select a word to replace the underlined one. Doing homework is important, but it”s not always enough .答案:Adequate第3章单元测试1、Please choose the right description about the language of two.答案:The language of Two is to divide the world.2、What is the function of Language of Three?答案:For completeness, wholeness, and roundness.3、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. Many different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudes that will both promote success and provide for a healthy life style.4、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. Hope is the essence of life. A man without hope is nothing but a dry river.答案:15、Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. The color of green always gives me the impression of being full of vitality and vigor. When somebody is called an“evergreen tree”, the appreciation and the admiration of others are showed from the words. The color green symbolized hope.答案:2,2,1.第4章单元测试1、What is the meaning of“You have to go cold turkey?答案:你要立即放弃坏习惯2、Please fill the blanks of the following sentence from Russel. Three , simple but overwhelmingly , have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for _, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.3、What”s the characteristic of the English sentence based on the left-to-right pattern?答案:abstract to specific4、What”s the different ways to start a topic?答案:Subject +what、Subject +how、Subject+ why、Subject + example5、Please fill the blanks of the following sentence from William Arthur Ward.The mediocre teacher . The good teacher . The superior teacher _. The great teacher _.答案:This is At Your Service, Sakula speaking 、 How may I assist you 、 The people in the room next door are talking so loudly that I cannot sleep 、 I am so sorry and apologize for the noise 、 I have a really important meeting in Hangzhou International Business center tomorrow morning 、 I”m sorry to bother you, but I received a complaint about very loud talking in your room 、 you could lower your voice due to the late hour 、 May I reserve a table in our coffee shop for the meeting in the morning 、Thank you again for your understanding 、 Is there anything else I can do for you 第5章单元测试1、What is the meaning of“aspire”?答案:have an ambitious plan or lofty goal.2、What is the meaning of“conspire”?答案:act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose.3、Who proposed that translation should be like imitating paintings. It should not pursue on the appearance but on spirit, which is so-called Spirit Resemblance.答案:傅雷4、Which one is the appropriate expression to replace“I think”?答案:I”m convinced that…、I cling to a belief that…、I suppose that is rooted in my belief …、I hold the view that…5、Which one is the merit of the computer?答案:keep in touch with our friends and family members through video chat.、efficiently find the information through search engine、teachers can utilize online resources to make a supplement to their teaching contents、Dthe employees have more freedom, and more flexible work schedules.第6章单元测试1、Which of the following is a prefix?答案:bi-2、Which of the following is a root?答案:happy3、Which of the following is a suffix?答案:–ly4、What does the prefix“Penta-” mean?答案:Five5、What is“bilingual education”?答案:双语教育第7章单元测试1、Which of the following means“ marriage ” ?答案:Matrimony、Wedlock2、Which of the following is not a cultural word?答案:Wedlock3、What does“ lobola ” mean?答案:彩礼4、In which style shouldn”t passive voice be encouraged?答案:Imaginary essays5、Which of the following about the passive voice is true?答案:The passive voice is a grammatical construction.、The subject of a sentence or clause featuring the passive voice typically denotes the recipient of the action (the patient)rather than the performer (the agent).、The passive voice in English is formed periphrastically: the usual form uses the auxiliary verb be (or get) together with the past participle of the main verb.、“Be given” is a passive voice structure.第8章单元测试1、In which of the following sentences,“ deposit ” is used as a noun?答案:The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paya deposit.2、Which of the following is not the correct meaning of “ deposit ” ?答案:岩石3、In banking, the verbs“_” and“withdrawal” mean a customer paying money into, and taking money out of, an account.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。
2020智慧树,知到《综合英语》章节测试【完整答案】智慧树知到《综合英语》章节测试答案第一章1、A formal article usually consists of three parts. What are they?A:the introduction, the supporting details and the conclusionB:thesis statement, the body and the conclusionC:the introduction, the body and the conclusionD:the introduction, the body and the linking devices 答案: the introduction, the body and the conclusion2、The three components of a paragraph are the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, and ___.A:the general factsB:the examplesC:the concluding sentenceD:the controlling idea答案: the concluding sentence3、Our identity is determined by the following factors EXCEPT______.A:genetic endowmentB:ageC:environmentD:chance events答案: age4、In terms of writing device, which of the following sentence does not employ parallelism?A:Clear writing should be a major concern both of writers and readers.B:The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.C:that small group of villainous men who plan, organize, and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind.D:She was up in court a couple of times - drunk and disorderly.