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Parker Hose 产品目录说明书

Parker Hose 产品目录说明书

More of what you need to work smarter,AccessoriesV i s u a l I n d e x59RG D-17T1RG D-17Partek Sleeve D-18ParKoil™ (PG) D-19GuardsO-Rings for CA, CE,CF MetricFlange “D” Rings Caterpillar ® Style FlangesT ube O-Ring Fittings and CompressorFittingsO-Rings for Compression Fittings (IT126)O-Rings for C9, OC, 1C Metric Swivels88HC-H Clamp D-2488DB Clamp D-24Hose Assembly D-26Workstations3/4 Reel Rack D-2772B-Cabinet D-28HR6 Hose Bin D-28Hose Adapters D437° Flare Metric Triple-Lok ®Sizes: 6 mm – 38 mmMaterials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 7200 psi60° Cone BSPPK4Sizes : 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psi30° Flare Komatsu StyleSizes : M14 x 1.5 – M33 x 1.5Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 4000 psiO-Ring Face-Seal Metric Seal-Lok™Sizes: 1/4” – 2”Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures: Up to 9200 psiJapanese Industrial Standard JISSizes : 1/4” – 1”Materials : Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psiWhen ordering Parker Adapters, please state the Catalogued Number of each type of adapter desired. Be sure to double check tube and hose sizes of items required.To select proper seal materials for specific applications, refer to Media Compatibility Chart in Tube Fitting Catalog 4300, or contact your Parker Tube Fitting Distributor.If in doubt about which type or size of fitting to specify, consult your Parker Tube Fitting Distributor. In addition Parker Field Sales, Technical Services,the Tube Fitting Division and your local Parker Service Center will help you find answers to all your issues.Phone: (614) 279-7070Fax: (614) 279-7685Web: /tfdNote: Refer to Parker Catalog 4300 for more detailed application information.CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-C PARKER (1-800-272-7537)Parker Information Center for catalogs, literature or additional information.O-Ring Face-Seal Seal-Lok™ Sizes: 6 mm – 38 mm Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures: Up to 9200 psi37° Flare FittingsTriple-Lok ®Sizes: 1/8” – 2”Materials: Steel, Stainless Steel, BrassPressures: Up to 9000 psiPipe Fittings and Port AdaptersSizes: 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel, BrassPressures : Up to 7200 psiPipe SwivelsSizes : 1/8” – 2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 5000 psiConversion AdaptersSizes: 1/4” – 1-1/2”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 7700 psiHydraulic Flange and Flange AdaptersSizes : 3/4” – 3”Materials : Steel, Stainless Steel Pressures : Up to 6000 psi15T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ FlareCaution: Do not use the T3 flange to tube or swivel nut to tube adapter in hose assembly applications inwhich pressures exceed the SAE100R2 working pressure range.17T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 45˚ Elbow19T3SAE (Code 61) Flange – Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 90˚ Elbow39T3Male - Female Swivel - SAE (JIC) 37˚ - 90˚ Elbow41T3Male - Female Swivel - SAE (JIC) 37˚ - 90˚ Elbow - Long4AH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi Caution: Do not use the T3 flange to tube or swivel nut to tube adapter in hose assembly applications in which pressures exceed the SAE100R2 working pressure range.4FH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi -45˚ Elbow4NH3SAE Code 61 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 5000 psi -90˚ Elbow6AH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare6FH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 45˚ Elbow4AJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok4FJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 45˚ Elbow4NJMCode 61 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 90˚ Elbow6NH3SAE Code 62 Flange - Male SAE (JIC) 37˚ Flare - 90˚ Elbow6NJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 90˚ Elbow6FJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-Lok - 45˚ Elbow6AJMCode 62 Flange - Male Seal-LokNote:*5000 psi with 4A, 4F and 4N Fittings and 50H Flange Halves.There are two non-interchangeable SAE split flanges: a: S tandard or Code 61 is for 3,000psi to 5,000psi maximum, depending on size.b.H igh Pressure or Code 62 is for 6,000psi maximum, r egardless of size. The flange head is “V” notched for identification.Consult these tables to determine flange halves and flange kits specifications.High Pressure (Code 62)Standard Pressure (Code 61)Note: For use with 4A, 4F and 4N Flanges.50H5000 psi Flange Half (Code 61)Note: For use with 4A, 4F and 4N Flanges.Note: High pressure applications also require the use of Code 61 Flange End hose fittings.51HSAE Flange Half (Code 61)5050HK5000 psi Flange Kit (Code 61)5151HKSAE Flange Kit (Code 61)HFHSAE Flange Half (Code 62) HFHFHKSAE Flange Kit (Code 62) 8FHFlange Half (8000 psi)8FHFHKFlange Kit (8000 psi)DIN and ISO Metric PortsDIN (German) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) flange heads are the same as SAE flange heads. By comparison, the ports have the same configura-tion except that the DIN and ISO Type I ports accept metric bolts. This requires specialflange halves in most sizes.Note: High pressure applications also require the use of Code 62 Flange End hose fittings.M1HDIN (ISO) Flange HalfM1M1HKDIN (ISO) Flange Kit (Code 61)M2M2HKDIN (ISO) Flange Kit (Code 62)M2HDIN (ISO) Flange Half (Code 62)711509O-Rings - SAE Thread (Compound N552-90)*711510O-Rings - Code 61 and Code 62 Flanges (Compound N552-90)**Note: F or use with petroleum base fluids, other compounds available for Phosphate Ester fluids.Please contact The Parker Hannifin Seal Group/O-Ring Division (1-800-C-PARKER) for additional information.C9RG O-Rings for CA, CE, CF MetricC9RG O-Rings for C9, OC, 1C Metric SwivelsD9DTBonded Seal for BSPP Port Fittings*Note: D 9DT must be ordered from the Tube FittingsDivision. Please contact TFD for additional size and product information.XARGFlange “D” Rings Caterpillar ®Style FlangesJ0RGO-Rings - Seal-Lok ®Note: O -Rings for use in Seal-Lok ® connections are illustrated in actual size. Part numbers for O-Ringsused in Seal-Lok ® and in SAE port connections are also listed in the table. O-Rings are supplied in Nitrile NBR compound, 90 durometer hardness.SAE 711509-4-8Seal-Lok J0RG-8-8Photo shows an actual comparison between an SAE port O-Ring (top) and a Seal-Lok ® O-Ring (bottom). They differ in both diameter and cross section.8ARGFlange “D” Rings for 76 Series Style FlangeT1RGO-Rings for Compression Fittings (1T126)Charge Ports CapsR134aR12CORGCaptive O-Ring Assembly ToolsParker’s new CORG Assembly Tools are designed to facilitate the installation of the O-Ring into the half-dovetail groove of the O-Ring face seal fitting.Note: C ORG Assembly T ools must be ordered from the T ube Fittings Division (614) 279-7070.Note: O -Rings listed are for use with petroleum base fluids. Other compounds are available for Phosphate Ester fluids by special order. For Viton ® or otherO-Ring compounds, consult Parker Hannifin, Seal/O-Rings Products Division (1-800-C-PARKER.)Bench TypeHand Type59RGO-Rings for Tube O-Ring Fittingsand Compressor FittingsNote:T he above O-Rings (RG) have HNBR compound number N1195-70 (green).Accessory Selection Guide – Partek Sleeve (AS-B, AS-Y or PS)Note: T he inside flat “A” dimension correspondswith the inside diameter “B” dimension. For example, AS-Y -13 flat surface “A” is 1.34 in. This offers a .86 in. inside diam-eter “B”. Hose with a smaller O.D. can be specified for this size sleeve. Parker 201-5 hose has a .58 in. O.D. and can easily be inserted in the Partek AS-Y -13Sleeve.Note: 1. T he dimensions shown are related to the hose outside diameter and may not fit over the fitting. For over the fitting applications, a larger sizesleeve may be required.2. Cut lengths are available. Contact your local distributor for prices ().Partek SleevePartek “PS” SleeveParker’s Partek Nylon Protective Sleeving gives you tough hose abrasion protection two ways. First, per the ISO 6945 specification, Partek has a unique tubular weave nylon construction, Partek “AS” is strong enough to withstand greater than 200,000 abrasion cycles without wearing through the fabric at any loca-tion. Partek “PS” can withstand greater than 50,000 abrasion cycles. In addition, this weave also gives an exceptionally smooth interior wall, allowing rubber hose to move freely inside the sleeve. This provides easy installation and prevents any internal abrasion problems. Partek sleeving is available in either black or yellow and in sizes to fit most hydraulic hose. Partek, the quick and easy solution to hose protection in high-abrasion areas.Temperature Range: -67°F to +248°F (-53°C to +120°C)Accessory Selection Guide – PolyGuard (HG)• S hield hose from abrasion and cuts • Minimize kinking• Cannot rust or corrode • R esist water, oil, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, and most solvents • I deal for bundling plastic tubing or hose lines • E asy to install without removing hose lines; no clamps neededPolyGuardHeavy-duty polyethylene provides protection in rugged operating conditions.Great for b undling high-pressure hose lines.Cut edges can be smoothed by applying heat.CAUTION: This material will support combustion.Color: BlackTemperature Range:0˚F to +200˚F (-17˚C to +93˚C)Parkoil ™Lower-cost protection for applications that call for a tighter bend radius and are less demanding.Cut edges can be smoothed by applying heat.CAUTION: This material will support combustion.Color: BlackTemperature Range:0˚F to +200˚F (-17˚C to +93˚C)Accessory Selection Guide – ParKoil ™ (PG)Accessory Selection Guide – Spring Guard and Armor GuardNote:Spring Guard and Armor Guard are packaged in 10 ft. pieces.Parker Spring Guard and Armor Guard are two products that prolong the life of hose lines that are exposed to rugged operating conditions. They distribute bending radii to avoid kinking in hose lines and protect hose from abrasion and deep cuts. Guards areconstructed of steel wire and plated to resist rust.Spring Guard (SG)Armor Guard (AG)Accessory Selection Guide – Firesleeve (FS-F)Parker Firesleeve is a flame resistant sheath that protects the hose from extreme temperature conditions. Firesleeve easily slides over hoses and readily expands over fitting. It can be assembled with Parker FSC or properly sized wormgear clamp.Construction: Braided fiberglass sleeve and an orange,bonded and seamless silicone rubber cover.Specifications: Conforms to SAE Aerospace Standard 1072A Type 2A.Temperature Range:-54˚C to +260˚C (-65˚F to +500˚F).Note: T he Firesleeve inside dimension (I.D.)must exceed the outside diameter (O.D.) of the hose and offer an allowance for easy hose insertion. For example, 201-16 has a 1.23 in. O.D. FS-S-24, with an I.D. of 1.46 in., is the suggested Firesleeve. Note: P arker FSC Clamp fits all hoses up to2 in. O.D. Note: P arker HC Clamps (wormgear) are listedon page D-24.Note: See Page D-22 for Firesleeve assembly instructions.Firesleeve (FS-F)FSC ClampPart Number: FSC(One size fits all hoses up to 2 inch O.D.)Accessory Selection Guide – Firesleeve (cont.)1. A ssemble one end fitting on hose. Cut firesleeve to same length as hose. Cover approximately 1” of each end of fire-sleeve with FSS sealant and allow to dry.2. P ush firesleeve back from cut end of hose and assemble the second end fitting. Then pull firesleeve completely over both sockets.3. I nsert tail of FSC clamp into FST clamping tool.4. P osition clamp around middle of socket and tighten with tool. Bend end of band back over buckle. Repeat on other end.Repair any scuffs or abrasions in firesleeve with FSS sealant.FSC ClampUsed to attach firesleeve around socket on hose sizes with a 2” maximum O.D.FST Clamp ToolPart Number: FST -711617 Used to secure FSC clamp.FSS Firesleeve SealantKeeps end of firesleeve from fraying - for neater, longer lasting installation.FiresleeveAssembly InstructionsAccessory Selection Guide – CL ClampVinyl coated steel clamps provide hose support where long lengths are used. Provides neater installation of hose lines, minimizes hose chafing and prevents damage to hose.Material: CR Steel with Zinc PlatingCoating: Black Vinyl Plastisol - 0,8 mm (0.03 inch) thick.Temperature Range:-40°C to +107°C (-40°F to +225°F).Accessory Selection Guide – HC, 88HC-H and 88DB ClampThe Parker HC Clamp is a stainless steel worm gear clamp designed for low presure industrial hose applications.Material: Stainless steelSpecifications: SAE J1508, Type F and Type HD88HC-HSeries Hose Clamp(High Torque Wormgear)88DBSeries Heavy Duty Hose Clamp(Double Bolt Hose Clamp)HC Hose Clamp TableNote: See 88 Series Assembly Instructions for proper 88HC-H clamp attachment.Accessory Selection Guide – Protection Shields (HP , HT, and HP-B)Prevent hose abrasion while extending your hose life. Parker Hose Protection Shields extend hose life by protecting the hose from abrasion that occurs when hose rubs against other hose, metal or concrete. Parker hose shields are resistant to oil, lubricants, gasoline, most solvents and can withstand ambient temperatures from -40° to +300° F . Easily installed and secured by cable ties without disconnect-ing any hose lines. Use with hose from 1/4” to 2” I.D.♦ Eliminate hose abrasion on concrete, metal or any rough surface. ♦ Guard against hose deterioration on mobile hydraulic equipment. ♦Let Parker fill all your hydraulic and pneumatic hose product needs.Hose Protector Shields are a fast and extremely cost effective way to isolate fluid lines from direct contact with other lines, components or structural members. They’re available in 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch lengths and the width can be trimmed to satisfy a variety of situations. These flexible protectors simply clamp around the hose and are securely held in place by nylon cable ties which are included. The cable ties are recessed in molded grooves to protect them from abrasion. You don’t need to disconnect a line to install a Parker Hose Protector Shield the way you do with a continuous tubular sleeve. Just wait until the installation is up and running to see exactly where contact needs to be prevented.Parker Hose Protector Shields are available in bulk quantities and in convenient assortments in 4”, 6” and 8” sizes. Cable ties are included with all protectors and are also available in bulk.Hose ShieldsTie Wraps HP-B-13X18-KIT2 ea. HP-13 RFL HT -12-KIT 30 ea. HT -12 Tie Wraps 2 ea. HP-15 RFL HT -16-KIT 30 ea. HT -16 Tie Wraps4 ea. HP-18 RFLHT -22-KIT15 ea. HT -22 Tie Wraps20 Hose Protectors and 60 Tie Wraps for each size are in point of purchase display box.HP-B-13-RFL 10 ea. HP-B-13 Hose Protectors (4”). 30 ea. HT -12 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.HP-B-15-RFL10 ea. HP-B-15 Hose Protectors (6”). 30 ea. HT -16 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.HP-B-18-RFL5 ea. HP-B-18 Hose Protectors (8”). 15 ea. HT -22 Tie Wraps in a sealed plastic bag.Contact your authorized Parker Hose Products Distributor for pricing and delivery information.Note: Parker Hose Protector Shield products are intended to prevent damage. They are not suitable as patches or repairs for lines which are already damaged or worn beyond safe use standards.Counter DisplayThe complete on-site complete hose assembly workstation design (above) includes:• TH7-5-C—6’ table with 1 hose reel and 1 bottom shelf • TH7-6—16 hose reel system, with rotating base • T H7-7—15” wide table set up for Parker 239 or 339 Cut-Off Saw Specifications: HoseFab Table (heavy duty)• Laminated wood table top • 1-1/2” square tubing structure • Gussetted corner braces • 6-leg design• All legs have adjustable feet • Hose reel/shelf combinations• 40B-Cabinet or 72B-Cabinet for fitting storage • Optional: Hose trough for measurement of hose • Calibrated to line up to Saw Table • Adjustable stop for standard length cuts• Built-in tape measureSpecifications: Rotary Reel Rack (TH7-6)• 16 Hose reel capacity • Compact design• Rotates for 1 man use• Center post bolts to floor in 4 places • Optional: Overhead craneSpecifications: Saw Table (TH7-7)• Calibrated to line up to Hose trough • Adjustable feet• Mounts to 6-foot benchSpecifications: 3 or 4 Reel Rack • Free standing 3 reel rack (TH7-8)• Bolts to floor• Optional: 4th reel capacity with wall mounts (TH7-8-F)• (2) 40B-Cabinet 40 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size • TH7-6-C—Optional overhead crane • T H7-5-HT—Optional 6’ measured hose trough with ad -justable hose stopPictured left is a complete on-site hose assembly workstation, the Parker Kart:The Parker Kart, TH7-4, is a portable all-in-one unit designed to hold a Minikrimp, Karrykrimp, Karrykrimp 2, or Parkrimp 1; a 332T -115V Cut-off Saw; 4 reels of hose; and has a 40 bin cabinet with 3 drawers for tools. The TH7-4 can be customized to fit your specific hose assembly needs. Contact Parker HPD or your Parker Hose distributor for details.Note: Part number TH7-4 does not include hose, fittings or equipment.Note: Part number and specifications of components for both workstations are listed on the following pages.HPD Hose Assembly WorkstationsHose Products Division has set up an agreement to allow Hose Products customers to purchase directly from our vendor, Safety Step.Safety Step’s contact information is:Safety Step Annette Cox 888-448-4237*********************See Safety Step contact information at the top of this pageSaw TableFeaturesThe Saw Table, specially designed for Parker 239 or 339 Hose Cut-Off Saw, attaches directly to the HoseFab Table.Part Number DescriptionTH7-715” wide table set up for Parker 239 or 339 Cut-Off Saw Table measurements:H eight - 18” Width - 28”Length - 14”3/4 Reel RackFeaturesCompact in its design, the standard version will hold 3 reels of hose. Optional 4th reel capacity designed with wall anchor mounts.P art Number DescriptionTH7-8 Upright 3 hose reel rackTH7-8-FO ptional extension with wall anchor for 4th reel Rack measurements:Height - 59” (82·1/2” with 4th reel option) Width - 27·3/4”Length - 27·1/2”HoseFab TableFeaturesHeavy duty constructed table for mounting Minikrimp, Karrykrimp, Karrykrimp 2, or Parkrimp 1. HoseFab Table is available in 3 versions to meet your require-ments. Options include two 40B-Cabinets or 72B-Cabinets for fitting storage.Part Number Description TH7-5-R 6’ table with 2 hose reels TH7-5-S 6’ table with 2 bottom shelves TH7-5-C 6’ table with 1 hose reel and 1 bottom shelf TH7-5-HT O ptional 6’ measured hose trough with adjustable hose stop 40B-Cabinet 40 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size 72B-Cabinet 72 openings - 4·1/2” x 4·1/2” x 12” in size Table measurements: Height - 31-3/4” Width - 29”Length - 72”Rotary Reel RackFeatures16 Hose reel capacity that fits in a compact area. Supplied with heavy duty casters which allow for ease of turning, even when fully loaded. Optional overhead crane available.Part Number DescriptionTH7-6 16 hose reel system, with rotating base TH7-6-C Optional overhead craneRack measurements:Height - 104” (120” with optional overhead crane) Width - 67”Length - 67”See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26See Safety Step contact information on page D-26Parker Kart Part No. TH7-4Parker Kart organizes and stores all your necessary Parker hoses, fittings, power and hand tools - everything you need to make fast hose assemblies on site. As a valued addition to any facility, Parker Kart will save on downtime and labor costs, as well as eliminate errors in cutting and fitting attachment. With Parker Kart, you’ll always have the materials you need, right when and where you need them.• Easy one-man movement• Eight-inch urethane casters with brakes• Forklift carry tubes• Electric receptable with cord• Fitting bins and drawers• Large tool drawer• Four hose reel holders• Choice of Parker crimping equipment• Optional accessories availableParker Kart can be customized to fit specific hose assem-bly needs. Parker Kart does not include hose, fittings orequipment.Fitting Stock Bins72B-Cabinet36” wide, 43” high, 12” deep, with 72 openings each 4-1/2”x 4-1/2” x 12”, heavy duty steel, all welded construction.Product bin labels are available.Hose Stock BinsHR6-Hose-BinRugged metal cabinet for stocking coils of Parker hose 36”wide, 28” high, 20” deep, with upright separators to provide6 compartments varying in width from 4” to 8”.Provides suitable base on which to place the fittings stockbin (top measures 36” x 20”, bottom of fittings bin measures36” x 12”.)Yellow with black “Parker Hose” lettering.See Safety Step contact information on page D-26。



