从经验功能和语篇功能角度分析广告语“Because you are worth it”




试论“Itisobviousthat…”句型语义结构摘要:it is obvious that…是英语中最常用的一种强调句型。


本文着重从功能、交际二个方面来探讨it is obvious…that句型的语义结构,其目的是为了帮助我们认识这个结构的性质和它所隐含的不同意义。



其结构形式为:“it+be+强调部分+that(who, whom, which)+其他部分”。

本文着重从功能、交际二个方面来探讨it is obvious that….句型的语义结构,从而指导人们准确运用强调句型,提高人们的语言应用能力。

2.功能语义结构不同的理论对it is obvious that…句型的语义结构具有不同的理解和认识。




本文着重从经验、人际和语篇这三个纯理功能来分析it is obvious that…句型的语义结构。





(1) it was mary who broke the glasses.(2) it was obvious that she was not going home.(3) it seemed unusual that the house was empty.在例(1)一句中,it…who broke the glasses是被认同者,而mary则是认同者,was是过程。



h w o i v S . I m e s , 3 . r n c t ri g o t n e t ’ J s y 1 I u a a e n
语 气 ( o d)和 情 态 ( o a i )是 体 现 人 际 功 能 b sn s. Ic o o m k e p e h p y (n y e f a mo mdlt Y u i e s o k t a e p o l a p a dm s l
31 . 人称 代词体现 的人际功能 广 告如果 以普通消 费者的 口吻来 做会更加 贴近 生活 :
I co f o a ong i o p opl me r m l 1 ne f e e who do t no n’ k w
2 人 际 功 能 的 体 现 方 式 .
涉 及 到受 话 者执 行 某 一行 为 的职 责 和 义务 ,在 ‘ 供 ’ 提
中 ,涉 及 到 发 话 者 对 某 一 行 为 的 “ 向 ” i c i a i n 倾 (n l n t o )
s u f t 0 . of l 6 o 4 0
第一 人称代 词 “ I”指 代 的 并 非 公 司 , 而 是 购 买 服 务
山东 省 农 业 管理 干 部 学 院学 报
2 1 短 01
第 2 卷 第 2 8 期
王 璐
( 内蒙古大学外 国语学院 ,内蒙古呼和浩特 0 0 0 1 7) 0
摘要:广告语 言越 来越 多地 引起 了学者们 的关注,其 中大部分 的研究是从语 言特征和社会功 能的角度入手 的,然 而专门探讨 广告语篇 的人 际意 义的研究 少之又少 人际功能是 韩礼德 三大纯理 功能的重要组 成成分之 一,而且近 几年对其的研究发展非常迅速。本文主要 从人 称,语 气和情 态来讨论 广告语篇 中人 际功 能的实现 。



摘要: 留学生作业广告,作为商界一种首选的商品推介和信息传播模式已渗透到人们生活的各个方面。













英国系统功能语言学派的创始人,语言学大师M. A. K. Halliday (韩礼德)在他的系统功能语法中指出:语言系统中有三个表示功能意义的纯理功能(metafunction),即人际功能( interpersonal function)、经验功能(experiential function)、和语篇功能(textual function)。





述 现 实 l 界 和 内 , t 的 经 验 会 反 映 出 人 们 有 意 识 i t tl 界 Li
从 语 篇 的 角 度 来 看 , 什 的 讲 话 是 一 篇 政 治 性 布
语 篇 。 政 治 性 语 篇 一 直 都 是 批 评 语 言 学 家 们 关 注 的
重 点 。 批 评 性 语 篇 分 析 ( A) 用 语 言 理 论 , 系 CD 使 联
采取先 发制 人 的行 动势 在必 行 。
“ 功 能 语 言 学 角 度 看 , 何 选 择 都 是 有 意 义 从 任
的 。 ‘ 择 就 是 意 义 ’ C oc s me nn ) 一 条 可 选 ( h ie i a ig 是 以 广 泛 应 用 的 原 则 ” 。 人 们 选 择 以 如 何 的 词 语 表
韩 礼 德 的 功 能 语 法 的 基 本 理 念 是 “ 能 ” 他 功 。 认 为语 言主要 有 三种 功 能 , 为元 功能 或纯理 功能 : 称
表 示 人 类 经 验 过 程 的 功 能 ( x ein ilMcau e E p r ta tfn . e
等 , 不 同 的 词 语 指 代 同 一 个 实 体 ( v r odn ), 用 o ew rig 反
[ 图分类 号 】I0. [ 中 164 文献 标识 码 ]A [ 文章 编 号 】17 — 1 (0 6 0 -040 6 28 0 2 0 )60 6 -3 6
如 想 法 (h u hs 、 念 ( eif )和 感 受 (e l g ) to g t ) 信 bl s e fei s n 等 。 从 纯 理 功 能 的 角 度 来 看 , 言 用 来 表 达 现 实 世 语
语 考馆 l 葩