答案: The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.5、During their college year, students don”t grow in the aspect of __.A:establishing their sexual identityB:learning to relate to family and friends in a new way C:becoming more self-centeredD:developing new ways of grasping knowledge答案: becoming more self-centered第二章1、In Section B, Part II, the writer told us that she was less interested in reading as an adult because of the negative influence from people around.A:对B:错答案: 错2、“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” is written by ____.A:Leo TolstoyB:Vladimir SorokinC:Ben JonsonD:Christopher Marlowe答案: Leo Tolstoy3、In Thornfield, Jan Eyre bravely expressed her love to ____.A:FitzgeraldB:RochesterC:SantiagoD:Heathcliff答案: Rochester4、He ___ the secret ___ his wife.A:coaxed … out ofB:cheated … fromC:persuade … out ofD:told … from答案: coaxed … out of5、In this sentence“America is also a nation that prizes sociability and community”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“prizes”?A:pricesB:valuesC:costsD:expenses答案: values6、Hurried success is one of the problems of modern society. A:对B:错答案: 对7、Slowness, according to Anna Quindlen, should beadvocated.A:对B:错答案: 错8、The changes of Anna Quindlen”s life is inseparable from her love for books.A:对B:错答案: 对第三章1、Mansfield”s influence on the development of drama writing as a form of literature was notable.A:对B:错答案:B2、What is the genre of the text?A:poetryB:novelC:novellaD:short story答案:D3、At the end of the story, Vera left the man. This belongsto which element of short story?A:expositionB:complicationC:climaxD:resolution答案:C4、Which of the following is true to fiction?A:Most fictions are based on reality.B:Some fictions don”t have literary merit.C:All fictions have exposition.D:All fictions are narrative.答案:D5、Which of the following sentences is NOT an example of depicting a character through his or her looks?A:You look so well. I”ve never seen you look so well before. B:The man is“far better looking now than he had been then.” C:He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision. D:But as she watched him draw her glove through his fingers, gently, gently…答案:D6、He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision. Now he had the air of a man who has found his place in life.A:made his livingB:found a successful careerC:found a position in life答案:7、The writing techniques we discussed in“A Dill Pickle”include all the following items except ___.A:flashbackB:foreshadowingC:stream of consciousnessD:symbolism答案:B第四章1、Which of the following statement is Not true about Alexander the Great?A:He was the king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. B:He had been a pupil of Aristotle.C:His empire stretched from Greece to northwestern China. D:He made great contributions to the communication between western and eastern cultures.答案:C2、What kind of person is Diogenes?A:a lunaticB:a homelessC:a founder of CynicismD:a dog答案:C3、Why does Diogenes carry a lighted lamp to inspect the face of people at bright noonday? Because______.A:he is half-blind and cannot see anything clearlyB:he is trying to find a real manC:he wants to be differentD:he is trying to mock others答案:B4、Which pattern should we choose when we are to compare and/or contrast two subjects, both of which are very interesting?A:the point-by-point patternB:the simdiff patternC:the seesaw patternD:the subject-by-subject pattern答案:D5、Point out one of the following suggestions that is notappropriate enough.A:Before we write a draft of comparison or contrast, we should firstly be clear about our writing purpose.B:The more examples and details you use, the better.C:If you do both the comparison and contrast, it doesn”t matter which one is done first.D:Transitional devices are always necessary.答案:B第五章1、According to the lecture, there seems to be a seemingly endless repetition of generation gap between parents and children in the author”s family. It means the generation gap between ____ and that between ____.A:the author and his sons; his mother and his sonsB:the author and his mother; his grandpa and his mother C:the author and his mother; the author and his sonsD:the author and his sons, his grandpa and his mother 答案:C2、After learning this lecture, who do you think is more responsible in changing his/her way toward his/her family members and trying to bridge generation gap in a family?A:old parentsB:young childrenC:school teachersD:the adults答案:D3、By an irresistible association of ideas, he went ___ logic and reason.A:outB:beyondC:pastD:away答案:B4、Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly. A:immediatelyB:carefullyC:secretlyD:gladly答案:A5、In the sentence“She turned and ran into the room, her face beaming with light.”,“beaming” functions as a real verb in the absolute construction.A:对B:错答案:A6、The absolute construction in the sentence“He fell asleep, the candle burned.” is written wrongly. The correct form should be“the candle burning.”A:对B:错答案:A第六章1、Generally speaking, there are three stages in the developmental history of Globalization. Trade of silk and china on the Silk Road belongs to the period of ____.A:Modern GlobalizationB:Early Modern GlobalizationC:Archaic GlobalizationD:Post Modern Globalization答案:C2、The widespread chain shops of MacDonald”s and KFC all over the world mainly indicate a trend of globalization in the fields of both _ and __.A:economy, politicsB:economy, cultureC:culture, politicsD:society, culture答案:B3、The international trade and other economic activities are currently guided by ____.A:UNB:UNESCOC:GATTD:WTO答案:D4、Which of the following elements are included in the structure of an argumentative writing?A:Thesis statement in the first part of the essay.B:An introduction to the background information.C:Transitions to help connect each part to the next.D:Detailed analysis of supporting evidence.E:Body paragraphs with supporting evidence.F:Logic in argumentation.G:A conclusion that restates the thesis and readdresses it. H:Clear and concise narrative skills.