
My mama always told me that miracles happen every day
Mama says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Байду номын сангаас
classic lines
1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都 闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.
We all have a destiny. Nothing just happens. It‘s all
part of a plan! 人的命运早已注定,没有一件是巧合
When his mother died .
Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.
My mama always told me that miracles happen every day
Mama says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Байду номын сангаас
classic lines
1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都 闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.
We all have a destiny. Nothing just happens. It‘s all
part of a plan! 人的命运早已注定,没有一件是巧合
When his mother died .
Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.

Film English Listening and Speaking Training
Performance Skills:
Imitation Practice:
Start with a brief introduction of the movie, then focus on the plot, characters, cinematography, music, and other key elements. Conclude with your personal opinion and rating.
Marketing Strategy - 为电影制定的一系列推广和销售计划,以最大程度地提高电影的知名度和票房收入。
Critic - 对电影进行专业评价和分析的人,通过撰写影评来向观众提供观影建议。
Review - 对电影的全面评价和分析,包括故事情节、演员表现、导演技巧等方面。
Fundamentals of Film

Director Gabriele Muccino
Actor Jaden Smith
Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner. Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a "Bone Density scanner". He feels like he has made these devices. However, they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price. As Gardner tries to figure out how to sell them, his wife leaves him, he loses his house, his bank account, and credit cards. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner is now desperate to find a steady job; he takes on a job as a stockbroker, but before he can receive pay, he needs to go through 6 months of training, and to sell his devices.
Gardner boards a train but loses one of his scanners in

The beautiful scenes
Let’s go to the
风雨哈佛路(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story),是美国 一部催人警醒的电影,通 过一位生长在纽约的女孩 莉斯,经历人生的艰辛和 辛酸,凭借自己的努力, 最终走进了最高学府的经 历,表达了一个贫穷苦难 的女孩可以用执著信念和 顽强的毅力改变了自己、 改变人生的主题。风雨哈 佛路也被评选为最励志的 电影,其中的一些台词片 段已经被经典电影台词网 收录。
The Film: Alice in Wonderland
The main actors:
• (Mia Wasikowska) 米娅· 华希科沃斯卡 • (Johnny Depp) 约翰尼· 德普 • (Helena Bonham Carter) 海伦娜· 伯翰· 卡特 • (Anne Hathaway) 安妮· 海瑟薇 • (Matt Lucas) 马特· 卢卡斯 • (Crispin Glover) 克利斯丁· 格拉夫 • (Alan Rickman) 艾伦· 里克曼 • (Stephen Fry) 斯蒂芬· 弗雷
可情况越来越糟糕,妻子离他而去,因为没有钱付房租 而被人赶出来,在圣诞节的夜晚,他只能和儿子睡在地铁的
这个时候对于Chris(克里斯)来说无疑是最痛苦的,他想给 儿子幸福,却落到了这步窘况。一个男人,流出的眼泪,里面包
此后,除了去当无薪水的实习生和卖扫描仪,还多了一项就 是去教堂排队接受救济以给儿子一个住的地方。
Plot Description
It tells the story of 19-year-old Alice has participated in a boring party, however it is a carefully planned proposal of marriage ceremony. It shocked her, then she follows a white rabbit fled to a mysterious hole, entered the wonderland. Alice has been here 10 years ago, but at the moment she did not remember the place where Alice has been welcomed by "Mad President" and others. They looked forward to Alice to helping them overthrow the rule of the "Heart Queen“.

Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.
Morgan Freeman(摩根·弗里曼)
Introduction: The Shawshank Redemption takes place over decades.As a prison
inmate,He retains his spirit and soul while breathing life into a dark institution .Finally, his patient nature leads him to freedom. The story is told by old Red, the guy who knows the whole story, about Andy Dufresne, a young banker jailed for the murder of his wife and her lover. The film encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings and to appreciate the beauty of life, the most important is to keep hope forever.