面所 起 的重要作 用 。

Hal a ld y的 三 大 纯 理 功 能 i
M. K.Hal a A. ld y在 他 的 建 构 系 统 功 能 语 法 中 , i
认 为 语 言 有 三 大 纯 理 功 能 , : 念 功 能 (d ain l 即 概 iet a o fn t n 、 际 功 能 (nep ro a u cin 和 语 篇 功 u ci ) 人 o itresn lfn t ) o 能 (e ta fn t n ( al a ) L 而 后 T o sn 在 tx l u c o ) H l d y 。 u i i 3 hmp o
例 1 Web n od tig f.一 G n rl lc : r ggo hn st le i oi e ea E e .
形 的 财 富 。2本 文 就 从 广 告 口号 着 手 ,筛 选 了 一 些 经 典 的 广 告 口 号 , 用 Hal a 运 ld y的 三 大 纯 理 功 能 进 i 行 分 析 ,进 而 归 纳 出 这 些 广 告 口 号 的 特 点 ,点 明 其 经 典 之 处 ,以 及 它 们 在 宣 传 产 品 和 树 立 企 业 形 象 方
中图分类 号 : 00 H 3
文献标志码 : A
文章编号 :6 1 94 (09 X 3 14 4 17 — 1X 20 ) 0 —02 —0
随 着 市 场 经 济 的 发 展 ,广 告 在 市 场 产 品 竞 争 中 起 着 越 来 越 重 要 的 作 用 。一 则 好 的 广 告 能 够 建 立 良 好 的 公 司形 象 和 产 品形 象 ,敦 促 消 费 者 采 取 行 动 购 买 产 品 。因 此 写 好 广 告 文 案 就 显 得 非 常 重 要 。 英 语 广 告 文 案 由 四个 部 分 构 成 :标 题 ( a l e ,副 标 题 He di ) n


文化背景差异:不同文化背景下,人们对双关语的理解和接受程度可能 不同,导致翻译后的双关语在目标语言中失去意义或效果。
语境限制:双关语往往依赖于特定的语境,而在翻译过程中,很难完全 保留原有的语境信息,导致双关语的翻译效果受限。
语言风格差异:不同语言的表达风格和修辞手法存在差异,可能影响双 关语的翻译效果,使其难以达到功能对等。
从功能对等角度浅析英 语广告中双关语的运用 和翻译策略
XX,a click to unlimited possibilities
01 功 能 对 等 理 论 概 述 03 功 能 对 等 理 论 在 双
05 提 高 双 关 语 翻 译 质 量的建议
02 英 语 广 告 中 双 关 语 的运用
注重与同行交流和 合作,互相学习和 借鉴,共同提高翻 译水平和质量。
注释法:在译文中 对原文中的双关语 进行注释,解释其 含义和文化背景, 以帮助读者更好地 理解原文
意译法:根据原文的意思,用符合目标语表达习惯的词汇和句式进行翻 译,保留原文的意境和隐含意义,同时传达原文的文化内涵。
直译法:保留原文的语言形式和文化意象,直接翻译原文的语义和表达 方式,同时注意保持原文的修辞效果和语言风格。
引起受众注意:双关语因其独特性,能够吸引受众的注意力,提高广告 的曝光率。
传递多重信息:双关语可以在一个词或短语中表达多重意义,传递更多 的信息。
提升品牌形象:双关语的使用可以让广告更富有创意和文化内涵,提升 品牌的形象和价值。

Analysis of advertisement discourse cohesion problem分析广告语的语篇衔接问题

Analysis of advertisement discourse cohesion problem分析广告语的语篇衔接问题

[摘要] 英国论文写作目的系统功能语法用于语篇分析已成传统。














一般认为韩礼德和哈桑(Halliday&Hasan, 1976)的《Cohe-sion in En沙sh》是衔接理论创立的标志。







从经验功能和语篇功能角度分析广告语“Because you are worth it”

从经验功能和语篇功能角度分析广告语“Because you are worth it”
I h e A  ̄3 C C s 1 [ c c e s s f u i
复合体所充当的角色。因此 , 连 词就形 成 了一个信 息分 割点。然而 , 因为 连词必须首先出现 , 导 致他 们不 能够 充分 地承担 起充 当小 句的 主位 的作 用, 所 以 说 话 者 仍 然 可 另 选 小 句 的成 分 作 为 主 要 的 主 位 ( H a l l i d a y a n d Ma t - t h i e s s e n , 2 0 0 4: 8 3 ) 。所 以该 广 告 词 的 主 述 结 构 分 析 如 下
{l l j c ¨ n E 、
根据 O x f o r d A d v a n c e d L e a ne r r ’ S E “ g l i s h—C h i n e s e D i c t i o n a r y( 牛津 高 阶 英汉双解词典 ) 的解 释 , b e c a u s e一 词 是 一 个 连 词 , 其 表达 的意思是 - - . . t h e r e a s o nf o r . . . ( ……的原因是……) :
一、Leabharlann 是 识 别 一 个 实 体 与 另 一个 实体 的 关 系过 程 。两 个 参 与 者 是 “ 被 认同者 ” ( i - d e n t i f i e d ) 及“ 认 同 者 ”( i d e n t i i f e r ) 。 通 过 分 析 这 一 过 程 的 两 个 参 与 者 在 小 句 中 的位 置 是 否 可 以互 换 这 一 方 法 可 以 判 断 这 两 类 不 同 的 关 系过 程 : 如 果 作 为 连 词 连 接 前 面 的 主 句 及 其 后 的 原 因状 语 从 句 从 而 阐 述 该 小 句 在 小 句 位 置 可 以互 换 , 那么该过程是认同型 , 否 则 为修 饰 型 。 由 以上 分 析 可 得 知 以 上 例 句 属 于修 饰 型 :

广告 句子赏析英文作文

广告 句子赏析英文作文


文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Advertisements are everywhere. They try to catch our attention with bright colors and catchy slogans. It's like they're shouting at us, "Look at me!" Some ads are really funny and make us laugh. But sometimes they can be a bit annoying, popping up when we least expect it.Advertising can be really creative. They come up withall sorts of crazy ideas to get us interested. It's amazing how they can make a product seem so great. And the music in ads can be really catchy too. You might find yourself humming it all day.Then there are those ads that are super emotional. They make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. They try toconnect with our feelings and make us relate to the product. It's kind of like they're playing with our hearts. But hey, it works sometimes.You know what I don't like about ads? When they're toorepetitive. Seeing the same ad over and over again can drive you crazy. And sometimes they're not even that interesting. But I guess that's how they get the message across.。