答案:ACEFG5、According to the video, which is NOT positive effect of globalization?A:booming cultural exchangeB:raising of economic growthC:spreading of new technologyD:raising of living standards in both wealthy and poor countries答案:A6、What happened in the world history during the period of 1929-1933?A:Industrial RevolutionB:The New DealC:The Great DepressionD:Westward Movement答案:C7、How did the U. S. benefit from globalization based on the text?A:unified marketB:free tradeC:lower living standardD:M&A boom答案:B8、In globalization, multinational companies have enjoyed the following EXCEPT ____.A:M&A bingeB:update of their technologyC:worldwide productionD:reduction of capital flow答案:D9、What can poor countries gain from globalization EXCEPT ____?A:new technologyB:higher living standardC:reduction of national povertyD:more capital flow abroad答案:D10、Which aspect of negative effects of globalization is not discussed in the video?A:politicalB:economicC:culturalD:military答案:D第七章1、Historians disagree with each other because they begin from different premises and view the past from different perspectives.A:对B:错答案:A2、Before the authors explain the reasons why historians disagree, they give different definitions of history.A:对B:错答案:A3、In the sentence“But since we do not have such a complete and foolproof explanation, disagreements are destined to remain”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“foolproof”?A:effectiveB:stupidC:wiseD:clever答案:A4、In the sentence“we have to go beyond the proximate cause”,which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “proximate”?A:approximateB:closeC:nearestD:remote答案:C5、In the sentence“history denotes the whole of the human past”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“denotes”?A:refer toB:explainsC:recordsD:reflects答案:A6、According to the lecture, what is the impact of World War I upon the outbreak of World War II 21 years later? __. A:The start of the Russian Civil War and foundation of the Soviet Union.B:Unresolved rivalries at the end of the conflict.C:Establishment of the League of Nations.D:The event of America”s entry into World War I.答案:B7、In the Zimmermann”s Note, what did the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann trade with Mexico as a deal in order to make a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the United States entering World War I against Germany?____.A:Germany would sink America”s merchant ships on the high sea by its submarine.B:Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. C:The United States pursued a policy of non-intervention, avoiding conflicts whiletrying to broker a peace.D:Allied shipping losses were so great that Britain told Washington that Britain”s very survival was now threatened.答案:B第八章1、The main character, Rainsford, hears a gunshot coming from the direction of the island, falls overboard while standing on the ship rail to look for the source of the shot, and swims to the island, where he finds thick jungle and, of all things, ___on a bluff.A:a splendid châteauB:a towerC:a waste landD:a wood cabin答案:A2、Zaroff is a guy not to be messed with because:A:He is an aristocrat.B:He is merciless and cruel.C:He is from a royal family.D:He might hurt himself.答案:B3、__is the conclusion or the final section of the plot. It is the moment when the complications are resolved and the outcome of the conflicts is reached.A:CrisisB:ClimaxC:ExpositionD:Resolution答案:D4、Why can”t I smoke here?At no time_______ in the meeting-room.A:is smoking permittedB:smoking is permittedC:smoking is it permittedD:does smoking permit答案:A5、Rainsford finds out he is about to become the prey to this crazy hunter–Zaroff.A:对B:错答案:A6、The sentence“He heard them crying and laughing, whispering and chattering all the time.” uses both oxymoron and onomatopoeia.A:对B:错答案:B7、Simile is used in the sentence“The waves were mountain high.”A:对B:错答案:B第九章1、There is an obvious conclusion in this article whichclearly tells us the importance of psychological needs.A:对B:错答案:B2、What might not be believed by the author?A:Power is a basic need.B:Learning is a natural pleasure and good teaching should satisfy the students” need for fun.C:The need for power is written in people”s genes.D:Power is a moral issue.答案:D3、“When someone uses his power to help downtrodden people satisfy any of their needs, especially to get some power, this use of power is humane. ” In this sentence, the underlined word “humane” means______.A:humanitarianB:cruelC:humanD:malicious答案:A4、Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint;to be satisfied with how others have treated us for a week would seem like an eternity.The underlined part in the sentence functions as_______ . A:part of the predicateB:adverbial of purposeC:adverbial of resultD:subject答案:D5、Self-actualization needs refer to realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. They indicate a desire to become everything one is capable of becoming. So which of the following is a good example to manifest the realization of this kind of needs? ___. A:Sufficient foodB:A harmonious familyC:Being friendlyD:A respectful team leader答案:D21。
