英语国家概况:英国的主要宗教团体Religion 宗教1. Everyone in Britain has the right to religiousfreedom with out interference from thecommunity or the State. (He may believe in anychurch or none at all.) He may change his religion atwill may manifest his faith in teaching, worshipand observance. Except that the Lord Chancellor maybe a Roman Catholic, public offices are open withoutdistinction to members of all churches or none.在英国,人人都有信仰宗教的权利,社会和政府不得干涉。
2. Established churches国教There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and in Scotlandthe (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland.英国有两大国教,在英格兰是英格兰国教,苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长老教)。
3. Church of England is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a memberof that Church and as "Defender of the Faith". The Church is also linked with the State throughthe House of loads. The church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laiddown in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament.英格兰国教与君主有独特的联系。
Religion in the United Kingdom
In B rita in to d a y , a la r g e p o p u la tio n o f p e o p le a re n o t re a lly in te re s te d in a t a ll . T h e s u c c e s s e s o f m o d e rn s c ie n c e a re p a rtly re s p o n s ib le fo r th is , T h e p rim e e x a m p le b e in g th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f D a r w in ’s fa m o u s th e o ry o f e v o lu tio n
T h e re a re tw o e s ta b lis h e d c h u rc h e s in B rita in , th a t is , c h u rc h e s le g a lly re c o g n iz e d a s o ffic ia l c h u rc h e s o f th e S ta te : in E n g la n d th e (A n g lic a n ) C h u rc h o f E n g la n d , a n d in S c o tla n d th e (P re s b y te ria n ) C h u rc h o f S c o tla n d .
Religion in the United Kingdom
The Free Churches
T h e te rm “F re e C h u rc h e s ” is o fte n u s e d to d e s c rib e o f th e P r o te s ta n t C h u rc h e s in B r ita in w h ic h , u n lik e th e C h u rc h o f E n g la n d a n d th e C h u r c h o f S c o tla n d , a re e s ta b lis h e d c h u rc h e s . In th e c o u rs e o f h is to ry th e y h a v e d e v e lo p e d th e ir o w n tra d itio n . A ll th e m a jo r F r e e C h u rc h e a llo w b o th m e n a n d w o m e n to b e c o m e m in is te rs . F o r th e M e th o d is t C h u rc h , a n d th e B a p tis ts .
路德宗 (德国)
加尔文宗 (瑞士)
国教 教会
英国的 宗教
非国教 教会
英格兰 教
苏格兰 教
英国圣 公会
自由教 会
罗马天 主教会
Page 3
英国有两大国教,即国家法律上承 认的官方教会:在英格兰是英格兰 国教,在苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长 老教)
爱尔兰的长老会、威尔士的长老会(加尔文卫理公会)和威尔士独立者联 合会。
英格兰和威尔士的罗马天主教会的正式组织在宗教改革后 一度消亡,但于1850年恢复。
大不列颠现在有七个由大主教领导的罗马天主教省,以及 由主教领导的30个主教区(英格兰和威尔士有22个教区,苏 格兰有8个,各自独立向教皇负责)。还有约3300个教区和约 7300位教士(只有男性能成为教士)。