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安捷伦产品目录表全球疯狂低价甩卖Aeroflex 6402 CDMA AIME Test Platform (1xEVDO)Agilent 81142A High-Speed Serial Pulse Data GeneratorHP/Agilent E4440A 3Hz - 26.5GHz Spectrum Analyzer PSA HP/Agilent E4445A PSA Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz-13.2 GHz HP/Agilent E4443A PSA Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz - 6.7 GHz HP/Agilent 83496B Optical / Electrical clock recoveryHP/Agilent DSO81004B 10GHz 4CH 40GSa/s Infiniium Oscill Spirent STR4500 GPS/SBAS Simulation SystemHP/Agilent E5071B ENA Network analyzer 300KHz to 8.5GHz HP/Agilent DSO80804B Infiniium oscilloscope: 8 GHzAgilent N8974A Noise Figure Analyzer10MHz-6.7GHzHP/Agilent E5071C ENA Network AnalyzerHP/Agilent E4438C ESG Vector 矢量Signal 信号Generator发生器HP/Agilent E7402A EMC Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent J1981A VQT Portable AnalyzerHP/Agilent 54855A 6GHz 4CH 20GSa/s Infiniium Oscillosco HP/Agilent J1987B VQT Network ServerR&S FSIQ7 Signal Analyzer, 20 Hz to 7 GHzHP/Agilent N8973A Noise噪声Figure 系数Analyzer分析仪10MHz-3GHz Aeroflex IFR 3413 Signal信号Generator发生器Tektronix CSA7404 4.0 GHz 4CH Digital数字Phosphor 荧光Scope 示波器Tektronix TDS7254B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Anritsu MS2723B Handheld 手持式Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent J1981B VQT Portable便携式AnalyzerHP/Agilent E4428C ESG Analog Signal Generator TEKTRONIX TDS7704B Digital Sampling Oscilloscope, 7 GHz Anritsu RadioCommunication Analyzer MT8815B TEKTRONIX TDS7704B Digital Sampling Oscilloscope 7 GHz 81130A-81132A-81132A Pulse Data GeneratorHP/Agilent N5182A MXG RF Vector Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 8753E RF Network Analyzer, 30 kHz to 6 GHz Anritsu MT8815A RF Communication Test Set - HSDPA HP/Agilent 4396B RF Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer HP/Agilent E4405B ESA-E Spectrum Analyzer HP/Agilent 54853A Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E4436BHP/Agilent 54846B 2.25GHz 4CH 8GSa/s Infiniium Oscillos Anritsu MS2721B Handheld Spectrum AnalyzerSpirent SR3452 CDMA Network EmulatorHP/Agilent MSO6104A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 83712B Synthesized CW generator, 20 GHzHP/Agilent MSO7054A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeKeytek EMC Pro Advanced EMC Test SystemR&S FSEA30 Spectrum Analyzer 20 Hz to 3.5GHzHP/Agilent 8902A Measuring ReceiverMarconi 6200B 10 MHz to 20 GHz Microwave Test SetHP/Agilent E4404B 9kHz - 6.7GHz Spectrum Analyzer Advantest R3273 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer HP/Agilent 83712A Synthesized CW generator, 20 GHz NoiseKen ESS-2000 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator HP/Agilent MSO6054A Mixed Signal OscilloscopeAnritsu MT9083A Access MasterHP/Agilent 54845B Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E5091A ENA Series Multiport Test SetAgilent 81104A-81105A-81105A Pulse Generator 80MHzHP/Agilent 83711B Synthesized CW Generator, 20 GHzTektronix TDS7054 Phosphor OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 8593E Portable Spectrum AnalyzerHP/Agilent 41501B Pulse Generator and Expander UnitHP/Agilent 35670A FFT Dynamic Signal Analyzer T ektronix TDS5054 DPO Oscilloscope, 4-Channel, 500 MHz HP/Agilent 54830D 2+16 Channel Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54831D 4+16 Channel Infiniium OscilloscopeHP/Agilent E4436B 250kHz - 3GHz Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 89441A VSA with W-CDMA Capability, 2.65 GHz Spirent TAS 4500 FLEX RF Channel EmulatorSpirent TAS 5600 Universal Interference EmulatorSpirent GSS4100 GPS/BSAS Signal GeneratorAdvantest R3267 Spectrum Analyzer, 100 Hz to 8 GHz Agilent 54754A Differential TDR/TDT moduleHP/Agilent 8514B S-Parameter Test SetHP/Agilent 8515A S-Parameter Test SetHP/Agilent 8596E Portable Spectrum AnalyzerAnritsu MW9076C OTDR 4 Wavelength Chromatic Dispersion HP/Agilent 54832D 4+16-Channel, 1 GHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent N4431B RF Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent N4693A Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent 8561E Portable Spectrum Analyzer, to 6.5 GHz HP/Agilent 8923B DECT Test SetSpirent TAS 5200 RF Converter81654A Dual Fabry-Perot Laser Source, 1310nm & 1550nm HP/Agilent 54832B 1GHz 4CH 4GSa/s Infiniium Oscilloscop Tescom TC-3000A Bluetooth TesterHP/Agilent 54825A Infiniium Oscilloscope: 4 ChannelsHP/Agilent E6000C Mini-OTDRHP/Agilent EMI System 8568B/85650A/85685A with 85867A HP/Agilent 85052C Precision Mechanical Calibration Kit HP/Agilent E4433B - Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 8753C Network Analyzer, 30 kHz to 6 GHzHP/Agilent 1682A Logic AnalyzerJDSU ANT-5 SDH Access TesterSpirent TAS5048 CDMA PLTS Test Configuration Unit 89431A 2 MHz to 2.65 GHz DownconverterHP/Agilent 16200B External DC Bias AdapterHP/Agilent E4433A Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent 81655A Laser Source Module (FP) 1310nm 13 Agilent 1680AD 136-Channel Color Logic AnalyzerHP/Agilent 6683A 5000 Watt System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 42942A Terminal Adapter, 40 Hz to 110 MHzR&S SML03 - Signal Generator 9KHz to 3.3GHzSpirent TAS4600A Precision C/N-C/I GeneratorAgilent E4425B 250kHz - 3GHz Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent DSO5052A Oscilloscope: 500 MHz, 2 channels HP/Agilent E5100B High-Speed Network AnalyzerIFR/Aeroflex 2947 Communications Service MonitorHP/Agilent N4691-60004 Electronic Calibration ModuleHP/Agilent 16903A Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 86062C Lightwave SwitchHP/Agilent 8591C Cable TV Analyzer, 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz HP/Agilent 42941A Impedance Probe Kit, 40 Hz to 110 MHz ACTERNA MTS5100E mini OTDR 1310 / 1550 nM Marconi / Aeroflex 2947HP/Agilent 5348A Microwave Counter Power MeterHP/Agilent 81578A Optical attenuator pwr-ctrl angled Agilent 8110A-81103A Pulse Pattern Generator, 150 MHz AnritsuMT8850A Bluetooth Test SetEnlargeTektronix TLA704 Logic Analyzer MainframeHP/Agilent N4430A 4-port RF ECal Module, up to 6 GHz Wavwtek 4400M Mobile Phone TesterHP/Agilent 54641A 2-Channel, 350 MHz Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 83434A 10 Gb/s Lightwave ReceiverHP/Agilent 85093C RF Electronic Calibration Module HP/Agilent 8664A High-Performance Signal Generator HP/Agilent 85033E-100/200/300/400 Calibration KitHP/Agilent 8510C Vector Network AnalyzerHP/Agilent 4140B V oltage Source 10V/100V 10mAHP/Agilent 42851A Precision Q AdapterHP/Agilent 85033D Calibration Kit, 3.5 mmAdvantest R3465 Spectrum Analyzer, 9KHz~8GHzHP/Agilent 85051B Verification Kit, 7 mmTESCOM TC-5901B Pneumatic RF Shield BoxIFR 2026Q CDMA Interferer MultiSource GeneratorHP/Agilent 8648C 9 kHz - 3.2 GHz Signal Generator YOKOGAW A DX230HP/Agilent N4002A SNS Noise source 10MHz-26.5GHz 15dB HP/Agilent 8991A Peak Power MeterHP/Agilent E4432A Digital RF Signal GeneratorHP/Agilent E4431B - Digital RF Signal GeneratorR&S SMIQ03B - Signal Generator 300KHz to 3.3GHz Yokogawa DX230 Paperless RecorderHP/Agilent 85134F Flexible Cable Set, 2.4 mm to 3.5 mmHP/Agilent E4432A Digital RF Signal GeneratorTektronix TDS540 Digitizing OscilloscopeHP/Agilent N1922A P-Series Wideband Power SensorAgilent 16442A Text Fixture for 4155C or 4156CKeithley 238 HighCurrentSourceMeasureUnit/8006 Fixture Fluke PM 6685 Universal Frequency CounterTektronix AFG3022 Arbitrary/Function GeneratorHP/Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter SystemAgilent 1673G 34 Channel Logic Analyze 250 MHZ/135 MHZ HP/Agilent 8643A Signal Generator 252 kHz-1 GHzHP/Agilent 85033E-400 Calibration KitHP/Agilent 4191A RF Impedance AnalyzerSpirent LAN-3310A SmartMetrics Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 16034B Test Fixture for Chip ComponentsHP/Agilent 1134A InfiniiMax 7 GHz ProbeHP/Agilent 85033C Calibration Kit, 3.5 MMHP/Agilent 85033E Calibration KitHP/Agilent 11759C RF Channel Simulator, up to 2700 MHz Fluke 164H Hand-Held Multifunction CounterSpirent SmartBits 200 Performance Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 8971C Noise Figure Test Set, up to 26.5 MHz HP/Agilent 1156A Active ProbeHP/Agilent E8403A C-Size VXI Mainframe, 13-Slot Agilent 42851A+42815-61100 Q Meter Adapter for 4285A Asiser FC-1800H2 Frequency ConverterHP/Agilent 54542C 4 Channel 2 GSa/s OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain AnalyzerHP/Agilent 4349B 4 Channel High Resistance Meter, DC HP/Agilent 85036B Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit HP/Agilent DSO1024A Oscilloscope, 200 MHz, 4 channel Tektronix TDS754A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS744A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 16196B Parallel Electrode SMD Test FixtureSpirent SmartBits 200S Analysis SystemAnritsu Radio Communication Analyzer MT8820AHP/Agilent E9327A 50 MHz to 18 GHz Power Sensor Spirent LAN-3200A Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent DSO6014L Oscilloscope: 100 MHz, 4 channels HP/Agilent 8347A RF Amplifier, 100 kHz to 3 GHzHP/Agilent 83437A Broadband Light SourceHP/Agilent 8161A Pulse GeneratorHP/Agilent 1168A 10 GHz Probe AmplifierHP/Agilent 11904S Adapter Set, 2.4 mm to 2.92 mmHP/Agilent 4274A LCR MeterHP/Agilent 6060B 300 Watt DC Electronic LoadHP/Agilent 85032B Calibration Kit, Type-N, 50 Ohms Rohde & Schwarz CMD80 Digital Radio Comm. Tester TESCOM TC-5920A Shield BoxSpirent LAN-3201B Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 6032A System Autoranging DC Power Supply HP/Agilent 8970B Noise Figure MeterHP/Agilent 346C Noise Source, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent N1022A Probe AdapterHP/Agilent E9323A Peak and Average Power SensorKikusui PAN 16-50A 0-16V,0-50A, High Reliability DC Pow HP/Agilent 54542A 500MHz 4CH 2GSa/s Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 81662A DFB Laser Source ModuleHP/Agilent 16702A Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 16717A Timing and State ModuleSunrise Telecom Sunset T3HP/Agilent 16192A Parallel Electrode SMD Test FixtureDD-5700 SMS (Short Message Service) Telephone Analyzer HP/Agilent 1131A 3.5 GHz InfiniiMax ProbeHP/Agilent 85024A High-Frequency Probe 300 kHz to 3 GHz HP/Agilent 85044A Transmission/Reflection Test SetHP/Agilent DSO3202A Oscilloscope, 200 MHzHP/Agilent 54622A 2-Channel, 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 85046A Network Analyzer S-Parameter 3GHz HP/Agilent 8494H Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent N1610B Service Advisor Portable T est Table TESCOM TC-5910B Shield BoxOphir GRF 5039 High Power RF AmplifierTTI TGA1244 4 Channel Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorHP/Agilent 85033A - SMA Calibration KitPanasonic VP-7722A Audio AnalyzerHP/Agilent 54624A 4-Channel, 100 MHz OscilloscopeSpirent LAN-3201A Gigabit Ethernet ModuleHP/Agilent 16048H 2m Port Extension Cable for 4294AHP/Agilent 41420A DC Source/Monitor Plug-in 200V/1A HP/Agilent E4887A HDMI TMDS Signal Generator Platform TESCOM TC-5910C Shield BoxHP/Agilent 16911A 68-Channel Logic Analysis ModuleHP/Agilent N6700A Low Profile MPS MainframeHP/Agilent 16442A test Fixture for 4155C/4156CHP/Agilent E2655B Probe deskew and verification kit Anritsu ML8720B W-CDMA Base Station Area TesterHP/Agilent 53310A Modulation Domain AnalyzerHP/Agilent 33120A Function Gen./ Arb. Waveform Gen.EnlargeHP/Agilent 84904K Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 84906K Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 346B Noise Source, 10 MHz to 18 GHzHP/Agilent E9325A 50 MHz - 18 GHz peak and averageHP/Agilent 66311B Mobile Communications DC SourceHP/Agilent 87405A Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 3 GHzHP/Agilent 6050A 1800 Watt dc Electronic Load Mainframe HP/Agilent 5351B Frequency Counter 500MHz-26.5GHz HP/Agilent 53131A Universal Frequency Counter, 10 digit HP/Agilent 8495H Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 5350B Frequency Counter 500MHz-20GHz HP/Agilent 16191A Side Electrode SMD Test FixtureHP/Agilent 16700B Logic Analysis SystemHP/Agilent 16716A Timing and State ModuleHP/Agilent 1663A Logic Analyzer 34 Channels TESCOM TC-5915A Shield BoxHP/Agilent 34922T Terminal Block for 34922A Multiplexer HP/Agilent 3499B 2-Slot Switch/Control Mainframe Protek Z9216 - High Accuracy, Wide Range LCR Meter HP/Agilent 53181A RF Frequency Counter, 10 digitsHP/Agilent E9301A Power Sensor 10MHz-6GHzPXIT PX2000-337 10G Pulse Pattern GeneratorPXIT PX2000-338 PXI SynthesizerPXI Synthesizer PX2000-338PXI Pulse Pattern Generator PX2000-337Kikusui PAS40-27 Variable-Switching Power SupplyHP/Agilent E8285A CDMA/PCS Mobile Station Test Set Tektronix TDS220 Digitizing SccopeHP/Agilent E2649A USB 2.0 High Speed Fixture SetHP/Agilent E5970A Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 6543A 200 Watt Power Supply, 35V, 6AHP/Agilent 6542A 200 Watt Power Supply, 20V, 10AHP/Agilent 16500B Logic Analyzer MainframeHP/Agilent 37717B Sonnet Test SetHP/Agilent 83480A Digital Communications AnalyzerHP/Agilent 16750A 68 Channel Logic Analyzer ModuleHP/Agilent N6761A Precision DC Power ModuleHP/Agilent 16085B Terminal AdapterHP/Agilent 8153A Lightwave Multimeter Mainframe JDSU OLP-15B Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 34932A-34932T Dual 4x16 Mux for 34980A HP/Agilent 6625A Precision System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 34922A 70-Channel Armature Multiplexer Agilent / HP 11612A Bias Network, 45 MHz - 2HP/Agilent 41421B DC Source/Monitor Plug-In100V100mA HP/Agilent 6622A System Power Supply, 80W, 2 outputs HP/Agilent 6623A Precision System Power Supply TESCOM TC-5911A Bluetooth Shield BoxGigatronics 8541C RF Power MeterHP/Agilent 6642A 200 Watt System Power SupplyHP/Agilent 8447E Amplifier, 100 kHz to 1.3 GHzHP/Agilent 54600B 2 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54601A 4 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP/Agilent 54601B 4 Channel 100 MHz OscilloscopeHP 8903E 20 Hz to 100 kHz Distortion AnalyzerHP/Agilent 1153A 200 MHz Differential ProbeAgilent 54645A 100 MHz, 4 Ch Digitizing Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 54601B 100MHz 4CH 20MSa/s Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 8494A Manual Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 773D Coaxial Directional Coupler, 18 GHzHP/Agilent 6612C 40 Watt System Power Supply, 20V, 2A Kikusui PAS20-36 - DC Sources Power Supplies Gigatronics 8542B Dual-Channel Digital Power MeterHP/Agilent 41425A Analog/Feedback UnitHP/Agilent 16610A Emulation ModuleHP/Agilent 54620A 16 Channel Logic Analyzer Tektronix P6245 Active FET ProbeHP/Agilent 6038A System Autoranging DC Power Supply HP/Agilent 8447D Amplifier, 100 kHz to 1.3 GHzHP/Agilent 8496A Manual Step AttenuatorGigatronics 80601A 200 mW Modulation Power Sensor HP/Agilent 8498A High Power Attenuator, DC to 18 GHz HP/Agilent 8656B Synthesized Signal Generator Gigatronics 8542 Dual-Channel Digital Power MeterHP/Agilent 6632B 100 Watt System Power Supply, 20V, 5A HP/Agilent 8656A Signal Generator, 100 kHz - 990 MHz Agilent 54600B 100 MHz, 2 Ch Digitizing Oscilloscope HP/Agilent 438A Power MeterHP/Agilent 16534A Digitizing Oscilloscope ModuleHP/Agilent 8482A - Power Sensor 100kHz - 4.2GHzHP/Agilent 5086-7678 Dual Directional CouplerHP/Agilent 778DHP/Agilent 6611C 40 Watt System Power Supply, 8V, 5A Advantest R6452A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 85132D Semi-Rigid Cable SetHP/Agilent 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer, DC-600 KHz HP/Agilent 8496G Programmable Step AttenuatorHP/Agilent 54201D 300 MHz DIGITIZING OSCILLOSCOPE JDSU OLP-8 Optical Power MeterWeinschel 73-30-33 AttenuatorFluke 45 Digital MultimeterAdvantest R6451A Digital MultimeterAdvantest R6452E Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 11720A Pulse ModulatorHP/Agilent 1152A 2.5G Active ProbeHP/Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface High-Speed USB 2.0 HP/Agilent 16089C Kelvin IC Clip LeadHP/Agilent 3478A 5.5 Digit DMM with GPIBTESCOM TC-5952B Shield BoxNI PCMCIA-GPIBNarda 769-30 Attenuator 150 Watt DC - 6 GHzHP/Agilent 3324A Synthesized Function/Sweep Generator HP/Agilent 437B 100kHz-110GHz Power Meter Advantest R3964A 3 Port Adapter for R3765CHP/Agilent N2263A 32-Bit Digital Input/Output ModuleHP/Agilent 66332A Dynamic Measurement DC SourceHP/Agilent 6634A GPIB dc power supply, 0-100 Vdc, 0-1 A Aeroflex/Weinschel 49-30-34 High Power Coaxial Attenua Anritsu 2000-768 Precision Open/Short/Load 7/16 dimm(F) HP/Agilent 16048E Test LeadsHP/Agilent 8111A Pulse Generator85052-60006 Short Male 3.5mm85052-60008 Open Male 3.5mmHP/Agilent 5086-7408 Power Divider, DC to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent 87106-60009 Mulit-port Switch DC to 26.5GHz Anritsu 2000-767 Precision Open/Short/Load 7/16 dimm(M) JDSU OLP-6 Optical Power MeterHP/Agilent 3456A Digital V oltMeter 6.5 DigitsAgilent / HP 35280A Summing Junction Module, DC to MHz HP/Agilent 16048C Test LeadsHP/Agilent 6632A DC Power Supply 20V/5A Precis GPIBAnritsu ICN50 InstaCal CalibrationKrytar 1850 0.5-18.5 GHz DIRECTIONAL COUPLERSHP/Agilent 87104-60001 Multiport Switch SP4T DC-26.5GHzHP/Agilent E3640A 30W Power Supply, 8V, 3A or 20V, 1.5A Tektronix P6204 FET ProbeTektronix TDS3BAT Rechargeable Battery PackTektronix TDS3GM RS/232 GP-IB InterfacesHP/Agilent 11766A DADE SwitchWeinschel 910-20-33 Variable AttenuatorHP/Agilent 11852B AdapterHP/Agilent 82350A PCI High-Performance GPIB InterfaceHP/Agilent 11742A Blocking Capacitor, 0.045 to 26.5 GHzHP/Agilent K422A Detector CrystalHP/Agilent 11716A Attenuator Interconnect Kit, Type-NHP/Agilent N2865A USB host module for 3000 Series Scpes Fluke 8842A 5.5 Digit Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent E3614A 48W Power Supply, 8V, 6AHP/Agilent 16510B 80 CHANNEL LOGIC ANAL YZER MODULEHP/Agilent 16530A DIGITIZING OSCILLOSCOPE TIMEBASE CARD HP/Agilent 16531A Digitizing Oscilloscope Card, 100 MHz HP/Agilent 3438A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 3465A Digital MultimeterHP/Agilent 16555A 110 MHz State/500 MHz Timing module Bird Model 43 THRULINE? Directional WattmeterHP/Agilent 54659B RS-232 & Parallel MeasurementHP/Agilent N2757A GPIB Interface Module for 5462XHP/Agilent 54657A GPIB Measurement Storage ModuleHP/Agilent 10073C Passive Probe, 10:1, 500 MHz, 1.5 mHP/Agilent E3616A 60W Power Supply, 35V, 1.7ATektronix P6139A Passive V oltage ProbeHP/Agilent 34905A Dual 4-Channel RF MultiplexerHP/Agilent 8493C Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GInmet 18B10W-20F AttenuatorHP/Agilent 54652B RS-232 and Parallel Interface ModuleHP/Agilent 34907A Multi-function ModuleHP/Agilent 11665B Modulator for scalar analyzerFluke 36 Clamp MeterFluke 36 Clamp MeterHP E3610A 30W Power Supply, 8V, 3A or 15V, 2A Tektronix P6137 Passive V oltage ProbeTektronix P6138A Passive V oltage ProbeHP/Agilent 8493C Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GHP/Agilent 34302A Clamp-on ac/dc Current ProbeHP/Agilent 54652A Parallel I/O module for 54600 SeriesHP/Agilent N2863A Passive Probe, 10:1, 300 MHz, 1.2 m Tektronix 013-0278-00 Video Display ClampHP/Agilent 54650A GPIB Interface ModuleHP/Agilent 8491A Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, 12.4 GHzMini-Circuits 15542 Power SplitterK&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-1250/T3300 K&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-2000/T6000 K&L Microwave Tubular Low Pass Filter 6L121-3300/T990。