“ 识 形 态 ” Ielg ) 批 评 性 语 篇 分 析 的核 意 ( ooy 是 d
力和信任 度 , 而购买该产品 。 从 通过对广告语的研 究, 发现在各 种不同的广告 语 当中设 计者通常都预 设 了不 同的社会 关 系, 预
设 了 交 际 各 方 的 权 力 关 系 , 这 些 权 力 关 系 中体 现 各 自的 意识 形 态 , 从 而这 也 正 是批 评 性 语 篇 分 析 的 精 髓 。 关 键 词 : 告 语 ; 服 力 ; 评 性 语 篇 分 析 ; 识 形 态 广 说 批 意
分析 的发展 蓬勃 ,批 评语 言学家 不断 丰 富批 评 性语
篇分 析 的理 论 。V nDj 出 :批 评性 语 篇分 析 主 a i k指 “ 要研 究和分 析书 面文本 以及 口头词句 , 旨在揭 示其 潜在 的话 语权 、 治权 、 公平 以及 偏 见 , 统 不 并挖 掘这
说 服 顾 客购 买产 品或 服务 的 目的 , 部分 广 告 甚 至 给 顾 客传 递 了一些 并非 出于商家 本意 的错误 信 息 。正 因为 这些 不 当 的广 告 , 导致 企 业 形 象受 损 的事 情 时
言学 主要运 用功 能语 言学家 Ha ia 出的功 能语 ld y提 l 法对 语篇 的语 言特征 进行 分析 [。 随着 批评 性 语篇 1 ]
广 告 如此 重 要 .商 家 自然投 入 大 量 的人 力 、 物
力 、 力在 产 品 的 广告 上 , 而 , 多广 告 并 未达 到 财 然 很
广 告 的作 用 在现 代生 活 中 日渐 彰显 。消 费者 可
以从 广告 中获得 产 品的信 息 , 可 以通 过 广 告 放松 也
自我 。广告 已经 成为 商家 推广产 品、 挖掘 潜在 客户 、









韩礼德在an introduction to functional grammar(2000)一书中明确指出,他建构功能语法的目的是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架,这个框架可用来分析英语中任何口头语篇或书面语篇。














弗斯(ih的语境 思想。马林洛夫斯基最早提 出文化语 境与 Ft r)
情 景语 境的概念 , 而情景语境对于 正确理解话语的意思是必 不可少的 ; 弗斯进一步丰富 了语境理论 , 把语境概念概括为

广告 英语 与语 域分 析
丛于系 统功能语法 中的语域 三要素以及语 言 一大无功 能, 笔者将探讨语域如何在广告英语语 篇中得 到实现。 一 。吏
作蓬勃 发展 , 英文 广告 配合 国际营销需求 ,引领潮流 ,因此

直 为广大语言 研究者所关注 。 前对英文 广告语篇的研究 I I
可谓 百花齐放 , 理论 角度主 要体现在心理学、文化差异 、关 联 理论、顺应理论和文体 学等等。 以 韩礼 德( A. M. K.H Udy为代 表人物 的系统功能 语 a ia )
指参与讲话者之间的角色关系 , 包括他们的社会 地位以及说 话者的态度和想要实施的意图等。语式 : 指语言的交 际渠道 以及语言所要达到 的功能 , 包括修辞方式 , 可分为书面语和
口语体 、正式语体和 非正 式语体等 。
( )语 域 三 变 量 与语 言三 大元 功 能 二
的交流媒介 。 随着 中国社会 国际化进程不断加快 , 球间合 全
韩礼德 系统功 能语法认 为语 篇的概念 功能是 由小句 的 及物性和语态来体现 的, 篇的人 际功能是 由语气、情态和 语

语域理 论 概述
语调三个语义 系统来体现 的,而语篇功能则是 由主位系统 、
信息结构和衔接来体现 的 。 J
韩礼德 的语 域理论继承 了马林洛 夫斯基( l o si Man w k) i 和
言发 生的环境 、谈话 的话题 以及讲话者 的整个活动 。语 旨:



当 今 学 术研 究 中 , 不 仅 广 泛 运 用 于 批 评 语 言 学 的 新 闻 语 篇 程 ;存 在 过 程表 示 某物 存 在 或 发 生 的过程 。 话 语 分 析 中 ,而 且 对 童 话 故 事 、 戏 剧 戏 曲等 体 裁 的话 语 分 析 也 有 很 大 的 普 适 性 。本 文 即 尝 试 从 语 言 功 能 角 度 出发 , 三 、歌 词 语篇 分 析 歌 词 是 一 种 特 殊 的 文 体 类 型 , 它 以 演 唱 的 形 式 供 受
关 键 词 :语 言功 能 新视 角 及物性 语 篇 分析

引 言
过 程 :心 理 过 程 表 示 “ 觉 ” “ 应 ” “ 知 ”心 理 活 动 感 反 认
语 言 学 为 文 学 批 评 提 供 了 一 种 客 观 分 析 的视 角 ,将 系 的 过程 ; 关 系 过 程 表 示 “ ”和 “ 于 ”关 系 的过 程 , 反 是 属 统 功 能 语 言 学 理 论 应 用 于 语 篇 分 析 , 可 以使 文 本 分 析 的 结 映事物之间处于何种关 系;行为过程指诸如 呼吸、咳嗽、 果 更 加 科 学 可 信 。韩 礼 德 曾经 运 用 系 统 功 能 语 法 理 论 对 小 叹 息 、 做 梦 、 哭 笑 等 生 理 活 动 过 程 , 是 典 型 的人 类 生理 和
篇 元 功 能 三 种 。其 中概 念 功 能包 括 经 验 功 能 和 逻 辑 功 能 。 韩 礼德 把 英 语 语 法 单 位 区 分 为 语 素 、词 、词 组 / 短语 、
经 验 功 能 指 的 是 语 言 对 人 们 在 现 实世 界 中 的 各 种 经 历 的表 小 句 和 小 句 复 合 体 五级 单位 。 胡 壮 麟 在 《 小句 和 复 句 》 一