卫理公会。自由教会中最大的一支,起源于18世纪的约翰·卫斯理 (1703-91)领导下的福音派复兴。
浸礼会。17世纪浸礼会员会员在英国首先形成组织。如今大多数浸礼 会属于大不列颠浸礼会联盟。苏格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰都有独立的浸礼 会联盟,以及其他独立的浸礼会。
联合改革会。1972年由英格兰和威尔士的公理会与英格兰长老会合并 而成。自从16世纪的宗教改革以来,这是英国两种不同教会的首次联合 。
主教(The Primate of All England)。
苏格兰教The Church of Scotland
苏格兰教的管理是长老制,也就是由教士 和长老治理,他们都被授了圣职,1707年的 《统一条约》确定了以苏格兰教的地位, 1921年的《苏格兰教会法》进一步保证了其 地位。
the church of england
英国国教,英文:Church of England,英国在宗教改革中建立的民族教会。
这两派继续存在于圣公会.公导书公祷书(The Book of Common Prayer)是圣公会的祈祷用书。
历史公祷书(The Book of Common Prayer)为英国教会克蓝玛大主教于1549年所出版的崇拜礼仪书,给所有教会使用,要全国教会遵守。
目前( 1991年) ,英联邦有50个成员国。
6. Government and Administration 政府与⾏政机构 The British Constitution 英国宪法 联合王国是君主⽴宪制国家,国家的⾸脑是国王或⼥王。
Constitutional Monarchy in Britain 英国的君主⽴宪制 今天的君主政体实际已⽆实权,它的权⼒受限于法律和议会。
” ⼥王是国家的象征。
The British Parliament and its functions 英国的议会及其作⽤ 英国是中央集权国家,⽽不是联邦制国家。
The British government 英国的政府 议会通过必要的⽴法后,政府部门及其下属机构,是实施政府政策,并向⼤⾂提出建议的主要机构。
英格兰教 The Church of England
英格兰教也被称作“安立甘会” The Anglican Church 英格兰国教与君主有独特的联系,因为君主作为“Supreme
Governor of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith”——"教会的统 治者与国教的捍卫者",必须是此教会的一员,君主在登 基时必须承诺维持国教。尽管在大主教和教区主教的选择 上皇室任职委员会起着决定性的作用,但是英格兰国教的 大主教、主教和教堂教长还是由君主根据首相的建议任命
路德宗 (德国)
加尔文宗 (瑞士)
国教 教会
英国的 宗教
非国教 教会
英格兰 教
苏格兰 教
英国圣 公会
自由教 会
罗马天 主教会
Page 3
英国有两大国教,即国家法律上承 认的官方教会:在英格兰是英格兰 国教,在苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长 老教)
主教(The Primate of All England)。
苏格兰教The Church of Scotland
苏格兰教的管理是长老制,也就是由教士 和长老治理,他们都被授了圣职,1707年的 《统一条约》确定了以苏格兰教的地位, 1921年的《苏格兰教会法》进一步保证了其 地位。
英格兰教 The Church of England
国教的两大主教与其他24个高级主教通过上议院与政府相联系, 两个大主教包括——坎特伯雷(Canterbury)和约克(York)。 坎特伯雷大主教(Archbishop of Canterbury),为全英格兰的首席
二、历史背景1. 英国历史悠久,是一个大英帝国时代曾经占领过大片海外领土的国家,也是现今英联邦的成员国。
2. 美国则是一个相对较新的国家,于1776年宣布独立,随后在19世纪迅速扩张,成为世界上最强大的国家之一。
三、社会制度1. 英国为君主立宪制国家,现为君主立宪制议会民主制国家。
2. 美国为联邦制共和国家,政府分为三个独立的机构,即行政、立法和司法。
四、宗教1. 英国是一个多元宗教国家,主要宗教包括英国国教(基督教)、天主教和伊斯兰教等。
2. 美国宗教信仰自由,主要宗教包括基督教、天主教、犹太教、伊斯兰教、佛教等。
五、文化1. 英国文化深厚,以莎士比亚、狄更斯等文学巨匠为代表,拥有世界上最古老的大学之一牛津大学。
2. 美国文化年轻活力,是全球娱乐文化的重要输出国,好莱坞产出大量世界级电影和音乐。
六、教育1. 英国的教育体系包括小学、中学、大学等,素有“教育王国”的美誉。
2. 美国教育分为幼儿园、小学、中学、大学等,大学中拥有世界一流的学府如哈佛大学、斯坦福大学等。
七、科技1. 英国拥有世界领先的科学研究机构和科技企业,如剑桥大学的科研实力备受赞誉。
2. 美国在科技领域有世界上最杰出的创新能力和科研机构,硅谷更是全球IT行业的中心。
八、经济1. 英国是一个高度发达的资本主义经济体系,金融业、制造业、服务业是主要支柱。
2. 美国是世界上最大的经济体,以先进的科技和创新,拥有全球范围内强大的影响力。
九、旅游景点1. 英国拥有众多著名旅游景点,如大本钟、温莎城堡、巨石阵等。
2. 美国也有众多旅游胜地,如纽约时代广场、大峡谷、好莱坞等。
十、社会福利1. 英国实行普遍医疗保险制度,居民享受国家提供的医疗服务。
2. 美国的医疗保险制度相对复杂,没有普遍的国家医疗保健计划。
英语国家概况 第2章 英国的起源
大约在公元前3000年的新石器时代,这些身材 矮小、黑皮肤、长脸庞的人来到英国,他们很可 能来自伊比利亚半岛,即现在的西班牙。
At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now known as Holland 大约公元前2000年,宽口陶器人从现在的荷兰
Roman influence
on Britain so
3) The Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.