< 35 mm
< 0,5 mm
TRITURADORA DE MANDIBULAS Materiales duros, frágiles y resistentes
< 50
< 1 mm
TRITURADORA DE MANDIBULAS Materiales duros, frágiles y resistentes
< 15 mm
< 0,040 mm
MOLINO VIBRATORIO DE BOLAS Materiales blandos, duros y frágiles
< 6 mm
< 0,01 mm
Polvo y granulados tamizables



121Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA10-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Standard ..............................................1810-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs.............................1810-1530.........1.5" x 3" Standard .................................................2110-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ................................2110-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round ...............................................2010-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45......................................................2010-1560.........1.5" x 6" Standard .................................................2410-1575.........1.5" x .75"..............................................................2010-1591.........1.5" x 1.5" Mono Slot ............................................1910-1592.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Corner......................................1910-1593.........1.5" x 1.5" Tri-Slot .................................................1910-1594.........1.5" x 1.5" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ...............................1910-3030.........3" x 3" Standard ....................................................2310-3030PKG..3" x 3" Standard 2 x 8' Pcs ...................................2310-3092.........1.5" x 3" Tri-Slot Corner ........................................2210-3093.........1.5" x 3" Quad Slot................................................2210-3094.........1.5" x 3" Bi-Slot Mid Frame ..................................2211-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" Heavy...................................................1811-1515PKG..1.5" x 1.5" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs .................................1811-1530.........1.5" x 3" Heavy......................................................2111-1530PKG..1.5" x 3" Heavy 4 x 8' Pcs ....................................2111-3030.........3" x 3" Heavy .........................................................2312-001............Upper Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-002............Lower Door Track 40 - Plastic ..............................8312-006............Sliding Door Guide 1", Upper ...............................8312-007............Sliding Door Guide 1", Lower ...............................8312-010............Mesh Clamp Profile, Clr - Max 13.1ft ...................8212-011............Stiffener/ Handle Profile, Clr - Max 9.8ft ..............8212-012............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-013............Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower, Clr - Max 9.8ft....8312-018............Panel Extrusion 40, Clr - Max 19.7ft ....................8212-022............Rolling Door Guide Profile, Clr - Max 13.1 ft.......8612-032............32 x 18 Bi-Slot .......................................................2512-090............Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Clear ................................2912-090B .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Black ................................2912-090Y .........Cover/Gasket Strip 1", Yellow ..............................2912-095............Aluminium Cover Strip 1"......................................2912-095B .........Aluminium Cover Strip 1", Black ..........................2912-101............Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft........................2912-1010.........1" x 1" Standard ....................................................1612-1010PKG..1" x 1" Standard 6 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-101B .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft .......................2912-101Y .........Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yellow - 6.6ft..................2912-102............Al Cover Strip 40, Clr - 6.6ft..................................2912-1020.........1" x 2" Standard ....................................................1612-1020PKG..1" x 2" Standard 4 x 8' Pcs ...................................1612-102B .........Al Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6 ft. Length ..................2912-1030.........1" x 3" Standard ....................................................1712-105............Clamp Bar Profile ..................................................2712-106............Panel Gasket .........................................................2812-107............Mesh Gasket .........................................................2812-108............Panel Gasket 10 Clear - Max 410 ft.....................2512-109............19" Rack Angle......................................................2612-110............Rack Angle, Blank .................................................2612-111B .........PVC Cover Strip 40, Blk - 6.6ft.............................2912-111BL .......PVC Cover Strip 40, Blue - 6.6ft ..........................2912-112............Safety Cover Strip 40/28, Yellow - Max 9.8ft.......2812-114............Anti-Skid Cover 40, Blk - Max 65.6ft....................2812-2020.........2" x 2" Standard ....................................................1712-400............UHMW Slide Bar 40 max 120"...........................11112-402............Slide Strip 1" max 120".......................................11112-410............Slide Strip 1.5" max 120"....................................11112-420............UHMW Slide Bar 40 x 10 max 120"...................11112-421............UHMW Guide Profile .............................................8613-012............Steel Tube, Plastic Coated for handles(max. 120 in.).....................................................5413-410............Slide Profile 40....................................................11013-430............Slide Profile 40 Side Flange . (110)13-440............Slide Profile 28....................................................11013-450............Slide Profile 28 Side Flange ...............................11013-800............Slide Profile 56....................................................11013-810............Slide Profile 80....................................................11018-1010.........1" x 1" End Cap .....................................................3118-1020.........1" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-1030.........1" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-1515.........1.5" x 1.5" End Cap...............................................3118-1530.........1.5" x 3" End Cap..................................................3118-1543.........1.5" Quarter Round End Cap................................3118-1545.........1.5" x 1.5" x 45? End Cap.....................................3118-1575.........1.5" x .75" End Cap...............................................3118-2020.........2" x 2" End Cap .....................................................3118-3030.........3" x 3" End Cap .....................................................3118-710............Access Hole Plug ..................................................3118-713............Access Hole Plug - Steel ......................................3118-807............32x18 End Cap......................................................2519-004............Drill & Counterbore for BHCS or SHCS .............11419-006............Drill & Countersink for FHCS ..............................11419-007............Saw Cut for Linear Shaft.....................................11419-009............Tap 5/16-18........................................................11419-026............Panel Packing for Secure Transport ..................11419-029............Panel - Chamfer Corner ......................................11419-030............Panel - Notch Corner ..........................................11419-104............Special Miter Cut .................................................11419-200............Special Invoice Required ....................................11419-201............Assembly Required .............................................11419-202............Assembly Form Follows......................................11419-203............Packaging in Kit Form.........................................11419-204............Kit Form Follows..................................................11419-205............Special Assembly Documents Enclosed............11419-206............Engineering..........................................................11419-207............On-Site Installation..............................................11419-208............Special Packing Slip Required ...........................11419-210............Special Machining ...............................................11419-211............Miter Connection Service....................................11419-300............Inspection/Acceptance/Approval ........................11419-501............Saw Cut up to 3"x1.5".........................................11419-502............Saw Cut up to 3"x3"............................................11419-503............Saw Cut 6"x1.5"...................................................11419-511............Drill .277" Access Hole - Except 6" side ............11419-512............Drill & Tap (10/32",1/4",5/16", 3/8")....................11419-514............Drill & Tap (1/2" or 5/8" up to 1.5" Deep)...........11419-515............Step Drill for Universal Fastener 1.5" or 1"........11419-516............Drill/ Tap 5/16x1.5" for 5/16"Foot .......................11419-517............Drill/ Tap 3/8"x 2" for 3/8" Foot...........................11419-520............Step Bore for Pneum. Univ. Fastener(3/4" x 1/4")......................................................11419-525............Drill .277" Access Hole thru 6" side ...................11419-527............Panel - Thru Hole up to 3/8"l Profile Square 3"x1.5"l Profile Square 3"x3"l Profile Square 6"x1.5"..................................11419-603............Drill/ Tap/ Mill for Roller PA ................................11419-605............45° Miter Cut, up to 3x3" profile .........................11419-606............45° Miter Cut, 6"x1.5" profile ..............................11420-059............T-Slot Profile 1.5"..................................................3620-062............Heavy T-Slot Bar - 1.5".........................................3620-082............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18.....................3520-082SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18,Stainless Steel ...................................................3520-083............Economy T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 1/4-20.......................3520-088............Economy T-Slot Nut, #10-32...............................3520-093SS.......Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 Stainless Steel .......20-1010.........Cast Gusset 1"......................................................4520-1010C.......Cap for Cast Gusset 1".........................................4520-102z4........Gusset Profile ........................................................2720-182............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18. (35)122Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business Unit Wadsworth, Ohio USA20-193............Economy Offset T-Slot Nut 1.5" - 1/4-20.............3520-200............Retainer for Wire mesh 1"Single ..........................8120-201............Retainer for Wire mesh 1" Double........................8120-202............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Single ......................8120-203............Retainer for Wire mesh 1.5" Double.....................8120-300............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 3"..........................................4820-301............Joining Plate, 1.5" x 6"..........................................4820-302............Joining Plate, 3" x 3".............................................4820-303............Joining Plate, 3" x 6".............................................4820-304............Joining Plate, Corner 4.5" x 4.5"..........................4920-305............Joining Plate, T , 4.5" x 4.5".................................4920-306............Joining Plate, Corner 6" x 6"................................4920-307............Joining Plate, T , 6" x 6".......................................4920-310............Joining Plate, 1" x 2".............................................5020-311............Joining Plate, 1" x 4".............................................5020-312............Joining Plate, 2" x 2".............................................5020-313............Joining Plate, 2" x 4".............................................5020-314............Joining Plate, Corner 3" x 3".................................5120-315............Joining Plate, T , 3" x 3".......................................5120-330............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.5"...........4220-335............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 1"....................4320-336............Connection Element, 90 1" x 1" x 2"....................4320-337............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 1.5" x 3"..............4220-338............Connection Element, 90 1.5" x 3" x 3".................4220-4040.........1 x 1 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4520-440............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1.5"..............................4420-441............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 3".................................4420-442............Gusset Bracket, 3" x 3" x 1".................................4420-500............Corner Element 1, 1.5"..........................................4620-501............Corner Element 1, 3".............................................4620-502............Corner Element 2, 1.5"..........................................4620-503............Corner Element 2, 3".............................................4620-504............Corner Element 3, 1.5"..........................................4620-505............Corner Element 3, 3".............................................4620-506............Machined Gusset 1" x 1"......................................4720-507............Machined Gusset 1" x 2"......................................4720-508............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 1.5"................................4720-509............Machined Gusset 1.5" x 3"...................................4720-8040.........2 x 2 Single Gusset (die cast)..............................4521-020............Rubber Insert 80....................................................9221-021............Clamping Shoe 80.................................................9221-032............Floor Fastening Set...............................................9221-057z4........L-Bracket Profile....................................................2721-060............L Base Floor Anchor 1.5"......................................9321-061............L Base Floor Anchor 1".........................................9321-073............UHMW Guide Insert Set - 1/4-20..........................8621-075............Roller Insert Set.....................................................8621-1020-04....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 1/4-20..................................10121-1020-05....Base Plate, 1" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-1030-04....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 1/4-20..................................10121-1030-05....Base Plate, 1" x 3", 5/16-18................................10121-1530-06....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 3/8-16..............................10121-1530-08....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 1/2-13..............................10121-1530-10....Base Plate, 1.5" x 3", 5/8-11..............................10121-2020-05....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 5/16-18................................10121-2020-06....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 3/8-16..................................10121-2020-08....Base Plate, 2" x 2", 1/2-13..................................10121-250............Flange Foot 1.5" x 1.5".........................................9521-252............Flange Foot 1" x 1"................................................9521-255............Flange Foot 1.5" x 3.0".........................................9521-256............Flange Foot 3.0" x 3.0".........................................9521-300............Caster Swivel 2" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-301............Caster Swivel 2", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-302............Caster Rigid 3" - Top Plate ...................................9721-303............Caster Swivel 3" - Top Plate.................................9721-3030-06....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 3/8-16..................................10121-3030-08....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 1/2-13..................................10121-3030-10....Base Plate, 3" x 3", 5/8-11. (101)21-304............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-305............Caster Swivel 3" - 7/16 Grip Ring.........................9621-306............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - 7/16 Grip Ring..........9621-309............Caster Swivel 3" - Hollow King Pin.......................9621-310............Caster Swivel 3", Locking - Hollow King Pin........9621-311............Caster Rigid 5" - Top Plate ...................................9721-312............Caster Swivel 5" - Top Plate.................................9721-313............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Top Plate..................9721-316............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 550lbs ..........................10021-317............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 550lbs ...........10021-318............Caster Swivel 5" - Plate 900lbs ..........................10021-319............Caster Swivel 5", Locking - Plate 900lbs ...........10021-320............Standard Duty 1-5/8" - 7/16 Grip Ring .................9621-323............Leveling Caster 1"- Threaded Stud M12..............9921-324............Leveling Caster 1" - Plate Mount.........................9921-325............Floor Lock - Plate Mount.....................................10021-327............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Threaded Stud M12...........9921-328............Leveling Caster 1.5"- Plate Mount.......................9921-330............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Heavy....................................9621-331............Socket for 1.5" x 3" Standard ...............................9621-332............Corner Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ..........9621-333............Straight Bracket for Standard Duty Casters ........9621-336............Caster Swivel 3" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-337............Caster Swivel 3" - Locking - 1/2" Stem ................9721-338............Caster Swivel 5" - 1/2" Stem ................................9721-339............Caster Swivel 5"- Locking - 1/2" Stem .................9721-340............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring.................................9821-341............Furniture 2" - 5/16 Grip Ring-Locking ..................9821-342............Institutional Twin Wheel ........................................9821-343............Institutional Twin Wheel Locking ..........................9821-344............Dual Wheel 3" - 1/2" Stem ....................................9821-401............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 2"............................9021-402............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 5/16-18 x 3"............................9021-403............Knuckle Foot 1.5", 3/8-16 x 3"..............................9021-404............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 4".................................9021-405............Knuckle Foot 3", 1/2-13 x 6".................................9021-406............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 4".................................9021-407............Knuckle Foot 3", 5/8-11 x 6".................................9021-409............Corner Mounting Plate ..........................................9221-410............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 1/4-20 x 2"......................8921-411............Knuckle Foot 1" Delrin, 3/8-16 x 3"......................8921-412............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/4-20 X 2".......................8921-413............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 3/8-16 X 3".......................8921-414............Knuckle Foot 1" Steel, 1/2-13 x 3".......................8921-415............L-Base Leveling Foot 1.5".....................................9321-416............L-Base Leveling Foot 1"........................................9321-420............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 1/2-13......................9121-421............Leveling Foot 3, Bolt Down, 5/8-11......................9121-422............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Light......................9121-423............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Medium.................9121-424............Anti-Vibration Leveler 1/2-13, Heavy ...................9121-440............Floor Mounting Bracket 1.5".................................9421-441............Floor Mounting Bracket 3"....................................9421-442............Floor Mounting Bracket 1"....................................9421-443............Floor Mounting Bracket 2"....................................9421-500............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-501............Adapter Plate 1.0".................................................9921-502............Adapter Plate 1.5".................................................9921-504............Base Plate for heavy Casters.............................10022-111............Economy Mesh Clamp 1.5"..................................8122-115............Multiblock 1.5" - 1/4-20.........................................8022-116............Multiblock 1" - 1/4-20............................................8022-153............Corner Bracket 1.5"...............................................4122-154............Connector Cap 1.5" Radius ..................................4122-155............Connector Cap 45 Degree ....................................4122-202............Cable Tie Holder....................................................8722-204............T-Clip 5/32-1/4 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-206............T-Clip 1/4-5/16 w/Fast Kit . (87)123Parker Hannifin CorporationIndustrial Profile Systems Business UnitWadsworth, Ohio USA22-209z1........T-Clip 5/16-3/8 w/Fast Kit .....................................8722-211z1........T-Clip 3/8-1/2 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-213z1........T-Clip 1/2-5/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-216z1........T-Clip 5/8-3/4 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-219z1........T-Clip 3/4-7/8 w/Fast Kit .......................................8722-223z1........T-Clip 7/8-1 w/Fast Kit ..........................................8722-230............Cable Hose Holder w/ English Fast Kit ................8723-030............Light Duty Aluminium Handle ...............................5323-031............Handle PA 132......................................................5423-032Z1.......Handle PA 179......................................................5423-033............Handle PA 93.5.....................................................5423-038............L-Handle Locking...................................................5523-038z1........Backing Plate.........................................................5723-039............L-Handle Non-locking............................................5523-046............Magnetic Catch......................................................6023-051............Strike Plate for Magnetic Catch............................6023-058............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Straight Key .................7023-059............Mini-Key Safety Switch - Angle Key.....................7023-060............Safety Switch 1 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7223-061............Safety Switch 1 (2 NC)..........................................7223-062............Safety Switch 2 (1 NC + 1 NO).............................7323-063............Safety Switch 2 (2 NC + 2 NO).............................7323-064............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Lock.........................7423-066............Safety Switch 3 (2 NC) - To Unlock .....................7423-070............Open Angled Handle .............................................5323-071............Closed Angled Handle ..........................................5323-072............Tube Handle Ends.................................................5423-073............Tube Handle Center Supports ..............................5423-102............Mini-Key Mounting Bracket...................................7023-104............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 1.......................7223-108............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Top .........................7123-109............Mini Key Mounting Bracket - Sliding ....................7123-110............Safety Switch Mounting Bracket 3.......................7423-119............Mounting Bracket for Magnetic Catch..................6023-120............Ball Catch Bracket Style 1....................................5823-121............Ball Catch ..............................................................5823-122............Magnetic Catch Bracket........................................6023-124............Door Stop 1"..........................................................6323-125............Door Stop 1.5" - Straight.......................................6323-126............Door Stop 1.5" - Angle ..........................................6323-127............Ball Catch Bracket Style 2....................................5823-128............Ball Plunger, 3/8" Dia x .786"...............................5923-129............Ball Plunger, 1/2" x 1.10"......................................5923-130............Rachet Lock (for panel sliding doors)..................6323-133............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking..........5523-134............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking...............5523-135............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert ......................5523-137............Ball Catch Bracket 1"............................................5923-140z1........Spare Key for 23-134/23-144...............................5723-140z2........Square Key for 23-135/23-145.............................5723-140z4........Cam 45-2 Offset ....................................................5723-140z5........Cam 35-10 Offset ..................................................5723-140z7........Keeper Bracket......................................................5723-140z8........Cam 45-8...............................................................5723-142z1........Hooked Cam..........................................................5723-143............Quarter Turn Latch T-Handle Non-Locking Panel 5623-144............Quarter Turn Latch Wing Knob Locking Panel ....5623-145............Quarter Turn Latch - Square Insert Panel ...........5623-155............Slam Latch - Keyed...............................................6223-156............Slam Latch - Non Locking.....................................6223-158............Velcro Plate ...........................................................6323-159............Internal Handle for Quarter Turn Handles............5623-160............Deadbolt Latch ......................................................6223-210............Grabber Door Catch ..............................................6123-211............Grabber Door Catch w/Micro-Switch..................6123-212............Grabber Door Catch Bracket 90 degree ..............6123-213............Grabber Door Catch Bracket Flat.........................6123-220............Adjustable Hinge 1................................................6823-222............Adjustable Hinge 2................................................6823-224............Positioning Hinge 85°............................................6823-226............Positioning Hinge 120°..........................................6823-228............Positioning Hinge 155°..........................................6823-250............Hinge 1" - Steel .....................................................6623-250L .........Hinge 1" - Steel Left ..............................................6623-250R.........Hinge 1" - Steel Right............................................6623-251............Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel..............................................6623-251L .........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Left ......................................6623-251R.........Hinge 1"/1.5" - Steel Right ....................................6623-252............Hinge 1.5" - Steel ..................................................6623-252L .........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Left ...........................................6623-252R.........Hinge 1.5" - Steel Right ........................................6623-260............Pivot Joint 1", Blk ..................................................6923-261............Pivot Joint 1", Blk - Locking..................................6923-262............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk ...............................................6923-263............Pivot Joint 1.5", Blk - Locking...............................6923-550............Plastic Hinge 1".....................................................6723-550L .........Plastic Hinge 1" - Left ...........................................6723-550R.........Plastic Hinge 1" - Right .........................................6723-551............Plastic Hinge 1.5"..................................................6723-551L .........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Left ........................................6723-551R.........Plastic Hinge 1.5" - Right......................................6723-552............Plastic Hinge 1/1.5"...............................................6723-552L .........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Left .....................................6723-552R.........Plastic Hinge 1/1.5" - Right...................................6723-620............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Long .......................6423-621............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Long..........................6423-622............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Right Short ......................6423-623............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Left Short .........................6423-624............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Receiver ..........................6423-625............Aluminum Hinge 1.5" - Double Pin .......................6423-626............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Heavy Duty ..........6523-626L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Left .......................6523-626R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1.5" - Right .....................6523-630............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Long ..........................6423-631............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Long.............................6423-632............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Right Short..........................6423-633............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Left Short ............................6423-634............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Receiver..............................6423-635............Aluminum Hinge 1" - Double Pin ..........................6423-636............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Heavy Duty..............6523-636L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Left...........................6523-636R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1" - Right ........................6523-640............Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Heavy Duty......6523-640L .........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - Left ...................6523-640R.........Aluminum Lift off Hinge 1"/1.5" - pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 1/pression Springfor Economy T-Nuts, 5/16-18...........................3525-001............T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20....................................3425-002............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18......................................3425-002SS.......T-Slot Nut, 1.5" - 5/16-18, Stainless Steel...........3425-003............Standard Fastener 5/16-18...................................3225-003SS.......Standard Fastener 5/16-18, Stainless Steel........3225-004............Universal Fastener 5/16-18..................................3325-005............Drop In T-Nut 10-32...................................................25-006............Drop in T-Nut 1/4-20", Rubber post...........................25-007............Drop in T-Nut 5/16-18", Rubber post.........................25-008............Drop-in T-Nut, 1/4-20, 28/56......................................25-009............T-Slot Nut, 1.5" *- #10-32......................................3425-014............Single Ear Standard Fastener 1.5" - 5/16-18.......3225-015............Profile to Wall Universal Fastener 5/16-18..........3325-016............Butt Fastener Assembly 5/16-18..........................3325-017............Butt Fastener Assembly 1/4-20............................3325-022............Standard Fastener, 1/4-20....................................3225-022z1........Standard Fastener, 1/4-20 - Clip .. (32)。