语 言 是 人 类 交 流 沟 通 的 最 基 本 的工 具 之 一 。
作为从 事英 语教 学 的教 师 , 何提 高英 语 专业 学 生 如
掌握 英 语 口语 表 达 的基 本 技 能 是 我 们 在 教 学 中 一 直思 考 的问题 。大 量 的语 料 研究 成 果 表 明 , 言 在 语
的教 学方式和途径 , 说明正确使用语言模块 对英语 口语教 学具有促进作 用。
关键 词 : 言 的元 功 能 ; 言 模 块 ;口语 教 学 ; 语 语 中 图分 类 号 : 1 H3 9 文献标识码 : A 文章 编 号 : 64 0 8 (0 9 5 0 7 - 3 17 — 822 0 ) - 0 3 0 0
认为 ,语言模块是语言学习的中心任务 , “ 这些语言 模 块在 语 言使用 、 化过 程 中起着 关 键作用 。” 演
对 儿童语 言 的研究 表 明 , 童对 语 言 的学 习首 儿 先 是从 语 言模块 开 始 的 。在熟 悉 的语 言环境 中使 用
人 类 大脑 中不仅 仅是 以单 个 单词 的形式 存在 着 , 更 多 的是 由多 个单 一词 汇构 成 的 ,同时具 有 词 汇和语 法 功能 的语 言模块 形式 。本 文通 过对 此类 复合 语 言 构 成模 式功 能 的分析 ,结合 笔者 在 教学 实 践 中的 观 察 , 出利 用语 言模 块来 提 高学 生 的 口语表 达 能力 提
第2 3卷第 5期
20 0 9年 1 0月
山西大 同大学学报 ( 社会科学版 )
J un l f h n i a n nvri ( o i c n e o r a o a x D t gU ies y S c l i c ) S o t aS e



分 为三 部 分 : 第二 段 至 第 四 段 为 第 一 部 分 , 绍 战 争 袭 击前 的 日 介 本欺 骗 行 为 ; 第五 段 至 第 十 二 段 为 第 二部 分 , 绍 日本对 整 个 太 介
平 洋 区域 发 动 袭 击 以 及对 美 国造 成 的 巨大 危 害 :第 十 三 段 至第

曰美 利 坚 合 众 国遭 到 日本帝 国海 空 的 突 袭事 件 后 , 14 年 1 于 91 2 月 8目在 国 会 愤然 发 表 了这 篇 演 说 ,至 此 ,太平 洋战 争 全 面 爆
发 。 为 美 国著 名 的政 治 家 和 杰 出 的 外交 家 , 斯 福 为 美 国 的政 作 罗 治和 外 交 注 入 了生 机 、激 情 与 智 慧 。 他 的 演 说 也 备受 世人 的 关
二 、 篇 分 析 语
i 经 验功 能 、
我们 把 罗 斯 福 的 讲 话 按 演 说 辞 的 结 构 特 点 分 为 三 个 部 分 . 第一 部 分 为 第 一段 , 开 头 部 分 , 明 事 情 的 起 因 。 第三 部 分 为 即 说 最 后 一段 , 结尾 , 明他 发 表这 篇 演 讲 的 目的 。 中 间 各段 为第 即 说
十 八 段为 第 三 部 分 , 明对 日战 争 的 决心 和 保 证 。 说 辞 各 部分 说 演 的 过程 类 型 的 分 布情 况 如 下 表 :
物 质过 程 心 理过 过 程
其它 人 交 往 , 语 言 来建 立和 保 持 人 际 关 系 , 语 言 来 影 响 别人 用 用
1理 论 、
系 统 功 能 语 法 的 创 始 人 Haia 在 A nr d c o 0 u v d n I t u t n t o i


台有一则公 益广告 : 纤小 , 并不意味着怯懦 : 离开 , 并
与人 的 认 知 能 力 息 息 相 关 本 文 基 于认 知 语 言 学 理 论. 探 究 和 解释 广 告语 的语 篇 连 贯 性 。 关键词 : 语 篇 连 贯 认 知 广告 语 篇
新 的 土壤 , 新的机遇 . 新 的开 始 。 这 个 广 告 是 当今 社 会 最 常 见 的 信 息 . 它 们 以 各 种 方 式 不 意 味 着 放 弃 ; 充 斥 在 人 们 的 日常 生 活 中 。 广 告 往 往 采 用 能 够 吸 引 人 广 告 的镜 头 是 蒲公 英 的 种子 撑 着 小伞 离 开母 体 .寻 找 眼球 的 特殊 文 体 和各 种 修 辞 手 段 . 这些 特殊 手 段 的 应 新 的 土壤 . 并 营造 出新 的 绿 色 这 里 用 “ 纤小” 的蒲 公 用 对 广 告 语 篇 的连 贯 性 研 究 提 供 了强 大 的素 材 英可以“ 离开” 母体 . 找 寻 新 的土 地 扎根 生 存 . 让 人 们 领 语篇是完全不受句子语法约束 的. 但 在 特 定 的 语 悟 到 “ 纤小 ” 力 弱 的 下 岗工 人 虽 然 “ 离开” . 一 样 可 以 得 境 中能 表 达 完 整 语 义 的 自然 语 言 单 位 。 作 为 语 篇 分 析 到 让 自己生 存 和发 展 的 机会 借 助蒲 公 英离 开 母 体 这

王聪 会 韩 戈玲
( 上 海理 工大 学)