2020智慧树,知到《大学英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020最新智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:exploreB:emergeC:enrichD:assume正确答案:assume2、 He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:inheritedB:acquiredC:overwhelmedD:pursue正确答案:inherited3、After a(n) ( ) physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. A:availableB:giantC:comprehensiveD:unique正确答案:comprehensive4、 Our bodies have greater ( ) than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.A:confidenceB:potentialC:innocenceD:approach正确答案:potential5、 He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.A:participateB:evolveC:bondD:embrace正确答案:participate第二章1、City residents the housing price is unreasonably high. A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain that2、Don”t just “wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain about3、He intends to quit the job, not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old for it.可翻译为:他打算辞职,不是因为他讨厌这项工作,而是因为他年纪太大了,不适合这项工作。
2020智慧树,知到《英语教与学(吉林肤盟)》章节测试完整答案智慧树知到《英语教与学(吉林联盟)》章节测试答案六片立弟一早l、The view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc.A:functionalB:structuralC:interactionalD:cognitive答案:structural2、Which of the following subsystem does not belong to Structural view?A:PhonologyB:morphologyC:phoneticsD:syntax答案:phonetics3、Which statement of the following is not true?A:A good foreign language teacher solely depends on his/hercommand of the language.B:To give a concise definition of language has always been difficult for linguists and philologists.C:Much of human behavior is influenced by their experiences.D:The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influenced by the way they learned languages.答案: A good foreign language teacher solely depends on his/her command of the language.4、The answer to the question: "What is language?" is NOT the basis forA:Syllabus designB:teaching methodologyC:teaching proceduresD:learning procedures答案:learning procedures5、Language can be seen as a whole with three dimensions. Which of the following is not one of the three dimensions?A: s ytaxB:formC:meaningD:use答案:sytax六片一立弟-早l、Linguistic Competence is concerned with , its form and meaning.A:the knowledge of the language itselfB:the appropriate use of the languageC:communicative breakdownD:link units of speech together答案:the knowledge of the language itself2、Of the following does not belong to the Three principles of CLT.A:communication principleB:fluency principleC:task principleD:meaningfulness principle答案:fluency principle3、There areVersions of CLT.A:FiveB:fourC:ThreeD:Two答案:Two4、There areinterconnected characteristics as a description of CLT.A: s evenB:sixC:fiveD:four答案:seven5、CLT suggests a focus on all of the components (grammatical, discourse, functional, sociolinguistic, and strategic) ofA:pragmaticB:authenticC:communicative competenceD:complementary principles答案:communicative competence六片一立弟二早1、Four dimensions of teaching and learning tasks represented by the "four eyes" : Involvement,, Induction, Incorporation.A: I nquiry.B: R esearch.C:Quest.D: R eview.答案:Inquiry.2、A task is an activity which requires learners to use language, with emphasis on , to attain an objective.欠安口才:meaning.3、In a traditional language classroom, the teaching focus 1s often on rather than functions.答案:forms.4、Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a purpose in order to achieve an outcome.竺安口木:commun1cat1ve5、TBLT is a very form of teaching and learning.答案:flexible.第四章l、Knowledge of grammar is viewed as one of the many components which underlay the notion ofA:spoken competenceB:co皿nun1cat1ve competenceC:writing competenceD:listening competencenun1cat1ve competence竺安百才之:CO皿2、The deductive method gets straight to the point and can therefore beA:negativeB:difficultC:time—savingD: l ow—effective答案:time—saving3、Which is not the problems and difficulties for grammar teaching?A:Over emphasis on grammarB:Dull presentationC:Lack of practiceD:Understanding sentences easily答案:Understanding sentences easily4、The principle of teaching grammar 1sA:singleB:reproductiveC:arbitraryD:unknown答案:reproductive5、Grammar can help us to what we read and hear.A: i gnoreB:confuseC:forgetD:understand答案:understand第五章l、In general, words can be divided into two groups, they are words.A:receptive; productiveB:notional; functionC:active; passiveD:single-morpheme; compound欠安·卢木·2、Style,known as the level of formality, as well as styles such as humorous, ironic, literary, etc. Here are four words, "children, nippers, off s pring and kids" , the children can be described asA:neutralB:formalC:colloquialD:humorous竺安·百才丈·3、involves recognizing the word when it is heard, being familiar with its written form, and knowing that the word signals a particular meaningA:Productive knowledgeB:Receptive knowledgeC:Cognitive knowledgeD:Social knowledge欠安·百才s:;:•4、Finding synonyms and antonyms, using word net-work and using the Internet resources for more ideas can be seen as the ways toA:present vocabularyB:remember vocabularyC:consolidate vocabularyD:practice vocabulary欠安·百才s:;:•5、Providing a visual or physical demonstration and providing different contexts can be seen as the ways to A:presenting vocabulariesB:remembering vocabulariesC:consolidating vocabulariesD:practicing vocabularies第六章l、The listening activities must have a real, communicativeA:aimB:goalC:purposeD:object欠安·卢木·2、The listening activities must use language normally used in everyday life.A:realB:actualC:trueD:authentic竺安·口木·3、The activities must off e r many environmental to meaning.clewB:cueC:hintD:clue欠木安··4、We mustdo many things to_ information that we are rece1 v1ng.A:mannerB:stepC:courseD:process欠安·百才s:;:5、The activities must require 1 i steners to respond in some fashion.A:significanceB:make senseC:meaningfulD:be of concern竺安·百才丈·第七章1、People use different language in different contexts. It 1s very important for students to have a chance to experience the language in meaningful practice.A:ContextualizedB:PersonalizedC:Structure-basedD:Fluency-based竺安·口木·2、When we design speaking practices, we need to ensure that the interaction is_ and participation 