Movie Appreciation English PPT courseware
Fundamentals of FilmFilm Language and ExpressionRecommendation of Classic English MoviesCross cultural elements in moviesAesthetics and Reflection on Movies
Social terms
Movies can also reflect different social terms, such as etiquette, behavior, and clothing, which can lead to cultural differences and misunderstandings
Camera movements
Pan: Move the camera from side to side
Tilt: Move the camera up and down
Move the camera forward or back
Move the camera left or right on a track
Match cut: Connection between two shots that create a visual rhythm or parallelism
Special effects: Physical illusions or stunts, e.g., stunt driving, explorations
Social justice
Movies often explore social justice issues such as power, discrimination, and justice

Interesting story and
Байду номын сангаасsweet songs are the
most attractive places in
the film. Its music and
its theme are full of the
beauty of art.
About the Movie
Besides,it is also an family movie.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
Maria's love, understanding and tolerance for the kids performance in many details. For example when she first came to the captain’s house, captain educate his childrens with militarized management, he treat them as machines. What’s worse, the kids’ names are replaced by a sharp whistle. Candid Maria immediately retorted: Oh, I won't need to whistle for them, reverend Captain. I mean, I'll use their names. And such lovely names!" This is the respect for people! Although they are just childrens4!

• Mathilda • Stubborn • Independent • Tragic
Her name is mathilda. She is only 12 years old. But very stubborn and independent. This is a tragic girl. One day she back home. She met her family were killed by a bad guy. Fortunatly she dodge the bullet cause LEON saved her.
Who knows !
Uncle save girl or girl save uncle ?
Leon teach mathilda become a excellent killer, same time mathilda teach him read and write, help him take care the flower. Actually I don’t know uncle saved the girl or the little girl saved the uncle. Because Leon feel the family warm. He have never been this feeling.
The end of story, in order to protect his little girl Leon was killed. The girl take the bonsai leave together. She said
The deepest love, in my mind, is living in your manners after separation.
• Mathilda • Stubborn • Independent • Tragic
Her name is mathilda. She is only 12 years old. But very stubborn and independent. This is a tragic girl. One day she back home. She met her family were killed by a bad guy. Fortunatly she dodge the bullet cause LEON saved her.
Who knows !
Uncle save girl or girl save uncle ?
Leon teach mathilda become a excellent killer, same time mathilda teach him read and write, help him take care the flower. Actually I don’t know uncle saved the girl or the little girl saved the uncle. Because Leon feel the family warm. He have never been this feeling.
The end of story, in order to protect his little girl Leon was killed. The girl take the bonsai leave together. She said
The deepest love, in my mind, is living in your manners after separation.

他叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱。经由艾莎 的魔力创造而意外诞生,雪宝是史上最 友好的雪人。他天真、开朗的个性惹人 喜爱;他的古怪能力则能使其时不时就 身首分离,把场面变得尴尬又搞笑。雪 宝还拥有世界上最异想天开的梦想—— 他期待迎接夏日的暖风与骄阳。
Some people are worth melting for ----- Olaf
hapless snowman to find her estranged sister,
whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped
the kingdom in etern精a选课l 件wpptinter.
The image of the Snow Queen is from Andersen's Fairy Tales. The Snow Queen who has the ability to freeze everything is the queen of the word of ice and snow.
He met Meng Xiaojun and
Wang Yang and became
Meng Xiaojun
want to
change the
world,so he
went to his
desire for a
United States’
Brief Introduction of the Fairy Tale

Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived he human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.
Bless my homeland forever
Love, derived he human’s most eternal pursuit.
The greatness of love, is that they don't fear any oppression, not afraid of any threat. Therefore, love will eventually defeat evil, also surpass ourselves to get new glory.
The Love from Maria and captain to their country
before leaving, he sang his favorite song “Edelweiss”, which express his love of country. All the audience sang the “Edelweiss" together, expressed the Austrian people's beliefs against aggression.
The Love from Maria to captain
Maria brings lots of changes to caption’s home, these changes arouse captain’s love of life and recall the past happiness, also reminded his love to Maria. Their love got the sublimation at the party. Finally, the captain rejected the baroness, and married Maria.

Film evaluation
Audience evaluation
Box office performance
The box office performance is an important indicator of a movie's popularity and commercial success It measures the amount of money a movie gross and is a reflection of the audience's reception and satisfaction
Story background
Period setting
Many English movies are set in different historical periods,
providing a window into the culture and society of that era
The information or values preserved by movies
Movies can involve important information or values to the audience, either explicitly or implicitly They can teach about history, culture, or social issues, and can influence audience's perspectives and values
Public speech
The public speech of a movie is often determined by word of mouth and social media buzz Positive reviews and recommendations from friends and family can help a movie gain popularity and recognition
Audience evaluation
Box office performance
The box office performance is an important indicator of a movie's popularity and commercial success It measures the amount of money a movie gross and is a reflection of the audience's reception and satisfaction
Story background
Period setting
Many English movies are set in different historical periods,
providing a window into the culture and society of that era
The information or values preserved by movies
Movies can involve important information or values to the audience, either explicitly or implicitly They can teach about history, culture, or social issues, and can influence audience's perspectives and values
Public speech
The public speech of a movie is often determined by word of mouth and social media buzz Positive reviews and recommendations from friends and family can help a movie gain popularity and recognition
英文电影介绍 PPT课件