要: 广告业蓬勃发展 。 对 广 告 语 篇 的 深 层 解 读 也 是 设 计 现 代 , 环 境优 雅 . 地处繁华地段 , 让 人 们 想 到 虽 引起 了语 言 学 家 的 关 注 语 篇 连 贯 是 语 篇 分 析 中最基 住 在 中 原 河 南 .却 像 住 在 纽 约 那 样 的 国 际 大 都 市 一




受布拉格学派影响,韩礼德提出并完善了系统功能语法的三个元功能:概念功能( ideational function )、人际功能(interpersonal function )和篇章功能(textualfunction)。







AbstractEngl ish advertising Discourse analysis arose in the 1980 and has a history of more than 30 years, is more of a linguistic perspective, such as rhetorical and syntactic features, or a study of interpersonal meaning in systemic functional grammar. In influence of the Prague School, Halliday proposed and perfected three meta-functions of systemic functionalGramm ar: ideational function, interpersonalfunction (interpersonal function), textual function (textual function). Sin ce 21st century, Chinese scholars have studied the advertising discourse of tourism, real estate and apparel on the basis of systemic functional grammar, but the research on the language of perfume advertising is still lacking. This paper from the television, magazines, networks and other media to collect recent years of well-known perfume brand advertising language, based on the functional grammar of the three meta function theory to make discourse analysis, to find out the linguistic perspective of how advertising works, And how the business is through the use of advertising to stimulate consumer purchase purposes. Accordingto the study in this thesis, some major findings are got that:(1) In order to achieve the interpersonal functions of language, the second person pronouns "you" appear frequently and both the first person pronoun and the third pronoun are used. The imperative mood and the interrogative mood of the consumer to create a discussion atmosphere, which will let consumers relax and achieve the purposes of communication. (2) In textual meta-function, for thematic progression, the pattern of thematic progression in perfume advertisements emphasizes themes. Then the derived theme pattern is used for the most time, which is used to organize the full text at the same time as a constant topic. (3) For the ideational function, the material process dominates everything, and then the relationship and existentialprocess, which is the perfume advertising discourse in the realization of the three major processes. In addition, the existence process also appears, but the use of speech process and behavioral process is little. For voice, the use of active voice is in line with people's speaking habits, which is conducive to strengthening communication. Generally speaking, the passive voice is used to emphasize the material and design of the products.关键词:系统功能语法,元功能,香水广告语篇Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research backgroundIn the modern world, everyone is greatly influenced by advertising. As a tool of introduction and sale of goods, advertising has become a necessary means of commodity economy in today's society. The function of the language features has also become more and more important. Most of the space in magazines is given to advertisements. No matter in highway billboards, streamers, window shows, floor and counter displays, transport decorations, advertisements are seen. Actually almost in all usable spaces, advertising is employed to put, attracting people's eyes. Since so widely used of advertisement, the English advertising attracts many researchers' attention and worth investigating. With the development of the economy and society, people attached importance to their own appearance, so the perfume has become an indispensable part of our life.On the other hand, The present study provides a good explanation for many goods in advertisings, such as cosmetics,job, clothes, real estate and video, but there are not any references about perfume advertising language in Systemic-Functional Grammar. Perfume is very useful in our life and advertising plays an important role, so it is imperative to study perfume advertising language.1.2 Research questionsThe thesis mainly based on Halliday’s three meta-functions of language, it focus on English perfume advertisings language. System functional grammar is considered to be quite theoretical and practical. The three metafunctions in this system's functional grammar are extremely abstract and can be easily used to analyze languages. Halliday's systemic functional grammar is the most influential, which aims to provide the basis of theoretical discourse analysis. The paper provides some examples to prove that Halliday's SFG play a role in the English advertising discourse. The analysis of English advertising is actually very effective. In addition, I hope to draw some conclusions that language can help you write ads in the future from the advertising discourse analysis. Hopefully, it will give answers to the following questions:1. How is the interpersonal meta-function realized in perfume advertising language by the transitivity and voice?2. How is ideational meta-function realized in perfume advertising language by the mood, modality and person pronoun system?3. How is textual meta-function realized in perfume advertising language by the thematic system?1.3 Research significanceThis thesis will use the qualitative analysis to study the perfume advertisings and will be based on Systemic-Functional Grammar. The materials will be searched from the internet about the perfume official web or TV. The analysis process will include, firstly, classifying different types of perfume advertisings; secondly, distinguish different advertisings; thirdly, combine three meta-functions to analyze different perfume advertisings. The main significance of the paper is to help the advertisers know about the perfume advertising language, which attracts customers andstimulate the purchase desire. For advertisers, they need to create attractive ads to increase sales volume, which makes the analysis of the advertising language particularly important for them. In order to stimulate the desire of customers, it is necessary to analyze the Halliday’s three meta-functions of language influence on the advertising language. The thesis provides a new perspective for studying perfume advertising language, and the research will build up the ability to use language.1.4 Organization of ThesisThis thesis can be divided into five parts.Chapter one gives an introduction to research background of this study as well asthe significance of the research. Also, there are some research questions proposed. At last, it provides the organization of thesis. Chapter two gives previous studies on system-functional grammar and advertising discourses at home and abroad. As the main theoretical framework of this paper, the three meta-functions will be given statement from previous studies. Chapter three is the theoretical framework, which would be applied in this thesis. Interpersonal function will be introduced respectively from mood system, modality and person pronoun system. Ideational meta-function will be introduced from transitivity and voice. Textual meta-function will be introduced from thematic system. Chapter four is the body part of this thesis. It analyses the perfume advertising discourses from the perspective of three functions, following the framework in the previous chapter. Respectively, from the theory of transitivity system, voice system, mood system, modality system, and person pronoun system, and case study are given to analyze the realization of interpersonal, ideational and textual function in advertising discourses. Chapter five draws a conclusion,summarizing major findings and limitations in the thesis, and throw out suggestions for future studies in this field.Chapter 2 Literature reviewThis part will give a brief review of the previous achievements in advertisements and previous researches related to Systemic-Functional Grammar studies abroad and in China.2.1 study of Systemic-Functional Grammar from home and broad2.1.1 Studies Abroad about Systemic-Functional GrammarFrom the 1950s to the mid-1960s, Halliday explored and developed systematic grammar theory. In foreign countries, systematic grammar theory is developing rapidly, the team of research and practice is growing. Brasseur F (1977) proposes an information on the semiological approach to language starting from the systemic perspective (later to be said structuralist) which has been introduced by the Saussure. From 1970s, being studying on Systemic-Functional Grammar, some scholars began to focus on cognition and language. Other scholars are focus on the field of translation, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh (2012) published The Analysis of English-Persian Legal Translations Based on Systemic Functional Grammar Approach, indicating the theory provides an appropriate criteria and scale for evaluating the accuracy of the legal documents translation. Ahereh Jafarian(2015) investigates Familiarity of Iranian ESP Teachers and ESP Course Learners with Academic Rhetoric within a Systemic Functional Grammar based on their educational Level, Age and Gender. It is clearly indicate that the study of translation and education has applied for the theory in the recent years. These