Real-Time PCR
Mx3000P QPCR System
Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR Green QPCR and QRT-PCR Reagents
Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR and QRT-PCR Reagents
Agilent website: /genomics
Welgene | Agilent Stratagene
威健股份有限公司 | Stratagene 總代理
Table of Content
Table of Contents
/ XL1-Red Competent Cells SoloPack Gold Supercompetent Cells
/ TK Competent Cells Specialty Cells
/ Classic Cells / Fine Chemicals For Competent Cells
適用於 UNG 去汙染或 bisulphite
適用於 TA Cloning
取代傳統 Taq 的好選擇
威健股份有限公司 | Stratagene 總代理
PCR Enzyme & Instrument
Agilent SureCycler 8800
市場上領先的 cycling 速度和 sample 體積 10 ~ 100 μL 簡易快速可以選擇 96 well 和 384 well 操作盤 優秀的溫控設備讓各個 well 都能保持溫度的穩定 七吋的高解析度觸控螢幕讓操作上更為簡便 可以透過網路遠端操控儀器及監控儀器 Agilent 專業的技術支援可以幫助您應對各種 PCR 的問題



产品目录套筒F E R R U L E 00TF0铁氟龙套筒00018SAE 100 R7软管套管00110-ASAE 100R1AT/EN 853 1SN软管套管00210SAE 100 R2AT/DIN20022 2SN 软管套筒004004SP、4SH/12-16、R12/06-16软管套筒004014 SH、R12/32软管套筒00402SAE 100R9AT-R12, EN856-4SP/04-16软管套筒00403EN 856-4SP软管套筒00500SAE 100 R5 胶管套筒00621GB/T 10544 R13/SAE 100R13/EN856 R13软管剥内外胶套筒03310SAE 100 R2AT/EN 853 2SN 软管套筒扣压式软管接头S W A G E D H O S E F I T T I N G 10411公制外螺纹24°内锥面轻系列10511公制外螺纹24°内锥面重系列10611公制外螺纹60°内锥面10711国标公制外螺纹74°外锥面10811公制外螺纹90°外锥面12211英管外螺纹O形圈密封12611英管外锥面60°内锥面12611A英管外螺纹60°内锥面或六角端面用组合垫密封的双用接头13011-SP英锥管外螺纹15611布锥管外螺纹16011美制SAE外螺纹带O形圈ISO11932-SAE J192617811美制SAE 外螺纹90°外锥面20111公制内螺纹球面2014145°公制内螺纹球面2019190°公制内螺纹球面20211公制内螺纹平面2023130°公制内螺纹平面2024145°公制内螺纹平面2029190°公制内螺纹平面20411公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈轻型系列2044145°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈轻系列2049190°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈轻系列20511公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列2054145°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列2059190°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列20611公制内螺纹60°外锥面2064145°公制内螺纹 60°外锥面2069190°公制内螺纹 60°外锥面20711国际公制内螺纹74°内锥面GB METRIC FEMALE 74°CONE SEAT 2074145°国际公制内螺纹74°内锥面2079190°国标公制内螺纹74°内锥面22111公制内螺纹平面2023130°公制内螺纹平面2024145°公制内螺纹平面2029190°公制内螺纹平面20411公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈轻型系列2049190°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈轻系列20511公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列2054145°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列2059190°公制内螺纹24°锥带O形圈重系列20611公制内螺纹60°外锥面2064145°公制内螺纹 60°外锥面2069190°公制内螺纹 60°外锥面20711国际公制内螺纹74°内锥面2074145°国际公制内螺纹74°内锥面2079190°国标公制内螺纹74°内锥面22111英管内螺纹球面2214145°英管内螺纹球面2219190°英管内螺纹球面22211英管内螺纹平面2224145°英管内螺纹平面2229190°英管内螺纹平面22611英管内螺纹60°外锥面22611-D英管内螺纹60°外锥面双六角22611-SM英管内螺纹60°外锥面双六角2264145°英管内螺纹60°外锥面2269190°英管内螺纹60°外锥面22691-T90°英管内螺纹60°外锥面24211美制ORFS 内螺纹平面ISO 12151-1-SAE J5162424145°美制ORFS 内螺纹平面2429190°美制ORFS内螺纹平面26711美制JIC内螺纹74°内锥面2674145°美制JIC 内螺纹74°内锥面2679190°美制JIC内螺纹74°内锥面8739190°SAE 法兰 3000 PSI87611SAE 法兰6000 PSI8764145° SAE 法兰6000PSI88111日制法兰8814145°日制法兰8819190°日制法兰法兰夹FLANGE CLAMPS FLISO 6162-1—SAE J518轻系列对开法兰夹FSISO 6162-2—SAE J518重系列对开法兰夹。



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包括:American Variseal - 弹簧增力及径向唇形特康®密封件Dowty Engineered Seals - 高性能的弹性体O 形圈Forsheda - 包括V 形圈®和盒式密封件在内的旋转密封件Impervia - 专业的航空航天密封系统Orkot - 高级复合轴承材料Silcofab - 热硫化硅橡胶材料生产的汽车衬垫系统,隔膜片及模具Skega - 优质O 形密封圈,密封板和定制密封件Stefa - 应用于严苛环境的径向轴封Wills - Wills Ring ®,Turcon ®泛塞®和PDR 旋转轴封Palmer Chenard - 以工程纺织纤维强化技术生产的隔膜片Polypac - 应用于重型液压行业的密封系统Nordex - 应用于液压及气动行业的创新的聚氨酯材料密封件Shamban - 先进的PTFE 和热塑性材料的密封系统创新的设计,材料开发和密封件生产技术专业-被公认的生产能力凭借超过50年的密封系统开发和应用经验,特瑞堡密封系统的工程技术团队凭借他们在这一专门领域的知识为客户提供服务。



产品目录套筒FERRULEOOTFO00018 00110-AFERRULE FOR TEFLON HOSEFERRULE FOR SAE 100R7 HOSEFERRULE FOR SAE 100A T/EN 853 1SN HOSEWTOL LFERRULE FOR SAE 100 R2AT /DIN20022 2SN 00400FERRULE FOR4SP、4SH/12-16、R12/06-16 HOSE 00401FERRULE FOR 4SH、R12/32 HOSEFERRULE FOR SAE 100R9AT-R12, EN856-4S P/04-16 HOSE 00403FERRULE FOR EN 856-4S P HOSE00500LFERRUEL FOR SAE 100 R5 HOSE00621INTERLOCK FERRUKE FOR GB/T 10544R13/SAE 100R13/EN856 R1303310FERRULE FOR SAE 100 R2AT/EN 853 2SN HOSE扣压式软管接头SWAGED HOSE FITTING10411METRIC MALE24° CONE SEAT L.T.DIN 3853.T.ISO 8434-1 —DIN 386110511METRIC MALE24 ° CONE SEAT H.T.ISO 8434-1 —DIN 3861 10611METRIC MALE60° CONE SEAT10711GB METRIC MALE 74 CONE 10811沁flMETRIC MALE 90 CONE 12211BSPPM ALE O-RING12611CONE SEAT12611AACaBSPP MALE DOUBLE USE FOR 60 CONE SEAT OR BONDED SEAL13011-SP_ A cS1BSPT MALENPT MALE 1601117811SAE MALE 90° CONEMETRIC FEMALE MULTISEAL45 ° METRIC FEMALE MULTISEAL90 ° METRIC FEMALE MULTISEAL2011120111VT 20141 20191 20191AmnmiEn52201&1-TMETRIC FEMALE FLAT SEAT30 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEAT45 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEAT90 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEATC A-T ------S22021120211-T20231 A1'邑 20231星 20231-T20241 20291 A20291-T20291C A20441 2049124*C ArSfwWWd20411 20411-1 METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE 0-RING L.T.DIN 38652044145° METRIC FEMALE 24工卩~ J u2420441-TCONE O-RING L.T.DIN3865-庶一jpmiu工!J J gjO'七虽丄■ T TT T:L I-b]AJU 2049120491*T90° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-RING L.T.ISO 12151-2 —DIN386590° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-=RING H.T.DIN3865METRIC FEMALE 24 ° CONE O-RING H.T.DIN386520541-T45° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-RING H.T.DIN386524-LXJ丄匚二 1Mi20511-T20591 5?H20591 20591-T2054120541M* 口LU c r20641 2069120611 20611-T METRIC FEMALE 6045°CONEMETRIC FEMALE 60 CONEXo20691 20691-T90° METRIC FEMALE 60 CONEGB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEAT 45° GB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEAT 74" W20711-T2074120791A90° GB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEAT45 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEATMETRIC FEMALE FLAT SEAT30 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEAT■ 苛、" A 望202414C Ainufi20211-T2021120231 A应 20231H咆 20231-T2024190° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-RING L.T.ISO 12151-2 — DIN386590 ° METRIC FEMALE FLAT SEATMETRIC FEMALE 24 CONE 0-RING L.T.DIN 386520291-T20411 20411C AC AI ____ ~24imp] 120411-120491 20491 20491*T90° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-=RING H.T.DIN3865METRIC FEMALE 24 ° CONE O-RING H.T.DIN386520541-T45° METRIC FEMALE 24 CONE O-RING H.T.DIN386524-LXJ丄匚二 1Mi20511-T20541 20591 5?H20591 20591-T2054190° METRIC FEMALE 60CONE右 AFT "■1桦iimiin j20611-TMETRIC FEMALE 60 CONE2061120641 20691 X2069120691-T6cr{> LU 丿匸'2061190° GB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEATGB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEAT45° GB METRIC FEMALE 74 CONE SEATZ071120711-T20741 20791 mnl_i J 沪 2E T>74°LU njinmrzS22214145 22191 BSPP FEMALE MULISEALAHu mi III2214122141-TBSPP FEMALE MULTISEAL广"Lliiif 22191 22191-T90 BSPP FEMALE MULTISEAL90° BBSP FEMALE SEATcABSPP FEMALE FLAT SEAT'TJUJJWLL 一S222241 45° BSPP FEMALE FLAT SEAT22291 5EA _「i■ iiBSPP FEMALE 60 CONE DOUBLE HEXAGONBSPP FEMALE 60 CONE閱mujJS222611-TBSPP FEMALE 60 ° CONE DOUBLE HEXAGON60'!S22261122611-T22611-D22611-SM22611£ ASO-iJ^lol- L.6O'S LU22641■Hiillijil22641-T45BSPP FEMALE 60CONE 226912269122691-T 90°BSPP FEMALE 60CONE22691-T90°BSPP FEMALE 60 CONEUJ24211ORFS FEMALL FLAT SEAT ISO 12151-1 °—SAE J51624241AR-n-d-45° ORFS FEMALE FLAT SEAT ISO12151 —SAE J516 24291S290° ORFS FEMALE FLAT SEAT ISO 12151-1 —SAE J516267412674145° JIC FEMALE 74 ° CONE SEAT SAE J51426791AnnuDZE74^2679190° JIC FEMALE 74 ° CONESEAT SAE J51490° SAR FLANGE 3000 PSISAE FLANGE 6000 PSI ISO 12151-3 — SAE J51645 ° SAR FLANGE 6000 PSI ISO 12151-3 — SAE J516A87611 I a87641 ..= •「??二二F 二…88141A'wmmn45° JIS FLANGE88191Ar —二亠丄^zzopSB / A90° JIS FLANGE法兰夹FLANGE CLAMPSFLhISO 6162-1 —SAE J518L-SERIES SP LITFLANGE CLA MPSFSh<ISO 6162-2 —SAE J518S-SERIES SP LITFLANGE CLA MPS。

