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Unit 1

I. Listen and number(同学们,学习英语,我们会有许多新朋友,你都认识他们了吗?根据听到的内容,给他们排排队吧!)

1. Hello! I am Sarah.

2. Hi! My name’s Wu Yifan.

3. Hello! My name’s Chen Jie.

4. Hello! I’m Miss White.

5. Hi! I am Mr jones.

6. My name is Chen Xin.

7. I am Mike.

8. Hello! I’m John.

II. Listen and number(根据你听到的对话内容给下面的图片排列顺序。)

1. – What’s your name?

-- My name is Sarah.

2. --Hello! I am Chen Jie. What’s your name?

--My name’s Sarah.

3. –Hello! My name’s Wu Yifan.

-- Hi! I’m John.

4. –Hello! My name’s Chen Jie

--Hi, My name is John.

5. --Bye! Miss White.

-- Good bye.

6. –Good bye!


7. Hello! I’m Miss White.

8. Hi! I’m Zoom.

II. Listen and tick.(你听到的内容与图片所表达的内容是否一致?一致用“√”表示,不一致用“X”表示)

1. Open your pencil box.

2. Show me your eraser.

3.. Close your bag.

4. Carry your bag.

5. I have a ruler.

6. I have a ruler, too.

IV. Listen and choose.

1. I have a pencil.

2. I have a eraser.

3. Hello! My name’s Chen Jie.

4. Hi! I am a book.

5. I have a bag.

6. I have ruler.

V. Listen and chose.(认真听,将每组中你听到的正确的单词圈起来)

1. I have a book.

2. Hello! My name is ―pencil‖.

3. I have a pen.

4. I have a bag.

5. I have eraser.

6. I have a pencil box.

7. I have a ruler.

8. I have a eraser, too.

Unit 2

I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序)

1. –Good morning!

--Good morning!

2. --Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.

--Good afternoon.Mike.

3. This is Mr jones.

4. Hi! Mom. This is Wu Yifan.

5. --Dad, this is Mr Jones.

--Nice to meet you.

--Nice to meet you, too.

6. --Dad. This is Wu Yifan.

--Good afternoon.

7. --Let’s paint!


8. Mr Jones. This is Miss Green.

II. Listen and tick. (根据你听到的内容,判断与图片提表达的内容是否一致)

1. Black, black. Stand up.

2. White, white, sit down.

3. Orange, orange, touch the ground.

4. Brown, brown. Turn around.

5. I have a green pencil.

6. I have a red bag.

7. This is a yellow crayon.

8. I have a blue ruler.

III. Listen and colour.(根据你听到的内容,给下面的文具涂上恰当的颜色)

1.Colour the bag blue.

2. colour the book white.

3. Colour the crayon green.

4. Colour the pencil yellow.

5. Colour the ruler black.

6. Colour the eraser orange.

7. Colour the pen red.

8. Colour the pencil box brown.

IV. Listen and choose.(听单词,圈出你听到的单词的首字母)

1. cat

2. dog

3. blue

4. crayon

5. dock

6. bag

7. apple

8. book

V. Listen and choose.(根据你听到的内容,为下面的图片选择正确的单词,在其序号上打对号)

1. I have a red pen.

2.This is a black pencil box.

3. I have a white crayon.

4. This is a green ruler.

5. I have a blue book.

6. This is a brown eraser.

Unit 3

I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序)

1. --Good morning!

--Good morning!

2. --Let’s make a puppet.

-- Great!

3. –How are you, Chen Jie?

-- Fine, thank you.

4. – Let’s go to school!

-- OK!

5. – How are you, John?

-- Very well. Thanks.

6. –Hello, hello! How are you?

II. Listen and tick.(根据听到的内容,判断与图片所表达的意思是否一致)

1. Open your eyes.

2. Close your mouth.

3. Touch your nose.

4. Touch your mouth.

5. Touch your face.

6. Clap your hands.

7. Touch your eyes.

8. Wave your arms.

9. Shake your body.

10. Stamp your foot.

III. Listen and tick.(根据你听到的内容,选出恰当的图片)

1. Look at my arm.

2. Look at me. This is my ear.

3. Look at my hand.

4. Look at my face.

5. This is my mouth.