罗马人把不列颠人当作奴隶阶级以及属民来对待 。 四百年中,罗马人从不和不列颠人通婚。
▲ 他们可能源自东欧及中欧,即现在的法国、比利
第二节 罗马人统治时期的英国(公元前55年—公元410年)
British recorded For nearly 400 years Britain was under the Roman occupation.
In the second half of the 6th century, the Angles, who also came from northern Germany, settled in East Anglia, Mercia (which covered the Midlands and the Welsh borders) and Northumbria, which reached to the Scottish border.
英美概况课件英美宗教Religion in the UKReligionMajor Differences Between C & P Catholic Vs. ProtestantPower and authority of the Pope as head of the Church in setting rules of moral conduct ?emphasis on ritualeducation of children into the faithimportance of Virgin MaryMore individualistic attitude generallyimportance of individual conscience in relationship to God less formal services of worship (less ceremonial)Hinduismis thought to be the oldest major world religion that is still practiced today. It was the firstreligion that had a concept of reincarnation(转世,再生).In Hinduism spiritual practice (such as praying or doing special exercises called yoga) isvery important.JudaismJudaism is one of the oldest religions on Earth.Religious Jews believe that Moses brought the Ten Commandments十诫and the Torah(圣经旧约前5卷) down from Mount Sinai.西奈山(为上帝授与摩西十诫之处))believe that God had considered the Jews His chosen people.Major Denominations in the UKthe Church of Englandthe Roman Catholic Churchthe Free/Nonconformist Churches不信奉英国国教的Denominations in the UKChurch of England /Anglican Churchone of the many protestant sects which began in English after Henry VIII.the King , not the Pope, was the supreme head of the English ChurchIts head is sovereign, and its religious head is the Archbishop of CanterburyEngland is divided into 43 dioceses,教区each with a bishop.Every diocese has a cathedral as its central church .Roman Catholic Churchthe world’s largest Christian church and its hierarchy is headed by the Pope.have played a prominent role in the politics and history of Western civilization since the 4thcentury.Prayers and devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary are part of Catholic piety.The Church defines its mission as spreading the gospel (福音)of Jesus Christ,administering the sacraments (圣礼)and exercising charityThe Free/Nonconformist ChurchesIt is a collective name for all non-Anglican and non-Roman Catholic Christian churches inBritain.The Free/Nonconformist ChurchesThe MethodistThe Quakers公谊会教徒,贵格会教徒,教友会教徒(基督教教派,反对暴力,宗教仪式简单且无神职人员)the Puritansthe Baptist浸礼会the Presbyterian Church长老会The Methodist (卫理公会)The Methodism is a group of Protestant denominationsThe Quakers/Religious Society of FriendsThe first Quakers were Christians but the religion today includes some other people whoare not ChristianQuakers believe they could talk to God themselves - that they did not need a priest orminister to do it for them.Quakers worship in "meetings for worship", Quakers believe that a meeting for worshiphelps them to understand what God wants.PuritanismThe Puritans were radical Protestants who determined to “purify” the Anglican Chur ch ofall the corruption and ceremonial pomp of the Roman Catholic of that time.Puritanism advocates stern simplicity and strict moralityThe BaptistBaptist churches do not have a central principal authorityBaptists share so-called "orthodox" Christian beliefs with most other moderate or conservative Christian denominations Some beliefs about one God; Jesus' death, burial, and bodily resurrection; the Trinity; the need for salvation etc.The Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterianism is the established religion in Scotland. by1560 it was the official religion ofthe Scotland nation.Decline of Religion in the UKRecently Religion has seriously declined in the UK. Only a minority go to church regularly.A large proportion of people are not really interested in it at all.Reasons: 1. successes of modern science and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution2. the general improvement in social conditions and the variety of modern entertainmentReligion in USAThe Development of American ReligionsThree faith and American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant GroupsCatholicsFeatures of American ReligionReligious Problems in the USChanging Religious LandscapeThe Development of American ReligionsImmigrationReligious FreedomProselytism (n. 