Parker Brass Products Division 产品目录:Barbed Fitting

Parker Brass Products Division 产品目录:Barbed Fitting

Barbed FittingsThe World StandardDubl-Barb FittingsCompact One-piece Economical ReusableUse with Polyethylene Tubing⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹Hose Barb FittingsAll Brass Construction Straight and Metric Threads Beaded & Standard Hose BarbsUse with Hose Clamp Reusable⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹Catalog 3501E Barbed FittingsGAdvantagesCompact one-piece, push-on barbed fitting for a quick, economical way to connect polyethylene tubing. In addition to the styles shown, custom DUBL-BARB fittings to meet your exact requirements are available. Machined from CA 360 or CA 345 brass.ApplicationsBecause of the many available variations in qualities of polyethylene tubing, DUBL-BARB ® fittings are recommended for use with Parker Parflex ® polyethylene tubing (or an equal grade). Parker Parflex® tubing is highly resistant to environmental stress cracking which is necessary for long life when coupled with expansion fittings.Working Pressure and Temperature RangesIn tube sizes 1/4 to 3/8 working pressures up to 150 psi are practical at temperatures ranging from -65° to +90°F on tube size 1/2 working pressures up to 100 psi at temperatures ranging from -65° to +75°F .Assembly Instructions Simply push tube over the two barbs — be sure tubing is cut squarely.OrderBy part number and name.NomenclaturePart numbers are constructed from symbols that identify the style and size of the fitting. The first series of numbers and letters identifies the style and type fitting. The second series of numbers describes the size.SizesT ube sizes are determined by the numbers of sixteenths of an inch in the tube O.D.Special FittingsFitting configurations and/or sizes other than those shown in the catalog can be furnished. It is suggested that a print or sketch be submitted with the inquiry.PricingOnly items priced in current supplementary price list PL3501 are carried in stock. Price and delivery for non-stock items furnished on request for specified quantity.example: 231 –8 –6Run Tee (Tube to male pipe)1/2" (8/16) Tube O.D.3/8" (6/16) Pipe ThreadPlug 20PART TuBe TuBeC NO. O.D.I.D.DIA.LM20-4 1/4 .170 .290 .56 .4120-6 3/8 .250 .390 .68 .4420-8 1/2 .377 .577 .81 .56Plug Adapter 20PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe C NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2DIA.L20-4-5/32 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 .290 .65union 22PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO.O.D.I.D.LMDIA. D22-5/32 5/32x5/32 .096x.096 .59 .28 .06222-4 1/4x1/4 .170x.170 .84 .41 .12022-6 3/8x3/8 .250x.250 .94 .44 .18722-8 1/2x1/2 .375x.375 1.19 .56 .312union Reducer 22PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO.O.D.I.D.LMNDIA. D22-4-5/32 1/4x5/32 .170x.096 .72 .41 .28 .06222-4-6 1/4x3/8 .170x.250 .88 .44 .41 .12022-4-8 1/4x1/2 .170x.375 1.06 .56 .41 .12022-6-8 3/8x1/2 .250x.375 1.06 .56 .44 .187Bulkhead union 22BHPART TuBe TuBe ST.C P FLOW BLkHD NO.O.D. I.D.THD.HexMAx.LMDIA. D HOLe DIA.22BH-4-4 1/4 .170 5/16-24 7/16 .219 1.38 .78 .120 5/1622BH-6-6 3/8 .250 3/8-24 7/16 .375 1.63 1.00 .187 3/8union 22CAT ube to Compress-AlignPART TuBe TuBe CA CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. TuBeHexLMDIA. D22CA-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 7/16 1.15 .41 .120GBulkhead union 22CABHT ube to Compress-AlignPART TuBe TuBe CA ST.C P FLOW BuLkHeAD NO.O.D. I.D. TuBeTHD.HexMAx.LMDIA. DHOLe DIA.22CABH-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 5/16-24 7/16 .219 1.53 .78 .120 5/1622CABH-6-6 3/8 .250 3/8 3/8-24 9/16 .375 1.87 1.00 .187 3/8Female Connector 26PART TuBe TuBe PIPe CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. THReADHexLDIA. D26-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 1/2 .79 .06226-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1/2 .91 .12026-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1/2 .93 .18726-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 11/16 1.06 .187Male Connector 27PART TuBe TuBe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.O.D. I.D. THReADHexLDIA. D27-1* 1/8 .062 10-32 1/4 .61 .05227-2* 1/4 .125 10-32 1/4 .74 .093*For vinyl tubing only.Barb-to-Pipe Adapter 28PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe PIPe C FLOW NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2THD.HexLDIA. D28-4-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 1/8 7/16 1.07 .062Male Connector 28PART TuBe TuBe PIPeC FLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADHexLDIA. D28-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 7/16 .84 .06228-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 3/8 .93 .12028-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 7/16 .97 .12028-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 9/16 1.09 .12028-4-10x32* 1/4 .170 10-32 1/4 .71 .09328-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 7/16 1.00 .18728-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 9/16 1.13 .18728-8-4 1/2 .375 1/4 9/16 1.25 .31228-8-6 1/2 .375 3/8 11/16 1.28 .31228-8-8 1/2 .375 1/2 7/8 1.44 .312*Straight threadNO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L N DIA. D220-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.50 1.00 .120union Tee 224PART TuBe TuBe FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. L M DIA. D224-5/32 5/32 .096 1.00 .50 .062224-4 1/4 .170 1.25 .63 .120224-6 3/8 .250 1.38 .69 .187224-8 1/2 .375 1.63 .81 .312union Tee 224 Combination SizesPART TuBe TuBe FLOW FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. L M N DIA. D DIA. D1224-4-4-5/32 1/4x5/32 .170x.096 1.25 .63 .50 .120 .062224-6-6-5/32 3/8x5/32 .250x.096 1.38 .69 .50 .187 .062224-6-6-4 3/8x1/4 .250x.170 1.38 .69 .62 .187 .120224-8-8-4 1/2x1/4 .375x.170 1.62 .81 .65 .312 .120224-8-8-6 1/2x3/8 .375x.250 1.62 .81 .69 .312 .187union elbow 225PART TuBe TuBe FLOWNO. O.D. I.D. M DIA. D225-5/32 5/32 .096 .50 .062225-4-4 1/4 .170 .63 .120225-6-6 3/8 .250 .69 .187225-8-8 1/2 .375 .81 .312union elbow 225 Combination SizePART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe FLOW FLOW NO. O.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 1 I.D. 2 M1 M2 DIA. D1 DIA. D2 225-4-5/32 1/4 5/32 .170 .096 .63 .50 .120 .062GNO.O.D. I.D. THReADLMNDIA. D228-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.91 .66 .44 .120Male elbow 229PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADMNDIA. D229-5/32-2 5/32 .0961/8 .56 .63 .062229-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 .62 .60 .120229-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 .69 .63 .120229-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 .72 .72 .120229-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 .69 .69 .187229-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 .75 .75 .187229-8-4 1/2 .375 1/4 .94 .74 .312229-8-6 1/2 .375 3/8 .94 .81 .31290° elbow Barb Adapter 229PART TuBe TuBe TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO.O.D. 1 I.D. 1 O.D. 2 I.D. 2 THReADMDIA. D229-4-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/4 .170 1/8 .78 .062Female elbow 230PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADLMNDIA. D230-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 .91 .66 .44 .120230-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.12 .78 .63 .187Male Run Tee 231PART TuBe TuBe PIPeFLOW NO.O.D. I.D.THReADLMNDIA. D231-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.28 .66 .69 .120231-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1.38 .69 .69 .187231-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.44 .75 .75.187Male Branch Tee 232PART TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L M N DIA. D 232-4-1 1/4 .170 1/16 1.33 .66 .65 .120 232-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.38 .69 .66 .120 232-6-2 3/8 .250 1/8 1.38 .69 .69 .187 232-6-4 3/8 .250 1/4 1.50 .75 .75 .187Tee 233PART TuBe TuBe COMB. FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. TuBe L M N DIA. D 233-4-4-4 1/4 .170 1/4 .73 .53 .74 .120 233-6-6-4 1/4 .170 3/8 .87 .59 .80 .120Female Branch Tee 237PART TuBe TuBe PIPe FLOW NO. O.D. I.D. THReAD L M N DIA. D 237-5/32-2 5/32 .096 1/8 1.06 .53 .44 .062 237-4-2 1/4 .170 1/8 1.34 .67 .49 .120Solder Connector 238PART TuBe TuBe FLOW NO. O.D. 1 I.D. 1 L M DIA. D 238-4-4 1/4 .170 .91 .25 .120GAdvantagesAll Parker hose barb fitting pipe threads are made to Dryseal standards. Connectors, unions, nuts and extended elbows and tees are machined from CA 360 and CA 345 brass.Temperature and Working Pressure RangesFrom -40° to +160°F . at 150 PSI maximum.Note: These fittings are intended for use with 97HC hose clamp, similar type clamp or a crimped ferrule.Assembly Instructions1. Cut hose cleanly and squarely to length.2. Slide clamp on hose.3. Lubricate hose. Push hose on fitting until hose bottoms against stop ring or hex.4. Position hose clamp as shown below and secure with a screwdriver or wrench. Maintain “A” dimension noted below for proper clamp positioning.HOSe HOSe SIzeCLAMPA3/16" 97 HC-3 1/4"1/4" 97 HC-3 1/4"5/16" 97 HC-6 1/4"3/8" 97 HC-6 1/8"1/2" 97 HC-8 1/8"5/8" 97 HC-12 1/8"3/4" 97 HC-12 1/8"OrderBy part number and name.NomenclaturePart numbers are constructed from symbols that identify the style and size of the fitting. The first series of numbers and letters identifies the style and type fitting. The second series of numbers describes the size.SizesPipe sizes are determined by the number of sixteenths of an inch in the pipe size.Special FittingsFitting configurations and/or sizes other than those shown in the catalog can be furnished. It is suggested that a print or sketch be submitted with the inquiry.PricingOnly items priced in current supplementary price list PL3501 are carried in stock. Price and delivery for non-stock items furnished on request for specified quantity.example: 125 HBL –6 –4Hose Barb to Male Pipe Hose Barb3/8" (6/16) Hose I.D.1/4" (4/16) NPTF/PTFCatalog 3501EHose Barb FittingsBeaded Hose Barb to Male Pipe 68HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMDIA.D68HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.53 .78 .28168HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 5/8 1.56 .78 .37568HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 11/16 1.53 .78 .40668HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.73 .78 .40668HB-10-6 5/8 3/8 3/4 1.62 .88 .50168HB-10-8 5/8 1/2 7/8 1.92 .88 .50168HB-12-8 3/4 1/2 7/8 1.98 .88 .56468HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1 1/16 2.04 .97 .62568HB-16-12 1 3/4 1 1/8 2.12 1.00 .75068HB-16-16 1 1 1.38 2.31 1.00 .812Beaded Hose Barb to SAe Straight Thread 685HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT C FLOW NO.SIzeTHReAD HexLMDIA.D685HB-4-4 1/4 7/16-20 9/16 1.40 .78 .18685HB-6-4 3/8 7/16-20 9/16 1.39 .78 .18685HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.48 .78 .40685HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.56 .78 .40685HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.75 .97 .40685HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.82 .97 .62685HB-16-8 1 3/4-16 1 1/8 1.79 .97 .40685HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.99 .97 .62Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb to Metric Adaptor 68HB-x-MIxPART TuBe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMD68HB-6-MI12 3/8 M12 x 1.5 11/16 1.50 .78 .24 68HB-6-MI14 3/8 M14 1.5 3/4 1.51 .78 .30 68HB-8-MI12 1/2 M12 x 1.5 11/16 1.50 .78 .24Note: Viton o-ring is standardStainless Steel Worm Drive Clamp 97HCPART D C H NO.MAx. MIN.HexMAx.W97HC-3 .62 .25 .25 1.00 .3197HC-6 .87 .38 .31 1.40 .5097HC-8 1.00 .44 .31 1.53 .5097HC-12 1.25 .50 .31 1.80 .50Hose Mender 122HBLPART I.D. HOSe C FLOW NO.SIzeDIA.LMO.D.DIA. D122HB-3* 3/16 5/16 1.44 .69 .227 .125122HBL-4 1/4 3/8 2.00 .97 .290 .187122HBL-5 5/16 7/16 2.00 .97 .353 .250122HBL-6 3/8 1/2 2.00 .97 .415 .281122HBL-8 1/2 5/8 2.00 .97 .530 .375122HBL-12 3/4 7/8 2.00 .97 .790 .562* 3 Barb design.GHose Barb to Male Pipe 125HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HB-2-2 1/8 1/8 7/16 1.07 .50 .185 .093125HB-3-2 3/16 1/8 7/16 1.25 .69 .227 .125125HB-3-4 3/16 1/4 9/16 1.44 .69 .227 .125Hose Barb to Male Pipe 125HBLPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HBL-4-2 1/4 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .290 .187125HBL-4-4 1/4 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .290 .187125HBL-4-6 1/4 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .290 .187125HBL-5-2 5/16 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .353 .250125HBL-5-4 5/16 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .353 .250125HBL-5-6 5/16 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .353 .250125HBL-6-2 3/8 1/8 7/16 1.54 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-4 3/8 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .415 .281125HBL-6-8 3/8 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .415 .281125HBL-8-4 1/2 1/4 9/16 1.72 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-6 1/2 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .530 .375125HBL-8-12 1/2 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .530 .375125HBL-10-6 5/8 3/8 11/16 1.77 .97 .645 .468125HBL-10-8 5/8 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .645 .468125HBL-10-12 5/8 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .645 .468125HBL-12-8 3/4 1/2 7/8 1.97 .97 .790 .562125HBL-12-12 3/4 3/4 1-1/16 1.98 .97 .790 .562125HBL-16-12 1 3/4 1-1/16 2.18 1.17 1.02 .750125HBL-16-16 1 1 1-3/8 2.36 1.17 1.02 .875Male Swivel Hose Barb 125HBLSVPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D125HBLSV-4-4 1/4 1/4 11/16 2.14 .97 .290 .187125HBLSV-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 2.14 .97 .415 .250125HBLSV-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 2.14 .97 .415 .250125HBLSV-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 2.48 .97 .530 .375Hose Barb to Female Pipe 126HBLPART I.D. HOSe PIPe CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D126HBL-4-2 1/4 1/8 1/2 1.47 .97 .290 .187126HBL-4-4 1/4 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .290 .187126HBL-5-4 5/16 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .353 .250126HBL-6-2 3/8 1/8 1/2 1.47 .97 .415 .281126HBL-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 1.58 .97 .415 .281126HBL-6-6 3/8 3/8 13/16 1.63 .97 .415 .281126HBL-8-6 1/2 3/8 13/16 1.59 .97 .530 .375126HBL-8-8 1/2 1/2 1 1.73 .97 .530 .375126HBL-12-12 3/4 3/4 1-1/4 1.92 .97 .790 .562Ball-end Joint Adapter to Male Pipe 127HBFor use with 128HBLSVMALe MALePART N.P.S.M. N.P.T. C FLOWNO. THReAD THReAD Hex L DIA. D127HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 9/16 .91 .219127HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 9/16 1.10 .281127HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 11/16 1.10 .312127HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 11/16 1.15 .406127HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 7/8 1.25 .406127HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 7/8 1.50 .531Hose Barb to Swivel Female Ball-end 128HBLSVI.D. FeMALePART HOSe N.P.S.M. C FLOW NO. SIze THReAD Hex L M O.D. DIA. D 128HBLSV-4-4 1/4 1/4 5/8 1.50 .97 .290 .187 128HBLSV-5-4 5/16 1/4 5/8 1.50 .97 .353 .250 128HBLSV-6-4 3/8 1/4 5/8 1.63 .97 .415 .250 128HBLSV-6-6 3/8 3/8 3/4 1.50 .97 .415 .281 128HBLSV-8-8 1/2 1/2 29/32 1.52 .97 .530 .375Hose Barb 90° elbow to Male Pipe 129HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe FLOW NO. SIze THReAD L M N O.D. DIA. D 129HB-3-2 3/16 1/8 .97 .69 .66 .227 .173 129HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 1.04 .76 .66 .290 .187 129HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.06 .76 .86 .290 .187 129HB-4-6 1/4 3/8 1.30 .76 .84 .290 .187 129HB-5-2 5/16 1/8 1.06 .76 .66 .353 .234 129HB-5-4 5/16 1/4 1.12 .76 .84 .353 .234 129HB-5-6 5/16 3/8 1.19 .76 .84 .353 .234 129HB-6-2 3/8 1/8 1.32 .97 .94 .415 .281 129HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 1.32 .97 .94 .415 .281 129HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 1.50 .97 1.06 .415 .281 129HB-6-8 3/8 1/2 1.52 .97 1.25 .415 .281 129HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 1.53 .97 1.06 .530 .375 129HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 1.53 .97 1.06 .530 .375 129HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 1.53 .97 1.25 .530 .375 129HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1.33 .79 1.27 .790 .562Hose Barb elbow to SAe Straight Thread 1295HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT B FLOW NO. SIze THReAD Hex L M O.D. DIA. D 1295HB-6-6 3/8 9/16-18 11/16 1.10 1.11 .410 .270 Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb 45° elbow to Male Pipe 139HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPe FLOW NO. SIze THReAD L M N O.D. DIA. D 139HB-4-2 1/4 1/8 .91 .76 .68 .290 .187 139HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.00 .76 .68 .290 .187 139HB-6-4 3/8 1/4 1.00 .76 .68 .415 .281GHose Barb to Swivel 45° Female Flare 146HBLFSVPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D146HBLFSV-4-4 1/4 7/16-20 9/16 1.55 .97 .290 .187146HBLFSV-4-6 1/4 5/8-18 3/4 1.72 .97 .290 .187146HBLFSV-6-6 3/8 5/8-18 3/4 1.72 .97 .415 .281Beaded Hose Barb elbow to SAe Straight Thread 1695HBPART HOSe STRAIgHT NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND1695HB-6-4 3/8 7/16-20 9/16 1.09 .78 1.10 .181695HB-8-6 1/2 9/16-18 9/16 1.10 .78 1.11 .301695HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.28 .78 1.47 .401695HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.47 .88 1.47 .401695HB-10-10 5/8 7/8-14 1 1.41 .88 1.60 .501695HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.47 .97 1.47 .401695HB-12-10 3/4 7/8-14 1 1.60 .97 1.62 .501695HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1.60 .97 1.64 .621695HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.60 .97 1.75 .60Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded elbow to Metric Adaptor 169HB-x-MIxPART HOSe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND169HB-10-MI27 5/8 M27 x 2.0 7/8 1.41 .78 1.63 .50169HB-16-MI27 1 M27 x 2.0 1 1.67 .97 1.68 .71169HB-16-MI33 1 M33 x 2.0 1 5/16 1.75 .97 1.90 .84Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb Tee to SAe Straight Thread 1725HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT BFLOW NO.SIze THReADHexLMO.D.DIA. D1725HB-6-6 3/8 9/16-18 11/16 2.20 1.10 .420 .280Note: Viton o-ring is standardHose Barb Tee to Male Pipe 171HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPeFLOW NO.SIze THReADLL1MNO.D. DIA. D171HB-4-4 1/4 1/4 1.10 .85 .76 1.10 .290.187Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 179HBPART I.D. HOSe NPTF CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNO.D. DIA. D179HB-6-4 3/8 1/4-18 .75 1.09 .78 .93 .45 .28179HB-6-6 3/8 3/8-18 .75 1.09 .78 .93 .45 .28179HB-10-8 5/8 1/2-14 .81 1.19 .78 1.13 .70 .50179HB-12-8 3/4 1/2-14 .81 1.19 .78 1.13 .83 .56Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Straight Thread 1795HBPART I.D. HOSe STRAIgHT CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNDIA. D1795HB-8-8 1/2 3/4-16 7/8 1.12 .78 1.16 .4001795HB-10-8 5/8 3/4-16 7/8 1.22 .88 1.16 .3981795HB-12-8 3/4 3/4-16 7/8 1.22 .88 1.16 .3981795HB-12-12 3/4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.35 .97 1.65 .6201795HB-16-12 1 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 1.38 .97 1.47 .6201795HB-16-14 1 1 3/16-12 1 3/8 1.25 .97 1.80 .720Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded Hose Barb 45 elbow to Metric Thread 179HB-x-MIxPART HOSe MeTRIC NuMBeRSIzeTHReADHexLMND179HB-12-MI18 3/4 M18 x 1.5 13/16 1.15 .78 1.16 .44179HB-16-MI27 1 M27 x 2.0 1 1/16 1.51 .97 1.71 .71Note: Viton o-ring is standardBeaded Hose Barb 90° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 269HBPART I.D. HOSe PIPeFLOW NO.SIze THReADLMNDIA. D269HB-6-6 3/8 3/8 1.19 .78 .88 .281 269HB-8-4 1/2 1/4 1.16 .78 .99 .310269HB-8-6 1/2 3/8 1.16 .78 1.08 .406 269HB-8-8 1/2 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .406 269HB-10-4 5/8 1/4 1.13 .78 .99 .312269HB-10-6 5/8 3/8 1.16 .78 .99 .406269HB-10-8 5/8 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .501 269HB-12-8 3/4 1/2 1.28 .78 1.25 .625269HB-12-12 3/4 3/4 1.33 .78 1.27 .625Beaded Hose Barb 45° elbow Tube to Male Pipe 279HBPART I.D. HOSe NPTF CFLOW NO.SIze THReAD HexLMNO.D. DIA. D279HB-16-12 1 3/4-14 1.12 1.38 .97 1.13 1.06.720。