1sA:Min皿um,meaningfulB:Meaningful, m1n1mumC:Meaningful, maximumD:Maximum,meaningful答案:3、For every teacher, practice means that teachers can help students learn better by personalizing the context so that students can talk or write about their own experiences and op1n1ons.A:ContextualizingB:PersonalizingC:Structure-basedD:Fluency—based竺安·百才丈·4、The classroom is the best place where students can become aware of the speaking strategies and practice them consciously in order to use them successfully in real life situations. Therefore, making the best use of environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students.A:Textbook learningB:Outdoor learningC:Group learningD:Classroom learning夕安·卢木·5、One common issue in speaking activities is that students often produce one or two simple utterances in the foreign language and spend the rest of the time chatting in their A:Second languageB:First languageC:Native languageD:Gesture language竺安·口木·第八章l、Which of the following is not the reason why we read?A: Reading for survival.B:Reading for learning and information.C:Reading for entertainment or pleasure.D: Reading for make a 1 i v ing.欠安·口木·2、Which of the following does not belong to the Top-ten Reading Strategies?A: Scanning for details.B: Searching for answers.C:Distinguishing facts and op1n1ons.D: Identifying cause and effect.竺安·口木·3、Which of the following dose not belong to the six principles for teaching reading?A:Exploit the reader" s background knowledge.B: Build a strong vocabulary base.C:Work on increasing reading rate.D: Find the author" s secret.竺安·口木·4、Which is the right order of the Bottom—up model?A:Introducing new vocabulary and new structures, going over the text, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.B:Going over the text, introducing new vocabulary and new structures, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.C:Going over the text, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice, introducing new vocabulary and new structures.D: Introducing new vocabulary and new structures, followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice, going over the text.答案:5、What is the purpose of scanning?A:To locate specific information.B:To get students familiarized with the cultural and social background.C:To read quickly to get the gist.D:To make a prediction.竺安·口木·第九章l、Preparation the writing stage is insufficient.A:beforeB:agoC:earlierD:previously答案:2、We may have some long before we put them on paper.A: i deaB: i deasC:thoughtD:thinks欠安·百才s:;:and put down all possible ideas that come3、To thinkto their minds.A: l argelyB:bigC: i mportantlyD:freely欠安·百才s;;:•4、It can be changed as the writer has ideas.A:betterB: i mproveC:overcomeD:exceed竺安·百才丈·5、At this stage, the of ideas are more important than getting grammatical structures, punctuation or spelling correct.A:developedB:developmentalC:developmentD:developing欠安·百才s;;:•第十章l、Aim means the goals for the lesson.A:authenticB:realisticC:trueD:lifelike竺安·百才丈·2、The teacher needs to have a1 ike to achieve for the lesson.A:clearB:obviousC:apparentD:evident竺安·百才丈·idea of what he/ she would3、Flexibility means preparing someand alternative tasksand activities as the classWallA:otherB:anotherC:extraD:the other欠安·百才s;;:4、Students find out sentences that show theA:featureB:lineamentC:characteristicD:boast竺安·百才丈·of the Great5、Ask students to do brainstorming of the information in a cutting.A:helpfulB:assistantC:usefulD:beneficial竺安·百才丈·第十一章1、说课的定义:教师在备课的基础上,面对同行或教研人员等,讲述自己的教学设计及其理论依据,然后由听者评说,达到互相交流、共同提高的一种活动。
海外旅行英语智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下太原旅游职业学院太原旅游职业学院绪论单元测试1.overseas 的中文意思是()。
答案:海外的第一章测试1.What does “purpose”mean in Chinese?()答案:目的2.What does this sentence mean: What is your purpose for visa?()答案:您办签证的目的是什么?3.What does“lounge”mean?()答案:休息厅4.Would you please put them on the scale ?()答案:Of course, they are not overweight, are they?5.What does “boarding pass”mean?()答案:登机牌6.May I see your boarding pass, please?()答案:Sure. Here you are.7.You can get some information from the electronic display screen at theairport like ()?答案:Flight number;Departure time;Arrival time8.According to the position of seats in the cabin, there are().答案:Aisle seat;Window seat;Middle seat9.When you check in at the airport for international flight, the clerk will have acheck of your( ).答案:Passport;Visa;Luggage10.机场工作人员询问你是否有行李要托运时,可以说,( ).答案:How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?;Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?11.When you are processing the immigration formalities, what should you showto the officer?( )答案:Passport;Immigration card12.”Direct flight ”and “non-stop flight”are completely same.答案:错13.When you take the directly flight, you always don’t have to transfer andrecheck it. ( )答案:错14.You can put your luggage in the empty seat aside you in the cabin.( )答案:错15.When you claim your luggage, you’d like to go to the luggage claim area. ( )答案:对第二章测试1.“我感觉不舒服”的英文表达是()。
