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Unit 1. History of medicine


Text A

Language Focus

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary, and pay attention to the tense, voice and collocations of the verbs.

1. is credited with;

2. are sometimes referred to as;

3. was supposed to;

4. were espoused by;

5. in addition to;

6. was attributed to;

7. categorize;

8. is given credit for;

9. though.

Sentence Simulation


Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Hippocrates proposed the humoral theory that the body of man has four distinct bodily fluids

in itself: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, different mixture of which leads to

different temperaments.

2.In ancient Greece, career as a doctor was passed on from father to son, so Hippocrates studied

medicine under his father from his early age.

3.Ancient Greek medicine was a field restricted by religious superstition where wizards cured

diseases by means of prayer, magic or ritual recitation of spells.

4.It now appears that Hippocrates was incorrect in his explanation of the causes of human

temperament, but his temperament categories and names have been in use ever since.

5.Ancient Western doctors about to enter medical practice were required to take an oath on

medical ethics, which was derived from the oath of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician revered as "father of medicine” in the West.

6.As the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates is the first to formulate the code of ethics that

doctors are required to comply with. Furthermore, his medical opinions and medical practice have exerted a huge influence on the development of Western medicine for centuries.

Text B

Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.

1. Four traditional examination methods: looking, listening and smelling, asking, and touching.

2.①TCM can make diagnoses and treat patients without needing a scientific understanding of cause and pathogenesis.②the fundamentals of TCM remain largely unchanged and its theories inexplicable to science.

3.①the methodological quality of trials is low.②Most of these trials are published in Chinese, inaccessible to western doctors, and not included in systematic reviews.③Selective publication of positive trials is another problem.

4. All natural phenomena could be categorised into Yin and Yang (two opposite, complementary, interdependent, and exchangeable aspects of nature), everything in the universe consisted of five basic elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), and the universe was constantly changing towards dynamic balance or harmony. Yin refers largely to the material aspects of the organism and Yang to functions. There is a circulation of Qi (energy) and blood. The organs work together by regulating and preserving Qi and blood through the so-called channels and collaterals. Disease occurs after a disturbance in Yin-Yang or flow of Qi or blood, or disharmony in the organs caused by pathogenic (eg, sadness, joy, lifestyle) and climatic factors (dampness, heat, cold). Treatment aims to expel or suppress the cause and restore balance.

Unit 2 Health professionals for a new century

Text A

Language Focus

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.


2.kept pace with


4.In view of







Translate the following sentences into English.

7.Medical science is no longer simply biomedicine, but a comprehensive discipline of

humanities, social sciences and biomedicine.

8.Science and technology development, along with social progress, has put forward higher

demands and greater challenges on higher medical education.

9.Medical education is characterized by a high degree of specialization and practicality, as well

as a comparatively high cost and a long training cycle.

10.It is the main task of medical schools to train good doctors needed by the people.

11.The objective of clinical medical education is to train capable and well qualified academic

doctors with a solid professional foundation and a broad spectrum of knowledge.

12.The innovation of teaching methods has not only improved the students' initiative and

enthusiasm to learn, but also enhanced the quality of clinical teaching and practice.

13.In spite of its great progress, our country’s medical education still fails to keep pace with

social progress, development of science and technology, and needs for medical and health