researches give a solid foundation on the systematic grammar theory.2.1.2 Studies in China about Systemic-Functional GrammarComparatively speaking, the domestic Systemic-Functional Grammar on started lately, but it has begun to arouse the attention of the linguistic circles from 1980s. With thedevelopment of advertisings industry, some scholars begin to analyze advertisings on Systemic-Functional Grammar. Wu (2001) wrote the essay about English advertisings on Systemic-Functional Grammar, and this paper expounds that the field of discourse, tenor of discourse and mode of discourse have great influence on the characteristics of advertising English texts. According to Yang(2006), she applied the systemic-Functional Grammar for the public advertisings, It is found that public welfare advertisers skillfully use various vocabulary and grammatical means to manipulate the interaction and consultation between readers. The scholars have taken the research about advertisings on Systemic-Functional Grammar in the recent years, such as job advertisements, clothes advertisements, real estate ads and video ads. 2.2 Studies of English advertising language from home and abroadWith the rapid development of advertising industry, many scholars abroad and at home pay more and more attention on the English advertising language. They used different approach to study the English advertising language, such as stylistic approach, pragmatic approach, communicative approach, semiotic approach and Systemic-Functional Grammar approach. Pandya(1977) found that the use of mood can shorten the distance between advertisers and customers, different moods can produce different meanings. He makes a great contribution to the application of the Systemic-Functional Grammar on English advertising language. In china, after the development of the Systemic-Functional Grammar, many linguistic scholars begin to analyze the English advertising language from the perspective.Chapter 3 Theoretical FrameworkThe thesis analyzes English perfume advertising discourse from the perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar, namely, ideational meta-function, interpersonal meta-function and textual meta-function.3.1 Ideational meta-functionBloor and Bloor M. (1995)argue that, When people speak, language isemployed to talk about what goeson around them and inside them, from describing the events, narrating the states to concerning the entities involved. In the beginning, ideational meta-function is involved two components: experiential function and logical function. But later, both of them are gathered together by Halliday (1994) and named as ideational meta-function. The thesis pays attention to the former function. Under that circumstance, it deals with the relationship between humans and experiential world.3.1.1 TransitivityTransitivity is an important perspective to analyze some sentences. It is the subsystem of ideational meta-function, and serves the function of describing what goes around people and inside them, which can be fulfilled by its six types of processes, that is, material, relational, mental, behavioral, verbal and existential processes. The material process is concerned with the actions: doing, playing, beating, catching, running, and so on. In the process, there involved two members: Act and Goal. The actor plays some physical actions to the object, and then the relationship realizes the material process. The material process can transfer information to the readers.Yang (2001) argued that, the relational process is the process of being and it falls into two types: attributive and identifying. This process is used to represent a relationship between two separate entities, namely, something is said to be something else or to be of some quality. In order to demonstrate that kind of relationship, such verbs as "be" or "have" are used. For example, Susan is beautiful. That is a relational process, and speaking simply, the relationship belongs to attributive with the use of "is". But in this sentence "Susan is the teacher", the relationship of which is identifying, because "the teacher" is Susan's status, "is" isidentifying. Besides, "have" can also be used to express the attributive relationship. "Susan has long hair." in this sentence, "has" describes Susan's characteristic.The behavioral process is between mental process and material process. It is close to mental process but reflects an active conscious process, like looking, listening, staring, laughing, crying and so on. The basic components of the process framework are behaver and process. The difference between mental process and behavioral process is that the former pays attention to the result of action while the latter is to describe the behavior of the actor. See the two verbs "listen" and "hear". "Listen" is behavioral while "hear" is mental.The verbal process expresses the process of saying, which is between the material process and mental process, but close to the former one. The basic elements of the process are Sayer, Receiver, Verbiage and process. Such verbs as say, tell speak, talk, explain are always used in this kind of process. The existential process just conveys the meaning of the existence of an entity. The commonly appearing words are there and here. Only one participant exists in such grammatical structures, called the existent. For example, there is an apple on the table.The mental process is concerned as two basic components, Sensor and Phenomenon, which is the process of sensing, such as feeling, imagining, loving, knowing can be represented.3.1.2 VoiceVoice system is another subsystem within ideational meta-function. Traditional grammar shows that voice system is concerned with the subject and predicate. And other parts of the sentence can also impact the type of voice. As is known, considering the classification of the giver or the receiver ofact,voice can be divided into active voice and passive voice, and the choice of subj ec t can make the actor in active voice or in passive voice.3.2 Interpersonal Meta-functionWhen people communicate with others, language will serve as a medium to build and keep relationships with individual members and even to impact their emotions, behavior and life.3.2.1 Mood systemWhen talking about mood system, Halliday(2008:110)pointed out that in a proposition, information is exchanged through language, and the language could be argued about “something that can be affirmed or denied, and also doubted, contradicted, insisted on, accepted with reservation, qualified, tempered, reverted and so on."Mood system expresses the speaker's or writer's attitude to what is said or written. The semantic function is to carry the burden of the clause as an interactive event. Mood system is realized by mood elements. The mood element consists of two parts: the subject and the finite operator, which decide which mood will be used. The subject is the entity which is often responsible for the activity in a clause. Subject is the noun or pronoun which in person and concords with the verbs. It is a nominal group in most cases, often appearing as personal pronouns or nominal compoundsat the first place and replaced by personal pronouns. The subject is not equal to the actor, although the two overlap each other every now and then. Therefore, identifying the subject doesn't depend on its position, but rely on the function. Halliday (2008:111) explain that the finite element is “one of a small number of verbal operators expressing tense (e.g. is, has) or modality (e.g. can, must).” Finite element makes it possible to negotiate about the validity of an activity and enables something to be argued about. It played a role by means of two references: the time of speaking and the judgment of the speaker.3.2.2 Modality systemHu (2002) point out the term can be categorized into modalization and modulation, namely, probability, usually, obligation and inclination. Firstly, modality expresses how valid the information that people provided. In this process, probability (likelihood) and usuality (frequency) are involved. The former can be expressed by the words probably, possible, may, and so on. The latter will be expressed with the use of sometimes, always, often, and so on. On the other hand, when people express the confidence of something related to goods and service, the modality is also used. When people order or command, the use of some modal operators is obligational, such as should, must, and so on. When offer goods and services, the degree of inclination should be represented by using will, would, may, and so on. 3.2.3 Person Pronouns SystemIn his masterpiece An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Halliday (2009) refers to mood system and modality as the two main ways of realizing interpersonal function of language. And his studies about person pronouns are more linked with cohesion theory as one of its important research branch. However, many other scholars and researchers hold that studies on functions of person pronouns are closely linked with their interpersonal function and the realization of interpersonal function in a discourse could rely on