2020智慧树,知到《游美国学英语》章节测试完整答案智慧树知到《游美国学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、 What are the features of a Victorian Brownstone house in Boston?A:It has a stoop.B:The facade is built with brownstone or brown-colored bricks.C:It”s often a 2 or 3-story townhouse.D:The facade is built with brownstone only.答案: It has a stoop.,The facade is built with brownstone or brown-colored bricks.,It”s often a 2 or 3-story townhouse.2、 Which of the following building used tower crane for the first time?A:John Hancock CenterB:Chrysler BuildingC:The Empire State BuildingD:Marina City答案: Marina City3、 John Hancock Center is an experiment in engineering in terms of using __ for the first.A:exoskeletonB:tower craneC:structural steelD:glass wall答案: exoskeleton4、 The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City and the name was from ___.A:horse farmB:horse raceC:dog raceD:dog farm答案: horse race5、 Which of the following building isn”t in New York City? A:40 Wall StreetB:Chrysler BuildingC:The Empire State BuildingD:John Hancock Center答案: John Hancock Center6、 The word“thoroughbred” can refer to a person who is well-brought-up or well-educated.A:对B:错答案: 对7、 Which city can be called the windy city?A:ChicagoB:SeattleC:Los AngelesD:Boston答案: Chicago8、Thomas Jefferson was a talented architect and he designed the city of Philadelphia.A:对B:错答案: 错9、 Which of the following is/are the sport event held in the US?A:MLBB:NHLC:NFLD:NBA答案: MLB,NHL,NFL,NBA10、 Which of the following city is called Gateway of Alaska?A:Los AngelesB:SeattleC:San FranciscoD:San Jose答案: Seattle第二章1、 Someone has fire in his belly means_____ A:he is angryB:he is passionateC:he has a stomachacheD:he is happy答案: he is passionate2、 Conjure up means______.A:阻断B:幻想C:连接D:跳出答案: 幻想3、 How deep is the Grand Canyon?A:1 kilometerB:1 mileC:18 kilometersD:18 miles答案: 1 mile4、UNESCO designated Redwood National Park a world heritage site because of its rare ecosystem and cultural history.A:对B:错答案: 对5、 What are the two reasons to shape the Grand Canyon? A:seismic upheavalB:earthquakeC:glaciationD:grits in Colorado river答案: seismic upheaval,grits in Colorado river6、 Which of the following statements about Old Faithfulare correct?A:It”s the name of a geyser in Yellow Stone National Park. B:It”s named after a man who was faithful.C:It”s the first geyser receiving a name.D:It erupts at regular intervals of time.答案: It”s the name of a geyser in Yellow Stone NationalPark.,It”s the first geyser receiving a name.,It erupts at regular intervals of time.7、 Who signed the bill to establish Yosemite National Park? A:President George WashingtonB:President Theodore RooseveltC:President Franklin RooseveltD:President Ulysses S. Grant答案: President Theodore Roosevelt8、 Grand Canyon State refers to _.A:UtahB:ColoradoC:New MexicoD:Arizona答案: Arizona9、 Who is the first explorer traversing Grand Canyon? A:John PowellB:John SmithC:John ParkerD:John Muir答案: John Powell10、 Yosemite Falls is the highest one in both North America and South America.A:对B:错答案: 错第三章1、 Bob Dylan received the following awards:A:Golden Globe AwardB:Grammy AwardsC:Academy AwardD:Pulitzer Prize答案:ABCD2、 West Orange was once the motion picture capital of America.A:对B:错答案:B3、 ___was once called“the greatest humorist this country has produced”.A:Walt WhitmanB:Ralph Waldo EmersonC:Mark TwainD:Allan Poe答案:AB4、 Whose statue is over the west entrance of Westminster Abby?A:George WashingtonB:Martin Luther King Jr.C:Thomas EdisonD:Thomas Jefferson答案:B5、 Which building can be found on a nickel, 5-cent coin, used in the US?A:Virginia HouseB:University of VirginiaC:MonticelloD:Statehouse of Virginia答案:C6、 In 1964, _ won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance.A:Martin Luther King Jr.B:Mahatma GandhiC:Franklin RooseveltD:Nelson Mandela答案:A7、 ___ is the father of University of Virginia.A:Thomas JeffersonB:George WashingtonC:Franklin RooseveltD:Theodore Roosevelt答案:A8、 The word“enclave” in this unit refers to __.A:来自不同国家或文化的社区B:不同的种族C:不同的语言D:不同的建筑特色答案:A9、 Monticello and the nearby _ , were together designateda World Heritage Site.A:University of VirginiaB:Virginia HouseC:PalladioD:Statehouse of Virginia答案:A10、 Which city is Martin Luther King Jr”s birthplace andburial place?A:AtlantaB:BostonC:ChicagoD:Philadelphia答案:A第四章1、 Which of the following statements about Apple Park is correct?A:It”s the new headquarter of Apple.B:It”s finally completed in 2018.C:It”s designed by Steve Jobs.D:It”s powered by 100% renewable energy.答案:AD2、 What”s the name of Tesla” first high-end sportscar? A:RiderB:RoadsterC:RoverD:Trailblazer答案:B3、 Apple addicts refer to people who __.A:like Apple productsB:never use Apple productsC:work for AppleD:know nothing about Apple答案:A4、 Which of the following statements about Steve Jobs Theater is/are correct?A:It”s the largest theater in the world.B:It has a glass cylinder.C:It has a metallic carbon fiber roof.D:It can sit 1000 people.答案:BCD5、 Smart cars can help us _.A:reclaim spaceB:reduce congestionC:encourage consumptionD:free up parking答案:ABD6、 Which of the following statements are correct?A:Stock option is the compensation contract between employers and employees.B:Any employee in a company should be given stock option. C:Only some top-level employees are given stock option. D:The purpose of stock option is to encourage employees work harder.答案:7、 Who designed and developed AlphaGo?A:GoogleB:AppleC:MicrosoftD:IBM答案:A8、 Apple Park is installed with rooftop solar system. A:对B:错答案:A9、 signature style means _.A:签名风格B:写字风格C:标签特征D:标志风格答案:D10、 What are the two social problems in Silicon Valley?A:Sexual harassmentB:racial discriminationC:gender discriminationD:income inequality答案:AD第五章1、 What does“eat humble pie” mean?A:accept shame, apologize or face humiliationB:eat small pieC:have dinner with sb.D:be invited to a party答案:A2、 Everyone has paid $20 to take part in the Reno Tomatina. A:对B:错答案:B3、“pay dirt”refers to the Central Valley. It means _: A:earth or ore that yields a profit to a minerB:a useful or remunerative discovery or objectC:sudden successD:a profitable or productive land of agriculture 答案:DA:神圣的牛。
答:董必武问:在蒙古史的研究之中,下列哪些部族不属于欧罗巴人种?()答:察哈尔部问:下面哪个部件是用于处理单片机远距离通信的呢?答:串行I/O 端口问:礼不仅是一个外在的规定,而且是我们完成自己内在修养的必有手段和工具。
答:重复传染断言问:下列有关感觉和知觉的描述中,错误的是( )。
答:错问:子曰:“六十而耳顺”,对“耳顺”的理解下列选项错误的是( )。
答:预防2型糖尿病的发生问:尿常规的一般性状检查包括以下哪些?答:尿液外观气味尿酸碱度(尿pH值) 尿比重问:Given the chance to show his ability, he regained _____ and began to succeed in school.答:They were all of the same size.问:虽然生理节奏是天生的,但人们还是可以调整它们,调整生理节奏最有效的办法之一就是通过运动锻炼。