劝诱改信仰,改信宗教)ImmigrationProtestants from the old worldImmigrants from other European countries brought their religionsReligious FreedomAmerican Independence advanced the religious libertyThe first Amendment to the Constitution of the United Statesguarantees the freedom ofreligionno state-supported religion, which hoped to ensure that diversity of religious belief would never become the source of social or political injustice or disaffection.American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. In some ways, the government supports all religion.The government does not pay ministers’ salaries or require any belief as a condition of holding public offices.ProselytismProselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly,another religion.Evangelical (信福音主义者) Christians often use the term "witnessing" to mean discussingone's faith with another person with the intent of proselytism.Three faithsBy the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model had developed in the US. Americans wereconsidered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, but an increasing number of Americans did not fit into any of these groups.American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant Groups in the USAThe majority of the Americans (over 50%) are protestants.The Baptists are the largest protestant group and most blacks are Baptists.Next to Baptists, most numerous Protestants are Methodist.Two major Denomination in America (results of nativedevelopment)Christian Science (基督教科学派)Mormonism (摩门教)Christian Sciencefounded in 1879Health depended on right mental attitudesIllness can only be cured mental consciousness.Christian Scientists believe that through prayer, knowing and understanding, all thingsare possible for good through God.Mormonismfounded by Joseph Smith in 1830practised polygamy (plural marriage)Mormons believe that the church founded by Joseph Smith was a literal restoration ofprimitive Christianity, Mormonism classifies itself within ChristianityFeatures of American ReligionThe variety of beliefsthe emphasis on social problemsthe separation of church and state(政教分离)Eastern Orthodoxyadherents believe in trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.God is reached by personal prayer and devotion conducted in the church and in private,everyday life.The Variety of Beliefsthe wide variety of denominationsEmphasis on social problems and humanitarian idealsfocus on improving the present world by doing one’s duty.less concentrate on winning salvation in the next world through repentance.The separation of church and statemean that religion and government must stay separate for the benefit of both, includingthe idea that the government must not impose religion on Americans nor create any law requiring it.no established state religion in the USReligious Problems in the USsome small sects are intolerant, some emotional, some odd and brutal, some hysterical.The Issue of Abortionthe Issue of Abortion remains controversial because of opposition from many religions.The nation is divided over the moral right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy.。
英语国家概况第⼀章知识点Chapter 1 Land and People第01讲Geographical Features & Climate Part I the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and PeopleNames【译⽂】第⼀编英国第⼀章国⼟与⼈民名称different names for 英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandthe United Kingdomthe UKGreat Britain (GB)BritainEnglandthe total population: 63 million.the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany and France) and the 22nd-largest in the world.【译⽂】“英国”不同的名称:⼤不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国联合王国⼤不列颠(GB)不列颠英格兰总⼈⼝:6300 0000英国是欧洲第三⼈⼝⼤国(排在德国和法国后⾯),是世界第⼆⼗⼆⼈⼝⼤国。
The UK is a developed country.the sixth-largest national economy in the world (and third-largest in Europe)measured by nominal GDP and eighth-largest in the world (and second-largest in Europe) measured by purchasing power parity (PPP).It was the world’s first industrialized country and the world’s foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries.【译⽂】英国是⼀个发达国家。
加拿大 Canada (英语法语)
• 主要城市排名:Toronto, Montreal (Quebec), Vancouver, Ottawa 渥太பைடு நூலகம்(capital), Quebec City (Q’s capital) • Constitutional monarchy: head of state = Elizabeth II, representated by Governor-General • Parliamentarian democracy: House of Commons (election every 5 years) + the Senate (appointed) • Head of gov’t: Prime Minister (Cabinet)(5 years term) • Major political parties: Conservative (现执政), Liberal Party (主要在野党), New Democratic Party, Partie Quebeçois • Federation: 10 provinces, 3 territories • Earliest inhabitants: 原称为Indians,现称为the First Nations. • Major religion: Christianity • National sports: hockey in winter, lacrosse 长曲棍球in summer
• 1642: the republican Roundheads, Oliver Cromwell处死Charles I。 • 1660: restoration复辟Charles II • 1689,the Bill of Rights: the king would never be able to ignore the parliament.