person pronouns to some extent. Linguist Carter, R.A (1987) pointed out that the reference of personal pronouns in discourse “Can” tell us how the author treats the characters in the discourse andthey can establish a certain relationship between the author and the reader. Personal pron ouns are made up of three parts: the first person, the second person and the third pronoun. Grammatically speaking, the first person pronoun refers to the speaker or writer, the second person pronounma inly refers to the listener, and the third person refers to the other person i nvolved in the communicative activity, and they are usually not showing their presence around. The First Person PronounsIn advertising English, the first person pronouns are often applied to refer to the entity of advertising instead of the name of company or its products, and sometimes they are also used to include the audience. Pronouns “I” and “me” and their corresponding forms “me”, “my” and “mine”. “our”, “ours” and “us”are often used expecting consumers to feel intimate. The Second Person PronounsComparing to the first person pronouns, the second person pronouns are mainly applied when refer to the listeners or the potential consumers. Pronoun “you” is important for pulling the audience of the advertisement into the its scene and creating an intimate relationship with products. The advertiser wants to found an intimate relationship with the audience through intimate address. The Third Person PronounsIn some cases, in order to strengthen humanity and kindness, the third person is ordinary people who give suggestion to the audience to use this product or service. Sometimes advertisers try to show the objectivity of their advertisements by transferring information through the third person pronouns or the third party. The person or party they choose generally enjoys public trust and influence and says high of the products or service.3.3 Textual Meta-functionWhen we interact with people, talking with them about something or getting something done, playing ideational and interpersonal meta-functions, we constructthe message in a way that allows it to fit smoothly and fluently into the speech or text. It is known as the textual meta-function.In the opinion of Halliday (2000), three subsystems are involved in the textual meta-function: thematic system, information system and cohesion system. This current research only focuses on the thematic system. In terms of it, the center of analysis is thematic structure and thematic progression. In terms of Thematic Progression patterns, Zhu(1995) believes that it falls into four types: constant theme pattern, linear theme pattern, split theme pattern, and derived theme pattern. Each theme pattern will be shown by the following figures one by one.The Constant Theme Pattern means that each clause shares the same theme. Clause 1: Theme 1 Rheme 1 Clause 2: Theme 1 Rheme 2 Clause 3: Theme 1 Rheme 3Figure 3.1 The Constant Theme PatternWhen the theme becomes the theme of subsequent clause, this circumstance belongs to Linear Theme Pattern.Clause 1:Theme 1+Rheme 1 Clause 2: Theme 2+Rheme 2 Clause 3: Theme3+Rheme 3Figure 3.2 The Linear Theme PatternDerived Theme Pattern depicts that theme positions are connected in sense not necessarily in form. Chapter four will give Case analysis and discussionThem (Cover Term) Theme1+ Rheme1 Theme2+Rheme2 Theme 3+Rheme3 Figure 3.3 The Derived Theme PatternChapter 4 Analysis of English perfume advertisement with three meta-functions4.1 Analysis of English Perfume language from the perspective of ideational meta-functionAs we all know, the ideational meta-function is decomposed into two subsystems, namely: transitivity and voice. The discourse analysis of English perfume will be analyzed from the point of the above two subsystems.4.1.1 Case Study of transitivityTransitivity is the most important concept in ideational meta-function. The transitivity system includes six processes, that is, the material process and the psychological process, relational process, behavior process, verbal process and existence process. In the following, a detailed discussion is shown in order to analyze the English perfume advertising discourse. The study analyzes the six different processes within transitivity as an example and the detailed information will be shown. For example: Perfume advertisingLancome TRÉSOR: (1)Love. Romance. Elegance. (2)TRÉSOR is for a woman who understands that time is precious and moments in this fast-paced world are to be treasured. (relational process) (3)Because love is a treasure, and TRÉSOR evokes that feeling of everlasting love, it makes her as radiant and precious as the fragrance she wears. (material process) (4)Share the emotion of everlasting love with Trésor, the fragrance for treasured moments. (5)The elegance of rose, mugent and lilac and the sparkle of peach and apricot blossom are just a few notes that define this luminous fragrance. (relational process) (6)A delicate and light fragrance with a romantic and smooth touch.Perfume advertisingDolce Gabbana: (1) In the sun-kissed top notes, juicy mandarin, bright neroli and airy magnolia express its radiance. (material process) (2)The coconut essence, a unique natural extract of the fruit’s white flesh, accents the creamy freshness of the frangipani blossoming petals. (material process) (3)A silky almond milk accord evokes the traditional sweets of Sicily. (material process) (4)Enriched with vanillaabsolute and sandalwood, it extends the exquisite sensuality of the frangipani note into the dry down. (material process)Perfume advertisingGABRIELLE CHANEL:(1)The GABRIELLE CHANEL fragrance wascrea ted around four points of light from fourwhite flowers: Orange Blossom, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine and Grasse Tuber ose. (material process) (2)Olivier Polge crafted the perfect white flower. (material process) (3)The only flower that could embody the unrestrained femininity of Gabrielle Chanel herself. (material process)Perfume advertisingDior Eau de: (1)The new Miss Dior Eau de Parfum reveals the femininity of a sensual floral. (material process) (2)Its heart is a floral declaration that combines the beauty of Grasse rose with the boldness of Damascus rose, both wrapped in a ribbon of fresh Calabrian bergamot. (relational process) (3)This handcrafted creation is woven with rosewood from French Guiana and pink pepper from Réunion Island for heightened character. (4)A Miss Dior that will leave you lovestruck. (5)I refined the florality of Miss Dior Eau de Parfum to render it sensual and suggestive. (material process) (6)It had to burst like that feeling of falling head over heels. (material process)Perfume advertisingEstée Lauder Pleasures Eau de Parfum Spray: (1)Created in 1995, Estée Lauder Pleasures set the trend for uplifting, airy fragrances and introduced the Sheer Floral fragrance type. (material process) (2)Evelyn Lauder created it to have a sheer, elusive, luminous quality. (material process) (3)It captures the clarity of flowers just after a spring rain. (material process) (4)This wonderful fragrance has been one of best selling fragrances for many years. (relational process) (5)"Whatever the fragrance was to be, I wanted it to have an elusive, textural quality," said Evelyn Lauder. (verbal process) "And we have achieved it with Estée Lauder Pleasures. (6)For the first time, there is a fragrance that unfolds like a flower in the warmth of the sun, surrendering its scent little by little." (existential process)In these perfume language, we can see the material process is most commonly used in all processes. It gives a lot of product information to the consumers, so the purpose of Advertiser is to provide product information to potential consumers to help them express and describe the functions of an entity or action of external world. That is material process. A relationship process is used to represent the relationship between two separate entities, that is, something is something. For example, (1)The elegance of rose, mugent and lilac and the sparkle of peach and apricot blossom are just a few notes that define this luminous fragrance. (2)TRÉSOR is for a woman who understands that time is precious and moments in this fast-paced world are to be treasured. (relational process) (3) Because love is a treasure, and TRÉSOR evokes that feeling of everlasting love, the perfume is described as love, time, which expresses the treasure of this perfume.The existential process only expresses the existence of the entity. Occasionally, when the Advertiser tries to use this way tell the reader some information about the perfume. The existence process can be changed by the material process. For example, when we say we will put perfume on it, we can say that there will be perfume on it. Although two processes can provide information to the reader, the material process seems more vivid and convenient. As for the rest of verbal process, mental process, behavior process, they rarely or simply do not take out in each selected perfume language. Therefore, the paper will not mention their analysis.4.1.2 Case Study of voice。