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在连接输入电源前,请确实将系统进行接地。 在切离输入电源前,请勿拆除系统接地。. 在无法确认有无牢靠的接地与输岀端连接前,请勿接近或碰触 带电之高压回路。
Hipotronics, Inc. - P.O. Box 414 - Route 22 - Brewster, N.Y. - 10509-0414 – (845) 279-3644 – Fax: (845) 279-2467
操 作 说 明
型 号 : DDX-7000 : DS12-1545
零 件精密设计,用以操作于高压环境中进行量测的设 备。本套设备已设计有最有效的安全预防措施,并且在本操作说明已尽可能 的将最有效的安全操作技术进行阐述。当操作者在使用特定的操作功能时, 请依循本警告说明熟悉各项适当的操作步骤。除了本项警告外,我们强烈的 要求操作者在使用本设备时必须有安全第一的理念。下述的规定是与安全特 别有关的要求,务请无论在任何时刻都必须完全依循。

一般信息 .................................................................................................................................................1 介绍 ............................................................................................................................................1 局部放电概述 ................................................................

施耐德Modicon M258可编程控制器产品目录

施耐德Modicon M258可编程控制器产品目录

M258 可编程控制器都标配 4 路电压或电流模拟量输入 (12 位分辨率)。
<பைடு நூலகம்温度控制
此外还提供2、4或6通道以及12或16位不同分辨分辨率的扩展模块。 M258可编程控制器性能强大,能够连接多达200个模拟量I/O和/或温度模块,从而减
< 速度控制
最多8通道高速 计数
所有 M258
SoMachine 软件支持六种 IEC 61131-3 编程语言: v IL (指令表) v LD (梯形图) v SFC (顺序功能块) v ST (结构文本) v FBD (功能块图) v CFC (连续功能图)
另外还支持 PLCopen 功能块,以管理设备的运动控制和轴控制。