英国概况 1. Land and People 国⼟与⼈民 Different names for Britain and its parts 英国的不同名称及其区域 正式名称:⼤不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
2. Origins of the Nation 英国的起源 Arrival and settlement of the Celts 凯尔特⼈的到来和迁居 ⾃公元前700年不断迁⼊,来⾃东欧及中欧,即现在的法国,⽐利时和德国南部。
三次⼊侵⾼潮: 第⼀次是公元前600年,盖尔⼈。
Basis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons 现代英格兰民族的基础:盎格鲁——撒克逊⼈ 三⽀⽇尔曼(条顿)部落的⼊侵: 朱特⼈:来⾃朱特兰岛(现丹麦南部)。
Jesus Christ
• Jesus Christ worked miracles • Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples • The Last Supper (Thursday) • Passion: The sufferings of Jesus in the
Religious Freedom
British State Church
The Church of England
The Protestant Church
Britain is known as a “salad bowl”
Islam Hinduism
The Catholic Church
The New Testament & Christianity
• Content: Gospels (good news) --- Four Gospels: Matthew( 马 太 福 音 ) , Mark(马可福音), Luke(路加福音) & John(约 翰福音) --- Other NT writings & the Revelation (启示录)
• Key issue: Who is Jesus Christ ?
Birth of Jesus Christ
• Virgin Mary, informed of pregnancy • Joseph, descendent of King David • Jesus Christ born in a stable, Bethlehem • Three noblemen from the east • One person, two natures: God & Man • Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Ghost
英语国家概况复习笔记 The UK
The UKUnit 11.The official name:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Since 1927)national flag:The Union Flag OR popularly known as the Union Jacknational anthem(国歌):GOD SAVE THE QUEENnational capital of the country :London:Greater London大伦敦都市区: the City of London + 32 boroughs[ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)The City of London伦敦城: at the center of the metropolitan-the financial center of thecountryInner London: the City of London + its 12 boroughsOuter London: 20 boroughs [ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)surrounding Inner London2. The location and size of the country (了解)3. The terrain [təˈreɪn](地形), rivers and mountains of the countryRoughly two kinds of terrain---highland and lowland.The highland area --- in the northern part of the country, comprising the mountainousregions of Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern England and north Wales.The lowland area --- especially in the Midland, southern and eastern England.The longest river in the UK is River Severn(塞文河).Among the most important rivers is the Thames(泰晤士河), which is second longest but is the deepest river in the county.Ben Nevis(本·尼维斯)is the highest peak of the UK.(大不列颠境内的最高山峰,海拔1,343.8米,位于苏格兰西部的格兰扁山脉)Lough Neagh (396km2)(內伊湖): the largest lake in the whole country4. The natural resources of the countryCoal 煤●Britain has a rich deposit of coal with major coal mines in central and southwest of England.●For the last decades, there has been a steady decline in both coal production and number of coal mines.Petroleum [pəˈtrəuliəm] 石油●1965 saw discovery of big oil and oil fields under the North Sea, east of Britain.5. The climate of the countryTemperate maritime climate(温带海洋性气候)What are the characteristics of the climate in Great Britain?FoggyRainyUncertain and changeable6. Major citiesLondon ;Edinburgh [ˈednˌbɜ:rə] 爱丁堡;Cardiff [ˈkɑ:dɪf] 加地夫(威尔士的主要海港);Belfast [ˈbelˌfæst] 贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府);Birmingham ['bɜ:mɪŋˌhæm] 伯明翰市(英国中部城市,第二大城市)Manchester: the Guardian(卫报)Glasgow:[ˈɡlɑ:sɡəu] 格拉斯哥(苏格兰最大城市,第三大城市)7. Population Density and Population Distribution⏹Population density: 248 persons per square kilometer.The Population of the UK is the 3rd largest in Europe.