国际广告协会会长罗杰·尼尔说:“广告是词语的生涯”,美国著名广告人士H ·史戴平斯更直截了当地指出:“文稿是广告的核心。




(Dweck,1991,Dweck et al,1995, Kunda,1987,Wyer,2004)。




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从经验功能和语篇功能角度分析广告语“Because you are worth it”

“Because you are worth it”(你值得拥有——巴黎欧莱雅)是化妆品广告界中广为人知的广告语,历时多年该广告语依然活跃于媒体中,此广告语衍生为流行语并成功推销其产品的原因何在?本文将提供一些研究的理论框架来分析该广告语,即功能语法中的纯理功能,经验功能和语篇功能;通过使用经验功能中的及物性,人际功能中的语气和语篇功能的主、述位分析广告语“Because you are worth it”(你值得拥有——巴黎欧莱雅),简要概括广告语在语言构成上的大致特点。








然而,因为连词必须首先出现,导致他们不能够充分地承担起充当小句的主位的作用,所以说话者仍然可另选小句的成分作为主要的主位(Halliday and Matthiessen,2004:83)。














例如:The 7thAYACC was successful.


载体Carrier(载体)和属性Attribute (属性)分别构成了这类关系的两个参与者。





据以上的分析可推断:“you(你)”是载体,而“worth it(是值得的)”是属性,即:“你”承载了“值得的”这一属性。



在语言的三大纯理功能理论的指导下,本文对Because you are worth it(你值得拥有)这一广告词进行了简要的分析。


[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar.London;Baltimore,Md.,USA:Edward Arnold,1985.
[2]M.A.K. Halliday.An Introduction to Functional Grammar THIRD EDTION.Oxford University Press Inc,2004.
[3]Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004.
[4]G.Tompson .Introducing Functional Grammar[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008.