2008最新国家标准目录,收录可能不是很全,希望大家有的就上传回帖,方便大家下载GB/T 8571-2008 复混肥料实验室样品制备GB/T 6276.1-2008 工业用碳酸氢铵的测定方法第1部分:碳酸氢铵含量酸碱滴定法GB/T 5859-2008 滚动轴承推力调心滚子轴承外形尺寸GB/T 4649-2008 工业用乙二醇GB/T 2441.1-2008 尿素的测定方法第1部分:总氮含量GB/T 2423.17-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Ka:盐雾GB/T 21916-2008 水果罐头中合成着色剂的测定高效液相色谱法GB/T 21912-2008 食品中二氧化钛的测定GB/T 21770-2008 化学品(有机磷化合物) 急性染毒的迟发性神经毒性试验方法GB/T 21766-2008 化学品生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法GB/T 21758-2008 化学品两代繁殖毒性试验方法GB/T 17767.1-2008 有机-无机复混肥料的测定方法第1部分:总氮含量GB/T 17395-2008 无缝钢管尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差GB/T 10512-2008 硝酸磷肥中磷含量的测定磷钼酸喹啉重量法GB/T 10511-2008 硝酸磷肥中总氮含量的测定蒸馏后滴定法GB/T 10209.1-2008 磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵的测定方法第1部分:总氮含量GBZ 21922-2008 食品营养成分基本术语GB/T 985.4-2008 复合钢的推荐坡口GB/T 8169-2008 包装用缓冲材料振动传递特性试验方法GB/T 8168-2008 包装用缓冲材料静态压缩试验方法GB/T 6315-2008 游标、带表和数显万能角度尺GB/T 6060.3-2008 表面粗糙度比较样块第3部分:电火花、抛(喷)丸、喷砂、研磨、锉、抛光加工表面GB/T 532-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织物粘合强度的测定GB/T 531.1-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶压入硬度试验方法第1部分:邵氏硬度计法(邵尔硬度)GB/T 50448-2008 水泥基灌浆材料应用技术规范GB/T 4219.1-2008 工业用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管道系统第1部分:管材GB/T 4209-2008 工业硅酸钠GB/T 24044-2008 环境管理生命周期评价要求与指南GB/T 2288-2008 焦化产品水分测定方法GB/T 223.64-2008 钢铁及合金锰含量的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法GB/T 22106-2008 非发酵豆制品GB/T 21928-2008 食品塑料包装材料中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定GB/T 21866-2008 抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果GB/T 21714.1-2008 雷电防护第1部分:总则GB/T 21704-2008 乳与乳制品中非蛋白氮含量的测定GB/T 21703-2008 乳与乳制品中苯甲酸和山梨酸的测定GB/T 21676-2008 乳与乳制品脂肪酸的测定气相色谱法GB/T 21376-2008 水路散装水泥熟料运输损耗规定GB/T 19812.3-2008 塑料节水灌溉器材内镶式滴灌管、带GB/T 19148.5-2008 灯座的型式和尺寸第5部分卡口式灯座GB/T 19148.1-2008 灯座的型式和尺寸第1部分螺口式灯座GB/T 17858.1-2008 包装袋术语和类型第1部分:纸袋GB/T 16471-2008 运输包装件尺寸与质量界限GB/T 12906-2008 中国标准书号条码GB/T 12452-2008 企业水平衡测试通则GB/T 1219-2008 指示表GB/T 12087-2008 淀粉水分测定烘箱法GB 7000.2-2008 灯具第2-22部分:特殊要求应急照明灯具GB 50046-2008工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范GB 3096-2008声环境质量标准(发布稿)GB 22337-2008 社会生活环境噪声排放标准(发布稿)GB 21861-2008 机动车安全检验项目和方法GB 17888.4-2008 机械安全进入机械的固定设施第4部分∶ 固定式直梯GB 17888.3-2008 机械安全进入机械的固定设施第3部分:楼梯、阶梯和护栏GB 17888.2-2008 机械安全进入机械的固定设施第2部分:工作平台和通道GB 12348-2008 工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准(发布稿)GBZ/T 208-2008 基于危险指数的放射源分类GBZ 207-2008 外照射个人剂量系统性能检验规范GBZ 132-2008 工业γ射线探伤放射防护标准GB/T 9867-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐磨性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨耗机法)GB/T 985.2-2008 埋弧焊的推荐坡口GB/T 9742-2008 化学试剂硅酸盐测定通用方法GB/T 9742-2008 化学试剂硅酸盐测定通用方法GB/T 9741-2008 化学试剂灼烧残渣测定通用方法GB/T 9741-2008 化学试剂灼烧残渣测定通用方法GB/T 9740-2008 化学试剂蒸发残渣测定通用方法GB/T 9740-2008 化学试剂蒸发残渣测定通用方法GB/T 9738-2008 化学试剂水不溶物测定通用方法GB/T 9738-2008 化学试剂水不溶物测定通用方法GB/T 9737-2008 化学试剂易炭化物质测定通则GB/T 9737-2008 化学试剂易炭化物质测定通则GB/T 9736-2008 化学试剂酸度和碱度测定通用方法GB/T 9735-2008 化学试剂重金属测定通用方法GB/T 8088-2008 天然生胶和天然胶乳氮含量的测定GB/T 8081-2008 天然生胶技术分级橡胶(TSR)规格导则GB/T 6113.105-2008 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-5部分无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 30MHz-1000MHz天线校准用试验场地GB/T 610-2008 化学试剂砷测定通用方法GB/T 5169.16-2008 电工电子产品着火危险试验第16部分试验火焰50W 水平与垂直火焰试验方法GB/T 5055-2008 青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙亲鱼GB/T 411-2008 棉印染布 (单行本完整清晰扫描版)GB/T 4074.6-2008 绕组线试验方法第6部分:热性能GB/T 4074.5-2008 绕组线试验方法第5部分:电性能GB/T 4074.4-2008 绕组线试验方法第4部分:化学性能GB/T 4074.3-2008 绕组线试验方法第3部分:机械性能GB/T 3952-2008 电工用铜线坯GB/T 3475-2008 船用机调速系统技术要求和试验方法GB/T 2977-2008 载重汽车轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷GB/T 244-2008 金属管弯曲试验方法GB/T 24040-2008 环境管理生命周期评价原则与框架GB/T 2306-2008 化学试剂氢氧化钾GB/T 223.4-2008 钢铁及合金锰含量的测定电位滴定或可视滴定法GB/T 21913-2008 食品中滑石粉的测定GB/T 21729-2008 茶叶中硒含量的检测方法GB/T 21728-2008 砖茶含氟量的检测方法GB/T 21697-2008 低压电力线路和电子设备系统的雷电过电压绝缘配合GB/T 21671-2008 基于以太网技术的局域网系统验收测评规范GB/T 21560.6-2008 低压直流电源第6部分:评定低压直流电源性能的要求GB/T 21560.3-2008 低压直流电源第3部分:电磁兼容性(EMC)GB/T 21545-2008 通信设备过电压过电流保护导则GB/T 21533-2008 蜂蜜中淀粉糖浆的测定离子色谱法GB/T 21528-2008 蜜蜂产品生产管理规范GB/T 21419-2008 电力变压器、电源装置、电抗器和类似产品电磁兼容(EMC)要求GB/T 2059-2008 铜及铜合金带材GB/T 19017-2008 质量管理体系技术状态管理指南GB/T 19012-2008 质量管理顾客满意组织处理投诉指南GB/T 17689-2008 土工合成材料塑料土工格栅GB/T 16958-2008 包装用双向拉伸聚酯薄膜GB/T 14693-2008 无损检测符号表示法GB/T 13470-2008 通风机系统经济运行GB/T 12771-2008 流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管GB/T 12590-2008 化学试剂正丁醇GB/T 11964-2008 石油沥青蒸发损失测定法GB/T 1192-2008 农业轮胎技术条件GB/T 1182-2008 产品几何技术规范(GPS)几何公差形状、方向、位置和跳动公差标注GB/T 11343-2008 无损检测接触式超声斜射检测方法GB/T 10707-2008 橡胶燃烧性能的测定GB/T 10623-2008 金属材料力学性能试验术语GB/T 10504-2008 3A分子筛GB 9968-2008 硝酸稀土植物生长调节剂GB 4407.1-2008 经济作物种子第1部分:纤维类GB 21669-2008 信息技术维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文编码字符集GB 19104-2008 过氧乙酸溶液GB 17888.1-2008 机械安全进入机器和工业设备的固定设施第1部分进入两级平面之间的固定设施的选择GB/Z 21724-2008出口蔬菜质量安全控制规范GB/Z 21702-2008出口水产品质量安全控制规范GB/Z 21700-2008 出口鳗鱼制品质量安全控制规范GB/T 9386-2008 计算机软件测试文档编制规范GB/T 9385-2008 计算机软件需求规格说明规范GB/T 9043-2008 通信设备过电压保护用气体放电管通用技术条件GB/T 8811-2008 硬质泡沫塑料尺寸稳定性试验方法GB/T 8749-2008 优质碳素结构钢热轧钢带GB/T 7673.5-2008 纸包绕组线第5部分纸绝缘多股绞合导线GB/T 7296-2008 饲料添加剂维生素B1(硝酸硫胺)GB/T 7295-2008 饲料添加剂维生素B1(盐酸硫胺)GB/T 6578-2008 液压缸活塞杆用防尘圈沟槽型式、尺寸和公差GB/T 6402-2008 钢锻件超声检测方法GB/T 6113.103-2008 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范第1-3部分无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备辅助设备骚扰功率GB/T 4162-2008 锻轧钢棒超声检测方法GB/T 3089-2008 不锈钢极薄壁无缝钢管GB/T 3078-2008 优质结构钢冷拉钢材GB/T 2900.70-2008 电工术语电器附件GB/T 27405-2008 实验室质量控制规范食品微生物检测GB/T 27404-2008 实验室质量控制规范食品理化检测GB/T 27402-2008 实验室质量控制规范植物检疫GB/T 21970-2008 水质组胺等五种生物胺的测定高效液相色谱法(报批稿)GB/T 21761-2008 建立非疫区指南GB/T 21735-2008 肉与肉制品物流规范GB/T 21725-2008 天然香辛料分类GB/T 21712-2008 古籍修复技术规范与质量要求GB/T 21541-2008 工业用氯代甲烷类产品纯度的测定气相色谱法GB/T 21497-2008 动植物油脂定温闪燃测试彭斯克-马丁闭口杯法GB/T 21496-2008 动植物油脂油脂沉淀物含量的测定离心法GB/T 21495-2008 动植物油脂具有顺,顺1,4-二烯结构的多不饱和脂肪酸的测定GB/T 21492-2008玻璃纤维增强塑料顶管GB/T 21413.2-2008 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第2部分电工器件通用规则GB/T 21413.1-2008 铁路应用机车车辆电气设备第1部分一般使用条件和通用规则GB/T 21368-2008钢铁企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求GB/T 21361-2008 汽车用空调器GB/T 21360-2008_汽车空调用制冷压缩机GB/T 18663.1-2008 电子设备机械结构公制系列和英制系列的试验第1部分:机柜、机架、插箱和机箱的气候机械试验及安全要求GB/T 16842-2008 外壳对人和设备的防护检验用试具GB/T 16266-2008 包装材料试验方法接触腐蚀GB/T 16265-2008 包装材料试验方法相容性GB/T 15824-2008 热作模具钢热疲劳试验方法GB/T 15532-2008 计算机软件测试规范GB/T 12766-2008 动物油脂熔点的测定GB/T 1196-2008 重熔用铝锭GB/T 10792-2008碳酸饮料(汽水)GB 713-2008 锅炉和压力容器用钢板GB 50223-2008 建筑工程抗震设防分类标准GB 4706.15-2008 家用和类似用途电器的安全皮肤及毛发护理器具的特殊要求GB 21748-2008教学仪器设备安全要求仪器和零部件的基本要求GB 21556-2008 锁具安全通用技术条件GB 21455-2008 转速可控型房间空气调节器能效限定值及能源效率等级GB 21454-2008 多联式空调(热泵)机组能效限定值及能源效率等级GB 18499-2008 家用和类似用途的剩余电流动作保护器(RCD)电磁兼容性GB 15082-2008 汽车用车速表(正式版)GB/T 21089.1-2007 建筑涂料水性助剂应用性能试验方法第1部分:分散剂、消泡剂、增稠剂GB/T 21088-2007 建筑涂料水性助剂的分类与定义GB/T 5525-2008 植物油脂透明度、气味、滋味鉴定法GB/T 3091-2008 低压流体输送用焊接钢管GB/T 2589-2008综合能耗计算通则GB/T 21733-2008茶饮料GB/T 21731-2008橙汁及橙汁饮料GB/T 21730-2008浓缩橙汁GB/T 21532-2008 蜂王浆冻干粉GB/T 21491-2008 结构加固修复用芳纶布GB/T 21417.1-2008 医用红外体温计第一部分:耳腔式GB/T 21416-2008 医用体温计GB/T 21415-2008 体外诊断医疗器械生物样品中量的测量校准品和控制物质赋值的计量学溯源性GB/T 21404-2008内燃机发动机功率的确定和测量方法一般要求GB/T 17890-2008 饲料用玉米GB/T 16886.3-2008 医疗器械生物学评价第3部分:遗传毒性、致癌性和生殖毒性试验GB/T 16846-2008 医用超声诊断设备声输出公布要求GB/T 16175-2008 医用有机硅材料生物学评价试验方法GB/T 12723-2008 单位产品能源消耗限额编制通则GB/T 9943-2008 高速工具钢shdh2007 2009-1-7 09:27回复 1# 的帖子GB/T 985.3-2008 铝及铝合金气体保护焊的推荐坡口GB/T 985.1-2008 气焊、焊条电弧焊、气体保护焊和高能束焊的推荐坡口GB/T 9473-2008 读写作业台灯性能要求GB/T 9290-2008 表面活性剂工业乙氧基化脂肪胺分析方法GB/T 9222-2008 水管锅炉受压元件强度计算GB/T 9088-2008 电动工具型号编制方法GB/T 7901-2008 黑胡椒GB/T 7900-2008 白胡椒GB/T 7673.4-2008 纸包绕组线第4部分纸绝缘组合导线GB/T 7673.3-2008 纸包绕组线第3部分纸包铜扁线GB/T 7673.1-2008 纸包绕组线第1部分一般规定GB/T 7571-2008 羊毛在碱中溶解度的测定GB/T 7532-2008 有机化工产品中重金属的测定目视比色法GB/T 7376-2008 工业用氟代烷烃中微量水分的测定GB/T 6543-2008 运输用单瓦楞纸箱和双瓦楞纸箱GB/T 6498-2008棉纤维马克隆值试验方法GB/T 6371-2008 表面活性剂纺织助剂洗涤力的测定GB/T 6369-2008 表面活性剂乳化力的测定比色法GB/T 6368-2008 表面活性剂水溶液pH值的测定电位法GB/T 6109.9-2008 漆包圆绕组线第9部分:130级聚酰胺复合直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.7-2008 漆包圆绕组线第7部分:130L级聚酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.6-2008 漆包圆绕组线第6部分:220级聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.5-2008 漆包圆绕组线第5部分:180级聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.4-2008 漆包圆绕组线第4部分:130级直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.4-2008 漆包圆绕组线第4部分:130级直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.3-2008 漆包圆绕组线第3部分:120级缩醛漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.3-2008 漆包圆绕组线第3部分:120级缩醛漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.23-2008 漆包圆绕组线第23部分:180级直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.22-2008 漆包圆绕组线第22部分:240级芳族聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.2-2008 漆包圆绕组线第2部分:155级聚酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.2-2008 漆包圆绕组线第2部分:155级聚酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.21-2008 漆包圆绕组线第21部分:200级聚酯-酰胺-亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.20-2008 漆包圆绕组线第20部分:200级聚酰胺酰亚胺复合聚酯或聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.19-2008 漆包圆绕组线第19部分:200级自粘性聚酰胺酰亚胺复合聚酯或聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.17-2008 漆包圆绕组线第17部分:180级自粘性直焊聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.16-2008 漆包圆绕组线第16部分:155级自粘性直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.15-2008 漆包圆绕组线第15部分:130级自粘性直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.14-2008 漆包圆绕组线第14部分:200级聚酰胺酰亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.13-2008 漆包圆绕组线第13部分:180级直焊聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.12-2008 漆包圆绕组线第12部分:180级聚酰胺复合聚酯或聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.1-2008 漆包圆绕组线第一部分:一般要求GB/T 6109.11-2008 漆包圆绕组线第11部分:155级聚酰胺复合直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6109.10-2008 漆包圆绕组线第10部分:155级直焊聚氨酯漆包铜圆线GB/T 6072.1-2008 往复式内燃机性能第1部分:功率、燃油消耗和机油消耗的标定及试验方法通用发动机的附加要求GB/T 5950-2008 建筑材料与非金属矿产品白度测量方法GB/T 5753-2008 钢丝绳芯输送带总厚度和覆盖层厚度的测定方法GB/T 5612-2008 铸铁牌号表示方法GB/T 5574-2008 工业用橡胶板GB/T 4892-2008 硬质直方体运输包装尺寸系列GB/T 4798.2-2008 电工电子产品应用环境条件第2部分运输GB/T 4796-2008 电工电子产品环境条件分类第1部分:环境参数及其严酷程度GB/T 464-2008 纸和纸板的干热加速老化GB/T 4119-2008 工业用四氯化碳GB/T 4118-2008 工业用三氯甲烷GB/T 4117-2008 工业用二氯甲烷GB/T 4074.2-2008 绕组线试验方法第2部分:尺寸测量GB/T 4074.1-2008 绕组线试验方法第1部分:一般规定GB/T 3921-2008 纺织品色牢度试验耐皂洗色牢度GB/T 3632-2008钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副GB/T 3554-2008 石油蜡含油量测定法GB/T 3482-2008 电子设备雷击试验方法GB/T 2861.5-2008 冲模导向装置第5部分:钢球保持圈GB/T 2861.11-2008 冲模导向装置第11部分:压板GB/T 2856.2-2008 冲模滚动导向模座第2部分:下模座GB/T 27025-2008 检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求GB/T 2678.2-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性氯化物的测定GB/T 2654-2008 焊接接头硬度试验方法GB/T 2653-2008 焊接接头弯曲试验方法GB/T 2652-2008 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法GB/T 2651-2008 焊接接头拉伸试验方法GB/T 2650-2008 焊接接头冲击试验方法GB/T 2423.15-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分试验方法试验Ga和导则稳态加速度GB/T 2423.10-2008电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Fc:振动(正弦)GB/T 21732-2008 含乳饮料-GB/T 21719-2008 稻谷整精米率检验法GB/T 21692-2008 乳粉卫生操作规范GB/T 21532-2008 蜂王浆冻干粉GB/T 21512-2008食用植物油中叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)的测定GB/T 21498-2008 大豆制品中胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性的测定GB/T 21493-2008 大豆磷脂中的磷脂酰胆碱、磷脂酰乙醇胺、磷脂酰肌醇的测定GB/T 21465-2008 阀门术语GB/T 21457-2008 起重机和相关设备试验中参数的测量精度要求GB/T 21453-2008 工业清洁生产审核指南编制通则GB/T 21444-2008 青海湖裸鲤GB/T 21436-2008 汽车泊车测距警示装置GB/T 21406-2008 内燃机发动机的重量(质量)标定GB/T 21405-2008 往复式内燃机发动机功率的确定和测量方法排气污染物排放试验的附加要求GB/T 21404-2008 内燃机发动机功率的确定和测量方法一般要求GB/T 21390-2008 游标、带表和数显高度卡尺GB/T 21389-2008 游标、带表和数显卡尺GB/T 21388-2008 游标、带表和数显深度卡尺GB/T 21385-2008 金属密封球阀GB/T 21369-2008 火力发电企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求GB/T 21368-2008 钢铁企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求GB/T 21367-2008 化工企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求GB/T 21360-2008 汽车空调用制冷剂压缩机-GB/T 21359-2008 食品和供水工业用不锈钢螺纹接头GB/T 2101-2008 型钢验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定GB/T 2091-2008 工业磷酸GB/T 19233-2008 轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法GB/T 191-2008 包装储运图示标志GB/T 18387-2008 电动车辆的电磁场发射强度的限值和测量方法,宽带,9kHz~30MHzGB/T 17749-2008 白度的表示方法GB/T 16887-2008 卧铺客车结构安全要求GB/T 16288-2008 塑料制品的标志GB/T 15261-2008 超声仿组织材料声学特性的测量方法GB/T 15233-2008 包装单元货物尺寸GB/T 14456.2-2008 绿茶第二部分:大叶种绿茶GB/T 14456.1-2008 绿茶第1部分:基本要求GB/T 14427-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法铁的测定GB/T 13869-2008 用电安全导则GB/T 13814-2008 镍及镍合金焊条GB/T 13738.1-2008 红茶笫1部分:红碎茶GB/T 13397-2008 合金内氧化法银金属氧化物电触头技术条件GB/T 13053-2008 客车车内尺寸GB/T 1298-2008 碳素工具钢GB/T 12959-2008 水泥水化热测定方法GB/T 12778-2008 金属夏比冲击断口测定方法GB/T 12737-2008 工业用化工产品中以硫酸根表示的痕量硫化合物测定的通用方法还原和滴定法GB/T 12730-2008 一般传动用窄V带GB/T 12723-2008 单位产品能源消耗限额编制通则GB/T 12670-2008 聚丙烯(PP)树脂GB/T 12620-2008 长圆孔、长方孔和圆孔筛板GB/T 11943-2008 锅炉制图GB/T 11543-2008 表面活性剂中、高粘度乳液的特性测试及其乳化能力的评价方法GB/T 11371-2008 轻型燃气轮机使用与维护GB/T 10858-2008 铝及铝合金焊丝GB/T 10651-2008 鲜苹果GB/T 10228-2008 干式电力变压器技术参数和要求GB/T 10119-2008 黄铜耐脱锌腐蚀性能的测定GB 9706.7-2008 医用电气设备第2-5部分超声治疗设备专用安全要求GB 713-2008 锅炉和压力容器用钢板GB 7000.9-2008 灯具第2-20部分:特殊要求灯串GB 7000.6-2008 灯具第2-6部分:特殊要求带内装式钨丝灯变压器或转换器的灯具GB 6141-2008 豆科草种子质量分级GB 50445-2008 村庄整治技术规范GB 50427-2008 高炉炼铁工艺设计规范GB 50393-2008 钢质石油储罐防腐蚀工程技术规范GB 50223-2008 建筑工程抗震设防分类标准GB 50126-2008 工业设备及管道绝热工程施工规范GB 50041-2008 锅炉房设计规范GB 50011-2001 建筑抗震设计规范局部修订2008GB 4706.27-2008 家用和类似用途电器的安全第2部分:风扇的特殊要求GB 4208-2008 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB 3544-2008 造纸工业水污染物排放标准GB 2760-2007《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》扩大使用范围和量及增补品种(2007-2008)GB 21909-2008制糖工业水污染物排放标准GB 21908-2008混装制剂类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21907-2008生物工程类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21906-2008中药类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21905-2008提取类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21904-2008化学合成类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21903-2008发酵类制药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21902-2008 合成革与人造革工业污染物排放标准GB 21901-2008羽绒工业水污染物排放标准GB 21900-2008电镀污染物排放标准GB 21749-2008 教学仪器设备安全要求玻璃仪器及连接部件GB 21746-2008 教学仪器设备安全要求总则GB 21693-2008配合饲料中T-2毒素的允许量GB 21634-2008 重过磷酸钙GB 21633-2008 掺混肥料(BB肥)GB 21549-2008 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃烧器的安全要求GB 21536-2008 田径运动鞋GB 21521-2008 复印机能效限定值及能效等级GB 21520-2008 计算机显示器能效限定值及能效等级GB 18582-2008 室内装饰装修材料内墙涂料中有害物质限量GB 18447.1-2008 拖拉机安全要求第1部分:轮式拖拉机GB 17733-2008 地名标志GB 15082-2008 汽车用车速表(报批稿)shdh2007 2009-1-7 09:28回复 2# 的帖子GB 1499.1-2008 钢筋混凝土用钢第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋GB 12955-2008 防火门GB 12732-2008 汽车V带GB/T 9465-2008 高空作业车GB/T 8813-2008 硬质泡沫塑料尺寸稳定性试验方法GB/T 7937-2008 液压气动管接头及其相关元件公称压力系列GB/T 7403.2-2008 牵引用铅酸蓄电池第2部分:产品品种和规格GB/T 7403.1-2008 牵引用铅酸蓄电池第1部分:技术条件GB/T 6573-2008 拖拉机柴油机散热器型号编制方法GB/T 6544-2008 瓦楞纸板GB/T 6451-2008 油浸式电力变压器技术参数和要求GB/T 5013.7-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第7部分:耐热乙烯-乙酸乙烯酯橡皮绝缘GB/T 5013.6-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第6部分:电焊机电缆GB/T 5013.5-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第5部分:电梯电缆GB/T 5013.4-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第4部分:软线和软电缆GB/T 5013.3-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第3部分:耐热硅橡胶绝缘电缆GB/T 5013.2-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第2部分:试验方法GB/T 5013.1-2008 额定电压450∕750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆第1部分:一般要求GB/T 2589-2008 综合能耗计算通则GB/T 21661-2008 塑料购物袋GB/T 21517-2008 饲料添加剂叶黄素GB/T 21431-2008 建筑物防雷装置检测技术规范GB/T 21396-2008 鞋类成鞋试验方法帮底粘合强度GB/T 21372-2008 硅酸盐水泥熟料GB/T 21371-2008 用于水泥中的工业副产石膏GB/T 21363-2008 容积式制冷压缩冷凝机组GB/T 21333-2008 硬质泡沫塑料自结皮高密度材料试验GB/T 21332-2008 硬质泡沫塑料水蒸气透过性能的测定GB/T 205-2008 铝酸盐水泥化学分析方法GB/T 13023-2008 瓦楞芯(原)纸GB/T 10799-2008 硬质泡沫塑料开孔和闭孔体积百分率的测定GB 9557-2008 40%辛硫磷乳油(报批稿)GB 9556-2008 辛硫磷原药(报批稿)GB 2938-2008 低热微膨胀水泥GB 21518-2008 交流接触器能效限定值及能效等级GB 21456-2008 家用电磁灶能效限定值及能源效率等级GB 21378-2008 低速货车燃料消耗量限值及测量方法GB 21377-2008 三轮汽车燃料消耗量限值及测量方法GB 21370-2008 炭素单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21362-2008 商业或工业用及类似用途的热泵热水机GB 21352-2008 矿井用钢丝绳芯阻燃输送带GB 21351-2008 铝合金建筑型材单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21350-2008 铜及铜合金管材单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21349-2008 锑冶炼企业单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21348-2008 锡冶炼企业单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21347-2008 镁冶炼企业单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21346-2008 电解铝企业单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21345-2008 黄磷单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21344-2008 合成氨单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21343-2008 电石单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21342-2008 焦炭单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21341-2008 铁合金单位产品能源消耗限额GB 21340-2008 平板玻璃单位产品能源消耗限额GB 1499.1-2008 钢筋混凝土用热轧光圆钢筋(报批稿)GB 12021.2-2008 家用电冰箱耗电量限定值及能源效率等级(报批稿)GB/T 8074-2008水泥比表面积测定方法勃氏法GB/T 21662-2008 塑料购物袋的快速检测方法与评价GB/T 21661-2008 塑料购物袋GB/T 11109.1-2008铝及铝合金表面处理-术语第1部分阳极氧化(征求意见稿)GB/T 8939-2008 卫生巾(含卫生护垫)GB/T 5417-2008 炼乳GB/T 5415-2008奶油GB/T 5410-2008 乳粉(奶粉)GB/T 3091-2008 低压流体输送用焊接钢管(送审稿)GB/T 21375-2008 干酪(奶酪)GB/T 18046-2008 用于水泥和混凝土中的粒化高炉矿渣粉GB 21660-2008 塑料购物袋的环保、安全和标识通用技术要求GB 21523-2008 杂环类农药工业水污染物排放标准GB 21522-2008 煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)排放标准(暂行)GB 21519-2008 储水式电热水器能效限定值及能效等级GB 21346-2008 电解铝企业单位产品能源消耗限额(报批稿)GB 16889-2008 生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准GB 14762-2008 重型车用汽油发动机与汽车排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国Ⅲ、IV阶段)GB 1351-2008 小麦GBT 16637-2008 轻型燃气轮机电气设备通用技术要求GBT 17168-2008 牙科铸造贵金属合金GBT 17481-2008 预混料中氯化胆碱的测定GB 16543-2008 高炉喷吹烟煤系统防爆安全规程GBT 16259-2008 建筑材料人工气候加速老化试验方法GBT 15972.51-2008 光纤试验方法规范第51部分环境性能的测量方法和试验程序干热GBT 15972.47-2008 光纤试验方法规范第47部分:传输特性和光学特性的测量方法和试验程序宏弯损耗GBT 19198-2008 贵金属及其合金对铂、对铜热电动势的测量方法GBT 19867.4-2008 激光焊接工艺规程GB 19212.20-2008 电力变压器、电源装置和类似产品的安全第20部分干扰衰减变压器的特殊要求GBT 244-2008 金属管弯曲试验方法GB/T 10095.2-2008 圆柱齿轮精度制第2部分:径向综合偏差与径向跳动的定义和允许值GB/T 5124.2-2008 硬质合金化学分析方法不溶(游离)碳量的测定重量法GB/T 5124.1-2008 硬质合金化学分析方法总碳量的测定重量法GB 16151.1-2008 农业机械运行安全技术条件第1部分:拖拉机GB/T 13813-2008 煤矿用金属材料摩擦火花安全性试验方法和判定规则GB/T 6109.18-2008 漆包圆绕组线第18部分:180级自粘性聚酯亚胺漆包铜圆线GB/T 17626.5-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验GB/T 21652-2008 铜及铜合金线材GB/T 11981-2008 建筑用轻钢龙骨GB/T 4789.4-2008 食品卫生微生物学检验沙门氏菌检验GB/T 10095.1-2008 圆柱齿轮精度制第1部分:轮齿同侧齿面偏差的定义和允许值GB/T 21434-2008 相变锅炉GB/T 4789.36-2008 食品卫生微生物学检验大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7NM检验GB/T 14864-2008 铝及铝合金挤压型材尺寸偏差GB/T 21338-2008 机动车维修从业人员从业资格条件GB/T 2881-2008 工业硅GB/T 271-2008 滚动轴承分类GB/T 4789.7-2008 食品卫生微生物学检验副溶血性弧菌检验GB/T 17924-2008 地理标志产品标准通用要求GB/T 19050-2008 地理标志产品高邮咸鸭蛋GB/T 17395-2008 无缝钢管尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差GB/T 21676-2008 乳与乳制品脂肪酸的测定气相色谱法GB 21861-2008 机动车安全检验项目和方法GB/Z 21922-2008 食品营养成分基本术语GB/T 4209-2008 工业硅酸钠GB/T 2288-2008 焦化产品水分测定方法GB/T 21376-2008 水路散装水泥熟料运输损耗规定GB/T 19812.3-2008 塑料节水灌溉器材内镶式滴灌管、带GB/T 21703-2008 乳与乳制品中苯甲酸和山梨酸的测定GBT 17858.1-2008 包装袋术语和类型第1部分:纸袋GBT 12906-2008 中国标准书号条码GBT 6060.3-2008 表面粗糙度比较样块第3部分:电火花、抛(喷)丸、喷砂、研磨、锉、抛光加工表面GBT 1219-2008 指示表GB 22337-2008 社会生活环境噪声排放标准GB 12348-2008 工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准GB 3096-2008声环境质量标准GB 50046-2008工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范GB/T 21928-2008 食品塑料包装材料中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定GB/T 21714.1-2008 雷电防护第1部分:总则GB/T 24044-2008 环境管理生命周期评价要求与指南GB/T 21866-2008 抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果GB/T 12452-2008 企业水平衡测试通则。