⏹Population distribution: high urbanization (7 conurbations)7 conurbations:Greater London大伦敦区, W. Midlands西密德兰都市郡, South Yorkshire 南约克都市郡, W. Yorkshire西约克郡都市郡, Greater Manchester大曼切斯特都市郡, Merseyside默西赛德都市郡(England), Tyne& Wear泰恩及威尔都市郡(Scotland) (了解)8. Nations and the Languages Spoken1) Nations: English, Scottish, Welsh and IrishEnglish (80%): descendants [dɪ'sendənts] 后裔of Anglo-SaxonsWelsh, Irish & Scottish::descendants of Celts2)Languages:A) English (official language):B) Gaelic [ˈgælɪk] 盖尔语: Scotland & Northern IrelandC) Welsh [welʃ] 威尔士语: Wales [weɪlz]3) T he history and development of the English language(p.7)⏹Old English (450AD-1100 AD) influenced by Old Norse (古斯堪的纳维亚语) spoken by Vikings (北欧海盗) and was closely related to the German and Dutch (荷兰) languages. The introduction of Christianity added the first wave of Latin and Greek words to the language and ended with the Norman Conquest.⏹Middle English (1100AD-1500AD) French replaced English as the official language in England. Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary and ended with the Black Death (黑死病).⏹Modern English (1500AD- present) Assimilating(吸收) words from Latin and Greek words throughout the Renaissance (文艺复兴) such as William Shakespeare and the King James Bible.⏹Standard English= the Queen’s Englis h= BBC English⏹Explanation of Standard EnglishStandard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern England.It is preferred by the educated andit is widely used in media and taught at schools. Is has developed and has been promoted as a model for the correct British English. It is also the norm(标准)carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.9. Religion⏹ 1. Britain is a multi-faith society in which everyone has the right to religious freedom.⏹ 2. Christianity is the dominant religion of the country. Most of citizens are eitherProtestant ['prɒtɪstənt]新教徒or Catholic.⏹ 3. English nation: The church of England(英格兰圣公会)is the established church of theEnglish nation.⏹ 4. The major non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and theBuddhists.10. Character and manners of British people⏹Conservatism⏹Talking about the Weather⏹Punctuality11. Traditions and custom●Trooping the Color英国皇家军队阅兵仪式around the Bucking Place in London(P.62)to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday Parade. (The Changing Guard ceremony)●Religious FestivalsChristmas ( Three Christmas Traditions )①Christmas pantomime [ˈpæntəmaɪm] (童话剧)②Queen's Christmas message③Boxing Day(节礼日)Easter纪念耶稣复活Halloween12. MediaNewspaperTraditionally British newspapers have been divided into "quality", serious-minded newspapers (usually referred to as "broadsheets宽幅印刷品" because of their large size) and the more populist ['pɒpjəlɪst] 平民化, "tabloid" varieties.Quality Press: The Times(泰晤士报), The Guardian(卫报), The Daily Telegraph(每日电讯报)Tabloid [ˈtæblɔɪd] 通俗小报: The Sun on SundayTelevision and BroadcastBBC(the British Broadcasting Corporation), ITV(Independent Television) 英国独立电视台, BSkyB(the British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC)英国天空广播集团TV programs done well by the BBC (P.60)Unit 4. British Economy1. The Relative Decline of British Economy (Why?)⏹1) The country suffered a great loss in the two World Wars.⏹2) The era[ˈɪərə]时代of the British Empire was over.⏹3) Britain was still forced to maintain a substantial and expensive military presence.⏹4) Britain failed to invest in industry after WWII.₤However, the decline is not an absolute one. The UK is not poorer than before. In fact, it iswealthier and more productive than before. The only thing is that other countries develop faster than the UK. So, the UK has experienced a relative decline.2. Recent History of British Economy⏹1970 - high Inflation rate, strikes⏹1979 - Reformation Program(改革方案)by Thatcher government→去国有化privatization [ˌpraɪvətaɪ'zeɪʃn]⏹What was the content of the program?Thatcherism [ˈθætʃə(r)zəm] 撒切尔主义:Throughout the 1980s an extensive program of privatization was carried out.---Denationalization [ˌdi:ˌnæʃnəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 非国有化①Government expenditure [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费was reduced;②Taxation reformed;③Foreign exchange controls lifted外汇管制解除④Rules governing banks loosened;⑤Worker strikes restricted.