最新资料欢迎阅读2020 智慧树,知到《英语测试》章节测试完好答案智慧树知到《英语测试》章节测试答案第一章1、外语测试的主要理论支柱是____。
A:语言学B:社会学C:学习心理学D:哲学E:丈量学答案 :语言学,学习心理学,丈量学第二章1、“外语测试”是一门新兴的边沿学科,它经历的阶段有____A:前科学阶段B:后科学阶段C:传统测试阶段D:心理丈量和构造主义E:心理语言学与社会语言学答案 :前科学阶段,心理丈量和构造主义, 心理语言学与社会语言学2、外语考试的主要功能包含____。
A:检测B:动机C:评定D:调理E:选拔答案 :动机,评定,调理,选拔3、考试是由必定数目的题目构成,用于测定人的____的工具。
A:心理质量B:学习能力C:学习态度D:学习分数E:学习程度答案 :心理质量,学习程度4、对学生的学习行为进行评论的主要依照是____。
A:教材B:测试目的C:纲领D:测试结果E:学习兴趣答案 :测试目的,测试结果5、以下教课模式中,以为应当淡化语法甚至于不要教语法的是___。
A:浑身反响法B:社交法C:直接法D:听闻法E:任务型教课法答案 :浑身反响法,直接法,听闻法8、在一次期中考试结束后,小明经过剖析试卷,找到学习中存在的问题,改良过去的学习方法,这表现了考试的正反拨功能。
A:对B:错答案 :对9、全部的丈量都是测试,全部的评论活动都波及到测试或丈量,但并不是全部的测试都属于评论。
A:对B:错答案 :错10、中小学校期中考试是旨在经过测试及其结果剖析,对在校学生进行评论的考试。
A:对B:错答案 : 对第三章1、高考作为一种水平考试一般应以___作为命题的主要依照。
A:教课纲领B:教材C:大学对外语的要求D:中学毕业答案 : 大学对外语的要求2、____的主要用途是对考生进行甄别、分类和选拔。
A:标准参照考试B:主观型考试C:客观型考试D:常模型考试答案 : 常模型考试3、下边那个选项属于标准参照考试。
最新资料欢迎阅读2020 智慧树,知到《旅游英语(海南联盟)》章节测试【完整答案】智慧树知到《旅游英语 ( 海南联盟 ) 》章节测试答案绪论1、How many chapters does “English for Tourism ”have? A:15B: 16C: 17D: 18正确答案: 162、Which is the correct spelling?A:restarantB:restaurantC:restanrantD:restaurent正确答案:restaurant第一章1、“民族”的英文为etnic group( )A:对B:错正确答案:错2、Chinese culture represents __ features.A: singleB: one C:diversifiedD:little正确答案:diversified3、国粹的拼写为quintesence ( )A:对B:错正确答案:错4、Traditional Chinese Medicine are gradually accepted by the western world.( )A:对正确答案:对5、China is the birthplace of tea.( )A:对B:错正确答案:对第二章1 、A World Heritage Site is a landmark or area which hasbeen officially recognized by UN. ( )A:对B:错正确答案:对2、联合国教科文组织的英文缩写为 UNESO. ( )A:对B:错正确答案:错3、The List of World Heritage in Danger places sites subject to unusual levels of pollution,natural hazards, or other problems, until _ are made.A:improvementB:C:paperworkD:proposal正确答案:improvement4、Kulangsu promotes China”s maritime culture. ( )A:对B:错正确答案:对5 、In order to protect the natural environment of Hoh Xil, groups of _ have been sent to this area.A:offendersB:volunteersC:childrenD:senior citizens正确答案:senior citizens第三章1 、Red tourism has nothing to do with the economies of remote areas. ( )A:对B:错正确答案: B2、Red tourism is a _ of tourism.A:rivalB:counterpartC:subsetD:mother正确答案: C3、Shaanxi is the wrong spelling of Shanxi.( )A:对B:错正确答案: B4、“Long March” 中的“ march”是三月的意思。
答:《周末情人》《非常夏日》《长大成人》问:1970年代粤语流行歌形成初期的主要推动力量是:()答:C问:We anticipate ___this transaction with you in the near future.答:concluding问:We anticipate ___this transaction with you in the near future.答:concluding问:根据麦克卢汉提出的“一切媒体都是人体延伸”的观点,电影是人类()的延伸。
( )答:√问:如果数码管接线图如下,请写出显示小写d,P1_0输出(第1空), P1_1输出(第2空)P1_2输出(第3空)P1_3输出(第4空)P1_4输出(第5空)P1_5输出(第6空)P1_7输出(第8空);合起来二进制(第9空)和16进制(第10空)/star3/origin/ba718075f35e41118a5bf5990b5a64cb.png答:第一空: 1 第二空: 0 第三空: 1 第四空: 0 第五空: 0 第六空: 0 第七空: 0 第八空: 1 第九空: 10000101 第十空: 85问:听课记录一般包括()答:科目课题教学记录课后评价问:以下国家行为属于自卫的是()答:甲国对乙国进行武装攻击,在占领相当领土后暂停武装攻击,乙国开始对甲国进行武装攻击问:以下国家行为属于自卫的是()答:甲国对乙国进行武装攻击,在占领相当领土后暂停武装攻击,乙国开始对甲国进行武装攻击问:国际法律责任中最严厉的责任形式是下列哪一项()答:限制主权问:“为什么”用泰语怎么说?()答:ทททท问:调整企业资本结构并不能降低经营风险。
答:Q问:下列属于存款类金融机构的是( )。
答:练精化气问:供应链管理系统的信息来自企业内部的MIS、DSS等信息系统答:对问:进入高校比较重要的能力有哪些?答:团队协作能力师德素质发展能力问:当当网是典型的B to C电子商务网站。
答:技术问:最早明确提出“创意产业”的是哪个国家?答:英国问:下列对太平天国评价正确的是() ①是伟大的反帝反封建的农民革命②代表了中国农民战争的最高水平③沉重打击了中外反动势力④提出了学习西方发展资本主义的方案答:①②③④问:创业融资途径很多,较为常见的包括:答:创业者商业银行民间资本融资租赁问:下列对太平天国评价正确的是( )。
答:√问:平板探测器把 X线能量直接转化为()答:数字图像数据问:本节介绍的面试共有几个特点()答:5个问:小米手机创造创业营销奇迹的关键在于抓住了哪一类消费群体的特殊需求?()答:90后问:西方国家的人们,特别是基督教、天主教、东正教要到教堂结婚,做自愿嫁娶的婚礼宣誓。
2020智慧树,知到《大学英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020最新智慧树知到《大学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:exploreB:emergeC:enrichD:assume正确答案:assume2、 He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:inheritedB:acquiredC:overwhelmedD:pursue正确答案:inherited3、After a(n) ( ) physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. A:availableB:giantC:comprehensiveD:unique正确答案:comprehensive4、 Our bodies have greater ( ) than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.A:confidenceB:potentialC:innocenceD:approach正确答案:potential5、 He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.A:participateB:evolveC:bondD:embrace正确答案:participate第二章1、City residents the housing price is unreasonably high. A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain that2、Don”t just “wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to正确答案:complain about3、He intends to quit the job, not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old for it.可翻译为:他打算辞职,不是因为他讨厌这项工作,而是因为他年纪太大了,不适合这项工作。
带上英语去旅行知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新日照职业技术学院第一章测试1.出国旅游允许携带外币的数额超出 ___等值外币,需要向银行申报外币携带证。
参考答案:5000美金2.“定期票”的英语表达是 ______。
参考答案:OK ticket3.Do you have change for 100 pounds? 句中change的意思是_____参考答案:找零、零钱4.下列哪些证件是去办理旅游签证时必须带的证件?参考答案:ID card;income certificate;passport;visa5.下列哪些表达方式是“单程票”的意思 _____。
参考答案:single ticket;one- way ticket6.__Hello!This is Mary speaking.How can I help you?__( ) Can I speak to Mr. Black?参考答案:This is Tom.7.去国外旅游,待在国外的时间的长短跟游客所持的护照有很大的关系。
参考答案:错8.飞机机舱的等次按照由高到低的顺序排列,分别是economy class、business class和first class.参考答案:错9.酒店双人间用英语可以说成“double room”或者“twin room”。
参考答案:错第二章测试1.Where can I get the (最新的)flight information?参考答案:latest2.Here is my boarding pass. 句中划线短语的意思是()参考答案:登机牌3.Please (填写)these labels.参考答案:fill out4.乘坐飞机时,乘客可以随身携带液体,但必须放在一个可以重新封口的透明小塑料袋中,塑料袋可装()件物品,每件不超过100毫升或100克。