The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a sheriff's deputy in a small Georgia town, before the zombie outbreak. As their situation grows more hazardous, the group's desperation to survive pushes them to the brink
the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn‘t have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees
Warm Bodies (温暖的尸体)
"Warm bodies according to Isaac Marion forthcoming, novel story tells of a zombie is called the" R "and a human girlfriend killed him, romantic relationship between the relationship caused a chain reaction, not only changed he and his partner, zombies have also changed the
the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn‘t have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees
Warm Bodies (温暖的尸体)
"Warm bodies according to Isaac Marion forthcoming, novel story tells of a zombie is called the" R "and a human girlfriend killed him, romantic relationship between the relationship caused a chain reaction, not only changed he and his partner, zombies have also changed the

He hurt ,even killed the people he thought that they may obstruct Chris from a famous singer.
He was annoyed
when Christine met her Mr.Right ,he made every effort to stop their love .
So,do you know why I love this movie ? For it’s plots , it’s pictures as you can see in ppt , and most impo- rtant , it’s songs , which are sang by Sarah Brig- htman and Weib.Thier voices just hit the bottom of my heart. Then I want to share one of it’s song with you .
Thank you
I hope that you would love it.
Then a series of
tragedy happened---
There was a time that Christine was so admire of him and regarded him as the angle of music . But finally ,after so many things he did to her,she just felt scared and tense .
One of my favorite movie
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类型:武侠 主要获奖纪录: ·2001年度奥斯卡最佳外 语片、最佳摄影、最佳艺 术指导、最佳作曲 ·2001年度美国导演协会 最佳导演
佳影片、最佳导演、最 佳摄影等8项大奖
Ang Lee, who was born in 1954 in Taiwan, is one of the world‘s greatest directors. Ang Lee is a knowledgeable man. In 1973 to 1979, through his hard work with his lessons, he finally received a master’s degree in film directing at NYV. When he grew up, he started to make his own films. for instance Eat Drink Man Woman(饮食男女) Ice Storm (冰 风暴) ,
( ) 3. It tells the story of two people who love each other.
Talk about the topic sentence and analyze each paragraph.
Types of films
Thriller (4points)
Comedy (3points)
Adventure Film(6points)
Comedy is a/an ____ and _____film, which makes people____.
Martial arts film is a movie that is related to ______ and ________ in which the hero will use his ______to fight for justice(正义).
❖ Other types of films
Cartoon film
Horror film
Musicals War film
Science fiction film
Film Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
It has a close relationship with
our life. It likes telling stories within
two or three hours with
moving pictures and sound.
What Sometimes, it brings us happiness,
Adventure film is a movie in which the character will have a/an _____, _____ and_______ experience. He will use _____and _____ to _____for his dream.
female character
Yu Xiulian
Li Mubai male character Chow Yun-Fat
rooftop desert
martial arts film
Listen to the recording of the text.
Fast Reading Read the film review below. Which is the best summary of this film?
arts film Crouching Tiger, Hidden
Dragon won the Oscar for foreignlanguage film(外语片) in 2000.
actress female character
Yu Jiaolong
( ) 1. It takes place on Peking rooftops and in deserts of western China.
(√ ) 2. It is a martial arts film that the story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back.
Sense and Sensibility(理智与情 感),,Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag(卧虎藏龙)and Brokeback
Mountain (断 背山)These are all
his films which received a lot of
good reputation. And the martial
Romantic film is a movie in which _____________.
fall/be in love
Байду номын сангаас
Thriller is a type of movie that tells a/an_______ story, especially about something ________ like a crime(犯罪), in which criminal(罪犯) will use____ and_____ to kill someone.
is it?
but sometimes sadness. It would like to introduce many
friends to us, such as Po and
Spider Man
romantic film thriller
Adventure film comedy
Martial arts film