⏹What was the long-term results?①Inflation(通货膨胀) has been controlled②Unemployment rate falling③Encouraged by low interest rates, investment has increased. It is second only to the US as a destination for international direct investment. It is also itself a major source of international investment --- it is the second biggest international investor in the world.⏹Policies of Blair Government & Results (P.45)Policies: ①Blair made the Bank of England independent.②In social policy, the Blair government changed the old Labor Party’s practice of usingtax system, public expenditure[ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费and price controls to reduce inequality and put an emphasis on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes. It also emphasized individual responsibility.Results:①limit government spending②keep inflation under control③reduce unemploymentBy the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.3. The Current British Economy⏹1) Primary Industries⏹AgricultureA. Features: small population, high mechanization[ˌmekənaɪ'zeɪʃn]机械化and highefficiency; but can not satisfy its domestic needsB. Chief agricultural products:wheat(小麦),barley [ˈbɑ:li]大麦,sugar beet(甜菜) and potatoes⏹Energy production (5% of national wealth).Main energy resources: coal (Rio Tinto Group力拓集团),oil (Shell 壳牌, British Petroleum and British Gas)⏹ 2) Secondary Industries:P .47⏹ 3) Tertiary Industries: 65% of national wealth1. (P .50)Foreign Trade ---- Lifeline. Britain is both an importer and exporter in the world.2. FinanceThe position of London in the world economyCentral Bank----Bank of EnglandThe Big Four: Lloyds 劳埃德, Barclays 巴克莱银行, Midland 米德兰,the National Westminster Bank Group 国民西敏寺银行3. Currency :Pound Sterling [paund ˈst ə:li ŋ] 英镑Unit 3 Political System1. Political System : Constitutional Monarchy [ ˌk ɔnst ɪˈtu:ʃən əl ˈm ɔn əki ] 君主立宪制What does it mean by Constitutional Monarchy?⏹ The King or Queen reigns [re ɪn]君主统治and is the head of the country, but dose notrule the country. The country is governed, in the name the Sovereign [ ˈs ɒvr ɪn ] 君主, but by His or Her Majesty ’s [ ˈmæd ʒəsti ]陛下government---- a body of ministers who are responsible to Parliament [ ˈp ɑ:ləm ənt ]议会.2. Parliament议会(最高立法机关)、立法 政府、行政部门 司法机关 [ d ʒuˈd ɪʃəri ]上议院 下议院 君主Parliament:⏹The UK is a unitary [ ˈju:nətri ]中央集权country.⏹The British Parliament is often referred to assupreme legislative authority(最高立法机关)of the UK.⏹The Main functions are making laws and supervising(监督)government and finance.⏹The life of Parliament is fixed at five years.Sovereign: Theoretically[ ˌθɪə'retɪklɪ ]理论上, the Queen has all the power. In reality, she does everything on the advice of the Prime Minister.The significance of the Queen? P.32It represents the continuity and adaptability of the whole political system and is a symbol of British unity, an indissoluble [ ˌɪndɪˈsɒljəbl ] (牢不可破的) bond among people who retain many regional and cultural difference.( 它代表了整个政治体系的连续性和适应性,是英国团结的象征,人们保留了许多地区和文化差异的不解之缘。
Religion in the United Kingdom
T he British we re ve ry re ligious be fore the 19th c But things a re diffe re nt now . In Brita in toda y, a la popula tion of pe ople a re not re a lly inte re ste d in r a t a ll. T he succe sse s of m ode rn scie nce a re pa r re sponsible for this, T he prim e e xa m ple be ing th de ve lopm e nt of D a rw in’s fa m ous the ory of e volut T he n, the ge ne ra l im prove m e nt in socia l conditio the va rie ty of m ode rn e nte rta inm e nt ha ve m a de r a ppe a r ra the r irre le va nt. H ow e ve r, de spite the fa the de cline of re ligion, it still ha s m a rke t a m ong British pe ople . And furthe rm ore , othe r non-C hrist re ligions a re a lso popula r in Brita in toda y.