2020智慧树,知到《游美国学英语》章节测试完整答案2020智慧树,知到《游美国学英语》章节测试完整答案智慧树知到《游美国学英语》章节测试答案第一章1、 What are the features of a Victorian Brownstone house in Boston?A:It has a stoop.B:The facade is built with brownstone or brown-colored bricks.C:It”s often a 2 or 3-story townhouse.D:The facade is built with brownstone only.答案: It has a stoop.,The facade is built with brownstone or brown-colored bricks.,It”s often a 2 or 3-story townhouse.2、 Which of the following building used tower crane for the first time?A:John Hancock CenterB:Chrysler BuildingC:The Empire State BuildingD:Marina City答案: Marina City3、 John Hancock Center is an experiment in engineering in terms of using __ for the first.A:exoskeletonB:tower craneC:structural steelD:glass wall答案: exoskeleton4、 The Big Apple is a nickname for New York City and thename was from ___.A:horse farmB:horse raceC:dog raceD:dog farm答案: horse race5、Which of the following building isn”t in New York City? A:40 Wall StreetB:Chrysler BuildingC:The Empire State BuildingD:John Hancock Center答案: John Hancock Center6、The word“thoroughbred” can refer to a person who is well-brought-up or well-educated.A:对B:错答案: 对7、 Which city can be called the windy city?A:ChicagoB:SeattleC:Los AngelesD:Boston答案: Chicago8、Thomas Jefferson was a talented architect and he designed the city of Philadelphia.A:对B:错答案: 错9、 Which of the following is/are the sport event held in the US?A:MLBB:NHLC:NFLD:NBA答案: MLB,NHL,NFL,NBA10、 Which of the following city is called Gateway of Alaska? A:Los AngelesB:SeattleC:San FranciscoD:San Jose答案: Seattle第二章1、 Someone has fire in his belly means_____ A:he is angry B:he is passionateC:he has a stomachacheD:he is happy答案: he is passionate2、 Conjure up means______.A:阻断B:幻想C:连接D:跳出答案: 幻想3、 How deep is the Grand Canyon?A:1 kilometerB:1 mileC:18 kilometersD:18 miles答案: 1 mile4、UNESCO designated Redwood National Park a worldheritage site because of its rare ecosystem and cultural history.A:对B:错答案: 对5、 What are the two reasons to shape the Grand Canyon? A:seismic upheavalB:earthquakeC:glaciationD:grits in Colorado river答案: seismic upheaval,grits in Colorado river6、 Which of the following statements about Old Faithfulare correct?A:It”s the name of a geyser in Yellow Stone National Park. B:It”s named after a man who was faithful.C:It”s the first geyser receiving a name.D:It erupts at regular intervals of time.答案: It”s the name of a geyser in Yellow Stone NationalPark.,It”s the first geyser receiving a name.,It erupts at regular intervals of time.7、 Who signed the bill to establish Yosemite National Park? A:President George WashingtonB:President Theodore RooseveltC:President Franklin RooseveltD:President Ulysses S. Grant答案: President Theodore Roosevelt8、 Grand Canyon State refers to _.A:UtahB:ColoradoC:New MexicoD:Arizona答案: Arizona9、Who is the first explorer traversing Grand Canyon? A:John PowellB:John SmithC:John ParkerD:John Muir答案: John Powell10、 Yosemite Falls is the highest one in both North America and South America.A:对B:错答案: 错第三章1、 Bob Dylan received the following awards:A:Golden Globe AwardB:Grammy AwardsC:Academy AwardD:Pulitzer Prize答案:ABCD2、West Orange was once the motion picture capital of America.A:对B:错答案:B3、___was once called“the greatest humorist this country has produced”.A:Walt WhitmanB:Ralph Waldo EmersonC:Mark TwainD:Allan Poe答案:AB4、 Whose statue is over the west entrance of Westminster Abby?A:George WashingtonB:Martin Luther King Jr.C:Thomas EdisonD:Thomas Jefferson答案:B5、Which building can be found on a nickel, 5-cent coin, used in the US?A:Virginia HouseB:University of VirginiaC:MonticelloD:Statehouse of Virginia答案:C6、 In 1964, _ won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance.A:Martin Luther King Jr.B:Mahatma GandhiC:Franklin RooseveltD:Nelson Mandela答案:A7、 ___ is the father of University of Virginia.A:Thomas JeffersonB:George WashingtonC:Franklin RooseveltD:Theodore Roosevelt答案:A8、The word“enclave” in this unit refers to __.A:来自不同国家或文化的社区B:不同的种族C:不同的语言D:不同的建筑特色答案:A9、 Monticello and the nearby _ , were together designateda World Heritage Site.A:University of VirginiaB:Virginia HouseC:PalladioD:Statehouse of Virginia答案:A10、Which city is Martin Luther King Jr”s birthplace andburial place?A:AtlantaB:BostonC:ChicagoD:Philadelphia答案:A第四章1、 Which of the following statements about Apple Park is correct?A:It”s the new headquarter of Apple.B:It”s finally completed in 2018.C:It”s designed by Steve Jobs.D:It”s powered by 100% renewable energy.答案:AD2、What”s the name of Tesla” first high-end sportscar? A:RiderB:RoadsterC:RoverD:Trailblazer答案:B3、 Apple addicts refer to people who __.A:like Apple productsB:never use Apple productsC:work for AppleD:know nothing about Apple答案:A4、Which of the following statements about Steve Jobs Theater is/are correct?A:It”s the largest theater in the world.B:It has a glass cylinder.C:It has a metallic carbon fiber roof.D:It can sit 1000 people.答案:BCD5、 Smart cars can help us _.A:reclaim spaceB:reduce congestionC:encourage consumptionD:free up parking答案:ABD6、 Which of the following statements are correct?A:Stock option is the compensation contract between employers and employees.B:Any employee in a company should be given stock option. C:Only some top-level employees are given stock option. D:The purpose of stock option is to encourage employees work harder.答案:7、 Who designed and developed AlphaGo?A:GoogleB:AppleC:MicrosoftD:IBM答案:A8、 Apple Park is installed with rooftop solar system. A:对B:错答案:A9、 signature style means _.A:签名风格B:写字风格C:标签特征D:标志风格答案:D10、 What are the two social problems in Silicon Valley?A:Sexual harassmentB:racial discriminationC:gender discriminationD:income inequality答案:AD第五章1、What does“eat humble pie” mean?A:accept shame, apologize or face humiliationB:eat small pieC:have dinner with sb.D:be invited to a party答案:A2、 Everyone has paid $20 to take part in the Reno Tomatina. A:对B:错答案:B3、“pay dirt”refers to the Central Valley. It means _:A:earth or ore that yields a profit to a minerB:a useful or remunerative discovery or objectC:sudden successD:a profitable or productive land of agriculture 答案:DA:神圣的牛。
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