TOR.179.--.T.EN 技术产品目录说明书

TOR.179.--.T.EN 技术产品目录说明书

TECHNICAL CATALOGUE1Manual No. TOR.179.--.T.EN Issue: ALatest Update: December 2011ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS IN ENGLISHILS (E-F)CONTINUOUS LEVEL MEASUREMENTAll the products described in this catalogue are manufactured according to TOREX S.p.A. Quality System procedures. The Company’s Quality System, certified according to ISO 9001-2008 guarantees that the entire production process, from the customer’s order to the after sales service, can fulfil the product quality standard.INDEXTOR.179.--.T.EN. Issue: ASUMMARY1.0DESCRIPTION AND TECHNICAL FEATURES (1)1.1 Type (1)1.2 Description (1)Function (1)1.31.4 Applications (1)1.5 Features (2)1.6 Diagnostics (2)2.0GENERAL LAYOUT (3)2.1 Introduction (3)2.2 Internal view (4)2.3 Technical data (5)3.0OVERALL DIMENSION (8)3.1 Overall dimensions (8)4.0SENSOR WEIGHT OVERALL DIMENSIONS (9)4.1 Sensor weight overall dimensions (9)5.0 ACCESSORIES (10)5.1 Rain shield cover (10)A ATTACHMENTS (11)1.1 TypeContinuous level indicator.1.2 DescriptionIt is an electromechanical level indicator meant for continuous measurements of the level or quantity in volume of the material present in the silo, hopper or tank.1.3 FunctionThe ILS indicator is installed on the top of the silo. The sensor weight is lowered into the silo. This sensor weight is fitted at the end of rope or tape wound around a pulley operated by an electrical motor.When the sensor weight touches the material, the motor changes the winding direction restoring the sensor weight to the upper stop position.During the descending movement of the sensor weight, the distance is measured electronically by the rotation of the pulley inside which the tape or rope is rolled.The microprocessor converts the distance measured into the output signal, which is a specific signal for the volume based on the silo geometry.The output signal is updated every time the sensor weight touches the bulk material.The measurement begins with the external start signal (by remote control) or automatic internal signal given by a timer which allows start up of the measurement within the predefined time.1.4 ApplicationsThe continuous level indicator ILS can be used for the following applications:- Powder bulk materials- Small grain size materials- Big grain size materialsSome of the many industries in which the level indicator can be used are:- Chemical- Food- Cement and building constructions- Mining- Plastic- Others1.5 FeaturesProcess- Suitable for all kinds of bulk material- Absolute insensitive to the features of the bulk material, such as:a) Dielectricity and conductivity of the materialb) Dusty atmosphere of the siloc) Bulk material moisture variantiond) Product that tends to stick- N o mechanical force applied to the silo cover, the sensor weight touches the bulk material only on the sur-face- Very accurate measurementsService- Very simple installation and set up operations- Easy to understand measurements and advanced technology- Rope, tape and motor with long operating time- Very little, easy maintenanceMechanics- Measuring range: up to 30 m- Different sensor weight suitable for different types of application- Internal device for cleaning tape in case of difficult products- Sturdy die-cast enclosure with IP 66 protection degreeElectronics- Measurement controlled by microprocessor with intelligent control- Possibility of easy understand diagnostics- Signal output: analogical output 4-20 mA- Measurement start with external signal or built-in timer1.6 DiagnosticsThe diagnostics are easy to understand:- T he measurements are made by comparing the distance travelled between the downward movement and upward movement, checking for the discrepancies, if any.In case of discrepancies, the sensor weight is withdraw to the upper position to make sure it is not inside the silo.- Maintenance interval after a certain number of measurements and working period.- I nternal inspection of motor, electric motor and correct movement of the rope or belt pulley.The diagnostics is compliant to the NAMUR NE 107 recommendations.2.1 IntroductionROPE VERSION TAPE VERSION2.2 Internal viewELECTRONIC COMPONENTSThe unit is divided into two independent chambers, one for the electronic and the other for the mechanical part, sealed from each other.The mechanical part chamber in which the rope or tape slides is the only part in contact with the inside of the silo during the measurements.If the sensor weight is in upper stop position, it seals the opening between the unit and the silo.Side with electronic componentsSide with mechanical components2.3 Technical data MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTIONMECHANICAL DATAELECTRICAL DATAACCURACY OF MEASUREMENTSOPERATING CONDITIONSMINIMUM TIME BETWEEN MEASUREMENT STARTSSENSOR WEIGHTBulk material*The above mentioned data represents a guideline and it is valid in case of material settled after the filling.ORDER CODES3.0 OVERALL DIMENSIONSTOR.179.--.T.EN. Issue: A 3.1 Overall dimensionsDimension mm4.0 SENSOR WEIGHT OVERALL DIMENSIONSTOR.179.--.T.EN. Issue: A 4.1 Sensor weight overall dimensions5.0 ACCESSORIESTOR.179.--.T.EN. Issue: A 5.1 Rain shield coverIt is recommended as protection from atmospheric agents when the ILS level indicator in used outdoor:-Rain-Condensation-Excessivelly high temperature-Excessivelly low temperature in winterConstruction material: PE, stable at high temperatures and to atmospheric agents.The use of this protection in hazardous areas is only allowed for ZONE 22.A ATTACHMENTSTOR.179.--.T.EN. Issue: A Order form。

Anti-HiBiT Monoclonal Antibody n7200 N7210 使用说明书

Anti-HiBiT Monoclonal Antibody n7200 N7210 使用说明书

2023版 CTM719原英文技术手册TM719中 文 说 明 书适用产品目录号:N7200、N7210Anti-HiBiT Monoclonal Antibody普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司Promega (Beijing) Biotech Co., Ltd 地址:北京市东城区北三环东路36号环球贸易中心B座907-909电话:************网址:技术支持电话:400 810 8133技术支持邮箱:*************************CTM7192023制作1所有技术文献的英文原版均可在/ protocols 获得。


如果您在使用该试剂盒时有任何问题,请与Promega 北京技术服务部联系。

电子邮箱:*************************1. 描述 (2)2. 产品组分和储存条件 (3)3. 免疫印迹分析 (3)3. A. 一般注意事项 (3)3. B. 示例操作流程 (4)3. C. 示例数据 (5)4. 免疫荧光分析 (7)4. A. 一般注意事项 (7)4. B. 示例操作流程 (8)4. C. 示例数据 (9)5. 免疫沉淀 (10)5. A. 一般注意事项 (10)5. B. 示例操作流程 (11)5. C. 示例数据 (12)6. 用活细胞进行荧光激活细胞分选(FACS) (15)6. A. 一般注意事项 (15)6. B. 示例操作流程 (15)6. C. 示例数据 (17)7. 用固定细胞进行荧光激活细胞分选 (17)7. A. 一般注意事项 (17)7. B. 示例操作流程 (18)7. C. 示例数据 (19)8. 抗体结合亲和力和与LgBiT的竞争 (19)9. 疑难排查 (21)9. A. 免疫印迹分析 (21)9. B. 免疫荧光分析 (22)9. C. 免疫沉淀 (22)9. D. 荧光激活细胞分选 (23)10.参考文献 (24)11.相关产品 (24)Anti-HiBiT Monoclonal Antibody普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司Promega (Beijing) Biotech Co., Ltd 地址:北京市东城区北三环东路36号环球贸易中心B座907-909电话:************网址:技术支持电话:400 810 8133技术支持邮箱:*************************CTM7192023制作21.描述HiBiT蛋白标签为含有11个氨基酸的多肽,在NanoLuc® Binary Technology(NanoBiT®)中,可与大亚基(LgBiT)以高亲和力结合,以重建NanoBiT®萤光素酶,一种明亮的发光酶(1,2)。



产品目录列表FTALK-CA001B-EN-P – 2008年8月代替FTALK-CA001A-EN-P – 2007年11月目录品牌– Rockwell Software和FactoryTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv 折扣计划表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv FactoryTalk®服务平台应用表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v 设计和组态. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Arena® (1)RSLinx®Classic/RSLinx®Enterprise (2)RSLogix™ Architect (2)RSLogix™ Micro (2)RSLogix™ 5 (3)RSLogix™ 500 (3)RSLogix™ 5000 (4)RSLogix™ 捆绑包 (5)RSNetWorx™ (6)通讯捆绑包 (6)RSTune®和RSLoop Optimizer™ (7)RSFieldbus™ 组态软件 (7)生产管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 FactoryTalk®Batch (9)FactoryTalk Batch服务器 (9)FactoryTalk®Historian Classic for Batch (10)iFactoryTalk®ProductionCentre (10)FactoryTalk®ProductionCentre (10)FactoryTalk®ProductionCentre应用 (10)FactoryTalk®ProductionCentre数据管理 (10)FactoryTalk®ProductionCentre报表和分析 (11)FactoryTalk®ProductionCentre系统支持 (11)FactoryTalk®Scheduler (11)FactoryTalk®Scheduler专业版 (11)FactoryTalk®Scheduler Viewer (11)FactoryTalk®Scheduler标准版 (11)数据管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 FactoryTalk®Gateway (13)FactoryTalk®Historian Site Edition (13)FactoryTalk®Historian Site Edition服务器 (14)FactoryTalk®Historian 客户端工具 (14)第三方Historian接口 (14)FactoryTalk® Historian Classic (15)FactoryTalk®Historian Classic服务器 (15)FactoryTalk® Historian Classic Authoring客户端 (16)FactoryTalk®Metrics/FactoryTalk®Historian Classic Runtime客户端许可 (16)FactoryTalk®Integrator (17)FactoryTalk®Transaction Manager (17)FactoryTalk®Transaction Manager专业版 (18)FactoryTalk®Transaction Manager标准版 (18)FactoryTalk®Transaction Manager连接器 (18)质量和规范化遵守. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 纠正措施/预防措施(CAPA) (19)RSBizWare™ eProcedure® (19)资产管理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 FactoryTalk®AssetCentre (21)RSMACC™服务器和客户端 (22)iiRSMACC™企业级在线状态监视 (22)Emonitor® (22)Emonitor®–资产健康状态模块 (23)Emonitor®Web客户端 (23)Fieldcare Hart (23)RSEnergyMetrix® (24)RSPower™32 (24)RSPower™ Plus (25)绩效和可视化. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FactoryTalk® Metrics (27)FactoryTalk®Metrics服务器 (27)FactoryTalk® Metrics Authoring客户端 (28)FactoryTalk®Metrics/FactoryTalk®Historian Classic Runtime客户端 (29)FactoryTalk® Portal (29)FactoryTalk®Machine Edition(ME) (30)FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition Station Runtime (30)FactoryTalk®View Studio (30)FactoryTalk®View Site Edition(SE) (30)FactoryTalk® View Site Edition服务器 (30)FactoryTalk® View Site Edition客户端 (31)FactoryTalk® View Site Edition工作站 (31)KEPServer Enterprise (31)RSView®32 (32)RSView®32 Messenger Pro (33)RSView®32 Active Display System (33)RSView®32 WebServer (33)iiiiv集成化生产和绩效套件FactoryTalk®服务平台应用表FactoryTalk服务平台FactoryTalk®服务平台创造价值。

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32 MB EPROM闪存 通过128、256、512 MB或1 GB CF卡
受内部EPROM闪存容量限制或CF卡容量限制 没有限制 (最多8000个变量) 字母数字、位图、柱状图、仪表、容器、曲线、多边形、按钮、指示灯
32组,每组64个配方,最多可以有1024个配方 是,使用日志 是 内置 1个输入 (复位)和3个输出 (报警、蜂鸣器、运行) 1个音频输出 (扬声器)
b 概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 b 功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 b 图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT,带有5.7"屏幕 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 b 图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT,带有7.5"屏幕 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 b 图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT,带有10.4"屏幕 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 b 型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 b 尺寸,安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
彩色STN 256色
75 000小时
8级,通过触摸屏设置 8级,通过触摸屏设置 ASCII (包括所有欧洲字符) ,日文 (ANK, Kanji) ,中文 (简体中文) , 台湾中文 (繁体中文) ,韩文 受内部闪存容量限制 1个LED指示灯:正常操作时为绿色,出现背光故障时为橙色
Magelis/CPU 266 MHz RISC 32 MB EPROM闪存 512 kB SRAM (锂电池)
应用 设备类型
图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT
显示文本消息、图形对象和摘要视图 控制和设置参数 优化图形终端
显示器 数据输入 内存容量 功能
开发软件 操作系统 终端型号 页码
类型 尺寸
应用程序 扩展
最大页数 每页变量 变量的表示方式
配方 曲线 3
1 一个可拆卸螺钉端子排,用于直流 c 24 V电源。 2 一个A类USB主机连接器,用来连接外围设备,传输应用程序以及实现Modicon
M340终端端口通讯。 3 一个9针凸式SUB-D连接器,用于到PLC的RS 232C串行链路 (COM1) 。 4 一个9针凸式SUB-D连接器,用于到RS 422/RS 485串行链路 (COM2) 。
0…50 °C
- 20…+ 60 °C
0…85% (无冷凝)
0…90% (无冷凝)
< 2000 m
IP 65,符合IEC 60529, Nema 4X
IP 20,符合IEC 60529
符合IEC 60068-2-27; 半正弦脉冲11 ms, 15 gn (在3个轴上)
符合IEC 61000-4-2, 第3级
功能 (续)
图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT
以下各图给出了可以按照两种操作模式连接到XBT OT终端的设备。
USB ٪‫ئ‬ಎ
运行Vijeo Designer软件的PC
接线XBT ZG935
CF闪存卡 (1)
工作模式 Modicon M340
可下载的协议 异步串行链路 USB端口 打印机连接
背光单色或彩色STN LCD (320 x 240像素) 5.7" (单色或彩色)
32 MB EPROM闪存 –
受内部EPROM闪存容量限制 没有限制 (最多8000个变量) 字母数字、位图、柱状图、仪表、容器、曲线、多边形、按钮、指示灯 32组,每组64个配方,最多可以有1024个配方 是,使用日志 是 内置 – –
XBT OT21/22
13 (1) Uni-TE version V2 用于 Twido 控制器和 TSX Micro/Premium 平台。
显示文本消息、图形对象和摘要视图 控制和设置参数
背光彩色TFT LCD (640 x 480像素) 7.5" (彩色)
背光彩色LCD或TFT LCD (640 x 480像素) 10.4" (彩色)
可以在Windows 2000、Windows XP或Windows Vista环境下使用Vijeo Designer Opti软件来配置图形终端XBT OT。 Vijeo Designer Opti软件采用了创新的人体工程学理念,围绕若干个参数化窗口来设 计,它能帮助用户快速方便地进行项目开发。
Magelis Opti 图形终端的优势:不仅具有出色的性能,而且也是经济合理的产品。 b 在2个串行链路通讯口。 b 可以在外部存储数据 (使用CF闪存卡和USB存储盘) ,可以备份生产信息并保存应 用程序。 b 外围设备控制打印机、条码读码器、扬声器等。
图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT
Melsec Sysmac Allen-Bradley
电源 COM1串行端口 (最大115.2 kbps) COM2串行端口 (最大115.2 kbps)
USB端口 (V1.1)
XBT OT2110
XBT OT2210
EN 61131-2, IEC 61000-6-2, FCC (A) , UL 508 e, cULus
优化图形终端XBT OT具有如下功能: b 通过8种动画功能在屏幕上显示图形信息 (按下点击、颜色、填充、位置、旋转、 尺寸、显示/隐藏和数值显示) 。 b 控制、修改数值和字母数字变量。 b 显示日期和时间。 b 采用日志的实时和历史趋势曲线。 b 报警显示、报警日志和报警组的管理。 b 多窗口管理。 b 自定义弹出窗口。 b 多语言应用程序管理 (可同时有10种语言) 。 b 配方管理。 b 通过Java脚本处理数据。 b 在CF闪存卡或USB存储盘上存储应用程序和日志。 b 管理串行和并行打印机以及条码读码器。 b 管理声音消息。
符合IEC 61000-4-3, 10 V/m
符合IEC 61000-4-4, 第3级
符合IEC 61000-4-4, 第3级
齐平安装,使用4个螺钉夹固定 (随产品提供) 聚碳酸酯/聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯
c 24 V c 19.2…28.8 V y 10 ms y 30 A 18 W
背光单色STN 蓝色和白色,8级灰度 320 x 240像素 (QVGA) 5.7" (115.2 x 86.4) 模拟,分辨率1024 x 1024 58 000小时
触摸屏 图形终端 Magelis XBT OT 系列
人机界面 图形终端 Magelis Opti
选型指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
图形终端Magelis Opti XBT OT
优化图形终端XBT OT2110和XBT OT2210
1 2
它们的前面板有如下部件: 1 一个图形显示器触摸屏 (5.7"单色或彩色STN LCD) 。 1 一个指示灯灯 (绿色、橙色和红色) ,显示终端的操作模式。
Modicon M340 Modbus / Uni-Telway
Magelis XBT OT图形终端通过两个集成串行链路与PLC通讯,并使用如下通讯协议: b 施耐德电气公司的施耐德电气 (Uni-TE,Modbus) b 第三方:Mitsubishi Electric、Omron、Allen-Bradley和Siemens
条码读码器 (2) 并行打印机 (3)
USB CF闪存卡 (1)
报警 (信标)
XBT Z915
条码读码器 (2)
TSX PCX 1031
Modicon M340 XBT Z9008