Religion in the United Kingdom
T he E nglish R e ligious R e form a tion
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苏格兰教The Church of Scotland
苏格兰教的管理是长老制,也就是由教士 和长老治理,他们都被授了圣职,1707年 的《统一条约》确定了以苏格兰教的地位 ,1921年的《苏格兰教会法》进一步保证 了其地位。
英格兰教 The Church of England
英格兰教也被称作“安立甘会” The Anglican Church
Governor of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith”——"教会的统
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治者与国教的捍卫者",必须是此教会的一员,君主在登 基时必须承诺维持国教。尽管在大主教和教区主教的选择 上皇室任职委员会起着决定性的作用,但是英格兰国教的 大主教、主教和教堂教长还是由君主根据首相的建议任命
英格兰教 The Church of England
国教的两大主教与其他24个高级主教通过上议院与政府相联系, 两个大主教包括——坎特伯雷(Canterbury)和约克(York)。 坎特伯雷大主教(Archbishop of Canterbury),为全英格兰的首席 主教(The Primate of All England)。
在不列颠诸岛有三个非国教的圣公会:爱尔兰教 会、苏格兰的主教派教会和威尔士教会。 威尔士教会在宗教改革时期成为圣公会的一部分 。1588年摩根主教把《圣经》译为威尔士语。在 18世纪和19世纪时期,一场强劲的不信国教(自由 教会)运动席卷威尔士。
英国的自由教会是新教的一些派别,与英格兰教 会和苏格兰教会不同,他们属于非国教教会。自 从宗教改革以来,一直有多种多样的自由教会存 在,随着岁月流逝他们逐渐发展了自己的传统。 它们的成员被称为不顺从国教者。所有主要的自 由教会都允许男性和女性成为教士。
卫理公会。自由教会中最大的一支,起源于18世纪的约翰· 卫斯理 (1703-91)领导下的福音派复兴。
浸礼会。17世纪浸礼会员会员在英国首先形成组织。如今大多数浸礼 会属于大不列颠浸礼会联盟。苏格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰都有独立的浸 礼会联盟,以及其他独立的浸礼会。 联合改革会。1972年由英格兰和威尔士的公理会与英格兰长老会合并 而成。自从16世纪的宗教改革以来,这是英国两种不同教会的首次联 合。 爱尔兰的长老会、威尔士的长老会(加尔文卫理公会)和威尔士独立者 联合会。
英格兰和威尔士的罗马天主教会的正式组织在宗教改革后 一度消亡,但于1850年恢复。 大不列颠现在有七个由大主教领导的罗马天主教省,以及 由主教领导的30个主教区(英格兰和威尔士有22个教区, 苏格兰有8个,各自独立向教皇负责)。还有约3300个教区 和约7300位教士(只有男性能成为教士)。
路德宗 (德国)
加尔文宗 (瑞士)
英国的 宗教
国教 教会
英格兰 教 苏格兰 教 英国圣 公会
非国教 教会
自由教 会
罗马天 主教会
英国有两大国教,即国家法律上承 认的官方教会:在英格兰是英格兰 国教,在苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长 老教)